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Rev 6441 | Go to most recent revision | Blame | Last modification | View Log | Download | RSS feed

  1. #ifndef stdio_h
  2. #define stdio_h
  4. #include "kolibrisys.h"
  5. #include <stdarg.h>
  6. /* use stdarg.h
  7. typedef char *va_list;
  8. #define _roundsize(n)    ( (sizeof(n) + 3) & ~3 )
  9. #define va_start(ap,v) (ap = (va_list)&v+_roundsize(v))
  10. #define va_arg(ap,t)    ( *(t *)((ap += _roundsize(t)) - _roundsize(t)) )
  11. #define va_end(ap) (ap = (va_list)0)
  12. */
  13. #ifndef NULL
  14. # define NULL ((void*)0)
  15. #endif
  17. typedef unsigned int fpos_t;  // 32bit is not enough! 4Gb limit
  18. typedef unsigned int size_t;
  20. int format_print(char *dest, size_t maxlen,const char *fmt0, va_list argp);
  22. typedef struct {
  23.   char*   buffer;
  24.   dword   buffersize;
  25.   dword   filesize;     // too small
  26.   dword   filepos;      // too small
  27.   char*   filename;
  28.   int     mode;
  29. } FILE;
  31. #define stderr ((FILE*)3) /* works inly for fprintf!!! */
  34. #define FILE_OPEN_READ 0
  35. #define FILE_OPEN_WRITE 1
  36. #define FILE_OPEN_APPEND 2
  37. #define FILE_OPEN_TEXT 4
  38. #define FILE_OPEN_PLUS 8
  39. #define EOF (-1)
  40. #define BUFSIZ (256)
  41. #define FILENAME_MAX (0x400)
  43. extern FILE* fopen(const char* filename, const char *mode);
  44. extern int fclose(FILE* file);
  45. extern int feof(FILE* file);
  46. extern int fflush(FILE* file);
  47. extern int fgetc(FILE* file);
  48. extern int fgetpos(FILE* file,fpos_t* pos);
  49. extern int fsetpos(FILE* file,const fpos_t* pos);
  50. extern int fputc(int c,FILE* file);
  51. extern int fread(void* buffer,int size,int count,FILE* file);
  52. extern int fwrite(void *buffer,int size,int count,FILE* file);
  53. extern long ftell(FILE* file);
  54. #define SEEK_CUR 0
  55. #define SEEK_END 1
  56. #define SEEK_SET 2
  57. extern int fseek(FILE* file,long offset,int origin);
  58. extern void rewind(FILE* file);
  59. extern int cdecl fprintf(FILE* file, const char* format,...);
  60. extern int fscanf(FILE* file,const char* format,...);
  61. extern int ungetc(int c,FILE* file);
  63. extern int cdecl printf(const char *format,...);
  65. extern int vsnprintf(char *dest, size_t size,const char *format,va_list ap);
  66. extern int cdecl snprintf(char *dest, size_t size, const char *format,...);
  67. extern int cdecl sprintf(char *dest,const char *format,...);
  69. #define getc(a) fgetc(a)
  70. #define putc(a, b) fputc(a, b)
  71. char * fgets (char * str, int num, FILE * stream);
  72. int putchar (int ch);
  73. int getchar (void);
  74. int puts (const char * str);
  75. char * gets (char * str);
  77. typedef int (*virtual_getc)(void *sp, const void *obj);
  78. typedef void (*virtual_ungetc)(void *sp, int c, const void *obj);
  79. int format_scan(const void *src, const char *fmt, va_list argp, virtual_getc vgetc, virtual_ungetc vungetc);
  80. int vscanf ( const char * format, va_list arg );
  81. int scanf ( const char * format, ...);
  82. int vsscanf ( const char * s, const char * format, va_list arg );
  83. int sscanf ( const char * s, const char * format, ...);
  84. int vfscanf ( FILE * stream, const char * format, va_list arg );
  85. int fputs ( const char * str, FILE * file );
  86. void clearerr ( FILE * stream );
  87. int ferror ( FILE * stream );
  88. void perror ( const char * str );
  89. int vprintf ( const char * format, va_list arg );
  90. int vsprintf (char * s, const char * format, va_list arg );
  91. int vfprintf ( FILE * stream, const char * format, va_list arg );
  94. int tiny_sprintf (char * s, const char * format, ... );
  95. int tiny_snprintf (char * s, size_t n, const char * format, ... );
  96. int tiny_vsnprintf (char * s, size_t n, const char * format, va_list args );
  97. // support %c, %s, %d, %x, %u, %% for 32-bit values only. no width specs, left align
  98. // always zero-ended
  100. extern int errno;
  101. /* errors codes from KOS, but minus */
  102. #ifndef E_SUCCESS
  104. # define E_SUCCESS (0)
  105. # define E_UNSUPPORTED (-2)
  106. # define E_UNKNOWNFS  (-3)
  107. # define E_NOTFOUND (-5)
  108. # define E_EOF  (-6)
  109. # define E_INVALIDPTR (-7)
  110. # define E_DISKFULL  (-8)
  111. # define E_FSYSERROR  (-9)
  112. # define E_ACCESS  (-10)
  113. # define E_HARDWARE  (-11)
  114. # define E_NOMEM  (-12)
  115. /* conversion errors */
  116. # define ERANGE (-20)
  117. # define EINVAL (-21)
  118. /* program run and pipe errors */
  119. # define E_NOMEM2 (-30)
  120. # define E_FILEFMT (-31)
  121. # define E_TOOMANY (-32)
  122. # define E_PARAM (-33)
  123. #endif
  125. #endif