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Regard whitespace Rev 1455 → Rev 1456

25,50 → 25,8
td dd ? ; +14 âðåì. óäàëåíèÿ
ColColor dd 1
ColWords dd 0
CURSOR_COLOR dd 0x808080
WND_BORD_COLOR dd 0xd0d0d0
SELECT_COLOR dd 0x208080
CUR_TEXT_COLOR dd 0xff0000
WND_TEXT_COLOR dd 0xffff00
options_file dd 0
options_file_end dd 0
tex_colors dd 0
tex_help_f1 dd 0
FkPos: rd 256
Col dd 0 ;óêàçàòåëü íà ñòðóêòóðû êëþ÷åâûõ ñëîâ TexColViv
conv_tabl rb 128 ; òàáëèöà äëÿ êîíâåðòèðîâàíèÿ scan-êîäà â ascii-êîä
keyUpr dd 0
err_sav db 0 ;îøèáêà ñîõðàíåíèÿ ôàéëà
panel_id db 0 ;íîìåð îòêðûòîé ïàíåëè
ch_tim dd ? ; êîëè÷åñòâî èçìåíåíèé â ôàéëå
ls_tim dd ? ; âðåìÿ ïîñëåäíåãî ñîõðàíåíèÿ
co_tim dd ? ; âðåìÿ ïîñëåäíåé öâåòîâîé ðàçìåòêè
tim_Undo dd ? ; êîëè÷åñòâî îòìåíåííûõ äåéñòâèé
gpOpt db 0
mode_colored db 1 ; ðåæèì âûäåëåíèÿ ñëîâ öâåòîì (0-âûêë. 1-âêë.)
key_new db 0 ; ñèìâîë, êîòîðûé áóäåò äîáàâëÿòñÿ ñ êëàâèàòóðû
tex dd 0 ;text memory pointer
tex_1 dd 0 ;text first symbol pointer
tex_end dd 0 ;text end memory pointer
curMod db 1
cur_x dd 0
cur_y dd 0
invis db 0 ;ðåæèì ïîêàçà íåïå÷àòàåìûõ ñèìâîëîâ
symbol_new_line db 20 ;ñèìâîë çàâåðøåíèÿ ñòðîêè
help_id dd -1 ;èäåíòèôèêàòîð äëÿ ñïðàâêè
hed db 'TextEditor 15.04.10',0 ;ïîäïèñü îêíà
hed db 'TextEditor 22.04.10',0 ;ïîäïèñü îêíà
sc system_colors
fn_icon db 'te_icon.bmp',0
77,32 → 35,338
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; reg = index
; reg = pointer to 'tex' struct
macro ConvertIndexToPointer reg {
imul reg,sizeof.symbol
add reg,[tex]
add reg,ted_tex
align 4
proc ted_init, edit:dword
push eax ecx edi
mov edi,dword[edit]
mov ecx,sizeof.symbol*maxChars
call mem_Alloc ;âûäåëÿåì ïàìÿòü
mov ted_tex,eax
mov ted_tex_1,eax
add ted_tex_1,sizeof.symbol
mov ted_tex_end,eax
add ted_tex_end,sizeof.symbol*maxChars
stdcall ted_clear, edi,1
mov ecx,maxColWords*sizeof.TexColViv+40
;add ecx,40
call mem_Alloc
mov ted_syntax_file,eax
mov ted_syntax_file_end,eax
add ted_syntax_file_end,ecx
pop edi ecx eax
align 4
proc ted_delete, edit:dword
push ecx edi
mov edi,dword[edit]
mov ecx,ted_tex
call mem_Free
mov ecx,ted_syntax_file
call mem_Free
pop edi ecx
; eax = key kodes
; ebx = key control
align 4
proc ted_key, edit:dword, table:dword
mov edi,dword[edit]
cmp ah,KEY_F1 ;[F1]
jne @f
stdcall ted_show_help_f1,edi
jmp .end_key_fun
cmp ah,KEY_F3 ;[F3]
jne @f
stdcall but_FindText,edi
jmp .end_key_fun
test ebx,KM_CTRL ;Ctrl+...
jz .key_Ctrl
cmp ah,24 ;Ctrl+O
jne @f
call but_OpenFile
cmp ah,33 ;Ctrl+F
jne @f
cmp ted_panel_id,TE_PANEL_FIND
je @f
stdcall but_find,edi
cmp ah,44 ;Ctrl+Z
jne @f
stdcall ted_but_undo,edi
cmp ah,46 ;Ctrl+C
jne @f
stdcall ted_but_copy,edi
cmp ah,47 ;Ctrl+V
jne @f
stdcall ted_but_paste,edi
cmp ah,49 ;Ctrl+N
jne @f
call but_NewFile
cmp ah,199 ;Ctrl+Home
jne @f
call but_CtrlHome
;jmp .end_key_fun
test ebx,KM_SHIFT ;Shift+...
jz .key_Shift
cmp ah,72 ;Shift+Up
jne @f
stdcall ted_sel_key_up,edi
cmp ah,75 ;Shift+Left
jne @f
stdcall ted_sel_key_left,edi
cmp ah,77 ;Shift+Right
jne @f
stdcall ted_sel_key_right,edi
cmp ah,80 ;Shift+Down
jne @f
stdcall ted_sel_key_down,edi
;mov ted_drag_k,1 ;íà÷èíàåì âûäåëåíèå îò êëàâèàòóðû
jmp .key_MoveCur
cmp ah,72 ;178 ;Up
jne @f
stdcall draw_cursor_sumb,edi
call CurMoveUp
cmp dl,8
jne .no_red_0
call OnInitialUpdate
stdcall draw_main_win,edi
jmp @f
stdcall draw_main_cursor,edi
mov ted_drag_k,0 ;çàêàí÷èâàåì âûäåëåíèå îò êëàâèàòóðû
cmp ah,80 ;177 ;Down
jne @f
stdcall draw_cursor_sumb,edi
call CurMoveDown
cmp dl,8
jne .no_red_1
call OnInitialUpdate
stdcall draw_main_win,edi
jmp @f
stdcall draw_main_cursor,edi
mov ted_drag_k,0 ;çàêàí÷èâàåì âûäåëåíèå îò êëàâèàòóðû
cmp ah,75 ;176 ;Left
jne @f
stdcall draw_cursor_sumb,edi
call CurMoveLeft
cmp dl,8
jne .no_red_2
call OnInitialUpdate
stdcall draw_main_win,edi
jmp @f
stdcall draw_main_cursor,edi
mov ted_drag_k,0 ;çàêàí÷èâàåì âûäåëåíèå îò êëàâèàòóðû
cmp ah,77 ;179 ;Right
jne @f
stdcall draw_cursor_sumb,edi
call CurMoveRight
cmp dl,8
jne .no_red_3
call OnInitialUpdate
stdcall draw_main_win,edi
jmp @f
stdcall draw_main_cursor,edi
mov ted_drag_k,0 ;çàêàí÷èâàåì âûäåëåíèå îò êëàâèàòóðû
cmp ah,71 ;180 ;Home
jne @f
stdcall draw_cursor_sumb,edi
call CurMoveX_FirstChar
cmp dl,8
jne .no_red_4
call OnInitialUpdate
stdcall draw_main_win,edi
jmp @f
stdcall draw_main_cursor,edi
mov ted_drag_k,0 ;çàêàí÷èâàåì âûäåëåíèå îò êëàâèàòóðû
cmp ah,79 ;181 ;End
jne @f
stdcall draw_cursor_sumb,edi
call CurMoveX_LastChar
cmp dl,8
jne .no_red_5
call OnInitialUpdate
stdcall draw_main_win,edi
jmp @f
stdcall draw_main_cursor,edi
mov ted_drag_k,0 ;çàêàí÷èâàåì âûäåëåíèå îò êëàâèàòóðû
cmp ah,73 ;184 ;PageUp
jne @f
call CurMovePageUp
cmp dl,0
je @f
call OnInitialUpdate
stdcall draw_main_win,edi
cmp ah,81 ;183 ;PageDown
jne @f
call CurMovePageDown
cmp dl,0
je @f
call OnInitialUpdate
stdcall draw_main_win,edi
mov ted_drag_k,0 ;çàêàí÷èâàåì âûäåëåíèå îò êëàâèàòóðû
; cmp ebx,0
; jne .end_key_fun
cmp ah,69 ;[Pause Break]
je .end_key_fun
cmp ah,120 ;[Fn]
je .end_key_fun
cmp ah,0x80 ;if key up
ja .end_key_fun
cmp dword[table],0
je @f
stdcall KeyConvertToASCII, dword[table]
;mov ted_drag_k,0 ;çàêàí÷èâàåì âûäåëåíèå îò êëàâèàòóðû
xor edx,edx
mov dl,ah
add edx,EvChar ;add char to text
cmp byte [edx],1
jne @f
mov ted_key_new,ah
stdcall ted_set_undo,edi
mov edx,ted_opt_ed_change_time+ted_opt_ed_move_cursor
stdcall SelTextDel,edx
cmp al,1
jne .del
mov edx,ted_opt_ed_move_cursor
cmp ted_cur_ins,1
je .no_ins_mod
stdcall TextDel,edi,ted_opt_ed_change_time
mov edx,ted_opt_ed_move_cursor
mov ecx,edi
add ecx,ted_offs_key_new
stdcall ted_text_add,edi,ecx,1,edx ;äîáàâëÿåì ñèìâîë ââåäåííûé ñ êëàâèàòóðû
call draw_but_toolbar
cmp ted_key_new,13
jne .dr_m_win
stdcall draw_main_win,edi
jmp .dr_cur_l
stdcall draw_cur_line,edi
cmp ah,8 ;[<-]
jne @f
stdcall ted_set_undo,edi
stdcall SelTextDel,ted_opt_ed_change_time
cmp al,1
je .del_one_b
stdcall TextDel,edi,ted_opt_ed_change_time+ted_opt_ed_move_cursor
call draw_but_toolbar
stdcall draw_main_win,edi
jmp .end_key_fun
cmp ah,182 ;Delete
jne @f
stdcall ted_set_undo,edi
stdcall SelTextDel,ted_opt_ed_change_time
cmp al,1
je .del_one_d
stdcall TextDel,edi,ted_opt_ed_change_time
call draw_but_toolbar
stdcall draw_main_win,edi
jmp .end_key_fun
cmp ah,185 ;Ins
jne @f
stdcall draw_cursor_sumb,edi
xor ted_cur_ins,1
stdcall draw_main_cursor,edi
; al = 1 - can save
push ecx
mov ecx,[ch_tim]
sub ecx,[tim_Undo]
align 4
proc ted_can_save, edit:dword
push ecx edi
mov edi,dword[edit]
mov ecx,ted_tim_ch
sub ecx,ted_tim_undo
mov al,1
cmp [ls_tim],ecx
cmp ted_tim_ls,ecx
jne @f
dec al
pop ecx
pop edi ecx
; al = 1 - selected
align 4
proc IsSel, edit:dword
push ebx edi
mov edi,dword[edit]
110,11 → 374,11
cmp ted_drag_m,1
je @f
mov al,1
mov ebx,[sel.x0]
cmp ebx,[sel.x1]
mov ebx,ted_sel_x0
cmp ebx,ted_sel_x1
jne @f
mov ebx,[sel.y0]
cmp ebx,[sel.y1]
mov ebx,ted_sel_y0
cmp ebx,ted_sel_y1
jne @f
xor al,al
122,81 → 386,98
align 4
proc SelNormalize, edit:dword
push ecx esi edi
mov esi,sel
mov edi,seln
mov edi,dword[edit]
mov esi,edi
add esi,ted_offs_sel
add edi,ted_offs_seln
mov ecx,sizeof.TexSelect
rep movsb
mov edi,dword[edit]
jmp @f
mov ecx,[seln.x0]
m2m [seln.x0],[seln.x1]
mov [seln.x1],ecx
mov ecx,ted_seln_x0
m2m ted_seln_x0,ted_seln_x1
mov ted_seln_x1,ecx
mov ecx,[seln.y0]
cmp ecx,[seln.y1] ;(sel.y0>sel.y1)
mov ecx,ted_seln_y0
cmp ecx,ted_seln_y1 ;(sel_y0>sel_y1)
jle .end_f
m2m [seln.y0],[seln.y1]
mov [seln.y1],ecx
m2m ted_seln_y0,ted_seln_y1
mov ted_seln_y1,ecx
jmp .end_f
mov ecx,[seln.y0]
cmp ecx,[seln.y1] ;(sel.y0>sel.y1)
mov ecx,ted_seln_y0
cmp ecx,ted_seln_y1 ;(sel_y0>sel_y1)
jg .swp_f
cmp ecx,[seln.y1] ;(sel.y0==sel.y1)
cmp ecx,ted_seln_y1 ;(sel_y0==sel_y1)
jne .end_f
mov ecx,[seln.x0]
cmp ecx,[seln.x1] ;(sel.x0>sel.x1)
mov ecx,ted_seln_x0
cmp ecx,ted_seln_x1 ;(sel_x0>sel_x1)
jg .swp_f
pop edi esi ecx
push ecx
mov ecx,[cur_x]
align 4
proc SelStart, edit:dword
push ecx edi
mov edi,dword[edit]
mov ecx,ted_cur_x
add ecx,[hScr.position]
mov [sel.x0],ecx
mov [sel.x1],ecx
mov ted_sel_x0,ecx
mov ted_sel_x1,ecx
mov ecx,[cur_y]
mov ecx,ted_cur_y
add ecx,[wScr.position]
mov [sel.y0],ecx
mov [sel.y1],ecx
pop ecx
mov ted_sel_y0,ecx
mov ted_sel_y1,ecx
pop edi ecx
align 4
push ecx
mov ecx,[cur_x]
proc SelMove, edit:dword
push ecx edi
mov edi,dword[edit]
mov ecx,ted_cur_x
add ecx,[hScr.position]
mov [sel.x1],ecx
mov ted_sel_x1,ecx
mov ecx,[cur_y]
mov ecx,ted_cur_y
add ecx,[wScr.position]
mov [sel.y1],ecx
pop ecx
mov ted_sel_y1,ecx
pop edi ecx
call draw_but_toolbar ;redraw toolbar (need to button Copy)
; al = 1 - clear all memory
mov [cur_x],0
mov [cur_y],0
mov [ch_tim],0
mov [ls_tim],0
mov [co_tim],0
mov [tim_Undo],0
mov [help_id],-1
; cl_al_mem = 1 - clear all memory
align 4
proc ted_clear, edit:dword, cl_al_mem:dword
push edi
mov edi,dword[edit]
mov ted_cur_x,0
mov ted_cur_y,0
mov ted_tim_ch,0
mov ted_tim_ls,0
mov ted_tim_co,0
mov ted_tim_undo,0
mov ted_help_id,-1
mov [wScr.position],0
mov [wScr.max_area],100
mov [wScr.redraw],1
203,41 → 484,43
mov [hScr.position],0
mov [hScr.max_area],100
mov [sel.x0],0
mov [sel.y0],0
mov [sel.x1],0
mov [sel.y1],0
mov ted_sel_x0,0
mov ted_sel_y0,0
mov ted_sel_x1,0
mov ted_sel_y1,0
cmp al,0
cmp dword[cl_al_mem],0
je .exit
push ecx edx
mov ecx,sizeof.symbol*maxChars
mov edx,[tex]
mov edx,ted_tex
mov byte [edx],0
inc edx
loop @b
mov edx,[tex]
mov edx,ted_tex
mov dword [edx+6],1
pop edx ecx
pop edi
;--- out_reg = Col[keyw[ind_reg]].Text[0] ---
;--- out_reg = Col[ind_reg].Text[0] ---
macro ColToIndexOffset ind_reg,out_reg {
mov out_reg,ind_reg
imul out_reg,sizeof.TexColViv
add out_reg,[Col]
add out_reg,ted_key_words_data
align 4
proc InitColText, edit:dword
mov edi,dword[edit]
push eax ebx ecx esi edi
mov ebx,dword[fn_col_option]
copy_path ebx,fn_syntax_dir,file_name_rez,0x0
copy_path file_name_rez,sys_path,file_name,0x0
246,10 → 529,10
mov [run_file_70.func_n], 0
mov [run_file_70.param1], 0
mov [run_file_70.param2], 0
mov ebx,[options_file_end]
sub ebx,[options_file]
mov ebx,ted_syntax_file_end
sub ebx,ted_syntax_file
mov [run_file_70.param3], ebx
m2m [run_file_70.param4], [options_file]
m2m [run_file_70.param4], ted_syntax_file
mov [run_file_70.rezerv], 0
mov [], file_name
mov ebx,run_file_70
256,17 → 539,17
int 0x40
mov ecx,0x100
mov edi,FkPos
mov edx,FkPos
mov dword[edi],-1
add edi,4
mov dword[edx],-1
add edx,4
loop @b
;init: ColColor, ColWords, ...
mov dword[ColColor],1
mov dword[ColWords],0
mov dword[tex_help_f1],0
mov [help_id],-1 ;èäåíòèôèêàòîð ñëîâà äëÿ ñïðàâêè
;init: ted_colors_text_count, ted_key_words_count, ...
mov ted_colors_text_count,1
mov ted_key_words_count,0
mov ted_help_text_f1,0
mov ted_help_id,-1 ;èäåíòèôèêàòîð ñëîâà äëÿ ñïðàâêè
cmp eax,6
je @f
280,33 → 563,33
add ax,48
mov byte[msgbox_3.err],al
push thread
push msgbox_3
call [mb_create] ;message: Can-t open color options file!
stdcall [mb_create],msgbox_3,thread ;message: Can-t open color options file!
jmp .no_colors
mov esi,[options_file]
mov edi,ColColor
mov eax,edi ;ñîõðàíÿåì çíà÷åíèå edi
mov esi,ted_syntax_file
add edi,ted_offs_count_colors
mov ecx,9*4
rep movsb
mov edi,eax ;âîñòàíàâëèâàåì çíà÷åíèå edi
mov eax,[options_file]
mov eax,ted_syntax_file
add eax,32
mov dword[tex_colors],eax
mov ted_text_colors,eax
mov eax,dword[ColColor] ;init: Col (offset to key words)
mov eax,ted_colors_text_count ;init: count_colors_text (offset to key words)
add eax,8
shl eax,2
add eax,[options_file]
mov dword[Col],eax
add eax,ted_syntax_file
mov ted_key_words_data,eax
mov ecx,dword[ColWords] ;init: FkPos (first key positions)
mov ecx,ted_key_words_count ;init: FkPos (first key positions)
xor eax,eax
ColToIndexOffset eax,edi
ColToIndexOffset eax,edx
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,byte[edi]
mov bl,byte[edx]
shl bx,2
mov esi,FkPos
add esi,ebx
317,31 → 600,32
inc eax
loop @b
;init: tex_help_f1
mov ecx,dword[ColWords]
;init: ted_help_text_f1
mov ecx,ted_key_words_count
imul ecx,sizeof.TexColViv
add ecx,dword[Col]
mov dword[tex_help_f1],ecx
add ecx,ted_key_words_data
mov ted_help_text_f1,ecx
pop edi esi ecx ebx eax
; ebx = file size
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
align 4
proc OpenFile
push eax ;destination
push ecx ;for cycle
push edx ;source
xor al,al
call Clear
stdcall ted_clear,edi,0 ;÷èñòèì íå âñþ ïàìÿòü, ïîòîìó ÷òî íèæå áóäåì åå çàïîëíÿòü íîâûìè äàíûìè
mov eax,ebx
mov ecx,ebx
add eax,2
ConvertIndexToPointer eax
mov edx,[tex]
mov edx,ted_tex
add edx,ebx
push ebx
366,7 → 650,7
add eax,2
mov dword [eax],0 ; first sumbol 'perv=0'
mov edx,[tex]
mov edx,ted_tex
; begining sumbol 'perv=0' 'next=2'
mov dword [edx+2],0
mov dword [edx+6],2
379,12 → 663,12
mov edx,ebx
inc edx ;2 = rezerv sumbols
imul edx,sizeof.symbol
add edx,[tex]
add edx,ted_tex
mov dword [edx+6],1 ; last sumbol 'next=1'
@@: ;clear memory, need if before was open big file
add edx,sizeof.symbol
cmp edx,[tex_end]
cmp edx,ted_tex_end
jge @f
mov dword[edx+10],0
mov dword[edx+14],0
399,20 → 683,26
mov [wScr.max_area],eax
; mov [wScr.redraw],1
pop edx ecx eax
call CmColored
call draw_but_toolbar
stdcall draw_main_win,edi
; edx = pointer to symbol struct
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; edx = pointer to 'perv' visible symbol struct
align 4
cmp [tim_Undo],0
cmp ted_tim_undo,0
je .else
push ebx
call GetTexPervPos
cmp edx,[tex]
cmp edx,ted_tex
je @f
call SymbNotVis
cmp bl,1
424,7 → 714,7
call GetTexPervPos
cmp edx,[tex]
cmp edx,ted_tex
je .endif
cmp dword [edx+14],0
jne .else
436,15 → 726,17
; edx = pointer to symbol struct
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; edx = pointer to 'next' visible symbol struct
align 4
cmp [tim_Undo],0
cmp ted_tim_undo,0
je .else
push ebx
call GetTexNextPos
cmp edx,[tex_1]
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle @f
call SymbNotVis
cmp bl,1
456,7 → 748,7
call GetTexNextPos
cmp edx,[tex_1]
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle .endif
cmp dword [edx+14],0
jne .else
466,13 → 758,15
; bl = symbol end of select
; edx = pointer to symbol struct
; bl = symbol end of select
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
align 4
cmp bl,byte[edx]
je @f
cmp edx,[tex_1]
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle @f
call IteratNext
jmp @b
482,12 → 776,14
; edx = pointer to symbol struct
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
align 4
cmp byte[edx+1],0
jne @f
call IteratPerv
cmp edx,[tex_1]
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle @f
jmp @b
495,12 → 791,14
; edx = pointer to symbol struct
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
align 4
call IteratNext
cmp byte[edx+1],0
jne @f
cmp edx,[tex_1]
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle @f
jmp @b
509,9 → 807,11
; edx = pointer to symbol struct
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; bl = 1 if sumbol not visible
; (tex[i].td+tim_Undo<=ch_tim && tex[i].td) || (tex[i].tc>ch_tim-tim_Undo)
; (tex[i].td+ted_tim_undo<=ted_tim_ch && tex[i].td) || (tex[i].tc>ted_tim_ch-ted_tim_undo)
align 4
push eax
520,8 → 820,8
cmp dword [edx+14],0
je @f
mov eax,[edx+14] ;eax=tex[i].td
add eax,[tim_Undo]
cmp eax,[ch_tim]
add eax,ted_tim_undo
cmp eax,ted_tim_ch
jg @f
mov bl,1
pop eax
528,8 → 828,8
mov eax,[ch_tim]
sub eax,[tim_Undo]
mov eax,ted_tim_ch
sub eax,ted_tim_undo
cmp [edx+10],eax
jle @f
or bl,1
540,87 → 840,96
; bh = 1 - move cursor after text add
; bl = 1 - change time when text add
; esi = add text len
; edi = pointer to text string
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,4*2
; text:dword - pointer to text string
; add_opt:dword - options
align 4
proc ted_text_add, edit:dword, text:dword, t_len:dword, add_opt:dword
new_spc dd ? ;count new spaces
new_lin dd ? ;count new lines
;èñïîëüçîâàíèå ðåãèñòðîâ âíóòðè ôóíêöèè:
;eax - ïîçèöèÿ äëÿ âñòàâêè òåêñòà
;ebx - äëÿ âðåìåííûõ íóæä, äëèííà âñòàâëÿåìîãî òåêñòà
;ecx - äëÿ âðåìåííûõ íóæä
;edx - óêàçàòåëü íà ñòðóêòóðó ñèìâîëà
mov edi,dword[edit]
mov esi,dword[text]
push eax ;po_t
push ecx edx edi
call GetPos
call GetTexPervPos
call GetTexArrIndex ;eax=po_t
mov dword[ebp-4],0 ;count new spaces
cmp [gpOpt],2
mov dword[new_spc],0
cmp ted_gp_opt,2
je @f
push eax ebx ;c_sp=cur[cn].x+Scroller->XPos-StrLen(cur[cn].y+Scroller->YPos);
mov eax,[cur_x]
push eax ;c_sp=cur[cn].x+Scroller->XPos-StrLen(cur[cn].y+Scroller->YPos);
mov eax,ted_cur_x
add eax,[hScr.position]
mov dword[ebp-4],eax
mov dword[new_spc],eax
mov eax,[cur_y]
mov eax,ted_cur_y
add eax,[wScr.position]
call StrLen
sub dword[ebp-4],ebx
pop ebx eax
call ted_strlen ;ebx = line len
sub dword[new_spc],ebx
pop eax
mov dword[ebp-8],0 ;count new lines
cmp [gpOpt],0
mov ebx,dword[t_len]
mov dword[new_lin],0
cmp ted_gp_opt,0
jne @f
push eax
mov eax,[cur_y]
mov eax,ted_cur_y
add eax,[wScr.position]
inc eax
mov dword[ebp-8],eax
mov dword[new_lin],eax
call GetNumLines
sub dword[ebp-8],eax
sub dword[new_lin],eax
pop eax
mov edx,sizeof.symbol
shl edx,1
add edx,[tex]
add edx,ted_tex
@@: ;for(i=2;i<texMax;i++)
cmp dword [edx+10],0 ;if(!tex[i].tc && !tex[i].td)
jne .u1f
cmp dword [edx+14],0
jne .u1f
cmp bl,0 ;if(n_tim) ch_tim++;
je .no_tim
inc [ch_tim]
test dword[add_opt],ted_opt_ed_change_time ;if(n_tim) ted_tim_ch++;
jz .no_tim
inc ted_tim_ch
cmp bh,0
je .no_cur_mov
cmp dword[ebp-8],0 ;åñëè åñòü äîáàâî÷íûå ñòðîêè, òî êóðñîð åùå íå äâèãàåì
test dword[add_opt],ted_opt_ed_move_cursor
jz .no_cur_mov
cmp dword[new_lin],0 ;åñëè åñòü äîáàâî÷íûå ñòðîêè, òî êóðñîð åùå íå äâèãàåì
jg .no_cur_mov
cmp dword[ebp-4],0 ;åñëè íåò äîáàâî÷íûõ ïðîáåëîâ, òî êóðñîð òîæå íå äâèãàåì
cmp dword[new_spc],0 ;åñëè íåò äîáàâî÷íûõ ïðîáåëîâ, òî êóðñîð òîæå íå äâèãàåì
jg .no_cur_mov
inc [cur_x] ;move cursor
inc ted_cur_x ;move cursor
;call GoToPos
cmp byte [edi],13
cmp byte [esi],13
jne .no_cur_mov
mov [cur_x],0
inc [cur_y]
mov ted_cur_x,0
inc ted_cur_y
xor bl,bl ;n_tim=false;
mov ecx,ted_opt_ed_change_time
not ecx
and dword[add_opt],ecx ;n_tim=false;
mov cl,byte [edi] ;tex[i].c=ta[ns];
mov cl,byte [esi] ;tex[i].c=ta[ns];
mov byte [edx],cl
m2m dword [edx+10],dword [ch_tim] ;tex[i].tc=ch_tim;
m2m dword [edx+10],ted_tim_ch ;tex[i].tc=ted_tim_ch;
mov [edx+2],eax ;tex[i].perv=po_t;
mov ecx,eax
imul ecx,sizeof.symbol
add ecx,[tex] ; *** ecx = tex[po_t] ***
add ecx,ted_tex ; *** ecx = tex[po_t] ***
add ecx,6 ; *** ecx = tex[po_t].next ***
m2m dword [edx+6],dword [ecx] ;tex[i].next=tex[po_t].next;
630,49 → 939,49
mov [ecx],eax ;tex[po_t].next=i; // ññûëêè ïåðåíàïðàâëÿåì
mov ecx,[edx+6] ; *** ecx = tex[i].next ***
imul ecx,sizeof.symbol
add ecx,[tex] ; *** ecx = tex[tex[i].next] ***
add ecx,ted_tex ; *** ecx = tex[tex[i].next] ***
mov [ecx+2],eax ;tex[tex[i].next].perv=i;
cmp dword[ebp-8],0 ;add lines or text
cmp dword[new_lin],0 ;add lines or text
jle .spc_add
dec dword[ebp-8]
dec dword[new_lin]
mov byte [edx],13
jmp .u1f
cmp dword[ebp-4],0 ;add spaces or text
cmp dword[new_spc],0 ;add spaces or text
jle .tex_add
dec dword[ebp-4]
dec dword[new_spc]
mov byte [edx],' '
jmp .u1f
inc edi
dec esi
inc esi
dec ebx
add edx,sizeof.symbol
cmp edx,[tex_end]
cmp edx,ted_tex_end
jge @f ;out of memory
cmp esi,0
cmp ebx,0
jne @b
pop edi edx ecx eax
mov esp,ebp ; âîññòàíàâëèâàåì ñòåê
pop ebp
call CmColored
; ecx = position to free insert cell
; edx = pointer to sumbol, when insert
; esi = pointer to added symbol
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; ecx = position to inserted cell
align 4
cmp ecx,[tex_end]
cmp ecx,ted_tex_end
jge .end_f
cmp dword[ecx+10],0
jne @f
684,7 → 993,7
push eax ebx
mov eax,[ch_tim]
mov eax,ted_tim_ch
mov dword[ecx+10],eax
mov al,byte[esi]
mov byte[ecx],al
711,23 → 1020,29
; conv_table = pointert to convert table
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; edi = count converted symbols
xor edi,edi
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
stdcall IsSel, tedit0
; esi = count converted symbols
align 4
proc ConvertSelText
conv_cou dd ?
mov dword[conv_cou],0
stdcall IsSel,edi
cmp al,0
je .end_f
call SetUndo
call SelNormalize
stdcall ted_set_undo,edi
stdcall SelNormalize,edi
mov esi,[seln.x0]
mov ecx,[seln.y0]
mov esi,ted_seln_x0
mov ecx,ted_seln_y0
call GetPosByParam
mov eax,edx
mov esi,[seln.x1]
mov ecx,[seln.y1]
mov esi,ted_seln_x1
mov ecx,ted_seln_y1
call GetPosByParam
;call GetTexPervPos
mov ebx,edx
735,7 → 1050,7
cmp eax,ebx
je .end_f
inc [ch_tim]
inc ted_tim_ch
mov edx,eax ;i=p0;
mov ecx,2
ConvertIndexToPointer ecx
745,14 → 1060,14
add esi,[conv_table] ;EvUpper
cmp byte [esi],0
je .no_change
m2m dword [edx+14],dword [ch_tim]
m2m dword [edx+14],ted_tim_ch
call CharAdd ;b_pos=CharAdd(tex[i].c^32,i,false,b_pos);
call GetTexNextPos ;go to added symbol
inc edi
inc dword[conv_cou]
call IteratNext
cmp edx,[tex]
cmp edx,ted_tex
je @f
cmp edx,ebx
je @f
759,49 → 1074,113
jmp @b
cmp edi,0
cmp dword[conv_cou],0
jne @f
dec [ch_tim]
dec ted_tim_ch
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
mov esi,dword[conv_cou]
; bh = (0-backspace, 1-delete)
; bl = 1 - change time
; bl = 0 - no delete
; bl = 1 - delete
push edx cx
align 4
proc TextDel, edit:dword, del_opt:dword
push cx edx edi
mov edi,dword[edit]
mov ebx,dword[del_opt]
xor cl,cl
cmp bh,1
je @f
test ebx,ted_opt_ed_move_cursor
jz @f
call CurMoveLeft
cmp dl,0
je .no_del
call GetPos
cmp [gpOpt],1
cmp ted_gp_opt,1
je .no_del
cmp bl,0
je @f
inc [ch_tim]
test ebx,ted_opt_ed_change_time
jz @f
inc ted_tim_ch
m2m dword [edx+14], dword [ch_tim]
m2m dword [edx+14], ted_tim_ch
mov cl,1
mov bl,cl
pop cx edx
pop edi edx cx
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; al = 1 if delete
; Ôóíêöèÿ óäàëÿåò âûäåëåííûé òåêñò
align 4
proc SelTextDel, del_opt:dword
push ebx ecx edx esi
stdcall IsSel,edi
cmp al,0
je .end_f
stdcall SelNormalize,edi
mov esi,ted_seln_x1
mov ecx,ted_seln_y1
call GetPosByParam
mov ebx,edx
mov esi,ted_seln_x0
mov ecx,ted_seln_y0
call GetPosByParam
test dword[del_opt],ted_opt_ed_change_time
jz @f
inc ted_tim_ch
cmp edx,ted_tex
je @f
cmp edx,ebx ;if(i==te)break;
je @f
m2m dword[edx+14],ted_tim_ch
mov esi,ted_opt_ed_change_time
not esi
and dword[del_opt],esi ;n_tim=false;
call IteratNext
jmp @b
test dword[del_opt],ted_opt_ed_change_time
jz @f
dec ted_tim_ch
xor al,al
test dword[del_opt],ted_opt_ed_change_time
jnz @f
mov ecx,ted_seln_x0
mov edx,ted_seln_y0
call GoToPos
mov ted_sel_x0,0
mov ted_sel_y0,0
mov ted_sel_x1,0
mov ted_sel_y1,0
pop esi edx ecx ebx
; eax = pointer to begin select
; ebx = pointer to end select
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
align 4
cmp eax,ebx
jne @f
810,7 → 1189,7
push ecx edx
mov edx,[tex_1]
mov edx,ted_tex_1
cmp edx,ebx ;if(p1==1)p1=tex[1].perv;
jne @f
call GetTexPervPos
843,7 → 1222,7
cmp edx,ebx ;if(i==p1)break;
je @f
; ---
;cmp edx,[tex]
;cmp edx,ted_tex
;je @f
; ---
mov edx,ecx ;i = tmp;
855,14 → 1234,17
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; dl = 0 not move
; dl = 2 if move up
; dl = 8 if scroll move up
align 4
cmp [cur_y],0
cmp ted_cur_y,0
je @f
dec [cur_y]
dec ted_cur_y
mov dl,2
875,31 → 1257,35
mov dl,0
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; dl = 0 not move
; dl = 2 if move down
; dl = 8 if scroll move down
align 4
push eax
push eax ebx
mov dl,0
mov eax,[wScr.cur_area]
mov ebx,ted_scr_w
mov eax,dword[ebx+sb_offs_cur_area]
dec eax
cmp [cur_y],eax
cmp ted_cur_y,eax
jge @f
inc [cur_y]
inc ted_cur_y
mov dl,2
jmp .ret_f
mov eax,[cur_y]
add eax,[wScr.position]
mov eax,ted_cur_y
add eax,dword[ebx+sb_offs_position]
inc eax
cmp [wScr.max_area],eax
cmp dword[ebx+sb_offs_max_area],eax
jle @f
inc [wScr.position]
inc dword[ebx+sb_offs_position]
mov dl,8
pop eax
pop ebx eax
906,6 → 1292,7
; dl = 0 not move
; dl = 1 if move up
align 4
push eax
mov eax,[wScr.cur_area]
925,33 → 1312,41
pop eax
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
align 4
push eax ebx
push eax ebx ecx
mov ecx,ted_scr_w
xor dl,dl
mov eax,[wScr.max_area]
sub eax,[wScr.cur_area]
cmp [wScr.position],eax
mov eax,dword[ecx+sb_offs_max_area]
sub eax,dword[ecx+sb_offs_cur_area]
cmp dword[ecx+sb_offs_position],eax
jge @f
mov ebx,[wScr.cur_area]
add [wScr.position],ebx
mov ebx,dword[ecx+sb_offs_cur_area]
add dword[ecx+sb_offs_position],ebx
mov dl,1
mov [wScr.redraw],1
cmp [wScr.position],eax
mov dword[ecx+sb_offs_redraw],1
cmp dword[ecx+sb_offs_position],eax
jle @f
mov [wScr.position],eax
mov dword[ecx+sb_offs_position],eax
pop ebx eax
pop ecx ebx eax
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; dl = 0 not move
; dl = 1 if move left
; dl = 3 if move left and up
; dl = 8 if scroll move up
align 4
cmp [cur_x],0
cmp ted_cur_x,0
je @f
dec [cur_x]
dec ted_cur_x
mov dl,1
961,7 → 1356,7
mov dl,8
cmp [cur_y],0
cmp ted_cur_y,0
jne @f
mov dl,0
cmp [wScr.position],0
972,9 → 1367,9
mov dl,8
jmp .ret_f
cmp [cur_y],0
cmp ted_cur_y,0
je @f
dec [cur_y]
dec ted_cur_y
call CurMoveX_LastChar
cmp dl,8
je .ret_f
985,13 → 1380,16
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
align 4
push eax
xor dl,dl
mov eax,[hScr.cur_area]
cmp [cur_x],eax
cmp ted_cur_x,eax
jge @f
inc [cur_x]
inc ted_cur_x
mov dl,1
jmp .ret_f
1001,14 → 1399,17
pop eax
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
align 4
push eax ebx
mov eax,[cur_y]
mov eax,ted_cur_y
add eax,[wScr.position]
call StrLen
call ted_strlen
xor dl,dl
cmp ebx,[hScr.position]
1025,19 → 1426,22
sub [hScr.position],ebx
mov dl,8
mov [cur_x],ebx
mov ted_cur_x,ebx
pop ebx eax
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; dl = 0 not move
; dl = 1 move cursor
; dl = 8 move cursor and scroll
align 4
xor dl,dl
cmp [cur_x],0
cmp ted_cur_x,0
je @f
mov [cur_x],0
mov ted_cur_x,0
mov dl,1
cmp [hScr.position],0
1049,13 → 1453,15
; edx = pointer to symbol struct
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; eax = array index
align 4
push ecx edx
mov eax,edx
sub eax,[tex]
sub eax,ted_tex
xor edx,edx
mov ecx,sizeof.symbol
div ecx
1065,13 → 1471,15
; edx = pointer to symbol struct
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; edx = pointer to 'perv' struct
align 4
push dword [edx+2]
pop edx
imul edx,sizeof.symbol
add edx,[tex]
add edx,ted_tex
1078,24 → 1486,27
; edx = pointer to symbol struct
; edx = pointer to 'next' symbol struct
align 4
push dword [edx+6]
pop edx
imul edx,sizeof.symbol
add edx,[tex]
add edx,ted_tex
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; edx = symbol under cursor
; gpOpt = 1,2
; ted_gp_opt = 1,2
; edx = tex[1].perv if error
; gpOpt = 0
; ted_gp_opt = 0
align 4
push esi ecx
mov esi,[cur_x]
mov esi,ted_cur_x
add esi,[hScr.position]
mov ecx,[cur_y]
mov ecx,ted_cur_y
add ecx,[wScr.position]
call GetPosByParam
pop ecx esi
1105,12 → 1516,14
; esi = XPos
; ecx = YPos
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; edx = symbol under cursor
; gpOpt = 1 if found text line
; gpOpt = 2 if found text line and column
; ted_gp_opt = 1 if found text line
; ted_gp_opt = 2 if found text line and column
; edx = tex[1] if error
; gpOpt = 0 if text no found
; ted_gp_opt = 0 if text no found
align 4
push eax ;Row
push ebx ;Col
1117,35 → 1530,35
xor eax,eax
xor ebx,ebx
mov [gpOpt],0
mov edx,[tex]
mov ted_gp_opt,0
mov edx,ted_tex
call IteratNext
cmp edx,[tex_1]
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle @f
cmp ebx,esi
jne .u1_0 ;Col <> cur_x
mov [gpOpt],1
jne .u1_0 ;Col <> ted_cur_x
mov ted_gp_opt,1
cmp eax,ecx
jge @f ; Row >= cur_y
jge @f ; Row >= ted_cur_y
mov [gpOpt],0
mov ted_gp_opt,0
inc ebx
cmp byte [edx],13
jne @b
cmp eax,ecx
jge @f ; Row >= cur_y
jge @f ; Row >= ted_cur_y
inc eax
xor ebx,ebx
jmp @b
cmp eax,ecx
jne @f ; Row = cur_y
inc [gpOpt]
jne @f ; Row = ted_cur_y
inc ted_gp_opt
cmp [gpOpt],0
cmp ted_gp_opt,0
jne @f
mov edx,[tex_1]
mov edx,ted_tex_1
;call GetTexPervPos
pop ebx eax
1154,18 → 1567,20
; eax = Row
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; ebx = str len
align 4
push edx ecx
;ecx = Row, from cycle
xor ebx,ebx
xor ecx,ecx
mov edx,[tex]
mov edx,ted_tex
call IteratNext
cmp edx,[tex_1]
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle @f
inc ebx
cmp byte [edx],13
1187,11 → 1602,13
; edx = symbol position
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; eax = number of line
; ebx = symbol position in line
align 4
push edx
xor eax,eax
1204,7 → 1621,7
inc ebx
cmp edx,[tex_1]
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle @f
cmp byte [edx],13
jne @b
1215,15 → 1632,18
pop edx
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; eax = num lines
align 4
push edx
mov eax,1
mov edx,[tex]
mov edx,ted_tex
call IteratNext
cmp edx,[tex_1]
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle @f
cmp byte [edx],13
jne @b
1235,25 → 1655,30
pop edx
mov [dragk],0 ;çàêàí÷èâàåì âûäåëåíèå îò êëàâèàòóðû
cmp [tim_Undo],1
align 4
proc ted_set_undo, edit:dword
push edi
mov edi,dword[edit]
mov ted_drag_k,0 ;çàêàí÷èâàåì âûäåëåíèå îò êëàâèàòóðû
cmp ted_tim_undo,1
jl .no_work
push eax ebx edx
mov edx,[tex]
mov edx,ted_tex
call GetTexNextPos ;long i=tex[0].next;
mov eax,[tim_Undo]
sub [ch_tim],eax ;ch_tim-=tim_Undo;
mov eax,[ch_tim]
cmp [ls_tim],eax ;if(ls_tim>ch_tim)
mov eax,ted_tim_undo
sub ted_tim_ch,eax ;ted_tim_ch-=ted_tim_undo;
mov eax,ted_tim_ch
cmp ted_tim_ls,eax ;if(ted_tim_ls>ted_tim_ch)
jle @f
mov dword [ls_tim],0
mov ted_tim_ls,0
cmp edx,[tex]
cmp edx,ted_tex
je @f
;if(tex[i].tc>ch_tim){ // åñëè ñîçäàíèå ñèìâîëà áûëî îòìåíåíî
;if(tex[i].tc>ted_tim_ch){ // åñëè ñîçäàíèå ñèìâîëà áûëî îòìåíåíî
cmp [edx+10],eax
jle .no_u1
mov dword [edx+10],0
1261,17 → 1686,17
mov ebx,[edx+2]
imul ebx,sizeof.symbol
add ebx,[tex];.next
add ebx,ted_tex;.next
m2m dword [ebx+6],dword [edx+6] ;tex[tex[i].perv].next=tex[i].next;
mov ebx,[edx+6]
imul ebx,sizeof.symbol
add ebx,[tex];.perv
add ebx,ted_tex;.perv
m2m dword [ebx+2],dword [edx+2] ;tex[tex[i].next].perv=tex[i].perv;
;else if(tex[i].td>ch_tim) tex[i].td=0; // åñëè óäàëåíèå ñèìâîëà áûëî îòìåíåíî
;else if(tex[i].td>ted_tim_ch) tex[i].td=0; // åñëè óäàëåíèå ñèìâîëà áûëî îòìåíåíî
cmp [edx+14],eax
jle .no_u2
mov dword [edx+14],0
1280,24 → 1705,28
call GetTexNextPos
jmp @b
mov dword [tim_Undo],0
mov eax,[co_tim]
cmp [ch_tim],eax
mov ted_tim_undo,0
mov eax,ted_tim_co
cmp ted_tim_ch,eax
jge @f
mov [co_tim],0
mov ted_tim_co,0
pop edx ebx eax
pop edi
; ecx = Col
; edx = Row
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
align 4
mov [cur_x],ecx
mov ted_cur_x,ecx
sub edx,[wScr.position]
cmp edx,[wScr.cur_area] ;[cur_y] > [.cur_area]
cmp edx,[wScr.cur_area] ;ted_cur_y > [.cur_area]
jl @f
push ebx
mov ebx,edx
1308,85 → 1737,32
pop ebx
; ??? redrav
mov [cur_y],edx
mov ted_cur_y,edx
; bl = 1 change time when delete text
; al = 1 if delete
stdcall IsSel, tedit0
cmp al,0
jne @f
;call SelEnd
call SelNormalize
push esi edi ecx edx
mov esi,[seln.x1]
mov ecx,[seln.y1]
call GetPosByParam
mov edi,edx
mov esi,[seln.x0]
mov ecx,[seln.y0]
call GetPosByParam
cmp bl,0
je @f
inc [ch_tim]
cmp edx,[tex]
je @f
cmp edx,edi ;if(i==te)break;
je @f
m2m dword[edx+14],dword[ch_tim]
xor bl,bl ;n_tim=false;
call IteratNext
jmp @b
cmp bl,0
je @f
dec [ch_tim]
xor al,al
cmp bl,0
jne @f
mov ecx,[seln.x0]
mov edx,[seln.y0]
call GoToPos
mov [sel.x0],0
mov [sel.y0],0
mov [sel.x1],0
mov [sel.y1],0
pop edx ecx edi esi
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
align 4
push eax edx
mov eax,[ch_tim]
sub eax,[tim_Undo]
mov dword[co_tim],eax
mov edx,[tex]
mov eax,ted_tim_ch
sub eax,ted_tim_undo
mov ted_tim_co,eax
mov edx,ted_tex
call IteratNext
cmp edx,[tex_1]
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle @f
mov byte[edx+1],0
jmp @b
cmp dword[ColWords],1
cmp ted_key_words_count,1
jl .no_colors
mov edx,[tex]
mov edx,ted_tex
call TextFSColor
cmp edx,[tex_1]
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle .no_colors
jmp @b
1394,64 → 1770,64
; edx = pointer to start symbol
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; edx = pointer to next symbol
;eax = word_n
;ecx = l_pos
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,10 ;2*4+2*1
;bP = dword[ebp-4]
;eP = dword[ebp-8]
;fnd = byte[ebp-12]
;f_color = byte[ebp-13]
push eax ebx ecx esi edi
mov dword[ebp-4],1
mov dword[ebp-4],1
mov byte[ebp-12],0
mov byte[ebp-13],1
; Ôóíêöèÿ äëÿ ïîèñêà è âûäåëåíèÿ ïîäñâå÷åíûõ ñëîâ
align 4
proc TextFSColor
begPos dd ? ;íà÷àëüíàÿ ïîçèöèÿ
endPos dd ? ;êîíå÷íàÿ ïîçèöèÿ
find db ? ;íàéäåíî / íå íàéäåíî
f_color db ? ;èíäåêñ öâåòà íàéäåíîãî ñëîâà
push eax ebx ecx esi
;eax = word_n òåêóùèé íîìåð (ïîçèöèÿ) ïðîâåðÿåìîãî ñëîâà â ñïèñêå
;ebx = äëÿ ðàçíûõ öåëåé
;ecx = l_pos ïîñëåäíèé íîìåð (ïîçèöèÿ) ïîäõîäÿùåãî ñëîâà â ñïèñêå
;esi = äëÿ ðàçíûõ öåëåé, íîìåð ïðîâåðÿåìîãî ñèìâîëà â ñëîâå
mov dword[begPos],1
mov dword[endPos],1
mov byte[find],0
mov byte[f_color],1
call IteratNext
cmp edx,[tex_1]
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle @f
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,byte[edx]
;mov byte[buf],bl
;mov byte[buf+1],0
shl bx,2 ;ebx*=4
add ebx,FkPos
mov eax,dword[ebx]
xor eax,eax
mov al,byte[edx]
shl ax,2 ;eax*=4
add eax,FkPos
mov eax,dword[eax]
cmp eax,0
jl @b ;if( (word_n=FkPos[(unsigned char)tex[i].c])>-1 ){
mov ecx,eax
;while(l_pos<ColWords && Col[keyw[l_pos]].Text[0]==Col[keyw[word_n]].Text[0])
;while(l_pos<ted_key_words_count && Col[l_pos].Text[0]==Col[word_n].Text[0])
cmp ecx,dword[ColWords]
cmp ecx,ted_key_words_count
jge .wh_1e
ColToIndexOffset ecx,esi
mov bh,byte[esi]
mov bl,byte[esi]
ColToIndexOffset eax,esi
mov bl,byte[esi]
cmp bh,bl
cmp bl,byte[esi]
jne .wh_1e
inc ecx
jmp .wh_1b
mov dword[ebp-4],edx ;bP=i;
mov edi,1
mov dword[begPos],edx ;bP=i;
mov esi,1
.wh_2b: ;while(1){
call IteratNext
;while(l_pos>word_n && Col[keyw[l_pos-1]].Text[pos]!=tex[i].c)
;while(l_pos>word_n && Col[l_pos-1].Text[pos]!=tex[i].c)
cmp ecx,eax
jle .wh_3e
1458,11 → 1834,8
dec ecx
ColToIndexOffset ecx,ebx
inc ecx
;cmp byte[ebx+edi],byte[edx]
push ax
mov al,byte[ebx+edi]
mov bl,al
pop ax
;cmp byte[ebx+esi],byte[edx]
mov bl,byte[ebx+esi]
cmp bl,byte[edx]
je .wh_3e
dec ecx
1470,66 → 1843,65
ColToIndexOffset eax,ebx
cmp byte[ebx+edi],0
jne .if_0 ;if(Col[keyw[word_n]].Text[pos]==0){
mov dword[ebp-8],edx ;eP=i;
ColToIndexOffset eax,esi
mov bl,byte[esi+MAX_COLOR_WORD_LEN+6]
mov byte[ebp-13],bl ;f_color=Col[keyw[word_n]].color;
cmp byte[ebx+esi],0
jne .if_0 ;if(Col[word_n].Text[pos]==0){
mov dword[endPos],edx ;eP=i;
ColToIndexOffset eax,ebx
mov bl,byte[ebx+MAX_COLOR_WORD_LEN+6]
mov byte[f_color],bl ;f_color=Col[word_n].color;
mov byte[ebp-12],1
;... esi = Col[keyw[word_n]]
mov bl,byte[esi+MAX_COLOR_WORD_LEN+4]
cmp bl,0 ;if(Col[keyw[word_n]].wwo)
mov byte[find],1
ColToIndexOffset eax,ebx ;... ebx = Col[word_n]
mov bl,byte[ebx+MAX_COLOR_WORD_LEN+4]
cmp bl,0 ;if(Col[word_n].wwo)
je .if_2n
push edx
mov edx,dword[ebp-4]
mov edx,dword[begPos]
call IteratPerv
; mov bh,bl
btr bx,0 ;1-1
jae .if_3e ;if(Col[keyw[word_n]].wwo&1)
jae .if_3e ;if(Col[word_n].wwo&1)
;u1= !(isalnum(cont_s)||cont_s=='_')
call isalnum
jae .if_3e
mov byte[ebp-12],0
mov byte[find],0
btr bx,3 ;4-1
jae .if_4e ;if(Col[keyw[word_n]].wwo&8)
jae .if_4e ;if(Col[word_n].wwo&8)
;u1= !isalpha(cont_s);
call isalpha
jae .if_4e
mov byte[ebp-12],0
mov byte[find],0
mov edx,dword[ebp-8]
mov edx,dword[endPos]
; call IteratNext
btr bx,1 ;2-1
jae .if_5e ;if(Col[keyw[word_n]].wwo&2)
jae .if_5e ;if(Col[word_n].wwo&2)
;u1= !(isalnum(cont_s)||cont_s=='_')
call isalnum
jae .if_5e
mov byte[ebp-12],0
mov byte[find],0
btr bx,4 ;5-1
jae .if_6e ;if(Col[keyw[word_n]].wwo&16)
jae .if_6e ;if(Col[word_n].wwo&16)
;u1= !isalpha(cont_s);
call isalpha
jae .if_6e
mov byte[ebp-12],0
mov byte[find],0
btr bx,2 ;3-1
jae .if_7e ;if(Col[keyw[word_n]].wwo&4)
mov bl,byte[esi+MAX_COLOR_WORD_LEN+5]
jae .if_7e ;if(Col[word_n].wwo&4)
ColToIndexOffset eax,ebx
mov bl,byte[ebx+MAX_COLOR_WORD_LEN+5]
call ItPoNextUc
cmp edx,[tex_1]
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle .if_7e
mov dword[ebp-8],edx
mov dword[endPos],edx
pop edx
1536,27 → 1908,24
; if(i!=1){ // íå êîíåö äîêóìåíòà
; cont_s=tex[eP].c;
; if(Col[keyw[word_n]].wwo&2) u2= !(isalnum(cont_s)||cont_s=='_'); // íå áóêâ.-÷èñë. ñèìâîë
; if(u2 && Col[keyw[word_n]].wwo&16) u2= !isalpha(cont_s); // íå ÷èñë. ñèìâîë
; if(Col[keyw[word_n]].wwo&4) eP=ItPoNextUc(eP,Col[keyw[word_n]].endc);
; if(Col[word_n].wwo&2) u2= !(isalnum(cont_s)||cont_s=='_'); // íå áóêâ.-÷èñë. ñèìâîë
; if(u2 && Col[word_n].wwo&16) u2= !isalpha(cont_s); // íå ÷èñë. ñèìâîë
; if(Col[word_n].wwo&4) eP=ItPoNextUc(eP,Col[word_n].endc);
cmp eax,ecx
je .wh_2e ;if(word_n==l_pos) break; // do double - åñëè ñëîâî òî÷íî ïîñëåäíåå
cmp edx,[tex_1]
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle .wh_2e ;if(i==1) break;
;while(l_pos>word_n && Col[keyw[word_n]].Text[pos]!=tex[i].c)
;while(l_pos>word_n && Col[word_n].Text[pos]!=tex[i].c)
cmp ecx,eax
jle .wh_4e
ColToIndexOffset eax,ebx
;cmp byte[ebx+edi],byte[edx]
push ax
mov al,byte[ebx+edi]
mov bl,al
pop ax
;cmp byte[ebx+esi],byte[edx]
mov bl,byte[ebx+esi]
cmp bl,byte[edx]
je .wh_4e
inc eax
1565,45 → 1934,45
cmp eax,ecx
je .wh_2e;if(word_n==l_pos) break;
inc edi ;pos++;
inc esi ;pos++;
jmp .wh_2b
cmp byte[ebp-12],1 ;if(fnd)break;
cmp byte[find],1 ;if(fnd)break;
je @f
mov edx,dword[ebp-4];i=bP;
mov edx,dword[begPos];i=bP;
jmp @b
cmp byte[ebp-12],1
cmp byte[find],1
jne .if_1e ;if(fnd){ // âûäåëåíèå íàéäåíîãî òåêñòà
; if(!mode_sf1 || (mode_sf1 && strlen(Col[keyw[word_n]].f1->c_str())>0)){
mov eax,dword[ebp-4]
mov bl,byte[ebp-13]
; if(!mode_sf1 || (mode_sf1 && strlen(Col[word_n].f1->c_str())>0)){
mov eax,dword[begPos]
mov bl,byte[f_color]
mov byte[eax+1],bl ;tex[bP].col=f_color;
mov eax,dword[ebp-8]
mov eax,dword[endPos]
mov byte[eax+1],0xff ;tex[eP].col=255;
; return ItPoPerv(eP); // âîçâðàùàåì ïîçèöèþ êîíöà âõîæäåíèÿ
mov edx,dword[ebp-8]
mov edx,dword[endPos]
call GetTexPervPos
jmp @f
mov edx,[tex]
mov edx,ted_tex
pop edi esi ecx ebx eax
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
pop esi ecx ebx eax
; edx = pointer to char (byte)
; cf=1 if symbol is...
tab_all_num db 0,0,0,0,0,0,11111111b,11b,11111110b,0xff,0xff,111b,11111110b,0xff,0xff,111b,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;,0,0,0,0,0,0 - tab_alpha_0,0,0,0,0,0
align 4
tab_all_num db 0,0,0,0,0,0,11111111b,11b,11111110b,0xff,0xff,111b,11111110b,0xff,0xff,111b,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0;,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 - tab_alpha_0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
tab_alpha db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,11111110b,0xff,0xff,111b,11111110b,0xff,0xff,111b,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
;db 0,0,0,0,0,0,11111111b,11b,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
align 4
push eax ebx
mov al,byte[edx] ;al=offset
1614,10 → 1983,11
mov ah,byte[ebx]
mov al,byte[edx] ;al=bit
and ax,111b
m2m bx,word[ebx]
mov bx,word[ebx]
btr bx,ax
pop ebx eax
align 4
push eax ebx
mov al,byte[edx] ;al=offset
1628,15 → 1998,16
mov ah,byte[ebx]
mov al,byte[edx] ;al=bit
and ax,111b
m2m bx,word[ebx]
mov bx,word[ebx]
btr bx,ax
pop ebx eax
align 4
proc ted_show_help_f1, edit:dword
push eax edx edi
mov edi,dword[edit]
push eax edx
call GetPos
push edx
call ItNextColorTag
1644,24 → 2015,27
pop edx
call ItPervColorTag
cmp eax,[tex]
cmp eax,ted_tex
jle @f
cmp edx,[tex_1]
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle @f
call FindHelpId
stdcall FindHelpId,eax
pop edx eax
;stdcall draw_main_cursor, tedit0
stdcall draw_help_f1, tedit0
;stdcall draw_main_cursor,edi
stdcall draw_help_f1
pop edi edx eax
; edx = position begin 'symbol' struct
; eax = position end 'symbol' struct
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; end_pos = position end 'symbol' struct
align 4
proc FindHelpId, end_pos:dword
; ecx = word_n
; ebx = l_pos
mov [help_id],-1
mov ted_help_id,-1
push ebx ecx
xor ebx,ebx
1671,17 → 2045,17
mov ecx,dword[ebx]
cmp ecx,0
jl .if_0e ;if( (word_n=FkPos[(unsigned char)tf[0]])>-1 ){
push esi edi
push esi eax
mov ebx,ecx ;l_pos=word_n;
ColToIndexOffset ecx,esi
push cx
mov cl,byte[esi]
cmp ebx,dword[ColWords] ;while(l_pos<ColWords
cmp ebx,ted_key_words_count ;while(l_pos<ted_key_words_count)
jge @f
;ColToIndexOffset ecx,esi
ColToIndexOffset ebx,edi
cmp cl,byte[edi] ;&& Col[keyw[l_pos]].Text[0]==Col[keyw[word_n]].Text[0])
ColToIndexOffset ebx,eax
cmp cl,byte[eax] ;&& Col[l_pos].Text[0]==Col[word_n].Text[0])
jne @f
inc ebx ;l_pos++;
jmp @b
1697,9 → 2071,9
cmp ebx,ecx ;while(l_pos>word_n
jle .wh_0e
dec ebx
ColToIndexOffset ebx,edi
ColToIndexOffset ebx,eax
inc ebx
cmp byte[edi+esi],dl ;&& Col[keyw[l_pos-1]].Text[pos]!=tf[i])
cmp byte[eax+esi],dl ;&& Col[l_pos-1].Text[pos]!=tf[i])
je .wh_0e
dec ebx ;l_pos--;
jmp .wh_0b
1708,8 → 2082,8
cmp ebx,ecx ;while(l_pos>word_n
jle .wh_1e
ColToIndexOffset ecx,edi
cmp byte[edi+esi],dl
ColToIndexOffset ecx,eax
cmp byte[eax+esi],dl
je .wh_1e
inc ecx ;word_n++;
jmp .wh_1b
1719,19 → 2093,20
cmp ecx,ebx ;if(word_n==l_pos) break;
je @f
call IteratNext ;pos++;
cmp edx,eax ;for(...;i<strlen;...)
cmp edx,dword[end_pos] ;for(...;i<strlen;...)
je @f ;jge
inc esi
jmp @b
pop edi esi
pop eax esi
mov dword[help_id],ecx
;return keyw[word_n];
mov ted_help_id,ecx
;return word_n;
pop ecx ebx
;ôóíêöèÿ äëÿ âûäåëåíèÿ ïàìÿòè