Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 7016 → Rev 7017

12,6 → 12,9
;; ;;
BTN_H equ 22
TEXT_ECX equ 00010000b shl 24 + 0
mcall 67, 160, 160, 330, 100 ; resize and move the window
mcall 66, 1, 0 ; switch keyboard to ascii mode
23,7 → 26,7
xor eax, eax ; function 0 _logon: define and draw window
mov ebx, 160 shl 16 + 330 ; [x start]:[x size]
mov ecx, 160 shl 16 + 100 ; [y start]:[y size]
mov ecx, 160 shl 16 + 130 ; [y start]:[y size]
mov edx, 0x34DDDDDD ; color of work area RRGGBB
mov edi, name ; WINDOW LABEL
31,8 → 34,8
ja .login?
mov ebx, 25 shl 16 + 24
xor ecx, ecx
mov ebx, 10 shl 16 + 22
mov ecx, TEXT_ECX
mov edx, serverstr
mov esi, userstr-serverstr
mcall 4 ; "server" text
43,12 → 46,13
jne @f
mov ebx, 220 shl 16 + 85
mov ecx, 47 shl 16 + 16
mov ecx, 57 shl 16 + BTN_H
mov edx, 4
mov esi, 0xCCCCCC
mcall 8 ; Cancel button
mov ebx, 240 shl 16 + 52
mov ebx, 240 shl 16 + 62
mov ecx, TEXT_ECX
mov edx, cancelstr
mov esi, okstr-cancelstr
mcall 4 ; Cancel button text
60,12 → 64,13
jne .redraw_done
mov ebx, 220 shl 16 + 85
mov ecx, 47 shl 16 + 16
mov ecx, 57 shl 16 + BTN_H
mov edx, 2
mov esi, 0xCCCCCC
mcall 8 ; Connect button
mov ebx, 240 shl 16 + 52
mov ebx, 236 shl 16 + 62
mov ecx, TEXT_ECX
mov edx, connectstr
mov esi, loginstr-connectstr
mcall 4 ; Connect button text
76,13 → 81,13
cmp [status], STATUS_LOGIN
ja @f
mov ebx, 25 shl 16 + 14
xor ecx, ecx
mov ebx, 10 shl 16 + 12
mov ecx, TEXT_ECX
mov edx, userstr
mov esi, passstr-userstr
mcall 4 ; "user" text
add bl, 20
add bl, 25
mov edx, passstr
mov esi, connectstr-passstr ; "password" text
94,23 → 99,24
jne .redraw_done
mov ebx, 220 shl 16 + 85
mov ecx, 47 shl 16 + 16
mov ecx, 67 shl 16 + BTN_H
mov edx, 3
mov esi, 0xCCCCCC
mcall 8 ; Login button
mov ebx, 240 shl 16 + 52
mov edx, loginstr
mov esi, cancelstr-loginstr
mcall 4 ; Login button text
mov ebx, 120 shl 16 + 85
mov ecx, 47 shl 16 + 16
mov ecx, 67 shl 16 + BTN_H
mov edx, 4
mov esi, 0xCCCCCC
mcall 8 ; Cancel button
mov ebx, 140 shl 16 + 52
mov ebx, 240 shl 16 + 71
mov ecx, TEXT_ECX
mov edx, loginstr
mov esi, cancelstr-loginstr
mcall 4 ; Login button text
mov ebx, 140 shl 16 + 71
mov edx, cancelstr
mov esi, okstr-cancelstr
mcall 4 ; Cancel button text
145,12 → 151,13
mcall 4 ; print error message to window
mov ebx, 220 shl 16 + 85
mov ecx, 47 shl 16 + 16
mov ecx, 47 shl 16 + BTN_H
mov edx, 5
mov esi, 0xCCCCCC
mcall 8 ; OK button
mov ebx, 256 shl 16 + 52
mov ecx, TEXT_ECX
mov edx, okstr
mov esi, okstr_e-okstr
mcall 4 ; OK button text