Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 4865 → Rev 4866

File deleted
File deleted
1,11 → 1,14
CC = gcc
AR = ar rc
LD = ld
CC = kos32-gcc
AR = kos32-ar
LD = kos32-ld
CFLAGS = -c -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DBUILD_DLL
LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -shared -s -T --output-def libc.orig.def --out-implib libc.dll.a --image-base 0
LDFLAGS = -shared -s -T --out-implib libc.dll.a --image-base 0
#LDFLAGS+= --output-def libc.orig.def
15,7 → 18,7
LIBPATH:= -L ../../lib
LIBPATH:= -L../../lib -L/home/autobuild/tools/win32/mingw32/lib
crt/start.S \
54,7 → 57,6
crt/thread.S \
crt/tls.S \
crt/setjmp.S \
crt/assert.c \
crt/cpu_features.c \
ctype/ctype_.c \
ctype/isascii.c \
139,6 → 141,8
__call_atexit.c \
abort.c \
abs.c \
assert.c \
atexit.c \
atof.c \
atoi.c \
atol.c \
375,9 → 379,9
$(NAME).dll: $(LIB_OBJS) $(SRC_DEP) Makefile
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBPATH) -o $@ $(LIB_OBJS) -lgcc --version-script libc.ver
sed -e "s/ @[^ ]*//" libc.orig.def > libc.def
sed -f cmd2.sed libc.def > mem
sed -f newlib.sed mem >
#sed -e "s/ @[^ ]*//" libc.orig.def > libc.def
#sed -f cmd2.sed libc.def > mem
#sed -f newlib.sed mem >
install: libc.dll libc.dll.a libapp.a libdll.a
mv -f libc.dll ../../bin
386,16 → 390,16
mv -f libdll.a ../../lib
libapp.a: $(LIBCRT_OBJS) Makefile
$(AR) libapp.a $(LIBCRT_OBJS)
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) libapp.a $(LIBCRT_OBJS)
libdll.a: $(LIBDLL_OBJS) Makefile
$(AR) libdll.a $(LIBDLL_OBJS)
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) libdll.a $(LIBDLL_OBJS)
static: $(NAME).a
$(NAME).a: $(LIB_OBJS) $(SRC_DEP) Makefile
$(AR) $(NAME).a $(LIB_OBJS)
374,7 → 374,7
$(NAME).dll: $(LIB_OBJS) $(SRC_DEP) Makefile
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBPATH) -o $@ $(LIB_OBJS) -lgcc --version-script libc.ver
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBPATH) -o $@ $(LIB_OBJS) --version-script libc.ver
sed -e "s/ @[^ ]*//" libc.orig.def > libc.def
sed -f cmd2.sed libc.def > mem
sed -f newlib.sed mem >
File deleted
18,7 → 18,7
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef void (*ctp)();
static void __do_global_ctors ()
32,9 → 32,10
void *load_libc();
void __main (){};
//void __main (){};
void* get_entry_point(void *raw);
26,7 → 26,6
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <gthr.h>
19,7 → 19,6
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <memory.h>
2,6 → 2,7
_Exit DATA
__ctype_ptr__ DATA
13,7 → 14,6
171,6 → 171,7
2,18 → 2,18
_Balloc @1
_Bfree @2
_Exit @3 DATA
__assert_func @4
__ctype_ptr__ @5 DATA
__emutls_get_address @6
__errno @7
__fpclassifyd @8
__fpclassifyf @9
__mutex_lock @10
__signbitd @11
__signbitf @12
__srget_r @13
__swbuf_r @14
_assert @15
__assert @4
__assert_func @5
__ctype_ptr__ @6 DATA
__emutls_get_address @7
__errno @8
__fpclassifyd @9
__fpclassifyf @10
__mutex_lock @11
__signbitd @12
__signbitf @13
__srget_r @14
__swbuf_r @15
_atoi_r @16
_atol_r @17
_buf_findstr @18
171,338 → 171,339
atanf @170
atanh @171
atanhf @172
atof @173
atoi @174
atol @175
bsearch @176
calloc @177
cbrt @178
cbrtf @179
ceil @180
ceilf @181
clearerr @182
clock @183
close @184
copysign @185
copysignf @186
cos @187
cosf @188
cosh @189
coshf @190
create_file @191
create_image @192
create_thread @193
ctime @194
ctime_r @195
debugwrite @196
delete_file @197
difftime @198
diprintf @199
div @200
dprintf @201
drem @202
dremf @203
entry @204 DATA
envz_get @205
erf @206
erfc @207
erfcf @208
erff @209
exit @210
exp @211
exp10 @212
exp10f @213
exp2 @214
exp2f @215
expf @216
expm1 @217
expm1f @218
fabs @219
fabsf @220
fclose @221
fdim @222
fdimf @223
fdopen @224
fflush @225
fgetc @226
fgets @227
fileno @228
finite @229
finitef @230
fiprintf @231
fiscanf @232
floor @233
floorf @234
fma @235
fmaf @236
fmax @237
fmaxf @238
fmin @239
fminf @240
fmod @241
fmodf @242
fopen @243
fprintf @244
fputc @245
fputs @246
fputwc @247
fread @248
free @249
freopen @250
frexp @251
frexpf @252
fscanf @253
fseek @254
fseeko @255
fstat @256
ftell @257
ftello @258
fwrite @259
gamma @260
gamma_r @261
gammaf @262
gammaf_r @263
get_entry_point @264
get_fileinfo @265
get_proc_address @266
getenv @267
gettimeofday @268
gmtime @269
gmtime_r @270
hypot @271
hypotf @272
ilogb @273
ilogbf @274
infinity @275
infinityf @276
init_global_reent @277
init_loader @278
init_reent @279
isalnum @280
isalpha @281
isascii @282
isblank @283
iscntrl @284
isdigit @285
isgraph @286
isinf @287
isinff @288
islower @289
isnan @290
isnanf @291
isprint @292
ispunct @293
isspace @294
isupper @295
iswalnum @296
iswalpha @297
iswblank @298
iswcntrl @299
iswctype @300
iswdigit @301
iswgraph @302
iswlower @303
iswprint @304
iswpunct @305
iswspace @306
iswupper @307
iswxdigit @308
isxdigit @309
j0 @310
j0f @311
j1 @312
j1f @313
jn @314
jnf @315
ldexp @316
ldexpf @317
lgamma @318
lgamma_r @319
lgammaf @320
lgammaf_r @321
libc_crt_startup @322
link_app @323
link_image @324
llrint @325
llrintf @326
llrintl @327
llround @328
llroundf @329
load_library @330
loader_env @331 DATA
localeconv @332
localtime @333
localtime_r @334
log @335
log10 @336
log10f @337
log1p @338
log1pf @339
log2 @340
log2f @341
logb @342
logbf @343
logf @344
longjmp @345
lrint @346
lrintf @347
lrintl @348
lround @349
lroundf @350
lseek @351
malloc @352
matherr @353
mbrtowc @354
mbtowc @355
memalign @356
memchr @357
memcmp @358
memcpy @359
memmove @360
memset @361
mktime @362
modf @363
modff @364
nan @365
nanf @366
nearbyint @367
nearbyintf @368
nextafter @369
nextafterf @370
open @371
path_list @372 DATA
pow @373
pow10 @374
pow10f @375
powf @376
printf @377
putc @378
putchar @379
puts @380
qsort @381
raise @382
rand @383
rand_r @384
read @385
read_file @386
realloc @387
remainder @388
remainderf @389
remove @390
remquo @391
remquof @392
rename @393
rint @394
rintf @395
rintl @396
round @397
roundf @398
scalb @399
scalbf @400
scalbln @401
scalblnf @402
scalbn @403
scalbnf @404
seed48 @405
set_file_size @406
setjmp @407
setlocale @408
setvbuf @409
signal @410
significand @411
significandf @412
sin @413
sincos @414
sincosf @415
sinf @416
sinh @417
sinhf @418
siprintf @419
sniprintf @420
snprintf @421
sprintf @422
sqrt @423
sqrtf @424
srand @425
srand48 @426
sscanf @427
stpcpy @428
stpncpy @429
strcasecmp @430
strcasestr @431
strcat @432
strchr @433
strcmp @434
strcoll @435
strcpy @436
strcspn @437
strdup @438
strerror @439
strftime @440
strlen @441
strncasecmp @442
strncat @443
strncmp @444
strncpy @445
strndup @446
strnlen @447
strpbrk @448
strrchr @449
strsep @450
strspn @451
strstr @452
strtod @453
strtof @454
strtok @455
strtok_r @456
strtol @457
strtoll @458
strtoul @459
strtoull @460
strupr @461
system @462
tan @463
tanf @464
tanh @465
tanhf @466
tempnam @467
tgamma @468
tgammaf @469
time @470
tls_alloc @471 DATA
tmpfile @472
tmpnam @473
toascii @474
tolower @475
toupper @476
towctrans @477
towlower @478
towupper @479
trunc @480
truncf @481
ungetc @482
user_alloc @483
validate_pe @484
vasniprintf @485
vasnprintf @486
vdiprintf @487
vdprintf @488
vfiprintf @489
vfiscanf @490
vfprintf @491
vfscanf @492
vscanf @493
vsnprintf @494
vsprintf @495
vsscanf @496
wcrtomb @497
wctrans @498
wctype @499
write @500
write_file @501
y0 @502
y0f @503
y1 @504
y1f @505
yn @506
ynf @507
atexit @173
atof @174
atoi @175
atol @176
bsearch @177
calloc @178
cbrt @179
cbrtf @180
ceil @181
ceilf @182
clearerr @183
clock @184
close @185
copysign @186
copysignf @187
cos @188
cosf @189
cosh @190
coshf @191
create_file @192
create_image @193
create_thread @194
ctime @195
ctime_r @196
debugwrite @197
delete_file @198
difftime @199
diprintf @200
div @201
dprintf @202
drem @203
dremf @204
entry @205 DATA
envz_get @206
erf @207
erfc @208
erfcf @209
erff @210
exit @211
exp @212
exp10 @213
exp10f @214
exp2 @215
exp2f @216
expf @217
expm1 @218
expm1f @219
fabs @220
fabsf @221
fclose @222
fdim @223
fdimf @224
fdopen @225
fflush @226
fgetc @227
fgets @228
fileno @229
finite @230
finitef @231
fiprintf @232
fiscanf @233
floor @234
floorf @235
fma @236
fmaf @237
fmax @238
fmaxf @239
fmin @240
fminf @241
fmod @242
fmodf @243
fopen @244
fprintf @245
fputc @246
fputs @247
fputwc @248
fread @249
free @250
freopen @251
frexp @252
frexpf @253
fscanf @254
fseek @255
fseeko @256
fstat @257
ftell @258
ftello @259
fwrite @260
gamma @261
gamma_r @262
gammaf @263
gammaf_r @264
get_entry_point @265
get_fileinfo @266
get_proc_address @267
getenv @268
gettimeofday @269
gmtime @270
gmtime_r @271
hypot @272
hypotf @273
ilogb @274
ilogbf @275
infinity @276
infinityf @277
init_global_reent @278
init_loader @279
init_reent @280
isalnum @281
isalpha @282
isascii @283
isblank @284
iscntrl @285
isdigit @286
isgraph @287
isinf @288
isinff @289
islower @290
isnan @291
isnanf @292
isprint @293
ispunct @294
isspace @295
isupper @296
iswalnum @297
iswalpha @298
iswblank @299
iswcntrl @300
iswctype @301
iswdigit @302
iswgraph @303
iswlower @304
iswprint @305
iswpunct @306
iswspace @307
iswupper @308
iswxdigit @309
isxdigit @310
j0 @311
j0f @312
j1 @313
j1f @314
jn @315
jnf @316
ldexp @317
ldexpf @318
lgamma @319
lgamma_r @320
lgammaf @321
lgammaf_r @322
libc_crt_startup @323
link_app @324
link_image @325
llrint @326
llrintf @327
llrintl @328
llround @329
llroundf @330
load_library @331
loader_env @332 DATA
localeconv @333
localtime @334
localtime_r @335
log @336
log10 @337
log10f @338
log1p @339
log1pf @340
log2 @341
log2f @342
logb @343
logbf @344
logf @345
longjmp @346
lrint @347
lrintf @348
lrintl @349
lround @350
lroundf @351
lseek @352
malloc @353
matherr @354
mbrtowc @355
mbtowc @356
memalign @357
memchr @358
memcmp @359
memcpy @360
memmove @361
memset @362
mktime @363
modf @364
modff @365
nan @366
nanf @367
nearbyint @368
nearbyintf @369
nextafter @370
nextafterf @371
open @372
path_list @373 DATA
pow @374
pow10 @375
pow10f @376
powf @377
printf @378
putc @379
putchar @380
puts @381
qsort @382
raise @383
rand @384
rand_r @385
read @386
read_file @387
realloc @388
remainder @389
remainderf @390
remove @391
remquo @392
remquof @393
rename @394
rint @395
rintf @396
rintl @397
round @398
roundf @399
scalb @400
scalbf @401
scalbln @402
scalblnf @403
scalbn @404
scalbnf @405
seed48 @406
set_file_size @407
setjmp @408
setlocale @409
setvbuf @410
signal @411
significand @412
significandf @413
sin @414
sincos @415
sincosf @416
sinf @417
sinh @418
sinhf @419
siprintf @420
sniprintf @421
snprintf @422
sprintf @423
sqrt @424
sqrtf @425
srand @426
srand48 @427
sscanf @428
stpcpy @429
stpncpy @430
strcasecmp @431
strcasestr @432
strcat @433
strchr @434
strcmp @435
strcoll @436
strcpy @437
strcspn @438
strdup @439
strerror @440
strftime @441
strlen @442
strncasecmp @443
strncat @444
strncmp @445
strncpy @446
strndup @447
strnlen @448
strpbrk @449
strrchr @450
strsep @451
strspn @452
strstr @453
strtod @454
strtof @455
strtok @456
strtok_r @457
strtol @458
strtoll @459
strtoul @460
strtoull @461
strupr @462
system @463
tan @464
tanf @465
tanh @466
tanhf @467
tempnam @468
tgamma @469
tgammaf @470
time @471
tls_alloc @472 DATA
tmpfile @473
tmpnam @474
toascii @475
tolower @476
toupper @477
towctrans @478
towlower @479
towupper @480
trunc @481
truncf @482
ungetc @483
user_alloc @484
validate_pe @485
vasniprintf @486
vasnprintf @487
vdiprintf @488
vdprintf @489
vfiprintf @490
vfiscanf @491
vfprintf @492
vfscanf @493
vscanf @494
vsnprintf @495
vsprintf @496
vsscanf @497
wcrtomb @498
wctrans @499
wctype @500
write @501
write_file @502
y0 @503
y0f @504
y1 @505
y1f @506
yn @507
ynf @508
0,0 → 1,76
<<assert>>---macro for debugging diagnostics
#include <assert.h>
void assert(int <[expression]>);
Use this macro to embed debuggging diagnostic statements in
your programs. The argument <[expression]> should be an
expression which evaluates to true (nonzero) when your program
is working as you intended.
When <[expression]> evaluates to false (zero), <<assert>>
calls <<abort>>, after first printing a message showing what
failed and where:
. Assertion failed: <[expression]>, file <[filename]>, line <[lineno]>, function: <[func]>
If the name of the current function is not known (for example,
when using a C89 compiler that does not understand __func__),
the function location is omitted.
The macro is defined to permit you to turn off all uses of
<<assert>> at compile time by defining <<NDEBUG>> as a
preprocessor variable. If you do this, the <<assert>> macro
expands to
. (void(0))
<<assert>> does not return a value.
The <<assert>> macro is required by ANSI, as is the behavior
when <<NDEBUG>> is defined.
Supporting OS subroutines required (only if enabled): <<close>>, <<fstat>>,
<<getpid>>, <<isatty>>, <<kill>>, <<lseek>>, <<read>>, <<sbrk>>, <<write>>.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* func can be NULL, in which case no function information is given. */
_DEFUN (__assert_func, (file, line, func, failedexpr),
const char *file _AND
int line _AND
const char *func _AND
const char *failedexpr)
"assertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d%s%s\n",
failedexpr, file, line,
func ? ", function: " : "", func ? func : "");
#endif /* HAVE_ASSERT_FUNC */
_DEFUN (__assert, (file, line, failedexpr),
const char *file _AND
int line _AND
const char *failedexpr)
__assert_func (file, line, NULL, failedexpr);
0,0 → 1,66
* Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
<<atexit>>---request execution of functions at program exit
#include <stdlib.h>
int atexit (void (*<[function]>)(void));
#include <stdlib.h>
int atexit ((<[function]>)
void (*<[function]>)();
You can use <<atexit>> to enroll functions in a list of functions that
will be called when your program terminates normally. The argument is
a pointer to a user-defined function (which must not require arguments and
must not return a result).
The functions are kept in a LIFO stack; that is, the last function
enrolled by <<atexit>> will be the first to execute when your program
There is no built-in limit to the number of functions you can enroll
in this list; however, after every group of 32 functions is enrolled,
<<atexit>> will call <<malloc>> to get space for the next part of the
list. The initial list of 32 functions is statically allocated, so
you can always count on at least that many slots available.
<<atexit>> returns <<0>> if it succeeds in enrolling your function,
<<-1>> if it fails (possible only if no space was available for
<<malloc>> to extend the list of functions).
<<atexit>> is required by the ANSI standard, which also specifies that
implementations must support enrolling at least 32 functions.
Supporting OS subroutines required: <<close>>, <<fstat>>, <<isatty>>,
<<lseek>>, <<read>>, <<sbrk>>, <<write>>.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "atexit.h"
* Register a function to be performed at exit.
_DEFUN (atexit,
return __register_exitproc (__et_atexit, fn, NULL, NULL);