Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Problem with comparison.

Regard whitespace Rev HEAD → Rev 1

0,0 → 1,62
prev_user_of_fpu dd 0x1 ; set to OS
label fpu_tss at 0xB080
label fpu_stack dword at 0xB060
align 4
; clear TS flag in CR0 -> for task switching
; save FPU context of the previous task
mov eax,[prev_user_of_fpu]
shl eax,8
add eax,0x80000+0x10
fsave [eax]
; next task switch save our FPU context
; now restore context of current task (if exists)
mov eax,[0x3000]
mov [prev_user_of_fpu],eax
shl eax,8
add eax,0x80000
cmp [eax+0x7f],byte 0
je bs7_first_fpu
frstor [eax+0x10]
mov [eax+0x7f],byte 1
; prepare structure in stack for proper IRET
movzx eax,word [] ; push ss
push eax
mov eax,[fpu_tss+l.esp-tss_sceleton] ; push esp
push eax
mov eax,[fpu_tss+l.eflags-tss_sceleton] ; push eflags
push eax
movzx eax,word [fpu_tss+l.cs-tss_sceleton] ; push cs
push eax
mov eax,[fpu_tss+l.eip-tss_sceleton] ; push eip
push eax
; save eax
push dword [fpu_tss+l.eax-tss_sceleton]
; restore all segment registers
mov ax,[]
mov es,ax
mov ax,[fpu_tss+l.fs-tss_sceleton]
mov fs,ax
mov ax,[]
mov gs,ax
mov ax,[fpu_tss+l.ds-tss_sceleton]
mov ds,ax
; restore eax
pop eax