Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 134 → Rev 139

8,8 → 8,7
test eax,eax
jz .ex
mov ebp,[coo]
mov ebx,[ebp-20]
mul ebx
mul dword [ebp-20]
mov ebx,[tick_count]
test ebx,ebx
jz .ex
353,4 → 352,4
dw 10,40,70,100,240
db 13,10,'* MIDAMP for MenuetOS v1.0 by Willow, July 2005 *',13,10,0
db 13,10,'* MIDAMP for KolibriOS v1.1 by Willow, July 2005 *',13,10,0
341,51 → 341,37
and byte[edi],0
mov esi,filename
mov edi,fnbuf
mov ecx,64
rep movsb
mov dword[file_info+12],dir_table
mov dword[file_info+8],DIR_SIZE/512
mov ecx,1024/4
rep movsd
and dword [dir_info+4], 0
mcall 58,file_info
mov ecx,DIR_SIZE/32
mov esi,dir_table
mov al,[esi]
cmp al,0xe5
je .no
test al,al
jz .end
test byte[esi+12],11000b
mcall 70, dir_info
cmp ebx, 1
jnz red ;still
test byte [dir_table+32], 11000b ; exclude directories & vol label
jnz .no
mov eax,[esi+7]
mov al,'.'
cmp eax,'.MID'
je .ok
cmp eax,'.KAR'
jne .no
mov edi, dir_table+32+40
mov esi, edi
xor eax, eax
or ecx, -1
repnz scasb
mov eax, [edi-5]
or eax, 0x20202000
cmp eax, '.mid'
jz .ok
cmp eax, '.kar'
jnz .no
mov [esi+8],eax
lea ecx, [edi-dir_table-32-40-1]
mov edi,edx
mov ecx,12
rep movsb
and byte[edi],0
mov ecx,edi
sub ecx,fnbuf
mov esi,fnbuf
sub ecx, esi
call PL_add
add esi,32
loop .nxt
add dword[file_info+4],DIR_SIZE/512
inc dword [dir_info+4]
jmp .nxt2
mov ebx,file_info
and dword[ebx+4],0
mov [fsize],1
mov dword[ebx+12],workarea
jmp red;still
call PL_clearsel
jmp red
88,7 → 88,7
mov [.img_count],eax
inc eax
cmp dword[esi],'GIF8'
jne .er ; signature
jne .ex ; signature
mov ecx,[esi+0xa]
inc eax
add esi,0xd
123,7 → 123,7
jmp .block_skip
cmp byte[edi],0x2c ; image beginning
jne .er
jne .ex
inc [.img_count]
inc edi
mov esi,[.cur_info]
211,9 → 211,6
call .Gif_output
pop ebx eax
jmp .add
pop edi
jmp .ex
mov eax,[.cur_info]
mov [eax],edi
229,7 → 226,6
cmp byte[edi],0x3b
jne .nextblock
xor eax,eax
mov ecx,[.img_count]
pop edi esi
236,8 → 236,10
and [list_count],0
mov [pl_ptr],playlist
mov ebx,PL_info
mov dword[ebx+12],playlist
mov eax,58
mov dword[ebx+16],playlist
and dword[ebx],0
mov dword[ebx+12],20*512
mov eax,70
int 0x40
test eax,eax
jz .ok1 ; ebx- filesize
295,7 → 297,7
mov eax,0x0a0d
mov edi,[pl_ptr]
lea edx,[edi+2]
mov [PL_info+12],edx
mov [PL_info+16],edx
movzx ebx,word[edi]
and bx,not FL_MULSEL
305,9 → 307,9
sub edi,[pl_ptr]
mov ebx,PL_info
mov [ebx+8],edi
mov dword[ebx],1
mov eax,58
mov [ebx+12],edi
mov byte[ebx],2
mov eax,70
int 0x40
343,7 → 345,7
.mode dd 0
dd 0
.bytes dd 20
dd 0
dd hash_table
.bytes dd 20*512
dd 0