Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 134 → Rev 135

18,7 → 18,10
; unos retoques
; version 0.14 10th August 2004
; Mike Hibbett Added setting default colours
; version 0.15 24th August 2006
; diamond (rewritten to function 70)
org 0
PARAMS = memsize - 1024
33,7 → 36,6
dd memsize - 1024 ; esp
dd PARAMS , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon
include ''
stack_size=4096 + 1024
include ''
50,10 → 52,6
mov edi,fin
call add_mem
; Get some memory
mov ecx,16384
call malloc
mov [work_area],edi
call colorprecalc ;inicializa tablas usadas para pasar de ybr a bgr
call draw_window
call read_string.rs_done
148,10 → 146,6
mov ecx,memsize-fin-stack_size ; size
mov edi,fin ; pointer
call add_mem ; mark memory from fin to 0x100000-1024 as free
; Get some memory
mov ecx,16384 ; get 16 Kb of memory
call malloc ; returns pointer in edi
mov [work_area],edi ; save it
call colorprecalc ; calculate colors
mov esi,name_string
call open
244,15 → 238,12
; Draw the window to the appropriate size - it may have
; been resized by the user
mov eax, 0
cmp [winxs], ax
cmp [winxs], 0
jne dw_001
; Give the screen some inital defaults
mov ax, 400
mov [winxs], ax
mov ax, 300
mov [winys], ax
mov [winxs], 400
mov [winys], 300
mov ax, 100
mov [winxo], ax
mov [winyo], ax
273,16 → 264,12
mov [winys], ax
mov bx, [winxo]
shl ebx, 16
mov ebx, dword [winxo-2]
mov bx, [winxs]
mov cx, [winyo]
shl ecx, 16
mov ecx, dword [winyo-2]
mov cx, [winys]
mov eax,0 ; DRAW WINDOW
xor eax,eax ; DRAW WINDOW
mov edx,[wcolor]
add edx,0x02000000
mov esi,0x80557799
461,15 → 448,15
test dword[file_dir],-1
cmp [file_dir], 0
jnz .exit
test dword[jpeg_st],-1
cmp [jpeg_st], 0
jz .exit
mov esi,name_string
movzx ecx,byte[name_string.cursor]
cmp byte[esi+ecx],'/'
je .l2
jz .l2
loop .l1
479,66 → 466,41
mov byte[esi+ecx],'/'
test eax,eax
jz .exit
mov dword[eax+file_handler.size],-1 ;directory size is always 0
test byte [fileattr], 0x10
jz .exit
mov [file_dir],eax
inc cl
inc ecx
mov [name_string.cursor],cl
mov ebx, [file_dir]
test ebx, ebx
jnz @f
mov byte [ebx], 1
mov byte [ebx+12], 1
mov dword [ebx+16], dirinfo
mov eax, 70
int 0x40
mov eax,[file_dir]
test eax,eax
jnz .l1
mov ecx,32
sub esp,ecx
mov edi,esp
call read
cmp ecx,32
jnc .l11
add esp,32
mov eax,dword[file_dir]
mov dword[file_dir],0
inc dword [eax+4]
cmp ebx, 1
jz @f
mov eax, [file_dir]
and [file_dir], 0
jmp close
mov esi,esp
movzx edi,byte[name_string.cursor]
add edi,name_string
lea esi, [dirinfo+32+40]
cmp al,0
je .l10
cmp al,229
jne .l0
add esp,32
jmp display_next
mov cl,7
cmp al,32
jna .l3
loop .l2
lea esi,[esp+8]
mov al,'.'
mov cl,3
cmp al,32
jna .l5
loop .l4
mov al,0
cmp edi,name_string.end
jc .l5
add esp,32
test al, al
jnz @b
mov ecx, name_string.end
sub ecx, edi
rep stosb
call print_strings
mov esi,name_string
call open
558,7 → 520,6
jmp jpeg_display
include 'filelib.asm'
include 'memlib.asm'
include 'jpeglib.asm'
567,7 → 528,7
wcolor dd 0x000000
labelt db 'Jpegview v0.14'
labelt db 'Jpegview v0.15'
setname db 'SLIDESHOW'
580,18 → 541,16
x_numofbytes dd 0
x_numofb2 dd 0
x_counter dd 0
winxo: dw 0
winyo: dw 0
winxs: dw 0
winys: dw 0
jpeg_st: dd 0
file_dir: dd 0
work_area: dd 0
winxo dw 0
winyo dw 0
winxs dw 0
winys dw 0
jpeg_st dd 0
file_dir dd 0
tcolor dd 0x000000
btcolor dd 0x224466+0x808080
name_string: db '/rd/1/jpegview.jpg',0
rb 100
rb 256
.cursor: db 19
.cursor2: db 0
612,5 → 571,5
fileattr: rb 40
dirinfo: rb 32+304