Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 9240 → Rev 9241

7,29 → 7,161
; Graphics
; Libary
; Ver 0.18 By Pavlushin Evgeni (RUSSIA)
; Ver 0.18
;0.01 LoadImage
;0.02 SetBmp
;0.03 Bmptoimg, Setimg ~01.03.2004
;0.04 Bug deleted, copyimg ~03.05.2004
;0.05 fullimg, collimg ~05.05.2004
;0.06 getimg ~09.05.2004
;0.07 convbmp ~13.05.2004
;0.08 fps ~14.05.2004
;0.09 drawfbox ~03.06.2004
;0.10 all macros optimized by halyavin, add at ~07.06.2004
;0.11 many macros optimized by halyavin, add at ~30.08.2004
;0.12 bmptoimg ~07.09.2004
;0.13 imgtoimg ~08.09.2004
;0.14 imgtoimg modify not brake bmp pict! ~09.09.2004
;0.15 giftoimg, giftoani ~10.09.2004
;0.16 setframe, rgbtobgr, setbmp deleted ~20.09.2004
;0.17 modification giftoimg, giftoani, getframeoff ~01.10.2004
;0.18 aframetoimg,aimgtoimg,frametoimg ~03.10.2004
; draw image into image with alpha color mask
; image_draw_acimage dest, source, x, y, alpha_color
macro image_draw_acimage dest, source, x, y, alpha_color
local next_pix,next_line,skip_pix,no_skip
push dest
push source
push x
push y
push alpha_color
pop ebp ; alpha color
pop eax ; y
pop ebx ; x
pop esi ; src
pop edi ; dest
call image_draw_acimage_proc
if ~ defined image_draw_acimage_used
image_draw_acimage_used equ 1
jmp end_image_draw_acimage_proc
mov ecx,dword [edi] ; ecx = canvas width
mul ecx ; edx:eax = ypos * canvas width
add eax,ebx ; eax = (ypos * canvas width) + xpos
lea eax,[eax+eax*2+8] ; eax=(y*xsize+x)*3+8 (8=skip xy size dwords)
mov edx,[esi] ; edx = img width
sub ecx,edx ; ecx = canvas width - img width
lea ebx,[ecx*2+ecx] ; ebx = how many pixels skip for new line
mov ecx,[esi+4] ; ecx = img height
add esi,8 ; esi + 8 for skip xy size dwords
add edi,eax ; edi = dest position
shl ebp,8 ; for fast compare with alpha color
cld ; set movs direction flag
push edx
mov eax,[esi]
shl eax,8
cmp eax,ebp
je skip_pix
jmp no_skip
add esi,3
add edi,3
dec edx
jnz next_pix
pop edx
add edi,ebx
dec ecx
jnz next_line
end_image_draw_acimage_proc :
end if
macro image_set_size image,width,height
mov dword [image],width
mov dword [image+4],height
; label - draw label on window
; example:
; label 10,12,'Hello World!',cl_Green+font_size_x4+utf16
macro image_draw_label image,x,y,text,color
local label_text
draw_to_buffer equ 00001000b shl 24
jmp @f
label_text db text
words2reg ebx,x,y ; ebx - position
dword2reg ecx,color+draw_to_buffer ; ecx - color
mov edi,image
mov edx,label_text ; edx - address of label text
mov esi,@b-label_text ; esi - size of libel in bytes
mov eax,4
; draw_frect - draw filled rect
macro draw_frect x,y,xs,ys,color
wordstoreg ebx,x,xs ;x*65536+xs
wordstoreg ecx,y,ys ;y*65536+ys
mov edx,color
mov eax,13
; draw_label - Draw label in window
; example:
; draw_label 10,12,'Hello World!',cl_Green+font_size_x4+utf16
macro draw_label x,y,text,color
local label_text
words2reg ebx,x,y ; ebx - position
if text eqtype 123 | text eqtype eax
movt edx,text
mov ecx,color+(1 shl 31) ; ecx - color
mov edx,label_text ; edx - address of label text
jmp @f
label_text db text
mov esi,@b-label_text ; esi - size of libel in bytes
movt ecx,color ; ecx - color
end if
mov eax,4
hide_zeros equ (1 shl 31)
use_bg_color equ (1 shl 30)
use_big_font equ (1 shl 28)
macro draw_number data, x, y, color, numtype, bg_color
movt ecx,data
movt ebx,numtype
mov bl,0 ; if bl = 0, ecx is contain number
words2reg edx,x,y
if bg_color eq
movt esi,color
movt esi,color+use_bg_color
movt edi,bg_color
end if
mov eax,47
; draw_image - macro for draw image on window area
macro draw_image x, y, image
mov ecx,[image-2] ; -2 for except shl ecx,16
mov cx,[image+4] ; ecx = xsize*65536+ysize
wordstoreg edx, x, y ; edx = x*65536+y
lea ebx,[image+8] ; ebx = image data address
mov eax,7 ; eax = 7 is draw image function
macro aframetoimg img, x, y, canvas,acol
81,7 → 213,6
add ebp,3
jmp nx
mov al,byte [edx]
mov byte [ebp],al
inc ebp
205,97 → 336,6
macro aimgtoimg img, x, y, canvas,acol
local loo,loo2,acolor
if aimgtoimg_use_count = 1
jmp end_aimgtoimg_proc
acolor dd 0
;getout coord
mov [acolor],ebp
mov eax,esi ;y cor
mul dword [ecx] ;canvas xsize
add eax,edi ;x cor
mov ebp,eax
shl eax,1
add ebp,eax
add ebp,ecx ;canvas+8;start
add ebp,8
;get img size
mov eax,ebx ;img ;xsize
mov esi,[eax]
add ebx,4
mov eax,ebx ; img+4 ;ysize
mov edi,[eax]
add ebx,4
mov edx,ebx ;img+8
push esi
;test on alpha color
mov eax,[edx]
shl eax,8
shr eax,8
cmp eax,[acolor]
jne yx
add edx,3
add ebp,3
jmp nx
mov al,byte [edx]
mov byte [ebp],al
inc ebp
inc edx
mov al,byte [edx]
mov byte [ebp],al
inc ebp
inc edx
mov al,byte [edx]
mov byte [ebp],al
inc ebp
inc edx
dec esi
jnz loo
pop esi
sub ebp,3
mov eax,[ecx] ;offset = offset+((canxsize-imgxsize)*3)
sub eax,esi
add ebp,eax
shl eax,1
add ebp,eax
add ebp,3
dec edi
jnz loo2
end if
push img
push canvas
push x
push y
push acol
pop ebp
pop esi
pop edi
pop ecx
pop ebx
call aimgtoimg_proc
macro imgtoimg img, x, y, canvas
346,9 → 386,7
add ebp,eax
shl eax,1
add ebp,eax
add ebp,3
dec edi
jnz loo2
365,17 → 403,6
call imgtoimg_proc
macro drawfbox x,y,xs,ys,color
wordstoreg ebx,x,xs ;x*65536+xs
wordstoreg ecx,y,ys ;y*65536+ys
mov edx,color
mov eax,13
; FPS - Set Frame Per Second Display
macro fps x,y,color,delcolor
422,60 → 449,13
; COLLIMG - Collusion image's
macro collimg img1_off,x1,y1,img2_off,x2,y2,otv
local bounce,exit,anot,bc,nbc
mov esi,[img1_off] ;xs1
mov edi,[img2_off] ;ys2
mov eax,x1 ;
mov ebx,x2 ;
call _1dbounce
mov edx,ecx
mov esi,[img1_off+4] ;ys1
mov edi,[img2_off+4] ;ys2
mov eax,y1 ;
mov ebx,y2 ;
call _1dbounce
add edx,ecx
cmp edx,2
je bounce
mov otv,0
jmp exit
if _1dbounce_count = 1
cmp ebx,eax
jb anot
add eax,esi
cmp eax,ebx
jbe nbc
mov ecx,1
add ebx,edi
cmp ebx,eax
ja bc
xor ecx,ecx
end if
mov otv,1
macro rgbtobgr image
local loo
mov eax,[image]
mul dword [image+4]
mov ecx,eax
mov esi,image+8
; add esi,8
mov al,[esi]
mov bl,[esi+2]
mov [esi],bl
482,23 → 462,9
mov [esi+2],al
add esi,3
dec ecx
jnz loo
jnz @b
macro setimg x , y ,arg3
mov eax,7
mov ebx,arg3
add ebx,8
mov cx,[arg3]
shl ecx,16
add cx,[arg3+4]
; wordstoreg ecx,[arg3],[arg3+4]
wordstoreg edx, x , y ;arg1*65536+arg2
macro setframe x , y ,arg3
mov eax,7
513,57 → 479,47
macro getimg imgsrc,x,y,xs,ys,imgdest
local cyc
if xs eqtype 0
local next_pixel,next_line
; store image size
if xs eqtype 0 | xs eqtype eax
mov dword [imgdest],xs
mov eax,xs
mov dword [imgdest],eax
end if
if ys eqtype 0
if ys eqtype 0 | ys eqtype eax
mov dword [imgdest+4],ys
;push ys
;pop dword [imgdest+4]
mov eax,ys
mov dword [imgdest+4],eax
end if
mov eax,dword [imgsrc] ;getx size
; lea ecx,[eax+2*eax]
mov ecx,eax
shl ecx,1
add ecx,eax
mov ebx,y
mul ebx
lea edi,[8+imgdest] ; edi = destinaton address
mov eax,dword [imgsrc] ; eax = xsize of source image in pixels
push eax ; store eax before mul operation
mov edx,y
mul edx ; edx:eax = eax*edx
add eax,x
mov edx,ecx
lea eax,[eax+2*eax] ;eax=offset on imsrc
; mov ebp,eax
; shl eax,1
; add eax,ebp
lea esi,[imgsrc+8+eax+2*eax] ; esi = start offset on img src
pop eax ; restore eax
sub eax,xs ; eax = src image xsize - crop fragment xsize
lea eax,[eax+eax*2] ; eax = eax * 3 (bytes per pixel)
mov ecx,xs
mov ebx,ys
mov edi,8+imgdest
lea esi,[eax+8+imgsrc]
; mov esi,eax
; add esi,8
; add esi,imgsrc
; this loop used esi,edi,ecx,edx,eax registers
mov edx,ys ; edx = ysize in pixels
cld ; set direction
mov ecx,xs ; ecx = xsize in pixels
movsb ; write 3 bytes pixel
dec ecx
jne cyc
add esi,edx
mov ecx,xs
sub esi,ecx
sub esi,ecx
sub esi,ecx
dec ebx
jne cyc
jnz next_pixel
add esi,eax
dec edx
jnz next_line
macro copyimg img2_off,img1_off
604,8 → 560,6
jne cop
; number of frame in ecx
; callculatin offset of raw data
630,13 → 584,11
mov dword offset_of_frame,esi
; BMPTOIMG -Convert BMP format TO IMG format
; (SYNTAX) BMPTOIMG BMP_source_offset,IMG_dest_ofset
; (SAMPLE) View BMPLS.ASM sample.
; ( NOTE ) This is macros is not brake bmp structure! Tested in 32,8,4 bits
; ( NOTE ) This is macro is not brake bmp structure! Tested in 32,8,4 bits
macro bmptoimg bmp_load_area,img_dest_area
725,9 → 677,7
cmp esi,dword [bmptoimg_data_area_eos]
jae convert1
add edi,3
add ebp,3
jmp nextelem
737,9 → 687,7
movzx eax,ah
call converttable
add edi,3
add ebp,3
pop ax
movzx eax,al
call converttable
760,11 → 708,8
dec edx
js convert2
add edi,3
add ebp,3
jmp nextbit
shl eax,2
add eax,ebx