Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 282 → Rev 283

215,7 → 215,7
mov eax, esi
pop esi
sub eax, esi
inc eax ; eax = äëèíà çàãîëîâêà + 2
inc eax ; eax = ¤«¨­  § £®«®¢ª  + 2
mov ecx, [ebx+dlgtemplate.width]
cmp eax, ecx
jbe .fullhea
236,9 → 236,9
mov ah, [ebx+dlgtemplate.header_color]
mov al, ' '
dec ecx
jecxz .3
jz .3
test al, al
jz .4
404,6 → 404,8
call draw_keybar
mov eax, ebp
call mf_free
or [cursor_x], -1
or [cursor_y], -1
call draw_image
ret 8
955,11 → 957,18
; «¥¬¥­âë:
; 1 = áâ â¨ç¥áª¨© ⥪áâ
; 2 = ª­®¯ª 
; 3 = ¯®«¥ । ªâ¨à®¢ ­¨ï
.type dd ?
.x1 dd ?
.y1 dd ?
.x2 dd ?
.y2 dd ?
; „ ­­ë¥:
; ¤«ï ⥪áâ : const char* data - ASCIIZ-áâப 
; ¤«ï ª­®¯ª¨: const char* data - § £®«®¢®ª
; ¤«ï । ªâ®à : struct {unsigned maxlength; unsigned pos; unsigned start;
; char data[maxlength+1];}* data;
.data dd ?
.flags dd ?
; ”« £¨:
967,6 → 976,9
; 1 = ¢ëà ¢­¨¢ ­¨¥ ¯® 業âàã
; 2 = ¢ëà ¢­¨¢ ­¨¥ ¢¯à ¢®
; 4 = í«¥¬¥­â ¨¬¥¥â 䮪ãá ¢¢®¤ 
; 8 = í«¥¬¥­â ¬®¦¥â ¨¬¥âì 䮪ãá ¢¢®¤ 
; 10h: ¤«ï ª­®¯ª¨ = ª­®¯ª  ¯® 㬮«ç ­¨î (Enter ­  ­¥-ª­®¯ª¥)
; ¤«ï ¯®«ï ¢¢®¤  = ¤ ­­ë¥ ¡ë«¨ ¬®¤¨ä¨æ¨à®¢ ­ë
.size = $
end virtual
; struct DLGDATA
1017,12 → 1029,16
jz .tab
cmp al, 0x48
jz .up
cmp al, 0x50
jz .down
jecxz @f
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 3
jz .key_edit
cmp al, 0x4B
jz .left
cmp al, 0x4D
jz .right
cmp al, 0x50
jz .down
xor eax, eax
ret 16
1030,8 → 1046,22
or eax, -1
ret 16
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
jnz @f
mov eax, ebx
ret 16
mov ebx, [esp+4]
add ebx, dlgtemplate.size+12
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
jnz @f
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 0x10
jnz .enter_found
add ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
jmp .enter_find
test [ctrlstate], 3
jnz .shift_tab
1043,19 → 1073,20
jz .find_first_btn
add ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
jz .btn_found
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 8
jnz .btn_found
loop @b
mov ebx, [esp+4]
add ebx, dlgtemplate.size+12
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
jz .btn_found
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 8
jnz .btn_found
add ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
jmp @b
or byte [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 4
mov ebx, [esp+4]
call .dodraw
call draw_image
1072,9 → 1103,9
jz .find_last_btn
sub ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
loopnz @b
jz .btn_found
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 8
loopz @b
jnz .btn_found
mov ebx, [eax+dlgtemplate.size+8]
imul ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
1081,11 → 1112,126
lea ebx, [ebx+eax+dlgtemplate.size+12]
sub ebx, dlgitemtemplate.size
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 2
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 8
jz @b
jmp .btn_found
; ®¡à ¡®âª  ª« ¢¨è ¢ ¯®«¥ ¢¢®¤ 
test al, 0x80
jnz .ret0
or [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 0x10
mov edx, []
cmp al, 0x4B
jz .editor_left
cmp al, 0x4D
jz .editor_right
cmp al, 0x47
jz .editor_home
cmp al, 0x4F
jz .editor_end
cmp al, 0x0E
jz .editor_backspace
cmp al, 0x53
jz .editor_del
test [ctrlstate], 0x3C
jnz .ret_draw
; query keyboard layout
push 26
pop eax
push 2
pop ebx
xor ecx, ecx
cmp [ctrlstate], 1
sbb ecx, -2
mov edx, layout
int 0x40
; translate scancode to ASCII
movzx eax, al
movzx eax, byte [layout+eax]
push eax
; insert entered symbol
xor eax, eax
lea edi, [edx+12]
or ecx, -1
repnz scasb
not ecx
pop eax
cmp ecx, [edx]
ja .ret_test ; buffer capacity exceeded
lea edi, [edx+ecx+12-1]
mov esi, [edx+4]
lea esi, [edx+esi+12]
mov cl, [edi]
mov [edi+1], cl
dec edi
cmp edi, esi
jae @b
mov [esi], al
inc dword [edx+4]
@@: jmp .ret_test
mov ecx, [edx+4]
jecxz @f
dec dword [edx+4]
@@: jmp .ret_test
mov ecx, [edx+4]
cmp byte [edx+ecx+12], 0
jz @b
inc dword [edx+4]
jmp @b
and dword [edx+4], 0
jmp @b
lea edi, [edx+12]
xor eax, eax
or ecx, -1
repnz scasb
not ecx
dec ecx
mov [edx+4], ecx
mov eax, [edx+4]
cmp [edx+8], eax
jl .ret_test.l1
mov [edx+8], eax
jmp .ret_test.l2
add eax, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.x1]
sub eax, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.x2]
cmp [edx+8], eax
jge .ret_test.l2
mov [edx+8], eax
jmp .ret_draw
mov ecx, [edx+4]
jecxz .ret_test
dec dword [edx+4]
lea esi, [edx+ecx+12]
lea edi, [esi-1]
test al, al
jnz @b
jmp .btn_found
jmp .ret_test
mov ecx, [edx+4]
lea edi, [ecx+edx+12]
lea esi, [edi+1]
cmp byte [edi], 0
jz .ret_test
jmp .copy_and_ret_test
or [cursor_x], -1
or [cursor_y], -1
add ebx, dlgtemplate.size+8
mov ecx, [ebx]
add ebx, 4
1096,7 → 1242,12
dec eax
jz .draw_text
dec eax
jz .draw_button
dec eax
jnz .draw_loop_continue
call draw_editbox
jmp .draw_loop_continue
call draw_button
jmp .draw_loop_continue
1114,6 → 1265,7
; ®¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬ ¤«¨­ã áâப¨
mov esi, []
test esi, esi
jz .ret
or ecx, -1
1163,6 → 1315,11
pop ecx
cmp ecx, edx
jbe .text_copy
cmp [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.type], 3
jnz @f
mov ecx, edx
jmp .text_copy
cmp edx, 3
jb .ret
mov al, '.'
1203,3 → 1360,27
mov ah, [dialog_selected_btn_color]
jmp draw_text
mov edx, []
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 4
jz @f
mov eax, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.x1]
add eax, [edx+4]
sub eax, [edx+8]
mov ecx, [esp+16]
add eax, [ecx+dlgtemplate.x]
mov [cursor_x], eax
mov eax, [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.y1]
add eax, [ecx+dlgtemplate.y]
mov [cursor_y], eax
mov ah, [dialog_edit_color]
test [ebx+dlgitemtemplate.flags], 10h
jnz @f
mov ah, [dialog_unmodified_edit_color]
mov esi, []
add esi, [edx+8]
add esi, 12
jmp draw_text_esi