Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 9512 → Rev 9513

113,6 → 113,10
char path[1024], *p;
GetModuleFileNameA(tcc_module, path, sizeof path);
kx_fix_root_directory(path, sizeof path);
p = tcc_basename(normalize_slashes(strlwr(path)));
if (p - 5 > path && 0 == strncmp(p - 5, "/bin/", 5))
p -= 5;
119,6 → 123,7
else if (p > path)
*p = 0;
tcc_set_lib_path(s, path);
154,9 → 159,13
char** argv0 = (char**)0x20; // path in kolibri header
char path[1024], *p;
strncpy(path, *argv0, sizeof path);
kx_fix_root_directory(path, sizeof path);
p = tcc_basename(path);
if (p > path) p--;
*p = 0;
tcc_set_lib_path(s, path);
165,7 → 174,12
char buff[4096+1];
readlink("/proc/self/exe", buff, 4096);
kx_fix_root_directory(buff, sizeof buff);
const char *path = buff;
const char *path = dirname(buff);
tcc_set_lib_path(s, path);
47,6 → 47,7
void kx_fix_root_directory(char *buf, size_t size);
#ifndef _WIN32
43,8 → 43,10
ElfW(Sym) *sym;
int sym_index, sym_end;
sym_end = symtab_section->data_offset / sizeof(ElfW(Sym));
DLLReference **dllref = me->s1->loaded_dlls;
CString *str_arr, *len_arr, *sym_arr;
char dll_len;
int dll_loaded = me->s1->nb_loaded_dlls;
int nlib = 0;
int i;
51,11 → 53,11
if (me->header.version != 2)
str_arr = tcc_malloc(sizeof(CString) * me->s1->nb_loaded_dlls);
str_arr = tcc_malloc(sizeof(CString) * dll_loaded);
len_arr = tcc_malloc(sizeof(CString)* me->s1->nb_loaded_dlls);
len_arr = tcc_malloc(sizeof(CString)* dll_loaded);
sym_arr = tcc_malloc(sizeof(CString)* me->s1->nb_loaded_dlls);
sym_arr = tcc_malloc(sizeof(CString)* dll_loaded);
for (sym_index = 1; sym_index < sym_end; ++sym_index) {
sym = (ElfW(Sym) *)symtab_section->data + sym_index;
66,18 → 68,13
if (dynsym_index == 0) {
//if (strcmp(name, __kx_import_table_sym) != 0) {
tcc_error/*_noabort*/("undefined symbol '%s'", name);
//continue; // FIXME: stop compile!
// KOS support 32 bit only
Elf32_Sym* dyn_sym = &((ElfW(Sym) *)me->s1->dynsymtab_section->data)[dynsym_index];
DLLReference **dllref = me->s1->loaded_dlls;
char* dll_name;
// TCC store dll index in dyn_sym->st_size field
i = dyn_sym->st_size - 1;
// TCC store dll index in dyn_sym->st_size field
if (dllref[i]->level != -1) {
dll_name = dllref[i]->name;
dll_len = strlen(dll_name) + 1;
115,6 → 112,46
// Fixed BUG#15 (possible access to uninitialized due unused library)
// Exclude unused librarys
if (nlib < dll_loaded) {
i = 0; int j, n = 0;
do {
// Find unused library
if (dllref[i]->level == 0) {
j = i + 1;
while (j < dll_loaded) {
// Find first used library
if (dllref[j]->level == -1) {
// Found, copy i from j
str_arr[i] = str_arr[j];
len_arr[i] = len_arr[j];
sym_arr[i] = sym_arr[j];
// Mark j as unused
dllref[j]->level = 0;
if (++n == nlib)
goto __done;
} while (i < dll_loaded);
// Zero terminate of ptr (was BUG#3)
i = 0;
do {
128,7 → 165,7
kx_import_table* imp_sect;
imp_sect = tcc_mallocz(sizeof(kx_import_table));
imp_sect->data = tcc_mallocz(1024); // FIXME!!!
imp_sect->data = tcc_mallocz(4096); // FIXME!!! I increased it to 4Kb, but steel need dynamicaly size
imp_sect->data_size = 0;
//imp_sect->sh_addr = me->header.image_size;// +1;
147,6 → 184,7
// Align pad (check algorithm!)
int align = 4 - (me->header.image_size + imp_sect->data_size) % 4;
align = align < 4 ? align : 0;
imp_data += align;
imp_sect->data_size += align;
246,11 → 284,9
if ((sym_index < sym_end) &&
// ... and user attached at last one *.def
// ... and user attached at least one *.def
me->header.version = 2;
//tcc_add_crt(me->s1, "start1.o");
long kx_get_header_length(me_info* me) {
277,4 → 313,58
#if /*!*/defined(_DEBUG)// && !defined(_WIN32)
#define kx_debug_output printf
#define kx_debug_output(s,p) ((void)0)
Calling once from tcc_set_lib_path_xxx
This function correct tcc_root if tcc_root/kx is a run directory,
otherwise do trim filename
void kx_fix_root_directory(char *buf, size_t size) {
int defult = 1;
char* tcc_conf = tcc_malloc(strlen(buf)+5);
strcpy(tcc_conf, buf);
char* base = tcc_basename(tcc_conf);
*base = 0;
base = tcc_basename(buf);
strcat(tcc_conf, "tcc.conf");
FILE* f = fopen(tcc_conf,"r");
if (f) {
char line[100];
while (fgets(line, sizeof line, f)){
switch (*line)
case '#':
case '\n':
if ((strspn(line, "tcc_root") == 8) && line[8] == ' ') {
if (strcmp(line + 9, "kx") == 0) {
strcpy(base, line + 9);
defult = 0;
// Disallow change tcc_root with arbitrary path
if (defult) {
*--base = 0;
//kx_debug_output("tcc root = %s\n", buf);