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0,0 → 1,347
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.
0,0 → 1,293
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4420 $
; Access through BIOS by diamond
align 4
dd bd_callbacks.end - bd_callbacks ; strucsize
dd 0 ; no close function
dd 0 ; no closemedia function
dd bd_querymedia
dd bd_read_interface
dd bd_write_interface
dd 0 ; no flush function
dd 0 ; use default cache size
proc bd_read_interface stdcall uses edi, \
userdata, buffer, startsector:qword, numsectors
; userdata = old [hdpos] = 80h + index in NumBiosDisks
; buffer = pointer to buffer for data
; startsector = 64-bit start sector
; numsectors = pointer to number of sectors on input,
; must be filled with number of sectors really read
sectors_todo dd ?
; 1. Initialize number of sectors: get number of requested sectors
; and say that no sectors were read yet.
mov ecx, [numsectors]
mov eax, [ecx]
mov dword [ecx], 0
mov [sectors_todo], eax
; 2. Acquire the global lock.
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_lock
; 3. Convert parameters to the form suitable for worker procedures.
; Underlying procedures do not know about 64-bit sectors.
; Worker procedures use global variables and edi for [buffer].
cmp dword [startsector+4], 0
jnz .fail
and [hd_error], 0
mov eax, [userdata]
mov [hdpos], eax
mov eax, dword [startsector]
mov edi, [buffer]
; 4. Worker procedures take one sectors per time, so loop over all sectors to read.
call bd_read
cmp [hd_error], 0
jnz .fail
mov ecx, [numsectors]
inc dword [ecx] ; one more sector is read
dec [sectors_todo]
jz .done
inc eax
jnz .sectors_loop
; 5. Loop is done, either due to error or because everything is done.
; Release the global lock and return the corresponding status.
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_unlock
or eax, -1
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
proc bd_write_interface stdcall uses esi edi, \
userdata, buffer, startsector:qword, numsectors
; userdata = old [hdpos] = 80h + index in NumBiosDisks
; buffer = pointer to buffer with data
; startsector = 64-bit start sector
; numsectors = pointer to number of sectors on input,
; must be filled with number of sectors really written
sectors_todo dd ?
; 1. Initialize number of sectors: get number of requested sectors
; and say that no sectors were read yet.
mov ecx, [numsectors]
mov eax, [ecx]
mov dword [ecx], 0
mov [sectors_todo], eax
; 2. Acquire the global lock.
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_lock
; 3. Convert parameters to the form suitable for worker procedures.
; Underlying procedures do not know about 64-bit sectors.
; Worker procedures use global variables and esi for [buffer].
cmp dword [startsector+4], 0
jnz .fail
and [hd_error], 0
mov eax, [userdata]
mov [hdpos], eax
mov esi, [buffer]
lea edi, [startsector]
mov [cache_chain_ptr], edi
; 4. Worker procedures take max 16 sectors per time,
; loop until all sectors will be processed.
mov ecx, 16
cmp ecx, [sectors_todo]
jbe @f
mov ecx, [sectors_todo]
mov [cache_chain_size], cl
call bd_write_cache_chain
cmp [hd_error], 0
jnz .fail
movzx ecx, [cache_chain_size]
mov eax, [numsectors]
add [eax], ecx
sub [sectors_todo], ecx
jz .done
add [edi], ecx
jc .fail
shl ecx, 9
add esi, ecx
jmp .sectors_loop
; 5. Loop is done, either due to error or because everything is done.
; Release the global lock and return the corresponding status.
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_unlock
or eax, -1
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
; This is a stub.
proc bd_querymedia stdcall, hd_data, mediainfo
mov eax, [mediainfo]
mov [eax+DISKMEDIAINFO.Flags], 0
mov [eax+DISKMEDIAINFO.SectorSize], 512
or dword [eax+DISKMEDIAINFO.Capacity], 0xFFFFFFFF
or dword [eax+DISKMEDIAINFO.Capacity+4], 0xFFFFFFFF
xor eax, eax
; \begin{diamond}
bios_hdpos dd 0 ; 0 is invalid value for [hdpos]
bios_cur_sector dd ?
bios_read_len dd ?
align 4
push eax
push edx
mov edx, [bios_hdpos]
cmp edx, [hdpos]
jne .notread
mov edx, [bios_cur_sector]
cmp eax, edx
jb .notread
add edx, [bios_read_len]
dec edx
cmp eax, edx
ja .notread
sub eax, [bios_cur_sector]
shl eax, 9
add eax, (OS_BASE+0x9A000)
push ecx esi
mov esi, eax
mov ecx, 512/4
rep movsd
pop esi ecx
pop edx
pop eax
push ecx
mov dl, 42h
mov ecx, 16
call int13_call
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jnz .v86err
test edx, edx
jz .readerr
mov [bios_read_len], edx
mov edx, [hdpos]
mov [bios_hdpos], edx
pop edx
pop eax
mov [bios_cur_sector], eax
jmp bd_read
mov [hd_error], 1
jmp hd_read_error
align 4
mov edi, OS_BASE + 0x9A000
movzx ecx, [cache_chain_size]
push ecx
shl ecx, 9-2
rep movsd
pop ecx
mov dl, 43h
mov eax, [cache_chain_ptr]
mov eax, [eax]
call int13_call
test eax, eax
jnz .v86err
cmp edx, ecx
jnz .writeerr
mov [hd_error], 1
jmp hd_write_error
int13_regs_in rb sizeof.v86_regs
int13_regs_out rb sizeof.v86_regs
align 4
; Because this code uses fixed addresses,
; it can not be run simultaniously by many threads.
; In current implementation it is protected by common mutex 'ide_status'
mov word [OS_BASE + 510h], 10h ; packet length
mov word [OS_BASE + 512h], cx ; number of sectors
mov dword [OS_BASE + 514h], 9A000000h ; buffer 9A00:0000
mov dword [OS_BASE + 518h], eax
and dword [OS_BASE + 51Ch], 0
push ebx ecx esi edi
mov ebx, int13_regs_in
mov edi, ebx
mov ecx, sizeof.v86_regs/4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov byte [ebx+v86_regs.eax+1], dl
mov eax, [hdpos]
lea eax, [BiosDisksData+(eax-80h)*4]
mov dl, [eax]
mov byte [ebx+v86_regs.edx], dl
movzx edx, byte [eax+1]
; mov dl, 5
test edx, edx
jnz .hasirq
dec edx
jmp @f
stdcall enable_irq, edx
mov word [ebx+v86_regs.esi], 510h
mov word [], 9000h
mov word [ebx+v86_regs.esp], 0A000h
mov word [ebx+v86_regs.eip], 500h
mov [ebx+v86_regs.eflags], 20200h
mov esi, [sys_v86_machine]
mov ecx, 0x502
push fs
call v86_start
pop fs
and [bios_hdpos], 0
pop edi esi ecx ebx
movzx edx, byte [OS_BASE + 512h]
test byte [int13_regs_out+v86_regs.eflags], 1
jnz @f
mov edx, ecx
; \end{diamond}
0,0 → 1,953
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3742 $
; Непосредственная работа с устройством СD (ATAPI)
; Автор части исходного текста Кулаков Владимир Геннадьевич
; Адаптация, доработка и разработка Mario79,<Lrz>
; Максимальное количество повторений операции чтения
MaxRetr equ 10
; Предельное время ожидания готовности к приему команды
; (в тиках)
BSYWaitTime equ 1000 ;2
NoTickWaitTime equ 0xfffff
CDBlockSize equ 2048
;* Многократное повторение чтения при сбоях *
; input : eax = block to read
; ebx = destination
mov eax, [CDSectorAddress]
mov ebx, [CDDataBuf_pointer]
call cd_calculate_cache
xor edi, edi
add esi, 8
inc edi
; cmp dword [esi+4],0 ; empty
; je .nohdcache
cmp [esi], eax ; correct sector
je .yeshdcache
add esi, 8
inc edi
dec ecx
jnz .hdreadcache
call find_empty_slot_CD_cache ; ret in edi
push edi
push eax
call cd_calculate_cache_2
shl edi, 11
add edi, eax
mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], edi
pop eax
pop edi
call ReadCDWRetr_1
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne .exit
mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], ebx
call cd_calculate_cache_1
lea esi, [edi*8+esi]
mov [esi], eax ; sector number
; mov dword [esi+4],1 ; hd read - mark as same as in hd
mov esi, edi
shl esi, 11;9
push eax
call cd_calculate_cache_2
add esi, eax
pop eax
mov edi, ebx;[CDDataBuf_pointer]
mov ecx, 512;/4
rep movsd ; move data
; Цикл, пока команда не выполнена успешно или не
; исчерпано количество попыток
mov ECX, MaxRetr
; Подать команду
;* Считываются данные пользователя, информация *
;* субканала и контрольная информация *
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* перменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала; *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска на канале; *
;* CDSectorAddress - адрес считываемого сектора. *
;* Данные считывается в массив CDDataBuf. *
push ecx
; pusha
; Задать размер сектора
; mov [CDBlockSize],2048 ;2352
; Очистить буфер пакетной команды
call clear_packet_buffer
; Сформировать пакетную команду для считывания
; сектора данных
; Задать код команды Read CD
mov [PacketCommand], byte 0x28;0xBE
; Задать адрес сектора
mov AX, word [CDSectorAddress+2]
xchg AL, AH
mov word [PacketCommand+2], AX
mov AX, word [CDSectorAddress]
xchg AL, AH
mov word [PacketCommand+4], AX
; mov eax,[CDSectorAddress]
; mov [PacketCommand+2],eax
; Задать количество считываемых секторов
mov [PacketCommand+8], byte 1
; Задать считывание данных в полном объеме
; mov [PacketCommand+9],byte 0xF8
; Подать команду
call SendPacketDatCommand
pop ecx
; ret
; cmp [DevErrorCode],0
test eax, eax
jz @@End_4
or ecx, ecx ;{SPraid.simba} (for cd load)
jz @@End_4
dec ecx
cmp [timer_ticks_enable], 0
jne @f
mov eax, NoTickWaitTime
dec eax
; test eax,eax
jz @@NextRetr
jmp .wait
; Задержка на 2,5 секунды
; mov EAX,[timer_ticks]
; add EAX,50 ;250
; call change_task
; cmp EAX,[timer_ticks]
; ja @@Wait
loop @@NextRetr
mov dword [DevErrorCode], eax
; Универсальные процедуры, обеспечивающие выполнение
; пакетных команд в режиме PIO
; Максимально допустимое время ожидания реакции
; устройства на пакетную команду (в тиках)
MaxCDWaitTime equ 1000 ;200 ;10 секунд
; Область памяти для формирования пакетной команды
rb 12 ;DB 12 DUP (?)
; Область памяти для приема данных от дисковода
;CDDataBuf DB 4096 DUP (0)
; Размер принимаемого блока данных в байтах
;CDBlockSize DW ?
; Адрес считываемого сектора данных
DD ?
; Время начала очередной операции с диском
TickCounter_1 DD 0
; Время начала ожидания готовности устройства
WURStartTime DD 0
; указатель буфера для считывания
CDDataBuf_pointer dd 0
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* перменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала; *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска на канале; *
;* PacketCommand - 12-байтный командный пакет; *
;* CDBlockSize - размер принимаемого блока данных. *
; return eax DevErrorCode
xor eax, eax
; mov byte [DevErrorCode],al
; Задать режим CHS
mov byte [ATAAddressMode], al
; Послать ATA-команду передачи пакетной команды
mov byte [ATAFeatures], al
mov byte [ATASectorCount], al
mov byte [ATASectorNumber], al
; Загрузить размер передаваемого блока
mov [ATAHead], al
; mov AX,[CDBlockSize]
mov [ATACylinder], CDBlockSize
mov [ATACommand], 0A0h
call SendCommandToHDD_1
test eax, eax
; cmp [DevErrorCode],0 ;проверить код ошибки
jnz @@End_8 ;закончить, сохранив код ошибки
; Ожидание готовности дисковода к приему
; пакетной команды
mov DX, [ATABasePortAddr]
add DX, 7 ;порт 1х7h
mov ecx, NoTickWaitTime
cmp [timer_ticks_enable], 0
jne @f
dec ecx
; test ecx,ecx
jz @@Err1_1
jmp .test
call change_task
; Проверить время выполнения команды
mov EAX, [timer_ticks]
sub EAX, [TickCounter_1]
cmp EAX, BSYWaitTime
ja @@Err1_1 ;ошибка тайм-аута
; Проверить готовность
in AL, DX
test AL, 80h ;состояние сигнала BSY
jnz @@WaitDevice0
test AL, 1 ;состояние сигнала ERR
jnz @@Err6
test AL, 08h ;состояние сигнала DRQ
jz @@WaitDevice0
; Послать пакетную команду
mov DX, [ATABasePortAddr]
mov AX, [PacketCommand]
out DX, AX
mov AX, [PacketCommand+2]
out DX, AX
mov AX, [PacketCommand+4]
out DX, AX
mov AX, [PacketCommand+6]
out DX, AX
mov AX, [PacketCommand+8]
out DX, AX
mov AX, [PacketCommand+10]
out DX, AX
; Ожидание готовности данных
mov DX, [ATABasePortAddr]
add DX, 7 ;порт 1х7h
mov ecx, NoTickWaitTime
cmp [timer_ticks_enable], 0
jne @f
dec ecx
; test ecx,ecx
jz @@Err1_1
jmp .test_1
call change_task
; Проверить время выполнения команды
mov EAX, [timer_ticks]
sub EAX, [TickCounter_1]
cmp EAX, MaxCDWaitTime
ja @@Err1_1 ;ошибка тайм-аута
; Проверить готовность
in AL, DX
test AL, 80h ;состояние сигнала BSY
jnz @@WaitDevice1
test AL, 1 ;состояние сигнала ERR
jnz @@Err6_temp
test AL, 08h ;состояние сигнала DRQ
jz @@WaitDevice1
; Принять блок данных от контроллера
mov EDI, [CDDataBuf_pointer];0x7000 ;CDDataBuf
; Загрузить адрес регистра данных контроллера
mov DX, [ATABasePortAddr];порт 1x0h
; Загрузить в счетчик размер блока в байтах
xor ecx, ecx
mov CX, CDBlockSize
; Вычислить размер блока в 16-разрядных словах
shr CX, 1;разделить размер блока на 2
; Принять блок данных
rep insw
; Успешное завершение приема данных
xor eax, eax
; Записать код ошибки
xor eax, eax
inc eax
; mov [DevErrorCode],1
; ret
mov eax, 7
; mov [DevErrorCode],7
; ret
mov eax, 6
; mov [DevErrorCode],6
; ret
;* Входные параметры передаются через *
;* глобальные перменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала; *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска на канале; *
;* PacketCommand - 12-байтный командный пакет. *
xor eax, eax
; mov byte [DevErrorCode],al
; Задать режим CHS
mov byte [ATAAddressMode], al
; Послать ATA-команду передачи пакетной команды
mov byte [ATAFeatures], al
mov byte [ATASectorCount], al
mov byte [ATASectorNumber], al
mov word [ATACylinder], ax
mov byte [ATAHead], al
mov [ATACommand], 0A0h
call SendCommandToHDD_1
; cmp [DevErrorCode],0 ;проверить код ошибки
test eax, eax
jnz @@End_9 ;закончить, сохранив код ошибки
; Ожидание готовности дисковода к приему
; пакетной команды
mov DX, [ATABasePortAddr]
add DX, 7 ;порт 1х7h
call change_task
; Проверить время ожидания
mov EAX, [timer_ticks]
sub EAX, [TickCounter_1]
cmp EAX, BSYWaitTime
ja @@Err1_3 ;ошибка тайм-аута
; Проверить готовность
in AL, DX
test AL, 80h ;состояние сигнала BSY
jnz @@WaitDevice0_1
test AL, 1 ;состояние сигнала ERR
jnz @@Err6_1
test AL, 08h ;состояние сигнала DRQ
jz @@WaitDevice0_1
; Послать пакетную команду
; cli
mov DX, [ATABasePortAddr]
mov AX, word [PacketCommand]
out DX, AX
mov AX, word [PacketCommand+2]
out DX, AX
mov AX, word [PacketCommand+4]
out DX, AX
mov AX, word [PacketCommand+6]
out DX, AX
mov AX, word [PacketCommand+8]
out DX, AX
mov AX, word [PacketCommand+10]
out DX, AX
; sti
cmp [ignore_CD_eject_wait], 1
je @@clear_DEC
; Ожидание подтверждения приема команды
mov DX, [ATABasePortAddr]
add DX, 7 ;порт 1х7h
call change_task
; Проверить время выполнения команды
mov EAX, [timer_ticks]
sub EAX, [TickCounter_1]
cmp EAX, MaxCDWaitTime
ja @@Err1_3 ;ошибка тайм-аута
; Ожидать освобождения устройства
in AL, DX
test AL, 80h ;состояние сигнала BSY
jnz @@WaitDevice1_1
test AL, 1 ;состояние сигнала ERR
jnz @@Err6_1
test AL, 40h ;состояние сигнала DRDY
jz @@WaitDevice1_1
and [DevErrorCode], 0
; Записать код ошибки
xor eax, eax
inc eax
jmp @@End_9
mov eax, 6
mov [DevErrorCode], eax
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* переменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала (1 или 2); *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска (0 или 1); *
;* ATAFeatures - "особенности"; *
;* ATASectorCount - количество секторов; *
;* ATASectorNumber - номер начального сектора; *
;* ATACylinder - номер начального цилиндра; *
;* ATAHead - номер начальной головки; *
;* ATAAddressMode - режим адресации (0-CHS, 1-LBA); *
;* ATACommand - код команды. *
;* После успешного выполнения функции: *
;* в ATABasePortAddr - базовый адрес HDD; *
;* в DevErrorCode - ноль. *
;* При возникновении ошибки в DevErrorCode будет *
;* возвращен код ошибки в eax *
; pushad
; mov [DevErrorCode],0 not need
; Проверить значение кода режима
cmp [ATAAddressMode], 1
ja @@Err2_4
; Проверить корректность номера канала
mov BX, [ChannelNumber]
cmp BX, 1
jb @@Err3_4
cmp BX, 2
ja @@Err3_4
; Установить базовый адрес
dec BX
shl BX, 1
movzx ebx, bx
mov AX, [ebx+StandardATABases]
mov [ATABasePortAddr], AX
; Ожидание готовности HDD к приему команды
; Выбрать нужный диск
mov DX, [ATABasePortAddr]
add DX, 6 ;адрес регистра головок
mov AL, [DiskNumber]
cmp AL, 1 ;проверить номера диска
ja @@Err4_4
shl AL, 4
or AL, 10100000b
out DX, AL
; Ожидать, пока диск не будет готов
inc DX
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
mov [TickCounter_1], eax
mov ecx, NoTickWaitTime
cmp [timer_ticks_enable], 0
jne @f
dec ecx
; test ecx,ecx
jz @@Err1_4
jmp .test
call change_task
; Проверить время ожидания
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
sub eax, [TickCounter_1]
cmp eax, BSYWaitTime;300 ;ожидать 3 сек.
ja @@Err1_4 ;ошибка тайм-аута
; Прочитать регистр состояния
in AL, DX
; Проверить состояние сигнала BSY
test AL, 80h
jnz @@WaitHDReady_2
; Проверить состояние сигнала DRQ
test AL, 08h
jnz @@WaitHDReady_2
; Загрузить команду в регистры контроллера
mov DX, [ATABasePortAddr]
inc DX ;регистр "особенностей"
mov AL, [ATAFeatures]
out DX, AL
inc DX ;счетчик секторов
mov AL, [ATASectorCount]
out DX, AL
inc DX ;регистр номера сектора
mov AL, [ATASectorNumber]
out DX, AL
inc DX ;номер цилиндра (младший байт)
mov AX, [ATACylinder]
out DX, AL
inc DX ;номер цилиндра (старший байт)
mov AL, AH
out DX, AL
inc DX ;номер головки/номер диска
mov AL, [DiskNumber]
shl AL, 4
cmp [ATAHead], 0Fh;проверить номер головки
ja @@Err5_4
or AL, [ATAHead]
or AL, 10100000b
mov AH, [ATAAddressMode]
shl AH, 6
or AL, AH
out DX, AL
; Послать команду
mov AL, [ATACommand]
inc DX ;регистр команд
out DX, AL
; Сбросить признак ошибки
; mov [DevErrorCode],0
xor eax, eax
; Записать код ошибки
xor eax, eax
inc eax
; mov [DevErrorCode],1
mov eax, 2
; mov [DevErrorCode],2
mov eax, 3
; mov [DevErrorCode],3
mov eax, 4
; mov [DevErrorCode],4
mov eax, 5
; mov [DevErrorCode],5
; Завершение работы программы
; sti
; popad
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* перменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала; *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска на канале. *
; Запомнить время начала операции
mov EAX, [timer_ticks]
mov [WURStartTime], EAX
; Очистить буфер пакетной команды
call clear_packet_buffer
; Сформировать команду TEST UNIT READY
mov [PacketCommand], word 00h
mov ecx, NoTickWaitTime
; Подать команду проверки готовности
call SendPacketNoDatCommand
cmp [timer_ticks_enable], 0
jne @f
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
je @@End_11
dec ecx
; cmp ecx,0
jz .Error
jmp @@SendCommand
call change_task
; Проверить код ошибки
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
je @@End_11
; Проверить время ожидания готовности
mov EAX, [timer_ticks]
sub EAX, [WURStartTime]
cmp EAX, MaxCDWaitTime
jb @@SendCommand
; Ошибка тайм-аута
mov [DevErrorCode], 1
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* перменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала; *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска на канале. *
; Очистить буфер пакетной команды
call clear_packet_buffer
; Задать код команды
mov [PacketCommand], byte 0x1E
; Задать код запрета
mov [PacketCommand+4], byte 11b
; Подать команду
call SendPacketNoDatCommand
mov eax, ATAPI_IDE0_lock
add eax, [cdpos]
dec eax
mov [eax], byte 1
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* перменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала; *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска на канале. *
; Очистить буфер пакетной команды
call clear_packet_buffer
; Задать код команды
mov [PacketCommand], byte 0x1E
; Задать код запрета
mov [PacketCommand+4], byte 00b
; Подать команду
call SendPacketNoDatCommand
mov eax, ATAPI_IDE0_lock
add eax, [cdpos]
dec eax
mov [eax], byte 0
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* перменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала; *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска на канале. *
; Очистить буфер пакетной команды
call clear_packet_buffer
; Сформировать команду START/STOP UNIT
; Задать код команды
mov [PacketCommand], word 1Bh
; Задать операцию загрузки носителя
mov [PacketCommand+4], word 00000011b
; Подать команду
call SendPacketNoDatCommand
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* перменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала; *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска на канале. *
; Очистить буфер пакетной команды
call clear_packet_buffer
; Сформировать команду START/STOP UNIT
; Задать код команды
mov [PacketCommand], word 1Bh
; Задать операцию извлечения носителя
mov [PacketCommand+4], word 00000010b
; Подать команду
call SendPacketNoDatCommand
;* Проверить событие нажатия кнопки извлечения *
;* диска *
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* переменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала; *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска на канале. *
proc check_ATAPI_device_event_has_work?
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
sub eax, [timer_ATAPI_check]
cmp eax, 100
jb .no
xor eax, eax
inc eax
xor eax, eax
align 4
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
sub eax, [timer_ATAPI_check]
cmp eax, 100
jb .end_1
mov al, [DRIVE_DATA+1]
and al, 11b
cmp al, 10b
jz .ide3
mov al, [DRIVE_DATA+1]
and al, 1100b
cmp al, 1000b
jz .ide2
mov al, [DRIVE_DATA+1]
and al, 110000b
cmp al, 100000b
jz .ide1
mov al, [DRIVE_DATA+1]
and al, 11000000b
cmp al, 10000000b
jz .ide0
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
mov [timer_ATAPI_check], eax
cmp [ATAPI_IDE3_lock], 1
jne .ide2_1
cmp [IDE_Channel_2], 0
jne .ide1_1
cmp [cd_status], 0
jne .end
mov [IDE_Channel_2], 1
mov ecx, ide_channel2_mutex
call mutex_lock
call reserve_ok2
mov [ChannelNumber], 2
mov [DiskNumber], 1
mov [cdpos], 4
call GetEvent_StatusNotification
cmp [CDDataBuf+4], byte 1
je .eject_ide3
jmp .ide2_1
call .eject
jmp .ide2_1
cmp [ATAPI_IDE2_lock], 1
jne .ide1_1
cmp [IDE_Channel_2], 0
jne .ide1_1
cmp [cd_status], 0
jne .end
mov [IDE_Channel_2], 1
mov ecx, ide_channel2_mutex
call mutex_lock
call reserve_ok2
mov [ChannelNumber], 2
mov [DiskNumber], 0
mov [cdpos], 3
call GetEvent_StatusNotification
cmp [CDDataBuf+4], byte 1
je .eject_ide2
jmp .ide1_1
call .eject
jmp .ide1_1
cmp [ATAPI_IDE1_lock], 1
jne .ide0_1
cmp [IDE_Channel_1], 0
jne .end
cmp [cd_status], 0
jne .end
mov [IDE_Channel_1], 1
mov ecx, ide_channel1_mutex
call mutex_lock
call reserve_ok2
mov [ChannelNumber], 1
mov [DiskNumber], 1
mov [cdpos], 2
call GetEvent_StatusNotification
cmp [CDDataBuf+4], byte 1
je .eject_ide1
jmp .ide0_1
call .eject
jmp .ide0_1
cmp [ATAPI_IDE0_lock], 1
jne .end
cmp [IDE_Channel_1], 0
jne .end
cmp [cd_status], 0
jne .end
mov [IDE_Channel_1], 1
mov ecx, ide_channel1_mutex
call mutex_lock
call reserve_ok2
mov [ChannelNumber], 1
mov [DiskNumber], 0
mov [cdpos], 1
call GetEvent_StatusNotification
cmp [CDDataBuf+4], byte 1
je .eject_ide0
jmp .end
call .eject
jmp .end
call clear_CD_cache
call allow_medium_removal
mov [ignore_CD_eject_wait], 1
call EjectMedium
mov [ignore_CD_eject_wait], 0
timer_ATAPI_check dd 0
ATAPI_IDE0_lock db 0
ATAPI_IDE1_lock db 0
ATAPI_IDE2_lock db 0
ATAPI_IDE3_lock db 0
ignore_CD_eject_wait db 0
;* Получить сообщение о событии или состоянии *
;* устройства *
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* переменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала; *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска на канале. *
mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], CDDataBuf
; Очистить буфер пакетной команды
call clear_packet_buffer
; Задать код команды
mov [PacketCommand], byte 4Ah
mov [PacketCommand+1], byte 00000001b
; Задать запрос класса сообщений
mov [PacketCommand+4], byte 00010000b
; Размер выделенной области
mov [PacketCommand+7], byte 8h
mov [PacketCommand+8], byte 0h
; Подать команду
call SendPacketDatCommand
; прочитать информацию из TOC
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* переменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала; *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска на канале. *
mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], CDDataBuf
; Очистить буфер пакетной команды
call clear_packet_buffer
; Сформировать пакетную команду для считывания
; сектора данных
mov [PacketCommand], byte 0x43
; Задать формат
mov [PacketCommand+2], byte 1
; Размер выделенной области
mov [PacketCommand+7], byte 0xFF
mov [PacketCommand+8], byte 0h
; Подать команду
call SendPacketDatCommand
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* переменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала; *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска на канале. *
; pusha
;; Очистить буфер пакетной команды
; call clear_packet_buffer
;; Задать размер буфера в байтах
; mov [CDBlockSize],8
;; Сформировать команду READ CAPACITY
; mov [PacketCommand],word 25h
;; Подать команду
; call SendPacketDatCommand
; popa
; ret
; Очистить буфер пакетной команды
and [PacketCommand], dword 0
and [PacketCommand+4], dword 0
and [PacketCommand+8], dword 0
0,0 → 1,271
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) MenuetOS 2000-2004 Ville Mikael Turjanmaa ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
cmp word [cdbase], word 0
jnz @f
mov eax, 1
; eax=1 cdplay at ebx 0x00FFSSMM
; eax=2 get tracklist size of ecx to [ebx]
; eax=3 stop/pause playing
cmp eax, 1
jnz nocdp
call sys_cdplay
cmp eax, 2
jnz nocdtl
mov edi, [TASK_BASE]
add edi, TASKDATA.mem_start
add ebx, [edi]
call sys_cdtracklist
cmp eax, 3
jnz nocdpause
call sys_cdpause
mov eax, 0xffffff01
mov dx, word [cdbase]
add dx, 6
mov ax, word [cdid]
out dx, al
mov esi, 10
call delay_ms
mov dx, word [cdbase]
add dx, 7
in al, dx
and al, 0x80
cmp al, 0
jnz res
jmp cdl6
mov dx, word [cdbase]
add dx, 7
mov al, 0x8
out dx, al
mov dx, word [cdbase]
add dx, 0x206
mov al, 0xe
out dx, al
mov esi, 1
call delay_ms
mov dx, word [cdbase]
add dx, 0x206
mov al, 0x8
out dx, al
mov esi, 30
call delay_ms
xor cx, cx
inc cx
cmp cx, 10
jz cdl6
mov dx, word [cdbase]
add dx, 7
in al, dx
and al, 0x88
cmp al, 0x00
jz cdl5
mov esi, 100
call delay_ms
jmp cdl5
mov dx, word [cdbase]
add dx, 4
mov al, 0
out dx, al
mov dx, word [cdbase]
add dx, 5
mov al, 0
out dx, al
mov dx, word [cdbase]
add dx, 7
mov al, 0xec
out dx, al
mov esi, 5
call delay_ms
mov dx, word [cdbase]
add dx, 1
mov al, 0
out dx, al
add dx, 1
mov al, 0
out dx, al
add dx, 1
mov al, 0
out dx, al
add dx, 1
mov al, 0
out dx, al
add dx, 1
mov al, 128
out dx, al
add dx, 2
mov al, 0xa0
out dx, al
xor cx, cx
mov dx, word [cdbase]
add dx, 7
inc cx
cmp cx, 100
jz cdl2
in al, dx
and ax, 0x88
cmp al, 0x8
jz cdl2
mov esi, 2
call delay_ms
jmp cdl1
mov ax, 5
push ax
push ebx
call sys_cd_atapi_command
mov dx, word [cdbase]
mov ax, 0x0047
out dx, ax
mov al, 1
mov ah, [esp+0]; min xx
out dx, ax
mov ax, [esp+1]; fr sec
out dx, ax
mov ax, 256+99
out dx, ax
mov ax, 0x0001
out dx, ax
mov ax, 0x0000
out dx, ax
mov esi, 10
call delay_ms
add dx, 7
in al, dx
test al, 1
jz cdplayok
mov ax, [esp+4]
dec ax
mov [esp+4], ax
cmp ax, 0
jz cdplayfail
jmp cdplay
pop ebx
pop ax
xor eax, eax
push ebx
call sys_cd_atapi_command
mov dx, word [cdbase]
mov ax, 0x43+2*256
out dx, ax
mov ax, 0x0
out dx, ax
mov ax, 0x0
out dx, ax
mov ax, 0x0
out dx, ax
mov ax, 200
out dx, ax
mov ax, 0x0
out dx, ax
in al, dx
mov cx, 1000
mov dx, word [cdbase]
add dx, 7
mov esi, 10
call delay_ms
in al, dx
and al, 128
cmp al, 0
jz cdtrl1
loop cdtrnwewait
; read the result
mov ecx, [esp+0]
mov dx, word [cdbase]
add dx, 7
in al, dx
and al, 8
cmp al, 8
jnz cdtrdone
sub dx, 7
in ax, dx
mov [ecx], ax
add ecx, 2
jmp cdtrread
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
call sys_cd_atapi_command
mov dx, word [cdbase]
mov ax, 0x004B
out dx, ax
mov ax, 0
out dx, ax
mov ax, 0
out dx, ax
mov ax, 0
out dx, ax
mov ax, 0
out dx, ax
mov ax, 0
out dx, ax
mov esi, 10
call delay_ms
add dx, 7
in al, dx
xor eax, eax
0,0 → 1,1330
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2011-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4273 $
; =============================================================================
; ================================= Constants =================================
; =============================================================================
; Error codes for callback functions.
DISK_STATUS_OK = 0 ; success
DISK_STATUS_GENERAL_ERROR = -1; if no other code is suitable
DISK_STATUS_INVALID_CALL = 1 ; invalid input parameters
DISK_STATUS_NO_MEDIA = 2 ; no media present
DISK_STATUS_END_OF_MEDIA = 3 ; end of media while reading/writing data
; Driver flags. Represent bits in DISK.DriverFlags.
; Media flags. Represent bits in DISKMEDIAINFO.Flags.
; If too many partitions are detected,there is probably an error on the disk.
; 256 partitions should be enough for any reasonable use.
; Also, the same number is limiting the number of MBRs to process; if
; too many MBRs are visible,there probably is a loop in the MBR structure.
; =============================================================================
; ================================ Structures =================================
; =============================================================================
; This structure defines all callback functions for working with the physical
; device. They are implemented by a driver. Objects with this structure reside
; in a driver.
strucsize dd ?
; Size of the structure. This field is intended for possible extensions of
; this structure. If a new function is added to this structure and a driver
; implements an old version, the caller can detect this by checking .strucsize,
; so the driver remains compatible.
close dd ?
; The pointer to the function which frees all driver-specific resources for
; the disk.
; Optional, may be NULL.
; void close(void* userdata);
closemedia dd ?
; The pointer to the function which informs the driver that the kernel has
; finished all processing with the current media. If media is removed, the
; driver should decline all requests to that media with DISK_STATUS_NO_MEDIA,
; even if new media is inserted, until this function is called. If media is
; removed, a new call to 'disk_media_changed' is not allowed until this
; function is called.
; Optional, may be NULL (if media is not removable).
; void closemedia(void* userdata);
querymedia dd ?
; The pointer to the function which determines capabilities of the media.
; int querymedia(void* userdata, DISKMEDIAINFO* info);
; Return value: one of DISK_STATUS_*
read dd ?
; The pointer to the function which reads data from the device.
; int read(void* userdata, void* buffer, __int64 startsector, int* numsectors);
; input: *numsectors = number of sectors to read
; output: *numsectors = number of sectors which were successfully read
; Return value: one of DISK_STATUS_*
write dd ?
; The pointer to the function which writes data to the device.
; Optional, may be NULL.
; int write(void* userdata, void* buffer, __int64 startsector, int* numsectors);
; input: *numsectors = number of sectors to write
; output: *numsectors = number of sectors which were successfully written
; Return value: one of DISK_STATUS_*
flush dd ?
; The pointer to the function which flushes the internal device cache.
; Optional, may be NULL.
; int flush(void* userdata);
; Return value: one of DISK_STATUS_*
; Note that read/write are called by the cache manager, so a driver should not
; create a software cache. This function is implemented for flushing a hardware
; cache, if it exists.
adjust_cache_size dd ?
; The pointer to the function which returns the cache size for this device.
; Optional, may be NULL.
; unsigned int adjust_cache_size(unsigned int suggested_size);
; Return value: 0 = disable cache, otherwise = used cache size in bytes.
; This structure holds information on a medium.
; Objects with this structure are allocated by the kernel as a part of the DISK
; structure and are filled by a driver in the 'querymedia' callback.
Flags dd ?
; Combination of DISK_MEDIA_* bits.
SectorSize dd ?
; Size of the sector.
Capacity dq ?
; Size of the media in sectors.
; This structure represents the disk cache. To follow the old implementation,
; there are two distinct caches for a disk, one for "system" data,and the other
; for "application" data.
mutex MUTEX
; Lock to protect the cache.
; The following fields are inherited from
pointer dd ?
data_size dd ? ; unused
data dd ?
sad_size dd ?
search_start dd ?
; This structure represents a disk device and its media for the kernel.
; This structure is allocated by the kernel in the 'disk_add' function,
; freed in the 'disk_dereference' function.
struct DISK
; Fields of disk object
Next dd ?
Prev dd ?
; All disk devices are linked in one list with these two fields.
; Head of the list is the 'disk_list' variable.
Functions dd ?
; Pointer to the 'DISKFUNC' structure with driver functions.
Name dd ?
; Pointer to the string used for accesses through the global filesystem.
UserData dd ?
; This field is passed to all callback functions so a driver can decide which
; physical device is addressed.
DriverFlags dd ?
; Bitfield. Currently only DISK_NO_INSERT_NOTIFICATION bit is defined.
; If it is set, the driver will never issue 'disk_media_changed' notification
; with argument set to true, so the kernel must try to detect media during
; requests from the file system.
RefCount dd ?
; Count of active references to this structure. One reference is kept during
; the lifetime of the structure between 'disk_add' and 'disk_del'.
; Another reference is taken during any filesystem operation for this disk.
; One reference is added if media is inserted.
; The structure is destroyed when the reference count decrements to zero:
; this usually occurs in 'disk_del', but can be delayed to the end of last
; filesystem operation, if one is active.
MediaLock MUTEX
; Lock to protect the MEDIA structure. See the description after
; 'disk_list_mutex' for the locking strategy.
; Fields of media object
MediaInserted db ?
; 0 if media is not inserted, nonzero otherwise.
MediaUsed db ?
; 0 if media fields are not used, nonzero otherwise. If .MediaRefCount is
; nonzero, this field is nonzero too; however, when .MediaRefCount goes
; to zero, there is some time interval during which media object is still used.
dw ? ; padding
; The following fields are not valid unless either .MediaInserted is nonzero
; or they are accessed from a code which has obtained the reference when
; .MediaInserted was nonzero.
MediaRefCount dd ?
; Count of active references to the media object. One reference is kept during
; the lifetime of the media between two calls to 'disk_media_changed'.
; Another reference is taken during any filesystem operation for this media.
; The callback 'closemedia' is called when the reference count decrements to
; zero: this usually occurs in 'disk_media_changed', but can be delayed to the
; end of the last filesystem operation, if one is active.
; This field keeps information on the current media.
NumPartitions dd ?
; Number of partitions on this media.
Partitions dd ?
; Pointer to array of .NumPartitions pointers to PARTITION structures.
cache_size dd ?
; inherited from cache_ideX_size
; Two caches for the disk.
; This structure represents one partition for the kernel. This is a base
; template, the actual contents after common fields is determined by the
; file system code for this partition.
FirstSector dq ?
; First sector of the partition.
Length dq ?
; Length of the partition in sectors.
Disk dd ?
; Pointer to parent DISK structure.
FSUserFunctions dd ?
; Handlers for the sysfunction 70h. This field is a pointer to the following
; array. The first dword is pointer to disconnect handler.
; The first dword is a number of supported subfunctions, other dwords
; point to handlers of corresponding subfunctions.
; ...fs-specific data may follow...
; This is an external structure, it represents an entry in the partition table.
Bootable db ?
; 80h = bootable partition, 0 = non-bootable partition, other values = invalid
FirstHead db ?
FirstSector db ?
FirstTrack db ?
; Coordinates of first sector in CHS.
Type db ?
; Partition type, one of predefined constants. 0 = empty, several types denote
; extended partition (see process_partition_table_entry), we are not interested
; in other values.
LastHead db ?
LastSector db ?
LastTrack db ?
; Coordinates of last sector in CHS.
FirstAbsSector dd ?
; Coordinate of first sector in LBA.
Length dd ?
; Length of the partition in sectors.
; =============================================================================
; ================================ Global data ================================
; =============================================================================
; The pseudo-item for the list of all DISK structures.
; Initialized to the empty list.
dd disk_list
dd disk_list
; This mutex guards all operations with the global list of DISK structures.
disk_list_mutex MUTEX
; * There are two dependent objects, a disk and a media. In the simplest case,
; disk and media are both non-removable. However, in the general case both
; can be removed at any time, simultaneously or only media,and this makes things
; complicated.
; * For efficiency, both disk and media objects are located in the one
; structure named DISK. However, logically they are different.
; * The following operations use data of disk object: adding (disk_add);
; deleting (disk_del); filesystem (fs_lfn which eventually calls
; dyndisk_handler or dyndisk_enum_root).
; * The following operations use data of media object: adding/removing
; (disk_media_changed); filesystem (fs_lfn which eventually calls
; dyndisk_handler; dyndisk_enum_root doesn't work with media).
; * Notifications disk_add, disk_media_changed, disk_del are synchronized
; between themselves, this is a requirement for the driver. However, file
; system operations are asynchronous, can be issued at any time by any
; thread.
; * We must prevent a situation when a filesystem operation thinks that the
; object is still valid but in fact the notification has destroyed the
; object. So we keep a reference counter for both disk and media and destroy
; the object when this counter goes to zero.
; * The driver must know when it is safe to free driver-allocated resources.
; The object can be alive even after death notification has completed.
; We use special callbacks to satisfy both assertions: 'close' for the disk
; and 'closemedia' for the media. The destruction of the object includes
; calling the corresponding callback.
; * Each filesystem operation keeps one reference for the disk and one
; reference for the media. Notification disk_del forces notification on the
; media death, so the reference counter for the disk is always not less than
; the reference counter for the media.
; * Two operations "get the object" and "increment the reference counter" can
; not be done simultaneously. We use a mutex to guard the consistency here.
; It must be a part of the container for the object, so that this mutex can
; be acquired as a part of getting the object from the container. The
; container for disk object is the global list, and this list is guarded by
; 'disk_list_mutex'. The container for media object is the disk object, and
; the corresponding mutex is DISK.MediaLock.
; * Notifications do not change the data of objects, they can only remove
; objects. Thus we don't need another synchronization at this level. If two
; filesystem operations are referencing the same filesystem data, this is
; better resolved at the level of the filesystem.
; The function 'disk_scan_partitions' needs three 512-byte buffers for
; MBR, bootsector and fs-temporary sector data. It can not use the static
; buffers always, since it can be called for two or more disks in parallel.
; However, this case is not typical. We reserve three static 512-byte buffers
; and a flag that these buffers are currently used. If 'disk_scan_partitions'
; detects that the buffers are currently used, it allocates buffers from the
; heap.
; The flag is implemented as a global dword variable. When the static buffers
; are not used, the value is -1. When the static buffers are used, the value
; is normally 0 and temporarily can become greater. The function increments
; this value. If the resulting value is zero, it uses the buffers and
; decrements the value when the job is done. Otherwise, it immediately
; decrements the value and uses buffers from the heap, allocated in the
; beginning and freed in the end.
partition_buffer_users dd -1
; The static buffers for MBR, bootsector and fs-temporary sector data.
align 16
mbr_buffer rb 512
bootsect_buffer rb 512
fs_tmp_buffer rb 512
; This is the array of default implementations of driver callbacks.
; Same as DRIVERFUNC structure except for the first field; all functions must
; have the default implementations.
align 4
dd disk_default_close
dd disk_default_closemedia
dd disk_default_querymedia
dd disk_default_read
dd disk_default_write
dd disk_default_flush
dd disk_default_adjust_cache_size
; =============================================================================
; ================================= Functions =================================
; =============================================================================
; This function registers a disk device.
; This includes:
; - allocating an internal structure describing this device;
; - registering this structure in the global filesystem.
; The function initializes the disk as if there is no media. If a media is
; present, the function 'disk_media_changed' should be called after this
; function succeeds.
; Parameters:
; [esp+4] = pointer to DISKFUNC structure with the callbacks
; [esp+8] = pointer to name (ASCIIZ string)
; [esp+12] = userdata to be passed to the callbacks as is.
; [esp+16] = flags, bitfield. Currently only DISK_NO_INSERT_NOTIFICATION bit
; is defined.
; Return value:
; NULL = operation has failed
; non-NULL = handle of the disk. This handle can be used
; in the operations with other Disk* functions.
; The handle is the pointer to the internal structure DISK.
push ebx esi ; save used registers to be stdcall
; 1. Allocate the DISK structure.
; 1a. Call the heap manager.
movi eax, sizeof.DISK
call malloc
; 1b. Check the result. If allocation failed, return (go to 9) with eax = 0.
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
; 2. Copy the disk name to the DISK structure.
; 2a. Get length of the name, including the terminating zero.
mov ebx, [esp+8+8] ; ebx = pointer to name
push eax ; save allocated pointer to DISK
xor eax, eax ; the argument of malloc() is in eax
inc eax
cmp byte [ebx+eax-1], 0
jnz @b
; 2b. Call the heap manager.
call malloc
; 2c. Check the result. If allocation failed, go to 7.
pop esi ; restore allocated pointer to DISK
test eax, eax
jz .free
; 2d. Store the allocated pointer to the DISK structure.
mov [esi+DISK.Name], eax
; 2e. Copy the name.
mov dl, [ebx]
mov [eax], dl
inc ebx
inc eax
test dl, dl
jnz @b
; 3. Copy other arguments of the function to the DISK structure.
mov eax, [esp+4+8]
mov [esi+DISK.Functions], eax
mov eax, [esp+12+8]
mov [esi+DISK.UserData], eax
mov eax, [esp+16+8]
mov [esi+DISK.DriverFlags], eax
; 4. Initialize other fields of the DISK structure.
; Media is not inserted, reference counter is 1.
lea ecx, [esi+DISK.MediaLock]
call mutex_init
xor eax, eax
mov dword [esi+DISK.MediaInserted], eax
mov [esi+DISK.MediaRefCount], eax
inc eax
mov [esi+DISK.RefCount], eax
; The DISK structure is initialized.
; 5. Insert the new structure to the global list.
; 5a. Acquire the mutex.
mov ecx, disk_list_mutex
call mutex_lock
; 5b. Insert item to the tail of double-linked list.
mov edx, disk_list
list_add_tail esi, edx ;esi= new edx= list head
; 5c. Release the mutex.
call mutex_unlock
; 6. Return with eax = pointer to DISK.
xchg eax, esi
jmp .nothing
; Memory allocation for DISK structure succeeded, but for disk name failed.
; 7. Free the DISK structure.
xchg eax, esi
call free
; 8. Return with eax = 0.
xor eax, eax
; 9. Return.
pop esi ebx ; restore used registers to be stdcall
ret 16 ; purge 4 dword arguments to be stdcall
; This function deletes a disk device from the global filesystem.
; This includes:
; - removing a media including all partitions;
; - deleting this structure from the global filesystem;
; - dereferencing the DISK structure and possibly destroying it.
; Parameters:
; [esp+4] = handle of the disk, i.e. the pointer to the DISK structure.
; Return value: none.
push esi ; save used registers to be stdcall
; 1. Force media to be removed. If the media is already removed, the
; call does nothing.
mov esi, [esp+4+4] ; esi = handle of the disk
stdcall disk_media_changed, esi, 0
; 2. Delete the structure from the global list.
; 2a. Acquire the mutex.
mov ecx, disk_list_mutex
call mutex_lock
; 2b. Delete item from double-linked list.
mov eax, [esi+DISK.Next]
mov edx, [esi+DISK.Prev]
mov [eax+DISK.Prev], edx
mov [edx+DISK.Next], eax
; 2c. Release the mutex.
call mutex_unlock
; 3. The structure still has one reference created in disk_add. Remove this
; reference. If there are no other references, disk_dereference will free the
; structure.
call disk_dereference
; 4. Return.
pop esi ; restore used registers to be stdcall
ret 4 ; purge 1 dword argument to be stdcall
; This is an internal function which removes a previously obtained reference
; to the disk. If this is the last reference, this function lets the driver
; finalize all associated data, and afterwards frees the DISK structure.
; esi = pointer to DISK structure
; 1. Decrement reference counter. Use atomic operation to correctly handle
; possible simultaneous calls.
lock dec [esi+DISK.RefCount]
; 2. If the result is nonzero, there are other references, so nothing to do.
; In this case, return (go to 4).
jnz .nothing
; 3. If we are here, we just removed the last reference and must destroy the
; disk object.
; 3a. Call the driver.
mov al, DISKFUNC.close
stdcall disk_call_driver
; 3b. Free the structure.
xchg eax, esi
push ebx
call free
pop ebx
; 4. Return.
; This is an internal function which removes a previously obtained reference
; to the media. If this is the last reference, this function calls 'closemedia'
; callback to signal the driver that the processing has finished and it is safe
; to inform about a new media.
; esi = pointer to DISK structure
; 1. Decrement reference counter. Use atomic operation to correctly handle
; possible simultaneous calls.
lock dec [esi+DISK.MediaRefCount]
; 2. If the result is nonzero, there are other references, so nothing to do.
; In this case, return (go to 4).
jnz .nothing
; 3. If we are here, we just removed the last reference and must destroy the
; media object.
; Note that the same place inside the DISK structure is reused for all media
; objects, so we must guarantee that reusing does not happen while freeing.
; Reusing is only possible when someone processes a new media. There are two
; mutually exclusive variants:
; * driver issues media insert notifications (DISK_NO_INSERT_NOTIFICATION bit
; in DISK.DriverFlags is not set). In this case, we require from the driver
; that such notification (except for the first one) can occur only after a
; call to 'closemedia' callback.
; * driver does not issue media insert notifications. In this case, the kernel
; itself must sometimes check whether media is inserted. We have the flag
; DISK.MediaUsed, visible to the kernel. This flag signals to the other parts
; of kernel that the way is free.
; In the first case other parts of the kernel do not use DISK.MediaUsed, so it
; does not matter when this flag is cleared. In the second case this flag must
; be cleared after all other actions, including call to 'closemedia'.
; 3a. Free all partitions.
push esi edi
mov edi, [esi+DISK.NumPartitions]
mov esi, [esi+DISK.Partitions]
test edi, edi
jz .nofree
mov ecx, [eax+PARTITION.FSUserFunctions]
call dword [ecx]
dec edi
jnz .freeloop
pop edi esi
; 3b. Free the cache.
call disk_free_cache
; 3c. Call the driver.
mov al, DISKFUNC.closemedia
stdcall disk_call_driver
; 3d. Clear the flag.
mov [esi+DISK.MediaUsed], 0
; This function is called by the driver and informs the kernel that the media
; has changed. If the media is non-removable, it is called exactly once
; immediately after 'disk_add' and once from 'disk_del'.
; Parameters:
; [esp+4] = handle of the disk, i.e. the pointer to the DISK structure.
; [esp+8] = new status of the media: zero = no media, nonzero = media inserted.
push ebx esi edi ; save used registers to be stdcall
; 1. Remove the existing media, if it is present.
mov esi, [esp+4+12] ; esi = pointer to DISK
; 1a. Check whether it is present. Since DISK.MediaInserted is changed only
; in this function and calls to this function are synchronized, no lock is
; required for checking.
cmp [esi+DISK.MediaInserted], 0
jz .noremove
; We really need to remove the media.
; 1b. Acquire mutex.
lea ecx, [esi+DISK.MediaLock]
call mutex_lock
; 1c. Clear the flag.
mov [esi+DISK.MediaInserted], 0
; 1d. Release mutex.
call mutex_unlock
; 1e. Remove the "lifetime" reference and possibly destroy the structure.
call disk_media_dereference
; 2. Test whether there is new media.
cmp dword [esp+8+12], 0
jz .noinsert
; Yep, there is.
; 3. Process the new media. We assume that all media fields are available to
; use, see comments in 'disk_media_dereference' (this covers using by previous
; media referencers) and note that calls to this function are synchronized
; (this covers using by new media referencers).
; 3a. Call the 'querymedia' callback.
; .Flags are set to zero for possible future extensions.
lea edx, [esi+DISK.MediaInfo]
and [edx+DISKMEDIAINFO.Flags], 0
mov al, DISKFUNC.querymedia
stdcall disk_call_driver, edx
; 3b. Check the result of the callback. Abort if it failed.
test eax, eax
jnz .noinsert
; 3c. Allocate the cache unless disabled by the driver. Abort if failed.
call disk_init_cache
test al, al
jz .noinsert
; 3d. Acquire the lifetime reference for the media object.
inc [esi+DISK.MediaRefCount]
; 3e. Scan for partitions. Ignore result; the list of partitions is valid even
; on errors.
call disk_scan_partitions
; 3f. Media is inserted and available for use.
inc [esi+DISK.MediaInserted]
; 4. Return.
pop edi esi ebx ; restore used registers to be stdcall
ret 8 ; purge 2 dword arguments to be stdcall
; This function is a thunk for all functions of a disk driver.
; It checks whether the referenced function is implemented in the driver.
; If so, this function jumps to the function in the driver.
; Otherwise, it jumps to the default implementation.
; al = offset of function in the DISKFUNC structure;
; esi = pointer to the DISK structure;
; stack is the same as for the corresponding function except that the
; first parameter (void* userdata) is prepended automatically.
movzx eax, al ; eax = offset of function in the DISKFUNC structure
; 1. Prepend the first argument to the stack.
pop ecx ; ecx = return address
push [esi+DISK.UserData] ; add argument
push ecx ; save return address
; 2. Check that the required function is inside the table. If not, go to 5.
mov ecx, [esi+DISK.Functions]
cmp eax, [ecx+DISKFUNC.strucsize]
jae .default
; 3. Check that the required function is implemented. If not, go to 5.
mov ecx, [ecx+eax]
test ecx, ecx
jz .default
; 4. Jump to the required function.
jmp ecx
; 5. Driver does not implement the required function; use default implementation.
jmp dword [disk_default_callbacks+eax-4]
; The default implementation of DISKFUNC.querymedia.
ret 8
; The default implementation of and DISKFUNC.write.
ret 20
; The default implementation of DISKFUNC.close, DISKFUNC.closemedia and
; DISKFUNC.flush.
xor eax, eax
ret 4
; The default implementation of DISKFUNC.adjust_cache_size.
mov eax, [esp+8]
ret 8
; This is an internal function called from 'disk_media_changed' when a new media
; is detected. It creates the list of partitions for the media.
; If media is not partitioned, then the list consists of one partition which
; covers all the media.
; esi = pointer to the DISK structure.
; 1. Initialize .NumPartitions and .Partitions fields as zeros: empty list.
and [esi+DISK.NumPartitions], 0
and [esi+DISK.Partitions], 0
; 2. Currently we can work only with 512-bytes sectors. Check this restriction.
; The only exception is 2048-bytes CD/DVD, but they are not supported yet by
; this code.
cmp [esi+DISK.MediaInfo.SectorSize], 512
jz .doscan
DEBUGF 1,'K : sector size is %d, only 512 is supported\n',[esi+DISK.MediaInfo.SectorSize]
; 3. Acquire the buffer for MBR and bootsector tests. See the comment before
; the 'partition_buffer_users' variable.
mov ebx, mbr_buffer ; assume the global buffer is free
lock inc [partition_buffer_users]
jz .buffer_acquired ; yes, it is free
lock dec [partition_buffer_users] ; no, we must allocate
stdcall kernel_alloc, 512*3
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
xchg eax, ebx
; MBR/EBRs are organized in the chain. We use a loop over MBR/EBRs, but no
; more than MAX_NUM_PARTITION times.
; 4. Prepare things for the loop.
; ebp will hold the sector number for current MBR/EBR.
; [esp] will hold the sector number for current extended partition, if there
; is one.
; [esp+4] will hold the counter that prevents long loops.
push ebp ; save ebp
push MAX_NUM_PARTITIONS ; the counter of max MBRs to process
xor ebp, ebp ; start from sector zero
push ebp ; no extended partition yet
; 5. Read the current sector.
; Note that 'read' callback operates with 64-bit sector numbers, so we must
; push additional zero as a high dword of sector number.
mov al,
push 1
stdcall disk_call_driver, ebx, ebp, 0, esp
pop ecx
; 6. If the read has failed, abort the loop.
dec ecx
jnz .mbr_failed
; 7. Check the MBR/EBR signature. If it is wrong, abort the loop.
; Soon we will access the partition table which starts at ebx+0x1BE,
; so we can fill its address right now. If we do it now, then the addressing
; [ecx+0x40] is shorter than [ebx+0x1fe]: one-byte offset vs 4-bytes offset.
lea ecx, [ebx+0x1be] ; ecx -> partition table
cmp word [ecx+0x40], 0xaa55
jnz .mbr_failed
; 8. The MBR is treated differently from EBRs. For MBR we additionally need to
; execute step 9 and possibly step 10.
test ebp, ebp
jnz .mbr
; The partition table can be present or not present. In the first case, we just
; read the MBR. In the second case, we just read the bootsector for a
; filesystem.
; The following algorithm is used to distinguish between these cases.
; A. If at least one entry of the partition table is invalid, this is
; a bootsector. See the description of 'is_partition_table_entry' for
; definition of validity.
; B. If all entries are empty (filesystem type field is zero) and the first
; byte is jmp opcode (0EBh or 0E9h), this is a bootsector which happens to
; have zeros in the place of partition table.
; C. Otherwise, this is an MBR.
; 9. Test for MBR vs bootsector.
; 9a. Check entries. If any is invalid, go to 10 (rule A).
call is_partition_table_entry
jc .notmbr
add ecx, 10h
call is_partition_table_entry
jc .notmbr
add ecx, 10h
call is_partition_table_entry
jc .notmbr
add ecx, 10h
call is_partition_table_entry
jc .notmbr
; 9b. Check types of the entries. If at least one is nonzero, go to 11 (rule C).
mov al, [ecx-30h+PARTITION_TABLE_ENTRY.Type]
or al, [ecx-20h+PARTITION_TABLE_ENTRY.Type]
or al, [ecx-10h+PARTITION_TABLE_ENTRY.Type]
jnz .mbr
; 9c. Empty partition table or bootsector with many zeroes? (rule B)
cmp byte [ebx], 0EBh
jz .notmbr
cmp byte [ebx], 0E9h
jnz .mbr
; 10. This is not an MBR. The media is not partitioned. Create one partition
; which covers all the media and abort the loop.
stdcall disk_add_partition, 0, 0, \
dword [esi+DISK.MediaInfo.Capacity], dword [esi+DISK.MediaInfo.Capacity+4], esi
jmp .done
; 11. Process all entries of the new MBR/EBR
lea ecx, [ebx+0x1be] ; ecx -> partition table
push 0 ; assume no extended partition
call process_partition_table_entry
add ecx, 10h
call process_partition_table_entry
add ecx, 10h
call process_partition_table_entry
add ecx, 10h
call process_partition_table_entry
pop ebp
; 12. Test whether we found a new EBR and should continue the loop.
; 12a. If there was no next EBR, return.
test ebp, ebp
jz .done
; Ok, we have EBR.
; 12b. EBRs addresses are relative to the start of extended partition.
; For simplicity, just abort if an 32-bit overflow occurs; large disks
; are most likely partitioned with GPT, not MBR scheme, since the precise
; calculation here would increase limit just twice at the price of big
; compatibility problems.
pop eax ; load extended partition
add ebp, eax
jc .mbr_failed
; 12c. If extended partition has not yet started, start it.
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov eax, ebp
; 12c. If the limit is not exceeded, continue the loop.
dec dword [esp]
push eax ; store extended partition
jnz .new_mbr
; 13. Cleanup after the loop.
pop eax ; not important anymore
pop eax ; not important anymore
pop ebp ; restore ebp
; 14. Release the buffer.
; 14a. Test whether it is the global buffer or we have allocated it.
cmp ebx, mbr_buffer
jz .release_partition_buffer
; 14b. If we have allocated it, free it.
xchg eax, ebx
call free
jmp .nothing
; 14c. Otherwise, release reference.
lock dec [partition_buffer_users]
; 15. Return.
; This is an internal function called from disk_scan_partitions. It checks
; whether the entry pointed to by ecx is a valid entry of partition table.
; The entry is valid if the first byte is 0 or 80h, the first sector plus the
; length is less than twice the size of media. Multiplication by two is
; required since the size mentioned in the partition table can be slightly
; greater than the real size.
; 1. Check .Bootable field.
mov al, [ecx+PARTITION_TABLE_ENTRY.Bootable]
and al, 7Fh
jnz .invalid
; 3. Calculate first sector + length. Note that .FirstAbsSector is relative
; to the MBR/EBR, so the real sum is ebp + .FirstAbsSector + .Length.
mov eax, ebp
xor edx, edx
add eax, [ecx+PARTITION_TABLE_ENTRY.FirstAbsSector]
adc edx, 0
add eax, [ecx+PARTITION_TABLE_ENTRY.Length]
adc edx, 0
; 4. Divide by two.
shr edx, 1
rcr eax, 1
; 5. Compare with capacity. If the subtraction (edx:eax) - .Capacity does not
; overflow, this is bad.
sub eax, dword [esi+DISK.MediaInfo.Capacity]
sbb edx, dword [esi+DISK.MediaInfo.Capacity+4]
jnc .invalid
; 5. Return success: CF is cleared.
; 6. Return fail: CF is set.
; This is an internal function called from disk_scan_partitions. It processes
; the entry pointed to by ecx.
; * If the entry is invalid, just ignore this entry.
; * If the type is zero, just ignore this entry.
; * If the type is one of types for extended partition, store the address
; of this partition as the new MBR in [esp+4].
; * Otherwise, add the partition to the list of partitions for this disk.
; We don't use the type from the entry to identify the file system;
; fs-specific checks do this more reliably.
; 1. Check for valid entry. If invalid, return (go to 5).
call is_partition_table_entry
jc .nothing
; 2. Check for empty entry. If invalid, return (go to 5).
mov al, [ecx+PARTITION_TABLE_ENTRY.Type]
test al, al
jz .nothing
; 3. Check for extended partition. If extended, go to 6.
irp type,\
0x05,\ ; DOS: extended partition
0x0f,\ ; WIN95: extended partition, LBA-mapped
0xc5,\ ; DRDOS/secured: extended partition
0xd5 ; Old Multiuser DOS secured: extended partition
cmp al, type
jz .extended
; 4. If we are here, that is a normal partition. Add it to the list.
; Note that the first sector is relative to MBR/EBR.
mov eax, ebp
xor edx, edx
add eax, [ecx+PARTITION_TABLE_ENTRY.FirstAbsSector]
adc edx, 0
push ecx
stdcall disk_add_partition, eax, edx, \
[ecx+PARTITION_TABLE_ENTRY.Length], 0, esi
pop ecx
; 5. Return.
; 6. If we are here, that is an extended partition. Store the address.
mov eax, [ecx+PARTITION_TABLE_ENTRY.FirstAbsSector]
mov [esp+4], eax
; This is an internal function called from disk_scan_partitions and
; process_partition_table_entry. It adds one partition to the list of
; partitions for the media.
; Important note: start, length, disk MUST be present and
; MUST be in the same order as in PARTITION structure.
; esi duplicates [disk].
proc disk_add_partition stdcall uses ebx edi, start:qword, length:qword, disk:dword
; 1. Check that this partition will not exceed the limit on total number.
cmp [esi+DISK.NumPartitions], MAX_NUM_PARTITIONS
jae .nothing
; 2. Check that this partition does not overlap with any already registered
; partition. Since any file system assumes that the disk data will not change
; outside of its control, such overlap could be destructive.
; Since the number of partitions is usually very small and is guaranteed not
; to be large, the simple linear search is sufficient.
; 2a. Prepare the loop: edi will point to the current item of .Partitions
; array, ecx will be the current item, ebx will hold number of items left.
mov edi, [esi+DISK.Partitions]
mov ebx, [esi+DISK.NumPartitions]
test ebx, ebx
jz .partitionok
; 2b. Get the next partition.
mov ecx, [edi]
add edi, 4
; The range [.FirstSector, .FirstSector+.Length) must be either entirely to
; the left of [start, start+length) or entirely to the right.
; 2c. Subtract .FirstSector - start. The possible overflow distinguish between
; cases "to the left" (2e) and "to the right" (2d).
mov eax, dword [ecx+PARTITION.FirstSector]
mov edx, dword [ecx+PARTITION.FirstSector+4]
sub eax, dword [start]
sbb edx, dword [start+4]
jb .less
; 2d. .FirstSector is greater than or equal to start. Check that .FirstSector
; is greater than or equal to start+length; the subtraction
; (.FirstSector-start) - length must not cause overflow. Go to 2g if life is
; good or to 2f in the other case.
sub eax, dword [length]
sbb edx, dword [length+4]
jb .overlap
jmp .next_existing
; 2e. .FirstSector is less than start. Check that .FirstSector+.Length is less
; than or equal to start. If the addition (.FirstSector-start) + .Length does
; not cause overflow, then .FirstSector + .Length is strictly less than start;
; since the equality is also valid, use decrement preliminarily. Go to 2g or
; 2f depending on the overflow.
sub eax, 1
sbb edx, 0
add eax, dword [ecx+PARTITION.Length]
adc edx, dword [ecx+PARTITION.Length+4]
jnc .next_existing
; 2f. The partition overlaps with previously registered partition. Say warning
; and return with nothing done.
dbgstr 'two partitions overlap, ignoring the last one'
jmp .nothing
; 2g. The partition does not overlap with the current partition. Continue the
; loop.
dec ebx
jnz .scan_existing
; 3. The partition has passed tests. Reallocate the partitions array for a new
; entry.
; 3a. Call the allocator.
mov eax, [esi+DISK.NumPartitions]
inc eax ; one more entry
shl eax, 2 ; each entry is dword
call malloc
; 3b. Test the result. If failed, return with nothing done.
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
; 3c. Copy the old array to the new array.
mov edi, eax
push esi
mov ecx, [esi+DISK.NumPartitions]
mov esi, [esi+DISK.Partitions]
rep movsd
pop esi
; 3d. Set the field in the DISK structure to the new array.
xchg [esi+DISK.Partitions], eax
; 3e. Free the old array.
call free
; 4. Recognize the file system.
; 4a. Call the filesystem recognizer. It will allocate the PARTITION structure
; with possible filesystem-specific fields.
call disk_detect_partition
; 4b. Check return value. If zero, return with list not changed; so far only
; the array was reallocated, this is ok for other code.
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
; 5. Insert the new partition to the list.
inc [esi+DISK.NumPartitions]
; 6. Return.
; This is an internal function called from disk_add_partition.
; It tries to recognize the file system on the partition and allocates the
; corresponding PARTITION structure with filesystem-specific fields.
; This function inherits the stack frame from disk_add_partition. In stdcall
; with ebp-based frame arguments start from ebp+8, since [ebp]=saved ebp
; and [ebp+4]=return address.
virtual at ebp+8
.start dq ?
.length dq ?
.disk dd ?
end virtual
; 1. Read the bootsector to the buffer.
; When disk_add_partition is called, ebx contains a pointer to
; a three-sectors-sized buffer. This function saves ebx in the stack
; immediately before ebp.
mov ebx, [ebp-4] ; get buffer
add ebx, 512 ; advance over MBR data to bootsector data
add ebp, 8 ; ebp points to part of PARTITION structure
xor eax, eax ; first sector of the partition
call fs_read32_sys
push eax
; 2. Run tests for all supported filesystems. If at least one test succeeded,
; go to 4.
; For tests:
; ebp -> first three fields of PARTITION structure, .start, .length, .disk;
; [esp] = error code after bootsector read: 0 = ok, otherwise = failed,
; ebx points to the buffer for bootsector,
; ebx+512 points to 512-bytes buffer that can be used for anything.
call fat_create_partition
test eax, eax
jnz .success
call ntfs_create_partition
test eax, eax
jnz .success
call ext2_create_partition
test eax, eax
jnz .success
call xfs_create_partition
test eax, eax
jnz .success
; 3. No file system has recognized the volume, so just allocate the PARTITION
; structure without extra fields.
movi eax, sizeof.PARTITION
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
mov edx, dword [ebp+PARTITION.FirstSector]
mov dword [eax+PARTITION.FirstSector], edx
mov edx, dword [ebp+PARTITION.FirstSector+4]
mov dword [eax+PARTITION.FirstSector+4], edx
mov edx, dword [ebp+PARTITION.Length]
mov dword [eax+PARTITION.Length], edx
mov edx, dword [ebp+PARTITION.Length+4]
mov dword [eax+PARTITION.Length+4], edx
mov [eax+PARTITION.Disk], esi
mov [eax+PARTITION.FSUserFunctions], default_fs_functions
sub ebp, 8 ; restore ebp
; 4. Return with eax = pointer to PARTITION or NULL.
pop ecx
align 4
dd free
dd 0 ; no user functions
; This function is called from file_system_lfn.
; This handler gets the control each time when fn 70 is called
; with unknown item of root subdirectory.
; in: esi -> name
; ebp = 0 or rest of name relative to esi
; out: if the handler processes path, it must not return in file_system_lfn,
; but instead pop return address and return directly to the caller
; otherwise simply return
push ebx edi ; save registers used in file_system_lfn
; 1. Acquire the mutex.
mov ecx, disk_list_mutex
call mutex_lock
; 2. Loop over the list of DISK structures.
; 2a. Initialize.
mov ebx, disk_list
; 2b. Get the next item.
mov ebx, [ebx+DISK.Next]
; 2c. Check whether the list is done. If so, go to 3.
cmp ebx, disk_list
jz .notfound
; 2d. Compare names. If names match, go to 5.
mov edi, [ebx+DISK.Name]
push esi
; esi points to the name from fs operation; it is terminated by zero or slash.
test al, al
jz .eoin_dec
cmp al, '/'
jz .eoin
; edi points to the disk name.
inc edi
; edi points to lowercase name, this is a requirement for the driver.
; Characters at esi can have any register. Lowercase the current character.
; This lowercasing works for latin letters and digits; since the disk name
; should not contain other symbols, this is ok.
or al, 20h
cmp al, [edi-1]
jz @b
; 2f. Names don't match. Continue the loop.
pop esi
jmp .scan
; The loop is done and no name matches.
; 3. Release the mutex.
call mutex_unlock
; 4. Return normally.
pop edi ebx ; restore registers used in file_system_lfn
; part of 2d: the name matches partially, but we must check that this is full
; equality.
dec esi
cmp byte [edi], 0
jnz .wrongname
; We found the addressed DISK structure.
; 5. Reference the disk.
lock inc [ebx+DISK.RefCount]
; 6. Now we are sure that the DISK structure is not going to die at least
; while we are working with it, so release the global mutex.
call mutex_unlock
pop ecx ; pop from the stack saved value of esi
; 7. Acquire the mutex for media object.
pop edi ; restore edi
lea ecx, [ebx+DISK.MediaLock]
call mutex_lock
; 8. Get the media object. If it is not NULL, reference it.
xor edx, edx
cmp [ebx+DISK.MediaInserted], dl
jz @f
mov edx, ebx
inc [ebx+DISK.MediaRefCount]
; 9. Now we are sure that the media object, if it exists, is not going to die
; at least while we are working with it, so release the mutex for media object.
call mutex_unlock
mov ecx, ebx
pop ebx eax ; restore ebx, pop return address
; 10. Check whether the fs operation wants to enumerate partitions (go to 11)
; or work with some concrete partition (go to 12).
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz .haspartition
; 11. The fs operation wants to enumerate partitions.
; 11a. Only "list directory" operation is applicable to /<diskname> path. Check
; the operation code. If wrong, go to 13.
cmp dword [ebx], 1
jnz .access_denied
; 11b. If the media is inserted, use 'fs_dyndisk_next' as an enumeration
; procedure. Otherwise, use 'fs_dyndisk_next_nomedia'.
mov esi, fs_dyndisk_next_nomedia
test edx, edx
jz @f
mov esi, fs_dyndisk_next
; 11c. Let the procedure from do the job.
jmp file_system_lfn.maindir_noesi
; 12. The fs operation has specified some partition.
; 12a. Store parameters for callback functions.
push edx
push ecx
; 12b. Store callback functions.
push dyndisk_cleanup
push fs_dyndisk
mov edi, esp
; 12c. Let the procedure from do the job.
jmp file_system_lfn.found2
; 13. Fail the operation with the appropriate code.
mov dword [esp+32], ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
; 14. Cleanup.
mov esi, ecx ; disk*dereference assume that esi points to DISK
test edx, edx ; if there are no media, we didn't reference it
jz @f
call disk_media_dereference
call disk_dereference
; 15. Return.
; This is a callback for cleaning up things called from file_system_lfn.found2.
mov esi, [edi+8]
mov edx, [edi+12]
jmp dyndisk_handler.cleanup_esi
; This is a callback for enumerating partitions called from
; file_system_lfn.maindir in the case of inserted media.
; It just increments eax until DISK.NumPartitions reached and then
; cleans up.
cmp eax, [ecx+DISK.NumPartitions]
jae .nomore
inc eax
mov esi, ecx
call disk_media_dereference
call disk_dereference
; This is a callback for enumerating partitions called from
; file_system_lfn.maindir in the case of missing media.
; In this case we create one pseudo-partition.
cmp eax, 1
jae .nomore
inc eax
mov esi, ecx
call disk_dereference
; This is a callback for doing real work with selected partition.
; Currently this is just placeholder, since no file systems are supported.
; edi = esp -> {dd fs_dyndisk, dd dyndisk_cleanup, dd pointer to DISK, dd media object}
; ecx = partition number, esi+ebp = ASCIIZ name
dec ecx ; convert to zero-based partition index
pop edx edx edx ; edx = pointer to DISK, dword [esp] = NULL or edx
; If the driver does not support insert notifications and we are the only fs
; operation with this disk, ask the driver whether the media
; was inserted/removed/changed. Otherwise, assume that media status is valid.
test byte [edx+DISK.DriverFlags], DISK_NO_INSERT_NOTIFICATION
jz .media_accurate
push ecx esi
mov esi, edx
cmp dword [esp+8], 0
jz .test_no_media
cmp [esi+DISK.MediaRefCount], 2
jnz .media_accurate_pop
lea edx, [esi+DISK.MediaInfo]
and [edx+DISKMEDIAINFO.Flags], 0
mov al, DISKFUNC.querymedia
stdcall disk_call_driver, edx
test eax, eax
jz .media_accurate_pop
stdcall disk_media_dereference ; drop our reference so that disk_media_changed could close the media
stdcall disk_media_changed, esi, 0
and dword [esp+8], 0 ; no media
stdcall disk_media_changed, esi, 1 ; issue fake notification
; if querymedia() inside disk_media_changed returns error, the notification is ignored
cmp [esi+DISK.MediaInserted], 0
jz .media_accurate_pop
lock inc [esi+DISK.MediaRefCount]
mov dword [esp+8], esi
mov edx, esi
pop esi ecx
pop eax
test eax, eax
jz .nomedia
cmp ecx, [edx+DISK.NumPartitions]
jae .notfound
mov eax, [edx+DISK.Partitions]
mov eax, [eax+ecx*4]
mov edi, [eax+PARTITION.FSUserFunctions]
mov ecx, [ebx]
cmp [edi+4], ecx
jbe .unsupported
push edx
push ebp
mov ebp, eax
call dword [edi+8+ecx*4]
pop ebp
pop edx
mov dword [esp+32], eax
mov dword [esp+20], ebx
mov esi, edx
call disk_media_dereference
call disk_dereference
mov dword [esp+32], ERROR_UNKNOWN_FS
jmp .cleanup
mov dword [esp+32], ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
jmp .cleanup
cmp edi, default_fs_functions
jz .nofs
mov dword [esp+32], ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FS
jmp .cleanup
test ecx, ecx
jnz .notfound
mov dword [esp+32], ERROR_DEVICE
mov esi, edx
call disk_dereference
; This function is called from file_system_lfn.
; This handler is called when virtual root is enumerated
; and must return all items which can be handled by this.
; It is called several times, first time with eax=0
; in: eax = 0 for first call, previously returned value for subsequent calls
; out: eax = 0 => no more items
; eax != 0 => buffer pointed to by edi contains name of item
push edx ; save register used in file_system_lfn
mov ecx, disk_list_mutex ; it will be useful
; 1. If this is the first call, acquire the mutex and initialize.
test eax, eax
jnz .notfirst
call mutex_lock
mov eax, disk_list
; 2. Get next item.
mov eax, [eax+DISK.Next]
; 3. If there are no more items, go to 6.
cmp eax, disk_list
jz .last
; 4. Copy name from the DISK structure to edi.
push eax esi
mov esi, [eax+DISK.Name]
test al, al
jnz @b
pop esi eax
; 5. Return with eax = item.
pop edx ; restore register used in file_system_lfn
; 6. Release the mutex and return with eax = 0.
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
pop edx ; restore register used in file_system_lfn
0,0 → 1,588
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2011-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4133 $
; This function is intended to replace the old 'hd_read' function when
; [hdd_appl_data] = 0, so its input/output parameters are the same, except
; that it can't use the global variables 'hd_error' and 'hdd_appl_data'.
; in: eax = sector, ebx = buffer, ebp = pointer to PARTITION structure
; eax is relative to partition start
; out: eax = error code; 0 = ok
; Save ecx, set ecx to SysCache and let the common part do its work.
push ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+PARTITION.Disk]
add ecx, DISK.SysCache
jmp fs_read32_common
; This function is intended to replace the old 'hd_read' function when
; [hdd_appl_data] = 1, so its input/output parameters are the same, except
; that it can't use the global variables 'hd_error' and 'hdd_appl_data'.
; in: eax = sector, ebx = buffer, ebp = pointer to PARTITION structure
; eax is relative to partition start
; out: eax = error code; 0 = ok
; Save ecx, set ecx to AppCache and let the common part do its work.
push ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+PARTITION.Disk]
add ecx, DISK.AppCache
; This label is the common part of fs_read32_sys and fs_read32_app.
; 1. Check that the required sector is inside the partition. If no, return
cmp dword [ebp+PARTITION.Length+4], 0
jnz @f
cmp dword [ebp+PARTITION.Length], eax
ja @f
pop ecx
; 2. Get the absolute sector on the disk.
push edx esi
xor edx, edx
add eax, dword [ebp+PARTITION.FirstSector]
adc edx, dword [ebp+PARTITION.FirstSector+4]
; 3. If there is no cache for this disk, just pass the request to the driver.
cmp [ecx+DISKCACHE.pointer], 0
jnz .scancache
push 1
push esp ; numsectors
push edx ; startsector
push eax ; startsector
push ebx ; buffer
mov esi, [ebp+PARTITION.Disk]
mov al,
call disk_call_driver
pop ecx
pop esi edx
pop ecx
; 4. Scan the cache.
push edi ecx ; scan cache
push edx eax
virtual at esp
.sector_lo dd ?
.sector_hi dd ?
.cache dd ?
end virtual
; The following code is inherited from hd_read. The differences are:
; all code is protected by the cache lock; instead of static calls
; to hd_read_dma/hd_read_pio/bd_read the dynamic call to is used;
; sector is 64-bit, not 32-bit.
call mutex_lock
mov eax, [.sector_lo]
mov edx, [.sector_hi]
mov esi, [ecx+DISKCACHE.pointer]
mov ecx, [ecx+DISKCACHE.sad_size]
add esi, 12
mov edi, 1
cmp dword [esi+8], 0 ; empty
je .nohdcache
cmp [esi], eax ; correct sector
jne .nohdcache
cmp [esi+4], edx ; correct sector
je .yeshdcache
add esi, 12
inc edi
dec ecx
jnz .hdreadcache
mov esi, [.cache]
call find_empty_slot64 ; ret in edi
test eax, eax
jnz .read_done
push 1
push esp
push edx
push [.sector_lo+12]
mov ecx, [.cache+16]
mov eax, edi
shl eax, 9
add eax, []
push eax
mov esi, [ebp+PARTITION.Disk]
mov al,
call disk_call_driver
pop ecx
dec ecx
jnz .read_done
mov ecx, [.cache]
lea eax, [edi*3]
mov esi, [ecx+DISKCACHE.pointer]
lea esi, [eax*4+esi]
mov eax, [.sector_lo]
mov edx, [.sector_hi]
mov [esi], eax ; sector number
mov [esi+4], edx ; sector number
mov dword [esi+8], 1; hd read - mark as same as in hd
mov esi, edi
mov ecx, [.cache]
shl esi, 9
add esi, []
mov edi, ebx
mov ecx, 512/4
rep movsd ; move data
xor eax, eax ; successful read
mov ecx, [.cache]
push eax
call mutex_unlock
pop eax
add esp, 12
pop edi esi edx ecx
; This function is intended to replace the old 'hd_write' function when
; [hdd_appl_data] = 0, so its input/output parameters are the same, except
; that it can't use the global variables 'hd_error' and 'hdd_appl_data'.
; in: eax = sector, ebx = buffer, ebp = pointer to PARTITION structure
; eax is relative to partition start
; out: eax = error code; 0 = ok
; Save ecx, set ecx to SysCache and let the common part do its work.
push ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+PARTITION.Disk]
add ecx, DISK.SysCache
jmp fs_write32_common
; This function is intended to replace the old 'hd_write' function when
; [hdd_appl_data] = 1, so its input/output parameters are the same, except
; that it can't use the global variables 'hd_error' and 'hdd_appl_data'.
; in: eax = sector, ebx = buffer, ebp = pointer to PARTITION structure
; eax is relative to partition start
; out: eax = error code; 0 = ok
; Save ecx, set ecx to AppCache and let the common part do its work.
push ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+PARTITION.Disk]
add ecx, DISK.AppCache
; This label is the common part of fs_read32_sys and fs_read32_app.
; 1. Check that the required sector is inside the partition. If no, return
cmp dword [ebp+PARTITION.Length+4], 0
jnz @f
cmp dword [ebp+PARTITION.Length], eax
ja @f
pop ecx
push edx esi
; 2. Get the absolute sector on the disk.
xor edx, edx
add eax, dword [ebp+PARTITION.FirstSector]
adc edx, dword [ebp+PARTITION.FirstSector+4]
; 3. If there is no cache for this disk, just pass request to the driver.
cmp [ecx+DISKCACHE.pointer], 0
jnz .scancache
push 1
push esp ; numsectors
push edx ; startsector
push eax ; startsector
push ebx ; buffer
mov esi, [ebp+PARTITION.Disk]
mov al, DISKFUNC.write
call disk_call_driver
pop ecx
pop esi edx
pop ecx
; 4. Scan the cache.
push edi ecx ; scan cache
push edx eax
virtual at esp
.sector_lo dd ?
.sector_hi dd ?
.cache dd ?
end virtual
; The following code is inherited from hd_write. The differences are:
; all code is protected by the cache lock;
; sector is 64-bit, not 32-bit.
call mutex_lock
; check if the cache already has the sector and overwrite it
mov eax, [.sector_lo]
mov edx, [.sector_hi]
mov esi, [ecx+DISKCACHE.pointer]
mov ecx, [ecx+DISKCACHE.sad_size]
add esi, 12
mov edi, 1
cmp dword [esi+8], 0 ; if cache slot is empty
je .not_in_cache_write
cmp [esi], eax ; if the slot has the sector
jne .not_in_cache_write
cmp [esi+4], edx ; if the slot has the sector
je .yes_in_cache_write
add esi, 12
inc edi
dec ecx
jnz .hdwritecache
; sector not found in cache
; write the block to a new location
mov esi, [.cache]
call find_empty_slot64 ; ret in edi
test eax, eax
jne .hd_write_access_denied
mov ecx, [.cache]
lea eax, [edi*3]
mov esi, [ecx+DISKCACHE.pointer]
lea esi, [eax*4+esi]
mov eax, [.sector_lo]
mov edx, [.sector_hi]
mov [esi], eax ; sector number
mov [esi+4], edx ; sector number
mov dword [esi+8], 2 ; write - differs from hd
shl edi, 9
mov ecx, [.cache]
add edi, []
mov esi, ebx
mov ecx, 512/4
rep movsd ; move data
xor eax, eax ; success
mov ecx, [.cache]
push eax
call mutex_unlock
pop eax
add esp, 12
pop edi esi edx ecx
; This internal function is called from fs_read32_* and fs_write32_*. It is the
; analogue of find_empty_slot for 64-bit sectors.
; find empty or read slot, flush cache if next 12.5% is used by write
; output : edi = cache slot
mov ecx, [esi+DISKCACHE.sad_size]
mov edi, [esi+DISKCACHE.search_start]
shr ecx, 3
inc edi
cmp edi, [esi+DISKCACHE.sad_size]
jbe .inside_cache
mov edi, 1
lea eax, [edi*3]
shl eax, 2
add eax, [esi+DISKCACHE.pointer]
cmp dword [eax+8], 2
jb .found_slot ; it's empty or read
dec ecx
jnz .search_for_empty
stdcall write_cache64, [ebp+PARTITION.Disk] ; no empty slots found, write all
test eax, eax
jne .found_slot_access_denied
jmp .search_again ; and start again
mov [esi+DISKCACHE.search_start], edi
xor eax, eax ; success
; This function is intended to replace the old 'write_cache' function.
proc write_cache64 uses ecx edx esi edi, disk:dword
cache_chain_started dd 0
cache_chain_size dd ?
cache_chain_pos dd ?
cache_chain_ptr dd ?
saved_esi_pos = 16+12 ; size of local variables + size of registers before esi
; If there is no cache for this disk, nothing to do.
cmp [esi+DISKCACHE.pointer], 0
jz .flush
; write all changed sectors to disk
; write difference ( 2 ) from cache to DISK
mov ecx, [esi+DISKCACHE.sad_size]
mov esi, [esi+DISKCACHE.pointer]
add esi, 12
mov edi, 1
cmp dword [esi+8], 2 ; if cache slot is not different
jne .write_chain
mov dword [esi+8], 1 ; same as in hd
mov eax, [esi]
mov edx, [esi+4] ; edx:eax = sector to write
; Объединяем запись цепочки последовательных секторов в одно обращение к диску
cmp ecx, 1
jz .nonext
cmp dword [esi+12+8], 2
jnz .nonext
push eax edx
add eax, 1
adc edx, 0
cmp eax, [esi+12]
jnz @f
cmp edx, [esi+12+4]
pop edx eax
jnz .nonext
cmp [cache_chain_started], 1
jz @f
mov [cache_chain_started], 1
mov [cache_chain_size], 0
mov [cache_chain_pos], edi
mov [cache_chain_ptr], esi
inc [cache_chain_size]
cmp [cache_chain_size], 16
jnz .continue
jmp .write_chain
call .flush_cache_chain
test eax, eax
jnz .nothing
mov [cache_chain_size], 1
mov [cache_chain_ptr], esi
call .write_cache_sector
test eax, eax
jnz .nothing
jmp .continue
call .flush_cache_chain
test eax, eax
jnz .nothing
add esi, 12
inc edi
dec ecx
jnz .write_cache_more
call .flush_cache_chain
test eax, eax
jnz .nothing
mov esi, [disk]
mov al, DISKFUNC.flush
call disk_call_driver
xor eax, eax
cmp [cache_chain_started], eax
jz @f
call .write_cache_chain
mov [cache_chain_started], 0
mov [cache_chain_size], 1
mov [cache_chain_pos], edi
mov edi, [cache_chain_pos]
mov ecx, [ebp-saved_esi_pos]
shl edi, 9
add edi, []
mov ecx, [cache_chain_size]
push ecx
push esp ; numsectors
mov eax, [cache_chain_ptr]
pushd [eax+4]
pushd [eax] ; startsector
push edi ; buffer
mov esi, [ebp]
mov esi, [esi+PARTITION.Disk]
mov al, DISKFUNC.write
call disk_call_driver
pop ecx
mov [esp+28], eax
; This internal function is called from disk_add to initialize the caching for
; a new DISK.
; The algorithm is inherited from take 1/32 part of the available
; physical memory, round down to 8 pages, limit by 128K from below and by 1M
; from above. Reserve 1/8 part of the cache for system data and 7/8 for app
; data.
; After the size is calculated, but before the cache is allocated, the device
; driver can adjust the size. In particular, setting size to zero disables
; caching: there is no sense in a cache for a ramdisk. In fact, such action
; is most useful example of a non-trivial adjustment.
; esi = pointer to DISK structure
; 1. Calculate the suggested cache size.
; 1a. Get the size of free physical memory in pages.
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_free]
; 1b. Use the value to calculate the size.
shl eax, 12 - 5 ; 1/32 of it in bytes
and eax, -8*4096 ; round down to the multiple of 8 pages
; 1c. Force lower and upper limits.
cmp eax, 1024*1024
jb @f
mov eax, 1024*1024
cmp eax, 128*1024
ja @f
mov eax, 128*1024
; 1d. Give a chance to the driver to adjust the size.
push eax
mov al, DISKFUNC.adjust_cache_size
call disk_call_driver
; Cache size calculated.
mov [esi+DISK.cache_size], eax
test eax, eax
jz .nocache
; 2. Allocate memory for the cache.
; 2a. Call the allocator.
stdcall kernel_alloc, eax
test eax, eax
jnz @f
; 2b. If it failed, say a message and return with eax = 0.
dbgstr 'no memory for disk cache'
jmp .nothing
; 3. Fill two DISKCACHE structures.
mov [esi+DISK.SysCache.pointer], eax
lea ecx, [esi+DISK.SysCache.mutex]
call mutex_init
lea ecx, [esi+DISK.AppCache.mutex]
call mutex_init
; The following code is inherited from
mov edx, [esi+DISK.SysCache.pointer]
and [esi+DISK.SysCache.search_start], 0
and [esi+DISK.AppCache.search_start], 0
mov eax, [esi+DISK.cache_size]
shr eax, 3
mov [esi+DISK.SysCache.data_size], eax
add edx, eax
imul eax, 7
mov [esi+DISK.AppCache.data_size], eax
mov [esi+DISK.AppCache.pointer], edx
mov eax, [esi+DISK.SysCache.data_size]
push ebx
call calculate_for_hd64
pop ebx
add eax, [esi+DISK.SysCache.pointer]
mov [], eax
mov [esi+DISK.SysCache.sad_size], ecx
push edi
mov edi, [esi+DISK.SysCache.pointer]
lea ecx, [(ecx+1)*3]
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop edi
mov eax, [esi+DISK.AppCache.data_size]
push ebx
call calculate_for_hd64
pop ebx
add eax, [esi+DISK.AppCache.pointer]
mov [], eax
mov [esi+DISK.AppCache.sad_size], ecx
push edi
mov edi, [esi+DISK.AppCache.pointer]
lea ecx, [(ecx+1)*3]
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop edi
; 4. Return with nonzero al.
mov al, 1
; 5. Return.
; No caching is required for this driver. Zero cache pointers and return with
; nonzero al.
mov [esi+DISK.SysCache.pointer], eax
mov [esi+DISK.AppCache.pointer], eax
mov al, 1
push eax
mov ebx, eax
shr eax, 9
lea eax, [eax*3]
shl eax, 2
sub ebx, eax
shr ebx, 9
mov ecx, ebx
shl ebx, 9
pop eax
sub eax, ebx
dec ecx
; This internal function is called from disk_media_dereference to free the
; allocated cache, if there is one.
; esi = pointer to DISK structure
; The algorithm is straightforward.
mov eax, [esi+DISK.SysCache.pointer]
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
stdcall kernel_free, eax
; This function flushes all modified data from both caches for the given DISK.
; esi = pointer to DISK
; The algorithm is straightforward.
push esi
push esi ; for second write_cache64
push esi ; for first write_cache64
add esi, DISK.SysCache
call write_cache64
add esi, DISK.AppCache - DISK.SysCache
call write_cache64
pop esi
0,0 → 1,68
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) MenuetOS 2000-2004 Ville Mikael Turjanmaa ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
$Revision: 4273 $
dmasize db 0x0
dmamode db 0x0
fdc_init: ;start with clean tracks.
mov edi, OS_BASE+0xD201
mov al, 0
mov ecx, 160
rep stosb
cmp [ramdisk_actual_size], FLOPPY_CAPACITY
jnz .fail
mov ecx, floppy_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov [flp_number], bl
call floppy_read_bootsector
cmp [FDC_Status], 0
jne .unnecessary_save_image
mov [FDD_Track], 0; Цилиндр
mov [FDD_Head], 0; Сторона
mov [FDD_Sector], 1; Сектор
mov esi, RAMDISK
call SeekTrack
call take_data_from_application_1
call WriteSectWithRetr
; call WriteSector
cmp [FDC_Status], 0
jne .unnecessary_save_image
inc [FDD_Sector]
cmp [FDD_Sector], 19
jne .save_image_1
mov [FDD_Sector], 1
inc [FDD_Head]
cmp [FDD_Head], 2
jne .save_image_1
mov [FDD_Head], 0
inc [FDD_Track]
call SeekTrack
cmp [FDD_Track], 80
jne .save_image_1
cmp [FDC_Status], 0
mov ecx, floppy_mutex
call mutex_unlock
jnz .fail
xor eax, eax
movi eax, 1
0,0 → 1,949
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4273 $
; Непосредственная работа с контроллером гибкого диска
; Автор исходного текста Кулаков Владимир Геннадьевич.
; Адаптация и доработка Mario79
;give_back_application_data: ; переслать приложению
; mov edi,[TASK_BASE]
; mov edi,[edi+TASKDATA.mem_start]
; add edi,ecx
mov esi, FDD_BUFF;FDD_DataBuffer ;0x40000
mov ecx, 128
rep movsd
;take_data_from_application: ; взять из приложени
; mov esi,[TASK_BASE]
; mov esi,[esi+TASKDATA.mem_start]
; add esi,ecx
mov edi, FDD_BUFF;FDD_DataBuffer ;0x40000
mov ecx, 128
rep movsd
; Коды завершения операции с контроллером (FDC_Status)
FDC_Normal equ 0 ;нормальное завершение
FDC_TimeOut equ 1 ;ошибка тайм-аута
FDC_DiskNotFound equ 2 ;в дисководе нет диска
FDC_TrackNotFound equ 3 ;дорожка не найдена
FDC_SectorNotFound equ 4 ;сектор не найден
; Максимальные значения координат сектора (заданные
; значения соответствуют параметрам стандартного
; трехдюймового гибкого диска объемом 1,44 Мб)
MAX_Track equ 79
MAX_Head equ 1
MAX_Sector equ 18
; Счетчик тиков таймера
TickCounter dd ?
; Код завершения операции с контроллером НГМД
FDC_Status DB ?
; Флаг прерывания от НГМД
FDD_IntFlag DB ?
; Момент начала последней операции с НГМД
FDD_Time DD ?
; Номер дисковода
FDD_Type db 0
; Координаты сектора
FDD_Track DB ?
FDD_Head DB ?
FDD_Sector DB ?
; Блок результата операции
; Счетчик повторения операции чтени
ReadRepCounter DB ?
; Счетчик повторения операции рекалибровки
RecalRepCounter DB ?
; Область памяти для хранения прочитанного сектора
;FDD_DataBuffer: times 512 db 0 ;DB 512 DUP (?)
fdd_motor_status db 0
timer_fdd_motor dd 0
mov al, 0
out 0x0c, al; reset the flip-flop to a known state.
mov al, 6 ; mask channel 2 so we can reprogram it.
out 0x0a, al
mov al, [dmamode]; 0x46 -> Read from floppy - 0x4A Write to floppy
out 0x0b, al
mov al, 0
out 0x0c, al; reset the flip-flop to a known state.
mov eax, 0xD000
out 0x04, al; set the channel 2 starting address to 0
shr eax, 8
out 0x04, al
shr eax, 8
out 0x81, al
mov al, 0
out 0x0c, al; reset flip-flop
mov al, 0xff;set count (actual size -1)
out 0x5, al
mov al, 0x1;[dmasize] ;(0x1ff = 511 / 0x23ff =9215)
out 0x5, al
mov al, 2
out 0xa, al
;* Параметры: *
;* AL - выводимый байт. *
; DEBUGF 1,'K : FDCDataOutput(%x)',al
; pusha
push eax ecx edx
mov AH, AL ;запомнить байт в AH
; Сбросить переменную состояния контроллера
mov [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal
; Проверить готовность контроллера к приему данных
mov DX, 3F4h ;(порт состояния FDC)
mov ecx, 0x10000 ;установить счетчик тайм-аута
in AL, DX ;прочитать регистр RS
and AL, 0C0h ;выделить разряды 6 и 7
cmp AL, 80h ;проверить разряды 6 и 7
je @@OutByteToFDC
loop @@TestRS
; Ошибка тайм-аута
; DEBUGF 1,' timeout\n'
mov [FDC_Status], FDC_TimeOut
jmp @@End_5
; Вывести байт в порт данных
inc DX
mov AL, AH
out DX, AL
; DEBUGF 1,' ok\n'
; popa
pop edx ecx eax
;* Процедура не имеет входных параметров. *
;* Выходные данные: *
;* AL - считанный байт. *
push ECX
push DX
; Сбросить переменную состояния контроллера
mov [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal
; Проверить готовность контроллера к передаче данных
mov DX, 3F4h ;(порт состояния FDC)
mov ecx, 0x10000 ;установить счетчик тайм-аута
in AL, DX ;прочитать регистр RS
and AL, 0C0h ;выдлить разряды 6 и 7
cmp AL, 0C0h ;проверить разряды 6 и 7
je @@GetByteFromFDC
loop @@TestRS_1
; Ошибка тайм-аута
; DEBUGF 1,'K : FDCDataInput: timeout\n'
mov [FDC_Status], FDC_TimeOut
jmp @@End_6
; Ввести байт из порта данных
inc DX
in AL, DX
; DEBUGF 1,'K : FDCDataInput: %x\n',al
pop DX
pop ECX
; dbgstr 'FDCInterrupt'
; Установить флаг прерывания
mov [FDD_IntFlag], 1
mov al, 1
; Сбросить байт состояния операции
mov [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal
; Обнулить счетчик тиков
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
mov [TickCounter], eax
; Ожидать установки флага прерывания НГМД
call change_task
cmp [FDD_IntFlag], 0
jnz @@End_7 ;прерывание произошло
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
sub eax, [TickCounter]
cmp eax, 200;50 ;25 ;5 ;ожидать 5 тиков
jb @@TestRS_2
; jl @@TestRS_2
; Ошибка тайм-аута
; dbgstr 'WaitFDCInterrupt: timeout'
mov [FDC_Status], FDC_TimeOut
; dbgstr 'FDDMotorON'
; cmp [fdd_motor_status],1
; je fdd_motor_on
mov al, [flp_number]
cmp [fdd_motor_status], al
je fdd_motor_on
; Произвести сброс контроллера НГМД
mov DX, 3F2h;порт управления двигателями
mov AL, 0
out DX, AL
; Выбрать и включить мотор дисковода
cmp [flp_number], 1
jne FDDMotorON_B
; call FDDMotorOFF_B
mov AL, 1Ch ; Floppy A
jmp FDDMotorON_1
; call FDDMotorOFF_A
mov AL, 2Dh ; Floppy B
out DX, AL
; Обнулить счетчик тиков
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
mov [TickCounter], eax
; Ожидать 0,5 с
call change_task
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
sub eax, [TickCounter]
cmp eax, 50 ;10
jb @@dT
; Read results of RESET command
push 4
; DEBUGF 1,'K : floppy reset results:'
mov al, 8
call FDCDataOutput
call FDCDataInput
; DEBUGF 1,' %x',al
call FDCDataInput
; DEBUGF 1,' %x',al
dec dword [esp]
jnz @b
; DEBUGF 1,'\n'
pop eax
cmp [flp_number], 1
jne fdd_motor_on_B
mov [fdd_motor_status], 1
jmp fdd_motor_on
mov [fdd_motor_status], 2
call save_timer_fdd_motor
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
mov [timer_fdd_motor], eax
proc check_fdd_motor_status_has_work?
cmp [fdd_motor_status], 0
jz .no
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
sub eax, [timer_fdd_motor]
cmp eax, 500
jb .no
xor eax, eax
inc eax
xor eax, eax
align 4
cmp [fdd_motor_status], 0
je end_check_fdd_motor_status_1
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
sub eax, [timer_fdd_motor]
cmp eax, 500
jb end_check_fdd_motor_status
call FDDMotorOFF
mov [fdd_motor_status], 0
; dbgstr 'FDDMotorOFF'
push AX
push DX
cmp [flp_number], 1
jne FDDMotorOFF_1
call FDDMotorOFF_A
jmp FDDMotorOFF_2
call FDDMotorOFF_B
pop DX
pop AX
; сброс флагов кеширования в связи с устареванием информации
or [floppy_media_flags+0], FLOPPY_MEDIA_NEED_RESCAN
or [floppy_media_flags+1], FLOPPY_MEDIA_NEED_RESCAN
mov DX, 3F2h;порт управления двигателями
mov AL, 0Ch ; Floppy A
out DX, AL
mov DX, 3F2h;порт управления двигателями
mov AL, 5h ; Floppy B
out DX, AL
; dbgstr 'RecalibrateFDD'
call save_timer_fdd_motor
; Сбросить флаг прерывания
mov [FDD_IntFlag], 0
; Подать команду "Рекалибровка"
mov AL, 07h
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, 00h
call FDCDataOutput
; Ожидать завершения операции
call WaitFDCInterrupt
cmp [FDC_Status], 0
jne .fail
; Read results of RECALIBRATE command
; DEBUGF 1,'K : floppy recalibrate results:'
mov al, 8
call FDCDataOutput
call FDCDataInput
; DEBUGF 1,' %x',al
call FDCDataInput
; DEBUGF 1,' %x',al
; DEBUGF 1,'\n'
call save_timer_fdd_motor
;* Параметры передаются через глобальные переменные: *
;* FDD_Track - номер дорожки (0-79); *
;* FDD_Head - номер головки (0-1). *
;* Результат операции заносится в FDC_Status. *
; dbgstr 'SeekTrack'
call save_timer_fdd_motor
; Сбросить флаг прерывания
mov [FDD_IntFlag], 0
; Подать команду "Поиск"
mov AL, 0Fh
call FDCDataOutput
; Передать байт номера головки/накопител
mov AL, [FDD_Head]
shl AL, 2
call FDCDataOutput
; Передать байт номера дорожки
mov AL, [FDD_Track]
call FDCDataOutput
; Ожидать завершения операции
call WaitFDCInterrupt
cmp [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal
jne @@Exit
; Сохранить результат поиска
mov AL, 08h
call FDCDataOutput
call FDCDataInput
mov [FDC_ST0], AL
call FDCDataInput
mov [FDC_C], AL
; Проверить результат поиска
; Поиск завершен?
test [FDC_ST0], 100000b
je @@Err
; Заданный трек найден?
mov AL, [FDC_C]
cmp AL, [FDD_Track]
jne @@Err
; Номер головки совпадает с заданным?
; The H bit (Head Address) in ST0 will always return a "0" (c) 82077AA datasheet,
; description of SEEK command. So we can not verify the proper head.
; mov AL, [FDC_ST0]
; and AL, 100b
; shr AL, 2
; cmp AL, [FDD_Head]
; jne @@Err
; Операция завершена успешно
; dbgstr 'SeekTrack: FDC_Normal'
mov [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal
jmp @@Exit
@@Err: ; Трек не найден
; dbgstr 'SeekTrack: FDC_TrackNotFound'
mov [FDC_Status], FDC_TrackNotFound
call save_timer_fdd_motor
;* Параметры передаются через глобальные переменные: *
;* FDD_Track - номер дорожки (0-79); *
;* FDD_Head - номер головки (0-1); *
;* FDD_Sector - номер сектора (1-18). *
;* Результат операции заносится в FDC_Status. *
;* В случае успешного выполнения операции чтения *
;* содержимое сектора будет занесено в FDD_DataBuffer. *
; dbgstr 'ReadSector'
call save_timer_fdd_motor
; Сбросить флаг прерывания
mov [FDD_IntFlag], 0
; Установить скорость передачи 500 Кбайт/с
mov AX, 0
mov DX, 03F7h
out DX, AL
; Инициализировать канал прямого доступа к памяти
mov [dmamode], 0x46
call Init_FDC_DMA
; Подать команду "Чтение данных"
mov AL, 0E6h ;чтение в мультитрековом режиме
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, [FDD_Head]
shl AL, 2
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, [FDD_Track]
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, [FDD_Head]
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, [FDD_Sector]
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, 2 ;код размера сектора (512 байт)
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, 18 ;+1; 3Fh ;число секторов на дорожке
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, 1Bh ;значение GPL
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, 0FFh;значение DTL
call FDCDataOutput
; Ожидаем прерывание по завершении операции
call WaitFDCInterrupt
cmp [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal
jne @@Exit_1
; Считываем статус завершения операции
call GetStatusInfo
test [FDC_ST0], 11011000b
jnz @@Err_1
; dbgstr 'ReadSector: FDC_Normal'
mov [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal
jmp @@Exit_1
; dbgstr 'ReadSector: FDC_SectorNotFound'
mov [FDC_Status], FDC_SectorNotFound
call save_timer_fdd_motor
;* Параметры передаются через глобальные переменные: *
;* FDD_Track - номер дорожки (0-79); *
;* FDD_Head - номер головки (0-1); *
;* FDD_Sector - номер сектора (1-18). *
;* Результат операции заносится в FDC_Status. *
;* В случае успешного выполнения операции чтения *
;* содержимое сектора будет занесено в FDD_DataBuffer. *
; Обнулить счетчик повторения операции рекалибровки
mov [RecalRepCounter], 0
; Обнулить счетчик повторения операции чтени
mov [ReadRepCounter], 0
call ReadSector
cmp [FDC_Status], 0
je @@Exit_2
cmp [FDC_Status], 1
je @@Err_3
; Троекратное повторение чтени
inc [ReadRepCounter]
cmp [ReadRepCounter], 3
jb @@ReadSector_1
; Троекратное повторение рекалибровки
call RecalibrateFDD
call SeekTrack
inc [RecalRepCounter]
cmp [RecalRepCounter], 3
jb @@TryAgain
;* Параметры передаются через глобальные переменные: *
;* FDD_Track - номер дорожки (0-79); *
;* FDD_Head - номер головки (0-1); *
;* FDD_Sector - номер сектора (1-18). *
;* Результат операции заносится в FDC_Status. *
;* В случае успешного выполнения операции записи *
;* содержимое FDD_DataBuffer будет занесено в сектор. *
; dbgstr 'WriteSector'
call save_timer_fdd_motor
; Сбросить флаг прерывания
mov [FDD_IntFlag], 0
; Установить скорость передачи 500 Кбайт/с
mov AX, 0
mov DX, 03F7h
out DX, AL
; Инициализировать канал прямого доступа к памяти
mov [dmamode], 0x4A
call Init_FDC_DMA
; Подать команду "Запись данных"
mov AL, 0xC5 ;0x45 ;запись в мультитрековом режиме
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, [FDD_Head]
shl AL, 2
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, [FDD_Track]
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, [FDD_Head]
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, [FDD_Sector]
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, 2 ;код размера сектора (512 байт)
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, 18; 3Fh ;число секторов на дорожке
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, 1Bh ;значение GPL
call FDCDataOutput
mov AL, 0FFh;значение DTL
call FDCDataOutput
; Ожидаем прерывание по завершении операции
call WaitFDCInterrupt
cmp [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal
jne @@Exit_3
; Считываем статус завершения операции
call GetStatusInfo
test [FDC_ST0], 11000000b ;11011000b
jnz @@Err_2
mov [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal
jmp @@Exit_3
mov [FDC_Status], FDC_SectorNotFound
call save_timer_fdd_motor
;* Параметры передаются через глобальные переменные: *
;* FDD_Track - номер дорожки (0-79); *
;* FDD_Head - номер головки (0-1); *
;* FDD_Sector - номер сектора (1-18). *
;* Результат операции заносится в FDC_Status. *
;* В случае успешного выполнения операции записи *
;* содержимое FDD_DataBuffer будет занесено в сектор. *
; Обнулить счетчик повторения операции рекалибровки
mov [RecalRepCounter], 0
; Обнулить счетчик повторения операции чтени
mov [ReadRepCounter], 0
call WriteSector
cmp [FDC_Status], 0
je @@Exit_4
cmp [FDC_Status], 1
je @@Err_4
; Троекратное повторение чтени
inc [ReadRepCounter]
cmp [ReadRepCounter], 3
jb @@WriteSector_1
; Троекратное повторение рекалибровки
call RecalibrateFDD
call SeekTrack
inc [RecalRepCounter]
cmp [RecalRepCounter], 3
jb @@TryAgain_1
push AX
call FDCDataInput
mov [FDC_ST0], AL
call FDCDataInput
mov [FDC_ST1], AL
call FDCDataInput
mov [FDC_ST2], AL
call FDCDataInput
mov [FDC_C], AL
call FDCDataInput
mov [FDC_H], AL
call FDCDataInput
mov [FDC_R], AL
call FDCDataInput
mov [FDC_N], AL
pop AX
; Interface for disk subsystem.
; Assume fixed capacity for 1.44M.
FLOPPY_CAPACITY = 2880 ; in sectors
align 4
dd .size
dd 0 ; no close() function
dd 0 ; no closemedia() function
dd floppy_querymedia
dd floppy_read
dd floppy_write
dd 0 ; no flush() function
dd 0 ; no adjust_cache_size() function
.size = $ - floppy_functions
floppy_media_flags rb 2
n_sector dd 0 ; temporary save for sector value
flp_number db 0 ; 1- Floppy A, 2-Floppy B
old_track db 0 ; old value track
flp_label rb 15*2 ; Label and ID of inserted floppy disk
align 4
; Hardware does not allow to work with two floppies in parallel,
; so there is one mutex guarding access to any floppy.
floppy_mutex MUTEX
; Meaning of bits in floppy_media_flags
FLOPPY_MEDIA_PRESENT = 1 ; media was present when last asked
FLOPPY_MEDIA_NEED_RESCAN = 2 ; media was possibly changed, need to rescan
FLOPPY_MEDIA_LABEL_CHANGED = 4 ; temporary state
floppy1_name db 'fd',0
floppy2_name db 'fd2',0
; This function is called in boot process.
; It creates filesystems /fd and/or /fd2, if the system has one/two floppy drives.
proc floppy_init
mov ecx, floppy_mutex
call mutex_init
; First floppy is present if [DRIVE_DATA] and 0xF0 is nonzero.
test byte [DRIVE_DATA], 0xF0
jz .no1
stdcall disk_add, floppy_functions, floppy1_name, 1, DISK_NO_INSERT_NOTIFICATION
; Second floppy is present if [DRIVE_DATA] and 0x0F is nonzero.
test byte [DRIVE_DATA], 0x0F
jz .no2
stdcall disk_add, floppy_functions, floppy2_name, 2, DISK_NO_INSERT_NOTIFICATION
; Returns information about disk media.
; Floppy drives do not support insert notifications,
; the disk subsystem calls this function before each filesystem operation.
; If the media has changed, return error for the first call as signal
; to finalize work with old media and the true geometry for the second call.
; Assume that media is (possibly) changed anytime when motor is off.
proc floppy_querymedia
virtual at esp+4
.userdata dd ?
.info dd ?
end virtual
; 1. Acquire the global lock.
mov ecx, floppy_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov edx, [.userdata] ; 1 for /fd, 2 for /fd2
; 2. If the media was reported and has been changed, forget it and report an error.
mov al, [floppy_media_flags+edx-1]
jnz .not_reported
mov [floppy_media_flags+edx-1], 0
mov ecx, floppy_mutex
call mutex_unlock
retn 8
; 3. If we are in the temporary state LABEL_CHANGED, this is the second call
; after intermediate DISK_STATUS_NO_MEDIA due to media change;
; clear the flag and return the current geometry without rereading the bootsector.
cmp [floppy_media_flags+edx-1], FLOPPY_MEDIA_LABEL_CHANGED
jz .report_geometry
; 4. Try to read the bootsector.
mov [flp_number], dl
mov [FDC_Status], 0
call floppy_read_bootsector
; 5. If reading bootsector failed, assume that media is not present.
mov edx, [.userdata]
cmp [FDC_Status], 0
jnz .no_media
; 6. Check whether the previous status is "present". If not, go to 10.
push esi edi
imul edi, edx, 15
add edi, flp_label-15
mov esi, FDD_BUFF+39
mov ecx, 15
test [floppy_media_flags+edx-1], FLOPPY_MEDIA_PRESENT
jz .set_label
; 7. Compare the old label with the current one.
rep cmpsb
; 8. If the label has not changed, go to 11.
jz .ok
; 9. If the label has changed, store it, enter temporary state LABEL_CHANGED
; and report DISK_STATUS_NO_MEDIA.
; dbgstr 'floppy label changed'
add esi, ecx
add edi, ecx
mov ecx, 15
sub esi, ecx
sub edi, ecx
rep movsb
mov [floppy_media_flags+edx-1], FLOPPY_MEDIA_LABEL_CHANGED
pop edi esi
jmp .return_no_media
; 10. The previous state was "not present". Copy the label.
rep movsb
pop edi esi
; 11. Fill DISKMEDIAINFO structure.
mov ecx, [.info]
and [ecx+DISKMEDIAINFO.Flags], 0
mov [ecx+DISKMEDIAINFO.SectorSize], 512
and dword [ecx+DISKMEDIAINFO.Capacity+4], 0
; 12. Update state: media is present, data are actual.
mov [floppy_media_flags+edx-1], FLOPPY_MEDIA_PRESENT
; 13. Release the global lock and return successful status.
mov ecx, floppy_mutex
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
retn 8
proc floppy_read_bootsector
mov [FDD_Track], 0; Цилиндр
mov [FDD_Head], 0; Сторона
mov [FDD_Sector], 1; Сектор
call FDDMotorON
call RecalibrateFDD
cmp [FDC_Status], 0
jne .nothing
call SeekTrack
cmp [FDC_Status], 0
jne .nothing
call ReadSectWithRetr
call calculate_chs
call ReadSectWithRetr
call calculate_chs
call WriteSectWithRetr
mov bl, [FDD_Track]
mov [old_track], bl
mov ebx, 18
xor edx, edx
div ebx
inc edx
mov [FDD_Sector], dl
mov edx, eax
shr eax, 1
and edx, 1
mov [FDD_Track], al
mov [FDD_Head], dl
mov dl, [old_track]
cmp dl, [FDD_Track]
je no_seek_track_1
call SeekTrack
; Writes one or more sectors to the device.
proc floppy_write
mov dl, 1
jmp floppy_read_write
; Reads one or more sectors from the device.
proc floppy_read
mov dl, 0
; Common part of floppy_read and floppy_write.
proc floppy_read_write userdata:dword, buffer:dword, start_sector:qword, numsectors_ptr:dword
virtual at ebp-8
.sectors_todo dd ?
.operation db ?
end virtual
push edx ; save operation code to [.operation]
; 1. Get number of sectors to read/write
; and zero number of sectors that were actually read/written.
mov eax, [numsectors_ptr]
push dword [eax] ; initialize [.sectors_todo]
and dword [eax], 0
push ebx esi edi ; save used registers to be stdcall
; 2. Acquire the global lock.
mov ecx, floppy_mutex
call mutex_lock
; 3. Set floppy number for this operation.
mov edx, [userdata]
mov [flp_number], dl
; 4. Read/write sector-by-sector.
; 4a. Check that the sector is inside the media.
cmp dword [start_sector+4], 0
jnz .end_of_media
mov eax, dword [start_sector]
jae .end_of_media
; 4b. For read operation, call read_chs_sector and then move data from FDD_BUFF to [buffer].
; For write operation, move data from [buffer] to FDD_BUFF and then call save_chs_sector.
cmp [.operation], 0
jz .read
mov esi, [buffer]
mov edi, FDD_BUFF
mov ecx, 512/4
rep movsd
mov [buffer], esi
call save_chs_sector
jmp @f
call read_chs_sector
mov esi, FDD_BUFF
mov edi, [buffer]
mov ecx, 512/4
rep movsd
mov [buffer], edi
; 4c. If there was an error, propagate it to the caller.
cmp [FDC_Status], 0
jnz .fail
; 4d. Otherwise, increment number of sectors processed and continue the loop.
mov eax, [numsectors_ptr]
inc dword [eax]
inc dword [start_sector]
dec [.sectors_todo]
jnz .operation_loop
; 5. Release the global lock and return with the correct status.
push 0
mov ecx, floppy_mutex
call mutex_unlock
pop eax
pop edi esi ebx ; restore used registers to be stdcall
ret ; this translates to leave/retn N and purges local variables
push -1
jmp .return
jmp .return
0,0 → 1,1185
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4420 $
; Low-level driver for HDD access
; DMA support by Mario79
; LBA48 support by Mario79
struct HD_DATA
hdbase dd ?
hdid dd ?
hdpos dd ?
align 4
dd ide_callbacks.end - ide_callbacks ; strucsize
dd 0 ; no close function
dd 0 ; no closemedia function
dd ide_querymedia
dd ide_read
dd ide_write
dd 0 ; no flush function
dd 0 ; use default cache size
hd0_data HD_DATA ?, 0, 1
hd1_data HD_DATA ?, 0x10, 2
hd2_data HD_DATA ?, 0, 3
hd3_data HD_DATA ?, 0x10, 4
dd 0x1f0, 0x00, 0x1f0, 0x10
dd 0x170, 0x00, 0x170, 0x10
ide_mutex MUTEX
ide_channel1_mutex MUTEX
ide_channel2_mutex MUTEX
proc ide_read stdcall uses edi, \
hd_data, buffer, startsector:qword, numsectors
; hd_data = pointer to hd*_data
; buffer = pointer to buffer for data
; startsector = 64-bit start sector
; numsectors = pointer to number of sectors on input,
; must be filled with number of sectors really read
sectors_todo dd ?
channel_lock dd ?
; 1. Initialize number of sectors: get number of requested sectors
; and say that no sectors were read yet.
mov ecx, [numsectors]
mov eax, [ecx]
mov dword [ecx], 0
mov [sectors_todo], eax
; 2. Acquire the global lock.
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov ecx, ide_channel2_mutex
mov eax, [hd_data]
push ecx
mov ecx, [hd_address_table]
cmp [eax+HD_DATA.hdbase], ecx ; 0x1F0
pop ecx
jne .IDE_Channel_2
mov ecx, ide_channel1_mutex
mov [channel_lock], ecx
call mutex_lock
; 3. Convert parameters to the form suitable for worker procedures.
; Underlying procedures do not know about 64-bit sectors.
; Worker procedures use global variables and edi for [buffer].
cmp dword [startsector+4], 0
jnz .fail
and [hd_error], 0
mov ecx, [hd_data]
mov eax, [ecx+HD_DATA.hdbase]
mov [hdbase], eax
mov eax, [ecx+HD_DATA.hdid]
mov [hdid], eax
mov eax, [ecx+HD_DATA.hdpos]
mov [hdpos], eax
mov eax, dword [startsector]
mov edi, [buffer]
; 4. Worker procedures take one sectors per time, so loop over all sectors to read.
; DMA read is permitted if [allow_dma_access]=1 or 2
cmp [allow_dma_access], 2
ja .nodma
cmp [dma_hdd], 1
jnz .nodma
push eax
mov eax, [hd_address_table]
cmp [hdbase], eax ; 0x1F0
pop eax
jnz @f
test [DRIVE_DATA+1], byte 10100000b
jnz .nodma
jmp .dma
test [DRIVE_DATA+1], byte 1010b
jnz .nodma
call hd_read_dma
jmp @f
call hd_read_pio
cmp [hd_error], 0
jnz .fail
mov ecx, [numsectors]
inc dword [ecx] ; one more sector is read
dec [sectors_todo]
jz .done
inc eax
jnz .sectors_loop
; 5. Loop is done, either due to error or because everything is done.
; Release the global lock and return the corresponding status.
mov ecx, [channel_lock]
call mutex_unlock
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_unlock
or eax, -1
mov ecx, [channel_lock]
call mutex_unlock
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
proc ide_write stdcall uses esi edi, \
hd_data, buffer, startsector:qword, numsectors
; hd_data = pointer to hd*_data
; buffer = pointer to buffer with data
; startsector = 64-bit start sector
; numsectors = pointer to number of sectors on input,
; must be filled with number of sectors really written
sectors_todo dd ?
channel_lock dd ?
; 1. Initialize number of sectors: get number of requested sectors
; and say that no sectors were read yet.
mov ecx, [numsectors]
mov eax, [ecx]
mov dword [ecx], 0
mov [sectors_todo], eax
; 2. Acquire the global lock.
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov ecx, ide_channel2_mutex
mov eax, [hd_data]
push ecx
mov ecx, [hd_address_table]
cmp [eax+HD_DATA.hdbase], ecx ; 0x1F0
pop ecx
jne .IDE_Channel_2
mov ecx, ide_channel1_mutex
mov [channel_lock], ecx
call mutex_lock
; 3. Convert parameters to the form suitable for worker procedures.
; Underlying procedures do not know about 64-bit sectors.
; Worker procedures use global variables and esi for [buffer].
cmp dword [startsector+4], 0
jnz .fail
and [hd_error], 0
mov ecx, [hd_data]
mov eax, [ecx+HD_DATA.hdbase]
mov [hdbase], eax
mov eax, [ecx+HD_DATA.hdid]
mov [hdid], eax
mov eax, [ecx+HD_DATA.hdpos]
mov [hdpos], eax
mov esi, [buffer]
lea edi, [startsector]
mov [cache_chain_ptr], edi
; 4. Worker procedures take max 16 sectors per time,
; loop until all sectors will be processed.
mov ecx, 16
cmp ecx, [sectors_todo]
jbe @f
mov ecx, [sectors_todo]
mov [cache_chain_size], cl
; DMA write is permitted only if [allow_dma_access]=1
cmp [allow_dma_access], 2
jae .nodma
cmp [dma_hdd], 1
jnz .nodma
push eax
mov eax, [hd_address_table]
cmp [hdbase], eax ; 0x1F0
pop eax
jnz @f
test [DRIVE_DATA+1], byte 10100000b
jnz .nodma
jmp .dma
test [DRIVE_DATA+1], byte 1010b
jnz .nodma
call cache_write_dma
jmp .common
mov [cache_chain_size], 1
call cache_write_pio
cmp [hd_error], 0
jnz .fail
movzx ecx, [cache_chain_size]
mov eax, [numsectors]
add [eax], ecx
sub [sectors_todo], ecx
jz .done
add [edi], ecx
jc .fail
shl ecx, 9
add esi, ecx
jmp .sectors_loop
; 5. Loop is done, either due to error or because everything is done.
; Release the global lock and return the corresponding status.
mov ecx, [channel_lock]
call mutex_unlock
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_unlock
or eax, -1
mov ecx, [channel_lock]
call mutex_unlock
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
; This is a stub.
proc ide_querymedia stdcall, hd_data, mediainfo
mov eax, [mediainfo]
mov [eax+DISKMEDIAINFO.Flags], 0
mov [eax+DISKMEDIAINFO.SectorSize], 512
or dword [eax+DISKMEDIAINFO.Capacity], 0xFFFFFFFF
or dword [eax+DISKMEDIAINFO.Capacity+4], 0xFFFFFFFF
xor eax, eax
align 4
; input: eax = sector, edi -> buffer
; output: edi = edi + 512
push eax edx
; Select the desired drive
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 6 ;адрес регистра головок
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al; номер головки/номер диска
call wait_for_hd_idle
cmp [hd_error], 0
jne hd_read_error
; ATA with 28 or 48 bit for sector number?
mov eax, [esp+4]
cmp eax, 0x10000000
jae .lba48
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; ATA Features регистр "особенностей"
inc edx
inc eax
out dx, al ; ATA Sector Counter счётчик секторов
inc edx
mov eax, [esp+4+4]
out dx, al ; LBA Low LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High LBA (23:16)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
and al, 1+2+4+8 ; LBA (27:24)
add al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
inc edx
mov al, 20h ; READ SECTOR(S)
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
jmp .continue
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; Features Previous Reserved
out dx, al ; Features Current Reserved
inc edx
out dx, al ; Sector Count Previous Sector count (15:8)
inc eax
out dx, al ; Sector Count Current Sector count (7:0)
inc edx
mov eax, [esp+4+4]
rol eax, 8
out dx, al ; LBA Low Previous LBA (31:24)
xor eax, eax ; because only 32 bit cache
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Previous LBA (39:32)
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Previous LBA (47:40)
sub edx, 2
mov eax, [esp+4+4]
out dx, al ; LBA Low Current LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Current LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Current LBA (23:16)
inc edx
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
inc edx
mov al, 24h ; READ SECTOR(S) EXT
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
call wait_for_sector_buffer
cmp [hd_error], 0
jne hd_read_error
mov ecx, 256
mov edx, [hdbase]
rep insw
pop edx eax
align 4
; edi -> sector, esi -> data
; Select the desired drive
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 6 ;адрес регистра головок
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
call wait_for_hd_idle
cmp [hd_error], 0
jne hd_write_error
; ATA with 28 or 48 bit for sector number?
mov eax, [edi]
cmp eax, 0x10000000
jae .lba48
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; ATA Features регистр "особенностей"
inc edx
inc eax
out dx, al ; ATA Sector Counter счётчик секторов
inc edx
mov eax, [edi] ; eax = sector to write
out dx, al ; LBA Low LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High LBA (23:16)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
and al, 1+2+4+8 ; LBA (27:24)
add al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
inc edx
mov al, 30h ; WRITE SECTOR(S)
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
jmp .continue
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; Features Previous Reserved
out dx, al ; Features Current Reserved
inc edx
out dx, al ; Sector Count Previous Sector count (15:8)
inc eax
out dx, al ; Sector Count Current Sector count (7:0)
inc edx
mov eax, [edi]
rol eax, 8
out dx, al ; LBA Low Previous LBA (31:24)
xor eax, eax ; because only 32 bit cache
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Previous LBA (39:32)
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Previous LBA (47:40)
sub edx, 2
mov eax, [edi]
out dx, al ; LBA Low Current LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Current LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Current LBA (23:16)
inc edx
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
inc edx
mov al, 34h ; WRITE SECTOR(S) EXT
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
call wait_for_sector_buffer
cmp [hd_error], 0
jne hd_write_error
push ecx esi
mov ecx, 256
mov edx, [hdbase]
rep outsw
pop esi ecx
align 4
push eax
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
add eax, 300 ; 3 sec timeout
mov [hd_wait_timeout], eax
pop eax
align 4
push eax
mov eax, [hd_wait_timeout]
cmp [timer_ticks], eax
jg hd_timeout_error
pop eax
mov [hd_error], 0
if lang eq sp
DEBUGF 1,"K : FS - HD tiempo de espera agotado\n"
DEBUGF 1,"K : FS - HD timeout\n"
end if
mov [hd_error], 1
pop eax
if lang eq sp
DEBUGF 1,"K : FS - HD error de lectura\n"
DEBUGF 1,"K : FS - HD read error\n"
end if
pop edx eax
pop esi
if lang eq sp
DEBUGF 1,"K : FS - HD error de escritura\n"
DEBUGF 1,"K : FS - HD write error\n"
end if
align 4
push eax edx
call save_hd_wait_timeout
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 0x7
align 4
call check_hd_wait_timeout
cmp [hd_error], 0
jne @f
in al, dx
test al, 128
jnz wfhil1
pop edx eax
align 4
push eax edx
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 0x7
call save_hd_wait_timeout
align 4
hdwait_sbuf: ; wait for sector buffer to be ready
call check_hd_wait_timeout
cmp [hd_error], 0
jne @f
in al, dx
test al, 8
jz hdwait_sbuf
mov [hd_error], 0
cmp [hd_setup], 1 ; do not mark error for setup request
je buf_wait_ok
test al, 1 ; previous command ended up with an error
jz buf_wait_ok
mov [hd_error], 1
pop edx eax
irq14_num equ byte 14
irq15_num equ byte 15
align 4
push eax
push edx
call save_hd_wait_timeout
align 4
call change_task
cmp [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
jz .done
call check_hd_wait_timeout
cmp [hd_error], 0
jz .wait
; clear Bus Master IDE Command register
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr]
mov al, 0
out dx, al
align 4
pop edx
pop eax
align 4
push eax
push edx
call save_hd_wait_timeout
align 4
call change_task
cmp [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
jz .done
call check_hd_wait_timeout
cmp [hd_error], 0
jz .wait
; clear Bus Master IDE Command register
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr]
add dx, 8
mov al, 0
out dx, al
align 4
pop edx
pop eax
align 4
; note that IDE descriptor table must be 4-byte aligned and do not cross 4K boundary
dw 0x2000
dw 0x8000
dma_cur_sector dd not 40h
dma_hdpos dd 0
IDE_common_irq_param db 0
; all uglobals are zeroed at boot
dma_process dd 0
dma_slot_ptr dd 0
cache_chain_pos dd 0
cache_chain_ptr dd 0
cache_chain_size db 0
cache_chain_started db 0
dma_task_switched db 0
dma_hdd db 0
allow_dma_access db 0
align 4
cmp [IDE_common_irq_param], irq14_num
jne .exit
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr]
; test whether it is our interrupt?
add edx, 2
in al, dx
test al, 100b
jz @f
; clear Bus Master IDE Status register
; clear Interrupt bit
out dx, al
; clear Bus Master IDE Command register
sub edx, 2
xor eax, eax
out dx, al
; read status register and remove the interrupt request
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 0x7
in al, dx
mov al, 1
align 4
align 4
mov al, 0
align 4
cmp [IDE_common_irq_param], irq15_num
jne .exit
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr]
add dx, 8
; test whether it is our interrupt?
add edx, 2
in al, dx
test al, 100b
jz @f
; clear Bus Master IDE Status register
; clear Interrupt bit
out dx, al
; clear Bus Master IDE Command register
sub edx, 2
mov al, 0
out dx, al
; read status register and remove the interrupt request
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 0x7
in al, dx
mov al, 1
align 4
align 4
mov al, 0
align 4
cmp [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
je .exit
xor ebx, ebx
mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr]
mov eax, IDE_common_irq_param
cmp [eax], irq14_num
mov [eax], bl
je @f
add dx, 8
align 4
; test whether it is our interrupt?
add edx, 2
in al, dx
test al, 100b
jz @f
; clear Bus Master IDE Status register
; clear Interrupt bit
out dx, al
; clear Bus Master IDE Command register
sub edx, 2
xor eax, eax
out dx, al
; read status register and remove the interrupt request
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 0x7
in al, dx
mov al, 1
align 4
align 4
mov al, 0
align 4
push eax
push edx
mov edx, [dma_hdpos]
cmp edx, [hdpos]
jne .notread
mov edx, [dma_cur_sector]
cmp eax, edx
jb .notread
add edx, 15
cmp [esp+4], edx
ja .notread
mov eax, [esp+4]
sub eax, [dma_cur_sector]
shl eax, 9
add eax, (OS_BASE+IDE_DMA)
push ecx esi
mov esi, eax
mov ecx, 512/4
rep movsd
pop esi ecx
pop edx
pop eax
; set data for PRD Table
mov eax, IDE_descriptor_table
mov dword [eax], IDE_DMA
mov word [eax+4], 0x2000
sub eax, OS_BASE
; select controller Primary or Secondary
mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr]
push eax
mov eax, [hd_address_table]
cmp [hdbase], eax ; 0x1F0
pop eax
jz @f
add edx, 8
push edx
; Bus Master IDE PRD Table Address
add edx, 4
; save IDE_descriptor_table
out dx, eax
pop edx
; clear Bus Master IDE Command register
mov al, 0
out dx, al
; clear Bus Master IDE Status register
; clear Error bit and Interrupt bit
add edx, 2
mov al, 6 ; 110b
out dx, al
; Select the desired drive
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 6 ; адрес регистра головок
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
call wait_for_hd_idle
cmp [hd_error], 0
jnz hd_read_error
; ATA with 28 or 48 bit for sector number?
mov eax, [esp+4]
; -10h because the PreCache hits the boundary between lba28 and lba48
; 10h = 16 - size of PreCache
cmp eax, 0x10000000-10h
jae .lba48
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; ATA Features регистр "особенностей"
inc edx
mov eax, 10h ; Sector Counter = 16 ; PreCache
out dx, al ; ATA Sector Counter счётчик секторов
inc edx
mov eax, [esp+4+4]
out dx, al ; LBA Low LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High LBA (23:16)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
and al, 0xF ; LBA (27:24)
add al, byte [hdid]
add al, 11100000b
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
inc edx
mov al, 0xC8 ; READ DMA
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
jmp .continue
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; Features Previous Reserved
out dx, al ; Features Current Reserved
inc edx
out dx, al ; Sector Count Previous Sector count (15:8)
mov eax, 10h ; Sector Counter = 16 PreCache
out dx, al ; Sector Count Current Sector count (7:0)
inc edx
mov eax, [esp+4+4]
rol eax, 8
out dx, al ; LBA Low Previous LBA (31:24)
xor eax, eax ; because only 32 bit cache
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Previous LBA (39:32)
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Previous LBA (47:40)
sub edx, 2
mov eax, [esp+4+4]
out dx, al ; LBA Low Current LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Current LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Current LBA (23:16)
inc edx
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
inc edx
mov al, 25h ; READ DMA EXT
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
; select controller Primary or Secondary
mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr]
mov eax, [hd_address_table]
cmp [hdbase], eax ; 0x1F0
jz @f
add dx, 8
; set write to memory and Start Bus Master
mov al, 9
out dx, al
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov [dma_process], eax
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov [dma_slot_ptr], eax
mov eax, [hd_address_table]
cmp [hdbase], eax ; 0x1F0
jnz .ide1
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], irq14_num
jmp @f
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], irq15_num
; wait for interrupt
mov eax, [hd_address_table]
cmp [hdbase], eax ; 0x1F0
jnz .wait_ide1
call wait_for_sector_dma_ide0
jmp @f
call wait_for_sector_dma_ide1
cmp [hd_error], 0
jnz hd_read_error
mov eax, [hdpos]
mov [dma_hdpos], eax
pop edx
pop eax
mov [dma_cur_sector], eax
jmp hd_read_dma
mov eax, [cache_chain_ptr] ; for what?
push esi
; set data for PRD Table
mov eax, IDE_descriptor_table
mov edx, eax
mov edi, (OS_BASE+IDE_DMA)
mov dword [edx], IDE_DMA
movzx ecx, [cache_chain_size]
shl ecx, 9
mov word [edx+4], cx
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
sub eax, OS_BASE
; select controller Primary or Secondary
mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr]
push eax
mov eax, [hd_address_table]
cmp [hdbase], eax ; 0x1F0
pop eax
jz @f
add edx, 8
push edx
; Bus Master IDE PRD Table Address
add edx, 4
; save IDE_descriptor_table
out dx, eax
pop edx
; clear Bus Master IDE Command register
mov al, 0
out dx, al
; clear Bus Master IDE Status register
; clear Error bit and Interrupt bit
add edx, 2
mov al, 6
out dx, al
; Select the desired drive
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 6 ; адрес регистра головок
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
call wait_for_hd_idle
cmp [hd_error], 0
jnz hd_write_error_dma
; ATA with 28 or 48 bit for sector number?
mov esi, [cache_chain_ptr]
mov eax, [esi]
; -40h because the PreCache hits the boundary between lba28 and lba48
; 40h = 64 - the maximum number of sectors to be written for one command
cmp eax, 0x10000000-40h
jae .lba48
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; ATA Features регистр "особенностей"
inc edx
mov al, [cache_chain_size] ; Sector Counter
out dx, al ; ATA Sector Counter счётчик секторов
inc edx
mov eax, [esi]
out dx, al ; LBA Low LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High LBA (23:16)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
and al, 0xF ; LBA (27:24)
add al, byte [hdid]
add al, 11100000b
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
inc edx
mov al, 0xCA ; WRITE DMA
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
jmp .continue
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; Features Previous Reserved
out dx, al ; Features Current Reserved
inc edx
out dx, al ; Sector Count Previous Sector count (15:8)
mov al, [cache_chain_size] ; Sector Counter
out dx, al ; Sector Count Current Sector count (7:0)
inc edx
mov eax, [esi]
rol eax, 8
out dx, al ; LBA Low Previous LBA (31:24)
xor eax, eax ; because only 32 bit cache
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Previous LBA (39:32)
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Previous LBA (47:40)
sub edx, 2
mov eax, [esi]
out dx, al ; LBA Low Current LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Current LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Current LBA (23:16)
inc edx
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
inc edx
mov al, 35h ; WRITE DMA EXT
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
; select controller Primary or Secondary
mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr]
mov eax, [hd_address_table]
cmp [hdbase], eax ; 0x1F0
jz @f
add dx, 8
; set write to device and Start Bus Master
mov al, 1
out dx, al
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov [dma_process], eax
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov [dma_slot_ptr], eax
mov eax, [hd_address_table]
cmp [hdbase], eax ; 0x1F0
jnz .ide1
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], irq14_num
jmp @f
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], irq15_num
; wait for interrupt
mov [dma_cur_sector], not 0x40
mov eax, [hd_address_table]
cmp [hdbase], eax ; 0x1F0
jnz .wait_ide1
call wait_for_sector_dma_ide0
jmp @f
call wait_for_sector_dma_ide1
cmp [hd_error], 0
jnz hd_write_error_dma
pop esi
align 4
IDE_Interrupt dw ?
IDEContrRegsBaseAddr dw ?
IDEContrProgrammingInterface dw ?
IDE_BAR0_val dw ?
IDE_BAR1_val dw ?
IDE_BAR2_val dw ?
IDE_BAR3_val dw ?
0,0 → 1,367
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; [cache_ide[X]_pointer]
; or [cache_ide[X]_data_pointer] first entry in cache list
; +0 - lba sector
; +4 - state of cache sector
; 0 = empty
; 1 = used for read ( same as in hd )
; 2 = used for write ( differs from hd )
; [cache_ide[X]_system_data]
; or [cache_ide[x]_appl_data] - cache entries
$Revision: 3742 $
align 4
; find empty or read slot, flush cache if next 10% is used by write
; output : edi = cache slot
call cd_calculate_cache_3
inc edi
call cd_calculate_cache_4
jbe .inside_cache
mov edi, 1
call cd_calculate_cache_5
xor eax, eax
cmp [cdpos], 1
jne .ide1
mov [cache_ide0_search_start], eax
mov ecx, [cache_ide0_system_sad_size]
mov edi, [cache_ide0_pointer]
call .clear
mov [cache_ide0_appl_search_start], eax
mov ecx, [cache_ide0_appl_sad_size]
mov edi, [cache_ide0_data_pointer]
jmp .continue
cmp [cdpos], 2
jne .ide2
mov [cache_ide1_search_start], eax
mov ecx, [cache_ide1_system_sad_size]
mov edi, [cache_ide1_pointer]
call .clear
mov [cache_ide1_appl_search_start], eax
mov ecx, [cache_ide1_appl_sad_size]
mov edi, [cache_ide1_data_pointer]
jmp .continue
cmp [cdpos], 3
jne .ide3
mov [cache_ide2_search_start], eax
mov ecx, [cache_ide2_system_sad_size]
mov edi, [cache_ide2_pointer]
call .clear
mov [cache_ide2_appl_search_start], eax
mov ecx, [cache_ide2_appl_sad_size]
mov edi, [cache_ide2_data_pointer]
jmp .continue
mov [cache_ide3_search_start], eax
mov ecx, [cache_ide3_system_sad_size]
mov edi, [cache_ide3_pointer]
call .clear
mov [cache_ide3_appl_search_start], eax
mov ecx, [cache_ide3_appl_sad_size]
mov edi, [cache_ide3_data_pointer]
call .clear
shl ecx, 1
rep stosd
align 4
; 1 - IDE0 ... 4 - IDE3
cmp [cdpos], 1
jne .ide1
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide0_appl_data
mov ecx, [cache_ide0_system_sad_size]
mov esi, [cache_ide0_pointer]
mov ecx, [cache_ide0_appl_sad_size]
mov esi, [cache_ide0_data_pointer]
cmp [cdpos], 2
jne .ide2
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide1_appl_data
mov ecx, [cache_ide1_system_sad_size]
mov esi, [cache_ide1_pointer]
mov ecx, [cache_ide1_appl_sad_size]
mov esi, [cache_ide1_data_pointer]
cmp [cdpos], 3
jne .ide3
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide2_appl_data
mov ecx, [cache_ide2_system_sad_size]
mov esi, [cache_ide2_pointer]
mov ecx, [cache_ide2_appl_sad_size]
mov esi, [cache_ide2_data_pointer]
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide3_appl_data
mov ecx, [cache_ide3_system_sad_size]
mov esi, [cache_ide3_pointer]
mov ecx, [cache_ide3_appl_sad_size]
mov esi, [cache_ide3_data_pointer]
align 4
; 1 - IDE0 ... 4 - IDE3
cmp [cdpos], 1
jne .ide1
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide0_appl_data
mov esi, [cache_ide0_pointer]
mov esi, [cache_ide0_data_pointer]
cmp [cdpos], 2
jne .ide2
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide1_appl_data
mov esi, [cache_ide1_pointer]
mov esi, [cache_ide1_data_pointer]
cmp [cdpos], 3
jne .ide3
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide2_appl_data
mov esi, [cache_ide2_pointer]
mov esi, [cache_ide2_data_pointer]
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide3_appl_data
mov esi, [cache_ide3_pointer]
mov esi, [cache_ide3_data_pointer]
align 4
; 1 - IDE0 ... 4 - IDE3
cmp [cdpos], 1
jne .ide1
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide0_appl_data
mov eax, [cache_ide0_system_data]
mov eax, [cache_ide0_appl_data]
cmp [cdpos], 2
jne .ide2
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide1_appl_data
mov eax, [cache_ide1_system_data]
mov eax, [cache_ide1_appl_data]
cmp [cdpos], 3
jne .ide3
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide2_appl_data
mov eax, [cache_ide2_system_data]
mov eax, [cache_ide2_appl_data]
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide3_appl_data
mov eax, [cache_ide3_system_data]
mov eax, [cache_ide3_appl_data]
align 4
; mov ecx,cache_max*10/100
; mov edi,[cache_search_start]
; 1 - IDE0 ... 4 - IDE3
cmp [cdpos], 1
jne .ide1
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide0_appl_data
mov edi, [cache_ide0_search_start]
mov edi, [cache_ide0_appl_search_start]
cmp [cdpos], 2
jne .ide2
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide1_appl_data
mov edi, [cache_ide1_search_start]
mov edi, [cache_ide1_appl_search_start]
cmp [cdpos], 3
jne .ide3
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide2_appl_data
mov edi, [cache_ide2_search_start]
mov edi, [cache_ide2_appl_search_start]
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide3_appl_data
mov edi, [cache_ide3_search_start]
mov edi, [cache_ide3_appl_search_start]
align 4
; cmp edi,cache_max
; 1 - IDE0 ... 4 - IDE3
cmp [cdpos], 1
jne .ide1
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide0_appl_data
cmp edi, [cache_ide0_system_sad_size]
cmp edi, [cache_ide0_appl_sad_size]
cmp [cdpos], 2
jne .ide2
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide1_appl_data
cmp edi, [cache_ide1_system_sad_size]
cmp edi, [cache_ide1_appl_sad_size]
cmp [cdpos], 3
jne .ide3
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide2_appl_data
cmp edi, [cache_ide2_system_sad_size]
cmp edi, [cache_ide2_appl_sad_size]
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide3_appl_data
cmp edi, [cache_ide3_system_sad_size]
cmp edi, [cache_ide3_appl_sad_size]
align 4
; mov [cache_search_start],edi
; 1 - IDE0 ... 4 - IDE3
cmp [cdpos], 1
jne .ide1
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide0_appl_data
mov [cache_ide0_search_start], edi
mov [cache_ide0_appl_search_start], edi
cmp [cdpos], 2
jne .ide2
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide1_appl_data
mov [cache_ide1_search_start], edi
mov [cache_ide1_appl_search_start], edi
cmp [cdpos], 3
jne .ide3
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide2_appl_data
mov [cache_ide2_search_start], edi
mov [cache_ide2_appl_search_start], edi
cmp [cd_appl_data], 0
jne .ide3_appl_data
mov [cache_ide3_search_start], edi
mov [cache_ide3_appl_search_start], edi
;align 4
; shr eax, 12
; mov eax, [page_tabs+eax*4]
; and eax, 0xFFFFF000
; ret
0,0 → 1,195
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; RAMDISK functions ;;
$Revision: 4273 $
align 4
dd .size
dd 0 ; no close() function
dd 0 ; no closemedia() function
dd ramdisk_querymedia
dd ramdisk_read
dd ramdisk_write
dd 0 ; no flush() function
dd ramdisk_adjust_cache_size
.size = $ - ramdisk_functions
; See
; Currently size of memory allocated for the ramdisk is fixed.
; This should be revisited when/if memory map would become more dynamic.
RAMDISK_CAPACITY = 2880 ; in sectors
align 4
ramdisk_actual_size dd RAMDISK_CAPACITY
; This function is called early in boot process.
; It creates filesystem /rd/1 based on raw image data loaded by somebody before
; to memory named as RAMDISK with max size RAMDISK_CAPACITY, may be less.
proc ramdisk_init
ramdisk_name db 'rd',0
push ebx esi ; save used registers to be stdcall
; 1. Register the device and the (always inserted) media in the disk subsystem.
stdcall disk_add, ramdisk_functions, ramdisk_name, 0, 0
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov ebx, eax
stdcall disk_media_changed, eax, 1
; 2. We don't know actual size of loaded image,
; so try to calculate it using partition structure,
; assuming that file systems fill the real size based on contents of the partition.
; 2a. Prepare for loop over partitions.
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx
; 2b. Check that at least one partition was recognized.
cmp [ebx+DISK.NumPartitions], ecx
jz .fail
; 2c. Loop over partitions.
; For every partition, set edx to maximum between edx and end of partition.
mov esi, [ebx+DISK.Partitions]
mov esi, [esi+ecx*4]
mov eax, dword [esi+PARTITION.FirstSector]
add eax, dword [esi+PARTITION.Length]
cmp eax, edx
jb @f
mov edx, eax
inc ecx
cmp ecx, [ebx+DISK.NumPartitions]
jb .partitions
; 3. Reclaim unused memory, if any.
mov [ramdisk_actual_size], edx
add edx, 7 ; aligning up
shr edx, 3 ; 512-byte sectors -> 4096-byte pages
mov esi, RAMDISK_CAPACITY / 8 ; aligning down
sub esi, edx
jbe .no_reclaim
shl edx, 12
add edx, RAMDISK - OS_BASE
mov eax, edx
call free_page
add edx, 0x1000
dec esi
jnz @b
pop esi ebx ; restore used registers to be stdcall
dbgstr 'Failed to initialize ramdisk'
pop esi ebx ; restore used registers to be stdcall
; Returns information about disk media.
proc ramdisk_querymedia
virtual at esp+4
.userdata dd ?
.info dd ?
end virtual
; Media is always present, sector size is always 512 bytes.
mov edx, [.userdata]
mov ecx, [.info]
mov [ecx+DISKMEDIAINFO.Flags], 0
mov [ecx+DISKMEDIAINFO.SectorSize], 512
mov eax, [ramdisk_actual_size]
mov dword [ecx+DISKMEDIAINFO.Capacity], eax
mov dword [ecx+DISKMEDIAINFO.Capacity+4], 0
; Return zero as an indicator of success.
xor eax, eax
retn 8
; Common procedure for reading and writing.
; operation = 0 for reading, operation = 1 for writing.
; Arguments of ramdisk_read and ramdisk_write are the same.
macro ramdisk_read_write operation
push esi edi ; save used registers to be stdcall
mov esi, [userdata]
mov edi, [numsectors_ptr]
; 1. Determine number of sectors to be transferred.
; This is either the requested number of sectors or number of sectors
; up to the disk boundary, depending of what is less.
xor ecx, ecx
; 1a. Test whether [start_sector] is less than RAMDISK_CAPACITY.
; If so, calculate number of sectors between [start_sector] and RAMDISK_CAPACITY.
; Otherwise, the actual number of sectors is zero.
cmp dword [start_sector+4], ecx
jnz .got_number
mov eax, [ramdisk_actual_size]
sub eax, dword [start_sector]
jbe .got_number
; 1b. Get the requested number of sectors.
mov ecx, [edi]
; 1c. If it is greater than number of sectors calculated in 1a, use the value
; from 1a.
cmp ecx, eax
jb .got_number
mov ecx, eax
; 2. Compare the actual number of sectors with requested. If they are
; equal, set eax (it will be the returned value) to zero. Otherwise,
xor eax, eax
cmp ecx, [edi]
jz @f
; 3. Store the actual number of sectors.
mov [edi], ecx
; 4. Calculate source and destination addresses.
if operation = 0 ; reading?
mov esi, dword [start_sector]
shl esi, 9
add esi, RAMDISK
mov edi, [buffer]
else ; writing?
mov edi, dword [start_sector]
shl edi, 9
add edi, RAMDISK
mov esi, [buffer]
end if
; 5. Calculate number of dwords to be transferred.
shl ecx, 9-2
; 6. Copy data.
rep movsd
; 7. Return. The value in eax was calculated in step 2.
pop edi esi ; restore used registers to be stdcall
; Reads one or more sectors from the device.
proc ramdisk_read userdata:dword, buffer:dword, start_sector:qword, numsectors_ptr:dword
ramdisk_read_write 0
; Writes one or more sectors to the device.
proc ramdisk_write userdata:dword, buffer:dword, start_sector:qword, numsectors_ptr:dword
ramdisk_read_write 1
; The kernel calls this function when initializing cache subsystem for
; the media. This call allows the driver to adjust the cache size.
proc ramdisk_adjust_cache_size
virtual at esp+4
.userdata dd ?
.suggested_size dd ?
end virtual
; Since ramdisk does not need cache, just return 0.
xor eax, eax
retn 8
0,0 → 1,33
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4273 $
dd 2 ; subfunction: write
dd 0 ; (reserved)
dd 0 ; (reserved)
dd 0
db 0
dd ?
sysfn_saveramdisk: ; 18.6 = SAVE FLOPPY IMAGE (HD version only)
mov ebx, saverd_fileinfo
mov [ebx+21], ecx
mov eax, [ramdisk_actual_size]
shl eax, 9
mov [ebx+12], eax
call file_system_lfn_protected ;in ebx
mov [esp+32], eax
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,1520
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) MenuetOS 2000-2004 Ville Mikael Turjanmaa ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; KolibriOS 16-bit loader, ;;
;; based on bootcode for MenuetOS ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4291 $
; in: al=character
mov ah, 0Eh
mov bh, 0
int 10h
; in: si->string
mov al, 186
call putchar
mov al, ' '
call putchar
; in: si->string
call putchar
test al, al
jnz @b
getkey: ; Use BIOS INT 16h to read a key from the keyboard
; get number in range [bl,bh] (bl,bh in ['0'..'9'])
; in: bx=range
; out: ax=digit (1..9, 10 for 0)
mov ah, 0 ; If 'int 16h' is called with 'ah' equal to zero, the BIOS will not return control to the caller
int 16h ; until a key is available in the system type ahead buffer. On return, 'al' contains the ASCII
cmp al, 27 ; code for the key read from the buffer and 'ah' contains the keyboard scan code. (27=>ESC)
jz @f ; If ESC is pressed, return (user doesn't want to change any value).
cmp al, bl ; Compare 'al' (ASCII code of key pressed) with 'bl' (lowest accepted char from the range).
jb getkey ; ASCII code is below lowest accepted value => continue waiting for another key.
cmp al, bh ; Compare 'al' (ASCII code of key pressed) with 'bh' (highest accepted char from the range).
ja getkey ; ASCII code is above highest accepted value => continue waiting for another key.
push ax ; If the pressed key is in the accepted range, save it on the stack and echo to screen.
call putchar
pop ax
and ax, 0Fh ; Convert ASCII code to number: '1'->1, '2'->2, etc. 0Fh=1111b.
jnz @f ; ASCII code for '0' is 48 (110000b). (110000b AND 1111b) = 0
mov al, 10 ; So if key '0' was entered, return 10 in 'ax'
; in: dl=column, dh=row
mov ah, 2
mov bh, 0
int 10h
macro _setcursor row,column
mov dx, row*256 + column
call setcursor
macro _ask_question question,range,variable_to_set
_setcursor 16,0
mov si, question ; Print the question
call print
mov bx, range ; range accepted for answer
call getkey
cmp al, 27 ; If ESC was pressed, do not change the value
jz .esc_pressed
mov [variable_to_set], al
push si
xor si, si
mov ah, 2 ; read
push ax
int 0x13
pop ax
jnc @f
inc si
cmp si, 10
jb @b
mov si, badsect
call printplain
jmp $
pop si
; convert abs. sector number (AX) to BIOS T:H:S
; sector number = (abs.sector%BPB_SecPerTrk)+1
; pre.track number = (abs.sector/BPB_SecPerTrk)
; head number = pre.track number%BPB_NumHeads
; track number = pre.track number/BPB_NumHeads
; Return: cl - sector number
; ch - track number
; dl - drive number (0 = a:)
; dh - head number
push bx
mov bx, word [BPB_SecPerTrk]
xor dx, dx
div bx
inc dx
mov cl, dl ; cl = sector number
mov bx, word [BPB_NumHeads]
xor dx, dx
div bx
; !!!!!!! ax = track number, dx = head number
mov ch, al ; ch=track number
xchg dh, dl ; dh=head number
mov dl, 0 ; dl=0 (drive 0 (a:))
pop bx
; needed variables
BPB_SecPerTrk dw 0 ; sectors per track
BPB_NumHeads dw 0 ; number of heads
BPB_FATSz16 dw 0 ; size of FAT
BPB_RootEntCnt dw 0 ; count of root dir. entries
BPB_BytsPerSec dw 0 ; bytes per sector
BPB_RsvdSecCnt dw 0 ; number of reserved sectors
BPB_TotSec16 dw 0 ; count of the sectors on the volume
BPB_SecPerClus db 0 ; number of sectors per cluster
BPB_NumFATs db 0 ; number of FAT tables
abs_sector_adj dw 0 ; adjustment to make abs. sector number
end_of_FAT dw 0 ; end of FAT table
FirstDataSector dw 0 ; begin of data
include '' ;Include source for boot vesa
if defined extended_primary_loader
include ''
end if
if defined extended_primary_loader
; save data from primary loader
mov word [cs:bootcallback], si
mov word [cs:bootcallback+2], ds
push cs
pop ds
mov [bootdevice], ax
mov [bootfs], bx
; set up stack
mov ax, 3000h
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0EC00h
; try to load configuration file
mov ax, 1
mov di, config_file_struct
call [bootcallback]
push cs
pop es
; bx=0 - ok, bx=1 - part of file loaded, assume this is ok
cmp bx, 1
ja .config_bad
; configuration file was loaded, parse
; if length is too big, use first 0FFFFh bytes
test dx, dx
jz @f
mov ax, 0FFFFh
; ds:si will be pointer to current data, dx = limit
xchg ax, dx
push 4000h
pop ds
xor si, si
; skip spaces
cmp si, dx
jae .parse_done
cmp al, ' '
jbe .parse_loop
dec si
; loop over all possible configuration values
mov bx, config_file_variables
; get length
mov cx, [es:bx]
; zero length = end of list
jecxz .find_newline
; skip over length
inc bx
inc bx
mov di, bx
; skip over string
add bx, cx
; test whether we have at least cx symbols left
mov ax, cx
add ax, si
jc .next_variant1
cmp ax, dx
jae .next_variant1
; save current position
push si
; compare strings
repz cmpsb
jnz .next_variant2
; strings are equal; look for "=" with possible spaces before and after
cmp si, dx
jae .next_variant2
cmp al, ' '
jbe @b
cmp al, '='
jnz .next_variant2
; ok, we found the true variant
; ignore saved position on the stack
pop ax
; call the parser
call word [es:bx]
; line parsed, find next
cmp si, dx
jae .parse_done
cmp al, 13
jz .parse_loop
cmp al, 10
jz .parse_loop
jmp .find_newline
; continue to the next variant, restoring current position
pop si
; continue to the next variant
; skip over the parser
inc bx
inc bx
jmp .find_variant
; set up segment registers
push cs
pop ds
; \begin{diamond}[02.12.2005]
; if bootloader sets ax = 'KL', then ds:si points to loader block
cmp ax, 'KL'
jnz @f
mov word [cs:cfgmanager.loader_block], si
mov word [cs:cfgmanager.loader_block+2], ds
; \end{diamond}[02.12.2005]
; if bootloader sets cx = 'HA' and dx = 'RD', then bx contains identifier of source hard disk
; (see comment to bx_from_load)
cmp cx, 'HA'
jnz no_hd_load
cmp dx, 'RD'
jnz no_hd_load
mov word [cs:bx_from_load], bx ; {SPraid}[13.03.2007]
; set up stack
mov ax, 3000h
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0EC00h
; set up segment registers
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
end if
; set videomode
mov ax, 3
int 0x10
if lang eq ru
; Load & set russian VGA font (RU.INC)
mov bp, RU_FNT1 ; RU_FNT1 - First part
mov bx, 1000h ; 768 bytes
mov cx, 30h ; 48 symbols
mov dx, 80h ; 128 - position of first symbol
mov ax, 1100h
int 10h
mov bp, RU_FNT2 ; RU_FNT2 -Second part
mov bx, 1000h ; 512 bytes
mov cx, 20h ; 32 symbols
mov dx, 0E0h ; 224 - position of first symbol
mov ax, 1100h
int 10h
; End set VGA russian font
else if lang eq et
mov bp, ET_FNT ; ET_FNT1
mov bx, 1000h ;
mov cx, 255 ; 256 symbols
xor dx, dx ; 0 - position of first symbol
mov ax, 1100h
int 10h
end if
; draw frames
push 0xb800
pop es
xor di, di
mov ah, 1*16+15
; draw top
mov si, d80x25_top
mov cx, d80x25_top_num * 80
loop @b
; draw spaces
mov si, space_msg
mov dx, 25 - d80x25_top_num - d80x25_bottom_num
push si
mov cx, 80
loop @b
pop si
dec dx
jnz dfl1
; draw bottom
mov si, d80x25_bottom
mov cx, d80x25_bottom_num * 80
loop @b
mov byte [space_msg+80], 0 ; now space_msg is null terminated
_setcursor d80x25_top_num,0
; TEST FOR 386+
mov bx, 0x4000
pop ax
mov dx, ax
xor ax, bx
push ax
pop ax
and ax, bx
and dx, bx
cmp ax, dx
jnz cpugood
mov si, not386
call print
jmp $
push 0
; set up esp
movzx esp, sp
push 0
pop es
xor ax, ax
and word [es:BOOT_IDE_BASE_ADDR], ax ;0
and word [es:BOOT_IDE_BAR0_16], ax ;0
and word [es:BOOT_IDE_BAR1_16], ax ;0
and word [es:BOOT_IDE_BAR2_16], ax ;0
and word [es:BOOT_IDE_BAR3_16], ax ;0
; \begin{Mario79}
; find HDD IDE DMA PCI device
; check for PCI BIOS
mov ax, 0xB101
int 0x1A
jc .nopci
cmp edx, 'PCI '
jnz .nopci
; find PCI class code
; class 1 = mass storage
; subclass 1 = IDE controller
; a) class 1, subclass 1, programming interface 0x80
; This is a Parallel IDE Controller which uses IRQs 14 and 15.
mov ax, 0xB103
mov ecx, 1*10000h + 1*100h + 0x80
mov [es:BOOT_IDE_PI_16], cx
xor si, si ; device index = 0
int 0x1A
jnc .found_1 ; Parallel IDE Controller
; b) class 1, subclass 1, programming interface 0x8f
mov ax, 0xB103
mov ecx, 1*10000h + 1*100h + 0x8f
mov [es:BOOT_IDE_PI_16], cx
xor si, si ; device index = 0
int 0x1A
jnc .found_1
; c) class 1, subclass 1, programming interface 0x85
mov ax, 0xB103
mov ecx, 1*10000h + 1*100h + 0x85
mov [es:BOOT_IDE_PI_16], cx
xor si, si ; device index = 0
int 0x1A
jnc .found_1
; d) class 1, subclass 1, programming interface 0x8A
; This is a Parallel IDE Controller which uses IRQs 14 and 15.
mov ax, 0xB103
mov ecx, 1*10000h + 1*100h + 0x8A
mov [es:BOOT_IDE_PI_16], cx
xor si, si ; device index = 0
int 0x1A
jnc .found_1 ; Parallel IDE Controller
; Controller not found!
xor ax, ax
mov [es:BOOT_IDE_PI_16], ax
jmp .nopci
; get memory base BAR4
mov ax, 0xB10A
mov di, 0x20 ; memory base is config register at 0x20
push cx
int 0x1A
jc .no_BAR4 ;.nopci
and cx, 0xFFFC ; clear address decode type
mov [es:BOOT_IDE_BASE_ADDR], cx
pop cx
; get Interrupt Line
mov ax, 0xB10A
mov di, 0x3c ; memory base is config register at 0x3c
push cx
int 0x1A
jc .no_Interrupt ;.nopci
mov [es:BOOT_IDE_INTERR_16], cx
pop cx
; get memory base BAR0
mov ax, 0xB10A
mov di, 0x10 ; memory base is config register at 0x10
push cx
int 0x1A
jc .no_BAR0 ;.nopci
mov [es:BOOT_IDE_BAR0_16], cx
pop cx
; get memory base BAR1
mov ax, 0xB10A
mov di, 0x14 ; memory base is config register at 0x14
push cx
int 0x1A
jc .no_BAR1 ;.nopci
mov [es:BOOT_IDE_BAR1_16], cx
pop cx
; get memory base BAR2
mov ax, 0xB10A
mov di, 0x18 ; memory base is config register at 0x18
push cx
int 0x1A
jc .no_BAR2 ;.nopci
mov [es:BOOT_IDE_BAR2_16], cx
pop cx
; get memory base BAR3
mov ax, 0xB10A
mov di, 0x1C ; memory base is config register at 0x1c
push cx
int 0x1A
jc .no_BAR3 ;.nopci
mov [es:BOOT_IDE_BAR3_16], cx
pop cx
; \end{Mario79}
mov al, 0xf6 ; Сброс клавиатуры, разрешить сканирование
out 0x60, al
xor cx, cx
wait_loop: ; variant 2
; reading state of port of 8042 controller
in al, 64h
and al, 00000010b ; ready flag
; wait until 8042 controller is ready
loopnz wait_loop
;;;/diamond today 5.02.2008
; set keyboard typematic rate & delay
mov al, 0xf3
out 0x60, al
xor cx, cx
in al, 64h
test al, 2
loopnz @b
mov al, 0
out 0x60, al
xor cx, cx
in al, 64h
test al, 2
loopnz @b
; --------------- APM ---------------------
and word [es:BOOT_APM_VERSION], 0 ; ver = 0.0 (APM not found)
mov ax, 0x5300
xor bx, bx
int 0x15
jc apm_end ; APM not found
test cx, 2
jz apm_end ; APM 32-bit protected-mode interface not supported
mov [es:BOOT_APM_VERSION], ax ; Save APM Version
mov [es:BOOT_APM_FLAGS], cx ; Save APM flags
; Write APM ver ----
and ax, 0xf0f
add ax, '00'
mov si, msg_apm
mov [si + 5], ah
mov [si + 7], al
_setcursor 0, 3
call printplain
; ------------------
mov ax, 0x5304 ; Disconnect interface
xor bx, bx
int 0x15
mov ax, 0x5303 ; Connect 32 bit mode interface
xor bx, bx
int 0x15
mov [es:BOOT_APM_ENTRY], ebx
mov [es:BOOT_APM_CODE_32], ax
mov [es:BOOT_APM_CODE_16], cx
mov [es:BOOT_APM_DATA_16], dx
_setcursor d80x25_top_num, 0
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
;CHECK current of code
cmp [cfgmanager.loader_block], -1
jz noloaderblock
les bx, [cfgmanager.loader_block]
cmp byte [es:bx], 1
mov si, loader_block_error
jnz sayerr
push 0
pop es
end if
call print_vesa_info
call calc_vmodes_table
call check_first_parm ;check and enable cursor_pos
; \begin{diamond}[30.11.2005]
; settings:
; a) preboot_graph = graphical mode
; preboot_gprobe = probe this mode?
; b) preboot_biosdisk = use BIOS disks through V86 emulation? // (earlier was: preboot_dma = use DMA access?)
; c) preboot_debug = duplicates kernel debug output to the screen // (earlier was: preboot_vrrm = use VRR?)
; // VRR is an obsolete functionality, used only with CRT monitors: increase display frequency by reducing screen resolution
; d) preboot_launcher = start the first app (right now it's LAUNCHER) after kernel is loaded?
; e) preboot_device = from where to boot?
; determine default settings
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
mov [.bSettingsChanged], 0
end if
mov di, preboot_device
; if image in memory is present and [preboot_device] is uninitialized,
; set it to use this preloaded image
cmp byte [di], 0
jnz .preboot_device_inited
if defined extended_primary_loader
inc byte [di]
cmp byte [bootdevice], 'f' ; floppy?
jz .preboot_device_inited
inc byte [di]
cmp [.loader_block], -1
jz @f
les bx, [.loader_block]
test byte [es:bx+1], 1
jz @f
mov byte [di], 3
jmp .preboot_device_inited
; otherwise, set [preboot_device] to 1 (default value - boot from floppy)
mov byte [di], 1
end if
; following 4 lines set variables to 1 if its current value is 0
cmp byte [di+preboot_dma-preboot_device], 1
adc byte [di+preboot_dma-preboot_device], 0
cmp byte [di+preboot_launcher-preboot_device], 1 ; Start LAUNCHER by default
adc byte [di+preboot_launcher-preboot_device], 0
; cmp byte [di+preboot_biosdisk-preboot_device], 1
; adc byte [di+preboot_biosdisk-preboot_device], 0
;; default value for VRR is OFF
; cmp byte [di+preboot_vrrm-preboot_device], 0
; jnz @f
; mov byte [di+preboot_vrrm-preboot_device], 2
; notify user
_setcursor 5,2
mov si, linef
call printplain
mov si, start_msg
call print
mov si, time_msg
call print
; get start time
call .gettime
mov [.starttime], eax
mov word [.timer], .newtimer
mov word [.timer+2], cs
_setcursor 9,0
mov si, current_cfg_msg
call print
mov si, curvideo_msg
call print
call draw_current_vmode
mov si, usebd_msg
cmp [preboot_biosdisk], 1
call .say_on_off
; mov si, vrrm_msg
; cmp [preboot_vrrm], 1
; call .say_on_off
mov si, debug_mode_msg
cmp [preboot_debug], 1
call .say_on_off
mov si, launcher_msg
cmp [preboot_launcher], 1
call .say_on_off
mov si, preboot_device_msg
call print
mov al, [preboot_device]
if defined extended_primary_loader
and eax, 3
and eax, 7
end if
mov si, [preboot_device_msgs+eax*2]
call printplain
; show remarks in gray color
mov di, ((21-num_remarks)*80 + 2)*2
push 0xB800
pop es
mov cx, num_remarks
mov si, remarks
push si
xchg ax, si
mov ah, 1*16+7 ; background: blue (1), foreground: gray (7)
push di
test al, al
jz @f
jmp .write_remark
pop di
pop si
add di, 80*2
loop .write_remarks
_setcursor 25,0 ; out of screen
; set timer interrupt handler
push 0
pop es
push dword [es:8*4]
pop dword [.oldtimer]
push dword [.timer]
pop dword [es:8*4]
; mov eax, [es:8*4]
; mov [.oldtimer], eax
; mov eax, [.timer]
; mov [es:8*4], eax
; wait for keypressed
xor ax, ax
int 16h
push ax
; restore timer interrupt
; push 0
; pop es
mov eax, [.oldtimer]
mov [es:8*4], eax
mov [.timer], eax
_setcursor 7,0
mov si, space_msg
call printplain
; clear remarks and restore normal attributes
push es
mov di, ((21-num_remarks)*80 + 2)*2
push 0xB800
pop es
mov cx, num_remarks
mov ax, ' ' + (1*16 + 15)*100h
push cx
mov cx, 76
rep stosw
pop cx
add di, 4*2
loop @b
pop es
pop ax
; switch on key
cmp al, 13
jz .continue
or al, 20h
cmp al, 'a' ; select graphical mode
jz .change_a
cmp al, 'q' ; Trick to make 'A' key on azerty keyboard work
je .change_a
cmp al, 'b' ; use BIOS disks? // (selecting YES will make BIOS disks visible as /bd)
jz .change_b
cmp al, 'c' ; load kernel in debug mode? // (earlier was: use VRR?)
jz .change_c
cmp al, 'd' ; start launcher after kernel is loaded?
jz .change_d
cmp al, 'e' ; select boot origin
jnz .show_remarks
; e) preboot_device = from where to boot?
if defined extended_primary_loader
_ask_question bdev,'12',preboot_device ; range accepted for answer: 1-2
_ask_question bdev,'14',preboot_device ; range accepted for answer: 1-4
end if
_setcursor 14,0
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
mov [.bSettingsChanged], 1
end if
call clear_vmodes_table ;clear vmodes_table
jmp .printcfg
call clear_vmodes_table ;clear vmodes_table
mov si, word [cursor_pos]
mov word [cursor_pos_old], si
call draw_vmodes_table
_setcursor 25,0 ; out of screen
xor ax, ax
int 0x16
; call clear_table_cursor ;clear current position of cursor
mov si, word [cursor_pos]
cmp al, 27 ; If ESC was pressed, do not change the value
jnz @f ; Just exit the resolution selection box
mov si, word [cursor_pos_old]
mov word [cursor_pos], si
jmp .esc_pressed
cmp ah, 0x48;x,0x48E0 ; up
jne .down
cmp si, modes_table
jbe .loops
sub word [cursor_pos], size_of_step
jmp .loops
cmp ah, 0x50;x,0x50E0 ; down
jne .pgup
cmp word[es:si+10], -1
je .loops
add word [cursor_pos], size_of_step
jmp .loops
cmp ah, 0x49 ; page up
jne .pgdn
sub si, size_of_step*long_v_table
cmp si, modes_table
jae @f
mov si, modes_table
mov word [cursor_pos], si
mov si, word [home_cursor]
sub si, size_of_step*long_v_table
cmp si, modes_table
jae @f
mov si, modes_table
mov word [home_cursor], si
jmp .loops
cmp ah, 0x51 ; page down
jne .enter
mov ax, [end_cursor]
add si, size_of_step*long_v_table
cmp si, ax
jb @f
mov si, ax
sub si, size_of_step
mov word [cursor_pos], si
mov si, word [home_cursor]
sub ax, size_of_step*long_v_table
add si, size_of_step*long_v_table
cmp si, ax
jb @f
mov si, ax
mov word [home_cursor], si
jmp .loops
cmp al, 0x0D;x,0x1C0D ; enter
jne .loops
push word [cursor_pos]
pop bp
push word [es:bp]
pop word [x_save]
push word [es:bp+2]
pop word [y_save]
push word [es:bp+6]
pop word [number_vm]
mov word [preboot_graph], bp ;save choose
jmp .d
.change_b: ; b) preboot_biosdisk = use BIOS disks through V86 emulation?
; _setcursor 16,0
; mov si, ask_dma // (earlier was: preboot_dma = use DMA access?)
; call print
; mov bx, '13' ; range accepted for answer: 1-3
; call getkey
; mov [preboot_dma], al
_ask_question ask_bd,'12',preboot_biosdisk ; range accepted for answer: 1-2
_setcursor 11,0
jmp .d
;.change_c: ; // VRR is an obsolete functionality, used only with CRT monitors
; _setcursor 16,0
; mov si, vrrmprint
; call print
; mov bx, '12' ; range accepted for answer: 1-2
; call getkey
; mov [preboot_vrrm], al
; _setcursor 12,0
; jmp .d
.change_c: ; c) preboot_debug = duplicates kernel debug output to the screen
_ask_question ask_debug,'12',preboot_debug ; range accepted for answer: 1-2
_setcursor 12,0
jmp .d
.change_d: ; d) preboot_launcher = start the first app (right now it's LAUNCHER) after kernel is loaded?
_ask_question ask_launcher,'12',preboot_launcher ; range accepted for answer: 1-2
_setcursor 13,0
jmp .d
call print
mov si, on_msg
jz @f
mov si, off_msg
jmp printplain
; novesa and vervesa strings are not used at the moment of executing this code
virtual at novesa
.oldtimer dd ?
.starttime dd ?
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
.bSettingsChanged db ?
end if
.timer dd ?
end virtual
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
.loader_block dd -1
end if
mov ah, 0
int 1Ah
xchg ax, cx
shl eax, 10h
xchg ax, dx
push ds
push cs
pop ds
call [.oldtimer]
call .gettime
sub eax, [.starttime]
if defined extended_primary_loader
sub ax, [preboot_timeout]
sub ax, 18*5
end if
jae .timergo
neg ax
add ax, 18-1
mov bx, 18
xor dx, dx
div bx
if lang eq ru
; подождите 5 секунд, 4/3/2 секунды, 1 секунду
cmp al, 5
mov cl, ' '
jae @f
cmp al, 1
mov cl, 0xE3 ; 'у' in cp866
jz @f
mov cl, 0xEB ; 'ы' in cp866
mov [time_str+9], cl
else if lang eq et
cmp al, 1
ja @f
mov byte [time_str+9], ' '
mov byte [time_str+10], ' '
else if lang eq sp
; esperar 5/4/3/2 segundos, 1 segundo
cmp al, 1
mov cl, 's'
ja @f
mov cl, ' '
mov [time_str+10], cl
; wait 5/4/3/2 seconds, 1 second
cmp al, 1
mov cl, 's'
ja @f
mov cl, ' '
mov [time_str+9], cl
end if
add al, '0'
mov [time_str+1], al
mov si, time_msg
_setcursor 7,0
call print
_setcursor 25,0
pop ds
push 0
pop es
mov eax, [.oldtimer]
mov [es:8*4], eax
mov sp, 0EC00h
_setcursor 6,0
mov si, space_msg
call printplain
call printplain
_setcursor 6,0
mov si, loading_msg
call print
_setcursor 16,0
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
cmp [.bSettingsChanged], 0
jz .load
cmp [.loader_block], -1
jz .load
les bx, [.loader_block]
mov eax, [es:bx+3]
push ds
pop es
test eax, eax
jz .load
push eax
mov si, save_quest
call print
mov ah, 0
int 16h
or al, 20h
cmp al, 'n'
jz .loadc
if lang eq sp
cmp al, 's'
cmp al, 'y'
end if
jnz .waityn
call putchar
mov byte [space_msg+80], 186
pop eax
push cs
push .cont
push eax
retf ;call back
pop eax
push cs
pop ds
mov si, space_msg
mov byte [si+80], 0
_setcursor 16,0
call printplain
_setcursor 16,0
end if
; \end{diamond}[02.12.2005]
call set_vmode
; force yes
mov [es:BOOT_MTRR], byte 1
mov al, [preboot_dma]
mov [es:BOOT_DMA], al
; mov al,[preboot_vrrm]
; mov [es:BOOT_VRR], al ;// 0x9030
; Set kernel DEBUG mode - if nonzero, duplicates debug output to the screen.
mov al, [preboot_debug]
mov [es:BOOT_DEBUG_PRINT], al ;// 0x901E
; Start the first app (right now it's LAUNCHER) after kernel is loaded?
mov al, [preboot_launcher]
mov [es:BOOT_LAUNCHER_START], al ;// 0x901D
mov al, [preboot_device]
dec al
mov [boot_dev], al
include '../detect/'
cmp [boot_dev], 0
jne no_sys_on_floppy
mov si, diskload
call print
xor ax, ax ; reset drive
xor dx, dx
int 0x13
; do we boot from CD-ROM?
mov ah, 41h
mov bx, 55AAh
xor dx, dx
int 0x13
jc .nocd
cmp bx, 0AA55h
jnz .nocd
mov ah, 48h
push ds
push es
pop ds
mov si, 0xa000
mov word [si], 30
int 0x13
pop ds
jc .nocd
push ds
lds si, [es:si+26]
test byte [ds:si+10], 40h
pop ds
jz .nocd
; yes - read all floppy by 18 sectors
; TODO: !!!! read only first sector and set variables !!!!!
; ...
; TODO: !!! then read flippy image track by track
mov cx, 0x0001 ; startcyl,startsector
push cx dx
mov al, 18
mov bx, 0xa000
call boot_read_floppy
mov si, movedesc
push es
push ds
pop es
mov cx, 256*18
mov ah, 0x87
int 0x15
pop es
pop dx cx
test ah, ah
jnz sayerr_floppy
add dword [si+8*3+2], 512*18
inc dh
cmp dh, 2
jnz .a1
mov dh, 0
inc ch
cmp ch, 80
jae ok_sys_on_floppy
mov al, ch
shr ch, 2
add al, ch
xchg al, ah
add ax, '00'
mov si, pros
mov [si], ax
call printplain
jmp .a1
; no - read only used sectors from floppy
; now load floppy image to memory
; at first load boot sector and first FAT table
; read only first sector and fill variables
mov cx, 0x0001 ; first logical sector
xor dx, dx ; head = 0, drive = 0 (a:)
mov al, 1 ; read one sector
mov bx, 0xB000 ; es:bx -> data area
call boot_read_floppy
; fill the necessary parameters to work with a floppy
mov ax, word [es:bx+24]
mov word [BPB_SecPerTrk], ax
mov ax, word [es:bx+26]
mov word [BPB_NumHeads], ax
mov ax, word [es:bx+17]
mov word [BPB_RootEntCnt], ax
mov ax, word [es:bx+14]
mov word [BPB_RsvdSecCnt], ax
mov ax, word [es:bx+19]
mov word [BPB_TotSec16], ax
mov al, byte [es:bx+13]
mov byte [BPB_SecPerClus], al
mov al, byte [es:bx+16]
mov byte [BPB_NumFATs], al
;<Lrz> 18.11.2008
mov ax, word [es:bx+22]
mov word [BPB_FATSz16], ax
mov cx, word [es:bx+11]
mov word [BPB_BytsPerSec], cx
; count of clusters in FAT12 ((size_of_FAT*2)/3)
; mov ax, word [BPB_FATSz16]
; mov cx, word [BPB_BytsPerSec]
;end <Lrz> 18.11.2008
xor dx, dx
mul cx
shl ax, 1
mov cx, 3
div cx ; now ax - number of clusters in FAT12
mov word [end_of_FAT], ax
; load first FAT table
mov cx, 0x0002 ; startcyl,startsector ; TODO!!!!!
xor dx, dx ; starthead,drive
mov al, byte [BPB_FATSz16] ; no of sectors to read
add bx, word [BPB_BytsPerSec] ; es:bx -> data area
call boot_read_floppy
mov bx, 0xB000
; and copy them to extended memory
mov si, movedesc
mov [si+8*2+3], bh ; from
mov ax, word [BPB_BytsPerSec]
shr ax, 1 ; words per sector
mov cx, word [BPB_RsvdSecCnt]
add cx, word [BPB_FATSz16]
mul cx
push ax ; save to stack count of words in boot+FAT
xchg ax, cx
push es
push ds
pop es
mov ah, 0x87
int 0x15
pop es
test ah, ah
jz @f
mov dx, 0x3f2
mov al, 0
out dx, al
mov si, memmovefailed
jmp sayerr_plain
pop ax ; restore from stack count of words in boot+FAT
shl ax, 1 ; make bytes count from count of words
and eax, 0ffffh
add dword [si+8*3+2], eax
; copy first FAT to second copy
; TODO: BPB_NumFATs !!!!!
add bx, word [BPB_BytsPerSec] ; !!! TODO: may be need multiply by BPB_RsvdSecCnt !!!
mov byte [si+8*2+3], bh ; bx - begin of FAT
mov ax, word [BPB_BytsPerSec]
shr ax, 1 ; words per sector
mov cx, word [BPB_FATSz16]
mul cx
mov cx, ax ; cx - count of words in FAT
push es
push ds
pop es
mov ah, 0x87
int 0x15
pop es
test ah, ah
jnz sayerr_floppy
mov ax, cx
shl ax, 1
and eax, 0ffffh ; ax - count of bytes in FAT
add dword [si+8*3+2], eax
; reading RootDir
add bx, ax
add bx, 100h
and bx, 0ff00h ; bx - place in buffer to write RootDir
push bx
mov bx, word [BPB_BytsPerSec]
shr bx, 5 ; divide bx by 32
mov ax, word [BPB_RootEntCnt]
xor dx, dx
div bx
push ax ; ax - count of RootDir sectors
mov ax, word [BPB_FATSz16]
xor cx, cx
mov cl, byte [BPB_NumFATs]
mul cx
add ax, word [BPB_RsvdSecCnt] ; ax - first sector of RootDir
mov word [FirstDataSector], ax
pop bx
push bx
add word [FirstDataSector], bx ; Begin of data region of floppy
; read RootDir
call conv_abs_to_THS
pop ax
pop bx ; place in buffer to write
push ax
call boot_read_floppy ; read RootDir into buffer
; copy RootDir
mov byte [si+8*2+3], bh ; from buffer
pop ax ; ax = count of RootDir sectors
mov cx, word [BPB_BytsPerSec]
mul cx
shr ax, 1
mov cx, ax ; count of words to copy
push es
push ds
pop es
mov ah, 0x87
int 0x15
pop es
mov ax, cx
shl ax, 1
and eax, 0ffffh ; ax - count of bytes in RootDir
add dword [si+8*3+2], eax ; add count of bytes copied
; Reading data clusters from floppy
mov byte [si+8*2+3], bh
push bx
mov di, 2 ; First data cluster
mov bx, di
shr bx, 1 ; bx+di = di*1.5
jnc .even
test word [es:bx+di+0xB200], 0xFFF0 ; TODO: may not be 0xB200 !!!
jmp @f
test word [es:bx+di+0xB200], 0xFFF ; TODO: may not be 0xB200 !!!
jz .skip
; read cluster di
;conv cluster di to abs. sector ax
; ax = (N-2) * BPB_SecPerClus + FirstDataSector
mov ax, di
sub ax, 2
xor bx, bx
mov bl, byte [BPB_SecPerClus]
mul bx
add ax, word [FirstDataSector]
call conv_abs_to_THS
pop bx
push bx
mov al, byte [BPB_SecPerClus] ; number of sectors in cluster
call boot_read_floppy
push es
push ds
pop es
mov ax, word [BPB_BytsPerSec]
xor cx, cx
mov cl, byte [BPB_SecPerClus]
mul cx
shr ax, 1 ; ax = (BPB_BytsPerSec * BPB_SecPerClus)/2
mov cx, ax ; number of words to copy (count words in cluster)
mov ah, 0x87
int 0x15 ; copy data
test ah, ah
pop es
jnz sayerr_floppy
; skip cluster di
mov ax, word [BPB_BytsPerSec]
xor cx, cx
mov cl, byte [BPB_SecPerClus]
mul cx
and eax, 0ffffh ; ax - count of bytes in cluster
add dword [si+8*3+2], eax
mov ax, word [end_of_FAT] ; max cluster number
; draw percentage
; total clusters: ax
; read clusters: di
xchg ax, di
mov cx, 100
mul cx
div di
xchg al, ah
add ax, '00'
mov si, pros
cmp [si], ax
jz @f
mov [si], ax
call printplain
inc di
cmp di, word [end_of_FAT] ; max number of cluster
jnz .read_loop
pop bx ; clear stack
mov si, backspace2
call printplain
mov si, okt
call printplain
xor ax, ax ; reset drive
xor dx, dx
int 0x13
mov dx, 0x3f2 ; floppy motor off
mov al, 0
out dx, al
if defined extended_primary_loader
cmp [boot_dev], 1
jne no_sys_from_primary
; load kolibri.img using callback from primary loader
and word [movedesc + 24 + 2], 0
mov byte [movedesc + 24 + 4], 10h
; read in blocks of 64K until file is fully loaded
mov ax, 1
mov di, image_file_struct
call [bootcallback]
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
cmp bx, 1
ja sayerr_badsect
push bx
mov si, movedesc
and word [si + 16 + 2], 0
mov byte [si + 16 + 4], 4
mov ah, 87h
mov cx, 8000h
int 15h
pop bx
test ah, ah
jnz sayerr_memmove
inc byte [si + 24 + 4]
test bx, bx
jz no_sys_from_primary
mov ax, 2
jmp .repeat
end if
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov ax, [es:BOOT_VESA_MODE] ; vga & 320x200
mov bx, ax
cmp ax, 0x13
je setgr
cmp ax, 0x12
je setgr
mov ax, 0x4f02 ; Vesa
int 0x10
test ah, ah
mov si, fatalsel
jnz v_mode_error
; set mode 0x12 graphics registers:
cmp bx, 0x12
jne gmok2
mov al, 0x05
mov dx, 0x03ce
push dx
out dx, al ; select GDC mode register
mov al, 0x02
inc dx
out dx, al ; set write mode 2
mov al, 0x02
mov dx, 0x03c4
out dx, al ; select VGA sequencer map mask register
mov al, 0x0f
inc dx
out dx, al ; set mask for all planes 0-3
mov al, 0x08
pop dx
out dx, al ; select GDC bit mask register
; for writes to 0x03cf
push ds
pop es
0,0 → 1,106
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
db 186,' KolibriOS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See file COPYING for details ',186
db 186,' If you find any bugs, please report them at: ',186
d80x25_bottom_num = 3
msg_apm db " APM x.x ", 0
novesa db "Display: EGA/CGA",13,10,0
s_vesa db "Version of VESA: "
.ver db "?.?",13,10,0
gr_mode db "Select a videomode: ",13,10,0
ask_bd db "Add disks visible by BIOS emulated in V86-mode? [1-yes, 2-no]: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
bdev db "Load ramdisk from [1-floppy; 2-kolibri.img]: ",0
bdev db "Load ramdisk from [1-floppy; 2-C:\kolibri.img (FAT32);"
db 13,10,186," "
db "3-use preloaded ram-image from kernel restart;"
db 13,10,186," "
db "4-create blank image]: ",0
end if
prnotfnd db "Fatal - Videomode not found.",0
not386 db "Fatal - CPU 386+ required.",0
fatalsel db "Fatal - Graphics mode not supported by hardware.",0
pres_key db "Press any key to choose a new videomode.",0
badsect db 13,10,186," Fatal - Bad sector. Replace floppy.",0
memmovefailed db 13,10,186," Fatal - Int 0x15 move failed.",0
okt db " ... OK"
linef db 13,10,0
diskload db "Loading diskette: 00 %",8,8,8,8,0
pros db "00"
backspace2 db 8,8,0
boot_dev db 0 ; 0=floppy, 1=hd
start_msg db "Press [abcde] to change settings, press [Enter] to continue booting",13,10,0
time_msg db " or wait "
time_str db " 5 seconds"
db " before automatical continuation",13,10,0
current_cfg_msg db "Current settings:",13,10,0
curvideo_msg db " [a] Videomode: ",0
mode0 db "320x200, EGA/CGA 256 colors",13,10,0
mode9 db "640x480, VGA 16 colors",13,10,0
usebd_msg db " [b] Add disks visible by BIOS:",0
on_msg db " on",13,10,0
off_msg db " off",13,10,0
debug_mode_msg db " [c] Duplicate debug output to the screen:",0
ask_debug db "Duplicate debug output to the screen? [1-yes, 2-no]: ",0
launcher_msg db " [d] Start LAUNCHER after kernel is loaded:",0
ask_launcher db "Start first application (LAUNCHER) after kernel is loaded? [1-yes, 2-no]: ",0
preboot_device_msg db " [e] Floppy image: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,0
pdm1 db "real floppy",13,10,0
pdm2 db "C:\kolibri.img (FAT32)",13,10,0
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,pdm3,pdm4,0
pdm1 db "real floppy",13,10,0
pdm2 db "C:\kolibri.img (FAT32)",13,10,0
pdm3 db "use already loaded image",13,10,0
pdm4 db "create blank image",13,10,0
end if
loading_msg db "Loading KolibriOS...",0
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
save_quest db "Remember current settings? [y/n]: ",0
loader_block_error db "Bootloader data invalid, I cannot continue. Stopped.",0
end if
_st latin1 '║ ┌───────────────────────────────┬─┐',13,10,0
_r1 latin1 '║ │ 320x200 EGA/CGA 256 colors │ │',13,10,0
_r2 latin1 '║ │ 640x480 VGA 16 colors │ │',13,10,0
_rs latin1 '║ │ ????x????@?? SVGA VESA │ │',13,10,0
_bt latin1 '║ └───────────────────────────────┴─┘',13,10,0
remark1 db "Default values were selected to match most of configurations, but not all.",0
remark2 db "If the system does not boot, try to disable option [b]. If the system gets",0
remark3 db "stuck after booting, enable option [c], disable option [d] and make photo.",0
remarks dw remark1, remark2, remark3
num_remarks = 3
0,0 → 1,106
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4135 $
latin1 '║ KolibriOS on IGASUGUSE GARANTIITA. Vaata faili COPYING info saamiseks. Kui ║'
latin1 '║ leiate vigu, anna neist palun teada aadressil: ║'
d80x25_bottom_num = 3
msg_apm latin1 " APM x.x ", 0
novesa latin1 "Ekraan: EGA/CGA",13,10,0
s_vesa latin1 "Vesa versioon: "
.ver db "?.?",13,10,0
gr_mode latin1 "Vali video resolutsioon: ",13,10,0
ask_bd latin1 "Lisa V86 reziimis BIOSle nähtavad kettad? [1-jah, 2-ei]: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
bdev latin1 "Paigalda mäluketas [1-diskett; 2-kolibri.img]: ",0
bdev latin1 "Paigalda mäluketas [1-diskett; 2-C:\kolibri.img (FAT32);"
latin1 13,10,"║ "
latin1 "3-kasuta eellaaditud mäluketast kerneli restardist;"
latin1 13,10,"║ "
latin1 "4-loo tühi pilt]: ",0
end if
prnotfnd latin1 "Fataalne - Video resolutsiooni ei leitud.",0
not386 latin1 "Fataalne - CPU 386+ on vajalik.",0
fatalsel latin1 "Fataalne - Riistvara ei toeta graafilist resolutsiooni.",0
pres_key latin1 "Vajutage suvalist klahvi, et valida uus videomode.",0
badsect latin1 13,10,"║ Fataalne - Vigane sektor. Asenda diskett.",0
memmovefailed latin1 13,10,"║ Fataalne - Int 0x15 liigutamine ebaõnnestus.",0
okt latin1 " ... OK"
linef latin1 13,10,0
diskload latin1 "Loen disketti: 00 %",8,8,8,8,0
pros latin1 "00"
backspace2 latin1 8,8,0
boot_dev db 0 ; 0=floppy, 1=hd
start_msg latin1 "Vajuta [abcde] seadete muutmiseks, vajuta [Enter] laadimise jätkamiseks",13,10,0
time_msg latin1 " või oota "
time_str latin1 " 5 sekundit"
latin1 " automaatseks jätkamiseks",13,10,0
current_cfg_msg latin1 "Praegused seaded:",13,10,0
curvideo_msg latin1 " [a] Video resolutsioon: ",0
mode0 latin1 "320x200, EGA/CGA 256 värvi",0
mode9 latin1 "640x480, VGA 16 värvi",0
usebd_msg latin1 " [b] Lisa BIOSle nähtavad kettad:",0
on_msg latin1 " sees",13,10,0
off_msg latin1 " väljas",13,10,0
debug_mode_msg latin1 " [c] Dubleeri silumisinfo ekraanile:",0
ask_debug latin1 "Dubleeri silumisinfo ekraanile? [1-jah, 2-ei]: ",0
launcher_msg latin1 " [d] Käivita LAUNCHER pärast kerneli laadimist:",0
ask_launcher latin1 "Käivita esimese programm (LAUNCHER) peale kerneli laadimist? [1-jah, 2-ei]: ",0
preboot_device_msg latin1 " [e] Disketi kujutis: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,0
pdm1 latin1 "reaalne diskett",13,10,0
pdm2 latin1 "kolibri.img",13,10,0
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,pdm3,pdm4,0
pdm1 latin1 "reaalne diskett",13,10,0
pdm2 latin1 "C:\kolibri.img (FAT32)",13,10,0
pdm3 latin1 "kasuta juba laaditud kujutist",13,10,0
pdm4 latin1 "loo tühi pilt",13,10,0
end if
loading_msg latin1 "Laadin KolibriOS...",0
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
save_quest latin1 "Jäta meelde praegused seaded? [y/n]: ",0
loader_block_error latin1 "Alglaaduri andmed vigased, ei saa jätkata. Peatatud.",0
end if
_st latin1 '║ ┌───────────────────────────────┬─┐',13,10,0
_r1 latin1 '║ │ 320x200 EGA/CGA 256 colors │ │',13,10,0
_r2 latin1 '║ │ 640x480 VGA 16 colors │ │',13,10,0
_rs latin1 '║ │ ????x????@?? SVGA VESA │ │',13,10,0
_bt latin1 '║ └───────────────────────────────┴─┘',13,10,0
remark1 latin1 "Vaikimisi väärtused on kasutatavad enamikes arvutites, kuid mitte kõigis.",0
remark2 latin1 "Kui süsteem ei käivitu, proovige lülitada kirje [b] välja. Kui see läheb",0
remark3 latin1 "kinni pärast käivitamist, võimaldama valik [c], keelake [d] ja teha foto.",0
remarks dw remark1, remark2, remark3
num_remarks = 3
0,0 → 1,107
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4135 $
db 186,' KolibriOS wird ohne jegliche Garantie vertrieben. Details stehen in der ',186
db 186,' Datei COPYING. Bitte melden Sie Fehler bei: ',186
d80x25_bottom_num = 3
msg_apm db " APM x.x ", 0
novesa db "Anzeige: EGA/CGA ",13,10,0
s_vesa db "Vesa-Version: "
.ver db "?.?",13,10,0
gr_mode db "Wahlen Sie einen videomode: ",13,10,0
ask_bd db "Add-Festplatten sichtbar BIOS in V86-Modus emuliert? [1-ja, 2 nein]: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
bdev db "Lade die Ramdisk von [1-Diskette; 2-kolibri.img]: ",0
bdev db "Lade die Ramdisk von [1-Diskette; 2-C:\kolibri.img (FAT32);"
db 13,10,186," "
db "3-benutze ein bereits geladenes Kernel image;"
db 13,10,186," "
db "4-create blank image]: ",0
end if
prnotfnd db "Fatal - Videomodus nicht gefunden.",0
not386 db "Fatal - CPU 386+ benoetigt.",0
fatalsel db "Fatal - Grafikmodus nicht unterstuetzt.",0
pres_key db "Drucken Sie eine beliebige Taste, um eine neue videomode wahlen.",0
badsect db 13,10,186," Fatal - Sektorfehler, Andere Diskette neutzen.",0
memmovefailed db 13,10,186," Fatal - Int 0x15 Fehler.",0
okt db " ... OK"
linef db 13,10,0
diskload db "Lade Diskette: 00 %",8,8,8,8,0
pros db "00"
backspace2 db 8,8,0
boot_dev db 0 ; 0=floppy, 1=hd
start_msg db "Druecke [abcde], um die Einstellungen zu aendern, druecke [Enter] zum starten",13,10,0
time_msg db " oder warte "
time_str db " 5 Sekunden"
db " bis zum automatischen Start",13,10,0
current_cfg_msg db "Aktuelle Einstellungen:",13,10,0
curvideo_msg db " [a] Videomodus: ",0
mode0 db "320x200, EGA/CGA 256 colors",13,10,0
mode9 db "640x480, VGA 16 colors",13,10,0
usebd_msg db " [b] Add-Festplatten sichtbar durch das BIOS:",0
on_msg db " an",13,10,0
off_msg db " aus",13,10,0
debug_mode_msg db " [c] Duplizieren debuggen Ausgabe auf dem Bildschirm:",0
ask_debug db "Duplizieren debuggen Ausgabe auf dem Bildschirm? [1-ja, 2 nein]: ",0
launcher_msg db " [d] Start LAUNCHER nach Kernel geladen wird:",0
ask_launcher db "Starten erste Anwendung nach Kernel geladen wird? [1-ja, 2 nein]: ",0
preboot_device_msg db " [e] Diskettenimage: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,0
pdm1 db "Echte Diskette",13,10,0
pdm2 db "kolibri.img",13,10,0
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,pdm3,pdm4,0
pdm1 db "Echte Diskette",13,10,0
pdm2 db "C:\kolibri.img (FAT32)",13,10,0
pdm3 db "Nutze bereits geladenes Image",13,10,0
pdm4 db "create blank image",13,10,0
end if
loading_msg db "Lade KolibriOS...",0
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
save_quest db "Aktuelle Einstellungen speichern? [y/n]: ",0
loader_block_error db "Bootloader Daten ungueltig, Kann nicht fortfahren. Angehalten.",0
end if
_st latin1 '║ ┌───────────────────────────────┬─┐',13,10,0
_r1 latin1 '║ │ 320x200 EGA/CGA 256 colors │ │',13,10,0
_r2 latin1 '║ │ 640x480 VGA 16 colors │ │',13,10,0
_rs latin1 '║ │ ????x????@?? SVGA VESA │ │',13,10,0
_bt latin1 '║ └───────────────────────────────┴─┘',13,10,0
remark1 db "Die Standardwerte sind fur die meisten gewahlt, aber nicht fur jedermann.",0
remark2 db "Wenn das System nicht bootet, das Option [b] deaktivieren versuchen. Wenn es",0
remark3 db "nach dem Booten hangen bleibt, aktivieren Sie Option [c], deaktivieren [d]",0
remark4 db "und machen Fotos.",0
remarks dw remark1, remark2, remark3, remark4
num_remarks = 4
0,0 → 1,104
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4135 $
cp866 '║ KolibriOS НЕ ПРЕДОСТАВЛЯЕТ НИКАКИХ ГАРAНТИЙ. Подробнее смотрите в файле ║'
cp866 '║ COPYING.TXT. О найденных ошибках сообщайте на ║'
d80x25_bottom_num = 3
msg_apm cp866 " APM x.x ", 0
novesa cp866 "Видеокарта: EGA/CGA",13,10,0
s_vesa cp866 "Версия VESA: "
.ver db "?.?",13,10,0
gr_mode cp866 "Выберите видеорежим: ",13,10,0
ask_bd cp866 "Добавить диски, видимые через BIOS в режиме V86? [1-да, 2-нет]: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
bdev cp866 "Загрузить образ из [1-дискета; 2-kolibri.img из папки загрузки]: ",0
bdev cp866 "Загрузить образ из [1-дискета; 2-C:\kolibri.img (FAT32);",13,10
cp866 "║ 3-использовать уже загруженный образ;",13,10
cp866 "║ 4-создать чистый образ]: ",0
end if
prnotfnd cp866 "Ошибка - Видеорежим не найден.",0
not386 cp866 "Ошибка - Требуется процессор 386+.",0
fatalsel cp866 "Ошибка - Выбранный видеорежим не поддерживается.",0
pres_key cp866 "Нажимите любую клавишу, для перехода в выбор режимов.",0
badsect cp866 13,10,"║ Ошибка - Дискета повреждена. Попробуйте другую.",0
memmovefailed cp866 13,10,"║ Ошибка - Int 0x15 move failed.",0
okt cp866 " ... OK"
linef cp866 13,10,0
diskload cp866 "Загрузка дискеты: 00 %",8,8,8,8,0
pros cp866 "00"
backspace2 cp866 8,8,0
boot_dev db 0
start_msg cp866 "Нажмите [abcde] для изменения настроек, [Enter] для продолжения загрузки",13,10,0
time_msg cp866 " или подождите "
time_str cp866 " 5 секунд "
cp866 " до автоматического продолжения",13,10,0
current_cfg_msg cp866 "Текущие настройки:",13,10,0
curvideo_msg cp866 " [a] Видеорежим: ",0
mode0 cp866 "320x200, EGA/CGA 256 цветов",13,10,0
mode9 cp866 "640x480, VGA 16 цветов",13,10,0
usebd_msg cp866 " [b] Добавить диски, видимые через BIOS:",0
on_msg cp866 " вкл",13,10,0
off_msg cp866 " выкл",13,10,0
debug_mode_msg cp866 " [c] Дублировать дебаг-вывод на экран монитора:",0
ask_debug cp866 "Дублировать дебаг-вывод на экран монитора? [1-да, 2-нет]: ",0
launcher_msg cp866 " [d] Запустить программу LAUNCHER после загрузки ядра:",0
ask_launcher cp866 "Запустить первую программу (LAUNCHER) после загрузки ядра? [1-да, 2-нет]: ",0
preboot_device_msg cp866 " [e] Образ дискеты: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,0
pdm1 cp866 "настоящая дискета",13,10,0
pdm2 cp866 "kolibri.img из папки загрузки",13,10,0
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,pdm3,pdm4,0
pdm1 cp866 "настоящая дискета",13,10,0
pdm2 cp866 "C:\kolibri.img (FAT32)",13,10,0
pdm3 cp866 "использовать уже загруженный образ",13,10,0
pdm4 cp866 "создать чистый образ",13,10,0
end if
loading_msg cp866 "Идёт загрузка KolibriOS...",0
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader ; saving not supported in this case
save_quest cp866 "Запомнить текущие настройки? [y/n]: ",0
loader_block_error cp866 "Ошибка в данных начального загрузчика, продолжение невозможно.",0
end if
_st cp866 '║ ┌───────────────────────────────┬─┐ ',13,10,0
_r1 cp866 '║ │ 320x200 EGA/CGA 256 цветов │ │ ',13,10,0
_r2 cp866 '║ │ 640x480 VGA 16 цветов │ │ ',13,10,0
_rs cp866 '║ │ ????x????@?? SVGA VESA │ │ ',13,10,0
_bt cp866 '║ └───────────────────────────────┴─┘ ',13,10,0
remark1 cp866 "Значения по умолчанию выбраны для удобства большинства, но не всех. Если у",0
remark2 cp866 "Вас не грузится система, попробуйте отключить пункт [b]. Если она зависла",0
remark3 cp866 "после запуска, включите пункт [c], отключите пункт [d] и сделайте фото лога.",0
remarks dw remark1, remark2, remark3
num_remarks = 3
0,0 → 1,108
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; Para modificar éste archivo es necesario abrirlo con codificación CP850
$Revision: 2455 $
cp850 '║ KolibriOS viene ABSOLUTAMENTE SIN GARANTíA. Lee el archivo COPYING por más ║'
cp850 '║ detalles. Por favor, informar de los errores en: ║'
d80x25_bottom_num = 3
msg_apm cp850 " APM x.x ", 0
novesa cp850 "Monitor: EGA/CGA",13,10,0
s_vesa cp850 "Versión de VESA: "
.ver db "?.?",13,10,0
gr_mode cp850 "Selecciona un modo de video: ",13,10,0
ask_bd cp850 "¿Agregar discos visibles por el BIOS emulados en modo V86? [1-si, 2-no]: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
bdev cp850 "Cargar unidad ram desde [1-disquete; 2-kolibri.img]: ",0
bdev cp850 "Cargar unidad ram desde [1-disquete; 2-C:\kolibri.img (FAT32);"
cp850 13,10,"║ "
cp850 "3-usar imagen precargada en el reinicio del núcleo;"
cp850 13,10,"║ "
cp850 "4-crear imagen vacía]: ",0
end if
prnotfnd cp850 "Fatal - Modo de video no encontrado.",0
not386 cp850 "Fatal - CPU 386+ requerido.",0
fatalsel cp850 "Fatal - Modo de gráficos no soportado por hardware.",0
pres_key cp850 "Presiona una tecla para seleccionar otro modo de video.",0
badsect cp850 13,10,"║ Fatal - Sector mal. Reemplaze el disquete.",0
memmovefailed cp850 13,10,"║ Fatal - Int 0x15 move failed.",0
okt cp850 " ... BIEN"
linef cp850 13,10,0
diskload cp850 "Cargando disquete: 00 %",8,8,8,8,0
pros cp850 "00"
backspace2 cp850 8,8,0
boot_dev db 0 ; 0=floppy, 1=hd
start_msg cp850 "Presiona [abcde] para cambiar la configuración, [Enter] para continuar",13,10,0
time_msg cp850 " o espera "
time_str cp850 " 5 segundos"
cp850 " para que inicie automáticamente",13,10,0
current_cfg_msg cp850 "Configuración actual:",13,10,0
curvideo_msg cp850 " [a] Modo de video: ",0
mode0 cp850 "320x200, EGA/CGA 256 colores",13,10,0
mode9 cp850 "640x480, VGA 16 colores",13,10,0
usebd_msg cp850 " [b] Agregar discos visibles por el BIOS:",0
on_msg cp850 " activado",13,10,0
off_msg cp850 " desactivado",13,10,0
debug_mode_msg cp850 " [c] Duplicar depurar salida a la pantalla:",0
ask_debug cp850 "¿Duplicar depurar la salida a la pantalla? [1-si, 2-no]: ",0
launcher_msg cp850 " [d] Iniciar LAUNCHER después de cargar kernel:",0
ask_launcher cp850 "¿Inicie la primera aplicación después de cargar el kernel? [1-si, 2-no]: ",0
preboot_device_msg cp850 " [e] Imagen de disquete: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,0
pdm1 cp850 "disquete real",13,10,0
pdm2 cp850 "C:\kolibri.img (FAT32)",13,10,0
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,pdm3,pdm4,0
pdm1 cp850 "disquete real",13,10,0
pdm2 cp850 "C:\kolibri.img (FAT32)",13,10,0
pdm3 cp850 "usar imagen ya cargada",13,10,0
pdm4 cp850 "crear imagen vacía",13,10,0
end if
loading_msg cp850 "Cargando KolibriOS...",0
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
save_quest cp850 "¿Recordar configuración actual? [s/n]: ",0
loader_block_error cp850 "Bootloader inválido, no puedo continuar. Detenido.",0
end if
_st cp850 '║ ┌───────────────────────────────┬─┐',13,10,0
_r1 cp850 '║ │ 320x200 EGA/CGA 256 colores │ │',13,10,0
_r2 cp850 '║ │ 640x480 VGA 16 colores │ │',13,10,0
_rs cp850 '║ │ ????x????@?? SVGA VESA │ │',13,10,0
_bt cp850 '║ └───────────────────────────────┴─┘',13,10,0
remark1 cp850 "Los valores por defecto puede que no funcionen en algunas configuraciones.",0
remark2 cp850 "Si el sistema no inicia, prueba deshabilitar la opción [b]. Si se bloquea",0
remark3 cp850 "después de arrancar, habilite la opción [c], desactivar [d] y hacer fotos.",0
remarks dw remark1, remark2, remark3
num_remarks = 3
0,0 → 1,63
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
; boot data: common strings (for all languages)
macro line_full_top {
db 201
times 78 db 205
db 187
macro line_full_bottom {
db 200
times 78 db 205
db 188
macro line_half {
db 186,' '
times 76 db 0xc4
db ' ',186
macro line_space {
db 186
times 78 db 32
db 186
cur_line_pos = 75
store byte ' ' at d80x25_top+cur_line_pos+1
rev_var = __REV__
while rev_var > 0
store byte rev_var mod 10 + '0' at d80x25_top+cur_line_pos
cur_line_pos = cur_line_pos - 1
rev_var = rev_var / 10
end while
store byte ' ' at d80x25_top+cur_line_pos
store dword ' SVN' at d80x25_top+cur_line_pos-4
; line_space
; version string
db 186,32
repeat 78
load a byte from version+%-1
if a = 13
end if
db a
end repeat
repeat 78 - ($-verstr)
db ' '
end repeat
db 32,186
d80x25_top_num = 4
0,0 → 1,795
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3999 $
struc VBE_VGAInfo {
.VESASignature dd ? ; char
.VESAVersion dw ? ; short
.OemStringPtr dd ? ; char *
.Capabilities dd ? ; ulong
.VideoModePtr dd ? ; ulong
.TotalMemory dw ? ; short
; VBE 2.0+
.OemSoftwareRev db ? ; short
.OemVendorNamePtr dw ? ; char *
.OemProductNamePtr dw ? ; char *
.OemProductRevPtr dw ? ; char *
.reserved rb 222 ; char
.OemData rb 256 ; char
struc VBE_ModeInfo {
.ModeAttributes dw ? ; short
.WinAAttributes db ? ; char
.WinBAttributes db ? ; char
.WinGranularity dw ? ; short
.WinSize dw ? ; short
.WinASegment dw ? ; ushort
.WinBSegment dw ? ; ushort
.WinFuncPtr dd ? ; void *
.BytesPerScanLine dw ? ; short
.XRes dw ? ; short
.YRes dw ? ; short
.XCharSize db ? ; char
.YCharSize db ? ; char
.NumberOfPlanes db ? ; char
.BitsPerPixel db ? ; char
.NumberOfBanks db ? ; char
.MemoryModel db ? ; char
.BankSize db ? ; char
.NumberOfImagePages db ? ; char
.res1 db ? ; char
.RedMaskSize db ? ; char
.RedFieldPosition db ? ; char
.GreenMaskSize db ? ; char
.GreenFieldPosition db ? ; char
.BlueMaskSize db ? ; char
.BlueFieldPosition db ? ; char
.RsvedMaskSize db ? ; char
.RsvedFieldPosition db ? ; char
.DirectColorModeInfo db ? ; char ; MISSED IN THIS TUTORIAL!! SEE ABOVE
; VBE 2.0+
.PhysBasePtr dd ? ; ulong
.OffScreenMemOffset dd ? ; ulong
.OffScreenMemSize dw ? ; short
; VBE 3.0+
.LinbytesPerScanLine dw ? ; short
.BankNumberOfImagePages db ? ; char
.LinNumberOfImagePages db ? ; char
.LinRedMaskSize db ? ; char
.LinRedFieldPosition db ? ; char
.LingreenMaskSize db ? ; char
.LinGreenFieldPosition db ? ; char
.LinBlueMaskSize db ? ; char
.LinBlueFieldPosition db ? ; char
.LinRsvdMaskSize db ? ; char
.LinRsvdFieldPosition db ? ; char
.MaxPixelClock dd ? ; ulong
.res2 rb 190 ; char
virtual at $A000
vi VBE_VGAInfo
mi VBE_ModeInfo
end virtual
cursor_pos dw 0 ;временное хранение курсора.
cursor_pos_old dw 0
home_cursor dw 0 ;current shows rows a table
end_cursor dw 0 ;end of position current shows rows a table
scroll_start dw 0 ;start position of scroll bar
scroll_end dw 0 ;end position of scroll bar
long_v_table equ 9 ;long of visible video table
size_of_step equ 10
scroll_area_size equ (long_v_table-2)
dec bl
jz @f
xor edx, edx
div ecx
push edx
call int2str
pop eax
or al, 0x30
mov [ds:di], al
inc di
cmp eax, ecx
jb @f
xor edx, edx
div ecx
push edx
call int2strnz
pop eax
or al, 0x30
mov [es:di], al
inc di
;Write message about incorrect v_mode and write message about jmp on swith v_mode
_setcursor 19,2
mov si, fatalsel
call printplain
_setcursor 20,2
mov si, pres_key
call printplain
xor eax, eax
int 16h
jmp cfgmanager.d
_setcursor 5,2
mov [es:vi.VESASignature], 'VBE2'
mov ax, 0x4F00
mov di, vi ;0xa000
int 0x10
or ah, ah
jz @f
mov [es:vi.VESASignature], 'VESA'
mov ax, $4F00
mov di, vi
int 0x10
or ah, ah
jnz .exit
cmp [es:vi.VESASignature], 'VESA'
jne .exit
cmp [es:vi.VESAVersion], 0x0100
jb .exit
jmp .vesaok2
mov si, novesa
call printplain
mov ax, [es:vi.VESAVersion]
add ax, '00'
mov [s_vesa.ver], ah
mov [s_vesa.ver+2], al
mov si, s_vesa
call printplain
_setcursor 4,2
mov si, word[es:vi.OemStringPtr]
mov di, si
push ds
mov ds, word[es:vi.OemStringPtr+2]
call printplain
pop ds
; push 0
; pop es
lfs si, [es:vi.VideoModePtr]
mov bx, modes_table
;save no vesa mode of work 320x200, EGA/CGA 256 梥⮢ and 640x480, VGA 16 梥⮢
mov word [es:bx], 640
mov word [es:bx+2], 480
mov word [es:bx+6], 0x13
mov word [es:bx+10], 640
mov word [es:bx+12], 480
mov word [es:bx+16], 0x12
add bx, 20
mov cx, word [fs:si]; mode number
cmp cx, -1
je .modes_ok.2
mov ax, 0x4F01
mov di, mi
int 0x10
or ah, ah
jnz .modes_ok.2;vesa_info.exit
test [es:mi.ModeAttributes], 00000001b ;videomode support ?
jz @f
test [es:mi.ModeAttributes], 00010000b ;picture ?
jz @f
test [es:mi.ModeAttributes], 10000000b ;LFB ?
jz @f
cmp [es:mi.BitsPerPixel], 24 ;It show only videomodes to have support 24 and 32 bpp
jb @f
; cmp [es:mi.BitsPerPixel],16
; jne .l0
; cmp [es:mi.GreenMaskSize],5
; jne .l0
; mov [es:mi.BitsPerPixel],15
cmp [es:mi.XRes], 640
jb @f
cmp [es:mi.YRes], 480
jb @f
; cmp [es:mi.BitsPerPixel],8
; jb @f
mov ax, [es:mi.XRes]
mov [es:bx+0], ax ; +0[2] : resolution X
mov ax, [es:mi.YRes]
mov [es:bx+2], ax ; +2[2] : resolution Y
mov ax, [es:mi.ModeAttributes]
mov [es:bx+4], ax ; +4[2] : attributes
cmp [s_vesa.ver], '2'
; jb .lp1
jb @f ; We do not use Vesa 1.2 mode is now
or cx, 0x4000 ; use LFB
mov [es:bx+6], cx ; +6 : mode number
movzx ax, byte [es:mi.BitsPerPixel]
mov word [es:bx+8], ax ; +8 : bits per pixel
add bx, size_of_step ; size of record
add si, 2
jmp .next_mode
mov word[es:bx], -1 ;end video table
mov word[end_cursor], bx ;save end cursor position
;Sort array
; mov si,modes_table
; mov ax,word [es:si]
; cmp ax,-1
; je .exxit
; add ax,word [es:si+2]
; add ax,word [es:si+8]
; mov bp,si
; add bp,12
; mov bx,word [es:bp]
; cmp bx,-1
; je .exit
; add bx,word [es:bp+2]
; add bx,word [es:bp+8]
; cmp ax,bx
; ja .loops
; jmp .again
; push dword [es:si]
; push dword [es:si+4]
; push dword [es:si+8]
; push dword [es:bp]
; push dword [es:bp+4]
; push dword [es:bp+8]
; pop dword [es:si+8]
; pop dword [es:si+4]
; pop dword [es:si]
; pop dword [es:bp+8]
; pop dword [es:bp+4]
; pop dword [es:bp]
; jmp .new_mode
;.exit: add si,12
; jmp .new_mode
push 0
pop es
mov si, word [cursor_pos]
cmp word [es:si+6], 0x12
je .no_vesa_0x12
cmp word [es:si+6], 0x13
je .no_vesa_0x13
if defined extended_primary_loader
mov di, config_file_variables
mov di, loader_block_error
end if
movzx eax, word[es:si+0]
mov ecx, 10
call int2strnz
mov byte[es:di], 'x'
inc di
movzx eax, word[es:si+2]
call int2strnz
mov byte[es:di], 'x'
inc di
movzx eax, word[es:si+8]
call int2strnz
mov dword[es:di], 0x00000d0a
if defined extended_primary_loader
mov si, config_file_variables
mov si, loader_block_error
end if
push ds
push es
pop ds
call printplain
pop ds
mov si, mode0
jmp .print
mov si, mode9
call printplain
if defined extended_primary_loader
mov cx, [number_vm]
jcxz .novbemode
mov si, modes_table
cmp [es:si+6], cx
jnz @f
cmp word [es:si+8], 32
je .ok_found_mode
cmp word [es:si+8], 24
je .ok_found_mode
add si, size_of_step
cmp word [es:si], -1
jnz .findvbemode
mov ax, [x_save]
test ax, ax
jz .zerro
mov bx, [y_save]
mov si, modes_table
call .loops
test ax, ax
jz .ok_found_mode
mov si, word [preboot_graph]
test si, si
jnz .no_zero ;if no zero
end if
; mov ax,modes_table
; mov word [cursor_pos],ax
; mov word [home_cursor],ax
; mov word [preboot_graph],ax
;SET default video of mode first probe will fined a move of work 1024x768@32
mov ax, 1024
mov bx, 768
mov si, modes_table
call .loops
test ax, ax
jz .ok_found_mode
mov ax, 800
mov bx, 600
mov si, modes_table
call .loops
test ax, ax
jz .ok_found_mode
mov ax, 640
mov bx, 480
mov si, modes_table
call .loops
test ax, ax
jz .ok_found_mode
mov si, modes_table
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
jmp .ok_found_mode
mov bp, word [number_vm]
cmp bp, word [es:si+6]
jz .ok_found_mode
mov ax, word [x_save]
mov bx, word [y_save]
mov si, modes_table
call .loops
test ax, ax
jz .ok_found_mode
mov si, modes_table
; cmp ax,modes_table
; jb .zerro ;check on correct if bellow
; cmp ax,word [end_cursor]
; ja .zerro ;check on correct if anymore
end if
mov word [home_cursor], si
; mov word [cursor_pos],si
mov word [preboot_graph], si
mov ax, si
mov ecx, long_v_table
add ax, size_of_step
cmp ax, word [end_cursor]
jae .next_step
loop .loop
sub ax, size_of_step*long_v_table
cmp ax, modes_table
jae @f
mov ax, modes_table
mov word [home_cursor], ax
mov si, [preboot_graph]
mov word [cursor_pos], si
push word [es:si]
pop word [x_save]
push word [es:si+2]
pop word [y_save]
push word [es:si+6]
pop word [number_vm]
cmp ax, word [es:si]
jne .next
cmp bx, word [es:si+2]
jne .next
cmp word [es:si+8], 32
je .ok
cmp word [es:si+8], 24
je .ok
add si, size_of_step
cmp word [es:si], -1
je .exit
jmp .loops
xor ax, ax
or ax, -1
_setcursor 9, 2
mov si, gr_mode
call printplain
mov si, _st
call printplain
push word [cursor_pos]
pop ax
push word [home_cursor]
pop si
mov cx, si
cmp ax, si
je .ok
jb .low
add cx, size_of_step*long_v_table
cmp ax, cx
jb .ok
sub cx, size_of_step*long_v_table
add cx, size_of_step
cmp cx, word[end_cursor]
jae .ok
add si, size_of_step
push si
pop word [home_cursor]
jmp .ok
sub cx, size_of_step
cmp cx, modes_table
jb .ok
push cx
push cx
pop word [home_cursor]
pop si
; calculate scroll position
push si
mov ax, [end_cursor]
sub ax, modes_table
mov bx, size_of_step
div bx
mov si, ax ; si = size of list
mov ax, [home_cursor]
sub ax, modes_table
div bx
mov di, ax
mov ax, scroll_area_size*long_v_table
div si
test ax, ax
jnz @f
inc ax
cmp al, scroll_area_size
jb @f
mov al, scroll_area_size
mov cx, ax
; cx = scroll height
; calculate scroll pos
xor bx, bx ; initialize scroll pos
sub al, scroll_area_size+1
neg al
sub si, long_v_table-1
jbe @f
mul di
div si
mov bx, ax
inc bx
imul ax, bx, size_of_step
add ax, [home_cursor]
mov [scroll_start], ax
imul cx, size_of_step
add ax, cx
mov [scroll_end], ax
pop si
mov bp, long_v_table ;show rows
;clear cursor
mov ax, ' '
mov word[ds:_r1+21], ax
mov word[ds:_r1+50], ax
mov word[ds:_r2+21], ax
mov word[ds:_r2+45], ax
mov word[ds:_rs+21], ax
mov word[ds:_rs+46], ax
; draw string
cmp word [es:si+6], 0x12
je .show_0x12
cmp word [es:si+6], 0x13
je .show_0x13
movzx eax, word[es:si]
cmp ax, -1
je .@@_end
mov di, _rs+23
mov ecx, 10
mov bl, 4
call int2str
movzx eax, word[es:si+2]
inc di
mov bl, 4
call int2str
movzx eax, word[es:si+8]
inc di
mov bl, 2
call int2str
cmp si, word [cursor_pos]
jne .next
;draw cursor
mov word[ds:_rs+21], '>>'
mov word[ds:_rs+46], '<<'
push si
mov si, _rs
; add to the string pseudographics for scrollbar
pop bx
push bx
mov byte [si+53], ' '
cmp bx, [scroll_start]
jb @f
cmp bx, [scroll_end]
jae @f
mov byte [si+53], 0xDB ; filled bar
push bx
add bx, size_of_step
cmp bx, [end_cursor]
jnz @f
mov byte [si+53], 31 ; 'down arrow' symbol
sub bx, [home_cursor]
cmp bx, size_of_step*long_v_table
jnz @f
mov byte [si+53], 31 ; 'down arrow' symbol
pop bx
cmp bx, [home_cursor]
jnz @f
mov byte [si+53], 30 ; 'up arrow' symbol
call printplain
pop si
add si, size_of_step
dec bp
jnz .@@_next_bit
mov si, _bt
call printplain
push si
cmp si, word [cursor_pos]
jne @f
mov word[ds:_r1+21], '>>'
mov word[ds:_r1+50], '<<'
mov si, _r1
jmp .@@_sh
push si
cmp si, word [cursor_pos]
jne @f
mov word[ds:_r2+21], '>>'
mov word[ds:_r2+45], '<<'
mov si, _r2
jmp .@@_sh
;Clear arrea of current video page (0xb800)
; draw frames
push es
push 0xb800
pop es
mov di, 1444
xor ax, ax
mov ah, 1*16+15
mov cx, 77
mov bp, 12
rep stosw
mov cx, 77
add di, 6
dec bp
jns .loop_start
pop es
push 0 ;0;x1000
pop es
mov si, word [preboot_graph] ;[preboot_graph]
mov cx, word [es:si+6] ; number of mode
mov ax, word [es:si+0] ; resolution X
mov bx, word [es:si+2] ; resolution Y
mov word [es:BOOT_X_RES], ax ; resolution X
mov word [es:BOOT_Y_RES], bx ; resolution Y
mov word [es:BOOT_VESA_MODE], cx ; number of mode
cmp cx, 0x12
je .mode0x12_0x13
cmp cx, 0x13
je .mode0x12_0x13
; cmp byte [s_vesa.ver], '2'
; jb .vesa12
; VESA 2 and Vesa 3
mov ax, 0x4f01
and cx, 0xfff
mov di, mi;0xa000
int 0x10
mov eax, [es:mi.PhysBasePtr];di+0x28]
mov [es:BOOT_LFB], eax
; ---- vbe voodoo
BytesPerLine equ 0x10
mov ax, [es:di+BytesPerLine]
mov [es:BOOT_PITCH], ax
cmp [es:mi.BitsPerPixel], 16
jne .l0
cmp [es:mi.GreenMaskSize], 5
jne .l0
mov [es:mi.BitsPerPixel], 15
mov al, byte [es:di+0x19]
mov [es:BOOT_BPP], al
jmp .exit
mov byte [es:BOOT_BPP], 32
or dword [es:BOOT_LFB], 0xFFFFFFFF; 0x800000
; mov ax, 0x4f0A
; xor bx, bx
; int 0x10
; xor eax, eax
; xor ebx, ebx
; mov ax, es
; shl eax, 4
; mov bx, di
; add eax, ebx
; movzx ebx, word[es:di]
; add eax, ebx
; push 0x0000
; pop es
; mov [es:0x9014], eax
0,0 → 1,16
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3927 $
; Full ASCII code font
; only õ,ä,ü added
; Kaitz
fontfile file "ETFONT.FNT"
0,0 → 1,170
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2288 $
; All parsers are called with ds:si -> value of the variable,
; possibly with spaces before, and dx = limit of config file.
; Three subroutines parse_char, parse_number and parse_bool set CF
; if something has failed, otherwise return the value in al/ax.
; timeout is a number not greater than 9
call parse_number
jc .nothing
cmp ax, 9
jbe @f
mov ax, 9
imul ax, 18
mov [es:preboot_timeout], ax
; resolution is <width>*<height>, 'x' can be used instead of '*'
; parse width
call parse_number
jc .nothing
; save width
xchg ax, bx
; test for 'x' or '*'
call parse_char
cmp al, 'x'
jz @f
cmp al, '*'
jnz .nothing
; parse height
call parse_number
jc .nothing
; write width and height
mov [es:x_save], bx
mov [es:y_save], ax
; vbemode is a number
call parse_number
jc .nothing
mov [es:number_vm], ax
;; vrr is a boolean setting
; call parse_bool
; jc .nothing
;; convert 0 to 2, 1 to 1
; inc ax
; xor al, 3
; mov [es:preboot_vrrm], al
; ret
; using biosdisks is a boolean setting
call parse_bool
jc .nothing
; convert 0 to 2, 1 to 1
inc ax
xor al, 3
mov [es:preboot_biosdisk], al
; boot device (1-floppy 2-kolibri.img using primary loader)
call parse_number
jc .nothing
cmp al, 1
jb .nothing
cmp al, 2
ja .nothing
mov [es:preboot_device], al
; skip spaces and return the next character or CF if EOF.
cmp si, dx
jae .eof
cmp al, ' '
jbe parse_char
; initialize high part of ax to zero
xor ax, ax
; skip spaces
call parse_char
jc .bad
; al should be a digit
sub al, '0'
cmp al, 9
ja .bad
; accumulate the value in cx
xchg cx, ax
cmp si, dx
jae .eof
sub al, '0'
cmp al, 9
ja .end
imul cx, 10
add cx, ax
jmp @b
; if the end is caused by non-digit, unwind the last character
dec si
xchg cx, ax
; skip spaces
call parse_char
jc .bad
; Boolean false can be represented as 0=no=off,
; boolean true can be represented as 1=yes=on.
cmp al, '0'
jz .false
cmp al, '1'
jz .true
mov ah, al
cmp si, dx
jae .bad
cmp ax, 'n'*256 + 'o'
jz .false
cmp ax, 'o'*256 + 'f'
jz .false
cmp ax, 'y'*256 + 'e'
jz .true
cmp ax, 'o'*256 + 'n'
jz .true
xor ax, ax
inc ax
xor ax, ax
0,0 → 1,44
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3777 $
display_modechg db 0 ; display mode change for text, yes/no (0 or 2)
; !! Important note !!
; Must be set to 2, to avoid two screenmode
; changes within a very short period of time.
display_atboot db 0 ; show boot screen messages ( 2-no )
preboot_graph dw 0 ; graph mode
x_save dw 0 ; x
y_save dw 0 ; y
number_vm dw 0 ;
;pixel_save dw 0 ; per to pixel
preboot_gprobe db 0 ; probe vesa3 videomodes (1-no, 2-yes)
;preboot_vrrm db 0 ; use VRR_M (1-yes, 2- no)
preboot_debug db 0 ; load kernel in debug mode? (1-yes, 2-no)
preboot_launcher db 0 ; start launcher after kernel is loaded? (1-yes, 2-no)
preboot_dma db 0 ; use DMA for access to HDD (1-always, 2-only for read, 3-never)
preboot_device db 0 ; boot device
; (1-floppy 2-harddisk 3-kernel restart 4-format ram disk)
;!!!! 0 - autodetect !!!!
preboot_blogesc = 0 ; start immediately after bootlog
preboot_biosdisk db 0 ; use V86 to access disks through BIOS (1-yes, 2-no)
if defined extended_primary_loader
preboot_timeout dw 5*18 ; timeout in 1/18th of second for config settings screen
end if
if $>0x200
prebooting parameters must fit in first sector!!!
end if
hdsysimage db 'KOLIBRI.IMG',0 ; load from
image_save db 'KOLIBRI.IMG',0 ; save to
0,0 → 1,123
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3744 $
cmp [boot_dev+OS_BASE+0x10000], 1
jne no_sys_on_hd
xor ebp, ebp
lea eax, [ebp+'0']
mov [read_image_fsinfo.name_digit], al
movzx eax, byte [DRIVE_DATA+2+ebp]
test eax, eax
jz .next_hd
push eax
mov esi, 1
mov eax, esi
push -'0'
xor edx, edx
div [_10]
push edx
test eax, eax
jnz @b
mov edi, read_image_fsinfo.partition
pop eax
add al, '0'
jnz @b
mov byte [edi-1], '/'
push esi edi
mov esi, bootpath1
mov ecx, bootpath1.len
rep movsb
call read_image
test eax, eax
jz .yes
cmp eax, 6
jz .yes
pop edi
push edi
mov esi, bootpath2
mov ecx, bootpath2.len
rep movsb
call read_image
test eax, eax
jz .yes
cmp eax, 6
jz .yes
pop edi esi
inc esi
cmp esi, [esp]
jbe .partition_loop
pop eax
inc ebp
cmp ebp, 4
jb .hd_loop
jmp no_sys_on_hd
pop edi esi eax
jmp yes_sys_on_hd
align 4
dd 0 ; function: read
dq 0 ; offset: zero
dd 1474560 ; size
dd RAMDISK ; buffer
db '/hd'
.name_digit db '0'
db '/'
rb 64 ; should be enough for '255/KOLIBRI/KOLIBRI.IMG'
bootpath1 db 'KOLIBRI.IMG',0
.len = $ - bootpath1
bootpath2 db 'KOLIBRI/KOLIBRI.IMG',0
.len = $ - bootpath2
mov ebx, read_image_fsinfo
call file_system_lfn_protected
; test_to_format_ram_disk (need if not using ram disk)
cmp [boot_dev+OS_BASE+0x10000], 3
jne not_format_ram_disk
; format_ram_disk
mov edi, RAMDISK
mov ecx, 0x1080
xor eax, eax
loop @b
mov ecx, 0x58F7F
mov eax, 0xF6F6F6F6
loop @b
mov [RAMDISK+0x200], dword 0xFFFFF0 ; fat table
mov [RAMDISK+0x4200], dword 0xFFFFF0
0,0 → 1,102
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3539 $
; Generated by RUFNT.EXE
; By BadBugsKiller (C)
; Modifyed by BadBugsKiller 12.01.2004 17:45
; Шрифт уменьшен в размере и теперь состоит из 2-ух частей,
; содержащих только символы русского алфавита.
; символы в кодировке ASCII (ДОС'овская), кодовая страница 866.
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x36, 0x66, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xFE, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x62, 0x60, 0x60, 0x7C, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x7C, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x66, 0x62, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x36, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0xFF, 0xC3, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x66, 0x62, 0x68, 0x78, 0x68, 0x60, 0x62, 0x66, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x5A, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0x06, 0x06, 0x3C, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xCE, 0xDE, 0xF6, 0xE6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x6C, 0x38, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xCE, 0xDE, 0xF6, 0xE6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xE6, 0x66, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x78, 0x78, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x66, 0xE6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x36, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0xCF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0xEE, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xD6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xFE, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x7C, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC2, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xDB, 0x99, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x7E, 0x06, 0x06, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x7E, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0x7E, 0x18, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x6C, 0x7C, 0x38, 0x38, 0x7C, 0x6C, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x7E, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xF8, 0xF0, 0xB0, 0x30, 0x3E, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x7E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xF3, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xF3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0x7C, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0x06, 0x26, 0x3E, 0x26, 0x06, 0x06, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xCE, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xFB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xCE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x3E, 0x3E, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0xE7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x78, 0x0C, 0x7C, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0x76, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x02, 0x06, 0x7C, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xFC, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFC, 0x66, 0x66, 0x7C, 0x66, 0x66, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x62, 0x62, 0x60, 0x60, 0x60, 0xF0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x36, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0xFF, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xFE, 0xC0, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0x54, 0x7C, 0x54, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0x06, 0x3C, 0x06, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xCE, 0xD6, 0xE6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6C, 0x38, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xCE, 0xD6, 0xE6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE6, 0x6C, 0x78, 0x78, 0x6C, 0x66, 0xE6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x36, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0xE6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0xEE, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xFE, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFE, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xDC, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x7C, 0x60, 0x60, 0xF0, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7E, 0x5A, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x7E, 0x06, 0x06, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x18, 0x7E, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0x7E, 0x18, 0x18, 0x3C, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0x6C, 0x38, 0x38, 0x38, 0x6C, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x7E, 0x06, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xFE, 0x03, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF8, 0xB0, 0xB0, 0x3E, 0x33, 0x33, 0x7E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xF6, 0xDE, 0xDE, 0xF6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF0, 0x60, 0x60, 0x7C, 0x66, 0x66, 0xFC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0x06, 0x3E, 0x06, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xCE, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xFB, 0xDB, 0xDB, 0xCE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7F, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x7E, 0x36, 0x66, 0xE7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x6C, 0x00, 0xFE, 0x66, 0x62, 0x68, 0x78, 0x68, 0x60, 0x62, 0x66, 0xFE, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6C, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0xC0, 0xC8, 0xF8, 0xC8, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0xC0, 0xF8, 0xC0, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x66, 0x00, 0x3C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6C, 0x00, 0x38, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x6C, 0x38, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x7E, 0x06, 0x06, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6C, 0x38, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x7E, 0x06, 0x06, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x38, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x38, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0xEC, 0x6C, 0x3C, 0x1C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0xCF, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0xEC, 0xFF, 0xDC, 0xDC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0x7C, 0xC6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x7E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
0,0 → 1,212
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; Shutdown for Menuet ;;
;; ;;
;; Distributed under General Public License ;;
;; See file COPYING for details. ;;
;; Copyright 2003 Ville Turjanmaa ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
align 4
; setup stack
mov ax, 0x3000
mov ss, ax
mov esp, 0x0EC00
; setup ds
push cs
pop ds
lidt [old_ints_h]
;remap IRQs
mov al, 0x11
out 0x20, al
call rdelay
out 0xA0, al
call rdelay
mov al, 0x08
out 0x21, al
call rdelay
mov al, 0x70
out 0xA1, al
call rdelay
mov al, 0x04
out 0x21, al
call rdelay
mov al, 0x02
out 0xA1, al
call rdelay
mov al, 0x01
out 0x21, al
call rdelay
out 0xA1, al
call rdelay
mov al, 0xB8
out 0x21, al
call rdelay
mov al, 0xBD
out 0xA1, al
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov al, byte [es:0x9030]
cmp al, 1
jl nbw
cmp al, 4
jle nbw32
in al, 0x60
cmp al, 6
jae nbw
mov bl, al
in al, 0x60
cmp al, bl
je nbw2
cmp al, 240;ax,240
jne nbw31
mov al, bl
dec ax
jmp nbw32
add bl, 128
cmp al, bl
jne nbw
sub al, 129
dec ax
dec ax ; 2 = power off
jnz no_apm_off
call APM_PowerOff
jmp $
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader ; kernel restarting is not supported
dec ax ; 3 = reboot
jnz restart_kernel ; 4 = restart kernel
end if
push 0x40
pop ds
mov word[0x0072], 0x1234
jmp 0xF000:0xFFF0
mov ax, 5304h
xor bx, bx
int 15h
mov ax, 0x5300
xor bx, bx
int 0x15
push ax
mov ax, 0x5301
xor bx, bx
int 0x15
mov ax, 0x5308
mov bx, 1
mov cx, bx
int 0x15
mov ax, 0x530E
xor bx, bx
pop cx
int 0x15
mov ax, 0x530D
mov bx, 1
mov cx, bx
int 0x15
mov ax, 0x530F
mov bx, 1
mov cx, bx
int 0x15
mov ax, 0x5307
mov bx, 1
mov cx, 3
int 0x15
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
mov ax, 0x0003 ; set text mode for screen
int 0x10
jmp 0x4000:0000
push ds
pop es
mov cx, 0x8000
push cx
push 0x7000
pop ds
xor si, si
xor di, di
rep movsw
pop cx
mov ds, cx
push 0x2000
pop es
rep movsw
push 0x9000
pop ds
push 0x3000
pop es
mov cx, 0xE000/2
rep movsw
wbinvd ; write and invalidate cache
mov al, 00110100b
out 43h, al
jcxz $+2
mov al, 0xFF
out 40h, al
jcxz $+2
out 40h, al
jcxz $+2
; (hint by Black_mirror)
; We must read data from keyboard port,
; because there may be situation when previous keyboard interrupt is lost
; (due to return to real mode and IRQ reprogramming)
; and next interrupt will not be generated (as keyboard waits for handling)
in al, 0x60
; bootloader interface
push 0x1000
pop ds
mov si, kernel_restart_bootblock
mov ax, 'KL'
jmp 0x1000:0000
end if
0,0 → 1,119
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2010-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; PCIe.INC ;;
;; ;;
;; Extended PCI express services ;;
;; ;;
;; art_zh <> ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 1463 $
; Function
; pci_ext_config:
; Description
; PCIe extended (memory-mapped) config space detection
; 1) Very Experimental!
; 2) direct HT-detection (no ACPI or BIOS service used)
; 3) Only AMD/HT processors currently supported
PCIe_CONFIG_SPACE equ 0xF0000000 ; to be moved to
mmio_pcie_cfg_addr dd 0x0 ; intel pcie space may be defined here
mmio_pcie_cfg_lim dd 0x0 ; upper pcie space address
align 4
mov ebx, [mmio_pcie_cfg_addr]
or ebx, ebx
jz @f
or ebx, 0x7FFFFFFF ; required by PCI-SIG standards
jnz .pcie_failed
add ebx, 0x0FFFFC
cmp ebx, [mmio_pcie_cfg_lim]; is the space limit correct?
ja .pcie_failed
jmp .pcie_cfg_mapped
mov ebx, [cpu_vendor]
cmp ebx, dword [AMD_str]
jne .pcie_failed
mov bx, 0xC184 ; dev = 24, fn = 01, reg = 84h
mov cx, bx
mov ax, 0x0002 ; bus = 0, 1dword to read
call pci_read_reg
mov bx, cx
sub bl, 4
and al, 0x80 ; check the NP bit
jz .no_pcie_cfg
shl eax, 8 ; bus:[27..20], dev:[19:15]
or eax, 0x00007FFC ; fun:[14..12], reg:[11:2]
mov [mmio_pcie_cfg_lim], eax
mov cl, bl
mov ax, 0x0002 ; bus = 0, 1dword to read
call pci_read_reg
mov bx, cx
test al, 0x03 ; MMIO Base RW enabled?
jz .no_pcie_cfg
test al, 0x0C ; MMIO Base locked?
jnz .no_pcie_cfg
xor al, al
shl eax, 8
test eax, 0x000F0000 ; MMIO Base must be bus0-aligned
jnz .no_pcie_cfg
mov [mmio_pcie_cfg_addr], eax
add eax, 0x000FFFFC
sub eax, [mmio_pcie_cfg_lim]; MMIO must cover at least one bus
ja .no_pcie_cfg
; -- it looks like a true PCIe config space;
mov eax, [mmio_pcie_cfg_addr] ; physical address
mov ebx, PCIe_CONFIG_SPACE ; linear address
mov ecx, ebx
shr ebx, 20
add ebx, sys_pgdir ; PgDir entry @
mov dword[ebx], eax ; map 4 buses
invlpg [ecx]
cmp bl, 4
jz .pcie_cfg_mapped ; fix it later
add bl, 4 ; next PgDir entry
add eax, 0x400000 ; eax += 4M
add ecx, 0x400000
jmp @b
; -- glad to have the extended PCIe config field found
; mov esi, boot_pcie_ok
; call boot_log
ret ; <<<<<<<<<<< OK >>>>>>>>>>>
xor eax, eax
mov [mmio_pcie_cfg_addr], eax
mov [mmio_pcie_cfg_lim], eax
add bl, 12
cmp bl, 0xC0 ; MMIO regs lay below this offset
jb .check_HT_mmio
; mov esi, boot_pcie_fail
; call boot_log
ret ; <<<<<<<<< FAILURE >>>>>>>>>
0,0 → 1,51
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; PCI16.INC ;;
;; ;;
;; 16 bit PCI driver code ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 0.2 December 21st, 2002 ;;
;; ;;
;; Author: Victor Prodan, ;;
;; ;;
;; See file COPYING for details ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov byte [es:0x9020], 1;default mechanism:1
mov ax, 0xb101
int 0x1a
or ah, ah
jnz pci16skip
mov [es:0x9021], cl;last PCI bus in system
mov [es:0x9022], bx
mov [es:0x9024], edi
; we have a PCI BIOS, so check which configuration mechanism(s)
; it supports
; AL = PCI hardware characteristics (bit0 => mechanism1, bit1 => mechanism2)
test al, 1
jnz pci16skip
test al, 2
jz pci16skip
mov byte [es:0x9020], 2; if (al&3)==2 => mechanism 2
mov ax, 0x1000
mov es, ax
0,0 → 1,724
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; PCI32.INC ;;
;; ;;
;; 32 bit PCI driver code ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 0.3 April 9, 2007 ;;
;; Version 0.2 December 21st, 2002 ;;
;; ;;
;; Author: Victor Prodan, ;;
;; Mihailov Ilia, ;;
;; Credits: ;;
;; Ralf Brown ;;
;; Mike Hibbett, ;;
;; ;;
;; See file COPYING for details ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4418 $
; Function
; pci_api:
; Description
; entry point for system PCI calls
;mmio_pci_addr equ 0x400 ; set actual PCI address here to activate user-MMIO
align 4
dd pci_fn_0
dd pci_fn_1
dd pci_fn_2
dd pci_service_not_supported ;3
dd pci_read_reg ;4 byte
dd pci_read_reg ;5 word
dd pci_read_reg ;6 dword
dd pci_service_not_supported ;7
dd pci_write_reg ;8 byte
dd pci_write_reg ;9 word
dd pci_write_reg ;10 dword
if defined mmio_pci_addr
dd pci_mmio_init ;11
dd pci_mmio_map ;12
dd pci_mmio_unmap ;13
end if
align 4
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, ecx
mov ecx, edx
cmp [pci_access_enabled], 1
jne pci_service_not_supported
movzx edx, al
if defined mmio_pci_addr
cmp al, 13
ja pci_service_not_supported
cmp al, 10
ja pci_service_not_supported
end if
call dword [f62call+edx*4]
mov dword [esp+32], eax
align 4
cmp [pci_access_enabled], 1
jne .fail
cmp eax, 2
ja .fail
jmp dword [f62call+eax*4]
or eax, -1
;; ============================================
; PCI function 0: get pci version (AH.AL)
movzx eax, word [BOOT_VARS+0x9022]
; PCI function 1: get last bus in AL
mov al, [BOOT_VARS+0x9021]
; PCI function 2: get pci access mechanism
mov al, [BOOT_VARS+0x9020]
or eax, -1
mov dword [esp+32], eax
; Function
; pci_make_config_cmd
; Description
; creates a command dword for use with the PCI bus
; bus # in ah
; device+func in bh (dddddfff)
; register in bl
; command dword returned in eax ( 10000000 bbbbbbbb dddddfff rrrrrr00 )
align 4
shl eax, 8 ; move bus to bits 16-23
mov ax, bx ; combine all
and eax, 0xffffff
or eax, 0x80000000
; Function
; pci_read_reg:
; Description
; read a register from the PCI config space into EAX/AX/AL
; IN: ah=bus,device+func=bh,register address=bl
; number of bytes to read (1,2,4) coded into AL, bits 0-1
; (0 - byte, 1 - word, 2 - dword)
align 4
push ebx esi
cmp byte [BOOT_VARS+0x9020], 2;what mechanism will we use?
je pci_read_reg_2
; mechanism 1
mov esi, eax ; save register size into ESI
and esi, 3
call pci_make_config_cmd
mov ebx, eax
; get current state
mov dx, 0xcf8
in eax, dx
push eax
; set up addressing to config data
mov eax, ebx
and al, 0xfc; make address dword-aligned
out dx, eax
; get requested DWORD of config data
mov dl, 0xfc
and bl, 3
or dl, bl ; add to port address first 2 bits of register address
or esi, esi
jz pci_read_byte1
cmp esi, 1
jz pci_read_word1
cmp esi, 2
jz pci_read_dword1
jmp pci_fin_read1
in al, dx
jmp pci_fin_read1
in ax, dx
jmp pci_fin_read1
in eax, dx
jmp pci_fin_read1
; restore configuration control
xchg eax, [esp]
mov dx, 0xcf8
out dx, eax
pop eax
pop esi ebx
test bh, 128 ;mech#2 only supports 16 devices per bus
jnz pci_read_reg_err
mov esi, eax ; save register size into ESI
and esi, 3
push eax
;store current state of config space
mov dx, 0xcf8
in al, dx
mov ah, al
mov dl, 0xfa
in al, dx
xchg eax, [esp]
; out 0xcfa,bus
mov al, ah
out dx, al
; out 0xcf8,0x80
mov dl, 0xf8
mov al, 0x80
out dx, al
; compute addr
shr bh, 3; func is ignored in mechanism 2
or bh, 0xc0
mov dx, bx
or esi, esi
jz pci_read_byte2
cmp esi, 1
jz pci_read_word2
cmp esi, 2
jz pci_read_dword2
jmp pci_fin_read2
in al, dx
jmp pci_fin_read2
in ax, dx
jmp pci_fin_read2
in eax, dx
; jmp pci_fin_read2
; restore configuration space
xchg eax, [esp]
mov dx, 0xcfa
out dx, al
mov dl, 0xf8
mov al, ah
out dx, al
pop eax
pop esi ebx
xor eax, eax
dec eax
pop esi ebx
; Function
; pci_write_reg:
; Description
; write a register from ECX/CX/CL into the PCI config space
; IN: ah=bus,device+func=bh,register address (dword aligned)=bl,
; value to write in ecx
; number of bytes to write (1,2,4) coded into AL, bits 0-1
; (0 - byte, 1 - word, 2 - dword)
align 4
push esi ebx
cmp byte [BOOT_VARS+0x9020], 2;what mechanism will we use?
je pci_write_reg_2
; mechanism 1
mov esi, eax ; save register size into ESI
and esi, 3
call pci_make_config_cmd
mov ebx, eax
; get current state into ecx
mov dx, 0xcf8
in eax, dx
push eax
; set up addressing to config data
mov eax, ebx
and al, 0xfc; make address dword-aligned
out dx, eax
; write DWORD of config data
mov dl, 0xfc
and bl, 3
or dl, bl
mov eax, ecx
or esi, esi
jz pci_write_byte1
cmp esi, 1
jz pci_write_word1
cmp esi, 2
jz pci_write_dword1
jmp pci_fin_write1
out dx, al
jmp pci_fin_write1
out dx, ax
jmp pci_fin_write1
out dx, eax
jmp pci_fin_write1
; restore configuration control
pop eax
mov dl, 0xf8
out dx, eax
xor eax, eax
pop ebx esi
test bh, 128 ;mech#2 only supports 16 devices per bus
jnz pci_write_reg_err
mov esi, eax ; save register size into ESI
and esi, 3
push eax
;store current state of config space
mov dx, 0xcf8
in al, dx
mov ah, al
mov dl, 0xfa
in al, dx
xchg eax, [esp]
; out 0xcfa,bus
mov al, ah
out dx, al
; out 0xcf8,0x80
mov dl, 0xf8
mov al, 0x80
out dx, al
; compute addr
shr bh, 3; func is ignored in mechanism 2
or bh, 0xc0
mov dx, bx
; write register
mov eax, ecx
or esi, esi
jz pci_write_byte2
cmp esi, 1
jz pci_write_word2
cmp esi, 2
jz pci_write_dword2
jmp pci_fin_write2
out dx, al
jmp pci_fin_write2
out dx, ax
jmp pci_fin_write2
out dx, eax
jmp pci_fin_write2
; restore configuration space
pop eax
mov dx, 0xcfa
out dx, al
mov dl, 0xf8
mov al, ah
out dx, al
xor eax, eax
pop ebx esi
xor eax, eax
dec eax
pop ebx esi
if defined mmio_pci_addr ; must be set above
; Function
; pci_mmio_init
; Description
; IN: bx = device's PCI bus address (bbbbbbbbdddddfff)
; Returns eax = user heap space available (bytes)
; Error codes
; eax = -1 : PCI user access blocked,
; eax = -2 : device not registered for uMMIO service
; eax = -3 : user heap initialization failure
cmp bx, mmio_pci_addr
jz @f
mov eax, -2
call init_heap ; (if not initialized yet)
or eax, eax
jz @f
mov eax, -3
; Function
; pci_mmio_map
; Description
; maps a block of PCI memory to user-accessible linear address
; WARNING! This VERY EXPERIMENTAL service is for one chosen PCI device only!
; The target device address should be set in kernel var mmio_pci_addr
; IN: ah = BAR#;
; IN: ebx = block size (bytes);
; IN: ecx = offset in MMIO block (in 4K-pages, to avoid misaligned pages);
; Returns eax = MMIO block's linear address in the userspace (if no error)
; Error codes
; eax = -1 : user access to PCI blocked,
; eax = -2 : an invalid BAR register referred
; eax = -3 : no i/o space on that BAR
; eax = -4 : a port i/o BAR register referred
; eax = -5 : dynamic userspace allocation problem
and edx, 0x0ffff
cmp ah, 6
jc .bar_0_5
jz .bar_rom
mov eax, -2
mov ah, 8 ; bar6 = Expansion ROM base address
push ecx
add ebx, 4095
and ebx, -4096
push ebx
mov bl, ah ; bl = BAR# (0..5), however bl=8 for BAR6
shl bl, 1
shl bl, 1
add bl, 0x10; now bl = BAR offset in PCI config. space
mov ax, mmio_pci_addr
mov bh, al ; bh = dddddfff
mov al, 2 ; al : DW to read
call pci_read_reg
or eax, eax
jnz @f
mov eax, -3 ; empty I/O space
jmp mmio_ret_fail
test eax, 1
jz @f
mov eax, -4 ; damned ports (not MMIO space)
jmp mmio_ret_fail
pop ecx ; ecx = block size, bytes (expanded to whole page)
mov ebx, ecx; user_alloc destroys eax, ecx, edx, but saves ebx
and eax, 0xFFFFFFF0
push eax ; store MMIO physical address + keep 2DWords in the stack
stdcall user_alloc, ecx
or eax, eax
jnz mmio_map_over
mov eax, -5 ; problem with page allocation
pop ecx
pop edx
mov ecx, ebx; ecx = size (bytes, expanded to whole page)
shr ecx, 12 ; ecx = number of pages
mov ebx, eax; ebx = linear address
pop eax ; eax = MMIO start
pop edx ; edx = MMIO shift (pages)
shl edx, 12 ; edx = MMIO shift (bytes)
add eax, edx; eax = uMMIO physical address
or eax, PG_SHARED
or eax, PG_UW
or eax, PG_NOCACHE
mov edi, ebx
call commit_pages
mov eax, edi
; Function
; pci_mmio_unmap_page
; Description
; unmaps the linear space previously tied to a PCI memory block
; IN: ebx = linear address of space previously allocated by pci_mmio_map
; returns eax = 1 if successfully unmapped
; Error codes
; eax = -1 if no user PCI access allowed,
; eax = 0 if unmapping failed
stdcall user_free, ebx
end if
align 4
; VendID (2), DevID (2), Revision = 0 (1), Class Code (3), FNum (1), Bus (1)
times 30*10 db 0
align 4
cmp [pci_access_enabled], 1
jne .unsupported_func
cmp [pci_bios_entry], 0
jz .emulate_bios
push ds
mov ax, pci_data_sel
mov ds, ax
mov eax, ebp
mov ah, 0B1h
call pword [cs:pci_bios_entry]
pop ds
jmp .return
cmp ebp, 1 ; PCI_FUNCTION_ID
mov edx, 'PCI '
mov al, [BOOT_VARS + 0x9020]
mov bx, [BOOT_VARS + 0x9022]
mov cl, [BOOT_VARS + 0x9021]
xor ah, ah
jmp .return_abcd
cmp ebp, 2 ; FIND_PCI_DEVICE
mov ebx, pci_emu_dat
cmp [ebx], dx
cmp [ebx + 2], cx
dec si
mov bx, [ebx + 4]
xor ah, ah
jmp .return_ab
cmp word[ebx], 0
je ..dev_not_found
add ebx, 10
jmp ..nxt
mov ah, 0x86 ; DEVICE_NOT_FOUND
jmp .return_a
cmp ebp, 3 ; FIND_PCI_CLASS_CODE
mov esi, pci_emu_dat
shl ecx, 8
cmp [esi], ecx
jne ..no2
mov bx, [esi]
xor ah, ah
jmp .return_ab
cmp dword[esi], 0
je ..dev_not_found
add esi, 10
jmp ..nxt2
cmp ebp, 8 ; READ_CONFIG_*
cmp ebp, 0x0A
mov eax, ebp
mov ah, bh
mov edx, edi
mov bh, bl
mov bl, dl
call pci_read_reg
mov ecx, eax
xor ah, ah ; SUCCESSFUL
jmp .return_abc
cmp ebp, 0x0B ; WRITE_CONFIG_*
cmp ebp, 0x0D
lea eax, [ebp+1]
mov ah, bh
mov edx, edi
mov bh, bl
mov bl, dl
call pci_write_reg
xor ah, ah ; SUCCESSFUL
jmp .return_abc
mov ah, 0x81 ; FUNC_NOT_SUPPORTED
mov dword[esp + 4 ], edi
mov dword[esp + 8], esi
mov dword[esp + 24], edx
mov dword[esp + 28], ecx
mov dword[esp + 20], ebx
mov dword[esp + 32], eax
proc pci_enum
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push 0
virtual at ebp-4
.devfn db ?
.bus db ?
end virtual
mov ah, [.bus]
mov al, 2
mov bh, [.devfn]
mov bl, 0
call pci_read_reg
cmp eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
jnz .has_device
test byte [.devfn], 7
jnz .next_func
jmp .no_device
push eax
movi eax, sizeof.PCIDEV
call malloc
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jz .nomemory
mov edi, eax
mov [edi+PCIDEV.vendor_device_id], ecx
mov eax, pcidev_list
mov ecx, [eax+PCIDEV.bk]
mov [edi+PCIDEV.bk], ecx
mov [edi+PCIDEV.fd], eax
mov [ecx+PCIDEV.fd], edi
mov [eax+PCIDEV.bk], edi
mov eax, dword [.devfn]
mov dword [edi+PCIDEV.devfn], eax
mov dword [edi+PCIDEV.owner], 0
mov bh, al
mov al, 2
mov bl, 8
call pci_read_reg
shr eax, 8
mov [edi+PCIDEV.class], eax
test byte [.devfn], 7
jnz .next_func
mov ah, [.bus]
mov al, 0
mov bh, [.devfn]
mov bl, 0Eh
call pci_read_reg
test al, al
js .next_func
or byte [.devfn], 7
inc dword [.devfn]
mov ah, [.bus]
cmp ah, [BOOT_VARS+0x9021]
jbe .loop
0,0 → 1,446
; Constants and structures that are shared between different parts of
; USB subsystem and *HCI drivers.
; =============================================================================
; ================================= Constants =================================
; =============================================================================
; Version of all structures related to host controllers.
; Must be the same in kernel and *hci-drivers.
; USB device must have at least 100ms of stable power before initializing can
; proceed; one timer tick is 10ms, so enforce delay in 10 ticks
; USB requires at least 10 ms for reset signalling. Normally, this is one timer
; tick. However, it is possible that we start reset signalling in the end of
; interval between timer ticks and then we test time in the start of the next
; interval; in this case, the delta between [timer_ticks] is 1, but the real
; time passed is significantly less than 10 ms. To avoid this, we add an extra
; tick; this guarantees that at least 10 ms have passed.
; USB requires at least 10 ms of reset recovery, a delay between reset
; signalling and any commands to device. Add an extra tick for the same reasons
; as with the previous constant.
; USB pipe types
; Status codes for transfer callbacks.
; Taken from OHCI as most verbose controller in this sense.
USB_STATUS_OK = 0 ; no error
USB_STATUS_CRC = 1 ; CRC error
USB_STATUS_BITSTUFF = 2 ; bit stuffing violation
USB_STATUS_TOGGLE = 3 ; data toggle mismatch
USB_STATUS_STALL = 4 ; device returned STALL
USB_STATUS_NORESPONSE = 5 ; device not responding
USB_STATUS_PIDCHECK = 6 ; invalid PID check bits
USB_STATUS_WRONGPID = 7 ; unexpected PID value
USB_STATUS_OVERRUN = 8 ; too many data from endpoint
USB_STATUS_UNDERRUN = 9 ; too few data from endpoint
USB_STATUS_BUFOVERRUN = 12 ; overflow of internal controller buffer
USB_STATUS_BUFUNDERRUN = 13 ; underflow of internal controller buffer
USB_STATUS_CLOSED = 16 ; pipe closed
; either explicitly with USBClosePipe
; or implicitly due to device disconnect
; Possible speeds of USB devices
USB_SPEED_FS = 0 ; full-speed
USB_SPEED_LS = 1 ; low-speed
USB_SPEED_HS = 2 ; high-speed
; flags for usb_pipe.Flags
USB_FLAG_CLOSED = 1 ; pipe is closed, no new transfers
; pipe is closed, return error instead of submitting any new transfer
; pipe is closed via explicit call to USBClosePipe, so it can be freed without
; any driver notification; if this flag is not set, then the pipe is closed due
; to device disconnect, so it must remain valid until return from disconnect
; callback provided by the driver
; The pipe was in wait list, while another event occured;
; when the first wait will be done, reinsert the pipe to wait list
; =============================================================================
; ================================ Structures =================================
; =============================================================================
; Description of controller-specific data and functions.
struct usb_hardware_func
Version dd ? ; must be USBHC_VERSION
ID dd ? ; '*HCI'
DataSize dd ? ; sizeof(*hci_controller)
BeforeInit dd ?
; Early initialization: take ownership from BIOS.
; in: [ebp-4] = (bus shl 8) + devfn
Init dd ?
; Initialize controller-specific part of controller data.
; in: eax -> *hci_controller to initialize, [ebp-4] = (bus shl 8) + devfn
; out: eax = 0 <=> failed, otherwise eax -> usb_controller
ProcessDeferred dd ?
; Called regularly from the main loop of USB thread
; (either due to timeout from a previous call, or due to explicit wakeup).
; in: esi -> usb_controller
; out: eax = maximum timeout for next call (-1 = infinity)
SetDeviceAddress dd ?
; in: esi -> usb_controller, ebx -> usb_pipe, cl = address
GetDeviceAddress dd ?
; in: esi -> usb_controller, ebx -> usb_pipe
; out: eax = address
PortDisable dd ?
; Disable the given port in the root hub.
; in: esi -> usb_controller, ecx = port (zero-based)
InitiateReset dd ?
; Start reset signalling on the given port.
; in: esi -> usb_controller, ecx = port (zero-based)
SetEndpointPacketSize dd ?
; in: esi -> usb_controller, ebx -> usb_pipe, ecx = packet size
AllocPipe dd ?
; out: eax = pointer to allocated usb_pipe
FreePipe dd ?
; void stdcall with one argument = pointer to previously allocated usb_pipe
InitPipe dd ?
; in: edi -> usb_pipe for target, ecx -> usb_pipe for config pipe,
; esi -> usb_controller, eax -> usb_gtd for the first TD,
; [ebp+12] = endpoint, [ebp+16] = maxpacket, [ebp+20] = type
UnlinkPipe dd ?
; esi -> usb_controller, ebx -> usb_pipe
AllocTD dd ?
; out: eax = pointer to allocated usb_gtd
FreeTD dd ?
; void stdcall with one argument = pointer to previously allocated usb_gtd
AllocTransfer dd ?
; Allocate and initialize one stage of a transfer.
; ebx -> usb_pipe, other parameters are passed through the stack:
; buffer,size = data to transfer
; flags = same as in usb_open_pipe:
; bit 0 = allow short transfer, other bits reserved
; td = pointer to the current end-of-queue descriptor
; direction =
; 0000b for normal transfers,
; 1000b for control SETUP transfer,
; 1101b for control OUT transfer,
; 1110b for control IN transfer
; returns eax = pointer to the new end-of-queue descriptor
; (not included in the queue itself) or 0 on error
InsertTransfer dd ?
; Activate previously initialized transfer (maybe with multiple stages).
; esi -> usb_controller, ebx -> usb_pipe,
; [esp+4] -> first usb_gtd for the transfer,
; ecx -> last descriptor for the transfer
NewDevice dd ?
; Initiate configuration of a new device (create pseudo-pipe describing that
; device and call usb_new_device).
; esi -> usb_controller, eax = speed (one of USB_SPEED_* constants).
; pointers to kernel API functions that are called from *HCI-drivers
struct usbhc_func
usb_process_gtd dd ?
usb_init_static_endpoint dd ?
usb_wakeup_if_needed dd ?
usb_subscribe_control dd ?
usb_subscription_done dd ?
usb_allocate_common dd ?
usb_free_common dd ?
usb_td_to_virt dd ?
usb_init_transfer dd ?
usb_undo_tds dd ?
usb_test_pending_port dd ?
usb_get_tt dd ?
usb_get_tt_think_time dd ?
usb_new_device dd ?
usb_disconnect_stage2 dd ?
usb_process_wait_lists dd ?
usb_unlink_td dd ?
usb_is_final_packet dd ?
usb_find_ehci_companion dd ?
; Controller descriptor.
; This structure represents the common (controller-independent) part
; of a controller for the USB code. The corresponding controller-dependent
; part *hci_controller is located immediately before usb_controller.
struct usb_controller
; Two following fields organize all controllers in the global linked list.
Next dd ?
Prev dd ?
HardwareFunc dd ?
; Pointer to usb_hardware_func structure with controller-specific functions.
NumPorts dd ?
; Number of ports in the root hub.
PCICoordinates dd ?
; Device:function and bus number from PCI.
; The hardware is allowed to cache some data from hardware structures.
; Regular operations are designed considering this,
; but sometimes it is required to wait for synchronization of hardware cache
; with modified structures in memory.
; The code keeps two queues of pipes waiting for synchronization,
; one for asynchronous (bulk/control) pipes, one for periodic pipes, hardware
; cache is invalidated under different conditions for those types.
; Both queues are organized in the same way, as single-linked lists.
; There are three special positions: the head of list (new pipes are added
; here), the first pipe to be synchronized at the current iteration,
; the tail of list (all pipes starting from here are synchronized).
WaitPipeListAsync dd ?
WaitPipeListPeriodic dd ?
; List heads.
WaitPipeRequestAsync dd ?
WaitPipeRequestPeriodic dd ?
; Pending request to hardware to refresh cache for items from WaitPipeList*.
; (Pointers to some items in WaitPipeList* or NULLs).
ReadyPipeHeadAsync dd ?
ReadyPipeHeadPeriodic dd ?
; Items of RemovingList* which were released by hardware and are ready
; for further processing.
; (Pointers to some items in WaitPipeList* or NULLs).
NewConnected dd ?
; bit mask of recently connected ports of the root hub,
; bit set = a device was recently connected to the corresponding port;
; after USB_CONNECT_DELAY ticks of stable status these ports are moved to
; PendingPorts
NewDisconnected dd ?
; bit mask of disconnected ports of the root hub,
; bit set = a device in the corresponding port was disconnected,
; disconnect processing is required.
PendingPorts dd ?
; bit mask of ports which are ready to be initialized
ControlLock MUTEX ?
; mutex which guards all operations with control queue
BulkLock MUTEX ?
; mutex which guards all operations with bulk queue
PeriodicLock MUTEX ?
; mutex which guards all operations with periodic queues
; spinlock guarding WaitPipeRequest/ReadyPipeHead (but not WaitPipeList)
StartWaitFrame dd ?
; USB frame number when WaitPipeRequest* was registered.
ResettingHub dd ?
; Pointer to usb_hub responsible for the currently resetting port, if any.
; NULL for the root hub.
ResettingPort db ?
; Port that is currently resetting, 0-based.
ResettingSpeed db ?
; Speed of currently resetting device.
ResettingStatus db ?
; Status of port reset. 0 = no port is resetting, -1 = reset failed,
; 1 = reset in progress, 2 = reset recovery in progress.
rb 1 ; alignment
ResetTime dd ?
; Time when reset signalling or reset recovery has been started.
SetAddressBuffer rb 8
; Buffer for USB control command SET_ADDRESS.
ExistingAddresses rd 128/32
; Bitmask for 128 bits; bit i is cleared <=> address i is free for allocating
; for new devices. Bit 0 is always set.
ConnectedTime rd 16
; Time, in timer ticks, when the port i has signalled the connect event.
; Valid only if bit i in NewConnected is set.
DevicesByPort rd 16
; Pointer to usb_pipe for zero endpoint (which serves as device handle)
; for each port.
; Pipe descriptor.
; * An USB pipe is described by two structures, for hardware and for software.
; * This is the software part. The hardware part is defined in a driver
; of the corresponding controller.
; * The hardware part is located immediately before usb_pipe,
; both are allocated at once by controller-specific code
; (it knows the total length, which depends on the hardware part).
struct usb_pipe
Controller dd ?
; Pointer to usb_controller structure corresponding to this pipe.
; Must be the first dword after hardware part, see *hci_new_device.
; Every endpoint is included into one of processing lists:
; * Bulk list contains all Bulk endpoints.
; * Control list contains all Control endpoints.
; * Several Periodic lists serve Interrupt endpoints with different interval.
; - There are N=2^n "leaf" periodic lists for N ms interval, one is processed
; in the frames 0,N,2N,..., another is processed in the frames
; 1,1+N,1+2N,... and so on. The hardware starts processing of periodic
; endpoints in every frame from the list identified by lower n bits of the
; frame number; the addresses of these N lists are written to the
; controller data area during the initialization.
; - We assume that n=5, N=32 to simplify the code and compact the data.
; OHCI works in this way. UHCI and EHCI actually have n=10, N=1024,
; but this is an overkill for interrupt endpoints; the large value of N is
; useful only for isochronous transfers in UHCI and EHCI. UHCI/EHCI code
; initializes "leaf" lists k,k+32,k+64,...,k+(1024-32) to the same value,
; giving essentially N=32.
; This restriction means that the actual maximum interval of polling any
; interrupt endpoint is 32ms, which seems to be a reasonable value.
; - Similarly, there are 16 lists for 16-ms interval, 8 lists for 8-ms
; interval and so on. Finally, there is one list for 1ms interval. Their
; addresses are not directly known to the controller.
; - The hardware serves endpoints following a physical link from the hardware
; part.
; - The hardware links are organized as follows. If the list item is not the
; last, it's hardware link points to the next item. The hardware link of
; the last item points to the first item of the "next" list.
; - The "next" list for k-th and (k+M)-th periodic lists for interval 2M ms
; is the k-th periodic list for interval M ms, M >= 1. In this scheme,
; if two "previous" lists are served in the frames k,k+2M,k+4M,...
; and k+M,k+3M,k+5M,... correspondingly, the "next" list is served in
; the frames k,k+M,k+2M,k+3M,k+4M,k+5M,..., which is exactly what we want.
; - The links between Periodic, Control, Bulk lists and the processing of
; Isochronous endpoints are controller-specific.
; * The head of every processing list is a static entry which does not
; correspond to any real pipe. It is described by usb_static_ep
; structure, not usb_pipe. For OHCI and UHCI, sizeof.usb_static_ep plus
; sizeof hardware part is 20h, the total number of lists is
; 32+16+8+4+2+1+1+1 = 65, so all these structures fit in one page,
; leaving space for other data. This is another reason for 32ms limit.
; * Static endpoint descriptors are kept in *hci_controller structure.
; * All items in every processing list, including the static head, are
; organized in a double-linked list using .NextVirt and .PrevVirt fields.
; * [[item.NextVirt].PrevVirt] = [[item.PrevVirt].NextVirt] for all items.
NextVirt dd ?
; Next endpoint in the processing list.
; See also PrevVirt field and the description before NextVirt field.
PrevVirt dd ?
; Previous endpoint in the processing list.
; See also NextVirt field and the description before NextVirt field.
; Every pipe has the associated transfer queue, that is, the double-linked
; list of Transfer Descriptors aka TD. For Control, Bulk and Interrupt
; endpoints this list consists of usb_gtd structures
; (GTD = General Transfer Descriptors), for Isochronous endpoints
; this list consists of usb_itd structures, which are not developed yet.
; The pipe needs to know only the last TD; the first TD can be
; obtained as [[pipe.LastTD].NextVirt].
LastTD dd ?
; Last TD in the transfer queue.
; All opened pipes corresponding to the same physical device are organized in
; the double-linked list using .NextSibling and .PrevSibling fields.
; The head of this list is kept in usb_device_data structure (OpenedPipeList).
; This list is used when the device is disconnected and all pipes for the
; device should be closed.
; Also, all pipes closed due to disconnect must remain valid at least until
; driver-provided disconnect function returns; all should-be-freed-but-not-now
; pipes for one device are organized in another double-linked list with
; the head in usb_device_data.ClosedPipeList; this list uses the same link
; fields, one pipe can never be in both lists.
NextSibling dd ?
; Next pipe for the physical device.
PrevSibling dd ?
; Previous pipe for the physical device.
; When hardware part of pipe is changed, some time is needed before further
; actions so that hardware reacts on this change. During that time,
; all changed pipes are organized in single-linked list with the head
; usb_controller.WaitPipeList* and link field NextWait.
; Currently there are two possible reasons to change:
; change of address/packet size in initial configuration,
; close of the pipe. They are distinguished by USB_FLAG_CLOSED.
NextWait dd ?
; Mutex that guards operations with transfer queue for this pipe.
Type db ?
Flags db ?
; Combination of flags, USB_FLAG_*.
rb 2 ; dword alignment
DeviceData dd ?
; Pointer to usb_device_data, common for all pipes for one device.
; This structure describes the static head of every list of pipes.
struct usb_static_ep
; software fields
Bandwidth dd ?
; valid only for interrupt/isochronous USB1 lists
; The offsets of the following two fields must be the same in this structure
; and in usb_pipe.
NextVirt dd ?
PrevVirt dd ?
; This structure represents one transfer descriptor
; ('g' stands for "general" as opposed to isochronous usb_itd).
; Note that one transfer can have several descriptors:
; a control transfer has three stages.
; Additionally, every controller has a limit on transfer length with
; one descriptor (packet size for UHCI, 1K for OHCI, 4K for EHCI),
; large transfers must be split into individual packets according to that limit.
struct usb_gtd
Callback dd ?
; Zero for intermediate descriptors, pointer to callback function
; for final descriptor. See the docs for description of the callback.
UserData dd ?
; Dword which is passed to Callback as is, not used by USB code itself.
; Two following fields organize all descriptors for one pipe in
; the linked list.
NextVirt dd ?
PrevVirt dd ?
Pipe dd ?
; Pointer to the parent usb_pipe.
Buffer dd ?
; Pointer to data for this descriptor.
Length dd ?
; Length of data for this descriptor.
; Interface-specific data. Several interfaces of one device can operate
; independently, each is controlled by some driver and is identified by
; some driver-specific data passed as is to the driver.
struct usb_interface_data
DriverData dd ?
; Passed as is to the driver.
DriverFunc dd ?
; Pointer to USBSRV structure for the driver.
; Device-specific data.
struct usb_device_data
PipeListLock MUTEX
; Lock guarding OpenedPipeList. Must be the first item of the structure,
; the code passes pointer to usb_device_data as is to mutex_lock/unlock.
OpenedPipeList rd 2
; List of all opened pipes for the device.
; Used when the device is disconnected, so all pipes should be closed.
ClosedPipeList rd 2
; List of all closed, but still valid pipes for the device.
; A pipe closed with USBClosePipe is just deallocated,
; but a pipe closed due to disconnect must remain valid until driver-provided
; disconnect handler returns; this list links all such pipes to deallocate them
; after disconnect processing.
NumPipes dd ?
; Number of not-yet-closed pipes.
Hub dd ?
; NULL if connected to the root hub, pointer to usb_hub otherwise.
TTHub dd ?
; Pointer to usb_hub for (the) hub with Transaction Translator for the device,
; NULL if the device operates in the same speed as the controller.
Port db ?
; Port on the hub, zero-based.
TTPort db ?
; Port on the TTHub, zero-based.
DeviceDescrSize db ?
; Size of device descriptor.
Speed db ?
; Device speed, one of USB_SPEED_*.
NumInterfaces dd ?
; Number of interfaces.
ConfigDataSize dd ?
; Total size of data associated with the configuration descriptor
; (including the configuration descriptor itself).
Interfaces dd ?
; Offset from the beginning of this structure to Interfaces field.
; Variable-length fields:
; DeviceDescriptor:
; device descriptor starts here
; ConfigDescriptor = DeviceDescriptor + DeviceDescrSize
; configuration descriptor with all associated data
; Interfaces = ALIGN_UP(ConfigDescriptor + ConfigDataSize, 4)
; array of NumInterfaces elements of type usb_interface_data
usb_device_data.DeviceDescriptor = sizeof.usb_device_data
0,0 → 1,322
; USB Host Controller support code: hardware-independent part,
; common for all controller types.
; USB HC support: some functions interesting only for *HCI-drivers.
align 4
dd usb_process_gtd
dd usb_init_static_endpoint
dd usb_wakeup_if_needed
dd usb_subscribe_control
dd usb_subscription_done
dd usb_allocate_common
dd usb_free_common
dd usb_td_to_virt
dd usb_init_transfer
dd usb_undo_tds
dd usb_test_pending_port
dd usb_get_tt
dd usb_get_tt_think_time
dd usb_new_device
dd usb_disconnect_stage2
dd usb_process_wait_lists
dd usb_unlink_td
dd usb_is_final_packet
dd usb_find_ehci_companion
; Initializes one controller, called by usb_init for every controller.
; eax -> PCIDEV structure for the device.
proc usb_init_controller
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; 1. Store in the stack PCI coordinates and save pointer to PCIDEV:
; make [ebp-4] = (bus shl 8) + devfn, used by controller-specific Init funcs.
push dword [eax+PCIDEV.devfn]
push eax
mov edi, [eax+PCIDEV.owner]
test edi, edi
jz .nothing
mov edi, [edi+USBSRV.usb_func]
; 2. Allocate *hci_controller + usb_controller.
mov ebx, [edi+usb_hardware_func.DataSize]
add ebx, sizeof.usb_controller
stdcall kernel_alloc, ebx
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
; 3. Zero-initialize both structures.
push edi eax
mov ecx, ebx
shr ecx, 2
xchg edi, eax
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
; 4. Initialize usb_controller structure,
; except data known only to controller-specific code (like NumPorts)
; and link fields
; (this structure will be inserted to the overall list at step 6).
dec eax
mov [edi+usb_controller.ExistingAddresses+4-sizeof.usb_controller], eax
mov [edi+usb_controller.ExistingAddresses+8-sizeof.usb_controller], eax
mov [edi+usb_controller.ExistingAddresses+12-sizeof.usb_controller], eax
mov [edi+usb_controller.ResettingPort-sizeof.usb_controller], al ; no resetting port
dec eax ; don't allocate zero address
mov [edi+usb_controller.ExistingAddresses-sizeof.usb_controller], eax
mov eax, [ebp-4]
mov [edi+usb_controller.PCICoordinates-sizeof.usb_controller], eax
lea ecx, [edi+usb_controller.PeriodicLock-sizeof.usb_controller]
call mutex_init
add ecx, usb_controller.ControlLock - usb_controller.PeriodicLock
call mutex_init
add ecx, usb_controller.BulkLock - usb_controller.ControlLock
call mutex_init
pop eax edi
mov [eax+ebx-sizeof.usb_controller+usb_controller.HardwareFunc], edi
push eax
; 5. Call controller-specific initialization.
; If failed, free memory allocated in step 2 and return.
call [edi+usb_hardware_func.Init]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
pop ecx
; 6. Insert the controller to the global list.
xchg eax, ebx
mov ecx, usb_controllers_list_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov edx, usb_controllers_list
mov eax, [edx+usb_controller.Prev]
mov [ebx+usb_controller.Next], edx
mov [ebx+usb_controller.Prev], eax
mov [edx+usb_controller.Prev], ebx
mov [eax+usb_controller.Next], ebx
call mutex_unlock
; 7. Wakeup USB thread to call ProcessDeferred.
call usb_wakeup
; 8. Restore pointer to PCIDEV saved in step 1 and return.
pop eax
call kernel_free
jmp .nothing
; Helper function, calculates physical address including offset in page.
proc get_phys_addr
push ecx
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, 0xFFF
call get_pg_addr
add eax, ecx
pop ecx
; Put the given control pipe in the wait list;
; called when the pipe structure is changed and a possible hardware cache
; needs to be synchronized. When it will be known that the cache is updated,
; usb_subscription_done procedure will be called.
proc usb_subscribe_control
cmp [ebx+usb_pipe.NextWait], -1
jnz @f
mov eax, [esi+usb_controller.WaitPipeListAsync]
mov [ebx+usb_pipe.NextWait], eax
mov [esi+usb_controller.WaitPipeListAsync], ebx
; Called after synchronization of hardware cache with software changes.
; Continues process of device enumeration based on when it was delayed
; due to call to usb_subscribe_control.
proc usb_subscription_done
mov eax, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
cmp [eax+usb_device_data.DeviceDescrSize], 0
jz usb_after_set_address
jmp usb_after_set_endpoint_size
; This function is called when a new device has either passed
; or failed first stages of configuration, so the next device
; can enter configuration process.
proc usb_test_pending_port
mov [esi+usb_controller.ResettingPort], -1
cmp [esi+usb_controller.PendingPorts], 0
jz .nothing
bsf ecx, [esi+usb_controller.PendingPorts]
btr [esi+usb_controller.PendingPorts], ecx
mov eax, [esi+usb_controller.HardwareFunc]
jmp [eax+usb_hardware_func.InitiateReset]
; This procedure is regularly called from controller-specific ProcessDeferred,
; it checks whether there are disconnected events and if so, process them.
proc usb_disconnect_stage2
bsf ecx, [esi+usb_controller.NewDisconnected]
jz .nothing
lock btr [esi+usb_controller.NewDisconnected], ecx
btr [esi+usb_controller.PendingPorts], ecx
xor ebx, ebx
xchg ebx, [esi+usb_controller.DevicesByPort+ecx*4]
test ebx, ebx
jz usb_disconnect_stage2
call usb_device_disconnected
jmp usb_disconnect_stage2
; Initial stage of disconnect processing: called when device is disconnected.
proc usb_device_disconnected
; Loop over all pipes, close everything, wait until hardware reacts.
; The final handling is done in usb_pipe_closed.
push ebx
mov ecx, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
call mutex_lock
lea eax, [ecx+usb_device_data.OpenedPipeList-usb_pipe.NextSibling]
push eax
mov ebx, [eax+usb_pipe.NextSibling]
call usb_close_pipe_nolock
mov ebx, [ebx+usb_pipe.NextSibling]
cmp ebx, [esp]
jnz .pipe_loop
pop eax
pop ebx
mov ecx, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
call mutex_unlock
; Called from controller-specific ProcessDeferred,
; processes wait-pipe-done notifications,
; returns whether there are more items in wait queues.
; in: esi -> usb_controller
; out: eax = bitmask of pipe types with non-empty wait queue
proc usb_process_wait_lists
xor edx, edx
push edx
call usb_process_one_wait_list
jnc @f
or byte [esp], 1 shl CONTROL_PIPE
movi edx, 4
call usb_process_one_wait_list
jnc @f
or byte [esp], 1 shl INTERRUPT_PIPE
xor edx, edx
call usb_process_one_wait_list
jnc @f
or byte [esp], 1 shl CONTROL_PIPE
pop eax
; Helper procedure for usb_process_wait_lists;
; does the same for one wait queue.
; in: esi -> usb_controller,
; edx=0 for *Async, edx=4 for *Periodic list
; out: CF = issue new request
proc usb_process_one_wait_list
; 1. Check whether there is a pending request. If so, do nothing.
mov ebx, [esi+usb_controller.WaitPipeRequestAsync+edx]
cmp ebx, [esi+usb_controller.ReadyPipeHeadAsync+edx]
jnz .nothing
; 2. Check whether there are new data. If so, issue a new request.
cmp ebx, [esi+usb_controller.WaitPipeListAsync+edx]
jnz .nothing
test ebx, ebx
jz .nothing
; 3. Clear all lists.
xor ecx, ecx
mov [esi+usb_controller.WaitPipeListAsync+edx], ecx
mov [esi+usb_controller.WaitPipeRequestAsync+edx], ecx
mov [esi+usb_controller.ReadyPipeHeadAsync+edx], ecx
; 4. Loop over all pipes from the wait list.
; For every pipe:
; 5. Save edx and next pipe in the list.
push edx
push [ebx+usb_pipe.NextWait]
; 6. If USB_FLAG_EXTRA_WAIT is set, reinsert the pipe to the list and continue.
test [ebx+usb_pipe.Flags], USB_FLAG_EXTRA_WAIT
jz .process
mov eax, [esi+usb_controller.WaitPipeListAsync+edx]
mov [ebx+usb_pipe.NextWait], eax
mov [esi+usb_controller.WaitPipeListAsync+edx], ebx
jmp .continue
; 7. Call the handler depending on USB_FLAG_CLOSED.
or [ebx+usb_pipe.NextWait], -1
test [ebx+usb_pipe.Flags], USB_FLAG_CLOSED
jz .nodisconnect
call usb_pipe_closed
jmp .continue
call usb_subscription_done
; 8. Restore edx and next pipe saved in step 5 and continue the loop.
pop ebx
pop edx
test ebx, ebx
jnz .pipe_loop
; 9. Set CF depending on whether WaitPipeList* is nonzero.
cmp [esi+usb_controller.WaitPipeListAsync+edx], 1
; Called from USB1 controller-specific initialization.
; Finds EHCI companion controller for given USB1 controller.
; in: bl = PCI device:function for USB1 controller, bh = PCI bus
; out: eax -> usb_controller for EHCI companion
proc usb_find_ehci_companion
; 1. Loop over all registered controllers.
mov eax, usb_controllers_list
mov eax, [eax+usb_controller.Next]
cmp eax, usb_controllers_list
jz .notfound
; 2. For every controller, check the type, ignore everything that is not EHCI.
mov edx, [eax+usb_controller.HardwareFunc]
cmp [edx+usb_hardware_func.ID], 'EHCI'
jnz .next
; 3. For EHCI controller, compare PCI coordinates with input data:
; bus and device must be the same, function can be different.
mov edx, [eax+usb_controller.PCICoordinates]
xor edx, ebx
cmp dx, 8
jae .next
xor eax, eax
; Find Transaction Translator hub and port for the given device.
; in: edx = parent hub for the device, ecx = port for the device
; out: edx = TT hub for the device, ecx = TT port for the device.
proc usb_get_tt
; If the parent hub is high-speed, it is TT for the device.
; Otherwise, the parent hub itself is behind TT, and the device
; has the same TT hub+port as the parent hub.
mov eax, [edx+usb_hub.ConfigPipe]
mov eax, [eax+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
cmp [eax+usb_device_data.Speed], USB_SPEED_HS
jz @f
movzx ecx, [eax+usb_device_data.TTPort]
mov edx, [eax+usb_device_data.TTHub]
mov edx, [edx+usb_hub.ConfigPipe]
0,0 → 1,1275
; Support for USB (non-root) hubs:
; powering up/resetting/disabling ports,
; watching for adding/removing devices.
; =============================================================================
; ================================= Constants =================================
; =============================================================================
; Hub constants
; USB hub descriptor type
; Features for CLEAR_FEATURE commands to the hub.
; Bits in result of GET_STATUS command for a port.
; Also suitable for CLEAR_FEATURE/SET_FEATURE commands, where applicable,
; Internal constants
; Bits in usb_hub.Actions
; ports were powered, wait until power is stable
; some device was connected, wait initial debounce interval
; reset in progress, so buffer for config requests is owned
; by reset process; this includes all stages from initial disconnect test
; to end of setting address (fail on any stage should lead to disabling port,
; which requires a config request)
; the port is ready for reset, but another device somewhere on the bus
; is resetting. Implies HUB_RESET_IN_PROGRESS
; reset signalling is active for some port in the hub
; reset recovery is active for some port in the hub
; Well, I think that those 5 flags WAIT_CONNECT and RESET_* require additional
; comments. So that is the overview of what happens with a new device assuming
; no errors.
; * device is connected;
; * hub notifies us about connect event; after some processing
; usb_hub_port_change finally processes that event, setting the flag
; HUB_WAIT_CONNECT and storing time when the device was connected;
; * 100 ms delay;
; * usb_hub_process_deferred clears HUB_WAIT_CONNECT,
; sets HUB_RESET_IN_PROGRESS, stores the port index in ConfigBuffer and asks
; the hub whether there was a disconnect event for that port during those
; 100 ms (on the hardware level notifications are obtained using polling
; with some intervals, so it is possible that the corresponding notification
; has not arrived yet);
; * usb_hub_connect_port_status checks that there was no disconnect event
; and sets HUB_RESET_WAITING flag (HUB_RESET_IN_PROGRESS is still set,
; ConfigBuffer still contains the port index);
; * usb_hub_process_deferred checks whether there is another device currently
; resetting. If so, it waits until reset is done
; * usb_hub_process_deferred clears HUB_RESET_WAITING, sets HUB_RESET_SIGNAL
; and initiates reset signalling on the port;
; * usb_hub_process_deferred checks the status every tick;
; when reset signalling is stopped by the hub, usb_hub_resetting_port_status
; callback clears HUB_RESET_SIGNAL and sets HUB_RESET_RECOVERY;
; * 10 ms (at least) delay;
; * usb_hub_process_deferred clears HUB_RESET_RECOVERY and notifies other code
; that the new device is ready to be configured;
; * when it is possible to reset another device, the protocol layer
; =============================================================================
; ================================ Structures =================================
; =============================================================================
; This structure contains all used data for one hub.
struct usb_hub
; All configured hubs are organized in the global usb_hub_list.
; Two following fields give next/prev items in that list.
; While the hub is unconfigured, they point to usb_hub itself.
Next dd ?
Prev dd ?
Controller dd ?
; Pointer to usb_controller for the bus.
; Handles of two pipes: configuration control pipe for zero endpoint opened by
; the common code and status interrupt pipe opened by us.
ConfigPipe dd ?
StatusPipe dd ?
NumPorts dd ?
; Number of downstream ports; from 1 to 255.
MaxPacketSize dd ?
; Maximum packet size for interrupt endpoint.
; Usually equals ceil((1+NumPorts)/8), but some hubs give additional bytes.
Actions dd ?
; Bitfield with HUB_* constants.
PoweredOnTime dd ?
; Time (in ticks) when all downstream ports were powered up.
ResetTime dd ?
; Time (in ticks) when the current port was reset;
; when a port is resetting, contains the last tick of status check;
; when reset recovery for a port is active, contains the time when
; reset was completed.
; There are two possible reasons for configuration requests:
; synchronous, when certain time is passed after something,
; and asynchronous, when the hub is notifying about some change and
; config request needs to be issued in order to query details.
; Use two different buffers to avoid unnecessary dependencies.
ConfigBuffer rb 8
; Buffer for configuration requests for synchronous events.
ChangeConfigBuffer rb 8
; Buffer for configuration requests for status changes.
AccStatusChange db ?
; Accumulated status change. See 11.12.3 of USB2 spec or comments in code.
HubCharacteristics dw ?
; Copy of usb_hub_descr.wHubCharacteristics.
PowerOnInterval db ?
; Copy of usb_hub_descr.bPwrOn2PwrGood.
; Two following fields are written at once by GET_STATUS request
; and must remain in this order.
StatusData dw ?
; Bitfield with 1 shl PORT_* indicating status of the current port.
StatusChange dw ?
; Bitfield with 1 shl PORT_* indicating change in status of the current port.
; Two following fields are written at once by GET_STATUS request
; and must remain in this order.
; The meaning is the same as of StatusData/StatusChange; two following fields
; are used by the synchronous requests to avoid unnecessary interactions with
; the asynchronous handler.
ResetStatusData dw ?
ResetStatusChange dw ?
StatusChangePtr dd ?
; Pointer to StatusChangeBuf.
ConnectedDevicesPtr dd ?
; Pointer to ConnectedDevices.
ConnectedTimePtr dd ?
; Pointer to ConnectedTime.
; Variable-length parts:
; DeviceRemovable rb (NumPorts+8)/8
; Bit i+1 = device at port i (zero-based) is non-removable.
; StatusChangeBuf rb (NumPorts+8)/8
; Buffer for status interrupt pipe. Bit 0 = hub status change,
; other bits = status change of the corresponding ports.
; ConnectedDevices rd NumPorts
; Pointers to config pipes for connected devices or zero if no device connected.
; ConnectedTime rd NumPorts
; For initial debounce interval:
; time (in ticks) when a device was connected at that port.
; Normally: -1
; Hub descriptor.
struct usb_hub_descr usb_descr
bNbrPorts db ?
; Number of downstream ports.
wHubCharacteristics dw ?
; Bit 0: 0 = all ports are powered at once, 1 = individual port power switching
; Bit 1: reserved, must be zero
; Bit 2: 1 = the hub is part of a compound device
; Bits 3-4: 00 = global overcurrent protection,
; 01 = individual port overcurrent protection,
; 1x = no overcurrent protection
; Bits 5-6: Transaction Translator Think Time, 8*(value+1) full-speed bit times
; Bit 7: 1 = port indicators supported
; Other bits are reserved.
bPwrOn2PwrGood db ?
; Time in 2ms intervals between powering up a port and a port becoming ready.
bHubContrCurrent db ?
; Maximum current requirements of the Hub Controller electronics in mA.
; DeviceRemovable - variable length
; Bit 0 is reserved, bit i+1 = device at port i is non-removable.
; PortPwrCtrlMask - variable length
; Obsolete, exists for compatibility. We ignore it.
align 4
; Implementation of struct USBFUNC for hubs.
dd usb_hub_callbacks_end - usb_hub_callbacks
dd usb_hub_init
dd usb_hub_disconnect
usb_hub_pseudosrv dd usb_hub_callbacks
; This procedure is called when new hub is detected.
; It initializes the device.
; Technically, initialization implies sending several USB queries,
; so it is split in several procedures. The first is usb_hub_init,
; other are callbacks which will be called at some time in the future,
; when the device will respond.
; edx = usb_interface_descr, ecx = length rest
proc usb_hub_init
push ebx esi ; save used registers to be stdcall
virtual at esp
rd 2 ; saved registers
dd ? ; return address
.pipe dd ? ; handle of the config pipe
.config dd ? ; pointer to usb_config_descr
.interface dd ? ; pointer to usb_interface_descr
end virtual
; 1. Check that the maximal nesting is not exceeded:
; 5 non-root hubs is the maximum according to the spec.
mov ebx, [.pipe]
push 5
mov eax, ebx
mov eax, [eax+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
mov eax, [eax+usb_device_data.Hub]
test eax, eax
jz .depth_ok
mov eax, [eax+usb_hub.ConfigPipe]
dec dword [esp]
jnz .count_parents
pop eax
dbgstr 'Hub chain is too long'
jmp .return0
pop eax
; Hubs use one IN interrupt endpoint for polling the device
; 2. Locate the descriptor of the interrupt endpoint.
; Loop over all descriptors owned by this interface.
; 2a. Skip the current descriptor.
movzx eax, [edx+usb_descr.bLength]
add edx, eax
sub ecx, eax
jb .errorep
; 2b. Length of data left must be at least sizeof.usb_endpoint_descr.
cmp ecx, sizeof.usb_endpoint_descr
jb .errorep
; 2c. If we have found another interface descriptor but not found our endpoint,
; this is an error: all subsequent descriptors belong to that interface
; (or further interfaces).
cmp [edx+usb_endpoint_descr.bDescriptorType], USB_INTERFACE_DESCR
jz .errorep
; 2d. Ignore all interface-related descriptors except endpoint descriptor.
cmp [edx+usb_endpoint_descr.bDescriptorType], USB_ENDPOINT_DESCR
jnz .lookep
; 2e. Length of endpoint descriptor must be at least sizeof.usb_endpoint_descr.
cmp [edx+usb_endpoint_descr.bLength], sizeof.usb_endpoint_descr
jb .errorep
; 2f. Ignore all endpoints except for INTERRUPT IN.
cmp [edx+usb_endpoint_descr.bEndpointAddress], 0
jge .lookep
mov al, [edx+usb_endpoint_descr.bmAttributes]
and al, 3
jnz .lookep
; We have located the descriptor for INTERRUPT IN endpoint,
; the pointer is in edx.
; 3. Allocate memory for the hub descriptor.
; Maximum length (assuming 255 downstream ports) is 40 bytes.
; Allocate 4 extra bytes to keep wMaxPacketSize.
; 3a. Save registers.
push edx
; 3b. Call the allocator.
movi eax, 44
call malloc
; 3c. Restore registers.
pop ecx
; 3d. If failed, say something to the debug board and return error.
test eax, eax
jz .nomemory
; 3e. Store the pointer in esi. xchg eax,r32 is one byte shorter than mov.
xchg esi, eax
; 4. Open a pipe for the status endpoint with descriptor found in step 1.
movzx eax, [ecx+usb_endpoint_descr.bEndpointAddress]
movzx edx, [ecx+usb_endpoint_descr.bInterval]
movzx ecx, [ecx+usb_endpoint_descr.wMaxPacketSize]
test ecx, (1 shl 11) - 1
jz .free
push ecx
stdcall usb_open_pipe, ebx, eax, ecx, INTERRUPT_PIPE, edx
pop ecx
; If failed, free the memory allocated in step 3,
; say something to the debug board and return error.
test eax, eax
jz .free
; 5. Send control query for the hub descriptor,
; pass status pipe as a callback parameter,
; allow short packets.
and ecx, (1 shl 11) - 1
mov [esi+40], ecx
mov dword [esi], 0xA0 + \ ; class-specific request
(0 shl 16) + \ ; descriptor index 0
mov dword [esi+4], 40 shl 16
stdcall usb_control_async, ebx, esi, esi, 40, usb_hub_got_config, eax, 1
; 6. If failed, free the memory allocated in step 3,
; say something to the debug board and return error.
test eax, eax
jz .free
; Otherwise, return 1. usb_hub_got_config will overwrite it later.
xor eax, eax
inc eax
jmp .nothing
xchg eax, esi
call free
jmp .return0
dbgstr 'Invalid config descriptor for a hub'
jmp .return0
dbgstr 'No memory for USB hub data'
xor eax, eax
pop esi ebx ; restore used registers to be stdcall
retn 12
; This procedure is called when the request for the hub descriptor initiated
; by usb_hub_init is finished, either successfully or unsuccessfully.
proc usb_hub_got_config stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
push ebx ; save used registers to be stdcall
; 1. If failed, say something to the debug board, free the buffer
; and stop the initialization.
cmp [status], 0
jnz .invalid
; 2. The length must be at least sizeof.usb_hub_descr.
; Note that [length] includes 8 bytes of setup packet.
cmp [length], 8 + sizeof.usb_hub_descr
jb .invalid
; 3. Sanity checks for the hub descriptor.
mov eax, [buffer]
mov ecx, [length]
sub ecx, 8
DEBUGF 1,'K : hub config:'
push eax
DEBUGF 1,' %x',[eax]:2
inc eax
dec ecx
jnz @b
DEBUGF 1,'\n'
pop eax
end if
cmp [eax+usb_hub_descr.bLength], sizeof.usb_hub_descr
jb .invalid
cmp [eax+usb_hub_descr.bDescriptorType], USB_HUB_DESCRIPTOR
jnz .invalid
movzx ecx, [eax+usb_hub_descr.bNbrPorts]
test ecx, ecx
jz .invalid
; 4. We use sizeof.usb_hub_descr bytes plus DeviceRemovable info;
; size of DeviceRemovable is (NumPorts+1) bits, this gives
; floor(NumPorts/8)+1 bytes. Check that all data are present in the
; descriptor and were successfully read.
mov edx, ecx
shr edx, 3
add edx, sizeof.usb_hub_descr + 1
cmp [eax+usb_hub_descr.bLength], dl
jb .invalid
sub [length], 8
cmp [length], edx
jb .invalid
; 5. Allocate the memory for usb_hub structure.
; Total size of variable-length data is ALIGN_UP(floor(NumPorts/8)+1+MaxPacketSize,4)+8*NumPorts.
add edx, [eax+40]
add edx, sizeof.usb_hub - sizeof.usb_hub_descr + 3
and edx, not 3
lea eax, [edx+ecx*8]
push ecx edx
call malloc
pop edx ecx
test eax, eax
jz .nomemory
xchg eax, ebx
; 6. Fill usb_hub structure.
mov [ebx+usb_hub.NumPorts], ecx
add edx, ebx
mov [ebx+usb_hub.ConnectedDevicesPtr], edx
mov eax, [pipe]
mov [ebx+usb_hub.ConfigPipe], eax
mov edx, [eax+usb_pipe.Controller]
mov [ebx+usb_hub.Controller], edx
mov eax, [calldata]
mov [ebx+usb_hub.StatusPipe], eax
push esi edi
mov esi, [buffer]
mov eax, [esi+40]
mov [ebx+usb_hub.MaxPacketSize], eax
; The following commands load bNbrPorts, wHubCharacteristics, bPwrOn2PwrGood.
mov edx, dword [esi+usb_hub_descr.bNbrPorts]
mov dl, 0
; The following command zeroes AccStatusChange and stores
; HubCharacteristics and PowerOnInterval.
mov dword [ebx+usb_hub.AccStatusChange], edx
xor eax, eax
mov [ebx+usb_hub.Actions], eax
; Copy DeviceRemovable data.
lea edi, [ebx+sizeof.usb_hub]
add esi, sizeof.usb_hub_descr
mov edx, ecx
shr ecx, 3
inc ecx
rep movsb
mov [ebx+usb_hub.StatusChangePtr], edi
; Zero ConnectedDevices.
mov edi, [ebx+usb_hub.ConnectedDevicesPtr]
mov ecx, edx
rep stosd
mov [ebx+usb_hub.ConnectedTimePtr], edi
; Set ConnectedTime to -1.
dec eax
mov ecx, edx
rep stosd
pop edi esi
; 7. Replace value of 1 returned from usb_hub_init to the real value.
; Note: hubs are part of the core USB code, so this code can work with
; internals of other parts. Another way, the only possible one for external
; drivers, is to use two memory allocations: one (returned from AddDevice and
; fixed after that) for pointer, another for real data. That would work also,
; but wastes one allocation.
mov eax, [pipe]
mov eax, [eax+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
add eax, [eax+usb_device_data.Interfaces]
cmp [eax+usb_interface_data.DriverData], 1
jnz @f
cmp [eax+usb_interface_data.DriverFunc], usb_hub_pseudosrv - USBSRV.usb_func
jz .scan_found
add eax, sizeof.usb_interface_data
jmp .scan
mov [eax+usb_interface_data.DriverData], ebx
; 8. Insert the hub structure to the tail of the overall list of all hubs.
mov ecx, usb_hubs_list
mov edx, [ecx+usb_hub.Prev]
mov [ecx+usb_hub.Prev], ebx
mov [edx+usb_hub.Next], ebx
mov [ebx+usb_hub.Prev], edx
mov [ebx+usb_hub.Next], ecx
; 9. Start powering up all ports.
DEBUGF 1,'K : found hub with %d ports\n',[ebx+usb_hub.NumPorts]
lea eax, [ebx+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer]
xor ecx, ecx
mov dword [eax], 23h + \ ; class-specific request to hub port
(USB_SET_FEATURE shl 8) + \
(PORT_POWER shl 16)
mov edx, [ebx+usb_hub.NumPorts]
mov dword [eax+4], edx
stdcall usb_control_async, [ebx+usb_hub.ConfigPipe], eax, ecx, ecx, usb_hub_port_powered, ebx, ecx
; 10. Free the buffer for hub descriptor and return.
mov eax, [buffer]
call free
pop ebx ; restore used registers to be stdcall
dbgstr 'No memory for USB hub data'
jmp .freebuf
dbgstr 'Invalid hub descriptor'
jmp .freebuf
; This procedure is called when the request to power up some port is completed,
; either successfully or unsuccessfully.
proc usb_hub_port_powered stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
; 1. Check whether the operation was successful.
; If not, say something to the debug board and ssstop the initialization.
cmp [status], 0
jnz .invalid
; 2. Check whether all ports were powered.
; If so, go to 4. Otherwise, proceed to 3.
mov eax, [calldata]
dec dword [eax+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer+4]
jz .done
; 3. Power up the next port and return.
lea edx, [eax+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer]
xor ecx, ecx
stdcall usb_control_async, [eax+usb_hub.ConfigPipe], edx, ecx, ecx, usb_hub_port_powered, eax, ecx
; 4. All ports were powered.
; The hub requires some delay until power will be stable, the delay value
; is provided in the hub descriptor; we have copied that value to
; usb_hub.PowerOnInterval. Note the time and set the corresponding flag
; for usb_hub_process_deferred.
mov ecx, [timer_ticks]
mov [eax+usb_hub.PoweredOnTime], ecx
or [eax+usb_hub.Actions], HUB_WAIT_POWERED
jmp .nothing
dbgstr 'Error while powering hub ports'
jmp .nothing
; Requests notification about any changes in hub/ports configuration.
; Called when initial configuration is done and when a previous notification
; has been processed.
proc usb_hub_wait_change
stdcall usb_normal_transfer_async, [eax+usb_hub.StatusPipe], \
[eax+usb_hub.StatusChangePtr], [eax+usb_hub.MaxPacketSize], usb_hub_changed, eax, 1
; This procedure is called when something has changed on the hub.
proc usb_hub_changed stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
; DEBUGF 1,'K : [%d] int pipe for hub %x\n',[timer_ticks],[calldata]
; 1. Check whether our request has failed.
; If so, say something to the debug board and stop processing notifications.
xor ecx, ecx
cmp [status], ecx
jnz .failed
; 2. If no data were retrieved, restart waiting.
mov eax, [calldata]
cmp [length], ecx
jz .continue
; 3. If size of data retrieved is less than maximal, pad with zeroes;
; this corresponds to 'state of other ports was not changed'
mov ecx, [eax+usb_hub.NumPorts]
shr ecx, 3
inc ecx
sub ecx, [length]
jbe .restart
push eax edi
mov edi, [buffer]
add edi, [length]
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
pop edi eax
; State of some elements of the hub was changed.
; Find the first element that was changed,
; ask the hub about nature of the change,
; clear the corresponding change,
; reask the hub about status+change (it is possible that another change
; occurs between the first ask and clearing the change; we won't see that
; change, so we need to query the status after clearing the change),
; continue two previous steps until nothing changes,
; process all changes which were registered.
; When all changes for one element will be processed, return to here and look
; for other changed elements.
mov edx, [eax+usb_hub.StatusChangePtr]
; We keep all observed changes in the special var usb_hub.AccStatusChange;
; it will be logical OR of all observed StatusChange's.
; 4. No observed changes yet, zero usb_hub.AccStatusChange.
xor ecx, ecx
mov [eax+usb_hub.AccStatusChange], cl
; 5. Test whether there was a change in the hub itself.
; If so, query hub state.
btr dword [edx], ecx
jnc .no_hub_change
; DEBUGF 1,'K : [%d] querying status of hub %x\n',[timer_ticks],eax
lea edx, [eax+usb_hub.ChangeConfigBuffer]
lea ecx, [eax+usb_hub.StatusData]
mov dword [edx], 0A0h + \ ; class-specific request from hub itself
mov dword [edx+4], 4 shl 16 ; get 4 bytes
stdcall usb_control_async, [eax+usb_hub.ConfigPipe], edx, ecx, 4, usb_hub_status, eax, 0
jmp .nothing
; 6. Find the first port with changed state and clear the corresponding bit
; (so next scan after .restart will not consider this port again).
; If found, go to 8. Otherwise, advance to 7.
inc ecx
btr [edx], ecx
jc .found_port_change
inc ecx
cmp ecx, [eax+usb_hub.NumPorts]
jbe .test_port_change
; 7. All changes have been processed. Wait for next notification.
call usb_hub_wait_change
mov dword [eax+usb_hub.ChangeConfigBuffer+4], ecx
; 8. Query port state. Continue work in usb_hub_port_status callback.
; movzx ecx, [eax+usb_hub.ChangeConfigBuffer+4]
; dec ecx
; DEBUGF 1,'K : [%d] querying status of hub %x port %d\n',[timer_ticks],eax,ecx
lea edx, [eax+usb_hub.ChangeConfigBuffer]
mov dword [edx], 0A3h + \ ; class-specific request from hub port
mov byte [edx+6], 4 ; data length = 4 bytes
lea ecx, [eax+usb_hub.StatusData]
stdcall usb_control_async, [eax+usb_hub.ConfigPipe], edx, ecx, 4, usb_hub_port_status, eax, 0
jmp .nothing
cmp [status], USB_STATUS_CLOSED
jz .nothing
dbgstr 'Querying hub notification failed'
jmp .nothing
; This procedure is called when the request of hub status is completed,
; either successfully or unsuccessfully.
proc usb_hub_status stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
; 1. Check whether our request has failed.
; If so, say something to the debug board and stop processing notifications.
cmp [status], 0
jnz .failed
; 2. Accumulate observed changes.
mov eax, [calldata]
mov dl, byte [eax+usb_hub.StatusChange]
or [eax+usb_hub.AccStatusChange], dl
; 3. Find the first change. If found, advance to 4. Otherwise, go to 5.
btr dword [eax+usb_hub.StatusChange], 1
jc .clear_hub_change
btr dword [eax+usb_hub.StatusChange], 0
jnc .final
; 4. Clear the change and continue in usb_hub_change_cleared callback.
lea edx, [eax+usb_hub.ChangeConfigBuffer]
mov dword [edx], 20h + \ ; class-specific request to hub itself
mov [edx+2], cl ; feature selector
and dword [edx+4], 0
stdcall usb_control_async, [eax+usb_hub.ConfigPipe], edx, 0, 0, usb_hub_change_cleared, eax, 0
; 5. All changes cleared and accumulated, now process them.
; Note: that needs work.
DEBUGF 1,'K : hub status %x\n',[eax+usb_hub.AccStatusChange]:2
test [eax+usb_hub.AccStatusChange], 1
jz .no_local_power
test [eax+usb_hub.StatusData], 1
jz .local_power_lost
dbgstr 'Hub local power is now good'
jmp .no_local_power
dbgstr 'Hub local power is now lost'
test [eax+usb_hub.AccStatusChange], 2
jz .no_overcurrent
test [eax+usb_hub.StatusData], 2
jz .no_overcurrent
dbgstr 'Hub global overcurrent'
; 6. Process possible changes for other ports.
jmp usb_hub_changed.restart
dbgstr 'Querying hub status failed'
jmp .nothing
; This procedure is called when the request to clear hub change is completed,
; either successfully or unsuccessfully.
proc usb_hub_change_cleared stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
; 1. Check whether our request has failed.
; If so, say something to the debug board and stop processing notifications.
cmp [status], 0
jnz .failed
; 2. If there is a change which was observed, but not yet cleared,
; go to the code which clears it.
mov eax, [calldata]
cmp [eax+usb_hub.StatusChange], 0
jnz usb_hub_status.next_change
; 3. Otherwise, go to the code which queries the status.
jmp usb_hub_changed.next_hub_change
dbgstr 'Clearing hub change failed'
; This procedure is called when the request of port status is completed,
; either successfully or unsuccessfully.
proc usb_hub_port_status stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
; 1. Check whether our request has failed.
; If so, say something to the debug board and stop processing notifications.
cmp [status], 0
jnz .failed
; 2. Accumulate observed changes.
mov eax, [calldata]
; movzx ecx, [eax+usb_hub.ChangeConfigBuffer+4]
; dec ecx
; DEBUGF 1,'K : [%d] hub %x port %d status %x change %x\n',[timer_ticks],eax,ecx,[eax+usb_hub.StatusData]:4,[eax+usb_hub.StatusChange]:4
mov dl, byte [eax+usb_hub.StatusChange]
or [eax+usb_hub.AccStatusChange], dl
; 3. Find the first change. If found, advance to 4. Otherwise, go to 5.
; Ignore change in reset status; it is cleared by synchronous code
; (usb_hub_process_deferred), so avoid unnecessary interference.
; mov cl, C_PORT_RESET
btr dword [eax+usb_hub.StatusChange], PORT_RESET
; jc .clear_port_change
btr dword [eax+usb_hub.StatusChange], PORT_OVER_CURRENT
jc .clear_port_change
btr dword [eax+usb_hub.StatusChange], PORT_SUSPEND
jc .clear_port_change
btr dword [eax+usb_hub.StatusChange], PORT_ENABLE
jc .clear_port_change
btr dword [eax+usb_hub.StatusChange], PORT_CONNECTION
jnc .final
; 4. Clear the change and continue in usb_hub_port_changed callback.
call usb_hub_clear_port_change
jmp .nothing
; All changes cleared and accumulated, now process them.
movzx ecx, byte [eax+usb_hub.ChangeConfigBuffer+4]
dec ecx
DEBUGF 1,'K : final: hub %x port %d status %x change %x\n',eax,ecx,[eax+usb_hub.StatusData]:4,[eax+usb_hub.AccStatusChange]:2
; 5. Process connect/disconnect events.
; 5a. Test whether there is such event.
test byte [eax+usb_hub.AccStatusChange], 1 shl PORT_CONNECTION
jz .nodisconnect
; 5b. If there was a connected device, notify the main code about disconnect.
push ebx
mov edx, [eax+usb_hub.ConnectedDevicesPtr]
xor ebx, ebx
xchg ebx, [edx+ecx*4]
test ebx, ebx
jz @f
push eax ecx
call usb_device_disconnected
pop ecx eax
pop ebx
; 5c. If the disconnect event corresponds to the port which is currently
; resetting, then another request from synchronous code could be in the fly,
; so aborting reset immediately would lead to problems with those requests.
; Thus, just set the corresponding status and let the synchronous code process.
test byte [eax+usb_hub.Actions], (HUB_RESET_SIGNAL or HUB_RESET_RECOVERY)
jz @f
mov edx, [eax+usb_hub.Controller]
cmp [edx+usb_controller.ResettingPort], cl
jnz @f
mov [edx+usb_controller.ResettingStatus], -1
; 5d. If the current status is 'connected', store the current time as connect
; time and set the corresponding bit for usb_hub_process_deferred.
; Otherwise, set connect time to -1.
; If current time is -1, pretend that the event occured one tick later and
; store zero.
mov edx, [eax+usb_hub.ConnectedTimePtr]
test byte [eax+usb_hub.StatusData], 1 shl PORT_CONNECTION
jz .disconnected
or [eax+usb_hub.Actions], HUB_WAIT_CONNECT
push eax
call usb_hub_store_connected_time
pop eax
jmp @f
or dword [edx+ecx*4], -1
; 6. Process port disabling.
test [eax+usb_hub.AccStatusChange], 1 shl PORT_ENABLE
jz .nodisable
test byte [eax+usb_hub.StatusData], 1 shl PORT_ENABLE
jnz .nodisable
; Note: that needs work.
dbgstr 'Port disabled'
; 7. Process port overcurrent.
test [eax+usb_hub.AccStatusChange], 1 shl PORT_OVER_CURRENT
jz .noovercurrent
test byte [eax+usb_hub.StatusData], 1 shl PORT_OVER_CURRENT
jz .noovercurrent
; Note: that needs work.
dbgstr 'Port over-current'
; 8. Process possible changes for other ports.
jmp usb_hub_changed.restart
dbgstr 'Querying port status failed'
; Helper procedure to store current time in ConnectedTime,
; advancing -1 to zero if needed.
proc usb_hub_store_connected_time
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
; transform -1 to 0, leave other values as is
cmp eax, -1
sbb eax, -1
mov [edx+ecx*4], eax
; Helper procedure for several parts of hub code.
; Sends a request to clear the given feature of the port.
; eax -> usb_hub, cl = feature;
; as is should be called from async code, sync code should set
; edx to ConfigBuffer and call usb_hub_clear_port_change.buffer;
; port number (1-based) should be filled in [edx+4] by previous requests.
proc usb_hub_clear_port_change
lea edx, [eax+usb_hub.ChangeConfigBuffer]
; push edx
; movzx edx, byte [edx+4]
; dec edx
; DEBUGF 1,'K : [%d] hub %x port %d clear feature %d\n',[timer_ticks],eax,edx,cl
; pop edx
mov dword [edx], 23h + \ ; class-specific request to hub port
mov byte [edx+2], cl
and dword [edx+4], 0xFF
stdcall usb_control_async, [eax+usb_hub.ConfigPipe], edx, edx, 0, usb_hub_port_changed, eax, 0
; This procedure is called when the request to clear port change is completed,
; either successfully or unsuccessfully.
proc usb_hub_port_changed stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
; 1. Check whether our request has failed.
; If so, say something to the debug board and stop processing notifications.
cmp [status], 0
jnz .failed
; 2. If the request was originated by synchronous code, no further processing
; is required.
mov eax, [calldata]
lea edx, [eax+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer]
cmp [buffer], edx
jz .nothing
; 3. If there is a change which was observed, but not yet cleared,
; go to the code which clears it.
cmp [eax+usb_hub.StatusChange], 0
jnz usb_hub_port_status.next_change
; 4. Otherwise, go to the code which queries the status.
jmp usb_hub_changed.next_port_change
dbgstr 'Clearing port change failed'
; This procedure is called in the USB thread from usb_thread_proc,
; contains synchronous code which should be activated at certain time
; (e.g. reset a recently connected device after debounce interval 100ms).
; Returns the number of ticks when it should be called next time.
proc usb_hub_process_deferred
; 1. Top-of-stack will contain return value; initialize to infinite timeout.
push -1
; 2. If wait for stable power is active, then
; either reschedule wakeup (if time is not over)
; or start processing notifications.
test byte [esi+usb_hub.Actions], HUB_WAIT_POWERED
jz .no_powered
movzx eax, [esi+usb_hub.PowerOnInterval]
; three following instructions are equivalent to edx = ceil(eax / 5) + 1
; 1 extra tick is added to make sure that the interval is at least as needed
; (it is possible that PoweredOnTime was set just before timer interrupt, and
; this test goes on just after timer interrupt)
add eax, 9
; two following instructions are equivalent to edx = floor(eax / 5)
; for any 0 <= eax < 40000000h
mov ecx, 33333334h
mul ecx
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
sub eax, [esi+usb_hub.PoweredOnTime]
sub eax, edx
jge .powered_on
neg eax
pop ecx
push eax
jmp .no_powered
and [esi+usb_hub.Actions], not HUB_WAIT_POWERED
mov eax, esi
call usb_hub_wait_change
; 3. If reset is pending, check whether we can start it and start it, if so.
test byte [esi+usb_hub.Actions], HUB_RESET_WAITING
jz .no_wait_reset
mov eax, [esi+usb_hub.Controller]
cmp [eax+usb_controller.ResettingPort], -1
jnz .no_wait_reset
call usb_hub_initiate_reset
; 4. If reset signalling is active, wait for end of reset signalling
; and schedule wakeup in 1 tick.
test byte [esi+usb_hub.Actions], HUB_RESET_SIGNAL
jz .no_resetting_port
; It has no sense to query status several times per tick.
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
cmp eax, [esi+usb_hub.ResetTime]
jz @f
mov [esi+usb_hub.ResetTime], eax
movzx ecx, byte [esi+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer+4]
mov eax, usb_hub_resetting_port_status
call usb_hub_query_port_status
pop eax
push 1
; 5. If reset recovery is active and time is not over, reschedule wakeup.
test byte [esi+usb_hub.Actions], HUB_RESET_RECOVERY
jz .no_reset_recovery
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
sub eax, [esi+usb_hub.ResetTime]
jge .reset_done
neg eax
cmp [esp], eax
jb @f
mov [esp], eax
jmp .no_reset_recovery
; 6. If reset recovery is active and time is over, clear 'reset recovery' flag,
; notify other code about a new device and let it do further steps.
; If that fails, stop reset process for this port and disable that port.
and [esi+usb_hub.Actions], not HUB_RESET_RECOVERY
; Bits 9-10 of port status encode port speed.
; If PORT_LOW_SPEED is set, the device is low-speed. Otherwise,
; PORT_HIGH_SPEED bit distinguishes full-speed and high-speed devices.
; This corresponds to values of USB_SPEED_FS=0, USB_SPEED_LS=1, USB_SPEED_HS=2.
mov eax, dword [esi+usb_hub.ResetStatusData]
and eax, 3
test al, 1
jz @f
mov al, 1
; movzx ecx, [esi+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer+4]
; dec ecx
; DEBUGF 1,'K : [%d] hub %x port %d speed %d\n',[timer_ticks],esi,ecx,eax
push esi
mov esi, [esi+usb_hub.Controller]
cmp [esi+usb_controller.ResettingStatus], -1
jz .disconnected_while_reset
mov edx, [esi+usb_controller.HardwareFunc]
call [edx+usb_hardware_func.NewDevice]
pop esi
test eax, eax
jnz .no_reset_recovery
mov eax, esi
call usb_hub_disable_resetting_port
jmp .no_reset_recovery
pop esi
mov eax, esi
call usb_hub_reset_aborted
; 7. Handle recent connection events.
; Note: that should be done after step 6, because step 6 can clear
; 7a. Test whether there is such an event pending. If no, skip this step.
test byte [esi+usb_hub.Actions], HUB_WAIT_CONNECT
jz .no_wait_connect
; 7b. If we have started reset process for another port in the same hub,
; skip this step: the buffer for config requests can be used for that port.
test byte [esi+usb_hub.Actions], HUB_RESET_IN_PROGRESS
jnz .no_wait_connect
; 7c. Clear flag 'there are connection events which should be processed'.
; If there are another connection events, this flag will be set again.
and [esi+usb_hub.Actions], not HUB_WAIT_CONNECT
; 7d. Prepare for loop over all ports.
xor ecx, ecx
; 7e. For every port test for recent connection event.
; If none, continue the loop for the next port.
mov edx, [esi+usb_hub.ConnectedTimePtr]
mov eax, [edx+ecx*4]
cmp eax, -1
jz .next_wait_connect
or [esi+usb_hub.Actions], HUB_WAIT_CONNECT
; 7f. Test whether initial delay is over.
sub eax, [timer_ticks]
neg eax
jge .connect_delay_over
; 7g. The initial delay is not over;
; set the corresponding flag again, reschedule wakeup and continue the loop.
neg eax
cmp [esp], eax
jb @f
mov [esp], eax
jmp .next_wait_connect
; The initial delay is over.
; It is possible that there was disconnect event during that delay, probably
; with connect event after that. If so, we should restart the waiting. However,
; on the hardware level connect/disconnect events from hubs are implemented
; using polling with interval selected by the hub, so it is possible that
; we have not yet observed that disconnect event.
; Thus, we query port status+change data before all further processing.
; 7h. Send the request for status+change data.
push ecx
; Hub requests expect 1-based port number, not zero-based we operate with.
inc ecx
mov eax, usb_hub_connect_port_status
call usb_hub_query_port_status
pop ecx
; 3i. If request has been submitted successfully, set the flag
; 'reset in progress, config buffer is owned by reset process' and break
; from the loop.
test eax, eax
jz .next_wait_connect
or [esi+usb_hub.Actions], HUB_RESET_IN_PROGRESS
jmp .no_wait_connect
; 7j. Continue the loop for next port.
inc ecx
cmp ecx, [esi+usb_hub.NumPorts]
jb .test_wait_connect
; 8. Pop return value from top-of-stack and return.
pop eax
; Helper procedure for other code. Called when reset process is aborted.
proc usb_hub_reset_aborted
; Clear 'reset in progress' flag and test for other devices which could be
; waiting for reset.
and [eax+usb_hub.Actions], not HUB_RESET_IN_PROGRESS
push esi
mov esi, [eax+usb_hub.Controller]
call usb_test_pending_port
pop esi
; Helper procedure for usb_hub_process_deferred.
; Sends a request to query port status.
; esi -> usb_hub, eax = callback, ecx = 1-based port.
proc usb_hub_query_port_status
; dec ecx
; DEBUGF 1,'K : [%d] [main] hub %x port %d query status\n',[timer_ticks],esi,ecx
; inc ecx
add ecx, 4 shl 16 ; data length = 4
lea edx, [esi+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer]
mov dword [edx], 0A3h + \ ; class-specific request from hub port
mov dword [edx+4], ecx
lea ecx, [esi+usb_hub.ResetStatusData]
stdcall usb_control_async, [esi+usb_hub.ConfigPipe], edx, ecx, 4, eax, esi, 0
; This procedure is called when the request to query port status
; initiated by usb_hub_process_deferred for testing connection is completed,
; either successfully or unsuccessfully.
proc usb_hub_connect_port_status stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
push esi ; save used register to be stdcall
mov eax, [calldata]
mov esi, [pipe]
; movzx ecx, [eax+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer+4]
; dec ecx
; DEBUGF 1,'K : [%d] [connect test] hub %x port %d status %x change %x\n',[timer_ticks],eax,ecx,[eax+usb_hub.ResetStatusData]:4,[eax+usb_hub.ResetStatusChange]:4
; 1. In any case, clear 'reset in progress' flag.
; If everything is ok, it would be set again.
and [eax+usb_hub.Actions], not HUB_RESET_IN_PROGRESS
; 2. If the request has failed, stop reset process.
cmp [status], 0
jnz .nothing
mov edx, [eax+usb_hub.ConnectedTimePtr]
movzx ecx, byte [eax+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer+4]
dec ecx
; 3. Test whether there was a disconnect event.
test byte [eax+usb_hub.ResetStatusChange], 1 shl PORT_CONNECTION
jz .reset
; 4. There was a disconnect event.
; There is another handler of connect/disconnect events, usb_hub_port_status.
; However, we do not know whether it has already processed this event
; or it will process it sometime later.
; If ConnectedTime is -1, then another handler has already run,
; there was no connection event, so just leave the value as -1.
; Otherwise, there are two possibilities: either another handler has not yet
; run (which is quite likely), or there was a connection event and the other
; handler has run exactly while our request was processed (otherwise our
; request would not been submitted; this is quite unlikely due to timing
; requirements, but not impossible). In this case, set ConnectedTime to the
; current time: in the likely case it prevents usb_hub_process_deferred from immediate
; issuing of another requests (which would be just waste of time);
; in the unlikely case it is still correct (although slightly increases
; the debounce interval).
cmp dword [edx+ecx*4], -1
jz .nothing
call usb_hub_store_connected_time
jmp .nothing
; 5. The device remained connected for the entire debounce interval;
; we can proceed with initialization.
; Clear connected time for this port and notify usb_hub_process_deferred that
; the new port is waiting for reset.
or dword [edx+ecx*4], -1
pop esi ; restore used register to be stdcall
; This procedure is called when the request to query port status
; initiated by usb_hub_process_deferred for testing reset status is completed,
; either successfully or unsuccessfully.
proc usb_hub_resetting_port_status stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
; 1. If the request has failed, do nothing.
cmp [status], 0
jnz .nothing
; 2. If reset signalling is still active, do nothing.
mov eax, [calldata]
; movzx ecx, [eax+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer+4]
; dec ecx
; DEBUGF 1,'K : hub %x port %d ResetStatusData = %x change = %x\n',eax,ecx,[eax+usb_hub.ResetStatusData]:4,[eax+usb_hub.ResetStatusChange]:4
test byte [eax+usb_hub.ResetStatusData], 1 shl PORT_RESET
jnz .nothing
; 3. Store the current time to start reset recovery interval
; and clear 'reset signalling active' flag.
mov edx, [timer_ticks]
mov [eax+usb_hub.ResetTime], edx
and [eax+usb_hub.Actions], not HUB_RESET_SIGNAL
; 4. If the device has not been disconnected, set 'reset recovery active' bit.
; Otherwise, terminate reset process.
test byte [eax+usb_hub.ResetStatusChange], 1 shl PORT_CONNECTION
jnz .disconnected
or [eax+usb_hub.Actions], HUB_RESET_RECOVERY
; In any case, clear change of resetting status.
lea edx, [eax+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer]
mov cl, C_PORT_RESET
call usb_hub_clear_port_change.buffer
call usb_hub_reset_aborted
jmp .common
; Helper procedure for usb_hub_process_deferred. Initiates reset signalling
; on the current port (given by 1-based value [ConfigBuffer+4]).
; esi -> usb_hub, eax -> usb_controller
proc usb_hub_initiate_reset
; 1. Store hub+port data in the controller structure.
movzx ecx, [esi+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer+4]
dec ecx
mov [eax+usb_controller.ResettingPort], cl
mov [eax+usb_controller.ResettingHub], esi
; 2. Store the current time and set 'reset signalling active' flag.
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
mov [esi+usb_hub.ResetTime], eax
and [esi+usb_hub.Actions], not HUB_RESET_WAITING
or [esi+usb_hub.Actions], HUB_RESET_SIGNAL
; 3. Send request to the hub to initiate request signalling.
lea edx, [esi+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer]
; DEBUGF 1,'K : [%d] hub %x port %d initiate reset\n',[timer_ticks],esi,ecx
mov dword [edx], 23h + \
(USB_SET_FEATURE shl 8) + \
(PORT_RESET shl 16)
and dword [edx+4], 0xFF
stdcall usb_control_async, [esi+usb_hub.ConfigPipe], edx, 0, 0, usb_hub_reset_started, esi, 0
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov eax, esi
call usb_hub_reset_aborted
; This procedure is called when the request to start reset signalling initiated
; by usb_hub_initiate_reset is completed, either successfully or unsuccessfully.
proc usb_hub_reset_started stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
; If the request is successful, do nothing.
; Otherwise, clear 'reset signalling' flag and abort reset process.
mov eax, [calldata]
; movzx ecx, [eax+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer+4]
; dec ecx
; DEBUGF 1,'K : [%d] hub %x port %d reset started\n',[timer_ticks],eax,ecx
cmp [status], 0
jz .nothing
and [eax+usb_hub.Actions], not HUB_RESET_SIGNAL
dbgstr 'Failed to reset hub port'
call usb_hub_reset_aborted
; This procedure is called by the protocol layer if something has failed during
; initial stages of the configuration process, so the device should be disabled
; at hub level.
proc usb_hub_disable_resetting_port
and [eax+usb_hub.Actions], not HUB_RESET_IN_PROGRESS
; movzx ecx, [eax+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer+4]
; dec ecx
; DEBUGF 1,'K : [%d] hub %x port %d disable\n',[timer_ticks],eax,ecx
lea edx, [eax+usb_hub.ConfigBuffer]
jmp usb_hub_clear_port_change.buffer
; This procedure is called when the hub is disconnected.
proc usb_hub_disconnect
virtual at esp
dd ? ; return address
.hubdata dd ?
end virtual
; 1. If the hub is disconnected during initial configuration,
; 1 is stored as hub data and there is nothing to do.
mov eax, [.hubdata]
cmp eax, 1
jz .nothing
; 2. Remove the hub from the overall list.
mov ecx, [eax+usb_hub.Next]
mov edx, [eax+usb_hub.Prev]
mov [ecx+usb_hub.Prev], edx
mov [edx+usb_hub.Next], ecx
; 3. If some child is in reset process, abort reset.
push esi
mov esi, [eax+usb_hub.Controller]
cmp [esi+usb_controller.ResettingHub], eax
jnz @f
cmp [esi+usb_controller.ResettingPort], -1
jz @f
push eax
call usb_test_pending_port
pop eax
pop esi
; 4. Loop over all children and notify other code that they were disconnected.
push ebx
xor ecx, ecx
mov ebx, [eax+usb_hub.ConnectedDevicesPtr]
mov ebx, [ebx+ecx*4]
test ebx, ebx
jz @f
push eax ecx
call usb_device_disconnected
pop ecx eax
inc ecx
cmp ecx, [eax+usb_hub.NumPorts]
jb .disconnect_children
; 4. Free memory allocated for the hub data.
call free
pop ebx
retn 4
; Helper function for USB2 scheduler.
; in: eax -> usb_hub
; out: ecx = TT think time for the hub in FS-bytes
proc usb_get_tt_think_time
movzx ecx, [eax+usb_hub.HubCharacteristics]
shr ecx, 5
and ecx, 3
inc ecx
0,0 → 1,258
; Initialization of the USB subsystem.
; Provides usb_init procedure, includes all needed files.
; General notes:
; * There is one entry point for external kernel code: usb_init is called
; from initialization code and initializes USB subsystem.
; * There are several entry points for API; see the docs for description.
; * There are several functions which are called from controller-specific
; parts of USB subsystem. The most important is usb_new_device,
; which is called when a new device has been connected (over some time),
; has been reset and is ready to start configuring.
; * IRQ handlers are very restricted. They can not take any locks,
; since otherwise a deadlock is possible: imagine that a code has taken the
; lock and was interrupted by IRQ handler. Now IRQ handler would wait for
; releasing the lock, and a lock owner would wait for exiting IRQ handler
; to get the control.
; * Thus, there is the special USB thread which processes almost all activity.
; IRQ handlers do the minimal processing and wake this thread.
; * Also the USB thread wakes occasionally to process tasks which can be
; predicted without interrupts. These include e.g. a periodic roothub
; scanning in UHCI and initializing in USB_CONNECT_DELAY ticks
; after connecting a new device.
; * The main procedure of USB thread, usb_thread_proc, does all its work
; by querying usb_hardware_func.ProcessDeferred for every controller
; and usb_hub_process_deferred for every hub.
; ProcessDeferred does controller-specific actions and calculates the time
; when it should be invoked again, possibly infinite.
; usb_thread_proc selects the minimum from all times returned by
; ProcessDeferred and sleeps until this moment is reached or the thread
; is awakened by IRQ handler.
db 'UHCI',0
db 'OHCI',0
db 'EHCI',0
; Initializes the USB subsystem.
proc usb_init
; 1. Initialize all locks.
mov ecx, usb_controllers_list_mutex
call mutex_init
; 2. Kick off BIOS from all USB controllers, calling the corresponding function
; *hci_kickoff_bios. Also count USB controllers for the next step.
; Note: USB1 companion(s) must go before the corresponding EHCI controller,
; otherwise BIOS could see a device moving from EHCI to a companion;
; first, this always wastes time;
; second, some BIOSes are buggy, do not expect that move and try to refer to
; previously-assigned controller instead of actual; sometimes that leads to
; hangoff.
; Thus, process controllers in PCI order.
mov esi, pcidev_list
push 0
mov esi, [esi+PCIDEV.fd]
cmp esi, pcidev_list
jz .done_kickoff
cmp word [esi+PCIDEV.class+1], 0x0C03
jnz .kickoff
mov ebx, uhci_service_name
cmp byte [esi+PCIDEV.class], 0x00
jz .do_kickoff
mov ebx, ohci_service_name
cmp byte [esi+PCIDEV.class], 0x10
jz .do_kickoff
mov ebx, ehci_service_name
cmp byte [esi+PCIDEV.class], 0x20
jnz .kickoff
inc dword [esp]
push ebx esi
stdcall get_service, ebx
pop esi ebx
test eax, eax
jz .driver_fail
mov edx, [eax+USBSRV.usb_func]
cmp [edx+usb_hardware_func.Version], USBHC_VERSION
jnz .driver_invalid
mov [esi+PCIDEV.owner], eax
call [edx+usb_hardware_func.BeforeInit]
jmp .kickoff
DEBUGF 1,'K : failed to load driver %s\n',ebx
jmp .kickoff
DEBUGF 1,'K : driver %s has wrong version\n',ebx
jmp .kickoff
pop eax
; 3. If no controllers were found, exit.
; Otherwise, run the USB thread.
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
call create_usb_thread
jz .nothing
; 4. Initialize all USB controllers, calling usb_init_controller for each.
; Note: USB1 companion(s) should go before the corresponding EHCI controller,
; although this is not strictly necessary (this way, a companion would not try
; to initialize high-speed device only to see a disconnect when EHCI takes
; control).
; Thus, process all EHCI controllers in the first loop, all USB1 controllers
; in the second loop. (One loop in reversed PCI order could also be used,
; but seems less natural.)
; 4a. Loop over all PCI devices, call usb_init_controller
; for all EHCI controllers.
mov eax, pcidev_list
mov eax, [eax+PCIDEV.fd]
cmp eax, pcidev_list
jz .done_ehci
cmp [eax+PCIDEV.class], 0x0C0320
jnz .scan_ehci
call usb_init_controller
jmp .scan_ehci
; 4b. Loop over all PCI devices, call usb_init_controller
; for all UHCI and OHCI controllers.
mov eax, pcidev_list
mov eax, [eax+PCIDEV.fd]
cmp eax, pcidev_list
jz .done_usb1
cmp [eax+PCIDEV.class], 0x0C0300
jz @f
cmp [eax+PCIDEV.class], 0x0C0310
jnz .scan_usb1
call usb_init_controller
jmp .scan_usb1
align 4
usb_event dd ?
; Helper function for usb_init. Creates and initializes the USB thread.
proc create_usb_thread
; 1. Create the thread.
push edi
movi ebx, 1
mov ecx, usb_thread_proc
xor edx, edx
call new_sys_threads
pop edi
; If failed, say something to the debug board and return with ZF set.
test eax, eax
jns @f
DEBUGF 1,'K : cannot create kernel thread for USB, error %d\n',eax
xor eax, eax
jmp .nothing
; 2. Wait while the USB thread initializes itself.
call change_task
cmp [usb_event], 0
jz @b
; 3. If initialization failed, the USB thread sets [usb_event] to -1.
; Return with ZF set or cleared corresponding to the result.
cmp [usb_event], -1
jz .clear
; Helper function for IRQ handlers. Wakes the USB thread if ebx is nonzero.
proc usb_wakeup_if_needed
test ebx, ebx
jz usb_wakeup.nothing
xor edx, edx
mov eax, [usb_event]
mov ebx, []
xor esi, esi
call raise_event
; Main loop of the USB thread.
proc usb_thread_proc
; 1. Initialize: create event to allow wakeup by interrupt handlers.
xor esi, esi
call create_event
test eax, eax
jnz @f
; If failed, set [usb_event] to -1 and terminate myself.
dbgstr 'cannot create event for USB thread'
or [usb_event], -1
jmp sys_end
mov [usb_event], eax
push -1 ; initial timeout: infinite
; 2. Main loop: wait for either wakeup event or timeout.
pop ecx ; get timeout
mov eax, [usb_event]
mov ebx, []
call wait_event_timeout
push -1 ; default timeout: infinite
; 3. Main loop: call worker functions of all controllers;
; if some function schedules wakeup in timeout less than the current value,
; replace that value with the returned timeout.
mov esi, usb_controllers_list
mov esi, [esi+usb_controller.Next]
cmp esi, usb_controllers_list
jz .controllers_done
mov eax, [esi+usb_controller.HardwareFunc]
call [eax+usb_hardware_func.ProcessDeferred]
cmp [esp], eax
jb @b
mov [esp], eax
jmp @b
; 4. Main loop: call hub worker function for all hubs,
; similarly calculating minimum of all returned timeouts.
; When done, continue to 2.
mov esi, usb_hubs_list
mov esi, [esi+usb_hub.Next]
cmp esi, usb_hubs_list
jz usb_thread_wait
call usb_hub_process_deferred
cmp [esp], eax
jb @b
mov [esp], eax
jmp @b
align 4
dd usb_controllers_list
dd usb_controllers_list
dd usb_hubs_list
dd usb_hubs_list
align 4
usb_controllers_list_mutex MUTEX
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
0,0 → 1,144
; Memory management for USB structures.
; Protocol layer uses the common kernel heap malloc/free.
; Hardware layer has special requirements:
; * memory blocks should be properly aligned
; * memory blocks should not cross page boundary
; Hardware layer allocates fixed-size blocks.
; Thus, the specific allocator is quite easy to write:
; allocate one page, split into blocks, maintain the single-linked
; list of all free blocks in each page.
; Note: size must be a multiple of required alignment.
; Data for one pool: dd pointer to the first page, MUTEX lock.
; Allocator for fixed-size blocks: allocate a block.
; [ebx-4] = pointer to the first page, ebx = pointer to MUTEX structure.
proc usb_allocate_common
push edi ; save used register to be stdcall
virtual at esp
dd ? ; saved edi
dd ? ; return address
.size dd ?
end virtual
; 1. Take the lock.
mov ecx, ebx
call mutex_lock
; 2. Find the first allocated page with a free block, if any.
; 2a. Initialize for the loop.
mov edx, ebx
; 2b. Get the next page, keeping the current in eax.
mov eax, edx
mov edx, [edx-4]
; 2c. If there is no next page, we're out of luck; go to 4.
test edx, edx
jz .newpage
add edx, 0x1000
; 2d. Get the pointer to the first free block on this page.
; If there is no free block, continue to 2b.
mov eax, [edx-8]
test eax, eax
jz .pageloop
; 2e. Get the pointer to the next free block.
mov ecx, [eax]
; 2f. Update the pointer to the first free block from eax to ecx.
; Normally [edx-8] still contains eax, if so, atomically set it to ecx
; and proceed to 3.
; However, the price of simplicity of usb_free_common (in particular, it
; doesn't take the lock) is that [edx-8] could (rarely) be changed while
; we processed steps 2d+2e. If so, return to 2d and retry.
lock cmpxchg [edx-8], ecx
jnz @b
; 3. Release the lock taken in step 1 and return.
push eax
mov ecx, ebx
call mutex_unlock
pop eax
pop edi ; restore used register to be stdcall
ret 4
; 4. Allocate a new page.
push eax
stdcall kernel_alloc, 0x1000
pop edx
; If failed, say something to the debug board and return zero.
test eax, eax
jz .nomemory
; 5. Add the new page to the tail of list of allocated pages.
mov [edx-4], eax
; 6. Initialize two service dwords in the end of page:
; first free block is (start of page) + (block size)
; (we will return first block at (start of page), so consider it allocated),
; no next page.
mov edx, eax
lea edi, [eax+0x1000-8]
add edx, [.size]
mov [edi], edx
and dword [edi+4], 0
; 7. All blocks starting from edx are free; join them in a single-linked list.
mov ecx, edx
add edx, [.size]
mov [ecx], edx
cmp edx, edi
jbe @b
sub ecx, [.size]
and dword [ecx], 0
; 8. Return (start of page).
jmp .return
dbgstr 'no memory for USB descriptor'
xor eax, eax
jmp .return
; Allocator for fixed-size blocks: free a block.
proc usb_free_common
push ecx edx
virtual at esp
rd 2 ; saved registers
dd ? ; return address
.block dd ?
end virtual
; Insert the given block to the head of free blocks in this page.
mov ecx, [.block]
mov edx, ecx
or edx, 0xFFF
mov eax, [edx+1-8]
mov [ecx], eax
lock cmpxchg [edx+1-8], ecx
jnz @b
pop edx ecx
ret 4
; Helper procedure: translate physical address in ecx
; of some transfer descriptor to linear address.
; in: eax = address of first page
proc usb_td_to_virt
; Traverse all pages used for transfer descriptors, looking for the one
; with physical address as in ecx.
test eax, eax
jz .zero
push eax
call get_pg_addr
sub eax, ecx
jz .found
cmp eax, -0x1000
ja .found
pop eax
mov eax, [eax+0x1000-4]
jmp @b
; When found, combine page address from eax with page offset from ecx.
pop eax
and ecx, 0xFFF
add eax, ecx
0,0 → 1,675
; Functions for USB pipe manipulation: opening/closing, sending data etc.
macro stdcall_verify [arg]
stdcall arg
call verify_regs
stdcall arg
end if
; Initialization of usb_static_ep structure,
; called from controller-specific initialization; edi -> usb_static_ep
proc usb_init_static_endpoint
mov [edi+usb_static_ep.NextVirt], edi
mov [edi+usb_static_ep.PrevVirt], edi
; Part of API for drivers, see documentation for USBOpenPipe.
proc usb_open_pipe stdcall uses ebx esi edi,\
config_pipe:dword, endpoint:dword, maxpacket:dword, type:dword, interval:dword
tt_vars rd 24 ; should be enough for ehci_select_tt_interrupt_list
targetsmask dd ? ; S-Mask for USB2
bandwidth dd ?
target dd ?
; 1. Verify type of pipe: it must be one of *_PIPE constants.
; Isochronous pipes are not supported yet.
mov eax, [type]
ja .badtype
jnz .goodtype
dbgstr 'unsupported type of USB pipe'
jmp .return0
; 2. Allocate memory for pipe and transfer queue.
; Empty transfer queue consists of one inactive TD.
mov ebx, [config_pipe]
mov esi, [ebx+usb_pipe.Controller]
mov edx, [esi+usb_controller.HardwareFunc]
call [edx+usb_hardware_func.AllocPipe]
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
mov edi, eax
mov edx, [esi+usb_controller.HardwareFunc]
call [edx+usb_hardware_func.AllocTD]
test eax, eax
jz .free_and_return0
; 3. Initialize transfer queue: pointer to transfer descriptor,
; pointers in transfer descriptor, queue lock.
mov [edi+usb_pipe.LastTD], eax
mov [eax+usb_gtd.NextVirt], eax
mov [eax+usb_gtd.PrevVirt], eax
mov [eax+usb_gtd.Pipe], edi
lea ecx, [edi+usb_pipe.Lock]
call mutex_init
; 4. Initialize software part of pipe structure, except device-related fields.
mov al, byte [type]
mov [edi+usb_pipe.Type], al
xor eax, eax
mov [edi+usb_pipe.Flags], al
mov [edi+usb_pipe.DeviceData], eax
mov [edi+usb_pipe.Controller], esi
or [edi+usb_pipe.NextWait], -1
; 5. Initialize device-related fields:
; for zero endpoint, set .NextSibling = .PrevSibling = this;
; for other endpoins, copy device data, take the lock guarding pipe list
; for the device and verify that disconnect processing has not yet started
; for the device. (Since disconnect processing also takes that lock,
; either it has completed or it will not start until we release the lock.)
; Note: usb_device_disconnected should not see the new pipe until
; initialization is complete, so that lock will be held during next steps
; (disconnect processing should either not see it at all, or see fully
; initialized pipe).
cmp [endpoint], eax
jz .zero_endpoint
mov ecx, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
mov [edi+usb_pipe.DeviceData], ecx
call mutex_lock
test [ebx+usb_pipe.Flags], USB_FLAG_CLOSED
jz .common
; If disconnect processing has completed, unlock the mutex, free memory
; allocated in step 2 and return zero.
call mutex_unlock
mov edx, [esi+usb_controller.HardwareFunc]
stdcall [edx+usb_hardware_func.FreeTD], [edi+usb_pipe.LastTD]
mov edx, [esi+usb_controller.HardwareFunc]
stdcall [edx+usb_hardware_func.FreePipe], edi
xor eax, eax
jmp .nothing
mov [edi+usb_pipe.NextSibling], edi
mov [edi+usb_pipe.PrevSibling], edi
; 6. Initialize hardware part of pipe structure.
; 6a. Acquire the corresponding mutex.
lea ecx, [esi+usb_controller.ControlLock]
cmp [type], BULK_PIPE
jb @f ; control pipe
lea ecx, [esi+usb_controller.BulkLock]
jz @f ; bulk pipe
lea ecx, [esi+usb_controller.PeriodicLock]
call mutex_lock
; 6b. Let the controller-specific code do its job.
push ecx
mov edx, [esi+usb_controller.HardwareFunc]
mov eax, [edi+usb_pipe.LastTD]
mov ecx, [config_pipe]
call [edx+usb_hardware_func.InitPipe]
pop ecx
; 6c. Release the mutex.
push eax
call mutex_unlock
pop eax
; 6d. If controller-specific code indicates failure,
; release the lock taken in step 5, free memory allocated in step 2
; and return zero.
test eax, eax
jz .fail
; 7. The pipe is initialized. If this is not the first pipe for the device,
; insert it to the tail of pipe list for the device,
; increment number of pipes,
; release the lock taken at step 5.
mov ecx, [edi+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
test ecx, ecx
jz @f
mov eax, [ebx+usb_pipe.PrevSibling]
mov [edi+usb_pipe.NextSibling], ebx
mov [edi+usb_pipe.PrevSibling], eax
mov [ebx+usb_pipe.PrevSibling], edi
mov [eax+usb_pipe.NextSibling], edi
inc [ecx+usb_device_data.NumPipes]
call mutex_unlock
; 8. Return pointer to usb_pipe.
mov eax, edi
; This procedure is called several times during initial device configuration,
; when usb_device_data structure is reallocated.
; It (re)initializes all pointers in usb_device_data.
; ebx -> usb_pipe
proc usb_reinit_pipe_list
push eax
; 1. (Re)initialize the lock guarding pipe list.
mov ecx, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
call mutex_init
; 2. Initialize list of opened pipes: two entries, the head and ebx.
add ecx, usb_device_data.OpenedPipeList - usb_pipe.NextSibling
mov [ecx+usb_pipe.NextSibling], ebx
mov [ecx+usb_pipe.PrevSibling], ebx
mov [ebx+usb_pipe.NextSibling], ecx
mov [ebx+usb_pipe.PrevSibling], ecx
; 3. Initialize list of closed pipes: empty list, only the head is present.
add ecx, usb_device_data.ClosedPipeList - usb_device_data.OpenedPipeList
mov [ecx+usb_pipe.NextSibling], ecx
mov [ecx+usb_pipe.PrevSibling], ecx
pop eax
; Part of API for drivers, see documentation for USBClosePipe.
proc usb_close_pipe
push ebx esi ; save used registers to be stdcall
virtual at esp
rd 2 ; saved registers
dd ? ; return address
.pipe dd ?
end virtual
; 1. Lock the pipe list for the device.
mov ebx, [.pipe]
mov esi, [ebx+usb_pipe.Controller]
mov ecx, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
call mutex_lock
; 2. Set the flag "the driver has abandoned this pipe, free it at any time".
lea ecx, [ebx+usb_pipe.Lock]
call mutex_lock
or [ebx+usb_pipe.Flags], USB_FLAG_CAN_FREE
call mutex_unlock
; 3. Call the worker function.
call usb_close_pipe_nolock
; 4. Unlock the pipe list for the device.
mov ecx, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
call mutex_unlock
; 5. Wakeup the USB thread so that it can proceed with releasing that pipe.
push edi
call usb_wakeup
pop edi
; 6. Return.
pop esi ebx ; restore used registers to be stdcall
retn 4
; Worker function for pipe closing. Called by usb_close_pipe API and
; from disconnect processing.
; The lock guarding pipe list for the device should be held by the caller.
; ebx -> usb_pipe, esi -> usb_controller
proc usb_close_pipe_nolock
; 1. Set the flag "pipe is closed, ignore new transfers".
; If it was already set, do nothing.
lea ecx, [ebx+usb_pipe.Lock]
call mutex_lock
bts dword [ebx+usb_pipe.Flags], USB_FLAG_CLOSED_BIT
jc .closed
call mutex_unlock
; 2. Remove the pipe from the list of opened pipes.
mov eax, [ebx+usb_pipe.NextSibling]
mov edx, [ebx+usb_pipe.PrevSibling]
mov [eax+usb_pipe.PrevSibling], edx
mov [edx+usb_pipe.NextSibling], eax
; 3. Unlink the pipe from hardware structures.
; 3a. Acquire the corresponding lock.
lea edx, [esi+usb_controller.WaitPipeListAsync]
lea ecx, [esi+usb_controller.ControlLock]
cmp [ebx+usb_pipe.Type], BULK_PIPE
jb @f ; control pipe
lea ecx, [esi+usb_controller.BulkLock]
jz @f ; bulk pipe
add edx, usb_controller.WaitPipeListPeriodic - usb_controller.WaitPipeListAsync
lea ecx, [esi+usb_controller.PeriodicLock]
push edx
call mutex_lock
push ecx
; 3b. Let the controller-specific code do its job.
mov eax, [esi+usb_controller.HardwareFunc]
call [eax+usb_hardware_func.UnlinkPipe]
; 3c. Release the corresponding lock.
pop ecx
call mutex_unlock
; 4. Put the pipe into wait queue.
pop edx
cmp [ebx+usb_pipe.NextWait], -1
jz .insert_new
or [ebx+usb_pipe.Flags], USB_FLAG_EXTRA_WAIT
jmp .inserted
mov eax, [edx]
mov [ebx+usb_pipe.NextWait], eax
mov [edx], ebx
; 5. Return.
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
; This procedure is called when a pipe with USB_FLAG_CLOSED is removed from the
; corresponding wait list. It means that the hardware has fully forgot about it.
; ebx -> usb_pipe, esi -> usb_controller
proc usb_pipe_closed
push edi
mov edi, [esi+usb_controller.HardwareFunc]
; 1. Loop over all transfers, calling the driver with USB_STATUS_CLOSED
; and freeing all descriptors.
mov edx, [ebx+usb_pipe.LastTD]
test edx, edx
jz .no_transfer
mov edx, [edx+usb_gtd.NextVirt]
cmp edx, [ebx+usb_pipe.LastTD]
jz .transfer_done
mov ecx, [edx+usb_gtd.Callback]
test ecx, ecx
jz .no_callback
push edx
stdcall_verify ecx, ebx, USB_STATUS_CLOSED, \
[edx+usb_gtd.Buffer], 0, [edx+usb_gtd.UserData]
pop edx
push [edx+usb_gtd.NextVirt]
stdcall [edi+usb_hardware_func.FreeTD], edx
pop edx
jmp .transfer_loop
stdcall [edi+usb_hardware_func.FreeTD], edx
; 2. Decrement number of pipes for the device.
; If this pipe is the last pipe, go to 5.
mov ecx, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
call mutex_lock
dec [ecx+usb_device_data.NumPipes]
jz .last_pipe
call mutex_unlock
; 3. If the flag "the driver has abandoned this pipe" is set,
; free memory and return.
test [ebx+usb_pipe.Flags], USB_FLAG_CAN_FREE
jz .nofree
stdcall [edi+usb_hardware_func.FreePipe], ebx
pop edi
; 4. Otherwise, add it to the list of closed pipes and return.
add ecx, usb_device_data.ClosedPipeList - usb_pipe.NextSibling
mov edx, [ecx+usb_pipe.PrevSibling]
mov [ebx+usb_pipe.NextSibling], ecx
mov [ebx+usb_pipe.PrevSibling], edx
mov [ecx+usb_pipe.PrevSibling], ebx
mov [edx+usb_pipe.NextSibling], ebx
pop edi
; That was the last pipe for the device.
; 5. Notify device driver(s) about disconnect.
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, [ecx+usb_device_data.NumInterfaces]
test eax, eax
jz .notify_done
add ecx, [ecx+usb_device_data.Interfaces]
mov edx, [ecx+usb_interface_data.DriverFunc]
test edx, edx
jz @f
mov edx, [edx+USBSRV.usb_func]
cmp [edx+USBFUNC.strucsize], USBFUNC.device_disconnect + 4
jb @f
mov edx, [edx+USBFUNC.device_disconnect]
test edx, edx
jz @f
push eax ecx
stdcall_verify edx, [ecx+usb_interface_data.DriverData]
pop ecx eax
add ecx, sizeof.usb_interface_data
dec eax
jnz .notify_loop
; 6. Bus address, if assigned, can now be reused.
call [edi+usb_hardware_func.GetDeviceAddress]
test eax, eax
jz @f
bts [esi+usb_controller.ExistingAddresses], eax
dbgstr 'USB device disconnected'
; 7. All drivers have returned from disconnect callback,
; so all drivers should not use any device-related pipes.
; Free the remaining pipes.
mov eax, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
add eax, usb_device_data.ClosedPipeList - usb_pipe.NextSibling
push eax
mov eax, [eax+usb_pipe.NextSibling]
cmp eax, [esp]
jz .free_done
push [eax+usb_pipe.NextSibling]
stdcall [edi+usb_hardware_func.FreePipe], eax
pop eax
jmp .free_loop
stdcall [edi+usb_hardware_func.FreePipe], ebx
pop eax
; 8. Free the usb_device_data structure.
sub eax, usb_device_data.ClosedPipeList - usb_pipe.NextSibling
call free
; 9. Return.
pop edi
; Part of API for drivers, see documentation for USBNormalTransferAsync.
proc usb_normal_transfer_async stdcall uses ebx edi,\
pipe:dword, buffer:dword, size:dword, callback:dword, calldata:dword, flags:dword
; 1. Sanity check: callback must be nonzero.
; (It is important for other parts of code.)
xor eax, eax
cmp [callback], eax
jz .nothing
; 2. Lock the transfer queue.
mov ebx, [pipe]
lea ecx, [ebx+usb_pipe.Lock]
call mutex_lock
; 3. If the pipe has already been closed (presumably due to device disconnect),
; release the lock taken in step 2 and return zero.
xor eax, eax
test [ebx+usb_pipe.Flags], USB_FLAG_CLOSED
jnz .unlock
; 4. Allocate and initialize TDs for the transfer.
mov edx, [ebx+usb_pipe.Controller]
mov edi, [edx+usb_controller.HardwareFunc]
stdcall [edi+usb_hardware_func.AllocTransfer], [buffer], [size], [flags], [ebx+usb_pipe.LastTD], 0
; If failed, release the lock taken in step 2 and return zero.
test eax, eax
jz .unlock
; 5. Store callback and its parameters in the last descriptor for this transfer.
mov ecx, [eax+usb_gtd.PrevVirt]
mov edx, [callback]
mov [ecx+usb_gtd.Callback], edx
mov edx, [calldata]
mov [ecx+usb_gtd.UserData], edx
mov edx, [buffer]
mov [ecx+usb_gtd.Buffer], edx
; 6. Advance LastTD pointer and activate transfer.
push [ebx+usb_pipe.LastTD]
mov [ebx+usb_pipe.LastTD], eax
call [edi+usb_hardware_func.InsertTransfer]
pop eax
; 7. Release the lock taken in step 2 and
; return pointer to the first descriptor for the new transfer.
push eax
lea ecx, [ebx+usb_pipe.Lock]
call mutex_unlock
pop eax
; Part of API for drivers, see documentation for USBControlTransferAsync.
proc usb_control_async stdcall uses ebx edi,\
pipe:dword, config:dword, buffer:dword, size:dword, callback:dword, calldata:dword, flags:dword
last_td dd ?
; 1. Sanity check: callback must be nonzero.
; (It is important for other parts of code.)
cmp [callback], 0
jz .return0
; 2. Lock the transfer queue.
mov ebx, [pipe]
lea ecx, [ebx+usb_pipe.Lock]
call mutex_lock
; 3. If the pipe has already been closed (presumably due to device disconnect),
; release the lock taken in step 2 and return zero.
test [ebx+usb_pipe.Flags], USB_FLAG_CLOSED
jnz .unlock_return0
; A control transfer contains two or three stages:
; Setup stage, optional Data stage, Status stage.
; 4. Allocate and initialize TDs for the Setup stage.
; Payload is 8 bytes from [config].
mov edx, [ebx+usb_pipe.Controller]
mov edi, [edx+usb_controller.HardwareFunc]
stdcall [edi+usb_hardware_func.AllocTransfer], [config], 8, 0, [ebx+usb_pipe.LastTD], (2 shl 2) + 0
; short transfer is an error, direction is DATA0, token is SETUP
mov [last_td], eax
test eax, eax
jz .fail
; 5. Allocate and initialize TDs for the Data stage, if [size] is nonzero.
; Payload is [size] bytes from [buffer].
mov edx, [config]
mov ecx, (3 shl 2) + 1 ; DATA1, token is OUT
cmp byte [edx], 0
jns @f
cmp [size], 0
jz @f
inc ecx ; token is IN
cmp [size], 0
jz .nodata
push ecx
stdcall [edi+usb_hardware_func.AllocTransfer], [buffer], [size], [flags], eax, ecx
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov [last_td], eax
; 6. Allocate and initialize TDs for the Status stage.
; No payload.
xor ecx, 3 ; IN becomes OUT, OUT becomes IN
stdcall [edi+usb_hardware_func.AllocTransfer], 0, 0, 0, eax, ecx
test eax, eax
jz .fail
; 7. Store callback and its parameters in the last descriptor for this transfer.
mov ecx, [eax+usb_gtd.PrevVirt]
mov edx, [callback]
mov [ecx+usb_gtd.Callback], edx
mov edx, [calldata]
mov [ecx+usb_gtd.UserData], edx
mov edx, [buffer]
mov [ecx+usb_gtd.Buffer], edx
; 8. Advance LastTD pointer and activate transfer.
push [ebx+usb_pipe.LastTD]
mov [ebx+usb_pipe.LastTD], eax
call [edi+usb_hardware_func.InsertTransfer]
; 9. Release the lock taken in step 2 and
; return pointer to the first descriptor for the new transfer.
lea ecx, [ebx+usb_pipe.Lock]
call mutex_unlock
pop eax
mov eax, [last_td]
test eax, eax
jz .unlock_return0
stdcall usb_undo_tds, [ebx+usb_pipe.LastTD]
lea ecx, [ebx+usb_pipe.Lock]
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
; Part of API for drivers, see documentation for USBGetParam.
proc usb_get_param
virtual at esp
dd ? ; return address
.pipe dd ?
.param dd ?
end virtual
mov edx, [.param]
mov ecx, [.pipe]
mov eax, [ecx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
test edx, edx
jz .get_device_descriptor
dec edx
jz .get_config_descriptor
dec edx
jz .get_speed
or eax, -1
ret 8
add eax, usb_device_data.DeviceDescriptor
ret 8
movzx ecx, [eax+usb_device_data.DeviceDescrSize]
lea eax, [eax+ecx+usb_device_data.DeviceDescriptor]
ret 8
movzx eax, [eax+usb_device_data.Speed]
ret 8
; Initialize software part of usb_gtd. Called from controller-specific code
; somewhere in AllocTransfer with eax -> next (inactive) usb_gtd,
; ebx -> usb_pipe, ebp frame from call to AllocTransfer with [.td] ->
; current (initializing) usb_gtd.
; Returns ecx = [.td].
proc usb_init_transfer
virtual at ebp-4
.Size dd ?
rd 2
.Buffer dd ?
dd ?
.Flags dd ?
.td dd ?
end virtual
mov [eax+usb_gtd.Pipe], ebx
mov ecx, [.td]
mov [eax+usb_gtd.PrevVirt], ecx
mov edx, [ecx+usb_gtd.NextVirt]
mov [ecx+usb_gtd.NextVirt], eax
mov [eax+usb_gtd.NextVirt], edx
mov [edx+usb_gtd.PrevVirt], eax
mov edx, [.Size]
mov [ecx+usb_gtd.Length], edx
xor edx, edx
mov [ecx+usb_gtd.Callback], edx
mov [ecx+usb_gtd.UserData], edx
; Free all TDs for the current transfer if something has failed
; during initialization (e.g. no memory for the next TD).
; Stdcall with one stack argument = first TD for the transfer
; and eax = last initialized TD for the transfer.
proc usb_undo_tds
push [eax+usb_gtd.NextVirt]
cmp eax, [esp+8]
jz @f
push [eax+usb_gtd.PrevVirt]
stdcall [edi+usb_hardware_func.FreeTD], eax
pop eax
jmp @b
pop ecx
mov [eax+usb_gtd.NextVirt], ecx
mov [ecx+usb_gtd.PrevVirt], eax
ret 4
; Helper procedure for handling short packets in controller-specific code.
; Returns with CF cleared if this is the final packet in some stage:
; for control transfers that means one of Data and Status stages,
; for other transfers - the final packet in the only stage.
proc usb_is_final_packet
cmp [ebx+usb_gtd.Callback], 0
jnz .nothing
mov eax, [ebx+usb_gtd.NextVirt]
cmp [eax+usb_gtd.Callback], 0
jz .stc
mov eax, [ebx+usb_gtd.Pipe]
cmp [eax+usb_pipe.Type], CONTROL_PIPE
jz .nothing
; Helper procedure for controller-specific code:
; removes one TD from the transfer queue, ebx -> usb_gtd to remove.
proc usb_unlink_td
mov ecx, [ebx+usb_gtd.Pipe]
add ecx, usb_pipe.Lock
call mutex_lock
mov eax, [ebx+usb_gtd.PrevVirt]
mov edx, [ebx+usb_gtd.NextVirt]
mov [edx+usb_gtd.PrevVirt], eax
mov [eax+usb_gtd.NextVirt], edx
call mutex_unlock
; One part of transfer is completed, run the associated callback
; or update total length in the next part of transfer.
; in: ebx -> usb_gtd, ecx = status, edx = length
proc usb_process_gtd
; 1. Test whether it is the last descriptor in the transfer
; <=> it has an associated callback.
mov eax, [ebx+usb_gtd.Callback]
test eax, eax
jz .nocallback
; 2. It has an associated callback; call it with corresponding parameters.
stdcall_verify eax, [ebx+usb_gtd.Pipe], ecx, \
[ebx+usb_gtd.Buffer], edx, [ebx+usb_gtd.UserData]
; 3. It is an intermediate descriptor. Add its length to the length
; in the following descriptor.
mov eax, [ebx+usb_gtd.NextVirt]
add [eax+usb_gtd.Length], edx
proc verify_regs
virtual at esp
dd ? ; return address
.edi dd ?
.esi dd ?
.ebp dd ?
.esp dd ?
.ebx dd ?
.edx dd ?
.ecx dd ?
.eax dd ?
end virtual
cmp ebx, [.ebx]
jz @f
dbgstr 'ERROR!!! ebx changed'
cmp esi, [.esi]
jz @f
dbgstr 'ERROR!!! esi changed'
cmp edi, [.edi]
jz @f
dbgstr 'ERROR!!! edi changed'
cmp ebp, [.ebp]
jz @f
dbgstr 'ERROR!!! ebp changed'
end if
0,0 → 1,935
; Implementation of the USB protocol for device enumeration.
; Manage a USB device when it becomes ready for USB commands:
; configure, enumerate, load the corresponding driver(s),
; pass device information to the driver.
; =============================================================================
; ================================= Constants =================================
; =============================================================================
; USB standard request codes
; USB standard descriptor types
; Compile-time setting. If set, the code will dump all descriptors as they are
; read to the debug board.
; =============================================================================
; ================================ Structures =================================
; =============================================================================
; USB descriptors. See USB specification for detailed explanations.
; First two bytes of every descriptor have the same meaning.
struct usb_descr
bLength db ?
; Size of this descriptor in bytes
bDescriptorType db ?
; One of USB_*_DESCR constants.
; USB device descriptor
struct usb_device_descr usb_descr
bcdUSB dw ?
; USB Specification Release number in BCD, e.g. 110h = USB 1.1
bDeviceClass db ?
; USB Device Class Code
bDeviceSubClass db ?
; USB Device Subclass Code
bDeviceProtocol db ?
; USB Device Protocol Code
bMaxPacketSize0 db ?
; Maximum packet size for zero endpoint
idVendor dw ?
; Vendor ID
idProduct dw ?
; Product ID
bcdDevice dw ?
; Device release number in BCD
iManufacturer db ?
; Index of string descriptor describing manufacturer
iProduct db ?
; Index of string descriptor describing product
iSerialNumber db ?
; Index of string descriptor describing serial number
bNumConfigurations db ?
; Number of possible configurations
; USB configuration descriptor
struct usb_config_descr usb_descr
wTotalLength dw ?
; Total length of data returned for this configuration
bNumInterfaces db ?
; Number of interfaces in this configuration
bConfigurationValue db ?
; Value for SET_CONFIGURATION control request
iConfiguration db ?
; Index of string descriptor describing this configuration
bmAttributes db ?
; Bit 6 is SelfPowered, bit 5 is RemoteWakeupSupported,
; bit 7 must be 1, other bits must be 0
bMaxPower db ?
; Maximum power consumption from the bus in 2mA units
; USB interface descriptor
struct usb_interface_descr usb_descr
; The following two fields work in pair. Sometimes one interface can work
; in different modes; e.g. videostream from web-cameras requires different
; bandwidth depending on resolution/quality/compression settings.
; Each mode of each interface has its own descriptor with its own endpoints
; following; all descriptors for one interface have the same bInterfaceNumber,
; and different bAlternateSetting.
; By default, any interface operates in mode with bAlternateSetting = 0.
; Often this is the only mode. If there are another modes, the active mode
; is selected by SET_INTERFACE(bAlternateSetting) control request.
bInterfaceNumber db ?
bAlternateSetting db ?
bNumEndpoints db ?
; Number of endpoints used by this interface, excluding zero endpoint
bInterfaceClass db ?
; USB Interface Class Code
bInterfaceSubClass db ?
; USB Interface Subclass Code
bInterfaceProtocol db ?
; USB Interface Protocol Code
iInterface db ?
; Index of string descriptor describing this interface
; USB endpoint descriptor
struct usb_endpoint_descr usb_descr
bEndpointAddress db ?
; Lower 4 bits form endpoint number,
; upper bit is 0 for OUT endpoints and 1 for IN endpoints,
; other bits must be zero
bmAttributes db ?
; Lower 2 bits form transfer type, one of *_PIPE,
; other bits must be zero for non-isochronous endpoints;
; refer to the USB specification for meaning in isochronous case
wMaxPacketSize dw ?
; Lower 11 bits form maximum packet size,
; next two bits specify the number of additional transactions per microframe
; for high-speed periodic endpoints, other bits must be zero.
bInterval db ?
; Interval for polling endpoint for data transfers.
; Isochronous and high-speed interrupt endpoints: poll every 2^(bInterval-1)
; (micro)frames
; Full/low-speed interrupt endpoints: poll every bInterval frames
; High-speed bulk/control OUT endpoints: maximum NAK rate
; =============================================================================
; =================================== Code ====================================
; =============================================================================
; When a new device is ready to be configured, a controller-specific code
; calls usb_new_device.
; The sequence of further actions:
; * open pipe for the zero endpoint (usb_new_device);
; maximum packet size is not known yet, but it must be at least 8 bytes,
; so it is safe to send packets with <= 8 bytes
; * issue SET_ADDRESS control request (usb_new_device)
; * set the new device address in the pipe (usb_set_address_callback)
; * notify a controller-specific code that initialization of other ports
; can be started (usb_set_address_callback)
; * issue GET_DESCRIPTOR control request for first 8 bytes of device descriptor
; (usb_after_set_address)
; * first 8 bytes of device descriptor contain the true packet size for zero
; endpoint, so set the true packet size (usb_get_descr8_callback)
; * first 8 bytes of a descriptor contain the full size of this descriptor,
; issue GET_DESCRIPTOR control request for the full device descriptor
; (usb_after_set_endpoint_size)
; * issue GET_DESCRIPTOR control request for first 8 bytes of configuration
; descriptor (usb_get_descr_callback)
; * issue GET_DESCRIPTOR control request for full configuration descriptor
; (usb_know_length_callback)
; * issue SET_CONFIGURATION control request (usb_set_config_callback)
; * parse configuration descriptor, load the corresponding driver(s),
; pass the configuration descriptor to the driver and let the driver do
; the further work (usb_got_config_callback)
; This function is called from controller-specific part
; when a new device is ready to be configured.
; in: ecx -> pseudo-pipe, part of usb_pipe
; in: esi -> usb_controller
; in: [esi+usb_controller.ResettingHub] is the pointer to usb_hub for device,
; NULL if the device is connected to the root hub
; in: [esi+usb_controller.ResettingPort] is the port for the device, zero-based
; in: [esi+usb_controller.ResettingSpeed] is the speed of the device, one of
; out: eax = 0 <=> failed, the caller should disable the port.
proc usb_new_device
push ebx edi ; save used registers to be stdcall
; 1. Allocate resources. Any device uses the following resources:
; - device address in the bus
; - memory for device data
; - pipe for zero endpoint
; If some allocation fails, we must undo our actions. Closing the pipe
; is a hard task, so we avoid it and open the pipe as the last resource.
; The order for other two allocations is quite arbitrary.
; 1a. Allocate a bus address.
push ecx
call usb_set_address_request
pop ecx
; 1b. If failed, just return zero.
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
; 1c. Allocate memory for device data.
; For now, we need sizeof.usb_device_data and extra 8 bytes for GET_DESCRIPTOR
; input and output, see usb_after_set_address. Later we will reallocate it
; to actual size needed for descriptors.
movi eax, sizeof.usb_device_data + 8
push ecx
call malloc
pop ecx
; 1d. If failed, free the bus address and return zero.
test eax, eax
jz .nomemory
; 1e. Open pipe for endpoint zero.
; For now, we do not know the actual maximum packet size;
; for full-speed devices it can be any of 8, 16, 32, 64 bytes,
; low-speed devices must have 8 bytes, high-speed devices must have 64 bytes.
; Thus, we must use some fake "maximum packet size" until the actual size
; will be known. However, the maximum packet size must be at least 8, and
; initial stages of the configuration process involves only packets of <= 8
; bytes, they will be transferred correctly as long as
; the fake "maximum packet size" is also at least 8.
; Thus, any number >= 8 is suitable for actual hardware.
; However, software emulation of EHCI in VirtualBox assumes that high-speed
; control transfers are those originating from pipes with max packet size = 64,
; even on early stages of the configuration process. This is incorrect,
; but we have no specific preferences, so let VirtualBox be happy and use 64
; as the fake "maximum packet size".
push eax
; We will need many zeroes.
; "push edi" is one byte, "push 0" is two bytes; save space, use edi.
xor edi, edi
stdcall usb_open_pipe, ecx, edi, 64, edi, edi
; Put pointer to pipe into ebx. "xchg eax,reg" is one byte, mov is two bytes.
xchg eax, ebx
pop eax
; 1f. If failed, free the memory, the bus address and return zero.
test ebx, ebx
jz .freememory
; 2. Store pointer to device data in the pipe structure.
mov [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData], eax
; 3. Init device data, using usb_controller.Resetting* variables.
mov [eax+usb_device_data.TTHub], edi
mov [eax+usb_device_data.TTPort], 0
mov [eax+usb_device_data.NumInterfaces], edi
mov [eax+usb_device_data.DeviceDescrSize], 0
mov dl, [esi+usb_controller.ResettingSpeed]
mov [eax+usb_device_data.Speed], dl
mov [eax+usb_device_data.NumPipes], 1
push ebx
cmp dl, USB_SPEED_HS
jz .nott
mov ebx, [esi+usb_controller.ResettingHub]
test ebx, ebx
jz .nott
mov cl, [esi+usb_controller.ResettingPort]
mov edx, [ebx+usb_hub.ConfigPipe]
mov edx, [edx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
cmp [edx+usb_device_data.TTHub], 0
jz @f
mov cl, [edx+usb_device_data.TTPort]
mov ebx, [edx+usb_device_data.TTHub]
jmp .has_tt
cmp [edx+usb_device_data.Speed], USB_SPEED_HS
jnz .nott
mov [eax+usb_device_data.TTHub], ebx
mov [eax+usb_device_data.TTPort], cl
pop ebx
mov [eax+usb_device_data.ConfigDataSize], edi
mov [eax+usb_device_data.Interfaces], edi
movzx ecx, [esi+usb_controller.ResettingPort]
mov [eax+usb_device_data.Port], cl
mov edx, [esi+usb_controller.ResettingHub]
mov [eax+usb_device_data.Hub], edx
; 4. Store pointer to the config pipe in the hub data.
; Config pipe serves as device identifier.
; Root hubs use the array inside usb_controller structure,
; non-root hubs use the array immediately after usb_hub structure.
test edx, edx
jz .roothub
mov edx, [edx+usb_hub.ConnectedDevicesPtr]
mov [edx+ecx*4], ebx
jmp @f
mov [esi+usb_controller.DevicesByPort+ecx*4], ebx
call usb_reinit_pipe_list
; 5. Issue SET_ADDRESS control request, using buffer filled in step 1a.
; Use the return value from usb_control_async as our return value;
; if it is zero, then something has failed.
lea eax, [esi+usb_controller.SetAddressBuffer]
stdcall usb_control_async, ebx, eax, edi, edi, usb_set_address_callback, edi, edi
; 6. Return.
pop edi ebx ; restore used registers to be stdcall
; Handlers of failures in steps 1b, 1d, 1f.
call free
jmp .freeaddr
dbgstr 'No memory for device data'
mov ecx, dword [esi+usb_controller.SetAddressBuffer+2]
bts [esi+usb_controller.ExistingAddresses], ecx
xor eax, eax
jmp .nothing
; Helper procedure for usb_new_device.
; Allocates a new USB address and fills usb_controller.SetAddressBuffer
; with data for SET_ADDRESS(allocated_address) request.
; out: eax = 0 <=> failed
; Destroys edi.
proc usb_set_address_request
; There are 128 bits, one for each possible address.
; Note: only the USB thread works with usb_controller.ExistingAddresses,
; so there is no need for synchronization.
; We must find a bit set to 1 and clear it.
; 1. Find the first dword which has a nonzero bit = which is nonzero.
mov ecx, 128/32
lea edi, [esi+usb_controller.ExistingAddresses]
xor eax, eax
repz scasd
; 2. If all dwords are zero, return an error.
jz .error
; 3. The dword at [edi-4] is nonzero. Find the lowest nonzero bit.
bsf eax, [edi-4]
; Now eax = bit number inside the dword at [edi-4].
; 4. Clear the bit.
btr [edi-4], eax
; 5. Generate the address by edi = memory address and eax = bit inside dword.
; Address = eax + 8 * (edi-4 - (esi+usb_controller.ExistingAddress)).
sub edi, esi
lea edi, [eax+(edi-4-usb_controller.ExistingAddresses)*8]
; 6. Store the allocated address in SetAddressBuffer and fill remaining fields.
; Note that usb_controller is zeroed at allocation, so only command byte needs
; to be filled.
mov byte [esi+usb_controller.SetAddressBuffer+1], USB_SET_ADDRESS
mov dword [esi+usb_controller.SetAddressBuffer+2], edi
; 7. Return non-zero value in eax.
inc eax
dbgstr 'cannot allocate USB address'
xor eax, eax
jmp .nothing
; This procedure is called by USB stack when SET_ADDRESS request initiated by
; usb_new_device is completed, either successfully or unsuccessfully.
; Note that USB stack uses esi = pointer to usb_controller.
proc usb_set_address_callback stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
push ebx ; save ebx to be stdcall
; Load data to registers for further references.
mov ebx, [pipe]
mov ecx, dword [esi+usb_controller.SetAddressBuffer+2]
mov eax, [esi+usb_controller.HardwareFunc]
; 1. Check whether the device has accepted new address. If so, proceed to 2.
; Otherwise, go to 3.
cmp [status], 0
jnz .error
; 2. Address accepted.
; 2a. The controller-specific structure for the control pipe still uses
; zero address. Call the controller-specific function to change it to
; the actual address.
; Note that the hardware could cache the controller-specific structure,
; so setting the address could take some time until the cache is evicted.
; Thus, the call is asynchronous; meet us in usb_after_set_address when it will
; be safe to continue.
; dbgstr 'address set in device'
call [eax+usb_hardware_func.SetDeviceAddress]
; 2b. If the port is in non-root hub, clear 'reset in progress' flag.
; In any case, proceed to 4.
mov eax, [esi+usb_controller.ResettingHub]
test eax, eax
jz .return
and [eax+usb_hub.Actions], not HUB_RESET_IN_PROGRESS
; 4. Address configuration done, we can proceed with other ports.
; Call the worker function for that.
call usb_test_pending_port
pop ebx ; restore ebx to be stdcall
; 3. Device error: device not responding, disconnect etc.
DEBUGF 1,'K : error %d in SET_ADDRESS, USB device disabled\n',[status]
; 3a. The address has not been accepted. Mark it as free.
bts dword [esi+usb_controller.ExistingAddresses], ecx
; 3b. Disable the port with bad device.
; For the root hub, call the controller-specific function and go to 6.
; For non-root hubs, let the hub code do its work and return (the request
; could take some time, the hub code is responsible for proceeding).
cmp [esi+usb_controller.ResettingHub], 0
jz .roothub
mov eax, [esi+usb_controller.ResettingHub]
call usb_hub_disable_resetting_port
jmp .nothing
movzx ecx, [esi+usb_controller.ResettingPort]
call [eax+usb_hardware_func.PortDisable]
jmp .return
; This procedure is called from usb_subscription_done when the hardware cache
; is cleared after request from usb_set_address_callback.
; in: ebx -> usb_pipe
proc usb_after_set_address
; dbgstr 'address set for controller'
; Issue control transfer GET_DESCRIPTOR(DEVICE_DESCR) for first 8 bytes.
; Remember, we still do not know the actual packet size;
; 8-bytes-request is safe.
; usb_new_device has allocated 8 extra bytes besides sizeof.usb_device_data;
; use them for both input and output.
mov eax, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
add eax, usb_device_data.DeviceDescriptor
mov dword [eax], \
80h + \ ; device-to-host, standard, device-wide
(USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR shl 8) + \ ; request
(0 shl 16) + \ ; descriptor index: there is only one
(USB_DEVICE_DESCR shl 24) ; descriptor type
mov dword [eax+4], 8 shl 16 ; data length
stdcall usb_control_async, ebx, eax, eax, 8, usb_get_descr8_callback, eax, 0
; This procedure is called by USB stack when GET_DESCRIPTOR(DEVICE_DESCR)
; request initiated by usb_after_set_address is completed, either successfully
; or unsuccessfully.
; Note that USB stack uses esi = pointer to usb_controller.
proc usb_get_descr8_callback stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
; mov eax, [buffer]
; DEBUGF 1,'K : descr8: l=%x; %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x\n',[length],\
; [eax]:2,[eax+1]:2,[eax+2]:2,[eax+3]:2,[eax+4]:2,[eax+5]:2,[eax+6]:2,[eax+7]:2
push edi ebx ; save used registers to be stdcall
mov ebx, [pipe]
; 1. Check whether the operation was successful.
; If not, say something to the debug board and stop the initialization.
cmp [status], 0
jnz .error
; 2. Length of descriptor must be at least sizeof.usb_device_descr bytes.
; If not, say something to the debug board and stop the initialization.
mov eax, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
cmp [eax+usb_device_data.DeviceDescriptor+usb_device_descr.bLength], sizeof.usb_device_descr
jb .error
; 3. Now first 8 bytes of device descriptor are known;
; set DeviceDescrSize accordingly.
mov [eax+usb_device_data.DeviceDescrSize], 8
; 4. The controller-specific structure for the control pipe still uses
; the fake "maximum packet size". Call the controller-specific function to
; change it to the actual packet size from the device.
; Note that the hardware could cache the controller-specific structure,
; so changing it could take some time until the cache is evicted.
; Thus, the call is asynchronous; meet us in usb_after_set_endpoint_size
; when it will be safe to continue.
movzx ecx, [eax+usb_device_data.DeviceDescriptor+usb_device_descr.bMaxPacketSize0]
mov eax, [esi+usb_controller.HardwareFunc]
call [eax+usb_hardware_func.SetEndpointPacketSize]
; 5. Return.
pop ebx edi ; restore used registers to be stdcall
dbgstr 'error with USB device descriptor'
jmp .nothing
; This procedure is called from usb_subscription_done when the hardware cache
; is cleared after request from usb_get_descr8_callback.
; in: ebx -> usb_pipe
proc usb_after_set_endpoint_size
; 1. Reallocate memory for device data:
; add memory for now-known size of device descriptor and extra 8 bytes
; for further actions.
; 1a. Allocate new memory.
mov eax, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
movzx eax, [eax+usb_device_data.DeviceDescriptor+usb_device_descr.bLength]
; save length for step 2
push eax
add eax, sizeof.usb_device_data + 8
call malloc
; 1b. If failed, say something to the debug board and stop the initialization.
test eax, eax
jz .nomemory
; 1c. Copy data from old memory to new memory and switch the pointer in usb_pipe.
push eax
push esi edi
mov esi, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
mov [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData], eax
mov edi, eax
mov eax, esi
mov ecx, sizeof.usb_device_data / 4
rep movsd
pop edi esi
call usb_reinit_pipe_list
; 1d. Free the old memory.
call free
pop eax
; 2. Issue control transfer GET_DESCRIPTOR(DEVICE) for full descriptor.
; restore length saved in step 1a
pop edx
add eax, sizeof.usb_device_data
mov dword [eax], \
80h + \ ; device-to-host, standard, device-wide
(USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR shl 8) + \ ; request
(0 shl 16) + \ ; descriptor index: there is only one
(USB_DEVICE_DESCR shl 24) ; descriptor type
and dword [eax+4], 0
mov [eax+6], dl ; data length
stdcall usb_control_async, ebx, eax, eax, edx, usb_get_descr_callback, eax, 0
; 3. Return.
dbgstr 'No memory for device data'
; This procedure is called by USB stack when GET_DESCRIPTOR(DEVICE)
; request initiated by usb_after_set_endpoint_size is completed,
; either successfully or unsuccessfully.
proc usb_get_descr_callback stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
; Note: the prolog is the same as in usb_get_descr8_callback.
push edi ebx ; save used registers to be stdcall
; 1. Check whether the operation was successful.
; If not, say something to the debug board and stop the initialization.
cmp [status], 0
jnz usb_get_descr8_callback.error
; The full descriptor is known, dump it if specified by compile-time option.
mov eax, [buffer]
mov ecx, [length]
sub ecx, 8
jbe .skipdebug
DEBUGF 1,'K : device descriptor:'
DEBUGF 1,' %x',[eax]:2
inc eax
dec ecx
jnz @b
DEBUGF 1,'\n'
end if
; 2. Check that bLength is the same as was in the previous request.
; If not, say something to the debug board and stop the initialization.
; It is important, because usb_after_set_endpoint_size has allocated memory
; according to the old bLength. Note that [length] for control transfers
; includes 8 bytes of setup packet, so data length = [length] - 8.
mov eax, [buffer]
movzx ecx, [eax+usb_device_descr.bLength]
add ecx, 8
cmp [length], ecx
jnz usb_get_descr8_callback.error
; Amuse the user if she is watching the debug board.
mov cl, [eax+usb_device_descr.bNumConfigurations]
DEBUGF 1,'K : found USB device with ID %x:%x, %d configuration(s)\n',\
; 3. If there are no configurations, stop the initialization.
cmp [eax+usb_device_descr.bNumConfigurations], 0
jz .nothing
; 4. Copy length of device descriptor to device data structure.
movzx edx, [eax+usb_device_descr.bLength]
mov [eax+usb_device_data.DeviceDescrSize-usb_device_data.DeviceDescriptor], dl
; 5. Issue control transfer GET_DESCRIPTOR(CONFIGURATION). We do not know
; the full length of that descriptor, so start with first 8 bytes, they contain
; the full length.
; usb_after_set_endpoint_size has allocated 8 extra bytes after the
; device descriptor, use them for both input and output.
add eax, edx
mov dword [eax], \
80h + \ ; device-to-host, standard, device-wide
(USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR shl 8) + \ ; request
(0 shl 16) + \ ; descriptor index: there is only one
(USB_CONFIG_DESCR shl 24) ; descriptor type
mov dword [eax+4], 8 shl 16 ; data length
stdcall usb_control_async, [pipe], eax, eax, 8, usb_know_length_callback, eax, 0
; 6. Return.
pop ebx edi ; restore used registers to be stdcall
; This procedure is called by USB stack when GET_DESCRIPTOR(CONFIGURATION)
; request initiated by usb_get_descr_callback is completed,
; either successfully or unsuccessfully.
proc usb_know_length_callback stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
push ebx ; save used registers to be stdcall
; 1. Check whether the operation was successful.
; If not, say something to the debug board and stop the initialization.
cmp [status], 0
jnz .error
; 2. Get the total length of data associated with config descriptor and store
; it in device data structure. The total length must be at least
; sizeof.usb_config_descr bytes; if not, say something to the debug board and
; stop the initialization.
mov eax, [buffer]
mov edx, [pipe]
movzx ecx, [eax+usb_config_descr.wTotalLength]
mov eax, [edx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
cmp ecx, sizeof.usb_config_descr
jb .error
mov [eax+usb_device_data.ConfigDataSize], ecx
; 3. Reallocate memory for device data:
; include usb_device_data structure, device descriptor,
; config descriptor with all associated data, and extra bytes
; sufficient for 8 bytes control packet and for one usb_interface_data struc.
; Align extra bytes to dword boundary.
if sizeof.usb_interface_data > 8
.extra_size = sizeof.usb_interface_data
.extra_size = 8
end if
; 3a. Allocate new memory.
movzx edx, [eax+usb_device_data.DeviceDescrSize]
lea eax, [ecx+edx+sizeof.usb_device_data+.extra_size+3]
and eax, not 3
push eax
call malloc
pop edx
; 3b. If failed, say something to the debug board and stop the initialization.
test eax, eax
jz .nomemory
; 3c. Copy data from old memory to new memory and switch the pointer in usb_pipe.
push eax
mov ebx, [pipe]
push esi edi
mov esi, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
mov edi, eax
mov [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData], eax
mov eax, esi
movzx ecx, [esi+usb_device_data.DeviceDescrSize]
sub edx, .extra_size
mov [esi+usb_device_data.Interfaces], edx
add ecx, sizeof.usb_device_data + 8
mov edx, ecx
shr ecx, 2
and edx, 3
rep movsd
mov ecx, edx
rep movsb
pop edi esi
call usb_reinit_pipe_list
; 3d. Free old memory.
call free
pop eax
; 4. Issue control transfer GET_DESCRIPTOR(DEVICE) for full descriptor.
movzx ecx, [eax+usb_device_data.DeviceDescrSize]
mov edx, [eax+usb_device_data.ConfigDataSize]
lea eax, [eax+ecx+sizeof.usb_device_data]
mov dword [eax], \
80h + \ ; device-to-host, standard, device-wide
(USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR shl 8) + \ ; request
(0 shl 16) + \ ; descriptor index: there is only one
(USB_CONFIG_DESCR shl 24) ; descriptor type
and dword [eax+4], 0
mov word [eax+6], dx ; data length
stdcall usb_control_async, [pipe], eax, eax, edx, usb_set_config_callback, eax, 0
; 5. Return.
pop ebx ; restore used registers to be stdcall
dbgstr 'error with USB configuration descriptor'
jmp .nothing
dbgstr 'No memory for device data'
jmp .nothing
; This procedure is called by USB stack when GET_DESCRIPTOR(CONFIGURATION)
; request initiated by usb_know_length_callback is completed,
; either successfully or unsuccessfully.
proc usb_set_config_callback stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
; Note that the prolog is the same as in usb_know_length_callback.
push ebx ; save used registers to be stdcall
; 1. Check whether the operation was successful.
; If not, say something to the debug board and stop the initialization.
xor ecx, ecx
mov ebx, [pipe]
cmp [status], ecx
jnz usb_know_length_callback.error
; The full descriptor is known, dump it if specified by compile-time option.
mov eax, [buffer]
mov ecx, [length]
sub ecx, 8
jbe .skip_debug
DEBUGF 1,'K : config descriptor:'
DEBUGF 1,' %x',[eax]:2
inc eax
dec ecx
jnz @b
DEBUGF 1,'\n'
xor ecx, ecx
end if
; 2. Issue control transfer SET_CONFIGURATION to activate this configuration.
; Usually this is the only configuration.
; Use extra bytes allocated by usb_know_length_callback;
; offset from device data start is stored in Interfaces.
mov eax, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
mov edx, [buffer]
add eax, [eax+usb_device_data.Interfaces]
mov dl, [edx+usb_config_descr.bConfigurationValue]
mov dword [eax], USB_SET_CONFIGURATION shl 8
mov dword [eax+4], ecx
mov byte [eax+2], dl
stdcall usb_control_async, [pipe], eax, ecx, ecx, usb_got_config_callback, [buffer], ecx
pop ebx ; restore used registers to be stdcall
; This procedure is called by USB stack when SET_CONFIGURATION
; request initiated by usb_set_config_callback is completed,
; either successfully or unsuccessfully.
; If successfully, the device is configured and ready to work,
; pass the device to the corresponding driver(s).
proc usb_got_config_callback stdcall, pipe:dword, status:dword, buffer:dword, length:dword, calldata:dword
InterfacesData dd ?
NumInterfaces dd ?
driver dd ?
; 1. If there was an error, say something to the debug board and stop the
; initialization.
cmp [status], 0
jz @f
dbgstr 'USB error in SET_CONFIGURATION'
push ebx edi ; save used registers to be stdcall
; 2. Sanity checks: the total length must be the same as before (because we
; have allocated memory assuming the old value), length of config descriptor
; must be at least sizeof.usb_config_descr (we use fields from it),
; there must be at least one interface.
mov ebx, [pipe]
mov ebx, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
mov eax, [calldata]
mov edx, [ebx+usb_device_data.ConfigDataSize]
cmp [eax+usb_config_descr.wTotalLength], dx
jnz .invalid
cmp [eax+usb_config_descr.bLength], 9
jb .invalid
movzx edx, [eax+usb_config_descr.bNumInterfaces]
test edx, edx
jnz @f
dbgstr 'error: invalid configuration descriptor'
jmp .nothing
; 3. Store the number of interfaces in device data structure.
mov [ebx+usb_device_data.NumInterfaces], edx
; 4. If there is only one interface (which happens quite often),
; the memory allocated in usb_know_length_callback is sufficient.
; Otherwise (which also happens quite often), reallocate device data.
; 4a. Check whether there is only one interface. If so, skip this step.
cmp edx, 1
jz .has_memory
; 4b. Allocate new memory.
mov eax, [ebx+usb_device_data.Interfaces]
lea eax, [eax+edx*sizeof.usb_interface_data]
call malloc
; 4c. If failed, say something to the debug board and
; stop the initialization.
test eax, eax
jnz @f
dbgstr 'No memory for device data'
jmp .nothing
; 4d. Copy data from old memory to new memory and switch the pointer in usb_pipe.
push eax
push esi
mov ebx, [pipe]
mov edi, eax
mov esi, [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData]
mov [ebx+usb_pipe.DeviceData], eax
mov eax, esi
mov ecx, [esi+usb_device_data.Interfaces]
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
pop esi
call usb_reinit_pipe_list
; 4e. Free old memory.
call free
pop ebx
; 5. Initialize interfaces table: zero all contents.
mov edi, [ebx+usb_device_data.Interfaces]
add edi, ebx
mov [InterfacesData], edi
mov ecx, [ebx+usb_device_data.NumInterfaces]
if sizeof.usb_interface_data <> 8
You have changed sizeof.usb_interface_data? Modify this place too.
end if
add ecx, ecx
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
; No interfaces are found yet.
mov [NumInterfaces], eax
; 6. Get the pointer to config descriptor data.
; Note: if there was reallocation, [buffer] is not valid anymore,
; so calculate value based on usb_device_data.
movzx eax, [ebx+usb_device_data.DeviceDescrSize]
lea eax, [eax+ebx+sizeof.usb_device_data]
mov [calldata], eax
mov ecx, [ebx+usb_device_data.ConfigDataSize]
; 7. Loop over all descriptors,
; scan for interface descriptors with bAlternateSetting = 0,
; load the corresponding driver, call its AddDevice function.
; While in loop: eax points to the current descriptor,
; ecx = number of bytes left, the iteration starts only if ecx is nonzero,
; edx = size of the current descriptor.
; 7a. The first byte is always accessible; it contains the length of
; the current descriptor. Validate that the length is at least 2 bytes,
; and the entire descriptor is readable (the length is at most number of
; bytes left).
movzx edx, [eax+usb_descr.bLength]
cmp edx, sizeof.usb_descr
jb .invalid
cmp ecx, edx
jb .invalid
; 7b. Check descriptor type. Ignore all non-INTERFACE descriptor.
cmp byte [eax+usb_descr.bDescriptorType], USB_INTERFACE_DESCR
jz .interface
; 7c. Advance pointer, decrease length left, if there is still something left,
; continue the loop.
add eax, edx
sub ecx, edx
jnz .descriptor_loop
pop edi ebx ; restore used registers to be stdcall
; 7d. Validate the descriptor length.
cmp edx, sizeof.usb_interface_descr
jb .next_descriptor
; 7e. If bAlternateSetting is nonzero, this descriptor actually describes
; another mode of already known interface and belongs to the already loaded
; driver; amuse the user and continue to 7c.
cmp byte [eax+usb_interface_descr.bAlternateSetting], 0
jz @f
DEBUGF 1,'K : note: alternate setting with %x/%x/%x\n',\
jmp .next_descriptor
; 7f. Check that the new interface does not overflow allocated table.
mov edx, [NumInterfaces]
inc edx
cmp edx, [ebx+usb_device_data.NumInterfaces]
ja .invalid
; 7g. We have found a new interface. Advance bookkeeping vars.
mov [NumInterfaces], edx
add [InterfacesData], sizeof.usb_interface_data
; 7h. Save length left and pointer to the current interface descriptor.
push ecx eax
; Amuse the user if she is watching the debug board.
DEBUGF 1,'K : USB interface class/subclass/protocol = %x/%x/%x\n',\
; 7i. Select the correct driver based on interface class.
; For hubs, go to 7j. Otherwise, go to 7k.
; Note: this should be rewritten as table-based lookup when more drivers will
; be available.
cmp byte [eax+usb_interface_descr.bInterfaceClass], 9
jz .found_hub
mov edx, usb_hid_name
cmp byte [eax+usb_interface_descr.bInterfaceClass], 3
jz .load_driver
mov edx, usb_print_name
cmp byte [eax+usb_interface_descr.bInterfaceClass], 7
jz .load_driver
mov edx, usb_stor_name
cmp byte [eax+usb_interface_descr.bInterfaceClass], 8
jz .load_driver
mov edx, usb_other_name
jmp .load_driver
; 7j. Hubs are a part of USB stack, thus, integrated into the kernel.
; Use the pointer to hub callbacks and go to 7m.
mov eax, usb_hub_pseudosrv - USBSRV.usb_func
jmp .driver_loaded
; 7k. Load the corresponding driver.
push ebx esi edi
stdcall get_service, edx
pop edi esi ebx
; 7l. If failed, say something to the debug board and go to 7p.
test eax, eax
jnz .driver_loaded
dbgstr 'failed to load class driver'
jmp .next_descriptor2
; 7m. Call AddDevice function of the driver.
; Note that top of stack contains a pointer to the current interface,
; saved by step 7h.
mov [driver], eax
mov eax, [eax+USBSRV.usb_func]
pop edx
push edx
; Note: usb_hub_init assumes that edx points to usb_interface_descr,
; ecx = length rest; if you change the code, modify usb_hub_init also.
stdcall [eax+USBFUNC.add_device], [pipe], [calldata], edx
; 7n. If failed, say something to the debug board and go to 7p.
test eax, eax
jnz .store_data
dbgstr 'USB device initialization failed'
jmp .next_descriptor2
; 7o. Store the returned value and the driver handle to InterfacesData.
; Note that step 7g has already advanced InterfacesData.
mov edx, [InterfacesData]
mov [edx+usb_interface_data.DriverData-sizeof.usb_interface_data], eax
mov eax, [driver]
mov [edx+usb_interface_data.DriverFunc-sizeof.usb_interface_data], eax
; 7p. Restore registers saved in step 7h, get the descriptor length and
; continue to 7c.
pop eax ecx
movzx edx, byte [eax+usb_descr.bLength]
jmp .next_descriptor
; Driver names, see step 7i of usb_got_config_callback.
usb_hid_name db 'usbhid',0
usb_stor_name db 'usbstor',0
usb_print_name db 'usbprint',0
usb_other_name db 'usbother',0
0,0 → 1,637
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4418 $
dpl0 equ 10010000b ; data read dpl0
drw0 equ 10010010b ; data read/write dpl0
drw3 equ 11110010b ; data read/write dpl3
cpl0 equ 10011010b ; code read dpl0
cpl3 equ 11111010b ; code read dpl3
D32 equ 01000000b ; 32bit segment
G32 equ 10000000b ; page gran
;;;;;;;;;;;;cpu_caps flags;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
CPU_386 equ 3
CPU_486 equ 4
CPU_P6 equ 6
CAPS_FPU equ 00 ;on-chip x87 floating point unit
CAPS_VME equ 01 ;virtual-mode enhancements
CAPS_DE equ 02 ;debugging extensions
CAPS_PSE equ 03 ;page-size extensions
CAPS_TSC equ 04 ;time stamp counter
CAPS_MSR equ 05 ;model-specific registers
CAPS_PAE equ 06 ;physical-address extensions
CAPS_MCE equ 07 ;machine check exception
CAPS_CX8 equ 08 ;CMPXCHG8B instruction
CAPS_APIC equ 09 ;on-chip advanced programmable
; interrupt controller
; 10 ;unused
CAPS_SEP equ 11 ;SYSENTER and SYSEXIT instructions
CAPS_MTRR equ 12 ;memory-type range registers
CAPS_PGE equ 13 ;page global extension
CAPS_MCA equ 14 ;machine check architecture
CAPS_CMOV equ 15 ;conditional move instructions
CAPS_PAT equ 16 ;page attribute table
CAPS_PSE36 equ 17 ;page-size extensions
CAPS_PSN equ 18 ;processor serial number
CAPS_CLFLUSH equ 19 ;CLFUSH instruction
CAPS_DS equ 21 ;debug store
CAPS_ACPI equ 22 ;thermal monitor and software
;controlled clock supported
CAPS_MMX equ 23 ;MMX instructions
CAPS_FXSR equ 24 ;FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instructions
CAPS_SSE equ 25 ;SSE instructions
CAPS_SSE2 equ 26 ;SSE2 instructions
CAPS_SS equ 27 ;self-snoop
CAPS_HTT equ 28 ;hyper-threading technology
CAPS_TM equ 29 ;thermal monitor supported
CAPS_IA64 equ 30 ;IA64 capabilities
CAPS_PBE equ 31 ;pending break enable
CAPS_SSE3 equ 32 ;SSE3 instructions
; 33
; 34
CAPS_MONITOR equ 35 ;MONITOR/MWAIT instructions
CAPS_DS_CPL equ 36 ;
CAPS_VMX equ 37 ;virtual mode extensions
; 38 ;
CAPS_EST equ 39 ;enhansed speed step
CAPS_TM2 equ 40 ;thermal monitor2 supported
; 41
CAPS_CID equ 42 ;
; 43
; 44
CAPS_CX16 equ 45 ;CMPXCHG16B instruction
CAPS_xTPR equ 46 ;
;ext edx /ecx
CAPS_SYSCAL equ 64 ;
CAPS_XD equ 65 ;execution disable
CAPS_FFXSR equ 66 ;
CAPS_RDTSCP equ 67 ;
CAPS_X64 equ 68 ;
CAPS_3DNOW equ 69 ;
CAPS_3DNOWEXT equ 70 ;
CAPS_LAHF equ 71 ;
CAPS_CMP_LEG equ 72 ;
CAPS_SVM equ 73 ;secure virual machine
; CPU MSR names
MSR_AMD_EFER equ 0xC0000080 ; Extended Feature Enable Register
MSR_AMD_STAR equ 0xC0000081 ; SYSCALL/SYSRET Target Address Register
CR0_PE equ 0x00000001 ;protected mode
CR0_MP equ 0x00000002 ;monitor fpu
CR0_EM equ 0x00000004 ;fpu emulation
CR0_TS equ 0x00000008 ;task switch
CR0_ET equ 0x00000010 ;extension type hardcoded to 1
CR0_NE equ 0x00000020 ;numeric error
CR0_WP equ 0x00010000 ;write protect
CR0_AM equ 0x00040000 ;alignment check
CR0_NW equ 0x20000000 ;not write-through
CR0_CD equ 0x40000000 ;cache disable
CR0_PG equ 0x80000000 ;paging
CR4_VME equ 0x0001
CR4_PVI equ 0x0002
CR4_TSD equ 0x0004
CR4_DE equ 0x0008
CR4_PSE equ 0x0010
CR4_PAE equ 0x0020
CR4_MCE equ 0x0040
CR4_PGE equ 0x0080
CR4_PCE equ 0x0100
CR4_OSFXSR equ 0x0200
CR4_OSXMMEXPT equ 0x0400
SSE_IE equ 0x0001
SSE_DE equ 0x0002
SSE_ZE equ 0x0004
SSE_OE equ 0x0008
SSE_UE equ 0x0010
SSE_PE equ 0x0020
SSE_DAZ equ 0x0040
SSE_IM equ 0x0080
SSE_DM equ 0x0100
SSE_ZM equ 0x0200
SSE_OM equ 0x0400
SSE_UM equ 0x0800
SSE_PM equ 0x1000
SSE_FZ equ 0x8000
IRQ_PIC equ 0
IRQ_APIC equ 1
struct TSS
_back rw 2
_esp0 rd 1
_ss0 rw 2
_esp1 rd 1
_ss1 rw 2
_esp2 rd 1
_ss2 rw 2
_cr3 rd 1
_eip rd 1
_eflags rd 1
_eax rd 1
_ecx rd 1
_edx rd 1
_ebx rd 1
_esp rd 1
_ebp rd 1
_esi rd 1
_edi rd 1
_es rw 2
_cs rw 2
_ss rw 2
_ds rw 2
_fs rw 2
_gs rw 2
_ldt rw 2
_trap rw 1
_io rw 1
rb 24
_io_map_0 rb 4096
_io_map_1 rb 4096
OS_BASE equ 0x80000000
window_data equ (OS_BASE+0x0001000)
CURRENT_TASK equ (OS_BASE+0x0003000)
TASK_COUNT equ (OS_BASE+0x0003004)
TASK_BASE equ (OS_BASE+0x0003010)
TASK_DATA equ (OS_BASE+0x0003020)
TASK_EVENT equ (OS_BASE+0x0003020)
CDDataBuf equ (OS_BASE+0x0005000)
;unused 0x6000 - 0x8fff
BOOT_VARS equ (OS_BASE) ;0x9000
idts equ (OS_BASE+0x000B100)
WIN_STACK equ (OS_BASE+0x000C000)
WIN_POS equ (OS_BASE+0x000C400)
FDD_BUFF equ (OS_BASE+0x000D000) ;512
WIN_TEMP_XY equ (OS_BASE+0x000F300)
KEY_COUNT equ (OS_BASE+0x000F400)
KEY_BUFF equ (OS_BASE+0x000F401)
BTN_COUNT equ (OS_BASE+0x000F500)
BTN_BUFF equ (OS_BASE+0x000F501)
BTN_ADDR equ (OS_BASE+0x000FE88)
TMP_STACK_TOP equ 0x006CC00
sys_proc equ (OS_BASE+0x006F000)
SLOT_BASE equ (OS_BASE+0x0080000)
VGABasePtr equ (OS_BASE+0x00A0000)
; unused?
SB16Buffer equ (OS_BASE+0x02A0000)
SB16_Status equ (OS_BASE+0x02B0000)
virtual at (OS_BASE+0x05FFF80)
tss TSS
end virtual
HEAP_BASE equ (OS_BASE+0x0800000)
HEAP_MIN_SIZE equ 0x01000000
page_tabs equ 0xFDC00000
app_page_tabs equ 0xFDC00000
kernel_tabs equ (page_tabs+ (OS_BASE shr 10)) ;0xFDE00000
master_tab equ (page_tabs+ (page_tabs shr 10)) ;0xFDFF70000
LFB_BASE equ 0xFE000000
new_app_base equ 0;
twdw equ 0x2000 ;(CURRENT_TASK-window_data)
std_application_base_address equ new_app_base
RING0_STACK_SIZE equ (0x2000 - 512) ;512 байт для контекста FPU
REG_RET equ (RING0_STACK_SIZE-56) ;irq0.return
PG_UNMAP equ 0x000
PG_MAP equ 0x001
PG_WRITE equ 0x002
PG_SW equ 0x003
PG_USER equ 0x005
PG_UW equ 0x007
PG_NOCACHE equ 0x018
PG_LARGE equ 0x080
PG_GLOBAL equ 0x100
PG_SHARED equ 0x200
;;;;;;;;;;;boot time variables
BOOT_BPP equ 0x9000 ;byte bits per pixel
BOOT_PITCH equ 0x9001 ;word scanline length
BOOT_VESA_MODE equ 0x9008 ;word vesa video mode
BOOT_X_RES equ 0x900A ;word X res
BOOT_Y_RES equ 0x900C ;word Y res
BOOT_BANK_SW equ 0x9014 ;dword Vesa 1.2 pm bank switch
BOOT_LFB equ 0x9018 ;dword Vesa 2.0 LFB address
BOOT_MTRR equ 0x901C ;byte 0 or 1 : enable MTRR graphics acceleration
;BOOT_LOG equ 0x901D ;byte not used anymore (0 or 1 : enable system log display)
BOOT_LAUNCHER_START equ 0x901D ;byte (0 or 1) start the first app (right now it's LAUNCHER) after kernel is loaded?
;BOOT_DIRECT_LFB equ 0x901E ;byte 0 or 1 : enable direct lfb write, paging disabled
BOOT_DEBUG_PRINT equ 0x901E ;byte If nonzero, duplicates debug output to the screen.
BOOT_DMA equ 0x901F ;
BOOT_PCI_DATA equ 0x9020 ;8bytes pci data
BOOT_VRR equ 0x9030 ;byte VRR start enabled 1, 2-no
BOOT_IDE_BASE_ADDR equ 0x9031 ;word IDEContrRegsBaseAddr
BOOT_MEM_AMOUNT equ 0x9034 ;dword memory amount
BOOT_APM_ENTRY equ 0x9040
BOOT_APM_FLAGS equ 0x9046 ;unused
BOOT_APM_CODE_32 equ 0x9050
BOOT_APM_CODE_16 equ 0x9052
BOOT_APM_DATA_16 equ 0x9054
BOOT_IDE_BAR0_16 equ 0x9056
BOOT_IDE_BAR1_16 equ 0x9058
BOOT_IDE_BAR2_16 equ 0x905A
BOOT_IDE_BAR3_16 equ 0x905C
BOOT_IDE_PI_16 equ 0x905E
BOOT_IDE_INTERR_16 equ 0x9060
TMP_CMD_LINE equ 1024
TMP_ICON_OFFS equ 1280
EVENT_REDRAW equ 0x00000001
EVENT_KEY equ 0x00000002
EVENT_BUTTON equ 0x00000004
EVENT_BACKGROUND equ 0x00000010
EVENT_MOUSE equ 0x00000020
EVENT_IPC equ 0x00000040
EVENT_NETWORK equ 0x00000080
EVENT_DEBUG equ 0x00000100
EVENT_NETWORK2 equ 0x00000200
EVENT_EXTENDED equ 0x00000400
EV_INTR equ 1
struct THR_DATA
rb (8192-512)
; pl0_stack
fpu_state rb 512
tls_page rb 4096
pdbr rb 4096
virtual at (OS_BASE-sizeof.THR_DATA)
thr_data THR_DATA
end virtual
struct SYS_VARS
bpp dd ?
scanline dd ?
vesa_mode dd ?
x_res dd ?
y_res dd ?
struct APPOBJ ; common object header
magic dd ? ;
destroy dd ? ; internal destructor
fd dd ? ; next object in list
bk dd ? ; prev object in list
pid dd ? ; owner id
base dd ? ;allocated memory
hot_x dd ? ;hotspot coords
hot_y dd ?
list_next dd ? ;next cursor in cursor list
list_prev dd ? ;prev cursor in cursor list
dev_obj dd ? ;device depended data
id dd ? ;event uid
state dd ? ;internal flags
code dd ?
rd 5
struct SMEM
bk dd ?
fd dd ? ;+4
base dd ? ;+8
size dd ? ;+12
access dd ? ;+16
refcount dd ? ;+20
name rb 32 ;+24
base dd ? ;mapped base
parent dd ? ;SMEM
bk dd ?
fd dd ? ;+4
data dd ? ;+8
size dd ? ;+12
timestamp dq ?
refcount dd ?
defaultbase dd ?
coff_hdr dd ?
symbols_ptr dd ?
symbols_num dd ?
symbols_lim dd ?
exports dd ? ;export table
name rb 260
struct HDLL
fd dd ? ;next object in list
bk dd ? ;prev object in list
pid dd ? ;owner id
base dd ? ;mapped base
size dd ? ;mapped size
refcount dd ? ;reference counter for this process and this lib
parent dd ? ;DLLDESCR
struct display_t
x dd ?
y dd ?
width dd ?
height dd ?
bpp dd ?
vrefresh dd ?
pitch dd ?
lfb dd ?
modes dd ?
ddev dd ?
connector dd ?
crtc dd ? dd ?
cr_list.prev dd ?
cursor dd ?
init_cursor dd ?
select_cursor dd ?
show_cursor dd ?
move_cursor dd ?
restore_cursor dd ?
disable_mouse dd ?
mask_seqno dd ?
check_mouse dd ?
check_m_pixel dd ?
struct BOOT_DATA
bpp dd ?
scanline dd ?
vesa_mode dd ?
x_res dd ?
y_res dd ?
mouse_port dd ?
bank_switch dd ?
lfb dd ?
vesa_mem dd ?
log dd ?
direct_lfb dd ?
pci_data dd ?
dd ?
vrr dd ?
ide_base dd ?
mem_amount dd ?
pages_count dd ?
pagemap_size dd ?
kernel_max dd ?
kernel_pages dd ?
kernel_tables dd ?
cpu_vendor dd ?
dd ?
dd ?
cpu_sign dd ?
cpu_info dd ?
cpu_caps dd ?
dd ?
dd ?
struct LHEAD
next dd ? ;next object in list
prev dd ? ;prev object in list
struct MUTEX
lhead LHEAD
count dd ?
struct PCIDEV
bk dd ?
fd dd ?
vendor_device_id dd ?
class dd ?
devfn db ?
bus db ?
rb 2
owner dd ? ; pointer to SRV or 0
; The following macro assume that we are on uniprocessor machine.
; Serious work is needed for multiprocessor machines.
macro spin_lock_irqsave spinlock
macro spin_unlock_irqrestore spinlock
macro spin_lock_irq spinlock
macro spin_unlock_irq spinlock
struct MEM_STATE
mutex MUTEX
smallmap dd ?
treemap dd ?
topsize dd ?
top dd ?
smallbins rd 4*32
treebins rd 32
struct PG_DATA
mem_amount dd ?
vesa_mem dd ?
pages_count dd ?
pages_free dd ?
pages_faults dd ?
pagemap_size dd ?
kernel_pages dd ?
kernel_tables dd ?
sys_page_dir dd ?
mutex MUTEX
struct SRV
srv_name rb 16 ;ASCIIZ string
magic dd ? ;+0x10 ;'SRV '
size dd ? ;+0x14 ;size of structure SRV
fd dd ? ;+0x18 ;next SRV descriptor
bk dd ? ;+0x1C ;prev SRV descriptor
base dd ? ;+0x20 ;service base address
entry dd ? ;+0x24 ;service START function
srv_proc dd ? ;+0x28 ;user mode service handler
srv_proc_ex dd ? ;+0x2C ;kernel mode service handler
struct USBSRV
srv SRV
usb_func dd ?
struct USBFUNC
strucsize dd ?
add_device dd ?
device_disconnect dd ?
DRV_EXIT equ -1
machine dw ?
nSections dw ?
DataTime dd ?
pSymTable dd ?
nSymbols dd ?
optHeader dw ?
flags dw ?
Name rb 8
VirtualSize dd ?
VirtualAddress dd ?
SizeOfRawData dd ?
PtrRawData dd ?
PtrReloc dd ?
PtrLinenumbers dd ?
NumReloc dw ?
NumLinenum dw ?
Characteristics dd ?
VirtualAddress dd ?
SymIndex dd ?
Type dw ?
struct COFF_SYM
Name rb 8
Value dd ?
SectionNumber dw ?
Type dw ?
StorageClass db ?
NumAuxSymbols db ?
struct IOCTL
handle dd ?
io_code dd ?
input dd ?
inp_size dd ?
output dd ?
out_size dd ?
struct IRQH
list LHEAD
handler dd ? ;handler roututine
data dd ? ;user-specific data
num_ints dd ? ;how many times handled
0,0 → 1,443
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
irq_mode rd 1
IOAPIC_base rd 1
APIC_ID equ 0x20
APIC_TPR equ 0x80
APIC_EOI equ 0xb0
APIC_LDR equ 0xd0
APIC_DFR equ 0xe0
APIC_SVR equ 0xf0
APIC_ISR equ 0x100
APIC_ESR equ 0x280
APIC_ICRL equ 0x300
APIC_ICRH equ 0x310
APIC_LVT_LINT0 equ 0x350
APIC_LVT_LINT1 equ 0x360
APIC_LVT_err equ 0x370
; APIC timer
APIC_LVT_timer equ 0x320
APIC_timer_div equ 0x3e0
APIC_timer_init equ 0x380
APIC_timer_cur equ 0x390
IOAPIC_ID equ 0x0
IOAPIC_VER equ 0x1
IOAPIC_ARB equ 0x2
align 4
mov [irq_mode], IRQ_PIC
cmp [acpi_ioapic_base], 0
jz .no_apic
cmp [acpi_lapic_base], 0
jz .no_apic
stdcall load_file, dev_data_path
test eax, eax
jz .no_apic
mov [acpi_dev_data], eax
mov [acpi_dev_size], ebx
call IRQ_mask_all
; IOAPIC init
stdcall map_io_mem, [acpi_ioapic_base], 0x20, PG_SW+PG_NOCACHE
mov [IOAPIC_base], eax
mov eax, IOAPIC_VER
call IOAPIC_read
shr eax, 16
inc al
movzx eax, al
jbe @f
mov [IRQ_COUNT], eax
; Reroute IOAPIC & mask all interrupts
xor ecx, ecx
mov ebx, eax
call IOAPIC_read
mov ah, 0x08; Delivery Mode: Fixed, Destination Mode: Logical
mov al, cl
add al, 0x20; vector
or eax, 0x10000; Mask Interrupt
cmp ecx, 16
jb .set
or eax, 0xa000;<<< level-triggered active-low for IRQ16+
xchg eax, ebx
call IOAPIC_write
inc eax
mov ebx, eax
call IOAPIC_read
or eax, 0xff000000; Destination Field
xchg eax, ebx
call IOAPIC_write
inc eax
inc ecx
cmp ecx, [IRQ_COUNT]
jb @b
call LAPIC_init
mov [irq_mode], IRQ_APIC
mov al, 0x70
out 0x22, al
mov al, 1
out 0x23, al
call pci_irq_fixup
align 4
cmp [LAPIC_BASE], 0
jne .done
stdcall map_io_mem, [acpi_lapic_base], 0x1000, PG_SW+PG_NOCACHE
mov [LAPIC_BASE], eax
mov esi, eax
; Program Destination Format Register for Flat mode.
mov eax, [esi + APIC_DFR]
or eax, 0xf0000000
mov [esi + APIC_DFR], eax
; Program Logical Destination Register.
mov eax, [esi + APIC_LDR]
;and eax, 0xff000000
and eax, 0x00ffffff
or eax, 0x01000000;!!!!!!!!!!!!
mov [esi + APIC_LDR], eax
; Task Priority Register initialization.
mov eax, [esi + APIC_TPR]
and eax, 0xffffff00
mov [esi + APIC_TPR], eax
; Flush the queue
mov edx, 0
mov ecx, 32
mov eax, [esi + APIC_ISR + edx]
shr eax, 1
jnc @f
mov dword [esi + APIC_EOI], 0; EOI
loop .nxt
add edx, 0x10
cmp edx, 0x170
jbe .nxt2
; Spurious-Interrupt Vector Register initialization.
mov eax, [esi + APIC_SVR]
or eax, 0x1ff
and eax, 0xfffffdff
mov [esi + APIC_SVR], eax
; Initialize LVT LINT0 register. (INTR)
mov eax, 0x00700
; mov eax, 0x10700
mov [esi + APIC_LVT_LINT0], eax
; Initialize LVT LINT1 register. (NMI)
mov eax, 0x00400
mov [esi + APIC_LVT_LINT1], eax
; Initialize LVT Error register.
mov eax, [esi + APIC_LVT_err]
or eax, 0x10000; bit 16
mov [esi + APIC_LVT_err], eax
; LAPIC timer
; pre init
mov dword[esi + APIC_timer_div], 1011b; 1
mov dword[esi + APIC_timer_init], 0xffffffff; max val
push esi
mov esi, 640 ; wait 0.64 sec
call delay_ms
pop esi
mov eax, [esi + APIC_timer_cur]; read current tick couner
xor eax, 0xffffffff ; eax = 0xffffffff - eax
shr eax, 6 ; eax /= 64; APIC ticks per 0.01 sec
; Start (every 0.01 sec)
mov dword[esi + APIC_LVT_timer], 0x30020; periodic int 0x20
mov dword[esi + APIC_timer_init], eax
; IOAPIC implementation
align 4
; in : EAX - IOAPIC register
; out: EAX - readed value
push esi
mov esi, [IOAPIC_base]
mov [esi], eax
mov eax, [esi + 0x10]
pop esi
align 4
; in : EAX - IOAPIC register
; EBX - value
; out: none
push esi
mov esi, [IOAPIC_base]
mov [esi], eax
mov [esi + 0x10], ebx
pop esi
; Remap all IRQ to 0x20+ Vectors
; IRQ0 to vector 0x20, IRQ1 to vector 0x21....
align 4
mov al, 0x11 ; icw4, edge triggered
out 0x20, al
out 0xA0, al
mov al, 0x20 ; generate 0x20 +
out 0x21, al
mov al, 0x28 ; generate 0x28 +
out 0xA1, al
mov al, 0x04 ; slave at irq2
out 0x21, al
mov al, 0x02 ; at irq9
out 0xA1, al
mov al, 0x01 ; 8086 mode
out 0x21, al
out 0xA1, al
call IRQ_mask_all
; mov dword[irq_type_to_set], IRQ_TYPE_PIC
; -----------------------------------------
; TIMER SET TO 1/100 S
align 4
mov al, 0x34 ; set to 100Hz
out 0x43, al
mov al, 0x9b ; lsb 1193180 / 1193
out 0x40, al
mov al, 0x2e ; msb
out 0x40, al
; -----------------------------------------
align 4
cmp [irq_mode], IRQ_APIC
je @f
stdcall enable_irq, 0
; use PIT
; in some systems PIT no connected to IOAPIC
; mov eax, 0x14
; call IOAPIC_read
; mov ah, 0x09 ; Delivery Mode: Lowest Priority, Destination Mode: Logical
; mov al, 0x20
; or eax, 0x10000 ; Mask Interrupt
; mov ebx, eax
; mov eax, 0x14
; call IOAPIC_write
; stdcall enable_irq, 2
; ret
; use LAPIC timer
mov esi, [LAPIC_BASE]
mov eax, [esi + APIC_LVT_timer]
and eax, 0xfffeffff
mov [esi + APIC_LVT_timer], eax
; -----------------------------------------
; Disable all IRQ
align 4
cmp [irq_mode], IRQ_APIC
je .APIC
mov al, 0xFF
out 0x21, al
out 0xA1, al
mov ecx, 0x1000
mov ecx, [IRQ_COUNT]
mov eax, 0x10
mov ebx, eax
call IOAPIC_read
or eax, 0x10000; bit 16
xchg eax, ebx
call IOAPIC_write
inc eax
inc eax
loop @b
; -----------------------------------------
; End Of Interrupt
; cl - IRQ number
align 4
irq_eoi: ; __fastcall
cmp [irq_mode], IRQ_APIC
je .APIC
cmp cl, 8
mov al, 0x20
jb @f
out 0xa0, al
out 0x20, al
mov eax, [LAPIC_BASE]
mov dword [eax + APIC_EOI], 0; EOI
; -----------------------------------------
; from
align 4
proc enable_irq stdcall, irq_line:dword
mov ebx, [irq_line]
cmp [irq_mode], IRQ_APIC
je .APIC
mov edx, 0x21
cmp ebx, 8
jb @F
mov edx, 0xA1
sub ebx, 8
in al, dx
btr eax, ebx
out dx, al
shl ebx, 1
add ebx, 0x10
mov eax, ebx
call IOAPIC_read
and eax, 0xfffeffff; bit 16
xchg eax, ebx
call IOAPIC_write
proc disable_irq stdcall, irq_line:dword
mov ebx, [irq_line]
cmp [irq_mode], IRQ_APIC
je .APIC
mov edx, 0x21
cmp ebx, 8
jb @F
mov edx, 0xA1
sub ebx, 8
in al, dx
bts eax, ebx
out dx, al
shl ebx, 1
add ebx, 0x10
mov eax, ebx
call IOAPIC_read
or eax, 0x10000; bit 16
xchg eax, ebx
call IOAPIC_write
align 4
push ebp
mov esi, [acpi_dev_data]
mov ebx, [acpi_dev_size]
lea edi, [esi+ebx]
cmp esi, edi
jae .done
mov eax, [esi]
cmp eax, -1
je .done
movzx ebx, al
movzx ebp, ah
stdcall pci_read32, ebp, ebx, 0
cmp eax, [esi+4]
jne .skip
mov eax, [esi+8]
stdcall pci_write8, ebp, ebx, 0x3C, eax
add esi, 16
jmp .iterate
pop ebp
0,0 → 1,148
align 4
xor eax, eax
dec eax
; check availability of main list
cmp [clipboard_main_list], eax
je .exit_1 ; main list area not found
test ebx, ebx ; 0 - Get the number of slots in the clipboard
jnz .1
; get the number of slots
mov eax, [clipboard_slots]
jmp .exit_1
align 4
dec ebx ; 1 - Read the data from the clipboard
jnz .2
; verify the existence of slot
cmp ecx, [clipboard_slots]
jae .exit_2
; get a pointer to the data of slot
shl ecx, 2
add ecx, [clipboard_main_list]
mov esi, [ecx]
mov ecx, [esi]
; allocate memory for application for copy the data of slots
push ecx
stdcall user_alloc, ecx
pop ecx
; copying data of slots
mov edi, eax
rep movsb
jmp .exit_1
align 4
dec ebx ; 2 - Write the data to the clipboard
jnz .3
; check the lock
mov ebx, clipboard_write_lock
xor eax, eax
cmp [ebx], eax
jne .exit_2
; lock last slot
inc eax
mov [ebx], eax
; check the overflow pointer of slots
cmp [clipboard_slots], 1024
jae .exit_3
; get memory for new slot
push ebx ecx edx
stdcall kernel_alloc, ecx
pop edx ecx ebx
test eax, eax
jz .exit_3
; create a new slot
mov edi, eax
mov eax, [clipboard_slots]
shl eax, 2
add eax, [clipboard_main_list]
mov [eax], edi
; copy the data into the slot
mov esi, edx
mov eax, ecx
stosd ; store size of slot
sub ecx, 4
add esi, 4
rep movsb ; store slot data
; increase the counter of slots
inc [clipboard_slots]
; unlock last slot
xor eax, eax
mov [ebx], eax
jmp .exit_1
align 4
dec ebx ; 3 - Delete the last slot in the clipboard
jnz .4
; check the availability of slots
mov eax, [clipboard_slots]
test eax, eax
jz .exit_2
; check the lock
mov ebx, clipboard_write_lock
xor eax, eax
cmp [ebx], eax
jne .exit_2
; lock last slot
inc eax
mov [ebx], eax
; decrease the counter of slots
mov eax, clipboard_slots
dec dword [eax]
; free of kernel memory allocated for the slot
mov eax, [eax]
shl eax, 2
add eax, [clipboard_main_list]
mov eax, [eax]
push ebx
stdcall kernel_free, eax
pop ebx
; unlock last slot
xor eax, eax
mov [ebx], eax
jmp .exit_1
align 4
dec ebx ; 4 - Emergency discharge of clipboard
jnz .exit
; check the lock
mov ebx, clipboard_write_lock
xor eax, eax
cmp [ebx], eax
je .exit_2
; there should be a procedure for checking the integrity of the slots
; and I will do so in the future
; unlock last slot
mov [ebx], eax
jmp .exit
align 4
; unlock last slot
xor eax, eax
mov [ebx], eax
xor eax, eax
inc eax ; error
mov [esp + 32], eax
align 4
clipboard_slots dd ?
clipboard_main_list dd ?
clipboard_write_lock dd ?
0,0 → 1,11
; Éste archivo debe ser editado con codificación CP866
ugui_mouse_speed cp850 'velocidad del ratón',0
ugui_mouse_delay cp850 'demora del ratón',0
udev cp850 'disp',0
unet cp850 'red',0
unet_active cp850 'activa',0
unet_addr cp850 'direc',0
unet_mask cp850 'másc',0
unet_gate cp850 'puer',0
0,0 → 1,254
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;Loading configuration from ini file
; {SPraid.simba}
$Revision: 3545 $
db 'path',0
conf_fname db '/sys/sys.conf',0
; set soke kernel configuration
proc set_kernel_conf
par db 30 dup(?)
lea eax, [par]
push eax
invoke ini.get_str, conf_fname, ugui, ugui_mouse_speed, \
eax,30, ugui_mouse_speed_def
pop eax
stdcall strtoint, eax
mov [mouse_speed_factor], ax
lea eax, [par]
push eax
invoke ini.get_str, conf_fname, ugui, ugui_mouse_delay, \
eax,30, ugui_mouse_delay_def
pop eax
stdcall strtoint, eax
mov [mouse_delay], eax
lea eax, [par]
push eax
invoke ini.get_str, conf_fname, udev, udev_midibase, eax, 30, udev_midibase_def
pop eax
stdcall strtoint, eax
cmp eax, 0x100
jb @f
cmp eax, 0x10000
jae @f
mov [midi_base], ax
mov [mididp], eax
inc eax
mov [midisp], eax
ugui db 'gui',0
ugui_mouse_speed_def db '2',0
ugui_mouse_delay_def db '0x00A',0
udev_midibase db 'midibase',0
udev_midibase_def db '0x320',0
if lang eq sp
include 'core/'
ugui_mouse_speed db 'mouse_speed',0
ugui_mouse_delay db 'mouse_delay',0
udev db 'dev',0
unet db 'net',0
unet_active db 'active',0
unet_addr db 'addr',0
unet_mask db 'mask',0
unet_gate db 'gate',0
end if
unet_def db 0
; convert string to DWord
proc strtoint stdcall,strs
mov eax, [strs]
inc eax
mov bl, [eax]
cmp bl, 'x'
je .hex
cmp bl, 'X'
je .hex
jmp .dec
inc eax
stdcall strtoint_hex, eax
jmp .exit
dec eax
stdcall strtoint_dec, eax
mov [esp+28], eax
; convert string to DWord for decimal value
proc strtoint_dec stdcall,strs
xor edx, edx
; поиск конца
mov esi, [strs]
or al, al
jnz @b
mov ebx, esi
mov esi, [strs]
dec ebx
sub ebx, esi
mov ecx, 1
dec ebx
or ebx, ebx
jz @f
imul ecx, ecx, 10; порядок
jmp @b
xchg ebx, ecx
xor ecx, ecx
xor eax, eax
cmp al, 0
je .eend
sub al, 30h
imul ebx
add ecx, eax
push ecx
xchg eax, ebx
mov ecx, 10
div ecx
xchg eax, ebx
pop ecx
jmp @b
mov [esp+28], ecx
;convert string to DWord for hex value
proc strtoint_hex stdcall,strs
xor edx, edx
mov esi, [strs]
mov ebx, 1
add esi, 1
or al, al
jz @f
shl ebx, 4
jmp @b
xor ecx, ecx
mov esi, [strs]
xor eax, eax
cmp al, 0
je .eend
cmp al, 'a'
jae .bm
cmp al, 'A'
jae .bb
jmp .cc
.bm: ; 57h
sub al, 57h
jmp .do
.bb: ; 37h
sub al, 37h
jmp .do
.cc: ; 30h
sub al, 30h
imul ebx
add ecx, eax
shr ebx, 4
jmp @b
mov [esp+28], ecx
; convert string to DWord for IP addres
proc do_inet_adr stdcall,strs
mov esi, [strs]
mov ebx, 0
push esi
or al, al
jz @f
cmp al, '.'
jz @f
jmp @b
mov cl, al
mov [esi-1], byte 0
;pop eax
call strtoint_dec
rol eax, 24
ror ebx, 8
add ebx, eax
or cl, cl
jz @f
jmp .next
mov [esp+28], ebx
0,0 → 1,435
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
; diamond, 2006
cmp ebx, 9
ja @f
jmp dword [sys_debug_services_table+ebx*4]
align 4
dd debug_set_event_data
dd debug_getcontext
dd debug_setcontext
dd debug_detach
dd debug_suspend
dd debug_resume
dd debug_read_process_memory
dd debug_write_process_memory
dd debug_terminate
dd debug_set_drx
; in: ecx = pointer
; destroys eax
mov eax, [current_slot]
mov [eax+APPDATA.dbg_event_mem], ecx
; in: ecx=PID
; out: CF=1 if error
; CF=0 and eax=slot*0x20 if ok
; out: interrupts disabled
mov eax, ecx
call pid_to_slot
test eax, eax
jz .ret_bad
shl eax, 5
push ebx
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
cmp [SLOT_BASE+eax*8+APPDATA.debugger_slot], ebx
pop ebx
jnz .ret_bad
; clc ; automatically
; in: ecx=pid
; destroys eax,ebx
call get_debuggee_slot
jc .ret
and dword [eax*8+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.debugger_slot], 0
call do_resume
; in: ecx=pid
call get_debuggee_slot
jc debug_detach.ret
mov ecx, eax
shr ecx, 5
; push 2
; pop ebx
mov edx, esi
jmp sysfn_terminate
; in: ecx=pid
; destroys eax,ecx
mov eax, ecx
call pid_to_slot
shl eax, 5
jz .ret
mov cl, [CURRENT_TASK+eax+TASKDATA.state] ; process state
test cl, cl
jz .1
cmp cl, 5
jnz .ret
mov cl, 2
mov [CURRENT_TASK+eax+TASKDATA.state], cl
inc ecx
jmp .2
mov cl, [CURRENT_TASK+eax+TASKDATA.state]
cmp cl, 1
jz .1
cmp cl, 2
jnz .ret
mov cl, 5
mov [CURRENT_TASK+eax+TASKDATA.state], cl
dec ecx
jmp .2
; in: ecx=pid
; destroys eax,ebx
mov eax, ecx
call pid_to_slot
shl eax, 5
jz .ret
call do_resume
; in:
; ecx=pid
; edx=sizeof(CONTEXT)
; esi->CONTEXT
; destroys eax,ecx,edx,esi,edi
cmp edx, 28h
jnz .ret
; push ecx
; mov ecx, esi
call check_region
; pop ecx
dec eax
jnz .ret
call get_debuggee_slot
jc .ret
mov edi, esi
mov eax, [eax*8+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.pl0_stack]
lea esi, [eax+RING0_STACK_SIZE]
; note that following code assumes that all interrupt/exception handlers
; saves ring-3 context by pushad in this order
; top of ring0 stack: ring3 stack ptr (ss+esp), iret data (cs+eip+eflags), pushad
sub esi, 8+12+20h
lodsd ;edi
mov [edi+24h], eax
lodsd ;esi
mov [edi+20h], eax
lodsd ; ebp
mov [edi+1Ch], eax
lodsd ;esp
lodsd ;ebx
mov [edi+14h], eax
lodsd ;edx
mov [edi+10h], eax
lodsd ;ecx
mov [edi+0Ch], eax
lodsd ;eax
mov [edi+8], eax
lodsd ;eip
mov [edi], eax
lodsd ;cs
lodsd ;eflags
mov [edi+4], eax
lodsd ;esp
mov [edi+18h], eax
; in:
; ecx=pid
; edx=sizeof(CONTEXT)
; esi->CONTEXT
; destroys eax,ecx,edx,esi,edi
cmp edx, 28h
jnz .ret
; push ebx
; mov ebx, edx
call check_region
; pop ebx
dec eax
jnz .ret
call get_debuggee_slot
jc .stiret
; mov esi, edx
mov eax, [eax*8+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.pl0_stack]
lea edi, [eax+RING0_STACK_SIZE]
sub edi, 8+12+20h
mov eax, [esi+24h] ;edi
mov eax, [esi+20h] ;esi
mov eax, [esi+1Ch] ;ebp
mov eax, [esi+14h] ;ebx
mov eax, [esi+10h] ;edx
mov eax, [esi+0Ch] ;ecx
mov eax, [esi+8] ;eax
mov eax, [esi] ;eip
mov eax, [esi+4] ;eflags
mov eax, [esi+18h] ;esp
call get_debuggee_slot
jc .errret
mov ebp, eax
lea eax, [eax*8+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.dbg_regs]
; [eax]=dr0, [eax+4]=dr1, [eax+8]=dr2, [eax+C]=dr3
; [eax+10]=dr7
cmp esi, OS_BASE
jae .errret
cmp dl, 3
ja .errret
mov ecx, dr7
;fix me
xchg ecx, edx
shr edx, cl
shr edx, cl
xchg ecx, edx
test ecx, 2 ; bit 1+2*index = G0..G3, global break enable
jnz .errret2
test dh, dh
jns .new
; clear breakpoint
movzx edx, dl
add edx, edx
and dword [eax+edx*2], 0 ; clear DR<i>
btr dword [eax+10h], edx ; clear L<i> bit
test byte [eax+10h], 55h
jnz .okret
; imul eax, ebp, tss_step/32
; and byte [eax + tss_data + TSS._trap], not 1
and [ebp*8 + SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.dbg_state], not 1
and dword [esp+32], 0
mov dword [esp+32], 1
mov dword [esp+32], 2
; add new breakpoint
; dl=index; dh=flags; esi=address
test dh, 0xF0
jnz .errret
mov cl, dh
and cl, 3
cmp cl, 2
jz .errret
mov cl, dh
shr cl, 2
cmp cl, 2
jz .errret
mov ebx, esi
test bl, dl
jnz .errret
or byte [eax+10h+1], 3 ; set GE and LE flags
movzx edx, dh
movzx ecx, dl
add ecx, ecx
bts dword [eax+10h], ecx ; set L<i> flag
add ecx, ecx
mov [eax+ecx], ebx;esi ; set DR<i>
shl edx, cl
mov ebx, 0xF
shl ebx, cl
not ebx
and [eax+10h+2], bx
or [eax+10h+2], dx ; set R/W and LEN fields
; imul eax, ebp, tss_step/32
; or byte [eax + tss_data + TSS._trap], 1
or [ebp*8 + SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.dbg_state], 1
jmp .okret
; in:
; ecx=pid
; edx=length
; edi->buffer in debugger
; esi=address in debuggee
; out: [esp+36]=sizeof(read)
; destroys all
; push ebx
; mov ebx, esi
call check_region
; pop ebx
dec eax
jnz .err
call get_debuggee_slot
jc .err
shr eax, 5
mov ecx, edi
call read_process_memory
mov dword [esp+32], eax
or dword [esp+32], -1
; in:
; ecx=pid
; edx=length
; edi->buffer in debugger
; esi=address in debuggee
; out: [esp+36]=sizeof(write)
; destroys all
; push ebx
; mov ebx, esi
call check_region
; pop ebx
dec eax
jnz debug_read_process_memory.err
call get_debuggee_slot
jc debug_read_process_memory.err
shr eax, 5
mov ecx, edi
call write_process_memory
mov [esp+32], eax
; in: eax=debugger slot
; ecx=size of debug message
; [esp+4]..[esp+4+ecx]=message
; interrupts must be disabled!
; destroys all general registers
; interrupts remain disabled
xchg ebp, eax
mov edi, [timer_ticks]
add edi, 500 ; 5 sec timeout
mov eax, ebp
shl eax, 8
mov esi, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.dbg_event_mem]
test esi, esi
jz .ret
; read buffer header
push ecx
push eax
push eax
mov eax, ebp
mov ecx, esp
mov edx, 8
call read_process_memory
cmp eax, edx
jz @f
add esp, 12
jmp .ret
cmp dword [ecx], 0
jg @f
pop ecx
pop ecx
pop ecx
cmp dword [CURRENT_TASK], 1
jnz .notos
cmp [timer_ticks], edi
jae .ret
call change_task
jmp .1
mov edx, [ecx+8]
add edx, [ecx+4]
cmp edx, [ecx]
ja .2
; advance buffer position
push edx
mov edx, 4
sub ecx, edx
mov eax, ebp
add esi, edx
call write_process_memory
pop eax
; write message
mov eax, ebp
add esi, edx
add esi, [ecx+8]
add ecx, 20
pop edx
pop edx
pop edx
call write_process_memory
; new debug event
mov eax, ebp
shl eax, 8
or byte [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.event_mask+1], 1 ; set flag 100h
0,0 → 1,1662
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4418 $
DRV_COMPAT equ 5 ;minimal required drivers version
DRV_CURRENT equ 6 ;current drivers model version
PID_KERNEL equ 1 ;os_idle thread
align 4
proc get_notify stdcall, p_ev:dword
mov ebx, [current_slot]
test dword [ebx+APPDATA.event_mask], EVENT_NOTIFY
jz @f
and dword [ebx+APPDATA.event_mask], not EVENT_NOTIFY
mov edi, [p_ev]
mov dword [edi], EV_INTR
mov eax, [ebx+APPDATA.event]
mov dword [edi+4], eax
call change_task
jmp .wait
align 4
proc pci_read32 stdcall, bus:dword, devfn:dword, reg:dword
push ebx
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ah, byte [bus]
mov al, 6
mov bh, byte [devfn]
mov bl, byte [reg]
call pci_read_reg
pop ebx
align 4
proc pci_read16 stdcall, bus:dword, devfn:dword, reg:dword
push ebx
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ah, byte [bus]
mov al, 5
mov bh, byte [devfn]
mov bl, byte [reg]
call pci_read_reg
pop ebx
align 4
proc pci_read8 stdcall, bus:dword, devfn:dword, reg:dword
push ebx
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ah, byte [bus]
mov al, 4
mov bh, byte [devfn]
mov bl, byte [reg]
call pci_read_reg
pop ebx
align 4
proc pci_write8 stdcall, bus:dword, devfn:dword, reg:dword, val:dword
push ebx
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ah, byte [bus]
mov al, 8
mov bh, byte [devfn]
mov bl, byte [reg]
mov ecx, [val]
call pci_write_reg
pop ebx
align 4
proc pci_write16 stdcall, bus:dword, devfn:dword, reg:dword, val:dword
push ebx
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ah, byte [bus]
mov al, 9
mov bh, byte [devfn]
mov bl, byte [reg]
mov ecx, [val]
call pci_write_reg
pop ebx
align 4
proc pci_write32 stdcall, bus:dword, devfn:dword, reg:dword, val:dword
push ebx
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ah, byte [bus]
mov al, 10
mov bh, byte [devfn]
mov bl, byte [reg]
mov ecx, [val]
call pci_write_reg
pop ebx
handle equ IOCTL.handle
io_code equ IOCTL.io_code
input equ IOCTL.input
inp_size equ IOCTL.inp_size
output equ IOCTL.output
out_size equ IOCTL.out_size
align 4
proc srv_handler stdcall, ioctl:dword
mov esi, [ioctl]
test esi, esi
jz .err
mov edi, [esi+handle]
cmp [edi+SRV.magic], ' SRV'
jne .fail
cmp [edi+SRV.size], sizeof.SRV
jne .fail
; stdcall [edi+SRV.srv_proc], esi
mov eax, [edi+SRV.srv_proc]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
stdcall eax, esi
xor eax, eax
not eax
mov [esi+output], eax
mov [esi+out_size], 4
xor eax, eax
not eax
; param
; ecx= io_control
; retval
; eax= error code
align 4
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
mov eax, [ecx+handle]
cmp [eax+SRV.magic], ' SRV'
jne .fail
cmp [eax+SRV.size], sizeof.SRV
jne .fail
; stdcall [eax+SRV.srv_proc], ecx
mov eax, [eax+SRV.srv_proc]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
stdcall eax, ecx
or eax, -1
restore handle
restore io_code
restore input
restore inp_size
restore output
restore out_size
align 4
proc get_service stdcall, sz_name:dword
mov eax, [sz_name]
test eax, eax
jnz @F
mov edx, [srv.fd]
cmp edx, srv.fd-SRV.fd
je .not_load
stdcall strncmp, edx, [sz_name], 16
test eax, eax
je .ok
mov edx, [edx+SRV.fd]
jmp @B
mov eax, [sz_name]
; Try to load .dll driver first. If not, fallback to .obj.
push edi
sub esp, 36
mov edi, esp
mov dword [edi], '/sys'
mov dword [edi+4], '/dri'
mov dword [edi+8], 'vers'
mov byte [edi+12], '/'
mov dl, [eax]
mov [edi+13], dl
inc eax
inc edi
test dl, dl
jnz @b
mov dword [edi+12], '.sys'
mov byte [edi+16], 0
mov edi, esp
stdcall load_pe_driver, edi, 0
add esp, 36
pop edi
test eax, eax
jnz .nothing
pop ebp
jmp load_driver
mov eax, edx
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, [esp+8]
jecxz .nothing
push sizeof.SRV
push ecx
pushd [esp+12]
call reg_service_ex
ret 8
push sizeof.USBSRV
pushd [esp+12]
pushd [esp+12]
call reg_service_ex
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
mov ecx, [esp+12]
mov [eax+USBSRV.usb_func], ecx
ret 12
proc reg_service_ex stdcall, name:dword, handler:dword, srvsize:dword
push ebx
xor eax, eax
cmp [name], eax
je .fail
; cmp [handler], eax
; je .fail
mov eax, [srvsize]
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .fail
push esi
push edi
mov edi, eax
mov esi, [name]
pop edi
pop esi
mov [eax+SRV.magic], ' SRV'
mov [eax+SRV.size], sizeof.SRV
mov ebx, srv.fd-SRV.fd
mov edx, [ebx+SRV.fd]
mov [eax+SRV.fd], edx
mov [eax+SRV.bk], ebx
mov [ebx+SRV.fd], eax
mov [edx+SRV.bk], eax
mov ecx, [handler]
mov [eax+SRV.srv_proc], ecx
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
align 4
proc get_proc stdcall, exp:dword, sz_name:dword
mov edx, [exp]
mov eax, [edx]
test eax, eax
jz .end
push edx
stdcall strncmp, eax, [sz_name], 16
pop edx
test eax, eax
jz .ok
add edx, 8
jmp .next
mov eax, [edx+4]
align 4
proc get_coff_sym stdcall, pSym:dword,count:dword, sz_sym:dword
stdcall strncmp, [pSym], [sz_sym], 8
test eax, eax
jz .ok
add [pSym], 18
dec [count]
jnz @b
xor eax, eax
mov eax, [pSym]
mov eax, [eax+8]
align 4
proc get_curr_task
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl eax, 8
align 4
proc get_fileinfo stdcall, file_name:dword, info:dword
cmd dd ?
offset dd ?
dd ?
count dd ?
buff dd ?
db ?
name dd ?
xor eax, eax
mov ebx, [file_name]
mov ecx, [info]
mov [cmd], 5
mov [offset], eax
mov [offset+4], eax
mov [count], eax
mov [buff], ecx
mov byte [buff+4], al
mov [name], ebx
mov eax, 70
lea ebx, [cmd]
int 0x40
align 4
proc read_file stdcall,file_name:dword, buffer:dword, off:dword,\
cmd dd ?
offset dd ?
dd ?
count dd ?
buff dd ?
db ?
name dd ?
xor eax, eax
mov ebx, [file_name]
mov ecx, [off]
mov edx, [bytes]
mov esi, [buffer]
mov [cmd], eax
mov [offset], ecx
mov [offset+4], eax
mov [count], edx
mov [buff], esi
mov byte [buff+4], al
mov [name], ebx
lea ebx, [cmd]
call file_system_lfn_protected
; description
; allocate kernel memory and loads the specified file
; param
; file_name= path to file
; retval
; eax= file image in kernel memory
; ebx= size of file
; warging
; You mast call kernel_free() to delete each file
; loaded by the load_file() function
align 4
proc load_file stdcall, file_name:dword
attr dd ?
flags dd ?
cr_time dd ?
cr_date dd ?
acc_time dd ?
acc_date dd ?
mod_time dd ?
mod_date dd ?
file_size dd ?
file dd ?
file2 dd ?
push esi
push edi
lea eax, [attr]
stdcall get_fileinfo, [file_name], eax
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
mov eax, [file_size]
cmp eax, 1024*1024*16
ja .fail
stdcall kernel_alloc, [file_size]
mov [file], eax
test eax, eax
jz .fail
stdcall read_file, [file_name], eax, dword 0, [file_size]
cmp ebx, [file_size]
jne .cleanup
mov eax, [file]
cmp dword [eax], 0x4B43504B
jne .exit
mov ebx, [eax+4]
mov [file_size], ebx
stdcall kernel_alloc, ebx
test eax, eax
jz .cleanup
mov [file2], eax
mov ecx, unpack_mutex
call mutex_lock
stdcall unpack, [file], eax
mov ecx, unpack_mutex
call mutex_unlock
stdcall kernel_free, [file]
mov eax, [file2]
mov ebx, [file_size]
push eax
lea edi, [eax+ebx] ;cleanup remain space
mov ecx, 4096 ;from file end
and ebx, 4095
jz @f
sub ecx, ebx
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
mov ebx, [file_size]
pop eax
pop edi
pop esi
stdcall kernel_free, [file]
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
pop edi
pop esi
; description
; allocate user memory and loads the specified file
; param
; file_name= path to file
; retval
; eax= file image in user memory
; ebx= size of file
; warging
; You mast call kernel_free() to delete each file
; loaded by the load_file() function
align 4
proc load_file_umode stdcall, file_name:dword
attr dd ?
flags dd ?
cr_time dd ?
cr_date dd ?
acc_time dd ?
acc_date dd ?
mod_time dd ?
mod_date dd ?
file_size dd ?
km_file dd ?
um_file dd ?
push esi
push edi
push ebx
lea eax, [attr]
stdcall get_fileinfo, [file_name], eax ;find file and get info
test eax, eax
jnz .err_1
mov eax, [file_size]
cmp eax, 1024*1024*16 ;to be enough for anybody (c)
ja .err_1
;it is very likely that the file is packed
stdcall kernel_alloc, [file_size] ;with kpack, so allocate memory from kernel heap
mov [km_file], eax
test eax, eax
jz .err_1
stdcall read_file, [file_name], eax, dword 0, [file_size]
cmp ebx, [file_size]
jne .err_2
mov eax, [km_file]
cmp dword [eax], 0x4B43504B ; check kpack signature
jne .raw_file
mov ebx, [eax+4] ;get real size of file
mov [file_size], ebx
stdcall user_alloc, ebx ;and allocate space from user heap
mov [um_file], eax
test eax, eax
jz .err_2
mov edx, [file_size] ;preallocate page memory
shr eax, 10
lea edi, [page_tabs+eax]
add edx, 4095
shr edx, 12
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .err_3
or eax, PG_UW
dec edx
jnz @B
mov ecx, unpack_mutex
call mutex_lock
stdcall unpack, [km_file], [um_file]
mov ecx, unpack_mutex
call mutex_unlock
stdcall kernel_free, [km_file] ;we don't need packed file anymore
mov edi, [um_file]
mov esi, [um_file]
mov eax, [file_size]
mov edx, eax
add edi, eax ;cleanup remain space
mov ecx, 4096 ;from file end
and eax, 4095
jz @f
sub ecx, eax
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
mov eax, [um_file]
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
.raw_file: ; sometimes we load unpacked file
stdcall user_alloc, ebx ; allocate space from user heap
mov [um_file], eax
test eax, eax
jz .err_2
shr eax, 10 ; and remap pages.
mov ecx, [file_size]
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 12
mov esi, [km_file]
shr esi, 10
add esi, page_tabs
lea edi, [page_tabs+eax]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
or eax, PG_UW
loop @B
stdcall free_kernel_space, [km_file] ; release allocated kernel space
jmp .exit ; physical pages still in use
stdcall user_free, [um_file]
stdcall kernel_free, [km_file]
xor eax, eax
xor edx, edx
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
align 4
unpack_mutex MUTEX
align 4
proc get_proc_ex stdcall uses ebx esi, proc_name:dword, imports:dword
mov ebx, [imports]
test ebx, ebx
jz .end
xor esi, esi
mov eax, [ebx+32]
mov eax, [OS_BASE+eax+esi*4]
add eax, OS_BASE
stdcall strncmp, eax, [proc_name], 256
test eax, eax
jz .ok
inc esi
cmp esi, [ebx+24]
jb .look_up
xor eax, eax
mov eax, [ebx+28]
mov eax, [OS_BASE+eax+esi*4]
add eax, OS_BASE
align 4
proc fix_coff_symbols stdcall uses ebx esi, sec:dword, symbols:dword,\
sym_count:dword, strings:dword, imports:dword
retval dd ?
mov edi, [symbols]
mov [retval], 1
movzx ebx, [edi+COFF_SYM.SectionNumber]
test ebx, ebx
jnz .internal
mov eax, dword [edi+COFF_SYM.Name]
test eax, eax
jnz @F
mov edi, [edi+4]
add edi, [strings]
push edi
stdcall get_proc_ex, edi, [imports]
pop edi
xor ebx, ebx
test eax, eax
jnz @F
mov esi, msg_unresolved
call sys_msg_board_str
mov esi, edi
call sys_msg_board_str
mov esi, msg_CR
call sys_msg_board_str
mov [retval], 0
mov edi, [symbols]
mov [edi+COFF_SYM.Value], eax
jmp .next
cmp bx, -1
je .next
cmp bx, -2
je .next
dec ebx
shl ebx, 3
lea ebx, [ebx+ebx*4]
add ebx, [sec]
mov eax, [ebx+COFF_SECTION.VirtualAddress]
add [edi+COFF_SYM.Value], eax
add edi, sizeof.COFF_SYM
mov [symbols], edi
dec [sym_count]
jnz .fix
mov eax, [retval]
align 4
proc fix_coff_relocs stdcall uses ebx esi, coff:dword, sym:dword, \
n_sec dd ?
mov eax, [coff]
movzx ebx, [eax+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
mov [n_sec], ebx
lea esi, [eax+20]
mov edi, [esi+COFF_SECTION.PtrReloc]
add edi, [coff]
movzx ecx, [esi+COFF_SECTION.NumReloc]
test ecx, ecx
jz .next
mov ebx, [edi+COFF_RELOC.SymIndex]
add ebx, ebx
lea ebx, [ebx+ebx*8]
add ebx, [sym]
mov edx, [ebx+COFF_SYM.Value]
cmp [edi+COFF_RELOC.Type], 6
je .dir_32
cmp [edi+COFF_RELOC.Type], 20
jne .next_reloc
mov eax, [edi+COFF_RELOC.VirtualAddress]
add eax, [esi+COFF_SECTION.VirtualAddress]
sub edx, eax
sub edx, 4
jmp .fix
mov eax, [edi+COFF_RELOC.VirtualAddress]
add eax, [esi+COFF_SECTION.VirtualAddress]
add eax, [delta]
add [eax], edx
add edi, 10
dec ecx
jnz .reloc_loop
add esi, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
dec [n_sec]
jnz .fix_sec
align 4
proc rebase_coff stdcall uses ebx esi, coff:dword, sym:dword, \
n_sec dd ?
mov eax, [coff]
movzx ebx, [eax+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
mov [n_sec], ebx
lea esi, [eax+20]
mov edx, [delta]
mov edi, [esi+COFF_SECTION.PtrReloc]
add edi, [coff]
movzx ecx, [esi+COFF_SECTION.NumReloc]
test ecx, ecx
jz .next
cmp [edi+COFF_RELOC.Type], 6
jne .next_reloc
mov eax, [edi+COFF_RELOC.VirtualAddress]
add eax, [esi+COFF_SECTION.VirtualAddress]
add [eax+edx], edx
add edi, 10
dec ecx
jnz .reloc_loop
add esi, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
dec [n_sec]
jnz .fix_sec
align 4
proc load_driver stdcall, driver_name:dword
coff dd ?
sym dd ?
strings dd ?
img_size dd ?
img_base dd ?
start dd ?
file_name rb 13+16+4+1 ; '/sys/drivers/<up-to-16-chars>.obj'
lea edx, [file_name]
mov dword [edx], '/sys'
mov dword [edx+4], '/dri'
mov dword [edx+8], 'vers'
mov byte [edx+12], '/'
mov esi, [driver_name]
lea edx, [file_name]
lea edi, [edx+13]
mov ecx, 16
test al, al
jz @f
loop @b
mov dword [edi], '.obj'
mov byte [edi+4], 0
stdcall load_file, edx
test eax, eax
jz .exit
mov [coff], eax
movzx ecx, [eax+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
xor ebx, ebx
lea edx, [eax+20]
add ebx, [edx+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
add ebx, 15
and ebx, not 15
add edx, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
dec ecx
jnz @B
mov [img_size], ebx
stdcall kernel_alloc, ebx
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov [img_base], eax
mov edi, eax
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, [img_size]
add ecx, 4095
and ecx, not 4095
shr ecx, 2
rep stosd
mov edx, [coff]
movzx ebx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
mov edi, [img_base]
lea eax, [edx+20]
mov [eax+COFF_SECTION.VirtualAddress], edi
mov esi, [eax+COFF_SECTION.PtrRawData]
test esi, esi
jnz .copy
add edi, [eax+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
jmp .next
add esi, edx
mov ecx, [eax+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
rep movsb
add edi, 15
and edi, not 15
add eax, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
dec ebx
jnz @B
mov ebx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.pSymTable]
add ebx, edx
mov [sym], ebx
mov ecx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols]
add ecx, ecx
lea ecx, [ecx+ecx*8];ecx*=18 = nSymbols*CSYM_SIZE
add ecx, [sym]
mov [strings], ecx
lea eax, [edx+20]
stdcall fix_coff_symbols, eax, [sym], [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols], \
[strings], __exports
test eax, eax
jz .link_fail
mov ebx, [coff]
stdcall fix_coff_relocs, ebx, [sym], 0
stdcall get_coff_sym, [sym], [ebx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols], szVersion
test eax, eax
jz .link_fail
mov eax, [eax]
shr eax, 16
cmp eax, DRV_COMPAT
jb .ver_fail
cmp eax, DRV_CURRENT
ja .ver_fail
mov ebx, [coff]
stdcall get_coff_sym, [sym], [ebx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols], szSTART
mov [start], eax
stdcall kernel_free, [coff]
mov ebx, [start]
stdcall ebx, DRV_ENTRY
test eax, eax
jnz .ok
stdcall kernel_free, [img_base]
xor eax, eax
mov ebx, [img_base]
mov [eax+SRV.base], ebx
mov ecx, [start]
mov [eax+SRV.entry], ecx
mov esi, msg_CR
call sys_msg_board_str
mov esi, [driver_name]
call sys_msg_board_str
mov esi, msg_CR
call sys_msg_board_str
mov esi, msg_version
call sys_msg_board_str
mov esi, msg_www
call sys_msg_board_str
jmp .cleanup
mov esi, msg_module
call sys_msg_board_str
mov esi, [driver_name]
call sys_msg_board_str
mov esi, msg_CR
call sys_msg_board_str
stdcall kernel_free, [img_base]
stdcall kernel_free, [coff]
xor eax, eax
; in: edx -> COFF_SECTION struct
; out: eax = alignment as mask for bits to drop
; Rules:
; - if alignment is not given, use default = 4K;
; - if alignment is given and is no more than 4K, use it;
; - if alignment is more than 4K, revert to 4K.
push ecx
mov cl, byte [edx+COFF_SECTION.Characteristics+2]
mov eax, 1
shr cl, 4
dec cl
js .default
cmp cl, 12
jbe @f
mov cl, 12
shl eax, cl
pop ecx
dec eax
align 4
proc load_library stdcall, file_name:dword
fullname rb 260
fileinfo rb 40
coff dd ?
img_base dd ?
; resolve file name
mov ebx, [file_name]
lea edi, [fullname+1]
mov byte [edi-1], '/'
stdcall get_full_file_name, edi, 259
test al, al
jz .fail
; scan for required DLL in list of already loaded for this process,
; ignore timestamp
mov esi, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl esi, 8
lea edi, [fullname]
mov ebx, [esi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr]
test ebx, ebx
jz .not_in_process
mov esi, [ebx+HDLL.fd]
cmp esi, ebx
jz .not_in_process
mov eax, [esi+HDLL.parent]
add eax,
stdcall strncmp, eax, edi, -1
test eax, eax
jnz .next_in_process
; simple variant: load DLL which is already loaded in this process
; just increment reference counters and return address of exports table
inc [esi+HDLL.refcount]
mov ecx, [esi+HDLL.parent]
inc [ecx+DLLDESCR.refcount]
mov eax, [ecx+DLLDESCR.exports]
sub eax, [ecx+DLLDESCR.defaultbase]
add eax, [esi+HDLL.base]
mov esi, [esi+HDLL.fd]
jmp .scan_in_process
; scan in full list, compare timestamp
lea eax, [fileinfo]
stdcall get_fileinfo, edi, eax
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
mov esi, [dll_list.fd]
cmp esi, dll_list
jz .load_new
lea eax, []
stdcall strncmp, eax, edi, -1
test eax, eax
jnz .continue_scan
mov eax, dword [fileinfo+24]; last modified time
mov edx, dword [fileinfo+28]; last modified date
cmp dword [esi+DLLDESCR.timestamp], eax
jnz .continue_scan
cmp dword [esi+DLLDESCR.timestamp+4], edx
jz .dll_already_loaded
mov esi, [esi+DLLDESCR.fd]
jmp .scan_for_dlls
; new DLL
; load file
stdcall load_file, edi
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov [coff], eax
mov dword [fileinfo+32], ebx
; allocate DLLDESCR struct; size is DLLDESCR.sizeof plus size of DLL name
mov esi, edi
mov ecx, -1
xor eax, eax
repnz scasb
not ecx
lea eax, [ecx+sizeof.DLLDESCR]
push ecx
call malloc
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jz .fail_and_free_coff
; save timestamp
lea edi, []
rep movsb
mov esi, eax
mov eax, dword [fileinfo+24]
mov dword [esi+DLLDESCR.timestamp], eax
mov eax, dword [fileinfo+28]
mov dword [esi+DLLDESCR.timestamp+4], eax
; calculate size of loaded DLL
mov edx, [coff]
movzx ecx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
xor ebx, ebx
add edx, 20
call coff_get_align
add ebx, eax
not eax
and ebx, eax
add ebx, [edx+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
add edx, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
dec ecx
jnz @B
; it must be nonzero and not too big
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.size], ebx
test ebx, ebx
jz .fail_and_free_dll
ja .fail_and_free_dll
; allocate memory for kernel-side image
stdcall kernel_alloc, ebx
test eax, eax
jz .fail_and_free_dll
mov [], eax
; calculate preferred base address
add ebx, 0x1FFF
and ebx, not 0xFFF
mov ecx, [dll_cur_addr]
lea edx, [ecx+ebx]
jb @f
lea edx, [ecx+ebx]
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.defaultbase], ecx
mov [dll_cur_addr], edx
; copy sections and set correct values for VirtualAddress'es in headers
push esi
mov edx, [coff]
movzx ebx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
mov edi, eax
add edx, 20
call coff_get_align
add ecx, eax
add edi, eax
not eax
and ecx, eax
and edi, eax
mov [edx+COFF_SECTION.VirtualAddress], ecx
add ecx, [edx+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
mov esi, [edx+COFF_SECTION.PtrRawData]
push ecx
mov ecx, [edx+COFF_SECTION.SizeOfRawData]
test esi, esi
jnz .copy
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
jmp .next
add esi, [coff]
rep movsb
pop ecx
add edx, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
dec ebx
jnz @B
pop esi
; save some additional data from COFF file
; later we will use COFF header, headers for sections and symbol table
; and also relocations table for all sections
mov edx, [coff]
mov ebx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.pSymTable]
mov edi, dword [fileinfo+32]
sub edi, ebx
jc .fail_and_free_data
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_lim], edi
add ebx, edx
movzx ecx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
lea ecx, [ecx*5]
lea edi, [edi+ecx*8+20]
add edx, 20
movzx eax, [edx+COFF_SECTION.NumReloc]
lea eax, [eax*5]
lea edi, [edi+eax*2]
add edx, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
sub ecx, 5
jnz @b
stdcall kernel_alloc, edi
test eax, eax
jz .fail_and_free_data
mov edx, [coff]
movzx ecx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
lea ecx, [ecx*5]
lea ecx, [ecx*2+5]
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.coff_hdr], eax
push esi
mov esi, edx
mov edi, eax
rep movsd
pop esi
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_ptr], edi
push esi
mov ecx, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols]
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_num], ecx
mov ecx, [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_lim]
mov esi, ebx
rep movsb
pop esi
mov ebx, [esi+DLLDESCR.coff_hdr]
push esi
movzx eax, [edx+COFF_HEADER.nSections]
lea edx, [ebx+20]
movzx ecx, [edx+COFF_SECTION.NumReloc]
lea ecx, [ecx*5]
mov esi, [edx+COFF_SECTION.PtrReloc]
mov [edx+COFF_SECTION.PtrReloc], edi
sub [edx+COFF_SECTION.PtrReloc], ebx
add esi, [coff]
shr ecx, 1
rep movsd
adc ecx, ecx
rep movsw
add edx, sizeof.COFF_SECTION
dec eax
jnz @b
pop esi
; fixup symbols
mov edx, ebx
mov eax, [ebx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols]
add edx, 20
mov ecx, [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_num]
lea ecx, [ecx*9]
add ecx, ecx
add ecx, [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_ptr]
stdcall fix_coff_symbols, edx, [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_ptr], eax, \
ecx, 0
; test eax, eax
; jnz @F
stdcall get_coff_sym, [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_ptr], [ebx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols], szEXPORTS
test eax, eax
jnz @F
stdcall get_coff_sym, [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_ptr], [ebx+COFF_HEADER.nSymbols], sz_EXPORTS
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.exports], eax
; fix relocs in the hidden copy in kernel memory to default address
; it is first fix; usually this will be enough, but second fix
; can be necessary if real load address will not equal assumption
mov eax, []
sub eax, [esi+DLLDESCR.defaultbase]
stdcall fix_coff_relocs, ebx, [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_ptr], eax
stdcall kernel_free, [coff]
; initialize DLLDESCR struct
and dword [esi+DLLDESCR.refcount], 0; no HDLLs yet; later it will be incremented
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.fd], dll_list
mov eax, [dll_list.bk]
mov [dll_list.bk], esi
mov [esi+DLLDESCR.bk], eax
mov [eax+DLLDESCR.fd], esi
inc [esi+DLLDESCR.refcount]
push esi
call init_heap
pop esi
mov edi, [esi+DLLDESCR.size]
stdcall user_alloc_at, [esi+DLLDESCR.defaultbase], edi
test eax, eax
jnz @f
stdcall user_alloc, edi
test eax, eax
jz .fail_and_dereference
mov [img_base], eax
mov eax, sizeof.HDLL
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .fail_and_free_user
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl ebx, 5
mov edx, []
mov [], edx
push eax
call init_dlls_in_thread
pop ebx
test eax, eax
jz .fail_and_free_user
mov edx, [eax+HDLL.fd]
mov [ebx+HDLL.fd], edx
mov [ebx+HDLL.bk], eax
mov [eax+HDLL.fd], ebx
mov [edx+HDLL.bk], ebx
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, [img_base]
mov [eax+HDLL.base], ebx
mov [eax+HDLL.size], edi
mov [eax+HDLL.refcount], 1
mov [eax+HDLL.parent], esi
mov edx, ebx
shr edx, 12
or dword [page_tabs+(edx-1)*4], DONT_FREE_BLOCK
; copy entries of page table from kernel-side image to usermode
; use copy-on-write for user-mode image, so map as readonly
xor edi, edi
mov ecx, []
shr ecx, 12
mov eax, [page_tabs+ecx*4]
and eax, not 0xFFF
or al, PG_USER
xchg eax, [page_tabs+edx*4]
test al, 1
jz @f
call free_page
invlpg [ebx+edi]
inc ecx
inc edx
add edi, 0x1000
cmp edi, [esi+DLLDESCR.size]
jb .map_pages_loop
; if real user-mode base is not equal to preferred base, relocate image
sub ebx, [esi+DLLDESCR.defaultbase]
jz @f
stdcall rebase_coff, [esi+DLLDESCR.coff_hdr], [esi+DLLDESCR.symbols_ptr], ebx
mov eax, [esi+DLLDESCR.exports]
sub eax, [esi+DLLDESCR.defaultbase]
add eax, [img_base]
stdcall kernel_free, []
mov eax, esi
call free
stdcall kernel_free, [coff]
xor eax, eax
stdcall user_free, [img_base]
mov eax, 1 ; delete 1 reference
call dereference_dll
xor eax, eax
; initialize [APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr] for given thread
; DLL is per-process object, so APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr must be
; kept in sync for all threads of one process.
; out: eax = APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr if all is OK,
; NULL if memory allocation failed
mov ebx, [current_slot]
mov eax, [ebx+APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr]
test eax, eax
jnz .ret
push [ebx+APPDATA.process]
mov eax, 8
call malloc
pop edx
test eax, eax
jz .ret
mov [eax], eax
mov [eax+4], eax
mov ecx, [TASK_COUNT]
mov ebx, SLOT_BASE+256
cmp [ebx+APPDATA.process], edx
jnz @f
mov [ebx+APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr], eax
add ebx, 256
dec ecx
jnz .set
; in: eax = number of references to delete, esi -> DLLDESCR struc
sub [esi+DLLDESCR.refcount], eax
jnz .ret
mov eax, [esi+DLLDESCR.fd]
mov edx, [esi+DLLDESCR.bk]
mov [eax+DLLDESCR.bk], edx
mov [edx+DLLDESCR.fd], eax
stdcall kernel_free, [esi+DLLDESCR.coff_hdr]
stdcall kernel_free, []
mov eax, esi
call free
push ebx ecx esi edi
push eax
mov ebx, [eax+HDLL.base]
mov esi, [eax+HDLL.parent]
mov edx, [esi+DLLDESCR.size]
; The following actions require the context of application where HDLL is mapped.
; However, destroy_hdll can be called in the context of OS thread when
; cleaning up objects created by the application which is destroyed.
; So remember current cr3 and set it to page table of target.
mov eax, [ecx+APPDATA.process]
; Because we cheat with cr3, disable interrupts: task switch would restore
; page table from APPDATA of current thread.
; Also set [current_slot] because it is used by user_free.
push [current_slot]
mov [current_slot], ecx
mov ecx, cr3
push ecx
mov cr3, eax
push ebx ; argument for user_free
mov eax, ebx
shr ebx, 12
push ebx
mov esi, []
shr esi, 12
push eax
mov eax, 2
xchg eax, [page_tabs+ebx*4]
mov ecx, [page_tabs+esi*4]
and eax, not 0xFFF
and ecx, not 0xFFF
cmp eax, ecx
jz @f
call free_page
pop eax
invlpg [eax]
add eax, 0x1000
inc ebx
inc esi
sub edx, 0x1000
ja .unmap_loop
pop ebx
and dword [page_tabs+(ebx-1)*4], not DONT_FREE_BLOCK
call user_free
; Restore context.
pop eax
mov cr3, eax
pop [current_slot]
; Ok, cheating is done.
pop eax
push eax
mov esi, [eax+HDLL.parent]
mov eax, [eax+HDLL.refcount]
call dereference_dll
pop eax
mov edx, [eax+HDLL.bk]
mov ebx, [eax+HDLL.fd]
mov [ebx+HDLL.bk], edx
mov [edx+HDLL.fd], ebx
call free
pop edi esi ecx ebx
; ecx -> APPDATA for slot, esi = dlls_list_ptr
test esi, esi
jz .ret
mov eax, [esi+HDLL.fd]
cmp eax, esi
jz free
call destroy_hdll
jmp .loop
align 4
push ebp
mov edx, [srv.fd]
cmp edx, srv.fd-SRV.fd
je .done
cmp [edx+SRV.magic], ' SRV'
jne .next
cmp [edx+SRV.size], sizeof.SRV
jne .next
mov ebx, [edx+SRV.entry]
mov edx, [edx+SRV.fd]
test ebx, ebx
jz .next
push edx
mov ebp, esp
push 0
push -1
call ebx
mov esp, ebp
pop edx
jmp .next
pop ebp
; param
; eax= size
; ebx= pid
align 4
push ebx
call malloc
pop ebx
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov ecx, [current_slot]
mov edx, [ecx+APPOBJ.fd]
mov [eax+APPOBJ.fd], edx
mov [eax+APPOBJ.bk], ecx
mov [], ebx
mov [ecx+APPOBJ.fd], eax
mov [edx+APPOBJ.bk], eax
; param
; eax= object
align 4
mov ebx, [eax+APPOBJ.fd]
mov ecx, [eax+APPOBJ.bk]
mov [ebx+APPOBJ.bk], ecx
mov [ecx+APPOBJ.fd], ebx
xor edx, edx ;clear common header
mov [eax], edx
mov [eax+4], edx
mov [eax+8], edx
mov [eax+12], edx
mov [eax+16], edx
call free ;release object memory
0,0 → 1,40
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
; Macroinstruction for making export section
macro export dllname,[label,string]
{ common
local module,addresses,names,ordinal,count
count = 0
count = count+1
dd 0,0,0, (module-OS_BASE) , 1
dd count,count,(addresses-OS_BASE),(names-OS_BASE),(ordinal-OS_BASE)
dd (label-OS_BASE)
local name
dd (name-OS_BASE)
count = 0
dw count
count = count+1
module db dllname,0
name db string,0
0,0 → 1,128
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4418 $
szKernel db 'KERNEL', 0
szVersion db 'version',0
align 4
export 'KERNEL', \
alloc_kernel_space, 'AllocKernelSpace', \ ; stdcall
alloc_page, 'AllocPage', \ ; gcc ABI
alloc_pages, 'AllocPages', \ ; stdcall
commit_pages, 'CommitPages', \ ; eax, ebx, ecx
disk_add, 'DiskAdd', \ ;stdcall
disk_del, 'DiskDel', \
disk_media_changed, 'DiskMediaChanged', \ ;stdcall
create_event, 'CreateEvent', \ ; ecx, esi
destroy_event, 'DestroyEvent', \ ;
raise_event, 'RaiseEvent', \ ; eax, ebx, edx, esi
wait_event, 'WaitEvent', \ ; eax, ebx
wait_event_timeout, 'WaitEventTimeout', \ ; eax, ebx, ecx
get_event_ex, 'GetEvent', \ ; edi
clear_event, 'ClearEvent', \ ;see for specification
send_event, 'SendEvent', \ ;see for specification
create_kernel_object, 'CreateObject', \
create_ring_buffer, 'CreateRingBuffer', \ ; stdcall
destroy_kernel_object, 'DestroyObject', \
free_kernel_space, 'FreeKernelSpace', \ ; stdcall
free_page, 'FreePage', \ ; eax
kernel_alloc, 'KernelAlloc', \ ; stdcall
kernel_free, 'KernelFree', \ ; stdcall
malloc, 'Kmalloc', \
free, 'Kfree', \
map_io_mem, 'MapIoMem', \ ; stdcall
map_page, 'MapPage', \ ; stdcall
get_pg_addr, 'GetPgAddr', \ ; eax
get_phys_addr, 'GetPhysAddr', \ ; eax
map_space, 'MapSpace', \
release_pages, 'ReleasePages', \
mutex_init, 'MutexInit', \ ; gcc fastcall
mutex_lock, 'MutexLock', \ ; gcc fastcall
mutex_unlock, 'MutexUnlock', \ ; gcc fastcall
get_display, 'GetDisplay', \
set_screen, 'SetScreen', \
window._.get_rect, 'GetWindowRect', \ ; gcc fastcall
pci_api_drv, 'PciApi', \
pci_read8, 'PciRead8', \ ; stdcall
pci_read16, 'PciRead16', \ ; stdcall
pci_read32, 'PciRead32', \ ; stdcall
pci_write8, 'PciWrite8', \ ; stdcall
pci_write16, 'PciWrite16', \ ; stdcall
pci_write32, 'PciWrite32', \ ; stdcall
get_pid, 'GetPid', \
get_service, 'GetService', \ ;
reg_service, 'RegService', \ ; stdcall
attach_int_handler, 'AttachIntHandler', \ ; stdcall
user_alloc, 'UserAlloc', \ ; stdcall
user_alloc_at, 'UserAllocAt', \ ; stdcall
user_free, 'UserFree', \ ; stdcall
unmap_pages, 'UnmapPages', \ ; eax, ecx
sys_msg_board_str, 'SysMsgBoardStr', \
sys_msg_board, 'SysMsgBoard', \
get_timer_ticks, 'GetTimerTicks', \
get_stack_base, 'GetStackBase', \
delay_hs, 'Delay', \ ; ebx
set_mouse_data, 'SetMouseData', \ ;
set_keyboard_data, 'SetKeyboardData', \ ; gcc fastcall
register_keyboard, 'RegKeyboard', \
delete_keyboard, 'DelKeyboard', \
get_cpu_freq, 'GetCpuFreq', \
new_sys_threads, 'CreateThread', \ ; ebx, ecx, edx
srv_handler, 'ServiceHandler', \
fpu_save, 'FpuSave', \
fpu_restore, 'FpuRestore', \
r_f_port_area, 'ReservePortArea', \
boot_log, 'Boot_Log', \
load_cursor, 'LoadCursor', \ ;stdcall
get_curr_task, 'GetCurrentTask', \
load_file, 'LoadFile', \ ;retval eax, ebx
delay_ms, 'Sleep', \
strncat, 'strncat', \
strncpy, 'strncpy', \
strncmp, 'strncmp', \
strnlen, 'strnlen', \
strchr, 'strchr', \
strrchr, 'strrchr', \
timer_hs, 'TimerHS', \
timer_hs, 'TimerHs', \ ; shit happens
cancel_timer_hs, 'CancelTimerHS', \
reg_usb_driver, 'RegUSBDriver', \
usb_open_pipe, 'USBOpenPipe', \
usb_close_pipe, 'USBClosePipe', \
usb_normal_transfer_async, 'USBNormalTransferAsync', \
usb_control_async, 'USBControlTransferAsync', \
usb_get_param, 'USBGetParam', \
usb_hc_func, 'USBHCFunc', \
NET_add_device, 'NetRegDev', \
NET_remove_device, 'NetUnRegDev', \
NET_ptr_to_num, 'NetPtrToNum', \
NET_link_changed, 'NetLinkChanged', \
ETH_input, 'Eth_input', \
0, 'LFBAddress' ; must be the last one
load kernel_exports_count dword from __exports + 24
load kernel_exports_addresses dword from __exports + 28
exp_lfb = OS_BASE + kernel_exports_addresses + (kernel_exports_count - 1) * 4 - 4
0,0 → 1,333
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; External kernel dependencies (libraries) loading
$Revision: 2455 $
if 0
; The code currently does not work. Kill "if 0/end if" only after correcting
; to current kernel (
macro library [name,fname]
dd __#name#_library_table__,__#name#_library_name__
dd 0
__#name#_library_name__ db fname,0
macro import lname,[name,sname]
align 4
name dd __#name#_import_name__
dd 0
__#name#_import_name__ db sname,0
macro export [name,sname]
align 4
dd __#name#_export_name__,name
dd 0
__#name#_export_name__ db sname,0
align 4 ; loading library (use kernel functions)
proc load_k_library stdcall, file_name:dword
coff dd ?
sym dd ?
strings dd ?
img_size dd ?
img_base dd ?
exports dd ?
stdcall load_file, [file_name]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov [coff], eax
movzx ecx, [eax+CFH.nSections]
xor ebx, ebx
lea edx, [eax+20]
add ebx, [edx+CFS.SizeOfRawData]
add ebx, 15
and ebx, not 15
dec ecx
jnz @B
mov [img_size], ebx
stdcall kernel_alloc, [img_size]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov [img_base], eax
mov edx, [coff]
movzx ebx, [edx+CFH.nSections]
mov edi, [img_base]
lea eax, [edx+20]
mov [eax+CFS.VirtualAddress], edi
mov esi, [eax+CFS.PtrRawData]
test esi, esi
jnz .copy
add edi, [eax+CFS.SizeOfRawData]
jmp .next
add esi, edx
mov ecx, [eax+CFS.SizeOfRawData]
rep movsb
add edi, 15
and edi, not 15
dec ebx
jnz @B
mov ebx, [edx+CFH.pSymTable]
add ebx, edx
mov [sym], ebx
mov ecx, [edx+CFH.nSymbols]
add ecx, ecx
lea ecx, [ecx+ecx*8];ecx*=18 = nSymbols*CSYM_SIZE
add ecx, [sym]
mov [strings], ecx
lea eax, [edx+20]
stdcall fix_coff_symbols, eax, [sym], [edx+CFH.nSymbols], \
[strings], dword 0
test eax, eax
jnz @F
mov edx, [coff]
movzx ebx, [edx+CFH.nSections]
mov edi, 0
lea eax, [edx+20]
add [eax+CFS.VirtualAddress], edi ;patch user space offset
dec ebx
jnz @B
add edx, 20
stdcall fix_coff_relocs, [coff], edx, [sym]
mov ebx, [coff]
stdcall get_coff_sym, [sym], [ebx+CFH.nSymbols], szEXPORTS
mov [exports], eax
stdcall kernel_free, [coff]
mov eax, [exports]
xor eax, eax
proc dll.Load, import_table:dword
mov esi, [import_table]
mov edx, [esi]
or edx, edx
jz .exit
push esi
mov edi, s_libname
mov al, '/'
mov esi, sysdir_path
or al, al
jnz @b
dec edi
mov [edi], dword '/lib'
mov [edi+4], byte '/'
add edi, 5
pop esi
push esi
mov esi, [esi+4]
or al, al
jnz @b
stdcall load_k_library, s_libname
mov [esp+28], eax
or eax, eax
jz .fail
stdcall dll.Link, eax, edx
stdcall dll.Init, [eax+4]
pop esi
add esi, 8
jmp .next_lib
xor eax, eax
add esp, 4
xor eax, eax
inc eax
proc dll.Link, exp:dword,imp:dword
push eax
mov esi, [imp]
test esi, esi
jz .done
test eax, eax
jz .done
stdcall dll.GetProcAddress, [exp], eax
or eax, eax
jz @f
mov [esi-4], eax
jmp .next
mov dword[esp], 0
pop eax
proc dll.Init, dllentry:dword
mov eax, mem.Alloc
mov ebx, mem.Free
mov ecx, mem.ReAlloc
mov edx, dll.Load
stdcall [dllentry]
proc dll.GetProcAddress, exp:dword,sz_name:dword
mov edx, [exp]
test edx, edx
jz .end
stdcall strncmp, [edx], [sz_name], dword -1
test eax, eax
jz .ok
add edx, 8
jmp .next
mov eax, [edx+4]
proc mem.Alloc size ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push ebx ecx
; mov eax,[size]
; lea ecx,[eax+4+4095]
; and ecx,not 4095
; stdcall kernel_alloc, ecx
; add ecx,-4
; mov [eax],ecx
; add eax,4
stdcall kernel_alloc, [size]
pop ecx ebx
proc mem.ReAlloc mptr,size;///////////////////////////////////////////////////
push ebx ecx esi edi eax
mov eax, [mptr]
mov ebx, [size]
or eax, eax
jz @f
lea ecx, [ebx+4+4095]
and ecx, not 4095
add ecx, -4
cmp ecx, [eax-4]
je .exit
mov eax, ebx
call mem.Alloc
xchg eax, [esp]
or eax, eax
jz .exit
mov esi, eax
xchg eax, [esp]
mov edi, eax
mov ecx, [esi-4]
cmp ecx, [edi-4]
jbe @f
mov ecx, [edi-4]
add ecx, 3
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
xchg eax, [esp]
call mem.Free
pop eax edi esi ecx ebx
proc mem.Free mptr ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; mov eax,[mptr]
; or eax,eax
; jz @f
; push ebx ecx
; lea ecx,[eax-4]
; stdcall kernel_free, ecx
; pop ecx ebx
; @@: ret
stdcall kernel_free, [mptr]
s_libname db 64 dup (0)
end if
0,0 → 1,183
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3534 $
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_SSE
jnc .no_SSE
mov ebx, cr4
mov ecx, cr0
mov cr4, ebx
and ecx, not (CR0_MP+CR0_EM)
or ecx, CR0_NE
mov cr0, ecx
mov dword [esp-4], SSE_INIT
ldmxcsr [esp-4]
xorps xmm0, xmm0
xorps xmm1, xmm1
xorps xmm2, xmm2
xorps xmm3, xmm3
xorps xmm4, xmm4
xorps xmm5, xmm5
xorps xmm6, xmm6
xorps xmm7, xmm7
fxsave [fpu_data] ;[eax]
mov ecx, cr0
and ecx, not CR0_EM
or ecx, CR0_MP+CR0_NE
mov cr0, ecx
fnsave [fpu_data]
; param
; eax= 512 bytes memory area
align 4
push ecx
push esi
push edi
mov edi, eax
mov ecx, [fpu_owner]
mov esi, [CURRENT_TASK]
cmp ecx, esi
jne .save
call save_context
jmp .exit
mov [fpu_owner], esi
shl ecx, 8
mov eax, [ecx+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.fpu_state]
call save_context
shl esi, 8
mov esi, [esi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.fpu_state]
mov ecx, 512/4
rep movsd
pop edi
pop esi
pop ecx
align 4
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_SSE
jnc .no_SSE
fxsave [eax]
fnsave [eax]
align 4
push ecx
push esi
mov esi, eax
mov ecx, [fpu_owner]
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
cmp ecx, eax
jne .copy
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_SSE
jnc .no_SSE
fxrstor [esi]
pop esi
pop ecx
fnclex ;fix possible problems
frstor [esi]
pop esi
pop ecx
shl eax, 8
mov edi, [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.fpu_state]
mov ecx, 512/4
rep movsd
pop esi
pop ecx
align 4
except_7: ;#NM exception handler
mov ax, app_data;
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ebx, [fpu_owner]
cmp ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
je .exit
shl ebx, 8
mov eax, [ebx+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.fpu_state]
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_SSE
jnc .no_SSE
fxsave [eax]
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov [fpu_owner], ebx
shl ebx, 8
mov eax, [ebx+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.fpu_state]
fxrstor [eax]
fnsave [eax]
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov [fpu_owner], ebx
shl ebx, 8
mov eax, [ebx+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.fpu_state]
frstor [eax]
fpu_owner dd 2
0,0 → 1,1519
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4424 $
struct MEM_BLOCK
list LHEAD
next_block dd ? ;+8
prev_block dd ? ;+4
base dd ? ;+16
size dd ? ;+20
flags dd ? ;+24
handle dd ? ;+28
block_next equ MEM_BLOCK.next_block
block_prev equ MEM_BLOCK.prev_block
list_fd equ
list_bk equ MEM_BLOCK.list.prev
block_base equ MEM_BLOCK.base
block_size equ MEM_BLOCK.size
block_flags equ MEM_BLOCK.flags
macro calc_index op
{ shr op, 12
dec op
cmp op, 63
jna @f
mov op, 63
align 4
mov eax, [esi+block_base]
mov ebx, [esi+block_base]
shr ebx, 6
add eax, ebx
shr ebx, 6
add eax, ebx
shr eax, 12
and eax, 63
inc [mem_hash_cnt+eax*4]
lea ecx, [mem_used_list+eax*8]
list_add esi, ecx
mov [esi+block_flags], USED_BLOCK
mov eax, [esi+block_size]
sub [heap_free], eax
align 4
mov ecx, eax
mov ebx, eax
shr ebx, 6
add ecx, ebx
shr ebx, 6
add ecx, ebx
shr ecx, 12
and ecx, 63
lea ebx, [mem_used_list+ecx*8]
mov esi, ebx
mov esi, [esi+list_fd]
cmp esi, ebx
je .fail
cmp eax, [esi+block_base]
jne .next
xor esi, esi
align 4
call .find_used
test esi, esi
jz .done
cmp [esi+block_flags], USED_BLOCK
jne .fatal
dec [mem_hash_cnt+ecx*4]
list_del esi
.fatal: ;FIXME panic here
xor esi, esi
;Initial heap state
;+heap_size terminator USED_BLOCK
;+4096*MEM_BLOCK.sizeof free space FREE_BLOCK
;HEAP_BASE heap_descriptors USED_BLOCK
align 4
proc init_kernel_heap
mov ecx, 64
mov edi, mem_block_list
mov eax, edi
loop @B
mov ecx, 64
mov edi, mem_used_list
mov eax, edi
loop @B
stdcall alloc_pages, dword 32
or eax, PG_SW
mov ebx, HEAP_BASE
mov ecx, 32
call commit_pages
mov edi, HEAP_BASE ;descriptors
mov ebx, HEAP_BASE+sizeof.MEM_BLOCK ;free space
mov ecx, HEAP_BASE+sizeof.MEM_BLOCK*2 ;terminator
xor eax, eax
mov [edi+block_next], ebx
mov [edi+block_prev], eax
mov [edi+list_fd], eax
mov [edi+list_bk], eax
mov [edi+block_base], HEAP_BASE
mov [edi+block_size], 4096*sizeof.MEM_BLOCK
mov [edi+block_flags], USED_BLOCK
mov [ecx+block_next], eax
mov [ecx+block_prev], ebx
mov [ecx+list_fd], eax
mov [ecx+list_bk], eax
mov [ecx+block_base], eax
mov [ecx+block_size], eax
mov [ecx+block_flags], USED_BLOCK
mov [ebx+block_next], ecx
mov [ebx+block_prev], edi
mov [ebx+block_base], HEAP_BASE+4096*sizeof.MEM_BLOCK
mov ecx, [pg_data.kernel_pages]
shl ecx, 12
sub ecx, HEAP_BASE-OS_BASE+4096*sizeof.MEM_BLOCK
mov [heap_size], ecx
mov [heap_free], ecx
mov [ebx+block_size], ecx
mov [ebx+block_flags], FREE_BLOCK
mov [mem_block_mask], eax
mov [mem_block_mask+4], 0x80000000
mov ecx, mem_block_list+63*8
list_add ebx, ecx
mov ecx, 4096-3-1
mov eax, HEAP_BASE+sizeof.MEM_BLOCK*4
mov [next_memblock], HEAP_BASE+sizeof.MEM_BLOCK *3
mov [eax-sizeof.MEM_BLOCK], eax
add eax, sizeof.MEM_BLOCK
loop @B
mov [eax-sizeof.MEM_BLOCK], dword 0
mov ecx, heap_mutex
call mutex_init
mov [heap_blocks], 4094
mov [free_blocks], 4093
; param
; eax= required size
; retval
; edi= memory block descriptor
; ebx= descriptor index
align 4
mov ecx, eax
shr ecx, 12
dec ecx
cmp ecx, 63
jle .get_index
mov ecx, 63
lea esi, [mem_block_mask]
xor ebx, ebx
or edx, -1
cmp ecx, 32
jb .bit_test
sub ecx, 32
add ebx, 32
add esi, 4
shl edx, cl
and edx, [esi]
bsf edi, edx
jz .high_mask
add ebx, edi
lea ecx, [mem_block_list+ebx*8]
mov edi, ecx
mov edi, [edi+list_fd]
cmp edi, ecx
je .err
cmp eax, [edi+block_size]
ja .next
xor edi, edi
add esi, 4
cmp esi, mem_block_mask+8
jae .err
add ebx, 32
mov edx, [esi]
jmp .find
align 4
mov ebx, [next_memblock]
mov [eax], ebx
mov [next_memblock], eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov dword [eax+4], ebx
mov dword [eax+8], ebx
mov dword [eax+12], ebx
mov dword [eax+16], ebx
; mov dword [eax+20], 0 ;don't clear block size
mov dword [eax+24], ebx
mov dword [eax+28], ebx
inc [free_blocks]
align 4
proc alloc_kernel_space stdcall, size:dword
local block_ind:DWORD
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov eax, [size]
add eax, 4095
and eax, not 4095
mov [size], eax
cmp eax, [heap_free]
ja .error
spin_lock_irqsave heap_mutex
mov eax, [size]
call get_small_block ; eax
test edi, edi
jz .error_unlock
cmp [edi+block_flags], FREE_BLOCK
jne .error_unlock
mov [block_ind], ebx ;index of allocated block
mov eax, [edi+block_size]
cmp eax, [size]
je .m_eq_size
mov esi, [next_memblock] ;new memory block
test esi, esi
jz .error_unlock
dec [free_blocks]
mov eax, [esi]
mov [next_memblock], eax
mov [esi+block_next], edi
mov eax, [edi+block_prev]
mov [esi+block_prev], eax
mov [edi+block_prev], esi
mov [esi+list_fd], 0
mov [esi+list_bk], 0
mov [eax+block_next], esi
mov ebx, [edi+block_base]
mov [esi+block_base], ebx
mov edx, [size]
mov [esi+block_size], edx
add [edi+block_base], edx
sub [edi+block_size], edx
mov eax, [edi+block_size]
calc_index eax
cmp eax, [block_ind]
je .add_used
list_del edi
mov ecx, [block_ind]
lea edx, [mem_block_list+ecx*8]
cmp edx, [edx]
jnz @f
btr [mem_block_mask], ecx
bts [mem_block_mask], eax
lea edx, [mem_block_list+eax*8] ;edx= list head
list_add edi, edx
call md.add_to_used
spin_unlock_irqrestore heap_mutex
mov eax, [esi+block_base]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
list_del edi
lea edx, [mem_block_list+ebx*8]
cmp edx, [edx]
jnz @f
btr [mem_block_mask], ebx
mov esi, edi
jmp .add_used
spin_unlock_irqrestore heap_mutex
xor eax, eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
align 4
proc free_kernel_space stdcall uses ebx ecx edx esi edi, base:dword
spin_lock_irqsave heap_mutex
mov eax, [base]
call md.del_from_used
test esi, esi
jz .fail
mov eax, [esi+block_size]
add [heap_free], eax
mov edi, [esi+block_next]
cmp [edi+block_flags], FREE_BLOCK
jne .prev
list_del edi
mov edx, [edi+block_next]
mov [esi+block_next], edx
mov [edx+block_prev], esi
mov ecx, [edi+block_size]
add [esi+block_size], ecx
calc_index ecx
lea edx, [mem_block_list+ecx*8]
cmp edx, [edx]
jne @F
btr [mem_block_mask], ecx
mov eax, edi
call free_mem_block
mov edi, [esi+block_prev]
cmp [edi+block_flags], FREE_BLOCK
jne .insert
mov edx, [esi+block_next]
mov [edi+block_next], edx
mov [edx+block_prev], edi
mov eax, esi
call free_mem_block
mov ecx, [edi+block_size]
mov eax, [esi+block_size]
add eax, ecx
mov [edi+block_size], eax
calc_index eax ;new index
calc_index ecx ;old index
cmp eax, ecx
je .m_eq
push ecx
list_del edi
pop ecx
lea edx, [mem_block_list+ecx*8]
cmp edx, [edx]
jne .add_block
btr [mem_block_mask], ecx
bts [mem_block_mask], eax
lea edx, [mem_block_list+eax*8]
list_add edi, edx
spin_unlock_irqrestore heap_mutex
xor eax, eax
not eax
mov [esi+block_flags], FREE_BLOCK
mov eax, [esi+block_size]
calc_index eax
mov edi, esi
jmp .add_block
spin_unlock_irqrestore heap_mutex
xor eax, eax
align 4
proc kernel_alloc stdcall, size:dword
lin_addr dd ?
pages_count dd ?
push ebx
push edi
mov eax, [size]
add eax, 4095
and eax, not 4095;
mov [size], eax
and eax, eax
jz .err
mov ebx, eax
shr ebx, 12
mov [pages_count], ebx
stdcall alloc_kernel_space, eax
mov [lin_addr], eax
mov ebx, [pages_count]
test eax, eax
jz .err
mov edx, eax
shr ebx, 3
jz .tail
shl ebx, 3
stdcall alloc_pages, ebx
test eax, eax
jz .err
mov ecx, ebx
or eax, PG_SW
mov ebx, [lin_addr]
call commit_pages
mov edx, ebx ; this dirty hack
mov ebx, [pages_count]
and ebx, 7
jz .end
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .err
stdcall map_page, edx, eax, dword PG_SW
add edx, 0x1000
dec ebx
jnz @B
mov eax, [lin_addr]
pop edi
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
pop edi
pop ebx
align 4
proc kernel_free stdcall, base:dword
push ebx esi
spin_lock_irqsave heap_mutex
mov eax, [base]
call md.find_used
cmp [esi+block_flags], USED_BLOCK
jne .fail
spin_unlock_irqrestore heap_mutex
mov eax, [esi+block_base]
mov ecx, [esi+block_size]
shr ecx, 12
call release_pages ;eax, ecx
stdcall free_kernel_space, [base]
pop esi ebx
spin_unlock_irqrestore heap_mutex
xor eax, eax
pop esi ebx
restore block_next
restore block_prev
restore block_list
restore block_base
restore block_size
restore block_flags
;;;;;;;;;;;;;; USER ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
HEAP_TOP equ 0x80000000
align 4
proc init_heap
mov ebx, [current_slot]
mov eax, [ebx+APPDATA.heap_top]
test eax, eax
jz @F
sub eax, [ebx+APPDATA.heap_base]
sub eax, 4096
mov esi, [ebx+APPDATA.mem_size]
add esi, 4095
and esi, not 4095
mov [ebx+APPDATA.mem_size], esi
mov eax, HEAP_TOP
mov [ebx+APPDATA.heap_base], esi
mov [ebx+APPDATA.heap_top], eax
sub eax, esi
shr esi, 10
mov ecx, eax
sub eax, 4096
or ecx, FREE_BLOCK
mov [page_tabs+esi], ecx
align 4
proc user_alloc stdcall, alloc_size:dword
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov ecx, [alloc_size]
add ecx, (4095+4096)
and ecx, not 4095
mov ebx, [current_slot]
mov esi, dword [ebx+APPDATA.heap_base] ; heap_base
mov edi, dword [ebx+APPDATA.heap_top] ; heap_top
cmp esi, edi
jae m_exit
mov ebx, esi
shr ebx, 12
mov eax, [page_tabs+ebx*4]
test al, FREE_BLOCK
jz test_used
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
cmp eax, ecx ;alloc_size
jb m_next
jz @f
lea edx, [esi+ecx]
sub eax, ecx
shr edx, 12
mov [page_tabs+edx*4], eax
or ecx, USED_BLOCK
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], ecx
shr ecx, 12
inc ebx
dec ecx
jz .no
mov dword [page_tabs+ebx*4], 2
inc ebx
dec ecx
jnz @B
mov edx, [current_slot]
mov ebx, [alloc_size]
add ebx, 0xFFF
and ebx, not 0xFFF
add ebx, [edx+APPDATA.mem_size]
call update_mem_size
lea eax, [esi+4096]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
test al, USED_BLOCK
jz m_exit
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
add esi, eax
jmp l_0
xor eax, eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
align 4
proc user_alloc_at stdcall, address:dword, alloc_size:dword
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov ebx, [current_slot]
mov edx, [address]
and edx, not 0xFFF
mov [address], edx
sub edx, 0x1000
jb .error
mov esi, [ebx+APPDATA.heap_base]
mov edi, [ebx+APPDATA.heap_top]
cmp edx, esi
jb .error
cmp esi, edi
jae .error
mov ebx, esi
shr ebx, 12
mov eax, [page_tabs+ebx*4]
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, 0xFFFFF000
add ecx, esi
cmp edx, ecx
jb .found
mov esi, ecx
jmp .scan
xor eax, eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
test al, FREE_BLOCK
jz .error
mov eax, ecx
sub eax, edx
sub eax, 0x1000
cmp eax, [alloc_size]
jb .error
; Here we have 1 big free block which includes requested area.
; In general, 3 other blocks must be created instead:
; free at [esi, edx);
; busy at [edx, edx+0x1000+ALIGN_UP(alloc_size,0x1000));
; free at [edx+0x1000+ALIGN_UP(alloc_size,0x1000), ecx)
; First or third block (or both) may be absent.
mov eax, edx
sub eax, esi
jz .nofirst
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
mov eax, [alloc_size]
add eax, 0x1FFF
and eax, not 0xFFF
mov ebx, edx
add edx, eax
shr ebx, 12
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
shr eax, 12
dec eax
jz .second_nofill
inc ebx
mov dword [page_tabs+ebx*4], 2
inc ebx
dec eax
jnz .fill
sub ecx, edx
jz .nothird
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], ecx
mov edx, [current_slot]
mov ebx, [alloc_size]
add ebx, 0xFFF
and ebx, not 0xFFF
add ebx, [edx+APPDATA.mem_size]
call update_mem_size
mov eax, [address]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
align 4
proc user_free stdcall, base:dword
push esi
mov esi, [base]
test esi, esi
jz .exit
push ebx
xor ebx, ebx
shr esi, 12
mov eax, [page_tabs+(esi-1)*4]
test al, USED_BLOCK
jz .cantfree
jnz .cantfree
and eax, not 4095
mov ecx, eax
mov [page_tabs+(esi-1)*4], eax
sub ecx, 4096
mov ebx, ecx
shr ecx, 12
jz .released
xor eax, eax
xchg eax, [page_tabs+esi*4]
test al, 1
jz @F
test eax, PG_SHARED
jnz @F
call free_page
mov eax, esi
shl eax, 12
invlpg [eax]
inc esi
dec ecx
jnz .release
push edi
mov edx, [current_slot]
mov esi, dword [edx+APPDATA.heap_base]
mov edi, dword [edx+APPDATA.heap_top]
sub ebx, [edx+APPDATA.mem_size]
neg ebx
call update_mem_size
call user_normalize
pop edi
pop ebx
pop esi
xor eax, eax
inc eax
pop esi
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
pop esi
align 4
proc user_unmap stdcall, base:dword, offset:dword, size:dword
push ebx
mov ebx, [base] ; must be valid pointer
test ebx, ebx
jz .error
mov edx, [offset] ; check offset
add edx, ebx ; must be below 2Gb app limit
js .error
shr ebx, 12 ; chek block attributes
lea ebx, [page_tabs+ebx*4]
mov eax, [ebx-4] ; block attributes
test al, USED_BLOCK
jz .error
jnz .error
shr edx, 12
lea edx, [page_tabs+edx*4] ; unmap offset
mov ecx, [size]
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 12 ; unmap size in pages
shr eax, 12 ; block size + 1 page
lea ebx, [ebx+eax*4-4] ; block end ptr
lea eax, [edx+ecx*4] ; unmap end ptr
cmp eax, ebx ; check for overflow
ja .error
mov ebx, [offset]
and ebx, not 4095 ; is it required ?
add ebx, [base]
mov eax, [edx] ; get page addres
test al, 1 ; page mapped ?
jz @F
test eax, PG_SHARED ; page shared ?
jnz @F
mov [edx], dword 2
; mark page as reserved
invlpg [ebx] ; when we start using
call free_page ; empty c-o-w page instead this ?
add ebx, 4096
add edx, 4
dec ecx
jnz .unmap
pop ebx
or al, 1 ; return non zero on success
pop ebx
xor eax, eax ; something wrong
align 4
; in: esi=heap_base, edi=heap_top
; out: eax=0 <=> OK
; destroys: ebx,edx,esi,edi
shr esi, 12
shr edi, 12
mov eax, [page_tabs+esi*4]
test al, USED_BLOCK
jz .test_free
shr eax, 12
add esi, eax
jmp @B
test al, FREE_BLOCK
jz .err
mov edx, eax
shr edx, 12
add edx, esi
cmp edx, edi
jae .exit
mov ebx, [page_tabs+edx*4]
test bl, USED_BLOCK
jz .next_free
shr ebx, 12
add edx, ebx
mov esi, edx
jmp @B
test bl, FREE_BLOCK
jz .err
and dword [page_tabs+edx*4], 0
add eax, ebx
and eax, not 4095
or eax, FREE_BLOCK
mov [page_tabs+esi*4], eax
jmp @B
xor eax, eax
inc eax
xor eax, eax
; in: eax = pointer, ebx = new size
; out: eax = new pointer or NULL
test eax, eax
jnz @f
; realloc(NULL,sz) - same as malloc(sz)
push ebx
call user_alloc
push ecx edx
lea ecx, [eax - 0x1000]
shr ecx, 12
mov edx, [page_tabs+ecx*4]
test dl, USED_BLOCK
jnz @f
; attempt to realloc invalid pointer
pop edx ecx
xor eax, eax
jnz .ret0
add ebx, 0x1FFF
shr edx, 12
shr ebx, 12
; edx = allocated size, ebx = new size
add edx, ecx
add ebx, ecx
cmp edx, ebx
jb .realloc_add
; release part of allocated memory
cmp edx, ebx
jz .release_done
dec edx
xor eax, eax
xchg eax, [page_tabs+edx*4]
test al, 1
jz .loop
call free_page
mov eax, edx
shl eax, 12
invlpg [eax]
jmp .loop
sub ebx, ecx
cmp ebx, 1
jnz .nofreeall
mov eax, [page_tabs+ecx*4]
and eax, not 0xFFF
mov edx, [current_slot]
mov ebx, [APPDATA.mem_size+edx]
sub ebx, eax
add ebx, 0x1000
mov [page_tabs+ecx*4], eax
push esi edi
mov esi, [APPDATA.heap_base+edx]
mov edi, [APPDATA.heap_top+edx]
call update_mem_size
call user_normalize
pop edi esi
jmp .ret0 ; all freed
sub edx, ecx
shl ebx, 12
or ebx, USED_BLOCK
xchg [page_tabs+ecx*4], ebx
shr ebx, 12
sub ebx, edx
push ebx ecx edx
mov edx, [current_slot]
shl ebx, 12
sub ebx, [APPDATA.mem_size+edx]
neg ebx
call update_mem_size
pop edx ecx ebx
lea eax, [ecx+1]
shl eax, 12
push eax
add ecx, edx
lea edx, [ecx+ebx]
shl ebx, 12
jz .ret
push esi
mov esi, [current_slot]
mov esi, [APPDATA.heap_top+esi]
shr esi, 12
cmp edx, esi
jae .merge_done
mov eax, [page_tabs+edx*4]
test al, USED_BLOCK
jnz .merge_done
and dword [page_tabs+edx*4], 0
shr eax, 12
add edx, eax
shl eax, 12
add ebx, eax
jmp @b
pop esi
or ebx, FREE_BLOCK
mov [page_tabs+ecx*4], ebx
pop eax edx ecx
; get some additional memory
mov eax, [current_slot]
mov eax, [APPDATA.heap_top+eax]
shr eax, 12
cmp edx, eax
jae .cant_inplace
mov eax, [page_tabs+edx*4]
test al, FREE_BLOCK
jz .cant_inplace
shr eax, 12
add eax, edx
sub eax, ebx
jb .cant_inplace
jz @f
shl eax, 12
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
mov eax, ebx
sub eax, ecx
shl eax, 12
mov [page_tabs+ecx*4], eax
lea eax, [ecx+1]
shl eax, 12
push eax
push edi
lea edi, [page_tabs+edx*4]
mov eax, 2
sub ebx, edx
mov ecx, ebx
rep stosd
pop edi
mov edx, [current_slot]
shl ebx, 12
add ebx, [APPDATA.mem_size+edx]
call update_mem_size
pop eax edx ecx
push esi edi
mov eax, [current_slot]
mov esi, [APPDATA.heap_base+eax]
mov edi, [APPDATA.heap_top+eax]
shr esi, 12
shr edi, 12
sub ebx, ecx
cmp esi, edi
jae .place_not_found
mov eax, [page_tabs+esi*4]
test al, FREE_BLOCK
jz .next_place
shr eax, 12
cmp eax, ebx
jae .place_found
add esi, eax
jmp .find_place
shr eax, 12
add esi, eax
jmp .find_place
pop edi esi
jmp .ret0
sub eax, ebx
jz @f
push esi
add esi, ebx
shl eax, 12
mov [page_tabs+esi*4], eax
pop esi
mov eax, ebx
shl eax, 12
mov [page_tabs+esi*4], eax
inc esi
mov eax, esi
shl eax, 12
push eax
mov eax, [page_tabs+ecx*4]
and eax, not 0xFFF
sub edx, ecx
mov [page_tabs+ecx*4], eax
inc ecx
dec ebx
dec edx
jz .no
xor eax, eax
xchg eax, [page_tabs+ecx*4]
mov [page_tabs+esi*4], eax
mov eax, ecx
shl eax, 12
invlpg [eax]
inc esi
inc ecx
dec ebx
dec edx
jnz @b
push ebx
mov edx, [current_slot]
shl ebx, 12
add ebx, [APPDATA.mem_size+edx]
call update_mem_size
pop ebx
mov dword [page_tabs+esi*4], 2
inc esi
dec ebx
jnz @b
pop eax edi esi edx ecx
if 0
align 4
proc alloc_dll
bsf eax, [dll_map]
jnz .find
xor eax, eax
btr [dll_map], eax
shl eax, 5
add eax, dll_tab
align 4
proc alloc_service
bsf eax, [srv_map]
jnz .find
xor eax, eax
btr [srv_map], eax
shl eax, 0x02
lea eax, [srv_tab+eax+eax*8] ;srv_tab+eax*36
end if
;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SHARED ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; param
; eax= shm_map object
align 4
push esi
push edi
mov edi, eax
mov esi, [eax+SMAP.parent]
test esi, esi
jz .done
lock dec [esi+SMEM.refcount]
jnz .done
mov ecx, [esi+SMEM.bk]
mov edx, [esi+SMEM.fd]
mov [ecx+SMEM.fd], edx
mov [edx+SMEM.bk], ecx
stdcall kernel_free, [esi+SMEM.base]
mov eax, esi
call free
mov eax, edi
call destroy_kernel_object
pop edi
pop esi
E_ACCESS equ 10
E_NOMEM equ 30
E_PARAM equ 33
SHM_READ equ 0
SHM_OPEN equ (0 shl 2)
SHM_OPEN_ALWAYS equ (1 shl 2)
SHM_CREATE equ (2 shl 2)
SHM_OPEN_MASK equ (3 shl 2)
align 4
proc shmem_open stdcall name:dword, size:dword, access:dword
action dd ?
owner_access dd ?
mapped dd ?
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov [mapped], 0
mov [owner_access], 0
pushfd ;mutex required
mov eax, [access]
and eax, SHM_OPEN_MASK
mov [action], eax
mov ebx, [name]
test ebx, ebx
mov edx, E_PARAM
jz .fail
mov esi, [shmem_list.fd]
align 4
cmp esi, shmem_list
je .not_found
lea edx, []; link , base, size
stdcall strncmp, edx, ebx, 32
test eax, eax
je .found
mov esi, [esi+SMEM.fd]
jmp @B
mov eax, [action]
cmp eax, SHM_OPEN
mov edx, E_NOTFOUND
je .fail
cmp eax, SHM_CREATE
mov edx, E_PARAM
je .create_shm
jne .fail
mov ecx, [size]
test ecx, ecx
jz .fail
add ecx, 4095
and ecx, -4096
mov [size], ecx
mov eax, sizeof.SMEM
call malloc
test eax, eax
mov esi, eax
mov edx, E_NOMEM
jz .fail
stdcall kernel_alloc, [size]
test eax, eax
mov [mapped], eax
mov edx, E_NOMEM
jz .cleanup
mov ecx, [size]
mov edx, [access]
mov [esi+SMEM.base], eax
mov [esi+SMEM.size], ecx
mov [esi+SMEM.access], edx
mov [esi+SMEM.refcount], 0
mov [], 0
lea eax, []
stdcall strncpy, eax, [name], 31
mov eax, [shmem_list.fd]
mov [esi+SMEM.bk], shmem_list
mov [esi+SMEM.fd], eax
mov [eax+SMEM.bk], esi
mov [shmem_list.fd], esi
mov [action], SHM_OPEN
mov [owner_access], SHM_WRITE
mov eax, [action]
cmp eax, SHM_CREATE
mov edx, E_ACCESS
je .exit
cmp eax, SHM_OPEN
mov edx, E_PARAM
je .create_map
jne .fail
mov eax, [access]
cmp eax, [esi+SMEM.access]
mov [access], eax
mov edx, E_ACCESS
ja .fail
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl ebx, 5
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK+ebx+4]
mov eax, sizeof.SMAP
call create_kernel_object
test eax, eax
mov edi, eax
mov edx, E_NOMEM
jz .fail
inc [esi+SMEM.refcount]
mov [edi+SMAP.magic], 'SMAP'
mov [edi+SMAP.destroy], destroy_smap
mov [edi+SMAP.parent], esi
mov [edi+SMAP.base], 0
stdcall user_alloc, [esi+SMEM.size]
test eax, eax
mov [mapped], eax
mov edx, E_NOMEM
jz .cleanup2
mov [edi+SMAP.base], eax
mov ecx, [esi+SMEM.size]
mov [size], ecx
shr ecx, 12
shr eax, 10
mov esi, [esi+SMEM.base]
shr esi, 10
lea edi, [page_tabs+eax]
add esi, page_tabs
mov edx, [access]
or edx, [owner_access]
shl edx, 1
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
or eax, edx
loop @B
xor edx, edx
cmp [owner_access], 0
jne .fail
mov edx, [size]
mov eax, [mapped]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov [size], edx
mov eax, esi
call free
jmp .exit
mov [size], edx
mov eax, edi
call destroy_smap
jmp .exit
align 4
proc shmem_close stdcall, name:dword
mov eax, [name]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
push esi
push edi
mov esi, [current_slot]
mov eax, [esi+APPOBJ.fd]
test eax, eax
jz @F
cmp eax, esi
mov esi, eax
je @F
cmp [eax+SMAP.magic], 'SMAP'
jne .next
mov edi, [eax+SMAP.parent]
test edi, edi
jz .next
lea edi, []
stdcall strncmp, [name], edi, 32
test eax, eax
jne .next
stdcall user_free, [esi+SMAP.base]
mov eax, esi
call [esi+APPOBJ.destroy]
pop edi
pop esi
0,0 → 1,278
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
align 16
irqh_tab rd sizeof.LHEAD * IRQ_RESERVED / 4
irqh_pool rd sizeof.IRQH * IRQ_POOL_SIZE /4
next_irqh rd 1
irq_active_set rd 1
irq_failed rd IRQ_RESERVED
align 4
mov edi, irqh_tab
mov eax, edi
loop @B
mov ecx, IRQ_POOL_SIZE-1
mov eax, irqh_pool+sizeof.IRQH
mov [next_irqh], irqh_pool
mov [eax-sizeof.IRQH], eax
add eax, sizeof.IRQH
loop @B
mov [eax-sizeof.IRQH], dword 0
align 4
proc attach_int_handler stdcall, irq:dword, handler:dword, user_data:dword
.irqh dd ?
DEBUGF 1, "K : Attach Interrupt %d Handler %x\n", [irq], [handler]
and [.irqh], 0
push ebx
mov ebx, [irq] ;irq num
test ebx, ebx
jz .err
jae .err
mov edx, [handler]
test edx, edx
jz .err
spin_lock_irqsave IrqsList
;allocate handler
mov ecx, [next_irqh]
test ecx, ecx
jz .fail
mov eax, [ecx]
mov [next_irqh], eax
mov [.irqh], ecx
mov [irq_failed+ebx*4], 0;clear counter
mov eax, [user_data]
mov [ecx+IRQH.handler], edx
mov [], eax
and [ecx+IRQH.num_ints], 0
lea edx, [irqh_tab+ebx*8]
list_add_tail ecx, edx ;clobber eax
stdcall enable_irq, ebx
spin_unlock_irqrestore IrqsList
pop ebx
mov eax, [.irqh]
if 0
align 4
proc get_int_handler stdcall, irq:dword
mov eax, [irq]
cmp eax, 15
ja .fail
mov eax, [irq_tab + 4 * eax]
xor eax, eax
end if
align 4
proc detach_int_handler
macro irq_serv_h [num] {
align 4
.irq_#num :
push num
jmp .main
align 16
; .irq_1:
; push 1
; jmp .main
; etc...
irq_serv_h 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15
irq_serv_h 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
purge irq_serv_h
align 16
mov ebp, [esp + 32]
mov bx, app_data;os_data
mov ds, bx
mov es, bx
cmp [v86_irqhooks+ebp*8], 0
jnz v86_irq
bts [irq_active_set], ebp
lea esi, [irqh_tab+ebp*8] ; esi= list head
mov ebx, esi
mov ebx, []; ebx= irqh pointer
cmp ebx, esi
je .done
push ebx ; FIX THIS
push edi
push esi
push []
call [ebx+IRQH.handler]
pop ecx
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
test eax, eax
jz .next
inc [ebx+IRQH.num_ints]
btr [irq_active_set], ebp
jmp .next
btr [irq_active_set], ebp
jnc .exit
; There is at least one configuration with one device which generates IRQ
; that is not the same as it should be according to PCI config space.
; For that device, the handler is registered at wrong IRQ.
; As a workaround, when nobody acknowledges the generated IRQ,
; try to ask all other registered handlers; if some handler acknowledges
; the IRQ this time, relink it to the current IRQ list.
; To make this more reliable, for every handler keep number of times
; that it has acknowledged an IRQ, and assume that handlers with at least one
; acknowledged IRQ are registered properly.
; Note: this still isn't 100% correct, because two IRQs can fire simultaneously,
; the better way would be to find the correct IRQ, but I don't know how to do
; this in that case.
push ebp
xor ebp, ebp
cmp ebp, [esp]
jz .try_next_irq
cmp ebp, 1
jz .try_next_irq
cmp ebp, 6
jz .try_next_irq
cmp ebp, 12
jz .try_next_irq
cmp ebp, 14
jz .try_next_irq
cmp ebp, 15
jz .try_next_irq
lea esi, [irqh_tab+ebp*8]
mov ebx, esi
mov ebx, []
cmp ebx, esi
je .try_next_irq
cmp [ebx+IRQH.num_ints], 0
jne .try_next_handler
; keyboard handler acknowledges everything
push []
call [ebx+IRQH.handler]
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jz .try_next_handler
DEBUGF 1,'K : warning: relinking handler from IRQ%d to IRQ%d\n',\
ebp, [esp]
pop ebp
spin_lock_irqsave IrqsList
list_del ebx
lea edx, [irqh_tab+ebp*8]
list_add_tail ebx, edx
spin_unlock_irqrestore IrqsList
jmp .exit
inc ebp
cmp ebp, 16
jb .try_other_irqs
pop ebp
inc [irq_failed+ebp*4]
mov ecx, ebp
call irq_eoi
; IRQ handler could make some kernel thread ready; reschedule
call find_next_task
jz .return ; if there is only one running process
call do_change_task
add esp, 4
align 4
push eax
push ecx
xor eax, eax
out 0xf0, al
mov cl, 13
call irq_eoi
pop ecx
pop eax
0,0 → 1,1035
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3681 $
; Small heap based on malloc/free/realloc written by Doug Lea
; Version 2.8.3 Thu Sep 22 11:16:15 2005 Doug Lea (dl at gee)
; Source
; License
; eax= size
; temp
; esi= nb
; ebx= idx
align 4
push ebx esi
; nb = ((size+7)&~7)+8;
mov esi, eax ;size
add esi, 7
and esi, -8
add esi, 8
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_lock
cmp esi, 256
jae .large
mov ecx, esi
shr ecx, 3
or eax, -1
shl eax, cl
and eax, [mst.smallmap]
jz .small
push ebp
push edi
bsf eax, eax
mov ebx, eax
; psize= idx<<3;
; B = &ms.smallbins[idx];
; p = B->fd;
; F = p->fd;
; rsize= psize-nb;
lea ebp, [eax*8] ;ebp= psize
shl eax, 4
lea edi, [mst.smallbins+eax] ;edi= B
mov edx, [edi+8] ;edx= p
mov eax, [edx+8] ;eax= F
mov ecx, ebp
sub ecx, esi ;ecx= rsize
; if (B == F)
cmp edi, eax
jne @F
btr [mst.smallmap], ebx
; B->fd = F;
; F->bk = B;
; if(rsize<16)
cmp ecx, 16
mov [edi+8], eax
mov [eax+12], edi
jae .split
; p->head = psize|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT;
; (p + psize)->head |= PINUSE_BIT;
lea eax, [edx+8]
or dword [edx+ebp+4], 1
or ebp, 3
mov [edx+4], ebp
pop edi
pop ebp
mov esi, eax
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, esi
pop esi ebx
lea ebx, [edx+8] ;ebx=mem
; r = chunk_plus_offset(p, nb);
; p->head = nb|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT;
; r->head = rsize|PINUSE_BIT;
lea eax, [edx+esi] ;eax= r
or esi, 3
mov [edx+4], esi
mov edx, ecx
or edx, 1
mov [eax+4], edx
; (r + rsize)->prev_foot = rsize;
mov [eax+ecx], ecx
; I = rsize>>3;
shr ecx, 3
; ms.smallmap |= 1<< I;
bts [mst.smallmap], ecx
; B = &ms.smallbins[I];
shl ecx, 4
pop edi
pop ebp
add ecx, mst.smallbins ;ecx= B
mov edx, [ecx+8] ; F = B->fd;
mov [ecx+8], eax ; B->fd = r;
mov [edx+12], eax ; F->bk = r;
mov [eax+8], edx ; r->fd = F;
mov [eax+12], ecx ; r->bk = B;
mov eax, ebx
jmp .done
; if (ms.treemap != 0 && (mem = malloc_small(nb)) != 0)
;;;;;;;;;;; start a change <lrz>
mov eax, [mst.treemap]
test eax, eax
;;;;;;;;;;; end the change <lrz>
; cmp [mst.treemap], 0
jz .from_top
mov eax, esi
call malloc_small
test eax, eax
jz .from_top
jmp .done
; if (ms.treemap != 0 && (mem = malloc_large(nb)) != 0)
cmp [mst.treemap], 0
je .from_top
call malloc_large ;esi= nb
test eax, eax
jne .done
; if (nb < ms.topsize)
mov eax, [mst.topsize]
cmp esi, eax
jae .fail
; rsize = ms.topsize -= nb;
; p =;
mov ecx, []
sub eax, esi
mov [mst.topsize], eax
; r = = chunk_plus_offset(p, nb);
; r->head = rsize | PINUSE_BIT;
; p->head = nb |PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT;
lea edx, [ecx+esi]
or eax, 1
mov [], edx
or esi, 3
mov [edx+4], eax
mov [ecx+4], esi
lea eax, [ecx+8]
jmp .done
xor eax, eax
jmp .done
; param
; eax= mem
align 4
test eax, eax
jz .exit
push ebx edi
mov edi, eax
add edi, -8
; if(p->head & CINUSE_BIT)
test byte [edi+4], 2
je .fail
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_lock
; psize = p->head & (~3);
mov eax, [edi+4]
push esi
mov esi, eax
and esi, -4
; next = chunk_plus_offset(p, psize);
; if(!(p->head & PINUSE_BIT))
test al, 1
lea ebx, [esi+edi]
jne .next
; prevsize = p->prev_foot;
; prev=p - prevsize;
; psize += prevsize;
; p = prev;
mov ecx, [edi] ;ecx= prevsize
add esi, ecx ;esi= psize
sub edi, ecx ;edi= p
; if (prevsize < 256)
cmp ecx, 256
jae .unlink_large
mov eax, [edi+8] ;F = p->fd;
mov edx, [edi+12] ;B = p->bk;
; if (F == B)
; ms.smallmap &= ~(1<< I);
shr ecx, 3
cmp eax, edx
jne @F
btr [mst.smallmap], ecx
mov [eax+12], edx ;F->bk = B;
mov [edx+8], eax ;B->fd = F
jmp .next
mov edx, edi
call unlink_large_chunk
; if(next->head & PINUSE_BIT)
mov eax, [ebx+4]
test al, 1
jz .fail2
; if (! (next->head & CINUSE_BIT))
test al, 2
jnz .fix_next
; if (next ==
cmp ebx, []
jne @F
; tsize = ms.topsize += psize;
mov eax, [mst.topsize]
add eax, esi
mov [mst.topsize], eax
; = p;
; p->head = tsize | PINUSE_BIT;
or eax, 1
mov [], edi
mov [edi+4], eax
mov esi, eax
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, esi
pop esi
pop edi ebx
; nsize = next->head & ~INUSE_BITS;
and eax, -4
add esi, eax ;psize += nsize;
; if (nsize < 256)
cmp eax, 256
jae .unl_large
mov edx, [ebx+8] ;F = next->fd
mov ebx, [ebx+12] ;B = next->bk
; if (F == B)
cmp edx, ebx
jne @F
mov ecx, eax
shr ecx, 3
btr [mst.smallmap], ecx
mov [edx+12], ebx ;F->bk = B
; p->head = psize|PINUSE_BIT;
mov ecx, esi
mov [ebx+8], edx
or ecx, 1
mov [edi+4], ecx
; (p+psize)->prev_foot = psize;
mov [esi+edi], esi
; insert_chunk(p,psize);
mov eax, esi
mov ecx, edi
call insert_chunk
jmp .fail2
; unlink_large_chunk((tchunkptr)next);
mov edx, ebx
call unlink_large_chunk
; p->head = psize|PINUSE_BIT;
mov ecx, esi
or ecx, 1
mov [edi+4], ecx
; (p+psize)->prev_foot = psize;
mov [esi+edi], esi
; insert_chunk(p,psize);
mov eax, esi
mov ecx, edi
call insert_chunk
jmp .fail2
; (p+psize)->prev_foot = psize;
; next->head &= ~PINUSE_BIT;
; p->head = psize|PINUSE_BIT;
and eax, -2
mov edx, esi
mov [ebx+4], eax
or edx, 1
mov [edi+4], edx
; (p+psize)->prev_foot = psize;
mov [esi+edi], esi
; insert_chunk(p,psize);
mov eax, esi
mov ecx, edi
call insert_chunk
jmp .fail2
; param
; ecx = chunk
; eax = size
cmp eax, 256
push esi
mov esi, ecx
jae .large
; I = S>>3;
; ms.smallmap |= 1<< I;
shr eax, 3
bts [mst.smallmap], eax
; B = &ms.smallbins[I];
shl eax, 4
add eax, mst.smallbins
mov edx, [eax+8] ;F = B->fd
mov [eax+8], esi ;B->fd = P
mov [edx+12], esi ;F->bk = P
mov [esi+8], edx ;P->fd = F
mov [esi+12], eax ;P->bk = B
pop esi
mov ebx, eax
call insert_large_chunk
pop esi
; param
; esi= chunk
; ebx= size
; I = compute_tree_index(S);
mov edx, ebx
shr edx, 8
bsr eax, edx
lea ecx, [eax+7]
mov edx, ebx
shr edx, cl
and edx, 1
lea ecx, [edx+eax*2]
; X->index = I;
mov dword [esi+28], ecx
; X->child[0] = X->child[1] = 0;
and dword [esi+20], 0
and dword [esi+16], 0
; H = &ms.treebins[I];
mov eax, ecx
lea edx, [mst.treebins+eax*4]
; if (!(ms.treemap & 1<<I))
bt [mst.treemap], ecx
jc .tree
; ms.treemap |= 1<<I;
bts [mst.treemap], ecx
; *H = X;
mov dword [edx], esi
jmp .done
; T = *H;
mov edx, [edx]
; K = S << leftshift_for_tree_index(I);
mov eax, ecx
shr eax, 1
sub ecx, 31
mov edi, 37
sub edi, eax
neg ecx
sbb ecx, ecx
and ecx, edi
mov eax, ebx
shl eax, cl ;eax= K
jmp .loop
; C = &(T->child[(K >> 31) & 1]);
mov ecx, eax
shr ecx, 31
lea ecx, [edx+ecx*4+16]
; K <<= 1;
; if (*C != 0)
mov edi, [ecx]
add eax, eax
test edi, edi
jz .insert_child
; T = *C;
mov edx, edi
; for (;;)
; if ((T->head & ~INUSE_BITS) != S)
mov ecx, [edx+4]
and ecx, not 3
cmp ecx, ebx
jne .not_eq_size
; F = T->fd;
mov eax, [edx+8]
; T->fd = F->bk = X;
mov [eax+12], esi
mov [edx+8], esi
; X->fd = F;
; X->bk = T;
; X->parent = 0;
and dword [esi+24], 0
mov [esi+8], eax
mov [esi+12], edx
; *C = X;
mov [ecx], esi
; X->parent = T;
mov [esi+24], edx
; X->fd = X->bk = X;
mov [esi+12], esi
mov [esi+8], esi
; param
; edx= chunk
mov eax, [edx+12]
cmp eax, edx
push edi
mov edi, [edx+24]
je @F
mov ecx, [edx+8] ;F = X->fd
mov [ecx+12], eax ;F->bk = R;
mov [eax+8], ecx ;R->fd = F
jmp .parent
mov eax, [edx+20]
test eax, eax
push esi
lea esi, [edx+20]
jne .loop
mov eax, [edx+16]
test eax, eax
lea esi, [edx+16]
je .l2
cmp dword [eax+20], 0
lea ecx, [eax+20]
jne @F
cmp dword [eax+16], 0
lea ecx, [eax+16]
je .l1
mov eax, [ecx]
mov esi, ecx
jmp .loop
mov dword [esi], 0
pop esi
test edi, edi
je .done
mov ecx, [edx+28]
cmp edx, [mst.treebins+ecx*4]
lea ecx, [mst.treebins+ecx*4]
jne .l3
test eax, eax
mov [ecx], eax
jne .l5
mov ecx, [edx+28]
btr [mst.treemap], ecx
pop edi
cmp [edi+16], edx
jne @F
mov [edi+16], eax
jmp .l4
mov [edi+20], eax
test eax, eax
je .done
mov [eax+24], edi
mov ecx, [edx+16]
test ecx, ecx
je .l6
mov [eax+16], ecx
mov [ecx+24], eax
mov edx, [edx+20]
test edx, edx
je .done
mov [eax+20], edx
mov [edx+24], eax
pop edi
; param
; esi= nb
push ebp
mov ebp, esi
push edi
bsf eax, [mst.treemap]
mov ecx, [mst.treebins+eax*4]
; rsize = (t->head & ~INUSE_BITS) - nb;
mov edi, [ecx+4]
and edi, -4
sub edi, esi
mov ebx, ecx
; while ((t = leftmost_child(t)) != 0)
mov eax, [ecx+16]
test eax, eax
jz @F
mov ecx, eax
jmp .l1
mov ecx, [ecx+20]
test ecx, ecx
jz .unlink
; trem = (t->head & ~INUSE_BITS) - nb;
mov eax, [ecx+4]
and eax, -4
sub eax, ebp
; if (trem < rsize)
cmp eax, edi
jae .loop_1
; rsize = trem;
mov edi, eax
jmp .loop
; r = chunk_plus_offset((mchunkptr)v, nb);
; unlink_large_chunk(v);
mov edx, ebx
lea esi, [ebx+ebp]
call unlink_large_chunk
; if (rsize < 16)
cmp edi, 16
jae .split
; v->head = (rsize + nb)|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT;
lea ecx, [edi+ebp]
; (v+rsize + nb)->head |= PINUSE_BIT;
add edi, ebx
lea eax, [edi+ebp+4]
pop edi
or ecx, 3
mov [ebx+4], ecx
or dword [eax], 1
pop ebp
lea eax, [ebx+8]
; v->head = nb|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT;
; r->head = rsize|PINUSE_BIT;
; (r+rsize)->prev_foot = rsize;
or ebp, 3
mov edx, edi
or edx, 1
cmp edi, 256
mov [ebx+4], ebp
mov [esi+4], edx
mov [esi+edi], edi
jae .large
shr edi, 3
bts [mst.smallmap], edi
mov eax, edi
shl eax, 4
add eax, mst.smallbins
mov edx, [eax+8]
mov [eax+8], esi
mov [edx+12], esi
pop edi
mov [esi+12], eax
mov [esi+8], edx
pop ebp
lea eax, [ebx+8]
lea eax, [ebx+8]
push eax
mov ebx, edi
call insert_large_chunk
pop eax
pop edi
pop ebp
; param
; esi= nb
.idx equ esp+4
.rst equ esp
push ebp
push esi
push edi
sub esp, 8
; v = 0;
; rsize = -nb;
mov edi, esi
mov ebx, esi
xor ebp, ebp
neg edi
; idx = compute_tree_index(nb);
mov edx, esi
shr edx, 8
bsr eax, edx
lea ecx, [eax+7]
shr esi, cl
and esi, 1
lea ecx, [esi+eax*2]
mov [.idx], ecx
; if ((t = ms.treebins[idx]) != 0)
mov eax, [mst.treebins+ecx*4]
test eax, eax
jz .l3
; sizebits = nb << leftshift_for_tree_index(idx);
cmp ecx, 31
jne @F
xor ecx, ecx
jmp .l1
mov edx, ecx
shr edx, 1
mov ecx, 37
sub ecx, edx
mov edx, ebx
shl edx, cl
; rst = 0;
mov [.rst], ebp
; trem = (t->head & ~INUSE_BITS) - nb;
mov ecx, [eax+4]
and ecx, -4
sub ecx, ebx
; if (trem < rsize)
cmp ecx, edi
jae @F
; v = t;
; if ((rsize = trem) == 0)
test ecx, ecx
mov ebp, eax
mov edi, ecx
je .l2
; rt = t->child[1];
mov ecx, [eax+20]
; t = t->child[(sizebits >> 31) & 1];
mov esi, edx
shr esi, 31
; if (rt != 0 && rt != t)
test ecx, ecx
mov eax, [eax+esi*4+16]
jz @F
cmp ecx, eax
jz @F
; rst = rt;
mov [.rst], ecx
; if (t == 0)
test eax, eax
jz @F
; sizebits <<= 1;
add edx, edx
jmp .loop
; t = rst;
mov eax, [.rst]
; if (t == 0 && v == 0)
test eax, eax
jne .l4
test ebp, ebp
jne .l7
mov ecx, [.idx]
; leftbits = (-1<<idx) & ms.treemap;
; if (leftbits != 0)
or edx, -1
shl edx, cl
and edx, [mst.treemap]
jz @F
bsf eax, edx
; t = ms.treebins[i];
mov eax, [mst.treebins+eax*4]
; while (t != 0)
test eax, eax
jz .l5
; trem = (t->head & ~INUSE_BITS) - nb;
mov ecx, [eax+4]
and ecx, -4
sub ecx, ebx
; if (trem < rsize)
cmp ecx, edi
jae @F
; rsize = trem;
mov edi, ecx
; v = t;
mov ebp, eax
; t = leftmost_child(t);
mov ecx, [eax+16]
test ecx, ecx
je @F
mov eax, ecx
jmp .l6
mov eax, [eax+20]
; while (t != 0)
test eax, eax
jne .l4
; if (v != 0)
test ebp, ebp
jz .done
; r = chunk_plus_offset((mchunkptr)v, nb);
; unlink_large_chunk(v);
mov edx, ebp
lea esi, [ebx+ebp]
call unlink_large_chunk
; if (rsize < 16)
cmp edi, 16
jae .large
; v->head = (rsize + nb)|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT;
lea ecx, [edi+ebx]
; (v+rsize + nb)->head |= PINUSE_BIT;
add edi, ebp
lea eax, [edi+ebx+4]
or ecx, 3
mov [ebp+4], ecx
or dword [eax], 1
lea eax, [ebp+8]
add esp, 8
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
; v->head = nb|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT;
; r->head = rsize|PINUSE_BIT;
mov edx, edi
or ebx, 3
mov [ebp+4], ebx
or edx, 1
mov [esi+4], edx
; (r+rsize)->prev_foot = rsize;
; insert_large_chunk((tchunkptr)r, rsize);
mov [esi+edi], edi
mov eax, edi
mov ecx, esi
call insert_chunk
lea eax, [ebp+8]
add esp, 8
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
add esp, 8
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
xor eax, eax
stdcall kernel_alloc, 0x40000
mov [], eax
mov [mst.topsize], 128*1024
mov dword [eax+4], (128*1024) or 1
mov eax, mst.smallbins
mov [eax+8], eax
mov [eax+12], eax
add eax, 16
cmp eax, mst.smallbins+512
jb @B
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_init
0,0 → 1,1546
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4424 $
align 4
proc alloc_page
push ebx
cmp [pg_data.pages_free], 1
jle .out_of_memory
mov ebx, [page_start]
mov ecx, [page_end]
bsf eax, [ebx];
jnz .found
add ebx, 4
cmp ebx, ecx
jb .l1
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
dec [pg_data.pages_free]
jz .out_of_memory
btr [ebx], eax
mov [page_start], ebx
sub ebx, sys_pgmap
lea eax, [eax+ebx*8]
shl eax, 12
;//- dec [pg_data.pages_free]
pop ebx
mov [pg_data.pages_free], 1
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
align 4
proc alloc_pages stdcall, count:dword
push ebx
push edi
mov eax, [count]
add eax, 7
shr eax, 3
mov [count], eax
mov ebx, [pg_data.pages_free]
sub ebx, 9
js .out_of_memory
shr ebx, 3
cmp eax, ebx
jg .out_of_memory
mov ecx, [page_start]
mov ebx, [page_end]
mov edx, [count]
mov edi, ecx
cmp byte [ecx], 0xFF
jne .next
dec edx
jz .ok
inc ecx
cmp ecx, ebx
jb .match
xor eax, eax
pop edi
pop ebx
inc ecx
cmp ecx, ebx
jb .find
pop edi
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
sub ecx, edi
inc ecx
push esi
mov esi, edi
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
sub esi, sys_pgmap
shl esi, 3+12
mov eax, esi
mov ebx, [count]
shl ebx, 3
sub [pg_data.pages_free], ebx
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
align 4
;proc map_page stdcall,lin_addr:dword,phis_addr:dword,flags:dword
push ebx
mov eax, [esp+12] ; phis_addr
and eax, not 0xFFF
or eax, [esp+16] ; flags
mov ebx, [esp+8] ; lin_addr
shr ebx, 12
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
mov eax, [esp+8] ; lin_addr
pop ebx
invlpg [eax]
ret 12
align 4
map_space: ;not implemented
align 4
proc free_page
;arg: eax page address
shr eax, 12 ;page index
bts dword [sys_pgmap], eax ;that's all!
adc [pg_data.pages_free], 0
shr eax, 3
and eax, not 3 ;dword offset from page_map
add eax, sys_pgmap
cmp [page_start], eax
ja @f
mov [page_start], eax
align 4
proc map_io_mem stdcall, base:dword, size:dword, flags:dword
push ebx
push edi
mov eax, [size]
add eax, [base]
add eax, 4095
and eax, -4096
mov ecx, [base]
and ecx, -4096
sub eax, ecx
mov [size], eax
stdcall alloc_kernel_space, eax
test eax, eax
jz .fail
push eax
mov edi, 0x1000
mov ebx, eax
mov ecx, [size]
mov edx, [base]
shr eax, 12
shr ecx, 12
and edx, -4096
or edx, [flags]
mov [page_tabs+eax*4], edx
invlpg [ebx]
inc eax
add ebx, edi
add edx, edi
loop @B
pop eax
mov edx, [base]
and edx, 4095
add eax, edx
pop edi
pop ebx
; param
; eax= page base + page flags
; ebx= linear address
; ecx= count
align 4
test ecx, ecx
jz .fail
push edi
push eax
push ecx
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
pop ecx
pop eax
mov edi, ebx
shr edi, 12
lea edi, [page_tabs+edi*4]
invlpg [ebx]
add eax, 0x1000
add ebx, 0x1000
loop @B
pop edi
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
; param
; eax= base
; ecx= count
align 4
push ebp
push esi
push edi
push ebx
mov esi, eax
mov edi, eax
shr esi, 12
lea esi, [page_tabs+esi*4]
push ecx
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
pop ecx
mov ebp, [pg_data.pages_free]
mov ebx, [page_start]
mov edx, sys_pgmap
xor eax, eax
xchg eax, [esi]
invlpg [edi]
test eax, 1
jz .next
shr eax, 12
bts [edx], eax
adc ebp, 0
shr eax, 3
and eax, -4
add eax, edx
cmp eax, ebx
jae .next
mov ebx, eax
add edi, 0x1000
add esi, 4
loop @B
mov [pg_data.pages_free], ebp
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
; param
; eax= base
; ecx= count
align 4
push edi
mov edi, eax
mov edx, eax
shr edi, 10
add edi, page_tabs
xor eax, eax
invlpg [edx]
add edx, 0x1000
loop @b
pop edi
align 4
proc map_page_table stdcall, lin_addr:dword, phis_addr:dword
push ebx
mov ebx, [lin_addr]
shr ebx, 22
mov eax, [phis_addr]
and eax, not 0xFFF
or eax, PG_UW ;+PG_NOCACHE
mov dword [master_tab+ebx*4], eax
mov eax, [lin_addr]
shr eax, 10
add eax, page_tabs
invlpg [eax]
pop ebx
align 4
proc init_LFB
pg_count dd ?
cmp dword [LFBAddress], -1
jne @f
mov [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_MTRR], byte 2
; max VGA=640*480*4=1228800 bytes
; + 32*640*4=81920 bytes for mouse pointer
stdcall alloc_pages, ((1228800+81920)/4096)
push eax
call alloc_page
stdcall map_page_table, LFB_BASE, eax
pop eax
or eax, PG_UW
mov ebx, LFB_BASE
; max VGA=640*480*4=1228800 bytes
; + 32*640*4=81920 bytes for mouse pointer
mov ecx, (1228800+81920)/4096
call commit_pages
mov [LFBAddress], dword LFB_BASE
test [SCR_MODE], word 0100000000000000b
jnz @f
mov [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_MTRR], byte 2
call init_mtrr
mov edx, LFB_BASE
mov esi, [LFBAddress]
mov edi, 0x00C00000
mov dword [exp_lfb+4], edx
shr edi, 12
mov [pg_count], edi
shr edi, 10
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_PSE
jnc .map_page_tables
or esi, PG_LARGE+PG_UW
mov edx, sys_proc+PROC.pdt_0+(LFB_BASE shr 20)
mov [edx], esi
add edx, 4
add esi, 0x00400000
dec edi
jnz @B
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_PGE
jnc @F
or dword [sys_proc+PROC.pdt_0+(LFB_BASE shr 20)], PG_GLOBAL
mov dword [LFBAddress], LFB_BASE
mov eax, cr3 ;flush TLB
mov cr3, eax
call alloc_page
stdcall map_page_table, edx, eax
add edx, 0x00400000
dec edi
jnz @B
mov eax, [LFBAddress]
mov edi, page_tabs + (LFB_BASE shr 10)
or eax, PG_UW
mov ecx, [pg_count]
add eax, 0x1000
dec ecx
jnz @B
mov dword [LFBAddress], LFB_BASE
mov eax, cr3 ;flush TLB
mov cr3, eax
align 4
proc new_mem_resize stdcall, new_size:dword
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov edx, [current_slot]
cmp [edx+APPDATA.heap_base], 0
jne .exit
mov edi, [new_size]
add edi, 4095
and edi, not 4095
mov [new_size], edi
mov esi, [edx+APPDATA.mem_size]
add esi, 4095
and esi, not 4095
cmp edi, esi
ja .expand
je .exit
mov ebx, edi
shr edi, 12
shr esi, 12
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
mov eax, [app_page_tabs+edi*4]
test eax, 1
jz .next
mov dword [app_page_tabs+edi*4], 0
invlpg [ebx]
call free_page
inc edi
add ebx, 0x1000
cmp edi, esi
jb @B
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov edx, [current_slot]
mov ebx, [new_size]
call update_mem_size
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
xchg esi, edi
push esi ;new size
push edi ;old size
add edi, 0x3FFFFF
and edi, not(0x3FFFFF)
add esi, 0x3FFFFF
and esi, not(0x3FFFFF)
cmp edi, esi
jae .grow
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .exit_fail
stdcall map_page_table, edi, eax
push edi
shr edi, 10
add edi, page_tabs
mov ecx, 1024
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop edi
add edi, 0x00400000
cmp edi, esi
jb @B
pop edi ;old size
pop ecx ;new size
shr edi, 10
shr ecx, 10
sub ecx, edi
shr ecx, 2 ;pages count
mov eax, 2
add edi, app_page_tabs
rep stosd
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
jmp .update_size
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
add esp, 8
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
inc eax
align 4
; in: edx = slot base
; ebx = new memory size
; destroys eax,ecx,edx
mov [APPDATA.mem_size+edx], ebx
;search threads and update
;application memory size infomation
mov ecx, [APPDATA.process+edx]
mov eax, 2
;eax = current slot
;ebx = new memory size
;ecx = page directory
cmp eax, [TASK_COUNT]
jg .search_threads_end
mov edx, eax
shl edx, 5
cmp word [CURRENT_TASK+edx+TASKDATA.state], 9 ;if slot empty?
jz .search_threads_next
shl edx, 3
cmp [SLOT_BASE+edx+APPDATA.process], ecx ;if it is our thread?
jnz .search_threads_next
mov [SLOT_BASE+edx+APPDATA.mem_size], ebx ;update memory size
inc eax
jmp .search_threads
; param
; eax= linear address
; retval
; eax= phisical page address
align 4
sub eax, OS_BASE
cmp eax, 0x400000
jb @f
shr eax, 12
mov eax, [page_tabs+(eax+(OS_BASE shr 12))*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
align 4
; Now it is called from core/sys32::exc_c (see stack frame there)
proc page_fault_handler
.err_addr equ ebp-4
push ebx ;save exception number (#PF)
mov ebp, esp
mov ebx, cr2
push ebx ;that is locals: .err_addr = cr2
inc [pg_data.pages_faults]
mov eax, [pf_err_code]
cmp ebx, OS_BASE ;ebx == .err_addr
jb .user_space ;страница в памяти приложения ;
cmp ebx, page_tabs
jb .kernel_space ;страница в памяти ядра
cmp ebx, kernel_tabs
jb .alloc;.app_tabs ;таблицы страниц приложения ;
;просто создадим одну
if 0 ;пока это просто лишнее
cmp ebx, LFB_BASE
jb .core_tabs ;таблицы страниц ядра
;область LFB
jmp .fail
end if
.fail: ;simply return to caller
mov esp, ebp
pop ebx ;restore exception number (#PF)
; xchg bx, bx
; add esp,12 ;clear in stack: locals(.err_addr) + #PF + ret_to_caller
; restore_ring3_context
; iretd
test eax, PG_MAP
jnz .err_access ;Страница присутствует
;Ошибка доступа ?
shr ebx, 12
mov ecx, ebx
shr ecx, 10
mov edx, [master_tab+ecx*4]
test edx, PG_MAP
jz .fail ;таблица страниц не создана
;неверный адрес в программе
mov eax, [page_tabs+ebx*4]
test eax, 2
jz .fail ;адрес не зарезервирован для ;
;использования. Ошибка
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .fail
stdcall map_page, [.err_addr], eax, PG_UW
mov edi, [.err_addr]
and edi, 0xFFFFF000
mov ecx, 1024
xor eax, eax
;cld ;caller is duty for this
rep stosd
.exit: ;iret with repeat fault instruction
add esp, 12;clear in stack: locals(.err_addr) + #PF + ret_to_caller
; access denied? this may be a result of copy-on-write protection for DLL
; check list of HDLLs
and ebx, not 0xFFF
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov esi, [eax+HDLL.fd]
cmp esi, eax
jz .fail
mov edx, ebx
sub edx, [esi+HDLL.base]
cmp edx, [esi+HDLL.size]
jb .fault_in_hdll
mov esi, [esi+HDLL.fd]
jmp .scan_hdll
; allocate new page, map it as rw and copy data
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .fail
stdcall map_page, ebx, eax, PG_UW
mov edi, ebx
mov ecx, 1024
sub ebx, [esi+HDLL.base]
mov esi, [esi+HDLL.parent]
mov esi, []
add esi, ebx
rep movsd
jmp .exit
test eax, PG_MAP
jz .fail ;страница не присутствует
test eax, 12 ;U/S (+below)
jnz .fail ;приложение обратилось к памяти
;test eax, 8
;jnz .fail ;установлен зарезервированный бит
;в таблицах страниц. добавлено в P4/Xeon
;попытка записи в защищённую страницу ядра
cmp ebx, tss._io_map_0
jb .fail
cmp ebx, tss._io_map_0+8192
jae .fail
; io permission map
; copy-on-write protection
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .fail
push eax
stdcall map_page, [.err_addr], eax, dword PG_SW
pop eax
mov edi, [.err_addr]
and edi, -4096
lea esi, [edi+(not tss._io_map_0)+1]; -tss._io_map_0
mov ebx, esi
shr ebx, 12
mov edx, [current_slot]
or eax, PG_SW
mov [edx+APPDATA.io_map+ebx*4], eax
add esi, [default_io_map]
mov ecx, 4096/4
;cld ;caller is duty for this
rep movsd
jmp .exit
; returns number of mapped bytes
proc map_mem stdcall, lin_addr:dword,slot:dword,\
push 0 ; initialize number of mapped bytes
cmp [buf_size], 0
jz .exit
mov eax, [slot]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.process]
mov eax, [eax+PROC.pdt_0_phys]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
stdcall map_page, [ipc_pdir], eax, PG_UW
mov ebx, [ofs]
shr ebx, 22
mov esi, [ipc_pdir]
mov edi, [ipc_ptab]
mov eax, [esi+ebx*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
jz .exit
stdcall map_page, edi, eax, PG_UW
mov edi, [lin_addr]
and edi, 0xFFFFF000
mov ecx, [buf_size]
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 12
inc ecx
mov edx, [ofs]
shr edx, 12
and edx, 0x3FF
mov esi, [ipc_ptab]
stdcall safe_map_page, [slot], [req_access], [ofs]
jnc .exit
add dword [ebp-4], 4096
add [ofs], 4096
dec ecx
jz .exit
add edi, 0x1000
inc edx
cmp edx, 0x400
jnz .map
inc ebx
mov eax, [ipc_pdir]
mov eax, [eax+ebx*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
jz .exit
stdcall map_page, esi, eax, PG_UW
xor edx, edx
jmp .map
pop eax
proc map_memEx stdcall, lin_addr:dword,slot:dword,\
push 0 ; initialize number of mapped bytes
cmp [buf_size], 0
jz .exit
mov eax, [slot]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.process]
mov eax, [eax+PROC.pdt_0_phys]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
stdcall map_page, [proc_mem_pdir], eax, PG_UW
mov ebx, [ofs]
shr ebx, 22
mov esi, [proc_mem_pdir]
mov edi, [proc_mem_tab]
mov eax, [esi+ebx*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
test eax, eax
jz .exit
stdcall map_page, edi, eax, PG_UW
mov edi, [lin_addr]
and edi, 0xFFFFF000
mov ecx, [buf_size]
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 12
inc ecx
mov edx, [ofs]
shr edx, 12
and edx, 0x3FF
mov esi, [proc_mem_tab]
stdcall safe_map_page, [slot], [req_access], [ofs]
jnc .exit
add dword [ebp-4], 0x1000
add edi, 0x1000
add [ofs], 0x1000
inc edx
dec ecx
jnz .map
pop eax
; in: esi+edx*4 = pointer to page table entry
; in: [slot], [req_access], [ofs] on the stack
; in: edi = linear address to map
; out: CF cleared <=> failed
; destroys: only eax
proc safe_map_page stdcall, slot:dword, req_access:dword, ofs:dword
mov eax, [esi+edx*4]
test al, PG_MAP
jz .not_present
test al, PG_WRITE
jz .resolve_readonly
; normal case: writable page, just map with requested access
stdcall map_page, edi, eax, [req_access]
; check for alloc-on-demand page
test al, 2
jz .fail
; allocate new page, save it to source page table
push ecx
call alloc_page
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jz .fail
or al, PG_UW
mov [esi+edx*4], eax
jmp .map
; readonly page, probably copy-on-write
; check: readonly request of readonly page is ok
test [req_access], PG_WRITE
jz .map
; find control structure for this page
push ebx ecx
mov eax, [slot]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr]
test eax, eax
jz .no_hdll
mov ecx, [eax+HDLL.fd]
cmp ecx, eax
jz .no_hdll
mov ebx, [ofs]
and ebx, not 0xFFF
sub ebx, [ecx+HDLL.base]
cmp ebx, [ecx+HDLL.size]
jb .hdll_found
mov ecx, [ecx+HDLL.fd]
jmp .scan_hdll
pop ecx ebx
; allocate page, save it in page table, map it, copy contents from base
mov eax, [ecx+HDLL.parent]
add ebx, []
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .no_hdll
or al, PG_UW
mov [esi+edx*4], eax
stdcall map_page, edi, eax, [req_access]
push esi edi
mov esi, ebx
mov ecx, 4096/4
rep movsd
pop edi esi
pop ecx ebx
; ebx=1 - set ipc buffer area
; ecx=address of buffer
; edx=size of buffer
; eax=2 - send message
; ebx=PID
; ecx=address of message
; edx=size of message
dec ebx
jnz @f
mov eax, [current_slot]
mov [eax+APPDATA.ipc_start], ecx ;set fields in extended information area
mov [eax+APPDATA.ipc_size], edx
add edx, ecx
add edx, 4095
and edx, not 4095
mov eax, [ecx]
add ecx, 0x1000
cmp ecx, edx
jb .touch
mov [esp+32], ebx ;ebx=0
dec ebx
jnz @f
stdcall sys_ipc_send, ecx, edx, esi
mov [esp+32], eax
or eax, -1
mov [esp+32], eax
;align 4
;proc set_ipc_buff
; mov eax,[current_slot]
; pushf
; cli
; mov [eax+APPDATA.ipc_start],ebx ;set fields in extended information area
; mov [eax+APPDATA.ipc_size],ecx
; add ecx, ebx
; add ecx, 4095
; and ecx, not 4095
;.touch: mov eax, [ebx]
; add ebx, 0x1000
; cmp ebx, ecx
; jb .touch
; popf
; xor eax, eax
; ret
proc sys_ipc_send stdcall, PID:dword, msg_addr:dword, msg_size:dword
dst_slot dd ?
dst_offset dd ?
buf_size dd ?
used_buf dd ?
mov eax, [PID]
call pid_to_slot
test eax, eax
jz .no_pid
mov [dst_slot], eax
shl eax, 8
mov edi, [eax+SLOT_BASE+0xa0] ;is ipc area defined?
test edi, edi
jz .no_ipc_area
mov ebx, edi
and ebx, 0xFFF
mov [dst_offset], ebx
mov esi, [eax+SLOT_BASE+0xa4]
mov [buf_size], esi
mov ecx, [ipc_tmp]
cmp esi, 0x40000-0x1000; size of [ipc_tmp] minus one page
jbe @f
push esi edi
add esi, 0x1000
stdcall alloc_kernel_space, esi
mov ecx, eax
pop edi esi
mov [used_buf], ecx
stdcall map_mem, ecx, [dst_slot], \
edi, esi, PG_SW
mov edi, [dst_offset]
add edi, [used_buf]
cmp dword [edi], 0
jnz .ipc_blocked ;if dword [buffer]<>0 - ipc blocked now
mov edx, dword [edi+4]
lea ebx, [edx+8]
add ebx, [msg_size]
cmp ebx, [buf_size]
ja .buffer_overflow ;esi<0 - not enough memory in buffer
mov dword [edi+4], ebx
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov eax, [eax+0x04] ;eax - our PID
add edi, edx
mov [edi], eax
mov ecx, [msg_size]
mov [edi+4], ecx
add edi, 8
mov esi, [msg_addr]
; add esi, new_app_base
rep movsb
mov ebx, [ipc_tmp]
mov edx, ebx
shr ebx, 12
xor eax, eax
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
invlpg [edx]
mov ebx, [ipc_pdir]
mov edx, ebx
shr ebx, 12
xor eax, eax
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
invlpg [edx]
mov ebx, [ipc_ptab]
mov edx, ebx
shr ebx, 12
xor eax, eax
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
invlpg [edx]
mov eax, [dst_slot]
shl eax, 8
or [eax+SLOT_BASE+0xA8], dword 0x40
push 0
jmp .ret
mov eax, 4
xor eax, eax
inc eax
push 2
jmp .ret
push 3
mov eax, [used_buf]
cmp eax, [ipc_tmp]
jz @f
stdcall free_kernel_space, eax
pop eax
align 4
; add ecx, new_app_base
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_count]
mov [ecx], eax
shl eax, 12
mov [esp+32], eax
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_free]
mov [ecx+4], eax
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_faults]
mov [ecx+8], eax
mov eax, [heap_size]
mov [ecx+12], eax
mov eax, [heap_free]
mov [ecx+16], eax
mov eax, [heap_blocks]
mov [ecx+20], eax
mov eax, [free_blocks]
mov [ecx+24], eax
or dword [esp+32], -1
align 4
cmp ebx, 4
jbe sys_sheduler
cmp ebx, 11
jb .fail
cmp ebx, 27
ja .fail
jmp dword [f68call+ebx*4-11*4]
call init_heap
mov [esp+32], eax
stdcall user_alloc, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
stdcall user_free, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
mov edi, ecx
call get_event_ex
mov [esp+32], eax
test ecx, ecx
jz .fail
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
stdcall get_service, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
call srv_handlerEx ;ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
stdcall load_library, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
mov eax, edx
mov ebx, ecx
call user_realloc ;in: eax = pointer, ebx = new size
mov [esp+32], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
cmp edx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
stdcall load_pe_driver, ecx, edx
mov [esp+32], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
stdcall shmem_open, ecx, edx, esi
mov [esp+24], edx
mov [esp+32], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
stdcall shmem_close, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
mov eax, [current_slot]
xchg ecx, [eax+APPDATA.exc_handler]
xchg edx, [eax+APPDATA.except_mask]
mov [esp+32], ecx ; reg_eax+8
mov [esp+20], edx ; reg_ebx+8
cmp ecx, 32
jae .fail
mov eax, [current_slot]
btr [eax+APPDATA.except_mask], ecx
setc byte[esp+32]
jecxz @f
bts [eax+APPDATA.except_mask], ecx
stdcall user_unmap, ecx, edx, esi
mov [esp+32], eax
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
stdcall load_file_umode, ecx
mov [esp+24], edx
mov [esp+32], eax
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4
f68call: ; keep this table closer to main code
dd f68.11 ; init_heap
dd f68.12 ; user_alloc
dd f68.13 ; user_free
dd f68.14 ; get_event_ex
dd ; moved to f68.24
dd f68.16 ; get_service
dd f68.17 ; call_service
dd ; moved to f68.25
dd f68.19 ; load_dll
dd f68.20 ; user_realloc
dd f68.21 ; load_driver
dd f68.22 ; shmem_open
dd f68.23 ; shmem_close
dd f68.24 ; set exception handler
dd f68.25 ; unmask exception
dd f68.26 ; user_unmap
dd f68.27 ; load_file_umode
align 4
proc load_pe_driver stdcall, file:dword, cmdline:dword
push esi
stdcall load_PE, [file]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov esi, eax
push [cmdline]
call eax
pop ecx
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov [eax+SRV.entry], esi
pop esi
xor eax, eax
pop esi
align 4
proc init_mtrr
cmp [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_MTRR], byte 2
je .exit
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_MTRR
jnc .exit
mov eax, cr0
or eax, 0x60000000 ;disable caching
mov cr0, eax
wbinvd ;invalidate cache
mov ecx, 0x2FF
rdmsr ;
; has BIOS already initialized MTRRs?
test ah, 8
jnz .skip_init
; rarely needed, so mainly placeholder
; main memory - cached
push eax
mov eax, [MEM_AMOUNT]
; round eax up to next power of 2
dec eax
bsr ecx, eax
mov ebx, 2
shl ebx, cl
dec ebx
; base of memory range = 0, type of memory range = MEM_WB
xor edx, edx
mov eax, MEM_WB
mov ecx, 0x200
; mask of memory range = 0xFFFFFFFFF - (size - 1), ebx = size - 1
mov eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
mov edx, 0x0000000F
sub eax, ebx
sbb edx, 0
or eax, 0x800
inc ecx
; clear unused MTRRs
xor eax, eax
xor edx, edx
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 0x20F
jb @b
; enable MTRRs
pop eax
or ah, 8
and al, 0xF0; default memtype = UC
mov ecx, 0x2FF
stdcall set_mtrr, [LFBAddress], [LFBSize], MEM_WC
wbinvd ;again invalidate
mov eax, cr0
and eax, not 0x60000000
mov cr0, eax ; enable caching
align 4
proc set_mtrr stdcall, base:dword,size:dword,mem_type:dword
; find unused register
mov ecx, 0x201
dec ecx
test ah, 8
jz .found
mov al, 0; clear memory type field
cmp eax, [base]
jz .ret
add ecx, 3
cmp ecx, 0x210
jb @b
; no free registers, ignore the call
; found, write values
xor edx, edx
mov eax, [base]
or eax, [mem_type]
mov ebx, [size]
dec ebx
mov eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
mov edx, 0x00000000
sub eax, ebx
sbb edx, 0
or eax, 0x800
inc ecx
align 4
proc create_ring_buffer stdcall, size:dword, flags:dword
buf_ptr dd ?
mov eax, [size]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
add eax, eax
stdcall alloc_kernel_space, eax
test eax, eax
jz .fail
push ebx
mov [buf_ptr], eax
mov ebx, [size]
shr ebx, 12
push ebx
stdcall alloc_pages, ebx
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jz .mm_fail
push edi
or eax, [flags]
mov edi, [buf_ptr]
mov ebx, [buf_ptr]
mov edx, ecx
shl edx, 2
shr edi, 10
mov [page_tabs+edi], eax
mov [page_tabs+edi+edx], eax
invlpg [ebx]
invlpg [ebx+0x10000]
add eax, 0x1000
add ebx, 0x1000
add edi, 4
dec ecx
jnz @B
mov eax, [buf_ptr]
pop edi
pop ebx
stdcall free_kernel_space, [buf_ptr]
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
align 4
proc print_mem
mov edi, BOOT_VAR + 0x9104
mov ecx, [edi-4]
test ecx, ecx
jz .done
mov eax, [edi]
mov edx, [edi+4]
add eax, [edi+8]
adc edx, [edi+12]
DEBUGF 1, "K : E820 %x%x - %x%x type %d\n", \
[edi+4], [edi],\
edx, eax, [edi+16]
add edi, 20
dec ecx
jnz @b
0,0 → 1,282
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4421 $
include ''
align 4
proc load_PE stdcall, file_name:dword
image dd ?
entry dd ?
base dd ?
stdcall load_file, [file_name]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov [image], eax
mov edx, [eax+60]
stdcall kernel_alloc, [eax+80+edx]
test eax, eax
jz .cleanup
mov [base], eax
stdcall map_PE, eax, [image]
mov [entry], eax
test eax, eax
jnz .cleanup
stdcall kernel_free, [base]
stdcall kernel_free, [image]
mov eax, [entry]
xor eax, eax
DWORD equ dword
PTR equ
align 4
map_PE: ;stdcall base:dword, image:dword
push ebp
push edi
push esi
push ebx
sub esp, 60
mov ebx, DWORD PTR [esp+84]
mov ebp, DWORD PTR [esp+80]
mov edx, ebx
mov esi, ebx
add edx, DWORD PTR [ebx+60]
mov edi, ebp
mov DWORD PTR [esp+32], edx
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [edx+84]
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
movzx eax, WORD PTR [edx+6]
mov DWORD PTR [esp+36], 0
mov DWORD PTR [esp+16], eax
jmp L2
mov eax, DWORD PTR [edx+264]
test eax, eax
je L4
mov esi, ebx
mov edi, ebp
add esi, DWORD PTR [edx+268]
mov ecx, eax
add edi, DWORD PTR [edx+260]
add ecx, 3
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [edx+256]
cmp ecx, eax
jbe L6
sub ecx, eax
add eax, DWORD PTR [edx+260]
lea edi, [eax+ebp]
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
inc DWORD PTR [esp+36]
add edx, 40
mov esi, DWORD PTR [esp+16]
cmp DWORD PTR [esp+36], esi
jne L3
mov edi, DWORD PTR [esp+32]
cmp DWORD PTR [edi+164], 0
je L9
pushd [edi+164]
mov esi, ebp
mov ecx, ebp
sub esi, DWORD PTR [edi+52]
add ecx, DWORD PTR [edi+160]
mov eax, esi
shr eax, 16
mov DWORD PTR [esp+16], eax
mov eax, [ecx+4]
sub [esp], eax
lea ebx, [eax-8]
xor edi, edi
shr ebx, 1
jmp L13
movzx eax, WORD PTR [ecx+8+edi*2]
mov edx, eax
shr eax, 12
and edx, 4095
add edx, DWORD PTR [ecx]
cmp ax, 2
je L17
cmp ax, 3
je L18
dec ax
jne L15
mov eax, DWORD PTR [esp+16]
add WORD PTR [edx+ebp], ax
add WORD PTR [edx+ebp], si
add DWORD PTR [edx+ebp], esi
inc edi
cmp edi, ebx
jne L14
add ecx, DWORD PTR [ecx+4]
cmp dword [esp], 0
jg L12
pop eax
mov edx, DWORD PTR [esp+32]
cmp DWORD PTR [edx+132], 0
je L20
mov eax, ebp
add eax, DWORD PTR [edx+128]
mov DWORD PTR [esp+40], 0
add eax, 20
mov DWORD PTR [esp+56], eax
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esp+56]
cmp DWORD PTR [ecx-16], 0
jne L23
cmp DWORD PTR [ecx-8], 0
je L25
mov edi, DWORD PTR [__exports+32]
mov esi, DWORD PTR [__exports+28]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [esp+56]
mov DWORD PTR [esp+20], edi
add edi, OS_BASE
add esi, OS_BASE
mov DWORD PTR [esp+44], esi
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [eax-4]
mov DWORD PTR [esp+48], edi
mov edx, DWORD PTR [eax-20]
test edx, edx
jnz @f
mov edx, ecx
mov DWORD PTR [esp+52], 0
add ecx, ebp
add edx, ebp
mov DWORD PTR [esp+24], edx
mov DWORD PTR [esp+28], ecx
mov esi, DWORD PTR [esp+52]
mov edi, DWORD PTR [esp+24]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [edi+esi*4]
test eax, eax
je L27
test eax, eax
js L27
lea edi, [ebp+eax]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [esp+28]
mov DWORD PTR [eax+esi*4], 0
lea esi, [edi+2]
push eax
push 32
movzx eax, WORD PTR [edi]
mov edx, DWORD PTR [esp+56]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [edx+eax*4]
add eax, OS_BASE
push eax
push esi
call strncmp
pop ebx
xor ebx, ebx
test eax, eax
jne L32
jmp L30
push ecx
push 32
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esp+28]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [ecx+OS_BASE+ebx*4]
add eax, OS_BASE
push eax
push esi
call strncmp
pop edx
test eax, eax
jne L34
mov esi, DWORD PTR [esp+44]
mov edx, DWORD PTR [esp+52]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esp+28]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi+ebx*4]
add eax, OS_BASE
mov DWORD PTR [ecx+edx*4], eax
jmp L36
inc ebx
cmp ebx, DWORD PTR [__exports+24]
jb L33
cmp ebx, DWORD PTR [__exports+24]
jne L37
mov esi, msg_unresolved
call sys_msg_board_str
lea esi, [edi+2]
call sys_msg_board_str
mov esi, msg_CR
call sys_msg_board_str
mov DWORD PTR [esp+40], 1
jmp L37
movzx eax, WORD PTR [edi]
mov esi, DWORD PTR [esp+44]
mov edi, DWORD PTR [esp+52]
mov edx, DWORD PTR [esp+28]
mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi+eax*4]
add eax, OS_BASE
mov DWORD PTR [edx+edi*4], eax
inc DWORD PTR [esp+52]
jmp L26
add DWORD PTR [esp+56], 20
jmp L22
xor eax, eax
cmp DWORD PTR [esp+40], 0
jne L40
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esp+32]
mov eax, ebp
add eax, DWORD PTR [ecx+40]
add esp, 60
pop ebx
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebp
ret 8
0,0 → 1,513
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) MenuetOS 2000-2004 Ville Mikael Turjanmaa ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
$Revision: 3617 $
align 32
Mov ds, ax, app_data
mov es, ax
inc [timer_ticks]
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
call playNote ; <<<--- Speaker driver
sub eax, [next_usage_update]
cmp eax, 100
jb .nocounter
add [next_usage_update], 100
call updatecputimes
xor ecx, ecx ; send End Of Interrupt signal
call irq_eoi
; btr dword[DONT_SWITCH], 0
; jc .return
call find_next_task
jz .return ; if there is only one running process
call do_change_task
align 4
if 0
; \begin{Mario79} ; <- must be refractoried, if used...
cmp [dma_task_switched], 1
jne .find_next_task
mov [dma_task_switched], 0
mov ebx, [dma_process]
cmp [CURRENT_TASK], ebx
je .return
mov edi, [dma_slot_ptr]
mov [CURRENT_TASK], ebx
mov [TASK_BASE], edi
jmp @f
; \end{Mario79}
end if
call find_next_task
jz .return ; the same task -> skip switch
; mov byte[DONT_SWITCH], 1
call do_change_task
align 4
; far_jump:
; .offs dd ?
; .sel dw ?
context_counter dd 0 ;noname & halyavin
next_usage_update dd 0
timer_ticks dd 0
; prev_slot dd ?
; event_sched dd ?
align 4
mov edi, [TASK_BASE]
sub eax, [edi+TASKDATA.counter_add] ; time stamp counter add
add [edi+TASKDATA.counter_sum], eax ; counter sum
align 4
mov ecx, [TASK_COUNT]
mov edi, TASK_DATA
xor eax, eax
xchg eax, [edi+TASKDATA.counter_sum]
mov [edi+TASKDATA.cpu_usage], eax
add edi, 0x20
loop .newupdate
;TODO: Надо бы убрать использование do_change_task из V86...
; и после этого перенести обработку TASKDATA.counter_add/sum в do_change_task
align 4
; ebx = address of the APPDATA for incoming task (new)
; [CURRENT_TASK] and [TASK_BASE] must be changed before (e.g. in find_next_task)
; [current_slot] is the outcoming (old), and set here to a new value (ebx)
;scratched: eax,ecx,esi
mov esi, ebx
xchg esi, [current_slot]
; set new stack after saving old
mov [esi+APPDATA.saved_esp], esp
mov esp, [ebx+APPDATA.saved_esp]
; set new thread io-map
Mov dword [page_tabs+((tss._io_map_0 and -4096) shr 10)],eax,[ebx+APPDATA.io_map]
Mov dword [page_tabs+((tss._io_map_1 and -4096) shr 10)],eax,[ebx+APPDATA.io_map+4]
; set new thread memory-map
mov ecx, APPDATA.process
mov eax, [ebx+ecx] ;offset>0x7F
cmp eax, [esi+ecx] ;offset>0x7F
je @f
mov eax, [eax+PROC.pdt_0_phys]
mov cr3, eax
; set tss.esp0
Mov [tss._esp0],eax,[ebx+APPDATA.saved_esp0]
mov edx, [ebx+APPDATA.tls_base]
cmp edx, [esi+APPDATA.tls_base]
je @f
mov [tls_data_l+2], dx
shr edx, 16
mov [tls_data_l+4], dl
mov [tls_data_l+7], dh
mov dx, app_tls
mov fs, dx
; set gs selector unconditionally
Mov gs,ax,graph_data
; set CR0.TS
cmp bh, byte[fpu_owner] ;bh == incoming task (new)
clts ;clear a task switch flag
je @f
mov eax, cr0 ;and set it again if the owner
or eax, CR0_TS ;of a fpu has changed
mov cr0, eax
@@: ; set context_counter (only for user pleasure ???)
inc [context_counter] ;noname & halyavin
; set debug-registers, if it's necessary
test byte[ebx+APPDATA.dbg_state], 1
jz @f
xor eax, eax
mov dr6, eax
lea esi, [ebx+APPDATA.dbg_regs]
macro lodsReg [reg] {
mov reg, eax
} lodsReg dr0, dr1, dr2, dr3, dr7
purge lodsReg
list LHEAD
task dd ?
;void __fastcall mutex_init(struct mutex *lock)
align 4
mov [], ecx
mov [ecx+MUTEX.lhead.prev], ecx
mov [ecx+MUTEX.count], 1
;void __fastcall mutex_lock(struct mutex *lock)
align 4
dec [ecx+MUTEX.count]
jns .done
sub esp, sizeof.MUTEX_WAITER
list_add_tail esp, ecx ;esp= new waiter, ecx= list head
mov edx, [TASK_BASE]
mov [esp+MUTEX_WAITER.task], edx
mov eax, -1
xchg eax, [ecx+MUTEX.count]
dec eax
jz @F
mov [edx+TASKDATA.state], 1
call change_task
jmp .forever
mov edx, []
mov eax, [esp+MUTEX_WAITER.list.prev]
mov [], edx
mov [edx+MUTEX_WAITER.list.prev], eax
cmp [], ecx
jne @F
mov [ecx+MUTEX.count], 0
add esp, sizeof.MUTEX_WAITER
;void __fastcall mutex_unlock(struct mutex *lock)
align 4
mov eax, []
cmp eax, ecx
mov [ecx+MUTEX.count], 1
je @F
mov eax, [eax+MUTEX_WAITER.task]
mov [eax+TASKDATA.state], 0
MAX_PRIORITY = 0 ; highest, used for kernel tasks
USER_PRIORITY = 1 ; default
IDLE_PRIORITY = 2 ; lowest, only IDLE thread goes here
; [scheduler_current + i*4] = zero if there are no threads with priority i,
; pointer to APPDATA of the current thread with priority i otherwise.
align 4
scheduler_current rd NR_SCHED_QUEUES
; Add the given thread to the given priority list for the scheduler.
; in: edx -> APPDATA, ecx = priority
proc scheduler_add_thread
; 1. Acquire the lock.
spin_lock_irqsave SchedulerLock
; 2. Store the priority in APPDATA structure.
mov [edx+APPDATA.priority], ecx
; 3. There are two different cases: the given list is empty or not empty.
; In first case, go to 6. Otherwise, advance to 4.
mov eax, [scheduler_current+ecx*4]
test eax, eax
jz .new_list
; 4. Insert the new item immediately before the current item.
mov ecx, [eax+APPDATA.in_schedule.prev]
mov [], eax
mov [edx+APPDATA.in_schedule.prev], ecx
mov [eax+APPDATA.in_schedule.prev], edx
mov [], edx
; 5. Release the lock and return.
spin_unlock_irqrestore SchedulerLock
; 6. Initialize the list with one item and make it the current item.
mov [], edx
mov [edx+APPDATA.in_schedule.prev], edx
mov [scheduler_current+ecx*4], edx
; 7. Release the lock and return.
spin_unlock_irqrestore SchedulerLock
; Remove the given thread from the corresponding priority list for the scheduler.
; in: edx -> APPDATA
proc scheduler_remove_thread
; 1. Acquire the lock.
spin_lock_irqsave SchedulerLock
; 2. Remove the item from the corresponding list.
mov eax, []
mov ecx, [edx+APPDATA.in_schedule.prev]
mov [eax+APPDATA.in_schedule.prev], ecx
mov [], eax
; 3. If the given thread is the current item in the list,
; advance the current item.
; 3a. Check whether the given thread is the current item;
; if no, skip the rest of this step.
mov ecx, [edx+APPDATA.priority]
cmp [scheduler_current+ecx*4], edx
jnz .return
; 3b. Set the current item to eax; step 2 has set eax = next item.
mov [scheduler_current+ecx*4], eax
; 3c. If there were only one item in the list, zero the current item.
cmp eax, edx
jnz .return
mov [scheduler_current+ecx*4], 0
; 4. Release the lock and return.
spin_unlock_irqrestore SchedulerLock
; Find next task to execute
; consider threads with any priority
; consider only threads with strictly higher priority than the current one,
; keep running the current thread if other ready threads have the same or lower priority
; ebx = address of the APPDATA for the selected task (slot-base)
; edi = address of the TASKDATA for the selected task
; ZF = 1 if the task is the same
; [CURRENT_TASK] = bh , [TASK_BASE] = edi -- as result
; [current_slot] is not set to new value (ebx)!!!
;scratched: eax,ecx
proc find_next_task
call update_counters
spin_lock_irqsave SchedulerLock
; If bl == SCHEDULE_ANY_PRIORITY = 0, loop over all NR_SCHED lists.
; Otherwise, loop over first [APPDATA.priority] lists.
test bl, bl
jz .start
mov ebx, [current_slot]
mov edi, [TASK_BASE]
mov eax, [ebx+APPDATA.priority]
test eax, eax
jz .unlock_found
mov [esp], eax
xor ecx, ecx
mov ebx, [scheduler_current+ecx*4]
test ebx, ebx
jz .priority_next
mov ebx, []
mov edi, ebx
shr edi, 3
add edi, CURRENT_TASK - (SLOT_BASE shr 3)
mov al, [edi+TASKDATA.state]
test al, al
jz .task_found ; state == 0
cmp al, 5
jne .task_next ; state == 1,2,3,4,9
; state == 5
pushad ; more freedom for [APPDATA.wait_test]
call [ebx+APPDATA.wait_test]
mov [esp+28], eax
or eax, eax
jnz @f
; testing for timeout
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
sub eax, [ebx+APPDATA.wait_begin]
cmp eax, [ebx+APPDATA.wait_timeout]
jb .task_next
xor eax, eax
mov [ebx+APPDATA.wait_param], eax ; retval for wait
mov [edi+TASKDATA.state], 0
mov [scheduler_current+ecx*4], ebx
; If we have selected a thread with higher priority
; AND rescheduling is due to IRQ,
; turn the current scheduler list one entry back,
; so the current thread will be next after high-priority thread is done.
mov ecx, [esp]
jz .unlock_found
mov eax, [current_slot]
mov eax, [eax+APPDATA.in_schedule.prev]
mov [scheduler_current+ecx*4], eax
pop ecx
spin_unlock_irqrestore SchedulerLock
mov [CURRENT_TASK], bh
mov [TASK_BASE], edi
rdtsc ;call _rdtsc
mov [edi+TASKDATA.counter_add], eax; for next using update_counters
cmp ebx, [current_slot]
cmp ebx, [scheduler_current+ecx*4]
jnz .task_loop
inc ecx
cmp ecx, [esp]
jb .priority_loop
mov ebx, [current_slot]
mov edi, [TASK_BASE]
jmp .unlock_found
if 0
struc TIMER
.next dd ?
.exp_time dd ?
.func dd ?
.arg dd ?
rdy_head rd 16
align 4
xor eax, eax
mov ebx, [rdy_head+eax*4]
test ebx, ebx
jz .next
mov [next_task], ebx
test [ebx+flags.billable]
jz @F
mov [bill_task], ebx
inc eax
jmp .pick
; param
; eax= task
; retval
; eax= task
; ebx= queue
; ecx= front if 1 or back if 0
align 4
cmp [eax+.tics_left], 0;signed compare
mov ebx, [eax+.priority]
setg ecx
jg @F
mov edx, [eax+.tics_quantum]
mov [eax+.ticks_left], edx
cmp ebx, (IDLE_PRIORITY-1)
je @F
inc ebx
; param
; eax= task
align 4
call shed;eax
cmp [rdy_head+ebx*4], 0
jnz @F
mov [rdy_head+ebx*4], eax
mov [rdy_tail+ebx*4], eax
mov [eax+.next_ready], 0
jmp .pick
test ecx, ecx
jz .back
mov ecx, [rdy_head+ebx*4]
mov [eax+.next_ready], ecx
mov [rdy_head+ebx*4], eax
jmp .pick
mov ecx, [rdy_tail+ebx*4]
mov [ecx+.next_ready], eax
mov [rdy_tail+ebx*4], eax
mov [eax+.next_ready], 0
call pick_proc;select next task
end if
0,0 → 1,188
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; Author: Kees J. Bot 1 Jan 1994 ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
; size_t strncat(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
; Append string s2 to s1.
; char *strchr(const char *s, int c)
; int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
; Compare two strings.
; char *strncpy(char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
; Copy string s2 to s1.
; size_t strnlen(const char *s, size_t n)
; Return the length of a string.
; proc strrchr stdcall, s:dword, c:dword
; Look for the last occurrence a character in a string.
proc strncat stdcall, s1:dword, s2:dword, n:dword
push esi
push edi
mov edi, [s1] ; String s1
mov edx, [n] ; Maximum length
mov ecx, -1
xor al, al ; Null byte
repne scasb ; Look for the zero byte in s1
dec edi ; Back one up (and clear 'Z' flag)
push edi ; Save end of s1
mov edi, [s2] ; edi = string s2
mov ecx, edx ; Maximum count
repne scasb ; Look for the end of s2
jne @F
inc ecx ; Exclude null byte
sub edx, ecx ; Number of bytes in s2
mov ecx, edx
mov esi, [s2] ; esi = string s2
pop edi ; edi = end of string s1
rep movsb ; Copy bytes
stosb ; Add a terminating null
mov eax, [s1] ; Return s1
pop edi
pop esi
align 4
proc strncmp stdcall, s1:dword, s2:dword, n:dword
push esi
push edi
mov ecx, [n]
test ecx, ecx ; Max length is zero?
je .done
mov esi, [s1] ; esi = string s1
mov edi, [s2] ; edi = string s2
cmpsb ; Compare two bytes
jne .done
cmp byte [esi-1], 0 ; End of string?
je .done
dec ecx ; Length limit reached?
jne .compare
seta al ; al = (s1 > s2)
setb ah ; ah = (s1 < s2)
sub al, ah
movsx eax, al ; eax = (s1 > s2) - (s1 < s2), i.e. -1, 0, 1
pop edi
pop esi
align 4
proc strncpy stdcall, s1:dword, s2:dword, n:dword
push esi
push edi
mov ecx, [n] ; Maximum length
mov edi, [s2] ; edi = string s2
xor al, al ; Look for a zero byte
mov edx, ecx ; Save maximum count
repne scasb ; Look for end of s2
sub edx, ecx ; Number of bytes in s2 including null
xchg ecx, edx
mov esi, [s2] ; esi = string s2
mov edi, [s1] ; edi = string s1
rep movsb ; Copy bytes
mov ecx, edx ; Number of bytes not copied
rep stosb ; strncpy always copies n bytes by null padding
mov eax, [s1] ; Return s1
pop edi
pop esi
align 4
proc strnlen stdcall, s:dword, n:dword
push edi
mov edi, [s] ; edi = string
xor al, al ; Look for a zero byte
mov edx, ecx ; Save maximum count
cmp cl, 1 ; 'Z' bit must be clear if ecx = 0
repne scasb ; Look for zero
jne @F
inc ecx ; Don't count zero byte
mov eax, edx
sub eax, ecx ; Compute bytes scanned
pop edi
align 4
proc strchr stdcall, s:dword, c:dword
push edi
mov edi, [s] ; edi = string
mov edx, 16 ; Look at small chunks of the string
shl edx, 1 ; Chunks become bigger each time
mov ecx, edx
xor al, al ; Look for the zero at the end
repne scasb
pushf ; Remember the flags
sub ecx, edx
neg ecx ; Some or all of the chunk
sub edi, ecx ; Step back
mov eax, [c] ; The character to look for
repne scasb
je .found
popf ; Did we find the end of string earlier?
jne .next ; No, try again
xor eax, eax ; Return NULL
pop edi
pop eax ; Get rid of those flags
lea eax, [edi-1] ; Address of byte found
pop edi
proc strrchr stdcall, s:dword, c:dword
push edi
mov edi, [s] ; edi = string
mov ecx, -1
xor al, al
repne scasb ; Look for the end of the string
not ecx ; -1 - ecx = Length of the string + null
dec edi ; Put edi back on the zero byte
mov eax, [c] ; The character to look for
std ; Downwards search
repne scasb
cld ; Direction bit back to default
jne .fail
lea eax, [edi+1] ; Found it
pop edi
xor eax, eax ; Not there
pop edi
0,0 → 1,119
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; Synhronization for MenuetOS. ;;
;; Author: Halyavin Andrey, ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
if ~defined sync_inc
sync_inc fix sync_inc_fix
;simplest mutex.
macro SimpleMutex name
; iglobal
name dd 0
name#.type = 1
; endg
macro WaitSimpleMutex name
local start_wait,ok
cmp [name], dword 0
jz ok
call change_task
jmp start_wait
push eax
mov eax, dword [TASK_BASE+second_base_address]
mov eax, []
mov [name], eax
pop eax
macro ReleaseSimpleMutex name
mov [name], dword 0
macro TryWaitSimpleMutex name ;result in eax and in flags
local ok,try_end
cmp [name], dword 0
jz ok
xor eax, eax
jmp try_end
xor eax, eax
inc eax
macro SimpleCriticalSection name
; iglobal
name dd 0
dd 0
; endg
macro WaitSimpleCriticalSection name
local start_wait,first_wait,inc_counter,end_wait
push eax
mov eax, [TASK_BASE+second_base_address]
mov eax, []
cmp [name], dword 0
jz first_wait
cmp [name], eax
jz inc_counter
call change_task
jmp start_wait
mov [name], eax
mov [name+4], dword 1
jmp end_wait
inc dword [name+4]
pop eax
macro ReleaseSimpleCriticalSection name
local release_end
dec dword [name+4]
jnz release_end
mov [name], dword 0
macro TryWaitSimpleCriticalSection name ;result in eax and in flags
local ok,try_end
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK+second_base_address]
mov eax, []
cmp [name], eax
jz ok
cmp [name], 0
jz ok
xor eax, eax
jmp try_end
xor eax, eax
inc eax
_cli equ call MEM_HeapLock
_sti equ call MEM_HeapUnLock
end if
0,0 → 1,4
; Éste archivo debe ser editado con codificación CP866
msg_sel_ker cp850 "núcleo", 0
msg_sel_app cp850 "aplicación", 0
0,0 → 1,849
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; MenuetOS process management, protected ring3 ;;
;; ;;
;; Distributed under GPL. See file COPYING for details. ;;
;; Copyright 2003 Ville Turjanmaa ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4313 $
align 4 ;3A08
mov edi, idts
mov esi, sys_int
mov ecx, 0x40
mov eax, (10001110b shl 24) + os_code
movsw ;low word of code-entry
stosd ;interrupt gate type : os_code selector
movsw ;high word of code-entry
loop @b
movsd ;copy low dword of trap gate for int 0x40
movsd ;copy high dword of trap gate for int 0x40
lidt [esi]
align 4
;exception handlers addresses (for interrupt gate construction)
dd e0,e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,except_7 ; SEE: core/
dd e8,e9,e10,e11,e12,e13,page_fault_exc,e15
dd e16, e17,e18, e19
times 12 dd unknown_interrupt ;int_20..int_31
;interrupt handlers addresses (for interrupt gate construction)
; 0x20 .. 0x2F - IRQ handlers
dd irq0, irq_serv.irq_1, irq_serv.irq_2
dd irq_serv.irq_3, irq_serv.irq_4
dd irq_serv.irq_5, irq_serv.irq_6, irq_serv.irq_7
dd irq_serv.irq_8, irq_serv.irq_9, irq_serv.irq_10
dd irq_serv.irq_11, irq_serv.irq_12, irqD, irq_serv.irq_14, irq_serv.irq_15
dd irq_serv.irq_16
dd irq_serv.irq_17
dd irq_serv.irq_18
dd irq_serv.irq_19
dd irq_serv.irq_20
dd irq_serv.irq_21
dd irq_serv.irq_22
dd irq_serv.irq_23
times 32 - IRQ_RESERVED dd unknown_interrupt
;int_0x40 gate trap (for directly copied)
dw i40 and 0xFFFF, os_code, 11101111b shl 8, i40 shr 16
idtreg: ; data for LIDT instruction (!!! must be immediately below sys_int data)
dw 2*($-sys_int-4)-1
dd idts ;0x8000B100
dw 0 ;просто выравнивание
msg_fault_sel dd msg_exc_8,msg_exc_u,msg_exc_a,msg_exc_b
dd msg_exc_c,msg_exc_d,msg_exc_e
msg_exc_8 db "Double fault", 0
msg_exc_u db "Undefined Exception", 0
msg_exc_a db "Invalid TSS", 0
msg_exc_b db "Segment not present", 0
msg_exc_c db "Stack fault", 0
msg_exc_d db "General protection fault", 0
msg_exc_e db "Page fault", 0
if lang eq sp
include 'core/'
msg_sel_ker db "kernel", 0
msg_sel_app db "application", 0
end if
macro save_ring3_context {
macro restore_ring3_context {
macro exc_wo_code [num] {
e#num :
mov bl, num
jmp exc_c
} exc_wo_code 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,15,16,19
macro exc_w_code [num] {
e#num :
add esp, 4
mov bl, num
jmp exc_c
} exc_w_code 8,9,10,11,12,13,17,18
pf_err_code dd ?
page_fault_exc: ; дуракоусточивость: селекторы испорчены...
pop [ss:pf_err_code]; действительно до следующего #PF
mov bl, 14
exc_c: ; исключения (все, кроме 7-го - #NM)
; Фрэйм стека при исключении/прерывании из 3-го кольца + pushad (т.е., именно здесь)
reg_ss equ esp+0x30
reg_esp3 equ esp+0x2C
reg_eflags equ esp+0x28
reg_cs3 equ esp+0x24
reg_eip equ esp+0x20
; это фрэйм от pushad
reg_eax equ esp+0x1C
reg_ecx equ esp+0x18
reg_edx equ esp+0x14
reg_ebx equ esp+0x10
reg_esp0 equ esp+0x0C
reg_ebp equ esp+0x08
reg_esi equ esp+0x04
reg_edi equ esp+0x00
mov ax, app_data ;исключение
mov ds, ax ;загрузим правильные значения
mov es, ax ;в регистры
cld ; и приводим DF к стандарту
movzx ebx, bl
; redirect to V86 manager? (EFLAGS & 0x20000) != 0?
test byte[reg_eflags+2], 2
jnz v86_exc_c
cmp bl, 14 ; #PF
jne @f
call page_fault_handler ; SEE: core/
mov esi, [current_slot]
btr [esi+APPDATA.except_mask], ebx
jnc @f
mov eax, [esi+APPDATA.exc_handler]
test eax, eax
jnz IRetToUserHook
mov eax, [esi+APPDATA.debugger_slot]
test eax, eax
jnz .debug
; not debuggee => say error and terminate
call show_error_parameters ;; only ONE using, inline ???
;mov edx, [TASK_BASE]
mov [edx + TASKDATA.state], byte 4 ; terminate
call wakeup_osloop
call change_task
; If we're here, then the main OS thread has crashed before initializing IDLE thread.
; Or they both have crashed. Anyway, things are hopelessly broken.
jmp $-1
; we are debugged process, notify debugger and suspend ourself
; eax=debugger PID
mov ecx, 1 ; debug_message code=other_exception
cmp bl, 1 ; #DB
jne .notify ; notify debugger and suspend ourself
mov ebx, dr6 ; debug_message data=DR6_image
xor edx, edx
mov dr6, edx
mov edx, dr7
mov cl, not 8
shl dl, 2
jc @f
and bl, cl
sar cl, 1
jc .l1
mov cl, 3 ; debug_message code=debug_exception
push ebx ; debug_message data
mov ebx, [TASK_BASE]
push [] ; PID
push ecx ; debug_message code ((here: ecx==1/3))
mov cl, 12 ; debug_message size
call debugger_notify ;; only ONE using, inline ??? SEE: core/
add esp, 12
mov edx, [TASK_BASE]
mov byte [edx+TASKDATA.state], 1 ; suspended
call change_task ; SEE: core/
xchg eax, [reg_eip]
sub dword[reg_esp3], 8
mov edi, [reg_esp3]
mov [edi], ebx
; simply return control to interrupted process
; bl - error vector
cmp bl, 0x06
jnz .no_ud
push ebx
mov ebx, ud_user_message
mov ebp, notifyapp
call fs_execute_from_sysdir_param
pop ebx
mov edx, [TASK_BASE];not scratched below
if lang eq sp
DEBUGF 1, "K : Proceso - terminado forzado PID: %x [%s]\n", [], [current_slot]
DEBUGF 1, "K : Process - forced terminate PID: %x [%s]\n", [], [current_slot]
end if
cmp bl, 0x08
jb .l0
cmp bl, 0x0e
jbe .l1
mov bl, 0x09
mov eax, [msg_fault_sel+ebx*4 - 0x08*4]
DEBUGF 1, "K : %s\n", eax
mov eax, [reg_cs3+4]
mov edi, msg_sel_app
mov ebx, [reg_esp3+4]
cmp eax, app_code
je @f
mov edi, msg_sel_ker
mov ebx, [reg_esp0+4]
DEBUGF 1, "K : EAX : %x EBX : %x ECX : %x\n", [reg_eax+4], [reg_ebx+4], [reg_ecx+4]
DEBUGF 1, "K : EDX : %x ESI : %x EDI : %x\n", [reg_edx+4], [reg_esi+4], [reg_edi+4]
DEBUGF 1, "K : EBP : %x EIP : %x ESP : %x\n", [reg_ebp+4], [reg_eip+4], ebx
DEBUGF 1, "K : Flags : %x CS : %x (%s)\n", [reg_eflags+4], eax, edi
DEBUGF 1, "K : Stack dump:\n"
push eax ebx ecx edx
call .check_ESP
test eax, eax
jnz .error_ESP
DEBUGF 1, "K : [ESP+00]: %x",[ebx]
add ebx, 4
call .check_ESP
test eax, eax
jnz .error_ESP
DEBUGF 1, " [ESP+04]: %x",[ebx]
add ebx, 4
call .check_ESP
test eax, eax
jnz .error_ESP
DEBUGF 1, " [ESP+08]: %x\n",[ebx]
add ebx, 4
call .check_ESP
test eax, eax
jnz .error_ESP
DEBUGF 1, "K : [ESP+12]: %x",[ebx]
add ebx, 4
call .check_ESP
test eax, eax
jnz .error_ESP
DEBUGF 1, " [ESP+16]: %x",[ebx]
add ebx, 4
call .check_ESP
test eax, eax
jnz .error_ESP
DEBUGF 1, " [ESP+20]: %x\n",[ebx]
add ebx, 4
call .check_ESP
test eax, eax
jnz .error_ESP
DEBUGF 1, "K : [ESP+24]: %x",[ebx]
add ebx, 4
call .check_ESP
test eax, eax
jnz .error_ESP
DEBUGF 1, " [ESP+28]: %x",[ebx]
add ebx, 4
call .check_ESP
test eax, eax
jnz .error_ESP
DEBUGF 1, " [ESP+32]: %x\n",[ebx]
pop edx ecx ebx eax
pop edx ecx ebx eax
DEBUGF 1, "\n"
DEBUGF 1, "K : Unexpected end of the stack\n"
push ebx
shr ebx, 12
mov ecx, ebx
shr ecx, 10
mov edx, [master_tab+ecx*4]
test edx, PG_MAP
jz .fail ;page table is not created
;incorrect address in the program
mov eax, [page_tabs+ebx*4]
test eax, 2
jz .fail ;address not reserved for use. error
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
dec eax
restore reg_ss
restore reg_esp3
restore reg_eflags
restore reg_cs
restore reg_eip
restore reg_eax
restore reg_ecx
restore reg_edx
restore reg_ebx
restore reg_esp0
restore reg_ebp
restore reg_esi
restore reg_edi
align 4
push eax ecx edx
mov ecx, application_table_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl eax, 5
add eax,
mov eax, [eax]
mov [application_table_owner], eax
pop edx ecx eax
align 4
push eax ecx edx
mov [application_table_owner], 0
mov ecx, application_table_mutex
call mutex_unlock
pop edx ecx eax
; * eax = 64 - номер функции
; * ebx = 1 - единственная подфункция
; * ecx = новый размер памяти
;Возвращаемое значение:
; * eax = 0 - успешно
; * eax = 1 - недостаточно памяти
align 4
; ebx = 1 - resize
; ecx = new amount of memory
; cmp eax,1
dec ebx
jnz .no_application_mem_resize
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_free]
shl eax, 12
cmp eax, ecx
jae @f
xor eax, eax
inc eax
jmp .store_result
stdcall new_mem_resize, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
; process_terminating db 'K : Process - terminating',13,10,0
; process_terminated db 'K : Process - done',13,10,0
msg_obj_destroy db 'K : destroy app object',13,10,0
; param
; esi= slot
align 4
terminate: ; terminate application
.slot equ esp ;locals
push esi ;save .slot
shl esi, 8
cmp [SLOT_BASE+esi+APPDATA.process], 0
jne @F
pop esi
shl esi, 5
mov [CURRENT_TASK+esi+TASKDATA.state], 9
lea edx, [SLOT_BASE+esi]
call scheduler_remove_thread
;mov esi,process_terminating
;call sys_msg_board_str
call lock_application_table
; if the process is in V86 mode...
mov eax, [.slot]
shl eax, 8
mov esi, [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.pl0_stack]
cmp [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.saved_esp0], esi
jz .nov86
; has page directory for V86 mode
mov esi, [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.saved_esp0]
mov ecx, [esi+4]
mov [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.process], ecx
; ...and I/O permission map for V86 mode
mov ecx, [esi+12]
mov [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.io_map], ecx
mov ecx, [esi+8]
mov [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.io_map+4], ecx
mov esi, [.slot]
shl esi, 8
mov eax, [esi+APPOBJ.fd]
test eax, eax
jz @F
cmp eax, esi
je @F
push esi
call [eax+APPOBJ.destroy]
DEBUGF 1,"%s",msg_obj_destroy
pop esi
jmp @B
mov eax, [.slot]
shl eax, 8
; stdcall destroy_app_space, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.process], [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr]
mov esi, [.slot]
cmp [fpu_owner], esi ; if user fpu last -> fpu user = 2
jne @F
mov [fpu_owner], 2
mov eax, [256*2+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.fpu_state]
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_SSE
jnc .no_SSE
fxrstor [eax]
jmp @F
frstor [eax]
mov [KEY_COUNT], byte 0 ; empty keyboard buffer
mov [BTN_COUNT], byte 0 ; empty button buffer
; remove defined hotkeys
mov eax, hotkey_list
cmp [eax+8], esi
jnz .cont
mov ecx, [eax]
jecxz @f
push dword [eax+12]
pop dword [ecx+12]
mov ecx, [eax+12]
push dword [eax]
pop dword [ecx]
xor ecx, ecx
mov [eax], ecx
mov [eax+4], ecx
mov [eax+8], ecx
mov [eax+12], ecx
add eax, 16
cmp eax, hotkey_list+256*16
jb .loop
; get process PID
mov eax, esi
shl eax, 5
mov eax, []
; compare current lock input with process PID
cmp eax, [PID_lock_input]
jne @f
xor eax, eax
mov [PID_lock_input], eax
; remove hotkeys in buffer
mov eax, hotkey_buffer
cmp [eax], esi
jnz .cont2
and dword [eax+4], 0
and dword [eax], 0
add eax, 8
cmp eax, hotkey_buffer+120*8
jb .loop2
mov ecx, esi ; remove buttons
mov edi, [BTN_ADDR]
mov eax, edi
movzx ebx, word [edi]
inc bx
dec bx
jz bnmba
add eax, 0x10
cmp cx, [eax]
jnz bnewba
mov ecx, ebx
inc ecx
shl ecx, 4
mov ebx, eax
add eax, 0x10
call memmove
dec dword [edi]
jmp bnewba2
pusha ; save window coordinates for window restoring
shl esi, 5
add esi, window_data
mov eax, []
mov [draw_limits.left], eax
add eax, []
mov [draw_limits.right], eax
mov eax, []
mov [], eax
add eax, []
mov [draw_limits.bottom], eax
xor eax, eax
mov [], eax
mov [], eax
mov [], eax
mov [], eax
mov [esi+WDATA.cl_workarea], eax
mov [esi+WDATA.cl_titlebar], eax
mov [esi+WDATA.cl_frames], eax
mov dword [esi+WDATA.reserved], eax; clear all flags: wstate, redraw, wdrawn
lea edi, [esi-window_data+draw_data]
mov ecx, 32/4
rep stosd
; debuggee test
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+edi*8+APPDATA.debugger_slot]
test eax, eax
jz .nodebug
movi ecx, 8
push dword []; PID
push 2
call debugger_notify
pop ecx
pop ecx
mov ebx, [.slot]
shl ebx, 8
push ebx
mov ebx, [SLOT_BASE+ebx+APPDATA.pl0_stack]
stdcall kernel_free, ebx
pop ebx
mov ebx, [SLOT_BASE+ebx+APPDATA.cur_dir]
stdcall kernel_free, ebx
mov edi, [.slot]
shl edi, 8
add edi, SLOT_BASE
mov eax, [edi+APPDATA.io_map]
cmp eax, [SLOT_BASE+256+APPDATA.io_map]
je @F
call free_page
mov eax, [edi+APPDATA.io_map+4]
cmp eax, [SLOT_BASE+256+APPDATA.io_map+4]
je @F
call free_page
mov eax, 0x20202020
mov ecx, 244/4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
; activate window
movzx eax, word [WIN_STACK + esi*2]
cmp eax, [TASK_COUNT]
jne .dont_activate
dec eax
cmp eax, 1
jbe .nothing_to_activate
lea esi, [WIN_POS+eax*2]
movzx edi, word [esi] ; edi = process
shl edi, 5
cmp [CURRENT_TASK + edi + TASKDATA.state], byte 9 ; skip dead slots
je .check_next_window
add edi, window_data
; \begin{diamond}[19.09.2006]
; skip minimized windows
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
jnz .check_next_window
; \end{diamond}
call waredraw
push esi ; remove hd1 & cd & flp reservation
shl esi, 5
mov esi, []
cmp [cd_status], esi
jnz @f
call free_cd_channel
and [cd_status], 0
pop esi
cmp [bgrlockpid], esi
jnz @f
and [bgrlockpid], 0
and [bgrlock], 0
pusha ; remove all port reservations
mov edx, esi
shl edx, 5
mov edx, []
test esi, esi
jz rmpr9
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 4
cmp edx, [edi]
je rmpr4
dec esi
jnz rmpr3
jmp rmpr9
mov ecx, 256
sub ecx, esi
shl ecx, 4
mov esi, edi
add esi, 16
rep movsb
dec dword [RESERVED_PORTS]
jmp rmpr0
mov edi, esi ; do not run this process slot
shl edi, 5
mov [edi+CURRENT_TASK + TASKDATA.state], byte 9
; debugger test - terminate all debuggees
mov eax, 2
mov ecx, SLOT_BASE+2*0x100+APPDATA.debugger_slot
cmp eax, [TASK_COUNT]
ja .xd1
cmp dword [ecx], esi
jnz @f
and dword [ecx], 0
xchg eax, ecx
mov ebx, 2
call sys_system
inc eax
add ecx, 0x100
jmp .xd0
; call systest
sti ; .. and life goes on
mov eax, [draw_limits.left]
mov ebx, []
mov ecx, [draw_limits.right]
mov edx, [draw_limits.bottom]
call calculatescreen
xor eax, eax
xor esi, esi
call redrawscreen
call unlock_application_table
;mov esi,process_terminated
;call sys_msg_board_str
add esp, 4
restore .slot
; mov esi, boot_sched_1
; call boot_log
; call build_process_gdt_tss_pointer
; mov esi,boot_sched_2
; call boot_log
; ret
; Three following procedures are used to guarantee that
; some part of kernel code will not be terminated from outside
; while it is running.
; Note: they do not protect a thread from terminating due to errors inside
; the thread; accessing a nonexisting memory would still terminate it.
; First two procedures must be used in pair by thread-to-be-protected
; to signal the beginning and the end of an important part.
; It is OK to have nested areas.
; The last procedure must be used by outside wanna-be-terminators;
; if it is safe to terminate the given thread immediately, it returns eax=1;
; otherwise, it returns eax=0 and notifies the target thread that it should
; terminate itself when leaving a critical area (the last critical area if
; they are nested).
; Implementation. Those procedures use one dword in APPDATA for the thread,
; APPDATA.terminate_protection.
; * The upper bit is 1 during normal operations and 0 when terminate is requested.
; * Other bits form a number = depth of critical regions,
; plus 1 if the upper bit is 1.
; * When this dword goes to zero, the thread should be destructed,
; and the procedure in which it happened becomes responsible for destruction.
; Enter critical area. Called by thread which wants to be protected.
proc protect_from_terminate
mov edx, [current_slot]
; Atomically increment depth of critical areas and get the old value.
mov eax, 1
lock xadd [edx+APPDATA.terminate_protection], eax
; If the old value was zero, somebody has started to terminate us,
; so we are destructing and cannot do anything protected.
; Otherwise, return to the caller.
test eax, eax
jz @f
; Wait for somebody to finish us.
call change_task
jmp @b
; Leave critical area. Called by thread which wants to be protected.
proc unprotect_from_terminate
mov edx, [current_slot]
; Atomically decrement depth of critical areas.
lock dec [edx+APPDATA.terminate_protection]
; If the result of decrement is zero, somebody has requested termination,
; but at that moment we were inside a critical area; terminate now.
jz sys_end
; Otherwise, return to the caller.
; Request termination of thread identified by edx = SLOT_BASE + slot*256.
; Called by anyone.
proc request_terminate
xor eax, eax ; set return value
; Atomically clear the upper bit. If it was already zero, then
; somebody has requested termination before us, so just exit.
lock btr [edx+APPDATA.terminate_protection], 31
jnc .unsafe
; Atomically decrement depth of critical areas.
lock dec [edx+APPDATA.terminate_protection]
; If the result of decrement is nonzero, the target thread is inside a
; critical area; leave termination to leaving that area.
jnz .unsafe
; Otherwise, it is safe to kill the target now and the caller is responsible
; for this. Return eax=1.
inc eax
0,0 → 1,181
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4273 $
;; ;;
;; ;;
align 32
; Настраиваем стек
mov esp, [ss:tss._esp0]
push ebp ; save app esp + 4
mov ebp, [ebp] ; ebp - original ebp
call protect_from_terminate
movzx eax, byte [esp+28]
mov edx, dword [esp+20]
call dword [servetable2 + eax * 4]
call unprotect_from_terminate
xchg ecx, [ss:esp] ; в вершин стека - app ecx, ecx - app esp + 4
sub ecx, 4
xchg edx, [ecx] ; edx - return point, & save original edx
push edx
mov edx, [ss:esp + 4]
mov [ecx + 4], edx ; save original ecx
pop edx
;; ;;
;; ;;
align 16
call protect_from_terminate
movzx eax, byte [esp+28]
mov edx, dword [esp+20]
call dword [servetable2 + eax * 4]
call unprotect_from_terminate
;; ;;
;; ;;
align 32
; cli syscall clear IF
xchg esp, [ss:tss._esp0]
push ecx
lea ecx, [esp+4]
xchg ecx, [ss:tss._esp0]
push ecx
mov ecx, [ecx]
call protect_from_terminate
movzx eax, byte [esp+28]
mov edx, dword [esp+20]
call dword [servetable2 + eax * 4]
call unprotect_from_terminate
mov ecx, [ss:esp+4]
pop esp
align 4
dd syscall_draw_window ; 0-DrawWindow
dd syscall_setpixel ; 1-SetPixel
dd sys_getkey ; 2-GetKey
dd sys_clock ; 3-GetTime
dd syscall_writetext ; 4-WriteText
dd delay_hs_unprotected ; 5-DelayHs
dd undefined_syscall ; 6-deprecated OpenRamdiskFile
dd syscall_putimage ; 7-PutImage
dd syscall_button ; 8-DefineButton
dd sys_cpuusage ; 9-GetProcessInfo
dd sys_waitforevent ; 10-WaitForEvent
dd sys_getevent ; 11-CheckForEvent
dd sys_redrawstat ; 12-BeginDraw and EndDraw
dd syscall_drawrect ; 13-DrawRect
dd syscall_getscreensize ; 14-GetScreenSize
dd sys_background ; 15-bgr
dd sys_cachetodiskette ; 16-FlushFloppyCache
dd sys_getbutton ; 17-GetButton
dd sys_system ; 18-System Services
dd paleholder ; 19-reserved
dd sys_midi ; 20-ResetMidi and OutputMidi
dd sys_setup ; 21-SetMidiBase,SetKeymap,SetShiftKeymap,.
dd sys_settime ; 22-setting date,time,clock and alarm-clock
dd sys_wait_event_timeout ; 23-TimeOutWaitForEvent
dd syscall_cdaudio ; 24-PlayCdTrack,StopCd and GetCdPlaylist
dd syscall_putarea_backgr ; 25-Put Area to background
dd sys_getsetup ; 26-GetMidiBase,GetKeymap,GetShiftKeymap,.
dd undefined_syscall ; 27-reserved
dd undefined_syscall ; 28-reserved
dd sys_date ; 29-GetDate
dd sys_current_directory ; 30-Get/SetCurrentDirectory
dd undefined_syscall ; 31-reserved
dd undefined_syscall ; 32-reserved
dd undefined_syscall ; 33-reserved
dd syscall_getpixel_WinMap ; 34-GetPixel WinMap
dd syscall_getpixel ; 35-GetPixel
dd syscall_getarea ; 36-GetArea
dd readmousepos ; 37-GetMousePosition_ScreenRelative,.
dd syscall_drawline ; 38-DrawLine
dd sys_getbackground ; 39-GetBackgroundSize,ReadBgrData,.
dd set_app_param ; 40-WantEvents
dd undefined_syscall ; 41- deprecated GetIrqOwner
dd undefined_syscall ; 42- deprecated ReadIrqData
dd sys_outport ; 43-SendDeviceData
dd undefined_syscall ; 44- deprecated ProgramIrqs
dd undefined_syscall ; 45- deprecated ReserveIrq and FreeIrq
dd syscall_reserveportarea ; 46-ReservePortArea and FreePortArea
dd display_number ; 47-WriteNum
dd syscall_display_settings ; 48-SetRedrawType and SetButtonType
dd sys_apm ; 49-Advanced Power Management (APM)
dd syscall_set_window_shape ; 50-Window shape & scale
dd syscall_threads ; 51-Threads
dd undefined_syscall ; 52- deprecated Stack driver status
dd undefined_syscall ; 53- deprecated Socket interface
dd sys_clipboard ; 54-Custom clipboard
dd sound_interface ; 55-Sound interface
dd undefined_syscall ; 56-reserved
dd sys_pcibios ; 57-PCI BIOS32
dd undefined_syscall ; 58-deprecated Common file system interface
dd undefined_syscall ; 59-reserved
dd sys_IPC ; 60-Inter Process Communication
dd sys_gs ; 61-Direct graphics access
dd pci_api ; 62-PCI functions
dd sys_msg_board ; 63-System message board
dd sys_resize_app_memory ; 64-Resize application memory usage
dd sys_putimage_palette ; 65-PutImagePalette
dd sys_process_def ; 66-Process definitions - keyboard
dd syscall_move_window ; 67-Window move or resize
dd f68 ; 68-Some internal services
dd sys_debug_services ; 69-Debug
dd file_system_lfn ; 70-Common file system interface, version 2
dd syscall_window_settings ; 71-Window settings
dd sys_sendwindowmsg ; 72-Send window message
dd blit_32 ; 73-blitter;
dd sys_network ; 74-reserved for new stack
dd sys_socket ; 75-reserved for new stack
dd sys_protocols ; 76-reserved for new stack
times 255 - ( ($-servetable2) /4 ) dd undefined_syscall
dd sys_end ; -1-end application
0,0 → 1,1257
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4424 $
struct APP_HEADER_00_
banner dq ?
version dd ? ;+8
start dd ? ;+12
i_end dd ? ;+16
mem_size dd ? ;+20
i_param dd ? ;+24
struct APP_HEADER_01_
banner dq ?
version dd ? ;+8
start dd ? ;+12
i_end dd ? ;+16
mem_size dd ? ;+20
stack_top dd ? ;+24
i_param dd ? ;+28
i_icon dd ? ;+32
app_cmdline dd ? ;0x00
app_path dd ? ;0x04
app_eip dd ? ;0x08
app_esp dd ? ;0x0C
app_mem dd ? ;0x10
macro _clear_ op
{ mov ecx, op/4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
xor ebx, ebx
xor edx, edx
mov esi, sysdir_path
align 4
proc fs_execute
;fn_read:dword, file_size:dword, cluster:dword
; ebx - cmdline
; edx - flags
; ebp - full filename
; [esp+4] = procedure DoRead, [esp+8] = filesize & [esp+12]... - arguments for it
cmdline_size dd ? ; +0 ; cmdline -12
cmdline_adr dd ? ; +4 ; cmdline -8
cmdline_flag dd ? ; +8 ; cmdline -4
cmdline rd 64 ;256/4
filename rd 256 ;1024/4
flags dd ?
save_proc dd ?
slot dd ?
slot_base dd ?
file_base dd ?
file_size dd ?
handle dd ? ;temp. for default cursor handle for curr. thread
;app header data
hdr_cmdline dd ? ;0x00
hdr_path dd ? ;0x04
hdr_eip dd ? ;0x08
hdr_esp dd ? ;0x0C
hdr_mem dd ? ;0x10
hdr_i_end dd ? ;0x14
cmp [SCR_MODE], word 0x13
jbe @f
stdcall set_cursor, [def_cursor_clock]
mov [handle], eax
mov [redrawmouse_unconditional], 1
call wakeup_osloop
mov [flags], edx
; [ebp] pointer to filename
lea edi, [filename]
lea ecx, [edi+1024]
mov al, '/'
cmp edi, ecx
jae .bigfilename
test al, al
jnz @b
mov esi, [ebp]
test esi, esi
jz .namecopied
mov byte [edi-1], '/'
cmp edi, ecx
jae .bigfilename
test al, al
jnz @b
jmp .namecopied
jmp .final
xor eax, eax
mov [cmdline_flag], eax
mov [cmdline_adr], eax
mov [cmdline_size], eax
mov [cmdline], ebx
test ebx, ebx
jz .no_copy
mov esi, ebx
mov ecx, 65536 ; 64 Kb max for ext.cmdline
dec ecx
jz .end_string
test al, al
jnz @b
mov eax, 65536 ; 64 Kb max for ext.cmdline
sub eax, ecx
mov [cmdline_size], eax
cmp eax, 255
ja @f
jmp .old_copy
xor eax, eax
dec eax
mov [cmdline_flag], eax
; get memory for the extended command line
stdcall kernel_alloc, [cmdline_size] ;eax
test eax, eax
jz .old_copy ; get memory failed
mov [cmdline_adr], eax
mov esi, ebx
mov edi, eax
mov ecx, [cmdline_size]
rep movsb
jmp .no_copy
; clear flag because old method with 256 bytes
xor eax, eax
mov [cmdline_flag], eax
lea eax, [cmdline]
mov dword [eax+252], 0
stdcall strncpy, eax, ebx, 255
lea eax, [filename]
stdcall load_file, eax
test eax, eax
jz .err_file
mov [file_base], eax
mov [file_size], ebx
lea ebx, [hdr_cmdline]
call test_app_header
mov esi, -0x1F
test eax, eax
jz .err_hdr
call lock_application_table
call alloc_thread_slot
test eax, eax
mov esi, -0x20 ; too many processes
jz .err
mov [slot], eax
shl eax, 8
add eax, SLOT_BASE
mov [slot_base], eax
mov edi, eax
_clear_ 256 ;clean extended information about process
; write application name
lea eax, [filename]
stdcall strrchr, eax, '/' ; now eax points to name without path
lea esi, [eax+1]
test eax, eax
jnz @F
lea esi, [filename]
mov ecx, 11 ; 11 chars for name! 8 - is old value!
mov edi, [slot_base]
cmp al, '.'
jz .copy_process_name_done
test al, al
jz .copy_process_name_done
loop .copy_process_name_loop
mov ebx, [current_slot]
mov ebx, [ebx+APPDATA.process]
mov [save_proc], ebx
stdcall create_process, [hdr_mem], [file_base], [file_size]
mov esi, -30; no memory
test eax, eax
jz .failed
mov ebx, [slot_base]
mov [ebx+APPDATA.process], eax
mov eax, [hdr_mem]
mov [ebx+APPDATA.mem_size], eax
xor edx, edx
cmp word [6], '02'
jne @f
not edx
mov [ebx+APPDATA.tls_base], edx
mov ecx, [hdr_mem]
mov edi, [file_size]
add edi, 4095
and edi, not 4095
sub ecx, edi
jna @F
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
end if
; release only virtual space, not phisical memory
stdcall free_kernel_space, [file_base]
lea eax, [hdr_cmdline]
lea ebx, [cmdline]
lea ecx, [filename]
stdcall set_app_params , [slot], eax, ebx, ecx, [flags]
mov eax, [save_proc]
call set_cr3
mov eax, [process_number];set result
call unlock_application_table
jmp .final
mov eax, [save_proc]
call set_cr3
stdcall kernel_free, [file_base]
call unlock_application_table
mov eax, esi
cmp [SCR_MODE], word 0x13
jbe @f
stdcall set_cursor, [handle]
mov [redrawmouse_unconditional], 1
call wakeup_osloop
align 4
virtual at eax
end virtual
virtual at eax
end virtual
cmp dword [eax], 'MENU'
jne .fail
cmp word [eax+4], 'ET'
jne .fail
cmp [eax+6], word '00'
jne .check_01_header
mov ecx, [APP_HEADER_00.start]
mov [ebx+0x08], ecx ;app_eip
mov edx, [APP_HEADER_00.mem_size]
mov [ebx+0x10], edx ;app_mem
shr edx, 1
sub edx, 0x10
mov [ebx+0x0C], edx ;app_esp
mov ecx, [APP_HEADER_00.i_param]
mov [ebx], ecx ;app_cmdline
mov [ebx+4], dword 0 ;app_path
mov edx, [APP_HEADER_00.i_end]
mov [ebx+0x14], edx
cmp [eax+6], word '01'
je @f
cmp [eax+6], word '02'
jne .fail
mov ecx, [APP_HEADER_01.start]
mov [ebx+0x08], ecx ;app_eip
mov edx, [APP_HEADER_01.mem_size]
; \begin{diamond}[20.08.2006]
; sanity check (functions 19,58 load app_i_end bytes and that must
; fit in allocated memory to prevent kernel faults)
cmp edx, [APP_HEADER_01.i_end]
jb .fail
; \end{diamond}[20.08.2006]
mov [ebx+0x10], edx ;app_mem
mov ecx, [APP_HEADER_01.stack_top]
mov [ebx+0x0C], ecx ;app_esp
mov edx, [APP_HEADER_01.i_param]
mov [ebx], edx ;app_cmdline
mov ecx, [APP_HEADER_01.i_icon]
mov [ebx+4], ecx ;app_path
mov edx, [APP_HEADER_01.i_end]
mov [ebx+0x14], edx
xor eax, eax
align 4
; none
; eax=[new_thread_slot]<>0 - ok
; 0 - failed.
;This function find least empty slot.
;It doesn't increase [TASK_COUNT]!
mov edx, thr_slot_map
bsf eax, [edx]
jnz .found
add edx, 4
cmp edx, thr_slot_map+32
jb .l1
xor eax, eax
btr [edx], eax
sub edx, thr_slot_map
lea eax, [eax+edx*8]
align 4
proc create_process stdcall, app_size:dword,img_base:dword,img_size:dword
app_pages dd ?
img_pages dd ?
process dd ?
app_tabs dd ?
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
xchg bx, bx
xor eax, eax
mov [process], eax
mov eax, [app_size]
add eax, 4095
and eax, NOT(4095)
mov [app_size], eax
mov ebx, eax
shr eax, 12
mov [app_pages], eax
add ebx, 0x3FFFFF
and ebx, NOT(0x3FFFFF)
shr ebx, 22
mov [app_tabs], ebx
mov ecx, [img_size]
add ecx, 4095
and ecx, NOT(4095)
mov [img_size], ecx
shr ecx, 12
mov [img_pages], ecx
lea eax, [eax+ebx+2];all requested memory
cmp eax, [pg_data.pages_free]
ja .fail
stdcall kernel_alloc, 0x2000
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov [process], eax
lea edi, [eax+PROC.heap_lock]
mov ecx, (4096-PROC.heap_lock)/4
list_init eax
add eax, PROC.thr_list
list_init eax
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov eax, edi
call get_pg_addr
mov [edi-4096+PROC.pdt_0_phys], eax
mov ecx, (OS_BASE shr 20)/4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov ecx, (OS_BASE shr 20)/4
mov esi, sys_proc+PROC.pdt_0+(OS_BASE shr 20)
rep movsd
mov eax, [edi-8192+PROC.pdt_0_phys]
or eax, PG_SW
mov [edi-4096+(page_tabs shr 20)], eax
lea eax, [edi-8192]
call set_cr3
mov edx, [app_tabs]
xor edi, edi
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .fail
stdcall map_page_table, edi, eax
add edi, 0x00400000
dec edx
jnz @B
mov edi, page_tabs
mov ecx, [app_tabs]
shl ecx, 10
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov ecx, [img_pages]
mov ebx, PG_UW
xor edx, edx
mov esi, [img_base]
shr esi, 10
add esi, page_tabs
mov edi, page_tabs
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
or eax, ebx; force user level r/w access
add edx, 0x1000
dec [app_pages]
dec ecx
jnz .remap
mov ecx, [app_pages]
test ecx, ecx
jz .done
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .fail
stdcall map_page, edx, eax, dword PG_UW
add edx, 0x1000
dec [app_pages]
jnz .alloc
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, [process]
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
cmp [process], 0
je @f
;; stdcall destroy_app_space, [dir_addr], 0
xor eax, eax
align 4
mov ebx, [current_slot]
mov [ebx+APPDATA.process], eax
mov eax, [eax+PROC.pdt_0_phys]
mov cr3, eax
align 4
proc destroy_page_table stdcall, pg_tab:dword
push esi
mov esi, [pg_tab]
mov ecx, 1024
mov eax, [esi]
test eax, 1
jz .next
test eax, 1 shl 9
jnz .next ;skip shared pages
call free_page
add esi, 4
dec ecx
jnz .free
pop esi
align 4
proc destroy_app_space stdcall, pg_dir:dword, dlls_list:dword
xor edx, edx
push edx
mov eax, 0x1
mov ebx, [pg_dir]
;eax = current slot of process
mov ecx, eax
shl ecx, 5
cmp byte [CURRENT_TASK+ecx+0xa], 9;if process running?
jz @f ;skip empty slots
shl ecx, 3
add ecx, SLOT_BASE
cmp [ecx+APPDATA.process], ebx;compare page directory addresses
jnz @f
mov [ebp-4], ecx
inc edx ;thread found
inc eax
cmp eax, [TASK_COUNT] ;exit loop if we look through all processes
jle .loop
;edx = number of threads
;our process is zombi so it isn't counted
pop ecx
cmp edx, 1
jg .ret
;if there isn't threads then clear memory.
mov esi, [dlls_list]
call destroy_all_hdlls;ecx=APPDATA
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
mov eax, [pg_dir]
and eax, not 0xFFF
; stdcall map_page, [tmp_task_pdir], eax, PG_SW
; mov esi, [tmp_task_pdir]
mov edi, (OS_BASE shr 20)/4
mov eax, [esi]
test eax, 1
jz .next
and eax, not 0xFFF
stdcall map_page, [tmp_task_ptab], eax, PG_SW
stdcall destroy_page_table, [tmp_task_ptab]
mov eax, [esi]
call free_page
add esi, 4
dec edi
jnz .destroy
mov eax, [pg_dir]
call free_page
stdcall map_page, [tmp_task_ptab], 0, PG_UNMAP
; stdcall map_page, [tmp_task_pdir], 0, PG_UNMAP
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
align 4
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov eax, []
; eax - pid of process
; eax - slot of process or 0 if process don't exists
;Search process by PID.
push ebx
push ecx
mov ebx, [TASK_COUNT]
shl ebx, 5
mov ecx, 2*32
;ecx=offset of current process info entry
;ebx=maximum permitted offset
cmp byte [CURRENT_TASK+ecx+0xa], 9
jz .endloop ;skip empty slots
cmp [CURRENT_TASK+ecx+0x4], eax;check PID
jz .pid_found
add ecx, 32
cmp ecx, ebx
jle .loop
pop ecx
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
shr ecx, 5
mov eax, ecx ;convert offset to index of slot
pop ecx
pop ebx
; esi - start of buffer
; edx - size of buffer
; eax = 1 region lays in app memory
; eax = 0 region don't lays in app memory
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
; jmp check_process_region
; eax - slot
; esi - start of buffer
; edx - size of buffer
; eax = 1 region lays in app memory
; eax = 0 region don't lays in app memory
test edx, edx
jle .ok
shl eax, 5
cmp word [CURRENT_TASK+eax+0xa], 0
jnz .failed
shl eax, 3
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+eax+0xb8]
test eax, eax
jz .failed
mov eax, 1
; call MEM_Get_Linear_Address
; push ebx
; push ecx
; push edx
; mov edx,ebx
; and edx,not (4096-1)
; sub ebx,edx
; add ecx,ebx
; mov ebx,edx
; add ecx,(4096-1)
; and ecx,not (4096-1)
;;eax - linear address of page directory
;;ebx - current page
;;ecx - current size
; mov edx,ebx
; shr edx,22
; mov edx,[eax+4*edx]
; and edx,not (4096-1)
; test edx,edx
; jz .failed1
; push eax
; mov eax,edx
; call MEM_Get_Linear_Address
; mov edx,ebx
; shr edx,12
; and edx,(1024-1)
; mov eax,[eax+4*edx]
; and eax,not (4096-1)
; test eax,eax
; pop eax
; jz .failed1
; add ebx,4096
; sub ecx,4096
; jg .loop
; pop edx
; pop ecx
; pop ebx
mov eax, 1
; pop edx
; pop ecx
; pop ebx
xor eax, eax
align 4
proc read_process_memory
; eax - process slot
; ecx - buffer address
; edx - buffer size
; esi - start address in other process
; eax - number of bytes read.
slot dd ?
buff dd ?
r_count dd ?
offset dd ?
tmp_r_cnt dd ?
mov [slot], eax
mov [buff], ecx
and [r_count], 0
mov [tmp_r_cnt], edx
mov [offset], esi
mov edx, [offset]
mov ebx, [tmp_r_cnt]
mov ecx, 0x400000
and edx, 0x3FFFFF
sub ecx, edx
cmp ecx, ebx
jbe @f
mov ecx, ebx
cmp ecx, 0x8000
jna @F
mov ecx, 0x8000
mov ebx, [offset]
push ecx
stdcall map_memEx, [proc_mem_map], \
[slot], ebx, ecx, PG_MAP
pop ecx
mov esi, [offset]
and esi, 0xfff
sub eax, esi
jbe .ret
cmp ecx, eax
jbe @f
mov ecx, eax
mov [tmp_r_cnt], eax
add esi, [proc_mem_map]
mov edi, [buff]
mov edx, ecx
rep movsb
add [r_count], edx
add [offset], edx
sub [tmp_r_cnt], edx
jnz .read_mem
mov eax, [r_count]
align 4
proc write_process_memory
; eax - process slot
; ecx - buffer address
; edx - buffer size
; esi - start address in other process
; eax - number of bytes written
slot dd ?
buff dd ?
w_count dd ?
offset dd ?
tmp_w_cnt dd ?
mov [slot], eax
mov [buff], ecx
and [w_count], 0
mov [tmp_w_cnt], edx
mov [offset], esi
mov edx, [offset]
mov ebx, [tmp_w_cnt]
mov ecx, 0x400000
and edx, 0x3FFFFF
sub ecx, edx
cmp ecx, ebx
jbe @f
mov ecx, ebx
cmp ecx, 0x8000
jna @F
mov ecx, 0x8000
mov ebx, [offset]
; add ebx, new_app_base
push ecx
stdcall map_memEx, [proc_mem_map], \
[slot], ebx, ecx, PG_SW
pop ecx
mov edi, [offset]
and edi, 0xfff
sub eax, edi
jbe .ret
cmp ecx, eax
jbe @f
mov ecx, eax
mov [tmp_w_cnt], eax
add edi, [proc_mem_map]
mov esi, [buff]
mov edx, ecx
rep movsb
add [w_count], edx
add [offset], edx
sub [tmp_w_cnt], edx
jnz .read_mem
mov eax, [w_count]
;ebx = 1 - kernel thread
;ecx=thread entry point
;edx=thread stack pointer
;creation flags 0x01 - debugged
; 0x02 - kernel
align 4
proc new_sys_threads
slot dd ?
flags dd ?
app_cmdline dd ? ;0x00
app_path dd ? ;0x04
app_eip dd ? ;0x08
app_esp dd ? ;0x0C
app_mem dd ? ;0x10
shl ebx, 1
mov [flags], ebx
xor eax, eax
mov [app_eip], ecx
mov [app_cmdline], eax
mov [app_esp], edx
mov [app_path], eax
call lock_application_table
call alloc_thread_slot
test eax, eax
jz .failed
mov [slot], eax
mov esi, [current_slot]
mov ebx, esi ;ebx=esi - pointer to extended information about current thread
mov edi, eax
shl edi, 8
add edi, SLOT_BASE
mov edx, edi ;edx=edi - pointer to extended infomation about new thread
mov ecx, 256/4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd ;clean extended information about new thread
mov esi, ebx
mov edi, edx
mov ecx, 11
rep movsb ;copy process name
mov eax, [ebx+APPDATA.heap_base]
mov [edx+APPDATA.heap_base], eax
mov ecx, [ebx+APPDATA.heap_top]
mov [edx+APPDATA.heap_top], ecx
mov eax, [ebx+APPDATA.mem_size]
mov [edx+APPDATA.mem_size], eax
mov ecx, [ebx+APPDATA.process]
mov [edx+APPDATA.process], ecx;copy page directory
mov eax, [ebx+APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr]
mov [edx+APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr], eax
mov eax, [ebx+APPDATA.tls_base]
test eax, eax
jz @F
push edx
stdcall user_alloc, 4096
pop edx
test eax, eax
jz .failed1;eax=0
mov [edx+APPDATA.tls_base], eax
lea eax, [app_cmdline]
stdcall set_app_params , [slot], eax, dword 0, \
dword 0, [flags]
mov eax, [process_number] ;set result
call unlock_application_table
xor eax, eax
call unlock_application_table
dec eax ;-1
align 4
call init_heap
stdcall user_alloc, 4096
mov edx, [current_slot]
mov [edx+APPDATA.tls_base], eax
mov [tls_data_l+2], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [tls_data_l+4], al
mov [tls_data_l+7], ah
mov dx, app_tls
mov fs, dx
EFL_IF equ 0x0200
EFL_IOPL1 equ 0x1000
EFL_IOPL2 equ 0x2000
EFL_IOPL3 equ 0x3000
align 4
proc set_app_params stdcall,slot:dword, params:dword,\
cmd_line:dword, app_path:dword, flags:dword
pl0_stack dd ?
stdcall kernel_alloc, RING0_STACK_SIZE+512
mov [pl0_stack], eax
lea edi, [eax+RING0_STACK_SIZE]
mov eax, [slot]
mov ebx, eax
shl eax, 8
mov [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.fpu_state], edi
mov [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.exc_handler], 0
mov [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.except_mask], 0
mov [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.terminate_protection], 80000001h
;set default io permission map
mov ecx, [SLOT_BASE+256+APPDATA.io_map]
mov [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.io_map], ecx
mov ecx, [SLOT_BASE+256+APPDATA.io_map+4]
mov [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.io_map+4], ecx
mov esi, fpu_data
mov ecx, 512/4
rep movsd
cmp ebx, [TASK_COUNT]
jle .noinc
inc dword [TASK_COUNT] ;update number of processes
shl ebx, 8
lea edx, [ebx+SLOT_BASE+APP_EV_OFFSET]
mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.fd_ev+ebx], edx
mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.bk_ev+ebx], edx
mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.fd_obj+ebx], edx
mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.bk_obj+ebx], edx
mov ecx, [def_cursor]
mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.cursor+ebx], ecx
mov eax, [pl0_stack]
mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.pl0_stack+ebx], eax
mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.saved_esp0+ebx], eax
push ebx
stdcall kernel_alloc, 0x1000
pop ebx
mov esi, [current_slot]
mov esi, [esi+APPDATA.cur_dir]
mov ecx, 0x1000/4
mov edi, eax
mov [ebx+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.cur_dir], eax
rep movsd
shr ebx, 3
mov eax, new_app_base
mov dword [CURRENT_TASK+ebx+0x10], eax
mov edx, [params]
mov edx, [edx] ;app_cmdline
test edx, edx
jz @f ;application doesn't need parameters
mov eax, edx
add eax, 256
jc @f
cmp eax, [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.mem_size+ebx*8]
ja @f
mov eax, [cmd_line]
cmp [edx], dword 0xffffffff ; extended destination tag
jne .no_ext_dest
mov edx, [edx+4] ; extended destination for cmdline
jmp .continue
mov [eax-12], dword 255
mov byte [edx], 0 ;force empty string if no cmdline given
test eax, eax
jz @f
cmp [eax-4], dword 0xffffffff ; cmdline_flag
jne .old_copy
push eax
stdcall strncpy, edx, [eax-8], [eax-12]
pop eax
stdcall kernel_free, [eax-8]
jmp @f
stdcall strncpy, edx, eax, 256
mov edx, [params]
mov edx, [edx+4];app_path
test edx, edx
jz @F ;application don't need path of file
mov eax, edx
add eax, 1024
jc @f
cmp eax, [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.mem_size+ebx*8]
ja @f
stdcall strncpy, edx, [app_path], 1024
mov ebx, [slot]
mov eax, ebx
shl ebx, 5
lea ecx, [draw_data+ebx];ecx - pointer to draw data
mov edx, irq0.return
cmp [ebx*8+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.tls_base], -1
jne @F
mov edx, tls_app_entry
; set window state to 'normal' (non-minimized/maximized/rolled-up) state
mov [ebx+window_data+WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_NORMAL
mov [ebx+window_data+WDATA.fl_redraw], 1
add ebx, CURRENT_TASK ;ebx - pointer to information about process
mov [ebx+TASKDATA.wnd_number], al;set window number on screen = process slot
mov [ebx+TASKDATA.event_mask], dword 1+2+4;set default event flags (see 40 function)
inc dword [process_number]
mov eax, [process_number]
mov [ebx+4], eax ;set PID
;set draw data to full screen
xor eax, eax
mov [ecx+0], dword eax
mov [ecx+4], dword eax
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
mov [ecx+8], eax
mov eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
mov [ecx+12], eax
mov ebx, [pl0_stack]
mov esi, [params]
lea ecx, [ebx+REG_EIP]
xor eax, eax
mov [ebx+REG_RET], edx
mov [ebx+REG_EDI], eax
mov [ebx+REG_ESI], eax
mov [ebx+REG_EBP], eax
mov [ebx+REG_ESP], ecx;ebx+REG_EIP
mov [ebx+REG_EBX], eax
mov [ebx+REG_EDX], eax
mov [ebx+REG_ECX], eax
mov [ebx+REG_EAX], eax
mov eax, [esi+0x08] ;app_eip
mov [ebx+REG_EIP], eax ;app_entry
mov [ebx+REG_CS], dword app_code
test byte [flags], 2
jz @F
mov [ebx+REG_CS], dword os_code ; kernel thread
mov [ebx+REG_EFLAGS], dword EFL_IOPL1+EFL_IF
mov eax, [esi+0x0C] ;app_esp
mov [ebx+REG_APP_ESP], eax;app_stack
mov [ebx+REG_SS], dword app_data
lea edx, [ebx+REG_RET]
mov ebx, [slot]
shl ebx, 5
mov [ebx*8+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.saved_esp], edx
xor edx, edx; process state - running
; set if debuggee
test byte [flags], 1
jz .no_debug
inc edx ; process state - suspended
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov [SLOT_BASE+ebx*8+APPDATA.debugger_slot], eax
mov [CURRENT_TASK+ebx+TASKDATA.state], dl
lea edx, [SLOT_BASE+ebx*8]
call scheduler_add_thread
align 4
mov eax, [current_slot]
mov eax, [eax+APPDATA.pl0_stack]
include ""
0,0 → 1,229
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3598 $
; Simple implementation of timers. All timers are organized in a double-linked
; list, and the OS loop after every timer tick processes the list.
; This structure describes a timer for the kernel.
struct TIMER
Next dd ?
Prev dd ?
; These fields organize a double-linked list of all timers.
TimerFunc dd ?
; Function to be called when the timer is activated.
UserData dd ?
; The value that is passed as is to .TimerFunc.
Time dd ?
; Time at which the timer should be activated.
Interval dd ?
; Interval between activations of the timer, in 0.01s.
align 4
; The head of timer list.
dd timer_list
dd timer_list
; These two variables are used to synchronize access to the global list.
; Logically, they form an recursive mutex. Physically, the first variable holds
; the slot number of the current owner or 0, the second variable holds the
; recursion count.
; The mutex should be recursive to allow a timer function to add/delete other
; timers or itself.
timer_list_owner dd 0
timer_list_numlocks dd 0
; A timer function can delete any timer, including itself and the next timer in
; the chain. To handle such situation correctly, we keep the next timer in a
; global variable, so the removing operation can update it.
timer_next dd 0
; This internal function acquires the lock for the global list.
mov edx, [CURRENT_TASK]
xor eax, eax
lock cmpxchg [timer_list_owner], edx
jz @f
cmp eax, edx
jz @f
call change_task
jmp @b
inc [timer_list_numlocks]
; This internal function releases the lock for the global list.
dec [timer_list_numlocks]
jnz .nothing
mov [timer_list_owner], 0
; This function adds a timer.
; If deltaStart is nonzero, the timer is activated after deltaStart hundredths
; of seconds starting from the current time. If interval is nonzero, the timer
; is activated every deltaWork hundredths of seconds starting from the first
; activation. The activated timer calls timerFunc as stdcall function with one
; argument userData.
; Return value is NULL if something has failed or some value which is opaque
; for the caller. Later this value can be used for cancel_timer_hs.
proc timer_hs stdcall uses ebx, deltaStart:dword, interval:dword, \
timerFunc:dword, userData:dword
; 1. Allocate memory for the TIMER structure.
; 1a. Call the allocator.
movi eax, sizeof.TIMER
call malloc
; 1b. If allocation failed, return (go to 5) with eax = 0.
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
; 2. Setup the TIMER structure.
xchg ebx, eax
; 2a. Copy values from the arguments.
mov ecx, [interval]
mov [ebx+TIMER.Interval], ecx
mov ecx, [timerFunc]
mov [ebx+TIMER.TimerFunc], ecx
mov ecx, [userData]
mov [ebx+TIMER.UserData], ecx
; 2b. Get time of the next activation.
mov ecx, [deltaStart]
test ecx, ecx
jnz @f
mov ecx, [interval]
add ecx, [timer_ticks]
mov [ebx+TIMER.Time], ecx
; 3. Insert the TIMER structure to the global list.
; 3a. Acquire the lock.
call lock_timer_list
; 3b. Insert an item at ebx to the tail of the timer_list.
mov eax, timer_list
mov ecx, [eax+TIMER.Prev]
mov [ebx+TIMER.Next], eax
mov [ebx+TIMER.Prev], ecx
mov [eax+TIMER.Prev], ebx
mov [ecx+TIMER.Next], ebx
; 3c. Release the lock.
call unlock_timer_list
; 4. Return with eax = pointer to TIMER structure.
xchg ebx, eax
; 5. Returning.
; This function removes a timer.
; The only argument is [esp+4] = the value which was returned from timer_hs.
push ebx ; save used register to be stdcall
; 1. Remove the TIMER structure from the global list.
; 1a. Acquire the lock.
call lock_timer_list
mov ebx, [esp+4+4]
; 1b. Delete an item at ebx from the double-linked list.
mov eax, [ebx+TIMER.Next]
mov ecx, [ebx+TIMER.Prev]
mov [eax+TIMER.Prev], ecx
mov [ecx+TIMER.Next], eax
; 1c. If we are removing the next timer in currently processing chain,
; the next timer for this timer becomes new next timer.
cmp ebx, [timer_next]
jnz @f
mov [timer_next], eax
; 1d. Release the lock.
call unlock_timer_list
; 2. Free the TIMER structure.
xchg eax, ebx
call free
; 3. Return.
pop ebx ; restore used register to be stdcall
ret 4 ; purge one dword argument to be stdcall
; This function is regularly called from osloop. It processes the global list
; and activates the corresponding timers.
; 1. Acquire the lock.
call lock_timer_list
; 2. Loop over all registered timers, checking time.
; 2a. Get the first item.
mov eax, [timer_list+TIMER.Next]
mov [timer_next], eax
; 2b. Check for end of list.
cmp eax, timer_list
jz .done
; 2c. Get and store the next timer.
mov edx, [eax+TIMER.Next]
mov [timer_next], edx
; 2d. Check time for timer activation.
; We can't just compare [timer_ticks] and [TIMER.Time], since overflows are
; possible: if the current time is 0FFFFFFFFh ticks and timer should be
; activated in 3 ticks, the simple comparison will produce incorrect result.
; So we calculate the difference [timer_ticks] - [TIMER.Time]; if it is
; non-negative, the time is over; if it is negative, then either the time is
; not over or we have not processed this timer for 2^31 ticks, what is very
; unlikely.
mov edx, [timer_ticks]
sub edx, [eax+TIMER.Time]
js .next
; The timer should be activated now.
; 2e. Store the timer data in the stack. This is required since 2f can delete
; the timer, invalidating the content.
push [eax+TIMER.UserData] ; parameter for TimerFunc
push [eax+TIMER.TimerFunc] ; to be restored in 2g
; 2f. Calculate time of next activation or delete the timer if it is one-shot.
mov ecx, [eax+TIMER.Interval]
add [eax+TIMER.Time], ecx
test ecx, ecx
jnz .nodelete
stdcall cancel_timer_hs, eax
; 2g. Activate timer, using data from the stack.
pop eax
call eax
; 2h. Advance to the next timer and continue the loop.
mov eax, [timer_next]
jmp .loop
; 3. Release the lock.
call unlock_timer_list
; 4. Return.
; This is a simplified version of check_timers that does not call anything,
; just checks whether check_timers should do something.
proc check_timers_has_work?
mov eax, [timer_list+TIMER.Next]
cmp eax, timer_list
jz .done_nowork
mov edx, [timer_ticks]
sub edx, [eax+TIMER.Time]
jns .done_haswork
mov eax, [eax+TIMER.Next]
jmp .loop
xor eax, eax
xor eax, eax
inc eax
0,0 → 1,924
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2007-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3696 $
; Virtual-8086 mode manager
; diamond, 2007, 2008
struct V86_machine
; page directory
pagedir dd ?
; translation table: V86 address -> flat linear address
pages dd ?
; mutex to protect all data from writing by multiple threads at one time
mutex dd ?
; i/o permission map
iopm dd ?
; Create V86 machine
; in: nothing
; out: eax = handle (pointer to struc V86_machine)
; eax = NULL => failure
; destroys: ebx, ecx, edx (due to malloc)
; allocate V86_machine structure
mov eax, sizeof.V86_machine
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .fail
; initialize mutex
and dword [eax+V86_machine.mutex], 0
; allocate tables
mov ebx, eax
; We allocate 4 pages.
; First is main page directory for V86 mode.
; Second page:
; first half (0x800 bytes) is page table for addresses 0 - 0x100000,
; second half is for V86-to-linear translation.
; Third and fourth are for I/O permission map.
push 8000h ; blocks less than 8 pages are discontinuous
call kernel_alloc
test eax, eax
jz .fail2
mov [ebx+V86_machine.pagedir], eax
push edi eax
mov edi, eax
add eax, 1800h
mov [ebx+V86_machine.pages], eax
; initialize tables
mov ecx, 2000h/4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov [ebx+V86_machine.iopm], edi
dec eax
mov ecx, 2000h/4
rep stosd
pop eax
; page directory: first entry is page table...
mov edi, eax
add eax, 1000h
push eax
call get_pg_addr
or al, PG_UW
; ...and also copy system page tables
; thx to Serge, system is located at high addresses
add edi, (OS_BASE shr 20) - 4
push esi
mov esi, sys_proc+PROC.pdt_0+(OS_BASE shr 20)
mov ecx, 0x80000000 shr 22
rep movsd
mov eax, [ebx+V86_machine.pagedir] ;root dir also is
call get_pg_addr ;used as page table
or al, PG_SW
mov [edi-4096+(page_tabs shr 20)], eax
pop esi
; now V86 specific: initialize known addresses in first Mb
pop eax
; first page - BIOS data (shared between all machines!)
; physical address = 0
; linear address = OS_BASE
mov dword [eax], 111b
mov dword [eax+800h], OS_BASE
; page before 0xA0000 - Extended BIOS Data Area (shared between all machines!)
; physical address = 0x9C000
; linear address = 0x8009C000
; (I have seen one computer with EBDA segment = 0x9D80,
; all other computers use less memory)
mov ecx, 4
mov edx, 0x9C000
push eax
lea edi, [eax+0x9C*4]
lea eax, [edx + OS_BASE]
mov [edi+800h], eax
lea eax, [edx + 111b]
add edx, 0x1000
loop @b
pop eax
pop edi
; addresses 0xC0000 - 0xFFFFF - BIOS code (shared between all machines!)
; physical address = 0xC0000
; linear address = 0x800C0000
mov ecx, 0xC0
mov edx, ecx
shl edx, 12
push edx
or edx, 111b
mov [eax+ecx*4], edx
pop edx
add edx, OS_BASE
mov [eax+ecx*4+0x800], edx
inc cl
jnz @b
mov eax, ebx
mov eax, ebx
call free
xor eax, eax
; Destroy V86 machine
; in: eax = handle
; out: nothing
; destroys: eax, ebx, ecx, edx (due to free)
push eax
stdcall kernel_free, [eax+V86_machine.pagedir]
pop eax
jmp free
; Translate V86-address to linear address
; in: eax=V86 address
; esi=handle
; out: eax=linear address
; destroys: nothing
push ecx edx
mov ecx, eax
mov edx, [esi+V86_machine.pages]
shr ecx, 12
and eax, 0xFFF
add eax, [edx+ecx*4] ; atomic operation, no mutex needed
pop edx ecx
; Sets linear address for V86-page
; in: eax=linear address (must be page-aligned)
; ecx=V86 page (NOT address!)
; esi=handle
; out: nothing
; destroys: nothing
push eax ebx
mov ebx, [esi+V86_machine.pagedir]
mov [ebx+ecx*4+0x1800], eax
call get_pg_addr
or al, 111b
mov [ebx+ecx*4+0x1000], eax
pop ebx eax
; Allocate memory in V86 machine
; in: eax=size (in bytes)
; esi=handle
; out: eax=V86 address, para-aligned (0x10 multiple)
; destroys: nothing
; недописана!!!
; push ebx ecx edx edi
; lea ebx, [esi+V86_machine.mutex]
; call wait_mutex
; add eax, 0x1F
; shr eax, 4
; mov ebx, 0x1000 ; start with address 0x1000 (second page)
; mov edi, [esi+V86_machine.tables]
; mov ecx, ebx
; shr ecx, 12
; mov edx, [edi+0x1000+ecx*4] ; get linear address
; test edx, edx ; page allocated?
; jz .unalloc
; mov ecx, ebx
; and ecx, 0xFFF
; add edx, ecx
; cmp dword [edx], 0 ; free block?
; jnz .n
; cmp dword [edx+4],
; and [esi+V86_machine.mutex], 0
; pop edi edx ecx ebx
; ret
sys_v86_machine dd ?
; Called from kernel.asm at first stages of loading
; Initialize system V86 machine (used to simulate BIOS int 13h)
call v86_create
mov [sys_v86_machine], eax
test eax, eax
jz .ret
mov byte [OS_BASE + 0x500], 0xCD
mov byte [OS_BASE + 0x501], 0x13
mov byte [OS_BASE + 0x502], 0xF4
mov byte [OS_BASE + 0x503], 0xCD
mov byte [OS_BASE + 0x504], 0x10
mov byte [OS_BASE + 0x505], 0xF4
mov esi, eax
mov ebx, [eax+V86_machine.pagedir]
; one page for stack, two pages for results (0x2000 bytes = 16 sectors)
mov dword [ebx+0x99*4+0x1000], 0x99000 or 111b
mov dword [ebx+0x99*4+0x1800], OS_BASE + 0x99000
mov dword [ebx+0x9A*4+0x1000], 0x9A000 or 111b
mov dword [ebx+0x9A*4+0x1800], OS_BASE + 0x9A000
mov dword [ebx+0x9B*4+0x1000], 0x9B000 or 111b
mov dword [ebx+0x9B*4+0x1800], OS_BASE + 0x9B000
; allow access to all ports
mov ecx, [esi+V86_machine.iopm]
xor eax, eax
mov edi, ecx
mov ecx, 10000h/8/4
rep stosd
end if
struct v86_regs
; don't change the order, it is important
edi dd ?
esi dd ?
ebp dd ?
dd ? ; ignored
ebx dd ?
edx dd ?
ecx dd ?
eax dd ?
eip dd ?
cs dd ?
eflags dd ? ; VM flag must be set!
esp dd ?
ss dd ?
es dd ?
ds dd ?
fs dd ?
gs dd ?
; Run V86 machine
; in: ebx -> registers for V86 (two structures: in and out)
; esi = handle
; ecx = expected end address (CS:IP)
; edx = IRQ to hook or -1 if not required
; out: structure pointed to by ebx is filled with new values
; eax = 1 - exception has occured, cl contains code
; eax = 2 - access to disabled i/o port, ecx contains port address
; eax = 3 - IRQ is already hooked by another VM
; destroys: nothing
mov ecx, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl ecx, 8
add ecx, SLOT_BASE
mov eax, [esi+V86_machine.iopm]
call get_pg_addr
inc eax
push dword [ecx+APPDATA.io_map]
push dword [ecx+APPDATA.io_map+4]
mov dword [ecx+APPDATA.io_map], eax
mov dword [page_tabs + (tss._io_map_0 shr 10)], eax
add eax, 0x1000
mov dword [ecx+APPDATA.io_map+4], eax
mov dword [page_tabs + (tss._io_map_1 shr 10)], eax
push [ecx+APPDATA.process]
push [ecx+APPDATA.saved_esp0]
mov [ecx+APPDATA.saved_esp0], esp
mov [tss._esp0], esp
mov eax, [esi+V86_machine.pagedir]
call get_pg_addr
mov [ecx+APPDATA.process], eax
; mov cr3, eax
; mov [irq_tab+5*4], my05
; We do not enable interrupts, because V86 IRQ redirector assumes that
; machine is running
; They will be enabled by IRET.
; sti
mov eax, esi
sub esp, sizeof.v86_regs
mov esi, ebx
mov edi, esp
mov ecx, sizeof.v86_regs/4
rep movsd
cmp edx, -1
jz .noirqhook
v86_irqhooks rd IRQ_RESERVED * 2
cmp [v86_irqhooks+edx*8], 0
jz @f
cmp [v86_irqhooks+edx*8], eax
jz @f
mov esi, v86_irqerr
call sys_msg_board_str
inc [v86_irqhooks+edx*8+4]
mov eax, 3
jmp v86_exc_c.exit
mov [v86_irqhooks+edx*8], eax
inc [v86_irqhooks+edx*8+4]
; It is only possible to leave virtual-8086 mode by faulting to
; a protected-mode interrupt handler (typically the general-protection
; exception handler, which in turn calls the virtual 8086-mode monitor).
v86_exc_str1 db 'V86 : unexpected exception ',0
v86_exc_str2 db ' at ',0
v86_exc_str3 db ':',0
v86_exc_str4 db 13,10,'V86 : faulted code:',0
v86_exc_str5 db ' (unavailable)',0
v86_newline db 13,10,0
v86_io_str1 db 'V86 : access to disabled i/o port ',0
v86_io_byte db ' (byte)',13,10,0
v86_io_word db ' (word)',13,10,0
v86_io_dword db ' (dword)',13,10,0
v86_irqerr db 'V86 : IRQ already hooked',13,10,0
; Did we all that we have wanted to do?
cmp bl, 1
jne @f
xor eax, eax
mov dr6, eax
mov eax, [esp+sizeof.v86_regs+10h+18h]
cmp word [esp+v86_regs.eip], ax
jnz @f
shr eax, 16
cmp word [esp+v86_regs.cs], ax
jz .done
; Various system events, which must be handled, result in #GP
cmp bl, 13
jnz .nogp
; If faulted EIP exceeds 0xFFFF, we have #GP and it is an error
cmp word [esp+v86_regs.eip+2], 0
jnz .nogp
; Otherwise we can safely access byte at CS:IP
; (because it is #GP, not #PF handler)
; Если бы мы могли схлопотать исключение только из-за чтения байтов кода,
; мы бы его уже схлопотали и это было бы не #GP
movzx esi, word [esp+v86_regs.cs]
shl esi, 4
add esi, [esp+v86_regs.eip]
cmp al, 0xCD ; int xx command = CD xx
jz .handle_int
cmp al, 0xCF
jz .handle_iret
cmp al, 0xF3
jz .handle_rep
cmp al, 0xEC
jz .handle_in
cmp al, 0xED
jz .handle_in_word
cmp al, 0xEE
jz .handle_out
cmp al, 0xEF
jz .handle_out_word
cmp al, 0xE4
jz .handle_in_imm
cmp al, 0xE6
jz .handle_out_imm
cmp al, 0x9C
jz .handle_pushf
cmp al, 0x9D
jz .handle_popf
cmp al, 0xFA
jz .handle_cli
cmp al, 0xFB
jz .handle_sti
cmp al, 0x66
jz .handle_66
jmp .nogp
cmp word [esp+v86_regs.eip], 0xFFFF
jae .nogp
xor eax, eax
; call sys_msg_board_byte
; simulate INT command
; N.B. It is possible that some checks need to be corrected,
; but at least in case of normal execution the code works.
cmp word [esp+v86_regs.esp], 6
jae @f
mov bl, 12 ; #SS exception
jmp .nogp
movzx edx, word []
shl edx, 4
push eax
movzx eax, word [esp+4+v86_regs.esp]
sub eax, 6
add edx, eax
mov eax, edx
mov esi, [esp+4+sizeof.v86_regs+10h+4]
call v86_get_lin_addr
cmp eax, 0x1000
jae @f
mov bl, 14 ; #PF exception
jmp .nogp
lea eax, [edx+5]
call v86_get_lin_addr
cmp eax, 0x1000
jae @f
mov bl, 14 ; #PF exception
jmp .nogp
sub word [esp+4+v86_regs.esp], 6
mov eax, [esp+4+v86_regs.eip]
cmp byte [esp+1], 0
jnz @f
inc eax
inc eax
mov word [edx], ax
mov eax, [esp+4+v86_regs.cs]
mov word [edx+2], ax
mov eax, [esp+4+v86_regs.eflags]
mov word [edx+4], ax
pop eax
mov ah, 0
mov cx, [eax*4]
mov word [esp+v86_regs.eip], cx
mov cx, [eax*4+2]
mov word [esp+v86_regs.cs], cx
; note that interrupts will be disabled globally at IRET
and byte [esp+v86_regs.eflags+1], not 3 ; clear IF and TF flags
; continue V86 execution
cmp word [esp+v86_regs.esp], 0x10000 - 6
jbe @f
mov bl, 12
jmp .nogp
movzx edx, word []
shl edx, 4
movzx eax, word [esp+v86_regs.esp]
add edx, eax
mov eax, edx
mov esi, [esp+sizeof.v86_regs+10h+4]
call v86_get_lin_addr
cmp eax, 0x1000
jae @f
mov bl, 14
jmp .nogp
lea eax, [edx+5]
call v86_get_lin_addr
cmp eax, 0x1000
jae @f
mov bl, 14
jmp .nogp
mov ax, [edx]
mov word [esp+v86_regs.eip], ax
mov ax, [edx+2]
mov word [esp+v86_regs.cs], ax
mov ax, [edx+4]
mov word [esp+v86_regs.eflags], ax
add word [esp+v86_regs.esp], 6
cmp word [esp+v86_regs.esp], 1
jnz @f
mov bl, 12
jmp .nogp
movzx edx, word []
shl edx, 4
mov eax, [esp+v86_regs.esp]
sub eax, 2
movzx eax, ax
add edx, eax
mov eax, edx
mov esi, [esp+sizeof.v86_regs+10h+4]
call v86_get_lin_addr
cmp eax, 0x1000
jae @f
mov bl, 14 ; #PF exception
jmp .nogp
lea eax, [edx+1]
call v86_get_lin_addr
cmp eax, 0x1000
jae @f
mov bl, 14
jmp .nogp
sub word [esp+v86_regs.esp], 2
mov eax, [esp+v86_regs.eflags]
mov [edx], ax
inc word [esp+v86_regs.eip]
cmp word [esp+v86_regs.esp], 4
jae @f
mov bl, 12 ; #SS exception
jmp .nogp
movzx edx, word []
shl edx, 4
movzx eax, word [esp+v86_regs.esp]
sub eax, 4
add edx, eax
mov eax, edx
mov esi, [esp+sizeof.v86_regs+10h+4]
call v86_get_lin_addr
cmp eax, 0x1000
jae @f
mov bl, 14 ; #PF exception
jmp .nogp
lea eax, [edx+3]
call v86_get_lin_addr
cmp eax, 0x1000
jae @f
mov bl, 14 ; #PF exception
jmp .nogp
sub word [esp+v86_regs.esp], 4
movzx eax, word [esp+v86_regs.eflags]
mov [edx], eax
add word [esp+v86_regs.eip], 2
cmp word [esp+v86_regs.esp], 0xFFFF
jnz @f
mov bl, 12
jmp .nogp
movzx edx, word []
shl edx, 4
movzx eax, word [esp+v86_regs.esp]
add edx, eax
mov eax, edx
mov esi, [esp+sizeof.v86_regs+10h+4]
call v86_get_lin_addr
cmp eax, 0x1000
jae @f
mov bl, 14 ; #PF exception
jmp .nogp
lea eax, [edx+1]
call v86_get_lin_addr
cmp eax, 0x1000
jae @f
mov bl, 14
jmp .nogp
mov ax, [edx]
mov word [esp+v86_regs.eflags], ax
add word [esp+v86_regs.esp], 2
inc word [esp+v86_regs.eip]
cmp word [esp+v86_regs.esp], 0x10000 - 4
jbe @f
mov bl, 12
jmp .nogp
movzx edx, word []
shl edx, 4
movzx eax, word [esp+v86_regs.esp]
add edx, eax
mov eax, edx
mov esi, [esp+sizeof.v86_regs+10h+4]
call v86_get_lin_addr
cmp eax, 0x1000
jae @f
mov bl, 14
jmp .nogp
lea eax, [edx+3]
call v86_get_lin_addr
cmp eax, 0x1000
jae @f
mov bl, 14
jmp .nogp
mov eax, [edx]
mov word [esp+v86_regs.eflags], ax
add word [esp+v86_regs.esp], 4
add word [esp+v86_regs.eip], 2
and byte [esp+v86_regs.eflags+1], not 2
inc word [esp+v86_regs.eip]
or byte [esp+v86_regs.eflags+1], 2
inc word [esp+v86_regs.eip]
cmp word [esp+v86_regs.eip], 0xFFFF
jae .nogp
cmp al, 6Eh
jz .handle_rep_outsb
jmp .nogp
movzx ebx, word [esp+v86_regs.edx]
mov ecx, 1
jmp .invalid_io
cmp word [esp+v86_regs.eip], 0xFFFF
jae .nogp
movzx ebx, al
mov ecx, 1
jmp .invalid_io
cmp word [esp+v86_regs.eip], 0xFFFF
jae .nogp
cmp al, 0x9C
jz .handle_pushfd
cmp al, 0x9D
jz .handle_popfd
cmp al, 0xEF
jz .handle_out_dword
cmp al, 0xED
jz .handle_in_dword
jmp .nogp
movzx ebx, word [esp+v86_regs.edx]
mov ecx, 2
jmp .invalid_io
movzx ebx, word [esp+v86_regs.edx]
mov ecx, 4
mov esi, v86_io_str1
call sys_msg_board_str
mov eax, ebx
call sys_msg_board_dword
mov esi, v86_io_byte
cmp ecx, 1
jz @f
mov esi, v86_io_word
cmp ecx, 2
jz @f
mov esi, v86_io_dword
call sys_msg_board_str
mov edx, ebx
mov ebx, 200
call delay_hs
mov esi, [esp+v86_regs.size+10h+4]
mov eax, [esi+V86_machine.iopm]
btr [eax], edx
inc edx
loop @b
mov eax, 2
jmp .exit
end if
mov esi, v86_exc_str1
call sys_msg_board_str
mov al, bl
call sys_msg_board_byte
mov esi, v86_exc_str2
call sys_msg_board_str
mov ax, [esp+32+4]
call sys_msg_board_word
mov esi, v86_exc_str3
call sys_msg_board_str
mov ax, [esp+32]
call sys_msg_board_word
mov esi, v86_exc_str4
call sys_msg_board_str
mov ecx, 8
movzx edx, word [esp+32+4]
shl edx, 4
add edx, [esp+32]
mov esi, [esp+sizeof.v86_regs+10h+4]
mov eax, edx
call v86_get_lin_addr
cmp eax, 0x1000
jb .nopage
mov esi, v86_exc_str3-2
call sys_msg_board_str
mov al, [edx]
call sys_msg_board_byte
inc edx
loop @b
jmp @f
mov esi, v86_exc_str5
call sys_msg_board_str
mov esi, v86_newline
call sys_msg_board_str
mov eax, 1
jmp .exit
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+sizeof.v86_regs+10h+1Ch], eax
mov [esp+sizeof.v86_regs+10h+18h], ebx
mov edx, [esp+sizeof.v86_regs+10h+14h]
cmp edx, -1
jz @f
dec [v86_irqhooks+edx*8+4]
jnz @f
and [v86_irqhooks+edx*8], 0
mov esi, esp
mov edi, [esi+sizeof.v86_regs+10h+10h]
add edi, sizeof.v86_regs
mov ecx, sizeof.v86_regs/4
rep movsd
mov esp, esi
mov ecx, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl ecx, 8
pop eax
mov [SLOT_BASE+ecx+APPDATA.saved_esp0], eax
mov [tss._esp0], eax
pop eax
mov [SLOT_BASE+ecx+APPDATA.process], eax
pop ebx
mov dword [SLOT_BASE+ecx+APPDATA.io_map+4], ebx
mov dword [page_tabs + (tss._io_map_1 shr 10)], ebx
pop ebx
mov dword [SLOT_BASE+ecx+APPDATA.io_map], ebx
mov dword [page_tabs + (tss._io_map_0 shr 10)], ebx
mov cr3, eax
; mov dx, 30C2h
; mov cx, 4
; in al, dx
; cmp al, 0FFh
; jz @f
; test al, 4
; jnz .1
; add dx, 8
; in al, dx
; cmp al, 0FFh
; jz @f
; test al, 4
; jnz .1
; loop .0
; ret
; or al, 84h
; out dx, al
; mov dx, 30F7h
; in al, dx
; mov byte [BOOT_VAR + 48Eh], 0FFh
; ret
align 4
; push irq/pushad/jmp v86_irq
; ebp = irq
lea esi, [esp+1Ch]
lea edi, [esi+4]
mov ecx, 8
rep movsd
mov edi, ebp
pop eax
mov esi, [v86_irqhooks+edi*8] ; get VM handle
mov eax, [esi+V86_machine.pagedir]
call get_pg_addr
mov ecx, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl ecx, 8
cmp [SLOT_BASE+ecx+APPDATA.process], eax
jnz .notcurrent
lea eax, [edi+8]
cmp al, 10h
mov ah, 1
jb @f
add al, 60h
jmp v86_exc_c.simulate_int
mov ebx, SLOT_BASE + 0x100
mov ecx, [TASK_COUNT]
cmp [ebx+APPDATA.process], eax
jnz .cont
push ecx
mov ecx, [ebx+APPDATA.saved_esp0]
cmp word [ecx-sizeof.v86_regs+v86_regs.esp], 6
jb .cont2
movzx edx, word []
shl edx, 4
push eax
movzx eax, word [ecx-sizeof.v86_regs+v86_regs.esp]
sub eax, 6
add edx, eax
mov eax, edx
call v86_get_lin_addr
cmp eax, 0x1000
jb .cont3
lea eax, [edx+5]
call v86_get_lin_addr
cmp eax, 0x1000
jb .cont3
pop eax
pop ecx
jmp .found
pop eax
pop ecx
add ebx, 0x100
loop .scan
mov ecx, edi
call irq_eoi
mov cr3, eax
mov esi, [ebx+APPDATA.saved_esp0]
sub word [esi-sizeof.v86_regs+v86_regs.esp], 6
mov ecx, [esi-sizeof.v86_regs+v86_regs.eip]
mov word [edx], cx
mov ecx, [esi-sizeof.v86_regs+v86_regs.cs]
mov word [edx+2], cx
mov ecx, [esi-sizeof.v86_regs+v86_regs.eflags]
mov word [edx+4], cx
lea eax, [edi+8]
cmp al, 10h
jb @f
add al, 60h
mov cx, [eax*4]
mov word [esi-sizeof.v86_regs+v86_regs.eip], cx
mov cx, [eax*4+2]
mov word [esi-sizeof.v86_regs+v86_regs.cs], cx
and byte [esi-sizeof.v86_regs+v86_regs.eflags+1], not 3
call update_counters
lea edi, [ebx + 0x100000000 - SLOT_BASE]
shr edi, 3
call find_next_task.found
call do_change_task
0,0 → 1,91
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3539 $
flm db 0
preboot_lfb db 0
preboot_bootlog db 0
boot_drive db 0
dw 'r1' ; структура для хранения параметров- откуда гашрузились, берется ниже из bx ; {SPraid}[13.03.2007]
; a,b,c,d - винчестеры, r - рам диск
; # диска... символ, а не байт. '1', а не 1
align 4
dw 0x400
dd 0
dw 0
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader ; restart from memory is not supported in extended primary loader cfg
db 1 ; version
dw 1 ; floppy image is in memory
dd 0 ; cannot save parameters
end if
; table for move to extended memory (int 15h, ah=87h)
align 8
db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0
db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0
db 0xff,0xff,0x0,0xa0,0x00,0x93,0x0,0x0
db 0xff,0xff,0x0,0x00,0x10,0x93,0x0,0x0
db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0
db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0
db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0
db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0
db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0
db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0
db 0xff,0xff,0x0,0x00,0x10,0x93,0x0,0x0
db 0xff,0xff,0x0,0xa0,0x00,0x93,0x0,0x0
db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0
db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0
db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0
db 0x00,0x00,0x0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x0,0x0
if defined extended_primary_loader
; look in PrimaryLoader.txt for the description
bootdevice dw 0 ; ax from primary loader
bootfs dw 0 ; bx from primary loader
bootcallback dd 0 ; ds:si from primary loader
; data for configuration file loading, look in PrimaryLoader.txt
dw 0, 4000h ; load to 4000:0000
dw 16 ; read no more than 16*4K = 64K
db 'config.ini',0
; data for configuration file parsing
macro config_variable string,parser
local len
len dw 0
db string
store word $ - len - 2 at len
dw parser
config_variable 'timeout', parse_timeout
config_variable 'resolution', parse_resolution
config_variable 'vbemode', parse_vbemode
; config_variable 'vrr', parse_vrr
config_variable 'biosdisks', parse_biosdisks
config_variable 'imgfrom', parse_imgfrom
dw 0
; data for image file loading, look in PrimaryLoader.txt
dw 0, 4000h ; load to 4000:0000
dw 16 ; read no more than 16*4K = 64K
db 'kolibri.img',0
end if
0,0 → 1,593
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4278 $
db '6',27
db '1234567890-=',8,9
db 'qwertyuiop[]',13
db '~asdfghjkl;',39,96,0,'\zxcvbnm,./',0,'45 '
db '@234567890123',180,178,184,'6',176,'7'
db 179,'8',181,177,183,185,182
db '6',27
db '!@#$%^&*()_+',8,9
db 'QWERTYUIOP{}',13
db '~ASDFGHJKL:"~',0,'|ZXCVBNM<>?',0,'45 '
db '@234567890123',180,178,184,'6',176,'7'
db 179,'8',181,177,183,185,182
db ' ',27
db ' @ $ {[]}\ ',8,9
db ' ',13
db ' ',0,' ',0,'4',0,' '
db ' ',180,178,184,'6',176,'7'
db 179,'8',181,177,183,185,182
if lang eq ru
boot_initirq cp866 'Инициализация IRQ',0
boot_picinit cp866 'Инициализация PIC',0
boot_v86machine cp866 'Инициализация системной V86 машины',0
boot_inittimer cp866 'Инициализация системного таймера (IRQ0)',0
boot_initapic cp866 'Попытка инициализации APIC',0
boot_enableirq cp866 'Включить прерывания 2, 13',0
boot_disabling_ide cp866 'Запрещение прерываний в контроллере IDE',0
boot_enabling_ide cp866 'Разрешение прерываний в контроллере IDE',0
boot_set_int_IDE cp866 'Установка обработчиков прерываний IDE',0
boot_detectfloppy cp866 'Поиск floppy дисководов',0
boot_detecthdcd cp866 'Поиск жестких дисков и ATAPI приводов',0
boot_getcache cp866 'Получение памяти для кэша',0
boot_detectpart cp866 'Поиск разделов на дисковых устройствах',0
boot_init_sys cp866 'Инициализация системного каталога /sys',0
boot_loadlibs cp866 'Загрузка библиотек (.obj)',0
boot_memdetect cp866 'Количество оперативной памяти',' ',' Мб',0
boot_tss cp866 'Установка TSSs',0
boot_cpuid cp866 'Чтение CPUIDs',0
; boot_devices cp866 'Поиск устройств',0
boot_timer cp866 'Установка таймера',0
boot_initramdisk cp866 'Инициализация рамдиска',0
boot_irqs cp866 'Переопределение IRQ',0
boot_setmouse cp866 'Установка мыши',0
boot_windefs cp866 'Установка настроек окон по умолчанию',0
boot_bgr cp866 'Установка фона',0
boot_resirqports cp866 'Резервирование IRQ и портов',0
boot_setrports cp866 'Установка адресов IRQ',0
boot_setostask cp866 'Создание процесса ядра',0
boot_allirqs cp866 'Открытие всех IRQ',0
boot_tsc cp866 'Чтение TSC',0
boot_cpufreq cp866 'Частота процессора ',' ',' МГц',0
boot_pal_ega cp866 'Установка EGA/CGA 320x200 палитры',0
boot_pal_vga cp866 'Установка VGA 640x480 палитры',0
boot_failed cp866 'Загрузка первого приложения не удалась',0
boot_mtrr cp866 'Установка MTRR',0
boot_APIC_found cp866 'APIC включен', 0
boot_APIC_nfound cp866 'APIC не найден', 0
if preboot_blogesc
boot_tasking cp866 'Все готово для запуска, нажмитре ESC для старта',0
end if
else if lang eq sp
include ''
else if lang eq et
include ''
boot_initirq db 'Initialize IRQ',0
boot_picinit db 'Initialize PIC',0
boot_v86machine db 'Initialize system V86 machine',0
boot_inittimer db 'Initialize system timer (IRQ0)',0
boot_initramdisk db 'Initialize ramdisk',0
boot_initapic db 'Try to initialize APIC',0
boot_enableirq db 'Enable interrupts 2, 13',0
boot_disabling_ide db 'Disable interrupts in IDE controller',0
boot_enabling_ide db 'Enable interrupts in IDE controller',0
boot_set_int_IDE db 'Set handler of interrupts for IDE',0
boot_detectfloppy db 'Search floppy drives',0
boot_detecthdcd db 'Search hard drives and ATAPI drives',0
boot_getcache db 'Get memory for cache',0
boot_detectpart db 'Search partitions on disk devices',0
boot_init_sys db 'Initialize system directory /sys',0
boot_loadlibs db 'Loading librares (.obj)',0
boot_memdetect db 'Determining amount of memory',0
boot_tss db 'Setting TSSs',0
boot_cpuid db 'Reading CPUIDs',0
; boot_devices db 'Detecting devices',0
boot_setmouse db 'Setting mouse',0
boot_windefs db 'Setting window defaults',0
boot_bgr db 'Calculating background',0
boot_resirqports db 'Reserving IRQs & ports',0
boot_setostask db 'Setting OS task',0
boot_allirqs db 'Unmasking IRQs',0
boot_tsc db 'Reading TSC',0
boot_cpufreq db 'CPU frequency is ',' ',' MHz',0
boot_pal_ega db 'Setting EGA/CGA 320x200 palette',0
boot_pal_vga db 'Setting VGA 640x480 palette',0
boot_failed db 'Failed to start first app',0
boot_mtrr db 'Setting MTRR',0
boot_APIC_found db 'APIC enabled', 0
boot_APIC_nfound db 'APIC not found', 0
if preboot_blogesc
boot_tasking db 'All set - press ESC to start',0
end if
end if
;new_process_loading db 'K : New Process - loading',13,10,0
;new_process_running db 'K : New Process - done',13,10,0
start_not_enough_memory db 'K : New Process - not enough memory',13,10,0
msg_unresolved db 'unresolved ',0
msg_module db 'in module ',0
if ~ lang eq sp
msg_version db 'incompatible driver version',13,10,0
msg_www db 'please visit',13,10,0
end if
msg_CR db 13,10,0
intel_str db "GenuineIntel",0
AMD_str db "AuthenticAMD",0
szHwMouse db 'ATI2D',0
szPS2MDriver db 'PS2MOUSE',0
;szCOM_MDriver db 'COM_MOUSE',0
szVidintel db 'vidintel',0
szUSB db 'USB',0
szAtiHW db '/rd/1/drivers/ati2d.drv',0
szSTART db 'START',0
read_firstapp db '/sys/'
firstapp db 'LAUNCHER',0
notifyapp db '@notify',0
if lang eq ru
ud_user_message cp866 'Ошибка: неподдерживаемая инструкция процессора',0
else if ~ lang eq sp
ud_user_message db 'Error: unsupported processor instruction',0
end if
vmode db '/sys/drivers/VMODE.MDR',0
;vrr_m db 'VRR_M',0
; load kernel.mnt to 0x7000:0
dd 0 ; subfunction
dq 0 ; offset in file
dd 0x30000 ; number of bytes to read
dd OS_BASE + 0x70000 ; buffer for data
db '/RD/1/KERNEL.MNT',0
dev_data_path db '/RD/1/DRIVERS/DEVICES.DAT',0
align 4
.bk dd shmem_list
.fd dd shmem_list
.bk dd dll_list
.fd dd dll_list
.bk dd pcidev_list
.fd dd pcidev_list
dll_cur_addr dd MIN_DEFAULT_DLL_ADDR
; supported videomodes
; mike.dld {
;db 0
;dd servetable-0x10000
;align 4
;draw_line dd __sys_draw_line
;draw_pointer dd __sys_draw_pointer
;//mike.dld, 2006-08-02 [
;;drawbar dd __sys_drawbar
;;drawbar dd __sys_drawbar.forced
;drawbar dd vesa20_drawbar
;//mike.dld, 2006-08-02 ]
;putpixel dd __sys_putpixel
; } mike.dld
align 4
keyboard dd 1
syslang dd 1
boot_y dd 10
pci_bios_entry dd 0
dw pci_code_sel
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
end if
align 16
dw gdte-$-1
dd gdts
dw 0
; Attention! Do not change the order of the first four selectors. They are used in Fast System Call
; must be : os_code, os_data, app_code, app_data, ....
dw 0xffff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
dw 11011111b *256 +10011010b
db 0x00
dw 0xffff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
dw 11011111b *256 +10010010b
db 0x00
dw 0xFFFF
dw 0
db 0
db cpl3
dw G32+D32+0xF;
dw 0xFFFF
dw 0
db 0
db drw3
dw G32+D32+0xF;
; ------------- PCI BIOS ------------------
dw 0 ;lim 0-15
dw 0 ;base 0-15
db 0 ;base 16-23
db cpl0 ;type
db D32 ;lim 16-19+props
db 0 ;base 24-31
dw 0 ;lim 0-15
dw 0 ;base 0-15
db 0 ;base 16-23
db dpl0 ;type
db D32 ;lim 16-19+props
db 0 ;base 24-31
; --------------- APM ---------------------
dw 0x0f ; limit 64kb
db 0, 0, 0
dw 11010000b *256 +10011010b
db 0x00
dw 0x0f
db 0, 0, 0
dw 10010000b *256 +10011010b
db 0x00
dw 0x0f
db 0, 0, 0
dw 10010000b *256 +10010010b
db 0x00
; -----------------------------------------
dw 0x7ff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
dw 11010000b *256 +11110010b
db 0x00
dw sizeof.TSS-1
dw tss and 0xFFFF
db (tss shr 16) and 0xFF
db 10001001b
dw (tss shr 16) and 0xFF00
dw 0x0FFF
dw 0
db 0
db drw3
dw D32
diff16 "end of .data segment",0,$
align 16
rb 4096
rb 512
mem_block_list rd 64*2
mem_used_list rd 64*2
mem_hash_cnt rd 64
thr_slot_map rd 8
cpu_freq rq 1
heap_mutex MUTEX
heap_size rd 1
heap_free rd 1
heap_blocks rd 1
free_blocks rd 1
mem_block_mask rd 2
next_memblock rd 1
page_start rd 1
page_end rd 1
sys_page_map rd 1
os_stack_seg rd 1
srv.fd rd 1
srv.bk rd 1
align 16
_display display_t
_WinMapAddress rd 1
_WinMapSize rd 1
LFBAddress rd 1
Screen_Max_X rd 1
Screen_Max_Y rd 1
BANK_SWITCH rd 1 reserved for vesa 1.2
BANK_RW rd 1
end if
align 4
draw_data: rb 32*256
BPSLine_calc_area rd 1440
d_width_calc_area rd 1140
mouseunder rd 16*24
MOUSE_X: rw 1
MOUSE_Y: rw 1
X_UNDER rw 1
Y_UNDER rw 1
BTN_DOWN: rb 4
align 4
def_cursor rd 1
def_cursor_clock rd 1
current_cursor rd 1
hw_cursor rd 1
cur_saved_base rd 1
cur.lock rd 1 ;1 - lock update, 2- hide
cur.left rd 1 ;cursor clip box rd 1
cur.right rd 1
cur.bottom rd 1
cur.w rd 1
cur.h rd 1
ipc_tmp rd 1
ipc_pdir rd 1
ipc_ptab rd 1
proc_mem_map rd 1
proc_mem_pdir rd 1
proc_mem_tab rd 1
tmp_task_ptab rd 1
default_io_map rd 1
LFBSize rd 1
current_slot rd 1
; status
hd1_status rd 1 ; 0 - free : other - pid
application_table_owner rd 1 ; 0 - free : other - pid
application_table_mutex MUTEX
; device addresses
mididp rd 1
midisp rd 1
cdbase rd 1
cdid rd 1
hdbase rd 1 ; for boot 0x1f0
hdid rd 1
hdpos rd 1 ; for boot 0x1
label known_part dword
fat32part rd 1 ; for boot 0x1
cdpos rd 1
;CPUID information
cpu_vendor rd 3
cpu_sign rd 1
cpu_info rd 1
cpu_caps rd 4
pg_data PG_DATA
heap_test rd 1
buttontype rd 1
windowtypechanged rd 1
hd_entries rd 1 ;unused ? 0xfe10
mouse_active rd 1
mouse_pause rd 1
redrawmouse_unconditional rd 1
img_background rd 1
static_background_data rd 1
BgrDrawMode rd 1
BgrDataWidth rd 1
BgrDataHeight rd 1
skin_data rd 1
cache_ide0_pointer rd 1
cache_ide0_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide0_data_pointer rd 1
cache_ide0_system_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide0_appl_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide0_system_data rd 1
cache_ide0_appl_data rd 1
cache_ide0_system_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide0_appl_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide0_search_start rd 1
cache_ide0_appl_search_start rd 1
cache_ide1_pointer rd 1
cache_ide1_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide1_data_pointer rd 1
cache_ide1_system_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide1_appl_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide1_system_data rd 1
cache_ide1_appl_data rd 1
cache_ide1_system_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide1_appl_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide1_search_start rd 1
cache_ide1_appl_search_start rd 1
cache_ide2_pointer rd 1
cache_ide2_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide2_data_pointer rd 1
cache_ide2_system_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide2_appl_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide2_system_data rd 1
cache_ide2_appl_data rd 1
cache_ide2_system_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide2_appl_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide2_search_start rd 1
cache_ide2_appl_search_start rd 1
cache_ide3_pointer rd 1
cache_ide3_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide3_data_pointer rd 1
cache_ide3_system_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide3_appl_data_size rd 1 ; not use
cache_ide3_system_data rd 1
cache_ide3_appl_data rd 1
cache_ide3_system_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide3_appl_sad_size rd 1
cache_ide3_search_start rd 1
cache_ide3_appl_search_start rd 1
debug_step_pointer rd 1
lba_read_enabled rd 1 ; 0 = disabled , 1 = enabled
pci_access_enabled rd 1 ; 0 = disabled , 1 = enabled
hdd_appl_data rb 1 ; 0 = system cache, 1 - application cache
cd_appl_data rb 1 ; 0 = system cache, 1 - application cache
timer_ticks_enable rb 1 ; for cd driver
align 4
NumBiosDisks rd 1
BiosDisksData rb 200h
BiosDiskCaches rb 80h*(cache_ide1-cache_ide0)
BiosDiskPartitions rd 80h
align 16
uglobals_size = $ - endofcode
if ~ lang eq sp
diff16 "end of .bss",0,$
end if
org (OS_BASE+0x0100000)
RAMDISK: rb 2880*512
rb 2856*4 ; not used
align 4096
_IDE_DMA rb 16*512
BgrAuxTable rb 32768
BUTTON_INFO rb 64*1024
RESERVED_PORTS: rb 64*1024
FLOPPY_BUFF: rb 18*512 ;one track
sys_pgmap: rb 1024*1024/8
0,0 → 1,38
boot_initirq latin1 'Algväärtustan IRQ',0
boot_picinit latin1 'Algväärtustan PIC',0
boot_v86machine latin1 'Algväärtustan süsteemi V86 masinat',0
boot_inittimer latin1 'Algväärtustan süsteemi taimerit (IRQ0)',0
boot_initramdisk latin1 'Initialize ramdisk',0
boot_initapic latin1 'Proovin Algväärtustada APIC',0
boot_enableirq latin1 'Luban katkestused 2, 13',0
boot_disabling_ide latin1 'Keelan IDE kontrolleri katkestused',0
boot_enabling_ide latin1 'Luban IDE kontrolleri katkestused',0
boot_set_int_IDE latin1 'Määran IDE kontrolleri halduri',0
boot_detectfloppy latin1 'Otsin floppi kettaid',0
boot_detecthdcd latin1 'Otsin kõvakettaid ja ATAPI seadmeid',0
boot_getcache latin1 'Küsin puhvri mälu',0
boot_detectpart latin1 'Otsin kettaseadmete partitsioone',0
boot_init_sys latin1 'Algväärtustan süsteemi kataloogi /sys',0
boot_loadlibs latin1 'Laadin mooduleid (.obj)',0
boot_memdetect latin1 'Avastan mälu mahtu',0
boot_tss latin1 'Määran TSSe',0
boot_cpuid latin1 'Loen CPUIDd',0
; boot_devices db 'Detecting devices',0
boot_setmouse latin1 'Seadistan hiirt',0
boot_windefs latin1 'Seadistan akende vaikeväärtusi',0
boot_bgr latin1 'Kalkuleerin tausta',0
boot_resirqports latin1 'Reserveerin IRQsi ja porte',0
boot_setostask latin1 'Seadistan OS protsessi',0
boot_allirqs latin1 'Unmasking IRQs',0
boot_tsc latin1 'Loen TSC',0
boot_cpufreq latin1 'CPU sagedus on ',' ',' MHz',0
boot_pal_ega latin1 'Seadistan EGA/CGA 320x200 paletti',0
boot_pal_vga latin1 'Seadistan VGA 640x480 paletti',0
boot_failed latin1 'Esimese programmi käivitamine ebaõnnestus',0
boot_mtrr latin1 'Määran MTRR',0
boot_APIC_found latin1 'APIC aktiveeritud', 0
boot_APIC_nfound latin1 'APIC ei leitud', 0
if preboot_blogesc
boot_tasking latin1 'Kõik valmis - vajuta ESC alustamiseks',0
end if
0,0 → 1,43
boot_initirq: cp850 'Inicializar IRQ',0
boot_picinit: cp850 'Inicializar PIC',0
boot_v86machine: cp850 'Inicializar sistema V86',0
boot_inittimer: cp850 'Inicializar reloj del sistema (IRQ0)',0
boot_initramdisk cp850 'Initialize ramdisk',0
boot_initapic: cp850 'Prueba inicializar APIC',0
boot_enableirq: cp850 'Habilitar interrupciones 2, 13',0
boot_disabling_ide:cp850 'Habiliar interrupciones en controladores IDE',0
boot_enabling_ide:cp850 'Habilitar interrupciones en controladores IDE',0
boot_set_int_IDE: cp850 'Configuración del controlador de interrupciones para el IDE',0
boot_detectfloppy:cp850 'Buscar unidades de disquete',0
boot_detecthdcd: cp850 'Buscar discos duros y unidades ATAPI',0
boot_getcache: cp850 'Tomar memoria para caché',0
boot_detectpart: cp850 'Buscar particiones en discos',0
boot_init_sys: cp850 'Inicializar directorio del sistema /sys',0
boot_loadlibs: cp850 'Cargando librerías (.obj)',0
boot_memdetect: cp850 'Determinando cantidad de memoria',0
boot_tss: cp850 'Configurando TSSs',0
boot_cpuid: cp850 'Leyendo CPUIDs',0
; boot_devices: cp850 'Detectando dispositivos',0
boot_setmouse: cp850 'Configurando el ratón',0
boot_windefs: cp850 'Setting window defaults',0
boot_bgr: cp850 'Calculating background',0
boot_resirqports: cp850 'Reservando IRQs y puertos',0
boot_setostask: cp850 'Configurando tarea OS',0
boot_allirqs: cp850 'Desenmascarando IRQs',0
boot_tsc: cp850 'Leyendo TSC',0
boot_cpufreq: cp850 'La frequencia del CPU es ',' ',' MHz',0
boot_pal_ega: cp850 'Configurando paleta EGA/CGA 320x200',0
boot_pal_vga: cp850 'Configurando paleta VGA 640x480',0
boot_failed: cp850 'Fallo al iniciar la primer aplicación',0
boot_mtrr: cp850 'Configurando MTRR',0
boot_APIC_found: cp850 'APIC habilitado', 0
boot_APIC_nfound: cp850 'APIC no encontrado', 0
if preboot_blogesc
boot_tasking: cp850 'Todo configurado - presiona ESC para iniciar',0
end if
msg_version: cp850 'versión incompatible del controlador',13,10,0
msg_www: cp850 'por favor, visita',13,10,0
ud_user_message:cp850 'Error: instrucción no soportada por el procesador',0
0,0 → 1,109
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2008-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; Detect all BIOS hard drives.
; diamond, 2008
; Do not include USB mass storages. CleverMouse, 2013
xor cx, cx
mov es, cx
mov di, 0x9080
mov byte [es:di-1], cl
cmp [preboot_biosdisk], 1
jnz bdde
mov dl, 80h
mov ah, 15h
push cx dx di
int 13h
pop di dx cx
jc bddc
test ah, ah
jz bddc
inc cx
; We are going to call int 13h/func 48h, Extended get drive parameters.
; The latest version of the EDD specification is 3.0.
; There are two slightly incompatible variants for version 3.0;
; original one from Phoenix in 1998, see e.g.
;, and T13 draft,
; T13 draft addresses more possible buses, so it gives additional 8 bytes
; for device path.
; Most BIOSes follow Phoenix, but T13 version is also known to be used
; (e.g. systems based on AMD Geode).
; Fortunately, there is an in/out length field, so
; it is easy to tell what variant was selected by the BIOS:
; Phoenix-3.0 has 42h bytes, T13-3.0 has 4Ah bytes.
; Note that 2.0 has 1Eh bytes, 1.1 has 1Ah bytes; both variants of 3.0 have
; the same structure for first 1Eh bytes, compatible with previous versions.
; Note also that difference between Phoenix-3.0 and T13-3.0 starts near the
; end of the structure, so the current code doesn't even need to distinguish.
; It needs, however, give at least 4Ah bytes as input and expect that BIOS
; could return 42h bytes as output while still giving all the information.
mov ah, 48h
push ds
push es
pop ds
mov si, 0xA000
mov word [si], 4Ah
mov ah, 48h
int 13h
pop ds
jc bddc2
cmp word [es:si], 1Eh
jb .noide
cmp word [es:si+1Ah], 0xFFFF
jz .noide
inc byte [es:0x907F]
mov al, dl
push ds
lds si, [es:si+1Ah]
mov al, [si+6]
and al, 0xF
mov al, byte [si+4]
shr al, 4
and ax, 1
cmp word [si], 1F0h
jz @f
inc ax
inc ax
cmp word [si], 170h
jz @f
or ax, -1
; mov ax, -1
pop ds
jmp bddc2
cmp word [es:si], 42h
jb .nousb
cmp word [es:si+28h], 'US'
jnz .nousb
cmp byte [es:si+2Ah], 'B'
jz bddc2
inc byte [es:0x907F]
mov al, dl
xor ax, ax
dec ax
; mov al, 0
; stosb
; mov ax, -1
; stosw
cmp cl, [es:0x475]
jae bdde
inc dl
jnz bdds
0,0 → 1,43
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2009-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; Query physical memory map from BIOS.
; diamond, 2009
push ds
; first call to fn E820
mov eax, 0xE820
xor ebx, ebx
mov es, bx
mov ds, bx
mov di, 0x9104
mov [di-4], ebx ; no blocks yet
mov ecx, 20
mov edx, 0x534D4150
int 15h
jc no_E820
cmp eax, 0x534D4150
jnz no_E820
; cmp byte [di+16], 1 ; ignore non-free areas
; jnz e820_mem_next
inc byte [0x9100]
add di, 20
; consequent calls to fn E820
test ebx, ebx
jz e820_test_done
cmp byte [0x9100], 32
jae e820_test_done
mov eax, 0xE820
int 15h
jc e820_test_done
jmp e820_mem_loop
; let's hope for mem_test from
pop ds
0,0 → 1,38
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4273 $
; предварительная очистка области таблицы
; поиск и занесение в таблицу приводов FDD
; автор Mario79
xor eax, eax
mov edi, DRIVE_DATA
mov ecx, DRIVE_DATA_SIZE/4
rep stosd
mov al, 0x10
out 0x70, al
mov cx, 0xff
dec cx
test cx, cx
jnz wait_cmos
in al, 0x71
mov [DRIVE_DATA], al
test al, al
jz @f
stdcall attach_int_handler, 6, FDCInterrupt, 0
DEBUGF 1, "K : Set IDE IRQ6 return code %x\n", eax
call floppy_init
0,0 → 1,423
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3881 $
; поиск приводов HDD и CD
; автор исходного текста Кулаков Владимир Геннадьевич.
; адаптация и доработка Mario79
cmp [IDEContrProgrammingInterface], 0
je EndFindHDD
mov [ChannelNumber], 1
mov [DiskNumber], 0
call FindHDD_3
; mov ax,[Sector512+176]
; mov [DRIVE_DATA+6],ax
; mov ax,[Sector512+126]
; mov [DRIVE_DATA+8],ax
; mov ax,[Sector512+128]
; mov [DRIVE_DATA+8],ax
mov [DiskNumber], 1
call FindHDD_3
; mov al,[Sector512+176]
; mov [DRIVE_DATA+7],al
inc [ChannelNumber]
mov [DiskNumber], 0
call FindHDD_3
; mov al,[Sector512+176]
; mov [DRIVE_DATA+8],al
mov [DiskNumber], 1
call FindHDD_1
; mov al,[Sector512+176]
; mov [DRIVE_DATA+9],al
jmp EndFindHDD
DEBUGF 1, "K : Channel %d ",[ChannelNumber]:2
DEBUGF 1, "Disk %d\n",[DiskNumber]:1
call ReadHDD_ID
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne FindHDD_2
cmp [Sector512+6], word 16
ja FindHDD_2
cmp [Sector512+12], word 255
ja FindHDD_2
inc byte [DRIVE_DATA+1]
jmp Print_Device_Name
call DeviceReset
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne FindHDD_2_2
call ReadCD_ID
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne FindHDD_2_2
inc byte [DRIVE_DATA+1]
inc byte [DRIVE_DATA+1]
mov esi, Sector512+27*2
mov edi, dev_name
mov ecx, 20
xchg ah, al
loop @b
DEBUGF 1, "K : Dev: %s \n", dev_name
xor eax, eax
mov ax, [Sector512+64*2]
DEBUGF 1, "K : PIO mode %x\n", eax
mov ax, [Sector512+63*2]
DEBUGF 1, "K : Multiword DMA mode %x\n", eax
mov ax, [Sector512+88*2]
DEBUGF 1, "K : Ultra DMA mode %x\n", eax
call FindHDD_1
shl byte [DRIVE_DATA+1], 2
; Адрес считываемого сектора в режиме LBA
SectorAddress DD ?
rb 41
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* переменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала (1 или 2); *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска на канале (0 или 1). *
;* Идентификационный блок данных считывается *
;* в массив Sector512. *
; Задать режим CHS
mov [ATAAddressMode], 0
; Послать команду идентификации устройства
mov [ATAFeatures], 0
mov [ATAHead], 0
mov [ATACommand], 0ECh
call SendCommandToHDD
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0;проверить код ошибки
jne @@End ;закончить, сохранив код ошибки
mov DX, [ATABasePortAddr]
add DX, 7 ;адрес регистра состояни
mov ecx, 0xffff
; Проверить время выполнения команды
dec ecx
; cmp ecx,0
jz @@Error1 ;ошибка тайм-аута
; Проверить готовность
in AL, DX
test AL, 80h ;состояние сигнала BSY
jnz @@WaitCompleet
test AL, 1 ;состояние сигнала ERR
jnz @@Error6
test AL, 08h ;состояние сигнала DRQ
jz @@WaitCompleet
; Принять блок данных от контроллера
; mov AX,DS
; mov ES,AX
mov EDI, Sector512 ;offset Sector512
mov DX, [ATABasePortAddr];регистр данных
mov CX, 256 ;число считываемых слов
rep insw ;принять блок данных
; Записать код ошибки
mov [DevErrorCode], 1
mov [DevErrorCode], 6
; Стандартные базовые адреса каналов 1 и 2
StandardATABases DW 1F0h, 170h
; Номер канала
ChannelNumber DW ?
; Номер диска
DiskNumber DB ?
; Базовый адрес группы портов контроллера ATA
ATABasePortAddr DW ?
; Параметры ATA-команды
ATAFeatures DB ? ;особенности
ATASectorCount DB ? ;количество обрабатываемых секторов
ATASectorNumber DB ? ;номер начального сектора
ATACylinder DW ? ;номер начального цилиндра
ATAHead DB ? ;номер начальной головки
ATAAddressMode DB ? ;режим адресации (0 - CHS, 1 - LBA)
ATACommand DB ? ;код команды, подлежащей выполнению
; Код ошибки (0 - нет ошибок, 1 - превышен допустимый
; интервал ожидания, 2 - неверный код режима адресации,
; 3 - неверный номер канала, 4 - неверный номер диска,
; 5 - неверный номер головки, 6 - ошибка при выполнении
; команды)
DevErrorCode dd ?
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* переменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала (1 или 2); *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска (0 или 1); *
;* ATAFeatures - "особенности"; *
;* ATASectorCount - количество секторов; *
;* ATASectorNumber - номер начального сектора; *
;* ATACylinder - номер начального цилиндра; *
;* ATAHead - номер начальной головки; *
;* ATAAddressMode - режим адресации (0-CHS, 1-LBA); *
;* ATACommand - код команды. *
;* После успешного выполнения функции: *
;* в ATABasePortAddr - базовый адрес HDD; *
;* в DevErrorCode - ноль. *
;* При возникновении ошибки в DevErrorCode будет *
;* возвращен код ошибки. *
; Проверить значение кода режима
cmp [ATAAddressMode], 1
ja @@Err2
; Проверить корректность номера канала
mov BX, [ChannelNumber]
cmp BX, 1
jb @@Err3
cmp BX, 2
ja @@Err3
; Установить базовый адрес
dec BX
shl BX, 1
movzx ebx, bx
mov AX, [ebx+StandardATABases]
mov [ATABasePortAddr], AX
; Ожидание готовности HDD к приему команды
; Выбрать нужный диск
mov DX, [ATABasePortAddr]
add DX, 6 ;адрес регистра головок
mov AL, [DiskNumber]
cmp AL, 1 ;проверить номера диска
ja @@Err4
shl AL, 4
or AL, 10100000b
out DX, AL
; Ожидать, пока диск не будет готов
inc DX
mov ecx, 0xfff
; mov eax,[timer_ticks]
; mov [TickCounter_1],eax
; Проверить время ожидани
dec ecx
; cmp ecx,0
jz @@Err1
; mov eax,[timer_ticks]
; sub eax,[TickCounter_1]
; cmp eax,300 ;ожидать 300 тиков
; ja @@Err1 ;ошибка тайм-аута
; Прочитать регистр состояни
in AL, DX
; Проверить состояние сигнала BSY
test AL, 80h
jnz @@WaitHDReady
; Проверить состояние сигнала DRQ
test AL, 08h
jnz @@WaitHDReady
; Загрузить команду в регистры контроллера
mov DX, [ATABasePortAddr]
inc DX ;регистр "особенностей"
mov AL, [ATAFeatures]
out DX, AL
inc DX ;счетчик секторов
mov AL, [ATASectorCount]
out DX, AL
inc DX ;регистр номера сектора
mov AL, [ATASectorNumber]
out DX, AL
inc DX ;номер цилиндра (младший байт)
mov AX, [ATACylinder]
out DX, AL
inc DX ;номер цилиндра (старший байт)
mov AL, AH
out DX, AL
inc DX ;номер головки/номер диска
mov AL, [DiskNumber]
shl AL, 4
cmp [ATAHead], 0Fh;проверить номер головки
ja @@Err5
or AL, [ATAHead]
or AL, 10100000b
mov AH, [ATAAddressMode]
shl AH, 6
or AL, AH
out DX, AL
; Послать команду
mov AL, [ATACommand]
inc DX ;регистр команд
out DX, AL
; Сбросить признак ошибки
mov [DevErrorCode], 0
; Записать код ошибки
mov [DevErrorCode], 1
mov [DevErrorCode], 2
mov [DevErrorCode], 3
mov [DevErrorCode], 4
mov [DevErrorCode], 5
; Завершение работы программы
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* перменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала; *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска на канале. *
;* Идентификационный блок данных считывается *
;* в массив Sector512. *
; Задать режим CHS
mov [ATAAddressMode], 0
; Послать команду идентификации устройства
mov [ATAFeatures], 0
mov [ATASectorCount], 0
mov [ATASectorNumber], 0
mov [ATACylinder], 0
mov [ATAHead], 0
mov [ATACommand], 0A1h
call SendCommandToHDD
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0;проверить код ошибки
jne @@End_1 ;закончить, сохранив код ошибки
; Ожидать готовность данных HDD
mov DX, [ATABasePortAddr]
add DX, 7 ;порт 1х7h
mov ecx, 0xffff
; Проверить врем
dec ecx
; cmp ecx,0
jz @@Error1_1 ;ошибка тайм-аута
; Проверить готовность
in AL, DX
test AL, 80h ;состояние сигнала BSY
jnz @@WaitCompleet_1
test AL, 1 ;состояние сигнала ERR
jnz @@Error6_1
test AL, 08h ;состояние сигнала DRQ
jz @@WaitCompleet_1
; Принять блок данных от контроллера
; mov AX,DS
; mov ES,AX
mov EDI, Sector512 ;offset Sector512
mov DX, [ATABasePortAddr];порт 1x0h
mov CX, 256;число считываемых слов
rep insw
; Записать код ошибки
mov [DevErrorCode], 1
mov [DevErrorCode], 6
;* Входные параметры передаются через глобальные *
;* переменные: *
;* ChannelNumber - номер канала (1 или 2); *
;* DiskNumber - номер диска (0 или 1). *
; Проверить корректность номера канала
mov BX, [ChannelNumber]
cmp BX, 1
jb @@Err3_2
cmp BX, 2
ja @@Err3_2
; Установить базовый адрес
dec BX
shl BX, 1
movzx ebx, bx
mov DX, [ebx+StandardATABases]
mov [ATABasePortAddr], DX
; Выбрать нужный диск
add DX, 6 ;адрес регистра головок
mov AL, [DiskNumber]
cmp AL, 1 ;проверить номера диска
ja @@Err4_2
shl AL, 4
or AL, 10100000b
out DX, AL
; Послать команду "Сброс"
mov AL, 08h
inc DX ;регистр команд
out DX, AL
mov ecx, 0x80000
; Проверить время ожидани
dec ecx
; cmp ecx,0
je @@Err1_2 ;ошибка тайм-аута
; Прочитать регистр состояни
in AL, DX
; Проверить состояние сигнала BSY
test AL, 80h
jnz @@WaitHDReady_1
; Сбросить признак ошибки
mov [DevErrorCode], 0
; Обработка ошибок
mov [DevErrorCode], 1
mov [DevErrorCode], 3
mov [DevErrorCode], 4
; Записать код ошибки
0,0 → 1,15
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
include ''
include ''
include ''
include ''
0,0 → 1,130
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3742 $
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_free]
; 1/32
shr eax, 5
; round off up to 8 pages
shr eax, 3
shl eax, 3
; translate pages in butes *4096
shl eax, 12
; check a upper size of the cache, no more than 1 Mb on the physical device
cmp eax, 1024*1024
jbe @f
mov eax, 1024*1024
jmp .continue
; check a lower size of the cache, not less than 128 Kb on the physical device
cmp eax, 128*1024
jae @f
mov eax, 128*1024
mov [cache_ide0_size], eax
mov [cache_ide1_size], eax
mov [cache_ide2_size], eax
mov [cache_ide3_size], eax
xor eax, eax
mov [hdd_appl_data], 1;al
mov [cd_appl_data], 1
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+1], 2
je .ide2
mov esi, cache_ide3
call get_cache_ide
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+1], 8
je .ide1
mov esi, cache_ide2
call get_cache_ide
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+1], 0x20
je .ide0
mov esi, cache_ide1
call get_cache_ide
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+1], 0x80
je @f
mov esi, cache_ide0
call get_cache_ide
jmp end_get_cache
and [esi+cache_ide0_search_start-cache_ide0], 0
and [esi+cache_ide0_appl_search_start-cache_ide0], 0
push ecx
stdcall kernel_alloc, [esi+cache_ide0_size-cache_ide0]
mov [esi+cache_ide0_pointer-cache_ide0], eax
pop ecx
mov edx, eax
mov eax, [esi+cache_ide0_size-cache_ide0]
shr eax, 3
mov [esi+cache_ide0_system_data_size-cache_ide0], eax
mov ebx, eax
imul eax, 7
mov [esi+cache_ide0_appl_data_size-cache_ide0], eax
add ebx, edx
mov [esi+cache_ide0_data_pointer-cache_ide0], ebx
push ecx
mov eax, [esi+cache_ide0_system_data_size-cache_ide0]
call calculate_for_cd
add eax, [esi+cache_ide0_pointer-cache_ide0]
mov [esi+cache_ide0_system_data-cache_ide0], eax
mov [esi+cache_ide0_system_sad_size-cache_ide0], ecx
push edi
mov edi, [esi+cache_ide0_pointer-cache_ide0]
call clear_ide_cache
pop edi
mov eax, [esi+cache_ide0_appl_data_size-cache_ide0]
call calculate_for_cd
add eax, [esi+cache_ide0_data_pointer-cache_ide0]
mov [esi+cache_ide0_appl_data-cache_ide0], eax
mov [esi+cache_ide0_appl_sad_size-cache_ide0], ecx
push edi
mov edi, [esi+cache_ide0_data_pointer-cache_ide0]
call clear_ide_cache
pop edi
pop ecx
push eax
mov ebx, eax
shr eax, 11
shl eax, 3
sub ebx, eax
shr ebx, 11
mov ecx, ebx
shl ebx, 11
pop eax
sub eax, ebx
dec ecx
push eax
shl ecx, 1
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop eax
0,0 → 1,139
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3742 $
; 1. Fill missing parameters in HD_DATA structures.
mov eax, [hd_address_table]
mov [hd0_data.hdbase], eax ;0x1f0
mov [hd1_data.hdbase], eax
mov eax, [hd_address_table+16]
mov [hd2_data.hdbase], eax
mov [hd3_data.hdbase], eax
; 2. Notify the system about /hd* disks.
; For every existing disk, call ide_disk_add with correct parameters.
; Generate name "hdN" on the stack; this is 4 bytes including terminating zero.
; 2a. /hd0: exists if mask 0x40 in [DRIVE_DATA+1] is set,
; data: hd0_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+2]
test [DRIVE_DATA+1], byte 0x40
jz @f
push 'hd0'
mov eax, esp ; name
mov edx, hd0_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+2], al
pop ecx ; restore the stack
; 2b. /hd1: exists if mask 0x10 in [DRIVE_DATA+1] is set,
; data: hd1_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+3]
test [DRIVE_DATA+1], byte 0x10
jz @f
push 'hd1'
mov eax, esp
mov edx, hd1_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+3], al
pop ecx
; 2c. /hd2: exists if mask 4 in [DRIVE_DATA+1] is set,
; data: hd2_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+4]
test [DRIVE_DATA+1], byte 4
jz @f
push 'hd2'
mov eax, esp
mov edx, hd2_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+4], al
pop ecx
; 2d. /hd3: exists if mask 1 in [DRIVE_DATA+1] is set,
; data: hd3_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+5]
test [DRIVE_DATA+1], byte 1
jz @f
push 'hd3'
mov eax, esp
mov edx, hd3_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+5], al
pop ecx
; 3. Notify the system about /bd* disks.
; 3a. Check whether there are BIOS disks. If no, skip step 3.
xor esi, esi
cmp esi, [NumBiosDisks]
jz .nobd
; Loop over all disks.
push 0
push 'bd'
; 3b. Get the drive number for using in /bd* name.
movzx eax, byte [BiosDisksData+esi*4]
sub al, 80h
; 3c. Convert eax to decimal and store starting with [esp+3].
; First 2 bytes in [esp] are "bd".
lea edi, [esp+2]
; store digits in the stack, ending with -'0'
push -'0'
xor edx, edx
align 4
_10 dd 10
div [_10]
push edx
test eax, eax
jnz @b
; restore digits from the stack, this reverses the order;
; add '0', stop, when zero is reached
pop eax
add al, '0'
jnz @b
; 3e. Call the API with userdata = 80h + ecx.
mov eax, esp
lea edx, [esi+80h]
stdcall disk_add, bd_callbacks, eax, edx, 0
test eax, eax
jz @f
stdcall disk_media_changed, eax, 1
; 3f. Continue the loop.
inc esi
cmp esi, [NumBiosDisks]
jnz .bdloop
pop ecx ecx ; restore stack after name
jmp end_search_partitions
; Helper procedure for search_partitions, adds one IDE disk.
; For compatibility, number of partitions for IDE disks is kept in a separate variable,
; so the procedure returns number of partitions.
; eax -> name, edx -> disk data
proc ide_disk_add
stdcall disk_add, ide_callbacks, eax, edx, 0
test eax, eax
jz @f
push eax
stdcall disk_media_changed, eax, 1
pop eax
mov eax, [eax+DISK.NumPartitions]
cmp eax, 255
jbe @f
mov eax, 255
0,0 → 1,158
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; 20/11/2013 yogev_ezra: Initial version (Vortex86 SoC type detection)
; 26/11/2013 yogev_ezra: Added CPU speed modifier and MMX support flag detection
; Thanks for help to: dunkaist, eAndrew, hidnplayr, Mario
$Revision: 4310 $
VORTEX86DEBUG = 0 ; For testing in emulators and in non-Vortex86 CPU computers, set this to 1
VORTEX86DEBUGVALUE = 0x35504d44 ; FAKE port output = used for testing
NORTH_BRIDGE = 0x80000000 ; Base address of Vortex86 PCI North Bridge
SOUTH_BRIDGE = 0x80003800 ; Base address of Vortex86 PCI South Bridge
; Detect Vortex86 CPU and generate CPU name in string format (PCI address at 93H~90H in Vortex86 North Bridge contains SoC type)
; Available Vortex86 CPU codes taken from Coreboot project. New codes should be added to "Vortex86SoClist" below
; #define DMP_CPUID_SX 0x31504d44 ("DMP1")
; #define DMP_CPUID_DX 0x32504d44 ("DMP2")
; #define DMP_CPUID_MX 0x33504d44 ("DMP3")
; #define DMP_CPUID_DX2 0x34504d44 ("DMP4")
; #define DMP_CPUID_MX_PLUS 0x35504d44 ("DMP5")
; #define DMP_CPUID_EX 0x37504d44 ("DMP7")
Vortex86CPUcode dd ? ; Vortex86 CPU code in HEX format (4 bytes), can be shown as string if converted to ASCII characters
Vortex86CPUid db 0 ; Vortex86 CPU id in integer format (1=Vortex86SX, 2=Vortex86DX, ...)
Vortex86SoCname db 'Vortex86 ',0 ; This variable will hold the full name of Vortex86 SoC
Vortex86SoClist: ; List of Vortex86 CPUs known today. Add new record to this list when new CPU becomes available
db 0x31, 'SX ' ; id=1
db 0x32, 'DX ' ; id=2
db 0x33, 'MX ' ; id=3 MMX is available starting from CPU code 'MX' (id=3)
db 0x34, 'DX2' ; id=4
db 0x35, 'MX+' ; id=5
db 0x37, 'EX ' ; id=7
Vortex86SoCnum = ($ - Vortex86SoClist) / 4 ; Calculate the total number of known Vortex86 CPUs
; When in debug mode, perform SoC detection regardless of the actual CPU vendor (even for vendors other than DMP)
; When in normal (not debug) mode, check the CPU vendor first, and perform SoC detection only if vendor is 'Vortex86 SoC'
cmp [cpu_vendor], 'Vort'
jnz .Vortex86end ; If the CPU vendor is not 'Vortex86 SoC', skip the SoC detection
end if
mov eax, NORTH_BRIDGE+0x90 ; 0x80000090 = PCI Configuration Address Register to read from (32-bit register - accessed as DWORD)
call .Vortex86PCIreg ; Get the CPU code from Vortex86 SoC North Bridge PCI register (Register Offset: 93H~90H)
if VORTEX86DEBUG ; When in debug mode, pretend that we received port output equal to "VORTEX86DEBUGVALUE"
end if
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 SoC type register (93H~90H) returned 0x"
test eax, eax ; Check whether the port output was '\0'
jz .nullPCIoutput ; In case the result is '\0' (NULL), skip further testing and exit
mov [Vortex86CPUcode], eax ; Save HEX CPU code to Vortex86CPUcode (so it can be used later)
DEBUGF 1, "%x (%s): ", eax, Vortex86CPUcode ; Print the CPU code (as HEX and as string) to debug log
mov ebx, 0x444d5000 ; Apply Vortex86 CPU code mask (all Vortex86 SoC have ID in form of "0xNN504d44")
bswap eax ; Assumed it is Vortex86 SoC, the highest byte identifies the exact CPU, so move it to the lowest byte
mov bl, al ; Copy SoC type to BL since EAX (that includes AL) is used implicitly in "LODSD" command below
cmp eax, ebx ; Now see whether the 3 higher bytes were "0x504d44" (which means it's Vortex86)
jnz .notVortex86 ; If it's not Vortex86 - go say so and exit
sub al, 0x30 ; Current Vortex86 CPU codes are in the range of 31h-37h, so convert them to integer (1,2,...)
mov [Vortex86CPUid], al ; Save the CPUid (1=Vortex86SX, 2=Vortex86DX, ..., 7=Vortex86EX, ...)
mov esi, Vortex86SoClist ; ESI points to the start of Vortex86SoClist (used implicitly in "LODSD" command below)
xor ecx, ecx ; Zero ECX (it is used as counter)
cld ; Clears the DF flag in the EFLAGS register (DF=0 --> String operations increment ESI)
inc ecx ; Increment our counter
cmp ecx, Vortex86SoCnum ; Check if we iterated Vortex86SoCnum times already (i.e. went over the entire Vortex86SoClist)
ja .unknownVortex86 ; If the entire list was tested and our CPU is not in that list, it is unknown Vortex86 SoC
lodsd ; Load DWORD at address DS:ESI into EAX (puts 1 line from Vortex86SoClist into EAX, then increments ESI)
cmp bl, al ; Check if our CPU matches the current record in the list
jne @b ; No match --> repeat with next record
shr eax, 8 ; Match found --> drop the SoC type code from Vortex86SoClist name and replace it with \0
mov dword [Vortex86SoCname+8], eax ; Concatenate it with prefix to receive complete SoC name (\0 is string termination)
DEBUGF 1, "%s (id=%d)\n", Vortex86SoCname, [Vortex86CPUid]:1 ; Say what we have found (CPU name and id)
jmp .Vortex86
.notVortex86: ; In case this register is used by other CPUs for other purpose, it's interesting what it contains
DEBUGF 1, "not a Vortex86 CPU\n"
jmp .Vortex86end
.unknownVortex86: ; It is Vortex86 CPU, but it's not in the list above
DEBUGF 1, "unknown Vortex86 CPU (id=%d)\n", [Vortex86CPUid]:1 ; Inform the user that the CPU is Vortex86 but name is unknown
mov eax, NORTH_BRIDGE+0x60 ; 0x80000060 = PCI Configuration Address Register to read from (32-bit register - accessed as DWORD)
call .Vortex86PCIreg ; Get current flags of Vortex86SoC North Bridge STRAP Register (Register Offset: 63h~60h)
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 STRAP Register (63h~60h) returned 0x%x\n",eax
mov eax, SOUTH_BRIDGE+0xC0 ; 0x800038C0 = PCI Configuration Address Register to read from (32-bit register - accessed as DWORD)
call .Vortex86PCIreg ; Flags of Vortex86 South Bridge Internal Peripheral Feature Control Register (Register Offset: C3h~C0h)
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 Internal Peripheral Feature Control Register (C3h~C0h) returned 0x%x\n",eax
mov eax, SOUTH_BRIDGE+0xCC ; 0x800038CC = PCI Configuration Address Register to read from (8-bit register - accessed as BYTE)
call .Vortex86PCIreg ; Flags of Vortex86 South Bridge Internal Peripheral Feature Control Register III (Register Offset: CCh)
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 Internal Peripheral Feature Control Register III (CCh) returned 0x%x\n",al
mov eax, NORTH_BRIDGE+0xA0 ; 0x800000A0 = PCI Configuration Address Register to read from (32-bit register - accessed as DWORD)
call .Vortex86PCIreg ; Get current flags of Vortex86SoC North Bridge Host Control Register (Register Offset: A3h~A0h)
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 Host Control Register (A3h~A0h) returned 0x%x: CPU speed is ",eax
mov bl, al ; The lower byte of Vortex86 Host Control Register contains CPU speed modifier and MMX support status
mov bh, al ; Backup the current AL value, so later we can test whether the value has changed
and bl, 00000111b ; CPU speed modifier is stored in bits 0-2. Value=0 means MAX speed, other values - speed reduction
jz .Vortex86CPUspeedMAX ; 0s in bits 0-2: CPU is at MAX speed (no need to modify)
inc ebx ; The actual value is 1 less than 'Divide by' setting (value '001' means 'Divide by 2', etc.)
DEBUGF 1, "reduced (divide by %d).\nK : Vortex86 changing CPU speed to ", bl ; Print the current CPU speed modifier to the log
and al, 11111000b ; At least one of the bits 0-2 contains 1: CPU is at reduced speed. Set bits 0-2 to 0s to change to MAX
DEBUGF 1, "MAX\n" ; Now the CPU should be running at MAX speed (don't write the value to PCI port yet)
cmp [Vortex86CPUid], 3 ; MMX is available starting from CPU code 'MX' (id=3)
jb .skipVortex86MMX ; No MMX support - skip MMX support status detection (for id=1,2)
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 MMX support status: MMX is " ; Bits 5-6 in Host Control Register contain MMX status
test al, 100000b ; On MMX-capable Vortex86 SoC, Bit5 = is MMX enabled? (1=Yes/0=No)
jnz .Vortex86MMXenabled ; MMX is already enabled (Bit5=1)
DEBUGF 1, "DISABLED - enabling it for this session\n" ; Print to the log that MMX is disabled
or al, 100000b ; Enable MMX support (don't write the value to PCI port yet)
jmp .AfterMMXenabled
DEBUGF 1, "ENABLED\n" ; Print to the log that MMX is enabled
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 MMX report to CPUID: " ; Print to the log what CPUID command knowns about MMX support
test al, 1000000b ; On MMX-capable Vortex86 SoC, Bit6 = report MMX support to CPUID? (1=Yes/0=No)
jnz .Vortex86MMXreported ; MMX is already reported to CPUID (Bit6=1)
DEBUGF 1, "OFF - turning it ON for this session\n" ; Print to the log that MMX will now be reported to CPUID
or al, 1000000b ; Turn on MMX reporting to CPUID (don't write the value to PCI port yet)
jmp .skipVortex86MMX
DEBUGF 1, "ON\n" ; Print to the log that MMX reporting to CPUID is enabled
cmp bh, al ; Check whether AL has changed before (if it did, we need to write it back to PCI port)
jz .Vortex86end ; No change - no need to write to the port
out dx, al ; Write the changed data to PCI port
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 Host Control Register (A3h~A0h) new value is 0x%x\n",eax
jmp .Vortex86end
.Vortex86PCIreg: ; Procedure receives input register value in EAX, and returns the output value also in EAX
mov dx, 0xcf8 ; CF8h = Vortex86 PCI Configuration Address port
out dx, eax ; Send request to PCI address port to retrieve data from this address
mov dl, 0xfc ; CFCh = Vortex86 PCI Configuration Data port
in eax, dx ; Read data from PCI data port
.nullPCIoutput: ; Emulators and non-Vortex86 CPU computers will usually return \0 in this register
DEBUGF 1, "0 (NULL)\n"
0,0 → 1,167
; fetch the UTF-8 character in string+offs to char
; common part for all encodings: translate pseudographics
; Pseudographics for the boot screen:
; 0x2500 -> 0xC4, 0x2502 -> 0xB3, 0x250C -> 0xDA, 0x2510 -> 0xBF,
; 0x2514 -> 0xC0, 0x2518 -> 0xD9, 0x252C -> 0xC2, 0x2534 -> 0xC1, 0x2551 -> 0xBA
macro fetch_utf8_char string, offs, char, graph
{ local first_byte, b
virtual at 0
db string
if offs >= $
char = -1
; fetch first byte
load first_byte byte from offs
if first_byte < 0x80
char = first_byte
offs = offs + 1
else if first_byte < 0xC0
.err Invalid UTF-8 string
else if first_byte < 0xE0
char = first_byte and 0x1F
load b byte from offs + 1
char = (char shl 6) + (b and 0x3F)
offs = offs + 2
else if first_byte < 0xF0
char = first_byte and 0xF
load b byte from offs + 1
char = (char shl 6) + (b and 0x3F)
load b byte from offs + 2
char = (char shl 6) + (b and 0x3F)
offs = offs + 3
else if first_byte < 0xF8
char = first_byte and 0x7
load b byte from offs + 1
char = (char shl 6) + (b and 0x3F)
load b byte from offs + 2
char = (char shl 6) + (b and 0x3F)
load b byte from offs + 3
char = (char shl 6) + (b and 0x3F)
offs = offs + 4
.err Invalid UTF-8 string
end if
end if
end virtual
if char = 0x2500
graph = 0xC4
else if char = 0x2502
graph = 0xB3
else if char = 0x250C
graph = 0xDA
else if char = 0x2510
graph = 0xBF
else if char = 0x2514
graph = 0xC0
else if char = 0x2518
graph = 0xD9
else if char = 0x252C
graph = 0xC2
else if char = 0x2534
graph = 0xC1
else if char = 0x2551
graph = 0xBA
graph = 0
end if
; Russian: use CP866.
; 0x00-0x7F - trivial map
; 0x410-0x43F -> 0x80-0xAF
; 0x440-0x44F -> 0xE0-0xEF
; 0x401 -> 0xF0, 0x451 -> 0xF1
macro cp866 [arg]
{ local offs, char, graph
offs = 0
while 1
fetch_utf8_char arg, offs, char, graph
if char = -1
end if
if graph
db graph
else if char < 0x80
db char
else if char = 0x401
db 0xF0
else if char = 0x451
db 0xF1
else if (char < 0x410) | (char > 0x44F)
.err Failed to convert to CP866
else if char < 0x440
db char - 0x410 + 0x80
db char - 0x440 + 0xE0
end if
end while
struc cp866 [arg]
cp866 arg
; Latin-1 encoding
; 0x00-0xFF - trivial map
macro latin1 [arg]
{ local offs, char, graph
offs = 0
while 1
fetch_utf8_char arg, offs, char, graph
if char = -1
end if
if graph
db graph
else if char < 0x100
db char
.err Failed to convert to Latin-1
end if
end while
struc latin1 [arg]
latin1 arg
; CP850 encoding
macro cp850 [arg]
{ local offs, char, graph
offs = 0
while 1
fetch_utf8_char arg, offs, char, graph
if char = -1
end if
if graph
db graph
else if char < 0x80
db char
else if char = 0xBF
db 0xA8
else if char = 0xE1
db 0xA0
else if char = 0xE9
db 0x82
else if char = 0xED
db 0xA1
else if char = 0xF3
db 0xA2
else if char = 0xFA
db 0xA3
err Failed to convert to CP850
end if
end while
struc cp850 [arg]
cp850 arg
0,0 → 1,441
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
$Revision: 3614 $
_esp equ esp
; Formatted Debug Output (FDO)
; Copyright (c) 2005-2006, mike.dld
; Created: 2005-01-29, Changed: 2006-11-10
; For questions and bug reports, mail to
; Available format specifiers are: %s, %d, %u, %x (with partial width support)
; to be defined:
; __DEBUG__ equ 1
; __DEBUG_LEVEL__ equ 5
macro debug_func name {
if used name
name@of@func equ name
macro debug_beginf {
align 4
debug_endf fix end if
macro DEBUGS _sign,[_str] {
local tp
tp equ 0
match _arg:_num,_str \{
DEBUGS_N _sign,_num,_arg
tp equ 1
match =0 _arg,tp _str \{
DEBUGS_N _sign,,_arg
macro DEBUGS_N _sign,_num,[_str] {
local ..str,..label,is_str
is_str = 0
if _str eqtype ''
is_str = 1
end if
if is_str = 1
jmp ..label
..str db _str,0
mov edx, ..str
esp equ esp+4*8+4
mov edx, _str
esp equ _esp
end if
if ~_num eq
if _num eqtype eax
if _num in <eax,ebx,ecx,edx,edi,ebp,esp>
mov esi, _num
else if ~_num eq esi
movzx esi, _num
end if
else if _num eqtype 0
mov esi, _num
local tp
tp equ 0
match [_arg],_num \{
mov esi, dword[_arg]
tp equ 1
match =0 =dword[_arg],tp _num \{
mov esi, dword[_arg]
tp equ 1
match =0 =word[_arg],tp _num \{
movzx esi, word[_arg]
tp equ 1
match =0 =byte[_arg],tp _num \{
movzx esi, byte[_arg]
tp equ 1
match =0,tp \{
'Error: specified string width is incorrect'
end if
mov esi, 0x7FFFFFFF
end if
call fdo_debug_outstr
macro DEBUGD _sign,_dec {
local tp
tp equ 0
match _arg:_num,_dec \{
DEBUGD_N _sign,_num,_arg
tp equ 1
match =0 _arg,tp _dec \{
DEBUGD_N _sign,,_arg
macro DEBUGD_N _sign,_num,_dec {
if (~_num eq)
if (_dec eqtype eax | _dec eqtype 0)
'Error: precision allowed only for in-memory variables'
end if
if (~_num in <1,2,4>)
if _sign
'Error: 1, 2 and 4 are only allowed for precision in %d'
'Error: 1, 2 and 4 are only allowed for precision in %u'
end if
end if
end if
if _dec eqtype eax
if _dec in <ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi,ebp,esp>
mov eax, _dec
else if ~_dec eq eax
if _sign = 1
movsx eax, _dec
movzx eax, _dec
end if
end if
else if _dec eqtype 0
mov eax, _dec
; add esp,4*8+4
esp equ esp+4*8+4
if _num eq
mov eax, dword _dec
else if _num = 1
if _sign = 1
movsx eax, byte _dec
movzx eax, byte _dec
end if
else if _num = 2
if _sign = 1
movsx eax, word _dec
movzx eax, word _dec
end if
mov eax, dword _dec
end if
esp equ _esp
; sub esp,4*8+4
end if
mov cl, _sign
call fdo_debug_outdec
macro DEBUGH _sign,_hex {
local tp
tp equ 0
match _arg:_num,_hex \{
DEBUGH_N _sign,_num,_arg
tp equ 1
match =0 _arg,tp _hex \{
DEBUGH_N _sign,,_arg
macro DEBUGH_N _sign,_num,_hex {
if (~_num eq) & (~_num in <1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8>)
'Error: 1..8 are only allowed for precision in %x'
end if
if _hex eqtype eax
if _hex in <eax,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi,ebp,esp>
if ~_hex eq eax
mov eax, _hex
end if
mov edx, 8
else if _hex in <ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,bp,sp>
if ~_hex eq ax
movzx eax, _hex
end if
if (_num eq)
mov edx, 4
end if
else if _hex in <al,ah,bl,bh,cl,ch,dl,dh>
if ~_hex eq al
movzx eax, _hex
end if
if (_num eq)
mov edx, 2
end if
end if
else if _hex eqtype 0
mov eax, _hex
; add esp,4*8+4
esp equ esp+4*8+4
mov eax, dword _hex
esp equ _esp
; sub esp,4*8+4
end if
if ~_num eq
mov edx, _num
if ~_hex eqtype eax
mov edx, 8
end if
end if
call fdo_debug_outhex
debug_func fdo_debug_outchar
movzx ecx, al
mov ebx, 1
call sys_msg_board
debug_func fdo_debug_outstr
mov ebx, 1
dec esi
js .l2
movzx ecx, byte[edx]
or cl, cl
jz .l2
call sys_msg_board
inc edx
jmp .l1
debug_func fdo_debug_outdec
or cl, cl
jz @f
or eax, eax
jns @f
neg eax
push eax
mov al, '-'
call fdo_debug_outchar
pop eax
movi ecx, 10
push -'0'
xor edx, edx
div ecx
push edx
test eax, eax
jnz .l1
pop eax
add al, '0'
jz .l3
call fdo_debug_outchar
jmp .l2
debug_func fdo_debug_outhex
__fdo_hexdigits db '0123456789ABCDEF'
mov cl, dl
neg cl
add cl, 8
shl cl, 2
rol eax, cl
rol eax, 4
push eax
and eax, 0x0000000F
mov al, [__fdo_hexdigits+eax]
call fdo_debug_outchar
pop eax
dec edx
jnz .l1
macro DEBUGF _level,_format,[_arg] {
if __DEBUG__ = 1 & _level >= __DEBUG_LEVEL__
local ..f1,f2,a1,a2,c1,c2,c3,..lbl
_debug_str_ equ __debug_str_ # a1
a1 = 0
c2 = 0
c3 = 0
f2 = 0
repeat ..lbl-..f1
virtual at 0
db _format,0,0
load c1 word from %-1
end virtual
if c1 = '%s'
virtual at 0
db _format,0,0
store word 0 at %-1
load c1 from f2-c2
end virtual
if c1 <> 0
DEBUGS 0,_debug_str_+f2-c2
end if
c2 = c2 + 1
f2 = %+1
else if c1 = '%x'
virtual at 0
db _format,0,0
store word 0 at %-1
load c1 from f2-c2
end virtual
if c1 <> 0
DEBUGS 0,_debug_str_+f2-c2
end if
c2 = c2 + 1
f2 = %+1
else if c1 = '%d' | c1 = '%u'
local c4
if c1 = '%d'
c4 = 1
c4 = 0
end if
virtual at 0
db _format,0,0
store word 0 at %-1
load c1 from f2-c2
end virtual
if c1 <> 0
DEBUGS 0,_debug_str_+f2-c2
end if
c2 = c2 + 1
f2 = %+1
DEBUGF_HELPER D,a1,c4,_arg
else if c1 = '\n'
c3 = c3 + 1
end if
end repeat
virtual at 0
db _format,0,0
load c1 from f2-c2
end virtual
if (c1<>0)&(f2<>..lbl-..f1-1)
DEBUGS 0,_debug_str_+f2-c2
end if
virtual at 0
..f1 db _format,0
__debug_strings equ __debug_strings,_debug_str_,<_format>,..lbl-..f1-1-c2-c3
end virtual
end if
macro __include_debug_strings dummy,[_id,_fmt,_len] {
local c1,a1,a2
if defined _len & ~_len eq
a1 = 0
a2 = 0
repeat _len
virtual at 0
db _fmt,0,0
load c1 word from %+a2-1
end virtual
if (c1='%s')|(c1='%x')|(c1='%d')|(c1='%u')
db 0
a2 = a2 + 1
else if (c1='\n')
dw $0A0D
a1 = a1 + 1
a2 = a2 + 1
db c1 and 0x0FF
end if
end repeat
db 0
end if
macro DEBUGF_HELPER _letter,_num,_sign,[_arg] {
local num
num = 0
if num = _num
DEBUG#_letter _sign,_arg
end if
num = num+1
_num = _num+1
macro include_debug_strings {
if __DEBUG__ = 1
match dbg_str,__debug_strings \{
__include_debug_strings dbg_str
end if
0,0 → 1,409
;; ;;
;; Contains ext2 block handling code. ;;
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under the terms of the new BSD license. ;;
;; ;;
; Write ext2 block from memory to disk.
; Input: eax = i_block (block number in ext2 terms);
; ebx = buffer address
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS
; Output: eax = error code (0 implies no error)
push edx ebx ecx
mov edx, fs_write32_sys
jmp ext2_block_modify
; Read ext2 block from disk to memory.
; Input: eax = i_block (block number in ext2 terms);
; ebx = address of where to read block
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS
; Output: eax = error code (0 implies no error)
push edx ebx ecx
mov edx, fs_read32_sys
jmp ext2_block_modify
; Modify ext2 block.
; Input: eax = i_block (block number in ext2 terms);
; ebx = I/O buffer address;
; edx = fs_read/write32_sys
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS
; edx, ebx, ecx on stack.
; Output: eax = error code (0 implies no error)
; Get block number in hard-disk terms in eax.
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.log_block_size]
shl eax, cl
mov ecx, eax
push [ebp + EXTFS.count_block_in_block]
mov eax, ecx
call edx
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
inc ecx
add ebx, 512
dec dword[esp]
jnz @B
xor eax, eax
pop ecx
pop ecx ebx edx
jmp @B
; Zeroes a block.
; Input: ebx = block ID.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: eax = error code.
push ebx
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .return
push edi ecx
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
rep stosb
pop ecx edi
mov eax, [esp]
call ext2_block_write
pop ebx
; Allocates a block.
; Input: eax = inode ID for "preference".
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: Block marked as set in block group.
; eax = error code.
; ebx = block ID.
push [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.blocks_count]
push EXT2_BLOCK_GROUP_DESC.free_blocks_count
push [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.blocks_per_group]
lea ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.free_block_count]
push ebx
push ext2_bg_read_blk_bitmap
call ext2_resource_alloc
; Zero-allocates a block.
; Input: eax = inode ID for "preference".
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: Block marked as set in block group.
; eax = error code.
; ebx = block ID.
call ext2_block_alloc
test eax, eax
jnz @F
call ext2_block_zero
; Frees a block.
; Input: eax = block ID.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: Block marked as free in block group.
; eax = error code.
push edi ecx
mov edi, ext2_bg_read_blk_bitmap
xor ecx, ecx
call ext2_resource_free
pop ecx edi
; Find parent from file path in block.
; Input: esi = file path.
; ebx = pointer to directory block.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS structure.
; Output: esi = name without parent, or not changed.
; ebx = directory record matched.
sub esp, 256 ; Space for EXT2 filename.
mov edx, ebx
add edx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] ; Save block end.
cmp [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.inode], 0
jz .next_rec
mov edi, esp
push esi
movzx ecx, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.name_len]
lea esi, [ebx +]
call utf8_to_cp866
mov ecx, edi
lea edi, [esp + 4]
sub ecx, edi ; Number of bytes in resulting string.
mov esi, [esp]
; esi: original file path.
; edi: converted string stored on stack.
; ecx: size of converted string.
; If no bytes left in resulting string, test it.
jecxz .test_find
dec ecx
call char_toupper
mov ah, [edi]
inc edi
xchg al, ah
call char_toupper
; If both are same, check next byte.
cmp al, ah
je @B
@@: ; Doesn't match.
pop esi
movzx eax, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len]
add ebx, eax ; Go to next record.
cmp ebx, edx ; Check if this is the end.
jb .start_rec
add esp, 256
cmp byte [esi], 0
je .ret ; The end reached.
cmp byte [esi], '/' ; If not end of directory name, not matched.
jne @B
inc esi
add esp, 256 + 4
; Finds free space in a directory block, modifying last entry appropriately.
; Input: ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; ecx = size of free space required.
; [EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] contains the block relevant.
; Output: edi = free entry.
; rec_len of free entry is set.
; eax = error code; if the block doesn't link to the next one, this is 0x00000001 on failure.
; ; else, 0xFFFFFFFF.
push ebx edx
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
mov edx, edi
add edx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
movzx eax, [edi + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len]
test eax, eax
jz .zero_len
cmp [edi + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.inode], 0
je .unused_entry
; It's a used entry, so see if we can fit it between current one and next.
; Subtract the size used by the name and the structure from rec_len.
movzx ebx, [edi + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.name_len]
add ebx, 8 + 3
and ebx, 0xfffffffc ; Align it on the next 4-byte boundary.
sub eax, ebx
add edi, ebx
cmp eax, ecx
jb .next_iter
sub edi, ebx
mov [edi + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len], bx ; Make previous entry point to us.
add edi, ebx
mov [edi + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len], ax ; Make current entry point to next one.
jmp .found
; It's an unused inode.
cmp eax, ecx
jge .found
add edi, eax
cmp edi, edx
jb @B
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .ret
; Zero length entry means we have the rest of the block for us.
mov eax, edx
sub eax, edi
; Point to next block.
mov [edi + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len], ax
cmp eax, ecx
jge .fits
mov [edi + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.inode], 0
; It doesn't fit, but the block doesn't link to the next block.
xor eax, eax
inc eax
jmp .ret
mov [edi + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len], cx
xor eax, eax
pop edx ebx
; Gets the block group's descriptor.
; Input: eax = block group.
; Output: eax = if zero, error; else, points to block group descriptor.
; [EXTFS.ext2_temp_block] contains relevant block.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
push edx ebx
mov edx, 32
mul edx ; Get index of descriptor in global_desc_table.
; eax: block group descriptor offset relative to global descriptor table start
; Find the block this block descriptor is in.
div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
add eax, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.first_data_block]
inc eax
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
add ebx, edx ; edx: local index of descriptor inside block
mov eax, ebx
pop ebx edx
xor eax, eax
jmp .return
; Writes a block group's descriptor.
; Input: eax = block group.
; [EXTFS.ext2_temp_data] contains the block relevant.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: eax = error code.
push edx ebx
mov edx, 32
mul edx ; Get index of descriptor in global_desc_table.
; eax: block group descriptor offset relative to global descriptor table start
; Find the block this block descriptor is in.
div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
add eax, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.first_data_block]
inc eax
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_write
pop ebx edx
; Gets the block group's block bitmap.
; Input: eax = block group.
; Output: eax = if zero, error; else, points to block group descriptor.
; ebx = block bitmap's block (hard disk).
push ecx
call ext2_bg_read_desc
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov ebx, [eax + EXT2_BLOCK_GROUP_DESC.block_bitmap] ; Block number of block group bitmap - in ext2 terms.
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
jmp .return
; Updates superblock, plus backups.
; Input: ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: eax = error code.
push ebx
mov eax, 2
lea ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock]
call fs_write32_sys
pop ebx
0,0 → 1,1718
;; ;;
;; Contains ext2 initialization, plus syscall handling code. ;;
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under the terms of the new BSD license. ;;
;; ;;
include ''
include ''
include ''
include ''
align 4
dd ext2_free
dd (ext2_user_functions_end - ext2_user_functions - 4) / 4
dd ext2_Read
dd ext2_ReadFolder
dd ext2_Rewrite
dd ext2_Write
dd ext2_SetFileEnd
dd ext2_GetFileInfo
dd ext2_SetFileInfo
dd 0
dd ext2_Delete
dd ext2_CreateFolder
; Locks up an ext2 partition.
; Input: ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
proc ext2_lock
lea ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.lock]
jmp mutex_lock
; Unlocks up an ext2 partition.
; Input: ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
proc ext2_unlock
lea ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.lock]
jmp mutex_unlock
; Check if it's a valid ext* superblock.
; Input: ebp: first three fields of PARTITION structure.
; ebx + 512: points to 512-bytes buffer that can be used for anything.
; Output: eax: clear if can't create partition; set to EXTFS otherwise.
proc ext2_create_partition
push ebx
mov eax, 2 ; Superblock starts at 1024-bytes.
add ebx, 512 ; Get pointer to fs-specific buffer.
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
; Allowed 1KiB, 2KiB, 4KiB, 8KiB.
cmp [ebx + EXT2_SB_STRUC.log_block_size], 3
ja .fail
cmp [ebx + EXT2_SB_STRUC.magic], EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC
jne .fail
cmp [ebx + EXT2_SB_STRUC.state], EXT2_VALID_FS
jne .fail
; Can't have no inodes per group.
cmp [ebx + EXT2_SB_STRUC.inodes_per_group], 0
je .fail
; If incompatible features required, unusable superblock.
mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_SB_STRUC.feature_incompat]
jz .setup
; Not a (valid/usable) EXT2 superblock.
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
movi eax, sizeof.EXTFS
call malloc
test eax, eax
; Store the first sector field.
mov ecx, dword[ebp + PARTITION.FirstSector]
mov dword[eax + EXTFS.FirstSector], ecx
mov ecx, dword [ebp + PARTITION.FirstSector+4]
mov dword [eax + EXTFS.FirstSector+4], ecx
; The length field.
mov ecx, dword[ebp + PARTITION.Length]
mov dword[eax + EXTFS.Length], ecx
mov ecx, dword[ebp + PARTITION.Length+4]
mov dword[eax + EXTFS.Length+4], ecx
; The disk field.
mov ecx, [ebp + PARTITION.Disk]
mov [eax + EXTFS.Disk], ecx
mov [eax + EXTFS.FSUserFunctions], ext2_user_functions
push ebp esi edi
mov ebp, eax
lea ecx, [eax + EXTFS.lock]
call mutex_init
; Copy superblock from buffer to reserved memory.
mov esi, ebx
lea edi, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock]
mov ecx, 512/4
rep movsd
; Get total groups.
mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_SB_STRUC.blocks_count]
sub eax, [ebx + EXT2_SB_STRUC.first_data_block]
dec eax
xor edx, edx
div [ebx + EXT2_SB_STRUC.blocks_per_group]
inc eax
mov [ebp + EXTFS.groups_count], eax
; Get log(block_size), such that 1,2,3,4 equ 1KiB,2KiB,4KiB,8KiB.
mov ecx, [ebx + EXT2_SB_STRUC.log_block_size]
inc ecx
mov [ebp + EXTFS.log_block_size], ecx
; 512-byte blocks in ext2 blocks.
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl
mov [ebp + EXTFS.count_block_in_block], eax
; Get block_size/4 (we'll find square later).
shl eax, 7
mov [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block], eax
mov edx, eax
; Get block size.
shl eax, 2
mov [ebp + EXTFS.block_size], eax
; Save block size for 2 kernel_alloc calls.
push eax eax
mov eax, edx
mul edx
mov [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block_square], eax
; Have temporary block storage for get_inode procedure, and one for global procedure.
KERNEL_ALLOC [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block], .error
KERNEL_ALLOC [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block], .error
mov [ebp + EXTFS.partition_flags], 0x00000000
mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_SB_STRUC.feature_ro_compat]
jnz .read_only
mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_SB_STRUC.feature_incompat]
jz @F
; Mark as read-only.
or [ebp + EXTFS.partition_flags], EXT2_RO
mov ecx, [ebx + EXT2_SB_STRUC.blocks_per_group]
mov [ebp + EXTFS.blocks_per_group], ecx
movzx ecx, word[ebx + EXT2_SB_STRUC.inode_size]
mov [ebp + EXTFS.inode_size], ecx
; Allocate for three inodes (loop would be overkill).
push ecx ecx ecx
KERNEL_ALLOC [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode], .error
KERNEL_ALLOC [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode], .error
KERNEL_ALLOC [ebp + EXTFS.root_inode], .error
; Read root inode.
mov ebx, eax
mov eax, EXT2_ROOT_INO
call ext2_inode_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error
;call ext2_sb_update
; Sync the disk.
;mov esi, [ebp + PARTITION.Disk]
;call disk_sync ; eax contains error code, if any.
mov eax, ebp ; Return pointer to EXTFS.
pop edi esi ebp ebx
; Error in setting up.
; Free save block.
KERNEL_FREE [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block], .fail
; Temporary block.
KERNEL_FREE [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block], .fail
; All inodes.
KERNEL_FREE [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode], .fail
KERNEL_FREE [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode], .fail
KERNEL_FREE [ebp + EXTFS.root_inode], .fail
mov eax, ebp
call free
jmp .fail
; Frees up all ext2 structures.
; Input: eax = pointer to EXTFS.
proc ext2_free
push ebp
xchg ebp, eax
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp+EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp+EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp+EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp+EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp+EXTFS.root_inode]
xchg ebp, eax
call free
pop ebp
; Read disk folder.
; Input: ebp = pointer to EXTFS structure.
; esi + [esp + 4] = file name.
; ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70.
; Output: ebx = blocks read (or 0xFFFFFFFF, folder not found)
; eax = error code (0 implies no error)
;DEBUGF 1, "Reading folder.\n"
call ext2_lock
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .root_folder
push ebx
stdcall ext2_inode_find, [esp + 4 + 4] ; Get inode.
pop ebx
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
test eax, eax
jnz .error_ret
; If not a directory, then return with error.
test [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_mode], EXT2_S_IFDIR
jz .error_not_found
jmp @F
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.root_inode]
test [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_mode], EXT2_S_IFDIR
jz .error_root
; Copy the inode.
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.inode_size]
shr ecx, 2
push edi
rep movsd
pop esi
cmp [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], 0 ; Folder is empty.
je .error_empty_dir
mov edx, [ebx + 16]
push edx ; Result address [edi + 28].
push 0 ; End of the current block in folder [edi + 24]
push dword[ebx + 12] ; Blocks to read [edi + 20]
push dword[ebx + 4] ; The first wanted file [edi + 16]
push dword[ebx + 8] ; Flags [edi + 12]
push 0 ; Read files [edi + 8]
push 0 ; Files in folder [edi + 4]
push 0 ; Number of blocks read in dir (and current block index) [edi]
; Fill header with zeroes.
mov edi, edx
mov ecx, 32/4
rep stosd
mov edi, esp ; edi = pointer to local variables.
add edx, 32 ; edx = mem to return.
xor ecx, ecx ; Get number of first block.
call ext2_inode_get_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error_get_block
mov eax, ecx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
call ext2_block_read ; Read the block.
test eax, eax
jnz .error_get_block
mov eax, ebx ; esi: current directory record
add eax, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
mov [edi + 24], eax
mov ecx, [edi + 16] ; ecx = first wanted (flags ommited)
jecxz .find_wanted_end
cmp [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.inode], 0 ; Don't count unused inode in total files.
jz @F
inc dword [edi + 4] ; EXT2 files in folder.
dec ecx
movzx eax, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len]
cmp eax, 12 ; Minimum record length.
jb .error_bad_len
test eax, 0x3 ; Record length must be divisible by four.
jnz .error_bad_len
sub [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax ; Subtract "processed record" length directly from inode.
add ebx, eax ; Go to next record.
cmp ebx, [edi + 24] ; If not reached the next block, continue.
jb .find_wanted_start
push .find_wanted_start
.end_block: ; Get the next block.
cmp [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], 0
jle .end_dir
inc dword [edi] ; Number of blocks read.
; Read the next block.
push ecx
mov ecx, [edi]
call ext2_inode_get_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error_get_block
mov eax, ecx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error_get_block
pop ecx
mov eax, ebx
add eax, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
mov [edi + 24], eax ; Update the end of the current block variable.
loop .find_wanted_cycle ; Skip files till we reach wanted one.
; First requisite file.
mov ecx, [edi + 20]
.wanted_start: ; Look for first_wanted + count.
jecxz .wanted_end
cmp [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.inode], 0 ; if (inode == 0): not used;
jz .empty_rec
; Increment "files in dir" and "read files" count.
inc dword [edi + 8]
inc dword [edi + 4]
push edi ecx
mov edi, edx ; Zero out till the name field.
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 40 / 4
rep stosd
pop ecx edi
push ebx edi edx
mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.inode] ; Get the child inode.
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
call ext2_inode_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error_read_subinode
lea edi, [edx + 8]
mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_ctime] ; Convert time in NTFS format.
xor edx, edx
add eax, 3054539008 ; (369 * 365 + 89) * 24 * 3600
adc edx, 2
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe.sec
mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_atime]
xor edx, edx
add eax, 3054539008
adc edx, 2
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe.sec
mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_mtime]
xor edx, edx
add eax, 3054539008
adc edx, 2
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe.sec
pop edx
test [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_mode], EXT2_S_IFDIR ; If folder, don't report size.
jnz @F
mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size] ; Low size
mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_dir_acl] ; High size
xor dword [edx], FS_FT_DIR ; Mark as file.
xor dword [edx], FS_FT_DIR ; Mark as directory.
; Copy name after converting from UTF-8 to CP866.
push ecx esi
mov esi, [esp + 12]
movzx ecx, [esi + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.name_len]
lea edi, [edx + 40]
lea esi, [esi +]
call utf8_to_cp866
and byte [edi], 0
pop esi ecx edi ebx
cmp byte [edx + 40], '.' ; If it begins with ".", mark it as hidden.
jne @F
or dword [edx], FS_FT_HIDDEN
add edx, 40 + 264 ; Go to next record.
dec ecx
movzx eax, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len]
cmp eax, 12 ; Illegal length.
jb .error_bad_len
test eax, 0x3 ; Not a multiple of four.
jnz .error_bad_len
sub [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax ; Subtract directly from the inode.
add ebx, eax
cmp ebx, [edi + 24] ; Are we at the end of the block?
jb .wanted_start
push .wanted_start
jmp .end_block
.end_dir: ; End of the directory.
call ext2_unlock
mov edx, [edi + 28] ; Address of where to return data.
mov ebx, [edi + 8] ; EXT2_read_in_folder
mov ecx, [edi + 4] ; EXT2_files_in_folder
mov dword [edx], 1 ; Version
mov [edx + 4], ebx
mov [edx + 8], ecx
lea esp, [edi + 32]
xor eax, eax ; Reserved in current implementation.
lea edi, [edx + 12]
mov ecx, 20 / 4
rep stosd
;DEBUGF 1, "Returning with: %x.\n", eax
mov eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
; Fix the stack.
lea esp, [edi + 32]
or ebx, -1
push eax
call ext2_unlock
pop eax
;DEBUGF 1, "Returning with: %x.\n", eax
.error_empty_dir: ; inode of folder without blocks.
.error_root: ; Root has to be a folder.
mov eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error_ret
.error_not_found: ; Directory not found.
jmp .error_ret
; Read file from the hard disk.
; Input: esi + [esp + 4] = points to file name.
; ebx = pointer to paramteres from sysfunc 70.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS structure.
; Output: ebx = bytes read (0xFFFFFFFF -> file not found)
; eax = error code (0 implies no error)
;DEBUGF 1, "Attempting read.\n"
call ext2_lock
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz @F
call ext2_unlock
or ebx, -1
push ebx
stdcall ext2_inode_find, [esp + 4 + 4]
pop ebx
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
test eax, eax
jz @F
call ext2_unlock
or ebx, -1
mov ax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_mode]
and ax, EXT2_S_IFMT ; Leave the file format in AX.
; Check if file.
cmp ax, EXT2_S_IFREG
jne .this_is_nofile
mov edi, [ebx + 16]
mov ecx, [ebx + 12]
mov eax, [ebx + 4]
mov edx, [ebx + 8] ; edx:eax = start byte number.
; Check if file is big enough for us.
cmp [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_dir_acl], edx
ja .size_greater
jb .size_less
cmp [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax
ja .size_greater
call ext2_unlock
xor ebx, ebx
add eax, ecx ; Get last byte.
adc edx, 0
; Check if we've to read whole file, or till requested.
cmp [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_dir_acl], edx
ja .read_till_requested
jb .read_whole_file
cmp [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax
jae .read_till_requested
push 1 ; Read till the end of file.
mov ecx, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size]
sub ecx, [ebx + 4] ; To read = (size - starting byte)
jmp @F
push 0 ; Read as much as requested.
; ecx = bytes to read.
; edi = return memory
; [esi] = starting byte.
push ecx ; Number of bytes to read.
; Get part of the first block.
mov edx, [ebx + 8]
mov eax, [ebx + 4]
div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
push eax ; Save block counter to stack.
push ecx
mov ecx, eax
call ext2_inode_get_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error_at_first_block
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
mov eax, ecx
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error_at_first_block
pop ecx
; Get index inside block.
add ebx, edx
neg edx
add edx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] ; Get number of bytes in this block.
; If it's smaller than total bytes to read, then only one block.
cmp ecx, edx
jbe .only_one_block
mov eax, ecx
sub eax, edx
mov ecx, edx
push esi
mov esi, ebx
rep movsb ; Copy part of 1st block.
pop esi
; eax -> bytes to read.
mov ebx, edi ; Read the block in ebx.
xor edx, edx
div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size] ; Get number of bytes in last block in edx.
mov edi, eax ; Get number of blocks in edi.
; Test if all blocks are done.
test edi, edi
jz .finish_block
inc dword [esp]
mov ecx, [esp]
call ext2_inode_get_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error_at_read_cycle
mov eax, ecx ; ebx already contains desired values.
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error_at_read_cycle
add ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
dec edi
jmp @B
; In edx -- number of bytes in the last block.
test edx, edx
jz .end_read
pop ecx ; Pop block counter in ECX.
inc ecx
call ext2_inode_get_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error_at_finish_block
mov edi, ebx
mov eax, ecx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error_at_finish_block
mov ecx, edx
mov esi, ebx
rep movsb ; Copy last piece of block.
jmp @F
pop ecx ; Pop block counter in ECX.
pop ebx ; Number of bytes read.
call ext2_unlock
pop eax ; If we were asked to read more, say EOF.
test eax, eax
jz @F
xor eax, eax
;DEBUGF 1, "Returning with: %x.\n", eax
mov esi, ebx
rep movsb ; Copy last piece of block.
jmp .end_read
pop edx
pop ebx
pop ecx edx
or ebx, -1
push eax
call ext2_unlock
pop eax
;DEBUGF 1, "Returning with: %x.\n", eax
; Read file information from block device.
; Input: esi + [esp + 4] = file name.
; ebx = pointer to paramteres from sysfunc 70.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS structure.
; Output: eax = error code.
;DEBUGF 1, "Calling for file info, for: %s.\n", esi
call ext2_lock
mov edx, [ebx + 16]
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .is_root
push edx
stdcall ext2_inode_find, [esp + 4 + 4]
mov ebx, edx
pop edx
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
test eax, eax
jz @F
push eax
call ext2_unlock
pop eax
;DEBUGF 1, "Returning with: %x.\n", eax
xor ebx, ebx ; Clear out first char, since we don't want to set hidden flag on root.
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.root_inode]
xor eax, eax
mov edi, edx
mov ecx, 40/4
rep stosd ; Zero fill buffer.
cmp bl, '.'
jne @F
or dword [edx], FS_FT_HIDDEN
test [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_mode], EXT2_S_IFDIR
jnz @F ; If a directory, don't put in file size.
mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size] ; Low file size.
mov ebx, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_dir_acl] ; High file size.
mov dword [edx+32], eax
mov dword [edx+36], ebx
xor dword [edx], FS_FT_DIR ; Next XOR will clean this, to mark it as a file.
xor dword [edx], FS_FT_DIR ; Mark as directory.
lea edi, [edx + 8]
; Store all time.
mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_ctime]
xor edx, edx
add eax, 3054539008
adc edx, 2
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe.sec
mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_atime]
xor edx, edx
add eax, 3054539008
adc edx, 2
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe.sec
mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_mtime]
xor edx, edx
add eax, 3054539008
adc edx, 2
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe.sec
call ext2_unlock
xor eax, eax
;DEBUGF 1, "Returning with: %x.\n", eax
; Set file information for block device.
; Input: esi + [esp + 4] = file name.
; ebx = pointer to paramteres from sysfunc 70.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS structure.
; Output: eax = error code.
test [ebp + EXTFS.partition_flags], EXT2_RO
jz @F
push edx esi edi ebx
call ext2_lock
mov edx, [ebx + 16]
; Is this read-only?
test [ebp + EXTFS.partition_flags], EXT2_RO
jnz .fail
; Not supported for root.
cmp byte [esi], 0
je .fail
push edx
stdcall ext2_inode_find, [esp + 4 + 20]
pop edx
test eax, eax
jnz @F
; Save inode number.
push esi
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
; From the BDFE, we ignore read-only file flags, hidden file flags;
; We ignore system file flags, file was archived or not.
; Also ignored is file creation time. ext2 stores "inode modification"
; time in the ctime field, which is updated by the respective inode_write
; procedure, and any writes on it would be overwritten anyway.
; Access time.
lea edi, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_atime]
lea esi, [edx + 16]
call bdfe_to_unix_time
; Modification time.
add esi, 8
add edi, 8
call bdfe_to_unix_time
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode] ; Get address of inode into ebx.
pop eax ; Get inode number in eax.
call ext2_inode_write ; eax contains error code, if any.
test eax, eax
jnz @F
call ext2_sb_update
; Sync the disk.
mov esi, [ebp + PARTITION.Disk]
call disk_sync ; eax contains error code, if any.
push eax
call ext2_unlock
pop eax
pop ebx edi esi edx
call ext2_sb_update
; Sync the disk.
mov esi, [ebp + PARTITION.Disk]
call disk_sync ; eax contains error code, if any.
jmp @B
; Set file information for block device.
; Input: esi + [esp + 4] = file name.
; ebx = pointer to paramteres from sysfunc 70.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS structure.
; Output: eax = error code.
;DEBUGF 1, "Attempting Delete.\n"
test [ebp + EXTFS.partition_flags], EXT2_RO
jz @F
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
call ext2_lock
add esi, [esp + 20 + 4]
; Can't delete root.
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .error_access_denied
push esi
stdcall ext2_inode_find, 0
mov ebx, esi
pop esi
test eax, eax
jnz .error_access_denied
mov edx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
movzx edx, [edx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_mode]
and edx, EXT2_S_IFMT ; Get the mask.
cmp edx, EXT2_S_IFDIR
jne @F ; If not a directory, we don't need to check if it's empty.
call ext2_dir_empty ; 0 means directory is empty.
test eax, eax
jnz .error_access_denied
; Find parent.
call ext2_inode_find_parent
test eax, eax
jnz .error_access_denied
mov eax, esi
; Save file/dir & parent inode.
push ebx eax
cmp edx, EXT2_S_IFDIR
jne @F
; Unlink '.'
mov eax, [esp + 4]
call ext2_inode_unlink
cmp eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
je .error_stack8
; Unlink '..'
mov eax, [esp + 4]
mov ebx, [esp]
call ext2_inode_unlink
cmp eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
je .error_stack8
pop eax
mov ebx, [esp]
; Unlink the inode.
call ext2_inode_unlink
cmp eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
je .error_stack4
; If hardlinks aren't zero, shouldn't completely free.
test eax, eax
jz @F
add esp, 4
jmp .disk_sync
; Read the inode.
mov eax, [esp]
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
call ext2_inode_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error_stack4
; Free inode data.
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
xor ecx, ecx
push ecx
call ext2_inode_get_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error_stack8
mov eax, ecx
pop ecx
; If 0, we're done.
test eax, eax
jz @F
call ext2_block_free
test eax, eax
jnz .error_stack4
inc ecx
jmp @B
; Free indirect blocks.
call ext2_inode_free_indirect_blocks
test eax, eax
jnz .error_stack4
; Clear the inode, and add deletion time.
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.inode_size]
rep stosb
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
add edi, EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_dtime
call current_unix_time
; Write the inode.
mov eax, [esp]
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
call ext2_inode_write
test eax, eax
jnz .error_stack4
; Check if directory.
cmp edx, EXT2_S_IFDIR
jne @F
; If it is, decrement used_dirs_count.
; Get block group.
mov eax, [esp]
dec eax
xor edx, edx
div [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.inodes_per_group]
push eax
call ext2_bg_read_desc
test eax, eax
jz .error_stack8
dec [eax + EXT2_BLOCK_GROUP_DESC.used_dirs_count]
pop eax
call ext2_bg_write_desc
pop eax
call ext2_inode_free
test eax, eax
jnz .error_access_denied
call ext2_sb_update
; Sync the disk.
mov esi, [ebp + PARTITION.Disk]
call disk_sync ; eax contains error code, if any.
push eax
call ext2_unlock
pop eax
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
;DEBUGF 1, "And returning with: %x.\n", eax
add esp, 4
add esp, 4
call ext2_sb_update
; Sync the disk.
mov esi, [ebp + PARTITION.Disk]
call disk_sync ; eax contains error code, if any.
jmp .return
; Set file information for block device.
; Input: esi + [esp + 4] = file name.
; ebx = pointer to paramteres from sysfunc 70.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS structure.
; Output: eax = error code.
;DEBUGF 1, "Attempting to create folder.\n"
test [ebp + EXTFS.partition_flags], EXT2_RO
jz @F
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
call ext2_lock
add esi, [esp + 20 + 4]
; Can't create root, but for CreateFolder already existing directory is success.
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .success
push esi
stdcall ext2_inode_find, 0
pop esi
; If the directory is there, we've succeeded.
test eax, eax
jz .success
; Find parent.
call ext2_inode_find_parent
test eax, eax
jnz .error
; Inode ID for preference.
mov eax, esi
call ext2_inode_alloc
test eax, eax
jnz .error_full
; Save allocated inode in EDX; filename is in EDI; parent ID in ESI.
mov edx, ebx
push edi
xor al, al
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.inode_size]
rep stosb
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
add edi, EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_atime
call current_unix_time
add edi, 8
call current_unix_time
pop edi
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
mov eax, edx
call ext2_inode_write
test eax, eax
jnz .error
; Link to self.
push edx esi
mov eax, edx
mov ebx, eax
mov dl, EXT2_FT_DIR
mov esi, self_link
call ext2_inode_link
pop esi edx
test eax, eax
jnz .error
; Link to parent.
push edx esi
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, esi
mov dl, EXT2_FT_DIR
mov esi, parent_link
call ext2_inode_link
pop esi edx
test eax, eax
jnz .error
; Link parent to child.
mov eax, esi
mov ebx, edx
mov esi, edi
mov dl, EXT2_FT_DIR
call ext2_inode_link
test eax, eax
jnz .error
; Get block group descriptor for allocated inode's block.
mov eax, ebx
dec eax
xor edx, edx
; EAX = block group.
div [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.inodes_per_group]
mov edx, eax
call ext2_bg_read_desc
test eax, eax
jz .error
inc [eax + EXT2_BLOCK_GROUP_DESC.used_dirs_count]
mov eax, edx
call ext2_bg_write_desc
test eax, eax
jnz .error
call ext2_sb_update
; Sync the disk.
mov esi, [ebp + PARTITION.Disk]
call disk_sync ; eax contains error code, if any.
push eax
call ext2_unlock
pop eax
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
;DEBUGF 1, "Returning with: %x.\n", eax
call ext2_sb_update
; Sync the disk.
mov esi, [ebp + PARTITION.Disk]
call disk_sync ; eax contains error code, if any.
jmp .return
jmp .return
self_link db ".", 0
parent_link db "..", 0
; Rewrite a file.
; Input: esi + [esp + 4] = file name.
; ebx = pointer to paramteres from sysfunc 70.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS structure.
; Output: eax = error code.
; ebx = bytes written.
;DEBUGF 1, "Attempting Rewrite.\n"
test [ebp + EXTFS.partition_flags], EXT2_RO
jz @F
push ecx edx esi edi
call ext2_lock
add esi, [esp + 16 + 32 + 4]
; Can't create root.
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .error_access_denied
push esi
stdcall ext2_inode_find, 0
pop esi
; If the file is there, delete it.
test eax, eax
jnz @F
push eax
call ext2_unlock
pop eax
push dword 0x00000000
call ext2_Delete
add esp, 4
push eax
call ext2_lock
pop eax
test eax, eax
jnz .error_access_denied_delete
; Find parent.
call ext2_inode_find_parent
test eax, eax
jnz .error_access_denied
; Inode ID for preference.
mov eax, esi
call ext2_inode_alloc
test eax, eax
jnz .error_full
; Save allocated inode in EDX; filename is in EDI; parent ID in ESI.
mov edx, ebx
push edi
xor al, al
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.inode_size]
rep stosb
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
add edi, EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_atime
call current_unix_time
add edi, 8
call current_unix_time
pop edi
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
mov eax, edx
call ext2_inode_write
test eax, eax
jnz .error
; Link parent to child.
mov eax, esi
mov ebx, edx
mov esi, edi
mov dl, EXT2_FT_REG_FILE
call ext2_inode_link
test eax, eax
jnz .error
push eax
call ext2_unlock
pop eax
push dword 0x00000000
call ext2_Write
add esp, 4
push eax
call ext2_lock
pop eax
push eax
call ext2_sb_update
; Sync the disk.
mov esi, [ebp + PARTITION.Disk]
call disk_sync ; eax contains error code, if any.
pop eax
push eax
call ext2_unlock
pop eax
pop edi esi edx ecx
;DEBUGF 1, "And returning with: %x.\n", eax
jmp .success
xor ebx, ebx
jmp .return
xor ebx, ebx
jmp .return
; Write to a file.
; Input: esi + [esp + 4] = file name.
; ebx = pointer to paramteres from sysfunc 70.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS structure.
; Output: eax = error code.
; ebx = number of bytes written.
;DEBUGF 1, "Attempting write, "
test [ebp + EXTFS.partition_flags], EXT2_RO
jz @F
push ecx edx esi edi
call ext2_lock
add esi, [esp + 16 + 4]
; Can't write to root.
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .error
push ebx ecx edx
stdcall ext2_inode_find, 0
pop edx ecx ebx
; If file not there, error.
xor ecx, ecx
test eax, eax
jnz .error_file_not_found
; Save the inode.
push esi
; Check if it's a file.
mov edx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
test [edx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_mode], EXT2_S_IFREG
jz .error
mov eax, esi
mov ecx, [ebx + 4]
call ext2_inode_extend
xor ecx, ecx
test eax, eax
jnz .error_device
; ECX contains the size to write, and ESI points to it.
mov ecx, [ebx + 0x0C]
mov esi, [ebx + 0x10]
; Save the size of the inode.
mov eax, [edx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size]
push eax
xor edx, edx
div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
test edx, edx
jz .start_aligned
; Start isn't aligned, so deal with the non-aligned bytes.
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
sub ebx, edx
cmp ebx, ecx
jbe @F
; If the size to copy fits in current block, limit to that, instead of the entire block.
mov ebx, ecx
; Copy EBX bytes, in EAX indexed block.
push eax
call ext2_inode_read_entry
test eax, eax
pop eax
jnz .error_inode_size
push ecx
mov ecx, ebx
mov edi, ebx
add edi, edx
rep movsb
pop ecx
; Write the block.
call ext2_inode_write_entry
test eax, eax
jnz .error_inode_size
add [esp], ebx
sub ecx, ebx
jz .write_inode
cmp ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
jb @F
mov eax, [esp]
xor edx, edx
div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
push eax
mov edx, [esp + 8]
call ext2_inode_blank_entry
test eax, eax
pop eax
jnz .error_inode_size
push ecx
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
rep movsb
pop ecx
call ext2_inode_write_entry
test eax, eax
jnz .error_inode_size
mov eax, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
sub ecx, eax
add [esp], eax
jmp .start_aligned
; Handle the remaining bytes.
test ecx, ecx
jz .write_inode
mov eax, [esp]
xor edx, edx
div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
push eax
call ext2_inode_read_entry
test eax, eax
pop eax
jz @F
push eax
mov edx, [esp + 8]
call ext2_inode_blank_entry
test eax, eax
pop eax
jnz .error_inode_size
push ecx
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
rep movsb
pop ecx
call ext2_inode_write_entry
test eax, eax
jnz .error_inode_size
add [esp], ecx
xor ecx, ecx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
pop eax
mov [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax
mov eax, [esp]
call ext2_inode_write
test eax, eax
jnz .error_device
call ext2_sb_update
; Sync the disk.
mov esi, [ebp + PARTITION.Disk]
call disk_sync ; eax contains error code, if any.
push eax
call ext2_unlock
pop eax
add esp, 4
mov ebx, [esp + 12]
sub ebx, ecx
pop edi esi edx ecx
;DEBUGF 1, "and returning with: %x.\n", eax
jmp .return
jmp .return
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
pop eax
mov [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax
mov eax, [esp]
call ext2_inode_write
call ext2_sb_update
; Sync the disk.
mov esi, [ebp + PARTITION.Disk]
call disk_sync ; eax contains error code, if any.
jmp .return
; Set the end of a file.
; Input: esi + [esp + 4] = file name.
; ebx = pointer to paramteres from sysfunc 70.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS structure.
; Output: eax = error code.
test [ebp + EXTFS.partition_flags], EXT2_RO
jz @F
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
call ext2_lock
add esi, [esp + 20 + 4]
; Can't write to root.
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .error
stdcall ext2_inode_find, 0
; If file not there, error.
test eax, eax
jnz .error_file_not_found
; Check if it's a file.
mov edx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
cmp [edx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_mode], EXT2_S_IFREG
jne .error
mov eax, esi
mov ecx, [ebx + 4]
call ext2_inode_extend
test eax, eax
jnz .error_disk_full
mov eax, esi
call ext2_inode_truncate
test eax, eax
jnz .error_disk_full
mov eax, esi
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
call ext2_inode_write
call ext2_sb_update
; Sync the disk.
mov esi, [ebp + PARTITION.Disk]
call disk_sync ; eax contains error code, if any.
push eax
call ext2_unlock
pop eax
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
jmp .return
jmp .return
call ext2_sb_update
; Sync the disk.
mov esi, [ebp + PARTITION.Disk]
call disk_sync ; eax contains error code, if any.
jmp .return
0,0 → 1,670
;; ;;
;; Contains ext2 structures, and macros. ;;
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under the terms of the new BSD license. ;;
;; ;;
; Future jobs for driver, in order of preference:
; * clean up existing extents support.
; * add b-tree directories support.
; * add long file support.
; * add journal support.
; * add minor features that come with ext3/4.
; Recommended move to some kernel-wide bitmap handling code (with a bit of abstraction, of course).
; Clears a bit.
; Input: eax = index into bitmap.
; [EXTFS.ext2_save_block] = address of bitmap.
; ebp = address of EXTFS.
; Output: Bit cleared.
; eax = non-zero, if already cleared.
push ebx ecx edx
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, 8
div ecx
add eax, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
; Get the mask.
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, edx
shl ebx, cl
test [eax], ebx
jz .cleared
not ebx
and [eax], ebx
xor eax, eax
pop edx ecx ebx
; Already cleared.
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .return
; Finds free bit in the bitmap.
; Input: ecx = number of bits in the bitmap.
; [EXTFS.ext2_save_block] = address of bitmap.
; ebp = address of EXTFS.
; Output: eax = index of free bit in the bitmap; marked set.
; 0xFFFFFFFF if no free bit found.
push esi ebx ecx edx
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
; Get total DWORDS in eax; total bits in last dword, if any, in edx.
xor edx, edx
mov eax, ecx
mov ecx, 32
div ecx
mov ecx, eax
xor eax, eax
push edx
test ecx, ecx
jz .last_bits
; Check in the DWORDS.
mov ebx, [esi]
not ebx
bsf edx, ebx
; If 0, then the original value would be 0xFFFFFFFF, hence no free bits.
jz @F
; We found the value. Let's return with it.
add esp, 4
add eax, edx
jmp .return
add esi, 4
add eax, 32
loop .dwords
; Check in the last few bits.
pop ecx
test ecx, ecx
jz @F
mov ebx, [esi]
not ebx
bsf ebx, edx
; If 0, no free bits.
jz @F
; If free bit is greater than the last known bit, then error.
cmp edx, ecx
jg @F
add eax, edx
jmp .return
; Didn't find any free bits.
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp @F
mov ecx, edx
mov edx, 1
shl edx, cl
or [esi], edx
pop edx ecx ebx esi
; Recommended move to some kernel-wide string handling code.
; Find the length of a string.
; Input: esi = source.
; Output: length in ecx
push eax esi
xor ecx, ecx
test al, al
jz .ret
inc ecx
jmp @B
pop esi eax
; Convert UTF-8 string to ASCII-string (codepage 866)
; Input: esi = source.
; edi = buffer.
; ecx = length of source.
; Output: destroys eax, esi, edi
; Check for zero-length string.
jecxz .return
cmp al, 0x80
jb .ascii
xchg al, ah ; Big-endian.
cmp ax, 0xd080
jz .yo1
cmp ax, 0xd191
jz .yo2
cmp ax, 0xd090
jb .unk
cmp ax, 0xd180
jb .rus1
cmp ax, 0xd190
jb .rus2
mov al, '_'
jmp .doit
mov al, 0xf0 ; Ё capital.
jmp .doit
mov al, 0xf1 ; ё small.
jmp .doit
sub ax, 0xd090 - 0x80
jmp .doit
sub ax, 0xd18f - 0xEF
sub ecx, 2
ja .start
dec esi
dec ecx
jnz .start
; Recommended move to some kernel-wide time handling code.
; Total cumulative seconds till each month.
.january: dd 0 * (60 * 60 * 24)
.february: dd 31 * (60 * 60 * 24)
.march: dd 59 * (60 * 60 * 24)
.april: dd 90 * (60 * 60 * 24)
.may: dd 120 * (60 * 60 * 24)
.june: dd 151 * (60 * 60 * 24)
.july: dd 181 * (60 * 60 * 24)
.august: dd 212 * (60 * 60 * 24)
.september: dd 243 * (60 * 60 * 24)
.october: dd 273 * (60 * 60 * 24)
.november: dd 304 * (60 * 60 * 24)
.december: dd 334 * (60 * 60 * 24)
dd 0
dd 0
; Stores current unix time.
; Input: edi = buffer to output Unix time.
push eax esi
mov esi, current_bdfe_time
; Just a small observation:
; The CMOS is a pretty bad source to get time from. One shouldn't rely on it,
; since it messes up the time by tiny bits. Of course, this is all technical,
; but one can look it up on the osdev wiki. What is better is to get the time
; from CMOS during boot, then update system time using a more accurate timer.
; I'll probably add that after the Summer of Code, so TODO! TODO! TODO!.
; Get time from CMOS.
; Seconds.
mov al, 0x00
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
call bcd2bin
mov [esi + 0], al
; Minute.
mov al, 0x02
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
call bcd2bin
mov [esi + 1], al
; Hour.
mov al, 0x04
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
call bcd2bin
mov [esi + 2], al
; Get date.
; Day.
mov al, 0x7
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
call bcd2bin
mov [esi + 4], al
; Month.
mov al, 0x8
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
call bcd2bin
mov [esi + 5], al
; Year.
mov al, 0x9
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
call bcd2bin
add ax, 2000 ; CMOS only returns last two digits.
; Note that everywhere in KolibriOS this is used.
; This is hacky, since the RTC can be incorrectly set
; to something before 2000.
mov [esi + 6], ax
call bdfe_to_unix_time
pop esi eax
; Convert time+date from BDFE to Unix time.
; Input: esi = pointer to BDFE time+date.
; edi = buffer to output Unix time.
push eax ebx ecx edx
mov dword[edi], 0x00000000
; The minimum representable time is 1901-12-13.
cmp word[esi + 6], 1901
jb .ret
jg .max
cmp byte[esi + 5], 12
jb .ret
cmp byte[esi + 4], 13
jbe .ret
jg .convert
; Check if it is more than the maximum representable time.
; The maximum representable time is 2038-01-19.
cmp word[esi + 6], 2038
jg .ret
jb .convert
cmp byte[esi + 5], 1
jg .ret
cmp byte[esi + 4], 19
jge .ret
; Convert the time.
; Get if current year is leap year in ECX.
xor ecx, ecx
mov ebx, 4
xor edx, edx
cmp word[esi + 6], 1970
jb .negative
movzx eax, word[esi + 6] ; Year.
cmp byte[esi + 5], 3 ; If the month is less than March, than that year doesn't matter.
jge @F
test eax, 3
; Not a leap year.
jnz @F
inc ecx
; Number of leap years between two years = ((end date - 1)/4) - (1970/4)
dec eax
div ebx
sub eax, 1970/4
; EAX is the number of leap years.
add eax, ecx
mov ecx, (60 * 60 * 24) ; Seconds in a day.
mul ecx
; Account for leap years, i.e., one day extra for each.
add [edi], eax
; Get total days in EAX.
movzx eax, byte[esi + 4]
dec eax
mul ecx
; Account for days.
add [edi], eax
; Account for month.
movzx eax, byte[esi + 5]
dec eax
mov eax, [cumulative_seconds_in_month + (eax * 4)]
add [edi], eax
; Account for year.
movzx eax, word[esi + 6]
sub eax, 1970
mov ecx, (60 * 60 * 24) * 365 ; Seconds in a year.
mul ecx
add [edi], eax
; Seconds.
movzx eax, byte[esi + 0]
add [edi], eax
; Minutes.
movzx eax, byte[esi + 1]
mov ecx, 60
mul ecx
add [edi], eax
; Hours.
movzx eax, byte[esi + 2]
mov ecx, (60 * 60)
mul ecx
add [edi], eax
; The time wanted is before the epoch; handle it here.
pop edx ecx ebx eax
; Recommended move to some kernel-wide alloc handling code.
macro KERNEL_ALLOC store, label
call kernel_alloc
mov store, eax
test eax, eax
jz label
macro KERNEL_FREE data, label
cmp data, 0
jz label
push data
call kernel_free
lock MUTEX
partition_flags dd ?
log_block_size dd ?
block_size dd ?
count_block_in_block dd ?
blocks_per_group dd ?
global_desc_table dd ?
root_inode dd ? ; Pointer to root inode in memory.
inode_size dd ?
count_pointer_in_block dd ? ; (block_size / 4)
count_pointer_in_block_square dd ? ; (block_size / 4)**2
ext2_save_block dd ? ; Block for 1 global procedure.
ext2_temp_block dd ? ; Block for small procedures.
ext2_save_inode dd ? ; inode for global procedures.
ext2_temp_inode dd ? ; inode for small procedures.
groups_count dd ?
superblock rd 1024/4
; EXT2 revisions.
; For fs_type.
; Some set inodes.
; Flags defining i_mode values.
EXT2_S_IFMT = 0xF000 ; Mask for file type.
EXT2_S_IFREG = 0x8000 ; Regular file.
EXT2_S_IFDIR = 0x4000 ; Directory.
EXT2_S_IRUSR = 0x0100 ; User read
EXT2_S_IWUSR = 0x0080 ; User write
EXT2_S_IXUSR = 0x0040 ; User execute
EXT2_S_IRGRP = 0x0020 ; Group read
EXT2_S_IWGRP = 0x0010 ; Group write
EXT2_S_IXGRP = 0x0008 ; Group execute
EXT2_S_IROTH = 0x0004 ; Others read
EXT2_S_IWOTH = 0x0002 ; Others write
EXT2_S_IXOTH = 0x0001 ; Others execute
; File type defining values in directory entry.
EXT2_FT_REG_FILE = 1 ; Regular file.
EXT2_FT_DIR = 2 ; Directory.
; Flags used by KolibriOS.
FS_FT_DIR = 0x10 ; Directory.
; ext2 partition flags.
EXT2_RO = 0x01
FS_FT_ASCII = 0 ; Name in ASCII.
FS_FT_UNICODE = 1 ; Name in Unicode.
EXT2_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_FILETYPE = 0x0002 ; Have file type in directory entry.
EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_FLEX_BG = 0x0200 ; Flexible block groups.
EXT2_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_SPARSE_SUPER = 0x0001 ; Sparse Superblock
EXT2_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_LARGE_FILE = 0x0002 ; Large file support (64-bit file size)
; Implemented ext[2,3,4] features.
; Implemented features which otherwise require "read-only" mount.
; ext4 features not support for write.
; Flags specified in i_flags.
EXT2_EXTENTS_FL = 0x00080000 ; Extents.
i_mode dw ?
i_uid dw ?
i_size dd ?
i_atime dd ?
i_ctime dd ?
i_mtime dd ?
i_dtime dd ?
i_gid dw ?
i_links_count dw ?
i_blocks dd ?
i_flags dd ?
i_osd1 dd ?
i_block rd 15
i_generation dd ?
i_file_acl dd ?
i_dir_acl dd ?
i_faddr dd ?
i_osd2 dd ? ; 12 bytes.
inode dd ?
rec_len dw ?
name_len db ?
file_type db ?
name db ? ; 255 (max) bytes.
block_bitmap dd ? ; +0
inode_bitmap dd ? ; +4
inode_table dd ? ; +8
free_blocks_count dw ? ; +12
free_inodes_count dw ? ; +14
used_dirs_count dw ? ; +16
pad dw ? ; +18
reserved rb 12 ; +20
struct EXT2_SB_STRUC
inodes_count dd ? ; +0
blocks_count dd ? ; +4
r_block_count dd ? ; +8
free_block_count dd ? ; +12
free_inodes_count dd ? ; +16
first_data_block dd ? ; +20
log_block_size dd ? ; +24
log_frag_size dd ? ; +28
blocks_per_group dd ? ; +32
frags_per_group dd ? ; +36
inodes_per_group dd ? ; +40
mtime dd ? ; +44
wtime dd ? ; +48
mnt_count dw ? ; +52
max_mnt_count dw ? ; +54
magic dw ? ; +56
state dw ? ; +58
errors dw ? ; +60
minor_rev_level dw ? ; +62
lastcheck dd ? ; +64
check_intervals dd ? ; +68
creator_os dd ? ; +72
rev_level dd ? ; +76
def_resuid dw ? ; +80
def_resgid dw ? ; +82
first_ino dd ? ; +84
inode_size dw ? ; +88
block_group_nr dw ? ; +90
feature_compat dd ? ; +92
feature_incompat dd ? ; +96
feature_ro_compat dd ? ; +100
uuid rb 16 ; +104
volume_name rb 16 ; +120
last_mounted rb 64 ; +136
algo_bitmap dd ? ; +200
prealloc_blocks db ? ; +204
preallock_dir_blocks db ? ; +205
reserved_gdt_blocks dw ? ; +206
journal_uuid rb 16 ; +208
journal_inum dd ? ; +224
journal_dev dd ? ; +228
last_orphan dd ? ; +232
hash_seed rd 4 ; +236
def_hash_version db ? ; +252
reserved rb 3 ; +253 (reserved)
default_mount_options dd ? ; +256
first_meta_bg dd ? ; +260
mkfs_time dd ? ; +264
jnl_blocks rd 17 ; +268
blocks_count_hi dd ? ; +336
r_blocks_count_hi dd ? ; +340
free_blocks_count_hi dd ? ; +344
min_extra_isize dw ? ; +348
want_extra_isize dw ? ; +350
flags dd ? ; +352
raid_stride dw ? ; +356
mmp_interval dw ? ; +358
mmp_block dq ? ; +360
raid_stripe_width dd ? ; +368
log_groups_per_flex db ? ; +372
; Header block extents.
eh_magic dw ? ; Magic value of 0xF30A, for ext4.
eh_entries dw ? ; Number of blocks covered by the extent.
eh_max dw ? ; Capacity of entries.
eh_depth dw ? ; Tree depth (if 0, extents in the array are not extent indexes)
eh_generation dd ? ; ???
; Extent.
struct EXT4_EXTENT
ee_block dd ? ; First logical block extent covers.
ee_len dw ? ; Number of blocks covered by extent.
ee_start_hi dw ? ; Upper 16 bits of 48-bit address (unused in KOS)
ee_start_lo dd ? ; Lower 32 bits of 48-bit address.
; Index on-disk structure; pointer to block of extents/indexes.
ei_block dd ? ; Covers logical blocks from here.
ei_leaf_lo dd ? ; Lower 32-bits of pointer to the physical block of the next level.
ei_leaf_hi dw ? ; Higher 16-bits (unused in KOS).
ei_unused dw ? ; Reserved.
0,0 → 1,1850
;; ;;
;; Contains ext2 inode handling code. ;;
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under the terms of the new BSD license. ;;
;; ;;
; Receives block number from extent-based inode.
; Input: ecx = number of block in inode
; esi = address of extent header
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS
; Output: ecx = address of next block, if successful
; eax = error code (0 implies no error)
cmp word [esi + EXT4_EXTENT_HEADER.eh_magic], 0xF30A ;EXT4_EXT_MAGIC
jne .fail
movzx ebx, [esi + EXT4_EXTENT_HEADER.eh_entries]
add esi, sizeof.EXT4_EXTENT_HEADER
cmp word [esi - sizeof.EXT4_EXTENT_HEADER + EXT4_EXTENT_HEADER.eh_depth], 0
je .leaf_block ;листовой ли это блок?
;не листовой блок, а индексный ; eax - ext4_extent_idx
test ebx, ebx
jz .fail ;пустой индексный блок -> ошибка
;цикл по индексам экстентов
cmp ebx, 1 ;у индексов не хранится длина,
je .end_search_index ;поэтому, если остался последний - то это нужный
cmp ecx, [esi + EXT4_EXTENT_IDX.ei_block]
jb .fail
cmp ecx, [esi + sizeof.EXT4_EXTENT_IDX + EXT4_EXTENT_IDX.ei_block] ;блок слeдующего индекса
jb .end_search_index ;следующий дальше - значит текущий, то что нам нужен
add esi, sizeof.EXT4_EXTENT_IDX
dec ebx
jmp @B
;ebp указывает на нужный extent_idx, считываем следующий блок
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
mov eax, [esi + EXT4_EXTENT_IDX.ei_leaf_lo]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
mov esi, ebx
jmp ext4_block_recursive_search ;рекурсивно прыгаем в начало
.leaf_block: ;листовой блок esi - ext4_extent
;цикл по экстентам
test ebx, ebx
jz .fail ;ни один узел не подошел - ошибка
mov edx, [esi + EXT4_EXTENT.ee_block]
cmp ecx, edx
jb .fail ;если меньше, значит он был в предыдущих блоках -> ошибка
movzx edi, [esi + EXT4_EXTENT.ee_len]
add edx, edi
cmp ecx, edx
jb .end_search_extent ;нашли нужный блок
add esi, sizeof.EXT4_EXTENT
dec ebx
jmp @B
mov edx, [esi + EXT4_EXTENT.ee_start_lo]
sub ecx, [esi + EXT4_EXTENT.ee_block] ;разница в ext4 блоках
add ecx, edx
xor eax, eax
mov eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
; Frees triply indirect block.
; Input: eax = triply indirect block.
; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode] = the inode.
; Output: eax = error code.
push ebx edx
test eax, eax
jz .success
push eax
; Read the triple indirect block.
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
pop eax
jnz .fail
; Free the triple indirect block.
call ext2_block_free
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
mov edx, ebx
add edx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
mov eax, [ebx]
test eax, eax
jz .success
call ext2_inode_free_doubly_indirect
cmp eax, 1
je .success
cmp eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
je .fail
add ebx, 4
cmp ebx, edx
jb @B
xor eax, eax
pop edx ebx
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .ret
; Frees double indirect block.
; Input: eax = double indirect block.
; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode] = the inode.
; Output: eax = error code, 1 implies finished, ~0 implies error
push ebx edx
test eax, eax
jz .complete
push eax
; Read the double indirect block.
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
pop eax
jnz .fail
call ext2_block_free
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
mov edx, ebx
add edx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
mov eax, [ebx]
test eax, eax
jz .complete
call ext2_block_free
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
add ebx, 4
cmp ebx, edx
jb @B
xor eax, eax
pop edx ebx
xor eax, eax
inc eax
jmp .ret
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .ret
; Frees all indirect blocks.
; Input: ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode] = the inode.
; Output: eax = error code (0 implies no error)
push edi
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
; Free indirect block.
mov eax, [edi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 12*4]
test eax, eax
jz .success
call ext2_block_free
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
mov eax, [edi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 13*4]
call ext2_inode_free_doubly_indirect
cmp eax, 1
je .success
cmp eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
je .fail
mov eax, [edi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 14*4]
call ext2_inode_free_triply_indirect
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
xor eax, eax
pop edi
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .ret
; Allocates block for inode.
; Input: esi = address of inode
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: eax = error code (0 implies no error)
push ecx
; TODO: fix to have correct preference.
mov eax, EXT2_ROOT_INO
call ext2_block_calloc
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.log_block_size]
mov eax, 2
shl eax, cl
add [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_blocks], eax
xor eax, eax
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .ret
; Sets block ID for indirect-addressing inode.
; Input: ecx = index of block in inode
; edi = block ID to set to
; esi = address of inode
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: eax = error code (0 implies no error)
push ebx ecx edx
; 0 to 11: direct blocks.
cmp ecx, 12
jb .direct_block
; Indirect blocks
sub ecx, 12
cmp ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block]
jb .indirect_block
; Double indirect blocks.
sub ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block]
cmp ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block_square]
jb .double_indirect_block
; Triple indirect blocks.
sub ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block_square]
; Get triply-indirect block in temp_block.
mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 14*4]
test eax, eax
jnz @F
call ext2_inode_calloc_block
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_alloc
mov [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 14*4], ebx
mov eax, ebx
push eax
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_alloc_4
; Get index in triply-indirect block.
xor edx, edx
mov eax, ecx
div [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block_square]
; eax: index in triply-indirect block, edx: index in doubly-indirect block.
lea ecx, [ebx + eax*4]
mov eax, [ebx + eax*4]
test eax, eax
jnz @F
call ext2_inode_calloc_block
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_alloc_4
mov [ecx], ebx
mov eax, [esp]
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_write
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_alloc_4
mov eax, [ecx]
mov [esp], eax
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_alloc_4
mov eax, edx
jmp @F
; Get doubly-indirect block.
mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 13*4]
test eax, eax
jnz .double_indirect_present
call ext2_inode_calloc_block
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_alloc
mov [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 13*4], ebx
mov eax, ebx
; Save block we're at.
push eax
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_alloc_4
mov eax, ecx
xor edx, edx
div [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block]
; eax: index in doubly-indirect block, edx: index in indirect block.
lea ecx, [ebx + edx*4]
push ecx
lea ecx, [ebx + eax*4]
cmp dword[ecx], 0
jne @F
call ext2_inode_calloc_block
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_alloc_8
mov [ecx], ebx
mov eax, [esp + 4]
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_write
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_alloc_8
mov eax, [ecx]
push eax
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_alloc_12
pop eax
pop ecx
mov [ecx], edi
call ext2_block_write
add esp, 4
jmp .return
; Get index of indirect block.
mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 12*4]
test eax, eax
jnz @F
call ext2_inode_calloc_block
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_alloc
mov [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 12*4], ebx
mov eax, ebx
push eax
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_alloc_4
; Get the block ID.
mov [ebx + ecx*4], edi
pop eax
call ext2_block_write
jmp .return
mov [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + ecx*4], edi
xor eax, eax
pop edx ecx ebx
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .return
add esp, 4
add esp, 4
add esp, 4
jmp .fail_alloc
; Receives block ID from indirect-addressing inode.
; Input: ecx = index of block in inode
; esi = address of inode
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS
; Output: ecx = block ID, if successful
; eax = error code (0 implies no error)
; If inode is extent-based, use ext4_block_recursive_search.
test [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_flags], EXT2_EXTENTS_FL
jz @F
; Get extent header in EBP.
add esi, EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block
call ext4_block_recursive_search
mov PUSHAD_ECX, ecx
mov PUSHAD_EAX, eax
; 0 to 11: direct blocks.
cmp ecx, 12
jb .get_direct_block
; Indirect blocks
sub ecx, 12
cmp ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block]
jb .get_indirect_block
; Double indirect blocks.
sub ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block]
cmp ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block_square]
jb .get_double_indirect_block
; Triple indirect blocks.
sub ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block_square]
push edx ebx
; Get triply-indirect block in temp_block.
mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 14*4]
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
; Get index in triply-indirect block.
xor edx, edx
mov eax, ecx
div [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block_square]
; eax: index in triply-indirect block, edx: index in doubly-indirect block.
mov eax, [ebx + eax*4]
test eax, eax
jz .fail_triple_indirect_block
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
mov eax, edx
jmp @F
push edx ebx
; Get doubly-indirect block.
mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 13*4]
test eax, eax
jz .fail_double_indirect_block
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
mov eax, ecx
xor edx, edx
div [ebp + EXTFS.count_pointer_in_block]
; eax: index in doubly-indirect block, edx: index in indirect block.
mov eax, [ebx + eax*4]
test eax, eax
jz .fail_double_indirect_block
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
mov ecx, [ebx + edx*4]
pop ebx edx
push ebx
; Get index of indirect block.
mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + 12*4]
test eax, eax
jz .fail_indirect_block
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz @F
mov ecx, [ebx + ecx*4]
pop ebx
mov ecx, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_block + ecx*4]
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
xor ecx, ecx
pop ebx edx
jmp .fail_triple_indirect_block
; Get block containing inode.
; Input: eax = inode number.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: ebx = block (hard disk) containing inode.
; edx = index inside block.
; eax = error code (0 implies no error)
dec eax
xor edx, edx
; EAX = block group.
div [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.inodes_per_group]
push edx ; Index in group.
mov edx, 32
mul edx ; Get index of descriptor in global_desc_table.
; eax: inode group offset relative to global descriptor table start
; Find the block this block descriptor is in.
div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
add eax, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.first_data_block]
inc eax
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .return
add ebx, edx ; edx: local index of descriptor inside block
mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_BLOCK_GROUP_DESC.inode_table] ; Block number of inode table - in ext2 terms.
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.log_block_size]
shl eax, cl
; eax: points to inode table on HDD.
mov esi, eax
; Add local address of inode.
pop eax
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.inode_size]
mul ecx ; (index * inode_size)
mov ebp, 512
div ebp ; Divide by hard disk block size.
add eax, esi ; Found block to read.
mov ebx, eax ; Get it inside ebx.
xor eax, eax
mov PUSHAD_EAX, eax
mov PUSHAD_EBX, ebx
mov PUSHAD_EDX, edx
; Sets content of inode by number.
; Input: eax = inode number.
; ebx = address from where to write inode content.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: eax = error code (0 implies no error)
push edx edi esi ecx ebx
mov esi, ebx
; Ext2 actually stores time of modification of inode in ctime.
lea edi, [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_ctime]
call current_unix_time
; Get block where inode is situated.
call ext2_read_block_of_inode
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov eax, ebx ; Get block into EAX.
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
mov ecx, eax ; Save block.
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
jz @F
jmp .return
mov eax, ecx
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.inode_size]
mov edi, edx ; The index into the block.
add edi, ebx
rep movsb
; Write the block.
call fs_write32_sys
pop ebx ecx esi edi edx
; Get content of inode by number.
; Input: eax = inode number.
; ebx = address where to store inode content.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: eax = error code (0 implies no error)
push edx edi esi ecx ebx
mov edi, ebx
; Get block where inode is situated.
call ext2_read_block_of_inode
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov eax, ebx ; Get block into EAX.
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
jz @F
jmp .return
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.inode_size]
mov esi, edx ; The index into the inode.
add esi, ebx
rep movsb
xor eax, eax
pop ebx ecx esi edi edx
; Seek inode from the path.
; Input: esi + [esp + 4] = name.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: eax = error code (0 implies no error)
; esi = inode number.
; dl = first byte of file/folder name.
; [ext2_data.ext2_save_inode] stores the inode.
mov edx, [ebp + EXTFS.root_inode]
; Check for empty root.
cmp [edx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_blocks], 0
je .error_empty_root
; Check for root.
cmp byte[esi], 0
jne .next_path_part
push edi ecx
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.root_inode]
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.inode_size]
rep movsb
pop ecx edi
xor eax, eax
xor dl, dl
mov esi, EXT2_ROOT_INO
ret 4
push [edx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_blocks]
xor ecx, ecx
push ecx
xchg esi, edx
call ext2_inode_get_block
xchg esi, edx
test eax, eax
jnz .error_get_inode_block
mov eax, ecx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block] ; Get directory records from directory.
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error_get_block
push esi
push edx
call ext2_block_find_parent
pop edx
pop edi ecx
cmp edi, esi ; Did something match?
je .next_folder_block ; No, move to next block.
cmp byte [esi], 0 ; Reached the "end" of path successfully.
jnz @F
cmp dword[esp + 8], 0
je .get_inode_ret
mov esi, [esp + 8]
mov dword[esp + 8], 0
mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.inode]
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
call ext2_inode_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error_get_inode
movzx eax, [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_mode]
and eax, EXT2_S_IFMT ; Get the mask.
cmp eax, EXT2_S_IFDIR
jne .not_found ; Matched till part, but directory entry we got doesn't point to folder.
pop ecx ; Stack top contains number of blocks.
mov edx, ebx
jmp .next_path_part
; Next block in current folder.
pop eax ; Get blocks counter.
sub eax, [ebp + EXTFS.count_block_in_block]
jle .not_found
push eax
inc ecx
jmp .folder_block_cycle
ret 4
pop ecx ; Stack top contains number of blocks.
mov dl, [ebx +] ; First character of file-name.
mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.inode]
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
mov esi, eax
; If we can't get the inode, eax contains the error.
call ext2_inode_read
ret 4
pop ecx
pop ebx
mov eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
ret 4
; Seeks parent inode from path.
; Input: esi = path.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: eax = error code.
; esi = inode.
; edi = pointer to file name.
push esi
xor edi, edi
cmp byte[esi], '/'
jne @F
mov edi, esi
inc esi
jmp .loop
inc esi
cmp byte[esi - 1], 0
jne .loop
; If it was just a filename (without any additional directories),
; use the last byte as "parent path".
cmp edi, 0
jne @F
pop edi
dec esi
jmp .get_inode
; It had some additional directories, so handle it that way.
mov byte[edi], 0
inc edi
pop esi
push ebx edx
stdcall ext2_inode_find, 0
pop edx ebx
; Link an inode.
; Input: eax = inode on which to link.
; ebx = inode to link.
; dl = file type.
; esi = name.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: eax = error code.
push eax
push esi edi ebx ecx edx
; Get string length, and then directory entry structure size.
call strlen
add ecx, 8
push esi ebx ecx
xor ecx, ecx
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
mov ebx, esi
call ext2_inode_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error_inode_read
; Get the maximum addressible i_block index by (i_blocks/(2 << s_log_block_size)).
; Note that i_blocks contains number of reserved 512B blocks, which is why we've to
; find out the ext2 blocks.
mov eax, 2
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.log_block_size]
shl eax, cl
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_blocks]
xor edx, edx
div ecx
; EAX is the maximum index inside i_block we can go.
push eax
push dword 0
; ECX contains the "block inside i_block" index.
xor ecx, ecx
call ext2_inode_get_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error_get_inode_block
test ecx, ecx
jz .alloc_block ; We've got no block here, so allocate one.
push ecx ; Save block number.
mov eax, ecx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error_block_read
; Try to find free space in current block.
mov ecx, [esp + 8]
call ext2_block_find_fspace
test eax, eax
jz .found
cmp eax, 0x00000001
jne .next_iter
; This block wasn't linking to the next block, so fix that, and use the next one.
; Write the block.
pop eax
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_write
test eax, eax
jnz .error_get_inode_block
inc dword [esp]
mov ecx, [esp]
call ext2_inode_get_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error_get_inode_block
test ecx, ecx
jz .alloc_block
; If there was a block there, prepare it for our use!
push ecx
jmp .prepare_block
add esp, 4
inc dword [esp]
mov ecx, [esp]
cmp ecx, [esp + 4]
jbe @B
mov eax, [esp + 12] ; Get inode ID of what we're linking.
call ext2_block_calloc
test eax, eax
jnz .error_get_inode_block
mov ecx, [esp] ; Get the index of it inside the inode.
mov edi, ebx ; And what to set to.
call ext2_inode_set_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error_get_inode_block
; Update i_size.
mov eax, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
add [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax
; Update i_blocks.
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.log_block_size]
mov eax, 2
shl eax, cl
add [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_blocks], eax
; Write the inode.
mov eax, [esp + 40]
mov ebx, esi
call ext2_inode_write
test eax, eax
jnz .error_get_inode_block
push edi ; Save the block we just allocated.
; If we've allocated/using-old-block outside of loop, prepare it.
mov eax, [esp]
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error_block_read
mov edi, ebx
mov eax, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
mov [edi + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len], ax
pop edx
add esp, 8
pop ecx ebx esi
push ebx
mov [edi], ebx ; Save inode.
mov eax, [esp + 4] ; Get EDX off the stack -- contains the file_type.
cmp [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.rev_level], EXT2_GOOD_OLD_REV
je .name
; Set the file-type.
mov [edi + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.file_type], al
; Save name.
sub ecx, 8
mov [edi + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.name_len], cl
add edi, 8
rep movsb
; Write block.
mov eax, edx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_write
test eax, eax
jnz .error_block_write
mov eax, [esp]
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
call ext2_inode_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error_block_write
pop eax
inc [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_links_count]
call ext2_inode_write
test eax, eax
jnz .error
xor eax, eax
pop edx ecx ebx edi esi
add esp, 4
add esp, 4
add esp, 8
add esp, 8
add esp, 4
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .ret
; Unlink an inode.
; Input: eax = inode from which to unlink.
; ebx = inode to unlink.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: eax = number of links to inode, after unlinking (0xFFFFFFFF implies error)
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
push ebx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
call ext2_inode_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_get_inode
; The index into the inode block data.
push dword 0
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
mov ecx, [esp]
call ext2_inode_get_block
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_loop
test ecx, ecx
jz .fail_loop
mov eax, ecx
mov edi, eax
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_loop
; edi -> block.
mov eax, [esp + 4]
cmp [ebx], eax
jne @F
mov dword[ebx], 0 ; inode.
mov word[ebx + 6], 0 ; name_len + file_type.
jmp .write_block
mov edx, ebx
add edx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
push edx
mov edx, ebx
movzx ecx, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len]
add ebx, ecx
cmp [ebx], eax
jne @F
mov cx, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len]
add [edx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len], cx
add esp, 4
jmp .write_block
mov edx, ebx
movzx ecx, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len]
; If it's a zero length entry, error.
test ecx, ecx
jz .fail_inode
add ebx, ecx
cmp ebx, [esp]
jb .dir_entry
add esp, 4
inc dword[esp]
jmp .loop
mov eax, edi
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_write
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_loop
add esp, 4
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
mov eax, [esp]
call ext2_inode_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_get_inode
dec word[ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_links_count]
movzx eax, word[ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_links_count]
push eax
mov eax, [esp + 4]
call ext2_inode_write
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_loop
pop eax
add esp, 4
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
add esp, 4
add esp, 4
add esp, 4
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .return
; Checks if a directory is empty.
; Input: ebx = inode to check.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; [EXTFS.ext2_save_inode] = points to saved inode.
; Output: eax = 0 signifies empty directory.
push ebx ecx edx
; The index into the inode block data.
push dword 0
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_inode]
mov ecx, [esp]
call ext2_inode_get_block
; Treat a failure as not-empty.
test eax, eax
jnz .not_empty
test ecx, ecx
jz .empty
mov eax, ecx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .not_empty
mov edx, ebx
add edx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
movzx ecx, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len]
add ebx, ecx
; Process entry.
cmp byte[ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.name_len], 1
jne @F
cmp byte[ebx +], '.'
jne .not_empty
cmp byte[ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.name_len], 2
jne .not_empty
cmp word[ebx +], '..'
jne .not_empty
movzx ecx, [ebx + EXT2_DIR_STRUC.rec_len]
add ebx, ecx
cmp ebx, edx
jb .dir_entry
inc dword[esp]
jmp .loop
xor eax, eax
add esp, 4
pop edx ecx ebx
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .return
; Gets the block group's inode bitmap.
; Input: eax = block group.
; Output: eax = if zero, error; else, points to block group descriptor.
; ebx = inode bitmap's block (hard disk).
push ecx
call ext2_bg_read_desc
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov ebx, [eax + EXT2_BLOCK_GROUP_DESC.inode_bitmap] ; Block number of inode bitmap - in ext2 terms.
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
jmp .return
; Allocates a inode.
; Input: eax = inode ID for "preference".
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: Inode marked as set in inode group.
; eax = error code.
; ebx = inode ID.
push [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.inodes_count]
push EXT2_BLOCK_GROUP_DESC.free_inodes_count
push [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.inodes_per_group]
lea ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.free_inodes_count]
push ebx
push ext2_bg_read_inode_bitmap
call ext2_resource_alloc
; Inode table starts with 1.
inc ebx
; Frees a inode.
; Input: eax = inode ID.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: inode marked as free in block group.
; eax = error code.
push edi ecx
; Inode table starts with 1.
dec eax
mov edi, ext2_bg_read_inode_bitmap
xor ecx, ecx
inc cl
call ext2_resource_free
pop ecx edi
; Blanks a particular entry in an inode.
; Input: eax = index into block.
; edx = inode.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] = the inode.
; Output: eax = error code.
push ebx ecx edx edi esi
mov edi, eax
mov ecx, eax
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
call ext2_inode_get_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error
test ecx, ecx
jz .allocate
mov edx, ecx
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
mov eax, edx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_block]
call ext2_block_write
test eax, eax
jnz .error
jmp .success
; Need to allocate a block.
mov eax, edx
call ext2_block_calloc
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov ecx, edi
mov edi, ebx
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
call ext2_inode_set_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.log_block_size]
mov eax, 2
shl eax, cl
add [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_blocks], eax
xor eax, eax
pop esi edi edx ecx ebx
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .ret
; Frees a particular entry in an inode.
; Input: eax = index into block.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] = the inode.
; Output: eax = error code.
push ebx ecx edi esi
mov edi, eax
mov ecx, eax
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
call ext2_inode_get_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error
test ecx, ecx
jz .success
mov eax, ecx
call ext2_block_free
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov ecx, edi
xor edi, edi
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
call ext2_inode_set_block
mov ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.log_block_size]
mov eax, 2
shl eax, cl
sub [esi + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_blocks], eax
xor eax, eax
pop esi edi ecx ebx
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .ret
; Reads a particular entry from an inode.
; Input: eax = index into block.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] = the inode.
; Output: eax = error code.
; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block] = the read block.
push ebx ecx edx esi
mov ecx, eax
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
call ext2_inode_get_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error
test ecx, ecx
jz .error
mov eax, ecx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error
pop esi edx ecx ebx
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .ret
; Writes a particular entry from an inode.
; Input: eax = index into block.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode] = the inode.
; [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block] = the block to write.
; Output: eax = error code.
push ebx ecx edx esi
mov ecx, eax
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
call ext2_inode_get_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error
test ecx, ecx
jz .error
mov eax, ecx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
call ext2_block_write
test eax, eax
jnz .error
pop esi edx ecx ebx
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .ret
; Extends inode to said size.
; Input: eax = inode ID.
; ecx = size to extend to.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: eax = error code.
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
; Save the inode.
push eax
; Read the inode.
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
call ext2_inode_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size]
cmp eax, ecx
jge .success
; Save the size of the inode.
push eax
; ECX contains the size we've to write.
sub ecx, eax
xor edx, edx
div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
test edx, edx
jz .start_aligned
; Start isn't aligned, so deal with the non-aligned bytes.
mov esi, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
sub esi, edx
cmp esi, ecx
jbe @F
; If the size to entend to fits in current block, limit to that.
mov esi, ecx
; Clear ESI bytes, in EAX indexed block.
push eax
call ext2_inode_read_entry
test eax, eax
pop eax
jnz .error_inode_size
push eax ecx
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, esi
mov edi, ebx
add edi, edx
rep stosb
pop ecx eax
; Write the block.
call ext2_inode_write_entry
test eax, eax
jnz .error_inode_size
add [esp], esi
sub ecx, esi
jz .write_inode
cmp ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
jb @F
mov eax, [esp]
xor edx, edx
div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
mov edx, [esp + 4]
call ext2_inode_blank_entry
test eax, eax
jnz .error_inode_size
mov eax, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
sub ecx, eax
add [esp], eax
jmp .start_aligned
; Handle the remaining bytes.
test ecx, ecx
jz .write_inode
mov eax, [esp]
xor edx, edx
div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
mov edx, [esp + 4]
call ext2_inode_blank_entry
test eax, eax
jnz .error_inode_size
add [esp], ecx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
pop eax
mov [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax
mov eax, [esp]
call ext2_inode_write
test eax, eax
jnz .error
xor eax, eax
add esp, 4
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
pop eax
mov [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax
mov eax, [esp]
call ext2_inode_write
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .ret
; Truncates inode to said size.
; Input: eax = inode ID.
; ecx = size to truncate to.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: eax = error code.
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
; Save the inode.
push eax
; Read the inode.
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
call ext2_inode_read
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov eax, [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size]
cmp ecx, eax
jge .success
; Save the size of the inode.
push eax
; ECX contains the size we've to truncate.
sub ecx, eax
not ecx
inc ecx
xor edx, edx
div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
test edx, edx
jz .start_aligned
; Start isn't aligned, so deal with the non-aligned bytes.
mov esi, edx
cmp esi, ecx
jbe @F
; If the size to truncate is smaller than the un-aligned bytes
; we're going to have to mark neccessary bytes from the EOF
; as 0.
push eax
call ext2_inode_read_entry
test eax, eax
pop eax
jnz .error_inode_size
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
sub edx, ecx
add edi, edx
push ecx eax
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
pop eax ecx
call ext2_inode_write_entry
test eax, eax
jnz .error_inode_size
sub [esp], ecx
jmp .write_inode
; Since ECX is greater than or equal to the bytes here un-aligned
; just free the block.
call ext2_inode_free_entry
sub [esp], esi
sub ecx, esi
jz .write_inode
cmp ecx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
jb @F
mov eax, [esp]
xor edx, edx
div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
dec eax
call ext2_inode_free_entry
test eax, eax
jnz .error_inode_size
mov eax, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
sub ecx, eax
sub [esp], eax
jmp .start_aligned
; Handle the remaining bytes.
test ecx, ecx
jz .write_inode
mov eax, [esp]
xor edx, edx
div [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
dec eax
push eax
call ext2_inode_read_entry
test eax, eax
pop eax
jnz .error_inode_size
mov edi, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
mov edx, [ebp + EXTFS.block_size]
sub edx, ecx
add edi, edx
push ecx eax
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
pop eax ecx
call ext2_inode_write_entry
test eax, eax
jnz .error_inode_size
sub [esp], ecx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
pop eax
mov [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax
mov eax, [esp]
call ext2_inode_write
test eax, eax
jnz .error
xor eax, eax
add esp, 4
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_temp_inode]
pop eax
mov [ebx + EXT2_INODE_STRUC.i_size], eax
mov eax, [esp]
call ext2_inode_write
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .ret
0,0 → 1,223
;; ;;
;; Contains common resource allocation + freeing code. ;;
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under the terms of the new BSD license. ;;
;; ;;
; Frees a resource (block/inode).
; Input: eax = resource ID.
; edi = function pointer of ext2_bg_*_bitmap form, to
; get bitmap of resource.
; ecx = 0, block; 1, inode.
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; Output: Block marked as free in block group.
; eax = error code.
push ebx edx esi
; Get block group.
sub eax, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.first_data_block]
xor edx, edx
div [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.blocks_per_group]
push eax edx
call edi
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov esi, eax
; Read the bitmap.
mov eax, ebx
mov edx, eax
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
pop eax
; Mark bit free.
call bitmap_clear_bit
test eax, eax
jz @F
; No need to save anything.
xor eax, eax
add esp, 4
jmp .return
mov eax, edx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
call ext2_block_write
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
; Read the descriptor.
mov eax, [esp]
call ext2_bg_read_desc
test eax, eax
jz .fail_bg_desc_read
lea eax, [eax + EXT2_BLOCK_GROUP_DESC.free_blocks_count]
shl ecx, 1
add eax, ecx
inc word[eax]
lea eax, [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.free_block_count]
shl ecx, 1
add eax, ecx
inc dword[eax]
pop eax
call ext2_bg_write_desc
pop esi edx ebx
add esp, 4
add esp, 4
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .return
; Allocates a resource.
; Input: eax = inode ID for "preference".
; ebp = pointer to EXTFS.
; [esp + 4], func pointer to ext2_bg_*_bitmap
; [esp + 8], pointer to free_*_count in SB.
; [esp + 12], *_per_group
; [esp + 16], offset to free_*_count in bg descriptor.
; [esp + 20], *_count
; Output: Resource marked as set in block group.
; eax = error code.
; ebx = resource ID.
; Block allocation is a pretty serious area, since bad allocation
; can lead to fragmentation. Thus, the best way to allocate that
; comes to mind is to allocate around an inode as much as possible.
; On the other hand, this isn't about a single inode/file/directory,
; and focusing just around the preferred inode would lead to
; congestion. Thus, after much thought, the chosen allocation algorithm
; is to search forward, then backward.
push ecx edx esi edi
cmp dword[esp + 16 + 8], 0
jnz @F
; No free blocks.
xor eax, eax
not eax
pop edi esi edx ecx
ret 20
; Calculate which block group the preferred inode belongs to.
dec eax
xor edx, edx
; EAX = block group.
div [ebp + EXTFS.superblock + EXT2_SB_STRUC.inodes_per_group]
push eax
push eax
mov edi, .forward
call dword[esp + 16 + 8 + 4]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov esi, eax
mov eax, ebx
mov edx, eax
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
call ext2_block_read
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
mov ecx, [esp + 16 + 8 + 12]
call ext2_find_free_bit
cmp eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
jne @F
mov eax, edi
jmp eax
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, edx
mov ebx, [ebp + EXTFS.ext2_save_block]
call ext2_block_write
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
; ecx: the index of the matched entry.
; [esp]: block group where we found.
; [esp + 4]: starting block group.
; esi: block group descriptor.
mov eax, [esp] ; Index of block group in which we found.
mul dword[esp + 16 + 8 + 12]
add eax, ecx
mov ebx, eax
mov eax, [esp + 16 + 8 + 8]
dec dword[eax]
mov eax, esi
add eax, [esp + 16 + 8 + 16]
dec word[eax]
pop eax
call ext2_bg_write_desc
add esp, 4
jmp .return
; Continue forward.
inc dword[esp]
mov eax, [esp]
mul dword[esp + 16 + 8 + 12]
cmp eax, [esp + 16 + 8 + 20]
jbe @F
; We need to go backward.
mov eax, [esp + 4]
mov [esp], eax
mov edi, .backward
jmp .backward
mov eax, [esp]
jmp .test_block_group
; Continue backward.
cmp dword[esp], 0
je .fail
dec dword[esp]
mov eax, [esp]
jmp .test_block_group
pop edi esi edx ecx
ret 20
add esp, 8
xor eax, eax
not eax
jmp .return
0,0 → 1,3705
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; FAT32.INC ;;
;; ;;
;; FAT functions for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Copyright 2002 Paolo Minazzi, ;;
;; ;;
;; See file COPYING for details ;;
;; 04.02.2007 LFN create folder - diamond ;;
;; 08.10.2006 LFN delete file/folder - diamond ;;
;; 20.08.2006 LFN set file size (truncate/extend) - diamond ;;
;; 17.08.2006 LFN write/append to file - diamond ;;
;; 23.06.2006 LFN start application - diamond ;;
;; 15.06.2006 LFN get/set file/folder info - diamond ;;
;; 27.05.2006 LFN create/rewrite file - diamond ;;
;; 04.05.2006 LFN read folder - diamond ;;
;; 29.04.2006 Elimination of hangup after the ;;
;; expiration hd_wait_timeout - Mario79 ;;
;; 23.04.2006 LFN read file - diamond ;;
;; 28.01.2006 find all Fat16/32 partition in all input point ;;
;; to MBR, see file - Mario79 ;;
;; 15.01.2005 get file size/attr/date, file_append - ATV ;;
;; 04.12.2004 skip volume label, file delete bug fixed - ATV ;;
;; 29.11.2004 get_free_FAT changed, append dir bug fixed - ATV ;;
;; 23.11.2004 don't allow overwrite dir with file - ATV ;;
;; 18.11.2004 get_disk_info and more error codes - ATV ;;
;; 17.11.2004 set_FAT/get_FAT and disk cache rewritten - ATV ;;
;; 10.11.2004 removedir clear whole directory structure - ATV ;;
;; 08.11.2004 rename - ATV ;;
;; 30.10.2004 file_read return also dirsize in bytes - ATV ;;
;; 20.10.2004 Makedir/Removedir - ATV ;;
;; 14.10.2004 Partition chain/Fat16 - ATV (thanks drh3xx) ;;
;; 06.9.2004 Fix free space by Mario79 added - MH ;;
;; 24.5.2004 Write back buffer for File_write -VT ;;
;; 20.5.2004 File_read function to work with syscall 58 - VT ;;
;; 30.3.2004 Error parameters at function return - VT ;;
;; 01.5.2002 Bugfix in device write - VT ;;
;; 20.5.2002 Hd status check - VT ;;
;; 29.6.2002 Improved fat32 verification - VT ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4273 $
cache_max equ 1919 ; max. is 1919*512+0x610000=0x6ffe00
PUSHAD_EAX equ [esp+28]
PUSHAD_ECX equ [esp+24]
PUSHAD_EDX equ [esp+20]
PUSHAD_EBX equ [esp+16]
PUSHAD_EBP equ [esp+8]
PUSHAD_ESI equ [esp+4]
PUSHAD_EDI equ [esp+0]
; Internal data for every FAT partition.
fs_type db ?
fat16_root db 0 ; flag for fat16 rootdir
fat_change db 0 ; 1=fat has changed
db ? ; alignment
Lock MUTEX ? ; currently operations with one partition
; can not be executed in parallel since the
; legacy code is not ready; this mutex guards
; all operations
BYTES_PER_SECTOR dd 0x200 ; Note: if BPS <> 512 need lots of changes
ROOT_CLUSTER dd 2 ; first rootdir cluster
FAT_START dd 0 ; start of fat table
ROOT_START dd 0 ; start of rootdir (only fat16)
ROOT_SECTORS dd 0 ; count of rootdir sectors (only fat16)
DATA_START dd 0 ; start of data area (=first cluster 2)
LAST_CLUSTER dd 0 ; last availabe cluster
ADR_FSINFO dd 0 ; used only by fat32
fatBAD dd 0x0FFFFFF7
fatEND dd 0x0FFFFFF8
fatStartScan dd 2
cluster_tmp dd 0 ; used by analyze_directory
; and analyze_directory_to_write
longname_sec1 dd 0 ; used by analyze_directory to save 2 previous
longname_sec2 dd 0 ; directory sectors for delete long filename
fat_in_cache dd -1
; For FAT16/FAT32, this points to 512-byte buffer for the current sector of FAT.
; For FAT12, the entire FAT structure is read
; and unpacked from 12bit per cluster to word per cluster.
; Note: work with unpacked copy of FAT12 means
; additional memory and additional code for packing/unpacking.
; I'm not sure that the economy justifies the cost, but anyway,
; there is how work was done before my edits, and I'm just keeping the principle.
fat_cache_ptr dd ?
fat12_unpacked_ptr dd ?
buffer rb 512
fsinfo_buffer rb 512
align 4
partition_count dd 0 ; partitions found by set_FAT32_variables
hd_error dd 0 ; set by wait_for_sector_buffer
hd_setup dd 0
hd_wait_timeout dd 0
cache_search_start dd 0 ; used by find_empty_slot
align 4
Sector512: ; label for
times 512 db 0
align 4
dd fat_free
dd (fat_user_functions_end - fat_user_functions - 4) / 4
dd fat_Read
dd fat_ReadFolder
dd fat_Rewrite
dd fat_Write
dd fat_SetFileEnd
dd fat_GetFileInfo
dd fat_SetFileInfo
dd 0
dd fat_Delete
dd fat_CreateFolder
; these labels are located before the main function to make
; most of jumps to these be short
mov eax, ebp
call free
pop ebp
xor eax, eax
; bootsector must have been successfully read
cmp dword [esp+4], 0
jnz .return0
; bootsector signature must be correct
cmp word [ebx+0x1fe], 0xaa55
jnz .return0
; sectors per cluster must be nonzero
cmp byte [ebx+0xd], 0
jz .return0
; bytes per sector must be 0x200
cmp word [ebx+0xb], 0x200
jnz .return0
; number of fats must be nonzero
cmp byte [ebx+0x10], 0
jz .return0
; The only reason to be invalid partition now is FAT12. Since the test for
; FAT size requires knowledge of some calculated values, which are also used
; in the normal operation, let's hope for the best and allocate data now; if
; it will prove wrong, just deallocate it.
movi eax, sizeof.FAT
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .return0
mov ecx, dword [ebp+PARTITION.FirstSector]
mov dword [eax+FAT.FirstSector], ecx
mov ecx, dword [ebp+PARTITION.FirstSector+4]
mov dword [eax+FAT.FirstSector+4], ecx
mov ecx, dword [ebp+PARTITION.Length]
mov dword [eax+FAT.Length], ecx
mov ecx, dword [ebp+PARTITION.Length+4]
mov dword [eax+FAT.Length+4], ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+PARTITION.Disk]
mov [eax+FAT.Disk], ecx
mov [eax+FAT.FSUserFunctions], fat_user_functions
or [eax+FAT.fat_in_cache], -1
mov [eax+FAT.fat_change], 0
push ebp
mov ebp, eax
lea ecx, [ebp+FAT.Lock]
call mutex_init
movzx eax, word [ebx+0xe] ; sectors reserved
mov [ebp+FAT.FAT_START], eax
movzx eax, byte [ebx+0xd] ; sectors per cluster
movzx ecx, word [ebx+0xb] ; bytes per sector
mov [ebp+FAT.BYTES_PER_SECTOR], ecx
movzx eax, word [ebx+0x11] ; count of rootdir entries (=0 fat32)
shl eax, 5 ; mul 32
dec ecx
add eax, ecx ; round up if not equal count
inc ecx ; bytes per sector
xor edx, edx
div ecx
mov [ebp+FAT.ROOT_SECTORS], eax ; count of rootdir sectors
movzx eax, word [ebx+0x16] ; sectors per fat <65536
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov eax, [ebx+0x24] ; sectors per fat
mov [ebp+FAT.SECTORS_PER_FAT], eax
movzx eax, byte [ebx+0x10] ; number of fats
mov [ebp+FAT.NUMBER_OF_FATS], eax
test edx, edx
jnz .free_return0
add eax, [ebp+FAT.FAT_START]
jc .free_return0
mov [ebp+FAT.ROOT_START], eax ; rootdir = fat_start + fat_size * fat_count
add eax, [ebp+FAT.ROOT_SECTORS] ; rootdir sectors should be 0 on fat32
jc .free_return0
mov [ebp+FAT.DATA_START], eax ; data area = rootdir + rootdir_size
movzx eax, word [ebx+0x13] ; total sector count <65536
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov eax, [ebx+0x20] ; total sector count
; total sector count must not exceed partition size
cmp dword [ebp+FAT.Length+4], 0
jnz @f
cmp eax, dword [ebp+FAT.Length]
ja .free_return0
mov dword [ebp+FAT.Length], eax
and dword [ebp+FAT.Length+4], 0
sub eax, [ebp+FAT.DATA_START] ; eax = count of data sectors
jc .free_return0
xor edx, edx
inc eax
mov [ebp+FAT.LAST_CLUSTER], eax
dec eax ; cluster count
jz .free_return0
mov [ebp+FAT.fatStartScan], 2
; limits by Microsoft Hardware White Paper v1.03
cmp eax, 4085 ; 0xff5
jb .fat12
cmp eax, 65525 ; 0xfff5
jb .fat16
mov eax, [ebx+0x2c] ; rootdir cluster
mov [ebp+FAT.ROOT_CLUSTER], eax
movzx eax, word [ebx+0x30]
mov [ebp+FAT.ADR_FSINFO], eax
push ebx
add ebx, 512
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov eax, [ebx+0x1ec]
cmp eax, -1
jz @f
mov [ebp+FAT.fatStartScan], eax
pop ebx
mov [ebp+FAT.fatRESERVED], 0x0FFFFFF6
mov [ebp+FAT.fatBAD], 0x0FFFFFF7
mov [ebp+FAT.fatEND], 0x0FFFFFF8
mov [ebp+FAT.fatMASK], 0x0FFFFFFF
mov al, 32
mov [ebp+FAT.fs_type], al
; For FAT16 and FAT32, allocate 512 bytes for FAT cache.
mov eax, 512
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .free_return0
mov [ebp+FAT.fat_cache_ptr], eax
mov eax, ebp
pop ebp
and [ebp+FAT.ROOT_CLUSTER], 0
mov [ebp+FAT.fatRESERVED], 0x0000FFF6
mov [ebp+FAT.fatBAD], 0x0000FFF7
mov [ebp+FAT.fatEND], 0x0000FFF8
mov [ebp+FAT.fatMASK], 0x0000FFFF
mov al, 16
jmp .fat_not_12_finalize
and [ebp+FAT.ROOT_CLUSTER], 0
mov [ebp+FAT.fatRESERVED], 0xFF6
mov [ebp+FAT.fatBAD], 0xFF7
mov [ebp+FAT.fatEND], 0xFFF
mov [ebp+FAT.fatMASK], 0xFFF
mov al, 12
mov [ebp+FAT.fs_type], al
; For FAT12, allocate&read data for entire table:
; calculate A = ALIGN_UP(NUM_CLUSTERS, 8),
; calculatefatchain/restorefatchain will process A items,
; allocate ALIGN_UP(A*3/2, 512) bytes for FAT table plus A*2 bytes for unpacked data.
mov eax, [ebp+FAT.LAST_CLUSTER]
and eax, not 7
add eax, 8
mov edx, eax
lea eax, [eax*3]
add eax, 512*2-1
shr eax, 10
shl eax, 9
lea eax, [eax+edx*2]
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .free_return0
; Read ALIGN_UP(NUM_CLUSTERS*3/2, 512) bytes.
; Note that this can be less than allocated, this is ok,
; overallocation simplifies calculatefatchain/restorefatchain.
push ebx
mov [ebp+FAT.fat_cache_ptr], eax
mov edx, [ebp+FAT.LAST_CLUSTER]
lea edx, [(edx+1)*3 + 512*2-1]
shr edx, 10
xchg eax, ebx
xor eax, eax
push eax
add eax, [ebp+FAT.FAT_START]
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
pop eax
jz @f
dbgstr 'Failed to read FAT table'
mov eax, [ebp+FAT.fat_cache_ptr]
call free
pop ebx
jmp .free_return0
add ebx, 512
inc eax
cmp eax, edx
jb .read_fat
mov [ebp+FAT.fat12_unpacked_ptr], ebx
call calculatefatchain
pop ebx
mov eax, ebp
pop ebp
push eax
mov eax, [eax+FAT.fat_cache_ptr]
call free
pop eax
jmp free
mov esi, [ebp+FAT.fat_cache_ptr]
mov edi, [ebp+FAT.fat12_unpacked_ptr]
mov edx, [ebp+FAT.LAST_CLUSTER]
and edx, not 7
lea edx, [edi+(edx+8)*2]
push edx
mov eax, dword [esi]
mov ebx, dword [esi+4]
mov ecx, dword [esi+8]
mov edx, ecx
shr edx, 4;8 ok
shr dx, 4;7 ok
xor ch, ch
shld ecx, ebx, 20;6 ok
shr cx, 4;5 ok
shld ebx, eax, 12
and ebx, 0x0fffffff;4 ok
shr bx, 4;3 ok
shl eax, 4
and eax, 0x0fffffff;2 ok
shr ax, 4;1 ok
mov dword [edi], eax
mov dword [edi+4], ebx
mov dword [edi+8], ecx
mov dword [edi+12], edx
add edi, 16
add esi, 12
cmp edi, [esp]
jnz fcnew
pop eax
restorefatchain: ; restore fat chain
mov esi, [ebp+FAT.fat12_unpacked_ptr]
mov edi, [ebp+FAT.fat_cache_ptr]
mov edx, [ebp+FAT.LAST_CLUSTER]
and edx, not 7
lea edx, [esi+(edx+8)*2]
mov eax, dword [esi]
mov ebx, dword [esi+4]
shl ax, 4
shl eax, 4
shl bx, 4
shr ebx, 4
shrd eax, ebx, 8
shr ebx, 8
mov dword [edi], eax
mov word [edi+4], bx
add edi, 6
add esi, 8
cmp esi, edx
jb fcnew2
mov esi, [ebp+FAT.NUMBER_OF_FATS]
mov edx, [ebp+FAT.LAST_CLUSTER]
lea edx, [(edx+1)*3 + 512*2-1]
shr edx, 10
push [ebp+FAT.FAT_START]
xor eax, eax
mov ebx, [ebp+FAT.fat_cache_ptr]
push eax
add eax, [esp+4]
call fs_write32_sys
test eax, eax
pop eax
jnz .fail
add ebx, 512
inc eax
cmp eax, edx
jb .loop1
pop eax
add eax, [ebp+FAT.SECTORS_PER_FAT]
push eax
dec esi
jnz .write_fats
pop eax
dbgstr 'Failed to save FAT'
label fat_legal_chars byte
; 0 = not allowed
; 1 = allowed only in long names
; 3 = allowed
times 32 db 0
; ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
db 1,3,0,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,1,1,3,3,0
; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
db 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,1,0,1,0,0
; @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
db 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
; P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
db 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,0,1,3,3
; ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
db 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
; p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
db 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,3,3,0
; in: esi->(long) name
; out: CF set <=> legal
; destroys eax
push esi
xor eax, eax
test al, al
jz .done
cmp al, 80h
jae .big
test [fat_legal_chars+eax], 1
jnz @b
pop esi
; 0x80-0xAF, 0xE0-0xEF
cmp al, 0xB0
jb @b
cmp al, 0xE0
jb .err
cmp al, 0xF0
jb @b
jmp .err
sub esi, [esp]
cmp esi, 257
pop esi
; in: edi->8+3 name
; out: name corrected
; CF=1 <=> error
mov ecx, 8
mov al, '~'
push edi
add edi, 7
repnz scasb
pop edi
jz .tilde
; tilde is not found, insert "~1" at end
add edi, 6
cmp word [edi], ' '
jnz .insert_tilde
dec edi
cmp byte [edi], ' '
jz @b
inc edi
mov word [edi], '~1'
push edi
add edi, 7
xor ecx, ecx
; after tilde may be only digits and trailing spaces
cmp byte [edi], '~'
jz .break
cmp byte [edi], ' '
jz .space
cmp byte [edi], '9'
jnz .found
dec edi
jmp @b
dec edi
inc ecx
jmp @b
inc byte [edi]
add dword [esp], 8
jmp .zerorest
jecxz .noplace
inc edi
mov al, '1'
xchg al, [edi]
inc edi
cmp al, ' '
mov al, '0'
jnz @b
pop edi
dec edi
cmp edi, [esp]
jz .err
add dword [esp], 8
mov word [edi], '~1'
inc edi
inc edi
mov byte [edi], '0'
inc edi
cmp edi, [esp]
jb @b
pop edi
;clc ; automatically
pop edi
; in: esi->long name
; edi->buffer (8+3=11 chars)
; out: buffer filled
mov eax, ' '
push edi
pop edi
xor eax, eax
movi ebx, 8
lea ecx, [edi+8]
test al, al
jz .done
call char_toupper
cmp al, ' '
jz .space
cmp al, 80h
ja .big
test [fat_legal_chars+eax], 2
jnz .symbol
mov al, '_'
or bh, 1
cmp al, '.'
jz .dot
dec bl
jns .store
mov bl, 0
or bh, 1
jmp .loop
jmp .loop
cmp al, 0xB0
jb .normal_symbol
cmp al, 0xE0
jb .inv_symbol
cmp al, 0xF0
jb .normal_symbol
jmp .inv_symbol
test bh, 2
jz .firstdot
pop ebx
add ebx, edi
sub ebx, ecx
push ebx
cmp ebx, ecx
jb @f
pop ebx
push ecx
cmp edi, ecx
jbe .skip
dec edi
mov al, [edi]
dec ebx
mov [ebx], al
mov byte [edi], ' '
cmp edi, ecx
ja @b
mov bh, 3
jmp @f
cmp bl, 8
jz .space
push edi
or bh, 2
mov edi, ecx
mov bl, 3
jmp .loop
test bh, 2
jz @f
pop edi
lea edi, [ecx-8]
test bh, 1
jz @f
call fat_next_short_name
; returns free space in edi
; Mihasik
push eax ebx ecx
mov edi, [ebp+FAT.fat12_unpacked_ptr];start of FAT
xor ax, ax;Free cluster=0x0000 in FAT
xor ebx, ebx;counter
mov ecx, [ebp+FAT.LAST_CLUSTER]
inc ecx
repne scasw
jnz rdfs2 ;if last cluster not 0
inc ebx
test ecx, ecx
jnz rdfs1
shl ebx, 9;free clusters*512
mov edi, ebx
pop ecx ebx eax
; input : EAX = cluster
; EDX = value to save
; EBP = pointer to FAT structure
; output : EDX = old value
; out: CF set <=> error
push eax ebx esi
cmp eax, 2
jb sfc_error
cmp eax, [ebp+FAT.LAST_CLUSTER]
ja sfc_error
cmp [ebp+FAT.fs_type], 12
je set_FAT12
cmp [ebp+FAT.fs_type], 16
je sfc_1
add eax, eax
add eax, eax
mov esi, 511
and esi, eax ; esi = position in fat sector
shr eax, 9 ; eax = fat sector
add eax, [ebp+FAT.FAT_START]
mov ebx, [ebp+FAT.fat_cache_ptr]
cmp eax, [ebp+FAT.fat_in_cache]; is fat sector already in memory?
je sfc_in_cache ; yes
cmp [ebp+FAT.fat_change], 0; is fat changed?
je sfc_no_change ; no
call write_fat_sector; yes. write it into disk
jc sfc_error
mov [ebp+FAT.fat_in_cache], eax; save fat sector
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
jne sfc_error
cmp [ebp+FAT.fs_type], 16
jne sfc_test32
xchg [ebx+esi], dx ; save new value and get old value
jmp sfc_write
mov eax, [ebp+FAT.fatMASK]
and edx, eax
xor eax, -1 ; mask for high bits
and eax, [ebx+esi] ; get high 4 bits
or eax, edx
mov edx, [ebx+esi] ; get old value
mov [ebx+esi], eax ; save new value
mov [ebp+FAT.fat_change], 1; fat has changed
and edx, [ebp+FAT.fatMASK]
pop esi ebx eax
jmp sfc_return
test edx, 0xF000
jnz sfc_error
mov ebx, [ebp+FAT.fat12_unpacked_ptr]
xchg [ebx+eax*2], dx
mov [ebp+FAT.fat_change], 1
pop esi ebx eax
; input : EAX = cluster
; EBP = pointer to FAT structure
; output : EAX = next cluster
; out: CF set <=> error
push ebx esi
cmp [ebp+FAT.fs_type], 12
je get_FAT12
cmp [ebp+FAT.fs_type], 16
je gfc_1
add eax, eax
add eax, eax
mov esi, 511
and esi, eax ; esi = position in fat sector
shr eax, 9 ; eax = fat sector
add eax, [ebp+FAT.FAT_START]
mov ebx, [ebp+FAT.fat_cache_ptr]
cmp eax, [ebp+FAT.fat_in_cache]; is fat sector already in memory?
je gfc_in_cache
cmp [ebp+FAT.fat_change], 0; is fat changed?
je gfc_no_change ; no
call write_fat_sector; yes. write it into disk
jc hd_error_01
mov [ebp+FAT.fat_in_cache], eax
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
jne hd_error_01
mov eax, [ebx+esi]
and eax, [ebp+FAT.fatMASK]
pop esi ebx
jmp gfc_return
mov ebx, [ebp+FAT.fat12_unpacked_ptr]
movzx eax, word [ebx+eax*2]
pop esi ebx
; output : if CARRY=0 EAX = # first cluster found free
; if CARRY=1 disk full
; Note : for more speed need to use fat_cache directly
push ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+FAT.LAST_CLUSTER]; counter for full disk
mov eax, [ebp+FAT.fatStartScan]
cmp [ebp+FAT.fs_type], 12
jz get_free_FAT12
dec ecx
cmp eax, 2
jb gff_reset
cmp eax, [ebp+FAT.LAST_CLUSTER]; if above last cluster start at cluster 2
jbe gff_in_range
mov eax, 2
push eax
call get_FAT ; get cluster state
jc gff_not_found_1
test eax, eax ; is it free?
pop eax
je gff_found ; yes
inc eax ; next cluster
dec ecx ; is all checked?
jnz gff_test ; no
pop ecx ; yes. disk is full
pop eax
jmp gff_not_found
lea ecx, [eax+1]
mov [ebp+FAT.fatStartScan], ecx
pop ecx
push edx edi
mov edi, [ebp+FAT.fat12_unpacked_ptr]
cmp eax, 2
jb .reset
cmp eax, ecx
jbe @f
mov eax, 2
mov edx, eax
lea edi, [edi+eax*2]
sub ecx, eax
inc ecx
xor eax, eax
repnz scasw
jz .found
cmp edx, 2
jz .notfound
mov edi, [ebp+FAT.fat12_unpacked_ptr]
lea ecx, [edx-2]
repnz scasw
jnz .notfound
sub edi, [ebp+FAT.fat12_unpacked_ptr]
shr edi, 1
mov [ebp+FAT.fatStartScan], edi
lea eax, [edi-1]
pop edi edx ecx
pop edi edx ecx
; write changed fat to disk
push eax ebx ecx
mov [ebp+FAT.fat_change], 0
mov eax, [ebp+FAT.fat_in_cache]
cmp eax, -1
jz write_fat_not_used
mov ebx, [ebp+FAT.fat_cache_ptr]
mov ecx, [ebp+FAT.NUMBER_OF_FATS]
push eax
call fs_write32_sys
test eax, eax
pop eax
jnz write_fat_not_used
add eax, [ebp+FAT.SECTORS_PER_FAT]
dec ecx
jnz write_next_fat
pop ecx ebx eax
; input : AL=BCD number (eg. 0x11)
; output : AH=0
; AL=decimal number (eg. 11)
xor ah, ah
shl ax, 4
shr al, 4
; Get date from CMOS and pack day,month,year in AX
; DATE bits 0..4 : day of month 0..31
; 5..8 : month of year 1..12
; 9..15 : count of years from 1980
mov al, 0x7 ;day
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
call bcd2bin
ror eax, 5
mov al, 0x8 ;month
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
call bcd2bin
ror eax, 4
mov al, 0x9 ;year
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
call bcd2bin
add ax, 20 ;because CMOS return only the two last
;digit (eg. 2000 -> 00 , 2001 -> 01) and we
rol eax, 9 ;need the difference with 1980 (eg. 2001-1980)
; Get time from CMOS and pack hour,minute,second in AX
; TIME bits 0..4 : second (the low bit is lost)
; 5..10 : minute 0..59
; 11..15 : hour 0..23
mov al, 0x0 ;second
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
call bcd2bin
ror eax, 6
mov al, 0x2 ;minute
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
call bcd2bin
ror eax, 6
mov al, 0x4 ;hour
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
call bcd2bin
rol eax, 11
; Set current time/date for file entry
; input : ebx = file entry pointer
push eax
call get_time_for_file; update files date/time
mov [ebx+22], ax
call get_date_for_file
mov [ebx+24], ax
pop eax
; input : ecx = cluster count
; Note : negative = remove clusters from free space
; positive = add clusters to free space
test ecx, ecx ; no change
je add_dfs_no
cmp [ebp+FAT.fs_type], 32 ; free disk space only used by fat32
jne add_dfs_no
push eax ebx
mov eax, [ebp+FAT.ADR_FSINFO]
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.fsinfo_buffer]
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
jnz add_not_fs
cmp dword [ebx+0x1fc], 0xaa550000; check sector id
jne add_not_fs
add [ebx+0x1e8], ecx
push [ebp+FAT.fatStartScan]
pop dword [ebx+0x1ec]
mov eax, [ebp+FAT.ADR_FSINFO]
call fs_write32_sys
; jc add_not_fs
pop ebx eax
; input : eax = first cluster
push eax ecx edx
xor ecx, ecx ; cluster count
cmp eax, [ebp+FAT.LAST_CLUSTER]; end of file
ja delete_OK
cmp eax, 2 ; unfinished fat chain or zero length file
jb delete_OK
cmp eax, [ebp+FAT.ROOT_CLUSTER]; don't remove root cluster
jz delete_OK
xor edx, edx
call set_FAT ; clear fat entry
jc access_denied_01
inc ecx ; update cluster count
mov eax, edx ; old cluster
jmp clean_new_chain
call add_disk_free_space; add clusters to free disk space
pop edx ecx eax
if 0
; output : eax = 0 - ok
; 3 - unknown FS
; 10 - access denied
; edx = cluster size in bytes
; ebx = total clusters on disk
; ecx = free clusters on disk
cmp [ebp+FAT.fs_type], 16
jz info_fat_ok
cmp [ebp+FAT.fs_type], 32
jz info_fat_ok
xor edx, edx
xor ebx, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
; call reserve_hd1
xor ecx, ecx ; count of free clusters
mov eax, 2
mov ebx, [ebp+FAT.LAST_CLUSTER]
push eax
call get_FAT ; get cluster info
jc info_access_denied
test eax, eax ; is it free?
jnz info_used ; no
inc ecx
pop eax
inc eax
cmp eax, ebx ; is above last cluster?
jbe info_cluster ; no. test next cluster
dec ebx ; cluster count
imul edx, [ebp+FAT.SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER], 512; cluster size in bytes
xor eax, eax
add esp, 4
xor edx, edx
xor ebx, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
end if
cmp [ebp+FAT.fat_change], 0 ; is fat changed?
je upd_no_change
cmp [ebp+FAT.fs_type], 12
jz .fat12
; write changed fat and cache to disk
call write_fat_sector
jc update_disk_acces_denied
jmp upd_no_change
call restorefatchain
mov [ebp+FAT.fat_change], 0
push esi
mov esi, [ebp+PARTITION.Disk]
call disk_sync
pop esi
lea ecx, [ebp+FAT.Lock]
jmp mutex_lock
lea ecx, [ebp+FAT.Lock]
jmp mutex_unlock
; \begin{diamond}
; convert UNICODE zero-terminated string to ASCII-string (codepage 866)
; in: esi->source, edi->buffer (may be esi=edi)
; destroys: eax,esi,edi
test ax, ax
jz .done
cmp ax, 0x80
jb .ascii
cmp ax, 0x401
jz .yo1
cmp ax, 0x451
jz .yo2
cmp ax, 0x410
jb .unk
cmp ax, 0x440
jb .rus1
cmp ax, 0x450
jb .rus2
mov al, '_'
jmp .doit
mov al, 0xF0 ; 'Ё'
jmp .doit
mov al, 0xF1 ; 'ё'
jmp .doit
; 0x410-0x43F -> 0x80-0xAF
add al, 0x70
jmp .doit
; 0x440-0x44F -> 0xE0-0xEF
add al, 0xA0
jmp uni2ansi_str
mov byte [edi], 0
; convert ANSI character in al to UNICODE character in ax, using cp866 encoding
mov ah, 0
; 0x00-0x7F - trivial map
cmp al, 0x80
jb .ret
; 0x80-0xAF -> 0x410-0x43F
cmp al, 0xB0
jae @f
add ax, 0x410-0x80
; 0xE0-0xEF -> 0x440-0x44F
cmp al, 0xE0
jb .unk
cmp al, 0xF0
jae @f
add ax, 0x440-0xE0
; 0xF0 -> 0x401
; 0xF1 -> 0x451
cmp al, 0xF0 ; 'Ё'
jz .yo1
cmp al, 0xF1 ; 'ё'
jz .yo2
mov al, '_' ; ah=0
mov ax, 0x401
mov ax, 0x451
; convert character to uppercase, using cp866 encoding
; in: al=symbol
; out: al=converted symbol
cmp al, 'a'
jb .ret
cmp al, 'z'
jbe .az
cmp al, 0xF1 ; 'ё'
jz .yo1
cmp al, 0xA0 ; 'а'
jb .ret
cmp al, 0xE0 ; 'р'
jb .rus1
cmp al, 0xEF ; 'я'
ja .ret
; 0xE0-0xEF -> 0x90-0x9F
sub al, 0xE0-0x90
; 0xA0-0xAF -> 0x80-0x8F
and al, not 0x20
; 0xF1 -> 0xF0
dec ax
; in: edi->FAT entry
; out: CF=1 - no valid entry
; else CF=0 and ebp->ASCIIZ-name
; (maximum length of filename is 255 (wide) symbols without trailing 0,
; but implementation requires buffer 261 words)
; destroys eax
cmp byte [edi], 0
jz .no
cmp byte [edi], 0xE5
jnz @f
cmp byte [edi+11], 0xF
jz .longname
test byte [edi+11], 8
jnz .no
push ecx
push edi ebp
test byte [ebp-4], 1
jnz .unicode_short
mov eax, [edi]
mov ecx, [edi+4]
mov [ebp], eax
mov [ebp+4], ecx
mov ecx, 8
cmp byte [ebp+ecx-1], ' '
loope @b
mov eax, [edi+8]
cmp al, ' '
je .done
shl eax, 8
mov al, '.'
lea ebp, [ebp+ecx+1]
mov [ebp], eax
mov ecx, 3
rol eax, 8
cmp al, ' '
jne .done
loop @b
dec ebp
and byte [ebp+ecx+1], 0 ; CF=0
pop ebp edi ecx
mov ecx, 8
push ecx
mov al, [edi]
inc edi
call ansi2uni_char
mov [ebp], ax
inc ebp
inc ebp
loop @b
pop ecx
cmp word [ebp-2], ' '
jnz @f
dec ebp
dec ebp
loop @b
mov word [ebp], '.'
inc ebp
inc ebp
mov ecx, 3
push ecx
mov al, [edi]
inc edi
call ansi2uni_char
mov [ebp], ax
inc ebp
inc ebp
loop @b
pop ecx
cmp word [ebp-2], ' '
jnz @f
dec ebp
dec ebp
loop @b
dec ebp
dec ebp
and word [ebp], 0 ; CF=0
pop ebp edi ecx
mov al, byte [edi]
and eax, 0x3F
dec eax
cmp al, 20
jae .no ; ignore invalid entries
mov word [ebp+260*2], 0 ; force null-terminating for orphans
imul eax, 13*2
add ebp, eax
test byte [edi], 0x40
jz @f
mov word [ebp+13*2], 0
push eax
; now copy name from edi to ebp ...
mov eax, [edi+1]
mov [ebp], eax ; symbols 1,2
mov eax, [edi+5]
mov [ebp+4], eax ; 3,4
mov eax, [edi+9]
mov [ebp+8], ax ; 5
mov eax, [edi+14]
mov [ebp+10], eax ; 6,7
mov eax, [edi+18]
mov [ebp+14], eax ; 8,9
mov eax, [edi+22]
mov [ebp+18], eax ; 10,11
mov eax, [edi+28]
mov [ebp+22], eax ; 12,13
; ... done
pop eax
sub ebp, eax
test eax, eax
jz @f
; if this is not first entry, more processing required
; if this is first entry:
test byte [ebp-4], 1
jnz .ret
; buffer at ebp contains UNICODE name, convert it to ANSI
push esi edi
mov esi, ebp
mov edi, ebp
call uni2ansi_str
pop edi esi
; compares ASCIIZ-names, case-insensitive (cp866 encoding)
; in: esi->name, ebp->name
; out: if names match: ZF=1 and esi->next component of name
; else: ZF=0, esi is not changed
; destroys eax
push ebp esi
mov al, [ebp]
inc ebp
call char_toupper
push eax
call char_toupper
cmp al, [esp]
jnz .done
pop eax
test al, al
jnz .loop
dec esi
pop eax
pop ebp
xor eax, eax ; set ZF flag
cmp al, '/'
jnz @f
cmp byte [esp], 0
jnz @f
mov [esp+4], esi
pop eax
pop esi ebp
; in: esi->name
; [esp+4] = next
; [esp+8] = first
; [esp+C]... - possibly parameters for first and next
; out: CF=1 - file not found, eax=error code
; else CF=0, esi->next name component, edi->direntry
lea eax, [esp+0Ch+20h]
call dword [eax-4]
jc .reterr
sub esp, 262*2 ; reserve place for LFN
push 0 ; for fat_get_name: read ASCII name
lea ebp, [esp+4]
call fat_get_name
jc .l2
call fat_compare_name
jz .found
mov ebp, [esp+8+262*2+4]
lea eax, [esp+0Ch+20h+262*2+4]
call dword [eax-8]
jnc .l1
add esp, 262*2+4
mov [esp+28], eax
add esp, 262*2+4
mov ebp, [esp+8]
; if this is LFN entry, advance to true entry
cmp byte [edi+11], 0xF
jnz @f
lea eax, [esp+0Ch+20h]
call dword [eax-8]
jc .reterr
add esp, 8 ; CF=0
push esi
push edi
; in: eax=FAT time
; out: eax=BDFE time
push ecx edx
mov ecx, eax
mov edx, eax
shr eax, 11
shl eax, 16 ; hours
and edx, 0x1F
add edx, edx
mov al, dl ; seconds
shr ecx, 5
and ecx, 0x3F
mov ah, cl ; minutes
pop edx ecx
push ecx edx
mov ecx, eax
mov edx, eax
shr eax, 9
add ax, 1980
shl eax, 16 ; year
and edx, 0x1F
mov al, dl ; day
shr ecx, 5
and ecx, 0xF
mov ah, cl ; month
pop edx ecx
push edx
mov edx, eax
shr eax, 16
and dh, 0x3F
shl eax, 6
or al, dh
shr dl, 1
and dl, 0x1F
shl eax, 5
or al, dl
pop edx
push edx
mov edx, eax
shr eax, 16
sub ax, 1980
and dh, 0xF
shl eax, 4
or al, dh
and dl, 0x1F
shl eax, 5
or al, dl
pop edx
; convert FAT entry at edi to BDFE (block of data of folder entry) at esi, advance esi
; destroys eax
mov eax, [ebp-4]
mov [esi+4], eax ; ASCII/UNICODE name
movzx eax, byte [edi+11]
mov [esi], eax ; attributes
movzx eax, word [edi+14]
call fat_time_to_bdfe
mov [esi+8], eax ; creation time
movzx eax, word [edi+16]
call fat_date_to_bdfe
mov [esi+12], eax ; creation date
and dword [esi+16], 0 ; last access time is not supported on FAT
movzx eax, word [edi+18]
call fat_date_to_bdfe
mov [esi+20], eax ; last access date
movzx eax, word [edi+22]
call fat_time_to_bdfe
mov [esi+24], eax ; last write time
movzx eax, word [edi+24]
call fat_date_to_bdfe
mov [esi+28], eax ; last write date
mov eax, [edi+28]
mov [esi+32], eax ; file size (low dword)
xor eax, eax
mov [esi+36], eax ; file size (high dword)
test ebp, ebp
jz .ret
push ecx edi
lea edi, [esi+40]
mov esi, ebp
test byte [esi-4], 1
jz .ansi
mov ecx, 260/2
rep movsd
mov [edi-2], ax
mov esi, edi
pop edi ecx
mov ecx, 264/4
rep movsd
mov [edi-1], al
jmp @b
; convert BDFE at edx to FAT entry at edi
; destroys eax
; attributes byte
test byte [edi+11], 8 ; volume label?
jnz @f
mov al, [edx]
and al, 0x27
and byte [edi+11], 0x10
or byte [edi+11], al
mov eax, [edx+8]
call bdfe_to_fat_time
mov [edi+14], ax ; creation time
mov eax, [edx+12]
call bdfe_to_fat_date
mov [edi+16], ax ; creation date
mov eax, [edx+20]
call bdfe_to_fat_date
mov [edi+18], ax ; last access date
mov eax, [edx+24]
call bdfe_to_fat_time
mov [edi+22], ax ; last write time
mov eax, [edx+28]
call bdfe_to_fat_date
mov [edi+24], ax ; last write date
; in: ebp -> FAT structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] -> name
; out: CF=1 - file not found, eax=error code
; else CF=0 and edi->direntry, eax=sector
; destroys eax
push esi edi
push 0
push 0
push fat1x_root_first
push fat1x_root_next
mov eax, [ebp+FAT.ROOT_CLUSTER]
cmp [ebp+FAT.fs_type], 32
jz .fat32
and [ebp+FAT.longname_sec1], 0
and [ebp+FAT.longname_sec2], 0
call fat_find_lfn
jc .notfound
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .found
test byte [edi+11], 10h
jz .notfound
and dword [esp+12], 0
mov eax, [edi+20-2]
mov ax, [edi+26] ; cluster
mov [esp+8], eax
mov dword [esp+4], fat_notroot_first
mov dword [esp], fat_notroot_next
jmp .loop
add esp, 16
pop edi esi
ret 4
lea eax, [esp+4+24]
cmp dword [eax], 0
jz @f
mov esi, [eax]
and dword [eax], 0
jmp .continue
lea eax, [esp+8]
cmp dword [eax], 0
jz .root
call fat_get_sector
jmp .cmn
mov eax, [eax+4]
add eax, [ebp+FAT.ROOT_START]
add esp, 20 ; CF=0
pop esi
ret 4
; fat_Read - FAT implementation of reading a file
; in: ebp = pointer to FAT structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
call fat_lock
push edi
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz @f
pop edi
call fat_unlock
or ebx, -1
stdcall hd_find_lfn, [esp+4+4]
jnc .found
pop edi
push eax
call fat_unlock
pop eax
or ebx, -1
test byte [edi+11], 0x10; do not allow read directories
jnz .noaccess
cmp dword [ebx+8], 0
jz @f
xor ebx, ebx
call fat_unlock
pop edi
mov ecx, [ebx+12] ; size
mov edx, [ebx+16] ; pointer
mov ebx, [ebx+4] ; file offset
push edx
push 0
mov eax, [edi+28]
sub eax, ebx
jb .eof
cmp eax, ecx
jae @f
mov ecx, eax
mov byte [esp], 6
mov eax, [edi+20-2]
mov ax, [edi+26]
; now eax=cluster, ebx=position, ecx=count, edx=buffer for data
jecxz .new_sector
cmp eax, 2
jb .eof
cmp eax, [ebp+FAT.fatRESERVED]
jae .eof
mov [ebp+FAT.cluster_tmp], eax
dec eax
dec eax
imul eax, edi
add eax, [ebp+FAT.DATA_START]
test ecx, ecx
jz .done
sub ebx, 512
jae .skip
add ebx, 512
jnz .force_buf
cmp ecx, 512
jb .force_buf
; we may read directly to given buffer
push eax ebx
mov ebx, edx
call fs_read32_app
test eax, eax
pop ebx eax
jne .noaccess_1
add edx, 512
sub ecx, 512
jmp .skip
; we must read sector to temporary buffer and then copy it to destination
push eax ebx
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_read32_app
test eax, eax
mov eax, ebx
pop ebx
jne .noaccess_3
add eax, ebx
push ecx
add ecx, ebx
cmp ecx, 512
jbe @f
mov ecx, 512
sub ecx, ebx
mov ebx, edx
call memmove
add edx, ecx
sub [esp], ecx
pop ecx
pop eax
xor ebx, ebx
inc eax
dec edi
jnz .new_sector
mov eax, [ebp+FAT.cluster_tmp]
call get_FAT
jc .noaccess_1
jmp .new_cluster
pop eax
pop eax
mov ebx, edx
call fat_unlock
pop eax edx edi
sub ebx, edx
mov ebx, edx
pop eax edx
sub ebx, edx
jmp .reteof
; fat_ReadFolder - FAT implementation of reading a folder
; in: ebp = pointer to FAT structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
call fat_lock
mov eax, [ebp+FAT.ROOT_CLUSTER]
push edi
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .doit
stdcall hd_find_lfn, [esp+4+4]
jnc .found
pop edi
push eax
call fat_unlock
pop eax
or ebx, -1
test byte [edi+11], 0x10 ; do not allow read files
jnz .found_dir
pop edi
call fat_unlock
or ebx, -1
mov eax, [edi+20-2]
mov ax, [edi+26] ; eax=cluster
push esi
sub esp, 262*2 ; reserve space for LFN
push dword [ebx+8] ; for fat_get_name: read ANSI/UNICODE name
mov edx, [ebx+16] ; pointer to buffer
; init header
push eax
mov edi, edx
mov ecx, 32/4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop eax
mov byte [edx], 1 ; version
mov esi, edi ; esi points to BDFE
mov ecx, [ebx+12] ; number of blocks to read
mov ebx, [ebx+4] ; index of the first block
mov [ebp+FAT.cluster_tmp], eax
test eax, eax
jnz @f
cmp [ebp+FAT.fs_type], 32
jz .notfound
mov eax, [ebp+FAT.ROOT_START]
push ebx
jmp .new_sector
dec eax
dec eax
add eax, [ebp+FAT.DATA_START]
push ebx
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
mov edi, ebx
push eax
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
pop eax
jnz .notfound2
add ebx, 512
push eax
push ebp
lea ebp, [esp+20]
call fat_get_name
pop ebp
jc .l2
cmp byte [edi+11], 0xF
jnz .do_bdfe
add edi, 0x20
cmp edi, ebx
jb .do_bdfe
pop eax
inc eax
dec dword [esp+4]
jnz @f
mov eax, [ebp+FAT.cluster_tmp]
test eax, eax
jz .done
call get_FAT
jc .notfound2
cmp eax, 2
jb .done
cmp eax, [ebp+FAT.fatRESERVED]
jae .done
push eax
mov [esp+8], eax
pop eax
mov [ebp+FAT.cluster_tmp], eax
dec eax
dec eax
add eax, [ebp+FAT.DATA_START]
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
mov edi, ebx
push eax
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
pop eax
jnz .notfound2
add ebx, 512
push eax
inc dword [edx+8] ; new file found
dec dword [esp+4]
jns .l2
dec ecx
js .l2
inc dword [edx+4] ; new file block copied
push ebp
lea ebp, [esp+20]
call fat_entry_to_bdfe
pop ebp
add edi, 0x20
cmp edi, ebx
jb .l1
pop eax
inc eax
dec dword [esp+4]
jnz .new_sector
mov eax, [ebp+FAT.cluster_tmp]
test eax, eax
jz .done
call get_FAT
jc .notfound2
cmp eax, 2
jb .done
cmp eax, [ebp+FAT.fatRESERVED]
jae .done
push eax
mov [esp+8], eax
pop eax
pop ebx
add esp, 4
jmp .new_cluster
add esp, 8
add esp, 262*2+4
pop esi edi
mov ebx, [edx+4]
call fat_unlock
add esp, 262*2+4+8
mov ebx, [edx+4]
xor eax, eax
dec ecx
js @f
push eax
call fat_unlock
pop eax
pop esi edi
push ecx
lea ecx, [ebp+FAT.buffer+0x200-0x20]
cmp edi, ecx
jae fat1x_root_next_sector
pop ecx
add edi, 0x20
ret ; CF=0
; read next sector
push [ebp+FAT.longname_sec2]
pop [ebp+FAT.longname_sec1]
mov ecx, [eax+4]
push ecx
add ecx, [ebp+FAT.ROOT_START]
mov [ebp+FAT.longname_sec2], ecx
pop ecx
inc ecx
mov [eax+4], ecx
cmp ecx, [ebp+FAT.ROOT_SECTORS]
pop ecx
jb fat1x_root_first
mov eax, [eax+4]
add eax, [ebp+FAT.ROOT_START]
push ebx
lea edi, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
mov ebx, edi
call fs_read32_sys
pop ebx
test eax, eax
jnz .readerr
ret ; CF=0
push edi eax
call fat1x_root_first
pop eax edi
mov eax, [eax+4]
add eax, [ebp+FAT.ROOT_START]
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_write32_sys
push ecx
lea ecx, [ebp+FAT.buffer+0x200]
cmp edi, ecx
jae @f
pop ecx
call fat1x_root_end_write
jmp fat1x_root_next_sector
push ecx
lea ecx, [ebp+FAT.buffer+0x200-0x20]
cmp edi, ecx
jae fat_notroot_next_sector
pop ecx
add edi, 0x20
ret ; CF=0
push [ebp+FAT.longname_sec2]
pop [ebp+FAT.longname_sec1]
push eax
call fat_get_sector
mov [ebp+FAT.longname_sec2], eax
pop eax
mov ecx, [eax+4]
inc ecx
jae fat_notroot_next_cluster
mov [eax+4], ecx
jmp @f
push eax
mov eax, [eax]
call get_FAT
mov ecx, eax
pop eax
jc fat_notroot_first.deverr
cmp ecx, 2
jb fat_notroot_next_err
cmp ecx, [ebp+FAT.fatRESERVED]
jae fat_notroot_next_err
mov [eax], ecx
and dword [eax+4], 0
pop ecx
call fat_get_sector
push ebx
lea edi, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
mov ebx, edi
call fs_read32_sys
pop ebx
test eax, eax
jz .ret ; CF=0
push ecx
pop ecx
pop ecx
push eax edi
call fat_notroot_first
pop edi eax
call fat_get_sector
push ebx
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_write32_sys
pop ebx
push ecx
lea ecx, [ebp+FAT.buffer+0x200]
cmp edi, ecx
jae @f
pop ecx
push eax
call fat_notroot_end_write
pop eax
jmp fat_notroot_next_sector
push eax
call get_free_FAT
jnc .found
pop eax
ret ; CF=1
push edx
mov edx, [ebp+FAT.fatEND]
call set_FAT
jc .writeerr
mov edx, eax
mov eax, [esp+4]
mov eax, [eax]
push edx
call set_FAT
pop edx
jnc @f
pop edx
pop eax
push ecx
or ecx, -1
call add_disk_free_space
; zero new cluster
mov ecx, 512/4
lea edi, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
push edi
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop edi
pop ecx
mov eax, [esp+4]
mov [eax], edx
and dword [eax+4], 0
pop edx
mov eax, [eax]
dec eax
dec eax
push ebx ecx
imul eax, ecx
add eax, [ebp+FAT.DATA_START]
mov ebx, edi
push eax
call fs_write32_sys
pop eax
inc eax
loop @b
pop ecx ebx eax
push ecx
mov ecx, [eax]
dec ecx
dec ecx
add ecx, [ebp+FAT.DATA_START]
add ecx, [eax+4]
mov eax, ecx
pop ecx
call fat_unlock
xor ebx, ebx
; fat_CreateFolder - FAT implementation of creating a folder
; in: ebp = pointer to FAT structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
push 1
jmp fat_Rewrite.common
; fat_Rewrite - FAT implementation of creating a new file
; in: ebp = pointer to FAT structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
push 0
call fat_lock
pop eax
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz fshrad
mov ecx, [ebx+12]
mov edx, [ebx+16]
xor edi, edi
mov edx, [esp+4+20h]
push esi
test edx, edx
jz @f
mov esi, edx
test al, al
jz @f
cmp al, '/'
jnz @b
lea edi, [esi-1]
jmp @b
pop esi
test edi, edi
jnz .noroot
test edx, edx
jnz .hasebp
mov edx, [ebp+FAT.ROOT_CLUSTER]
cmp [ebp+FAT.fs_type], 32
jz .pushnotroot
xor edx, edx
push edx
push fat1x_root_extend_dir
push fat1x_root_end_write
push fat1x_root_next_write
push fat1x_root_begin_write
push edx
push edx
push fat1x_root_first
push fat1x_root_next
jmp .common1
cmp byte [edx], 0
jz .ret1
stdcall hd_find_lfn, 0
mov esi, [esp+4+20h]
jc .ret1
jmp .common0
cmp byte [edi+1], 0
jz .ret1
; check existence
mov byte [edi], 0
push edi
stdcall hd_find_lfn, [esp+4+24h]
pop esi
mov byte [esi], '/'
jnc @f
mov [esp+28], eax
call fat_unlock
xor ebx, ebx
inc esi
test byte [edi+11], 0x10 ; must be directory
jz .ret1
mov edx, [edi+20-2]
mov dx, [edi+26] ; ebp=cluster
cmp edx, 2
jb .ret1
push edx
push fat_notroot_extend_dir
push fat_notroot_end_write
push fat_notroot_next_write
push fat_notroot_begin_write
push 0
push edx
push fat_notroot_first
push fat_notroot_next
call fat_find_lfn
jc .notfound
; found
test byte [edi+11], 10h
jz .exists_file
; found directory; if we are creating directory, return OK,
; if we are creating file, say "access denied"
add esp, 36
call fat_unlock
test al, al
jz @f
mov al, 0
xor ebx, ebx
; found file; if we are creating directory, return "access denied",
; if we are creating file, delete existing file and continue
cmp byte [esp+36+28], 0
jz @f
add esp, 36
call fat_unlock
xor ebx, ebx
; delete FAT chain
push edi
xor eax, eax
mov dword [edi+28], eax ; zero size
xor ecx, ecx
mov eax, [edi+20-2]
mov ax, [edi+26]
mov word [edi+20], cx
mov word [edi+26], cx
test eax, eax
jz .done1
cmp eax, [ebp+FAT.fatRESERVED]
jae .done1
push edx
xor edx, edx
call set_FAT
mov eax, edx
pop edx
jc .done1
inc ecx
jmp @b
pop edi
call get_time_for_file
mov [edi+22], ax
call get_date_for_file
mov [edi+24], ax
mov [edi+18], ax
or byte [edi+11], 20h ; set 'archive' attribute
jmp .doit
; file is not found; generate short name
call fat_name_is_legal
jc @f
add esp, 36
call fat_unlock
xor ebx, ebx
sub esp, 12
mov edi, esp
call fat_gen_short_name
push esi edi ecx
mov esi, edi
lea eax, [esp+12+12+8]
mov edx, [eax+24]
mov [eax], edx
and dword [eax+4], 0
call dword [eax-4]
jc .found
cmp byte [edi+11], 0xF
jz .test_short_name_cont
mov ecx, 11
push esi edi
repz cmpsb
pop edi esi
jz .short_name_found
lea eax, [esp+12+12+8]
call dword [eax-8]
jnc .test_short_name_entry
jmp .found
pop ecx edi esi
call fat_next_short_name
jnc .test_short_name_loop
add esp, 12+36
call fat_unlock
xor ebx, ebx
pop ecx edi esi
; now find space in directory
; we need to save LFN <=> LFN is not equal to short name <=> generated name contains '~'
mov al, '~'
push ecx edi
mov ecx, 8
repnz scasb
movi eax, 1 ; 1 entry
jnz .notilde
; we need ceil(strlen(esi)/13) additional entries = floor((strlen(esi)+12+13)/13) total
xor eax, eax
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz @f
inc esi
inc eax
jmp @b
sub esi, eax
add eax, 12+13
mov ecx, 13
push edx
div ecx
pop edx
push -1
push -1
push -1
; find <eax> successive entries in directory
xor ecx, ecx
push eax
lea eax, [esp+16+8+12+8]
mov edx, [eax+24]
mov [eax], edx
and dword [eax+4], 0
call dword [eax-4]
pop eax
jnc .scan_dir
add esp, 12+8+12+36
call fat_unlock
xor ebx, ebx
cmp byte [edi], 0
jz .free
cmp byte [edi], 0xE5
jz .free
xor ecx, ecx
push eax
lea eax, [esp+16+8+12+8]
call dword [eax-8]
mov edx, eax
pop eax
jnc .scan_dir
jz .fsfrfe3
push eax
lea eax, [esp+16+8+12+8]
call dword [eax+20] ; extend directory
pop eax
jnc .scan_dir
add esp, 12+8+12+36
call fat_unlock
xor ebx, ebx
test ecx, ecx
jnz @f
mov [esp], edi
mov ecx, [esp+12+8+12+8]
mov [esp+4], ecx
mov ecx, [esp+12+8+12+12]
mov [esp+8], ecx
xor ecx, ecx
inc ecx
cmp ecx, eax
jb .scan_cont
; found!
push esi ecx
; If creating a directory, allocate one data cluster now and fail immediately
; if this is impossible. This prevents from creating an invalid directory entry
; on a full disk.
; yup, the argument is quite non-intuitive... but what should I do if
; the entire function uses such arguments? BTW, it refers to al from pushad,
; which in turn is filled with 0 in fat_Rewrite and 1 in fat_CreateFolder.
cmp byte [esp+8+12+8+12+36+28], 0
call get_free_FAT
jnc @f
add esp, 8+12+8
jmp .disk_full
mov [esp+8+12+8+12+36+20], eax ; store the cluster somewhere
; calculate name checksum
mov esi, [esp+8+12]
mov ecx, 11
xor eax, eax
ror al, 1
add al, [esi]
inc esi
loop @b
pop ecx esi
pop edi
pop dword [esp+8+12+12]
pop dword [esp+8+12+12]
; edi points to first entry in free chunk
dec ecx
jz .nolfn
push esi
push eax
lea eax, [esp+8+8+12+8]
call dword [eax+8] ; begin write
mov al, 40h
or al, cl
mov esi, [esp+4]
push ecx
dec ecx
imul ecx, 13
add esi, ecx
mov cl, 5
call fat_read_symbols
mov ax, 0xF
mov al, [esp+4]
mov cl, 6
call fat_read_symbols
xor eax, eax
mov cl, 2
call fat_read_symbols
pop ecx
lea eax, [esp+8+8+12+8]
call dword [eax+12] ; next write
xor eax, eax
loop .writelfn
pop eax
pop esi
; lea eax, [esp+8+12+8]
; call dword [eax+16] ; end write
xchg esi, [esp]
mov ecx, 11
rep movsb
mov word [edi], 20h ; attributes
sub edi, 11
pop esi ecx
add esp, 12
mov byte [edi+13], 0 ; tenths of a second at file creation time
call get_time_for_file
mov [edi+14], ax ; creation time
mov [edi+22], ax ; last write time
call get_date_for_file
mov [edi+16], ax ; creation date
mov [edi+24], ax ; last write date
mov [edi+18], ax ; last access date
xor ecx, ecx
mov word [edi+20], cx ; high word of cluster
mov word [edi+26], cx ; low word of cluster - to be filled
mov dword [edi+28], ecx ; file size - to be filled
cmp byte [esp+36+28], cl
jz .doit
; create directory
mov byte [edi+11], 10h ; attributes: folder
mov esi, edi
lea eax, [esp+8]
call dword [eax+16] ; flush directory
mov eax, [esp+36+20] ; extract saved cluster
mov [esp+36+20], edi ; this is needed for calculating arg of add_disk_free_space!
push ecx
shl ecx, 9
push ecx
push edi
jmp .doit2
mov esi, [esp+36+20]
lea eax, [esp+8]
call dword [eax+16] ; flush directory
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp+4+36+24]
push ecx
push edi
test ecx, ecx
jz .done
call get_free_FAT
jc .diskfull
push eax
mov [edi+26], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [edi+20], ax
lea eax, [esp+16+8]
call dword [eax+16] ; flush directory
pop eax
push edx
mov edx, [ebp+FAT.fatEND]
call set_FAT
pop edx
push eax
dec eax
dec eax
add eax, [ebp+FAT.DATA_START]
; write data
cmp byte [esp+20+36+28], 0
jnz .writedir
mov ecx, 512
cmp dword [esp+12], ecx
jb .writeshort
; we can write directly from given buffer
mov ebx, esi
add esi, ecx
jmp .writecommon
mov ecx, [esp+12]
push ecx
lea edi, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
mov ebx, edi
rep movsb
lea ecx, [ebp+FAT.buffer+0x200]
sub ecx, edi
push eax
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
pop eax
pop ecx
push eax
call fs_write32_app
test eax, eax
pop eax
jnz .writeerr
inc eax
sub dword [esp+12], ecx
jz .writedone
dec dword [esp]
jnz .write_sector
pop eax
; allocate new cluster
pop eax
mov ecx, eax
call get_free_FAT
jc .diskfull
push edx
mov edx, [ebp+FAT.fatEND]
call set_FAT
xchg eax, ecx
mov edx, ecx
call set_FAT
pop edx
xchg eax, ecx
jmp .write_cluster
jmp .ret
pop eax eax
sub esi, ecx
jmp .ret
pop eax eax
xor eax, eax
pop edi ecx
sub esi, [esp+4+36+20]
mov [esp+4+36+28], eax
mov [esp+4+36+16], esi
lea eax, [esp+12]
call dword [eax+8]
mov [edi+28], esi
call dword [eax+16]
mov [esp+36+16], ebx
lea eax, [esi+511]
shr eax, 9
lea eax, [eax+ecx-1]
xor edx, edx
div ecx
pop ecx
sub ecx, eax
call add_disk_free_space
add esp, 36
call update_disk
call fat_unlock
push 512
lea edi, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
mov ebx, edi
shl ecx, 9
cmp ecx, [esp+16]
jnz .writedircont
dec dword [esp+20]
push esi
mov ecx, 32/4
rep movsd
pop esi
mov dword [edi-32], '. '
mov dword [edi-32+4], ' '
mov dword [edi-32+8], ' '
mov byte [edi-32+11], 10h
push esi
mov ecx, 32/4
rep movsd
pop esi
mov dword [edi-32], '.. '
mov dword [edi-32+4], ' '
mov dword [edi-32+8], ' '
mov byte [edi-32+11], 10h
mov ecx, [esp+20+36]
cmp ecx, [ebp+FAT.ROOT_CLUSTER]
jnz @f
xor ecx, ecx
mov word [edi-32+26], cx
shr ecx, 16
mov [edi-32+20], cx
jmp .writedircont
or ax, -1
test esi, esi
jz .retFFFF
test al, al
jnz ansi2uni_char
xor eax, eax
xor esi, esi
call fat_read_symbol
loop fat_read_symbols
pop eax
xor ebx, ebx
jmp fat_Write.ret0
; fat_Write - FAT implementation of writing to file
; in: ebp = pointer to FAT structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .access_denied
call fat_lock
push edi
stdcall hd_find_lfn, [esp+4+4]
jnc .found
pop edi
push eax
call fat_unlock
jmp .ret0
; FAT does not support files larger than 4GB
cmp dword [ebx+8], 0
jz @f
pop edi
call fat_unlock
jmp .ret0
mov ecx, [ebx+12]
mov edx, [ebx+16]
mov ebx, [ebx+4]
; now edi points to direntry, ebx=start byte to write,
; ecx=number of bytes to write, edx=data pointer
; extend file if needed
add ecx, ebx
jc .eof ; FAT does not support files larger than 4GB
push edx
push eax ; save directory sector
push 0 ; return value=0
call get_time_for_file
mov [edi+22], ax ; last write time
call get_date_for_file
mov [edi+24], ax ; last write date
mov [edi+18], ax ; last access date
push dword [edi+28] ; save current file size
cmp ecx, [edi+28]
jbe .length_ok
cmp ecx, ebx
jz .length_ok
call hd_extend_file
jnc .length_ok
mov [esp+4], eax
; hd_extend_file can return three error codes: FAT table error, device error or disk full.
; First two cases are fatal errors, in third case we may write some data
jz .disk_full
call fat_unlock
pop eax
pop eax
pop ecx
pop edx
pop edi
xor ebx, ebx
; correct number of bytes to write
mov ecx, [edi+28]
cmp ecx, ebx
ja .length_ok
push 0
pop eax
sub edx, [esp+12]
mov ebx, edx ; ebx=number of written bytes
call update_disk
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov byte [esp+4], ERROR_DEVICE
call fat_unlock
pop eax
pop eax
pop ecx
pop edx
pop edi
mov esi, [edi+28]
mov eax, [edi+20-2]
mov ax, [edi+26]
mov edi, eax ; edi=current cluster
push 0 ; current sector in cluster
; save directory
mov eax, [esp+12]
push ebx
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_write32_sys
pop ebx
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov byte [esp+8], ERROR_DEVICE
jmp .ret
mov byte [esp+8], ERROR_FAT_TABLE
jmp .ret
; now ebx=start pos, ecx=end pos, both lie inside file
sub ecx, ebx
jz .ret
; skip unmodified sectors
cmp dword [esp+4], 0x200
jb .modify
sub ebx, 0x200
jae .skip
add ebx, 0x200
; get length of data in current sector
push ecx
sub ebx, 0x200
jb .hasdata
neg ebx
xor ecx, ecx
jmp @f
neg ebx
cmp ecx, ebx
jbe @f
mov ecx, ebx
; get current sector number
mov eax, edi
dec eax
dec eax
add eax, [ebp+FAT.DATA_START]
add eax, [esp+4]
; load sector if needed
cmp dword [esp+8], 0 ; we don't need to read uninitialized data
jz .noread
cmp ecx, 0x200 ; we don't need to read sector if it is fully rewritten
jz .noread
cmp ecx, esi ; (same for the last sector)
jz .noread
push eax ebx
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_read32_app
test eax, eax
pop ebx eax
jz @f
pop ecx
jmp .device_err
; zero uninitialized data if file was extended (because hd_extend_file does not this)
push eax ecx edi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 0x200
sub ecx, [esp+8+12]
jbe @f
lea edi, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
add edi, [esp+8+12]
rep stosb
; zero uninitialized data in the last sector
mov ecx, 0x200
sub ecx, esi
jbe @f
lea edi, [ebp+FAT.buffer+esi]
rep stosb
pop edi ecx
; copy new data
mov eax, edx
neg ebx
jecxz @f
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer+0x200+ebx]
call memmove
xor ebx, ebx
pop eax
; save sector
push ebx
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_write32_app
pop ebx
test eax, eax
jnz .device_err2
add edx, ecx
sub [esp], ecx
pop ecx
jz .ret
; next sector
pop eax
inc eax
push eax
jb @f
and dword [esp], 0
mov eax, edi
call get_FAT
mov edi, eax
jc .device_err
cmp edi, 2
jb .fat_err
cmp edi, [ebp+FAT.fatRESERVED]
jae .fat_err
sub esi, 0x200
jae @f
xor esi, esi
sub dword [esp+4], 0x200
jae @f
and dword [esp+4], 0
jmp .write_loop
xor eax, eax
jmp hd_extend_file.start_extend
; extends file on hd to given size (new data area is undefined)
; in: edi->direntry, ecx=new size
; out: CF=0 => OK, eax=0
; CF=1 => error, eax=code (ERROR_FAT_TABLE or ERROR_DISK_FULL or ERROR_DEVICE)
push esi
imul esi, [ebp+FAT.BYTES_PER_SECTOR]
push ecx
; find the last cluster of file
mov eax, [edi+20-2]
mov ax, [edi+26]
mov ecx, [edi+28]
jecxz .zero_size
sub ecx, esi
jbe .last_found
call get_FAT
jnc @f
pop ecx
pop esi
pop eax
cmp eax, 2
jb .fat_err
cmp eax, [ebp+FAT.fatRESERVED]
jb .last_loop
pop ecx esi
jmp .ret_err
push eax
call get_FAT
jnc @f
pop eax
jmp .device_err
cmp eax, [ebp+FAT.fatRESERVED]
pop eax
jb .fat_err
; set length to full number of clusters
sub [edi+28], ecx
pop ecx
; now do extend
push edx
mov edx, 2 ; start scan from cluster 2
cmp [edi+28], ecx
jae .extend_done
; add new cluster
push eax
call get_free_FAT
jc .disk_full
mov edx, [ebp+FAT.fatEND]
call set_FAT
mov edx, eax
pop eax
test eax, eax
jz .first_cluster
push edx
call set_FAT
pop edx
jmp @f
ror edx, 16
mov [edi+20], dx
ror edx, 16
mov [edi+26], dx
push ecx
mov ecx, -1
call add_disk_free_space
pop ecx
mov eax, edx
add [edi+28], esi
jmp .extend_loop
mov [edi+28], ecx
pop edx esi
xor eax, eax ; CF=0
pop edx
jmp .device_err2
pop eax edx esi
call get_time_for_file
mov [edi+22], ax ; last write time
call get_date_for_file
mov [edi+24], ax ; last write date
mov [edi+18], ax ; last access date
; fat_SetFileEnd - FAT implementation of setting end-of-file
; in: ebp = pointer to FAT structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
call fat_lock
push edi
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz @f
call fat_unlock
pop eax
pop edi
stdcall hd_find_lfn, [esp+4+4]
jnc @f
push eax
jmp .ret
; must not be directory
test byte [edi+11], 10h
jnz .access_denied
; file size must not exceed 4 Gb
cmp dword [ebx+8], 0
jz @f
jmp .ret
push eax ; save directory sector
; set file modification date/time to current
call fat_update_datetime
mov eax, [ebx+4]
cmp eax, [edi+28]
jb .truncate
ja .expand
pop eax
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_write32_sys
test eax, eax
jz @f
jmp .ret
push 0
jmp .ret
push ebx ebp ecx
push dword [edi+28] ; save old size
mov ecx, eax
call hd_extend_file
push eax ; return code
jnc .expand_ok
jz .disk_full
call update_disk
pop eax ecx ecx ebp ebx ecx
jmp .reteax
; save directory
mov eax, [edi+28]
xchg eax, [esp+20]
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_write32_sys
test eax, eax
mov eax, [edi+20-2]
mov ax, [edi+26]
mov edi, eax
jz @f
mov byte [esp], ERROR_DEVICE
jmp .pop_ret
test edi, edi
jz .pop_ret
; now zero new data
push 0
; edi=current cluster, [esp]=sector in cluster
; [esp+24]=new size, [esp+8]=old size, [esp+4]=return code
cmp edi, 2
jb .error_fat
cmp edi, [ebp+FAT.fatRESERVED]
jae .error_fat
sub dword [esp+8], 0x200
jae .next_cluster
lea eax, [edi-2]
add eax, [ebp+FAT.DATA_START]
add eax, [esp]
cmp dword [esp+8], -0x200
jz .noread
push eax
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_read32_app
test eax, eax
pop eax
jnz .err_next
mov ecx, [esp+8]
neg ecx
push edi
lea edi, [ebp+FAT.buffer+0x200]
add edi, [esp+12]
push eax
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+16], eax
rep stosb
pop eax
pop edi
call fs_write32_app
test eax, eax
jz .next_cluster
mov byte [esp+4], ERROR_DEVICE
pop eax
sub dword [esp+20], 0x200
jbe .pop_ret
inc eax
push eax
jb .zero_loop
and dword [esp], 0
mov eax, edi
call get_FAT
mov edi, eax
jnc .zero_loop
pop eax
jmp .pop_ret11
mov [edi+28], eax
push ecx
mov ecx, [edi+20-2]
mov cx, [edi+26]
push eax
test eax, eax
jz .zero_size
; find new last cluster
cmp ecx, 2
jb .error_fat2
cmp ecx, [ebp+FAT.fatRESERVED]
jae .error_fat2
shl eax, 9
sub [esp], eax
jbe @f
mov eax, ecx
call get_FAT
mov ecx, eax
jnc @b
pop eax ecx eax edi
call update_disk
call fat_unlock
movi eax, ERROR_DEVICE
; we will zero data at the end of last sector - remember it
push ecx
; terminate FAT chain
push edx
mov eax, ecx
mov edx, [ebp+FAT.fatEND]
call set_FAT
mov eax, edx
pop edx
jnc @f
pop ecx
jmp .device_err3
and word [edi+20], 0
and word [edi+26], 0
push 0
mov eax, ecx
; delete FAT chain
call clear_cluster_chain
jc .device_err4
; save directory
mov eax, [esp+12]
push ebx
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_write32_sys
pop ebx
test eax, eax
jnz .device_err4
; zero last sector, ignore errors
pop ecx
pop eax
dec ecx
add ecx, [ebp+FAT.DATA_START]
push eax
sar eax, 9
add ecx, eax
pop eax
and eax, 0x1FF
jz .truncate_done
push ebx eax
mov eax, ecx
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_read32_app
pop eax
lea edi, [ebp+FAT.buffer+eax]
push ecx
mov ecx, 0x200
sub ecx, eax
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
pop eax
call fs_write32_app
pop ebx
pop ecx eax edi
call update_disk
call fat_unlock
xor eax, eax
pop eax
mov byte [esp], ERROR_FAT_TABLE
jmp .pop_ret
pop eax ecx eax edi
call update_disk
call fat_unlock
; fat_GetFileInfo - FAT implementation of getting file info
; in: ebp = pointer to FAT structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz @f
mov eax, 2
push edi
call fat_lock
stdcall hd_find_lfn, [esp+4+4]
jc .error
push ebp
xor ebp, ebp
mov esi, [ebx+16]
mov dword [esi+4], ebp
call fat_entry_to_bdfe2
pop ebp
call fat_unlock
xor eax, eax
pop edi
push eax
call fat_unlock
pop eax
pop edi
; fat_SetFileInfo - FAT implementation of setting file info
; in: ebp = pointer to FAT structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz @f
mov eax, 2
push edi
call fat_lock
stdcall hd_find_lfn, [esp+4+4]
jc .error
push eax
mov edx, [ebx+16]
call bdfe_to_fat_entry
pop eax
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_write32_sys
call update_disk
call fat_unlock
pop edi
xor eax, eax
push eax
call fat_unlock
pop eax
pop edi
; fat_Delete - FAT implementation of deleting a file/folder
; in: ebp = pointer to FAT structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
call fat_lock
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz @f
; cannot delete root!
call fat_unlock
pop eax
xor ebx, ebx
and [ebp+FAT.longname_sec1], 0
and [ebp+FAT.longname_sec2], 0
push edi
stdcall hd_find_lfn, [esp+4+4]
jnc .found
pop edi
jmp .pop_ret
cmp dword [edi], '. '
jz .access_denied2
cmp dword [edi], '.. '
jz .access_denied2
test byte [edi+11], 10h
jz .dodel
; we can delete only empty folders!
mov esi, [edi+20-2]
mov si, [edi+26]
xor ecx, ecx
lea eax, [esi-2]
add eax, [ebp+FAT.DATA_START]
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
jnz .err1
lea eax, [ebx+0x200]
add ebx, 2*0x20
cmp byte [ebx], 0
jz .empty
cmp byte [ebx], 0xE5
jnz .notempty
add ebx, 0x20
cmp ebx, eax
jb .checkempty
inc ecx
jb @f
mov eax, esi
call get_FAT
jc .err1
cmp eax, 2
jb .error_fat
cmp eax, [ebp+FAT.fatRESERVED]
jae .empty
mov esi, eax
xor ecx, ecx
lea eax, [esi-2]
add eax, [ebp+FAT.DATA_START]
add eax, ecx
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
lea eax, [ebx+0x200]
jz .checkempty
pop edi
call fat_unlock
movi eax, ERROR_DEVICE
pop edi
call fat_unlock
pop edi
call fat_unlock
push eax ebx
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
pop ebx eax
jnz .err2
push eax
mov eax, [edi+20-2]
mov ax, [edi+26]
xchg eax, [esp]
; delete folder entry
mov byte [edi], 0xE5
; delete LFN (if present)
lea edx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
cmp edi, edx
ja @f
cmp [ebp+FAT.longname_sec2], 0
jz .lfndone
push [ebp+FAT.longname_sec2]
push [ebp+FAT.longname_sec1]
pop [ebp+FAT.longname_sec2]
and [ebp+FAT.longname_sec1], 0
push ebx
mov ebx, edx
call fs_write32_sys
mov eax, [esp+4]
call fs_read32_sys
pop ebx
pop eax
lea edi, [ebp+FAT.buffer+0x200]
sub edi, 0x20
cmp byte [edi], 0xE5
jz .lfndone
cmp byte [edi+11], 0xF
jnz .lfndone
mov byte [edi], 0xE5
jmp .lfndel
push ebx
lea ebx, [ebp+FAT.buffer]
call fs_write32_sys
pop ebx
; delete FAT chain
pop eax
call clear_cluster_chain
call update_disk
call fat_unlock
pop edi
xor eax, eax
; \end{diamond}
0,0 → 1,797
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4277 $
ERROR_FAT_TABLE = 9 ;deprecated
image_of_eax EQU esp+32
image_of_ebx EQU esp+20
; System function 70 - files with long names (LFN)
; diamond, 2006
; in this table names must be in lowercase
db 3,'cd0'
dd fs_OnCd0
dd fs_NextCd
db 3,'cd1'
dd fs_OnCd1
dd fs_NextCd
db 3,'cd2'
dd fs_OnCd2
dd fs_NextCd
db 3,'cd3'
dd fs_OnCd3
dd fs_NextCd
db 0
dd fs_HasCd0
db 'cd0',0
dd fs_HasCd1
db 'cd1',0
dd fs_HasCd2
db 'cd2',0
dd fs_HasCd3
db 'cd3',0
dd 0
call protect_from_terminate
call file_system_lfn
call unprotect_from_terminate
mov [image_of_eax], eax
mov [image_of_ebx], ebx
; in: ebx->fileinfo block
; operation codes:
; 0 : read file
; 1 : read folder
; 2 : create/rewrite file
; 3 : write/append to file
; 4 : set end of file
; 5 : get file/directory attributes structure
; 6 : set file/directory attributes structure
; 7 : start application
; 8 : delete file
; 9 : create directory
; parse file name
lea esi, [ebx+20]
test al, al
jnz @f
mov esi, [esi]
cmp al, '/'
jz .notcurdir
dec esi
mov ebp, esi
test al, al
jnz @f
xor ebp, ebp
mov esi, [current_slot]
mov esi, [esi+APPDATA.cur_dir]
jmp .parse_normal
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .rootdir
call process_replace_file_name
cmp dword [ebx], 7
jne @F
mov edx, [ebx+4]
mov ebx, [ebx+8]
call fs_execute; esi+ebp, ebx, edx
mov [image_of_eax], eax
mov edi, rootdirs-8
xor ecx, ecx
push esi
pop esi
add edi, ecx
mov cl, byte [edi]
test cl, cl
jz .notfound_try
inc edi
push esi
or al, 20h
loopz @b
jnz .scan1
cmp al, '/'
jz .found1
test al, al
jnz .scan1
pop eax
; directory /xxx
mov esi, [edi+4]
cmp dword [ebx], 1
jnz .access_denied
xor eax, eax
mov ebp, [ebx+12] ;количество блоков для считывания
mov edx, [ebx+16] ;куда записывать рузельтат
; add edx, std_application_base_address
push dword [ebx+4] ; first block
mov ebx, [ebx+8] ; flags
; ebx=flags, [esp]=first block, ebp=number of blocks, edx=return area, esi='Next' handler
mov edi, edx
push ecx
mov ecx, 32/4
rep stosd
pop ecx
mov byte [edx], 1 ; version
call esi
jc .maindir_done
inc dword [edx+8]
dec dword [esp]
jns .maindir_loop
dec ebp
js .maindir_loop
inc dword [edx+4]
mov dword [edi], 0x10 ; attributes: folder
mov dword [edi+4], 1 ; name type: UNICODE
push eax
xor eax, eax
add edi, 8
push ecx
mov ecx, 40/4-2
rep stosd
pop ecx
pop eax
push eax edx
; convert number in eax to decimal UNICODE string
push edi
push ecx
push -'0'
mov ecx, 10
xor edx, edx
div ecx
push edx
test eax, eax
jnz @b
pop eax
add al, '0'
test bl, 1 ; UNICODE name?
jz .ansi2
mov byte [edi], 0
inc edi
test al, al
jnz @b
mov byte [edi-1], 0
pop ecx
pop edi
; UNICODE name length is 520 bytes, ANSI - 264
add edi, 520
test bl, 1
jnz @f
sub edi, 520-264
pop edx eax
jmp .maindir_loop
pop eax
mov ebx, [edx+4]
xor eax, eax
dec ebp
js @f
mov [image_of_eax], eax
mov [image_of_ebx], ebx
; directory /
cmp dword [ebx], 1 ; read folder?
jz .readroot
mov dword [image_of_eax], 10 ; access denied
; virtual root folder - special handler
mov ebp, [ebx+12]
mov edx, [ebx+16]
; add edx, std_application_base_address
push dword [ebx+4] ; first block
mov ebx, [ebx+8] ; flags
xor eax, eax
; eax=0, [esp]=first block, ebx=flags, ebp=number of blocks, edx=return area
mov edi, edx
mov ecx, 32/4
rep stosd
mov byte [edx], 1 ; version
sub esp, 16
push edi
lea edi, [esp+4]
call dyndisk_enum_root
pop edi
test eax, eax
jz .readroot_done_dynamic
inc dword [edx+8]
dec dword [esp+16]
jns .readroot_ah_loop2
dec ebp
js .readroot_ah_loop2
push eax
xor eax, eax
inc dword [edx+4]
mov dword [edi], 0x10 ; attributes: folder
mov dword [edi+4], ebx
add edi, 8
mov ecx, 40/4-2
rep stosd
push esi edi
lea esi, [esp+12]
test bl, 1
jz .ansi3
mov byte [edi], 0
inc edi
test al, al
jnz @b
pop edi esi eax
add edi, 520
test bl, 1
jnz .readroot_ah_loop2
sub edi, 520-264
jmp .readroot_ah_loop2
add esp, 16
mov esi, virtual_root_query
cmp dword [esi], eax
jz .readroot_done
call dword [esi]
add esi, 4
test eax, eax
jnz @f
or ecx, -1
xchg esi, edi
repnz scasb
xchg esi, edi
jmp .readroot_loop
xor eax, eax
inc dword [edx+8]
dec dword [esp]
jns .readroot_next
dec ebp
js .readroot_next
inc dword [edx+4]
mov dword [edi], 0x10 ; attributes: folder
mov dword [edi+4], ebx ; name type: UNICODE
add edi, 8
mov ecx, 40/4-2
rep stosd
push edi
test bl, 1
jz .ansi
mov byte [edi], 0
inc edi
test eax, eax
jnz @b
pop edi
add edi, 520
test bl, 1
jnz .readroot_loop
sub edi, 520-264
jmp .readroot_loop
pop eax
mov ebx, [edx+4]
xor eax, eax
dec ebp
js @f
mov [image_of_eax], eax
mov [image_of_ebx], ebx
call dyndisk_handler
mov dword [image_of_eax], ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
and dword [image_of_ebx], 0
cmp edi, esp
jnz .notfound
call dword [edi+4]
add esp, 16
jmp .notfound
pop eax
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .maindir
; read partition number
xor ecx, ecx
xor eax, eax
cmp al, '/'
jz .done1
test al, al
jz .done1
sub al, '0'
cmp al, 9
ja .notfounda
lea ecx, [ecx*5]
lea ecx, [ecx*2+eax]
jmp @b
jecxz .notfounda
test al, al
jnz @f
dec esi
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz @f
test ebp, ebp
jz @f
mov esi, ebp
xor ebp, ebp
; now [edi] contains handler address, ecx - partition number,
; esi points to ASCIIZ string - rest of name
jmp dword [edi]
; handlers for devices
; in: ecx = 0 => query virtual directory /xxx
; in: ecx = partition number
; esi -> relative (for device) name
; ebx -> fileinfo
; ebp = 0 or pointer to rest of name from folder addressed by esi
; out: [image_of_eax]=image of eax, [image_of_ebx]=image of ebx
mov eax, 2
call reserve_cd
mov [ChannelNumber], 1
mov [DiskNumber], 0
push 6
push 1
jmp fs_OnCd
call reserve_cd
mov [ChannelNumber], 1
mov [DiskNumber], 1
push 4
push 2
jmp fs_OnCd
call reserve_cd
mov [ChannelNumber], 2
mov [DiskNumber], 0
push 2
push 3
jmp fs_OnCd
call reserve_cd
mov [ChannelNumber], 2
mov [DiskNumber], 1
push 0
push 4
call reserve_cd_channel
pop eax
mov [cdpos], eax
pop eax
cmp ecx, 0x100
jae .nf
push ecx ebx
mov cl, al
mov bl, [DRIVE_DATA+1]
shr bl, cl
test bl, 2
pop ebx ecx
jnz @f
call free_cd_channel
and [cd_status], 0
mov dword [image_of_eax], 5 ; not found
mov ecx, [ebx+12]
mov edx, [ebx+16]
; add edx, std_application_base_address
mov eax, [ebx]
cmp eax, fs_NumCdServices
jae .not_impl
add ebx, 4
call dword [fs_CdServices + eax*4]
call free_cd_channel
and [cd_status], 0
mov [image_of_eax], eax
mov [image_of_ebx], ebx
call free_cd_channel
and [cd_status], 0
mov dword [image_of_eax], 2 ; not implemented
dd fs_CdRead
dd fs_CdReadFolder
dd fs_NotImplemented
dd fs_NotImplemented
dd fs_NotImplemented
dd fs_CdGetFileInfo
dd fs_NotImplemented
dd 0
dd fs_NotImplemented
dd fs_NotImplemented
fs_NumCdServices = ($ - fs_CdServices)/4
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+1], 10000000b
setnz al
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+1], 00100000b
setnz al
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+1], 00001000b
setnz al
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+1], 00000010b
setnz al
; fs_NextXXX functions:
; in: eax = partition number, from which start to scan
; out: CF=1 => no more partitions
; CF=0 => eax=next partition number
; we always have /cdX/1
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov al, 1
; in
; esi - path with filename(f.70)
; out
; ebp - full filename
mov ebp, [full_file_name_table]
xor edi, edi
cmp edi, [full_file_name_table.size]
jae .notfound
push esi edi
shl edi, 7 ; edi*128
add edi, ebp
cmp byte [edi], 0 ; end of dir_name
jz .dest_done
test al, al
jz .cont
or al, 20h ; 32 - space char
jz @b
jmp .cont
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .found
cmp byte [esi], '/'
jnz .cont
inc esi
jmp .found
pop edi esi
inc edi
jmp .loop
pop edi eax
shl edi, 7 ; edi*128
add edi, ebp
mov ebp, esi
cmp byte [esi], 0
lea esi, [edi+64]
jnz .ret
xor ebp, ebp
lock_flag_for_f30_3 rb 1
; mov esi, [current_slot]
; mov esi, [esi+APPDATA.cur_dir]
; mov edx, esi
;get length string of appdata.cur_dir
mov eax, [current_slot]
mov edi, [eax+APPDATA.cur_dir]
dec ebx
jz .set
dec ebx
jz .get
dec ebx
jz .mount_additional_directory
; sysfunction 30.2: [for app] eax=30,ebx=3,ecx->dir name+dir path (128)
; for our code: nothing
; check lock of the function
cmp [lock_flag_for_f30_3], 1
je @f
mov esi, ecx
mov edi, sysdir_name1
; copying fake directory name
mov ecx, 63
rep movsb
; terminator of name, in case if we get the inlet trash
inc esi
xor eax, eax
; copying real directory path for mounting
mov ecx, 63
rep movsb
; terminator of name, in case if we get the inlet trash
xor eax, eax
; increase the pointer of inputs for procedure "process_replace_file_name"
mov [full_file_name_table.size], 2
; block the ability to call f.30.3 because for one session is necessary
; for us only once
mov [lock_flag_for_f30_3], 1
; sysfunction 30.2: [for app] eax=30,ebx=2,ecx->buffer,edx=len
; for our code: ebx->buffer,ecx=len
max_cur_dir equ 0x1000
mov ebx, edi
push ecx
push edi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, max_cur_dir
repne scasb ;find zerro at and string
jnz .error ; no zero in cur_dir: internal error, should not happen
sub edi, ebx ;lenght for copy
inc edi
mov [esp+32+8], edi ;return in eax
cmp edx, edi
jbe @f
mov edx, edi
;source string
pop esi
;destination string
pop edi
cmp edx, 1
jbe .ret
mov al, '/' ;start string with '/'
mov ecx, edx
rep movsb ;copy string
add esp, 8
or dword [esp+32], -1 ;error not found zerro at string ->[eax+APPDATA.cur_dir]
; sysfunction 30.1: [for app] eax=30,ebx=1,ecx->string
; for our code: ebx->string to set
; use generic resolver with APPDATA.cur_dir as destination
push max_cur_dir ;0x1000
push edi ;destination
mov ebx, ecx
call get_full_file_name
; in: ebx = file name, [esp+4] = destination, [esp+8] = sizeof destination
; destroys all registers except ebp,esp
push ebp
mov esi, [current_slot]
mov esi, [esi+APPDATA.cur_dir]
mov edx, esi
inc esi
cmp byte [esi-1], 0
jnz @b
dec esi
cmp byte [ebx], '/'
jz .set_absolute
; string gives relative path
mov edi, [esp+8] ; destination
cmp byte [ebx], 0
jz .set_ok
cmp word [ebx], '.'
jz .set_ok
cmp word [ebx], './'
jnz @f
add ebx, 2
jmp .relative
cmp word [ebx], '..'
jnz .doset_relative
cmp byte [ebx+2], 0
jz @f
cmp byte [ebx+2], '/'
jnz .doset_relative
dec esi
cmp byte [esi], '/'
jnz @b
add ebx, 3
jmp .relative
cmp edx, edi ; is destination equal to APPDATA.cur_dir?
jz .set_ok.cur_dir
sub esi, edx
cmp esi, [esp+12]
jb .set_ok.copy
mov byte [edi], 0
xor eax, eax ; fail
pop ebp
ret 8
mov ecx, esi
mov esi, edx
rep movsb
mov byte [edi], 0
mov al, 1 ; ok
pop ebp
ret 8
mov byte [esi], 0
jmp .ret.ok
cmp edx, edi
jz .doset_relative.cur_dir
sub esi, edx
cmp esi, [esp+12]
jae .fail
mov ecx, esi
mov esi, edx
mov edx, edi
rep movsb
jmp .doset_relative.copy
mov edi, esi
add edx, [esp+12]
mov byte [edi], '/'
inc edi
cmp edi, edx
jae .overflow
mov al, [ebx]
inc ebx
test al, al
jz .ret.ok
cmp edi, edx
jb @b
dec edi
jmp .fail
lea esi, [ebx+1]
call process_replace_file_name
mov edi, [esp+8]
mov edx, [esp+12]
add edx, edi
test al, al
jz .set_part2
cmp edi, edx
jb .set_copy
jmp .overflow
mov esi, ebp
xor ebp, ebp
test esi, esi
jz .ret.ok
mov byte [edi-1], '/'
jmp .set_copy_cont
0,0 → 1,759
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3742 $
cd_current_pointer_of_input dd 0
cd_current_pointer_of_input_2 dd 0
cd_mem_location dd 0
cd_counter_block dd 0
IDE_Channel_1 db 0
IDE_Channel_2 db 0
cmp [cd_status], 0
je reserve_ok2
call change_task
jmp reserve_cd
push eax
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl eax, 5
mov eax, []
mov [cd_status], eax
pop eax
cmp [ChannelNumber], 1
jne .IDE_Channel_2
mov ecx, ide_channel1_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov [IDE_Channel_1], 1
mov ecx, ide_channel2_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov [IDE_Channel_2], 1
cmp [ChannelNumber], 1
jne .IDE_Channel_2
mov [IDE_Channel_1], 0
mov ecx, ide_channel1_mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov [IDE_Channel_2], 0
mov ecx, ide_channel2_mutex
call mutex_unlock
cd_status dd 0
; fs_CdRead - LFN variant for reading CD disk
; esi points to filename /dir1/dir2/.../dirn/file,0
; ebx pointer to 64-bit number = first wanted byte, 0+
; may be ebx=0 - start from first byte
; ecx number of bytes to read, 0+
; edx mem location to return data
; ret ebx = bytes read or 0xffffffff file not found
; eax = 0 ok read or other = errormsg
push edi
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz @f
pop edi
or ebx, -1
pop eax edx ecx edi
jmp .noaccess_2
call cd_find_lfn
jnc .found
pop edi
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne .noaccess_2
or ebx, -1
mov edi, [cd_current_pointer_of_input]
test byte [edi+25], 10b; do not allow read directories
jnz .noaccess
test ebx, ebx
jz .l1
cmp dword [ebx+4], 0
jz @f
xor ebx, ebx
mov eax, 6; end of file
pop edi
mov ebx, [ebx]
push ecx edx
push 0
mov eax, [edi+10] ; реальный размер файловой секции
sub eax, ebx
jb .eof
cmp eax, ecx
jae @f
mov ecx, eax
mov byte [esp], 6
mov eax, [edi+2]
mov [CDSectorAddress], eax
; now eax=cluster, ebx=position, ecx=count, edx=buffer for data
test ecx, ecx
jz .done
sub ebx, 2048
jae .next
add ebx, 2048
jnz .incomplete_sector
cmp ecx, 2048
jb .incomplete_sector
; we may read and memmove complete sector
mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], edx
call ReadCDWRetr; читаем сектор файла
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne .noaccess_3
add edx, 2048
sub ecx, 2048
inc dword [CDSectorAddress]
jmp .new_sector
; we must read and memmove incomplete sector
mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], CDDataBuf
call ReadCDWRetr; читаем сектор файла
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne .noaccess_3
push ecx
add ecx, ebx
cmp ecx, 2048
jbe @f
mov ecx, 2048
sub ecx, ebx
push edi esi ecx
mov edi, edx
lea esi, [CDDataBuf + ebx]
rep movsb
pop ecx esi edi
add edx, ecx
sub [esp], ecx
pop ecx
xor ebx, ebx
jmp .next
mov ebx, edx
pop eax edx ecx edi
sub ebx, edx
mov ebx, edx
pop eax edx ecx
sub ebx, edx
jmp .reteof
; fs_CdReadFolder - LFN variant for reading CD disk folder
; esi points to filename /dir1/dir2/.../dirn/file,0
; ebx pointer to structure 32-bit number = first wanted block, 0+
; & flags (bitfields)
; flags: bit 0: 0=ANSI names, 1=UNICODE names
; ecx number of blocks to read, 0+
; edx mem location to return data
; ret ebx = blocks read or 0xffffffff folder not found
; eax = 0 ok read or other = errormsg
push edi
call cd_find_lfn
jnc .found
pop edi
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne .noaccess_1
or ebx, -1
mov edi, [cd_current_pointer_of_input]
test byte [edi+25], 10b ; do not allow read directories
jnz .found_dir
pop edi
or ebx, -1
mov eax, [edi+2] ; eax=cluster
mov [CDSectorAddress], eax
mov eax, [edi+10] ; размер директрории
; init header
push eax ecx
mov edi, edx
mov ecx, 32/4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop ecx eax
mov byte [edx], 1 ; version
mov [cd_mem_location], edx
add [cd_mem_location], 32
; начинаем переброску БДВК в УСВК
mov [cd_counter_block], dword 0
dec dword [CDSectorAddress]
push ecx
inc dword [CDSectorAddress]
mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], CDDataBuf
call ReadCDWRetr ; читаем сектор директории
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne .noaccess_1
call .get_names_from_buffer
sub eax, 2048
; директория закончилась?
ja .read_to_buffer
mov edi, [cd_counter_block]
mov [edx+8], edi
mov edi, [ebx]
sub [edx+4], edi
xor eax, eax
dec ecx
js @f
pop ecx edi
mov ebx, [edx+4]
mov [cd_current_pointer_of_input_2], CDDataBuf
push eax esi edi edx
call cd_get_name
jc .end_buffer
inc dword [cd_counter_block]
mov eax, [cd_counter_block]
cmp [ebx], eax
jae .get_names_from_buffer_1
test ecx, ecx
jz .get_names_from_buffer_1
mov edi, [cd_counter_block]
mov [edx+4], edi
dec ecx
mov esi, ebp
mov edi, [cd_mem_location]
add edi, 40
test dword [ebx+4], 1; 0=ANSI, 1=UNICODE
jnz .unicode
; jmp .unicode
cmp [cd_counter_block], 2
jbe .ansi_parent_directory
xchg ah, al
call uni2ansi_char
; проверка конца файла
mov ax, [esi]
cmp ax, word 3B00h; сепаратор конца файла ';'
je .cd_get_parameters_of_file_1
; проверка для файлов не заканчивающихся сепаратором
movzx eax, byte [ebp-33]
add eax, ebp
sub eax, 34
cmp esi, eax
je .cd_get_parameters_of_file_1
; проверка конца папки
movzx eax, byte [ebp-1]
add eax, ebp
cmp esi, eax
jb .ansi
mov [edi], byte 0
call cd_get_parameters_of_file
add [cd_mem_location], 304
jmp .get_names_from_buffer_1
cmp [cd_counter_block], 2
je @f
mov [edi], byte '.'
inc edi
jmp .cd_get_parameters_of_file_1
mov [edi], word '..'
add edi, 2
jmp .cd_get_parameters_of_file_1
cmp [cd_counter_block], 2
jbe .unicode_parent_directory
; проверка конца файла
mov ax, [esi]
cmp ax, word 3B00h; сепаратор конца файла ';'
je .cd_get_parameters_of_file_2
; проверка для файлов не заканчивающихся сепаратором
movzx eax, byte [ebp-33]
add eax, ebp
sub eax, 34
cmp esi, eax
je .cd_get_parameters_of_file_2
; проверка конца папки
movzx eax, byte [ebp-1]
add eax, ebp
cmp esi, eax
jb .unicode
mov [edi], word 0
call cd_get_parameters_of_file
add [cd_mem_location], 560
jmp .get_names_from_buffer_1
cmp [cd_counter_block], 2
je @f
mov [edi], word 2E00h; '.'
add edi, 2
jmp .cd_get_parameters_of_file_2
mov [edi], dword 2E002E00h; '..'
add edi, 4
jmp .cd_get_parameters_of_file_2
pop edx edi esi eax
mov edi, [cd_mem_location]
; получаем атрибуты файла
xor eax, eax
; файл не архивировался
inc eax
shl eax, 1
; это каталог?
test [ebp-8], byte 2
jz .file
inc eax
; метка тома не как в FAT, в этом виде отсутсвует
; файл не является системным
shl eax, 3
; файл является скрытым? (атрибут существование)
test [ebp-8], byte 1
jz .hidden
inc eax
shl eax, 1
; файл всегда только для чтения, так как это CD
inc eax
mov [edi], eax
; получаем время для файла
movzx eax, byte [ebp-12]
shl eax, 8
mov al, [ebp-11]
shl eax, 8
mov al, [ebp-10]
;время создания файла
mov [edi+8], eax
;время последнего доступа
mov [edi+16], eax
;время последней записи
mov [edi+24], eax
; получаем дату для файла
movzx eax, byte [ebp-15]
add eax, 1900
shl eax, 8
mov al, [ebp-14]
shl eax, 8
mov al, [ebp-13]
;дата создания файла
mov [edi+12], eax
;время последнего доступа
mov [edi+20], eax
;время последней записи
mov [edi+28], eax
; получаем тип данных имени
xor eax, eax
test dword [ebx+4], 1; 0=ANSI, 1=UNICODE
jnz .unicode_1
mov [edi+4], eax
jmp @f
inc eax
mov [edi+4], eax
; получаем размер файла в байтах
xor eax, eax
mov [edi+32+4], eax
mov eax, [ebp-23]
mov [edi+32], eax
; fs_CdGetFileInfo - LFN variant for CD
; get file/directory attributes structure
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz @f
mov eax, 2
push edi
call cd_find_lfn
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jz @f
pop edi
mov eax, 11
jnc @f
pop edi
mov edi, edx
push ebp
mov ebp, [cd_current_pointer_of_input]
add ebp, 33
call cd_get_parameters_of_file_1
pop ebp
and dword [edi+4], 0
pop edi
xor eax, eax
mov [cd_appl_data], 0
; in: esi+ebp -> name
; out: CF=1 - file not found
; else CF=0 and [cd_current_pointer_of_input] direntry
push eax esi
; 16 сектор начало набора дескрипторов томов
call WaitUnitReady
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne .access_denied
call prevent_medium_removal
; тестовое чтение
mov [CDSectorAddress], dword 16
mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], CDDataBuf
call ReadCDWRetr;_1
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne .access_denied
; вычисление последней сессии
call WaitUnitReady
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne .access_denied
call Read_TOC
mov ah, [CDDataBuf+4+4]
mov al, [CDDataBuf+4+5]
shl eax, 16
mov ah, [CDDataBuf+4+6]
mov al, [CDDataBuf+4+7]
add eax, 15
mov [CDSectorAddress], eax
; mov [CDSectorAddress],dword 15
mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], CDDataBuf
inc dword [CDSectorAddress]
call ReadCDWRetr;_1
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne .access_denied
; проверка на вшивость
cmp [CDDataBuf+1], dword 'CD00'
jne .access_denied
cmp [CDDataBuf+5], byte '1'
jne .access_denied
; сектор является терминатором набор дескрипторов томов?
cmp [CDDataBuf], byte 0xff
je .access_denied
; сектор является дополнительным и улучшенным дескриптором тома?
cmp [CDDataBuf], byte 0x2
jne .start
; сектор является дополнительным дескриптором тома?
cmp [CDDataBuf+6], byte 0x1
jne .start
; параметры root директрории
mov eax, [CDDataBuf+0x9c+2]; начало root директрории
mov [CDSectorAddress], eax
mov eax, [CDDataBuf+0x9c+10]; размер root директрории
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz @f
mov [cd_current_pointer_of_input], CDDataBuf+0x9c
jmp .done
; начинаем поиск
dec dword [CDSectorAddress]
inc dword [CDSectorAddress]
mov [CDDataBuf_pointer], CDDataBuf
call ReadCDWRetr ; читаем сектор директории
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne .access_denied
push ebp
call cd_find_name_in_buffer
pop ebp
jnc .found
sub eax, 2048
; директория закончилась?
cmp eax, 0
ja .read_to_buffer
; нет искомого элемента цепочки
pop esi eax
mov [cd_appl_data], 1
; искомый элемент цепочки найден
; конец пути файла
cmp byte [esi-1], 0
jz .done
mov eax, [cd_current_pointer_of_input]
push dword [eax+2]
pop dword [CDSectorAddress] ; начало директории
mov eax, [eax+2+8]; размер директории
jmp .mainloop
; указатель файла найден
test ebp, ebp
jz @f
mov esi, ebp
xor ebp, ebp
jmp .nested
pop esi eax
mov [cd_appl_data], 1
mov [cd_current_pointer_of_input_2], CDDataBuf
call cd_get_name
jc .not_found
call cd_compare_name
jc .start
push eax
mov ebp, [cd_current_pointer_of_input_2]
mov [cd_current_pointer_of_input], ebp
mov eax, [ebp]
test eax, eax ; входы закончились?
jz .next_sector
cmp ebp, CDDataBuf+2048 ; буфер закончился?
jae .next_sector
movzx eax, byte [ebp]
add [cd_current_pointer_of_input_2], eax; следующий вход каталога
add ebp, 33; указатель установлен на начало имени
pop eax
pop eax
; compares ASCIIZ-names, case-insensitive (cp866 encoding)
; in: esi->name, ebp->name
; out: if names match: ZF=1 and esi->next component of name
; else: ZF=0, esi is not changed
; destroys eax
push esi eax edi
mov edi, ebp
push eax
call char_todown
call ansi2uni_char
xchg ah, al
pop eax
je .coincides
call char_toupper
call ansi2uni_char
xchg ah, al
sub edi, 2
jne .name_not_coincide
cmp [esi], byte '/'; разделитель пути, конец имени текущего элемента
je .done
cmp [esi], byte 0; разделитель пути, конец имени текущего элемента
je .done
jmp .loop
pop edi eax esi
; проверка конца файла
cmp [edi], word 3B00h; сепаратор конца файла ';'
je .done_1
; проверка для файлов не заканчивающихся сепаратором
movzx eax, byte [ebp-33]
add eax, ebp
sub eax, 34
cmp edi, eax
je .done_1
; проверка конца папки
movzx eax, byte [ebp-1]
add eax, ebp
cmp edi, eax
jne .name_not_coincide
pop edi eax
add esp, 4
inc esi
; convert character to uppercase, using cp866 encoding
; in: al=symbol
; out: al=converted symbol
cmp al, 'A'
jb .ret
cmp al, 'Z'
jbe .az
cmp al, 0x80 ; 'А'
jb .ret
cmp al, 0x90 ; 'Р'
jb .rus1
cmp al, 0x9F ; 'Я'
ja .ret
; 0x90-0x9F -> 0xE0-0xEF
add al, 0xE0-0x90
; 0x80-0x8F -> 0xA0-0xAF
add al, 0x20
; convert UNICODE character in al to ANSI character in ax, using cp866 encoding
; in: ax=UNICODE character
; out: al=converted ANSI character
cmp ax, 0x80
jb .ascii
cmp ax, 0x401
jz .yo1
cmp ax, 0x451
jz .yo2
cmp ax, 0x410
jb .unk
cmp ax, 0x440
jb .rus1
cmp ax, 0x450
jb .rus2
mov al, '_'
jmp .doit
mov al, 0xF0 ; 'Ё' in cp866
jmp .doit
mov al, 0xF1 ; 'ё' in cp866
jmp .doit
; 0x410-0x43F -> 0x80-0xAF
add al, 0x70
jmp .doit
; 0x440-0x44F -> 0xE0-0xEF
add al, 0xA0
0,0 → 1,1926
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3742 $
Lock MUTEX ? ; currently operations with one partition
; can not be executed in parallel since the
; legacy code is not ready; this mutex guards
; all operations
sectors_per_cluster dd ?
mft_cluster dd ?
mftmirr_cluster dd ?
frs_size dd ? ; FRS size in bytes
iab_size dd ? ; IndexAllocationBuffer size in bytes
frs_buffer dd ?
iab_buffer dd ?
mft_retrieval dd ?
mft_retrieval_size dd ?
mft_retrieval_alloc dd ?
mft_retrieval_end dd ?
cur_index_size dd ?
cur_index_buf dd ?
ntfs_cur_attr dd ?
ntfs_cur_iRecord dd ?
ntfs_cur_offs dd ? ; in sectors
ntfs_cur_size dd ? ; in sectors
ntfs_cur_buf dd ?
ntfs_cur_read dd ? ; [output]
ntfs_bCanContinue db ?
rb 3
cur_subnode_size dd ?
ntfs_attr_iRecord dd ?
ntfs_attr_iBaseRecord dd ?
ntfs_attr_offs dd ?
ntfs_attr_list dd ?
ntfs_attr_size dq ?
ntfs_cur_tail dd ?
ntfs_attrlist_buf rb 0x400
ntfs_attrlist_mft_buf rb 0x400
ntfs_bitmap_buf rb 0x400
align 4
dd ntfs_free
dd (ntfs_user_functions_end - ntfs_user_functions - 4) / 4
dd ntfs_Read
dd ntfs_ReadFolder
dd ntfs_Rewrite
dd ntfs_Write
dd ntfs_SetFileEnd
dd ntfs_GetFileInfo
dd ntfs_SetFileInfo
dd 0
dd ntfs_Delete
dd ntfs_CreateFolder
; in: ebx->buffer, edx=size of partition
; out: CF set <=> invalid
; 1. Name=='NTFS '
cmp dword [ebx+3], 'NTFS'
jnz .no
cmp dword [ebx+7], ' '
jnz .no
; 2. Number of bytes per sector is the same as for physical device
; (that is, 0x200 for hard disk)
cmp word [ebx+11], 0x200
jnz .no
; 3. Number of sectors per cluster must be power of 2
movzx eax, byte [ebx+13]
dec eax
js .no
test al, [ebx+13]
jnz .no
; 4. FAT parameters must be zero
cmp word [ebx+14], 0
jnz .no
cmp dword [ebx+16], 0
jnz .no
cmp byte [ebx+20], 0
jnz .no
cmp word [ebx+22], 0
jnz .no
cmp dword [ebx+32], 0
jnz .no
; 5. Number of sectors <= partition size
cmp dword [ebx+0x2C], 0
ja .no
cmp [ebx+0x28], edx
ja .no
; 6. $MFT and $MFTMirr clusters must be within partition
cmp dword [ebx+0x34], 0
ja .no
push edx
movzx eax, byte [ebx+13]
mul dword [ebx+0x30]
test edx, edx
pop edx
jnz .no
cmp eax, edx
ja .no
cmp dword [ebx+0x3C], 0
ja .no
push edx
movzx eax, byte [ebx+13]
mul dword [ebx+0x38]
test edx, edx
pop edx
jnz .no
cmp eax, edx
ja .no
; 7. Clusters per FRS must be either negative and in [-31,-9] or positive and power of 2
movsx eax, byte [ebx+0x40]
cmp al, -31
jl .no
cmp al, -9
jle @f
dec eax
js .no
test [ebx+0x40], al
jnz .no
; 8. Same for clusters per IndexAllocationBuffer
movsx eax, byte [ebx+0x44]
cmp al, -31
jl .no
cmp al, -9
jle @f
dec eax
js .no
test [ebx+0x44], al
jnz .no
; OK, this is correct NTFS bootsector
; No, this bootsector isn't NTFS
proc ntfs_create_partition
mov edx, dword [ebp+PARTITION.Length]
cmp dword [esp+4], 0
jz .boot_read_ok
add ebx, 512
lea eax, [edx-1]
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
jnz @f
call ntfs_test_bootsec
jnc .ntfs_setup
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 1
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
jnz .nope ; no chance...
call ntfs_test_bootsec
jnc .ntfs_setup
xor eax, eax
jmp .exit
; By given bootsector, initialize some NTFS variables
movi eax, sizeof.NTFS
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .exit
mov ecx, dword [ebp+PARTITION.FirstSector]
mov dword [eax+NTFS.FirstSector], ecx
mov ecx, dword [ebp+PARTITION.FirstSector+4]
mov dword [eax+NTFS.FirstSector+4], ecx
mov ecx, dword [ebp+PARTITION.Length]
mov dword [eax+NTFS.Length], ecx
mov ecx, dword [ebp+PARTITION.Length+4]
mov dword [eax+NTFS.Length+4], ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+PARTITION.Disk]
mov [eax+NTFS.Disk], ecx
mov [eax+NTFS.FSUserFunctions], ntfs_user_functions
push ebx ebp esi
mov ebp, eax
lea ecx, [ebp+NTFS.Lock]
call mutex_init
movzx eax, byte [ebx+13]
mov [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster], eax
mov eax, [ebx+0x28]
mov dword [ebp+NTFS.Length], eax
and dword [ebp+NTFS.Length+4], 0
mov eax, [ebx+0x30]
mov [ebp+NTFS.mft_cluster], eax
mov eax, [ebx+0x38]
mov [ebp+NTFS.mftmirr_cluster], eax
movsx eax, byte [ebx+0x40]
test eax, eax
js .1
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
shl eax, 9
jmp .2
neg eax
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl
mov [ebp+NTFS.frs_size], eax
movsx eax, byte [ebx+0x44]
test eax, eax
js .3
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
shl eax, 9
jmp .4
neg eax
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl
mov [ebp+NTFS.iab_size], eax
; allocate space for buffers
add eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_size]
push eax
call kernel_alloc
test eax, eax
jz .fail_free
mov [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer], eax
add eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_size]
mov [ebp+NTFS.iab_buffer], eax
; read $MFT disposition
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.mft_cluster]
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
call ntfs_read_frs_sector
test eax, eax
jnz .usemirr
cmp dword [ebx], 'FILE'
jnz .usemirr
call ntfs_restore_usa_frs
jnc .mftok
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.mftmirr_cluster]
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
call ntfs_read_frs_sector
test eax, eax
jnz @f
cmp dword [ebx], 'FILE'
jnz @f
call ntfs_restore_usa_frs
jnc .mftok
; $MFT and $MFTMirr invalid!
push [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
call kernel_free
mov eax, ebp
call free
xor eax, eax
pop esi ebp ebx
cmp dword [esp+4], 0
jz @f
sub ebx, 512
push [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval]
call kernel_free
jmp .fail_free_frs
; read $MFT table retrieval information
; start with one page, increase if not enough (when MFT too fragmented)
push ebx
push 0x1000
call kernel_alloc
pop ebx
test eax, eax
jz .fail_free_frs
mov [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval], eax
and [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval_size], 0
mov [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval_alloc], 0x1000/8
; $MFT base record must contain unnamed non-resident $DATA attribute
movzx eax, word [ebx+14h]
add eax, ebx
cmp dword [eax], -1
jz .fail_free_mft
cmp dword [eax], 0x80
jnz @f
cmp byte [eax+9], 0
jz .founddata
add eax, [eax+4]
jmp .scandata
cmp byte [eax+8], 0
jz .fail_free_mft
; load first portion of $DATA attribute retrieval information
mov edx, [eax+0x18]
mov [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval_end], edx
mov esi, eax
movzx eax, word [eax+0x20]
add esi, eax
sub esp, 10h
call ntfs_decode_mcb_entry
jnc .scanmcbend
call .get_mft_retrieval_ptr
mov edx, [esp] ; block length
mov [eax], edx
mov edx, [esp+8] ; block addr (relative)
mov [eax+4], edx
inc [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval_size]
jmp .scanmcb
add esp, 10h
; there may be other portions of $DATA attribute in auxiliary records;
; if they will be needed, they will be loaded later
mov [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_size], 0x1000/0x200
push 0x1000
call kernel_alloc
test eax, eax
jz .fail_free_mft
mov [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf], eax
mov eax, ebp
jmp .pop_exit
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval_size]
cmp eax, [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval_alloc]
jnz .ok
add eax, 0x1000/8
mov [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval_alloc], eax
shl eax, 3
push eax
call kernel_alloc
test eax, eax
jnz @f
add esp, 14h
jmp .fail_free_mft
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval]
mov edi, eax
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval_size]
add ecx, ecx
rep movsd
push [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval]
mov [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval], eax
call kernel_free
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval_size]
shl eax, 3
add eax, [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval]
mov [esp+28], eax
proc ntfs_free
push ebx
xchg ebx, eax
stdcall kernel_free, [ebx+NTFS.frs_buffer]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebx+NTFS.mft_retrieval]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebx+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
xchg ebx, eax
call free
pop ebx
proc ntfs_lock
lea ecx, [ebp+NTFS.Lock]
jmp mutex_lock
proc ntfs_unlock
lea ecx, [ebp+NTFS.Lock]
jmp mutex_unlock
push ecx
mov ebx, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
push ebx
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.frs_size]
shr ecx, 9
push ecx
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, ecx
call fs_read32_sys
test eax, eax
jnz .fail
add ebx, 0x200
inc ecx
dec dword [esp]
jnz @b
pop eax
pop ebx
pop ecx
; in: variables in ebp+NTFS.*
; out: [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
; out: CF=1 => notfound, in this case eax=0 => disk ok, otherwise eax=disk error code
xor eax, eax
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], 0
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], 0
jnz .nomft
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0x80
jnz .nomft
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval_end]
inc eax
mul [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
cmp eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
jbe .nomft
; precalculated part of $Mft $DATA
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval]
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
xor edx, edx
div [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
; eax = VCN, edx = offset in sectors from beginning of cluster
xor ecx, ecx ; ecx will contain LCN
add ecx, [esi+4]
sub eax, [esi]
jb @f
add esi, 8
push eax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval_end]
shl eax, 3
add eax, [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval]
cmp eax, esi
pop eax
jnz .mftscan
jmp .nomft
push ecx
add ecx, eax
add ecx, [esi]
push eax
push edx
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
mul ecx
; eax = sector on partition
pop edx
add eax, edx
mov ebx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf]
pop ecx
neg ecx
imul ecx, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
sub ecx, edx
cmp ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size]
jb @f
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size]
; ecx = number of sequential sectors to read
push eax
call fs_read32_sys
pop edx
test eax, eax
jnz .errread
add [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], 0x200
dec [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size]
inc [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
add ebx, 0x200
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], ebx
lea eax, [edx+1]
loop @b
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
xor edx, edx
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], eax
jz @f
add esi, 8
push eax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval_end]
shl eax, 3
add eax, [ebp+NTFS.mft_retrieval]
cmp eax, esi
pop eax
jz .nomft
jmp .mftscan
pop ecx
mov [esp+28], eax
; 1. Read file record.
; N.B. This will do recursive call of read_attr for $MFT::$Data.
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_iRecord], eax
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_list], 0
or dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size], -1
or dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4], -1
or [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_iBaseRecord], -1
call ntfs_read_file_record
jc .errret
; 2. Find required attribute.
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
; a) For auxiliary records, read base record
; N.B. If base record is present,
; base iRecord may be 0 (for $Mft), but SequenceNumber is nonzero
cmp dword [eax+24h], 0
jz @f
mov eax, [eax+20h]
; test eax, eax
; jz @f
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_iRecord], eax
call ntfs_read_file_record
jc .errret
; b) Scan for required attribute and for $ATTR_LIST
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
movzx ecx, word [eax+14h]
add eax, ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr]
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs], 0
cmp dword [eax], -1
jz .scandone
cmp dword [eax], ecx
jz .okattr
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_iBaseRecord], -1
jnz .scancont
cmp dword [eax], 0x20 ; $ATTR_LIST
jnz .scancont
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_list], eax
jmp .scancont
; ignore named $DATA attributes (aka NTFS streams)
cmp ecx, 0x80
jnz @f
cmp byte [eax+9], 0
jnz .scancont
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs], eax
add eax, [eax+4]
jmp .scanattr
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], 0
; c) Check for required offset and length
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
jecxz .noattr
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
call .doreadattr
pop edx
pop ecx
jc @f
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bCanContinue], 0
jz @f
sub edx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
neg edx
shr edx, 9
sub ecx, edx
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], ecx
jnz .not_in_cur
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0x20
jz @f
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_list]
test ecx, ecx
jnz .lookattr
and dword [esp+28], 0
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs], 1 ; CF set <=> ntfs_attr_offs == 0
; required attribute or required offset was not found in base record;
; it may be present in auxiliary records;
; scan $ATTR_LIST
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_iBaseRecord]
cmp eax, -1
jz @f
call ntfs_read_file_record
jc .errret
or [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_iBaseRecord], -1
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf]
push dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size]
push dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4]
or dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size], -1
or dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4], -1
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], 0
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 2
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], 0
lea eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attrlist_buf]
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], 0
jnz @f
lea eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attrlist_mft_buf]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
push eax
call .doreadattr
pop esi
mov edx, 1
pop dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4]
pop dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size]
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
jc .errret
or edi, -1
lea ecx, [ecx+esi-1Ah]
push ecx
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr]
cmp esi, [esp]
jae .scanlistdone
cmp eax, [esi]
jz @f
movzx ecx, word [esi+4]
add esi, ecx
jmp .scanlist
; ignore named $DATA attributes (aka NTFS streams)
cmp eax, 0x80
jnz @f
cmp byte [esi+6], 0
jnz .scanlistcont
push eax
mov eax, [esi+8]
test eax, eax
jnz .testf
mov eax, dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size]
and eax, dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4]
cmp eax, -1
jnz .testfz
; if attribute is in auxiliary records, its size is defined only in first
mov eax, [esi+10h]
call ntfs_read_file_record
jnc @f
pop ecx ecx
jmp .errret
xor eax, eax
jmp .errret_pop
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
movzx ecx, word [eax+14h]
add eax, ecx
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr]
cmp dword [eax], -1
jz .errret2_pop
cmp dword [eax], ecx
jz @f
add eax, [eax+4]
jmp @b
cmp eax, 0x80
jnz @f
cmp byte [eax+9], 0
jnz .l1
cmp byte [eax+8], 0
jnz .sdnores
mov eax, [eax+10h]
mov dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size], eax
and dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4], 0
jmp .testfz
mov ecx, [eax+30h]
mov dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size], ecx
mov ecx, [eax+34h]
mov dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4], ecx
xor eax, eax
imul eax, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
cmp eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
pop eax
ja @f
mov edi, [esi+10h] ; keep previous iRecord
jmp .scanlistcont
pop ecx
cmp edi, -1
jnz @f
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_iBaseRecord], eax
mov eax, edi
jmp .beginfindattr
pop ecx
sub ecx, ebp
sub ecx, NTFS.ntfs_attrlist_buf-1Ah
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], 0
jnz @f
sub ecx, NTFS.ntfs_attrlist_mft_buf-NTFS.ntfs_attrlist_buf
cmp ecx, 0x400
jnz .scanlistfound
inc edx
push esi edi
lea esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attrlist_buf+0x200]
lea edi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attrlist_buf]
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], 0
jnz @f
lea esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attrlist_mft_buf+0x200]
lea edi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attrlist_mft_buf]
mov ecx, 0x200/4
rep movsd
mov eax, edi
pop edi esi
sub esi, 0x200
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf]
push dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size]
push dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4]
or dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size], -1
or dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4], -1
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], edx
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 1
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], 0
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_list]
push esi edx edi
call .doreadattr
pop edi edx esi
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
pop dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4]
pop dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
jc .errret
lea ecx, [ecx+ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attrlist_buf+0x200-0x1A]
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], 0
jnz .scanliststart
add ecx, NTFS.ntfs_attrlist_mft_buf-NTFS.ntfs_attrlist_buf
jmp .scanliststart
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bCanContinue], 0
cmp byte [ecx+8], 0
jnz .nonresident
mov eax, [ecx+10h] ; length
mov esi, eax
mov edx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
shr eax, 9
cmp eax, edx
jb .okret
shl edx, 9
sub esi, edx
movzx eax, word [ecx+14h]
add edx, eax
add edx, ecx ; edx -> data
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size]
cmp eax, (0xFFFFFFFF shr 9)+1
jbe @f
mov eax, (0xFFFFFFFF shr 9)+1
shl eax, 9
cmp eax, esi
jbe @f
mov eax, esi
; eax = length, edx -> data
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], eax
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, edx
mov ebx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf]
call memmove
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 0 ; CF=0
; Not all auxiliary records contain correct FileSize info
mov eax, dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size]
mov edx, dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4]
push eax
and eax, edx
cmp eax, -1
pop eax
jnz @f
mov eax, [ecx+30h] ; FileSize
mov edx, [ecx+34h]
mov dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size], eax
mov dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4], edx
add eax, 0x1FF
adc edx, 0
shrd eax, edx, 9
sub eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
ja @f
; return with nothing read
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 0
; reduce read length
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_tail], 0
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], eax
jb @f
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], eax
mov eax, dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size]
and eax, 0x1FF
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_tail], eax
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 0
jz .okret
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
xor edx, edx
div [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
sub eax, [ecx+10h] ; first_vbo
jb .okret
; eax = cluster, edx = starting sector
sub esp, 10h
movzx esi, word [ecx+20h] ; mcb_info_ofs
add esi, ecx
xor edi, edi
call ntfs_decode_mcb_entry
jnc .break
add edi, [esp+8]
sub eax, [esp]
jae .readloop
push ecx
push eax
add eax, [esp+8]
add eax, edi
imul eax, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
add eax, edx
pop ecx
neg ecx
imul ecx, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
sub ecx, edx
cmp ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size]
jb @f
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size]
mov ebx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf]
push eax
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0x80
jnz .sys
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], 0
jz .sys
call fs_read32_app
jmp .appsys
call fs_read32_sys
pop edx
test eax, eax
jnz .errread2
add ebx, 0x200
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], ebx
lea eax, [edx+1]
add [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], 0x200
dec [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size]
inc [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
loop @b
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
xor edx, edx
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 0
jnz .readloop
add esp, 10h
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_tail]
test eax, eax
jz @f
sub eax, 0x200
add [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], eax
pop ecx
add esp, 10h
add esp, 10h ; CF=0
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bCanContinue], 1
; in: eax=iRecord
; out: [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer] contains information
; CF=1 - failed, in this case eax=0 => something with FS, eax nonzero => disk error
; Read attr $DATA of $Mft, starting from eax*[ebp+NTFS.frs_size]
push ecx edx
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.frs_size]
mul ecx
shrd eax, edx, 9
shr edx, 9
jnz .errret
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_iRecord]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_iBaseRecord]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_list]
push dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4]
push dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf]
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0x80 ; $DATA
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], 0 ; $Mft
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], eax
shr ecx, 9
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], ecx
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call ntfs_read_attr
mov edx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord]
pop dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size]
pop dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_size+4]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_list]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_offs]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_iBaseRecord]
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_attr_iRecord]
jc .ret
cmp edx, [ebp+NTFS.frs_size]
jnz .errret
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_buffer]
cmp dword [eax], 'FILE'
jnz .errret
push ebx
mov ebx, eax
call ntfs_restore_usa_frs
pop ebx
jc .errret
pop edx ecx
pop edx ecx
xor eax, eax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.frs_size]
shr eax, 9
mov ecx, eax
inc eax
cmp [ebx+6], ax
jnz .err
movzx eax, word [ebx+4]
lea esi, [eax+ebx]
mov edx, eax
lea edi, [ebx+0x1FE]
cmp [edi], dx
jnz .err
add edi, 0x1FE
loop @b
push eax ecx edi
lea edi, [esp+16]
xor eax, eax
test al, al
jz .end
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, 0xF
cmp ecx, 8
ja .end
push ecx
rep movsb
pop ecx
sub ecx, 8
neg ecx
cmp byte [esi-1], 80h
jae .end
push eax
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
pop ecx
shr ecx, 4
cmp ecx, 8
ja .end
push ecx
rep movsb
pop ecx
sub ecx, 8
neg ecx
cmp byte [esi-1], 80h
sbb eax, eax
rep stosb
pop edi ecx eax
push eax
call uni2ansi_char
cmp al, '_'
jz .unk
add esp, 4
call char_toupper
jmp ansi2uni_char
pop eax
; in: esi+[esp+4] -> name
; out: CF=1 - file not found
; else CF=0, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord] valid, eax->record in parent directory
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], 5 ; start parse from root cluster
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0x90 ; $INDEX_ROOT
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], 0
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_size]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], eax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call ntfs_read_attr
jnc @f
ret 4
xor eax, eax
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], 0x20
jc .ret
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
mov eax, [esi+14h]
add eax, 10h
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], eax
jae .readok1
add eax, 1FFh
shr eax, 9
cmp eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_size]
ja @f
ret 4
; reallocate
push eax
push [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
call kernel_free
pop eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_size], eax
push eax
call kernel_alloc
test eax, eax
jnz @f
and [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_size], 0
and [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf], 0
jmp .stc_ret
mov [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf], eax
jmp .doit2
mov edx, [esi+8] ; subnode_size
shr edx, 9
cmp edx, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_size]
jbe .ok2
push esi edx
push edx
call kernel_alloc
pop edx esi
test eax, eax
jz .stc_ret
mov edi, eax
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_size]
shl ecx, 9-2
rep movsd
mov esi, eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_size], edx
push esi edx
push [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
call kernel_free
pop edx esi
mov [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf], esi
add esi, 10h
mov edi, [esp+4]
; edi -> name, esi -> current index data, edx = subnode size
add esi, [esi]
test byte [esi+0Ch], 2
jnz .subnode
push esi
add esi, 0x52
movzx ecx, byte [esi-2]
push edi
call unichar_toupper
push eax
mov al, [edi]
inc edi
cmp al, '/'
jz .slash
call char_toupper
call ansi2uni_char
cmp ax, [esp]
pop eax
loopz @b
jz .found
pop edi
pop esi
jb .subnode
movzx eax, word [esi+8]
add esi, eax
jmp .scanloopint
pop eax
pop edi
pop esi
test byte [esi+0Ch], 1
jz .notfound
movzx eax, word [esi+8]
mov eax, [esi+eax-8]
imul eax, [ebp+NTFS.sectors_per_cluster]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0xA0 ; $INDEX_ALLOCATION
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], edx
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
mov esi, eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
push edx
call ntfs_read_attr
pop edx
mov eax, edx
shl eax, 9
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], eax
jnz .notfound
cmp dword [esi], 'INDX'
jnz .notfound
mov ebx, esi
call ntfs_restore_usa
jc .notfound
add esi, 0x18
jmp .scanloop
ret 4
cmp byte [edi], 0
jz .done
cmp byte [edi], '/'
jz .next
pop edi
pop esi
jmp .scanloopcont
pop esi
pop esi
mov eax, [esi]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], eax
mov [esp+1Ch], esi
mov [esp+4], edi
inc esi
cmp byte [esi-1], 0
jnz .doit2
cmp dword [esp+4], 0
jz @f
mov esi, [esp+4]
mov dword [esp+4], 0
jmp .doit2
ret 4
; ntfs_Read - NTFS implementation of reading a file
; in: ebp = pointer to NTFS structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz @f
or ebx, -1
call ntfs_lock
stdcall ntfs_find_lfn, [esp+4]
jnc .found
call ntfs_unlock
or ebx, -1
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0x80 ; $DATA
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], 0
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 0
call ntfs_read_attr
jnc @f
call ntfs_unlock
or ebx, -1
and dword [esp+10h], 0
xor eax, eax
cmp dword [ebx+8], 0x200
jb @f
xor ebx, ebx
push eax
call ntfs_unlock
pop eax
mov ecx, [ebx+12]
mov edx, [ebx+16]
mov eax, [ebx+4]
test eax, 0x1FF
jz .alignedstart
push edx
mov edx, [ebx+8]
shrd eax, edx, 9
pop edx
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 1
lea eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call ntfs_read_attr.continue
mov eax, [ebx+4]
and eax, 0x1FF
lea esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf+eax]
sub eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
jae .eof0
neg eax
push ecx
cmp ecx, eax
jb @f
mov ecx, eax
mov [esp+10h+4], ecx
mov edi, edx
rep movsb
mov edx, edi
pop ecx
sub ecx, [esp+10h]
jnz @f
call ntfs_unlock
xor eax, eax
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], 0x200
jz .alignedstart
jmp .eof
mov eax, [ebx+4]
push edx
mov edx, [ebx+8]
add eax, 511
adc edx, 0
shrd eax, edx, 9
pop edx
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], edx
mov eax, ecx
shr eax, 9
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], eax
add eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
push eax
call ntfs_read_attr.continue
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
add [esp+10h], eax
mov eax, ecx
and eax, not 0x1FF
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], eax
jnz .eof_ebx
and ecx, 0x1FF
jz .retok
add edx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 1
lea eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call ntfs_read_attr.continue
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], ecx
jb @f
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], ecx
xchg ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
push ecx
mov edi, edx
lea esi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf]
add [esp+10h+4], ecx
rep movsb
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
cmp ecx, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read]
jz @f
mov [esp+1Ch], eax
call ntfs_unlock
; ntfs_ReadFolder - NTFS implementation of reading a folder
; in: ebp = pointer to NTFS structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
call ntfs_lock
mov eax, 5 ; root cluster
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz .doit
stdcall ntfs_find_lfn, [esp+4]
jnc .doit2
or ebx, -1
call ntfs_unlock
pop eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0x10 ; $STANDARD_INFORMATION
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], 0
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 1
lea eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call ntfs_read_attr
jc .notfound
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0x90 ; $INDEX_ROOT
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], 0
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_size]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], eax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
call ntfs_read_attr
jnc .ok
test eax, eax
jz .notfound
or ebx, -1
push 11
jmp .pop_ret
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], 0x20
jae @f
or ebx, -1
jmp .pop_ret
mov esi, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
mov eax, [esi+14h]
add eax, 10h
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], eax
jae .readok1
add eax, 1FFh
shr eax, 9
cmp eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_size]
ja @f
jmp .fserr
; reallocate
push eax
push [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
call kernel_free
pop eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_size], eax
push eax
call kernel_alloc
test eax, eax
jnz @f
and [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_size], 0
and [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf], 0
call ntfs_unlock
or ebx, -1
movi eax, 12
mov [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf], eax
jmp .doit2
mov edx, [esi+8] ; subnode_size
shr edx, 9
mov [ebp+NTFS.cur_subnode_size], edx
cmp edx, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_size]
jbe .ok2
push esi edx
push edx
call kernel_alloc
pop edx esi
test eax, eax
jz .nomem
mov edi, eax
mov ecx, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_size]
shl ecx, 9-2
rep movsd
mov esi, eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_size], edx
push [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
call kernel_free
mov [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf], esi
add esi, 10h
mov edx, [ebx+16]
push dword [ebx+8] ; read ANSI/UNICODE name
; init header
mov edi, edx
mov ecx, 32/4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov byte [edx], 1 ; version
mov ecx, [ebx+12]
mov ebx, [ebx+4]
push edx
mov edx, esp
; edi -> BDFE, esi -> current index data, ebx = first wanted block,
; ecx = number of blocks to read
; edx -> parameters block: dd <output>, dd <flags>
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_iRecord], 5
jz .skip_specials
; dot and dotdot entries
push esi
xor esi, esi
call .add_special_entry
inc esi
call .add_special_entry
pop esi
; at first, dump index root
add esi, [esi]
test byte [esi+0Ch], 2
jnz .dump_root_done
call .add_entry
movzx eax, word [esi+8]
add esi, eax
jmp .dump_root
; now dump all subnodes
push ecx edi
lea edi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], edi
mov ecx, 0x400/4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0xB0 ; $BITMAP
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], 0
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 2
call ntfs_read_attr
pop edi ecx
push 0 ; save offset in $BITMAP attribute
and [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], 0
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0xA0
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_subnode_size]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], eax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_index_buf]
mov esi, eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], eax
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
imul eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_subnode_size]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], eax
call ntfs_read_attr
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.cur_subnode_size]
shl eax, 9
cmp [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_read], eax
jnz .done
push eax
mov eax, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
and eax, 0x400*8-1
bt dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf], eax
pop eax
jnc .dump_subnode_done
cmp dword [esi], 'INDX'
jnz .dump_subnode_done
push ebx
mov ebx, esi
call ntfs_restore_usa
pop ebx
jc .dump_subnode_done
add esi, 0x18
add esi, [esi]
test byte [esi+0Ch], 2
jnz .dump_subnode_done
call .add_entry
movzx eax, word [esi+8]
add esi, eax
jmp .dump_subnode
inc [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
test [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], 0x400*8-1
jnz .dumploop
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_attr], 0xB0
push ecx edi
lea edi, [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf]
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_buf], edi
mov ecx, 0x400/4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop edi ecx
pop eax
push [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
inc eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs], eax
mov [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_size], 2
push eax
call ntfs_read_attr
pop eax
pop [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_cur_offs]
push eax
jmp .dumploop
pop eax
pop edx
mov ebx, [edx+4]
pop edx
xor eax, eax
dec ecx
js @f
mov [esp+1Ch], eax
mov [esp+10h], ebx
call ntfs_unlock
mov eax, [edx]
inc dword [eax+8] ; new file found
dec ebx
jns .ret
dec ecx
js .ret
inc dword [eax+4] ; new file block copied
mov eax, [edx+4]
mov [edi+4], eax
; mov eax, dword [ntfs_bitmap_buf+0x20]
; or al, 0x10
mov eax, 0x10
push edx
mov eax, dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf]
mov edx, dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf+4]
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe
mov eax, dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf+0x18]
mov edx, dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf+0x1C]
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe
mov eax, dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf+8]
mov edx, dword [ebp+NTFS.ntfs_bitmap_buf+0xC]
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe
pop edx
xor eax, eax
mov al, '.'
push edi ecx
lea ecx, [esi+1]
test byte [edi-0x24], 1
jz @f
rep stosw
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
pop edi
add edi, 520
rep stosb
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
pop edi
add edi, 264
; do not return DOS 8.3 names
cmp byte [esi+0x51], 2
jz .ret
; do not return system files
; ... note that there will be no bad effects if system files also were reported ...
cmp dword [esi], 0x10
jb .ret
mov eax, [edx]
inc dword [eax+8] ; new file found
dec ebx
jns .ret
dec ecx
js .ret
inc dword [eax+4] ; new file block copied
mov eax, [edx+4] ; flags
call ntfs_direntry_to_bdfe
push ecx esi edi
movzx ecx, byte [esi+0x50]
add esi, 0x52
test byte [edi-0x24], 1
jz .ansi
shr ecx, 1
rep movsd
adc ecx, ecx
rep movsw
and word [edi], 0
pop edi
add edi, 520
pop esi ecx
jecxz .skip
call uni2ansi_char
loop @b
xor al, al
pop edi
add edi, 264
pop esi ecx
mov [edi+4], eax ; ANSI/UNICODE name
mov eax, [esi+48h]
test eax, 0x10000000
jz @f
and eax, not 0x10000000
or al, 0x10
push edx
mov eax, [esi+0x18]
mov edx, [esi+0x1C]
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe
mov eax, [esi+0x30]
mov edx, [esi+0x34]
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe
mov eax, [esi+0x20]
mov edx, [esi+0x24]
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe
pop edx
mov eax, [esi+0x40]
mov eax, [esi+0x44]
_24 dd 24
_60 dd 60
_10000000 dd 10000000
days400year dd 365*400+100-4+1
days100year dd 365*100+25-1
days4year dd 365*4+1
days1year dd 365
months dd 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
months2 dd 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
_400 dd 400
_100 dd 100
; edx:eax = number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601, in UTC
push eax
mov eax, edx
xor edx, edx
div [_10000000]
xchg eax, [esp]
div [_10000000]
pop edx
; edx:eax = number of seconds since January 1, 1601
push eax
mov eax, edx
xor edx, edx
div [_60]
xchg eax, [esp]
div [_60]
mov [edi], dl
pop edx
; edx:eax = number of minutes
div [_60]
mov [edi+1], dl
; eax = number of hours (note that 2^64/(10^7*60*60) < 2^32)
xor edx, edx
div [_24]
mov [edi+2], dl
mov [edi+3], byte 0
; eax = number of days since January 1, 1601
xor edx, edx
div [days400year]
imul eax, 400
add eax, 1601
mov [edi+6], ax
mov eax, edx
xor edx, edx
div [days100year]
cmp al, 4
jnz @f
dec eax
add edx, [days100year]
imul eax, 100
add [edi+6], ax
mov eax, edx
xor edx, edx
div [days4year]
shl eax, 2
add [edi+6], ax
mov eax, edx
xor edx, edx
div [days1year]
cmp al, 4
jnz @f
dec eax
add edx, [days1year]
add [edi+6], ax
push esi edx
mov esi, months
movzx eax, word [edi+6]
test al, 3
jnz .noleap
xor edx, edx
push eax
div [_400]
pop eax
test edx, edx
jz .leap
xor edx, edx
div [_100]
test edx, edx
jz .noleap
mov esi, months2
pop edx
xor eax, eax
inc eax
sub edx, [esi]
jb @f
add esi, 4
inc eax
jmp @b
add edx, [esi]
pop esi
inc edx
mov [edi+4], dl
mov [edi+5], al
add edi, 8
; ntfs_Rewrite - NTFS implementation of creating a new file
; in: ebp = pointer to NTFS structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
xor ebx, ebx
; ntfs_Write - NTFS implementation of writing to file
; in: ebp = pointer to NTFS structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
xor ebx, ebx
; ntfs_GetFileInfo - NTFS implementation of getting file info
; in: ebp = pointer to NTFS structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
cmp byte [esi], 0
jnz @f
movi eax, 2
call ntfs_lock
stdcall ntfs_find_lfn, [esp+4]
jnc .doit
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov al, 11
push eax
call ntfs_unlock
pop eax
push esi edi
mov esi, eax
mov edi, [ebx+16]
xor eax, eax
call ntfs_direntry_to_bdfe
pop edi esi
call ntfs_unlock
xor eax, eax
0,0 → 1,247
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; File path partial substitution (according to configuration)
; SPraid
$Revision: 3780 $
; pointer to memory for path replace table,
; size of one record is 128 bytes: 64 bytes for search pattern + 64 bytes for replace string
; start with one entry: sys -> <sysdir>
full_file_name_table dd sysdir_name
.size dd 1
tmp_file_name_size dd 1
; Parser_params will initialize: sysdir_name = "sys", sysdir_path = <sysdir>
sysdir_name rb 64
sysdir_path rb 64
sysdir_name1 rb 64
sysdir_path1 rb 64
; for example:
;dir_name1 db 'KolibriOS',0
; rb 64-8
;dir_path1 db 'HD0/1',0
; rb 64-6
tmp_file_name_table dd ?
; use bx_from_load and init system directory /sys
proc Parser_params
buff db 4 dup(?) ; for test cd
mov eax, [OS_BASE+0x10000+bx_from_load]
mov ecx, sysdir_path
mov [ecx-64], dword 'sys'
cmp al, 'r'; if ram disk
jnz @f
mov [ecx], dword 'RD/?'
mov [ecx+3], byte ah
mov [ecx+4], byte 0
cmp al, 'm'; if ram disk
jnz @f
mov [ecx], dword 'CD?/'; if cd disk {m}
mov [ecx+4], byte '1'
mov [ecx+5], dword '/KOL'
mov [ecx+9], dword 'IBRI'
mov [ecx+13], byte 0
mov [ecx+2], byte ah
inc ah
cmp ah, '5'
je .not_found_cd
lea edx, [buff]
stdcall read_file, read_firstapp, edx, 0, 4
cmp [edx], dword 'MENU'
jne .next_cd
jmp .ok
sub al, 49
mov [ecx], dword 'HD?/'; if hard disk
mov [ecx+2], byte al
mov [ecx+4], byte ah
mov [ecx+5], dword '/KOL'
mov [ecx+9], dword 'IBRI'
mov [ecx+13], byte 0
proc load_file_parse_table
stdcall kernel_alloc, 0x1000
mov [tmp_file_name_table], eax
mov edi, eax
mov esi, sysdir_name
mov ecx, 128/4
rep movsd
invoke ini.enum_keys, conf_fname, conf_path_sect, get_every_key
mov eax, [tmp_file_name_table]
mov [full_file_name_table], eax
mov eax, [tmp_file_name_size]
mov [full_file_name_table.size], eax
def_val_1 db 0
proc get_every_key stdcall, f_name, sec_name, key_name
mov esi, [key_name]
mov ecx, esi
cmp byte [esi], '/'
jnz @f
inc esi
mov edi, [tmp_file_name_size]
shl edi, 7
cmp edi, 0x1000
jae .stop_parse
add edi, [tmp_file_name_table]
lea ebx, [edi+64]
cmp edi, ebx
jae .skip_this_key
test al, al
jz @f
or al, 20h
jmp @b
invoke ini.get_str, [f_name], [sec_name], ecx, ebx, 64, def_val_1
cmp byte [ebx], '/'
jnz @f
lea esi, [ebx+1]
mov edi, ebx
mov ecx, 63
rep movsb
push ebp
mov ebp, [tmp_file_name_table]
mov ecx, [tmp_file_name_size]
jecxz .noreplace
mov eax, ecx
dec eax
shl eax, 7
add ebp, eax
mov edi, ebx
mov esi, ebp
test al, al
jz .doreplace
mov dl, [edi]
inc edi
test dl, dl
jz .replace_loop_cont
or dl, 20h
cmp al, dl
jz @b
jmp .replace_loop_cont
cmp byte [edi], 0
jz @f
cmp byte [edi], '/'
jnz .replace_loop_cont
lea esi, [ebp+64]
call .replace
jc .skip_this_key2
sub ebp, 128
loop .replace_loop
pop ebp
inc [tmp_file_name_size]
xor eax, eax
inc eax
pop ebp
jmp .skip_this_key
xor eax, eax
proc get_every_key.replace
; in: ebx->destination, esi->first part of name, edi->second part of name
; maximum length is 64 bytes
; out: CF=1 <=> overflow
; 1) allocate temporary buffer in stack
sub esp, 64
; 2) save second part of name to temporary buffer
push esi
lea esi, [esp+4] ; esi->tmp buffer
xchg esi, edi ; edi->tmp buffer, esi->source
test al, al
jnz @b
; 3) copy first part of name to destination
pop esi
mov edi, ebx
test al, al
jz @f
jmp @b
; 4) restore second part of name from temporary buffer to destination
; (may cause overflow)
lea edx, [ebx+64] ; limit of destination
mov esi, esp
cmp edi, edx
jae .overflow
test al, al
jnz @b
; all is OK
add esp, 64 ; CF is cleared
; name is too long
add esp, 64
0,0 → 1,2769
include ''
; This file contains XFS related code.
; For more information on XFS check sources below.
; 1. XFS Filesystem Structure, 2nd Edition, Revision 1. Silicon Graphics Inc. 2006
; 2. Linux source
; test partition type (valid XFS one?)
; alloc and fill XFS (see structure
; this function is called for each partition
; returns 0 (not XFS or invalid) / pointer to partition structure
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
cmp dword[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_magicnum], XFS_SB_MAGIC ; signature
jne .error
; TODO: check XFS.versionnum and XFS.features2
; print superblock params for debugging (waiting for bug reports)
movi eax, sizeof.XFS
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .error
; standard partition initialization, common for all file systems
mov edi, eax
mov eax, dword[ebp + PARTITION.FirstSector]
mov dword[edi + XFS.FirstSector], eax
mov eax, dword[ebp + PARTITION.FirstSector + 4]
mov dword[edi + XFS.FirstSector + 4], eax
mov eax, dword[ebp + PARTITION.Length]
mov dword[edi + XFS.Length], eax
mov eax, dword[ebp + PARTITION.Length + 4]
mov dword[edi + XFS.Length + 4], eax
mov eax, [ebp + PARTITION.Disk]
mov [edi + XFS.Disk], eax
mov [edi + XFS.FSUserFunctions], xfs_user_functions
; here we initialize only one mutex so far (for the entire partition)
; XFS potentially allows parallel r/w access to several AGs, keep it in mind for SMP times
lea ecx, [edi + XFS.Lock]
call mutex_init
; read superblock and fill just allocated XFS partition structure
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_sb.sb_blocksize]
bswap eax ; XFS is big endian
mov [edi + XFS.blocksize], eax
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_sectsize]
xchg al, ah
mov [edi + XFS.sectsize], eax
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_versionnum]
xchg al, ah
mov [edi + XFS.versionnum], eax
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_sb.sb_features2]
bswap eax
mov [edi + XFS.features2], eax
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_inodesize]
xchg al, ah
mov [edi + XFS.inodesize], eax
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_inopblock] ; inodes per block
xchg al, ah
mov [edi + XFS.inopblock], eax
movzx eax, byte[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_blocklog] ; log2 of block size, in bytes
mov [edi + XFS.blocklog], eax
movzx eax, byte[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_sectlog]
mov [edi + XFS.sectlog], eax
movzx eax, byte[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_inodelog]
mov [edi + XFS.inodelog], eax
movzx eax, byte[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_inopblog]
mov [edi + XFS.inopblog], eax
movzx eax, byte[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_dirblklog]
mov [edi + XFS.dirblklog], eax
mov eax, dword[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_rootino + 4] ;
bswap eax ; big
mov dword[edi + XFS.rootino + 0], eax ; endian
mov eax, dword[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_rootino + 0] ; 64bit
bswap eax ; number
mov dword[edi + XFS.rootino + 4], eax ;
mov eax, [edi + XFS.blocksize]
mov ecx, [edi + XFS.dirblklog]
shl eax, cl
mov [edi + XFS.dirblocksize], eax ; blocks for files, dirblocks for directories
; sector is always smaller than block
; so precalculate shift order to allow faster sector_num->block_num conversion
mov ecx, [edi + XFS.blocklog]
sub ecx, [edi + XFS.sectlog]
mov [edi + XFS.blockmsectlog], ecx
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl
mov [edi + XFS.sectpblock], eax
; shift order for inode_num->block_num conversion
mov eax, [edi + XFS.blocklog]
sub eax, [edi + XFS.inodelog]
mov [edi + XFS.inodetoblocklog], eax
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_sb.sb_agblocks]
bswap eax
mov [edi + XFS.agblocks], eax
movzx ecx, byte[ebx + xfs_sb.sb_agblklog]
mov [edi + XFS.agblklog], ecx
; get the mask for block numbers
; block numbers are AG relative!
; bitfield length may vary between partitions
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl
dec eax
mov dword[edi + XFS.agblockmask + 0], eax
mov eax, 1
sub ecx, 32
jc @f
shl eax, cl
dec eax
mov dword[edi + XFS.agblockmask + 4], eax
; calculate magic offsets for directories
mov ecx, [edi + XFS.blocklog]
mov eax, XFS_DIR2_LEAF_OFFSET AND 0xffffffff ; lo
mov edx, XFS_DIR2_LEAF_OFFSET SHR 32 ; hi
shrd eax, edx, cl
mov [edi + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], eax
mov ecx, [edi + XFS.blocklog]
mov eax, XFS_DIR2_FREE_OFFSET AND 0xffffffff ; lo
mov edx, XFS_DIR2_FREE_OFFSET SHR 32 ; hi
shrd eax, edx, cl
mov [edi + XFS.dir2_free_offset_blocks], eax
; mov ecx, [edi + XFS.dirblklog]
; mov eax, [edi + XFS.blocksize]
; shl eax, cl
; mov [edi + XFS.dirblocksize], eax
mov eax, [edi + XFS.blocksize]
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .error
mov [edi + XFS.cur_block], eax
; we do need XFS.blocksize bytes for single inode
; minimal file system structure is block, inodes are packed in blocks
mov eax, [edi + XFS.blocksize]
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .error
mov [edi + XFS.cur_inode], eax
; temporary inode
; used for browsing directories
mov eax, [edi + XFS.blocksize]
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .error
mov [edi + XFS.tmp_inode], eax
; current sector
; only for sector size structures like AGI
; inodes has usually the same size, but never store them here
mov eax, [edi + XFS.sectsize]
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .error
mov [edi + XFS.cur_sect], eax
; current directory block
mov eax, [edi + XFS.dirblocksize]
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .error
mov [edi + XFS.cur_dirblock], eax
mov eax, edi ; return pointer to allocated XFS partition structure
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
xor eax, eax
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
align 4
dd xfs_free
dd (xfs_user_functions_end - xfs_user_functions - 4) / 4
dd xfs_Read
dd xfs_ReadFolder
dd 0;xfs_Rewrite
dd 0;xfs_Write
dd 0;xfs_SetFileEnd
dd xfs_GetFileInfo
dd 0;xfs_SetFileInfo
dd 0
dd 0;xfs_Delete
dd 0;xfs_CreateFolder
; lock partition access mutex
proc xfs_lock
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_lock\n"
lea ecx, [ebp + XFS.Lock]
jmp mutex_lock
; unlock partition access mutex
proc xfs_unlock
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_unlock\n"
lea ecx, [ebp + XFS.Lock]
jmp mutex_unlock
; free all the allocated memory
; called on partition destroy
proc xfs_free
push ebp
xchg ebp, eax
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp + XFS.cur_sect]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebp + XFS.tmp_inode]
xchg ebp, eax
call free
pop ebp
; block number (AG relative)
; eax -- inode_lo
; edx -- inode_hi
; ebx -- buffer
push ebx esi
push edx
push eax
; XFS block numbers are AG relative
; they come in bitfield form of concatenated AG and block numbers
; to get absolute block number for fs_read32_sys we should
; 1. extract AG number (using precalculated mask)
; 2. multiply it by the AG size in blocks
; 3. add AG relative block number
; 1.
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.agblklog]
shrd eax, edx, cl
shr edx, cl
; 2.
mul dword[ebp + XFS.agblocks]
pop ecx
pop esi
and ecx, dword[ebp + XFS.agblockmask + 0]
and esi, dword[ebp + XFS.agblockmask + 4]
; 3.
add eax, ecx
adc edx, esi
;DEBUGF 1,"read block: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
; there is no way to read file system block at once, therefore we
; 1. calculate the number of sectors first
; 2. and then read them in series
; 1.
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blockmsectlog]
shld edx, eax, cl
shl eax, cl
mov esi, [ebp + XFS.sectpblock]
; 2.
push eax edx
call fs_read32_sys
mov ecx, eax
pop edx eax
test ecx, ecx
jnz .error
add eax, 1 ; be ready to fs_read64_sys
adc edx, 0
add ebx, [ebp + XFS.sectsize] ; update buffer offset
dec esi
jnz .next_sector
xor eax, eax
pop esi ebx
mov eax, ecx
pop esi ebx
; push buffer
; push startblock_hi
; push startblock_lo
; call xfs_read_dirblock
; test eax, eax
;mov eax, [esp + 4]
;mov edx, [esp + 8]
;DEBUGF 1,"read dirblock at: %d %d\n",edx,eax
;DEBUGF 1,"dirblklog: %d\n",[ebp + XFS.dirblklog]
push ebx esi
mov eax, [esp + 12] ; startblock_lo
mov edx, [esp + 16] ; startblock_hi
mov ebx, [esp + 20] ; buffer
; dirblock >= block
; read dirblocks by blocks
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.dirblklog]
mov esi, 1
shl esi, cl
push eax edx
call xfs_read_block
mov ecx, eax
pop edx eax
test ecx, ecx
jnz .error
add eax, 1 ; be ready to fs_read64_sys
adc edx, 0
add ebx, [ebp + XFS.blocksize]
dec esi
jnz .next_block
xor eax, eax
pop esi ebx
ret 12
mov eax, ecx
pop esi ebx
ret 12
; push buffer
; push inode_hi
; push inode_lo
; call xfs_read_inode
; test eax, eax
;DEBUGF 1,"reading inode: 0x%x%x\n",[esp+8],[esp+4]
push ebx
mov eax, [esp + 8] ; inode_lo
mov edx, [esp + 12] ; inode_hi
mov ebx, [esp + 16] ; buffer
; inodes are packed into blocks
; 1. calculate block number
; 2. read the block
; 3. add inode offset to block base address
; 1.
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.inodetoblocklog]
shrd eax, edx, cl
shr edx, cl
; 2.
call xfs_read_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error
; note that inode numbers should be first extracted from bitfields using mask
mov eax, [esp + 8]
mov edx, 1
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.inopblog]
shl edx, cl
dec edx ; get inode number mask
and eax, edx ; apply mask
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.inodelog]
shl eax, cl
add ebx, eax
cmp word[ebx], XFS_DINODE_MAGIC ; test signature
jne .error
xor eax, eax
mov edx, ebx
pop ebx
ret 12
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
mov edx, ebx
pop ebx
ret 12
; push encoding ; ASCII / UNICODE
; push src ; inode
; push dst ; bdfe
; push entries_to_read
; push start_number ; from 0
DEBUGF 1,"xfs_dir_get_bdfes: %d entries from %d\n",[esp+8],[esp+4]
sub esp, 4 ; local vars
push ecx edx esi edi
mov ebx, [esp + 36] ; src
mov edx, [esp + 32] ; dst
mov ecx, [esp + 24] ; start_number
; define directory ondisk format and jump to corresponding label
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_LOCAL
jne .not_shortdir
jmp .shortdir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS
jne .not_blockdir
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
cmp eax, 1
jne .not_blockdir
jmp .blockdir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS
jne .not_leafdir
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
cmp eax, 4
ja .not_leafdir
jmp .leafdir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS
jne .not_nodedir
jmp .nodedir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_BTREE
jne .not_btreedir
jmp .btreedir
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
; short form directory (all the data fits into inode)
;DEBUGF 1,"shortdir\n",
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.count]
test al, al ; is count zero?
jnz @f ; if not, use it (i8count must be zero then)
shr eax, 8 ; use i8count
add eax, 1 ; '..' and '.' are implicit
mov dword[edx + 0], 1 ; version
mov [edx + 8], eax ; total entries
sub eax, [esp + 24] ; start number
cmp eax, [esp + 28] ; entries to read
jbe @f
mov eax, [esp + 28]
mov [esp + 28], eax
mov [edx + 4], eax ; number of actually read entries
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], eax
; inode numbers are often saved as 4 bytes (iff they fit)
; compute the length of inode numbers
mov eax, 4 ; 4 by default
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.i8count], 0
je @f
add eax, eax ; 4+4=8, iff i8count != 0
mov dword[edx + 12], 0 ; reserved
mov dword[edx + 16], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 20], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 24], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 28], 0 ;
add edx, 32
lea esi, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.parent + eax]
dec ecx
js .shortdir.fill
; skip some entries if the first entry to read is not 0
test ecx, ecx
jz .shortdir.skipped
movzx edi, byte[esi + xfs_dir2_sf_entry.namelen]
lea esi, [esi + + edi]
add esi, eax
dec ecx
jnz .shortdir.skip
mov ecx, [esp + 28] ; entries to read
jmp .shortdir.skipped
mov ecx, [esp + 28] ; total number
test ecx, ecx
jz .quit
push ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"ecx: %d\n",ecx
lea edi, [edx + 40] ; get file name offset
;DEBUGF 1,"filename: ..\n"
mov dword[edi], '..'
mov edi, edx
push eax ebx edx esi
stdcall xfs_get_inode_number_sf, dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.count], dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.parent + 4], dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.parent]
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.tmp_inode]
; test eax, eax
; jnz .error
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, edx, edi
test eax, eax
pop esi edx ebx eax
jnz .error
mov ecx, [esp + 44] ; file name encding
mov [edx + 4], ecx
add edx, 304 ; ASCII only for now
pop ecx
dec ecx
jz .quit
; push ecx
; lea edi, [edx + 40]
;DEBUGF 1,"filename: .\n"
; mov dword[edi], '.'
; mov edi, edx
; push eax edx
; stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode], edi
; test eax, eax
; pop edx eax
; jnz .error
; mov ecx, [esp + 44]
; mov [edx + 4], ecx
; add edx, 304 ; ASCII only for now
; pop ecx
; dec ecx
; jz .quit
; we skipped some entries
; now we fill min(required, present) number of bdfe's
;DEBUGF 1,"ecx: %d\n",ecx
push ecx
movzx ecx, byte[esi + xfs_dir2_sf_entry.namelen]
add esi,
lea edi, [edx + 40] ; bdfe offset of file name
;DEBUGF 1,"filename: |%s|\n",esi
rep movsb
mov word[edi], 0 ; terminator (ASCIIZ)
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
; push edx ; for xfs_get_inode_info
mov edi, edx
stdcall xfs_get_inode_number_sf, dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.count], [esi + 4], [esi]
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.tmp_inode]
; test eax, eax
; jnz .error
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, edx, edi
test eax, eax
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jnz .error
mov ecx, [esp + 44] ; file name encoding
mov [edx + 4], ecx
add edx, 304 ; ASCII only for now
add esi, eax
pop ecx
dec ecx
jnz .shortdir.skipped
jmp .quit
;DEBUGF 1,"blockdir\n"
push edx
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
stdcall xfs_extent_unpack, eax
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_startoff : 0x%x%x\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff+4],[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff+0]
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_startblock: 0x%x%x\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock+4],[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock+0]
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_blockcount: %d\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_state : %d\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_state]
stdcall xfs_read_dirblock, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 0], dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 4], [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
test eax, eax
pop edx
jnz .error
;DEBUGF 1,"dirblock signature: %s\n",[ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
mov dword[edx + 0], 1 ; version
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.dirblocksize]
mov ecx, [ebx + eax - sizeof.xfs_dir2_block_tail + xfs_dir2_block_tail.stale]
mov eax, [ebx + eax - sizeof.xfs_dir2_block_tail + xfs_dir2_block_tail.count]
bswap ecx
bswap eax
sub eax, ecx ; actual number of entries = count - stale
mov [edx + 8], eax ; total entries
;DEBUGF 1,"total entries: %d\n",eax
sub eax, [esp + 24] ; start number
cmp eax, [esp + 28] ; entries to read
jbe @f
mov eax, [esp + 28]
mov [esp + 28], eax
mov [edx + 4], eax ; number of actually read entries
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], eax
;DEBUGF 1,"actually read entries: %d\n",eax
mov dword[edx + 12], 0 ; reserved
mov dword[edx + 16], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 20], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 24], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 28], 0 ;
add ebx, xfs_dir2_block.u
mov ecx, [esp + 24] ; start entry number
; also means how many to skip
test ecx, ecx
jz .blockdir.skipped
cmp word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.freetag], XFS_DIR2_DATA_FREE_TAG
jne @f
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.length]
xchg al, ah
add ebx, eax
jmp .blockdir.skip
movzx eax, [ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.namelen]
lea ebx, [ebx + + eax + 2] ; 2 bytes for 'tag'
add ebx, 7 ; align on 8 bytes
and ebx, not 7
dec ecx
jnz .blockdir.skip
mov ecx, [edx + 4] ; actually read entries
test ecx, ecx
jz .quit
add edx, 32 ; set edx to the first bdfe
cmp word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.freetag], XFS_NULL
jne @f
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.length]
xchg al, ah
add ebx, eax
jmp .blockdir.next_entry
push ecx
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
mov edi, edx
mov edx, dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.inumber + 0]
mov eax, dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.inumber + 4]
bswap edx
bswap eax
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.tmp_inode]
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, edx, edi
test eax, eax
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jnz .error
mov ecx, [esp + 44]
mov [edx + 4], ecx
lea edi, [edx + 40]
movzx ecx, byte[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.namelen]
lea esi, [ebx +]
;DEBUGF 1,"filename: |%s|\n",esi
rep movsb
; call utf8_to_cp866
mov word[edi], 0 ; terminator
lea ebx, [esi + 2] ; skip 'tag'
add ebx, 7 ; xfs_dir2_data_entries are aligned to 8 bytes
and ebx, not 7
add edx, 304
pop ecx
dec ecx
jnz .blockdir.next_entry
jmp .quit
;DEBUGF 1,"readdir: leaf\n"
mov [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
push ebx ecx edx
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0, edx, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
pop edx ecx ebx
jz .error
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
movzx ecx, word[eax + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.stale]
movzx eax, word[eax + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
xchg al, ah
sub eax, ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"total count: %d\n",eax
mov dword[edx + 0], 1 ; version
mov [edx + 8], eax ; total entries
sub eax, [esp + 24] ; start number
cmp eax, [esp + 28] ; entries to read
jbe @f
mov eax, [esp + 28]
mov [esp + 28], eax
mov [edx + 4], eax ; number of actually read entries
mov dword[edx + 12], 0 ; reserved
mov dword[edx + 16], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 20], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 24], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 28], 0 ;
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add eax, [ebp + XFS.dirblocksize]
mov [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], 0
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr] ; to read dirblock immediately
mov ecx, [esp + 24] ; start number
test ecx, ecx
jz .leafdir.skipped
cmp ebx, [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr]
jne @f
push ecx edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save]
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jz .error
add eax, 1
adc edx, 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_dir2_data_hdr
pop edx ecx
cmp word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.freetag], XFS_DIR2_DATA_FREE_TAG
jne @f
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.length]
xchg al, ah
add ebx, eax
jmp .leafdir.skip
movzx eax, [ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.namelen]
lea ebx, [ebx + + eax + 2] ; 2 for 'tag'
add ebx, 7
and ebx, not 7
dec ecx
jnz .leafdir.skip
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], 0
mov ecx, [edx + 4] ; actually read entries
test ecx, ecx
jz .quit
add edx, 32 ; first bdfe entry
;DEBUGF 1,"next_extry\n"
cmp ebx, [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr]
jne .leafdir.process_current_block
push ecx edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save]
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"RETVALUE: %d %d\n",edx,eax
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jnz @f
pop edx ecx
jmp .quit
add eax, 1
adc edx, 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_dir2_data_hdr
pop edx ecx
cmp word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.freetag], XFS_DIR2_DATA_FREE_TAG
jne @f
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.length]
xchg al, ah
add ebx, eax
jmp .leafdir.next_entry
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
mov edi, edx
mov edx, dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.inumber + 0]
mov eax, dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.inumber + 4]
bswap edx
bswap eax
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.tmp_inode]
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, edx, edi
test eax, eax
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jnz .error
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp + 44]
mov [edx + 4], ecx
lea edi, [edx + 40]
movzx ecx, byte[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.namelen]
lea esi, [ebx +]
;DEBUGF 1,"filename: |%s|\n",esi
rep movsb
pop ecx
mov word[edi], 0
lea ebx, [esi + 2] ; skip 'tag'
add ebx, 7 ; xfs_dir2_data_entries are aligned to 8 bytes
and ebx, not 7
add edx, 304 ; ASCII only for now
inc [ebp + XFS.entries_read]
dec ecx
jnz .leafdir.next_entry
jmp .quit
;DEBUGF 1,"readdir: node\n"
push edx
mov [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], 0
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks]
pop edx
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.entries_read]
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"numfiles: %d\n",eax
mov dword[edx + 0], 1 ; version
mov [edx + 8], eax ; total entries
sub eax, [esp + 24] ; start number
cmp eax, [esp + 28] ; entries to read
jbe @f
mov eax, [esp + 28]
mov [esp + 28], eax
mov [edx + 4], eax ; number of actually read entries
mov dword[edx + 12], 0 ; reserved
mov dword[edx + 16], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 20], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 24], 0 ;
mov dword[edx + 28], 0 ;
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add eax, [ebp + XFS.dirblocksize]
mov [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], 0
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr] ; to read dirblock immediately
mov ecx, [esp + 24] ; start number
test ecx, ecx
jz .leafdir.skipped
jmp .leafdir.skip
;DEBUGF 1,"readdir: btree\n"
mov [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
push ebx edx
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
mov [ebp + XFS.ro_nextents], eax
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.inodesize]
sub eax, xfs_inode.di_u
sub eax, sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block
shr eax, 4
;DEBUGF 1,"maxnumresc: %d\n",eax
mov edx, dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 0]
mov eax, dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 4]
bswap eax
bswap edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
;DEBUGF 1,"read_block: %x %x ",edx,eax
stdcall xfs_read_block
pop edx ebx
test eax, eax
jnz .error
;DEBUGF 1,"ok\n"
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
push edx
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], 0
lea eax, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block]
mov edx, [ebp + XFS.ro_nextents]
stdcall xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks]
pop edx
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.entries_read]
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"numfiles: %d\n",eax
mov dword[edx + 0], 1 ; version
mov [edx + 8], eax ; total entries
sub eax, [esp + 24] ; start number
cmp eax, [esp + 28] ; entries to read
jbe @f
mov eax, [esp + 28]
mov [esp + 28], eax
mov [edx + 4], eax ; number of actually read entries
mov dword[edx + 12], 0
mov dword[edx + 16], 0
mov dword[edx + 20], 0
mov dword[edx + 24], 0
mov dword[edx + 28], 0
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock] ; fsblock?
add eax, [ebp + XFS.dirblocksize]
mov [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], 0
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr] ; to read dirblock immediately
mov ecx, [esp + 24] ; start number
test ecx, ecx
jz .btreedir.skipped
; jmp .btreedir.skip
cmp ebx, [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr]
jne @f
push ecx edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
lea eax, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block]
mov edx, [ebp + XFS.ro_nextents]
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"RETVALUE: %d %d\n",edx,eax
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jz .error
add eax, 1
adc edx, 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_dir2_data_hdr
pop edx ecx
cmp word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.freetag], XFS_DIR2_DATA_FREE_TAG
jne @f
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.length]
xchg al, ah
add ebx, eax
jmp .btreedir.skip
movzx eax, [ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.namelen]
lea ebx, [ebx + + eax + 2] ; 2 for 'tag'
add ebx, 7
and ebx, not 7
dec ecx
jnz .btreedir.skip
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], 0
mov ecx, [edx + 4] ; actually read entries
test ecx, ecx
jz .quit
add edx, 32
;mov eax, [ebp + XFS.entries_read]
;DEBUGF 1,"next_extry: %d\n",eax
cmp ebx, [ebp + XFS.max_dirblockaddr]
jne .btreedir.process_current_block
push ecx edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
lea eax, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block]
mov edx, [ebp + XFS.ro_nextents]
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"RETVALUE: %d %d\n",edx,eax
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jnz @f
pop edx ecx
jmp .quit
add eax, 1
adc edx, 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 0], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.next_block_num + 4], edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_dir2_data_hdr
pop edx ecx
cmp word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.freetag], XFS_DIR2_DATA_FREE_TAG
jne @f
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.unused.length]
xchg al, ah
add ebx, eax
jmp .btreedir.next_entry
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
mov edi, edx
mov edx, dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.inumber + 0]
mov eax, dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.inumber + 4]
bswap edx
bswap eax
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.tmp_inode]
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, edx, edi
test eax, eax
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jnz .error
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp + 44]
mov [edx + 4], ecx
lea edi, [edx + 40]
movzx ecx, byte[ebx + xfs_dir2_data_union.xentry.namelen]
lea esi, [ebx +]
;DEBUGF 1,"filename: |%s|\n",esi
rep movsb
pop ecx
mov word[edi], 0
lea ebx, [esi + 2] ; skip 'tag'
add ebx, 7 ; xfs_dir2_data_entries are aligned to 8 bytes
and ebx, not 7
add edx, 304
inc [ebp + XFS.entries_read]
dec ecx
jnz .btreedir.next_entry
jmp .quit
pop edi esi edx ecx
add esp, 4 ; pop vars
xor eax, eax
; mov ebx, [esp + 8]
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.entries_read]
DEBUGF 1,"xfs_dir_get_bdfes done: %d\n",ebx
ret 20
pop edi esi edx ecx
add esp, 4 ; pop vars
mov eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
movi ebx, -1
ret 20
; push inode_hi
; push inode_lo
; push name
; this function searches for the file in _current_ dir
; it is called recursively for all the subdirs /path/to/my/file
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_get_inode_short: %s\n",[esp+4]
mov esi, [esp + 4] ; name
movzx eax, word[esi]
cmp eax, '.' ; current dir; it is already read, just return
je .quit
cmp eax, './' ; same thing
je .quit
; read inode
mov eax, [esp + 8] ; inode_lo
mov edx, [esp + 12] ; inode_hi
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode]
test eax, eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
; find file name in directory
; switch directory ondisk format
mov ebx, edx
mov [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_LOCAL
jne .not_shortdir
;DEBUGF 1,"dir: shortdir\n"
jmp .shortdir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS
jne .not_blockdir
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
cmp eax, 1
jne .not_blockdir
jmp .blockdir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS
jne .not_leafdir
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
cmp eax, 4
ja .not_leafdir
jmp .leafdir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS
jne .not_nodedir
jmp .nodedir
cmp byte[ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_BTREE
jne .not_btreedir
jmp .btreedir
jmp .error
; parent inode number in shortform directories is always implicit, check this case
mov eax, [esi]
and eax, 0x00ffffff
cmp eax, '..'
je .shortdir.parent2
cmp eax, '../'
je .shortdir.parent3
jmp .shortdir.common
inc esi
add esi, 2
add ebx, xfs_inode.di_u
stdcall xfs_get_inode_number_sf, dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.count], dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.parent + 4], dword[ebx + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.parent]
;DEBUGF 1,"found inode: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
jmp .quit
; not a parent inode?
; search in the list, all the other files are stored uniformly
mov eax, 4
movzx edx, word[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.count] ; read count (byte) and i8count (byte) at once
test dl, dl ; is count zero?
jnz @f
shr edx, 8 ; use i8count
add eax, eax ; inode_num size
lea edi, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.parent + eax]
movzx ecx, byte[edi + xfs_dir2_sf_entry.namelen]
add edi,
mov esi, [esp + 4]
;DEBUGF 1,"esi: %s\n",esi
;DEBUGF 1,"edi: %s\n",edi
repe cmpsb
jne @f
cmp byte[esi], 0 ; HINT: use adc here?
je .found
cmp byte[esi], '/'
je .found_inc
add edi, ecx
add edi, eax
dec edx
jnz .next_name
jmp .error
.found_inc: ; increment esi to skip '/' symbol
; this means esi always points to valid file name or zero terminator byte
inc esi
stdcall xfs_get_inode_number_sf, dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.count], [edi + 4], [edi]
;DEBUGF 1,"found inode: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
jmp .quit
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
stdcall xfs_extent_unpack, eax
stdcall xfs_read_dirblock, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 0], dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 4], [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
test eax, eax
jnz .error
;DEBUGF 1,"dirblock signature: %s\n",[ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.dirblocksize]
mov eax, [ebx + eax - sizeof.xfs_dir2_block_tail + xfs_dir2_block_tail.count]
; note that we don't subtract xfs_dir2_block_tail.stale here,
; since we need the number of leaf entries rather than file number
bswap eax
add ebx, [ebp + XFS.dirblocksize]
; mov ecx, sizeof.xfs_dir2_leaf_entry
imul ecx, eax, sizeof.xfs_dir2_leaf_entry
sub ebx, sizeof.xfs_dir2_block_tail
sub ebx, ecx
shr ecx, 3
push ecx ; for xfs_get_inode_by_hash
push ebx ; for xfs_get_inode_by_hash
mov edi, esi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 4096 ; MAX_PATH_LEN
repne scasb
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jne .error
neg ecx
add ecx, 4096 ; MAX_PATH_LEN
dec ecx
mov edx, ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"strlen total : %d\n",edx
mov edi, esi
mov eax, '/'
mov ecx, edx
repne scasb
jne @f
inc ecx
neg ecx
add ecx, edx
;DEBUGF 1,"strlen current: %d\n",ecx
stdcall xfs_hashname, esi, ecx
add esi, ecx
cmp byte[esi], '/'
jne @f
inc esi
;DEBUGF 1,"hashed: 0x%x\n",eax
; bswap eax
stdcall xfs_get_addr_by_hash
bswap eax
;DEBUGF 1,"got address: 0x%x\n",eax
cmp eax, -1
jne @f
mov ebx, -1
jmp .error
shl eax, 3
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add ebx, eax
mov edx, [ebx + 0]
mov eax, [ebx + 4]
bswap edx
bswap eax
;DEBUGF 1,"found inode: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
jmp .quit
;DEBUGF 1,"dirblock signature: %s\n",[ebp+XFS.cur_dirblock]
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0, edx, -1, -1
;DEBUGF 1,"RETVALUE: %d %d\n",edx,eax
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jz .error
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
movzx eax, [ebx + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count]
; note that we don't subtract xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.stale here,
; since we need the number of leaf entries rather than file number
xchg al, ah
add ebx, xfs_dir2_leaf.ents
; imul ecx, eax, sizeof.xfs_dir2_leaf_entry
; shr ecx, 3
push eax ; for xfs_get_addr_by_hash: len
push ebx ; for xfs_get_addr_by_hash: base
mov edi, esi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 4096 ; MAX_PATH_LEN
repne scasb
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jne .error
neg ecx
add ecx, 4096
dec ecx
mov edx, ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"strlen total : %d\n",edx
mov edi, esi
mov eax, '/'
mov ecx, edx
repne scasb
jne @f
inc ecx
neg ecx
add ecx, edx
;DEBUGF 1,"strlen current: %d\n",ecx
stdcall xfs_hashname, esi, ecx
add esi, ecx
cmp byte[esi], '/'
jne @f
inc esi
;DEBUGF 1,"hashed: 0x%x\n",eax
stdcall xfs_get_addr_by_hash
bswap eax
;DEBUGF 1,"got address: 0x%x\n",eax
cmp eax, -1
jne @f
mov ebx, -1
jmp .error
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save]
push esi edi
xor edi, edi
mov esi, eax
shld edi, esi, 3 ; get offset
shl esi, 3 ; 2^3 = 8 byte align
mov edx, esi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.dirblklog]
add ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl
dec eax
and edx, eax
push edx
shrd esi, edi, cl
shr edi, cl
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, esi, edi, edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"RETVALUE: %d %d\n",edx,eax
pop edx
pop edi esi
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jz .error
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add ebx, edx
mov edx, [ebx + 0]
mov eax, [ebx + 4]
bswap edx
bswap eax
;DEBUGF 1,"found inode: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
jmp .quit
;DEBUGF 1,"lookupdir: node\n"
mov [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
mov edi, esi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 4096 ; MAX_PATH_LEN
repne scasb
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jne .error
neg ecx
add ecx, 4096 ; MAX_PATH_LEN
dec ecx
mov edx, ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"strlen total : %d\n",edx
mov edi, esi
mov eax, '/'
mov ecx, edx
repne scasb
jne @f
inc ecx
neg ecx
add ecx, edx
;DEBUGF 1,"strlen current: %d\n",ecx
stdcall xfs_hashname, esi, ecx
add esi, ecx
cmp byte[esi], '/'
jne @f
inc esi
;DEBUGF 1,"hashed: 0x%x\n",eax
push edi edx
mov edi, eax
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], 0
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_dir2_lookupdir_node, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], edi
pop edx edi
test eax, eax
jnz .error
bswap ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"got address: 0x%x\n",ecx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save]
push esi edi
xor edi, edi
mov esi, ecx
shld edi, esi, 3 ; get offset
shl esi, 3 ; 8 byte align
mov edx, esi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.dirblklog]
add ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl
dec eax
and edx, eax
push edx
shrd esi, edi, cl
shr edi, cl
lea eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
mov edx, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap edx
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, esi, edi, edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"RETVALUE: %d %d\n",edx,eax
pop edx
pop edi esi
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jz .error
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add ebx, edx
mov edx, [ebx + 0]
mov eax, [ebx + 4]
bswap edx
bswap eax
;DEBUGF 1,"found inode: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
jmp .quit
DEBUGF 1,"lookupdir: btree\n"
mov [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save], ebx
push ebx edx
mov eax, [ebx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
mov [ebp + XFS.ro_nextents], eax
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.inodesize]
sub eax, xfs_inode.di_u
sub eax, sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block
shr eax, 4 ; FIXME forkoff
;DEBUGF 1,"maxnumresc: %d\n",eax
mov edx, dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 0]
mov eax, dword[ebx + xfs_inode.di_u + sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 4]
bswap eax
bswap edx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
;DEBUGF 1,"read_block: %x %x ",edx,eax
stdcall xfs_read_block
pop edx ebx
test eax, eax
jnz .error
;DEBUGF 1,"ok\n"
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
mov edi, esi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 4096 ; MAX_PATH_LEN
repne scasb
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jne .error
neg ecx
add ecx, 4096
dec ecx
mov edx, ecx
DEBUGF 1,"strlen total : %d\n",edx
mov edi, esi
mov eax, '/'
mov ecx, edx
repne scasb
jne @f
inc ecx
neg ecx
add ecx, edx
DEBUGF 1,"strlen current: %d\n",ecx
stdcall xfs_hashname, esi, ecx
add esi, ecx
cmp byte[esi], '/'
jne @f
inc esi
DEBUGF 1,"hashed: 0x%x\n",eax
push edi edx
mov edi, eax
mov [ebp + XFS.entries_read], 0
lea eax, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block]
mov edx, [ebp + XFS.ro_nextents]
;push eax
;mov eax, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks]
;DEBUGF 1,": 0x%x %d\n",eax,eax
;pop eax
stdcall xfs_dir2_lookupdir_node, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], edi
pop edx edi
test eax, eax
jnz .error
bswap ecx
DEBUGF 1,"got address: 0x%x\n",ecx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
push esi edi
xor edi, edi
mov esi, ecx
shld edi, esi, 3 ; get offset
shl esi, 3
mov edx, esi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.dirblklog]
add ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl
dec eax
and edx, eax
push edx
shrd esi, edi, cl
shr edi, cl
lea eax, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block]
mov edx, [ebp + XFS.ro_nextents]
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, esi, edi, edx, [ebp + XFS.dir2_leaf_offset_blocks], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"RETVALUE: %d %d\n",edx,eax
pop edx
pop edi esi
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jz .error
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
add ebx, edx
mov edx, [ebx + 0]
mov eax, [ebx + 4]
bswap edx
bswap eax
DEBUGF 1,"found inode: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
jmp .quit
ret 12
xor eax, eax
mov edx, eax
ret 12
; push name
; call xfs_get_inode
; test eax, eax
; call xfs_get_inode_short until file is found / error returned
;DEBUGF 1,"getting inode of: %s\n",[esp+4]
push ebx esi edi
; start from the root inode
mov edx, dword[ebp + XFS.rootino + 4] ; hi
mov eax, dword[ebp + XFS.rootino + 0] ; lo
mov esi, [esp + 16] ; name
cmp byte[esi], 0
je .found
;DEBUGF 1,"next_level: |%s|\n",esi
stdcall xfs_get_inode_short, esi, eax, edx
test edx, edx
jnz @f
test eax, eax
jz .error
jmp .next_dir ; file name found, go to next directory level
pop edi esi ebx
ret 4
pop edi esi ebx
xor eax, eax
mov edx, eax
ret 4
; xfs_ReadFolder - XFS implementation of reading a folder
; in: ebp = pointer to XFS structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
; to read folder
; 1. lock partition
; 2. find inode number
; 3. read this inode
; 4. get bdfe's
; 5. unlock partition
; 1.
call xfs_lock
push ecx edx esi edi
; 2.
push ebx esi edi
add esi, [esp + 32] ; directory name
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_ReadFolder: |%s|\n",esi
stdcall xfs_get_inode, esi
pop edi esi ebx
mov ecx, edx
or ecx, eax
jnz @f
; 3.
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode]
test eax, eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
; 4.
mov eax, [ebx + 8] ; encoding
and eax, 1
stdcall xfs_dir_get_bdfes, [ebx + 4], [ebx + 12], [ebx + 16], edx, eax
test eax, eax
jnz .error
;DEBUGF 1,"\n\n"
pop edi esi edx ecx
; 5.
call xfs_unlock
xor eax, eax
;DEBUGF 1,"\n\n"
pop edi esi edx ecx
push eax
call xfs_unlock
pop eax
; push inode_num_hi
; push inode_num_lo
; push [count]
; call xfs_get_inode_number_sf
; inode numbers in short form directories may be 4 or 8 bytes long
; determine the length in run time and read inode number at given address
cmp byte[esp + 4 + xfs_dir2_sf_hdr.i8count], 0 ; i8count == 0 means 4 byte per inode number
je .i4bytes
mov edx, [esp + 12] ; hi
mov eax, [esp + 8] ; lo
bswap edx ; big endian
bswap eax
ret 12
xor edx, edx ; no hi
mov eax, [esp + 12] ; hi = lo
bswap eax ; big endian
ret 12
; push dest
; push src
; call xfs_get_inode_info
; get access time and other file properties
; useful for browsing directories
; called for each dir entry
;DEBUGF 1,"get_inode_info\n"
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [esp + 4]
movzx ecx, word[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_mode]
xchg cl, ch
;DEBUGF 1,"di_mode: %x\n",ecx
test ecx, S_IFDIR ; directory?
jz @f
mov eax, 0x10 ; set directory flag
mov edi, [esp + 8]
mov [edi + 0], eax
mov eax, dword[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_size + 0] ; hi
bswap eax
mov dword[edi + 36], eax ; file size hi
;DEBUGF 1,"file_size hi: %d\n",eax
mov eax, dword[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_size + 4] ; lo
bswap eax
mov dword[edi + 32], eax ; file size lo
;DEBUGF 1,"file_size lo: %d\n",eax
add edi, 8
mov eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_ctime.t_sec]
bswap eax
push edx
xor edx, edx
add eax, 3054539008 ;(369 * 365 + 89) * 24 * 3600
adc edx, 2
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe.sec
pop edx
mov eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_atime.t_sec]
bswap eax
push edx
xor edx, edx
add eax, 3054539008 ;(369 * 365 + 89) * 24 * 3600
adc edx, 2
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe.sec
pop edx
mov eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_mtime.t_sec]
bswap eax
push edx
xor edx, edx
add eax, 3054539008 ;(369 * 365 + 89) * 24 * 3600
adc edx, 2
call ntfs_datetime_to_bdfe.sec
pop edx
xor eax, eax
ret 8
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
ret 8
; push extent_data
; call xfs_extent_unpack
; extents come as packet 128bit bitfields
; lets unpack them to access internal fields
; write result to the XFS.extent structure
push eax ebx ecx edx
mov ebx, [esp + 20]
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [ebx + 0]
bswap edx
test edx, 0x80000000 ; mask, see documentation
setnz al
mov [ebp + XFS.extent.br_state], eax
and edx, 0x7fffffff ; mask
mov eax, [ebx + 4]
bswap eax
shrd eax, edx, 9
shr edx, 9
mov dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 0], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 4], edx
mov edx, [ebx + 4]
mov eax, [ebx + 8]
mov ecx, [ebx + 12]
bswap edx
bswap eax
bswap ecx
and edx, 0x000001ff ; mask
shrd ecx, eax, 21
shrd eax, edx, 21
mov dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 0], ecx
mov dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 4], eax
mov eax, [ebx + 12]
bswap eax
and eax, 0x001fffff ; mask
mov [ebp + XFS.extent.br_blockcount], eax
pop edx ecx ebx eax
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_startoff : %d %d\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff+4],[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startoff+0]
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_startblock: %d %d\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock+4],[ebp+XFS.extent.br_startblock+0]
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_blockcount: %d\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
;DEBUGF 1,"extent.br_state : %d\n",[ebp+XFS.extent.br_state]
ret 4
; push namelen
; push name
; call xfs_hashname
xfs_hashname: ; xfs_da_hashname
; simple hash function
; never fails)
push ecx esi
xor eax, eax
mov esi, [esp + 12] ; name
mov ecx, [esp + 16] ; namelen
;mov esi, '.'
;mov ecx, 1
;DEBUGF 1,"hashname: %d %s\n",ecx,esi
rol eax, 7
xor al, [esi]
add esi, 1
loop @b
pop esi ecx
ret 8
; push len
; push base
; eax -- hash value
; call xfs_get_addr_by_hash
; look for the directory entry offset by its file name hash
; allows fast file search for block, leaf and node directories
; binary (ternary) search
;DEBUGF 1,"get_addr_by_hash\n"
push ebx esi
mov ebx, [esp + 12] ; left
mov edx, [esp + 16] ; len
mov ecx, edx
; jecxz .error
test ecx, ecx
jz .error
shr ecx, 1
mov esi, [ebx + ecx*8 + xfs_dir2_leaf_entry.hashval]
bswap esi
;DEBUGF 1,"cmp 0x%x",esi
cmp eax, esi
jb .below
ja .above
mov eax, [ebx + ecx*8 + xfs_dir2_leaf_entry.address]
pop esi ebx
ret 8
;DEBUGF 1,"b\n"
mov edx, ecx
jmp .next
;DEBUGF 1,"a\n"
lea ebx, [ebx + ecx*8 + 8]
sub edx, ecx
dec edx
jmp .next
mov eax, -1
pop esi ebx
ret 8
; xfs_GetFileInfo - XFS implementation of getting file info
; in: ebp = pointer to XFS structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
; lock partition
; get inode number by file name
; read inode
; get info
; unlock partition
push ecx edx esi edi
call xfs_lock
add esi, [esp + 20] ; name
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_GetFileInfo: |%s|\n",esi
stdcall xfs_get_inode, esi
mov ecx, edx
or ecx, eax
jnz @f
jmp .error
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode]
test eax, eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
stdcall xfs_get_inode_info, edx, [ebx + 16]
call xfs_unlock
pop edi esi edx ecx
xor eax, eax
;DEBUGF 1,"quit\n\n"
call xfs_unlock
pop edi esi edx ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"error\n\n"
; xfs_Read - XFS implementation of reading a file
; in: ebp = pointer to XFS structure
; in: esi+[esp+4] = name
; in: ebx = pointer to parameters from sysfunc 70
; out: eax, ebx = return values for sysfunc 70
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
call xfs_lock
add esi, [esp + 24]
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_Read: %d %d |%s|\n",[ebx+4],[ebx+12],esi
stdcall xfs_get_inode, esi
mov ecx, edx
or ecx, eax
jnz @f
jmp .error
stdcall xfs_read_inode, eax, edx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode]
test eax, eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jnz .error
mov [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save], edx
cmp byte[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS
jne .not_extent_list
jmp .extent_list
cmp byte[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_format], XFS_DINODE_FMT_BTREE
jne .not_btree
jmp .btree
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
mov ecx, [ebx + 12] ; bytes to read
mov edi, [ebx + 16] ; buffer for data
mov esi, [ebx + 8] ; offset_hi
mov ebx, [ebx + 4] ; offset_lo
mov eax, dword[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_size + 4] ; lo
bswap eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0], eax ; lo
mov eax, dword[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_size + 0] ; hi
bswap eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 4], eax ; hi
mov eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
mov [ebp + XFS.left_extents], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_read], 0 ; actually read bytes
xor eax, eax ; extent offset in list
;DEBUGF 1,"extent_list.next_extent, eax: 0x%x\n",eax
;DEBUGF 1,"bytes_to_read: %d\n",ecx
;DEBUGF 1,"cur file offset: %d %d\n",esi,ebx
;DEBUGF 1,"esp: 0x%x\n",esp
cmp [ebp + XFS.left_extents], 0
jne @f
test ecx, ecx
jz .quit
jmp .error
push eax
lea eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_u + eax + xfs_bmbt_rec.l0]
stdcall xfs_extent_unpack, eax
pop eax
dec [ebp + XFS.left_extents]
add eax, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_rec
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
shrd ebx, esi, cl
shr esi, cl
cmp esi, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 4]
jb .extent_list.to_hole ; handle sparse files
ja @f
cmp ebx, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 0]
jb .extent_list.to_hole ; handle sparse files
je .extent_list.to_extent ; read from the start of current extent
xor edx, edx
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
add eax, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 0]
adc edx, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 4]
;DEBUGF 1,"br_startoff: %d %d\n",edx,eax
cmp esi, edx
ja .extent_list.skip_extent
jb .extent_list.to_extent
cmp ebx, eax
jae .extent_list.skip_extent
jmp .extent_list.to_extent
;DEBUGF 1,"extent_list.to_hole\n"
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jmp .extent_list.read_hole
;DEBUGF 1,"extent_list.to_extent\n"
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jmp .extent_list.read_extent
;DEBUGF 1,"extent_list.skip_extent\n"
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jmp .extent_list.next_extent
;DEBUGF 1,"hole: offt: 0x%x%x ",esi,ebx
push eax edx
mov eax, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 0]
mov edx, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 4]
push esi ebx
mov ebx, ecx
sub eax, ebx ; get hole_size, it is 64 bit
sbb edx, 0 ; now edx:eax contains the size of hole
;DEBUGF 1,"size: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
jnz @f ; if hole size >= 2^32, write bytes_to_read zero bytes
cmp eax, ecx ; if hole size >= bytes_to_read, write bytes_to_read zeros
jae @f
mov ecx, eax ; if hole is < than bytes_to_read, write hole size zeros
sub ebx, ecx ; bytes_to_read - hole_size = left_to_read
add dword[esp + 0], ecx ; update pushed file offset
adc dword[esp + 4], 0
xor eax, eax ; hole is made of zeros
rep stosb
mov ecx, ebx
pop ebx esi
test ecx, ecx ; all requested bytes are read?
pop edx eax
jz .quit
jmp .extent_list.read_extent ; continue from the start of unpacked extent
;DEBUGF 1,"extent_list.read_extent\n"
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
mov eax, ebx
mov edx, esi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
shrd eax, edx, cl
shr edx, cl
sub eax, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 0] ; skip esi:ebx ?
sbb edx, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 4]
sub [ebp + XFS.extent.br_blockcount], eax
add dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 0], eax
adc dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 4], 0
;DEBUGF 1,"extent_list.read_extent.next_block\n"
cmp [ebp + XFS.extent.br_blockcount], 0 ; out of blocks in current extent?
jne @f
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jmp .extent_list.next_extent ; go to next extent
mov eax, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 0]
mov edx, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 4]
push ebx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
;DEBUGF 1,"read block: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
stdcall xfs_read_block
test eax, eax
pop ebx
jz @f
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
dec [ebp + XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
add dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 0], 1
adc dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 4], 0
mov esi, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
mov eax, 1
shl eax, cl
dec eax ; get blocklog mask
and eax, ebx ; offset in current block
add esi, eax
neg eax
add eax, [ebp + XFS.blocksize]
mov ecx, [esp + 8] ; pushed ecx, bytes_to_read
cmp ecx, eax ; is current block enough?
jbe @f ; if so, read bytes_to_read bytes
mov ecx, eax ; otherwise read the block up to the end
sub [esp + 8], ecx ; left_to_read
add [esp + 12], ecx ; update current file offset, pushed ebx
sub dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0], ecx
sbb dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 4], 0
jnc @f
add dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0], ecx
mov ecx, dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0]
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0], 0
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 4], 0
add [ebp + XFS.bytes_read], ecx
adc [esp + 0], dword 0 ; pushed esi
;DEBUGF 1,"read data: %d\n",ecx
rep movsb
mov ecx, [esp + 8]
;DEBUGF 1,"left_to_read: %d\n",ecx
xor ebx, ebx
test ecx, ecx
jz @f
cmp dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 4], 0
jne .extent_list.read_extent.next_block
cmp dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0], 0
jne .extent_list.read_extent.next_block
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
jmp .quit
mov ecx, [ebx + 12] ; bytes to read
mov [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read], ecx
mov edi, [ebx + 16] ; buffer for data
mov esi, [ebx + 8] ; offset_hi
mov ebx, [ebx + 4] ; offset_lo
mov dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0], ebx
mov dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4], esi
mov [ebp + XFS.buffer_pos], edi
mov eax, dword[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_size + 4] ; lo
bswap eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0], eax ; lo
mov eax, dword[edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_size + 0] ; hi
bswap eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 4], eax ; hi
mov eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_nextents]
bswap eax
mov [ebp + XFS.left_extents], eax
mov dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_read], 0 ; actually read bytes
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
mov [ebp + XFS.eof], 0
mov eax, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0]
mov edx, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4]
add eax, [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read]
adc edx, 0
sub eax, dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 0]
sbb edx, dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_left_in_file + 4]
jc @f ; file_offset + bytes_to_read < file_size
jz @f ; file_offset + bytes_to_read = file_size
mov [ebp + XFS.eof], 1
cmp edx, 0
jne .error.eof
sub dword[ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read], eax
jc .error.eof
jz .error.eof
stdcall xfs_btree_read, 0, 0, 1
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
test eax, eax
jnz .error
cmp [ebp + XFS.eof], 1
jne .quit
jmp .error.eof
call xfs_unlock
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
xor eax, eax
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.bytes_read]
;DEBUGF 1,"quit: %d\n\n",ebx
;DEBUGF 1,"error\n\n"
call xfs_unlock
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.bytes_read]
; push max_offset_hi
; push max_offset_lo
; push nextents
; push block_number_hi
; push block_number_lo
; push extent_list
; -1 / read block number
xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock: ; skips holes
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock\n"
push ebx esi edi
;mov eax, [esp+28]
;DEBUGF 1,"nextents: %d\n",eax
;mov eax, [esp+20]
;mov edx, [esp+24]
;DEBUGF 1,"block_number: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
;mov eax, [esp+32]
;mov edx, [esp+36]
;DEBUGF 1,"max_addr : 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
mov ebx, [esp + 16]
mov esi, [esp + 20]
mov edi, [esp + 24]
; mov ecx, [esp + 28] ; nextents
;DEBUGF 1,"next_extent\n"
dec dword[esp + 28]
js .error
stdcall xfs_extent_unpack, ebx
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_rec ; next extent
mov edx, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 4]
mov eax, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 0]
cmp edx, [esp + 36] ; max_offset_hi
ja .error
jb @f
cmp eax, [esp + 32] ; max_offset_lo
jae .error
cmp edi, edx
jb .hole
ja .check_count
cmp esi, eax
jb .hole
ja .check_count
jmp .read_block
;DEBUGF 1,"hole\n"
mov esi, eax
mov edi, edx
jmp .read_block
;DEBUGF 1,"check_count\n"
add eax, [ebp + XFS.extent.br_blockcount]
adc edx, 0
cmp edi, edx
ja .next_extent
jb .read_block
cmp esi, eax
jae .next_extent
; jmp .read_block
;DEBUGF 1,"read_block\n"
push esi edi
sub esi, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 0]
sbb edi, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startoff + 4]
add esi, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 0]
adc edi, dword[ebp + XFS.extent.br_startblock + 4]
stdcall xfs_read_dirblock, esi, edi, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
pop edx eax
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock: quit\n"
pop edi esi ebx
ret 24
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock: error\n"
xor eax, eax
dec eax
mov edx, eax
pop edi esi ebx
ret 24
; push dirblock_num
; push nextents
; push extent_list
; unfortunately, we need to set 'total entries' field
; this often requires additional effort, since there is no such a number in most directory ondisk formats
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles\n"
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
mov eax, [esp + 24]
mov edx, [esp + 28]
mov esi, [esp + 32]
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, esi, 0, edx, -1, -1
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jnz @f
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
cmp word[ebx +], XFS_DA_NODE_MAGIC
je .node
cmp word[ebx +], XFS_DIR2_LEAFN_MAGIC
je .leaf
mov eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
;DEBUGF 1,".node\n"
mov edi, [ebx +]
bswap edi
mov eax, [esp + 24]
mov edx, [esp + 28]
mov esi, [ebx + xfs_da_intnode.btree.before]
bswap esi
stdcall xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles, eax, edx, esi
test eax, eax
jnz .error
jmp .common
;DEBUGF 1,".leaf\n"
movzx ecx, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.stale]
xchg al, ah
sub ecx, eax
add [ebp + XFS.entries_read], ecx
mov edi, [ebx +]
bswap edi
jmp .common
test edi, edi
jz .quit
mov esi, edi
mov eax, [esp + 24]
mov edx, [esp + 28]
stdcall xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles, eax, edx, esi
test eax, eax
jnz .error
jmp .quit
;DEBUGF 1,".quit\n"
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
xor eax, eax
ret 12
;DEBUGF 1,".error\n"
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
ret 12
; push hash
; push dirblock_num
; push nextents
; push extent_list
DEBUGF 1,"xfs_dir2_lookupdir_node\n"
push ebx edx esi edi
mov eax, [esp + 20]
mov edx, [esp + 24]
mov esi, [esp + 28]
DEBUGF 1,"read dirblock: 0x%x %d\n",esi,esi
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, esi, 0, edx, -1, -1
DEBUGF 1,"dirblock read: 0x%x%x\n",edx,eax
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jnz @f
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
DEBUGF 1,"checkpoint #1\n"
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
cmp word[ebx +], XFS_DA_NODE_MAGIC
je .node
cmp word[ebx +], XFS_DIR2_LEAFN_MAGIC
je .leaf
mov eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
DEBUGF 1,"checkpoint #2\n"
jmp .error
DEBUGF 1,".node\n"
mov edi, [esp + 32] ; hash
movzx ecx, word[ebx + xfs_da_intnode.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
mov [ebp + XFS.left_leaves], ecx
xor ecx, ecx
mov esi, [ebx + xfs_da_intnode.btree + ecx*sizeof.xfs_da_node_entry + xfs_da_node_entry.hashval]
bswap esi
cmp edi, esi
jbe .node.leaf_found
inc ecx
cmp ecx, [ebp + XFS.left_leaves]
jne .node.next_leaf
jmp .error
mov eax, [esp + 20]
mov edx, [esp + 24]
mov esi, [ebx + xfs_da_intnode.btree + ecx*sizeof.xfs_da_node_entry + xfs_da_node_entry.before]
bswap esi
stdcall xfs_dir2_lookupdir_node, eax, edx, esi, edi
test eax, eax
jz .quit
jmp .error
DEBUGF 1,".leaf\n"
movzx ecx, [ebx + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
lea esi, [ebx + xfs_dir2_leaf.ents]
mov eax, [esp + 32]
stdcall xfs_get_addr_by_hash, esi, ecx
cmp eax, -1
je .error
mov ecx, eax
jmp .quit
DEBUGF 1,".quit\n"
pop edi esi edx ebx
xor eax, eax
ret 16
DEBUGF 1,".error\n"
pop edi esi edx ebx
ret 16
; push dirblock_num
; push nextents
; push extent_list
;DEBUGF 1,"xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles\n"
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
mov eax, [esp + 24]
mov edx, [esp + 28]
mov esi, [esp + 32]
stdcall xfs_extent_list_read_dirblock, eax, esi, 0, edx, -1, -1
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, edx
inc ecx
jnz @f
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_dirblock]
cmp word[ebx +], XFS_DA_NODE_MAGIC
je .node
cmp word[ebx +], XFS_DIR2_LEAFN_MAGIC
je .leaf
mov eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
jmp .error
;DEBUGF 1,".node\n"
mov edi, [ebx +]
bswap edi
mov eax, [esp + 24]
mov edx, [esp + 28]
mov esi, [ebx + xfs_da_intnode.btree.before]
bswap esi
stdcall xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles, eax, edx, esi
test eax, eax
jnz .error
jmp .common
;DEBUGF 1,".leaf\n"
movzx ecx, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.count]
xchg cl, ch
movzx eax, word[ebx + xfs_dir2_leaf.hdr.stale]
xchg al, ah
sub ecx, eax
add [ebp + XFS.entries_read], ecx
mov edi, [ebx +]
bswap edi
jmp .common
test edi, edi
jz .quit
mov esi, edi
mov eax, [esp + 24]
mov edx, [esp + 28]
stdcall xfs_dir2_node_get_numfiles, eax, edx, esi
test eax, eax
jnz .error
jmp .quit
;DEBUGF 1,".quit\n"
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
xor eax, eax
ret 12
;DEBUGF 1,".error\n"
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
ret 12
; push is_root
; push block_hi
; push block_lo
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
cmp dword[esp + 32], 1 ; is root?
je .root
jmp .not_root
DEBUGF 1,".root\n"
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save]
add ebx, xfs_inode.di_u
movzx edx, [ebx + xfs_bmdr_block.bb_numrecs]
xchg dl, dh
dec edx
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block
xor eax, eax
dec eax
DEBUGF 1,".root.next_key\n"
cmp [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read], 0
je .quit
inc eax
cmp eax, edx ; out of keys?
ja .root.key_found ; there is no length field, so try the last key
lea edi, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 0]
lea esi, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 4]
bswap edi
bswap esi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
shld edi, esi, cl
shl esi, cl
cmp edi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4]
ja .root.prev_or_hole
jb .root.next_key
cmp esi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0]
ja .root.prev_or_hole
jb .root.next_key
jmp .root.key_found
DEBUGF 1,".root.prev_or_hole\n"
test eax, eax
jz .root.hole
dec eax
jmp .root.key_found
DEBUGF 1,".root.hole\n"
push eax edx esi edi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
shld edi, esi, cl
shl esi, cl
sub esi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0]
sbb edi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4]
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read]
cmp edi, 0 ; hole size >= 2^32
jne @f
cmp ecx, esi
jbe @f
mov ecx, esi
add dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0], ecx
adc dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4], 0
sub [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read], ecx
xor eax, eax
mov edi, [ebp + XFS.buffer_pos]
rep stosb
mov [ebp + XFS.buffer_pos], edi
pop edi esi edx eax
jmp .root.next_key
DEBUGF 1,".root.key_found\n"
mov edx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save]
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.inodesize]
sub eax, xfs_inode.di_u
cmp [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_forkoff], 0
je @f
movzx eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_forkoff]
shl eax, XFS_DIR2_DATA_ALIGN_LOG ; 3
sub eax, sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block
shr eax, 4 ;log2(sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key + sizeof.xfs_bmdr_ptr)
mov edx, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 0] ; hi
mov eax, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 4] ; hi
bswap edx
bswap eax
stdcall xfs_btree_read, eax, edx, 0
test eax, eax
jnz .error
jmp .root.next_key
DEBUGF 1,".root.not_root\n"
mov eax, [esp + 24] ; block_lo
mov edx, [esp + 28] ; block_hi
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
stdcall xfs_read_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
cmp [ebx + xfs_bmbt_block.bb_magic], XFS_BMAP_MAGIC
jne .error
cmp [ebx + xfs_bmbt_block.bb_level], 0 ; leaf?
je .leaf
jmp .node
; mov eax, [ebp + XFS.blocksize]
; sub eax, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block
; shr eax, 4 ; maxnumrecs
mov eax, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0] ; lo
mov edx, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4] ; hi
movzx edx, [ebx + xfs_bmbt_block.bb_numrecs]
xchg dl, dh
dec edx
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block
xor eax, eax
dec eax
push eax ecx edx esi edi
mov eax, [esp + 44] ; block_lo
mov edx, [esp + 48] ; block_hi
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
stdcall xfs_read_block
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov ebx, [ebp + XFS.cur_block]
add ebx, sizeof.xfs_bmbt_block
pop edi esi edx ecx eax
cmp [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read], 0
je .quit
inc eax
cmp eax, edx ; out of keys?
ja .node.key_found ; there is no length field, so try the last key
lea edi, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 0]
lea esi, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 4]
bswap edi
bswap esi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
shld edi, esi, cl
shl esi, cl
cmp edi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4]
ja .node.prev_or_hole
jb .node.next_key
cmp esi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0]
ja .node.prev_or_hole
jb .node.next_key
jmp .node.key_found
test eax, eax
jz .node.hole
dec eax
jmp .node.key_found
push eax edx esi edi
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.blocklog]
shld edi, esi, cl
shl esi, cl
sub esi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0]
sbb edi, dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4]
mov ecx, [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read]
cmp edi, 0 ; hole size >= 2^32
jne @f
cmp ecx, esi
jbe @f
mov ecx, esi
add dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 0], ecx
adc dword[ebp + XFS.file_offset + 4], 0
sub [ebp + XFS.bytes_to_read], ecx
xor eax, eax
mov edi, [ebp + XFS.buffer_pos]
rep stosb
mov [ebp + XFS.buffer_pos], edi
pop edi esi edx eax
jmp .node.next_key
mov edx, [ebp + XFS.cur_inode_save]
mov eax, [ebp + XFS.inodesize]
sub eax, xfs_inode.di_u
cmp [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_forkoff], 0
je @f
movzx eax, [edx + xfs_inode.di_core.di_forkoff]
shl eax, XFS_DIR2_DATA_ALIGN_LOG ; 3
sub eax, sizeof.xfs_bmdr_block
shr eax, 4 ;log2(sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key + sizeof.xfs_bmdr_ptr)
mov edx, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 0] ; hi
mov eax, [ebx + sizeof.xfs_bmbt_key*eax + 4] ; hi
bswap edx
bswap eax
stdcall xfs_btree_read, eax, edx, 0
test eax, eax
jnz .error
jmp .node.next_key
jmp .quit
jmp .quit
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
movi eax, ERROR_FS_FAIL
ret 4
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
xor eax, eax
ret 4
; push nextents
; push extent_list
; push file_offset_hi
; push file_offset_lo
; push ebx 0 edx esi edi ; zero means actually_read_bytes
; .quit:
; pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
; xor eax, eax
; ret 24
; .error:
; pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
; ret 24
0,0 → 1,518
; from stat.h
; distinguish file types
S_IFMT = 0170000o ; These bits determine file type.
S_IFDIR = 0040000o ; Directory.
S_IFCHR = 0020000o ; Character device.
S_IFBLK = 0060000o ; Block device.
S_IFREG = 0100000o ; Regular file.
S_IFIFO = 0010000o ; FIFO.
S_IFLNK = 0120000o ; Symbolic link.
S_IFSOCK = 0140000o ; Socket.
; end stat.h
; XFS null constant: empty fields must be all ones, not zeros!
; static sector numbers
; signatures of file system structures
; 'string' numbers are treated by fasm as big endian
XFS_DA_NODE_MAGIC = 0xbefe ; those are little endian here
XFS_ATTR_LEAF_MAGIC = 0xeefb ; but big endian in docs
XFS_DIR2_LEAF1_MAGIC = 0xf1d2 ; pay attention!
; bitfield lengths for packed extent
; MSB to LSB / left to right
; those constants are taken from linux source (xfs_dir2_leaf.h)
; they are magic infile offsets for directories
XFS_DIR2_DATA_ALIGN_LOG = 3 ; i.e., 8 bytes
; data section magic constants for directories (xfs_dir2_data.h)
; valid inode formats
; enum xfs_dinode_fmt (xfs_dinode.h)
XFS_DINODE_FMT_DEV = 0 ; xfs_dev_t
XFS_DINODE_FMT_LOCAL = 1 ; one inode is enough (shortdir)
XFS_DINODE_FMT_EXTENTS = 2 ; one or more extents (leafdir, nodedir, regular files)
XFS_DINODE_FMT_BTREE = 3 ; highly fragmented files or really huge directories
XFS_DINODE_FMT_UUID = 4 ; uuid_t
; size of the unlinked inode hash table in the agi
; possible extent states
; enum xfs_exntst_t (xfs_bmap_btree.h)
; values for inode core flags / di_flags (xfs_dinode.h)
XFS_DIFLAG_REALTIME_BIT = 0 ; file's blocks come from rt area
XFS_DIFLAG_PREALLOC_BIT = 1 ; file space has been preallocated
XFS_DIFLAG_NEWRTBM_BIT = 2 ; for rtbitmap inode, new format
XFS_DIFLAG_IMMUTABLE_BIT = 3 ; inode is immutable
XFS_DIFLAG_APPEND_BIT = 4 ; inode is append-only
XFS_DIFLAG_SYNC_BIT = 5 ; inode is written synchronously
XFS_DIFLAG_NOATIME_BIT = 6 ; do not update atime
XFS_DIFLAG_NODUMP_BIT = 7 ; do not dump
XFS_DIFLAG_RTINHERIT_BIT = 8 ; create with realtime bit set
XFS_DIFLAG_PROJINHERIT_BIT = 9 ; create with parents projid
XFS_DIFLAG_NOSYMLINKS_BIT = 10 ; disallow symlink creation
XFS_DIFLAG_EXTSIZE_BIT = 11 ; inode extent size allocator hint
XFS_DIFLAG_EXTSZINHERIT_BIT = 12 ; inherit inode extent size
XFS_DIFLAG_NODEFRAG_BIT = 13 ; do not reorganize/defragment
XFS_DIFLAG_FILESTREAM_BIT = 14 ; use filestream allocator
; superblock _ondisk_ structure (xfs_sb.h)
; this is _not_ the partition structure
; for XFS partition structure see XFS below
struct xfs_sb
sb_magicnum dd ? ; signature, must be XFS_SB_MAGIC
sb_blocksize dd ? ; block is the minimal file system unit, in bytes
sb_dblocks dq ? ; number of data blocks
sb_rblocks dq ? ; number of realtime blocks (not supported yet!)
sb_rextents dq ? ; number of realtime extents (not supported yet!)
sb_uuid rb 16 ; file system unique identifier
sb_logstart dq ? ; starting block of log (for internal journal; journals on separate devices are not supported!)
sb_rootino dq ? ; root inode number
sb_rbmino dq ? ; bitmap inode for realtime extents (ignored)
sb_rsumino dq ? ; summary inode for rt bitmap (ignored)
sb_rextsize dd ? ; realtime extent size, blocks
sb_agblocks dd ? ; size of an allocation group (the last one may be smaller!)
sb_agcount dd ? ; number of allocation groups
sb_rbmblocks dd ? ; number of rt bitmap blocks
sb_logblocks dd ? ; number of log blocks
sb_versionnum dw ? ; header version == XFS_SB_VERSION
sb_sectsize dw ? ; volume sector size in bytes (only 512B sectors are supported)
sb_inodesize dw ? ; inode size, bytes
sb_inopblock dw ? ; inodes per block
sb_fname rb 12 ; inodes per block (aka label)
sb_blocklog db ? ; log2 of sb_blocksize
sb_sectlog db ? ; log2 of sb_blocksize
sb_inodelog db ? ; log2 of sb_inodesize
sb_inopblog db ? ; log2 of sb_inopblock
sb_agblklog db ? ; log2 of sb_agblocks (rounded up!)
sb_rextslog db ? ; log2 of sb_rextents
sb_inprogress db ? ; mkfs is in progress, don't mount
sb_imax_pct db ? ; max % of fs for inode space
; statistics
sb_icount dq ? ; allocated inodes
sb_ifree dq ? ; free inodes
sb_fdblocks dq ? ; free data blocks
sb_frextents dq ? ; free realtime extents
sb_uquotino dq ? ; user quota inode
sb_gquotino dq ? ; group quota inode
sb_qflags dw ? ; quota flags
sb_flags db ? ; misc. flags
sb_shared_vn db ? ; shared version number
sb_inoalignmt dd ? ; inode chunk alignment, fsblocks
sb_unit dd ? ; stripe or raid unit
sb_width dd ? ; stripe or raid width
sb_dirblklog db ? ; log2 of dir block size (fsbs)
sb_logsectlog db ? ; log2 of the log sector size
sb_logsectsize dw ? ; sector size for the log, bytes
sb_logsunit dd ? ; stripe unit size for the log
sb_features2 dd ? ; additional feature bits
; allocation group inode (xfs_ag.h)
struct xfs_agi
agi_magicnum dd ? ; magic number == XFS_AGI_MAGIC
agi_versionnum dd ? ; header version == XFS_AGI_VERSION
agi_seqno dd ? ; sequence number starting from 0
agi_length dd ? ; size in blocks of a.g.
agi_count dd ? ; count of allocated inodes
agi_root dd ? ; root of inode btree
agi_level dd ? ; levels in inode btree
agi_freecount dd ? ; number of free inodes
agi_newino dd ? ; new inode just allocated
agi_dirino dd ? ; last directory inode chunk
agi_unlinked rd XFS_AGI_UNLINKED_BUCKETS ; Hash table of inodes which have been unlinked but are still being referenced
; superblock structure of b+tree node/leaf (same structure, bb_level matters)
struct xfs_btree_sblock
bb_magic dd ?
bb_level dw ? ; distinguishes nodeds and leaves
bb_numrecs dw ?
bb_leftsib dd ?
bb_rightsib dd ?
; record of b+tree inode
struct xfs_inobt_rec
ir_startino dd ?
ir_freecount dd ?
ir_free dq ?
; structure to store create, access and modification time in inode core
struct xfs_timestamp
t_sec dd ?
t_nsec dd ? ; nanoseconds
; inode core structure: basic information about file
struct xfs_dinode_core
di_magic dw ? ; inode magic = XFS_DINODE_MAGIC
di_mode dw ? ; mode and type of file
di_version db ? ; inode version
di_format db ? ; format of di_c data
di_onlink dw ? ; old number of links to file
di_uid dd ? ; owner's user id
di_gid dd ? ; owner's group id
di_nlink dd ? ; number of links to file
di_projid dw ? ; owner's project id
di_pad rb 8 ; unused, zeroed space
di_flushiter dw ? ; incremented on flush
di_atime xfs_timestamp ; time last accessed
di_mtime xfs_timestamp ; time last modified
di_ctime xfs_timestamp ; time created/inode modified
di_size dq ? ; number of bytes in file
di_nblocks dq ? ; number of direct & btree blocks used
di_extsize dd ? ; basic/minimum extent size for file
di_nextents dd ? ; number of extents in data fork
di_anextents dw ? ; number of extents in attribute fork
di_forkoff db ? ; attr fork offs, <<3 for 64b align
di_aformat db ? ; format of attr fork's data
di_dmevmask dd ? ; DMIG event mask
di_dmstate dw ? ; DMIG state info
di_flags dw ? ; random flags, XFS_DIFLAG_...
di_gen dd ? ; generation number
; shortform dir header
struct xfs_dir2_sf_hdr
count db ? ; the number of directory entries, used only if each inode number fits 4 bytes; zero otherwise
i8count db ? ; the number of directory entries, used only when count is zero
parent dq ? ; parent inode number: xfs_dir2_inou_t (4 or 8 bytes)
; shortform dir entry
struct xfs_dir2_sf_entry
namelen db ? ; actual name length (ASCII)
offset rb 2 ; saved offset
name db ? ; name, variable size
; inumber dq ? ; xfs_dir2_inou_t
; active entry in a data block
; aligned to 8 bytes
; tag appears as the last 2 bytes
struct xfs_dir2_data_entry
inumber dq ? ; inode number
namelen db ? ; name length
name db ? ; name bytes, no null
; tag dw ? ; starting offset of us
; unused entry in a data block
; aligned to 8 bytes
; tag appears as the last 2 bytes
struct xfs_dir2_data_unused
freetag dw ? ; XFS_DIR2_DATA_FREE_TAG
length dw ? ; total free length
; tag dw ? ; starting offset of us
; generic data entry
struct xfs_dir2_data_union
xentry xfs_dir2_data_entry
unused xfs_dir2_data_unused
; describe a free area in the data block
; the freespace will be formatted as a xfs_dir2_data_unused_t
struct xfs_dir2_data_free
offset dw ? ; start of freespace
length dw ? ; length of freespace
; header for the data blocks
; always at the beginning of a directory-sized block
; the code knows that XFS_DIR2_DATA_FD_COUNT is 3
struct xfs_dir2_data_hdr
bestfree xfs_dir2_data_free
bestfree2 xfs_dir2_data_free
bestfree3 xfs_dir2_data_free
; leaf block entry
struct xfs_dir2_leaf_entry
hashval dd ? ; hash value of name
address dd ? ; address of data entry
; the tail of directory block
struct xfs_dir2_block_tail
count dd ? ; count of leaf entries
stale dd ? ; count of stale leaf entries
; generic single-block structure, for xfs_db
struct xfs_dir2_block
hdr xfs_dir2_data_hdr
u xfs_dir2_data_union
; leaf xfs_dir2_leaf_entry
; tail xfs_dir2_block_tail
struct xfs_dir2_data
hdr xfs_dir2_data_hdr ; magic XFS_DIR2_DATA_MAGIC
u xfs_dir2_data_union
struct xfs_da_blkinfo
forw dd ? ; previous block in list
back dd ? ; following block in list
magic dw ? ; validity check on block
pad dw ? ; unused
; leaf block header
struct xfs_dir2_leaf_hdr
info xfs_da_blkinfo ; header for da routines
count dw ? ; count of entries
stale dw ? ; count of stale entries
; leaf block tail
struct xfs_dir2_leaf_tail
bestcount dd ?
; leaf block
; bests and tail are at the end of the block for single-leaf only
struct xfs_dir2_leaf
hdr xfs_dir2_leaf_hdr ; leaf header
ents xfs_dir2_leaf_entry ; entries
; bests dw ? ; best free counts
; tail xfs_dir2_leaf_tail ; leaf tail
; header of 'free' block part
struct xfs_dir2_free_hdr
magic dd ? ; XFS_DIR2_FREE_MAGIC
firstdb dd ? ; db of first entry
nvalid dd ? ; count of valid entries
nused dd ? ; count of used entries
; 'free' part of directiry block
struct xfs_dir2_free
hdr xfs_dir2_free_hdr ; block header
bests dw ? ; best free counts
; unused entries are -1 (XFS_NULL)
; b+tree node header
struct xfs_da_node_hdr
info xfs_da_blkinfo
count dw ?
level dw ?
; b+tree node
struct xfs_da_node_entry
hashval dd ? ; hash value for this descendant
before dd ? ; Btree block before this key
struct xfs_da_intnode
hdr xfs_da_node_hdr
btree xfs_da_node_entry
; packet extent
struct xfs_bmbt_rec
l0 dq ?
l1 dq ?
; unpacked extent
struct xfs_bmbt_irec
br_startoff dq ? ; starting file offset
br_startblock dq ? ; starting block number
br_blockcount dd ? ; number of blocks
br_state dd ? ; extent state
; bmap root header, on-disk form only
struct xfs_bmdr_block
bb_level dw ? ; 0 is a leaf
bb_numrecs dw ? ; current number of data records
; key structure for non-leaf levels of the tree
struct xfs_bmbt_key
br_startoff dq ? ; starting file offset
sizeof.xfs_bmbt_ptr = 8 ; workaround
sizeof.xfs_bmdr_ptr = 8 ; workaround
; long form header: bmap btrees
; xfs_btree_lblock is xfs_bmbt_block (xfs_btree.h)
struct xfs_bmbt_block
bb_magic dd ? ; magic number for block type
bb_level dw ? ; 0 is a leaf
bb_numrecs dw ? ; current number of data records
bb_leftsib dq ? ; left sibling block or NULLDFSBNO
bb_rightsib dq ? ; right sibling block or NULLDFSBNO
; high level inode structure
struct xfs_inode
di_core xfs_dinode_core ; main info, aka core
di_next_unlinked dd ? ; unlinked but still used inode (if any, XFS_NULL otherwise)
di_u db ? ; data fork inode part
; di_a db ? ; data attribute
; internal data for every XFS partition
; this _is_ XFS partition structure
; most fields are unpacked or bswap'ed values from the superblock, so see xfs_sb structure above
Lock MUTEX ? ; access mutex
blocksize dd ?
sectsize dd ?
dirblocksize dd ?
rootino dq ?
cur_block dd ?
cur_inode dd ?
cur_sect dd ?
cur_dirblock dd ?
tmp_inode dd ?
versionnum dd ?
features2 dd ?
inodesize dd ?
inopblock dd ?
blocklog dd ?
sectlog dd ?
inodelog dd ?
inopblog dd ?
agblklog dd ?
blockmsectlog dd ?
inodetoblocklog dd ?
dirblklog dd ?
sectpblock dd ?
agblocks dd ?
; helpers, temporary vars, etc
agblockmask dq ?
extent xfs_bmbt_irec
left_extents dd ?
left_leaves dd ?
bytes_to_read dd ?
bytes_read dd ?
entries_read dd ?
file_offset dq ?
max_dirblockaddr dd ?
next_block_num dq ?
dir2_leaf_offset_blocks dd ?
dir2_free_offset_blocks dd ?
cur_inode_save dd ?
bytes_left_in_file dq ?
ro_nextents dd ?
bb_ptrs dd ?
maxnumrecs dd ?
buffer_pos dd ?
eof dd ?
0,0 → 1,508
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) MenuetOS 2000-2004 Ville Mikael Turjanmaa ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
;///// public functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
button.MAX_BUTTONS = 4095
pslot dw ?
id_lo dw ?
left dw ?
width dw ?
top dw ?
height dw ?
id_hi dw ?
dw ?
align 4
syscall_button: ;///// system function 8 //////////////////////////////////////
;? Define/undefine GUI button object
;; Define button:
;> ebx = pack[16(x), 16(width)]
;> ecx = pack[16(y), 16(height)]
;> edx = pack[8(flags), 24(button identifier)]
;> flags bits:
;> 7 (31) = 0
;> 6 (30) = don't draw button
;> 5 (29) = don't draw button frame when pressed
;> esi = button color
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Undefine button:
;> edx = pack[8(flags), 24(button identifier)]
;> flags bits:
;> 7 (31) = 1
; do we actually need to undefine the button?
test edx, 0x80000000
jnz .remove_button
; do we have free button slots available?
mov edi, [BTN_ADDR]
mov eax, [edi]
cmp eax, button.MAX_BUTTONS
jge .exit
; does it have positive size? (otherwise it doesn't have sense)
or bx, bx
jle .exit
or cx, cx
jle .exit
; make coordinates clientbox-relative
push eax
mov eax, [current_slot]
rol ebx, 16
add bx, word[eax + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
rol ebx, 16
rol ecx, 16
add cx, word[eax +]
rol ecx, 16
pop eax
; basic checks passed, define the button
push ebx ecx edx
inc eax
mov [edi], ax
shl eax, 4
add edi, eax
; NOTE: this code doesn't rely on SYS_BUTTON struct, please revise it
; if you change something
mov ax, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov ax, dx
stosw ; button id number: bits 0-15
mov eax, ebx
rol eax, 16
stosd ; x start | x size
mov eax, ecx
rol eax, 16
stosd ; y start | y size
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 16
stosw ; button id number: bits 16-31
pop edx ecx ebx
; do we also need to draw the button?
test edx, 0x40000000
jnz .exit
; draw button body
; calculate window-relative coordinates
movzx edi, cx
shr ebx, 16
shr ecx, 16
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
add ebx, [eax - twdw +]
add ecx, [eax - twdw +]
mov eax, ebx
shl eax, 16
mov ax, bx
add ax, word[esp + 16]
mov ebx, ecx
shl ebx, 16
mov bx, cx
; calculate initial color
mov ecx, esi
cmp [buttontype], 0
je @f
call button._.incecx2
; set button height counter
mov edx, edi
call button._.button_dececx
push edi
xor edi, edi
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
pop edi
add ebx, 0x00010001
dec edx
jnz .next_line
; draw button frame
push ebx ecx
; calculate window-relative coordinates
shr ebx, 16
shr ecx, 16
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
add ebx, [eax - twdw +]
add ecx, [eax - twdw +]
; top border
mov eax, ebx
shl eax, 16
mov ax, bx
add ax, [esp + 4]
mov ebx, ecx
shl ebx, 16
mov bx, cx
push ebx
xor edi, edi
mov ecx, esi
call button._.incecx
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
; bottom border
movzx edx, word[esp + 4 + 0]
add ebx, edx
shl edx, 16
add ebx, edx
mov ecx, esi
call button._.dececx
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
; left border
pop ebx
push edx
mov edx, eax
shr edx, 16
mov ax, dx
mov edx, ebx
shr edx, 16
mov bx, dx
add bx, [esp + 4 + 0]
pop edx
mov ecx, esi
call button._.incecx
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
; right border
mov dx, [esp + 4]
add ax, dx
shl edx, 16
add eax, edx
add ebx, 0x00010000
mov ecx, esi
call button._.dececx
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
pop ecx ebx
; FIXME: mutex needed
and edx, 0x00ffffff
mov edi, [BTN_ADDR]
mov ebx, [edi]
inc ebx
imul esi, ebx, sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
add esi, edi
xor ecx, ecx
add ecx, -sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
add esi, sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
dec ebx
jz .exit
add ecx, sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
add esi, -sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
; does it belong to our process?
mov ax, [CURRENT_TASK]
cmp ax, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.pslot]
jne .next_button
; does the identifier match?
mov eax, dword[esi + SYS_BUTTON.id_hi - 2]
mov ax, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.id_lo]
and eax, 0x00ffffff
cmp edx, eax
jne .next_button
; okay, undefine it
push ebx
mov ebx, esi
lea eax, [esi + sizeof.SYS_BUTTON]
call memmove
dec dword[edi]
add ecx, -sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
pop ebx
jmp .next_button
align 4
sys_button_activate_handler: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> eax = pack[8(process slot), 24(button id)]
;> ebx = pack[16(button x coord), 16(button y coord)]
;> cl = mouse button mask this system button was pressed with
call button._.find_button
or eax, eax
jz .exit
mov ebx, dword[eax + SYS_BUTTON.id_hi - 2]
call button._.negative_button
align 4
sys_button_deactivate_handler: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> eax = pack[8(process slot), 24(button id)]
;> ebx = pack[16(button x coord), 16(button y coord)]
;> cl = mouse button mask this system button was pressed with
call button._.find_button
or eax, eax
jz .exit
mov ebx, dword[eax + SYS_BUTTON.id_hi - 2]
call button._.negative_button
align 4
sys_button_perform_handler: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> eax = pack[8(process slot), 24(button id)]
;> ebx = pack[16(button x coord), 16(button y coord)]
;> cl = mouse button mask this system button was pressed with
shl eax, 8
mov al, cl
movzx ebx, byte[BTN_COUNT]
mov [BTN_BUFF + ebx * 4], eax
inc bl
mov [BTN_COUNT], bl
;///// private functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
button._.find_button: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Find system button by specified process slot, id and coordinates
;> eax = pack[8(process slot), 24(button id)] or 0
;> ebx = pack[16(button x coord), 16(button y coord)]
;< eax = pointer to SYS_BUTTON struct or 0
push ecx edx esi edi
mov edx, eax
shr edx, 24
and eax, 0x0ffffff
mov edi, [BTN_ADDR]
mov ecx, [edi]
imul esi, ecx, sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
add esi, edi
inc ecx
add esi, sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
dec ecx
jz .not_found
add esi, -sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
; does it belong to our process?
cmp dx, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.pslot]
jne .next_button
; does id match?
mov edi, dword[esi + SYS_BUTTON.id_hi - 2]
mov di, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.id_lo]
and edi, 0x0ffffff
cmp eax, edi
jne .next_button
; does coordinates match?
mov edi, dword[esi + SYS_BUTTON.left - 2]
mov di, [esi +]
cmp ebx, edi
jne .next_button
; okay, return it
mov eax, esi
jmp .exit
xor eax, eax
pop edi esi edx ecx
button._.dececx: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
sub cl, 0x20
jnc @f
xor cl, cl
sub ch, 0x20
jnc @f
xor ch, ch
rol ecx, 16
sub cl, 0x20
jnc @f
xor cl, cl
rol ecx, 16
button._.incecx: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
add cl, 0x20
jnc @f
or cl, -1
add ch, 0x20
jnc @f
or ch, -1
rol ecx, 16
add cl, 0x20
jnc @f
or cl, -1
rol ecx, 16
button._.incecx2: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
add cl, 0x14
jnc @f
or cl, -1
add ch, 0x14
jnc @f
or ch, -1
rol ecx, 16
add cl, 0x14
jnc @f
or cl, -1
rol ecx, 16
button._.button_dececx: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
cmp [buttontype], 1
jne .finish
push eax
mov al, 1
cmp edi, 20
jg @f
mov al, 2
sub cl, al
jnc @f
xor cl, cl
sub ch, al
jnc @f
xor ch, ch
rol ecx, 16
sub cl, al
jnc @f
xor cl, cl
rol ecx, 16
pop eax
button._.negative_button: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Invert system button border
; if requested, do not display button border on press.
test ebx, 0x20000000
jnz .exit
xchg esi, eax
movzx ecx, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.pslot]
shl ecx, 5
add ecx, window_data
mov eax, dword[esi + SYS_BUTTON.left]
mov ebx, dword[esi +]
add eax, [ecx +]
add ebx, [ecx +]
push eax ebx
pop edx ecx
rol eax, 16
rol ebx, 16
add ax, cx
add bx, dx
mov esi, 0x01000000
call draw_rectangle.forced
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0,0 → 1,616
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) MenuetOS 2000-2004 Ville Mikael Turjanmaa ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
$Revision: 3565 $
align 4
event_start dd ?
event_end dd ?
event_uid dd 0
EV_SPACE = 512
FreeEvents = event_start-EVENT.fd ; "виртуальный" event, используются только поля:
; FreeEvents.fd=event_start и FreeEvents.bk=event_end
align 4
init_events: ;; used from kernel.asm
stdcall kernel_alloc, EV_SPACE*sizeof.EVENT
or eax, eax
jz .fail
; eax - current event, ebx - previos event below
mov ecx, EV_SPACE ; current - in allocated space
mov ebx, FreeEvents ; previos - начало списка
push ebx ; оно же и конец потом будет
align 4
mov [ebx+EVENT.fd], eax
mov [eax+EVENT.bk], ebx
mov ebx, eax ; previos <- current
add eax, sizeof.EVENT ; new current
loop @b
pop eax ; вот оно концом и стало
mov [ebx+EVENT.fd], eax
mov [eax+EVENT.bk], ebx
align 4
EVENT_WATCHED equ 0x10000000 ;бит 28
EVENT_SIGNALED equ 0x20000000 ;бит 29
MANUAL_RESET equ 0x40000000 ;бит 30
MANUAL_DESTROY equ 0x80000000 ;бит 31
align 4
create_event: ;; EXPORT use
; Переносим EVENT из списка FreeEvents в список ObjList текущего слота
; EVENT.state устанавливаем из ecx, EVENT.code косвенно из esi (если esi<>0)
; esi - event data
; ecx - flags
; eax - event (=0 => fail)
; edx - uid
;scratched: ebx,ecx,esi,edi
mov ebx, [current_slot]
mov edx, [TASK_BASE]
mov edx, []
align 4
set_event: ;; INTERNAL use !!! don't use for Call
; Берем новый event из FreeEvents, заполняем его поля, как указано в ecx,edx,esi
; и устанавливаем в список, указанный в ebx.
; Возвращаем сам event (в eax), и его uid (в edx)
; ebx - start-chain "virtual" event for entry new event Right of him
; ecx - flags (copied to EVENT.state)
; edx - pid (copied to
; esi - event data (copied to EVENT.code indirect, =0 => skip)
; eax - event (=0 => fail)
; edx - uid
;scratched: ebx,ecx,esi,edi
mov eax, FreeEvents
cmp eax, [eax+EVENT.fd]
jne @f ; not empty ???
call init_events
jz RemoveEventTo.break ; POPF+RET
align 4
mov eax, [eax+EVENT.fd]
mov [eax+EVENT.magic], 'EVNT'
mov [eax+EVENT.destroy], destroy_event.internal
mov [eax+EVENT.state], ecx
mov [], edx
inc [event_uid]
Mov [],edx,[event_uid]
or esi, esi
jz RemoveEventTo
lea edi, [eax+EVENT.code]
mov ecx, (sizeof.EVENT -EVENT.code)/4
rep movsd
align 4
RemoveEventTo: ;; INTERNAL use !!! don't use for Call
; eax - указатель на event, КОТОРЫЙ вставляем
; ebx - указатель на event, ПОСЛЕ которого вставляем
;scratched: ebx,ecx
mov ecx, eax ; ecx=eax=Self, ebx=NewLeft
xchg ecx, [ebx+EVENT.fd] ; NewLeft.fd=Self, ecx=NewRight
cmp eax, ecx ; стоп, себе думаю...
je .break ; - а не дурак ли я?
mov [ecx+EVENT.bk], eax ; NewRight.bk=Self
xchg ebx, [eax+EVENT.bk] ; Self.bk=NewLeft, ebx=OldLeft
xchg ecx, [eax+EVENT.fd] ; Self.fd=NewRight, ecx=OldRight
mov [ebx+EVENT.fd], ecx ; OldLeft.fd=OldRight
mov [ecx+EVENT.bk], ebx ; OldRight.bk=OldLeft
align 4
align 4
NotDummyTest: ;; INTERNAL use (not returned for fail !!!)
pop edi
call DummyTest ; not returned for fail !!!
mov ebx, eax
mov eax, []
push edi
align 4
.small: ; криво как-то...
pop edi
call pid_to_slot ; saved all registers (eax - retval)
shl eax, 8
jz RemoveEventTo.break ; POPF+RET
jmp edi ; штатный возврат
align 4
raise_event: ;; EXPORT use
; Устанавливаем данные EVENT.code
; Если там флаг EVENT_SIGNALED уже активен - больше ничего
; Иначе: этот флаг взводится, за исключением случая наличия флага EVENT_WATCHED в edx
; В этом случае EVENT_SIGNALED взводится лишь при наличие EVENT_WATCHED в самом событии
; eax - event
; ebx - uid (for Dummy testing)
; edx - flags
; esi - event data (=0 => skip)
;scratched: ebx,ecx,esi,edi
call NotDummyTest ; not returned for fail !!!
or esi, esi
jz @f
lea edi, [ebx+EVENT.code]
mov ecx, (sizeof.EVENT -EVENT.code)/4
rep movsd
align 4
test byte[ebx+EVENT.state+3], EVENT_SIGNALED shr 24
jnz RemoveEventTo.break ; POPF+RET
bt edx, 28 ;EVENT_WATCHED
jnc @f
test byte[ebx+EVENT.state+3], EVENT_WATCHED shr 24
jz RemoveEventTo.break ; POPF+RET
align 4
or byte[ebx+EVENT.state+3], EVENT_SIGNALED shr 24
xchg eax, ebx
jmp RemoveEventTo
align 4
clear_event: ;; EXPORT use
; eax - event
; ebx - uid (for Dummy testing)
;scratched: ebx,ecx
call NotDummyTest ; not returned for fail !!!
and byte[ebx+EVENT.state+3], not((EVENT_SIGNALED+EVENT_WATCHED)shr 24)
xchg eax, ebx
jmp RemoveEventTo
align 4
send_event: ;; EXPORT use
; Создает новый EVENT (вытаскивает из списка FreeEvents) в списке EventList
; целевого слота (eax=pid), с данными из esi косвенно, и state=EVENT_SIGNALED
; eax - slots pid, to sending new event
; esi - pointer to sending data (in code field of new event)
; eax - event (=0 => fail)
; edx - uid
; may be used as CDECL with such prefix...
; mov esi,[esp+8]
; mov eax,[esp+4]
; but not as STDCALL :(
;scratched: ebx,ecx,esi,edi
mov edx, eax
call NotDummyTest.small ; not returned for fail !!!
lea ebx, [eax+SLOT_BASE+APP_EV_OFFSET]
jmp set_event
align 4
DummyTest: ;; INTERNAL use (not returned for fail !!!)
; eax - event
; ebx - uid (for Dummy testing)
cmp [eax+EVENT.magic], 'EVNT'
jne @f
cmp [], ebx
je .ret
align 4
pop eax
xor eax, eax
align 4
align 4
or ebx, -1; infinite timeout
align 4
; Ожидание "абстрактного" события через перевод слота в 5-ю позицию.
; Абстрактность заключена в том, что факт события определяется функцией APPDATA.wait_test,
; которая задается клиентом и может быть фактически любой.
; Это позволяет shed-у надежно определить факт события, и не совершать "холостых" переключений,
; предназначенных для разборок типа "свой/чужой" внутри задачи.
; edx - wait_test, клиентская ф-я тестирования (адрес кода)
; ecx - wait_param, дополнительный параметр, возможно необходимый для [wait_test]
; ebx - wait_timeout
; eax - результат вызова [wait_test] (=0 => timeout)
;scratched: esi
mov esi, [current_slot]
mov [esi+APPDATA.wait_param], ecx
mov ebx, esi;пока это вопрос, чего куды сувать..........
pushfd ; это следствие общей концепции: пусть ф-я тестирования имеет
cli ; право рассчитывать на закрытые прерывания, как при вызове из shed
call edx
mov [esp+28], eax
or eax, eax
jnz @f ;RET
mov [esi+APPDATA.wait_test], edx
mov [esi+APPDATA.wait_timeout], ebx
Mov [esi+APPDATA.wait_begin],eax,[timer_ticks]
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov [eax+TASKDATA.state], 5
call change_task
mov eax, [esi+APPDATA.wait_param]
align 4
align 4
wait_event: ;; EXPORT use
; Ожидание флага EVENT_SIGNALED в совершенно конкретном Event
; (устанавливаемого, надо полагать, через raise_event)
; При активном флаге MANUAL_RESET - больше ничего
; Иначе: флаги EVENT_SIGNALED и EVENT_WATCHED у полученного события сбрасываются,
; и, при активном MANUAL_DESTROY - перемещается в список ObjList текущего слота,
; а при не активном - уничтожается штатно (destroy_event.internal)
; eax - event
; ebx - uid (for Dummy testing)
;scratched: ecx,edx,esi
call DummyTest
mov ecx, eax ; wait_param
mov edx, get_event_alone ; wait_test
call Wait_events ; timeout ignored
jmp wait_finish
align 4
; eax - event
; ebx - uid (for Dummy testing)
; ecx - timeout in timer ticks
; eax - EVENT handle or 0 if timeout
call DummyTest
mov ebx, ecx
mov ecx, eax ; wait_param
mov edx, get_event_alone ; wait_test
call Wait_events_ex
test eax, eax
jnz wait_finish
align 4
get_event_ex: ;; f68:14
; Ожидание любого события в очереди EventList текущего слота
; Данные события code - копируются в память приложения (косвенно по edi)
; При активном флаге MANUAL_RESET - больше ничего
; Иначе: флаги EVENT_SIGNALED и EVENT_WATCHED у полученного события сбрасываются,
; и, при активном MANUAL_DESTROY - перемещается в список ObjList текущего слота,
; а при не активном - уничтожается штатно (destroy_event.internal)
; edi - адрес в коде приложения для копирования данных из EVENT.code
; eax - собственно EVENT (будем называть это его хэндлом)
;scratched: ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi
mov edx, get_event_queue ; wait_test
call Wait_events ; timeout ignored
lea esi, [eax+EVENT.code]
mov ecx, (sizeof.EVENT-EVENT.code)/4
rep movsd
mov byte[edi-(sizeof.EVENT-EVENT.code)+2], cl;clear priority field
align 4
test byte[eax+EVENT.state+3], MANUAL_RESET shr 24
jnz get_event_queue.ret ; RET
and byte[eax+EVENT.state+3], not((EVENT_SIGNALED+EVENT_WATCHED)shr 24)
test byte[eax+EVENT.state+3], MANUAL_DESTROY shr 24
jz destroy_event.internal
mov ebx, [current_slot]
jmp RemoveEventTo
align 4
destroy_event: ;; EXPORT use
; Переносим EVENT в список FreeEvents, чистим поля magic,destroy,pid,id
; eax - event
; ebx - uid (for Dummy testing)
; eax - адрес объекта EVENT (=0 => fail)
;scratched: ebx,ecx
call DummyTest ; not returned for fail !!!
align 4
xor ecx, ecx ; clear common header
mov [eax+EVENT.magic], ecx
mov [eax+EVENT.destroy], ecx
mov [], ecx
mov [], ecx
mov ebx, FreeEvents
jmp RemoveEventTo
align 4
; клиентская ф-я тестирования для get_event_ex
; -don't use [TASK_BASE],[current_slot],[CURRENT_TASK] - it is not for your slot
; -may be assumed, that interrupt are disabled
; -it is not restriction for scratched registers
; ebx - адрес APPDATA слота тестирования
; eax - адрес объекта EVENT (=0 => fail)
add ebx, APP_EV_OFFSET
mov eax, [ebx+APPOBJ.bk] ; выбираем с конца, по принципу FIFO
cmp eax, ebx ; empty ???
je get_event_alone.ret0
align 4
align 4
; клиентская ф-я тестирования для wait_event
; -don't use [TASK_BASE],[current_slot],[CURRENT_TASK] - it is not for your slot
; -may be assumed, that interrupt are disabled
; -it is not restriction for scratched registers
; ebx - адрес APPDATA слота тестирования
; eax - адрес объекта EVENT (=0 => fail)
mov eax, [ebx+APPDATA.wait_param]
test byte[eax+EVENT.state+3], EVENT_SIGNALED shr 24
jnz .ret
or byte[eax+EVENT.state+3], EVENT_WATCHED shr 24
align 4
xor eax, eax; NO event!!!
align 4
align 4
sys_sendwindowmsg: ;; f72
dec ebx
jnz .ret ;subfunction==1 ?
sub ecx, 2
je .sendkey
dec ecx
jnz .retf
align 4
cmp byte[BTN_COUNT], 1
jae .result ;overflow
inc byte[BTN_COUNT]
shl edx, 8
mov [BTN_BUFF], edx
jmp .result
align 4
movzx eax, byte[KEY_COUNT]
cmp al, 120
jae .result ;overflow
inc byte[KEY_COUNT]
mov [KEY_COUNT+1+eax], dl
align 4
setae byte[esp+32+4] ;считаем, что исходно: dword[esp+32+4]==72
align 4
align 4
align 4
sys_getevent: ;; f11
mov ebx, [current_slot];пока это вопрос, чего куды сувать..........
pushfd ; это следствие общей концепции: пусть ф-я тестирования имеет
cli ; право рассчитывать на закрытые прерывания, как при вызове из shed
call get_event_for_app
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4
sys_waitforevent: ;; f10
or ebx, -1; infinite timeout
align 4
sys_wait_event_timeout: ;; f23
call unprotect_from_terminate
mov edx, get_event_for_app; wait_test
call Wait_events_ex ; ebx - timeout
mov [esp+32], eax
call protect_from_terminate
align 4
get_event_for_app: ;; used from f10,f11,f23
; клиентская ф-я тестирования для приложений (f10,f23)
; -don't use [TASK_BASE],[current_slot],[CURRENT_TASK] - it is not for your slot
; -may be assumed, that interrupt are disabled
; -it is not restriction for scratched registers
; ebx - адрес APPDATA слота тестирования
; eax - номер события (=0 => no events)
movzx edi, bh ; bh is assumed as [CURRENT_TASK]
shl edi, 5
add edi, CURRENT_TASK ; edi is assumed as [TASK_BASE]
mov ecx, [edi+TASKDATA.event_mask]
and ecx, 0x7FFFFFFF
align 4
.loop: ; пока не исчерпаем все биты маски
bsr eax, ecx ; находим ненулевой бит маски (31 -> 0)
jz .no_events ; исчерпали все биты маски, но ничего не нашли ???
btr ecx, eax ; сбрасываем проверяемый бит маски
; переходим на обработчик этого (eax) бита
cmp eax, 10
jae .loop ; eax=[10..31], ignored (event 11...32)
cmp eax, 3
je .loop ; eax=3, ignored (event 4)
cmp eax, 4
je .FlagAutoReset ; eax=4, retvals=eax+1 (event 5)
cmp eax, 5
je .mouse_check ; eax=5, retvals=eax+1 (event 6)
ja .FlagAutoReset ; eax=[6..9], retvals=eax+1 (event 7...10)
cmp eax, 1
jae .BtKy ; eax=[1,2], retvals=eax+1 (event 2,3)
align 4
.WndRedraw: ; eax=0, retval WndRedraw=1
cmp [edi-twdw+WDATA.fl_redraw], al;al==0
jne .result
jmp .loop
align 4
xor eax, eax
align 4
.mouse_check: ; Mouse 5+1=6
push eax
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov eax, [eax + TASKDATA.event_mask]
test eax, 0x80000000 ; bit 31: active/inactive filter f.40
jz @f
pop eax
jmp .FlagAutoReset
align 4
; If the window is captured and moved by the user, then no mouse events!!!
mov al, [mouse.active_sys_window.action]
test al, al
pop eax
jnz .loop
align 4
.FlagAutoReset: ; retvals: BgrRedraw=5, IPC=7, Stack=8, Debug=9
btr [ebx+APPDATA.event_mask], eax
jnc .loop
align 4
.result: ; retval = eax+1
inc eax
align 4
movzx edx, bh
movzx edx, word[WIN_STACK+edx*2]
je .Keys ; eax=1, retval Keys=2
align 4
.Buttons: ; eax=2, retval Buttons=3
cmp byte[BTN_COUNT], 0
je .loop ; empty ???
cmp edx, [TASK_COUNT]
jne .loop ; not Top ???
mov edx, [BTN_BUFF]
shr edx, 8
cmp edx, 0xFFFF ;-ID for Minimize-Button of Form
jne .result
mov [window_minimize], 1
call wakeup_osloop
dec byte[BTN_COUNT]
jmp .loop
align 4
.Keys: ; eax==1
cmp edx, [TASK_COUNT]
jne @f ; not Top ???
cmp [KEY_COUNT], al; al==1
jae .result ; not empty ???
align 4
mov edx, hotkey_buffer
align 4
cmp [edx], bh ; bh - slot for testing
je .result
add edx, 8
cmp edx, hotkey_buffer+120*8
jb @b
jmp .loop
0,0 → 1,251
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3927 $
align 4
dtext_asciiz_esi: ; for skins title out
push eax
xor eax, eax
inc eax
jmp dtext.1
align 4
; ebx x & y
; ecx style ( 0xX0000000 ) & color ( 0x00RRGGBB )
; X = ABnnb:
; nn = font
; A = 0 <=> output esi characters; otherwise output ASCIIZ string
; B = 1 <=> fill background with color eax
; edx start of text
; edi 1 force or user area for redirect
push eax
xor eax, eax
align 4
movsx eax, bx ; eax=y
sar ebx, 16 ; ebx=x
xchg eax, ebx ; eax=x, ebx=y
cmp esi, 255
jb .loop
mov esi, 255
align 4
test ecx, ecx
js .test_asciiz
dec esi
js .end
jmp @f
align 4
cmp byte [edx], 0
jz .end
cmp byte [esp+28], 1
jne @f
dec esi
js .end
align 4
inc edx
movzx edx, byte [edx-1]
test ecx, 0x10000000
jnz .font2
mov esi, 9
lea ebp, [FONT_I+8*edx+edx]
align 4
mov dl, byte [ebp]
or dl, 1 shl 6
align 4
shr dl, 1
jz .pixloop1end
jnc .nopix
test ecx, 0x08000000 ; redirect the output to the user area
jz @f
call draw_text_to_user_area
jmp .pixloop1cont
align 4
and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 save to mouseunder area
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
jmp .pixloop1cont
align 4
test ecx, 0x40000000
jz .pixloop1cont
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp+4+20h+20h]
test ecx, 0x08000000 ; redirect the output to the user area
jz @f
call draw_text_to_user_area
pop ecx
jmp .pixloop1cont
align 4
and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 save to mouseunder area
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
pop ecx
align 4
inc eax
jmp .pixloop1
align 4
sub eax, 6
inc ebx
inc ebp
dec esi
jnz .symloop1
add eax, 6
jmp .loop
align 4
add edx, edx
lea ebp, [FONT_II+4*edx+edx+1]
push 9
movzx esi, byte [ebp-1]
align 4
mov dl, byte [ebp]
push esi
align 4
shr dl, 1
jnc .nopix2
test ecx, 0x08000000 ; redirect the output to the user area
jz @f
call draw_text_to_user_area
jmp .pixloop2cont
align 4
and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 save to mouseunder area
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
jmp .pixloop2cont
align 4
test ecx, 0x40000000
jz .pixloop2cont
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp+12+20h+20h]
test ecx, 0x08000000 ; redirect the output to the user area
jz @f
call draw_text_to_user_area
pop ecx
jmp .pixloop2cont
align 4
and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 save to mouseunder area
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
pop ecx
align 4
inc eax
dec esi
jnz .pixloop2
pop esi
sub eax, esi
inc ebx
inc ebp
dec dword [esp]
jnz .symloop2
pop eax
add dword [esp+28], esi
jmp .loop
align 4
pop eax
; eax = x coordinate
; ebx = y coordinate
; ecx = ?? RR GG BB
; edi = user area
align 4
imul ebx, [edi+0]
add eax, ebx
shl eax, 2
add eax, edi
add eax, 8
and ecx, 0xffffff
or ecx, 0xff000000 ; not transparent
mov [eax], ecx ; store pixel
align 4
if lang eq sp
file ''
else if lang eq et
file ''
file ''
end if
align 4
if lang eq sp
file ''
else if lang eq et
file ''
file ''
end if
0,0 → 1,711
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2010-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4424 $
include ''
;///// public functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mouse.LEFT_BUTTON_FLAG = 0001b
mouse.RIGHT_BUTTON_FLAG = 0010b
mouse.MIDDLE_BUTTON_FLAG = 0100b
mouse.BUTTONS_MASK = \
mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_N_FLAG = 000001b
mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_W_FLAG = 000010b
mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_S_FLAG = 000100b
mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_E_FLAG = 001000b
mouse.WINDOW_MOVE_FLAG = 010000b
align 4
mouse_check_events: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Check if mouse buttons state or cursor position has changed and call
;? appropriate handlers
push eax ebx
mov al, [BTN_DOWN]
mov bl, [mouse.state.buttons]
and al, mouse.BUTTONS_MASK
mov cl, al
xchg cl, [mouse.state.buttons]
xor bl, al
push eax ebx
; did any mouse button changed its state?
or bl, bl
jz .check_position
; yes it did, is that the first button of all pressed down?
or cl, cl
jnz .check_buttons_released
; yes it is, activate window user is pointing at, if needed
call mouse._.activate_sys_window_under_cursor
; NOTE: this code wouldn't be necessary if we knew window did
; already redraw itself after call above
or eax, eax
jnz .exit
; is there any system button under cursor?
call mouse._.find_sys_button_under_cursor
or eax, eax
jz .check_buttons_released
; yes there is, activate it and exit
mov [mouse.active_sys_button.pbid], eax
mov [mouse.active_sys_button.coord], ebx
mov cl, [mouse.state.buttons]
mov [mouse.active_sys_button.buttons], cl
call sys_button_activate_handler
jmp .exit
cmp [mouse.state.buttons], 0
jnz .buttons_changed
; did we press some button earlier?
cmp [mouse.active_sys_button.pbid], 0
je .buttons_changed
; yes we did, deactivate it
xor eax, eax
xchg eax, [mouse.active_sys_button.pbid]
mov ebx, [mouse.active_sys_button.coord]
mov cl, [mouse.active_sys_button.buttons]
push eax ebx
call sys_button_deactivate_handler
pop edx ecx
; is the button under cursor the one we deactivated?
call mouse._.find_sys_button_under_cursor
cmp eax, ecx
jne .exit
cmp ebx, edx
jne .exit
; yes it is, perform associated action
mov cl, [mouse.active_sys_button.buttons]
call sys_button_perform_handler
jmp .exit
test byte[esp], mouse.LEFT_BUTTON_FLAG
jz @f
mov eax, [esp + 4]
call .call_left_button_handler
test byte[esp], mouse.RIGHT_BUTTON_FLAG
jz @f
mov eax, [esp + 4]
call .call_right_button_handler
test byte[esp], mouse.MIDDLE_BUTTON_FLAG
jz .check_position
mov eax, [esp + 4]
call .call_middle_button_handler
movzx eax, word[MOUSE_X]
movzx ebx, word[MOUSE_Y]
cmp eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
jne .position_changed
cmp ebx, [mouse.state.pos.y]
je .exit
xchg eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
xchg ebx, [mouse.state.pos.y]
call mouse._.move_handler
add esp, 8
pop ebx eax
test eax, mouse.LEFT_BUTTON_FLAG
jnz mouse._.left_button_press_handler
jmp mouse._.left_button_release_handler
test eax, mouse.RIGHT_BUTTON_FLAG
jnz mouse._.right_button_press_handler
jmp mouse._.right_button_release_handler
test eax, mouse.MIDDLE_BUTTON_FLAG
jnz mouse._.middle_button_press_handler
jmp mouse._.middle_button_release_handler
;///// private functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.pos POINT
.buttons db ?
; NOTE: since there's no unique and lifetime-constant button identifiers,
; we're using two dwords to identify each of them:
; * pbid - process slot (high 8 bits) and button id (low 24 bits) pack
; * coord - left (high 16 bits) and top (low 16 bits) coordinates pack
align 4
.pbid dd ?
.coord dd ?
.buttons db ?
align 4
.pslot dd ?
.old_box BOX
.new_box BOX
.delta POINT
.last_ticks dd ?
.action db ?
align 4
mouse._.left_button_press_handler: ;///////////////////////////////////////////
;? Called when left mouse button has been pressed down
test [mouse.state.buttons], not mouse.LEFT_BUTTON_FLAG
jnz .exit
call mouse._.find_sys_window_under_cursor
call mouse._.check_sys_window_actions
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.action], al
or eax, eax
jz .exit
xchg eax, edx
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_MOVE_FLAG
jz @f
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
mov ebx, eax
xchg ebx, [mouse.active_sys_window.last_ticks]
sub eax, ebx
cmp eax, 50
jg @f
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.last_ticks], 0
call sys_window_maximize_handler
jmp .exit
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MAXIMIZED
jnz .exit
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.pslot], esi
lea eax, [edi +]
mov ebx, mouse.active_sys_window.old_box
mov ecx, sizeof.BOX
call memmove
mov ebx, mouse.active_sys_window.new_box
call memmove
test edx, mouse.WINDOW_MOVE_FLAG
jz @f
call .calculate_n_delta
call .calculate_w_delta
jmp .call_window_handler
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_W_FLAG
jz @f
call .calculate_w_delta
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_S_FLAG
jz @f
call .calculate_s_delta
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_E_FLAG
jz .call_window_handler
call .calculate_e_delta
; mov eax, mouse.active_sys_window.old_box
; call sys_window_start_moving_handler
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.y]
sub eax, []
mov [], eax
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
sub eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.old_box.left]
mov [], eax
mov eax, []
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.old_box.height]
sub eax, [mouse.state.pos.y]
mov [], eax
mov eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.old_box.left]
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.old_box.width]
sub eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
mov [], eax
align 4
mouse._.left_button_release_handler: ;/////////////////////////////////////////
;? Called when left mouse button has been released
xor esi, esi
xchg esi, [mouse.active_sys_window.pslot]
or esi, esi
jz .exit
mov eax, esi
shl eax, 5
add eax, window_data +
mov ebx, mouse.active_sys_window.old_box
mov ecx, sizeof.BOX
call memmove
mov eax, mouse.active_sys_window.old_box
mov ebx, mouse.active_sys_window.new_box
call sys_window_end_moving_handler
and [mouse.active_sys_window.action], 0
align 4
mouse._.right_button_press_handler: ;//////////////////////////////////////////
;? Called when right mouse button has been pressed down
test [mouse.state.buttons], not mouse.RIGHT_BUTTON_FLAG
jnz .exit
call mouse._.find_sys_window_under_cursor
call mouse._.check_sys_window_actions
test al, mouse.WINDOW_MOVE_FLAG
jz .exit
call sys_window_rollup_handler
align 4
mouse._.right_button_release_handler: ;////////////////////////////////////////
;? Called when right mouse button has been released
align 4
mouse._.middle_button_press_handler: ;/////////////////////////////////////////
;? Called when middle mouse button has been pressed down
align 4
mouse._.middle_button_release_handler: ;///////////////////////////////////////
;? Called when middle mouse button has been released
align 4
mouse._.move_handler: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Called when cursor has been moved
;> eax = old x coord
;> ebx = old y coord
cmp [mouse.active_sys_button.pbid], 0
jnz .exit
mov esi, [mouse.active_sys_window.pslot]
or esi, esi
jz .exit
mov eax, mouse.active_sys_window.new_box
mov ebx, mouse.active_sys_window.old_box
mov ecx, sizeof.BOX
call memmove
mov dl, [mouse.active_sys_window.action]
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_MOVE_FLAG
jz .check_resize_w
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
sub eax, []
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left], eax
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.y]
sub eax, []
mov [], eax
mov eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left]
or eax, eax
jge @f
xor eax, eax
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left], eax
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width]
cmp eax, [Screen_Max_X]
jl @f
sub eax, [Screen_Max_X]
sub [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left], eax
mov eax, []
or eax, eax
jge @f
xor eax, eax
mov [], eax
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height]
cmp eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
jle .call_window_handler
sub eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
sub [], eax
jmp .call_window_handler
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_W_FLAG
jz .check_resize_s
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
sub eax, []
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left], eax
sub eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.old_box.left]
sub [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], eax
mov eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width]
sub eax, 127
jge @f
add [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left], eax
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], 127
mov eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left]
or eax, eax
jge .check_resize_s
add [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], eax
xor eax, eax
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left], eax
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_S_FLAG
jz .check_resize_e
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.y]
add eax, []
sub eax, []
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height], eax
push eax
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
call window._.get_rolledup_height
mov ecx, eax
pop eax
mov eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height]
cmp eax, ecx
jge @f
mov eax, ecx
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height], eax
add eax, []
cmp eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
jle .check_resize_e
sub eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
neg eax
add [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height], eax
mov ecx, [Screen_Max_Y]
cmp ecx, eax
jge .check_resize_e
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height], ecx
test dl, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_E_FLAG
jz .call_window_handler
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
add eax, []
sub eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.old_box.left]
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], eax
mov eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width]
cmp eax, 127
jge @f
mov eax, 127
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], eax
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left]
cmp eax, [Screen_Max_X]
jle .call_window_handler
sub eax, [Screen_Max_X]
neg eax
add [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], eax
mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
cmp ecx, eax
jge .call_window_handler
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], ecx
mov eax, mouse.active_sys_window.old_box
mov ebx, mouse.active_sys_window.new_box
push esi
mov esi, mouse.active_sys_window.old_box
mov edi, mouse.active_sys_window.new_box
mov ecx, sizeof.BOX / 4
pop esi
je .exit
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.last_ticks], 0
call sys_window_moving_handler
align 4
mouse._.find_sys_window_under_cursor: ;////////////////////////////////////////
;? Find system window object which is currently visible on screen and has
;? mouse cursor within its bounds
;< esi = process slot
;< edi = pointer to WDATA struct
mov esi, [mouse.state.pos.y]
mov esi, [d_width_calc_area + esi*4]
add esi, [_WinMapAddress]
add esi, [mouse.state.pos.x]
movzx esi, byte[esi]
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
align 4
mouse._.activate_sys_window_under_cursor: ;////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
; activate and redraw window under cursor (if necessary)
call mouse._.find_sys_window_under_cursor
movzx esi, word[WIN_STACK + esi * 2]
lea esi, [WIN_POS + esi * 2]
jmp waredraw
align 4
mouse._.find_sys_button_under_cursor: ;////////////////////////////////////////
;? Find system button object which is currently visible on screen and has
;? mouse cursor within its bounds
;< eax = pack[8(process slot), 24(button id)] or 0
;< ebx = pack[16(button x coord), 16(button y coord)]
push ecx edx esi edi
call mouse._.find_sys_window_under_cursor
mov edx, esi
; check if any process button contains cursor
mov eax, [BTN_ADDR]
mov ecx, [eax]
imul esi, ecx, sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
add esi, eax
inc ecx
add esi, sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
dec ecx
jz .not_found
add esi, -sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
; does it belong to our process?
cmp dx, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.pslot]
jne .next_button
; does it contain cursor coordinates?
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
sub eax, [edi +]
sub ax, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.left]
jl .next_button
sub ax, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.width]
jge .next_button
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.y]
sub eax, [edi +]
sub ax, [esi +]
jl .next_button
sub ax, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.height]
jge .next_button
; okay, return it
shl edx, 24
mov eax, dword[esi + SYS_BUTTON.id_hi - 2]
mov ax, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.id_lo]
and eax, 0x0ffffff
or eax, edx
mov ebx, dword[esi + SYS_BUTTON.left - 2]
mov bx, [esi +]
jmp .exit
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
pop edi esi edx ecx
align 4
mouse._.check_sys_window_actions: ;////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;< eax = action flags or 0
; is window movable?
test byte[edi + WDATA.cl_titlebar + 3], 0x01
jnz .no_action
mov eax, [mouse.state.pos.x]
mov ebx, [mouse.state.pos.y]
sub eax, [edi +]
sub ebx, [edi +]
; is there a window titlebar under cursor?
push eax
call window._.get_titlebar_height
cmp ebx, eax
pop eax
jl .move_action
; no there isn't, can it be resized then?
mov dl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and dl, 0x0f
; NOTE: dangerous optimization, revise if window types changed;
; this currently implies only types 2 and 3 could be resized
test dl, 2
jz .no_action
mov ecx, [edi +]
add ecx, -window.BORDER_SIZE
mov edx, [edi +]
add edx, -window.BORDER_SIZE
; is it rolled up?
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_ROLLEDUP
jnz .resize_w_or_e_action
cmp eax, window.BORDER_SIZE
jl .resize_w_action
cmp eax, ecx
jg .resize_e_action
cmp ebx, edx
jle .no_action
cmp eax, window.BORDER_SIZE + 10
jl .resize_sw_action
add ecx, -10
cmp eax, ecx
jge .resize_se_action
mov eax, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_S_FLAG
jmp .exit
cmp eax, window.BORDER_SIZE + 10
add ecx, -10
cmp eax, ecx
jmp .no_action
add edx, -10
cmp ebx, edx
jge .resize_sw_action
mov eax, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_W_FLAG
jmp .exit
add edx, -10
cmp ebx, edx
jge .resize_se_action
mov eax, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_E_FLAG
jmp .exit
mov eax, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_SW_FLAG
jmp .exit
mov eax, mouse.WINDOW_RESIZE_SE_FLAG
jmp .exit
mov eax, mouse.WINDOW_MOVE_FLAG
jmp .exit
xor eax, eax
0,0 → 1,250
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) MenuetOS 2000-2004 Ville Mikael Turjanmaa ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
align 4
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x74,0x74,0x74,0x6e,0x6e,0x6e,0x6f
db 0x6f,0x6f,0x71,0x71,0x71,0x75,0x75,0x75,0x79,0x79
db 0x79,0x7c,0x7c,0x7c,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x80,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x63,0x63,0x63,0x63,0x63,0x63
db 0x66,0x66,0x66,0x6c,0x6c,0x6c,0x72,0x72,0x72,0x78
db 0x78,0x78,0x7c,0x7c,0x7c,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0xc0
db 0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x54,0x54,0x54,0x57,0x57
db 0x57,0x5f,0x5f,0x5f,0x68,0x68,0x68,0x71,0x71,0x71
db 0x77,0x77,0x77,0x7c,0x7c,0x7c,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x80
db 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0
db 0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x47,0x47,0x47,0x50
db 0x50,0x50,0x5b,0x5b,0x5b,0x67,0x67,0x67,0x70,0x70
db 0x70,0x77,0x77,0x77,0x7c,0x7c,0x7c,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e
db 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc0,0xc0
db 0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f
db 0x4b,0x4b,0x4b,0x59,0x59,0x59,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x70
db 0x70,0x70,0x77,0x77,0x77,0x7c,0x7c,0x7c,0x7e,0x7e
db 0x7e,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0x80,0x80,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0
db 0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x3a,0x3a
db 0x3a,0x49,0x49,0x49,0x59,0x59,0x59,0x66,0x66,0x66
db 0x70,0x70,0x70,0x77,0x77,0x77,0x7c,0x7c,0x7c,0x7e
db 0x7e,0x7e,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0
db 0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x39
db 0x39,0x39,0x49,0x49,0x49,0x59,0x59,0x59,0x66,0x66
db 0x66,0x71,0x71,0x71,0x78,0x78,0x78,0x7c,0x7c,0x7c
db 0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0
db 0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x39,0x39,0x39,0x4a,0x4a,0x4a,0x5a,0x5a,0x5a,0x68
db 0x68,0x68,0x72,0x72,0x72,0x79,0x79,0x79,0x7d,0x7d
db 0x7d,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x80,0x80,0x80,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0
db 0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x4e,0x4e,0x4e,0x5e,0x5e,0x5e
db 0x6b,0x6b,0x6b,0x75,0x75,0x75,0x7a,0x7a,0x7a,0x7e
db 0x7e,0x7e,0x80,0x80,0x80,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0
db 0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x43,0x43,0x43,0x55,0x55,0x55,0x64,0x64
db 0x64,0x70,0x70,0x70,0x78,0x78,0x78,0x7d,0x7d,0x7d
db 0x80,0x80,0x80,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc0
db 0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x4e,0x4e,0x4e,0x5f,0x5f,0x5f,0x6d
db 0x6d,0x6d,0x76,0x76,0x76,0x7c,0x7c,0x7c,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x14
db 0x14,0x14,0x1b,0x1b,0x1b,0x29,0x29,0x29,0x3a,0x3a
db 0x3a,0x4c,0x4c,0x4c,0x5d,0x5d,0x5d,0x6c,0x6c,0x6c
db 0x75,0x75,0x75,0x7b,0x7b,0x7b,0x80,0x80,0x80,0xc0
db 0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x2f,0x2f,0x2f,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x21,0x21,0x21,0x2e,0x2e,0x2e,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x52
db 0x52,0x52,0x62,0x62,0x62,0x6f,0x6f,0x6f,0x77,0x77
db 0x77,0x7c,0x7c,0x7c,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x47,0x47,0x47,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x80,0x80,0x80,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x25,0x25
db 0x25,0x30,0x30,0x30,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x54,0x54,0x54
db 0x64,0x64,0x64,0x70,0x70,0x70,0x78,0x78,0x78,0x7d
db 0x7d,0x7d,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x62,0x62,0x62,0x52,0x52
db 0x52,0x4a,0x4a,0x4a,0x43,0x43,0x43,0x80,0x80,0x80
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x33
db 0x33,0x33,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x54,0x54,0x54,0x64,0x64
db 0x64,0x71,0x71,0x71,0x79,0x79,0x79,0x7d,0x7d,0x7d
db 0x72,0x72,0x72,0x6b,0x6b,0x6b,0x5f,0x5f,0x5f,0x5a
db 0x5a,0x5a,0x54,0x54,0x54,0x80,0x80,0x80,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x35,0x35,0x35
db 0x41,0x41,0x41,0x53,0x53,0x53,0x63,0x63,0x63,0x70
db 0x70,0x70,0x78,0x78,0x78,0x7d,0x7d,0x7d,0x77,0x77
db 0x77,0x73,0x73,0x73,0x6c,0x6c,0x6c,0x68,0x68,0x68
db 0x62,0x62,0x62,0x5a,0x5a,0x5a,0x80,0x80,0x80,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x41,0x41
db 0x41,0x52,0x52,0x52,0x62,0x62,0x62,0x6f,0x6f,0x6f
db 0x78,0x78,0x78,0x7d,0x7d,0x7d,0x7b,0x7b,0x7b,0x79
db 0x79,0x79,0x74,0x74,0x74,0x72,0x72,0x72,0x6e,0x6e
db 0x6e,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x80,0x80,0x80,0xc0,0xc0,0xc0
db 0xc0,0xc0,0xc0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x52
db 0x52,0x52,0x62,0x62,0x62,0x6e,0x6e,0x6e,0x77,0x77
db 0x77,0x7c,0x7c,0x7c,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7c,0x7c,0x7c
db 0x7a,0x7a,0x7a,0x79,0x79,0x79,0x75,0x75,0x75,0x6f
db 0x6f,0x6f,0x65,0x65,0x65,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x4b,0x4b,0x4b,0x56,0x56,0x56
db 0x65,0x65,0x65,0x70,0x70,0x70,0x78,0x78,0x78,0x7d
db 0x7d,0x7d,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7e,0x7e
db 0x7e,0x7d,0x7d,0x7d,0x7a,0x7a,0x7a,0x76,0x76,0x76
db 0x6f,0x6f,0x6f,0x65,0x65,0x65,0x5c,0x5c,0x5c,0x56
db 0x56,0x56,0x58,0x58,0x58,0x60,0x60,0x60,0x6b,0x6b
db 0x6b,0x73,0x73,0x73,0x7a,0x7a,0x7a,0x7d,0x7d,0x7d
db 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x7f
db 0x7f,0x7f,0x7d,0x7d,0x7d,0x7a,0x7a,0x7a,0x76,0x76
db 0x76,0x70,0x70,0x70,0x6a,0x6a,0x6a,0x66,0x66,0x66
db 0x66,0x66,0x66,0x6c,0x6c,0x6c,0x72,0x72,0x72,0x78
db 0x78,0x78,0x7c,0x7c,0x7c,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80
db 0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7d,0x7d,0x7d,0x7b,0x7b,0x7b,0x77
db 0x77,0x77,0x73,0x73,0x73,0x71,0x71,0x71,0x71,0x71
db 0x71,0x74,0x74,0x74,0x78,0x78,0x78,0x7b,0x7b,0x7b
db 0x7d,0x7d,0x7d,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7d,0x7d,0x7d,0x7c,0x7c,0x7c
db 0x7a,0x7a,0x7a,0x78,0x78,0x78,0x78,0x78,0x78,0x7a
db 0x7a,0x7a,0x7c,0x7c,0x7c,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7f,0x7f
db 0x7f,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0x80,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e
db 0x7e,0x7d,0x7d,0x7d,0x7d,0x7d,0x7d,0x7e,0x7e,0x7e
db 0x7e,0x7e,0x7e,0x7f,0x7f,0x7f,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80
db 0x80,0x80
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0x06,0x06,0x06,0x0a,0x0a
db 0x0a,0x08,0x08,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x19,0x19,0x19,0x16
db 0x16,0x16,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x2e,0x2e,0x2e
db 0x23,0x23,0x23,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x3f,0x3f
db 0x3f,0x29,0x29,0x29,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x47
db 0x47,0x47,0x2c,0x2c,0x2c,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0x48,0x48,0x48,0x2c,0x2c,0x2c,0x16,0x16,0x16,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x2c,0x2c,0x2c,0x16,0x16,0x16
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x2c,0x2c,0x2c,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x2c,0x2c,0x2c,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x47,0x47,0x47,0x29,0x29,0x29
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x23,0x23
db 0x23,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xaa,0xaa,0xaa,0x9f,0x9f,0x9f,0x8c,0x8c,0x8c
db 0x70,0x70,0x70,0x4f,0x4f,0x4f,0x30,0x30,0x30,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x8f,0x8f,0x8f
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0x9c,0x9c,0x9c,0x87,0x87,0x87,0x6c,0x6c
db 0x6c,0x4f,0x4f,0x4f,0x32,0x32,0x32,0x19,0x19,0x19
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0x69,0x69,0x69,0x84,0x84,0x84,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0x92,0x92,0x92,0x79,0x79,0x79,0x59,0x59,0x59,0x3c
db 0x3c,0x3c,0x24,0x24,0x24,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x37,0x37,0x37
db 0x5d,0x5d,0x5d,0x70,0x70,0x70,0x76,0x76,0x76,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0x75,0x75,0x75,0x51,0x51,0x51,0x31,0x31,0x31
db 0x19,0x19,0x19,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x16,0x16,0x16,0x2d,0x2d,0x2d,0x49,0x49
db 0x49,0x53,0x53,0x53,0x54,0x54,0x54,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x78
db 0x78,0x78,0x54,0x54,0x54,0x30,0x30,0x30,0x16,0x16
db 0x16,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x0f,0x0f,0x0f,0x1f,0x1f,0x1f,0x30,0x30,0x30,0x33
db 0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0x62,0x62,0x62,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x1c,0x1c,0x1c,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x08
db 0x08,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x24,0x24,0x24,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x6e,0x6e
db 0x6e,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x25,0x25,0x25,0x0e,0x0e,0x0e
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x0a,0x0a,0x0a,0x09,0x09,0x09,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x29,0x29,0x29,0xff,0xff,0xff
db 0xff,0xff,0xff,0x7c,0x7c,0x7c,0x71,0x71,0x71,0x50
db 0x50,0x50,0x2b,0x2b,0x2b,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x02,0x02,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x36,0x36,0x36,0x56,0x56
db 0x56,0x69,0x69,0x69,0x64,0x64,0x64,0x4a,0x4a,0x4a
db 0x28,0x28,0x28,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x05,0x05,0x05
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x21,0x21,0x21,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x49
db 0x49,0x49,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x35,0x35,0x35,0x1d,0x1d
db 0x1d,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x1d,0x1d,0x1d,0x27,0x27,0x27
db 0x27,0x27,0x27,0x1d,0x1d,0x1d,0x0f,0x0f,0x0f,0x06
db 0x06,0x06,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
0,0 → 1,525
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3711 $
include ""
;skin_data = 0x00778000
align 4
stdcall load_file, ebx
test eax, eax
jz .notfound
cmp dword [eax], 'SKIN'
jnz .noskin
xchg eax, [skin_data]
test eax, eax
jz @f
stdcall kernel_free, eax
call parse_skin_data
xor eax, eax
align 4
xor eax, eax
inc eax
align 4
stdcall kernel_free, eax
mov eax, 2
ident dd ?
version dd ?
params dd ?
buttons dd ?
bitmaps dd ?
skin_height dd ?
margin.right dw ?
margin.left dw ?
margin.bottom dw ? dw ?
colors.inner dd ?
colors.outer dd ?
colors.frame dd ?
colors_1.inner dd ?
colors_1.outer dd ?
colors_1.frame dd ?
dtp.size dd ? rb 40
type dd ?
; position
left dw ?
top dw ?
; size
width dw ?
height dw ?
kind dw ?
type dw ?
data dd ?
align 4
mov [_skinh], 22
mov ebx, _skin_file_default
call read_skin_file
align 4
mov ebp, [skin_data]
cmp [ebp+SKIN_HEADER.ident], 'SKIN'
jne .exit
mov edi, skin_udata
mov ecx, (skin_udata.end-skin_udata)/4
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov ebx, [ebp+SKIN_HEADER.params]
add ebx, [skin_data]
mov eax, [ebx+SKIN_PARAMS.skin_height]
mov [_skinh], eax
mov eax, [ebx+SKIN_PARAMS.colors.inner]
mov [skin_active.colors.inner], eax
mov eax, [ebx+SKIN_PARAMS.colors.outer]
mov [skin_active.colors.outer], eax
mov eax, [ebx+SKIN_PARAMS.colors.frame]
mov [skin_active.colors.frame], eax
mov eax, [ebx+SKIN_PARAMS.colors_1.inner]
mov [skin_inactive.colors.inner], eax
mov eax, [ebx+SKIN_PARAMS.colors_1.outer]
mov [skin_inactive.colors.outer], eax
mov eax, [ebx+SKIN_PARAMS.colors_1.frame]
mov [skin_inactive.colors.frame], eax
lea esi, []
mov edi, common_colours
mov ecx, [ebx+SKIN_PARAMS.dtp.size]
and ecx, 127
rep movsb
mov eax, dword[ebx+SKIN_PARAMS.margin.right]
mov dword[_skinmargins+0], eax
mov eax, dword[ebx+SKIN_PARAMS.margin.bottom]
mov dword[_skinmargins+4], eax
mov ebx, [ebp+SKIN_HEADER.bitmaps]
add ebx, [skin_data]
align 4
cmp dword[ebx], 0
je .end_bitmaps
movzx eax, [ebx+SKIN_BITMAPS.kind]
movzx ecx, [ebx+SKIN_BITMAPS.type]
dec eax
jnz .not_left
xor eax, eax
mov edx,
or ecx, ecx
jnz @f
mov edx,
align 4
jmp .next_bitmap
align 4
dec eax
jnz .not_oper
mov esi, []
add esi, [skin_data]
mov eax, [esi+0]
neg eax
mov edx,
or ecx, ecx
jnz @f
mov edx,
align 4
jmp .next_bitmap
align 4
dec eax
jnz .not_base
mov eax, [skin_active.left.width]
mov edx,
or ecx, ecx
jnz @f
mov eax, [skin_inactive.left.width]
mov edx,
align 4
jmp .next_bitmap
align 4
add ebx, 8
jmp .lp1
align 4
mov ecx, []
add ecx, [skin_data]
mov [edx+4], eax
mov eax, [ecx+0]
mov [edx+8], eax
add ecx, 8
mov [edx+0], ecx
add ebx, 8
jmp .lp1
align 4
mov ebx, [ebp+SKIN_HEADER.buttons]
add ebx, [skin_data]
align 4
cmp dword[ebx], 0
je .end_buttons
mov eax, [ebx+SKIN_BUTTONS.type]
dec eax
jnz .not_close
mov edx, skin_btn_close
jmp .next_button
align 4
dec eax
jnz .not_minimize
mov edx, skin_btn_minimize
jmp .next_button
align 4
add ebx, 12
jmp .lp2
align 4
movsx eax, [ebx+SKIN_BUTTONS.left]
mov [edx+SKIN_BUTTON.left], eax
movsx eax, []
mov [], eax
movsx eax, [ebx+SKIN_BUTTONS.width]
mov [edx+SKIN_BUTTON.width], eax
movsx eax, [ebx+SKIN_BUTTONS.height]
mov [edx+SKIN_BUTTON.height], eax
add ebx, 12
jmp .lp2
align 4
align 4
mov ebp, skin_active
or al, al
jnz @f
mov ebp, skin_inactive
align 4
mov esi, [esp+4]
mov eax, [] ; window width
mov edx, [ebp+SKIN_DATA.left.left]
shl edx, 16
mov ecx, [ebp+SKIN_DATA.left.width]
shl ecx, 16
add ecx, [_skinh]
mov ebx, []
or ebx, ebx
jz @f
call sys_putimage.forced
align 4
mov esi, [esp+4]
mov eax, []
sub eax, [ebp+SKIN_DATA.left.width]
sub eax, [ebp+SKIN_DATA.oper.width]
cmp eax, [ebp+SKIN_DATA.base.left]
jng .non_base
xor edx, edx
mov ecx, [ebp+SKIN_DATA.base.width]
jecxz .non_base
div ecx
inc eax
mov ebx, []
mov ecx, [ebp+SKIN_DATA.base.width]
shl ecx, 16
add ecx, [_skinh]
mov edx, [ebp+SKIN_DATA.base.left]
sub edx, [ebp+SKIN_DATA.base.width]
shl edx, 16
align 4
shr edx, 16
add edx, [ebp+SKIN_DATA.base.width]
shl edx, 16
push eax ebx ecx edx
or ebx, ebx
jz @f
call sys_putimage.forced
align 4
pop edx ecx ebx eax
dec eax
jnz .baseskinloop
align 4
mov esi, [esp+4]
mov edx, []
sub edx, [ebp+SKIN_DATA.oper.width]
inc edx
shl edx, 16
mov ebx, []
mov ecx, [ebp+SKIN_DATA.oper.width]
shl ecx, 16
add ecx, [_skinh]
or ebx, ebx
jz @f
call sys_putimage.forced
align 4
align 4
;param1 - aw_yes
push edx
mov edi, edx
mov ebp, skin_active
cmp byte [esp+32+4+4], 0
jne @f
mov ebp, skin_inactive
align 4
mov eax, []
shl eax, 16
mov ax, word []
add ax, word []
mov ebx, []
shl ebx, 16
mov bx, word []
add bx, word []
mov esi, [ebp+SKIN_DATA.colors.outer]
or esi, 1 shl 25 ; 0x02000000 used for draw_rectangle without top line
ror ebx, 16
add ebx, [_skinh]
sub bx, 1
rol ebx, 16
call draw_rectangle
mov ecx, 3
align 4
add eax, 1*65536-1
add ebx, 0*65536-1
test ax, ax
js no_skin_add_button
test bx, bx
js no_skin_add_button
mov esi, [ebp+SKIN_DATA.colors.frame];[edi+24]
or esi, 1 shl 25; 0x02000000 used for draw_rectangle without top line
call draw_rectangle
dec ecx
jnz _dw3l
mov esi, [ebp+SKIN_DATA.colors.inner]
or esi, 1 shl 25; 0x02000000 used for draw_rectangle without top line
add eax, 1*65536-1
add ebx, 0*65536-1
test ax, ax
js no_skin_add_button
test bx, bx
js no_skin_add_button
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_ROLLEDUP
jnz @f
call draw_rectangle
align 4
mov eax, [skin_data]
cmp [eax], dword 'SKIN'
je @f
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov esi, [esp]
mov ecx, []
inc ecx
mov edx, [_skinh]
mov edi, [common_colours+4]; standard grab color
; call [drawbar]
call vesa20_drawbar
jmp draw_clientbar
align 4
mov al, [esp+32+4+4]
call drawwindow_IV_caption
align 4
mov esi, [esp]
mov edx, [] ; WORK AREA
add edx, 21+5
mov ebx, []
add ebx, []
cmp edx, ebx
jg _noinside2
mov eax, 5
mov ebx, [_skinh]
mov ecx, []
mov edx, []
sub ecx, 4
sub edx, 4
mov edi, [esi+WDATA.cl_workarea]
test edi, 0x40000000
jnz _noinside2
; call [drawbar]
call vesa20_drawbar
align 4
mov eax, [skin_data]
cmp [eax], dword 'SKIN'
jne no_skin_add_button
;* close button
mov edi, [BTN_ADDR]
movzx eax, word [edi]
cmp eax, 1000
jge no_skin_add_button
inc eax
mov [edi], ax
shl eax, 4
add eax, edi
mov bx, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov [eax], bx
add eax, 2 ; save button id number
mov bx, 1
mov [eax], bx
add eax, 2 ; x start
xor ebx, ebx
cmp [skin_btn_close.left], 0
jge _bCx_at_right
mov ebx, [esp]
mov ebx, []
inc ebx
align 4
add ebx, [skin_btn_close.left]
mov [eax], bx
add eax, 2 ; x size
mov ebx, [skin_btn_close.width]
dec ebx
mov [eax], bx
add eax, 2 ; y start
mov ebx, []
mov [eax], bx
add eax, 2 ; y size
mov ebx, [skin_btn_close.height]
dec ebx
mov [eax], bx
;* minimize button
mov edi, [BTN_ADDR]
movzx eax, word [edi]
cmp eax, 1000
jge no_skin_add_button
inc eax
mov [edi], ax
shl eax, 4
add eax, edi
mov bx, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov [eax], bx
add eax, 2 ; save button id number
mov bx, 65535;999
mov [eax], bx
add eax, 2 ; x start
xor ebx, ebx
cmp [skin_btn_minimize.left], 0
jge _bMx_at_right
mov ebx, [esp]
mov ebx, []
inc ebx
align 4
add ebx, [skin_btn_minimize.left]
mov [eax], bx
add eax, 2 ; x size
mov ebx, [skin_btn_minimize.width]
dec ebx
mov [eax], bx
add eax, 2 ; y start
mov ebx, []
mov [eax], bx
add eax, 2 ; y size
mov ebx, [skin_btn_minimize.height]
dec ebx
mov [eax], bx
align 4
pop edi
ret 4
0,0 → 1,64
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
_skin_file_default db '/sys/DEFAULT.SKN',0
struct SKIN_DATA
colors.inner dd ?
colors.outer dd ?
colors.frame dd ? dd ?
left.left dd ?
left.width dd ? dd ?
oper.left dd ?
oper.width dd ? dd ?
base.left dd ?
base.width dd ?
left dd ?
top dd ?
width dd ?
height dd ?
align 4
_skinh dd ?
_skinmargins: ; rw 4
.right dw ?
.left dw ?
.bottom dw ?
.top dw ?
skin_btn_close SKIN_BUTTON
skin_btn_minimize SKIN_BUTTON
skin_active SKIN_DATA
skin_inactive SKIN_DATA
align 4
0,0 → 1,2421
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) MenuetOS 2000-2004 Ville Mikael Turjanmaa ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4424 $
;///// public functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
window.BORDER_SIZE = 5
macro FuncTable name, table_name, [label]
align 4
\label name#.#table_name dword
dd name#.#label
name#.sizeof.#table_name = $ - name#.#table_name
common_colours rd 32
draw_limits RECT
align 4
syscall_draw_window: ;///// system function 0 /////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 24
and al, 0x0f
cmp al, 5
jae .exit
push eax
call window._.sys_set_window
pop eax
or al, al
jnz @f
; type I - original style
call drawwindow_I
jmp window._.draw_window_caption.2
align 4
dec al
jnz @f
; type II - only reserve area, no draw
; call sys_window_mouse
; call [draw_pointer]
call __sys_draw_pointer
jmp .exit
align 4
dec al
jnz @f
; type III - new style
call drawwindow_III
jmp window._.draw_window_caption.2
; type IV & V - skinned window (resizable & not)
align 4
mov eax, [TASK_COUNT]
movzx eax, word[WIN_POS + eax * 2]
cmp eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
setz al
movzx eax, al
push eax
call drawwindow_IV
jmp window._.draw_window_caption.2
align 4
align 4
syscall_display_settings: ;///// system function 48 ///////////////////////////
;; Redraw screen:
;< ebx = 0
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Set button style:
;< ebx = 1
;< ecx = 0 (flat) or 1 (with gradient)
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Set system color palette:
;< ebx = 2
;< ecx = pointer to color table
;< edx = size of color table
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Get system color palette:
;< ebx = 3
;< ecx = pointer to color table buffer
;< edx = size of color table buffer
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Get skinned caption height:
;< ebx = 4
;> eax = height in pixels
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Get screen working area:
;< ebx = 5
;> eax = pack[16(left), 16(right)]
;> ebx = pack[16(top), 16(bottom)]
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Set screen working area:
;< ebx = 6
;< ecx = pack[16(left), 16(right)]
;< edx = pack[16(top), 16(bottom)]
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Get skin margins:
;< ebx = 7
;> eax = pack[16(left), 16(right)]
;> ebx = pack[16(top), 16(bottom)]
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Set skin:
;< ebx = 8
;< ecx = pointer to FileInfoBlock struct
;> eax = FS error code
cmp ebx, .sizeof.ftable / 4
ja @f
jmp [.ftable + ebx * 4]
align 4
align 4
xor eax, eax
inc ebx
cmp [windowtypechanged], ebx
jne .exit
mov [windowtypechanged], eax
jmp syscall_display_settings._.redraw_whole_screen
align 4
align 4
and ecx, 1
cmp ecx, [buttontype]
je .exit
mov [buttontype], ecx
mov [windowtypechanged], ebx
align 4
align 4
dec ebx
mov esi, ecx
and edx, 127
mov edi, common_colours
mov ecx, edx
rep movsb
mov [windowtypechanged], ebx
align 4
mov edi, ecx
and edx, 127
mov esi, common_colours
mov ecx, edx
rep movsb
align 4
mov eax, [_skinh]
mov [esp + 32], eax
align 4
mov eax, [screen_workarea.left - 2]
mov ax, word[screen_workarea.right]
mov [esp + 32], eax
mov eax, [ - 2]
mov ax, word[screen_workarea.bottom]
mov [esp + 20], eax
align 4
xor esi, esi
mov edi, [Screen_Max_X]
mov eax, ecx
movsx ebx, ax
sar eax, 16
cmp eax, ebx
jge .check_horizontal
inc esi
or eax, eax
jge @f
xor eax, eax
align 4
mov [screen_workarea.left], eax
cmp ebx, edi
jle @f
mov ebx, edi
align 4
mov [screen_workarea.right], ebx
align 4
mov edi, [Screen_Max_Y]
mov eax, edx
movsx ebx, ax
sar eax, 16
cmp eax, ebx
jge .check_if_redraw_needed
inc esi
or eax, eax
jge @f
xor eax, eax
align 4
mov [], eax
cmp ebx, edi
jle @f
mov ebx, edi
align 4
mov [screen_workarea.bottom], ebx
align 4
or esi, esi
jz .exit
call repos_windows
jmp syscall_display_settings._.calculate_whole_screen
align 4
align 4
mov eax, [_skinmargins + 0]
mov [esp + 32], eax
mov eax, [_skinmargins + 4]
mov [esp + 20], eax
align 4
mov ebx, ecx
call read_skin_file
mov [esp + 32], eax
test eax, eax
jnz .exit
call syscall_display_settings._.calculate_whole_screen
jmp syscall_display_settings._.redraw_whole_screen
align 4
align 4
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
mov edx, [Screen_Max_Y]
jmp calculatescreen
align 4
xor eax, eax
mov [draw_limits.left], eax
mov [], eax
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
mov [draw_limits.right], eax
mov eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
mov [draw_limits.bottom], eax
mov eax, window_data
jmp redrawscreen
align 4
syscall_set_window_shape: ;///// system function 50 ///////////////////////////
;; Set window shape address:
;> ebx = 0
;> ecx = shape data address
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Set window shape scale:
;> ebx = 1
;> ecx = scale power (resulting scale is 2^ebx)
mov edi, [current_slot]
test ebx, ebx
jne .shape_scale
mov [edi + APPDATA.wnd_shape], ecx
align 4
dec ebx
jnz .exit
mov [edi + APPDATA.wnd_shape_scale], ecx
align 4
align 4
syscall_move_window: ;///// system function 67 ////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
mov edi, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wdrawn], 1
jz .exit
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MAXIMIZED
jnz .exit
cmp ebx, -1
jne @f
mov ebx, [edi +]
align 4
cmp ecx, -1
jne @f
mov ecx, [edi +]
align 4
cmp edx, -1
jne @f
mov edx, [edi +]
align 4
cmp esi, -1
jne @f
mov esi, [edi +]
align 4
push esi edx ecx ebx
mov eax, esp
mov bl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate]
align 4
jz @f
call change_task
jmp @b
align 4
call window._.set_window_box
add esp, sizeof.BOX
; NOTE: do we really need this? to be reworked
; mov byte[DONT_DRAW_MOUSE], 0 ; mouse pointer
; mov byte[MOUSE_BACKGROUND], 0 ; no mouse under
; mov byte[MOUSE_DOWN], 0 ; react to mouse up/down
; NOTE: do we really need this? to be reworked
; call [draw_pointer]
align 4
align 4
syscall_window_settings: ;///// system function 71 /////////////////////////////
;? <description>
dec ebx ; subfunction #1 - set window caption
jnz .exit_fail
; NOTE: only window owner thread can set its caption,
; so there's no parameter for PID/TID
mov edi, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl edi, 5
mov [edi * 8 + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_caption], ecx
or [edi + window_data + WDATA.fl_wstyle], WSTYLE_HASCAPTION
call window._.draw_window_caption
xor eax, eax ; eax = 0 (success)
; .get_window_caption:
; dec eax ; subfunction #2 - get window caption
; jnz .exit_fail
; not implemented yet
align 4
xor eax, eax
inc eax ; eax = 1 (fail)
align 4
set_window_defaults: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
mov byte [window_data + 0x20 + WDATA.cl_titlebar + 3], 1 ; desktop is not movable
push eax ecx
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, WIN_STACK
align 4
inc eax
add ecx, 2
; process no
mov [ecx + 0x000], ax
; positions in stack
mov [ecx + 0x400], ax
cmp ecx, WIN_POS - 2
jne @b
pop ecx eax
align 4
calculatescreen: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Scan all windows from bottom to top, calling `setscreen` for each one
;? intersecting given screen area
;> eax = left
;> ebx = top
;> ecx = right
;> edx = bottom
push esi
mov esi, 1
call window._.set_screen
push ebp
mov ebp, [TASK_COUNT]
cmp ebp, 1
jbe .exit
push edx ecx ebx eax
align 4
movzx edi, word[WIN_POS + esi * 2]
shl edi, 5
je .skip_window
add edi, window_data
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
jnz .skip_window
mov eax, [edi +]
cmp eax, [esp + RECT.right]
jg .skip_window
mov ebx, [edi +]
cmp ebx, [esp + RECT.bottom]
jg .skip_window
mov ecx, [edi +]
add ecx, eax
cmp ecx, [esp + RECT.left]
jl .skip_window
mov edx, [edi +]
add edx, ebx
cmp edx, [esp +]
jl .skip_window
cmp eax, [esp + RECT.left]
jae @f
mov eax, [esp + RECT.left]
align 4
cmp ebx, [esp +]
jae @f
mov ebx, [esp +]
align 4
cmp ecx, [esp + RECT.right]
jbe @f
mov ecx, [esp + RECT.right]
align 4
cmp edx, [esp + RECT.bottom]
jbe @f
mov edx, [esp + RECT.bottom]
align 4
push esi
movzx esi, word[WIN_POS + esi * 2]
call window._.set_screen
pop esi
align 4
inc esi
dec ebp
jnz .next_window
pop eax ebx ecx edx
align 4
pop ebp
inc [_display.mask_seqno]
pop esi
align 4
repos_windows: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
mov ecx, [TASK_COUNT]
mov edi, window_data + sizeof.WDATA * 2
call force_redraw_background
dec ecx
jle .exit
align 4
mov [edi + WDATA.fl_redraw], 1
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MAXIMIZED
jnz .fix_maximized
mov eax, [edi +]
add eax, [edi +]
mov ebx, [Screen_Max_X]
cmp eax, ebx
jle .fix_vertical
mov eax, [edi +]
sub eax, ebx
jle @f
mov [edi +], ebx
align 4
sub ebx, [edi +]
mov [edi +], ebx
align 4
mov eax, [edi +]
add eax, [edi +]
mov ebx, [Screen_Max_Y]
cmp eax, ebx
jle .fix_client_box
mov eax, [edi +]
sub eax, ebx
jle @f
mov [edi +], ebx
align 4
sub ebx, [edi +]
mov [edi +], ebx
align 4
call window._.set_window_clientbox
add edi, sizeof.WDATA
loop .next_window
align 4
align 4
mov eax, [screen_workarea.left]
mov [edi +], eax
sub eax, [screen_workarea.right]
neg eax
mov [edi +], eax
mov eax, []
mov [edi +], eax
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_ROLLEDUP
jnz .fix_client_box
sub eax, [screen_workarea.bottom]
neg eax
mov [edi +], eax
jmp .fix_client_box
;align 4
;sys_window_mouse: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
; NOTE: commented out since doesn't provide necessary functionality
; anyway, to be reworked
; push eax
; mov eax, [timer_ticks]
; cmp [new_window_starting], eax
; jb .exit
; mov byte[MOUSE_BACKGROUND], 0
; mov byte[DONT_DRAW_MOUSE], 0
; mov [new_window_starting], eax
; .exit:
; pop eax
; ret
align 4
draw_rectangle: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;> eax = pack[16(left), 16(right)]
;> ebx = pack[16(top), 16(bottom)]
;> esi = color
; ?? RR GG BB ; 0x01000000 negation
; ; 0x02000000 used for draw_rectangle without top line
; ; for example drawwindow_III and drawwindow_IV
push eax ebx ecx edi
xor edi, edi
align 4
push ebx
; set line color
mov ecx, esi
; draw top border
rol ebx, 16
push ebx
rol ebx, 16
pop bx
test ecx, 1 shl 25
jnz @f
sub ecx, 1 shl 25
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
align 4
; draw bottom border
mov ebx, [esp - 2]
pop bx
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
pop ebx
add ebx, 1 * 65536 - 1
; draw left border
rol eax, 16
push eax
rol eax, 16
pop ax
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
; draw right border
mov eax, [esp - 2]
pop ax
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
pop edi ecx ebx eax
align 4
push eax ebx ecx edi
xor edi, edi
inc edi
jmp .flags_set
align 4
drawwindow_I_caption: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
push [edx + WDATA.cl_titlebar]
mov esi, edx
mov edx, [esi +]
mov eax, edx
lea ebx, [edx + 21]
inc edx
add eax, [esi +]
cmp ebx, eax
jbe @f
mov ebx, eax
align 4
push ebx
xor edi, edi
align 4
mov ebx, edx
shl ebx, 16
add ebx, edx
mov eax, [esi +]
inc eax
shl eax, 16
add eax, [esi +]
add eax, [esi +]
dec eax
mov ecx, [esi + WDATA.cl_titlebar]
test ecx, 0x80000000
jz @f
sub ecx, 0x00040404
mov [esi + WDATA.cl_titlebar], ecx
align 4
and ecx, 0x00ffffff
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
inc edx
cmp edx, [esp]
jb .next_line
add esp, 4
pop [esi + WDATA.cl_titlebar]
align 4
drawwindow_I: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
; window border
mov eax, [edx + - 2]
mov ax, word[edx +]
add ax, word[edx +]
mov ebx, [edx + - 2]
mov bx, word[edx +]
add bx, word[edx +]
mov esi, [edx + WDATA.cl_frames]
call draw_rectangle
; window caption
call drawwindow_I_caption
; window client area
; do we need to draw it?
mov edi, [esi + WDATA.cl_workarea]
test edi, 0x40000000
jnz .exit
; does client area have a positive size on screen?
mov edx, [esi +]
add edx, 21 + 5
mov ebx, [esi +]
add ebx, [esi +]
cmp edx, ebx
jg .exit
; okay, let's draw it
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 21
mov ecx, [esi +]
mov edx, [esi +]
; call [drawbar]
call vesa20_drawbar
align 4
align 4
drawwindow_III_caption: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
mov ecx, [edx + WDATA.cl_titlebar]
push ecx
mov esi, edx
mov edx, [esi +]
add edx, 4
mov ebx, [esi +]
add ebx, 20
mov eax, [esi +]
add eax, [esi +]
cmp ebx, eax
jb @f
mov ebx, eax
align 4
push ebx
xor edi, edi
align 4
mov ebx, edx
shl ebx, 16
add ebx, edx
mov eax, [esi +]
shl eax, 16
add eax, [esi +]
add eax, [esi +]
add eax, 4 * 65536 - 4
mov ecx, [esi + WDATA.cl_titlebar]
test ecx, 0x40000000
jz @f
add ecx, 0x00040404
align 4
test ecx, 0x80000000
jz @f
sub ecx, 0x00040404
align 4
mov [esi + WDATA.cl_titlebar], ecx
and ecx, 0x00ffffff
; call [draw_line]
call __sys_draw_line
inc edx
cmp edx, [esp]
jb .next_line
add esp, 4
pop [esi + WDATA.cl_titlebar]
align 4
drawwindow_III: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
; window border
mov eax, [edx + - 2]
mov ax, word[edx +]
add ax, word[edx +]
mov ebx, [edx + - 2]
mov bx, word[edx +]
add bx, word[edx +]
mov esi, [edx + WDATA.cl_frames]
shr esi, 1
and esi, 0x007f7f7f
call draw_rectangle
push esi
mov ecx, 3
mov esi, [edx + WDATA.cl_frames]
align 4
add eax, 1 * 65536 - 1
add ebx, 1 * 65536 - 1
call draw_rectangle
dec ecx
jnz .next_frame
pop esi
add eax, 1 * 65536 - 1
add ebx, 1 * 65536 - 1
call draw_rectangle
; window caption
call drawwindow_III_caption
; window client area
; do we need to draw it?
mov edi, [esi + WDATA.cl_workarea]
test edi, 0x40000000
jnz .exit
; does client area have a positive size on screen?
mov edx, [esi +]
add edx, 21 + 5
mov ebx, [esi +]
add ebx, [esi +]
cmp edx, ebx
jg .exit
; okay, let's draw it
mov eax, 5
mov ebx, 20
mov ecx, [esi +]
mov edx, [esi +]
sub ecx, 4
sub edx, 4
; call [drawbar]
call vesa20_drawbar
align 4
align 4
waredraw: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Activate window, redrawing if necessary
push -1
mov eax, [TASK_COUNT]
lea eax, [WIN_POS + eax * 2]
cmp eax, esi
pop eax
je .exit
; is it overlapped by another window now?
push ecx
call window._.check_window_draw
test ecx, ecx
pop ecx
jz .do_not_draw
; yes it is, activate and update screen buffer
call window._.window_activate
mov edi, [TASK_COUNT]
movzx esi, word[WIN_POS + edi * 2]
shl esi, 5
add esi, window_data
mov eax, [esi +]
mov ebx, [esi +]
mov ecx, [esi +]
mov edx, [esi +]
add ecx, eax
add edx, ebx
mov edi, [TASK_COUNT]
movzx esi, word[WIN_POS + edi * 2]
call window._.set_screen
inc [_display.mask_seqno]
; tell application to redraw itself
mov [edi + WDATA.fl_redraw], 1
xor eax, eax
jmp .exit
align 4
; no it's not, just activate the window
call window._.window_activate
xor eax, eax
align 4
inc eax
align 4
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
xor edx, edx
mov eax, 2 ; we do not minimize the kernel thread N1
mov ebx, [TASK_COUNT]
align 4
movzx edi, word[WIN_POS + eax * 2]
shl edi, 5
; it is a unused slot?
cmp dword [edi+CURRENT_TASK+TASKDATA.state], 9
je @f
; it is a hidden thread?
lea esi, [edi*8+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.app_name]
cmp [esi], byte '@'
je @f
; is it already minimized?
test [edi + window_data+WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
jnz @f
; no it's not, let's do that
or [edi + window_data+WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
inc edx
align 4
inc eax
cmp eax, ebx
jbe .loop
; If nothing has changed
test edx, edx
jz @f
push edx
call syscall_display_settings._.calculate_whole_screen
call syscall_display_settings._.redraw_whole_screen
pop edx
align 4
mov eax, edx
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
align 4
minimize_window: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;> eax = window number on screen
;# corrupts [dl*]
push edi
; is it already minimized?
movzx edi, word[WIN_POS + eax * 2]
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
jnz .exit
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
; no it's not, let's do that
or [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
; If the window width is 0, then the action is not needed.
cmp [edi +], dword 0
je @f
; If the window height is 0, then the action is not needed.
cmp [edi +], dword 0
je @f
mov eax, [edi +]
mov [draw_limits.left], eax
mov ecx, eax
add ecx, [edi +]
mov [draw_limits.right], ecx
mov ebx, [edi +]
mov [], ebx
mov edx, ebx
add edx, [edi +]
mov [draw_limits.bottom], edx
; DEBUGF 1, "K : minimize_window\n"
; DEBUGF 1, "K : dl_left %x\n",[draw_limits.left]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : dl_right %x\n",[draw_limits.right]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : dl_top %x\n",[]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : dl_bottom %x\n",[draw_limits.bottom]
call calculatescreen
; xor esi, esi
; xor eax, eax
mov eax, edi
call redrawscreen
align 4
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
align 4
pop edi
align 4
restore_minimized_window: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;> eax = window number on screen
;# corrupts [dl*]
; is it already restored?
movzx esi, word[WIN_POS + eax * 2]
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
jz .exit
; no it's not, let's do that
mov [edi + WDATA.fl_redraw], 1
and [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], not WSTATE_MINIMIZED
mov ebp, window._.set_screen
cmp eax, [TASK_COUNT]
jz @f
mov ebp, calculatescreen
align 4
mov eax, [edi +]
mov ebx, [edi +]
mov ecx, [edi +]
mov edx, [edi +]
add ecx, eax
add edx, ebx
call ebp
inc [_display.mask_seqno]
align 4
align 4
; TODO: remove this proc
window_check_events: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
; do we have window minimize/restore request?
cmp [window_minimize], 0
je .exit
; okay, minimize or restore top-most window and exit
mov eax, [TASK_COUNT]
mov bl, 0
xchg [window_minimize], bl
dec bl
jnz @f
call minimize_window
jmp .exit
align 4
call restore_minimized_window
align 4
align 4
sys_window_maximize_handler: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> esi = process slot
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
; can window change its height?
; only types 2 and 3 can be resized
mov dl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
test dl, 2
jz .exit
; toggle normal/maximized window state
mov bl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate]
; calculate and set appropriate window bounds
jz .restore_size
mov eax, [screen_workarea.left]
mov ecx, []
push [screen_workarea.bottom] \
[screen_workarea.right] \
ecx \
sub [esp + BOX.width], eax
sub [esp + BOX.height], ecx
mov eax, esp
jmp .set_box
align 4
mov eax, esi
shl eax, 8
add eax, SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.saved_box
push [eax + BOX.height] \
[eax + BOX.width] \
[eax +] \
[eax + BOX.left]
mov eax, esp
align 4
jz @f
xchg eax, ecx
call window._.get_rolledup_height
mov [ecx + BOX.height], eax
xchg eax, ecx
align 4
call window._.set_window_box
add esp, sizeof.BOX
align 4
inc [_display.mask_seqno]
align 4
sys_window_rollup_handler: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> esi = process slot
mov edx, esi
shl edx, 8
add edx, SLOT_BASE
; toggle normal/rolled up window state
mov bl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate]
; calculate and set appropriate window bounds
jz .restore_size
call window._.get_rolledup_height
push eax \
[edi +] \
[edi +] \
[edi +]
mov eax, esp
jmp .set_box
align 4
jnz @f
add esp, -sizeof.BOX
lea eax, [edx + APPDATA.saved_box]
jmp .set_box
align 4
mov eax, []
push [screen_workarea.bottom] \
[edi +] \
eax \
[edi +]
sub [esp + BOX.height], eax
mov eax, esp
align 4
call window._.set_window_box
add esp, sizeof.BOX
align 4
;sys_window_start_moving_handler: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> eax = old (original) window box
;> esi = process slot
; mov edi, eax
; call window._.draw_negative_box
; ret
align 4
sys_window_end_moving_handler: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> eax = old (original) window box
;> ebx = new (final) window box
;> esi = process slot
; mov edi, ebx
; call window._.end_moving__box
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
mov eax, ebx
mov bl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate]
call window._.set_window_box
align 4
sys_window_moving_handler: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> eax = old (from previous call) window box
;> ebx = new (current) window box
;> esi = process_slot
mov edi, eax
call window._.draw_negative_box
mov edi, ebx
call window._.draw_negative_box
;///// private functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
FuncTable syscall_display_settings, ftable, \
00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08
align 4
window_topleft dd \
1, 21, \ ;type 0
0, 0, \ ;type 1
5, 20, \ ;type 2
5, ?, \ ;type 3 {set by skin}
5, ? ;type 4 {set by skin}
; NOTE: commented out since doesn't provide necessary functionality anyway,
; to be reworked
; new_window_starting dd ?
align 4
window._.invalidate_screen: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> eax = old (original) window box
;> ebx = new (final) window box
;> edi = pointer to WDATA struct
push eax ebx
; TODO: do we really need `draw_limits`?
; Yes, they are used by background drawing code.
; we need only to restore the background windows at the old place!
mov ecx, [ebx + BOX.left]
mov [draw_limits.left], ecx
add ecx, [ebx + BOX.width]
mov [draw_limits.right], ecx
mov ecx, [ebx +]
mov [], ecx
add ecx, [ebx + BOX.height]
mov [draw_limits.bottom], ecx
; recalculate screen buffer at old position
push ebx
mov edx, [eax + BOX.height]
mov ecx, [eax + BOX.width]
mov ebx, [eax +]
mov eax, [eax + BOX.left]
add ecx, eax
add edx, ebx
call calculatescreen
pop eax
; recalculate screen buffer at new position
mov edx, [eax + BOX.height]
mov ecx, [eax + BOX.width]
mov ebx, [eax +]
mov eax, [eax + BOX.left]
add ecx, eax
add edx, ebx
call calculatescreen
mov eax, edi
call redrawscreen
; tell window to redraw itself
mov [edi + WDATA.fl_redraw], 1
pop ebx eax
align 4
window._.set_window_box: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> eax = pointer to BOX struct
;> bl = new window state flags
;> edi = pointer to WDATA struct
push eax ebx esi
; don't do anything if the new box is identical to the old
cmp bl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate]
jnz @f
mov esi, eax
push edi
add edi,
end if
mov ecx, 4
repz cmpsd
pop edi
jz .exit
align 4
add esp, -sizeof.BOX
mov ebx, esp
lea esi, [edi +]
mov esi, edi ; optimization for = 0
end if
xchg eax, esi
mov ecx, sizeof.BOX
call memmove
xchg eax, esi
xchg ebx, esi
call memmove
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, esi
call window._.check_window_position
call window._.set_window_clientbox
call window._.invalidate_screen
add esp, sizeof.BOX
mov cl, [esp + 4]
mov ch, cl
xchg cl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate]
or cl, ch
jnz .exit
mov eax, edi
sub eax, window_data
shl eax, 3
add eax, SLOT_BASE
lea ebx, [edi +]
xchg esp, ebx
pop [eax + APPDATA.saved_box.left] \
[eax +] \
[eax + APPDATA.saved_box.width] \
xchg esp, ebx
jnz .exit
mov [eax + APPDATA.saved_box.height], edx
align 4
pop esi ebx eax
align 4
window._.set_window_clientbox: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> edi = pointer to WDATA struct
push eax ecx edi
mov eax, [_skinh]
mov [window_topleft + 8 * 3 + 4], eax
mov [window_topleft + 8 * 4 + 4], eax
mov ecx, edi
sub edi, window_data
shl edi, 3
test [ecx + WDATA.fl_wstyle], WSTYLE_CLIENTRELATIVE
jz .whole_window
movzx eax, [ecx + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and eax, 0x0F
mov eax, [eax * 8 + window_topleft + 0]
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left], eax
shl eax, 1
neg eax
add eax, [ecx +]
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.width], eax
movzx eax, [ecx + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and eax, 0x0F
push [eax * 8 + window_topleft + 0]
mov eax, [eax * 8 + window_topleft + 4]
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE +], eax
neg eax
sub eax, [esp]
add eax, [ecx +]
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.height], eax
add esp, 4
jmp .exit
align 4
xor eax, eax
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left], eax
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE +], eax
mov eax, [ecx +]
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.width], eax
mov eax, [ecx +]
mov [edi + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.height], eax
align 4
pop edi ecx eax
align 4
window._.sys_set_window: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;< edx = pointer to WDATA struct
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl eax, 5
add eax, window_data
; save window colors
mov [eax + WDATA.cl_workarea], edx
mov [eax + WDATA.cl_titlebar], esi
mov [eax + WDATA.cl_frames], edi
mov edi, eax
; was it already defined before?
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wdrawn], 1
jnz .set_client_box
or [edi + WDATA.fl_wdrawn], 1
; After first draw_window we need redraw mouse necessarily!
; Otherwise the user can see cursor specified by f.37.5 from another window.
; He will be really unhappy! He is terrible in rage - usually he throws stones!
mov [redrawmouse_unconditional], 1
call wakeup_osloop
; NOTE: commented out since doesn't provide necessary functionality
; anyway, to be reworked
; mov eax, [timer_ticks] ; [0xfdf0]
; add eax, 100
; mov [new_window_starting], eax
; no it wasn't, performing initial window definition
movzx eax, bx
mov [edi +], eax
movzx eax, cx
mov [edi +], eax
sar ebx, 16
sar ecx, 16
mov [edi +], ebx
mov [edi +], ecx
call window._.check_window_position
push ecx edi
mov cl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
mov eax, [edi + WDATA.cl_frames]
sub edi, window_data
shl edi, 3
add edi, SLOT_BASE
and cl, 0x0F
cmp cl, 3
je @f
cmp cl, 4
je @f
xor eax, eax
align 4
mov [edi + APPDATA.wnd_caption], eax
mov esi, [esp]
add edi, APPDATA.saved_box
pop edi ecx
mov esi, [CURRENT_TASK]
movzx esi, word[WIN_STACK + esi * 2]
lea esi, [WIN_POS + esi * 2]
call waredraw
mov eax, [edi +]
mov ebx, [edi +]
mov ecx, [edi +]
mov edx, [edi +]
add ecx, eax
add edx, ebx
call calculatescreen
mov byte[KEY_COUNT], 0 ; empty keyboard buffer
mov byte[BTN_COUNT], 0 ; empty button buffer
align 4
; update window client box coordinates
call window._.set_window_clientbox
; reset window redraw flag and exit
mov [edi + WDATA.fl_redraw], 0
mov edx, edi
align 4
window._.check_window_position: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Check if window is inside screen area
;> edi = pointer to WDATA
push eax ebx ecx edx esi
mov eax, [edi +]
mov ebx, [edi +]
mov ecx, [edi +]
mov edx, [edi +]
mov esi, [Screen_Max_X]
cmp ecx, esi
ja .fix_width_high
align 4
or eax, eax
jl .fix_left_low
add eax, ecx
cmp eax, esi
jg .fix_left_high
align 4
mov esi, [Screen_Max_Y]
cmp edx, esi
ja .fix_height_high
align 4
or ebx, ebx
jl .fix_top_low
add ebx, edx
cmp ebx, esi
jg .fix_top_high
align 4
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
align 4
mov ecx, esi
mov [edi +], esi
jmp .check_left
align 4
xor eax, eax
mov [edi +], eax
jmp .check_height
align 4
mov eax, esi
sub eax, ecx
mov [edi +], eax
jmp .check_height
align 4
mov edx, esi
mov [edi +], esi
jmp .check_top
align 4
xor ebx, ebx
mov [edi +], ebx
jmp .exit
align 4
mov ebx, esi
sub ebx, edx
mov [edi +], ebx
jmp .exit
align 4
window._.get_titlebar_height: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> edi = pointer to WDATA
mov al, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and al, 0x0f
cmp al, 0x03
jne @f
mov eax, [_skinh]
align 4
mov eax, 21
align 4
window._.get_rolledup_height: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
;> edi = pointer to WDATA
mov al, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and al, 0x0f
cmp al, 0x03
jb @f
mov eax, [_skinh]
add eax, 3
align 4
or al, al
jnz @f
mov eax, 21
align 4
mov eax, 21 + 2
align 4
window._.set_screen: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Reserve window area in screen buffer
;> eax = left
;> ebx = top
;> ecx = right
;> edx = bottom
;> esi = process number
virtual at esp
ff_x dd ?
ff_y dd ?
ff_width dd ?
ff_xsz dd ?
ff_ysz dd ?
ff_scale dd ?
end virtual
cmp esi, 1
jz .check_for_shaped_window
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
cmp [window_data + edi +], 0
jnz .check_for_shaped_window
cmp [window_data + edi +], 0
jz .exit
align 4
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 8
add edi, SLOT_BASE
cmp [edi + APPDATA.wnd_shape], 0
jne .shaped_window
; get x&y size
sub ecx, eax
sub edx, ebx
inc ecx
inc edx
; get WinMap start
push esi
mov esi, [_display.width]
mov edi, [d_width_calc_area + ebx*4]
add edi, eax
add edi, [_WinMapAddress]
pop eax
mov ah, al
push ax
shl eax, 16
pop ax
align 4
push ecx
shr ecx, 2
rep stosd
mov ecx, [esp]
and ecx, 3
rep stosb
pop ecx
add edi, esi
sub edi, ecx
dec edx
jnz .next_line
jmp .exit
align 4
; for (y=0; y <= x_size; y++)
; for (x=0; x <= x_size; x++)
; if (shape[coord(x,y,scale)]==1)
; set_pixel(x, y, process_number);
sub ecx, eax
sub edx, ebx
inc ecx
inc edx
push [edi + APPDATA.wnd_shape_scale] ; push scale first -> for loop
; get WinMap start -> ebp
push eax
mov eax, [d_width_calc_area + ebx*4]
add eax, [esp]
add eax, [_WinMapAddress]
mov ebp, eax
mov edi, [edi + APPDATA.wnd_shape]
pop eax
; eax = x_start
; ebx = y_start
; ecx = x_size
; edx = y_size
; esi = process_number
; edi = &shape
; [scale]
push edx ecx ; for loop - x,y size
mov ecx, esi
shl ecx, 5
mov edx, [window_data + ecx +]
push [window_data + ecx +] ; for loop - width
mov ecx, [window_data + ecx +]
sub ebx, edx
sub eax, ecx
push ebx eax ; for loop - x,y
add [ff_xsz], eax
add [ff_ysz], ebx
mov ebx, [ff_y]
align 4
mov edx, [ff_x]
align 4
; -- body --
mov ecx, [ff_scale]
mov eax, [ff_width]
inc eax
shr eax, cl
push ebx edx
shr ebx, cl
shr edx, cl
imul eax, ebx
add eax, edx
pop edx ebx
add eax, edi
call .read_byte
test al, al
jz @f
mov eax, esi
mov [ebp], al
; -- end body --
align 4
inc ebp
inc edx
cmp edx, [ff_xsz]
jb .ff_new_x
sub ebp, [ff_xsz]
add ebp, [ff_x]
add ebp, [Screen_Max_X] ; screen.x
inc ebp
inc ebx
cmp ebx, [ff_ysz]
jb .ff_new_y
add esp, 24
align 4
inc [_display.mask_seqno]
align 4
; eax - address
; esi - slot
push eax ecx edx esi
xchg eax, esi
lea ecx, [esp + 12]
mov edx, 1
call read_process_memory
pop esi edx ecx eax
align 4
window._.window_activate: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Activate window
;> esi = pointer to WIN_POS+ window data
push eax ebx
; if type of current active window is 3 or 4, it must be redrawn
mov ebx, [TASK_COUNT]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : TASK_COUNT (0x%x)\n", ebx
movzx ebx, word[WIN_POS + ebx * 2]
shl ebx, 5
add eax, window_data
mov al, [window_data + ebx + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and al, 0x0f
cmp al, 0x03
je .set_window_redraw_flag
cmp al, 0x04
jne .move_others_down
align 4
mov [window_data + ebx + WDATA.fl_redraw], 1
align 4
; ax <- process no
movzx ebx, word[esi]
; ax <- position in window stack
movzx ebx, word[WIN_STACK + ebx * 2]
; drop others
xor eax, eax
align 4
cmp eax, [TASK_COUNT]
jae .move_self_up
inc eax
; push ebx
; xor ebx,ebx
; mov bx,[WIN_STACK + eax * 2]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : DEC WIN_STACK (0x%x)\n",ebx
; pop ebx
cmp [WIN_STACK + eax * 2], bx
jbe .next_stack_window
dec word[WIN_STACK + eax * 2]
jmp .next_stack_window
align 4
movzx ebx, word[esi]
; number of processes
mov ax, [TASK_COUNT]
; this is the last (and the upper)
mov [WIN_STACK + ebx * 2], ax
; update on screen - window stack
xor eax, eax
align 4
cmp eax, [TASK_COUNT]
jae .reset_vars
inc eax
movzx ebx, word[WIN_STACK + eax * 2]
mov [WIN_POS + ebx * 2], ax
jmp .next_window_pos
align 4
mov byte[KEY_COUNT], 0
mov byte[BTN_COUNT], 0
mov word[MOUSE_SCROLL_H], 0
mov word[MOUSE_SCROLL_V], 0
pop ebx eax
window._.window_deactivate: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Deactivate window
;> esi = pointer to WIN_POS+ window data
push eax ebx
align 4
; ax <- process no
movzx ebx, word[esi]
; ax <- position in window stack
movzx ebx, word[WIN_STACK + ebx * 2]
; up others
xor eax, eax
align 4
cmp eax, [TASK_COUNT]
jae .move_self_down
inc eax
cmp [WIN_STACK + eax * 2], bx
jae .next_stack_window
inc word[WIN_STACK + eax * 2]
jmp .next_stack_window
align 4
movzx ebx, word[esi]
; this is the last (and the low)
mov [WIN_STACK + ebx * 2], word 1
; update on screen - window stack
xor eax, eax
align 4
cmp eax, [TASK_COUNT]
jae .reset_vars
inc eax
movzx ebx, word[WIN_STACK + eax * 2]
mov [WIN_POS + ebx * 2], ax
jmp .next_window_pos
align 4
mov byte[KEY_COUNT], 0
mov byte[BTN_COUNT], 0
mov word[MOUSE_SCROLL_H], 0
mov word[MOUSE_SCROLL_V], 0
pop ebx eax
align 4
window._.check_window_draw: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Check if window is necessary to draw
;> edi = pointer to WDATA
mov cl, [edi + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and cl, 0x0f
cmp cl, 3
je .exit.redraw ; window type 3
cmp cl, 4
je .exit.redraw ; window type 4
push eax ebx edx esi
mov eax, edi
sub eax, window_data
shr eax, 5
movzx eax, word[WIN_STACK + eax * 2] ; get value of the curr process
lea esi, [WIN_POS + eax * 2] ; get address of this process at 0xC400
align 4
add esi, 2
mov eax, [TASK_COUNT]
lea eax, word[WIN_POS + eax * 2] ; number of the upper window
cmp esi, eax
ja .exit.no_redraw
movzx edx, word[esi]
shl edx, 5
je .next_window
mov eax, [edi +]
mov ebx, [edi +]
add ebx, eax
mov ecx, [window_data + edx +]
cmp ecx, ebx
jge .next_window
add ecx, [window_data + edx +]
cmp eax, ecx
jge .next_window
mov eax, [edi +]
mov ebx, [edi +]
add ebx, eax
mov ecx, [window_data + edx +]
cmp ecx, ebx
jge .next_window
add ecx, [window_data + edx +]
cmp eax, ecx
jge .next_window
pop esi edx ebx eax
align 4
xor ecx, ecx
inc ecx
align 4
pop esi edx ebx eax
xor ecx, ecx
align 4
window._.draw_window_caption: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [TASK_COUNT]
movzx edx, word[WIN_POS + edx * 2]
cmp edx, [CURRENT_TASK]
jne @f
inc eax
align 4
mov edx, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl edx, 5
add edx, window_data
movzx ebx, [edx + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and bl, 0x0F
cmp bl, 3
je .draw_caption_style_3
cmp bl, 4
je .draw_caption_style_3
jmp .not_style_3
align 4
push edx
call drawwindow_IV_caption
add esp, 4
jmp .2
align 4
cmp bl, 2
jne .not_style_2
call drawwindow_III_caption
jmp .2
align 4
cmp bl, 0
jne .2
call drawwindow_I_caption
align 4
mov edi, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl edi, 5
test [edi + window_data + WDATA.fl_wstyle], WSTYLE_HASCAPTION
jz .exit
mov edx, [edi * 8 + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_caption]
or edx, edx
jz .exit
movzx eax, [edi + window_data + WDATA.fl_wstyle]
and al, 0x0F
cmp al, 3
je .skinned
cmp al, 4
je .skinned
jmp .not_skinned
align 4
mov ebp, [edi + window_data + - 2]
mov bp, word[edi + window_data +]
movzx eax, word[edi + window_data +]
sub ax, [_skinmargins.left]
sub ax, [_skinmargins.right]
push edx
mov ebx, 6
idiv ebx
pop edx
or eax, eax
js .exit
mov esi, eax
mov ebx, dword[_skinmargins.left - 2]
mov bx, word[_skinh]
sub bx, [_skinmargins.bottom]
sub bx, []
sar bx, 1
adc bx, 0
add bx, []
add bx, -3
add ebx, ebp
jmp .dodraw
align 4
cmp al, 1
je .exit
mov ebp, [edi + window_data + - 2]
mov bp, word[edi + window_data +]
movzx eax, word[edi + window_data +]
sub eax, 16
push edx
mov ebx, 6
idiv ebx
pop edx
or eax, eax
js .exit
mov esi, eax
mov ebx, 0x00080007
add ebx, ebp
align 4
mov ecx, [common_colours + 16]
or ecx, 0x80000000
xor edi, edi
call dtext_asciiz_esi
align 4
; call [draw_pointer]
call __sys_draw_pointer
align 4
window._.draw_negative_box: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Draw negative box
;> edi = pointer to BOX struct
push eax ebx esi
mov esi, 0x01000000
align 4
mov eax, [edi + BOX.left - 2]
mov ax, word[edi + BOX.left]
add ax, word[edi + BOX.width]
mov ebx, [edi + - 2]
mov bx, word[edi +]
add bx, word[edi + BOX.height]
call draw_rectangle.forced
pop esi ebx eax
;align 4
;window._.end_moving__box: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Draw positive box
;> edi = pointer to BOX struct
; push eax ebx esi
; xor esi, esi
; jmp window._.draw_negative_box.1
align 4
window._.get_rect: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description> void __fastcall get_window_rect(struct RECT* rc);
;> ecx = pointer to RECT
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov edx, [eax-twdw +]
mov [ecx+RECT.left], edx
add edx, [eax-twdw +]
mov [ecx+RECT.right], edx
mov edx, [eax-twdw +]
mov [], edx
add edx, [eax-twdw +]
mov [ecx+RECT.bottom], edx
0,0 → 1,556
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) MenuetOS 2000-2004 Ville Mikael Turjanmaa ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
$Revision: 3598 $
VKEY_LSHIFT = 0000000000000001b
VKEY_RSHIFT = 0000000000000010b
VKEY_LCONTROL = 0000000000000100b
VKEY_RCONTROL = 0000000000001000b
VKEY_LALT = 0000000000010000b
VKEY_RALT = 0000000000100000b
VKEY_CAPSLOCK = 0000000001000000b
VKEY_NUMLOCK = 0000000010000000b
VKEY_SCRLOCK = 0000000100000000b
VKEY_LWIN = 0000001000000000b
VKEY_RWIN = 0000010000000000b
VKEY_SHIFT = 0000000000000011b
VKEY_CONTROL = 0000000000001100b
VKEY_ALT = 0000000000110000b
align 4
kb_state dd 0
ext_code db 0
keyboard_mode db 0
keyboard_data db 0
altmouseb db 0
ctrl_alt_del db 0
kb_lights db 0
old_kb_lights db 0
align 4
hotkey_scancodes rd 256 ; we have 256 scancodes
hotkey_list rd 256*4 ; max 256 defined hotkeys
hotkey_buffer rd 120*2 ; buffer for 120 hotkeys
hotkey_tests dd hotkey_test0
dd hotkey_test1
dd hotkey_test2
dd hotkey_test3
dd hotkey_test4
hotkey_tests_num = 5
test al, al
setz al
test al, al
setnp al
cmp al, 3
setz al
cmp al, 1
setz al
cmp al, 2
setz al
push eax
mov edx, [kb_state]
shr edx, cl
add cl, cl
mov eax, [eax+4]
shr eax, cl
and eax, 15
cmp al, hotkey_tests_num
jae .fail
xchg eax, edx
and al, 3
call [hotkey_tests + edx*4]
cmp al, 1
pop eax
pop eax
align 4
movzx eax, word[TASK_COUNT]; top window process
movzx eax, word[WIN_POS+eax*2]
shl eax, 8
mov al, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.keyboard_mode]
mov [keyboard_mode], al
mov eax, ecx
push ebx esi edi ebp
call send_scancode
pop ebp edi esi ebx
next dd ?
prev dd ?
functions dd ?
userdata dd ?
struct KBDFUNC
strucsize dd ?
close dd ?
setlights dd ?
dd keyboards
dd keyboards
keyboard_list_mutex MUTEX
push ebx
movi eax, sizeof.KEYBOARD
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
mov ecx, [esp+4+4]
mov [eax+KEYBOARD.functions], ecx
mov ecx, [esp+8+4]
mov [eax+KEYBOARD.userdata], ecx
xchg eax, ebx
mov ecx, keyboard_list_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov ecx, keyboards
mov edx, [ecx+KEYBOARD.prev]
mov [], ecx
mov [ebx+KEYBOARD.prev], edx
mov [], ebx
mov [ecx+KEYBOARD.prev], ebx
mov ecx, [ebx+KEYBOARD.functions]
cmp [ecx+KBDFUNC.strucsize], KBDFUNC.setlights
jbe .unlock
mov ecx, [ecx+KBDFUNC.setlights]
test ecx, ecx
jz .unlock
stdcall ecx, [ebx+KEYBOARD.userdata], dword [kb_lights]
mov ecx, keyboard_list_mutex
call mutex_unlock
xchg eax, ebx
pop ebx
ret 8
push ebx
mov ebx, [esp+4+4]
mov ecx, keyboard_list_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov eax, []
mov edx, [ebx+KEYBOARD.prev]
mov [eax+KEYBOARD.prev], edx
mov [], eax
call mutex_unlock
mov ecx, [ebx+KEYBOARD.functions]
cmp [ecx+KBDFUNC.strucsize], KBDFUNC.close
jbe .nothing
mov ecx, [ecx+KBDFUNC.close]
test ecx, ecx
jz .nothing
stdcall ecx, [ebx+KEYBOARD.userdata]
pop ebx
ret 4
align 4
movzx eax, word[TASK_COUNT]; top window process
movzx eax, word[WIN_POS+eax*2]
shl eax, 8
mov al, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.keyboard_mode]
mov [keyboard_mode], al
in al, 0x60
mov [keyboard_data], al
; ch = scancode
; cl = ext_code
; bh = 0 - normal key
; bh = 1 - modifier (Shift/Ctrl/Alt)
; bh = 2 - extended code
mov ch, al
cmp al, 0xE0
je @f
cmp al, 0xE1
jne .normal_code
mov bh, 2
mov [ext_code], al
jmp .writekey
mov cl, 0
xchg cl, [ext_code]
and al, 0x7F
mov bh, 1
cmp al, 0x5B
jne @f
cmp cl, 0xE0
jne @f
mov eax, VKEY_LWIN
mov bh, 0
jmp .modifier
cmp al, 0x5C
jne @f
cmp cl, 0xE0
jne @f
mov eax, VKEY_RWIN
mov bh, 0
jmp .modifier
cmp al, 0x2A
jne @f
cmp cl, 0xE0
je .writekey
mov eax, VKEY_LSHIFT
jmp .modifier
cmp al, 0x36
jne @f
cmp cl, 0xE0
je .writekey
mov eax, VKEY_RSHIFT
jmp .modifier
cmp al, 0x38
jne @f
mov eax, VKEY_LALT
test cl, cl
jz .modifier
mov al, VKEY_RALT
jmp .modifier
cmp al, 0x1D
jne @f
test cl, cl
jz .modifier
cmp cl, 0xE0
jz .modifier
mov [ext_code], cl
jmp .writekey
cmp al, 0x3A
jne @f
mov bl, 4
jmp .no_key.xor
cmp al, 0x45
jne @f
test cl, cl
jnz .writekey
mov bl, 2
jmp .no_key.xor
cmp al, 0x46
jne @f
mov bl, 1
jmp .no_key.xor
xor ebx, ebx
test ch, ch
js .writekey
movzx eax, ch ; plain key
mov bl, [keymap+eax]
mov edx, [kb_state]
test dl, VKEY_CONTROL ; ctrl alt del
jz .noctrlaltdel
test dl, VKEY_ALT
jz .noctrlaltdel
cmp ch, 53h
jne .noctrlaltdel
mov [ctrl_alt_del], 1
call wakeup_osloop
test dl, VKEY_CONTROL ; ctrl on ?
jz @f
sub bl, 0x60
test dl, VKEY_CAPSLOCK ; caps lock on ?
jz .no_caps_lock
test dl, VKEY_SHIFT ; shift on ?
jz .keymap_shif
jmp @f
test dl, VKEY_SHIFT ; shift on ?
jz @f
mov bl, [keymap_shift+eax]
test dl, VKEY_ALT ; alt on ?
jz @f
mov bl, [keymap_alt+eax]
jmp .writekey
test ch, ch
js .modifier.up
or [kb_state], eax
jmp .writekey
not eax
and [kb_state], eax
jmp .writekey
mov bh, 0
test ch, ch
js .writekey
xor [kb_state], eax
xor [kb_lights], bl
; test for system hotkeys
movzx eax, ch
cmp bh, 1
ja .nohotkey
jb @f
xor eax, eax
mov eax, [hotkey_scancodes + eax*4]
test eax, eax
jz .nohotkey
mov cl, 0
call hotkey_do_test
jc .hotkey_cont
mov cl, 2
call hotkey_do_test
jc .hotkey_cont
mov cl, 4
call hotkey_do_test
jnc .hotkey_found
mov eax, [eax]
jmp .hotkey_loop
mov eax, [eax+8]
; put key in buffer for process in slot eax
mov edi, hotkey_buffer
cmp dword [edi], 0
jz .found_free
add edi, 8
cmp edi, hotkey_buffer+120*8
jb @b
; no free space - replace first entry
mov edi, hotkey_buffer
mov [edi], eax
movzx eax, ch
cmp bh, 1
jnz @f
xor eax, eax
mov [edi+4], ax
mov eax, [kb_state]
mov [edi+6], ax
cmp [PID_lock_input], dword 0
je .nohotkey
jmp .exit.irq1
cmp [keyboard_mode], 0; return from keymap
jne .scancode
test bh, bh
jnz .exit.irq1
test bl, bl
jz .exit.irq1
test [kb_state], VKEY_NUMLOCK
jz .dowrite
cmp cl, 0xE0
jz .dowrite
cmp ch, 55
jnz @f
mov bl, 0x2A ;*
jmp .dowrite
cmp ch, 71
jb .dowrite
cmp ch, 83
ja .dowrite
movzx eax, ch
mov bl, [numlock_map + eax - 71]
jmp .dowrite
mov bl, ch
movzx eax, byte[KEY_COUNT]
cmp al, 120
jae .exit.irq1
inc eax
mov [KEY_COUNT], al
mov [KEY_COUNT+eax], bl
push ebx esi
mov ecx, keyboard_list_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov esi, keyboards
mov esi, []
cmp esi, keyboards
jz .done
mov eax, [esi+KEYBOARD.functions]
cmp dword [eax], KBDFUNC.setlights
jbe .loop
mov eax, [eax+KBDFUNC.setlights]
test eax, eax
jz .loop
stdcall eax, [esi+KEYBOARD.userdata], dword [kb_lights]
jmp .loop
mov ecx, keyboard_list_mutex
call mutex_unlock
pop esi ebx
stdcall disable_irq, 1
mov al, 0xED
call kb_write
mov al, [esp+8]
call kb_write
stdcall enable_irq, 1
ret 8
;// mike.dld ]
proc check_lights_state_has_work?
mov al, [kb_lights]
cmp al, [old_kb_lights]
call check_lights_state_has_work?
jz .nothing
mov [old_kb_lights], al
call set_lights
db 0x37 ;Num 7
db 0x38 ;Num 8
db 0x39 ;Num 9
db 0x2D ;Num -
db 0x34 ;Num 4
db 0x35 ;Num 5
db 0x36 ;Num 6
db 0x2B ;Num +
db 0x31 ;Num 1
db 0x32 ;Num 2
db 0x33 ;Num 3
db 0x30 ;Num 0
db 0x2E ;Num .
0,0 → 1,553
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3606 $
; check mouse
; FB00 -> FB0F mouse memory 00 chunk count - FB0A-B x - FB0C-D y
; FB10 -> FB17 mouse color mem
; FB21 x move
; FB22 y move
; FB30 color temp
; FB28 high bits temp
; FB4A -> FB4D FB4A-B x-under - FB4C-D y-under
; FC00 -> FCFE com1/ps2 buffer
; FCFF com1/ps2 buffer count starting from FC00
align 4
mousecount dd 0x0
mousedata dd 0x0
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
dw 0
align 4
mouse_delay dd 10
dd 3
mouse_timer_ticks dd 0
align 4
; return old picture
cmp [_display.restore_cursor], 0
je @F
movzx eax, word [X_UNDER]
movzx ebx, word [Y_UNDER]
stdcall [_display.restore_cursor], eax, ebx
align 4
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx
align 4
movzx eax, word [X_UNDER]
movzx ebx, word [Y_UNDER]
add eax, ecx
add ebx, edx
push ecx
push edx
push eax
push ebx
mov eax, edx
shl eax, 6
shl ecx, 2
add eax, ecx
add eax, mouseunder
mov ecx, [eax]
pop ebx
pop eax
mov edi, 1 ; force
or ecx, 0x04000000 ; don't save to mouseunder area
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
pop edx
pop ecx
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 16
jnz mres
xor ecx, ecx
inc edx
cmp edx, 24
jnz mres
align 4
cmp [_display.move_cursor], 0
je .no_hw_cursor
mov [X_UNDER], ax
mov [Y_UNDER], bx
movzx eax, word [MOUSE_Y]
movzx ebx, word [MOUSE_X]
push eax
push ebx
; mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
; inc ecx
; mul ecx
mov eax, [d_width_calc_area + eax*4]
add eax, [_WinMapAddress]
movzx edx, byte [ebx+eax]
shl edx, 8
mov esi, [edx+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.cursor]
cmp esi, [current_cursor]
je .draw
mov eax, [TASK_COUNT]
movzx eax, word [WIN_POS+eax*2]
shl eax, 8
cmp eax, edx
je @F
mov esi, [def_cursor]
cmp esi, [current_cursor]
je .draw
push esi
call [_display.select_cursor]
mov [current_cursor], esi
align 4
stdcall [_display.move_cursor], esi
;align 4
; mov ecx, [def_cursor]
; mov [edx+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.cursor], ecx
; stdcall [_display.move_cursor], ecx ; stdcall: [esp]=ebx,eax
; popad
; ret
align 4
; save & draw
mov [X_UNDER], ax
mov [Y_UNDER], bx
push eax
push ebx
mov ecx, 0
mov edx, 0
align 4
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
; helloworld
push ecx
add eax, ecx; save picture under mouse
add ebx, edx
push ecx
or ecx, 0x04000000 ; don't load to mouseunder area
call getpixel
mov [COLOR_TEMP], ecx
pop ecx
mov eax, edx
shl eax, 6
shl ecx, 2
add eax, ecx
add eax, mouseunder
mov ebx, [COLOR_TEMP]
and ebx, 0xffffff
mov [eax], ebx
pop ecx
mov edi, edx ; y cycle
shl edi, 4 ; *16 bytes per row
add edi, ecx ; x cycle
mov esi, edi
add edi, esi
add edi, esi ; *3
add edi, [MOUSE_PICTURE] ; we have our str address
mov esi, edi
add esi, 16*24*3
push ecx
mov ecx, [COLOR_TEMP]
call combine_colors
and ecx, 0xffffff
mov [MOUSE_COLOR_MEM], ecx
pop ecx
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
add eax, ecx ; we have x coord+cycle
add ebx, edx ; and y coord+cycle
push ecx
mov ecx, [MOUSE_COLOR_MEM]
mov edi, 1 ; force
or ecx, 0x04000000 ; don't save to mouseunder area
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
pop ecx
mov ebx, [esp+0] ; pure y coord again
mov eax, [esp+4] ; and x
inc ecx ; +1 cycle
cmp ecx, 16 ; if more than 16
jnz drm
xor ecx, ecx
inc edx
cmp edx, 24
jnz drm
add esp, 8
align 4
; in
; ecx - color ( 00 RR GG BB )
; edi - ref to new color byte
; esi - ref to alpha byte
; out
; ecx - new color ( roughly (ecx*[esi]>>8)+([edi]*[esi]>>8) )
push eax
push ebx
push edx
push ecx
xor ecx, ecx
; byte 2
mov eax, 0xff
sub al, [esi+0]
mov ebx, [esp]
shr ebx, 16
and ebx, 0xff
mul ebx
shr eax, 8
add ecx, eax
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov al, [edi+0]
mov bl, [esi+0]
mul ebx
shr eax, 8
add ecx, eax
shl ecx, 8
; byte 1
mov eax, 0xff
sub al, [esi+1]
mov ebx, [esp]
shr ebx, 8
and ebx, 0xff
mul ebx
shr eax, 8
add ecx, eax
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov al, [edi+1]
mov bl, [esi+1]
mul ebx
shr eax, 8
add ecx, eax
shl ecx, 8
; byte 2
mov eax, 0xff
sub al, [esi+2]
mov ebx, [esp]
and ebx, 0xff
mul ebx
shr eax, 8
add ecx, eax
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov al, [edi+2]
mov bl, [esi+2]
mul ebx
shr eax, 8
add ecx, eax
pop eax
pop edx
pop ebx
pop eax
align 4
; in:
; eax = x
; ebx = y
; out:
; ecx = new color
push eax ebx
; check for Y
xor ecx, ecx
mov cx, [Y_UNDER] ; [MOUSE_Y]
cmp ebx, ecx
jb .no_mouse_area
add ecx, 23 ; mouse cursor Y size
cmp ebx, ecx
ja .no_mouse_area
; offset Y
sub bx, [Y_UNDER] ;[MOUSE_Y]
; check for X
xor ecx, ecx
mov cx, [X_UNDER] ;[MOUSE_X]
cmp eax, ecx
jb .no_mouse_area
add ecx, 15 ; mouse cursor X size
cmp eax, ecx
ja .no_mouse_area
; offset X
sub ax, [X_UNDER] ;[MOUSE_X]
; eax = offset x
; ebx = offset y
shl ebx, 6 ;y
shl eax, 2 ;x
add eax, ebx
add eax, mouseunder
mov ecx, [eax]
and ecx, 0xffffff
or ecx, 0xff000000
pop ebx eax
align 4
xor ecx, ecx
pop ebx eax
align 4
; in:
; ecx = x shl 16 + y
; eax = color
; out:
; eax = new color
push eax
; check for Y
mov ax, [Y_UNDER] ; [MOUSE_Y]
cmp cx, ax
jb .no_mouse_area
add ax, 23 ; mouse cursor Y size
cmp cx, ax
ja .no_mouse_area
; offset Y
sub cx, [Y_UNDER] ;[MOUSE_Y]
mov ax, cx
shl eax, 16
; check for X
mov ax, [X_UNDER] ;[MOUSE_X]
shr ecx, 16
cmp cx, ax
jb .no_mouse_area
add ax, 15 ; mouse cursor X size
cmp cx, ax
ja .no_mouse_area
; offset X
sub cx, [X_UNDER] ;[MOUSE_X]
mov ax, cx
; eax = (offset y) shl 16 + (offset x)
pop ecx
push eax ebx
mov ebx, eax
shr ebx, 16 ;y
and eax, 0xffff ;x
shl ebx, 6
shl eax, 2
add eax, ebx
add eax, mouseunder
and ecx, 0xFFFFFF
mov [eax], ecx
pop ebx eax
push esi edi
rol eax, 16
movzx edi, ax ; y cycle
shl edi, 4 ; *16 bytes per row
shr eax, 16
add edi, eax ; x cycle
lea edi, [edi*3]
add edi, [MOUSE_PICTURE] ; we have our str address
mov esi, edi
add esi, 16*24*3
call combine_colors
pop edi esi
align 4
mov eax, ecx
align 4
pop eax
align 4
movzx ecx, word [X_UNDER]
movzx edx, word [Y_UNDER]
movzx ebx, word [MOUSE_Y]
movzx eax, word [MOUSE_X]
cmp [redrawmouse_unconditional], 0
je @f
mov [redrawmouse_unconditional], 0
jmp redrawmouse
align 4
cmp eax, ecx
jne redrawmouse
cmp ebx, edx
je nodmp
align 4
call draw_mouse_under
call save_draw_mouse
; mov eax, [_display.select_cursor]
; test eax, eax
; jz @f
cmp [_display.select_cursor], select_cursor
jne @f
xor eax, eax
mov esi, [current_cursor]
mov ax, [Y_UNDER]
sub eax, [esi+CURSOR.hot_y]
mov [Y_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_y], ax
add eax, [cur.h]
mov [Y_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_y_add_curh], ax
mov ax, [X_UNDER]
sub eax, [esi+CURSOR.hot_x]
mov [X_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_x], ax
add eax, [cur.w]
mov [X_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_x_add_curh], ax
align 4
align 4
align 4
proc set_mouse_data stdcall, BtnState:dword, XMoving:dword, YMoving:dword, VScroll:dword, HScroll:dword
mov eax, [BtnState]
mov [BTN_DOWN], eax
mov eax, [XMoving]
call mouse_acceleration
add ax, [MOUSE_X];[XCoordinate]
cmp ax, 0
jge @@M1
mov eax, 0
jmp @@M2
align 4
cmp ax, word [Screen_Max_X];ScreenLength
jl @@M2
mov ax, word [Screen_Max_X];ScreenLength-1
align 4
mov [MOUSE_X], ax;[XCoordinate]
mov eax, [YMoving]
neg eax
call mouse_acceleration
add ax, [MOUSE_Y];[YCoordinate]
cmp ax, 0
jge @@M3
mov ax, 0
jmp @@M4
align 4
cmp ax, word [Screen_Max_Y];ScreenHeigth
jl @@M4
mov ax, word [Screen_Max_Y];ScreenHeigth-1
align 4
mov [MOUSE_Y], ax;[YCoordinate]
mov eax, [VScroll]
add [MOUSE_SCROLL_V], ax
mov eax, [HScroll]
add [MOUSE_SCROLL_H], ax
mov [mouse_active], 1
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
mov [mouse_timer_ticks], eax
call wakeup_osloop
align 4
push eax
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
sub eax, [mouse_timer_ticks]
cmp eax, [mouse_delay]
pop eax
ja @f
;push edx
imul eax, [mouse_speed_factor]
;pop edx
align 4
0,0 → 1,203
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
;setting date,time,clock and alarm-clock
;add sys_settime at servetable as for ex. 22 fcn:
; ebx =0 - set time ecx - 00SSMMHH
; ebx =1 - set date ecx=00DDMMYY
; ebx =2 - set day of week ecx- 1-7
; ebx =3 - set alarm-clock ecx - 00SSMMHH
; out: 0 -Ok 1 -wrong format 2 -battery low
mov al, 0x0d
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
bt ax, 7
jnc bat_low
cmp ebx, 2;day of week
jne nosetweek
test ecx, ecx ;test day of week
je wrongtime
cmp ecx, 7
ja wrongtime
mov edx, 0x70
call startstopclk
dec edx
mov al, 6
out dx, al
inc edx
mov al, cl
out dx, al
jmp endsettime
nosetweek: ;set date
cmp ebx, 1
jne nosetdate
cmp cl, 0x99;test year
ja wrongtime
shl ecx, 4
cmp cl, 0x90
ja wrongtime
cmp ch, 0x99;test month
ja wrongtime
shr ecx, 4
test ch, ch
je wrongtime
cmp ch, 0x12
ja wrongtime
shl ecx, 8
bswap ecx ;ebx=00YYMMDD
test cl, cl ;test day
je wrongtime
shl ecx, 4
cmp cl, 0x90
ja wrongtime
shr ecx, 4
cmp ch, 2 ;February
jne testday
cmp cl, 0x29
ja wrongtime
jmp setdate
cmp ch, 8
jb testday1;Aug-Dec
bt cx, 8
jnc days31
jmp days30
bt cx, 8 ;Jan-Jul ex.Feb
jnc days30
cmp cl, 0x31
ja wrongtime
jmp setdate
cmp cl, 0x30
ja wrongtime
mov edx, 0x70
call startstopclk
dec edx
mov al, 7 ;set days
out dx, al
inc edx
mov al, cl
out dx, al
dec edx
mov al, 8 ;set months
out dx, al
inc edx
mov al, ch
out dx, al
dec edx
mov al, 9 ;set years
out dx, al
inc edx
shr ecx, 8
mov al, ch
out dx, al
jmp endsettime
nosetdate: ;set time or alarm-clock
cmp ebx, 3
ja wrongtime
cmp cl, 0x23
ja wrongtime
cmp ch, 0x59
ja wrongtime
shl ecx, 4
cmp cl, 0x90
ja wrongtime
cmp ch, 0x92
ja wrongtime
shl ecx, 4
bswap ecx ;00HHMMSS
cmp cl, 0x59
ja wrongtime
shl ecx, 4
cmp cl, 0x90
ja wrongtime
shr ecx, 4
mov edx, 0x70
call startstopclk
dec edx
cmp ebx, 3
je setalarm
xor eax, eax;al=0-set seconds
out dx, al
inc edx
mov al, cl
out dx, al
dec edx
mov al, 2 ;set minutes
out dx, al
inc edx
mov al, ch
out dx, al
dec edx
mov al, 4 ;set hours
out dx, al
inc edx
shr ecx, 8
mov al, ch
out dx, al
jmp endsettime
mov al, 1;set seconds for al.
out dx, al
inc edx
mov al, cl
out dx, al
dec edx
mov al, 3;set minutes for al.
out dx, al
inc edx
mov al, ch
out dx, al
dec edx
mov al, 5;set hours for al.
out dx, al
inc edx
shr ecx, 8
mov al, ch
out dx, al
dec edx
mov al, 0x0b;enable irq's
out dx, al
inc dx
in al, dx
bts ax, 5;set bit 5
out dx, al
dec edx
call startstopclk
and [esp+36-4], dword 0
mov [esp+36-4], dword 2
mov [esp+36-4], dword 1
mov al, 0x0b
out dx, al
inc dx
in al, dx
btc ax, 7
out dx, al
0,0 → 1,27
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; External kernel dependencies
$Revision: 2455 $
align 4
library \
import libini, \
0,0 → 1,610
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4390 $
MEM_WB equ 6 ;write-back memory
MEM_WC equ 1 ;write combined memory
MEM_UC equ 0 ;uncached memory
align 4
proc mem_test
; if we have BIOS with fn E820, skip the test
cmp dword [BOOT_VARS-OS_BASE + 0x9100], 0
jnz .ret
mov eax, cr0
and eax, not (CR0_CD+CR0_NW)
or eax, CR0_CD ;disable caching
mov cr0, eax
wbinvd ;invalidate cache
xor edi, edi
mov ebx, 'TEST'
add edi, 0x100000
xchg ebx, dword [edi]
cmp dword [edi], 'TEST'
xchg ebx, dword [edi]
je @b
and eax, not (CR0_CD+CR0_NW) ;enable caching
mov cr0, eax
inc dword [BOOT_VARS-OS_BASE + 0x9100]
xor eax, eax
mov [BOOT_VARS-OS_BASE + 0x9104], eax
mov [BOOT_VARS-OS_BASE + 0x9108], eax
mov [BOOT_VARS-OS_BASE + 0x910C], edi
mov [BOOT_VARS-OS_BASE + 0x9110], eax
inc eax
mov [BOOT_VARS-OS_BASE + 0x9114], eax
align 4
proc init_mem
; calculate maximum allocatable address and number of allocatable pages
mov edi, BOOT_VARS-OS_BASE + 0x9104
mov ecx, [edi-4]
xor esi, esi; esi will hold total amount of memory
xor edx, edx; edx will hold maximum allocatable address
; round all to pages
mov eax, [edi]
cmp [edi+16], byte 1
jne .unusable
test eax, 0xFFF
jz @f
neg eax
and eax, 0xFFF
add [edi], eax
adc dword [edi+4], 0
sub [edi+8], eax
sbb dword [edi+12], 0
jc .unusable
and dword [edi+8], not 0xFFF
jz .unusable
; ignore memory after 4 Gb
cmp dword [edi+4], 0
jnz .unusable
mov eax, [edi]
cmp dword [edi+12], 0
jnz .overflow
add eax, [edi+8]
jnc @f
mov eax, 0xFFFFF000
cmp edx, eax
jae @f
mov edx, eax
sub eax, [edi]
mov [edi+8], eax
add esi, eax
jmp .usable
; and dword [edi+8], 0
add edi, 20
loop .calcmax
mov [pg_data.mem_amount-OS_BASE], esi
shr esi, 12
mov [pg_data.pages_count-OS_BASE], esi
shr edx, 12
add edx, 31
and edx, not 31
shr edx, 3
mov [pg_data.pagemap_size-OS_BASE], edx
add edx, (sys_pgmap-OS_BASE)+4095
and edx, not 4095
mov [tmp_page_tabs], edx
mov edx, esi
and edx, -1024
cmp edx, (OS_BASE/4096)
jbe @F
mov edx, (OS_BASE/4096)
jmp .set
jae .set
mov [pg_data.kernel_pages-OS_BASE], edx
shr edx, 10
mov [pg_data.kernel_tables-OS_BASE], edx
xor eax, eax
mov edi, sys_proc-OS_BASE
mov ecx, 8192/4
rep stosd
mov edx, (sys_proc-OS_BASE+PROC.pdt_0)+ 0x800; (OS_BASE shr 20)
bt [cpu_caps-OS_BASE], CAPS_PSE
jnc .no_PSE
mov ebx, cr4
or ebx, CR4_PSE
mov eax, PG_LARGE+PG_SW
mov cr4, ebx
dec [pg_data.kernel_tables-OS_BASE]
mov [edx], eax
add edx, 4
mov edi, [tmp_page_tabs]
jmp .map_kernel_heap ; new kernel fits to the first 4Mb - nothing to do with ".map_low"
mov eax, PG_SW
mov ecx, [tmp_page_tabs]
shr ecx, 12
mov edi, [tmp_page_tabs]
@@: ;
add eax, 0x1000
dec ecx
jnz @B
mov ecx, [pg_data.kernel_tables-OS_BASE]
shl ecx, 10
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov ecx, [pg_data.kernel_tables-OS_BASE]
mov eax, [tmp_page_tabs]
or eax, PG_SW
mov edi, edx
add eax, 0x1000
dec ecx
jnz .map_kernel_tabs
mov dword [sys_proc-OS_BASE+PROC.pdt_0+(page_tabs shr 20)], sys_proc+PROC.pdt_0+PG_SW-OS_BASE
mov edi, (sys_proc+PROC.pdt_0-OS_BASE)
lea esi, [edi+(OS_BASE shr 20)]
align 4
proc init_page_map
; mark all memory as unavailable
mov edi, sys_pgmap-OS_BASE
mov ecx, [pg_data.pagemap_size-OS_BASE]
shr ecx, 2
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
; scan through memory map and mark free areas as available
mov ebx, BOOT_VARS-OS_BASE + 0x9104
mov edx, [ebx-4]
cmp [ebx+16], byte 1
jne .next
mov ecx, [ebx+8]
shr ecx, 12; ecx = number of pages
jz .next
mov edi, [ebx]
shr edi, 12; edi = first page
mov eax, edi
shr edi, 5
shl edi, 2
add edi, sys_pgmap-OS_BASE
and eax, 31
jz .startok
add ecx, eax
sub ecx, 32
jbe .onedword
push ecx
mov ecx, eax
or eax, -1
shl eax, cl
or [edi], eax
add edi, 4
pop ecx
push ecx
shr ecx, 5
or eax, -1
rep stosd
pop ecx
and ecx, 31
neg eax
shl eax, cl
dec eax
or [edi], eax
jmp .next
add ecx, 32
sub ecx, eax
bts [edi], eax
inc eax
loop @b
add ebx, 20
dec edx
jnz .scanmap
; mark kernel memory as allocated (unavailable)
mov ecx, [tmp_page_tabs]
mov edx, [pg_data.pages_count-OS_BASE]
shr ecx, 12
add ecx, [pg_data.kernel_tables-OS_BASE]
sub edx, ecx
mov [pg_data.pages_free-OS_BASE], edx
mov edi, sys_pgmap-OS_BASE
mov ebx, ecx
shr ecx, 5
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
not eax
mov ecx, ebx
and ecx, 31
shl eax, cl
and [edi], eax
add edi, OS_BASE
mov [page_start-OS_BASE], edi;
mov ebx, sys_pgmap
add ebx, [pg_data.pagemap_size-OS_BASE]
mov [page_end-OS_BASE], ebx
align 4
mov edi, 0xE0000
cmp dword[edi], '_32_'; "magic" word
je .BIOS32_found
add edi, 0x10
cmp edi, 0xFFFF0
je .BIOS32_not_found
jmp .pcibios_nxt
.BIOS32_found: ; magic word found, check control summ
movzx ecx, byte[edi + 9]
shl ecx, 4
mov esi, edi
xor eax, eax
cld ; paranoia
add ah, al
loop @b
jnz .pcibios_nxt2; control summ must be zero
; BIOS32 service found !
mov ebp, [edi + 4]
mov [bios32_entry], ebp
; check PCI BIOS present
mov eax, '$PCI'
xor ebx, ebx
push cs ; special for 'ret far' from BIOS
call ebp
test al, al
jnz .PCI_BIOS32_not_found
; здесь создаются дискрипторы для PCI BIOS
add ebx, OS_BASE
dec ecx
mov [(pci_code_32-OS_BASE)], cx ;limit 0-15
mov [(pci_data_32-OS_BASE)], cx ;limit 0-15
mov [(pci_code_32-OS_BASE)+2], bx ;base 0-15
mov [(pci_data_32-OS_BASE)+2], bx ;base 0-15
shr ebx, 16
mov [(pci_code_32-OS_BASE)+4], bl ;base 16-23
mov [(pci_data_32-OS_BASE)+4], bl ;base 16-23
shr ecx, 16
and cl, 0x0F
mov ch, bh
add cx, D32
mov [(pci_code_32-OS_BASE)+6], cx ;lim 16-19 &
mov [(pci_data_32-OS_BASE)+6], cx ;base 24-31
mov [(pci_bios_entry-OS_BASE)], edx
; jmp .end
; здесь должна заполнятся pci_emu_dat
align 4
proc test_cpu
cpu_type dd ?
cpu_id dd ?
cpu_Intel dd ?
cpu_AMD dd ?
xor eax, eax
mov [cpu_type], eax
mov [cpu_caps-OS_BASE], eax
mov [cpu_caps+4-OS_BASE], eax
pop eax
mov ecx, eax
xor eax, 0x40000
push eax
pop eax
xor eax, ecx
mov [cpu_type], CPU_386
jz .end_cpuid
push ecx
mov [cpu_type], CPU_486
mov eax, ecx
xor eax, 0x200000
push eax
pop eax
xor eax, ecx
je .end_cpuid
mov [cpu_id], 1
xor eax, eax
mov [cpu_vendor-OS_BASE], ebx
mov [cpu_vendor+4-OS_BASE], edx
mov [cpu_vendor+8-OS_BASE], ecx
cmp ebx, dword [intel_str-OS_BASE]
jne .check_AMD
cmp edx, dword [intel_str+4-OS_BASE]
jne .check_AMD
cmp ecx, dword [intel_str+8-OS_BASE]
jne .check_AMD
mov [cpu_Intel], 1
cmp eax, 1
jl .end_cpuid
mov eax, 1
mov [cpu_sign-OS_BASE], eax
mov [cpu_info-OS_BASE], ebx
mov [cpu_caps-OS_BASE], edx
mov [cpu_caps+4-OS_BASE], ecx
shr eax, 8
and eax, 0x0f
mov eax, [cpu_type]
cmp ebx, dword [AMD_str-OS_BASE]
jne .unknown
cmp edx, dword [AMD_str+4-OS_BASE]
jne .unknown
cmp ecx, dword [AMD_str+8-OS_BASE]
jne .unknown
mov [cpu_AMD], 1
cmp eax, 1
jl .unknown
mov eax, 1
mov [cpu_sign-OS_BASE], eax
mov [cpu_info-OS_BASE], ebx
mov [cpu_caps-OS_BASE], edx
mov [cpu_caps+4-OS_BASE], ecx
shr eax, 8
and eax, 0x0f
mov eax, 1
mov [cpu_sign-OS_BASE], eax
mov [cpu_info-OS_BASE], ebx
mov [cpu_caps-OS_BASE], edx
mov [cpu_caps+4-OS_BASE], ecx
shr eax, 8
and eax, 0x0f
align 4
acpi_lapic_base dd 0xfee00000 ; default local apic base
align 4
acpi_rsdp rd 1
acpi_rsdt rd 1
acpi_madt rd 1
acpi_dev_data rd 1
acpi_dev_size rd 1
acpi_rsdt_base rd 1
acpi_fadt_base rd 1
acpi_dsdt_base rd 1
acpi_dsdt_size rd 1
acpi_madt_base rd 1
acpi_ioapic_base rd 1
cpu_count rd 1
smpt rd 16
ACPI_HI_RSDP_WINDOW_END equ 0x00100000
ACPI_MADT_SIGN equ 0x43495041
ACPI_FADT_SIGN equ 0x50434146
push ebx
cmp [ebx], dword 0x20445352
jne .next
cmp [ebx+4], dword 0x20525450
jne .next
mov edx, ebx
xor eax, eax
add al, [edx]
inc edx
loop .sum
test al, al
jnz .next
mov eax, ebx
pop ebx
add ebx, 16
jb .check
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
align 4
rsdt_find: ;ecx= rsdt edx= SIG
push ebx
push esi
lea ebx, [ecx+36]
mov esi, [ecx+4]
add esi, ecx
align 4
mov eax, [ebx]
cmp [eax], edx
je .done
add ebx, 4
cmp ebx, esi
jb .next
xor eax, eax
pop esi
pop ebx
mov eax, [ebx]
pop esi
pop ebx
align 4
call acpi_locate
test eax, eax
jz .done
mov ecx, [eax+16]
mov edx, 0x50434146
mov [acpi_rsdt_base-OS_BASE], ecx
call rsdt_find
mov [acpi_fadt_base-OS_BASE], eax
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov eax, [eax+40]
mov [acpi_dsdt_base-OS_BASE], eax
mov eax, [eax+4]
mov [acpi_dsdt_size-OS_BASE], eax
mov ecx, [acpi_rsdt_base-OS_BASE]
call rsdt_find
test eax, eax
jz .done
mov [acpi_madt_base-OS_BASE], eax
mov ecx, [eax+36]
mov [acpi_lapic_base-OS_BASE], ecx
mov edi, smpt-OS_BASE
mov ebx, [ecx+0x20]
shr ebx, 24 ; read APIC ID
mov [edi], ebx ; bootstrap always first
inc [cpu_count-OS_BASE]
add edi, 4
lea edx, [eax+44]
mov ecx, [eax+4]
add ecx, eax
mov eax, [edx]
cmp al, 0
jne .io_apic
shr eax, 24 ; get APIC ID
cmp eax, ebx ; skip self
je .next
test [edx+4], byte 1 ; is enabled ?
jz .next
cmp [cpu_count-OS_BASE], 16
jae .next
stosd ; store APIC ID
inc [cpu_count-OS_BASE]
mov eax, [edx]
movzx eax, ah
add edx, eax
cmp edx, ecx
jb .check
cmp al, 1
jne .next
mov eax, [edx+4]
mov [acpi_ioapic_base-OS_BASE], eax
jmp .next
0,0 → 1,6013
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved.
;; Ivan Poddubny
;; Marat Zakiyanov (Mario79)
;; VaStaNi
;; Trans
;; Mihail Semenyako (mike.dld)
;; Sergey Kuzmin (Wildwest)
;; Andrey Halyavin (halyavin)
;; Mihail Lisovin (Mihasik)
;; Andrey Ignatiev (andrew_programmer)
;; NoName
;; Evgeny Grechnikov (Diamond)
;; Iliya Mihailov (Ghost)
;; Sergey Semyonov (Serge)
;; Johnny_B
;; SPraid (simba)
;; Hidnplayr
;; Alexey Teplov (<Lrz>)
;; Rus
;; Nable
;; shurf
;; Alver
;; Maxis
;; Galkov
;; CleverMouse
;; tsdima
;; turbanoff
;; Asper
;; art_zh
;; Data in this file was originally part of MenuetOS project which is
;; distributed under the terms of GNU GPL. It is modified and redistributed as
;; part of KolibriOS project under the terms of GNU GPL.
;; Copyright (C) MenuetOS 2000-2004 Ville Mikael Turjanmaa
;; Ville Mikael Turjanmaa,
;; - main os coding/design
;; Jan-Michael Brummer,
;; Felix Kaiser,
;; Paolo Minazzi,
;; Alexey,
;; Juan M. Caravaca,
;; Mike Hibbett,
;; Lasse Kuusijarvi,
;; Jarek Pelczar,
;; KolibriOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
;; WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility to anyone for the
;; consequences of using it or for whether it serves any particular purpose or
;; works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU General Public
;; License (the "GPL") for full details.
;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute KolibriOS,
;; but only under the conditions described in the GPL. A copy of this license
;; is supposed to have been given to you along with KolibriOS so you can know
;; your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING.
;; Among other things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved
;; on all copies.
format binary as "mnt"
include ''
include ''
$Revision: 4381 $
USE_COM_IRQ equ 1 ; make irq 3 and irq 4 available for PCI devices
VESA_1_2_VIDEO equ 0 ; enable vesa 1.2 bank switch functions
; Enabling the next line will enable serial output console
;debug_com_base equ 0x3f8 ; 0x3f8 is com1, 0x2f8 is com2, 0x3e8 is com3, 0x2e8 is com4, no irq's are used
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
; The following variable, if equal to 1, duplicates debug output to the screen.
debug_direct_print db 0
; Start the first app (LAUNCHER) after kernel is loaded? (1=yes, 2 or 0=no)
launcher_start db 1
max_processes equ 255
tss_step equ (128+8192) ; tss & i/o - 65535 ports, * 256=557056*4
os_stack equ (os_data_l-gdts) ; GDTs
os_code equ (os_code_l-gdts)
graph_data equ (3+graph_data_l-gdts)
tss0 equ (tss0_l-gdts)
app_code equ (3+app_code_l-gdts)
app_data equ (3+app_data_l-gdts)
app_tls equ (3+tls_data_l-gdts)
pci_code_sel equ (pci_code_32-gdts)
pci_data_sel equ (pci_data_32-gdts)
;; Included files:
;; - English text for bootup
;; - Hardware setup
;; - PCI functions
;; - Process management
;; - Shutdown and restart
;; - Read / write hd
;; - Vesa 1.2 driver
;; - Vesa 2.0 driver
;; - VGA driver
;; - Network interface
;; - Mouse pointer
;; - Window skinning
;; - PCI functions
;; ;;
;; ;;
org 0x0
jmp start_of_code
if lang eq sp
include "" ; spanish kernel messages
else if lang eq et
version db 'Kolibri OS versioon ',13,10,13,10,0
version db 'Kolibri OS version ',13,10,13,10,0
end if
include "boot/" ; language-independent boot messages
include "boot/"
if lang eq ge
include "boot/" ; german system boot messages
else if lang eq sp
include "boot/" ; spanish system boot messages
else if lang eq ru
include "boot/" ; russian system boot messages
include "boot/" ; Russian font
else if lang eq et
include "boot/" ; estonian system boot messages
include "boot/" ; Estonian font
include "boot/" ; english system boot messages
end if
include "boot/" ; 16 bit system boot code
include "bus/pci/"
include "detect/"
;; ;;
;; ;;
; CR0 Flags - Protected mode and Paging
mov ecx, CR0_PE
; Enabling 32 bit protected mode
sidt [cs:old_ints_h]
cli ; disable all irqs
mov al, 255 ; mask all irqs
out 0xa1, al
out 0x21, al
in al, 0x64 ; Enable A20
test al, 2
jnz l.5
mov al, 0xD1
out 0x64, al
in al, 0x64
test al, 2
jnz l.6
mov al, 0xDF
out 0x60, al
in al, 0x64
test al, 2
jnz l.7
mov al, 0xFF
out 0x64, al
lgdt [cs:tmp_gdt] ; Load GDT
mov eax, cr0 ; protected mode
or eax, ecx
and eax, 10011111b *65536*256 + 0xffffff ; caching enabled
mov cr0, eax
jmp pword os_code:B32 ; jmp to enable 32 bit mode
align 8
dw 23
dd tmp_gdt+0x10000
dw 0
dw 0xffff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
dw 11011111b *256 +10011010b
db 0x00
dw 0xffff
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
dw 11011111b *256 +10010010b
db 0x00
include ""
if ~ lang eq sp
diff16 "end of bootcode",0,$+0x10000
end if
org $+0x10000
align 4
mov ax, os_stack ; Selector for os
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov ss, ax
mov esp, 0x006CC00 ; Set stack
; CLEAR 0x280000 - HEAP_BASE
xor eax, eax
mov edi, CLEAN_ZONE
rep stosd
mov edi, endofcode-OS_BASE
mov ecx, 0x90000
sub ecx, edi
shr ecx, 2
rep stosd
; SAVE & CLEAR 0-0xffff
mov edi, 0x1000
mov ecx, 0x8000 / 4
rep stosd
mov edi, 0xa000
mov ecx, 0x6000 / 4
rep stosd
call test_cpu
bts [cpu_caps-OS_BASE], CAPS_TSC ;force use rdtsc
call check_acpi
call init_BIOS32
call mem_test
call init_mem
call init_page_map
mov eax, sys_proc-OS_BASE+PROC.pdt_0
mov cr3, eax
mov eax, cr0
or eax, CR0_PG+CR0_WP
mov cr0, eax
lgdt [gdts]
jmp pword os_code:high_code
align 4
bios32_entry dd ?
tmp_page_tabs dd ?
org $-0x10000
include "boot/" ; shutdown or restart
org $+0x10000
__DEBUG__ fix 1
__DEBUG_LEVEL__ fix 1
include ''
org OS_BASE+$
include ''
align 4
mov ax, os_stack
mov bx, app_data
mov cx, app_tls
mov ss, ax
add esp, OS_BASE
mov ds, bx
mov es, bx
mov fs, cx
mov gs, bx
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_PGE
jnc @F
or dword [sys_proc+PROC.pdt_0+(OS_BASE shr 20)], PG_GLOBAL
mov ebx, cr4
or ebx, CR4_PGE
mov cr4, ebx
xor eax, eax
mov dword [sys_proc+PROC.pdt_0], eax
mov dword [sys_proc+PROC.pdt_0+4], eax
mov eax, cr3
mov cr3, eax ; flush TLB
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_init
mov ecx, disk_list_mutex
call mutex_init
mov ecx, keyboard_list_mutex
call mutex_init
mov ecx, unpack_mutex
call mutex_init
mov ecx, application_table_mutex
call mutex_init
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_init
mov ecx, ide_channel1_mutex
call mutex_init
mov ecx, ide_channel2_mutex
call mutex_init
xor eax, eax
mov [IDE_Interrupt], ax
mov ax, [BOOT_VARS + BOOT_IDE_PI_16]
mov [IDEContrProgrammingInterface], ax
mov [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr], ax
mov ax, [BOOT_VARS + BOOT_IDE_BAR0_16]
cmp ax, 0
je @f
cmp ax, 1
jne .no_PATA_BAR0
mov ax, 0x1F0
jmp @f
and ax, 0xFFFC
mov [StandardATABases], ax
mov [hd_address_table], eax
mov [hd_address_table+8], eax
mov [IDE_BAR0_val], ax
mov ax, [BOOT_VARS + BOOT_IDE_BAR1_16]
cmp ax, 0
je @f
cmp ax, 1
jne .no_PATA_BAR1
mov ax, 0x3F4
jmp @f
and ax, 0xFFFC
mov [IDE_BAR1_val], ax
mov ax, [BOOT_VARS + BOOT_IDE_BAR2_16]
cmp ax, 0
je @f
cmp ax, 1
jne .no_PATA_BAR2
mov ax, 0x170
jmp @f
and ax, 0xFFFC
mov [StandardATABases+2], ax
mov [hd_address_table+16], eax
mov [hd_address_table+24], eax
mov [IDE_BAR2_val], ax
mov ax, [BOOT_VARS + BOOT_IDE_BAR3_16]
cmp ax, 0
je @f
cmp ax, 1
jne .no_PATA_BAR3
mov ax, 0x374
jmp @f
and ax, 0xFFFC
mov [IDE_BAR3_val], ax
; --------------- APM ---------------------
; init selectors
mov ebx, [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_APM_ENTRY] ; offset of APM entry point
movzx eax, word [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_APM_CODE_32] ; real-mode segment base address of
; protected-mode 32-bit code segment
movzx ecx, word [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_APM_CODE_16]; real-mode segment base address of
; protected-mode 16-bit code segment
movzx edx, word [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_APM_DATA_16]; real-mode segment base address of
; protected-mode 16-bit data segment
shl eax, 4
mov [dword apm_code_32 + 2], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [dword apm_code_32 + 4], al
shl ecx, 4
mov [dword apm_code_16 + 2], cx
shr ecx, 16
mov [dword apm_code_16 + 4], cl
shl edx, 4
mov [dword apm_data_16 + 2], dx
shr edx, 16
mov [dword apm_data_16 + 4], dl
mov dword[apm_entry], ebx
mov word [apm_entry + 4], apm_code_32 - gdts
mov eax, [BOOT_VARS + BOOT_APM_VERSION] ; version & flags
mov [apm_vf], eax
; -----------------------------------------
mov al, [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_DMA] ; DMA access
mov [allow_dma_access], al
movzx eax, byte [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_BPP] ; bpp
mov [_display.bpp], eax
mov [_display.vrefresh], 60
mov al, [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_DEBUG_PRINT] ; If nonzero, duplicates debug output to the screen
mov [debug_direct_print], al
mov al, [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_LAUNCHER_START] ; Start the first app (LAUNCHER) after kernel is loaded?
mov [launcher_start], al
movzx eax, word [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_X_RES]; X max
mov [_display.width], eax
mov [display_width_standard], eax
dec eax
mov [Screen_Max_X], eax
mov [screen_workarea.right], eax
movzx eax, word [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_Y_RES]; Y max
mov [_display.height], eax
mov [display_height_standard], eax
dec eax
mov [Screen_Max_Y], eax
mov [screen_workarea.bottom], eax
movzx eax, word [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_VESA_MODE] ; screen mode
mov dword [SCR_MODE], eax
; mov eax, [BOOT_VAR+0x9014] ; Vesa 1.2 bnk sw add
; mov [BANK_SWITCH], eax
mov eax, 640 *4 ; Bytes PerScanLine
cmp [SCR_MODE], word 0x13 ; 320x200
je @f
cmp [SCR_MODE], word 0x12 ; VGA 640x480
je @f
movzx eax, word[BOOT_VARS+BOOT_PITCH] ; for other modes
mov [_display.pitch], eax
mov eax, [_display.width]
mul [_display.height]
mov [_WinMapSize], eax
call calculate_fast_getting_offset_for_WinMapAddress
; for Qemu or non standart video cards
; Unfortunately [BytesPerScanLine] does not always
; equal to [_display.width] * [ScreenBPP] / 8
call calculate_fast_getting_offset_for_LFB
mov esi, BOOT_VARS+0x9080
movzx ecx, byte [esi-1]
mov [NumBiosDisks], ecx
mov edi, BiosDisksData
rep movsd
mov [LFBAddress], eax
cmp [SCR_MODE], word 0100000000000000b
jge setvesa20
cmp [SCR_MODE], word 0x13 ; EGA 320*200 256 colors
je v20ga32
jmp v20ga24
mov [PUTPIXEL], dword Vesa20_putpixel24 ; Vesa 2.0
mov [GETPIXEL], dword Vesa20_getpixel24
cmp byte [_display.bpp], 24
jz v20ga24
mov [PUTPIXEL], dword Vesa20_putpixel32
mov [GETPIXEL], dword Vesa20_getpixel32
jmp no_mode_0x12
cmp [SCR_MODE], word 0x12 ; 16 C VGA 640x480
jne no_mode_0x12
mov [PUTPIXEL], dword VGA_putpixel
mov [GETPIXEL], dword Vesa20_getpixel32
mov [MOUSE_PICTURE], dword mousepointer
mov [_display.check_mouse], check_mouse_area_for_putpixel
mov [_display.check_m_pixel], check_mouse_area_for_getpixel
; -------- Fast System Call init ----------
; Intel SYSENTER/SYSEXIT (AMD CPU support it too)
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_SEP
jnc .SEnP ; SysEnter not Present
xor edx, edx
mov eax, os_code
; mov eax, sysenter_stack ; Check it
xor eax, eax
mov eax, sysenter_entry
cmp byte[cpu_vendor], 'A'
jne .noSYSCALL
mov eax, 0x80000001
test edx, 0x800 ; bit_11 - SYSCALL/SYSRET support
mov ecx, MSR_AMD_EFER
or eax, 1 ; bit_0 - System Call Extension (SCE)
; !!!! It`s dirty hack, fix it !!!
; Bits of EDX :
; Bit 31–16 During the SYSRET instruction, this field is copied into the CS register
; and the contents of this field, plus 8, are copied into the SS register.
; Bit 15–0 During the SYSCALL instruction, this field is copied into the CS register
; and the contents of this field, plus 8, are copied into the SS register.
; mov edx, (os_code + 16) * 65536 + os_code
mov edx, 0x1B0008
mov eax, syscall_entry
mov ecx, MSR_AMD_STAR
; -----------------------------------------
stdcall alloc_page
stdcall map_page, tss-0xF80, eax, PG_SW
stdcall alloc_page
stdcall map_page, tss+0x80, eax, PG_SW
stdcall alloc_page
stdcall map_page, tss+0x1080, eax, PG_SW
call build_interrupt_table ;lidt is executed
;lidt [idtreg]
call init_kernel_heap
stdcall kernel_alloc, (RING0_STACK_SIZE+512) * 2
mov [os_stack_seg], eax
lea esp, [eax+RING0_STACK_SIZE]
mov [tss._ss0], os_stack
mov [tss._esp0], esp
mov [tss._esp], esp
mov [tss._cs], os_code
mov [tss._ss], os_stack
mov [tss._ds], app_data
mov [tss._es], app_data
mov [tss._fs], app_data
mov [tss._gs], app_data
mov [tss._io], 128
;Add IO access table - bit array of permitted ports
mov edi, tss._io_map_0
xor eax, eax
not eax
mov ecx, 8192/4
rep stosd ; access to 4096*8=65536 ports
mov ax, tss0
ltr ax
mov [LFBSize], 0xC00000
call init_LFB
call init_fpu
call init_malloc
stdcall alloc_kernel_space, 0x50000 ; FIXME check size
mov [default_io_map], eax
add eax, 0x2000
mov [ipc_tmp], eax
mov ebx, 0x1000
add eax, 0x40000
mov [proc_mem_map], eax
add eax, 0x8000
mov [proc_mem_pdir], eax
add eax, ebx
mov [proc_mem_tab], eax
add eax, ebx
mov [tmp_task_ptab], eax
add eax, ebx
mov [ipc_pdir], eax
add eax, ebx
mov [ipc_ptab], eax
stdcall kernel_alloc, (unpack.LZMA_BASE_SIZE+(unpack.LZMA_LIT_SIZE shl \
mov [unpack.p], eax
call init_events
mov eax, srv.fd-SRV.fd
mov [srv.fd], eax
mov [srv.bk], eax
;Set base of graphic segment to linear address of LFB
mov eax, [LFBAddress] ; set for gs
mov [graph_data_l+2], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [graph_data_l+4], al
mov [graph_data_l+7], ah
stdcall kernel_alloc, [_WinMapSize]
mov [_WinMapAddress], eax
xor eax, eax
inc eax
; set background
mov [BgrDrawMode], eax
mov [BgrDataWidth], eax
mov [BgrDataHeight], eax
mov [mem_BACKGROUND], 4
mov [img_background], static_background_data
; set clipboard
xor eax, eax
mov [clipboard_slots], eax
mov [clipboard_write_lock], eax
stdcall kernel_alloc, 4096
test eax, eax
jnz @f
dec eax
mov [clipboard_main_list], eax
mov esi, boot_setostask
call boot_log
mov edi, sys_proc
list_init edi
lea ecx, [edi+PROC.thr_list]
list_init ecx
mov [edi+PROC.pdt_0_phys], sys_proc-OS_BASE+PROC.pdt_0
mov eax, -1
mov edi, thr_slot_map+4
mov [edi-4], dword 0xFFFFFFF8
mov edx, SLOT_BASE+256*1
mov ebx, [os_stack_seg]
add ebx, 0x2000
call setup_os_slot
mov dword [edx], 'IDLE'
sub [edx+APPDATA.saved_esp], 4
mov eax, [edx+APPDATA.saved_esp]
mov dword [eax], idle_thread
call scheduler_add_thread
mov edx, SLOT_BASE+256*2
mov ebx, [os_stack_seg]
call setup_os_slot
mov dword [edx], 'OS'
xor ecx, ecx
call scheduler_add_thread
mov dword [CURRENT_TASK], 2
mov dword [TASK_COUNT], 2
mov dword [current_slot], SLOT_BASE + 256*2
mov dword [TASK_BASE], CURRENT_TASK + 32*2
mov esi, boot_initirq
call boot_log
call init_irqs
mov esi, boot_picinit
call boot_log
call PIC_init
mov esi, boot_v86machine
call boot_log
; Initialize system V86 machine
call init_sys_v86
mov esi, boot_inittimer
call boot_log
; Initialize system timer (IRQ0)
call PIT_init
; Register ramdisk file system
mov esi, boot_initramdisk
call boot_log
call ramdisk_init
mov esi, boot_initapic
call boot_log
; Try to Initialize APIC
call APIC_init
mov esi, boot_enableirq
call boot_log
; Enable timer IRQ (IRQ0) and co-processor IRQ (IRQ13)
; they are used: when partitions are scanned, hd_read relies on timer
call unmask_timer
stdcall enable_irq, 2 ; @#$%! PIC
stdcall enable_irq, 13 ; co-processor
cmp [IDEContrProgrammingInterface], 0
je @f
mov esi, boot_disabling_ide
call boot_log
; Disable IDE interrupts, because the search
; for IDE partitions is in the PIO mode.
; Disable interrupts in IDE controller for PIO
mov al, 2
mov dx, [IDE_BAR1_val] ;0x3F4
add dx, 2 ;0x3F6
out dx, al
mov dx, [IDE_BAR3_val] ;0x374
add dx, 2 ;0x376
out dx, al
; mov esi, boot_detectdisks
; call boot_log
;include 'detect/'
mov esi, boot_detectfloppy
call boot_log
include 'detect/'
mov esi, boot_detecthdcd
call boot_log
include 'detect/'
mov esi, boot_getcache
call boot_log
include 'detect/'
mov esi, boot_detectpart
call boot_log
include 'detect/'
mov esi, boot_init_sys
call boot_log
call Parser_params
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
; ramdisk image should be loaded by extended primary loader if it exists
include 'boot/'
end if
; mov [dma_hdd],1
if 0
mov ax, [OS_BASE+0x10000+bx_from_load]
cmp ax, 'r1'; if using not ram disk, then load librares and parameters {SPraid.simba}
je no_lib_load
mov esi, boot_loadlibs
call boot_log
stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT ; loading librares for kernel (.obj files)
call load_file_parse_table ; prepare file parse table
call set_kernel_conf ; configure devices and gui
end if
; Display APIC status
mov esi, boot_APIC_found
cmp [irq_mode], IRQ_APIC
je @f
mov esi, boot_APIC_nfound
call boot_log
mov esi, boot_memdetect
call boot_log
movzx ecx, word [boot_y]
if lang eq ru
or ecx, (10+30*6) shl 16
else if lang eq sp
or ecx, (10+33*6) shl 16
or ecx, (10+29*6) shl 16
end if
sub ecx, 10
mov edx, 0xFFFFFF
mov ebx, [MEM_AMOUNT]
shr ebx, 20
xor edi, edi
mov eax, 0x00040000
inc edi
call display_number_force
; call build_scheduler;
; mov esi, boot_devices
; call boot_log
mov [pci_access_enabled], 1
call pci_enum
mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr]
; test whether it is our interrupt?
add dx, 2
in al, dx
test al, 100b
jz @f
; clear Bus Master IDE Status register
; clear Interrupt bit
out dx, al
add dx, 8
; test whether it is our interrupt?
in al, dx
test al, 100b
jz @f
; clear Bus Master IDE Status register
; clear Interrupt bit
out dx, al
; read status register and remove the interrupt request
mov dx, [IDE_BAR0_val] ;0x1F0
add dx, 0x7 ;0x1F7
in al, dx
mov dx, [IDE_BAR2_val] ;0x170
add dx, 0x7 ;0x177
in al, dx
include "detect/" ; Vortex86 SoC detection code
stdcall load_driver, szVidintel
call usb_init
mov esi, boot_windefs
call boot_log
call set_window_defaults
mov esi, boot_bgr
call boot_log
call init_background
call calculatebackground
mov esi, boot_resirqports
call boot_log
call reserve_irqs_ports
call init_display
mov eax, [def_cursor]
mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.cursor+256], eax
mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.cursor+256*2], eax
mov esi, boot_cpufreq
call boot_log
cli ;FIXME check IF
mov ecx, eax
mov esi, 250 ; wait 1/4 a second
call delay_ms
sub eax, ecx
xor edx, edx
shld edx, eax, 2
shl eax, 2
mov dword [cpu_freq], eax
mov dword [cpu_freq+4], edx
mov ebx, 1000000
div ebx
mov ebx, eax
movzx ecx, word [boot_y]
if lang eq ru
add ecx, (10+19*6) shl 16 - 10
else if lang eq sp
add ecx, (10+25*6) shl 16 - 10
add ecx, (10+17*6) shl 16 - 10
end if
mov edx, 0xFFFFFF
xor edi, edi
mov eax, 0x00040000
inc edi
call display_number_force
call set_variables
; call stack_init
call fdc_init
; PALETTE FOR 320x200 and 640x480 16 col
cmp [SCR_MODE], word 0x12
jne no_pal_vga
mov esi, boot_pal_vga
call boot_log
call paletteVGA
cmp [SCR_MODE], word 0x13
jne no_pal_ega
mov esi, boot_pal_ega
call boot_log
call palette320x200
call load_default_skin
;protect io permission map
mov esi, [default_io_map]
stdcall map_page, esi, [SLOT_BASE+256+APPDATA.io_map], PG_MAP
add esi, 0x1000
stdcall map_page, esi, [SLOT_BASE+256+APPDATA.io_map+4], PG_MAP
stdcall map_page, tss._io_map_0, \
stdcall map_page, tss._io_map_1, \
[SLOT_BASE+256+APPDATA.io_map+4], PG_MAP
cmp byte [launcher_start], 1 ; Check if starting LAUNCHER is selected on blue screen (1 = yes)
jnz first_app_found
mov ebp, firstapp
call fs_execute_from_sysdir
test eax, eax
jnz first_app_found
mov esi, boot_failed
call boot_log
mov eax, 0xDEADBEEF ; otherwise halt
mov al, 0xf6 ; reset keyboard, scan enabled
call kb_write
test ah, ah
jnz .no_keyboard
; wait until 8042 is ready
xor ecx, ecx
in al, 64h
and al, 00000010b
loopnz @b
align 4
dd .end - $
dd 0 ; no close
dd ps2_set_lights
stdcall register_keyboard, ps2_keyboard_functions, 0
; mov al, 0xED ; Keyboard LEDs - only for testing!
; call kb_write
; call kb_read
; mov al, 111b
; call kb_write
; call kb_read
mov al, 0xF3 ; set repeat rate & delay
call kb_write
; call kb_read
mov al, 0; 30 250 ;00100010b ; 24 500 ;00100100b ; 20 500
call kb_write
; call kb_read
;// mike.dld [
call set_lights
;// mike.dld ]
stdcall attach_int_handler, 1, irq1, 0
DEBUGF 1, "K : IRQ1 error code %x\n", eax
stdcall load_driver, szPS2MDriver
; stdcall load_driver, szCOM_MDriver
mov esi, boot_setmouse
call boot_log
call setmouse
; Setup serial output console (if enabled)
if defined debug_com_base
; enable Divisor latch
mov dx, debug_com_base+3
mov al, 1 shl 7
out dx, al
; Set speed to 115200 baud (max speed)
mov dx, debug_com_base
mov al, 0x01
out dx, al
mov dx, debug_com_base+1
mov al, 0x00
out dx, al
; No parity, 8bits words, one stop bit, dlab bit back to 0
mov dx, debug_com_base+3
mov al, 3
out dx, al
; disable interrupts
mov dx, debug_com_base+1
mov al, 0
out dx, al
; clear + enable fifo (64 bits)
mov dx, debug_com_base+2
mov al, 0x7 + 1 shl 5
out dx, al
end if
mov eax, [version_inf.rev]
DEBUGF 1, "K : kernel SVN r%d\n", eax
mov eax, [cpu_count]
test eax, eax
jnz @F
mov al, 1 ; at least one CPU
DEBUGF 1, "K : %d CPU detected\n", eax
DEBUGF 1, "K : BAR0 %x \n", [IDE_BAR0_val]:4
DEBUGF 1, "K : BAR1 %x \n", [IDE_BAR1_val]:4
DEBUGF 1, "K : BAR2 %x \n", [IDE_BAR2_val]:4
DEBUGF 1, "K : BAR3 %x \n", [IDE_BAR3_val]:4
DEBUGF 1, "K : BAR4 %x \n", [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr]:4
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDEContrProgrammingInterface %x \n", [IDEContrProgrammingInterface]:4
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE_Interrupt %x \n", [IDE_Interrupt]:4
; A 'All set - press ESC to start' messages if need
if preboot_blogesc
mov esi, boot_tasking
call boot_log
in al, 0x60 ; wait for ESC key press
cmp al, 129
jne .bll1
end if
push eax edx
mov dx, [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr]
xor eax, eax
add dx, 2
in al, dx
DEBUGF 1, "K : Primary Bus Master IDE Status Register %x\n", eax
add dx, 8
in al, dx
DEBUGF 1, "K : Secondary Bus Master IDE Status Register %x\n", eax
pop edx eax
cmp [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr], 0
setnz [dma_hdd]
cmp [IDEContrProgrammingInterface], 0
je set_interrupts_for_IDE_controllers.continue
; set interrupts for IDE Controller
mov esi, boot_set_int_IDE
call boot_log
mov ax, [IDEContrProgrammingInterface]
cmp ax, 0x0180
je .pata_ide
cmp ax, 0x018a
jne .sata_ide
cmp [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr], 0
je .end_set_interrupts
stdcall attach_int_handler, 14, IDE_irq_14_handler, 0
DEBUGF 1, "K : Set IDE IRQ14 return code %x\n", eax
stdcall attach_int_handler, 15, IDE_irq_15_handler, 0
DEBUGF 1, "K : Set IDE IRQ15 return code %x\n", eax
jmp .enable_IDE_interrupt
cmp ax, 0x0185
je .sata_ide_1
cmp ax, 0x018f
jne .end_set_interrupts
cmp [IDEContrRegsBaseAddr], 0
je .end_set_interrupts
mov ax, [IDE_Interrupt]
movzx eax, al
stdcall attach_int_handler, eax, IDE_common_irq_handler, 0
DEBUGF 1, "K : Set IDE IRQ%d return code %x\n", [IDE_Interrupt]:1, eax
mov esi, boot_enabling_ide
call boot_log
; Enable interrupts in IDE controller for DMA
mov al, 0
mov ah, [DRIVE_DATA+1]
test ah, 10100000b
jz @f
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE CH1 PIO, because ATAPI drive present\n"
jmp .ch2_check
mov dx, [IDE_BAR1_val] ;0x3F4
add dx, 2 ;0x3F6
out dx, al
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE CH1 DMA enabled\n"
test ah, 1010b
jz @f
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE CH2 PIO, because ATAPI drive present\n"
jmp .end_set_interrupts
mov dx, [IDE_BAR3_val] ;0x374
add dx, 2 ;0x376
out dx, al
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE CH2 DMA enabled\n"
cmp [dma_hdd], 0
je .print_pio
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE DMA mode\n"
jmp .continue
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE PIO mode\n"
mov [timer_ticks_enable], 1 ; for cd driver
; call change_task
jmp osloop
; Fly :)
include ''
align 4
mov ebx, 10*65536
mov bx, word [boot_y]
add [boot_y], dword 10
mov ecx, 0x80ffffff; ASCIIZ string with white color
xor edi, edi
mov edx, esi
inc edi
call dtext
mov [novesachecksum], 1000
call checkVga_N13
; in: edx -> APPDATA for OS/IDLE slot
; in: ebx = stack base
proc setup_os_slot
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 256/4
mov edi, edx
rep stosd
mov eax, tss+0x80
call get_pg_addr
inc eax
mov [edx+APPDATA.io_map], eax
mov eax, tss+0x1080
call get_pg_addr
inc eax
mov [edx+APPDATA.io_map+4], eax
mov dword [edx+APPDATA.pl0_stack], ebx
lea edi, [ebx+0x2000-512]
mov dword [edx+APPDATA.fpu_state], edi
mov dword [edx+APPDATA.saved_esp0], edi
mov dword [edx+APPDATA.saved_esp], edi
mov dword [edx+APPDATA.terminate_protection], 1 ; make unkillable
mov esi, fpu_data
mov ecx, 512/4
rep movsd
lea eax, [edx+APP_OBJ_OFFSET]
mov dword [edx+APPDATA.fd_obj], eax
mov dword [edx+APPDATA.bk_obj], eax
mov dword [edx+APPDATA.cur_dir], sysdir_path
mov [edx + APPDATA.process], sys_proc
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 3
add eax, CURRENT_TASK - (SLOT_BASE shr 3)
mov [eax+TASKDATA.wnd_number], dh
mov byte [], dh
; ;
; ;
align 32
mov edx, osloop_has_work?
xor ecx, ecx
call Wait_events
xor eax, eax
xchg eax, [osloop_nonperiodic_work]
test eax, eax
jz .no_periodic
; call [draw_pointer]
call __sys_draw_pointer
call window_check_events
call mouse_check_events
call checkmisc
call checkVga_N13
call stack_handler
call check_fdd_motor_status
call check_ATAPI_device_event
call check_lights_state
call check_timers
jmp osloop
; ;
; ;
proc osloop_has_work?
cmp [osloop_nonperiodic_work], 0
jnz .yes
call stack_handler_has_work?
jnz .yes
call check_fdd_motor_status_has_work?
jnz .yes
call check_ATAPI_device_event_has_work?
jnz .yes
call check_lights_state_has_work?
jnz .yes
call check_timers_has_work?
jnz .yes
xor eax, eax
xor eax, eax
inc eax
proc wakeup_osloop
mov [osloop_nonperiodic_work], 1
align 4
osloop_nonperiodic_work dd ?
align 4
jmp idle_loop
; ;
; ;
include ""
; ;
; ;
mov ecx, 1
mov [eax], dword 4
mov [eax+16], ecx
mov [eax+16+4], dword 0
mov [eax+16+8], dword 0x2D
mov [eax+32], ecx
mov [eax+32+4], dword 0x30
mov [eax+32+8], dword 0x4D
mov [eax+48], ecx
mov [eax+48+4], dword 0x50
mov [eax+48+8], dword 0xDF
mov [eax+64], ecx
mov [eax+64+4], dword 0xE5
mov [eax+64+8], dword 0xFF
process_number dd 0x2
mov ecx, 0x16 ; flush port 0x60
in al, 0x60
loop .fl60
push eax
shr ax, 1
shl eax, 16
shr ax, 1
mov [MOUSE_X], eax
call wakeup_osloop
xor eax, eax
mov [BTN_ADDR], dword BUTTON_INFO ; address of button list
mov byte [KEY_COUNT], al ; keyboard buffer
mov byte [BTN_COUNT], al ; button buffer
; mov [MOUSE_X],dword 100*65536+100 ; mouse x/y
pop eax
align 4
;input eax=43,bl-byte of output, ecx - number of port
mov edi, ecx ; separate flag for read / write
and ecx, 65535
test eax, eax
jnz .sopl8
inc eax
mov [esp+32], eax
mov edx, [TASK_BASE]
mov edx, [edx+0x4]
;and ecx,65535
;cld - set on interrupt 0x40
mov esi, eax
shl esi, 4
cmp edx, [esi+0]
jne .sopl2
cmp ecx, [esi+4]
jb .sopl2
cmp ecx, [esi+8]
jg .sopl2
test edi, 0x80000000; read ?
jnz .sopl4
mov eax, ebx
mov dx, cx ; write
out dx, al
and [esp+32], dword 0
dec eax
jnz .sopl1
inc eax
mov [esp+32], eax
mov dx, cx ; read
in al, dx
and eax, 0xff
and [esp+32], dword 0
mov [esp+20], eax
;It is not optimization
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, ecx
mov ecx, edx
mov edx, esi
mov esi, edi
; eax = print type, al=0 -> ebx is number
; al=1 -> ebx is pointer
; ah=0 -> display decimal
; ah=1 -> display hexadecimal
; ah=2 -> display binary
; eax bits 16-21 = number of digits to display (0-32)
; eax bits 22-31 = reserved
; ebx = number or pointer
; ecx = x shl 16 + y
; edx = color
xor edi, edi
push eax
and eax, 0x3fffffff
cmp eax, 0xffff ; length > 0 ?
pop eax
jge cont_displ
push eax
and eax, 0x3fffffff
cmp eax, 61*0x10000 ; length <= 60 ?
pop eax
jb cont_displ2
cmp al, 1 ; ecx is a pointer ?
jne displnl1
mov ebp, ebx
add ebp, 4
mov ebp, [ebp+std_application_base_address]
mov ebx, [ebx+std_application_base_address]
sub esp, 64
test ah, ah ; DECIMAL
jnz no_display_desnum
shr eax, 16
and eax, 0xC03f
; and eax,0x3f
push eax
and eax, 0x3f
mov edi, esp
add edi, 4+64-1
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, 10
xor edx, edx
call division_64_bits
div ebx
add dl, 48
mov [edi], dl
dec edi
loop d_desnum
pop eax
call normalize_number
call draw_num_text
add esp, 64
cmp ah, 0x01 ; HEXADECIMAL
jne no_display_hexnum
shr eax, 16
and eax, 0xC03f
; and eax,0x3f
push eax
and eax, 0x3f
mov edi, esp
add edi, 4+64-1
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, 16
xor edx, edx
call division_64_bits
div ebx
hexletters = __fdo_hexdigits
add edx, hexletters
mov dl, [edx]
mov [edi], dl
dec edi
loop d_hexnum
pop eax
call normalize_number
call draw_num_text
add esp, 64
cmp ah, 0x02 ; BINARY
jne no_display_binnum
shr eax, 16
and eax, 0xC03f
; and eax,0x3f
push eax
and eax, 0x3f
mov edi, esp
add edi, 4+64-1
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, 2
xor edx, edx
call division_64_bits
div ebx
add dl, 48
mov [edi], dl
dec edi
loop d_binnum
pop eax
call normalize_number
call draw_num_text
add esp, 64
add esp, 64
test ah, 0x80
jz .continue
mov ecx, 48
and eax, 0x3f
inc edi
cmp [edi], cl
jne .continue
dec eax
cmp eax, 1
ja @r
mov al, 1
and eax, 0x3f
test [esp+1+4], byte 0x40
jz .continue
push eax
mov eax, ebp
div ebx
mov ebp, eax
pop eax
mov esi, eax
mov edx, 64+4
sub edx, eax
add edx, esp
mov ebx, [esp+64+32-8+4]
; add window start x & y
mov ecx, [TASK_BASE]
mov edi, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl edi, 8
mov eax, []
add eax, [edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
shl eax, 16
add eax, []
add eax, []
add ebx, eax
mov ecx, [esp+64+32-12+4]
and ecx, not 0x80000000 ; force counted string
mov eax, [esp+64+8] ; background color (if given)
mov edi, [esp+64+4]
jmp dtext
align 4
; 1=roland mpu midi base , base io address
; 2=keyboard 1, base kaybap 2, shift keymap, 9 country 1eng 2fi 3ger 4rus
; 3=cd base 1, pri.master 2, pri slave 3 sec master, 4 sec slave
; 5=system language, 1eng 2fi 3ger 4rus
; 7=hd base 1, pri.master 2, pri slave 3 sec master, 4 sec slave
; 8=fat32 partition in hd
; 9
; 10 = sound dma channel
; 11 = enable lba read
; 12 = enable pci access
and [esp+32], dword 0
dec ebx ; MIDI
jnz nsyse1
cmp ecx, 0x100
jb nsyse1
mov esi, 65535
cmp esi, ecx
jb nsyse1
mov [midi_base], cx ;bx
mov word [mididp], cx;bx
inc cx ;bx
mov word [midisp], cx;bx
midi_base dw 0
dec ebx ; KEYBOARD
jnz nsyse2
mov edi, [TASK_BASE]
mov eax, [edi+TASKDATA.mem_start]
add eax, edx
dec ecx
jnz kbnobase
mov ebx, keymap
mov ecx, 128
call memmove
dec ecx
jnz kbnoshift
mov ebx, keymap_shift
mov ecx, 128
call memmove
dec ecx
jnz kbnoalt
mov ebx, keymap_alt
mov ecx, 128
call memmove
sub ecx, 6
jnz kbnocountry
mov word [keyboard], dx
mov [esp+32], dword 1
dec ebx ; CD
jnz nsyse4
test ecx, ecx
jz nosesl
cmp ecx, 4
ja nosesl
mov [cd_base], cl
dec ecx
jnz noprma
mov eax, [hd_address_table]
mov [cdbase], eax ;0x1f0
mov [cdid], 0xa0
dec ecx
jnz noprsl
mov eax, [hd_address_table]
mov [cdbase], eax ;0x1f0
mov [cdid], 0xb0
dec ecx
jnz nosema
mov eax, [hd_address_table+16]
mov [cdbase], eax ;0x170
mov [cdid], 0xa0
dec ecx
jnz nosesl
mov eax, [hd_address_table+16]
mov [cdbase], eax ;0x170
mov [cdid], 0xb0
cd_base db 0
sub ebx, 2 ; SYSTEM LANGUAGE
jnz nsyse5
mov [syslang], ecx
sub ebx, 2 ; HD BASE - obsolete
jnz nsyse7
; cmp eax,8 ; HD PARTITION - obsolete
dec ebx
jnz nsyse8
; cmp eax,11 ; ENABLE LBA READ
and ecx, 1
sub ebx, 3
jnz no_set_lba_read
mov [lba_read_enabled], ecx
; cmp eax,12 ; ENABLE PCI ACCESS
dec ebx
jnz sys_setup_err
mov [pci_access_enabled], ecx
or [esp+32], dword -1
align 4
; 1=roland mpu midi base , base io address
; 2=keyboard 1, base kaybap 2, shift keymap, 9 country 1eng 2fi 3ger 4rus
; 3=cd base 1, pri.master 2, pri slave 3 sec master, 4 sec slave
; 5=system language, 1eng 2fi 3ger 4rus
; 7=hd base 1, pri.master 2, pri slave 3 sec master, 4 sec slave
; 8=fat32 partition in hd
; 9=get hs timer tic
; cmp eax,1
dec ebx
jnz ngsyse1
movzx eax, [midi_base]
mov [esp+32], eax
; cmp eax,2
dec ebx
jnz ngsyse2
mov edi, [TASK_BASE]
mov ebx, [edi+TASKDATA.mem_start]
add ebx, edx
; cmp ebx,1
dec ecx
jnz kbnobaseret
mov eax, keymap
mov ecx, 128
call memmove
; cmp ebx,2
dec ecx
jnz kbnoshiftret
mov eax, keymap_shift
mov ecx, 128
call memmove
; cmp ebx,3
dec ecx
jne kbnoaltret
mov eax, keymap_alt
mov ecx, 128
call memmove
; cmp ebx,9
sub ecx, 6
jnz ngsyse2
movzx eax, word [keyboard]
mov [esp+32], eax
; cmp eax,3
dec ebx
jnz ngsyse3
movzx eax, [cd_base]
mov [esp+32], eax
; cmp eax,5
sub ebx, 2
jnz ngsyse5
mov eax, [syslang]
mov [esp+32], eax
; cmp eax,7
sub ebx, 2
jnz ngsyse7
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+32], eax
; cmp eax,8
dec ebx
jnz ngsyse8
mov eax, [fat32part]
mov [esp+32], eax
; cmp eax,9
dec ebx
jnz ngsyse9
mov eax, [timer_ticks];[0xfdf0]
mov [esp+32], eax
; cmp eax,11
sub ebx, 2
jnz ngsyse11
mov eax, [lba_read_enabled]
mov [esp+32], eax
; cmp eax,12
dec ebx
jnz ngsyse12
mov eax, [pci_access_enabled]
mov [esp+32], eax
mov [esp+32], dword 1
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
align 4
mousefn dd msscreen, mswin, msbutton, msset
dd app_load_cursor
dd app_set_cursor
dd app_delete_cursor
dd msz
; eax=0 screen relative
; eax=1 window relative
; eax=2 buttons pressed
; eax=3 set mouse pos ; reserved
; eax=4 load cursor
; eax=5 set cursor
; eax=6 delete cursor ; reserved
; eax=7 get mouse_z
cmp ebx, 7
ja msset
jmp [mousefn+ebx*4]
mov eax, [MOUSE_X]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, [MOUSE_Y]
mov [esp+36-4], eax
mov eax, [MOUSE_X]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, [MOUSE_Y]
mov esi, [TASK_BASE]
mov bx, word []
shl ebx, 16
mov bx, word []
sub eax, ebx
mov edi, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl edi, 8
sub ax, word[]
rol eax, 16
sub ax, word[edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
rol eax, 16
mov [esp+36-4], eax
movzx eax, byte [BTN_DOWN]
mov [esp+36-4], eax
mov edi, [TASK_COUNT]
movzx edi, word [WIN_POS + edi*2]
cmp edi, [CURRENT_TASK]
jne @f
mov ax, [MOUSE_SCROLL_H]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, [MOUSE_SCROLL_V]
mov [esp+36-4], eax
and [MOUSE_SCROLL_H], word 0
and [MOUSE_SCROLL_V], word 0
and [esp+36-4], dword 0
; ret
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae msset
stdcall load_cursor, ecx, edx
mov [esp+36-4], eax
stdcall set_cursor, ecx
mov [esp+36-4], eax
stdcall delete_cursor, ecx
mov [esp+36-4], eax
push edx
mov dx, word [midisp]
in al, dx
and al, 0x80
pop edx
push edx
mov dx, word [midisp]
in al, dx
and al, 0x40
pop edx
push edx
mov dx, word [mididp]
in al, dx
pop edx
push edx
mov dx, word [mididp]
out dx, al
pop edx
align 4
cmp [mididp], 0
jnz sm0
mov [esp+36], dword 1
and [esp+36], dword 0
dec ebx
jnz smn1
; call setuart
call is_output
test al, al
jnz su1
mov dx, word [midisp]
mov al, 0xff
out dx, al
mov dx, word [midisp]
mov al, 0xff
out dx, al
call is_input
test al, al
jnz su2
call get_mpu_in
cmp al, 0xfe
jnz su2
call is_output
test al, al
jnz su3
mov dx, word [midisp]
mov al, 0x3f
out dx, al
dec ebx
jnz smn2
call get_mpu_in
call is_output
test al, al
jnz sm10
mov al, bl
call put_mpu_out
;include 'detect/'
;include 'detect/'
;include 'detect/'
;include 'detect/'
;include 'detect/'
cmp [_display.select_cursor], 0
je @f
; restore default cursor before killing
mov ecx, [current_slot]
call restore_default_cursor_before_killing
; kill all sockets this process owns
mov edx, [TASK_BASE]
mov edx, []
call SOCKET_process_end
mov ecx, [current_slot]
mov eax, [ecx+APPDATA.tls_base]
test eax, eax
jz @F
stdcall user_free, eax
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov [eax+TASKDATA.state], 3; terminate this program
call wakeup_osloop
.waitterm: ; wait here for termination
call change_task
jmp .waitterm
align 4
mov eax, [def_cursor]
mov [ecx+APPDATA.cursor], eax
movzx eax, word [MOUSE_Y]
movzx ebx, word [MOUSE_X]
; mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
; inc ecx
; mul ecx
mov eax, [d_width_calc_area + eax*4]
add eax, [_WinMapAddress]
movzx edx, byte [ebx+eax]
shl edx, 8
mov esi, [edx+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.cursor]
cmp esi, [current_cursor]
je @f
push esi
call [_display.select_cursor]
mov [current_cursor], esi
mov [redrawmouse_unconditional], 1
call wakeup_osloop
align 4
dd sysfn_deactivate ; 1 = deactivate window
dd sysfn_terminate ; 2 = terminate thread
dd sysfn_activate ; 3 = activate window
dd sysfn_getidletime ; 4 = get idle time
dd sysfn_getcpuclock ; 5 = get cpu clock
dd sysfn_saveramdisk ; 6 = save ramdisk
dd sysfn_getactive ; 7 = get active window
dd sysfn_sound_flag ; 8 = get/set sound_flag
dd sysfn_shutdown ; 9 = shutdown with parameter
dd sysfn_minimize ; 10 = minimize window
dd sysfn_getdiskinfo ; 11 = get disk subsystem info
dd sysfn_lastkey ; 12 = get last pressed key
dd sysfn_getversion ; 13 = get kernel version
dd sysfn_waitretrace ; 14 = wait retrace
dd sysfn_centermouse ; 15 = center mouse cursor
dd sysfn_getfreemem ; 16 = get free memory size
dd sysfn_getallmem ; 17 = get total memory size
dd sysfn_terminate2 ; 18 = terminate thread using PID
; instead of slot
dd sysfn_mouse_acceleration; 19 = set/get mouse acceleration
dd sysfn_meminfo ; 20 = get extended memory info
dd sysfn_pid_to_slot ; 21 = get slot number for pid
dd sysfn_min_rest_window ; 22 = minimize and restore any window
dd sysfn_min_windows ; 23 = minimize all windows
dd sysfn_set_screen_sizes ; 24 = set screen sizes for Vesa
sysfn_num = ($ - sys_system_table)/4
dec ebx
cmp ebx, sysfn_num
jae @f
jmp dword [sys_system_table + ebx*4]
sysfn_shutdown: ; 18.9 = system shutdown
cmp ecx, 1
jl exit_for_anyone
cmp ecx, 4
jg exit_for_anyone
mov [BOOT_VARS+0x9030], cl
mov eax, [TASK_COUNT]
mov [SYS_SHUTDOWN], al
mov [shutdown_processes], eax
call wakeup_osloop
and dword [esp+32], 0
dd 0x0
sysfn_terminate: ; 18.2 = TERMINATE
push ecx
cmp ecx, 2
jb noprocessterminate
mov edx, [TASK_COUNT]
cmp ecx, edx
ja noprocessterminate
mov eax, [TASK_COUNT]
shl ecx, 5
mov edx, []
cmp byte [ecx], 9
jz noprocessterminate
push ecx edx
lea edx, [(ecx-(CURRENT_TASK and 1FFFFFFFh)-TASKDATA.state)*8+SLOT_BASE]
call request_terminate
pop edx ecx
test eax, eax
jz noprocessterminate
; terminate all network sockets it used
mov eax, edx
call SOCKET_process_end
cmp [_display.select_cursor], 0
je .restore_end
; restore default cursor before killing
mov ecx, [esp+32]
shl ecx, 8
add ecx, SLOT_BASE
mov eax, [def_cursor]
cmp [ecx+APPDATA.cursor], eax
je @f
call restore_default_cursor_before_killing
;call MEM_Heap_Lock ;guarantee that process isn't working with heap
mov [ecx], byte 3; clear possible i40's
call wakeup_osloop
;call MEM_Heap_UnLock
cmp edx, [application_table_owner]; clear app table stat
jne noatsc
call unlock_application_table
add esp, 4
;lock application_table_status mutex
call lock_application_table
mov eax, ecx
call pid_to_slot
test eax, eax
jz .not_found
mov ecx, eax
call sysfn_terminate
call unlock_application_table
and dword [esp+32], 0
call unlock_application_table
or dword [esp+32], -1
sysfn_deactivate: ; 18.1 = DEACTIVATE WINDOW
cmp ecx, 2
jb .nowindowdeactivate
cmp ecx, [TASK_COUNT]
ja .nowindowdeactivate
movzx esi, word [WIN_STACK + ecx*2]
cmp esi, 1
je .nowindowdeactivate ; already deactive
mov edi, ecx
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
movzx esi, word [WIN_STACK + ecx * 2]
lea esi, [WIN_POS + esi * 2]
call window._.window_deactivate
call syscall_display_settings._.calculate_whole_screen
call syscall_display_settings._.redraw_whole_screen
sysfn_activate: ; 18.3 = ACTIVATE WINDOW
cmp ecx, 2
jb .nowindowactivate
cmp ecx, [TASK_COUNT]
ja .nowindowactivate
; If the window is captured and moved by the user,
; then you can't change the position in window stack!!!
mov al, [mouse.active_sys_window.action]
test al, al
jz @f
call change_task
jmp @b
mov [window_minimize], 2; restore window if minimized
call wakeup_osloop
movzx esi, word [WIN_STACK + ecx*2]
cmp esi, [TASK_COUNT]
je .nowindowactivate; already active
mov edi, ecx
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
movzx esi, word [WIN_STACK + ecx * 2]
lea esi, [WIN_POS + esi * 2]
call waredraw
sysfn_getidletime: ; 18.4 = GET IDLETIME
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK+32+TASKDATA.cpu_usage]
mov [esp+32], eax
sysfn_getcpuclock: ; 18.5 = GET TSC/SEC
mov eax, dword [cpu_freq]
mov [esp+32], eax
mov eax, dword [cpu_freq]
mov edx, dword [cpu_freq+4]
; SAVE ramdisk to /hd/1/menuet.img
include 'blkdev/'
align 4
sysfn_getactive: ; 18.7 = get active window
mov eax, [TASK_COUNT]
movzx eax, word [WIN_POS + eax*2]
mov [esp+32], eax
sysfn_sound_flag: ; 18.8 = get/set sound_flag
; cmp ecx,1
dec ecx
jnz nogetsoundflag
movzx eax, byte [sound_flag]; get sound_flag
mov [esp+32], eax
; cmp ecx,2
dec ecx
jnz nosoundflag
xor byte [sound_flag], 1
sysfn_minimize: ; 18.10 = minimize window
mov [window_minimize], 1
call wakeup_osloop
align 4
sysfn_getdiskinfo: ; 18.11 = get disk info table
; cmp ecx,1
dec ecx
jnz full_table
call for_all_tables
mov ecx, 10
rep movsb
mov edi, edx
mov esi, DRIVE_DATA
; cmp ecx,2
dec ecx
jnz exit_for_anyone
call for_all_tables
mov ecx, DRIVE_DATA_SIZE/4
rep movsd
sysfn_lastkey: ; 18.12 = return 0 (backward compatibility)
and dword [esp+32], 0
sysfn_getversion: ; 18.13 = get kernel ID and version
mov edi, ecx
mov esi, version_inf
mov ecx, version_end-version_inf
rep movsb
sysfn_waitretrace: ; 18.14 = sys wait retrace
;wait retrace functions
mov edx, 0x3da
in al, dx
test al, 1000b
jz WaitRetrace_loop
and [esp+32], dword 0
align 4
sysfn_centermouse: ; 18.15 = mouse centered
; removed here by <Lrz>
; call mouse_centered
;* mouse centered - start code- Mario79
; push eax
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
shr eax, 1
mov [MOUSE_X], ax
mov eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
shr eax, 1
mov [MOUSE_Y], ax
call wakeup_osloop
; ret
;* mouse centered - end code- Mario79
xor eax, eax
and [esp+32], eax
; pop eax
align 4
sysfn_mouse_acceleration: ; 18.19 = set/get mouse features
test ecx, ecx; get mouse speed factor
jnz .set_mouse_acceleration
xor eax, eax
mov ax, [mouse_speed_factor]
mov [esp+32], eax
; cmp ecx,1 ; set mouse speed factor
dec ecx
jnz .get_mouse_delay
mov [mouse_speed_factor], dx
; cmp ecx,2 ; get mouse delay
dec ecx
jnz .set_mouse_delay
mov eax, [mouse_delay]
mov [esp+32], eax
; cmp ecx,3 ; set mouse delay
dec ecx
jnz .set_pointer_position
mov [mouse_delay], edx
; cmp ecx,4 ; set mouse pointer position
dec ecx
jnz .set_mouse_button
cmp dx, word[Screen_Max_Y]
ja .end
rol edx, 16
cmp dx, word[Screen_Max_X]
ja .end
mov [MOUSE_X], edx
mov [mouse_active], 1
call wakeup_osloop
; cmp ecx,5 ; set mouse button features
dec ecx
jnz .end
mov [BTN_DOWN], dl
mov [mouse_active], 1
call wakeup_osloop
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_free]
shl eax, 2
mov [esp+32], eax
mov eax, [MEM_AMOUNT]
shr eax, 10
mov [esp+32], eax
mov eax, ecx
call pid_to_slot
mov [esp+32], eax
mov eax, edx ; ebx - operating
shr ecx, 1
jnc @f
call pid_to_slot
or eax, eax ; eax - number of slot
jz .error
cmp eax, 255 ; varify maximal slot number
ja .error
movzx eax, word [WIN_STACK + eax*2]
shr ecx, 1
jc .restore
; .minimize:
call minimize_window
jmp .exit
call restore_minimized_window
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+32], eax
xor eax, eax
dec eax
mov [esp+32], eax
call minimize_all_window
mov [esp+32], eax
call change_task
cmp [SCR_MODE], word 0x13
jbe .exit
cmp [_display.select_cursor], select_cursor
jne .exit
cmp ecx, [display_width_standard]
ja .exit
cmp edx, [display_height_standard]
ja .exit
mov eax, ecx
mov ecx, [_display.pitch]
mov [_display.width], eax
dec eax
mov [_display.height], edx
dec edx
; eax - new Screen_Max_X
; edx - new Screen_Max_Y
mov [do_not_touch_winmap], 1
call set_screen
mov [do_not_touch_winmap], 0
call change_task
screen_workarea RECT
display_width_standard dd 0
display_height_standard dd 0
do_not_touch_winmap db 0
window_minimize db 0
sound_flag db 0
UID_MENUETOS=1 ;official
UID_KOLIBRI=2 ;russian
db 0,7,7,0 ; version
db 0
.rev dd __REV__
align 4
cmp ebx, 1
jb .no_floppy_save
cmp ebx, 2
ja .no_floppy_save
call save_image
mov [esp + 32], eax
mov [esp + 32], dword 1
; bgrchanged dd 0x0
align 4
bgrlockpid dd 0
bgrlock db 0
align 4
cmp ebx, 1 ; BACKGROUND SIZE
jnz nosb1
test ecx, ecx
jz sbgrr
test edx, edx
jz sbgrr
align 4
;;Maxis use atomic bts for mutexes 4.4.2009
bts dword [bgrlock], 0
jnc @f
call change_task
jmp @b
align 4
mov [BgrDataWidth], ecx
mov [BgrDataHeight], edx
; mov [bgrchanged],1
; return memory for old background
mov eax, [img_background]
cmp eax, static_background_data
jz @f
stdcall kernel_free, eax
align 4
; calculate RAW size
xor eax, eax
inc eax
cmp [BgrDataWidth], eax
jae @f
mov [BgrDataWidth], eax
align 4
cmp [BgrDataHeight], eax
jae @f
mov [BgrDataHeight], eax
align 4
mov eax, [BgrDataWidth]
imul eax, [BgrDataHeight]
lea eax, [eax*3]
; it is reserved with aligned to the boundary of 4 KB pages,
; otherwise there may be exceptions a page fault for vesa20_drawbackground_tiled
; because the 32 bit read is used for high performance: "mov eax,[esi]"
shr eax, 12
inc eax
shl eax, 12
mov [mem_BACKGROUND], eax
; get memory for new background
stdcall kernel_alloc, eax
test eax, eax
jz .memfailed
mov [img_background], eax
jmp .exit
align 4
; revert to static monotone data
mov [img_background], static_background_data
xor eax, eax
inc eax
mov [BgrDataWidth], eax
mov [BgrDataHeight], eax
mov [mem_BACKGROUND], 4
align 4
mov [bgrlock], 0
align 4
align 4
cmp ebx, 2 ; SET PIXEL
jnz nosb2
mov eax, [img_background]
test ecx, ecx
jz @f
cmp eax, static_background_data
jz .ret
align 4
mov ebx, [mem_BACKGROUND]
add ebx, 4095
and ebx, -4096
sub ebx, 4
cmp ecx, ebx
ja .ret
mov ebx, [eax+ecx]
and ebx, 0xFF000000;255*256*256*256
and edx, 0x00FFFFFF;255*256*256+255*256+255
add edx, ebx
mov [eax+ecx], edx
align 4
align 4
cmp ebx, 3 ; DRAW BACKGROUND
jnz nosb3
align 4
mov [background_defined], 1
call force_redraw_background
align 4
align 4
cmp ebx, 4 ; TILED / STRETCHED
jnz nosb4
cmp ecx, [BgrDrawMode]
je nosb41
mov [BgrDrawMode], ecx
align 4
align 4
cmp ebx, 5 ; BLOCK MOVE TO BGR
jnz nosb5
cmp [img_background], static_background_data
jnz @f
test edx, edx
jnz .fin
cmp esi, 4
ja .fin
align 4
; bughere
mov eax, ecx
mov ebx, edx
add ebx, [img_background];IMG_BACKGROUND
mov ecx, esi
call memmove
align 4
align 4
cmp ebx, 6
jnz nosb6
align 4
;;Maxis use atomic bts for mutex 4.4.2009
bts dword [bgrlock], 0
jnc @f
call change_task
jmp @b
align 4
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov [bgrlockpid], eax
cmp [img_background], static_background_data
jz .nomem
stdcall user_alloc, [mem_BACKGROUND]
mov [esp+32], eax
test eax, eax
jz .nomem
mov ebx, eax
shr ebx, 12
or dword [page_tabs+(ebx-1)*4], DONT_FREE_BLOCK
mov esi, [img_background]
shr esi, 12
mov ecx, [mem_BACKGROUND]
add ecx, 0xFFF
shr ecx, 12
align 4
mov eax, [page_tabs+ebx*4]
test al, 1
jz @f
call free_page
align 4
mov eax, [page_tabs+esi*4]
or al, PG_UW
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
mov eax, ebx
shl eax, 12
invlpg [eax]
inc ebx
inc esi
loop .z
align 4
and [bgrlockpid], 0
mov [bgrlock], 0
align 4
cmp ebx, 7
jnz nosb7
cmp [bgrlock], 0
jz .err
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
cmp [bgrlockpid], eax
jnz .err
mov eax, ecx
mov ebx, ecx
shr eax, 12
mov ecx, [page_tabs+(eax-1)*4]
jz .err
jnp .err
push eax
shr ecx, 12
dec ecx
align 4
and dword [page_tabs+eax*4], 0
mov edx, eax
shl edx, 12
push eax
invlpg [edx]
pop eax
inc eax
loop @b
pop eax
and dword [page_tabs+(eax-1)*4], not DONT_FREE_BLOCK
stdcall user_free, ebx
mov [esp+32], eax
and [bgrlockpid], 0
mov [bgrlock], 0
align 4
and dword [esp+32], 0
align 4
cmp ebx, 8
jnz nosb8
mov ecx, [current_slot]
xor eax, eax
xchg eax, [ecx+APPDATA.draw_bgr_x]
mov [esp + 32], eax ; eax = [left]*65536 + [right]
xor eax, eax
xchg eax, [ecx+APPDATA.draw_bgr_y]
mov [esp + 20], eax ; ebx = [top]*65536 + [bottom]
align 4
cmp ebx, 9
jnz nosb9
; ecx = [left]*65536 + [right]
; edx = [top]*65536 + [bottom]
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
mov ebx, [Screen_Max_Y]
; check [right]
cmp cx, ax
ja .exit
; check [left]
ror ecx, 16
cmp cx, ax
ja .exit
; check [bottom]
cmp dx, bx
ja .exit
; check [top]
ror edx, 16
cmp dx, bx
ja .exit
movzx eax, cx ; [left]
movzx ebx, dx ; [top]
shr ecx, 16 ; [right]
shr edx, 16 ; [bottom]
mov [background_defined], 1
mov [draw_data+32 + RECT.left], eax
mov [draw_data+32 +], ebx
mov [draw_data+32 + RECT.right], ecx
mov [draw_data+32 + RECT.bottom], edx
call wakeup_osloop
align 4
align 4
align 4
BG_Rect_X_left_right dd 0x0
BG_Rect_Y_top_bottom dd 0x0
align 4
and [draw_data+32 + RECT.left], 0
and [draw_data+32 +], 0
push eax ebx
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
mov ebx, [Screen_Max_Y]
mov [draw_data+32 + RECT.right], eax
mov [draw_data+32 + RECT.bottom], ebx
pop ebx eax
call wakeup_osloop
align 4
; cmp eax,1 ; SIZE
dec ebx
jnz nogb1
mov eax, [BgrDataWidth]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, word [BgrDataHeight]
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4
; cmp eax,2 ; PIXEL
dec ebx
jnz nogb2
mov eax, [img_background]
test ecx, ecx
jz @f
cmp eax, static_background_data
jz .ret
align 4
mov ebx, [mem_BACKGROUND]
add ebx, 4095
and ebx, -4096
sub ebx, 4
cmp ecx, ebx
ja .ret
mov eax, [ecx+eax]
and eax, 0xFFFFFF
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4
align 4
; cmp eax,4 ; TILED / STRETCHED
dec ebx
dec ebx
jnz nogb4
mov eax, [BgrDrawMode]
align 4
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4
mov [esp + 32], dword 1
; test main buffer
movzx ecx, word [WIN_STACK + ebx * 2]
mov edx, [TASK_COUNT]
cmp ecx, edx
jne .finish
cmp [KEY_COUNT], byte 0
je .finish
movzx eax, byte [KEY_BUFF]
shl eax, 8
push eax
dec byte [KEY_COUNT]
and byte [KEY_COUNT], 127
movzx ecx, byte [KEY_COUNT]
add ecx, 2
mov eax, KEY_BUFF + 1
mov ebx, KEY_BUFF
call memmove
pop eax
align 4
mov [esp + 32], eax
align 4
; test hotkeys buffer
mov ecx, hotkey_buffer
align 4
cmp [ecx], ebx
jz .found
add ecx, 8
cmp ecx, hotkey_buffer + 120 * 8
jb @b
align 4
mov ax, [ecx + 6]
shl eax, 16
mov ah, [ecx + 4]
mov al, 2
and dword [ecx + 4], 0
and dword [ecx], 0
jmp .ret_eax
align 4
mov [esp + 32], dword 1
movzx ecx, word [WIN_STACK + ebx * 2]
mov edx, [TASK_COUNT] ; less than 256 processes
cmp ecx, edx
jne .exit
movzx eax, byte [BTN_COUNT]
test eax, eax
jz .exit
mov eax, [BTN_BUFF]
and al, 0xFE ; delete left button bit
mov [BTN_COUNT], byte 0
mov [esp + 32], eax
align 4
align 4
; +00 dword process cpu usage
; +04 word position in windowing stack
; +06 word windowing stack value at current position (cpu nro)
; +10 12 bytes name
; +22 dword start in mem
; +26 dword used mem
; +30 dword PID , process idenfification number
cmp ecx, -1 ; who am I ?
jne .no_who_am_i
mov ecx, [CURRENT_TASK]
cmp ecx, max_processes
ja .nofillbuf
; +4: word: position of the window of thread in the window stack
mov ax, [WIN_STACK + ecx * 2]
mov [ebx+4], ax
; +6: word: number of the thread slot, which window has in the window stack
; position ecx (has no relation to the specific thread)
mov ax, [WIN_POS + ecx * 2]
mov [ebx+6], ax
shl ecx, 5
; +0: dword: memory usage
mov eax, [ecx+CURRENT_TASK+TASKDATA.cpu_usage]
mov [ebx], eax
; +10: 11 bytes: name of the process
push ecx
lea eax, [ecx*8+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.app_name]
add ebx, 10
mov ecx, 11
call memmove
pop ecx
; +22: address of the process in memory
; +26: size of used memory - 1
push edi
lea edi, [ebx+12]
xor eax, eax
mov edx, 0x100000*16
cmp ecx, 1 shl 5
je .os_mem
mov edx, [SLOT_BASE+ecx*8+APPDATA.mem_size]
mov eax, std_application_base_address
lea eax, [edx-1]
; +30: PID/TID
mov eax, []
; window position and size
push esi
lea esi, [ecx + window_data +]
; Process state (+50)
mov eax, dword [ecx+CURRENT_TASK+TASKDATA.state]
; Window client area box
lea esi, [ecx*8 + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox]
; Window state
mov al, [ecx+window_data+WDATA.fl_wstate]
; Event mask (+71)
mov EAX, dword [ECX+CURRENT_TASK+TASKDATA.event_mask]
; Keyboard mode (+75)
mov al, byte [ecx*8 + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.keyboard_mode]
pop esi
pop edi
; return number of processes
mov eax, [TASK_COUNT]
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4
; Mikhail Lisovin xx Jan 2005
mov al, 10
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
test al, al
jns @f
mov esi, 1
call delay_ms
jmp @b
; end Lisovin's fix
xor al, al ; seconds
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
movzx ecx, al
mov al, 02 ; minutes
shl ecx, 16
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
movzx edx, al
mov al, 04 ; hours
shl edx, 8
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
add ecx, edx
movzx edx, al
add ecx, edx
mov [esp + 32], ecx
align 4
mov al, 10
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
test al, al
jns @f
mov esi, 1
call delay_ms
jmp @b
mov ch, 0
mov al, 7 ; date
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
mov cl, al
mov al, 8 ; month
shl ecx, 16
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
mov ch, al
mov al, 9 ; year
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
mov cl, al
mov [esp+32], ecx
; redraw status
cmp ebx, 1
jne no_widgets_away
; buttons away
mov ecx, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov edi, [BTN_ADDR]
cmp [edi], dword 0 ; empty button list ?
je end_of_buttons_away
movzx ebx, word [edi]
inc ebx
mov eax, edi
dec ebx
jz end_of_buttons_away
add eax, 0x10
cmp cx, [eax]
jnz sys_newba
push eax ebx ecx
mov ecx, ebx
inc ecx
shl ecx, 4
mov ebx, eax
add eax, 0x10
call memmove
dec dword [edi]
pop ecx ebx eax
jmp sys_newba2
cmp ebx, 2
jnz srl1
mov edx, [TASK_BASE] ; return whole screen draw area for this app
add edx, draw_data - CURRENT_TASK
mov [edx + RECT.left], 0
mov [edx +], 0
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
mov [edx + RECT.right], eax
mov eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
mov [edx + RECT.bottom], eax
;ok - 100% work
;nt - not tested
;0 - task switch counter. Ret switch counter in eax. Block. ok.
;1 - change task. Ret nothing. Block. ok.
;2 - performance control
; ebx
; 0 - enable or disable (inversion) PCE flag on CR4 for rdmpc in user mode.
; returned new cr4 in eax. Ret cr4 in eax. Block. ok.
; 1 - is cache enabled. Ret cr0 in eax if enabled else zero in eax. Block. ok.
; 2 - enable cache. Ret 1 in eax. Ret nothing. Block. ok.
; 3 - disable cache. Ret 0 in eax. Ret nothing. Block. ok.
;3 - rdmsr. Counter in edx. (edx:eax) [esi:edi, edx] => [edx:esi, ecx]. Ret in ebx:eax. Block. ok.
;4 - wrmsr. Counter in edx. (edx:eax) [esi:edi, edx] => [edx:esi, ecx]. Ret in ebx:eax. Block. ok.
align 4
dd sys_sheduler.00
dd change_task
dd sys_sheduler.02
dd sys_sheduler.03
dd sys_sheduler.04
;rewritten by <Lrz> 29.12.2009
jmp dword [sheduler+ebx*4]
mov eax, [context_counter]
mov [esp+32], eax
inc ebx ;before ebx=2, ebx=3
cmp ebx, ecx ;if ecx=3, ebx=3
jz cache_disable
dec ebx ;ebx=2
cmp ebx, ecx ;
jz cache_enable ;if ecx=2 and ebx=2
dec ebx ;ebx=1
cmp ebx, ecx
jz is_cache_enabled ;if ecx=1 and ebx=1
dec ebx
test ebx, ecx ;ebx=0 and ecx=0
jz modify_pce ;if ecx=0
;now counter in ecx
;(edx:eax) esi:edi => edx:esi
mov eax, esi
mov ecx, edx
mov [esp+32], eax
mov [esp+20], edx ;ret in ebx?
;now counter in ecx
;(edx:eax) esi:edi => edx:esi
; Fast Call MSR can't be destroy
; Но MSR_AMD_EFER можно изменять, т.к. в этом регистре лиш
; включаются/выключаются расширенные возможности
je @f
je @f
je @f
cmp edx, MSR_AMD_STAR
je @f
mov eax, esi
mov ecx, edx
; mov [esp + 32], eax
; mov [esp + 20], edx ;ret in ebx?
mov eax, cr0
or eax, 01100000000000000000000000000000b
mov cr0, eax
wbinvd ;set MESI
mov eax, cr0
and eax, 10011111111111111111111111111111b
mov cr0, eax
mov eax, cr0
mov ebx, eax
and eax, 01100000000000000000000000000000b
jz cache_disabled
mov [esp+32], ebx
mov dword [esp+32], eax;0
mov eax, cr4
; mov ebx,0
; or bx,100000000b ;pce
; xor eax,ebx ;invert pce
bts eax, 8;pce=cr4[8]
mov cr4, eax
mov [esp+32], eax
cpustring db 'CPU',0
background_defined db 0 ; diamond, 11.04.2006
align 4
cmp [ctrl_alt_del], 1
jne nocpustart
mov ebp, cpustring
call fs_execute_from_sysdir
mov [ctrl_alt_del], 0
align 4
cmp [mouse_active], 1
jne mouse_not_active
mov [mouse_active], 0
xor edi, edi
mov ecx, [TASK_COUNT]
movzx eax, word [WIN_POS + ecx*2] ; active window
shl eax, 8
push eax
movzx eax, word [MOUSE_X]
movzx edx, word [MOUSE_Y]
align 4
add edi, 256
add ebx, 32
test [ebx+TASKDATA.event_mask], 0x80000000
jz .pos_filter
cmp edi, [esp] ; skip if filtration active
jne .skip
align 4
test [ebx+TASKDATA.event_mask], 0x40000000
jz .set
mov esi, []
cmp eax, esi
jb .skip
add esi, []
cmp eax, esi
ja .skip
mov esi, []
cmp edx, esi
jb .skip
add esi, []
cmp edx, esi
ja .skip
align 4
or [edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.event_mask], 100000b ; set event 6
align 4
loop .set_mouse_event
pop eax
align 4
cmp byte[REDRAW_BACKGROUND], 0 ; background update ?
jz nobackgr
cmp [background_defined], 0
jz nobackgr
align 4
mov eax, [draw_data+32 + RECT.left]
shl eax, 16
add eax, [draw_data+32 + RECT.right]
mov [BG_Rect_X_left_right], eax ; [left]*65536 + [right]
mov eax, [draw_data+32 +]
shl eax, 16
add eax, [draw_data+32 + RECT.bottom]
mov [BG_Rect_Y_top_bottom], eax ; [top]*65536 + [bottom]
call drawbackground
; DEBUGF 1, "K : drawbackground\n"
; DEBUGF 1, "K : backg x %x\n",[BG_Rect_X_left_right]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : backg y %x\n",[BG_Rect_Y_top_bottom]
;--------- set event 5 start ----------
push ecx edi
xor edi, edi
mov ecx, [TASK_COUNT]
align 4
add edi, 256
mov eax, [BG_Rect_X_left_right]
mov edx, [BG_Rect_Y_top_bottom]
cmp [edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.draw_bgr_x], 0
jz .set
cmp word [edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.draw_bgr_x], ax
jae @f
mov word [edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.draw_bgr_x], ax
shr eax, 16
cmp word [edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.draw_bgr_x+2], ax
jbe @f
mov word [edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.draw_bgr_x+2], ax
cmp word [edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.draw_bgr_y], dx
jae @f
mov word [edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.draw_bgr_y], dx
shr edx, 16
cmp word [edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.draw_bgr_y+2], dx
jbe @f
mov word [edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.draw_bgr_y+2], dx
jmp .common
mov [edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.draw_bgr_x], eax
mov [edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.draw_bgr_y], edx
or [edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.event_mask], 10000b ; set event 5
loop set_bgr_event
pop edi ecx
;--------- set event 5 stop -----------
dec byte[REDRAW_BACKGROUND] ; got new update request?
jnz backgr
xor eax, eax
mov [draw_data+32 + RECT.left], eax
mov [draw_data+32 +], eax
mov [draw_data+32 + RECT.right], eax
mov [draw_data+32 + RECT.bottom], eax
align 4
; system shutdown request
cmp [SYS_SHUTDOWN], byte 0
je noshutdown
mov edx, [shutdown_processes]
cmp [SYS_SHUTDOWN], dl
jne noshutdown
lea ecx, [edx-1]
mov edx, OS_BASE+0x3040
jecxz no_mark_system_shutdown
align 4
push ecx edx
cmp [edx+TASKDATA.state], 9
jz .nokill
lea edx, [(edx-(CURRENT_TASK and 1FFFFFFFh))*8+SLOT_BASE]
cmp [edx+APPDATA.process], sys_proc
jz .nokill
call request_terminate
jmp .common
dec byte [SYS_SHUTDOWN]
xor eax, eax
pop edx ecx
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov [edx+TASKDATA.state], byte 3
add edx, 0x20
loop markz
call wakeup_osloop
align 4
dec byte [SYS_SHUTDOWN]
je system_shutdown
align 4
mov eax, [TASK_COUNT] ; termination
mov ebx, TASK_DATA+TASKDATA.state
mov esi, 1
align 4
mov cl, [ebx]
cmp cl, byte 3
jz .terminate
cmp cl, byte 4
jnz .noterminate
mov ecx, eax
shl ecx, 8
add ecx, SLOT_BASE
call restore_default_cursor_before_killing
call terminate
cmp byte [SYS_SHUTDOWN], 0
jz .noterminate
dec byte [SYS_SHUTDOWN]
je system_shutdown
add ebx, 0x20
inc esi
dec eax
jnz newct
align 4
; eax , if process window_data base is eax, do not set flag/limits
push eax
;;; mov ebx,2
;;; call delay_hs
;mov ecx,0 ; redraw flags for apps
xor ecx, ecx
align 4
inc ecx
push ecx
mov eax, ecx
shl eax, 5
add eax, window_data
cmp eax, [esp+4]
je not_this_task
; check if window in redraw area
mov edi, eax
cmp ecx, 1 ; limit for background
jz bgli
mov eax, [edi +]
mov ebx, [edi +]
mov ecx, [draw_limits.bottom] ; ecx = area y end ebx = window y start
cmp ecx, ebx
jb ricino
mov ecx, [draw_limits.right] ; ecx = area x end eax = window x start
cmp ecx, eax
jb ricino
mov eax, [edi +]
mov ebx, [edi +]
mov ecx, [edi +]
mov edx, [edi +]
add ecx, eax
add edx, ebx
mov eax, [] ; eax = area y start edx = window y end
cmp edx, eax
jb ricino
mov eax, [draw_limits.left] ; eax = area x start ecx = window x end
cmp ecx, eax
jb ricino
align 4
cmp dword[esp], 1
jnz .az
jz .az
mov dl, 0
lea eax, [edi+draw_data-window_data]
mov ebx, [draw_limits.left]
cmp ebx, [eax+RECT.left]
jae @f
mov [eax+RECT.left], ebx
mov dl, 1
align 4
mov ebx, []
cmp ebx, []
jae @f
mov [], ebx
mov dl, 1
align 4
mov ebx, [draw_limits.right]
cmp ebx, [eax+RECT.right]
jbe @f
mov [eax+RECT.right], ebx
mov dl, 1
align 4
mov ebx, [draw_limits.bottom]
cmp ebx, [eax+RECT.bottom]
jbe @f
mov [eax+RECT.bottom], ebx
mov dl, 1
align 4
call wakeup_osloop
jmp newdw8
align 4
mov eax, edi
add eax, draw_data-window_data
mov ebx, [draw_limits.left] ; set limits
mov [eax + RECT.left], ebx
mov ebx, []
mov [eax +], ebx
mov ebx, [draw_limits.right]
mov [eax + RECT.right], ebx
mov ebx, [draw_limits.bottom]
mov [eax + RECT.bottom], ebx
sub eax, draw_data-window_data
cmp dword [esp], 1
jne nobgrd
call wakeup_osloop
align 4
push eax edi ebp
mov edi, [esp+12]
cmp edi, 1
je .found
mov eax, [draw_limits.left]
mov ebx, []
mov ecx, [draw_limits.right]
sub ecx, eax
test ecx, ecx
jz .not_found
mov edx, [draw_limits.bottom]
sub edx, ebx
test edx, edx
jz .not_found
; eax - x, ebx - y
; ecx - size x, edx - size y
add ebx, edx
align 4
push ecx
align 4
add eax, ecx
mov ebp, [d_width_calc_area + ebx*4]
add ebp, [_WinMapAddress]
movzx ebp, byte[eax+ebp] ; get value for current point
cmp ebp, edi
jne @f
pop ecx
jmp .found
align 4
sub eax, ecx
dec ecx
jnz .start_x
pop ecx
dec ebx
dec edx
jnz .start_y
align 4
pop ebp edi eax
jmp ricino
align 4
pop ebp edi eax
mov [eax + WDATA.fl_redraw], byte 1 ; mark as redraw
align 4
pop ecx
cmp ecx, [TASK_COUNT]
jle newdw2
pop eax
align 4
calculatebackground: ; background
mov edi, [_WinMapAddress] ; set os to use all pixels
mov eax, 0x01010101
mov ecx, [_WinMapSize]
shr ecx, 2
rep stosd
mov byte[REDRAW_BACKGROUND], 0 ; do not draw background!
imax dd 0x0
align 4
delay_ms: ; delay in 1/1000 sec
push eax
push ecx
mov ecx, esi
; <CPU clock fix by Sergey Kuzmin aka Wildwest>
imul ecx, 33941
shr ecx, 9
; </CPU clock fix>
in al, 0x61
and al, 0x10
mov ah, al
align 4
in al, 0x61
and al, 0x10
cmp al, ah
jz cnt1
mov ah, al
loop cnt1
pop ecx
pop eax
align 4
mov edi, [TASK_BASE]
mov eax, ebx
btr eax, 3 ; move MOUSE_FILTRATION
mov ebx, [current_slot] ; bit into event_filter
setc byte [ebx+APPDATA.event_filter]
xchg eax, [edi + TASKDATA.event_mask] ; set new event mask
mov [esp+32], eax ; return old mask value
; this is for syscall
proc delay_hs_unprotected
call unprotect_from_terminate
call delay_hs
call protect_from_terminate
if 1
align 4
delay_hs: ; delay in 1/100 secs
; ebx = delay time
push ebx
xor esi, esi
call create_event
test eax, eax
jz .done
mov ebx, edx
mov ecx, [esp]
push edx
push eax
call wait_event_timeout
pop eax
pop ebx
call destroy_event
add esp, 4
align 4
delay_hs: ; delay in 1/100 secs
; ebx = delay time
push ecx
push edx
mov edx, [timer_ticks]
align 4
mov ecx, [timer_ticks]
sub ecx, edx
cmp ecx, ebx
jae zerodelay
call change_task
jmp newtic
align 4
pop edx
pop ecx
end if
align 16 ;very often call this subrutine
memmove: ; memory move in bytes
; eax = from
; ebx = to
; ecx = no of bytes
test ecx, ecx
jle .ret
push esi edi ecx
mov edi, ebx
mov esi, eax
test ecx, not 11b
jz @f
push ecx
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
pop ecx
and ecx, 11b
jz .finish
align 4
rep movsb
align 4
pop ecx edi esi
align 4
; <diamond> Sysfunction 34, read_floppy_file, is obsolete. Use 58 or 70 function instead.
;align 4
;; as input
;; eax pointer to file
;; ebx file lenght
;; ecx start 512 byte block number
;; edx number of blocks to read
;; esi pointer to return/work area (atleast 20 000 bytes)
;; on return
;; eax = 0 command succesful
;; 1 no fd base and/or partition defined
;; 2 yet unsupported FS
;; 3 unknown FS
;; 4 partition not defined at hd
;; 5 file not found
;; ebx = size of file
; mov edi,[TASK_BASE]
; add edi,0x10
; add esi,[edi]
; add eax,[edi]
; pushad
; mov edi,esi
; add edi,1024
; mov esi,0x100000+19*512
; sub ecx,1
; shl ecx,9
; add esi,ecx
; shl edx,9
; mov ecx,edx
; cld
; rep movsb
; popad
; mov [esp+36],eax
; mov [esp+24],ebx
; ret
align 4
push edi eax
mov edi, tss._io_map_0
; mov ecx,eax
; and ecx,7 ; offset in byte
; shr eax,3 ; number of byte
; add edi,eax
; mov ebx,1
; shl ebx,cl
test ebp, ebp
; cmp ebp,0 ; enable access - ebp = 0
jnz .siar1
; not ebx
; and [edi],byte bl
btr [edi], eax
pop eax edi
bts [edi], eax
; or [edi],byte bl ; disable access - ebp = 1
pop eax edi
;reserve/free group of ports
; * eax = 46 - number function
; * ebx = 0 - reserve, 1 - free
; * ecx = number start arrea of ports
; * edx = number end arrea of ports (include last number of port)
;Return value:
; * eax = 0 - succesful
; * eax = 1 - error
; * The system has reserve this ports:
; 0..0x2d, 0x30..0x4d, 0x50..0xdf, 0xe5..0xff (include last number of port).
;destroys eax,ebx, ebp
test ebx, ebx
jnz free_port_area
; je r_port_area
; jmp free_port_area
; r_port_area:
; pushad
cmp ecx, edx ; beginning > end ?
ja rpal1
cmp edx, 65536
jae rpal1
test eax, eax ; no reserved areas ?
je rpal2
cmp eax, 255 ; max reserved
jae rpal1
mov ebx, eax
shl ebx, 4
cmp ecx, [ebx+8]
ja rpal4
cmp edx, [ebx+4]
jae rpal1
; jb rpal4
; jmp rpal1
dec eax
jnz rpal3
jmp rpal2
; popad
; mov eax,1
xor eax, eax
inc eax
; popad
; enable port access at port IO map
pushad ; start enable io map
cmp edx, 65536;16384
jae no_unmask_io; jge
mov eax, ecx
; push ebp
xor ebp, ebp ; enable - eax = port
; pushad
call set_io_access_rights
; popad
inc eax
cmp eax, edx
jbe new_port_access
; pop ebp
popad ; end enable io map
add eax, 1
shl eax, 4
mov ebx, [TASK_BASE]
mov ebx, []
mov [eax], ebx
mov [eax+4], ecx
mov [eax+8], edx
xor eax, eax
; pushad
mov eax, [RESERVED_PORTS]; no reserved areas ?
test eax, eax
jz frpal2
mov ebx, [TASK_BASE]
mov ebx, []
mov edi, eax
shl edi, 4
cmp ebx, [edi]
jne frpal4
cmp ecx, [edi+4]
jne frpal4
cmp edx, [edi+8]
jne frpal4
jmp frpal1
dec eax
jnz frpal3
; popad
inc eax
push ecx
mov ecx, 256
sub ecx, eax
shl ecx, 4
mov esi, edi
add esi, 16
rep movsb
dec dword [RESERVED_PORTS]
;disable port access at port IO map
; pushad ; start disable io map
pop eax ;start port
cmp edx, 65536;16384
jge no_mask_io
; mov eax,ecx
xor ebp, ebp
inc ebp
; pushad
; mov ebp,1 ; disable - eax = port
call set_io_access_rights
; popad
inc eax
cmp eax, edx
jbe new_port_access_disable
; popad ; end disable io map
xor eax, eax
align 4
cmp [BgrDrawMode], dword 1
jne bgrstr
call vesa20_drawbackground_tiled
; call [draw_pointer]
call __sys_draw_pointer
align 4
call vesa20_drawbackground_stretch
; call [draw_pointer]
call __sys_draw_pointer
align 4
syscall_putimage: ; PutImage
test ecx, 0x80008000
jnz .exit
test ecx, 0x0000FFFF
jz .exit
test ecx, 0xFFFF0000
jnz @f
align 4
align 4
mov edi, [current_slot]
add dx, word[]
rol edx, 16
add dx, word[edi+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
rol edx, 16
align 4
push ebp esi 0
mov ebp, putimage_get24bpp
mov esi, putimage_init24bpp
align 4
call vesa20_putimage
pop ebp esi ebp
; jmp [draw_pointer]
align 4
; ebx = pointer to image
; ecx = [xsize]*65536 + [ysize]
; edx = [xstart]*65536 + [ystart]
; esi = number of bits per pixel, must be 8, 24 or 32
; edi = pointer to palette
; ebp = row delta
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl eax, 8
add dx, word []
rol edx, 16
add dx, word [eax+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
rol edx, 16
align 4
cmp esi, 1
jnz @f
push edi
mov eax, [edi+4]
sub eax, [edi]
push eax
push dword [edi]
push 0ffffff80h
mov edi, esp
call put_mono_image
add esp, 12
pop edi
align 4
cmp esi, 2
jnz @f
push edi
push 0ffffff80h
mov edi, esp
call put_2bit_image
pop eax
pop edi
align 4
cmp esi, 4
jnz @f
push edi
push 0ffffff80h
mov edi, esp
call put_4bit_image
pop eax
pop edi
align 4
push ebp esi ebp
cmp esi, 8
jnz @f
mov ebp, putimage_get8bpp
mov esi, putimage_init8bpp
jmp sys_putimage_bpp
align 4
cmp esi, 9
jnz @f
mov ebp, putimage_get9bpp
mov esi, putimage_init9bpp
jmp sys_putimage_bpp
align 4
cmp esi, 15
jnz @f
mov ebp, putimage_get15bpp
mov esi, putimage_init15bpp
jmp sys_putimage_bpp
align 4
cmp esi, 16
jnz @f
mov ebp, putimage_get16bpp
mov esi, putimage_init16bpp
jmp sys_putimage_bpp
align 4
cmp esi, 24
jnz @f
mov ebp, putimage_get24bpp
mov esi, putimage_init24bpp
jmp sys_putimage_bpp
align 4
cmp esi, 32
jnz @f
mov ebp, putimage_get32bpp
mov esi, putimage_init32bpp
jmp sys_putimage_bpp
align 4
pop ebp esi ebp
align 4
push ebp esi ebp
mov ebp, putimage_get1bpp
mov esi, putimage_init1bpp
jmp sys_putimage_bpp
align 4
push ebp esi ebp
mov ebp, putimage_get2bpp
mov esi, putimage_init2bpp
jmp sys_putimage_bpp
align 4
push ebp esi ebp
mov ebp, putimage_get4bpp
mov esi, putimage_init4bpp
jmp sys_putimage_bpp
align 4
lea eax, [eax*3]
align 16
movzx eax, byte [esi+2]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, [esi]
add esi, 3
ret 4
align 16
movzx eax, byte [esi]
push edx
mov edx, [esp+8]
mov eax, [edx+eax*4]
pop edx
inc esi
ret 4
align 16
mov ah, al
shl eax, 8
mov al, ah
ret 4
align 4
add eax, ecx
push ecx
add eax, 7
add ecx, 7
shr eax, 3
shr ecx, 3
sub eax, ecx
pop ecx
align 16
push edx
mov edx, [esp+8]
mov al, [edx]
add al, al
jnz @f
adc al, al
mov [edx], al
sbb eax, eax
and eax, [edx+8]
add eax, [edx+4]
pop edx
ret 4
align 4
add eax, ecx
push ecx
add ecx, 3
add eax, 3
shr ecx, 2
shr eax, 2
sub eax, ecx
pop ecx
align 16
push edx
mov edx, [esp+8]
mov al, [edx]
mov ah, al
shr al, 6
shl ah, 2
jnz .nonewbyte
mov ah, al
shr al, 6
shl ah, 2
add ah, 1
mov [edx], ah
mov edx, [edx+4]
movzx eax, al
mov eax, [edx+eax*4]
pop edx
ret 4
align 4
add eax, ecx
push ecx
add ecx, 1
add eax, 1
shr ecx, 1
shr eax, 1
sub eax, ecx
pop ecx
align 16
push edx
mov edx, [esp+8]
add byte [edx], 80h
jc @f
movzx eax, byte [edx+1]
mov edx, [edx+4]
and eax, 0x0F
mov eax, [edx+eax*4]
pop edx
ret 4
movzx eax, byte [esi]
add esi, 1
mov [edx+1], al
shr eax, 4
mov edx, [edx+4]
mov eax, [edx+eax*4]
pop edx
ret 4
align 4
shl eax, 2
align 16
ret 4
align 4
add eax, eax
align 16
push ecx edx
movzx eax, word [esi]
add esi, 2
mov ecx, eax
mov edx, eax
and eax, 0x1F
and ecx, 0x1F shl 5
and edx, 0x1F shl 10
shl eax, 3
shl ecx, 6
shl edx, 9
or eax, ecx
or eax, edx
pop edx ecx
ret 4
align 16
push ecx edx
movzx eax, word [esi]
add esi, 2
mov ecx, eax
mov edx, eax
and eax, 0x1F
and ecx, 0x3F shl 5
and edx, 0x1F shl 11
shl eax, 3
shl ecx, 5
shl edx, 8
or eax, ecx
or eax, edx
pop edx ecx
ret 4
;align 4
; eax x beginning
; ebx y beginning
; ecx x end
; edx y end
; edi color
; mov esi, [current_slot]
; add eax, [esi+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
; add ecx, [esi+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
; add ebx, []
; add edx, []
;align 4
; call vesa20_drawbar
; call [draw_pointer]
; ret
align 4
push ecx edx
mov ecx, 0x1ffff; last 0xffff, new value in view of fast CPU's
in al, 0x64
test al, 1
jnz kr_ready
loop kr_loop
mov ah, 1
jmp kr_exit
push ecx
mov ecx, 32
loop kr_delay
pop ecx
in al, 0x60
xor ah, ah
pop edx ecx
align 4
push ecx edx
mov dl, al
; mov ecx,0x1ffff ; last 0xffff, new value in view of fast CPU's
; kw_loop1:
; in al,0x64
; test al,0x20
; jz kw_ok1
; loop kw_loop1
; mov ah,1
; jmp kw_exit
; kw_ok1:
in al, 0x60
mov ecx, 0x1ffff; last 0xffff, new value in view of fast CPU's
in al, 0x64
test al, 2
jz kw_ok
loop kw_loop
mov ah, 1
jmp kw_exit
mov al, dl
out 0x60, al
mov ecx, 0x1ffff; last 0xffff, new value in view of fast CPU's
in al, 0x64
test al, 2
jz kw_ok3
loop kw_loop3
mov ah, 1
jmp kw_exit
mov ah, 8
mov ecx, 0x1ffff; last 0xffff, new value in view of fast CPU's
in al, 0x64
test al, 1
jnz kw_ok4
loop kw_loop5
dec ah
jnz kw_loop4
xor ah, ah
pop edx ecx
align 4
mov ecx, 0x1ffff; last 0xffff, new value in view of fast CPU's
in al, 0x64
test al, 2
jz c_send
loop c_wait
jmp c_error
mov al, bl
out 0x64, al
mov ecx, 0x1ffff; last 0xffff, new value in view of fast CPU's
in al, 0x64
test al, 2
jz c_ok
loop c_accept
mov ah, 1
jmp c_exit
xor ah, ah
setmouse: ; set mousepicture -pointer
; ps2 mouse enable
; mov [MOUSE_PICTURE], dword mousepointer
if used _rdtsc
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_TSC
jnc ret_rdtsc
mov edx, 0xffffffff
mov eax, 0xffffffff
end if
cmp [esi], byte 0
je @f
mov ebx, 1
movzx ecx, byte [esi]
call sys_msg_board
inc esi
jmp @b
; in: al = byte to display
; out: nothing
; destroys: nothing
mov ecx, 2
shl eax, 24
jmp @f
; in: ax = word to display
; out: nothing
; destroys: nothing
mov ecx, 4
shl eax, 16
jmp @f
; in: eax = dword to display
; out: nothing
; destroys: nothing
mov ecx, 8
push ecx
rol eax, 4
push eax
and al, 0xF
cmp al, 10
sbb al, 69h
mov cl, al
xor ebx, ebx
inc ebx
call sys_msg_board
pop eax
pop ecx
loop @b
msg_board_data_size = 65536 ; Must be power of two
msg_board_data rb msg_board_data_size
msg_board_count dd 0x0
; ebx=1 : write : bl byte to write
; ebx=2 : read : ebx=0 -> no data, ebx=1 -> data in al
push eax ebx ; Save eax and ebx, since we're restoring their order required.
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, ecx
mov ecx, [msg_board_count]
cmp eax, 1
jne .smbl1
if defined debug_com_base
push dx ax
@@: ; Wait for empty transmit register (yes, this slows down system..)
mov dx, debug_com_base+5
in al, dx
test al, 1 shl 5
jz @r
mov dx, debug_com_base ; Output the byte
mov al, bl
out dx, al
pop ax dx
end if
mov [msg_board_data+ecx], bl
; // if debug_direct_print == 1
cmp byte [debug_direct_print], 1
jnz @f
msg_board_pos dd (42*6)*65536+10 ; for printing debug output on the screen
lea edx, [msg_board_data+ecx]
mov ecx, 0x40FFFFFF
mov ebx, [msg_board_pos]
mov edi, 1
mov esi, 1
call dtext
add word [msg_board_pos+2], 6
cmp bl, 10
jnz @f
mov word [msg_board_pos+2], (42*6)
add word [msg_board_pos], 10
mov ax, word [Screen_Max_Y]
cmp word [msg_board_pos], ax
jbe @f
mov word [msg_board_pos], 10
; // end if
if 0
mov al, bl
mov edx, 402h
out dx, al
end if
inc ecx
and ecx, msg_board_data_size - 1
mov [msg_board_count], ecx
pop ebx eax
cmp eax, 2
jne .smbl2
test ecx, ecx
jz .smbl21
add esp, 8 ; Returning data in ebx and eax, so no need to restore them.
mov eax, msg_board_data+1
mov ebx, msg_board_data
movzx edx, byte [ebx]
call memmove
dec [msg_board_count]
mov [esp + 32], edx ;eax
mov [esp + 20], dword 1
mov [esp+32], ecx
mov [esp+20], ecx
pop ebx eax
;; 66 sys function. ;;
;; in eax=66,ebx in [0..5],ecx,edx ;;
;; out eax ;;
align 4
dd sys_process_def.1 ; 1 = set keyboard mode
dd sys_process_def.2 ; 2 = get keyboard mode
dd sys_process_def.3 ; 3 = get keyboard ctrl, alt, shift
dd sys_process_def.4 ; 4 = set system-wide hotkey
dd sys_process_def.5 ; 5 = delete installed hotkey
dd sys_process_def.6 ; 6 = disable input, work only hotkeys
dd sys_process_def.7 ; 7 = enable input, opposition to f.66.6
align 4
dec ebx
cmp ebx, 7
jae .not_support ;if >=8 then or eax,-1
mov edi, [CURRENT_TASK]
jmp dword [f66call+ebx*4]
or eax, -1
align 4
shl edi, 8
mov [edi+SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.keyboard_mode], cl
align 4
.2: ; 2 = get keyboard mode
shl edi, 8
movzx eax, byte [SLOT_BASE+edi + APPDATA.keyboard_mode]
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4
.3: ;3 = get keyboard ctrl, alt, shift
mov eax, [kb_state]
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4
mov eax, hotkey_list
cmp dword [eax+8], 0
jz .found_free
add eax, 16
cmp eax, hotkey_list+16*256
jb @b
mov dword [esp+32], 1
mov [eax+8], edi
mov [eax+4], edx
movzx ecx, cl
lea ecx, [hotkey_scancodes+ecx*4]
mov edx, [ecx]
mov [eax], edx
mov [ecx], eax
mov [eax+12], ecx
test edx, edx
jz @f
mov [edx+12], eax
and dword [esp+32], 0
align 4
movzx ebx, cl
lea ebx, [hotkey_scancodes+ebx*4]
mov eax, [ebx]
test eax, eax
jz .notfound
cmp [eax+8], edi
jnz .next
cmp [eax+4], edx
jz .found
mov eax, [eax]
jmp .scan
mov dword [esp+32], 1
mov ecx, [eax]
jecxz @f
mov edx, [eax+12]
mov [ecx+12], edx
mov ecx, [eax+12]
mov edx, [eax]
mov [ecx], edx
xor edx, edx
mov [eax+4], edx
mov [eax+8], edx
mov [eax+12], edx
mov [eax], edx
mov [esp+32], edx
align 4
mov eax, [PID_lock_input]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
; get current PID
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl eax, 5
mov eax, []
; set current PID for lock input
mov [PID_lock_input], eax
align 4
mov eax, [PID_lock_input]
test eax, eax
jz @f
; get current PID
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl ebx, 5
mov ebx, []
; compare current lock input with current PID
cmp ebx, eax
jne @f
xor eax, eax
mov [PID_lock_input], eax
PID_lock_input dd 0x0
;; 61 sys function. ;;
;; in eax=61,ebx in [1..3] ;;
;; out eax ;;
align 4
dd sys_gs.1 ; resolution
dd sys_gs.2 ; bits per pixel
dd sys_gs.3 ; bytes per scanline
align 4
sys_gs: ; direct screen access
dec ebx
cmp ebx, 2
ja .not_support
jmp dword [f61call+ebx*4]
or [esp+32], dword -1
.1: ; resolution
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, word [Screen_Max_Y]
add eax, 0x00010001
mov [esp+32], eax
.2: ; bits per pixel
mov eax, [_display.bpp]
mov [esp+32], eax
.3: ; bytes per scanline
mov eax, [_display.pitch]
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4 ; system functions
syscall_setpixel: ; SetPixel
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, ecx
mov ecx, edx
mov edx, [TASK_BASE]
add eax, []
add ebx, []
mov edi, [current_slot]
add eax, [edi+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
add ebx, []
xor edi, edi ; no force
and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 save to mouseunder area
; jmp [putpixel]
jmp __sys_putpixel
align 4
syscall_writetext: ; WriteText
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov ebp, []
push esi
mov esi, [current_slot]
add ebp, [esi+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
shl ebp, 16
add ebp, []
add bp, word[]
pop esi
test ecx, 0x08000000 ; redirect the output to the user area
jnz @f
add ebx, ebp
align 4
mov eax, edi
test ecx, 0x08000000 ; redirect the output to the user area
jnz dtext
xor edi, edi
jmp dtext
align 4
syscall_drawrect: ; DrawRect
mov edi, edx ; color + gradient
and edi, 0x80FFFFFF
test bx, bx ; x.size
je .drectr
test cx, cx ; y.size
je .drectr
mov eax, ebx ; bad idea
mov ebx, ecx
movzx ecx, ax ; ecx - x.size
shr eax, 16 ; eax - x.coord
movzx edx, bx ; edx - y.size
shr ebx, 16 ; ebx - y.coord
mov esi, [current_slot]
add eax, [esi + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
add ebx, [esi +]
add ecx, eax
add edx, ebx
; jmp [drawbar]
jmp vesa20_drawbar
align 4
syscall_getscreensize: ; GetScreenSize
mov ax, word [Screen_Max_X]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, word [Screen_Max_Y]
mov [esp + 32], eax
align 4
syscall_cdaudio: ; CD
cmp ebx, 4
jb .audio
jz .eject
cmp ebx, 5
jnz .ret
call .reserve
call LoadMedium
;call .free
jmp .free
; ret
call .reserve
call clear_CD_cache
call allow_medium_removal
call EjectMedium
; call .free
jmp .free
; ret
call sys_cd_audio
mov [esp+36-4], eax
call reserve_cd
mov eax, ecx
shr eax, 1
and eax, 1
inc eax
mov [ChannelNumber], ax
mov eax, ecx
and eax, 1
mov [DiskNumber], al
call reserve_cd_channel
and ebx, 3
inc ebx
mov [cdpos], ebx
add ebx, ebx
mov cl, 8
sub cl, bl
mov al, [DRIVE_DATA+1]
shr al, cl
test al, 2
jz .free;.err
call free_cd_channel
and [cd_status], 0
call .free
; pop eax
align 4
syscall_getpixel_WinMap: ; GetPixel WinMap
cmp ebx, [Screen_Max_X]
jbe @f
cmp ecx, [Screen_Max_Y]
jbe @f
xor eax, eax
jmp .store
align 4
mov eax, [d_width_calc_area + ecx*4]
add eax, [_WinMapAddress]
movzx eax, byte[eax+ebx] ; get value for current point
align 4
mov [esp + 32], eax
align 4
syscall_getpixel: ; GetPixel
mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
inc ecx
xor edx, edx
mov eax, ebx
div ecx
mov ebx, edx
xchg eax, ebx
and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 use mouseunder area
call dword [GETPIXEL]; eax - x, ebx - y
mov [esp + 32], ecx
align 4
;eax = 36
;ebx = pointer to bufer for img BBGGRRBBGGRR...
;ecx = [size x]*65536 + [size y]
;edx = [start x]*65536 + [start y]
mov edi, ebx
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 16
mov ebx, edx
and ebx, 0xffff
dec eax
dec ebx
; eax - x, ebx - y
mov edx, ecx
shr ecx, 16
and edx, 0xffff
mov esi, ecx
; ecx - size x, edx - size y
mov ebp, edx
dec ebp
lea ebp, [ebp*3]
imul ebp, esi
mov esi, ecx
dec esi
lea esi, [esi*3]
add ebp, esi
add ebp, edi
add ebx, edx
align 4
push ecx edx
align 4
push eax ebx ecx
add eax, ecx
and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 use mouseunder area
call dword [GETPIXEL]; eax - x, ebx - y
mov [ebp], cx
shr ecx, 16
mov [ebp+2], cl
pop ecx ebx eax
sub ebp, 3
dec ecx
jnz .start_x
pop edx ecx
dec ebx
dec edx
jnz .start_y
align 4
;eax = 25
;ebx = pointer to bufer for img BBGGRRBBGGRR...
;ecx = [size x]*65536 + [size y]
;edx = [start x]*65536 + [start y]
mov edi, ebx
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 16
mov ebx, edx
and ebx, 0xffff
dec eax
dec ebx
; eax - x, ebx - y
mov edx, ecx
shr ecx, 16
and edx, 0xffff
mov esi, ecx
; ecx - size x, edx - size y
mov ebp, edx
dec ebp
shl ebp, 2
imul ebp, esi
mov esi, ecx
dec esi
shl esi, 2
add ebp, esi
add ebp, edi
add ebx, edx
align 4
push ecx edx
align 4
push eax ecx
add eax, ecx
mov ecx, [ebp]
rol ecx, 8
test cl, cl ; transparensy = 0
jz .no_put
xor cl, cl
ror ecx, 8
mov edx, [d_width_calc_area + ebx*4]
add edx, [_WinMapAddress]
movzx edx, byte [eax+edx]
cmp dl, byte 1
jne @f
call dword [PUTPIXEL]; eax - x, ebx - y
align 4
align 4
pop ecx eax
sub ebp, 4
dec ecx
jnz .start_x
pop edx ecx
dec ebx
dec edx
jnz .start_y
align 4
syscall_drawline: ; DrawLine
mov edi, [TASK_BASE]
movzx eax, word[]
mov ebp, eax
mov esi, [current_slot]
add ebp, [esi+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
add ax, word[esi+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
add ebp, ebx
shl eax, 16
movzx ebx, word[]
add eax, ebp
mov ebp, ebx
add ebp, []
add bx, word[]
add ebp, ecx
shl ebx, 16
xor edi, edi
add ebx, ebp
mov ecx, edx
; jmp [draw_line]
jmp __sys_draw_line
align 4
syscall_reserveportarea: ; ReservePortArea and FreePortArea
call r_f_port_area
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4
syscall_threads: ; CreateThreads
; ecx=thread entry point
; edx=thread stack pointer
; on return : eax = pid
xor ebx, ebx
call new_sys_threads
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4
align 4
; calculate data area for fast getting offset to _WinMapAddress
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, [_display.height]
mov edi, d_width_calc_area
add eax, [_display.width]
dec ecx
jnz @r
align 4
; calculate data area for fast getting offset to LFB
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, [_display.height]
mov edi, BPSLine_calc_area
add eax, [_display.pitch]
dec ecx
jnz @r
align 4
; in:
; eax - new Screen_Max_X
; ecx - new BytesPerScanLine
; edx - new Screen_Max_Y
mov [Screen_Max_X], eax
mov [Screen_Max_Y], edx
mov [_display.pitch], ecx
mov [screen_workarea.right], eax
mov [screen_workarea.bottom], edx
push ebx
push esi
push edi
cmp [do_not_touch_winmap], 1
je @f
stdcall kernel_free, [_WinMapAddress]
mov eax, [_display.width]
mul [_display.height]
mov [_WinMapSize], eax
stdcall kernel_alloc, eax
mov [_WinMapAddress], eax
test eax, eax
jz .epic_fail
; store for f.18.24
mov eax, [_display.width]
mov [display_width_standard], eax
mov eax, [_display.height]
mov [display_height_standard], eax
call calculate_fast_getting_offset_for_WinMapAddress
; for Qemu or non standart video cards
; Unfortunately [BytesPerScanLine] does not always
; equal to [_display.width] * [ScreenBPP] / 8
call calculate_fast_getting_offset_for_LFB
call repos_windows
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
mov edx, [Screen_Max_Y]
call calculatescreen
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
hlt ; Houston, we've had a problem
; --------------- APM ---------------------
apm_entry dp 0
apm_vf dd 0
align 4
xor eax, eax
cmp word [apm_vf], ax ; Check APM BIOS enable
jne @f
inc eax
or dword [esp + 44], eax ; error
add eax, 7
mov dword [esp + 32], eax ; 32-bit protected-mode interface not supported
; xchg eax, ecx
; xchg ebx, ecx
cmp dx, 3
ja @f
and [esp + 44], byte 0xfe ; emulate func 0..3 as func 0
mov eax, [apm_vf]
mov [esp + 32], eax
shr eax, 16
mov [esp + 28], eax
mov esi, [master_tab+(OS_BASE shr 20)]
xchg [master_tab], esi
push esi
mov edi, cr3
mov cr3, edi ;flush TLB
call pword [apm_entry] ;call APM BIOS
xchg eax, [esp]
mov [master_tab], eax
mov eax, cr3
mov cr3, eax
pop eax
mov [esp + 4 ], edi
mov [esp + 8], esi
mov [esp + 20], ebx
mov [esp + 24], edx
mov [esp + 28], ecx
mov [esp + 32], eax
setc al
and [esp + 44], byte 0xfe
or [esp + 44], al
; -----------------------------------------
align 4
undefined_syscall: ; Undefined system call
mov [esp + 32], dword -1
align 4
system_shutdown: ; shut down the system
cmp byte [BOOT_VARS+0x9030], 1
jne @F
call stop_all_services
movi eax, 3
call sys_cd_audio
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
; load kernel.mnt to 0x7000:0
mov ebx, kernel_file_load
call file_system_lfn
mov esi, restart_kernel_4000+OS_BASE+0x10000 ; move kernel re-starter to 0x4000:0
mov edi, OS_BASE+0x40000
mov ecx, 1000
rep movsb
end if
; mov esi, BOOT_VAR ; restore 0x0 - 0xffff
; mov edi, OS_BASE
; mov ecx, 0x10000/4
; cld
; rep movsd
call IRQ_mask_all
if 0
mov word [OS_BASE+0x467+0], pr_mode_exit
mov word [OS_BASE+0x467+2], 0x1000
mov al, 0x0F
out 0x70, al
mov al, 0x05
out 0x71, al
mov al, 0xFE
out 0x64, al
jmp $-1
cmp byte [OS_BASE + 0x9030], 2
jnz no_acpi_power_off
; scan for RSDP
; 1) The first 1 Kb of the Extended BIOS Data Area (EBDA).
movzx eax, word [OS_BASE + 0x40E]
shl eax, 4
jz @f
mov ecx, 1024/16
call scan_rsdp
jnc .rsdp_found
; 2) The BIOS read-only memory space between 0E0000h and 0FFFFFh.
mov eax, 0xE0000
mov ecx, 0x2000
call scan_rsdp
jc no_acpi_power_off
mov esi, [eax+16] ; esi contains physical address of the RSDT
mov ebp, [ipc_tmp]
stdcall map_page, ebp, esi, PG_MAP
lea eax, [esi+1000h]
lea edx, [ebp+1000h]
stdcall map_page, edx, eax, PG_MAP
and esi, 0xFFF
add esi, ebp
cmp dword [esi], 'RSDT'
jnz no_acpi_power_off
mov ecx, [esi+4]
sub ecx, 24h
jbe no_acpi_power_off
shr ecx, 2
add esi, 24h
mov ebx, eax
lea eax, [ebp+2000h]
stdcall map_page, eax, ebx, PG_MAP
lea eax, [ebp+3000h]
add ebx, 0x1000
stdcall map_page, eax, ebx, PG_MAP
and ebx, 0xFFF
lea ebx, [ebx+ebp+2000h]
cmp dword [ebx], 'FACP'
jz .fadt_found
loop .scan_fadt
jmp no_acpi_power_off
; ebx is linear address of FADT
mov edi, [ebx+40] ; physical address of the DSDT
lea eax, [ebp+4000h]
stdcall map_page, eax, edi, PG_MAP
lea eax, [ebp+5000h]
lea esi, [edi+0x1000]
stdcall map_page, eax, esi, PG_MAP
and esi, 0xFFF
sub edi, esi
cmp dword [esi+ebp+4000h], 'DSDT'
jnz no_acpi_power_off
mov eax, [esi+ebp+4004h] ; DSDT length
sub eax, 36+4
jbe no_acpi_power_off
add esi, 36
cmp dword [esi+ebp+4000h], '_S5_'
jnz .scan_dsdt_cont
cmp byte [esi+ebp+4000h+4], 12h ; DefPackage opcode
jnz .scan_dsdt_cont
mov dl, [esi+ebp+4000h+6]
cmp dl, 4 ; _S5_ package must contain 4 bytes
; theory; in practice, VirtualBox has 2 bytes
ja .scan_dsdt_cont
cmp dl, 1
jb .scan_dsdt_cont
lea esi, [esi+ebp+4000h+7]
xor ecx, ecx
cmp byte [esi], 0 ; 0 means zero byte, 0Ah xx means byte xx
jz @f
cmp byte [esi], 0xA
jnz no_acpi_power_off
inc esi
mov cl, [esi]
inc esi
cmp dl, 2
jb @f
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz @f
cmp byte [esi], 0xA
jnz no_acpi_power_off
inc esi
mov ch, [esi]
jmp do_acpi_power_off
inc esi
cmp esi, 0x1000
jb @f
sub esi, 0x1000
add edi, 0x1000
push eax
lea eax, [ebp+4000h]
stdcall map_page, eax, edi, PG_MAP
push PG_MAP
lea eax, [edi+1000h]
push eax
lea eax, [ebp+5000h]
push eax
stdcall map_page
pop eax
dec eax
jnz .scan_dsdt
jmp no_acpi_power_off
mov edx, [ebx+48]
test edx, edx
jz .nosmi
mov al, [ebx+52]
out dx, al
mov edx, [ebx+64]
in ax, dx
test al, 1
jz @b
and cx, 0x0707
shl cx, 2
or cx, 0x2020
mov edx, [ebx+64]
in ax, dx
and ax, 203h
or ah, cl
out dx, ax
mov edx, [ebx+68]
test edx, edx
jz @f
in ax, dx
and ax, 203h
or ah, ch
out dx, ax
jmp $
mov word [OS_BASE+0x467+0], pr_mode_exit
mov word [OS_BASE+0x467+2], 0x1000
mov al, 0x0F
out 0x70, al
mov al, 0x05
out 0x71, al
mov al, 0xFE
out 0x64, al
jmp $-1
add eax, OS_BASE
cmp dword [eax], 'RSD '
jnz .n
cmp dword [eax+4], 'PTR '
jnz .n
xor edx, edx
xor esi, esi
add dl, [eax+esi]
inc esi
cmp esi, 20
jnz @b
test dl, dl
jz .ok
add eax, 10h
loop .s
end if
if ~ lang eq sp
diff16 "end of .text segment",0,$
end if
include ""
__REV__ = __REV
if ~ lang eq sp
diff16 "end of kernel code",0,$
end if
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,285
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; KERNEL32.INC ;;
;; ;;
;; Included 32 bit kernel files for MenuetOS ;;
;; ;;
;; This file is kept separate as it will be easier to ;;
;; maintain and compile with an automated SETUP program ;;
;; in the future. ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4420 $
struct POINT
x dd ?
y dd ?
struct RECT
left dd ?
top dd ?
right dd ?
bottom dd ?
struct BOX
left dd ?
top dd ?
width dd ?
height dd ?
width dw ?
height dw ?
bpp dw ?
freq dw ?
; constants definition
WSTATE_NORMAL = 00000000b
WSTATE_REDRAW = 00000001b
event_mask dd ?
pid dd ?
dw ?
state db ?
db ?
dw ?
wnd_number db ?
db ?
mem_start dd ?
counter_sum dd ?
counter_add dd ?
cpu_usage dd ?
; structures definition
struct WDATA
box BOX
cl_workarea dd ?
cl_titlebar dd ?
cl_frames dd ?
reserved db ?
fl_wstate db ?
fl_wdrawn db ?
fl_redraw db ?
label WDATA.fl_wstyle byte at WDATA.cl_workarea + 3
struct DBG_REGS
dr0 dd ?
dr1 dd ?
dr2 dd ?
dr3 dd ?
dr7 dd ?
struct PROC
list LHEAD ;
thr_list LHEAD ;
heap_lock MUTEX ;
heap_base rd 1 ;
heap_top rd 1 ;
mem_used rd 1
pdt_0_phys rd 1
pdt_1_phys rd 1
io_map_0 rd 1
io_map_1 rd 1
unused rb 4096-$
pdt_0 rd 1024
struct APPDATA
app_name rb 11
rb 5
process dd ? ;+16
fpu_state dd ? ;+20
exc_handler dd ? ;+24
except_mask dd ? ;+28
pl0_stack dd ? ;+32
heap_base dd ? ;+36
heap_top dd ? ;+40
cursor dd ? ;+44
fd_ev dd ? ;+48
bk_ev dd ? ;+52
fd_obj dd ? ;+56
bk_obj dd ? ;+60
saved_esp dd ? ;+64
io_map rd 2 ;+68
dbg_state dd ? ;+76
cur_dir dd ? ;+80
wait_timeout dd ? ;+84
saved_esp0 dd ? ;+88
wait_begin dd ? ;+92 +++
wait_test dd ? ;+96 +++
wait_param dd ? ;+100 +++
tls_base dd ? ;+104
dlls_list_ptr dd ? ;+108
event_filter dd ? ;+112
draw_bgr_x dd ? ;+116
draw_bgr_y dd ? ;+120
dd ? ;+124
wnd_shape dd ? ;+128
wnd_shape_scale dd ? ;+132
dd ? ;+136
mem_size dd ? ;+140
saved_box BOX ;+144
ipc_start dd ? ;+160
ipc_size dd ? ;+164
event_mask dd ? ;+168
debugger_slot dd ? ;+172
terminate_protection dd ? ;+176
keyboard_mode db ? ;+180
rb 3
dd ? ;+184
dbg_event_mem dd ? ;+188
dbg_regs DBG_REGS ;+192
wnd_caption dd ? ;+212
wnd_clientbox BOX ;+216
priority dd ? ;+232
in_schedule LHEAD ;+236
; Core functions
include "core/" ; macros for synhronization objects
include "core/" ; process management
include "core/" ; process scheduling
include "core/" ; system call
include "core/" ; all fpu/sse support
include "core/"
include "core/" ; kernel and app heap
include "core/" ; small kernel heap
include "core/"
include "core/"
include "core/" ;
include "core/"
include "core/"
include "core/" ; virtual-8086 manager
include "core/" ; irq handling functions
include "core/" ; Interrupt Controller functions
include "core/"
include "core/" ; custom clipboard
; GUI stuff
include "gui/"
include "gui/"
include "gui/"
include "gui/"
; shutdown
; file system
include "blkdev/" ; support for plug-n-play disks
include "blkdev/" ; caching for plug-n-play disks
include "blkdev/" ; ramdisk read /write
include "fs/" ; read / write for fat filesystem
include "fs/" ; read / write for ntfs filesystem
include "fs/" ; syscall, version 2
include "fs/" ; read for iso9660 filesystem CD
include "fs/ext2/ext2.asm" ; read / write for ext2 filesystem
include "fs/xfs.asm" ; read / write for xfs filesystem
; sound
include "sound/" ; player Note for Speaker PC
; display
;include "video/" ; Vesa 1.2 functions
include "video/" ; Vesa 2.0 functions
include "video/" ;
include "video/" ; VGA 16 color functions
include "video/" ; cursors functions
; Network Interface & TCPIP Stack
include "network/"
;include "drivers/"
; Mouse pointer
include "gui/"
; Window skinning
include "gui/"
; Pci functions
include "bus/pci/"
; USB functions
include "bus/usb/"
; Floppy drive controller
include "blkdev/"
include "blkdev/"
; IDE cache
include "blkdev/"
; HD drive controller
include "blkdev/"
; Access through BIOS
include "blkdev/"
; CD drive controller
include "blkdev/"
include "blkdev/"
; Character devices
include "hid/"
include "hid/"
; setting date,time,clock and alarm-clock
include "hid/"
;% -include
;parser file names
include "fs/"
; work with conf lib
include "core/"
; load external lib
include "core/"
; list of external functions
include ""
0,0 → 1,4
; Éste archivo debe ser editado con codificación CP866
version cp850 'Kolibri OS versión ',13,10,13,10,0
diff16 "fin del código del kernel",0,$
0,0 → 1,69
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
; use "iglobal" for inserting initialized global data definitions.
macro iglobal {
IGlobals equ IGlobals,
macro __IGlobalBlock { }
macro iglobal_nested {
IGlobals equ IGlobals,
macro __IGlobalBlock \{ }
; use 'uglobal' for inserting uninitialized global definitions.
; even when you define some data values, these variables
; will be stored as uninitialized data.
macro uglobal {
UGlobals equ UGlobals,
macro __UGlobalBlock { }
macro uglobal_nested {
UGlobals equ UGlobals,
macro __UGlobalBlock \{ }
endg fix } ; Use endg for ending iglobal and uglobal blocks.
endg_nested fix \}
macro IncludeIGlobals{
macro IGlobals dummy,[n] \{ __IGlobalBlock
purge __IGlobalBlock \}
match I, IGlobals \{ I \} }
macro IncludeUGlobals{
macro UGlobals dummy,[n] \{
\local begin, size
begin = $
virtual at $
purge __UGlobalBlock
size = $ - begin
end virtual
rb size
match U, UGlobals \{ U \} }
macro IncludeAllGlobals {
0,0 → 1,0
lang fix ru
0,0 → 1,138
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
__REV = 0
macro $Revision a {
match =: Num =$,a \{
if __REV < Num
__REV = Num
end if
$Revision: 3598 $
;// mike.dld, 2006-29-01 [
; macros definition
macro diff16 title,l1,l2
local s,d
s = l2-l1
display title,': 0x'
repeat 16
d = 48 + s shr ((16-%) shl 2) and $0F
if d > 57
d = d + 65-57-1
end if
display d
end repeat
display 13,10
macro diff10 title,l1,l2
local s,d,z,m
s = l2-l1
z = 0
m = 1000000000
display title,': '
repeat 10
d = '0' + s / m
s = s - (s/m)*m
m = m / 10
if d <> '0'
z = 1
end if
if z <> 0
display d
end if
end repeat
display 13,10
include ''
; \begin{diamond}[29.09.2006]
; may be useful for kernel debugging
; example 1:
; dbgstr 'Hello, World!'
; example 2:
; dbgstr 'Hello, World!', save_flags
macro dbgstr string*, f
local a
a db 'K : ',string,13,10,0
if ~ f eq
end if
push esi
mov esi, a
call sys_msg_board_str
pop esi
if ~ f eq
end if
; \end{diamond}[29.09.2006]
macro Mov op1,op2,op3 ; op1 = op2 = op3
mov op2, op3
mov op1, op2
macro list_init head
mov [], head
mov [head+LHEAD.prev], head
macro __list_add new, prev, next
mov [next+LHEAD.prev], new
mov [], next
mov [new+LHEAD.prev], prev
mov [], new
macro list_add new, head
mov eax, []
__list_add new, head, eax
macro list_add_tail new, head
mov eax, [head+LHEAD.prev]
__list_add new, eax, head
macro list_del entry
mov edx, [entry+list_fd]
mov ecx, [entry+list_bk]
mov [edx+list_bk], ecx
mov [ecx+list_fd], edx
; MOV Immediate.
; Useful for things like movi eax,10:
; shorter than regular mov, but slightly slower,
; do not use it in performance-critical places.
macro movi dst, imm
if imm >= -0x80 & imm <= 0x7F
push imm
pop dst
mov dst, imm
end if
0,0 → 1,47
FLAGS=-m 65536
drivers_src=com_mouse emu10k1x fm801 infinity sis sound vt823x
.PHONY: all kernel drivers bootloader clean
all: kernel drivers bootloader
kernel: check_lang
@echo "*** building kernel with language '$(lang)' ..."
@mkdir -p bin
@echo "lang fix $(lang)" >
@echo "--- building 'bin/kernel.mnt' ..."
@$(FASM) $(FLAGS) kernel.asm bin/kernel.mnt
@rm -f
@echo "*** building drivers ..."
@mkdir -p bin/drivers
@cd drivers; for f in $(drivers_src); do \
echo "--- building 'bin/drivers/$${f}.obj' ..."; \
$(FASM) $(FLAGS) "$${f}.asm" "../bin/drivers/$${f}.obj" || exit $?; \
bootloader: check_lang
@echo "*** building bootloader with language '$(lang)' ..."
@mkdir -p bin
@echo "lang fix $(lang)" >
@echo "--- building 'bin/boot_fat12.bin' ..."
@$(FASM) $(FLAGS) bootloader/boot_fat12.asm bin/boot_fat12.bin
@rm -f
@case "$(lang)" in \
$(languages)) \
;; \
*) \
echo "*** error: language is incorrect or not specified"; \
exit 1; \
;; \
rm -rf bin
rm -f
0,0 → 1,279
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; Boot:
; 0:9000 byte bits per pixel
; 0:9001 word scanline length
; 0:9008 word vesa video mode
; 0:900A word X res
; 0:900C word Y res
; 0:9010 byte mouse port - not used
; 0:9014 dword Vesa 1.2 pm bank switch
; 0:9018 dword Vesa 2.0 LFB address
; 0:901C byte 0 or 1 : enable MTRR graphics acceleration
; 0:901D byte not used anymore (0 or 1 : enable system log display)
; 0:901E byte 0 or 1 : enable direct lfb write, paging disabled
; 0:901F byte DMA write : 1=yes, 2=no
; 0:9020 8bytes pci data
; 0:9030 byte VRR start enabled 1, 2-no
; 0:9031 word IDEContrRegsBaseAddr
; 0x9040 - dword - entry point of APM BIOS
; 0x9044 - word - version (BCD)
; 0x9046 - word - flags
; 0:907F byte number of BIOS hard disks
; 0:9080 Nbytes BIOS hard disks
; 0:9100 word available physical memory map: number of blocks
; 0:9104 available physical memory map: blocks
; Runtime:
; 0x00000000 -> 0x7FFFFFFF application 2Gb
; 0x80000000 -> 0FFF physical page zero - do not write
; (used by int 13h in some configurations)
; 0x80001000 -> 2FFF window_data - 256 entries
; 0000 dword x start
; 0004 dword y start
; 0008 dword x size
; 000C dword y size
; 0010 dword color of work area
; 0014 dword color of grab bar
; 0018 dword color of frames
; 001C dword window flags, +30 = window drawn, +31 redraw flag
; 3000 -> 4FFF task list - 256 entries
; 00 dword process count
; 04 dword no of processes
; 10 dword base of running process at 0x3000+
; 20 dword application event mask
; 24 dword PID - process identification number
; 2a byte slot state: 0=running, 1,2=suspended
; 3=zombie, 4=terminate,
; 5=waiting for event, 9 = not used
; 2e byte window number on screen
; 30 dword exact position in memory
; 34 dword counter sum
; 38 dword time stamp counter add
; 3c dword cpu usage in cpu timer tics
; 5000 -> 68FF free (6k6)
; 6900 -> 6EFF saved picture under mouse pointer (1k5)
; 6F00 -> 6FFF free (256)
; 7000 -> 7FFF used CD driver
; 8000 -> A3FF used FLOPPY driver
; A400 -> B0FF free (3k3), unused ACTIVE_PROC_STACK
; B100 -> B307 IDT for int_0x00..int_0x40
; B308 -> BFFF free (3k3)
; C000 -> C3FF window stack C000 no of windows - all in words
; C402 -> C7FF window position in stack
; D000 -> D1FF FDC controller
; D200 -> D3FF FDC controller for Fat12
; D400 -> DFFF free (3k)
; E000 byte multitasking started
; E020 dword putpixel address
; E024 dword getpixel address
; E030 dword Vesa 1.2 pm bank switch address
; E034 -> F1FF free (4k5)
; F200 dword mousepicture -pointer
; F204 dword mouse appearance counter
; F208 -> F2FF free (248)
; F300 dword x & y temp for windowmove
; F304 -> F3FF free (252)
; F400 byte no of keys in buffer
; F401 byte 'buffer'
; F402 -> F4FF reserved for keys
; F500 byte no of buttons in buffer
; F501 dword 'buffer'
; F502 -> F5FF reserved for buttons
; F600 dword tsc / second
; F604 byte (unused?) mouse port: 1 ps2, 2 com1, 3 com2
; F605 -> FAFF free (1k2)
; FB00 -> FB0F mouse memory 00 chunk count, that includes:
; FB08 word -- mouse H-scroll
; FB0A word -- mouse x
; FB0C word -- mouse y
; FB0E word -- mouse V-scroll
; FB10 -> FB17 mouse color mem
; FB21 x move
; FB22 y move
; FB28 high bits temp
; FB30 color temp
; FB40 byte buttons down
; FB44 byte 0 mouse down -> do not draw
; FB4A -> FB4D FB4A-B x-under - FB4C-D y-under
; FBF1 byte bits per pixel
; FC00 -> FCFE com1/ps2 buffer
; FCFF com1/ps2 buffer count starting from FC00
; FD00 -> FDFF free (256)
; FE00 dword screen x size
; FE04 dword screen y size
; FE08 dword screen y multiplier
; FE0C dword screen mode
; FE10 -> FE7F free (112)
; FE80 dword address of LFB in physical
; FE84 dword address of applications memory start in physical ?
; FE88 dword address of button list
; FE8C dword memory to use
; FE90 -> FEFF free (112)
; FF00 byte 1 = system shutdown request
; FF01 byte task activation request?
; FFF0 byte >0 if redraw background request from app
; FFF1 byte free
; FFF2 write and read bank in screen
; FFF4 byte 0 if first mouse draw & do not return picture under
; FFF5 byte 1 do not draw pointer
; FFFF byte do not change task for 1/100 sec.
; 0x80010000 -> 6CBFF kernel, 32-bit run-time code (up to 371 Kb)
; 0x8006CC00 -> 6DBFF stack at boot time (4Kb)
; 0x8006DC00 -> 6E5FF free (2560)
; 0x8006E600 -> 6Efff free (2560)
; 0x8006F000 -> 6FFFF main page directory
; 0x80070000 -> 7FFFF data of retrieved disks and partitions (Mario79)
; 0x80080000 -> 8FFFF additional app info, in 256 byte steps - 256 entries
; 00 11db name of app running
; 0x10 dword pointer to fpu save area
; 0x14 dword event count
; 0x18 dword user fpu exceptoins handler
; 0x1c dword user sse exceptions handler
; 20 dword PL0 stack base
; 24 dword user heap base
; 28 dword user heap top
; 2c dword window cursor handle
; 30 dword first event in list
; 34 dword last event in list
; 38 dword first kernel object in list
; 3c dword last kernel object in list
; 40 dword thread esp
; 44 dword io permission map page 0
; 48 dword io permission map page 1
; 4c dword debug state: 1= load debug registers
; 50 dword current directory ptr
; 54 dword wait timeout
; 58 dword thread TSS._esp0 (= pl0 stack base + size except for V86)
; 5C-7F unused
; 80 dword address of random shaped window area
; 84 byte shape area scale
; 88 dword free
; 8C dword application memory size
; 90 dword window X position save
; 94 dword window Y position save
; 98 dword window X size save
; 9C dword window Y size save
; A0 dword IPC memory start
; A4 dword IPC memory size
; A8 dword event bits: mouse, stack,..
; AC dword 0 or debugger slot
; B0 dword free
; B4 byte keyboard mode: 0 = keymap, 1 = scancodes
; B8 dword physical address of directory table
; BC dword address of debug event memory
; C0 5 dd thread debug registers: DR0,DR1,DR2,DR3,DR7
; 0x80090000 -> 9FFFF tmp (64k) - unused?
; 0x800A0000 -> AFFFF screen access area
; 0x800B0000 -> FFFFF bios rest in peace -area (320k) ?
; 0x80100000 -> 27FFFF diskette image (1m5)
; 0x80280000 -> 283FFF free (16k)
; 0x80284000 -> 28BFFF HDD DMA AREA (32k)
; 0x8028C000 -> 297FFF free (48k)
; 0x80298000 -> 29FFFF auxiliary table for background smoothing code (32k)
; 0x802A0000 -> 2B00FF wav device buffer (64k)
; 0x802A0000 -> 2B00FF wav device status (256)
; 0x802B0100 -> 2B3FFD free (15k7)
; 0x802B3FEE -> 2B3FEF button info (64K+ 16 + 2 byte)
; 2B3FEE 0000 word number of buttons
; 2B3FF0 first button entry
; button entry at 0x10
; +0000 word process number
; +0002 word button id number : bits 00-15
; +0004 word x start
; +0006 word x size
; +0008 word y start
; +000A word y size
; +000C word button id number : bits 16-31
; 0x802C4000 -> 2C9FFF area for fast getting offset to LFB (24k)
; BPSLine_calc_area
; 0x802CA000 -> 2CFFFF area for fast getting offset to _WinMapAddress (24k)
; d_width_calc_area
; 0x802D0000 -> 2DFFFF reserved port area (64k)
; 0000 dword no of port areas reserved
; 0010 dword process id
; dword start port
; dword end port
; dword 0
; 0x802E0000 -> 2EFFFF irq data area (64k) ;BOOT_VAR
; 0x802F0000 -> 2F3FFF tcp memory stack_data_start eth_data_start (16k)
; 0x802F4000 -> 30ffff stack_data | stack_data_end (112k)
; 0x80310000 -> 317fff resendQ (32k)
; 0x80318000 -> 31ffff skin_data (32k)
; 0x80320000 -> 323FF3 draw data - 256 entries (4k)
; 00 dword draw limit - x start
; 04 dword draw limit - y start
; 08 dword draw limit - x end
; 0C dword draw limit - y end
; 0x8032BFF4 -> 32BFFF background info
; 0x80323FF4 BgrDrawMode
; 0x80323FF8 BgrDataWidth
; 0x80323FFC BgrDataHeight
; 0x80324000 page map (length b = memsize shr 15)
; 0x80324000 + b start of static pagetables
; 0x803FFFFF <- no direct address translation beyond this point
; =============================================================
; 0x805FF000 -> 5FFF80 TSS
; 0x80600000 -> 601FFF i/o maps
; 0x80800000 -> kernel heap
; 0x80FFFFFF heap min limit
; 0xFDBFFFFF heap max limit
; 0xF0000000 -> 0xF1FFFFFF PCI-express extended config space
; 0xFDC00000 -> 0xFDFFFFFF page tables 4Mb
; 0xFE000000 -> 0xFFFFFFFF LFB 32Mb
; 0xFE000000 -> 0xFE7FFFFF application available LFB 8Mb
; 0xFE800000 -> 0xFFFFFFFF kernel LFB part 24 Mb
0,0 → 1,676
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; ARP.INC ;;
;; ;;
;; Part of the tcp/ip network stack for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Based on the work of [Johnny_B] and [smb] ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June- 1991 ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3386 $
ARP_REQUEST_TTL = 31 ; 20 s
ARP_ENTRY_TTL = 937 ; 600 s
ARP_REQ_OPCODE = 0x0100 ; request
ARP_REP_OPCODE = 0x0200 ; reply
ARP_TABLE_SIZE = 20 ; Size of table
struct ARP_entry
IP dd ?
MAC dp ?
Status dw ?
TTL dw ?
struct ARP_header
HardwareType dw ?
ProtocolType dw ?
HardwareSize db ?
ProtocolSize db ?
Opcode dw ?
SenderMAC dp ?
SenderIP dd ?
TargetMAC dp ?
TargetIP dd ?
align 4
ARP_table rb NET_DEVICES_MAX*(ARP_TABLE_SIZE * sizeof.ARP_entry)
ARP_entries_num rd NET_DEVICES_MAX
; ARP_init
; This function resets all ARP variables
macro ARP_init {
xor eax, eax
mov edi, ARP_entries_num
mov ecx, 4*NET_DEVICES_MAX
rep stosd
; ARP_decrease_entry_ttls
macro ARP_decrease_entry_ttls {
local .loop
local .exit
; The TTL field is decremented every second, and is deleted when it reaches 0.
; It is refreshed every time a packet is received.
; If the TTL field is 0xFFFF it is a static entry and is never deleted.
; The status field can be the following values:
; 0x0000 entry not used
; 0x0001 entry holds a valid mapping
; 0x0002 entry contains an IP address, awaiting ARP response
; 0x0003 No response received to ARP request.
; The last status value is provided to allow the network layer to delete
; a packet that is queued awaiting an ARP response
xor edi, edi
mov ecx, [ARP_entries_num + 4*edi]
test ecx, ecx
jz .exit
mov esi, (ARP_TABLE_SIZE * sizeof.ARP_entry)
imul esi, edi
add esi, ARP_table
cmp [esi + ARP_entry.TTL], ARP_STATIC_ENTRY
je .next
dec [esi + ARP_entry.TTL]
jz .time_out
add esi, sizeof.ARP_entry
dec ecx
jnz .loop
jmp .exit
cmp [esi + ARP_entry.Status], ARP_AWAITING_RESPONSE
je .response_timeout
push esi edi ecx
call ARP_del_entry
pop ecx edi esi
jmp .next
mov [esi + ARP_entry.Status], ARP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT
mov [esi + ARP_entry.TTL], 10
jmp .next
inc edi
jb .loop_outer
; ARP_input
; IN: Pointer to buffer in [esp]
; size of buffer in [esp+4]
; packet size (without ethernet header) in ecx
; packet ptr in edx
; device ptr in ebx
; OUT: /
align 4
; Check validity and print some debug info
cmp ecx, sizeof.ARP_header
jb .exit
call NET_ptr_to_num4
cmp edi, -1
jz .exit
inc [ARP_PACKETS_RX + edi] ; update stats
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ARP_input: got packet from %u.%u.%u.%u (device*4=%u)\n",\
[edx + ARP_header.SenderIP]:1, [edx + ARP_header.SenderIP + 1]:1,\
[edx + ARP_header.SenderIP + 2]:1, [edx + ARP_header.SenderIP + 3]:1, edi
; First, check for IP collision
mov eax, [edx + ARP_header.SenderIP]
cmp eax, [IP_LIST + edi]
je .collision
; Handle reply packets
cmp [edx + ARP_header.Opcode], ARP_REP_OPCODE
jne .maybe_request
mov ecx, [ARP_entries_num + edi]
test ecx, ecx
jz .exit
mov esi, edi
imul esi, (ARP_TABLE_SIZE * sizeof.ARP_entry)/4
add esi, ARP_table
cmp [esi + ARP_entry.IP], eax
je .gotit
add esi, sizeof.ARP_entry
dec ecx
jnz .loop
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ARP_input: no matching entry found\n"
jmp .exit
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ARP_input: found matching entry\n"
cmp [esi + ARP_entry.TTL], ARP_STATIC_ENTRY ; if it is a static entry, dont touch it
je .exit
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ARP_input: updating entry\n"
mov [esi + ARP_entry.Status], ARP_VALID_MAPPING
mov [esi + ARP_entry.TTL], ARP_ENTRY_TTL
mov eax, dword [edx + ARP_header.SenderMAC]
mov dword [esi + ARP_entry.MAC], eax
mov cx, word [edx + ARP_header.SenderMAC + 4]
mov word [esi + ARP_entry.MAC + 4], cx
jmp .exit
; Handle request packets
cmp [edx + ARP_header.Opcode], ARP_REQ_OPCODE
jne .exit
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ARP_input: its a request\n"
mov eax, [IP_LIST + edi]
cmp eax, [edx + ARP_header.TargetIP] ; Is it looking for my IP address?
jne .exit
push eax
push edi
; OK, it is a request for one of our MAC addresses.
; Build the frame and send it. We can reuse the buffer. (faster then using ARP_create_packet)
lea esi, [edx + ARP_header.SenderMAC]
lea edi, [edx + ARP_header.TargetMAC]
movsd ; Move Sender Mac to Dest MAC
movsw ;
movsd ; Move sender IP to Dest IP
pop esi
mov esi, [NET_DRV_LIST + esi]
lea esi, [esi + ETH_DEVICE.mac]
lea edi, [edx + ARP_header.SenderMAC]
movsd ; Copy MAC address from in MAC_LIST
movsw ;
pop eax
stosd ; Write our IP
mov [edx + ARP_header.Opcode], ARP_REP_OPCODE
; Now, Fill in ETHERNET header
mov edi, [esp]
lea esi, [edx + ARP_header.TargetMAC]
lea esi, [edx + ARP_header.SenderMAC]
; mov ax , ETHER_ARP ; It's already there, I'm sure of it!
; stosw
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ARP_input: Sending reply\n"
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
inc [ARP_CONFLICTS + edi]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ARP_input: IP address conflict detected!\n"
call NET_packet_free
add esp, 4 ; pop (balance stack)
; ARP_output_request
; IN: ebx = device ptr
; eax = IP
; OUT: /
; scratched: probably everything
align 4
push eax
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ARP_output_request: ip=%u.%u.%u.%u device=0x%x\n",\
[esp]:1, [esp + 1]:1, [esp + 2]:1, [esp + 3]:1, ebx
lea eax, [ebx + ETH_DEVICE.mac] ; local device mac
mov edx, ETH_BROADCAST ; broadcast mac
mov ecx, sizeof.ARP_header
call ETH_output
jz .exit
mov [edi + ARP_header.HardwareType], 0x0100 ; Ethernet
mov [edi + ARP_header.ProtocolType], 0x0008 ; IP
mov [edi + ARP_header.HardwareSize], 6 ; MAC-addr length
mov [edi + ARP_header.ProtocolSize], 4 ; IP-addr length
mov [edi + ARP_header.Opcode], ARP_REQ_OPCODE ; Request
add edi, ARP_header.SenderMAC
lea esi, [ebx + ETH_DEVICE.mac] ; SenderMac
movsw ;
movsd ;
push edi
call NET_ptr_to_num4
inc [ARP_PACKETS_TX + edi] ; assume we will succeed
lea esi, [IP_LIST + edi] ; SenderIP
pop edi
mov esi, ETH_BROADCAST ; DestMac
movsw ;
movsd ;
popd [edi] ; DestIP
push edx eax
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
add esp, 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "ARP_output_request: send failed\n"
; ARP_add_entry (or update)
; IN: esi = ptr to entry (can easily be made on the stack)
; edi = device num*4
; OUT: eax = entry #, -1 on error
; esi = ptr to newly created entry
;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; TODO: use a mutex
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ARP_add_entry: device=%u\n", edi
mov ecx, [ARP_entries_num + edi]
cmp ecx, ARP_TABLE_SIZE ; list full ?
jae .full
; From this point on, we can only fail if IP has a static entry, or if table is corrupt.
inc [ARP_entries_num + edi] ; assume we will succeed
push edi
xor ecx, ecx
imul edi, ARP_TABLE_SIZE*sizeof.ARP_entry/4
add edi, ARP_table
mov eax, [esi + ARP_entry.IP]
cmp [edi + ARP_entry.Status], ARP_NO_ENTRY ; is this slot empty?
je .add
cmp [edi + ARP_entry.IP], eax ; if not, check if it doesnt collide
jne .maybe_next
cmp [edi + ARP_entry.TTL], ARP_STATIC_ENTRY ; ok, its the same IP, update it if not static
jne .add
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "ARP_add_entry: failed, IP already has a static entry\n"
jmp .error
.maybe_next: ; try the next slot
add edi, sizeof.ARP_entry
inc ecx
jb .loop
push ecx
mov ecx, sizeof.ARP_entry/2
rep movsw
pop ecx
lea esi, [edi - sizeof.ARP_entry]
pop edi
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ARP_add_entry: entry=%u\n", ecx
pop edi
dec [ARP_entries_num + edi]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "ARP_add_entry_failed\n"
mov eax, -1
; ARP_del_entry
; IN: esi = ptr to arp entry
; edi = device number
; OUT: /
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ARP_del_entry: entry=%x entrys=%u\n", esi, [ARP_entries_num + 4*edi]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ARP_del_entry: IP=%u.%u.%u.%u\n", \
[esi + ARP_entry.IP]:1, [esi + ARP_entry.IP + 1]:1, [esi + ARP_entry.IP + 2]:1, [esi + ARP_entry.IP + 3]:1
push edi
imul edi, (ARP_TABLE_SIZE) * sizeof.ARP_entry
lea ecx, [ARP_table + (ARP_TABLE_SIZE - 1) * sizeof.ARP_entry + edi]
sub ecx, esi
shr ecx, 1
; move all trailing entries, sizeof.ARP_entry bytes to left.
mov edi, esi
add esi, sizeof.ARP_entry
rep movsw
; now add an empty entry to the end (erasing previous one)
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, sizeof.ARP_entry/2
rep stosw
pop edi
dec [ARP_entries_num + 4*edi]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ARP_del_entry: success\n"
; This function translates an IP address to a MAC address
; IN: eax = IPv4 address
; edi = device number * 4
; OUT: eax = -1 on error, -2 means request send
; else, ax = first two bytes of mac (high 16 bits of eax will be 0)
; ebx = last four bytes of mac
; edi = unchanged
align 4
rol eax, 16
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, ".%u.%u device*4: %u\n", al, ah, edi
rol eax, 16
cmp eax, 0xffffffff
je .broadcast
; Try to find the IP in ARP_table
mov ecx, [ARP_entries_num + edi]
test ecx, ecx
jz .not_in_list
mov esi, edi
imul esi, (sizeof.ARP_entry * ARP_TABLE_SIZE)/4
add esi, ARP_table + ARP_entry.IP
cmp [esi], eax
je .found_it
add esi, sizeof.ARP_entry
dec ecx
jnz .scan_loop
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ARP_IP_to_MAC: preparing for ARP request\n"
push eax edi ; save IP for ARP_output_request
; Now craft the ARP entry on the stack
pushd 0 ; mac
pushw 0
pushd eax ; ip
mov esi, esp
; Add it to the list
call ARP_add_entry
; Delete the temporary entry
add esp, sizeof.ARP_entry ; clear the entry from stack
; If we could not add it to the list, give up
cmp eax, -1 ; did ARP_add_entry fail?
je .full
; At this point, we got an ARP entry in the list
; Now send a request packet on the network
pop edi eax ; IP in eax, device number in ebx, for ARP_output_request
push esi edi
mov ebx, [NET_DRV_LIST + edi]
call ARP_output_request
pop edi esi
cmp [esi + ARP_entry.Status], ARP_VALID_MAPPING ; Does it have a MAC assigned?
je .valid
cmp [esi + ARP_entry.Status], ARP_AWAITING_RESPONSE ; Are we waiting for reply from remote end?
jne .give_up
push esi
mov esi, 10 ; wait 10 ms
call delay_ms
pop esi
jmp .found_it ; now check again
jmp .give_up
end if
movzx eax, word[esi + ARP_entry.MAC]
mov ebx, dword[esi + ARP_entry.MAC + 2]
add esp, 8
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ARP_IP_to_MAC: entry has no valid mapping!\n"
mov eax, -1
mov eax, 0x0000ffff
mov ebx, 0xffffffff
; This function is called by system function 76
; IN: subfunction number in bl
; device number in bh
; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction
; OUT: ?
align 4
movzx eax, bh
shl eax, 2
and ebx, 0xff
cmp ebx, .number
ja .error
jmp dword [.table + 4*ebx]
dd .packets_tx ; 0
dd .packets_rx ; 1
dd .entries ; 2
dd .read ; 3
dd .write ; 4
dd .remove ; 5
dd .send_announce ; 6
dd .conflicts ; 7
.number = ($ - .table) / 4 - 1
mov eax, -1
mov eax, [ARP_PACKETS_TX + eax]
mov eax, [ARP_PACKETS_RX + eax]
mov eax, [ARP_CONFLICTS + eax]
mov eax, [ARP_entries_num + eax]
cmp ecx, [ARP_entries_num + eax]
jae .error
shr eax, 2
imul eax, sizeof.ARP_entry*ARP_TABLE_SIZE
add eax, ARP_table
; edi = pointer to buffer
; ecx = # entry
imul ecx, sizeof.ARP_entry
lea esi, [eax + ecx]
mov ecx, sizeof.ARP_entry/2
rep movsw
xor eax, eax
; esi = pointer to buffer
mov edi, eax
call ARP_add_entry ; out: eax = entry number, -1 on error
; ecx = # entry
cmp ecx, [ARP_entries_num + eax]
jae .error
imul ecx, sizeof.ARP_entry
lea esi, [ARP_table + ecx]
mov edi, eax
shr edi, 2
call ARP_del_entry
mov ebx, [NET_DRV_LIST + eax]
mov eax, [IP_LIST + eax]
call ARP_output_request ; now send a gratuitous ARP
0,0 → 1,1084
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; IPv4.INC ;;
;; ;;
;; Part of the TCP/IP network stack for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Based on the work of [Johnny_B] and [smb] ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3515 $
IPv4_ROUTE_FLAG_UP = 1 shl 0
IPv4_ROUTE_FLAG_HOST = 1 shl 2
IPv4_ROUTE_FLAG_D = 1 shl 3 ; Route was created by a redirect
IPv4_ROUTE_FLAG_M = 1 shl 4 ; Route was modified by a redirect
struct IPv4_header
VersionAndIHL db ? ; Version[0-3 bits] and IHL(header length)[4-7 bits]
TypeOfService db ? ; precedence [7-5] minimize delay [4], maximize throughput [3], maximize riliability [2] minimize momentary cost [1] and zero [0]
TotalLength dw ?
Identification dw ?
FlagsAndFragmentOffset dw ? ; Flags[0-2] and FragmentOffset[3-15]
TimeToLive db ? ;
Protocol db ?
HeaderChecksum dw ?
SourceAddress dd ?
DestinationAddress dd ?
struct IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot
ttl dw ? ; Time to live for this entry, 0 for empty slot's
id dw ? ; Identification field from IP header
SrcIP dd ? ; .. from IP header
DstIP dd ? ; .. from IP header
ptr dd ? ; Pointer to first packet
struct IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry ; This structure will replace the ethernet header in fragmented ip packets
PrevPtr dd ? ; Pointer to previous fragment entry (-1 for first packet)
NextPtr dd ? ; Pointer to next fragment entry (-1 for last packet)
Owner dd ? ; Pointer to structure of driver
rb 2 ; to match ethernet header size ;;; FIXME
; Ip header begins here (we will need the IP header to re-construct the complete packet)
struct IPv4_ROUTE
Destination dd ?
Gateway dd ?
Flags dd ?
Use dd ?
Interface dd ?
align 4
IPv4_packets_tx rd NET_DEVICES_MAX
IPv4_packets_rx rd NET_DEVICES_MAX
IPv4_packets_dumped rd NET_DEVICES_MAX
; IPv4_init
; This function resets all IP variables
macro IPv4_init {
xor eax, eax
mov edi, IP_LIST
mov ecx, 7*NET_DEVICES_MAX + (sizeof.IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot*IPv4_MAX_FRAGMENTS)/4
rep stosd
; Decrease TimeToLive of all fragment slots
macro IPv4_decrease_fragment_ttls {
local .loop, .next
cmp [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot.ttl], 0
je .next
dec [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot.ttl]
jz .died
add esi, sizeof.IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot
dec ecx
jnz .loop
jmp .done
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4 Fragment slot timed-out!\n"
;;; TODO: clear all entry's of timed-out slot
jmp .next
macro IPv4_checksum ptr {
; This is the fast procedure to create or check an IP header without options
; To create a new checksum, the checksum field must be set to 0 before computation
; To check an existing checksum, leave the checksum as is, and it will be 0 after this procedure, if it was correct
push ebx
xor ebx, ebx
add bl, [ptr+1]
adc bh, [ptr+0]
adc bl, [ptr+3]
adc bh, [ptr+2]
adc bl, [ptr+5]
adc bh, [ptr+4]
adc bl, [ptr+7]
adc bh, [ptr+6]
adc bl, [ptr+9]
adc bh, [ptr+8]
; we skip 11th and 12th byte, they are the checksum bytes and should be 0 for re-calculation
adc bl, [ptr+13]
adc bh, [ptr+12]
adc bl, [ptr+15]
adc bh, [ptr+14]
adc bl, [ptr+17]
adc bh, [ptr+16]
adc bl, [ptr+19]
adc bh, [ptr+18]
adc ebx, 0
push ecx
mov ecx, ebx
shr ecx, 16
and ebx, 0xffff
add ebx, ecx
mov ecx, ebx
shr ecx, 16
add ebx, ecx
not bx
jnz .not_zero
dec bx
xchg bl, bh
pop ecx
neg word [ptr+10] ; zero will stay zero so we just get the checksum
add word [ptr+10], bx ; , else we will get (new checksum - old checksum) in the end, wich should be 0 :)
pop ebx
; IPv4_input:
; Will check if IPv4 Packet isnt damaged
; and call appropriate handler. (TCP/UDP/ICMP/..)
; It will also re-construct fragmented packets
; IN: Pointer to buffer in [esp]
; size of buffer in [esp+4]
; pointer to device struct in ebx
; pointer to IPv4 header in edx
; size of IPv4 packet in ecx
; OUT: /
align 4
IPv4_input: ; TODO: add IPv4 raw sockets support
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input, packet from: %u.%u.%u.%u ",\
[edx + IPv4_header.SourceAddress + 0]:1,[edx + IPv4_header.SourceAddress + 1]:1,\
[edx + IPv4_header.SourceAddress + 2]:1,[edx + IPv4_header.SourceAddress + 3]:1
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "to: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",\
[edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress + 0]:1,[edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress + 1]:1,\
[edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress + 2]:1,[edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress + 3]:1
; re-calculate the checksum
IPv4_checksum edx
jnz .dump ; if checksum isn't valid then dump packet
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Checksum ok\n"
; Check if destination IP is correct
call NET_ptr_to_num4
; check if it matches local ip (Using RFC1122 strong end system model)
mov eax, [edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress]
cmp eax, [IP_LIST + edi]
je .ip_ok
; check for broadcast (IP or (not SUBNET))
cmp eax, [BROADCAST_LIST + edi]
je .ip_ok
; or a special broadcast (
cmp eax, 0xffffffff
je .ip_ok
; maybe it's a multicast (
and eax, 0x0fffffff
cmp eax, 224
je .ip_ok
; or a loopback address (
and eax, 0x00ffffff
cmp eax, 127
je .ip_ok
; or it's just not meant for us.. :(
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Destination address does not match!\n"
jmp .dump
; Now we can update stats
inc [IPv4_packets_rx + edi]
; Check if the packet is fragmented
test [edx + IPv4_header.FlagsAndFragmentOffset], 1 shl 5 ; Is 'more fragments' flag set ?
jnz .has_fragments ; If so, we definately have a fragmented packet
test [edx + IPv4_header.FlagsAndFragmentOffset], 0xff1f ; If flag is not set, but there is a fragment offset, the packet is last in series of fragmented packets
jnz .is_last_fragment
; No, it's just a regular IP packet, pass it to the higher protocols
.handle_it: ; We reach here if packet hasnt been fragmented, or when it already has been re-constructed
movzx esi, [edx + IPv4_header.VersionAndIHL] ; Calculate Header length by using IHL field
and esi, 0x0000000f ;
shl esi, 2 ;
movzx ecx, [edx + IPv4_header.TotalLength] ; Calculate length of encapsulated Packet
xchg cl, ch ;
sub ecx, esi ;
lea edi, [edx + IPv4_header.SourceAddress] ; make edi ptr to source and dest IPv4 address
mov al, [edx + IPv4_header.Protocol]
add esi, edx ; make esi ptr to data
cmp al, IP_PROTO_TCP
je TCP_input
cmp al, IP_PROTO_UDP
je UDP_input
je ICMP_input
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: unknown protocol %u\n", al
inc [IPv4_packets_dumped] ; FIXME: use correct interface
call NET_packet_free
add esp, 4 ; pop (balance stack)
; Fragmented packet handler
movzx eax, [edx + IPv4_header.FlagsAndFragmentOffset]
xchg al, ah
shl ax, 3
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: fragmented packet offset=%u id=%x ptr=0x%x\n", ax, [edx + IPv4_header.Identification]:4, edx
test ax, ax ; Is this the first packet of the fragment?
jz .is_first_fragment
; We have a fragmented IP packet, but it's not the first
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Middle fragment packet received!\n"
call IPv4_find_fragment_slot
cmp esi, -1
je .dump
mov [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot.ttl], 15 ; Reset the ttl
mov esi, [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot.ptr]
or edi, -1
.find_last_entry: ; The following routine will try to find the last entry
cmp edi, [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.PrevPtr]
jne .destroy_slot ; Damn, something screwed up, remove the whole slot (and free buffers too if possible!)
mov edi, esi
mov esi, [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.NextPtr]
cmp esi, -1
jne .find_last_entry
; We found the last entry (pointer is now in edi)
; We are going to overwrite the ethernet header in received packet with a FRAGMENT_entry structure
pop eax ; pointer to packet
mov [edi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.NextPtr], eax ; update pointer of previous entry to the new entry
mov [eax + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.NextPtr], -1
mov [eax + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.PrevPtr], edi
mov [eax + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.Owner], ebx
add esp, 4
; We have received the first fragment
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: First fragment packet received!\n"
; try to locate a free slot..
cmp word [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot.ttl], 0
je .found_free_slot
add esi, sizeof.IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot
loop .find_free_slot
jmp .dump ; If no free slot was found, dump the packet
.found_free_slot: ; We found a free slot, let's fill in the FRAGMENT_slot structure
mov [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot.ttl], 15 ; RFC recommends 15 secs as ttl
mov ax, [edx + IPv4_header.Identification]
mov [esi +], ax
mov eax, [edx + IPv4_header.SourceAddress]
mov [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot.SrcIP], eax
mov eax, [edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress]
mov [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot.DstIP], eax
pop eax
mov [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot.ptr], eax
; Now, replace ethernet header in original buffer with a FRAGMENT_entry structure
mov [eax + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.NextPtr], -1
mov [eax + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.PrevPtr], -1
mov [eax + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.Owner], ebx
add esp, 4 ; balance stack and exit
; We have received the last fragment
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Last fragment packet received!\n"
call IPv4_find_fragment_slot
cmp esi, -1
je .dump
mov esi, [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot.ptr] ; We found the first entry, let's calculate total size of the packet in eax, so we can allocate a buffer
push esi
xor eax, eax
or edi, -1
cmp [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.PrevPtr], edi
jne .destroy_slot_pop ; Damn, something screwed up, remove the whole slot (and free buffers too if possible!)
mov cx, [esi + sizeof.IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry + IPv4_header.TotalLength] ; Add total length
xchg cl, ch
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Packet size=%u\n", cx
add ax, cx
movzx cx, [esi + sizeof.IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry + IPv4_header.VersionAndIHL] ; Sub Header length
and cx, 0x000F
shl cx, 2
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Header size=%u\n", cx
sub ax, cx
mov edi, esi
mov esi, [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.NextPtr]
cmp esi, -1
jne .count_bytes
mov esi, [esp+4]
mov [edi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.NextPtr], esi ; Add this packet to the chain, this simplifies the following code
mov [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.NextPtr], -1
mov [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.PrevPtr], edi
mov [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.Owner], ebx
mov cx, [edx + IPv4_header.TotalLength] ; Note: This time we dont substract Header length
xchg cl, ch
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Packet size=%u\n", cx
add ax, cx
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Total Received data size=%u\n", eax
push eax
mov ax, [edx + IPv4_header.FlagsAndFragmentOffset]
xchg al, ah
shl ax, 3
add cx, ax
pop eax
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Total Fragment size=%u\n", ecx
cmp ax, cx
jne .destroy_slot_pop
push eax
push eax
call kernel_alloc
test eax, eax
je .destroy_slot_pop ; If we dont have enough space to allocate the buffer, discard all packets in slot
mov edx, [esp+4] ; Get pointer to first fragment entry back in edx
movzx ecx, [edx + sizeof.IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry + IPv4_header.FlagsAndFragmentOffset] ; Calculate the fragment offset
xchg cl, ch ; intel byte order
shl cx, 3 ; multiply by 8 and clear first 3 bits
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Fragment offset=%u\n", cx
lea edi, [eax + ecx] ; Notice that edi will be equal to eax for first fragment
movzx ebx, [edx + sizeof.IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry + IPv4_header.VersionAndIHL] ; Find header size (in ebx) of fragment
and bx, 0x000F ;
shl bx, 2 ;
lea esi, [edx + sizeof.IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry] ; Set esi to the correct begin of fragment
movzx ecx, [edx + sizeof.IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry + IPv4_header.TotalLength] ; Calculate total length of fragment
xchg cl, ch ; intel byte order
cmp edi, eax ; Is this packet the first fragment ?
je .first_fragment
sub cx, bx ; If not, dont copy the header
add esi, ebx ;
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Copying %u bytes from 0x%x to 0x%x\n", ecx, esi, edi
push cx ; First copy dword-wise, then byte-wise
shr cx, 2 ;
rep movsd ;
pop cx ;
and cx, 3 ;
rep movsb ;
push eax
push [edx + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.Owner] ; we need to remeber the owner, in case this is the last packet
push [edx + IPv4_FRAGMENT_entry.NextPtr] ; Set edx to the next pointer
push edx ; Push pointer to fragment onto stack
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Next Fragment: 0x%x\n", edx
call NET_packet_free ; free the previous fragment buffer (this uses the value from stack)
pop edx ebx eax
cmp edx, -1 ; Check if it is last fragment in chain
jne .rebuild_packet_loop
pop ecx
xchg cl, ch
mov edx, eax
mov [edx + IPv4_header.TotalLength], cx
add esp, 12
xchg cl, ch
push ecx edx ; size and pointer
jmp .handle_it ; edx = buf ptr, ecx = size, [esp] buf ptr, [esp+4], total size, ebx=device ptr
add esp, 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_input: Destroy fragment slot!\n"
jmp .dump
; find fragment slot
; IN: pointer to fragmented packet in edx
; OUT: pointer to slot in esi, -1 on error
align 4
;;; TODO: the RFC says we should check protocol number too
push eax ebx ecx edx
mov ax, [edx + IPv4_header.Identification]
mov ebx, [edx + IPv4_header.SourceAddress]
mov edx, [edx + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress]
cmp [esi +], ax
jne .try_next
cmp [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot.SrcIP], ebx
jne .try_next
cmp [esi + IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot.DstIP], edx
je .found_slot
add esi, sizeof.IPv4_FRAGMENT_slot
loop .find_slot
or esi, -1
pop edx ecx ebx eax
; IPv4_output
; IN: eax = Destination IP
; ecx = data length
; edx = Source IP
; di = TTL shl 8 + protocol
; OUT: eax = pointer to buffer start
; ebx = pointer to device struct (needed for sending procedure)
; ecx = unchanged (packet size of embedded data)
; edx = size of complete buffer
; edi = pointer to start of data (0 on error)
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_output: size=%u ip=0x%x\n", ecx, eax
cmp ecx, 65500 ; Max IPv4 packet size
ja .too_large
push ecx di eax
call IPv4_route ; outputs device number in edi, dest ip in eax, source IP in edx
push edx
test edi, edi
jz .loopback
call ARP_IP_to_MAC
test eax, 0xffff0000 ; error bits
jnz .arp_error
push ebx ; push the mac onto the stack
push ax
inc [IPv4_packets_tx + edi] ; update stats
mov ebx, [NET_DRV_LIST + edi]
lea eax, [ebx + ETH_DEVICE.mac]
mov edx, esp
mov ecx, [esp + 6 + 8 + 2]
add ecx, sizeof.IPv4_header
mov di, ETHER_PROTO_IPv4
call ETH_output
jz .eth_error
add esp, 6 ; pop the mac out of the stack
xchg cl, ch ; internet byte order
mov [edi + IPv4_header.VersionAndIHL], 0x45 ; IPv4, normal length (no Optional header)
mov [edi + IPv4_header.TypeOfService], 0 ; nothing special, just plain ip packet
mov [edi + IPv4_header.TotalLength], cx
mov [edi + IPv4_header.Identification], 0 ; fragment id: FIXME
mov [edi + IPv4_header.FlagsAndFragmentOffset], 0
mov [edi + IPv4_header.HeaderChecksum], 0
popd [edi + IPv4_header.SourceAddress]
popd [edi + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress]
pop word[edi + IPv4_header.TimeToLive] ; ttl shl 8 + protocol
; [edi + IPv4_header.Protocol]
pop ecx
IPv4_checksum edi
add edi, sizeof.IPv4_header
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_output: success!\n"
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "IPv4_output: ethernet error\n"
add esp, 3*4+2+6
xor edi, edi
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "IPv4_output: ARP error=%x\n", eax
add esp, 3*4+2
xor edi, edi
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "IPv4_output: Packet too large!\n"
xor edi, edi
mov dword [esp + 2], eax ; change source IP to dest IP
mov ecx, [esp + 10]
add ecx, sizeof.IPv4_header
mov edi, AF_INET4
call LOOP_output
jmp .continue
; IPv4_output_raw
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; ecx = data length
; esi = data ptr
; OUT: /
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"IPv4_output_raw: size=%u ptr=%x socket=%x\n", ecx, esi, eax
cmp ecx, 1480 ;;;;; FIXME
ja .too_large
sub esp, 8
push esi eax
call IPv4_route
call ARP_IP_to_MAC
test eax, 0xffff0000 ; error bits
jnz .arp_error
push ebx ; push the mac
push ax
inc [IPv4_packets_tx + 4*edi]
mov ebx, [NET_DRV_LIST + 4*edi]
lea eax, [ebx + ETH_DEVICE.mac]
mov edx, esp
mov ecx, [esp + 6 + 4]
add ecx, sizeof.IPv4_header
mov di, ETHER_PROTO_IPv4
call ETH_output
jz .error
add esp, 6 ; pop the mac
mov dword[esp+4+4], edx
mov dword[esp+4+4+4], eax
pop eax esi
;; todo: check socket options if we should add header, or just compute checksum
push edi ecx
rep movsb
pop ecx edi
; [edi + IPv4_header.VersionAndIHL] ; IPv4, normal length (no Optional header)
; [edi + IPv4_header.TypeOfService] ; nothing special, just plain ip packet
; [edi + IPv4_header.TotalLength]
; [edi + IPv4_header.TotalLength] ; internet byte order
; [edi + IPv4_header.FlagsAndFragmentOffset]
mov [edi + IPv4_header.HeaderChecksum], 0
; [edi + IPv4_header.TimeToLive] ; ttl shl 8 + protocol
; [edi + IPv4_header.Protocol]
; [edi + IPv4_header.Identification] ; fragment id
; [edi + IPv4_header.SourceAddress]
; [edi + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress]
IPv4_checksum edi ;;;; todo: checksum for IP packet with options!
add edi, sizeof.IPv4_header
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_output_raw: device=%x\n", ebx
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
add esp, 6
add esp, 8+4+4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "IPv4_output_raw: Failed\n"
sub edi, edi
; IN: dword [esp] = pointer to buffer containing ipv4 packet to be fragmented
; dword [esp+4] = buffer size
; esi = pointer to ip header in that buffer
; ecx = max size of fragments
; OUT: /
align 4
and ecx, not 111b ; align 4
cmp ecx, sizeof.IPv4_header + 8 ; must be able to put at least 8 bytes
jb .err2
push esi ecx
mov eax, [esi + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress]
call ARP_IP_to_MAC
pop ecx esi
cmp eax, -1
jz .err2
push ebx
push ax
mov ebx, [NET_DRV_LIST]
lea eax, [ebx + ETH_DEVICE.mac]
push eax
push esi ; ptr to ip header
sub ecx, sizeof.IPv4_header ; substract header size
push ecx ; max data size
push dword 0 ; offset
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Ipv4_fragment: new fragment"
mov eax, [esp + 3*4]
lea ebx, [esp + 4*4]
mov di , ETHER_PROTO_IPv4
call ETH_output
cmp edi, -1
jz .err
; copy header
mov esi, [esp + 2*4]
mov ecx, 5 ; 5 dwords: TODO: use IHL field of the header!
rep movsd
; copy data
mov esi, [esp + 2*4]
add esi, sizeof.IPv4_header
add esi, [esp] ; offset
mov ecx, [esp + 1*4]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv4_fragment: copying %u bytes\n", ecx
rep movsb
; now, correct header
mov ecx, [esp + 1*4]
add ecx, sizeof.IPv4_header
xchg cl, ch
mov [edi + IPv4_header.TotalLength], cx
mov ecx, [esp] ; offset
xchg cl, ch
; cmp dword[esp + 4*4], 0 ; last fragment?;<<<<<<
; je .last_fragment
or cx, 1 shl 2 ; more fragments
; .last_fragment:
mov [edi + IPv4_header.FlagsAndFragmentOffset], cx
mov [edi + IPv4_header.HeaderChecksum], 0
;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< send the packet
mov ecx, [esp + 1*4]
push edx eax
IPv4_checksum edi
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
mov ecx, [esp+4]
add [esp], ecx
mov ecx, [esp+3*4+6+4] ; ptr to begin of buff
add ecx, [esp+3*4+6+4+4] ; buff size
sub ecx, [esp+2*4] ; ptr to ip header
add ecx, [esp] ; offset
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Ipv4_fragment: %u bytes remaining\n", ecx
cmp ecx, [esp+1*4]
jae .new_fragment
mov [esp+4], ecx ; set fragment size to remaining packet size
jmp .new_fragment
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "Ipv4_fragment: failed\n"
add esp, 12 + 4 + 6
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Ipv4_fragment: dumping\n"
call NET_packet_free
add esp, 4
; IPv4_route
; IN: eax = Destination IP
; edx = Source IP
; OUT: eax = Destination IP (or gateway IP)
; edx = Source IP
; edi = device number*4
; ecx
align 4
IPv4_route: ; TODO: return error if no valid route found
cmp eax, 0xffffffff
je .broadcast
xor edi, edi
mov ebx, [IP_LIST + edi]
and ebx, [SUBNET_LIST + edi]
jz .next
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, [SUBNET_LIST + edi]
cmp ebx, ecx
je .got_it
add edi, 4
cmp edi, 4*NET_DEVICES_MAX
jb .loop
mov eax, [GATEWAY_LIST + 4] ; TODO: let user (or a user space daemon) configure default route
mov edi, 4 ; TODO: same as above
test edx, edx
jnz @f
mov edx, [IP_LIST + edi]
; IPv4_get_frgmnt_num
; IN: /
; OUT: fragment number in ax
align 4
xor ax, ax ;;; TODO: replace this with real code
; IPv4_connect
; IN: eax = socket pointer
; OUT: eax = 0 ok / -1 error
; ebx = error code
align 4
push eax edx
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_lock
pop edx eax
; Fill in local IP
cmp [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP], 0
jne @f
push [IP_LIST + 4] ; FIXME: use correct local IP
pop [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
; Fill in remote IP
pushd [edx + 4]
pop [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
; Set up data receiving queue
push eax
init_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION)
pop eax
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
; IPv4_API
; This function is called by system function 75
; IN: subfunction number in bl
; device number in bh
; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction
; OUT:
align 4
movzx eax, bh
shl eax, 2
and ebx, 0x000000ff
cmp ebx, .number
ja .error
jmp dword [.table + 4*ebx]
dd .packets_tx ; 0
dd .packets_rx ; 1
dd .read_ip ; 2
dd .write_ip ; 3
dd .read_dns ; 4
dd .write_dns ; 5
dd .read_subnet ; 6
dd .write_subnet ; 7
dd .read_gateway ; 8
dd .write_gateway ; 9
.number = ($ - .table) / 4 - 1
mov eax, -1
mov eax, [IPv4_packets_tx + eax]
mov eax, [IPv4_packets_rx + eax]
mov eax, [IP_LIST + eax]
mov [IP_LIST + eax], ecx
mov edi, eax ; device number, we'll need it for ARP
; pre-calculate the local broadcast address
mov ebx, [SUBNET_LIST + eax]
not ebx
or ebx, ecx
mov [BROADCAST_LIST + eax], ebx
mov ebx, [NET_DRV_LIST + eax]
mov eax, [IP_LIST + eax]
call ARP_output_request ; now send a gratuitous ARP
call NET_send_event
xor eax, eax
mov eax, [DNS_LIST + eax]
mov [DNS_LIST + eax], ecx
call NET_send_event
xor eax, eax
mov eax, [SUBNET_LIST + eax]
mov [SUBNET_LIST + eax], ecx
; pre-calculate the local broadcast address
mov ebx, [IP_LIST + eax]
not ecx
or ecx, ebx
mov [BROADCAST_LIST + eax], ecx
call NET_send_event
xor eax, eax
mov eax, [GATEWAY_LIST + eax]
mov [GATEWAY_LIST + eax], ecx
call NET_send_event
xor eax, eax
0,0 → 1,298
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2012-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; IPv6.INC ;;
;; ;;
;; Part of the tcp/ip network stack for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3251 $
struct IPv6_header
VersionTrafficFlow dd ? ; Version[0-3], Traffic class[4-11], Flow Label [12-31]
PayloadLength dw ? ; 16 bits, unsigned length of payload (extension headers are part of this)
NextHeader db ? ; Values are same as in IPv4 'Protocol' field
HopLimit db ? ; Decremented by every node, packet is discarded when it reaches 0
SourceAddress rd 4 ; 128-bit addresses
DestinationAddress rd 4 ;
Payload rb 0
align 4
.addresses rd 4*NET_DEVICES_MAX
.subnet rd 4*NET_DEVICES_MAX
.gateway rd 4*NET_DEVICES_MAX
.packets_tx rd NET_DEVICES_MAX
.packets_rx rd NET_DEVICES_MAX
; IPv6_init
; This function resets all IP variables
macro IPv6_init {
xor eax, eax
mov edi, IPv6
mov ecx, (4*4*4+2*4)MAX_IP
rep stosd
; IPv6_input:
; Will check if IPv6 Packet isnt damaged
; and call appropriate handler. (TCP/UDP/ICMP/..)
; It will also re-construct fragmented packets
; IN: Pointer to buffer in [esp]
; size of buffer in [esp+4]
; pointer to device struct in ebx
; pointer to IPv6 header in edx
; size of IPv6 packet in ecx
; OUT: /
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv6_input from: %x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x\n",\
[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 0]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 1]:2,\
[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 2]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 3]:2,\
[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 4]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 5]:2,\
[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 6]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 7]:2,\
[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 8]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 9]:2,\
[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 10]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 11]:2,\
[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 12]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 13]:2,\
[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 14]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress + 15]:2
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv6_input to: %x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x:%x%x\n",\
[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 0]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 1]:2,\
[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 2]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 3]:2,\
[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 4]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 5]:2,\
[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 6]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 7]:2,\
[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 8]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 9]:2,\
[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 10]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 11]:2,\
[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 12]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 13]:2,\
[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 14]:2,[edx + IPv6_header.DestinationAddress + 15]:2
sub ecx, sizeof.IPv6_header
jb .dump
cmp cx, [edx + IPv6_header.PayloadLength]
jb .dump
; No, it's just a regular IP packet, pass it to the higher protocols
movzx ecx, [edx + IPv6_header.PayloadLength]
lea edi, [edx + IPv6_header.SourceAddress] ; make edi ptr to source and dest IPv6 address
lea esi, [edx + IPv6_header.Payload] ; make esi ptr to data
mov al, [edx + IPv6_header.NextHeader]
cmp al, 59 ; no next
je .dump
cmp al, 0
je .hop_by_hop
cmp al, 43
je .routing
cmp al, 44
je .fragment
cmp al, 60
je .dest_opts
; cmp al, IP_PROTO_TCP
; je TCP_input
; cmp al, IP_PROTO_UDP
; je UDP_input
; cmp al, 58
; je ICMP6_input
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv6_input - unknown protocol: %u\n", al
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv6_input - dumping\n"
call kernel_free
add esp, 4
add esp, 2+4+4
jmp .dump
pop esi
pop ecx
pop ax
jmp .scan
; Hop-by-Hop
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv6_input - hop by hop\n"
pushw [esi] ; 8 bit identifier for option type
movzx eax, byte[esi + 1] ; Hdr Ext Len
inc eax ; first 8 octets not counted
shl eax, 3 ; * 8
sub ecx, eax
push ecx
add eax, esi
push eax
inc esi
inc esi
mov al, [esi]
cmp al, 0
je .pad_1
cmp al, 1
je .pad_n
; TODO: check with other known options
; unknown option.. discard packet or not?
; check highest two bits
test al, 0xc0 ; discard packet
jnz .dump_options
movzx eax, byte[esi + 1]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv6_input - pad %u\n", eax
inc esi
inc esi
add esi, eax
sub ecx, eax
jmp .hop_by_hop
inc esi
dec ecx
jmp .hop_by_hop
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv6_input - dest opts\n"
jmp .nextheader
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv6_input - routing\n"
pushw [esi] ; 8 bit identifier for option type
movzx eax, byte[esi + 1] ; Hdr Ext Len
inc eax ; first 8 octets not counted
shl eax, 3 ; * 8
sub ecx, eax
push ecx
add eax, esi
push eax
inc esi
inc esi
cmp al, 0
je .pad_1
cmp al, 1
je .pad_n
mov al, [esi] ; routing type
jmp .nextheader
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "IPv6_input - fragment\n"
jmp .nextheader
; IPv6_API
; This function is called by system function 75
; IN: subfunction number in bl
; device number in bh
; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction
; OUT:
align 4
movzx eax, bh
shl eax, 2
and ebx, 0x000000ff
cmp ebx, .number
ja .error
jmp dword [.table + 4*ebx]
dd .packets_tx ; 0
dd .packets_rx ; 1
; dd .read_ip ; 2
; dd .write_ip ; 3
; dd .read_dns ; 4
; dd .write_dns ; 5
; dd .read_subnet ; 6
; dd .write_subnet ; 7
; dd .read_gateway ; 8
; dd .write_gateway ; 9
.number = ($ - .table) / 4 - 1
mov eax, -1
mov eax, [IPv6.packets_tx + eax]
mov eax, [IPv6.packets_rx + eax]
0,0 → 1,358
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2012-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; PPPoE.INC ;;
;; ;;
;; Part of the tcp/ip network stack for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
struct PPPoE_frame
VersionAndType db ?
Code db ?
SessionID dw ?
Length dw ? ; Length of payload, does NOT include the length PPPoE header.
Payload rb 0
align 4
PPPoE_SID dw ?
PPPoE_MAC dp ?
; PPPoE_init
; This function resets all IP variables
macro PPPoE_init {
call PPPoE_stop_connection
; PPPoE discovery input
; Handler of received Ethernet packet with type = Discovery
; IN: Pointer to buffer in [esp]
; size of buffer in [esp+4]
; pointer to device struct in ebx
; pointer to PPP header in edx
; size of PPP packet in ecx
; OUT: /
align 4
; First, find open PPPoE socket
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov eax, net_sockets
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr]
or eax, eax
jz .dump
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_PPP
jne .next_socket
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], PPP_PROTO_ETHERNET
jne .next_socket
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
; Now, send it to the this socket
mov ecx, [esp + 4]
mov esi, [esp]
jmp SOCKET_input
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, 'PPPoE_discovery_input: dumping\n'
call NET_packet_free
add esp, 4
; Send discovery packet
; IN: eax = socket pointer
; ecx = number of bytes to send
; esi = pointer to data
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "PPPoE_discovery_output: socket=%x buffer=%x size=%d\n", eax, esi, ecx
; RFC2516: An entire PADI packet (including the PPPoE header) MUST NOT
; exceed 1484 octets.
cmp ecx, 1484 + 14
ja .bad
; Check that device exists and is ethernet device
mov ebx, [eax + SOCKET.device]
ja .bad
mov ebx, [NET_DRV_LIST + 4*ebx]
test ebx, ebx
jz .bad
cmp [ebx + NET_DEVICE.device_type], NET_DEVICE_ETH
jne .bad
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "PPPoE_discovery_output: device=%x\n", ebx
; Create packet.
push ecx esi
stdcall kernel_alloc, 1500
pop esi ecx
test eax, eax
jz .bad
mov edx, ecx
mov edi, eax
rep movsb
cmp edx, 60 ; Min ETH size
ja @f
mov edx, 60
push edx eax ; size and packet ptr for driver send proc
; Overwrite source MAC and protocol type
lea edi, [eax + ETH_header.SrcMAC]
lea esi, [ebx + ETH_DEVICE.mac]
cmp word[edi], ETHER_PROTO_PPP_SESSION ; Allow only PPP_discovery, or LCP
je @f
; And send the packet
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
xor eax, eax
or eax, -1
; PPPoE session input
; Handler of received Ethernet packet with type = Session
; IN: Pointer to buffer in [esp]
; size of buffer in [esp+4]
; pointer to device struct in ebx
; pointer to PPP header in edx
; size of PPP packet in ecx
; OUT: /
align 4
cmp [edx + PPPoE_frame.VersionAndType], 0x11
jne .dump
cmp [edx + PPPoE_frame.Code], 0x00
jne .dump
movzx ecx, [edx + PPPoE_frame.Length]
xchg cl, ch
mov ax, [edx + PPPoE_frame.SessionID]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "PPPoE_input: session ID=%x, length=%u\n", ax, cx
cmp ax, [PPPoE_SID]
jne .dump
mov ax, word [edx + PPPoE_frame.Payload]
add edx, PPPoE_frame.Payload + 2
cmp ax, PPP_PROTO_IPv4
je IPv4_input
; cmp ax, PPP_PROTO_IPv6
; je IPv6_input
jmp PPPoE_discovery_input ; Send LCP,CHAP,CBCP,... packets to the PPP dialer
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "PPPoE_input: Unknown protocol=%x\n", ax
call NET_packet_free
add esp, 4
; PPPoE_output
; IN:
; ebx = device ptr
; ecx = packet size
; di = protocol
; OUT: edi = 0 on error, pointer to buffer otherwise
; eax = buffer start
; ebx = to device structure
; ecx = unchanged (packet size of embedded data)
; edx = size of complete buffer
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "PPPoE_output: size=%u device=%x\n", ecx, ebx
pushw di
pushw [PPPoE_SID]
lea eax, [ebx + ETH_DEVICE.mac]
lea edx, [PPPoE_MAC]
add ecx, PPPoE_frame.Payload + 2
call ETH_output
jz .eth_error
sub ecx, PPPoE_frame.Payload
mov [edi + PPPoE_frame.VersionAndType], 0x11
mov [edi + PPPoE_frame.Code], 0
popw [edi + PPPoE_frame.SessionID]
xchg cl, ch
mov [edi + PPPoE_frame.Length], cx
xchg cl, ch
pop word [edi + PPPoE_frame.Payload]
sub ecx, 2
add edi, PPPoE_frame.Payload + 2
add esp, 4
xor edi, edi
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "PPPoE_start_connection: %x\n", cx
cmp [PPPoE_SID], 0
jne .fail
mov [PPPoE_SID], cx
mov dword [PPPoE_MAC], edx
mov word [PPPoE_MAC + 4], si
xor eax, eax
or eax, -1
align 4
xor eax, eax
mov [PPPoE_SID], ax
mov dword [PPPoE_MAC], eax
mov word [PPPoE_MAC + 4], ax
; This function is called by system function 75
; IN: subfunction number in bl
; device number in bh
; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction
; OUT:
align 4
movzx eax, bh
shl eax, 2
and ebx, 0xff
cmp ebx, .number
ja .error
jmp dword [.table + 4*ebx]
dd PPPoE_start_connection ; 0
dd PPPoE_stop_connection ; 1
.number = ($ - .table) / 4 - 1
mov eax, -1
0,0 → 1,284
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; Ethernet network layer for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3346 $
struct ETH_header
DstMAC dp ? ; destination MAC-address
SrcMAC dp ? ; source MAC-address
Type dw ? ; type of the upper-layer protocol
mac dp ?
struct ETH_queue_entry
device dd ?
packet dd ?
size dd ?
align 4
ETH_BROADCAST dp 0xffffffffffff
align 4
ETH_input_event dd ?
ETH_queue rd (ETH_QUEUE_SIZE*sizeof.ETH_queue_entry + sizeof.queue)/4
macro ETH_init {
init_queue ETH_queue
movi ebx, 1
mov ecx, ETH_process_input
call new_sys_threads
test eax, eax
jns @f
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR,'K : cannot create kernel thread for ethernet, error %d\n', eax
; ETH_input
; This function is called by ethernet drivers,
; It pushes the received ethernet packets onto the eth_in_queue
; IN: [esp] = Pointer to buffer
; [esp+4] = size of buffer
; ebx = pointer to eth_device
; OUT: /
align 4
push ebx
mov esi, esp
add_to_queue ETH_queue, ETH_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof.ETH_queue_entry, .fail
add esp, sizeof.ETH_queue_entry
xor edx, edx
mov eax, [ETH_input_event]
mov ebx, [eax +]
xor esi, esi
call raise_event
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ETH incoming queue is full, discarding packet!\n"
add esp, sizeof.ETH_queue_entry - 8
call NET_packet_free
add esp, 4
align 4
xor esi, esi
call create_event
mov [ETH_input_event], eax
mov eax, [ETH_input_event]
mov ebx, [eax +]
call wait_event
get_from_queue ETH_queue, ETH_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof.ETH_queue_entry, .wait
mov eax, [esi + ETH_queue_entry.packet]
mov ecx, [esi + ETH_queue_entry.size]
mov ebx, [esi + ETH_queue_entry.device]
pushd .loop ; return address
push ecx eax
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ETH_input: size=%u\n", ecx
sub ecx, sizeof.ETH_header
jb .dump
lea edx, [eax + sizeof.ETH_header]
mov ax, [eax + ETH_header.Type]
cmp ax, ETHER_PROTO_IPv4
je IPv4_input
je ARP_input
cmp ax, ETHER_PROTO_IPv6
je IPv6_input
je PPPoE_discovery_input
je PPPoE_session_input
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ETH_input: Unknown packet type=%x\n", ax
call NET_packet_free
add esp, 4
; ETH_output
; IN: eax = pointer to source mac
; ebx = device ptr
; ecx = packet size
; edx = pointer to destination mac
; di = protocol
; OUT: edi = 0 on error, pointer to buffer otherwise
; eax = buffer start
; ebx = to device structure
; ecx = unchanged (packet size of embedded data)
; edx = size of complete buffer
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ETH_output: size=%u device=%x\n", ecx, ebx
cmp ecx, [ebx + NET_DEVICE.mtu]
ja .exit
push ecx
push di eax edx
add ecx, sizeof.ETH_header
stdcall kernel_alloc, ecx
test eax, eax
jz .out_of_ram
mov edi, eax
pop esi
pop esi
pop ax
lea eax, [edi - sizeof.ETH_header] ; Set eax to buffer start
pop ecx
lea edx, [ecx + sizeof.ETH_header] ; Set edx to complete buffer size
jbe .adjust_size
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ETH_output: ptr=%x size=%u\n", eax, edx
test edx, edx ; clear zero flag
jmp .done
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "ETH_output: Out of ram!\n"
add esp, 4+4+2+4
sub edi, edi
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "ETH_output: Packet too large!\n"
sub edi, edi
; This function is called by system function 76
; IN: subfunction number in bl
; device number in bh
; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction
; OUT:
align 4
ja .error
movzx eax, bh
mov eax, dword [NET_DRV_LIST + 4*eax]
cmp [eax + NET_DEVICE.device_type], NET_DEVICE_ETH
jne .error
and ebx, 0xff
cmp ebx, .number
ja .error
jmp dword [.table + 4*ebx]
dd .read_mac ; 0
.number = ($ - .table) / 4 - 1
or eax, -1
movzx ebx, word [eax + ETH_DEVICE.mac]
mov eax, dword [eax + ETH_DEVICE.mac + 2]
mov [esp+20+4], ebx ; TODO: fix this ugly code
0,0 → 1,469
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; ICMP.INC ;;
;; ;;
;; Part of the tcp/ip network stack for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Based on the work of [Johnny_B] and [smb] ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2924 $
; ICMP types & codes
ICMP_ECHOREPLY = 0 ; echo reply message
ICMP_UNREACH_NET = 0 ; bad net
ICMP_UNREACH_HOST = 1 ; bad host
ICMP_UNREACH_PROTOCOL = 2 ; bad protocol
ICMP_UNREACH_PORT = 3 ; bad port
ICMP_UNREACH_SRCFAIL = 5 ; src route failed
ICMP_UNREACH_NET_UNKNOWN = 6 ; unknown net
ICMP_UNREACH_HOST_UNKNOWN = 7 ; unknown host
ICMP_UNREACH_ISOLATED = 8 ; src host isolated
ICMP_UNREACH_NET_PROHIB = 9 ; prohibited access
ICMP_UNREACH_TOSNET = 11 ; bad tos for net
ICMP_UNREACH_TOSHOST = 12 ; bad tos for host
ICMP_UNREACH_FILTER_PROHIB = 13 ; admin prohib
ICMP_UNREACH_HOST_PRECEDENCE = 14 ; host prec vio.
ICMP_SOURCEQUENCH = 4 ; Packet lost, slow down
ICMP_REDIRECT = 5 ; shorter route, codes:
ICMP_REDIRECT_NET = 0 ; for network
ICMP_REDIRECT_HOST = 1 ; for host
ICMP_REDIRECT_TOSNET = 2 ; for tos and net
ICMP_REDIRECT_TOSHOST = 3 ; for tos and host
ICMP_ALTHOSTADDR = 6 ; alternate host address
ICMP_ECHO = 8 ; echo service
ICMP_ROUTERADVERT = 9 ; router advertisement
ICMP_ROUTERADVERT_NORMAL = 0 ; normal advertisement
ICMP_ROUTERSOLICIT = 10 ; router solicitation
ICMP_TIMXCEED = 11 ; time exceeded, code:
ICMP_TIMXCEED_INTRANS = 0 ; ttl==0 in transit
ICMP_TIMXCEED_REASS = 1 ; ttl==0 in reass
ICMP_PARAMPROB = 12 ; ip header bad
ICMP_PARAMPROB_ERRATPTR = 0 ; error at param ptr
ICMP_PARAMPROB_OPTABSENT = 1 ; req. opt. absent
ICMP_PARAMPROB_LENGTH = 2 ; bad length
ICMP_TSTAMP = 13 ; timestamp request
ICMP_TSTAMPREPLY = 14 ; timestamp reply
ICMP_IREQ = 15 ; information request
ICMP_IREQREPLY = 16 ; information reply
ICMP_MASKREQ = 17 ; address mask request
ICMP_MASKREPLY = 18 ; address mask reply
ICMP_TRACEROUTE = 30 ; traceroute
ICMP_DATACONVERR = 31 ; data conversion error
ICMP_MOBILE_REDIRECT = 32 ; mobile host redirect
ICMP_IPV6_WHEREAREYOU = 33 ; IPv6 where-are-you
ICMP_IPV6_IAMHERE = 34 ; IPv6 i-am-here
ICMP_MOBILE_REGREQUEST = 35 ; mobile registration req
ICMP_MOBILE_REGREPLY = 36 ; mobile registreation reply
ICMP_PHOTURIS = 40 ; Photuris
ICMP_PHOTURIS_UNKNOWN_INDEX = 1 ; unknown sec index
struct ICMP_header
Type db ?
Code db ?
Checksum dw ?
Identifier dw ?
SequenceNumber dw ?
align 4
; ICMP_init
macro ICMP_init {
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 2*NET_DEVICES_MAX
rep stosd
; ICMP_input:
; This procedure will send reply's to ICMP echo's
; and insert packets into sockets when needed
; IN: Pointer to buffer in [esp]
; size of buffer in [esp+4]
; ebx = pointer to device struct
; ecx = ICMP Packet size
; esi = ptr to ICMP Packet data
; edi = ptr to ipv4 source and dest address
; OUT: /
align 4
; First, check the checksum (altough some implementations ignore it)
push esi ecx
push [esi + ICMP_header.Checksum]
mov [esi + ICMP_header.Checksum], 0
xor edx, edx
call checksum_1
call checksum_2
pop si
cmp dx, si
pop ecx edx
jne .checksum_mismatch
; Check packet type
cmp [edx + ICMP_header.Type], ICMP_ECHO ; Is this an echo request?
jne .check_sockets
; Update stats (and validate device ptr)
call NET_ptr_to_num4
cmp edi, -1
je .dump
inc [ICMP_PACKETS_RX + edi]
; We well re-use the packet so we can create the response as fast as possible
; Notice: this only works on pure ethernet
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "got echo request\n"
mov [edx + ICMP_header.Type], ICMP_ECHOREPLY ; Change Packet type to reply
mov esi, [esp] ; Start of buffer
je .loopback
; FIXME: dont assume device is an ethernet device!
; exchange dest and source address in IP header
; exchange dest and source MAC in ETH header
push dword [esi + ETH_header.DstMAC]
push dword [esi + ETH_header.SrcMAC]
pop dword [esi + ETH_header.DstMAC]
pop dword [esi + ETH_header.SrcMAC]
push word [esi + ETH_header.DstMAC + 4]
push word [esi + ETH_header.SrcMAC + 4]
pop word [esi + ETH_header.DstMAC + 4]
pop word [esi + ETH_header.SrcMAC + 4]
add esi, sizeof.ETH_header-4
add esi, 4
push [esi + IPv4_header.SourceAddress]
push [esi + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress]
pop [esi + IPv4_header.SourceAddress]
pop [esi + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress]
; Recalculate ip header checksum
movzx ecx, [esi + IPv4_header.VersionAndIHL] ; Calculate IP Header length by using IHL field
and ecx, 0x0f
shl cx, 2
mov edi, ecx ; IP header length
mov eax, edx ; ICMP packet start addr
push esi ; Calculate the IP checksum
xor edx, edx ;
call checksum_1 ;
call checksum_2 ;
pop esi ;
mov [esi + IPv4_header.HeaderChecksum], dx ;
; Recalculate ICMP CheckSum
movzx ecx, [esi + IPv4_header.TotalLength] ; Find length of IP Packet
xchg ch, cl ;
sub ecx, edi ; IP packet length - IP header length = ICMP packet length
mov esi, eax ; Calculate ICMP checksum
xor edx, edx ;
call checksum_1 ;
call checksum_2 ;
mov [eax + ICMP_header.Checksum], dx ;
; Transmit the packet (notice that packet ptr and packet size have been on stack since start of the procedure!)
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
call NET_ptr_to_num4
inc [ICMP_PACKETS_TX + edi]
; Look for an open ICMP socket
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov esi, [edi] ; ipv4 source address
mov eax, net_sockets
; mov , [edx + ICMP_header.Identifier]
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr]
or eax, eax
jz .dump_
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
jne .next_socket
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_ICMP
jne .next_socket
cmp [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP], esi
jne .next_socket
; cmp [eax + ICMP_SOCKET.Identifier],
; jne .next_socket
; Update stats (and validate device ptr)
call NET_ptr_to_num4
cmp edi, -1
je .dump_
inc [ICMP_PACKETS_RX + edi]
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_lock
mov esi, edx
jmp SOCKET_input
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "ICMP_input: no socket found\n"
jmp .dump
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "checksum mismatch\n"
call NET_packet_free
add esp, 4 ; pop (balance stack)
if 0
; ICMP_output
; IN: eax = dest ip
; bh = type
; bl = code
; ecx = data length
; edx = source ip
; esi = data offset
; edi = identifier shl 16 + sequence number
align 4
push esi edi bx
add ecx, sizeof.ICMP_header
mov di, IP_PROTO_ICMP SHL 8 + 128 ; TTL
call IPv4_output
jz .exit
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "full icmp packet size: %u\n", edx
pop word [edi + ICMP_header.Type] ; Write both type and code bytes at once
pop dword [edi + ICMP_header.Identifier] ; identifier and sequence number
mov [edi + ICMP_header.Checksum], 0
push ebx ecx edx
mov esi, edi
xor edx, edx
call checksum_1
call checksum_2
mov [edi + ICMP_header.Checksum], dx
pop edx ecx ebx esi
sub ecx, sizeof.ICMP_header
add edi, sizeof.ICMP_header
push cx
shr cx, 2
rep movsd
pop cx
and cx, 3
rep movsb
sub edi, edx ;;; TODO: find a better way to remember start of packet
push edx edi
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
call NET_ptr_to_num4
inc [ICMP_PACKETS_TX + edi]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "Creating ICMP Packet failed\n"
add esp, 2*4 + 2
end if
; ICMP_output_raw
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; ecx = data length
; esi = data offset
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Creating ICMP Packet for socket %x, data ptr=%x\n", eax, edx
push edx
mov di, IP_PROTO_ICMP SHL 8 + 128 ; TTL
mov edx, [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
mov eax, [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
call IPv4_output
jz .exit
pop esi
push edx
push eax
push edi ecx
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "copying %u bytes from %x to %x\n", ecx, esi, edi
rep movsb
pop ecx edi
mov [edi + ICMP_header.Checksum], 0
mov esi, edi
xor edx, edx
call checksum_1
call checksum_2
mov [edi + ICMP_header.Checksum], dx
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
call NET_ptr_to_num4
inc [ICMP_PACKETS_TX + edi]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "Creating ICMP Packet failed\n"
add esp, 4
; This function is called by system function 75
; IN: subfunction number in bl
; device number in bh
; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction
; OUT:
align 4
movzx eax, bh
shl eax, 2
test bl, bl
jz .packets_tx ; 0
dec bl
jz .packets_rx ; 1
mov eax, -1
mov eax, [ICMP_PACKETS_TX + eax]
mov eax, [ICMP_PACKETS_RX + eax]
0,0 → 1,155
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; LoopBack device for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2891 $
align 4
.device_type dd NET_DEVICE_LOOPBACK
.mtu dd 4096
.name dd .namestr
.unload dd .dummy_fn
.reset dd .dummy_fn
.transmit dd LOOP_input
.bytes_tx dq 0
.bytes_rx dq 0
.packets_tx dd 0
.packets_rx dd 0
.link_state dd -1
.namestr db 'loopback', 0
macro LOOP_init {
local .fail
call NET_add_device
cmp eax, -1
je .fail
mov [IP_LIST], 127 + 1 shl 24
mov [SUBNET_LIST], 255
mov [BROADCAST_LIST], 0xffffff00 + 127
; LOOP_input
; IN: [esp+4] = Pointer to buffer
; [esp+8] = size of buffer
; OUT: /
align 4
pop ebx
pop eax
pop ecx
push ebx
push ecx
push eax
inc [LOOPBACK_DEVICE.packets_rx]
add dword[LOOPBACK_DEVICE.bytes_rx], ecx
adc dword[LOOPBACK_DEVICE.bytes_rx + 4], 0
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "LOOP_input: size=%u\n", ecx
lea edx, [eax + 4]
mov eax, dword[eax]
cmp eax, AF_INET4
je IPv4_input
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "LOOP_input: Unknown packet type=%x\n", ax
call NET_packet_free
add esp, 4
; LOOP_output
; IN:
; ecx = packet size
; edi = address family
; OUT: edi = 0 on error, pointer to buffer otherwise
; eax = buffer start
; ebx = to device structure
; ecx = unchanged (packet size of embedded data)
; edx = size of complete buffer
align 4
push ecx
push edi
add ecx, 4
cmp ecx, [LOOPBACK_DEVICE.mtu]
ja .out_of_ram
stdcall kernel_alloc, ecx
test eax, eax
jz .out_of_ram
mov edi, eax
pop eax
lea eax, [edi - 4] ; Set eax to buffer start
pop ecx
lea edx, [ecx + 4] ; Set edx to complete buffer size
inc [LOOPBACK_DEVICE.packets_tx]
add dword[LOOPBACK_DEVICE.bytes_tx], ecx
adc dword[LOOPBACK_DEVICE.bytes_tx + 4], 0
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "LOOP_output: ptr=%x size=%u\n", eax, edx
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "LOOP_output: out of memory\n"
add esp, 4+4
xor edi, edi
0,0 → 1,141
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2010. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2305 $
; The Queues implemented by these macros form a ring-buffer.
; The data to these queue's always looks like this:
; At top, you have the queue struct, wich has the size (number of currently queued packets, read and write pointers.
; This struct is followed by a number of slots wich you can read and write to using the macros.
; How these slots look like is up to you to chose, normally they should have at least a pointer to where the real data is.
; (you can see some examples below)
struct queue
size dd ? ; number of queued packets in this queue
w_ptr dd ? ; current writing pointer in queue
r_ptr dd ? ; current reading pointer
mutex MUTEX
; The following macros share these inputs:
; ptr = pointer to where the queue data is located
; size = number of slots/entrys in the queue
; entry_size = size of one slot, in bytes
; failaddr = the address where macro will jump to when there is no data in the queue
; additionally, add_to_queue requires you to set esi to the data wich you want to queue
; get_from_queue on the other hand will return a pointer in esi, to the entry you're interessed in
; PS: macros WILL destroy ecx and edi
macro add_to_queue ptr, size, entry_size, failaddr {
local .ok, .no_wrap
lea ecx, [ptr + queue.mutex]
call mutex_lock
cmp [ptr + queue.size], size ; Check if queue isnt full
jb .ok
lea ecx, [ptr + queue.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
jmp failaddr
inc [ptr + queue.size] ; if not full, queue one more
mov edi, [ptr + queue.w_ptr] ; Current write pointer (FIFO!)
mov ecx, entry_size/4 ; Write the queue entry
rep movsd ;
lea ecx, [size*entry_size+ptr+sizeof.queue]
cmp edi, ecx ; entry size
jb .no_wrap
sub edi, size*entry_size
mov [ptr + queue.w_ptr], edi
lea ecx, [ptr + queue.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
macro get_from_queue ptr, size, entry_size, failaddr {
local .ok, .no_wrap
lea ecx, [ptr + queue.mutex]
call mutex_lock
cmp [ptr + queue.size], 0 ; any packets queued?
ja .ok
lea ecx, [ptr + queue.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
jmp failaddr
dec [ptr + queue.size] ; if so, dequeue one
mov esi, [ptr + queue.r_ptr]
push esi
add esi, entry_size
lea ecx, [size*entry_size+ptr+sizeof.queue]
cmp esi, ecx ; entry size
jb .no_wrap
sub esi, size*entry_size
mov dword [ptr + queue.r_ptr], esi
pop esi
lea ecx, [ptr + queue.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
macro init_queue ptr {
mov [ptr + queue.size] , 0
lea edi, [ptr + sizeof.queue]
mov [ptr + queue.w_ptr], edi
mov [ptr + queue.r_ptr], edi
lea ecx, [ptr + queue.mutex]
call mutex_init
0,0 → 1,2406
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; Part of the TCP/IP network stack for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by, ;;
;; and Clevermouse. ;;
;; ;;
;; Based on code by mike.dld ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3514 $
struct SOCKET
NextPtr dd ? ; pointer to next socket in list
PrevPtr dd ? ; pointer to previous socket in list
Number dd ? ; socket number
mutex MUTEX
PID dd ? ; process ID
TID dd ? ; thread ID
Domain dd ? ; INET/LOCAL/..
Protocol dd ? ; ICMP/IPv4/ARP/TCP/UDP
errorcode dd ?
device dd ? ; driver pointer, socket pointer if it's an LOCAL socket
options dd ?
state dd ?
backlog dw ? ; how many incoming connections that can be queued
snd_proc dd ?
rcv_proc dd ?
connect_proc dd ?
LocalIP rd 4 ; network byte order
RemoteIP rd 4 ; network byte order
LocalPort dw ? ; network byte order
RemotePort dw ? ; network byte order
t_state dd ? ; TCB state
t_rxtshift db ?
rb 3 ; align
t_rxtcur dd ?
t_dupacks dd ?
t_maxseg dd ?
t_force dd ?
t_flags dd ?
; RFC783 page 21
; send sequence
SND_UNA dd ? ; sequence number of unack'ed sent Packets
SND_NXT dd ? ; next send sequence number to use
SND_UP dd ? ; urgent pointer
SND_WL1 dd ? ; window minus one
SND_WL2 dd ? ;
ISS dd ? ; initial send sequence number
SND_WND dd ? ; send window
; receive sequence
RCV_WND dd ? ; receive window
RCV_NXT dd ? ; next receive sequence number to use
RCV_UP dd ? ; urgent pointer
IRS dd ? ; initial receive sequence number
; Additional variables
; receive variables
RCV_ADV dd ?
; retransmit variables
SND_MAX dd ?
; congestion control
SND_CWND dd ? ; congestion window
SND_SSTHRESH dd ? ; slow start threshold
; Transmit timing stuff
t_idle dd ?
t_rtt dd ?
t_rtseq dd ?
t_srtt dd ?
t_rttvar dd ?
t_rttmin dd ?
max_sndwnd dd ?
; Out-of-band data
t_oobflags dd ?
t_iobc dd ?
t_softerror dd ?
; RFC 1323 ; the order of next 4 elements may not change
requested_s_scale db ?
request_r_scale db ?
ts_recent dd ? ; a copy of the most-recent valid timestamp from the other end
ts_recent_age dd ?
last_ack_sent dd ?
; Timers
timer_flags dd ?
timer_retransmission dd ? ; rexmt
timer_persist dd ?
timer_keepalive dd ? ; keepalive/syn timeout
timer_timed_wait dd ? ; also used as 2msl timer
timer_connect dd ?
; extra
ts_ecr dd ? ; timestamp echo reply
ts_val dd ?
seg_next dd ? ; re-assembly queue
LocalPort dw ? ; network byte order
RemotePort dw ? ; network byte order
Identifier dw ?
mutex MUTEX
start_ptr dd ? ; Pointer to start of buffer
end_ptr dd ? ; pointer to end of buffer
read_ptr dd ? ; Read pointer
write_ptr dd ? ; Write pointer
size dd ? ; Number of bytes buffered
struct socket_queue_entry
data_ptr dd ?
buf_ptr dd ?
data_size dd ?
SOCKETBUFFSIZE = 4096 ; in bytes
SOCKET_QUEUE_SIZE = 10 ; maximum number of incoming packets queued for 1 socket
; the incoming packet queue for sockets is placed in the socket struct itself, at this location from start
SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION = (SOCKETBUFFSIZE - SOCKET_QUEUE_SIZE*sizeof.socket_queue_entry - sizeof.queue)
align 4
net_sockets rd 4
last_socket_num dd ?
last_UDP_port dw ? ; These values give the number of the last used ephemeral port
last_TCP_port dw ? ;
socket_mutex MUTEX
; SOCKET_init
macro SOCKET_init {
xor eax, eax
mov edi, net_sockets
mov ecx, 5
rep stosd
pseudo_random eax
jb @r
ja @r
xchg al, ah
mov [last_UDP_port], ax
pseudo_random eax
jb @r
ja @r
xchg al, ah
mov [last_TCP_port], ax
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_init
; Socket API (function 74)
align 4
mov dword[esp+20], 0 ; Set error code to 0
cmp ebx, 255
jz SOCKET_debug
cmp ebx, .number
ja .error
jmp dword [.table + 4*ebx]
dd SOCKET_open ; 0
dd SOCKET_close ; 1
dd SOCKET_bind ; 2
dd SOCKET_listen ; 3
dd SOCKET_connect ; 4
dd SOCKET_accept ; 5
dd SOCKET_send ; 6
dd SOCKET_receive ; 7
dd SOCKET_set_opt ; 8
dd SOCKET_get_opt ; 9
dd SOCKET_pair ; 10
.number = ($ - .table) / 4 - 1
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EINVAL
; SOCKET_open
; IN: domain in ecx
; type in edx
; protocol in esi
; OUT: eax is socket num, -1 on error
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_open: domain=%u type=%u protocol=%x ", ecx, edx, esi
push ecx edx esi
call SOCKET_alloc
pop esi edx ecx
jz .nobuffs
mov [esp+32], edi ; return socketnumber
test edx, SO_NONBLOCK
jz @f
or [eax + SOCKET.options], SO_NONBLOCK
and edx, not SO_NONBLOCK
mov [eax + SOCKET.Domain], ecx
mov [eax + SOCKET.Type], edx
mov [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], esi
mov [eax + SOCKET.connect_proc], connect_notsupp
cmp ecx, AF_INET4
jne .no_inet4
cmp edx, SOCK_DGRAM
je .udp
cmp edx, SOCK_STREAM
je .tcp
cmp edx, SOCK_RAW
je .raw
cmp ecx, AF_PPP
jne .no_ppp
je .pppoe
push eax
call SOCKET_free
pop eax
mov dword[esp+20], EOPNOTSUPP
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], ENOBUFS
mov dword[esp+32], -1
test esi, esi ; IP_PROTO_IP
jz .raw_ip
cmp esi, IP_PROTO_ICMP
je .raw_icmp
jmp .unsupported
align 4
mov [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_UDP
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], SOCKET_send_udp
mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], SOCKET_receive_dgram
mov [eax + SOCKET.connect_proc], UDP_connect
align 4
mov [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_TCP
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], SOCKET_send_tcp
mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], SOCKET_receive_stream
mov [eax + SOCKET.connect_proc], TCP_connect
TCP_init_socket eax
align 4
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], SOCKET_send_ip
mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], SOCKET_receive_dgram
mov [eax + SOCKET.connect_proc], IPv4_connect
align 4
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], SOCKET_send_icmp
mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], SOCKET_receive_dgram
mov [eax + SOCKET.connect_proc], IPv4_connect
align 4
push eax
init_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION) ; Set up data receiving queue
pop eax
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], SOCKET_send_pppoe
mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], SOCKET_receive_dgram
; SOCKET_bind
; IN: socket number in ecx
; pointer to sockaddr struct in edx
; length of that struct in esi
; OUT: 0 on success
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_bind: socknum=%u sockaddr=%x length=%u\n", ecx, edx, esi
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
jz .invalid
cmp esi, 2
jb .invalid
cmp [eax + UDP_SOCKET.LocalPort], 0 ; Socket can only be bound once
jnz .invalid
cmp word [edx], AF_INET4
je .af_inet4
cmp word [edx], AF_LOCAL
je .af_local
mov dword[esp+20], EOPNOTSUPP
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EINVAL
mov dword[esp+32], -1
; TODO: write code here
mov dword[esp+32], 0
cmp esi, 6
jb .invalid
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_UDP
je .udp
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_TCP
je .tcp
jmp .notsupp
pushd [edx + 4] ; First, fill in the IP
popd [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
mov bx, [edx + 2] ; Did caller specify a local port?
test bx, bx
jnz .just_check
call SOCKET_find_port ; Nope, find an ephemeral one
jmp .done
call SOCKET_check_port ; Yes, check if it's still available
jz .addrinuse ; ZF is set by socket_check_port on error
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_bind: local ip=%u.%u.%u.%u\n",\
[eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP + 0]:1,[eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP + 1]:1,\
[eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP + 2]:1,[eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP + 3]:1
mov dword[esp+32], 0
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EADDRINUSE
; SOCKET_connect
; IN: socket number in ecx
; pointer to sockaddr struct in edx
; length of that struct in esi
; OUT: 0 on success
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_connect: socknum=%u sockaddr=%x length=%u\n", ecx, edx, esi
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
jz .invalid
cmp esi, 8
jb .invalid
cmp [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_ISCONNECTING
je .already
test [eax + SOCKET.options], SO_ACCEPTCON
jnz .notsupp
call [eax + SOCKET.connect_proc]
mov dword[esp+20], ebx
mov dword[esp+32], eax
mov dword[esp+20], EOPNOTSUPP
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EINVAL
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EALREADY
mov dword[esp+32], -1
xor eax, eax
dec eax
; SOCKET_listen
; IN: socket number in ecx
; backlog in edx
; OUT: eax is socket num, -1 on error
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_listen: socknum=%u backlog=%u\n", ecx, edx
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
jz .invalid
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
jne .notsupp
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_TCP
jne .invalid
cmp [eax + TCP_SOCKET.LocalPort], 0
je .already
cmp [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP], 0
jne @f
push [IP_LIST + 4] ;;; fixme!!!!
pop [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
cmp edx, MAX_backlog
jbe @f
mov edx, MAX_backlog
mov [eax + SOCKET.backlog], dx
or [eax + SOCKET.options], SO_ACCEPTCON
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_LISTEN
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_keepalive], 0 ; disable keepalive timer
push eax
init_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION) ; Set up sockets queue
pop eax
mov dword[esp+32], 0
mov dword[esp+20], EOPNOTSUPP
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EINVAL
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EALREADY
mov dword[esp+32], -1
; SOCKET_accept
; IN: socket number in ecx
; addr in edx
; addrlen in esi
; OUT: eax is socket num, -1 on error
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_accept: socknum=%u sockaddr=%x length=%u\n", ecx, edx, esi
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
jz .invalid
test [eax + SOCKET.options], SO_ACCEPTCON
jz .invalid
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
jne .notsupp
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_TCP
jne .invalid
get_from_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION), MAX_backlog, 4, .block
; Ok, we got a socket ptr
mov eax, [esi]
; Change thread ID to that of the current thread
mov ebx, [TASK_BASE]
mov ebx, [ebx +]
mov [eax + SOCKET.TID], ebx
; Convert it to a socket number
call SOCKET_ptr_to_num
jz .invalid ; FIXME ?
; and return it to caller
mov [esp+32], eax
test [eax + SOCKET.options], SO_NONBLOCK
jnz .wouldblock
call SOCKET_block
jmp .loop
mov dword[esp+20], EWOULDBLOCK
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EINVAL
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EOPNOTSUPP
mov dword[esp+32], -1
; SOCKET_close
; IN: socket number in ecx
; OUT: eax is socket num, -1 on error
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_close: socknum=%u\n", ecx
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
jz .invalid
mov dword[esp+32], 0 ; The socket exists, so we will succeed in closing it.
or [eax + SOCKET.options], SO_NONBLOCK ; Mark the socket as non blocking, we dont want it to block any longer!
test [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_BLOCKED ; Is the socket still in blocked state?
jz @f
call SOCKET_notify.unblock ; Unblock it.
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
jne .free
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_TCP
je .tcp
call SOCKET_free
call TCP_usrclosed
test eax, eax
jz @f
call TCP_output ; If connection is not closed yet, send the FIN
mov dword[esp+20], EINVAL
mov dword[esp+32], -1
; SOCKET_receive
; IN: socket number in ecx
; addr to buffer in edx
; length of buffer in esi
; flags in edi
; OUT: eax is number of bytes copied, -1 on error
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_receive: socknum=%u bufaddr=%x buflength=%u flags=%x\n", ecx, edx, esi, edi
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
jz .invalid
push edi
call [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc]
pop edi
test [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_CANTRCVMORE
jnz .return
jne .return
test edi, MSG_DONTWAIT
jnz .return_err
; test [eax + SOCKET.options], SO_NONBLOCK
; jnz .return_err
call SOCKET_block
jmp .loop
pop ebx
mov ecx, -1
mov [esp+20], ebx
mov [esp+32], ecx
align 4
mov ebx, esi ; bufferlength
get_from_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION), SOCKET_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof.socket_queue_entry, .wouldblock ; sets esi only on success.
mov ecx, [esi + socket_queue_entry.data_size]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_receive: %u bytes data\n", ecx
cmp ecx, ebx ; If data segment does not fit in applications buffer, abort
ja .too_small
push eax ecx
push [esi + socket_queue_entry.buf_ptr] ; save the buffer addr so we can clear it later
mov esi, [esi + socket_queue_entry.data_ptr]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_receive: Source buffer=%x real addr=%x\n", [esp], esi
; copy the data from kernel buffer to application buffer
mov edi, edx ; bufferaddr
shr ecx, 1
jnc .nb
shr ecx, 1
jnc .nw
test ecx, ecx
jz .nd
rep movsd
call NET_packet_free
pop ecx eax ; return number of bytes copied to application
xor ebx, ebx
mov ecx, -1
pop ebx
pop ebx
align 4
; does this socket have a PID yet?
cmp [eax + SOCKET.PID], 0
jne @f
; Change PID to that of current process
mov ebx, [TASK_BASE]
mov ebx, [ebx +]
mov [eax + SOCKET.PID], ebx
mov [eax + SOCKET.TID], ebx ; currently TID = PID in kolibrios :(
mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], SOCKET_receive_stream
; ... continue to SOCKET_receive_stream
align 4
cmp [eax + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv + RING_BUFFER.size], 0
je .wouldblock
test edi, MSG_PEEK
jnz .peek
mov ecx, esi
mov edi, edx
xor edx, edx
push eax
add eax, STREAM_SOCKET.rcv
call SOCKET_ring_read ; copy data from kernel buffer to application buffer
call SOCKET_ring_free ; free read memory
pop eax
xor ebx, ebx ; errorcode = 0 (no error)
pop ebx
xor ecx, ecx
mov ecx, [eax + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv + RING_BUFFER.size]
xor ebx, ebx
; SOCKET_send
; IN: socket number in ecx
; pointer to data in edx
; datalength in esi
; flags in edi
; OUT: -1 on error
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_send: socknum=%u data ptr=%x length=%u flags=%x\n", ecx, edx, esi, edi
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
jz .invalid
mov ecx, esi
mov esi, edx
jmp [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc]
mov dword[esp+20], EINVAL
mov dword[esp+32], -1
align 4
mov [esp+32], ecx
call UDP_output
cmp eax, -1
je .error
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EMSGSIZE ; FIXME: UDP_output should return error codes!
align 4
push eax
add eax, STREAM_SOCKET.snd
call SOCKET_ring_write
pop eax
mov [esp+32], ecx
mov [eax + SOCKET.errorcode], 0
push eax
call TCP_output ; FIXME: this doesnt look pretty, does it?
pop eax
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.errorcode]
mov [esp+20], eax
align 4
mov [esp+32], ecx
call IPv4_output_raw ; FIXME: IPv4_output_raw should return error codes!
cmp eax, -1
je .error
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EMSGSIZE
align 4
mov [esp+32], ecx
call ICMP_output_raw ; FIXME: errorcodes
cmp eax, -1
je .error
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EMSGSIZE
align 4
mov [esp+32], ecx
mov ebx, [eax + SOCKET.device]
call PPPoE_discovery_output ; FIXME: errorcodes
cmp eax, -1
je .error
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EMSGSIZE
align 4
; does this socket have a PID yet?
cmp [eax + SOCKET.PID], 0
jne @f
; Change PID to that of current process
mov ebx, [TASK_BASE]
mov ebx, [ebx +]
mov [eax + SOCKET.PID], ebx
mov [eax + SOCKET.TID], ebx ; currently TID = PID in kolibrios :(
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], SOCKET_send_local_
align 4
; get the other side's socket and check if it still exists
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.device]
call SOCKET_check
jz .invalid
; allright, shove in the data!
push eax
add eax, STREAM_SOCKET.rcv
call SOCKET_ring_write
pop eax
; return the number of written bytes (or errorcode) to application
mov [esp+32], ecx
; and notify the other end
call SOCKET_notify
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EINVAL
; SOCKET_get_options
; IN: ecx = socket number
; edx = pointer to the options:
; dd level, optname, optval, optlen
; OUT: -1 on error
; At moment, uses only pseudo-optname -2 for get last_ack_number for TCP.
; TODO: find best way to notify that send()'ed data were acknowledged
; Also pseudo-optname -3 is valid and returns socket state, one of TCPS_*.
align 4
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
jz .invalid
cmp dword [edx], IP_PROTO_TCP
jne .invalid
cmp dword [edx+4], -2
je @f
cmp dword [edx+4], -3
jne .invalid
; mov eax, [edx+12]
; test eax, eax
; jz .fail
; cmp dword [eax], 4
; mov dword [eax], 4
; jb .fail
; stdcall net_socket_num_to_addr, ecx
; test eax, eax
; jz .fail
; ; todo: check that eax is really TCP socket
; mov ecx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.last_ack_number]
; cmp dword [edx+4], -2
; jz @f
; mov ecx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.state]
mov eax, [edx+8]
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov [eax], ecx
mov dword [esp+32], 0
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EINVAL
; SOCKET_set_options
; IN: ecx = socket number
; edx = pointer to the options:
; dd level, optname, optlen, optval
; OUT: -1 on error
align 4
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
jz .invalid
cmp dword [edx], SOL_SOCKET
jne .invalid
cmp dword [edx+4], SO_BINDTODEVICE
je .bind
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+20], EINVAL
cmp dword[edx+8], 0
je .unbind
movzx edx, byte[edx + 9]
ja .invalid
mov edx, [NET_DRV_LIST + 4*edx]
test edx, edx
jz .already
mov [eax + SOCKET.device], edx
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_set_opt: Bound socket %x to device %x\n",eax, edx
mov dword[esp+32], 0 ; success!
mov [eax + SOCKET.device], 0
mov dword[esp+32], 0 ; success!
mov dword[esp+20], EALREADY
mov dword[esp+32], -1
; SOCKET_pair
; Allocates a pair of linked LOCAL domain sockets
; IN: /
; OUT: eax is socket1 num, -1 on error
; ebx is socket2 num
align 4
call SOCKET_alloc
jz .nomem1
mov [esp+32], edi ; application's eax
mov [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_LOCAL
mov [eax + SOCKET.Type], SOCK_STREAM
mov [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], 0 ;;; CHECKME
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], SOCKET_send_local
mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], SOCKET_receive_local
mov [eax + SOCKET.PID], 0
mov ebx, eax
call SOCKET_alloc
jz .nomem2
mov [esp+20], edi ; application's ebx
mov [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_LOCAL
mov [eax + SOCKET.Type], SOCK_STREAM
mov [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], 0 ;;; CHECKME
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], SOCKET_send_local
mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], SOCKET_receive_local
mov [eax + SOCKET.PID], 0
; Link the two sockets to eachother
mov [eax + SOCKET.device], ebx
mov [ebx + SOCKET.device], eax
lea eax, [eax + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv]
call SOCKET_ring_create
lea eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv]
call SOCKET_ring_create
pop eax
mov eax, ebx
call SOCKET_free
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+28], ENOMEM
; SOCKET_debug
; Copies socket variables to application buffer
; IN: ecx = socket number
; edx = pointer to buffer
; OUT: -1 on error
align 4
mov edi, edx
test ecx, ecx
jz .returnall
call SOCKET_num_to_ptr
jz .invalid
mov esi, eax
rep movsd
mov dword[esp+32], 0
mov ebx, net_sockets
mov ebx, [ebx + SOCKET.NextPtr]
test ebx, ebx
jz .done
mov eax, [ebx + SOCKET.Number]
jmp .next_socket
xor eax, eax
mov dword[esp+32], eax
mov dword[esp+32], -1
mov dword[esp+28], EINVAL
; SOCKET_find_port
; Fills in the local port number for TCP and UDP sockets
; This procedure always works because the number of sockets is
; limited to a smaller number then the number of possible ports
; IN: eax = socket pointer
; OUT: /
align 4
push ebx esi ecx
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_UDP
je .udp
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_TCP
je .tcp
pop ecx esi ebx
mov bx, [last_UDP_port]
call .findit
mov [last_UDP_port], bx
pop ecx esi ebx
mov bx, [last_TCP_port]
call .findit
mov [last_TCP_port], bx
pop ecx esi ebx
je .restart
add bh, 1
adc bl, 0
call SOCKET_check_port
jz .findit
; SOCKET_check_port (to be used with AF_INET only!)
; Checks if a local port number is unused
; If the proposed port number is unused, it is filled in in the socket structure
; IN: eax = socket ptr (to find out if its a TCP/UDP socket)
; bx = proposed socket number (network byte order)
; OUT: ZF = set on error
align 4
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov ecx, [eax + SOCKET.Protocol]
mov edx, [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
mov esi, net_sockets
mov esi, [esi + SOCKET.NextPtr]
or esi, esi
jz .port_ok
cmp [esi + SOCKET.Protocol], ecx
jne .next_socket
cmp [esi + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP], edx
jne .next_socket
cmp [esi + UDP_SOCKET.LocalPort], bx
jne .next_socket
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "local port %x already in use\n", bx ; FIXME: find a way to print big endian values with debugf
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "local port %x is free\n", bx ; FIXME: find a way to print big endian values with debugf
mov [eax + UDP_SOCKET.LocalPort], bx
or bx, bx ; clear the zero-flag
; SOCKET_input
; Updates a (stateless) socket with received data
; Note: the mutex should already be set !
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; ecx = data size
; esi = ptr to data
; [esp] = ptr to buf
; [esp + 4] = buf size
; OUT: /
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_input: socket=%x, data=%x size=%u\n", eax, esi, ecx
mov [esp+4], ecx
push esi
mov esi, esp
add_to_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION), SOCKET_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof.socket_queue_entry, SOCKET_input.full
add esp, sizeof.socket_queue_entry
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
jmp SOCKET_notify
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_input: socket %x is full!\n", eax
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
call NET_packet_free
add esp, 8
; eax = ptr to ring struct (just a buffer of the right size)
align 4
push esi
mov esi, eax
push edx
stdcall create_ring_buffer, SOCKET_MAXDATA, PG_SW
pop edx
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_ring_created: %x\n", eax
lea ecx, [esi + RING_BUFFER.mutex]
call mutex_init
mov [esi + RING_BUFFER.start_ptr], eax
mov [esi + RING_BUFFER.write_ptr], eax
mov [esi + RING_BUFFER.read_ptr], eax
mov [esi + RING_BUFFER.size], 0
mov [esi + RING_BUFFER.end_ptr], eax
mov eax, esi
pop esi
; SOCKET_ring_write
; Adds data to a stream socket, and updates write pointer and size
; IN: eax = ptr to ring struct
; ecx = data size
; esi = ptr to data
; OUT: ecx = number of bytes stored
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_ring_write: ringbuff=%x ptr=%x size=%u\n", eax, esi, ecx
; lock mutex
lea ecx, [eax + RING_BUFFER.mutex]
call mutex_lock ; TODO: check what registers this function actually destroys
; calculate available size
sub edi, [eax + RING_BUFFER.size] ; available buffer size in edi
cmp ecx, edi
jbe .copy
mov ecx, edi
mov edi, [eax + RING_BUFFER.write_ptr]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_ring_write: %u bytes from %x to %x\n", ecx, esi, edi
; update write ptr
push edi
add edi, ecx
cmp edi, [eax + RING_BUFFER.end_ptr]
jb @f
mov [eax + RING_BUFFER.write_ptr], edi
pop edi
; update size
add [eax + RING_BUFFER.size], ecx
; copy the data
push ecx
shr ecx, 1
jnc .nb
shr ecx, 1
jnc .nw
test ecx, ecx
jz .nd
rep movsd
pop ecx
; unlock mutex
lea ecx, [eax + RING_BUFFER.mutex]
call mutex_unlock ; TODO: check what registers this function actually destroys
; SOCKET_ring_read
; IN: eax = ring struct ptr
; ecx = bytes to read
; edx = offset
; edi = ptr to buffer start
; OUT: eax = unchanged
; ecx = number of bytes read (0 on error)
; edx = destroyed
; esi = destroyed
; edi = ptr to buffer end
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_ring_read: ringbuff=%x ptr=%x size=%u offset=%x\n", eax, edi, ecx, edx
lea ecx, [eax + RING_BUFFER.mutex]
call mutex_lock ; TODO: check what registers this function actually destroys
mov esi, [eax + RING_BUFFER.read_ptr]
add esi, edx ; esi = start_ptr + offset
neg edx
add edx, [eax + RING_BUFFER.size] ; edx = snd.size - offset
jle .no_data_at_all
lea ecx, [eax + RING_BUFFER.mutex]
call mutex_unlock ; TODO: check what registers this function actually destroys
cmp ecx, edx
ja .less_data
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_ring_read: %u bytes from %x to %x\n", ecx, esi, edi
push ecx
shr ecx, 1
jnc .nb
shr ecx, 1
jnc .nw
test ecx, ecx
jz .nd
rep movsd
pop ecx
lea ecx, [eax + RING_BUFFER.mutex]
call mutex_unlock ; TODO: check what registers this function actually destroys
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_ring_read: no data at all!\n"
xor ecx, ecx
mov ecx, edx
jmp .copy
; SOCKET_ring_free
; Free's some bytes from the ringbuffer
; IN: eax = ptr to ring struct
; ecx = data size
; OUT: ecx = number of bytes free-ed
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_ring_free: %u bytes from ring %x\n", ecx, eax
push eax ecx
lea ecx, [eax + RING_BUFFER.mutex]
call mutex_lock ; TODO: check what registers this function actually destroys
pop ecx eax
sub [eax + RING_BUFFER.size], ecx
jb .error
add [eax + RING_BUFFER.read_ptr], ecx
mov edx, [eax + RING_BUFFER.end_ptr]
cmp [eax + RING_BUFFER.read_ptr], edx
jb @f
sub [eax + RING_BUFFER.read_ptr], SOCKET_MAXDATA
push eax ecx
lea ecx, [eax + RING_BUFFER.mutex] ; TODO: check what registers this function actually destroys
call mutex_unlock
pop ecx eax
.error: ; we could free all available bytes, but that would be stupid, i guess..
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_ring_free: buffer=%x error!\n", eax
add [eax + RING_BUFFER.size], ecx
push eax
lea ecx, [eax + RING_BUFFER.mutex]
call mutex_unlock ; TODO: check what registers this function actually destroys
pop eax
xor ecx, ecx
; SOCKET_block
; Suspends the thread attached to a socket
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: eax = unchanged
align 4
push eax
; Set the 'socket is blocked' flag
or [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_BLOCKED
; Suspend the thread
push edx
mov edx, [TASK_BASE]
mov [edx + TASKDATA.state], 1 ; Suspended
; Remember the thread ID so we can wake it up again
mov edx, [edx +]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_block: suspending thread: %u\n", edx
mov [eax + SOCKET.TID], edx
pop edx
call change_task
pop eax
; SOCKET_notify
; notify's the owner of a socket that something happened
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: eax = unchanged
align 4
call SOCKET_check
jz .error
test [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_BLOCKED
jnz .unblock
; test [eax + SOCKET.options], SO_NONBLOCK
; jz .error
push eax ecx esi
; socket exists and is of non blocking type.
; We'll try to flag an event to the thread
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.TID]
test eax, eax
jz .done
mov ecx, 1
mov esi, TASK_DATA +
cmp [esi], eax
je .found_pid
inc ecx
add esi, 0x20
cmp ecx, [TASK_COUNT]
jbe .next_pid
; PID not found, TODO: close socket!
jmp .done
shl ecx, 8
or [ecx + SLOT_BASE + APPDATA.event_mask], EVENT_NETWORK
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_notify: poking thread %u!\n", eax
jmp .done
push eax ecx esi
; Clear the 'socket is blocked' flag
and [eax + SOCKET.state], not SS_BLOCKED
; Find the thread's TASK_DATA
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.TID]
test eax, eax
jz .error
xor ecx, ecx
inc ecx
mov esi, TASK_DATA
cmp [esi +], eax
je .found
inc ecx
add esi, 0x20
cmp ecx, [TASK_COUNT]
jbe .next
jmp .error
; Run the thread
mov [esi + TASKDATA.state], 0 ; Running
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_notify: Unblocked socket!\n"
pop esi ecx eax
; SOCKET_alloc
; Allocate memory for socket data and put new socket into the list
; Newly created socket is initialized with calling PID and number and
; put into beginning of list (which is a fastest way).
; IN: /
; OUT: eax = 0 on error, socket ptr otherwise
; edi = socket number
; ZF = cleared on error
align 4
push ebx
stdcall kernel_alloc, SOCKETBUFFSIZE
or eax, eax
jz .exit
; zero-initialize allocated memory
push eax
mov edi, eax
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop eax
; set send-and receive procedures to return -1
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], .not_yet
mov [eax + SOCKET.rcv_proc], .not_yet
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_lock
; find first free socket number and use it
mov edi, [last_socket_num]
inc edi
jz .next_socket_number ; avoid socket nr 0
cmp edi, -1
je .next_socket_number ; avoid socket nr -1
mov ebx, net_sockets
mov ebx, [ebx + SOCKET.NextPtr]
test ebx, ebx
jz .last_socket
cmp [ebx + SOCKET.Number], edi
jne .next_socket
jmp .next_socket_number
mov [last_socket_num], edi
mov [eax + SOCKET.Number], edi
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_alloc: number=%u\n", edi
; Fill in PID
mov ebx, [TASK_BASE]
mov ebx, [ebx +]
mov [eax + SOCKET.PID], ebx
mov [eax + SOCKET.TID], ebx ; currently TID = PID in kolibrios :(
; init mutex
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_init
; add socket to the list by re-arranging some pointers
mov ebx, [net_sockets + SOCKET.NextPtr]
mov [eax + SOCKET.PrevPtr], net_sockets
mov [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr], ebx
test ebx, ebx
jz @f
lea ecx, [ebx + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_lock
mov [ebx + SOCKET.PrevPtr], eax
lea ecx, [ebx + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
mov [net_sockets + SOCKET.NextPtr], eax
or eax, eax ; used to clear zero flag
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
pop ebx
mov dword[esp+20], ENOTCONN
mov dword[esp+32], -1
; SOCKET_free
; Free socket data memory and remove socket from the list
; Caller should lock and unlock socket_mutex
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
align 4
call SOCKET_check
jz .error
push ebx
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_lock
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
jnz .no_tcp
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_TCP
jnz .no_tcp
mov ebx, eax
stdcall kernel_free, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv.start_ptr]
stdcall kernel_free, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.snd.start_ptr]
mov eax, ebx
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_free: freeing socket %x\n", eax
push eax ; this will be passed to kernel_free
mov ebx, [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr]
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.PrevPtr]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_free: linking socket %x to socket %x\n", eax, ebx
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr], ebx
test ebx, ebx
jz @f
mov [ebx + SOCKET.PrevPtr], eax
call kernel_free
pop ebx
; SOCKET_fork
; Create a child socket
; IN: socket nr in ebx
; OUT: child socket nr in eax
align 4
; Exit if backlog queue is full
mov eax, [ebx + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION + queue.size]
cmp ax, [ebx + SOCKET.backlog]
jae .fail
; Allocate new socket
push ebx
call SOCKET_alloc
pop ebx
jz .fail
push eax
mov esi, esp
add_to_queue (ebx + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION), MAX_backlog, 4, .fail2
pop eax
; Copy structure from current socket to new
; We start at PID to preserve the socket num, 2 pointers and mutex
; TID will be filled in later
lea esi, [ebx + SOCKET.PID]
lea edi, [eax + SOCKET.PID]
rep movsd
and [eax + SOCKET.options], not SO_ACCEPTCON
; Notify owner of parent socket
push eax
mov eax, ebx
call SOCKET_notify
pop eax
add esp, 4+4+4
xor eax, eax
; SOCKET_num_to_ptr
; Get socket structure address by its number
; IN: ecx = socket number
; OUT: eax = 0 on error, socket ptr otherwise
; ZF = set on error
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_num_to_ptr: num=%u ", ecx
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov eax, net_sockets
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr]
or eax, eax
jz .error
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Number], ecx
jne .next_socket
test eax, eax
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "SOCKET_num_to_ptr: not found\n", eax
; SOCKET_ptr_to_num
; Get socket number by its address
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: eax = 0 on error, socket num otherwise
; ZF = set on error
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_ptr_to_num: ptr=%x ", eax
call SOCKET_check
jz .error
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.Number]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "SOCKET_ptr_to_num: not found\n", eax
; SOCKET_check
; checks if the given value is really a socket ptr
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: eax = 0 on error, unchanged otherwise
; ZF = set on error
align 4
push ebx
mov ebx, net_sockets
mov ebx, [ebx + SOCKET.NextPtr]
or ebx, ebx
jz .done
cmp ebx, eax
jnz .next_socket
mov eax, ebx
test eax, eax
pop ebx
; SOCKET_check_owner
; checks if the caller application owns the socket
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: ZF = true/false
align 4
push ebx
mov ebx, [TASK_BASE]
mov ebx, [ebx +]
cmp [eax + SOCKET.PID], ebx
pop ebx
; SOCKET_process_end
; Kernel calls this function when a certain process ends
; This function will check if the process had any open sockets
; And update them accordingly (clean up)
; IN: edx = pid
; OUT: /
align 4
cmp [net_sockets + SOCKET.NextPtr], 0 ; Are there any active sockets at all?
je .quickret ; nope, exit immediately
; TODO: run the following code in another thread, to avoid deadlock
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_lock
push ebx
mov ebx, net_sockets
mov ebx, [ebx + SOCKET.NextPtr]
test ebx, ebx
jz .done
cmp [ebx + SOCKET.PID], edx
jne .next_socket
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_process_end: killing socket %x\n", ebx
mov [ebx + SOCKET.PID], 0
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, [ebx + SOCKET.NextPtr]
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
jne .free
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_TCP
jne .free
call TCP_disconnect
jmp .closed
call SOCKET_free
jmp .next_socket_test
pop ebx
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
; SOCKET_is_connecting
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_is_connecting: %x\n", eax
or [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_ISCONNECTING
; SOCKET_is_connected
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_is_connected: %x\n", eax
or [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_ISCONNECTED
jmp SOCKET_notify
; SOCKET_is_disconnecting
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_is_disconnecting: %x\n", eax
and [eax + SOCKET.state], not (SS_ISCONNECTING)
jmp SOCKET_notify
; SOCKET_is_disconnected
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_is_disconnected: %x\n", eax
jmp SOCKET_notify
; SOCKET_cant_recv_more
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_cant_recv_more: %x\n", eax
or [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_CANTRCVMORE
call SOCKET_notify
; SOCKET_cant_send_more
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "SOCKET_cant_send_more: %x\n", eax
or [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_CANTSENDMORE
mov [eax + SOCKET.snd_proc], .notconn
call SOCKET_notify
mov dword[esp+20], ENOTCONN
mov dword[esp+32], -1
0,0 → 1,791
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; ;;
;; TCP/IP stack for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Some parts of code are based on the work of: ;;
;; Mike Hibbett (menuetos network stack) ;;
;; Eugen Brasoveanu (solar os network stack and drivers) ;;
;; mike.dld (kolibrios socket code) ;;
;; ;;
;; TCP part is based on 4.4BSD ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3523 $
net_10ms dd ?
net_tmr_count dw ?
ARP_BLOCK = 1 ; true or false
MIN_EPHEMERAL_PORT_N = 0x00C0 ; same in Network byte order (FIXME)
MAX_EPHEMERAL_PORT_N = 0x48EE ; same in Network byte order (FIXME)
; Ethernet protocol numbers
ETHER_PROTO_IPv4 = 0x0008
; Internet protocol numbers
; PPP protocol numbers
PPP_PROTO_IPv4 = 0x2100
PPP_PROTO_IPV6 = 0x5780
;Protocol family
AF_INET4 = 2
AF_INET6 = 10
AF_PPP = 777 ; FIXME
; Socket types
; Socket options
SO_ACCEPTCON = 1 shl 0
SO_BROADCAST = 1 shl 1
SO_DEBUG = 1 shl 2
SO_DONTROUTE = 1 shl 3
SO_KEEPALIVE = 1 shl 4
SO_OOBINLINE = 1 shl 5
SO_REUSEADDR = 1 shl 6
SO_REUSEPORT = 1 shl 7
SO_NONBLOCK = 1 shl 31
; Socket flags for user calls
MSG_PEEK = 0x02
; Socket level
; Socket States
SS_NOFDREF = 0x0001 ; no file table ref any more
SS_ISCONNECTED = 0x0002 ; socket connected to a peer
SS_ISCONNECTING = 0x0004 ; in process of connecting to peer
SS_ISDISCONNECTING = 0x0008 ; in process of disconnecting
SS_CANTSENDMORE = 0x0010 ; can't send more data to peer
SS_CANTRCVMORE = 0x0020 ; can't receive more data from peer
SS_RCVATMARK = 0x0040 ; at mark on input
SS_ISABORTING = 0x0080 ; aborting fd references - close()
SS_RESTARTSYS = 0x0100 ; restart blocked system calls
SS_ISDISCONNECTED = 0x0800 ; socket disconnected from peer
SS_ASYNC = 0x1000 ; async i/o notify
SS_ISCONFIRMING = 0x2000 ; deciding to accept connection req
SS_BLOCKED = 0x8000
SOCKET_MAXDATA = 4096*8 ; must be 4096*(power of 2) where 'power of 2' is at least 8
MAX_backlog = 20 ; maximum backlog for stream sockets
; Error Codes
; Api protocol numbers
API_IPv4 = 1
API_IPv6 = 7
; Network device types
; Network link types (link protocols)
NET_LINK_LOOPBACK = 0 ;;; Really a link type?
NET_LINK_MAC = 1 ; Media access control (ethernet, isdn, ...)
NET_LINK_PPP = 2 ; Point to Point Protocol (PPPoE, ...)
NET_LINK_IEEE802.11 = 3 ; IEEE 802.11 (WiFi)
; Hardware acceleration bits
NET_HWACC_TCP_IPv4_IN = 1 shl 0
NET_HWACC_TCP_IPv4_OUT = 1 shl 1
device_type dd ? ; Type field
mtu dd ? ; Maximal Transmission Unit
name dd ? ; Ptr to 0 terminated string
unload dd ? ; Ptrs to driver functions
reset dd ? ;
transmit dd ? ;
bytes_tx dq ? ; Statistics, updated by the driver
bytes_rx dq ? ;
packets_tx dd ? ;
packets_rx dd ? ;
link_state dd ? ; link state (0 = no link)
hwacc dd ? ; bitmask stating enabled HW accelerations (offload engines)
; Exactly as it says..
macro pseudo_random reg {
add reg, [esp]
rol reg, 5
xor reg, [timer_ticks]
; add reg, [CPU_FREQ]
imul reg, 214013
xor reg, 0xdeadbeef
rol reg, 9
; Network to Hardware byte order (dword)
macro ntohd reg {
rol word reg, 8
rol dword reg, 16
rol word reg , 8
; Network to Hardware byte order (word)
macro ntohw reg {
rol word reg, 8
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
align 4
; stack_init
; This function calls all network init procedures
; IN: /
; OUT: /
align 4
; Init the network drivers list
xor eax, eax
mov edi, NET_RUNNING
mov ecx, (NET_DEVICES_MAX + 2)
rep stosd
; IPv6_init
mov [net_tmr_count], 0
; Wakeup every tick.
proc stack_handler_has_work?
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
cmp eax, [net_10ms]
; stack_handler
; This function is called in kernel loop
; IN: /
; OUT: /
align 4
; Test for 10ms tick
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
cmp eax, [net_10ms]
je .exit
mov [net_10ms], eax
cmp [NET_RUNNING], 0
je .exit
test [net_10ms], 0x0f ; 160ms
jnz .exit
test [net_10ms], 0x3f ; 640ms
jnz .exit
align 4
and dword[esp+4], not 0xfff
jmp kernel_free
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "NET_link_changed device=0x%x status=0x%x\n", ebx, [ebx + NET_DEVICE.link_state]
align 4
; Send event to all applications
push edi ecx
mov edi, SLOT_BASE
mov ecx, [TASK_COUNT]
add edi, 256
or [edi + APPDATA.event_mask], EVENT_NETWORK2
loop .loop
pop ecx edi
; NET_add_device:
; This function is called by the network drivers,
; to register each running NIC to the kernel
; IN: Pointer to device structure in ebx
; OUT: Device num in eax, -1 on error
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "NET_Add_Device: %x\n", ebx ;;; TODO: use mutex to lock net device list
jae .error
; Check if device is already listed
mov eax, ebx
mov ecx, NET_DEVICES_MAX ; We need to check whole list because a device may be removed without re-organizing list
mov edi, NET_DRV_LIST
repne scasd ; See if device is already in the list
jz .error
; Find empty slot in the list
xor eax, eax
mov edi, NET_DRV_LIST
repne scasd
jnz .error
sub edi, 4
; Add device to the found slot
mov [edi], ebx ; add device to list
mov eax, edi ; Calculate device number in eax
sub eax, NET_DRV_LIST
shr eax, 2
inc [NET_RUNNING] ; Indicate that one more network device is up and running
call NET_send_event
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Device number: %u\n", eax
or eax, -1
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "Adding network device failed\n"
; NET_Remove_Device:
; This function is called by network drivers,
; to unregister network devices from the kernel
; IN: Pointer to device structure in ebx
; OUT: eax: -1 on error
align 4
cmp [NET_RUNNING], 0
je .error
; Find the driver in the list
mov eax, ebx
mov edi, NET_DRV_LIST
repne scasd
jnz .error
; Remove it from the list
xor eax, eax
mov dword [edi-4], eax
call NET_send_event
xor eax, eax
or eax, -1
; NET_ptr_to_num
; IN: ebx = ptr to device struct
; OUT: edi = -1 on error, device number otherwise
align 4
call NET_ptr_to_num4
ror edi, 2 ; If -1, stay -1
; valid device numbers have last two bits 0, so do just shr
align 4
NET_ptr_to_num4: ; Todo, place number in device structure so we only need to verify?
push ecx
mov edi, NET_DRV_LIST
cmp ebx, [edi]
je .found
add edi, 4
dec ecx
jnz .loop
or edi, -1
pop ecx
sub edi, NET_DRV_LIST
pop ecx
; checksum_1
; This is the first of two functions needed to calculate a checksum.
; IN: edx = start offset for semi-checksum
; esi = pointer to data
; ecx = data size
; OUT: edx = semi-checksum
; Code was optimized by diamond
align 4
shr ecx, 1
jz .no_2
shr ecx, 1
jz .no_4
shr ecx, 1
jz .no_8
add dl, [esi+1]
adc dh, [esi+0]
adc dl, [esi+3]
adc dh, [esi+2]
adc dl, [esi+5]
adc dh, [esi+4]
adc dl, [esi+7]
adc dh, [esi+6]
adc edx, 0
add esi, 8
dec ecx
jnz .loop
adc edx, 0
jnc .no_4
add dl, [esi+1]
adc dh, [esi+0]
adc dl, [esi+3]
adc dh, [esi+2]
adc edx, 0
add esi, 4
jnc .no_2
add dl, [esi+1]
adc dh, [esi+0]
adc edx, 0
inc esi
inc esi
jnc .end
add dh, [esi+0]
adc edx, 0
; checksum_2
; This function calculates the final ip/tcp/udp checksum for you
; IN: edx = semi-checksum
; OUT: dx = checksum (in INET byte order)
align 4
mov ecx, edx
shr ecx, 16
and edx, 0xffff
add edx, ecx
mov ecx, edx
shr ecx, 16
add dx, cx
test dx, dx ; it seems that ZF is not set when CF is set :(
not dx
jnz .not_zero
dec dx
xchg dl, dh
; System function to work with network devices (74)
align 4
cmp bl, 255
jne @f
mov eax, [NET_RUNNING]
mov [esp+32], eax
cmp bh, NET_DEVICES_MAX ; Check if device number exists
jae .doesnt_exist
mov esi, ebx
and esi, 0x0000ff00
shr esi, 6
cmp dword [esi + NET_DRV_LIST], 0 ; check if driver is running
je .doesnt_exist
mov eax, [esi + NET_DRV_LIST]
and ebx, 0x000000ff
cmp ebx, .number
ja .doesnt_exist
jmp dword [.table + 4*ebx]
dd .get_type ; 0
dd .get_dev_name ; 1
dd .reset ; 2
dd .stop ; 3
dd .get_ptr ; 4
dd .get_drv_name ; 5
dd .packets_tx ; 6
dd .packets_rx ; 7
dd .bytes_tx ; 8
dd .bytes_rx ; 9
dd .state ; 10
.number = ($ - .table) / 4 - 1
mov eax, [eax + NET_DEVICE.device_type]
mov [esp+32], eax
mov esi, [eax +]
mov edi, ecx
mov ecx, 64/4 ; max length
rep movsd
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+32], eax
call [eax + NET_DEVICE.reset]
mov [esp+32], eax
call [eax + NET_DEVICE.unload]
mov [esp+32], eax
mov [esp+32], eax
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+32], eax
mov eax, [eax + NET_DEVICE.packets_tx]
mov [esp+32], eax
mov eax, [eax + NET_DEVICE.packets_rx]
mov [esp+32], eax
mov ebx, dword [eax + NET_DEVICE.bytes_tx + 4]
mov [esp+20], ebx
mov eax, dword [eax + NET_DEVICE.bytes_tx]
mov [esp+32], eax
mov ebx, dword [eax + NET_DEVICE.bytes_rx + 4]
mov [esp+20], ebx
mov eax, dword [eax + NET_DEVICE.bytes_rx]
mov [esp+32], eax
mov eax, [eax + NET_DEVICE.link_state]
mov [esp+32], eax
mov dword[esp+32], -1
; System function to work with protocols (76)
align 4
cmp bh, NET_DEVICES_MAX ; Check if device number exists
jae .doesnt_exist
mov esi, ebx
and esi, 0x0000ff00
shr esi, 6 ; now we have the device num * 4 in esi
cmp [esi + NET_DRV_LIST], 0 ; check if driver is running
je .doesnt_exist
push .return ; return address (we will be using jumps instead of calls)
mov eax, ebx ; set ax to protocol number
shr eax, 16 ;
cmp ax, API_ETH
je ETH_api
cmp ax, API_IPv4
je IPv4_api
cmp ax, API_ICMP
je ICMP_api
cmp ax, API_UDP
je UDP_api
cmp ax, API_TCP
je TCP_api
cmp ax, API_ARP
je ARP_api
cmp ax, API_PPPOE
je PPPoE_api
cmp ax, API_IPv6
je IPv6_api
add esp, 4 ; if we reached here, no function was called, so we need to balance stack
mov eax, -1
mov [esp+28+4], eax ; return eax value to the program
0,0 → 1,286
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; Part of the TCP/IP network stack for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Based on the code of 4.4BSD ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3406 $
; Socket states
; Socket Flags
TF_ACKNOW = 1 shl 0 ; ack peer immediately
TF_DELACK = 1 shl 1 ; ack, but try to delay it
TF_NODELAY = 1 shl 2 ; don't delay packets to coalesce
TF_NOOPT = 1 shl 3 ; don't use tcp options
TF_SENTFIN = 1 shl 4 ; have sent FIN
TF_REQ_SCALE = 1 shl 5 ; have/will request window scaling
TF_RCVD_SCALE = 1 shl 6 ; other side has requested scaling
TF_REQ_TSTMP = 1 shl 7 ; have/will request timestamps
TF_RCVD_TSTMP = 1 shl 8 ; a timestamp was received in SYN
TF_SACK_PERMIT = 1 shl 9 ; other side said I could SACK
; Segment flags
TH_FIN = 1 shl 0
TH_SYN = 1 shl 1
TH_RST = 1 shl 2
TH_PUSH = 1 shl 3
TH_ACK = 1 shl 4
TH_URG = 1 shl 5
; Segment header options
TCP_OPT_EOL = 0 ; End of option list.
TCP_OPT_NOP = 1 ; No-Operation.
TCP_OPT_MAXSEG = 2 ; Maximum Segment Size.
TCP_OPT_WINDOW = 3 ; window scale
TCP_OPT_SACK_PERMIT = 4 ; Selective Acknowledgement
; Fundamental timer values
TCP_time_MSL = 47 ; max segment lifetime (30s)
TCP_time_re_min = 2 ; min retransmission (1,28s)
TCP_time_re_max = 100 ; max retransmission (64s)
TCP_time_pers_min = 8 ; min persist (5,12s)
TCP_time_pers_max = 94 ; max persist (60,16s)
TCP_time_keep_init = 118 ; connection establishment (75,52s)
TCP_time_keep_idle = 4608 ; idle time before 1st probe (2h)
TCP_time_keep_interval = 118 ; between probes when no response (75,52s)
TCP_time_rtt_default = 5 ; default Round Trip Time (3,2s)
TCP_time_srtt_default = 0 ;
TCP_time_max_idle = 8*TCP_time_keep_interval ; FIXME
TCP_time_connect = 300 ; in 1/100s (default=3s)
; timer constants
TCP_max_rxtshift = 12 ; max retransmissions waiting for ACK
TCP_max_keepcnt = 8 ; max keepalive probes
TCP_max_winshift = 14
TCP_max_win = 65535
TCP_re_xmit_thresh = 3
TCP_mss_default = 1480 ; default max segment size
; smoothed round trip time and estimated variance are stored as fixed point numbers,
; shifted by the value below.
; With these scales, srtt has 3 bits to the right of the binary point, and thus an "alpha"
; of .875. rttvar has 2 bits to the right and thus "alpha" of 0.75
; bits used by tcp_input and tcp_output
TCP_PAWS_IDLE = 24*24*60*60*100 ; 24 days, in 1/100 seconds
struct TCP_header
SourcePort dw ?
DestinationPort dw ?
SequenceNumber dd ?
AckNumber dd ?
DataOffset db ? ; DataOffset[0-3 bits] and Reserved[4-7]
Flags db ? ; Reserved[0-1 bits]|URG|ACK|PSH|RST|SYN|FIN
Window dw ?
Checksum dw ?
UrgentPointer dw ?
struct TCP_queue_entry
ip_ptr dd ?
segment_ptr dd ?
segment_size dd ?
device_ptr dd ?
buffer_ptr dd ?
timestamp dd ?
align 4
TCP_segments_tx rd NET_DEVICES_MAX
TCP_segments_rx rd NET_DEVICES_MAX
TCP_segments_missed rd NET_DEVICES_MAX
TCP_segments_dumped rd NET_DEVICES_MAX
; TCP_bytes_rx rq NET_DEVICES_MAX
; TCP_bytes_tx rq NET_DEVICES_MAX
TCP_sequence_num dd ?
TCP_queue rd (TCP_QUEUE_SIZE*sizeof.TCP_queue_entry + sizeof.queue)/4
TCP_input_event dd ?
align 4
TCPS_accepts dd ? ; #SYNs received in LISTEN state
TCPS_closed dd ? ; #connections closed (includes drops)
TCPS_connattempt dd ? ; #connections initiated (calls to connect)
TCPS_conndrops dd ? ; #embryonic connections dropped (before SYN received)
TCPS_connects dd ? ; #connections established actively or passively
TCPS_delack dd ? ; #delayed ACKs sent
TCPS_drops dd ? ; #connections dropped (after SYN received)
TCPS_keepdrops dd ? ; #connections dropped in keepalive (established or awaiting SYN)
TCPS_keepprobe dd ? ; #keepalive probes sent
TCPS_keeptimeo dd ? ; #times keepalive timer or connections-establishment timer expire
TCPS_pawsdrop dd ? ; #segments dropped due to PAWS
TCPS_pcbcachemiss dd ? ; #times PCB cache comparison fails
TCPS_persisttimeo dd ? ; #times persist timer expires
TCPS_predack dd ? ; #times header prediction correct for ACKs
TCPS_preddat dd ? ; #times header prediction correct for data packets
TCPS_rcvackbyte dd ? ; #bytes ACKed by received ACKs
TCPS_rcvackpack dd ? ; #received ACK packets
TCPS_rcvacktoomuch dd ? ; #received ACKs for unsent data
TCPS_rcvafterclose dd ? ; #packets received after connection closed
TCPS_rcvbadoff dd ? ; #packets received with invalid header length
TCPS_rcvbadsum dd ? ; #packets received with checksum errors
TCPS_rcvbyte dd ? ; #bytes received in sequence
TCPS_rcvbyteafterwin dd ? ; #bytes received beyond advertised window
TCPS_rcvdupack dd ? ; #duplicate ACKs received
TCPS_rcvdupbyte dd ? ; #bytes receivedin completely duplicate packets
TCPS_rcvduppack dd ? ; #packets received with completely duplicate bytes
TCPS_rcvoobyte dd ? ; #out-of-order bytes received
TCPS_rcvoopack dd ? ; #out-of-order packets received
TCPS_rcvpack dd ? ; #packets received in sequence
TCPS_rcvpackafterwin dd ? ; #packets with some data beyond advertised window
TCPS_rcvpartdupbyte dd ? ; #duplicate bytes in part-duplicate packets
TCPS_rcvpartduppack dd ? ; #packets with some duplicate data
TCPS_rcvshort dd ? ; #packets received too short
TCPS_rcvtotal dd ? ; #total packets received
TCPS_rcvwinprobe dd ? ; #window probe packets received
TCPS_rcvwinupd dd ? ; #received window update packets
TCPS_rexmttimeo dd ? ; #retransmission timeouts
TCPS_rttupdated dd ? ; #times RTT estimators updated
TCPS_segstimed dd ? ; #segments for which TCP tried to measure RTT
TCPS_sndacks dd ? ; #ACK-only packets sent (data length = 0)
TCPS_sndbyte dd ? ; #data bytes sent
TCPS_sndctrl dd ? ; #control (SYN, FIN, RST) packets sent (data length = 0)
TCPS_sndpack dd ? ; #data packets sent (data length > 0)
TCPS_sndprobe dd ? ; #window probes sent (1 byte of data forced by persist timer)
TCPS_sndrexmitbyte dd ? ; #data bytes retransmitted
TCPS_sndrexmitpack dd ? ; #data packets retransmitted
TCPS_sndtotal dd ? ; total #packets sent
TCPS_sndurg dd ? ; #packets sent with URG-only (data length=0)
TCPS_sndwinup dd ? ; #window update-only packets sent (data length=0)
TCPS_timeoutdrop dd ? ; #connections dropped in retransmission timeout
; TCP_init
; This function resets all TCP variables
macro TCP_init {
xor eax, eax
mov edi, TCP_segments_tx
mov ecx, (6*NET_DEVICES_MAX)
rep stosd
pseudo_random eax
mov [TCP_sequence_num], eax
init_queue TCP_queue
movi ebx, 1
mov ecx, TCP_process_input
call new_sys_threads
test eax, eax
jns @f
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR,'K : cannot create kernel thread for TCP, error %d\n', eax
include ''
include ''
include ''
include ''
include ''
; This function is called by system function 76
; IN: subfunction number in bl
; device number in bh
; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction
; OUT:
align 4
movzx eax, bh
shl eax, 2
test bl, bl
jz .packets_tx ; 0
dec bl
jz .packets_rx ; 1
dec bl
jz .packets_missed ; 2
dec bl
jz .packets_dumped ; 3
mov eax, -1
mov eax, [TCP_segments_tx + eax]
mov eax, [TCP_segments_rx + eax]
mov eax, [TCP_segments_missed + eax]
mov eax, [TCP_segments_dumped + eax]
0,0 → 1,1719
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; Part of the TCP/IP network stack for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Based on the code of 4.4BSD ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3407 $
; TCP_input:
; Add a segment to the incoming TCP queue
; IN: [esp] = ptr to buffer
; [esp+4] = buffer size (dont care)
; ebx = ptr to device struct
; ecx = segment size
; esi = ptr to TCP segment
; edi = ptr to ipv4 source address, followed by ipv4 dest address
; OUT: /
align 4
; record the current time
mov eax, [timer_ticks] ; in 1/100 seconds
mov [esp + 4], eax
push ebx ecx esi edi ; mind the order
mov esi, esp
add_to_queue TCP_queue, TCP_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof.TCP_queue_entry, .fail
add esp, sizeof.TCP_queue_entry
call NET_ptr_to_num4
inc [TCP_segments_rx + edi]
xor edx, edx
mov eax, [TCP_input_event]
mov ebx, [eax +]
xor esi, esi
call raise_event
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP incoming queue is full, discarding packet!\n"
call NET_ptr_to_num4
inc [TCP_segments_missed + edi]
add esp, sizeof.TCP_queue_entry - 8
call NET_packet_free
add esp, 4
align 4
proc TCP_process_input
dataoffset dd ?
timestamp dd ?
temp_bits db ?
xor esi, esi
call create_event
mov [TCP_input_event], eax
mov eax, [TCP_input_event]
mov ebx, [eax +]
call wait_event
get_from_queue TCP_queue, TCP_QUEUE_SIZE, sizeof.TCP_queue_entry, .wait
push [esi + TCP_queue_entry.timestamp]
pop [timestamp]
push [esi + TCP_queue_entry.buffer_ptr]
mov ebx, [esi + TCP_queue_entry.device_ptr]
mov ecx, [esi + TCP_queue_entry.segment_size]
mov edi, [esi + TCP_queue_entry.ip_ptr] ; ptr to ipv4 source address, followed by ipv4 destination address
mov esi, [esi + TCP_queue_entry.segment_ptr] ; change esi last
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: size=%u time=%d\n", ecx, [timer_ticks]
mov edx, esi
je .checksum_ok
; re-calculate the checksum (if not already done by hw)
test [ebx + NET_DEVICE.hwacc], NET_HWACC_TCP_IPv4_IN
jnz .checksum_ok
push ecx esi
pushw [esi + TCP_header.Checksum]
mov [esi + TCP_header.Checksum], 0
TCP_checksum (edi), (edi+4)
pop cx ; previous checksum
cmp cx, dx
pop edx ecx
jne .drop_no_socket
; Verify the data offset
movzx eax, [edx + TCP_header.DataOffset]
and al, 0xf0 ; Calculate TCP segment header size (throwing away unused reserved bits in TCP header)
shr al, 2
cmp al, sizeof.TCP_header ; Now see if it's at least the size of a standard TCP header
jb .drop_no_socket ; If not, drop the packet
mov [dataoffset], eax
sub ecx, eax ; substract TCP header size from total segment size
jb .drop_no_socket ; If total segment size is less then the advertised header size, drop packet
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: %u bytes of data\n", ecx
; Convert Big-endian values to little endian
ntohd [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
ntohd [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
ntohw [edx + TCP_header.Window]
ntohw [edx + TCP_header.UrgentPointer]
; Find the socket pointer
; IP Packet TCP Destination Port = local Port
; (IP Packet SenderAddress = Remote IP) OR (Remote IP = 0)
; (IP Packet TCP Source Port = remote Port) OR (remote Port = 0)
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov ebx, net_sockets
mov si, [edx + TCP_header.DestinationPort]
mov ebx, [ebx + SOCKET.NextPtr]
or ebx, ebx
jz .no_socket ;respond_seg_reset
cmp [ebx + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
jne .socket_loop
cmp [ebx + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_TCP
jne .socket_loop
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.LocalPort], si
jne .socket_loop
mov eax, [ebx + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
cmp eax, [edi] ; Ipv4 source address
je @f
test eax, eax
jnz .socket_loop
mov ax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RemotePort]
cmp [edx + TCP_header.SourcePort], ax
je .found_socket
test ax, ax
jnz .socket_loop
.found_socket: ; ebx now contains the socketpointer
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: socket ptr=%x state=%u flags=%x\n", ebx, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], [edx + TCP_header.Flags]:2
; Check if socket isnt closed
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_CLOSED
je .drop_no_socket
; Lock the socket
lea ecx, [ebx + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_lock
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: socket locked\n"
; disable all temporary bits
mov [temp_bits], 0
; unscale the window into a 32 bit value
movzx eax, [edx + TCP_header.Window]
push ecx
mov cl, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SCALE]
shl eax, cl
mov dword [edx + TCP_header.Window], eax ; word after window is checksum, we dont need checksum anymore
pop ecx
; Are we accepting incoming connections?
test [ebx + SOCKET.options], SO_ACCEPTCON
jz .no_accept
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Accepting new connection\n"
lea ecx, [ebx + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
push ecx edx esi edi ;;;
call SOCKET_fork
pop edi esi edx ecx
test eax, eax
jz .drop_no_socket
mov ebx, eax
mov [temp_bits], TCP_BIT_DROPSOCKET
push dword [edi + 4] ; Ipv4 destination addres
pop [ebx + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
push [edx + TCP_header.DestinationPort]
pop [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.LocalPort]
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_LISTEN
; Reset idle timer and keepalive timer
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_idle], 0
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_keepalive], TCP_time_keep_idle
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_keepalive
; Process TCP options
;;; FIXME: for LISTEN, options should be called after we determined route, we need it for MSS
;;; cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_LISTEN ; no options when in listen state
;;; jz .not_uni_xfer ; also no header prediction
push ecx
mov ecx, [dataoffset]
cmp ecx, sizeof.TCP_header ; Does header contain any options?
je .no_options
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Segment has options\n"
add ecx, edx
lea esi, [edx + sizeof.TCP_header]
cmp esi, ecx ; are we scanning outside of header?
jae .no_options
cmp al, TCP_OPT_EOL ; end of option list?
je .no_options
cmp al, TCP_OPT_NOP
je .opt_loop
je .opt_maxseg
je .opt_window
je .opt_sack_permit
; cmp al, TCP_OPT_SACK
; je .opt_sack
je .opt_timestamp
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: unknown option:%u\n", al
jmp .no_options ; If we reach here, some unknown options were received, skip them all!
cmp al, 4
jne .no_options ; error occured, ignore all options!
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_SYN
jz @f
xor eax, eax
rol ax, 8
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Maxseg=%u\n", eax
call TCP_mss
jmp .opt_loop
cmp al, 3
jne .no_options
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_SYN
jz @f
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Got window scale option\n"
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_RCVD_SCALE
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SCALE], al
;;;;; TODO
jmp .opt_loop
cmp al, 2
jne .no_options
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_SYN
jz @f
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Selective Acknowledgement permitted\n"
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_SACK_PERMIT
jmp .opt_loop
cmp al, 10 ; length must be 10
jne .no_options
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Got timestamp option\n"
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_SYN
jz @f
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_RCVD_TSTMP
bswap eax
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ts_val], eax
lodsd ; timestamp echo reply
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ts_ecr], eax
or [temp_bits], TCP_BIT_TIMESTAMP
; Since we have a timestamp, lets do the paws test right away!
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_RST
jnz .no_paws
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ts_recent]
test eax, eax
jz .no_paws
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ts_val]
jbe .no_paws
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: PAWS: detected an old segment\n"
mov eax, [timestamp]
sub eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ts_recent_age]
pop ecx
cmp eax, TCP_PAWS_IDLE
jle .drop_after_ack ; TODO: update stats
push ecx
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ts_recent], 0 ; timestamp was invalid, fix it.
jmp .opt_loop
pop ecx
; Time to do some header prediction (Original Principle by Van Jacobson)
; There are two common cases for an uni-directional data transfer.
; General rule: the packets has no control flags, is in-sequence,
; window width didnt change and we're not retransmitting.
; Second rules:
; - If the length is 0 and the ACK moved forward, we're the sender side of the transfer.
; In this case we'll free the ACK'ed data and notify higher levels that we have free space in buffer
; - If the length is not 0 and the ACK didn't move, we're the receiver side of the transfer.
; If the packets are in order (data queue is empty), add the data to the socket buffer and request a delayed ACK
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_ESTABLISHED
jnz .not_uni_xfer
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_SYN + TH_FIN + TH_RST + TH_URG
jnz .not_uni_xfer
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_ACK
jz .not_uni_xfer
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT]
jne .not_uni_xfer
mov eax, dword [edx + TCP_header.Window]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND]
jne .not_uni_xfer
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX]
jne .not_uni_xfer
; check if we are sender in the uni-xfer
; If the following 4 conditions are all true, this segment is a pure ACK.
; - The segment contains no data.
test ecx, ecx
jnz .not_sender
; - The congestion window is greater than or equal to the current send window.
; This test is true only if the window is fully open, that is, the connection is not in the middle of slow start or congestion avoidance.
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND]
jb .not_uni_xfer
; - The acknowledgment field in the segment is less than or equal to the maximum sequence number sent.
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX]
ja .not_uni_xfer
; - The acknowledgment field in the segment is greater than the largest unacknowledged sequence number.
sub eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
jbe .not_uni_xfer
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Header prediction: we are sender\n"
; Packet is a pure ACK, process it
; Delete acknowledged bytes from send buffer
mov ecx, eax
lea eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.snd]
call SOCKET_ring_free
; Update RTT estimators
test [temp_bits], TCP_BIT_TIMESTAMP
jz .no_timestamp_rtt
mov eax, [timestamp]
sub eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ts_ecr]
inc eax
call TCP_xmit_timer
jmp .rtt_done
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rtt], 0
je .rtt_done
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rtseq]
jbe .rtt_done
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rtt]
call TCP_xmit_timer
; update window pointers
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA], eax
; Stop retransmit timer
and [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], not timer_flag_retransmission
; Unlock the socket
lea ecx, [ebx + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
; Awaken waiting processes
mov eax, ebx
call SOCKET_notify
; Generate more output
call TCP_output
jmp .drop_no_socket
; maybe we are the receiver in the uni-xfer then..
; - The amount of data in the segment is greater than 0 (data count is in ecx)
; - The acknowledgment field equals the largest unacknowledged sequence number. This means no data is acknowledged by this segment.
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
jne .not_uni_xfer
; - The reassembly list of out-of-order segments for the connection is empty (seg_next equals tp).
;;; TODO
; jnz .not_uni_xfer
; Complete processing of received data
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Header prediction: we are receiving %u bytes\n", ecx
mov esi, [dataoffset]
add esi, edx
lea eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv]
call SOCKET_ring_write ; Add the data to the socket buffer
add [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT], ecx ; Update sequence number with number of bytes we have copied
mov eax, ebx
call SOCKET_notify
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_DELACK ; Set delayed ack flag
jmp .drop
; Header prediction failed, do it the slow way
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Header prediction failed\n"
; Calculate receive window size
push edx
sub eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv.size]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Space in receive buffer=%d\n", eax
mov edx, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_ADV]
sub edx, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Current advertised window=%d\n", edx
cmp eax, edx
jg @f
mov eax, edx
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Receive window size=%d\n", eax
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_WND], eax
pop edx
; If we are in listen or syn_sent state, go to that specific code right away
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_LISTEN
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_SYN_SENT
; trim any data not in window
; 1. Check for duplicate data at beginning of segment
; Calculate number of bytes we need to drop
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT]
sub eax, [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
jle .no_duplicate
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: %u bytes duplicate data!\n", eax
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_SYN
jz .no_dup_syn
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: got duplicate syn\n"
and [edx + TCP_header.Flags], not (TH_SYN)
inc [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
cmp [edx + TCP_header.UrgentPointer], 1
jbe @f
dec [edx + TCP_header.UrgentPointer]
jmp .dup_syn
and [edx + TCP_header.Flags], not (TH_URG)
dec eax
; 2. Check for entire duplicate segment
cmp eax, ecx ; eax holds number of bytes to drop, ecx is data size
jb .duplicate
jnz @f
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_FIN
jnz .duplicate
; Any valid FIN must be to the left of the window.
; At this point the FIN must be out of sequence or a duplicate, drop it
and [edx + TCP_header.Flags], not TH_FIN
; send an ACK and resynchronize and drop any data.
; But keep on processing for RST or ACK
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_ACKNOW
mov eax, ecx
;;; TODO: update stats
; Remove duplicate data and update urgent offset
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: trimming duplicate data\n"
; Trim data from left side of window
add [dataoffset], eax
add [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber], eax
sub ecx, eax
sub [edx + TCP_header.UrgentPointer], ax
jg @f
and [edx + TCP_header.Flags], not (TH_URG)
mov [edx + TCP_header.UrgentPointer], 0
; Handle data that arrives after process terminates
cmp [ebx + SOCKET.PID], 0 ;;; TODO: use socket flags instead??
jne .not_terminated
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_CLOSE_WAIT
jbe .not_terminated
test ecx, ecx
jz .not_terminated
mov eax, ebx
call TCP_close
;;; TODO: update stats
jmp .respond_seg_reset
; Remove data beyond right edge of window
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
add eax, ecx
sub eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT]
sub eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_WND] ; eax now holds the number of bytes to drop
jle .no_excess_data
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "%d bytes beyond right edge of window\n", eax
;;; TODO: update stats
cmp eax, ecx
jl .dont_drop_all
; If a new connection request is received while in TIME_WAIT, drop the old connection and start over,
; if the sequence numbers are above the previous ones
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_SYN
jz .no_new_request
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_TIMED_WAIT
jne .no_new_request
; mov edx, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT]
; cmp edx, [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
; add edx, 64000 ; TCP_ISSINCR FIXME
mov eax, ebx
call TCP_close
jmp .findpcb ; FIXME: skip code for unscaling window, ...
; If window is closed, we can only take segments at window edge, and have to drop data and PUSH from
; incoming segments. Continue processing, but remember to ACK. Otherwise drop segment and ACK
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_WND], 0
jne .drop_after_ack
mov esi, [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
cmp esi, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT]
jne .drop_after_ack
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_ACKNOW
;;; TODO: update stats
;;; TODO: update stats
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Trimming %u bytes from the right of the window\n"
sub ecx, eax ; remove data from the right side of window (decrease data length)
and [edx + TCP_header.Flags], not (TH_PUSH or TH_FIN)
; Record timestamp
; If last ACK falls within this segments sequence numbers, record its timestamp
test [temp_bits], TCP_BIT_TIMESTAMP
jz .no_timestamp
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.last_ack_sent]
sub eax, [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
jb .no_timestamp
test [ebx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_SYN or TH_FIN ; syn and fin occupy one byte
jz @f
dec eax
sub eax, ecx
jae .no_timestamp
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "Recording timestamp\n"
mov eax, [timestamp]
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ts_recent_age], eax
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ts_val]
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ts_recent], eax
; Process RST flags
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_RST
jz .no_rst
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state]
shl eax, 2
jmp dword [eax + .rst_sw_list]
dd .no_rst ; TCPS_CLOSED
dd .no_rst ; TCPS_LISTEN
dd .no_rst ; TCPS_SYN_SENT
dd .econnrefused ; TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED
dd .econnreset ; TCPS_ESTABLISHED
dd .econnreset ; TCPS_CLOSE_WAIT
dd .econnreset ; TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1
dd .rst_close ; TCPS_CLOSING
dd .rst_close ; TCPS_LAST_ACK
dd .econnreset ; TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2
dd .rst_close ; TCPS_TIMED_WAIT
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Connection refused\n"
mov [ebx + SOCKET.errorcode], ECONNREFUSED
jmp .close
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Connection reset\n"
mov [ebx + SOCKET.errorcode], ECONNRESET
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Closing connection\n"
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_CLOSED
;;; TODO: update stats (tcp drops)
mov eax, ebx
call TCP_close
jmp .drop_no_socket
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Closing with reset\n"
mov eax, ebx
call TCP_close
jmp .drop_no_socket
; handle SYN-full and ACK-less segments
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_SYN
jz .not_syn_full
mov eax, ebx
call TCP_drop
jmp .drop_with_reset
; ACK processing
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_ACK
jz .drop
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED
jb .ack_processed ; states: closed, listen, syn_sent
ja .no_syn_rcv ; established, fin_wait_1, fin_wait_2, close_wait, closing, last_ack, time_wait
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: state=syn_received\n"
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA], eax
ja .drop_with_reset
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX]
ja .drop_with_reset
;;; TODO: update stats
mov eax, ebx
call SOCKET_is_connected
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_ESTABLISHED
; Do window scaling?
test [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_RCVD_SCALE
jz @f
test [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_REQ_SCALE
jz @f
push word [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.requested_s_scale] ; Set send and receive scale factors to the received values
pop word [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SCALE]
;;; TODO: call TCP_reassemble
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
dec eax
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL1], eax
; check for duplicate ACKs
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
ja .not_dup_ack
test ecx, ecx
jnz .reset_dupacks
mov eax, dword [edx + TCP_header.Window]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND]
jne .reset_dupacks
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Processing duplicate ACK\n"
; If we have outstanding data, other than a window probe, this is a completely duplicate ACK
; (window info didnt change) The ACK is the biggest we've seen and we've seen exactly our rexmt threshold of them,
; assume a packet has been dropped and retransmit it. Kludge snd_nxt & the congestion window so we send only this one packet.
test [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_retransmission
jz @f
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
je .dup_ack
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_dupacks], 0
jmp .not_dup_ack
inc [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_dupacks]
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_dupacks], TCP_re_xmit_thresh
jne .no_re_xmit
push [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT] ; >>>>
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND]
jbe @f
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND]
shr eax, 1
push edx
xor edx, edx
div [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
cmp eax, 2
ja @f
xor eax, eax
mov al, 2
mul [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
pop edx
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SSTHRESH], eax
and [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], not timer_flag_retransmission ; turn off retransmission timer
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rtt], 0
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT], eax
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND], eax
; Unlock the socket
push ebx
lea ecx, [ebx + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
; retransmit missing segment
mov eax, [esp]
call TCP_output
; Lock the socket again
mov ecx, [esp]
add ecx, SOCKET.mutex
call mutex_lock
pop ebx
; Continue processing
xor edx, edx
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
mul [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_dupacks]
add eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SSTHRESH]
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND], eax
pop eax ; <<<<
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
jb @f
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT], eax
jmp .drop
jbe .not_dup_ack
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Increasing congestion window\n"
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
add [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND], eax
; Unlock the socket
push ebx
lea ecx, [ebx + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
; retransmit missing segment
mov eax, [esp]
call TCP_output
; Lock the socket again
mov ecx, [esp]
add ecx, SOCKET.mutex
call mutex_lock
pop ebx
jmp .drop
; If the congestion window was inflated to account
; for the other side's cached packets, retract it
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SSTHRESH]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND]
ja @f
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_dupacks], TCP_re_xmit_thresh
jbe @f
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND], eax
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_dupacks], 0
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX]
jbe @f
;;; TODO: update stats
jmp .drop_after_ack
mov edi, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
sub edi, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA] ; now we got the number of acked bytes in edi
;;; TODO: update stats
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: acceptable ACK for %u bytes\n", edi
; RTT measurements and retransmission timer
; If we have a timestamp, update smoothed RTT
test [temp_bits], TCP_BIT_TIMESTAMP
jz .timestamp_not_present
mov eax, [timestamp]
sub eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ts_ecr]
inc eax
call TCP_xmit_timer
jmp .rtt_done_
; If no timestamp but transmit timer is running and timed sequence number was acked,
; update smoothed RTT. Since we now have an RTT measurement, cancel the timer backoff
; (Phil Karn's retransmit algo)
; Recompute the initial retransmit timer
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rtseq]
jbe .rtt_done_
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rtt]
test eax, eax
jz .rtt_done_
call TCP_xmit_timer
; If all outstanding data is acked, stop retransmit timer and remember to restart (more output or persist)
; If there is more data to be acked, restart retransmit timer, using current (possible backed-off) value.
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX]
cmp eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
jne .more_data
and [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], not timer_flag_retransmission
or [temp_bits], TCP_BIT_NEEDOUTPUT
jmp .no_restart
test [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_persist
jnz .no_restart
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rxtcur]
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_retransmission], eax
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_retransmission
; Open congestion window in response to ACKs
mov esi, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND]
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
cmp esi, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SSTHRESH]
jbe @f
push edx
push eax
mul eax
div esi
pop edx
shr edx, 3
add eax, edx
pop edx
add esi, eax
push ecx
mov cl, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SCALE]
mov eax, TCP_max_win
shl eax, cl
pop ecx
cmp esi, eax
jbe @f
mov esi, eax
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND], esi
; Remove acknowledged data from send buffer
cmp edi, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.snd.size]
jbe .finiacked
push ecx edx ebx
mov ecx, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.snd.size]
lea eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.snd]
sub [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND], ecx
call SOCKET_ring_free
pop ebx edx ecx
jmp .wakeup
push ecx edx ebx
mov ecx, edi
lea eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.snd]
call SOCKET_ring_free
pop ebx
sub [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND], ecx
pop edx ecx
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: our FIN is not acked\n"
; Wake up process waiting on send buffer
pushf ; Keep the flags (Carry flag)
mov eax, ebx
call SOCKET_notify
; Update TCPS
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA], eax
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
jb @f
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT], eax
; General ACK handling complete
; Now do the state-specific ones
; Carry flag is set when our FIN is acked
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state]
jmp dword [eax*4 + .ACK_sw_list]
dd .ack_processed ; TCPS_CLOSED
dd .ack_processed ; TCPS_LISTEN
dd .ack_processed ; TCPS_SYN_SENT
dd .ack_processed ; TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED
dd .ack_processed ; TCPS_ESTABLISHED
dd .ack_processed ; TCPS_CLOSE_WAIT
dd .ack_fw1 ; TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1
dd .ack_c ; TCPS_CLOSING
dd .ack_la ; TCPS_LAST_ACK
dd .ack_processed ; TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2
dd .ack_tw ; TCPS_TIMED_WAIT
jnc .ack_processed
test [ebx + SOCKET.state], SS_CANTRCVMORE
jnz @f
mov eax, ebx
call SOCKET_is_disconnected
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_timed_wait], TCP_time_max_idle
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_wait
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2
jmp .ack_processed
jnc .ack_processed
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_TIMED_WAIT
mov eax, ebx
call TCP_cancel_timers
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_timed_wait], 2 * TCP_time_MSL
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_wait
mov eax, ebx
call SOCKET_is_disconnected
jmp .ack_processed
jnc .ack_processed
push ebx
lea ecx, [ebx + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
pop ebx
mov eax, ebx
call TCP_close
jmp .drop_no_socket
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_timed_wait], 2 * TCP_time_MSL
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_wait
jmp .drop_after_ack
.reset_dupacks: ; We got a new ACK, reset duplicate ACK counter
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_dupacks], 0
jmp .ack_processed
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: state=listen\n"
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_RST
jnz .drop
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_ACK
jnz .drop_with_reset
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_SYN
jz .drop
;;; TODO: check if it's a broadcast or multicast, and drop if so
push dword [edi] ; Ipv4 source addres
pop [ebx + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
push [edx + TCP_header.SourcePort]
pop [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RemotePort]
push [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
pop [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.IRS]
mov eax, [TCP_sequence_num]
add [TCP_sequence_num], 64000 / 2
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ISS], eax
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT], eax
TCP_sendseqinit ebx
TCP_rcvseqinit ebx
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_ACKNOW
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_keepalive], TCP_time_keep_interval ;;;; macro
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_keepalive
lea eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.snd]
call SOCKET_ring_create
lea eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv]
call SOCKET_ring_create
and [temp_bits], not TCP_BIT_DROPSOCKET
mov eax, ebx
call SOCKET_notify
jmp .trim_then_step6
; Active Open
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: state=syn_sent\n"
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_ACK
jz @f
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ISS]
jbe .drop_with_reset
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX]
ja .drop_with_reset
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_RST
jz @f
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_ACK
jz .drop
mov eax, ebx
call TCP_drop
jmp .drop
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_SYN
jz .drop
; at this point, segment seems to be valid
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_ACK
jz .no_syn_ack
; now, process received SYN in response to an active open
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA], eax
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
jbe @f
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT], eax
and [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], not timer_flag_retransmission ; disable retransmission timer
push [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
pop [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.IRS]
TCP_rcvseqinit ebx
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_ACKNOW
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ISS]
jbe .simultaneous_open
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_ACK
jz .simultaneous_open
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: active open\n"
;;; TODO: update stats
; set socket state to connected
push eax
mov eax, ebx
call SOCKET_is_connected
pop eax
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_ESTABLISHED
; Do window scaling on this connection ?
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags]
jne .no_scaling
mov ax, word [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.requested_s_scale]
mov word [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SCALE], ax
;;; TODO: reassemble packets queue
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rtt]
test eax, eax
je .trim_then_step6
call TCP_xmit_timer
jmp .trim_then_step6
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: simultaneous open\n"
; We have received a syn but no ACK, so we are having a simultaneous open..
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED
; Common processing for receipt of SYN
inc [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
; Drop any received data that doesnt fit in the receive window.
cmp ecx, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_WND]
jbe .dont_trim
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: received data does not fit in window, trimming %u bytes\n", eax
mov ecx, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_WND]
and [edx + TCP_header.Flags], not (TH_FIN)
;;; TODO: update stats
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_UP], eax
dec eax
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL1], eax
; step 6
; check if we need to update window information
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_ACK
jz .no_window_update
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL1]
cmp eax, [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
jb .update_window
ja @f
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL2]
cmp eax, [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
jb .update_window
ja .no_window_update
mov eax, dword [edx + TCP_header.Window]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND]
jbe .no_window_update
;;; TODO: update stats (Keep track of pure window updates)
mov eax, dword [edx + TCP_header.Window]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.max_sndwnd]
jbe @f
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.max_sndwnd], eax
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND], eax
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Updating window to %u\n", eax
push [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
pop [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL1]
push [edx + TCP_header.AckNumber]
pop [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL2]
or [temp_bits], TCP_BIT_NEEDOUTPUT
; process URG flag
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_URG
jz .not_urgent
cmp [edx + TCP_header.UrgentPointer], 0
jz .not_urgent
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_TIMED_WAIT
je .not_urgent
; Ignore bogus urgent offsets
movzx eax, [edx + TCP_header.UrgentPointer]
add eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv.size]
jbe .not_urgent
mov [edx + TCP_header.UrgentPointer], 0
and [edx + TCP_header.Flags], not (TH_URG)
jmp .do_data
; processing of received urgent pointer
;;; TODO (1051-1093)
; process the data in the segment (1094)
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_TIMED_WAIT
jae .final_processing
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_FIN
jnz @f
test ecx, ecx
jz .final_processing
; The segment is in order?
mov eax, [edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT]
jne .out_of_order
; The reassembly queue is empty?
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.seg_next], 0
jne .out_of_order
; The connection is established?
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_ESTABLISHED
jne .out_of_order
; Ok, lets do this.. Set delayed ACK flag and copy data into socket buffer
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_DELACK
mov esi, [dataoffset]
add esi, edx
lea eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv]
call SOCKET_ring_write ; Add the data to the socket buffer
add [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT], ecx ; Update sequence number with number of bytes we have copied
; Wake up the sleeping process
mov eax, ebx
call SOCKET_notify
jmp .data_done
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP data is out of order!\nSequencenumber is %u, we expected %u.\n", \
[edx + TCP_header.SequenceNumber], [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT]
; Uh-oh, some data is out of order, lets call TCP reassemble for help
call TCP_reassemble
; Generate ACK immediately, to let the other end know that a segment was received out of order,
; and to tell it what sequence number is expected. This aids the fast-retransmit algorithm.
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_ACKNOW
; FIN processing
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_FIN
jz .final_processing
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_TIMED_WAIT
jae .not_first_fin
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: First FIN for this connection\n"
mov eax, ebx
call SOCKET_cant_recv_more
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_ACKNOW
inc [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT]
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state]
shl eax, 2
jmp dword [eax + .FIN_sw_list]
dd .final_processing ; TCPS_CLOSED
dd .final_processing ; TCPS_LISTEN
dd .final_processing ; TCPS_SYN_SENT
dd .fin_syn_est ; TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED
dd .fin_syn_est ; TCPS_ESTABLISHED
dd .final_processing ; TCPS_CLOSE_WAIT
dd .fin_wait1 ; TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1
dd .final_processing ; TCPS_CLOSING
dd .final_processing ; TCPS_LAST_ACK
dd .fin_wait2 ; TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2
dd .fin_timed ; TCPS_TIMED_WAIT
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_CLOSE_WAIT
jmp .final_processing
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_CLOSING
jmp .final_processing
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_TIMED_WAIT
mov eax, ebx
call TCP_cancel_timers
call SOCKET_is_disconnected
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_timed_wait], 2 * TCP_time_MSL
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_wait
; Final processing
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Final processing\n"
push ebx
lea ecx, [ebx + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
pop eax
test [temp_bits], TCP_BIT_NEEDOUTPUT
jnz .need_output
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_ACKNOW
jz .dumpit
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: need output\n"
call TCP_output
call NET_packet_free
jmp .loop
; Drop the segment
push edx ebx
lea ecx, [ebx + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
pop eax edx
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_RST
jnz .dumpit
or [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_ACKNOW
jmp .need_output
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Drop with reset\n"
push ebx edx
lea ecx, [ebx + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
pop edx ebx
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_RST
jnz .dumpit
;;; if its a multicast/broadcast, also drop
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_ACK
jnz .respond_ack
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_SYN
jnz .respond_syn
jmp .dumpit
; Respond
push ebx
mov cl, TH_RST
call TCP_respond
pop ebx
jmp .destroy_new_socket
push ebx
mov cl, TH_RST + TH_ACK
call TCP_respond
pop ebx
jmp .destroy_new_socket
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_RST
jnz .drop_no_socket
;;; TODO: if its a multicast/broadcast, also drop
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_ACK
jnz .respond_seg_ack
test [edx + TCP_header.Flags], TH_SYN
jnz .respond_seg_syn
jmp .drop_no_socket
mov cl, TH_RST
call TCP_respond_segment
jmp .drop_no_socket
mov cl, TH_RST + TH_ACK
call TCP_respond_segment
jmp .drop_no_socket
; Drop
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Dropping segment\n"
lea ecx, [ebx + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
test [temp_bits], TCP_BIT_DROPSOCKET
jz .drop_no_socket
mov eax, ebx
call SOCKET_free
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_input: Drop (no socket)\n"
call NET_packet_free
jmp .loop
0,0 → 1,657
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; Part of the TCP/IP network stack for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Based on the code of 4.4BSD ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3289 $
; TCP_output
; IN: eax = socket pointer
; OUT: eax = 0 on success/errorcode
align 4
proc TCP_output
temp_bits db ?
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_output: socket=%x state=%u\n", eax, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state]
push eax
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_lock
pop eax
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_output: socket locked\n"
; We'll detect the length of the data to be transmitted, and flags to be used
; If there is some data, or any critical controls to send (SYN / RST), then transmit
; Otherwise, investigate further
mov ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX]
cmp ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
jbe .not_idle
mov ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_idle]
cmp ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_rxtcur]
jbe .not_idle
; We have been idle for a while and no ACKS are expected to clock out any data we send..
; Slow start to get ack "clock" running again.
mov ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND], ebx
mov [temp_bits], 0
mov ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT] ; calculate offset (71)
sub ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA] ;
mov ecx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND] ; determine window
cmp ecx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND] ;
jb @f ;
mov ecx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND] ;
@@: ;
call TCP_outflags ; flags in dl
; data being forced out ?
; If in persist timeout with window of 0, send 1 byte.
; Otherwise, if window is small but nonzero, and timer expired,
; we will send what we can and go to transmit state
cmp [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_force], 0
je .no_force
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_output: forcing data out\n"
test ecx, ecx
jnz .no_zero_window
cmp ebx, [eax + STREAM_SOCKET.snd.size]
jae @f
and dl, not (TH_FIN)
inc ecx
jmp .no_force
and [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], not timer_flag_persist
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_rxtshift], 0
; Calculate how much data to send (106)
mov esi, [eax + STREAM_SOCKET.snd.size]
cmp esi, ecx
jb @f
mov esi, ecx
sub esi, ebx
; check for window shrink (107)
; If FIN has been set, but not ACKed, but we havent been called to retransmit, esi will be -1
; Otherwise, window shrank after we sent into it.
jae .not_persist
; enter persist state
xor esi, esi
; If window shrank to 0
test ecx, ecx
jnz @f
; cancel pending retransmit
and [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], not timer_flag_retransmission
; pull SND_NXT back to (closed) window, We will enter persist state below.
push [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
pop [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
; If window didn't close completely, just wait for an ACK
; Send one segment at a time (124)
cmp esi, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
jbe @f
mov esi, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
or [temp_bits], TCP_BIT_SENDALOT
; Turn of FIN flag if send buffer not emptied (128)
mov edi, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
add edi, esi
sub edi, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
cmp edi, [eax + STREAM_SOCKET.snd.size]
jae @f
and dl, not (TH_FIN)
; calculate window advertisement (130)
sub ecx, [eax + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv.size]
; Sender silly window avoidance (131)
test esi, esi
jz .len_zero
cmp esi, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
je .send
add ebx, esi ; offset + length
cmp ebx, [eax + STREAM_SOCKET.snd.size]
jb @f
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_NODELAY
jnz .send
mov ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX]
cmp ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
je .send
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_force], -1 ;;;
jnz .send
mov ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.max_sndwnd]
shr ebx, 1
cmp esi, ebx
jae .send
mov ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
cmp ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX]
jb .send
; Check if a window update should be sent (154)
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_output: window=%d\n", ecx
; Compare available window to amount of window known to peer (as advertised window less next expected input)
; If the difference is at least two max size segments, or at least 50% of the maximum possible window,
; Then we want to send a window update to the peer.
test ecx, ecx
jz .no_window
push ecx
mov cl, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_SCALE]
mov ebx, TCP_max_win
shl ebx, cl
pop ecx
cmp ebx, ecx
jb @f
mov ebx, ecx
sub ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_ADV]
add ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT]
mov edi, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
shl edi, 1
cmp ebx, edi
jae .send
shl ebx, 1
; cmp ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.] ;;; TODO: check with receive buffer high water mark
; jae TCP_send
; Should a segment be sent? (174)
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_ACKNOW ; we need to ACK
jnz .send
test dl, TH_SYN + TH_RST ; we need to send a SYN or RST
jnz .send
mov ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UP] ; when urgent pointer is beyond start of send bufer
cmp ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
ja .send
test dl, TH_FIN
jz .enter_persist ; no reason to send, enter persist state
; FIN was set, only send if not already sent, or on retransmit
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_SENTFIN
jz .send
mov ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
cmp ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
je .send
; Enter persist state (191)
cmp [eax + STREAM_SOCKET.snd.size], 0 ; Data ready to send?
jne @f
and [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], not timer_flag_retransmission
jne @f
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_persist ; Persist timer already expired?
jnz @f
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_output: Entering persist state\n"
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_rxtshift], 0
call TCP_set_persist
; No reason to send a segment (219)
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_output: No reason to send a segment\n"
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
; Fixme: returnvalue?
; Send a segment (222)
; eax = socket pointer
; esi = data len
; dl = flags
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_send: socket=%x length=%u flags=%x\n", eax, esi, dl
push eax ; save socket ptr
push esi ; and data length too
mov edi, sizeof.TCP_header ; edi will contain headersize
; Send options with first SYN segment
test dl, TH_SYN
jz .options_done
push [eax + TCP_SOCKET.ISS]
pop [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_NOOPT
jnz .options_done
mov ecx, 1460 ;;;; FIXME: use routing blablabla to determine MSS
or ecx, TCP_OPT_MAXSEG shl 24 + 4 shl 16
bswap ecx
push ecx
add di, 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_send: added maxseg option\n"
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_REQ_SCALE
jz .no_scale
test dl, TH_ACK
jz .scale_opt
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_RCVD_SCALE
jz .no_scale
mov cl, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.request_r_scale]
mov ch, TCP_OPT_NOP
pushw cx
pushw TCP_OPT_WINDOW + 3 shl 8
add di, 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_send: added scale option\n"
; Make the timestamp option if needed
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_REQ_TSTMP
jz .no_timestamp
test dl, TH_RST
jnz .no_timestamp
test dl, TH_ACK
jz .timestamp
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_RCVD_TSTMP
jz .no_timestamp
pushd 0
pushd [timer_ticks]
pushd TCP_OPT_NOP + TCP_OPT_NOP shl 8 + TCP_OPT_TIMESTAMP shl 16 + 10 shl 24
add di, 12
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_send: added timestamp\n"
; <Add additional options here>
; eax = socket ptr
; edx = flags
; edi = header size
; esi = data len
; check if we dont exceed the max segment size (270)
add esi, edi ; total TCP segment size
cmp esi, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
jbe .no_overflow
mov esi, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
or [temp_bits], TCP_BIT_SENDALOT
; Calculate the receive window.
; Dont shrink window, but avoid silly window syndrome
sub ebx, [eax + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv.size]
jae @f
cmp ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
jae @f
xor ebx, ebx
cmp ebx, TCP_max_win
jbe @f
mov ebx, TCP_max_win
mov ecx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_ADV]
sub ecx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT]
cmp ebx, ecx
ja @f
mov ebx, ecx
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_send: window = %u\n", ebx
mov cl, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_SCALE]
shr ebx, cl
xchg bl, bh
; Start by pushing all TCP header values in reverse order on stack
; (essentially, creating the tcp header on the stack!)
pushw 0 ; .UrgentPointer dw ?
pushw 0 ; .Checksum dw ?
pushw bx ; .Window dw ?
shl edi, 2 ; .DataOffset db ? only 4 left-most bits
shl dx, 8
or dx, di ; .Flags db ?
pushw dx
shr edi, 2 ; .DataOffset db ?
push [eax + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT] ; .AckNumber dd ?
ntohd [esp]
push [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT] ; .SequenceNumber dd ?
ntohd [esp]
push [eax + TCP_SOCKET.RemotePort] ; .DestinationPort dw ?
push [eax + TCP_SOCKET.LocalPort] ; .SourcePort dw ?
push edi ; header size
; Create the IP packet
mov ecx, esi
mov edx, [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP] ; source ip
mov eax, [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP] ; dest ip
mov di, IP_PROTO_TCP shl 8 + 128
call IPv4_output
jz .ip_error
; Move TCP header from stack to TCP packet
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp + 4]
lea esi, [esp + 8]
shr ecx, 2 ; count is in bytes, we will work with dwords
rep movsd
pop ecx ; full TCP packet size
pop esi ; headersize
add esp, esi ; remove it from stack
push edx ; packet size for send proc
push eax ; packet ptr for send proc
mov edx, edi ; begin of data
sub edx, esi ; begin of packet (edi = begin of data)
push ecx
sub ecx, esi ; data size
; Copy the data
; eax = ptr to ring struct
; ecx = buffer size
; edi = ptr to buffer
mov eax, [esp + 16] ; get socket ptr
push edx
push [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT] ; we'll need this for timing the transmission
test ecx, ecx
jz .nodata
mov edx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
add [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT], ecx ; update sequence number <<< CHECKME
sub edx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA] ; offset
add eax, STREAM_SOCKET.snd
call SOCKET_ring_read
pop edi
pop esi ; begin of data
pop ecx ; full packet size
mov eax, [esp + 12] ; socket ptr
; initialize retransmit timer (400)
;TODO: check t_force and persist
test [esi + TCP_header.Flags], TH_SYN + TH_FIN ; syn and fin take a sequence number
jz @f
inc [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
test [esi + TCP_header.Flags], TH_FIN
jz @f
or [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_SENTFIN ; if we sent a fin, set the sentfin flag
mov edx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
cmp edx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX] ; is this a retransmission?
jbe @f
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX], edx ; [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT] from before we updated it
cmp [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_rtt], 0 ; are we currently timing anything?
je @f
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_rtt], 1 ; nope, start transmission timer
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_rtseq], edi
;TODO: update stats
; set retransmission timer if not already set, and not doing an ACK or keepalive probe
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_retransmission
jnz .retransmit_set
cmp edx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA] ; edx is still [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
je .retransmit_set
mov edx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_rxtcur]
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_retransmission], edx
or [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_retransmission
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_persist
jz .retransmit_set
and [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], not timer_flag_persist
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_rxtshift], 0
; Create the checksum
xor dx, dx
test [ebx + NET_DEVICE.hwacc], NET_HWACC_TCP_IPv4_OUT
jnz .checksum_ok
TCP_checksum (eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP), (eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP)
mov [esi + TCP_header.Checksum], dx
; Send the packet
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_send: Sending with device %x\n", ebx
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
jnz .send_error
; Ok, data sent!
pop ecx
pop eax
call NET_ptr_to_num4
inc [TCP_segments_tx + edi]
; update advertised receive window
test ecx, ecx
jz @f
add ecx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT]
cmp ecx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_ADV]
jbe @f
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_ADV], ecx
; update last ack sent
push [eax + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT]
pop [eax + TCP_SOCKET.last_ack_sent]
; clear the ACK flags
and [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], not (TF_ACKNOW + TF_DELACK)
; unlock socket
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_send: unlocking socket 0x%x\n", eax
push eax
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
pop eax
; Check if we need more output
test [temp_bits], TCP_BIT_SENDALOT
jnz TCP_output.again
xor eax, eax
pop ecx
add esp, ecx
add esp, 4
pop eax
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_retransmission], TCP_time_re_min
or [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_retransmission
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
or eax, -1
add esp, 4
pop eax
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_ERROR, "TCP_send: sending failed\n"
or eax, -2
0,0 → 1,588
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; Part of the TCP/IP network stack for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Based on the code of 4.4BSD ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3514 $
align 4
TCP_backoff db 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,6
macro TCP_checksum IP1, IP2 {
; Pseudoheader
; protocol type
mov edx, IP_PROTO_TCP
; source address
add dl, byte [IP1+1]
adc dh, byte [IP1+0]
adc dl, byte [IP1+3]
adc dh, byte [IP1+2]
; destination address
adc dl, byte [IP2+1]
adc dh, byte [IP2+0]
adc dl, byte [IP2+3]
adc dh, byte [IP2+2]
; size
adc dl, cl
adc dh, ch
adc edx, 0
; Real header and data
push esi
call checksum_1
call checksum_2
pop esi
} ; returns in dx only
macro TCP_sendseqinit ptr {
push edi ;;;; i dont like this static use of edi
mov edi, [ptr + TCP_SOCKET.ISS]
mov [ptr + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UP], edi
mov [ptr + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX], edi
mov [ptr + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT], edi
mov [ptr + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA], edi
pop edi
macro TCP_rcvseqinit ptr {
push edi
mov edi, [ptr + TCP_SOCKET.IRS]
inc edi
mov [ptr + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT], edi
mov [ptr + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_ADV], edi
pop edi
macro TCP_init_socket socket {
mov [socket + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg], TCP_mss_default
mov [socket + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_REQ_SCALE or TF_REQ_TSTMP
mov [socket + TCP_SOCKET.t_srtt], TCP_time_srtt_default
mov [socket + TCP_SOCKET.t_rttvar], TCP_time_rtt_default * 4
mov [socket + TCP_SOCKET.t_rttmin], TCP_time_re_min
;;; TODO: TCP_time_rangeset
mov [socket + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND], TCP_max_win shl TCP_max_winshift
mov [socket + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SSTHRESH], TCP_max_win shl TCP_max_winshift
; TCP_pull_out_of_band
; IN: eax =
; ebx = socket ptr
; edx = tcp packet ptr
; OUT: /
align 4
;;;; 1282-1305
; TCP_drop
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; ebx = error number
; OUT: eax = socket ptr
align 4
cmp [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED
jb .no_syn_received
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_CLOSED
push eax
call TCP_output
pop eax
;;; TODO: update stats
jmp TCP_close
;;; TODO: update stats
;;; TODO: check if error code is "Connection timed out' and handle accordingly
; mov [eax + SOCKET.errorcode], ebx
; TCP_disconnect
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: eax = socket ptr / 0
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_disconnect: %x\n", eax
cmp [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_ESTABLISHED
jb TCP_close ; Connection not yet synchronised, just get rid of the socket
; TODO: implement LINGER
call SOCKET_is_disconnecting
call TCP_usrclosed
test eax, eax
jz @f
push eax
call TCP_output
pop eax
; TCP_close
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: /
align 4
;;; TODO: update RTT and mean deviation
;;; TODO: update slow start threshold
call SOCKET_is_disconnected
call SOCKET_free
xor eax, eax
; TCP_outflags
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: edx = flags
align 4
mov edx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state]
movzx edx, byte [edx + .flaglist]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_outflags: socket=%x flags=%x\n", eax, dl
; The fast way to send an ACK/RST/keepalive segment
; TCP_respond
; IN: ebx = socket ptr
; cl = flags
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_respond_socket: socket=%x flags=%x\n", ebx, cl
; Create the IP packet
push cx ebx
mov eax, [ebx + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
mov edx, [ebx + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
mov ecx, sizeof.TCP_header
mov di, IP_PROTO_TCP shl 8 + 128
call IPv4_output
test edi, edi
jz .error
pop esi cx
push edx eax
; Fill in the TCP header by using the socket ptr
mov ax, [esi + TCP_SOCKET.LocalPort]
mov ax, [esi + TCP_SOCKET.RemotePort]
mov eax, [esi + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
bswap eax
mov eax, [esi + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT]
bswap eax
mov al, 0x50 ; Dataoffset: 20 bytes (TCP_header.DataOffset)
mov al, cl
; mov ax, [esi + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_WND]
; rol ax, 8
mov ax, 0x00a0 ;;;;;;; FIXME
stosw ; window
xor eax, eax
stosd ; checksum + urgentpointer
; Fill in the checksum
sub edi, sizeof.TCP_header
mov ecx, sizeof.TCP_header
xchg esi, edi
TCP_checksum (edi + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP), (edi + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP)
mov [esi+TCP_header.Checksum], dx
; And send the segment
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
call NET_ptr_to_num4
inc [TCP_segments_tx + edi]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_respond_socket: failed\n"
add esp, 2 + 4
; TCP_respond_segment:
; IN: edx = segment ptr (a previously received segment)
; edi = ptr to dest and src IPv4 addresses
; cl = flags
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE,"TCP_respond_segment: frame=%x flags=%x\n", edx, cl
; Create the IP packet
push cx edx
mov edx, [edi + 4]
mov eax, [edi]
mov ecx, sizeof.TCP_header
mov di, IP_PROTO_TCP shl 8 + 128
call IPv4_output
jz .error
pop esi cx
push edx eax
; Fill in the TCP header by using a received segment
mov ax, [esi + TCP_header.DestinationPort]
mov ax, [esi + TCP_header.SourcePort]
mov eax, [esi + TCP_header.AckNumber]
bswap eax
xor eax, eax
mov al, 0x50 ; Dataoffset: 20 bytes (sizeof.TCP_header/4 shl 4)
mov al, cl
mov ax, 1280
rol ax, 8
stosw ; window
xor eax, eax
stosd ; checksum + urgentpointer
; Fill in the checksum
lea esi, [edi - sizeof.TCP_header]
mov ecx, sizeof.TCP_header
TCP_checksum (esi - sizeof.IPv4_header + IPv4_header.DestinationAddress),\ ; FIXME
(esi - sizeof.IPv4_header + IPv4_header.SourceAddress)
mov [esi + TCP_header.Checksum], dx
; And send the segment
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
call NET_ptr_to_num4
inc [TCP_segments_tx + edi]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_respond_segment: failed\n"
add esp, 2+4
macro TCPT_RANGESET timer, value, min, max {
local .min
local .max
local .done
cmp value, min
jb .min
cmp value, max
ja .max
mov timer, value
jmp .done
mov timer, value
jmp .done
mov timer, value
jmp .done
align 4
; First, check if retransmit timer is not set, retransmit and persist are mutually exclusive
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_retransmission
jnz .exit
; calculate RTO
push ebx
mov ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_srtt]
shr ebx, 2
add ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_rttvar]
shr ebx, 1
mov cl, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_rxtshift]
shl ebx, cl
; Start/restart persistance timer.
TCPT_RANGESET [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_persist], ebx, TCP_time_pers_min, TCP_time_pers_max
or [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_persist
pop ebx
cmp [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_rxtshift], TCP_max_rxtshift
jae @f
inc [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_rxtshift]
; eax = rtt
; ebx = socket ptr
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_xmit_timer: socket=%x rtt=%d0ms\n", ebx, eax
;TODO: update stats
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rtt], 0
je .no_rtt_yet
; srtt is stored as a fixed point with 3 bits after the binary point.
; The following magic is equivalent of the smoothing algorithm in rfc793 with an alpha of .875
; (srtt = rtt/8 + srtt*7/8 in fixed point)
; Adjust rtt to origin 0.
push ecx
mov ecx, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_srtt]
shr ecx, TCP_RTT_SHIFT
sub eax, ecx
dec eax
pop ecx
add [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_srtt], eax
ja @f
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_srtt], 1
; We accumulate a smoothed rtt variance (actually, a smoothed mean difference),
; then set the retransmit timer to smoothed rtt + 4 times the smoothed variance.
; rttvar is stored as fixed point with 2 bits after the binary point.
; The following is equivalent to rfc793 smoothing with an alpha of .75
; (rttvar = rttvar*3/4 + delta/4) (delta = eax)
; get abs(eax)
push edx
xor eax, edx
sub eax, edx
mov edx, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rttvar]
sub eax, edx
pop edx
add [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rttvar], eax
ja @f
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rttvar], 1
push ecx
mov ecx, eax
shl ecx, TCP_RTT_SHIFT
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_srtt], ecx
shl eax, TCP_RTTVAR_SHIFT - 1
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_rttvar], eax
pop ecx
; eax = max segment size
; ebx = socket ptr
align 4
cmp eax, 1420 ; FIXME
jbe @f
mov eax, 1420
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg], eax
; ebx = socket ptr
; edx = segment ptr
align 4
0,0 → 1,172
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; Part of the TCP/IP network stack for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Based on the code of 4.4BSD ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3143 $
timer_flag_retransmission = 1 shl 0
timer_flag_keepalive = 1 shl 1
timer_flag_2msl = 1 shl 2
timer_flag_persist = 1 shl 3
timer_flag_wait = 1 shl 4
; 160 ms timer
macro TCP_timer_160ms {
local .loop
local .exit
mov ebx, net_sockets
mov ebx, [ebx + SOCKET.NextPtr]
test ebx, ebx
jz .exit
cmp [ebx + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
jne .loop
cmp [ebx + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_TCP
jne .loop
test [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_DELACK
jz .loop
and [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], not (TF_DELACK)
push ebx
mov cl, TH_ACK
call TCP_respond
; and [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_flags], TF_ACKNOW ;;
; mov eax, ebx ;;
; call TCP_output ;;
pop ebx
jmp .loop
; 640 ms timer
macro TCP_timer_640ms { ; TODO: implement timed wait timer!
local .loop
local .exit
; Update TCP sequence number
add [TCP_sequence_num], 64000
; scan through all the active TCP sockets, decrementing ALL timers
; When a timer reaches zero, we'll check wheter it was active or not
mov eax, net_sockets
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr]
or eax, eax
jz .exit
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
jne .loop
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_TCP
jne .loop
inc [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_idle]
dec [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_retransmission]
jnz .check_more2
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_retransmission
jz .check_more2
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "socket %x: Retransmission timer expired\n", eax
push eax
call TCP_output
pop eax
dec [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_keepalive]
jnz .check_more3
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_keepalive
jz .check_more3
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "socket %x: Keepalive expired\n", eax
ja .dont_kill
push eax
call TCP_disconnect
pop eax
jmp .loop
test [eax + SOCKET.options], SO_KEEPALIVE
jz .reset_keepalive
push eax
mov ebx, eax
xor cl, cl
call TCP_respond ; send keepalive
pop eax
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_keepalive], TCP_time_keep_interval
jmp .check_more3
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_keepalive], TCP_time_keep_idle
dec [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_timed_wait]
jnz .check_more5
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_2msl
jz .check_more5
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "socket %x: 2MSL timer expired\n", eax
dec [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_persist]
jnz .loop
test [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], timer_flag_persist
jz .loop
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "socket %x: persist timer expired\n", eax
call TCP_set_persist
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_force], 1
push eax
call TCP_output
pop eax
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_force], 0
jmp .loop
; eax = socket
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_flags], 0
0,0 → 1,203
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; Part of the TCP/IP network stack for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Based on the code of 4.4BSD ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
; TCP_usrclose
; Move connection to next state, based on process close.
; IN: eax = socket ptr
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "TCP_usrclosed: %x\n", eax
push ebx
mov ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state]
mov ebx, dword [.switch + ebx*4]
jmp ebx
dd .close ; TCPS_CLOSED
dd .close ; TCPS_LISTEN
dd .close ; TCPS_SYN_SENT
dd .last_ack ; TCPS_CLOSE_WAIT
dd .ret ; TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1
dd .ret ; TCPS_CLOSING
dd .ret ; TCPS_LAST_ACK
dd .disc ; TCPS_FIN_WAIT_2
dd .disc ; TCPS_TIMED_WAIT
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_CLOSED
call TCP_close
pop ebx
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1
pop ebx
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_LAST_ACK
pop ebx
call SOCKET_is_disconnected
pop ebx
; TCP_connect
; IN: eax = socket ptr
; OUT: eax = 0 ok / -1 error
; ebx = error code
align 4
test [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_ISCONNECTED
jnz .eisconn
push eax edx
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_lock
pop edx eax
; Fill in local IP
cmp [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP], 0
jne @f
push [IP_LIST + 4] ; FIXME: use correct local IP
pop [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
; Fill in remote port and IP
pushw [edx + 2]
pop [eax + TCP_SOCKET.RemotePort]
pushd [edx + 4]
pop [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
; Find a local port, if user didnt define one
cmp [eax + TCP_SOCKET.LocalPort], 0
jne @f
call SOCKET_find_port
; Start the TCP sequence
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_persist], 0
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_SYN_SENT
push [TCP_sequence_num]
add [TCP_sequence_num], 6400
pop [eax + TCP_SOCKET.ISS]
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_keepalive], TCP_time_keep_init
TCP_sendseqinit eax
mov ebx, eax
lea eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.snd]
call SOCKET_ring_create
test eax, eax
jz .nomem
lea eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv]
call SOCKET_ring_create
test eax, eax
jz .nomem
push ebx
lea ecx, [ebx + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
pop eax
call SOCKET_is_connecting
; Now send the SYN packet to remote end
push eax
call TCP_output
pop eax
test [eax + SOCKET.options], SO_NONBLOCK
jz .waitforit
xor eax, eax
dec eax
xor eax, eax
dec eax
mov ebx, ENOMEM
xor eax, eax
dec eax
mov ebx, EISCONN
push eax
stdcall timer_hs, TCP_time_connect, 0, .timeout, eax
pop ebx
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_connect], eax
mov eax, ebx
cmp [eax + SOCKET.errorcode], 0
jne .fail
cmp [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_ESTABLISHED
je .established
call SOCKET_block
jmp .loop
mov eax, [esp+4]
mov [eax + SOCKET.errorcode], ETIMEDOUT
and [eax + SOCKET.state], not SS_ISCONNECTING
call SOCKET_notify.unblock
ret 4
mov ebx, [eax + SOCKET.errorcode]
mov [eax + SOCKET.errorcode], 0 ; Clear the error, we only need to send it to the caller once
xor eax, eax
dec eax
stdcall cancel_timer_hs, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_connect]
xor eax, eax
0,0 → 1,424
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; UDP.INC ;;
;; ;;
;; Part of the tcp/ip network stack for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2995 $
struct UDP_header
SourcePort dw ?
DestinationPort dw ?
Length dw ? ; Length of (UDP Header + Data)
Checksum dw ?
align 4
; UDP_init
; This function resets all UDP variables
macro UDP_init {
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 2*NET_DEVICES_MAX
rep stosd
macro UDP_checksum IP1, IP2 { ; esi = ptr to udp packet, ecx = packet size, destroys: ecx, edx
; Pseudoheader
mov edx, IP_PROTO_UDP
add dl, [IP1+1]
adc dh, [IP1+0]
adc dl, [IP1+3]
adc dh, [IP1+2]
adc dl, [IP2+1]
adc dh, [IP2+0]
adc dl, [IP2+3]
adc dh, [IP2+2]
adc dl, cl ; byte[esi+UDP_header.Length+1]
adc dh, ch ; byte[esi+UDP_header.Length+0]
; Done with pseudoheader, now do real header
adc dl, byte[esi+UDP_header.SourcePort+1]
adc dh, byte[esi+UDP_header.SourcePort+0]
adc dl, byte[esi+UDP_header.DestinationPort+1]
adc dh, byte[esi+UDP_header.DestinationPort+0]
adc dl, byte[esi+UDP_header.Length+1]
adc dh, byte[esi+UDP_header.Length+0]
adc edx, 0
; Done with header, now do data
push esi
movzx ecx, [esi+UDP_header.Length]
rol cx , 8
sub cx , sizeof.UDP_header
add esi, sizeof.UDP_header
call checksum_1
call checksum_2
pop esi
add [esi+UDP_header.Checksum], dx ; this final instruction will set or clear ZF :)
; UDP_input:
; Called by IPv4_input,
; this procedure will inject the udp data diagrams in the application sockets.
; IN: [esp] = Pointer to buffer
; [esp+4] = size of buffer
; ebx = ptr to device struct
; ecx = UDP Packet size
; esi = ptr to UDP header
; edi = ptr to ipv4 source and dest address
; OUT: /
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "UDP_input: size=%u\n", ecx
; First validate, checksum
neg [esi + UDP_header.Checksum] ; substract checksum from 0
jz .no_checksum ; if checksum is zero, it is considered valid
; otherwise, we will re-calculate the checksum and add it to this value, thus creating 0 when it is correct
UDP_checksum (edi), (edi+4)
jnz .checksum_mismatch
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "UDP_input: checksum ok\n"
; Convert length to little endian
rol [esi + UDP_header.Length], 8
; Look for a socket where
; IP Packet UDP Destination Port = local Port
; IP Packet SA = Remote IP
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov cx, [esi + UDP_header.SourcePort]
mov dx, [esi + UDP_header.DestinationPort]
mov edi, [edi + 4] ; ipv4 source address
mov eax, net_sockets
mov eax, [eax + SOCKET.NextPtr]
or eax, eax
jz .dump_
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Domain], AF_INET4
jne .next_socket
cmp [eax + SOCKET.Protocol], IP_PROTO_UDP
jne .next_socket
cmp [eax + UDP_SOCKET.LocalPort], dx
jne .next_socket
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "UDP_input: socket=%x\n", eax
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
;;; TODO: when packet is processed, check more sockets!
; cmp [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP], 0xffffffff
; je @f
; cmp [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP], edi
; jne .next_socket
; @@:
; FIXME: UDP should check remote IP, but not under all circumstances!
cmp [eax + UDP_SOCKET.RemotePort], 0
je .updateport
cmp [eax + UDP_SOCKET.RemotePort], cx
jne .dump
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_lock
call NET_ptr_to_num4
inc [UDP_PACKETS_RX + edi]
movzx ecx, [esi + UDP_header.Length]
sub ecx, sizeof.UDP_header
add esi, sizeof.UDP_header
jmp SOCKET_input
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_lock
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "UDP_input: new remote port=%x\n", cx ; FIXME: find a way to print big endian values with debugf
mov [eax + UDP_SOCKET.RemotePort], cx
jmp .updatesock
mov ecx, socket_mutex
call mutex_unlock
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "UDP_input: no socket found\n"
jmp .dump
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "UDP_input: checksum mismatch\n"
call NET_packet_free
add esp, 4 ; pop (balance stack)
; UDP_output
; IN: eax = socket pointer
; ecx = number of bytes to send
; esi = pointer to data
align 4
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "UDP_output: socket=%x bytes=%u data_ptr=%x\n", eax, ecx, esi
mov dx, [eax + UDP_SOCKET.RemotePort]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "UDP_output: remote port=%x, ", dx ; FIXME: find a way to print big endian values with debugf
rol edx, 16
mov dx, [eax + UDP_SOCKET.LocalPort]
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "local port=%x\n", dx
sub esp, 8 ; Data ptr and data size will be placed here
push edx esi
mov edx, [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
mov eax, [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
mov di, IP_PROTO_UDP shl 8 + 128
add ecx, sizeof.UDP_header
call IPv4_output
jz .fail
mov [esp + 8], eax ; pointer to buffer start
mov [esp + 8 + 4], edx ; buffer size
mov [edi + UDP_header.Length], cx
rol [edi + UDP_header.Length], 8
pop esi
push edi ecx
sub ecx, sizeof.UDP_header
add edi, sizeof.UDP_header
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov ecx, [esp]
and ecx, 3
rep movsb
pop ecx edi
pop dword [edi + UDP_header.SourcePort]
; Checksum
mov esi, edi
mov [edi + UDP_header.Checksum], 0
UDP_checksum (edi-4), (edi-8) ; FIXME: IPv4 packet could have options..
DEBUGF DEBUG_NETWORK_VERBOSE, "UDP_output: sending with device %x\n", ebx
call [ebx + NET_DEVICE.transmit]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
call NET_ptr_to_num4
inc [UDP_PACKETS_TX + edi]
add esp, 4+4+8
or eax, -1
; UDP_connect
; IN: eax = socket pointer
; OUT: eax = 0 ok / -1 error
; ebx = error code
align 4
test [eax + SOCKET.state], SS_ISCONNECTED
jz @f
call UDP_disconnect
push eax edx
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_lock
pop edx eax
; Fill in local IP
cmp [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP], 0
jne @f
push [IP_LIST + 4] ; FIXME: use correct local IP
pop [eax + IP_SOCKET.LocalIP]
; Fill in remote port and IP, overwriting eventually previous values
pushw [edx + 2]
pop [eax + UDP_SOCKET.RemotePort]
pushd [edx + 4]
pop [eax + IP_SOCKET.RemoteIP]
; Find a local port, if user didnt define one
cmp [eax + UDP_SOCKET.LocalPort], 0
jne @f
call SOCKET_find_port
push eax
init_queue (eax + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION) ; Set up data receiving queue
pop eax
push eax
lea ecx, [eax + SOCKET.mutex]
call mutex_unlock
pop eax
call SOCKET_is_connected
xor eax, eax
; UDP_disconnect
; IN: eax = socket pointer
; OUT: eax = socket pointer
align 4
; TODO: remove the pending received data
call SOCKET_is_disconnected
; This function is called by system function 75
; IN: subfunction number in bl
; device number in bh
; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction
; OUT:
align 4
movzx eax, bh
shl eax, 2
test bl, bl
jz .packets_tx ; 0
dec bl
jz .packets_rx ; 1
mov eax, -1
mov eax, [UDP_PACKETS_TX + eax]
mov eax, [UDP_PACKETS_RX + eax]
0,0 → 1,277
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
; Macroinstructions for defining and calling procedures
macro stdcall proc,[arg] ; directly call STDCALL procedure
{ common
if ~ arg eq
pushd arg
end if
call proc }
macro invoke proc,[arg] ; indirectly call STDCALL procedure
{ common
if ~ arg eq
pushd arg
end if
call [proc] }
macro ccall proc,[arg] ; directly call CDECL procedure
{ common
size@ccall = 0
if ~ arg eq
pushd arg
size@ccall = size@ccall+4
end if
call proc
if size@ccall
add esp, size@ccall
end if }
macro cinvoke proc,[arg] ; indirectly call CDECL procedure
{ common
size@ccall = 0
if ~ arg eq
pushd arg
size@ccall = size@ccall+4
end if
call [proc]
if size@ccall
add esp, size@ccall
end if }
macro proc [args] ; define procedure
{ common
match name params, args>
\{ define@proc name,<params \} }
prologue@proc equ prologuedef
macro prologuedef procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
{ if parmbytes | localbytes
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
if localbytes
sub esp, localbytes
end if
end if
irps reg, reglist \{ push reg \} }
epilogue@proc equ epiloguedef
macro epiloguedef procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
{ irps reg, reglist \{ reverse pop reg \}
if parmbytes | localbytes
end if
if (flag and 10000b) | (parmbytes=0)
retn parmbytes
end if }
macro define@proc name,statement
{ local params,flag,regs,parmbytes,localbytes,current
if used name
match =stdcall args, statement \{ params equ args
flag = 11b \}
match =stdcall, statement \{ params equ
flag = 11b \}
match =c args, statement \{ params equ args
flag = 10001b \}
match =c, statement \{ params equ
flag = 10001b \}
match =params, params \{ params equ statement
flag = 0 \}
virtual at ebp+8
match =uses reglist=,args, params \{ regs equ reglist
params equ args \}
match =regs =uses reglist, regs params \{ regs equ reglist
params equ \}
match =regs, regs \{ regs equ \}
match =,args, params \{ defargs@proc args \}
match =args@proc args, args@proc params \{ defargs@proc args \}
parmbytes = $ - (ebp+8)
end virtual
name # % = parmbytes/4
all@vars equ
current = 0
match prologue:reglist, prologue@proc:<regs> \{ prologue name,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist \}
macro locals
\{ virtual at ebp-localbytes+current
macro label . \\{ deflocal@proc .,:, \\}
struc db [val] \\{ \common deflocal@proc .,db,val \\}
struc dw [val] \\{ \common deflocal@proc .,dw,val \\}
struc dp [val] \\{ \common deflocal@proc .,dp,val \\}
struc dd [val] \\{ \common deflocal@proc .,dd,val \\}
struc dt [val] \\{ \common deflocal@proc .,dt,val \\}
struc dq [val] \\{ \common deflocal@proc .,dq,val \\}
struc rb cnt \\{ deflocal@proc .,rb cnt, \\}
struc rw cnt \\{ deflocal@proc .,rw cnt, \\}
struc rp cnt \\{ deflocal@proc .,rp cnt, \\}
struc rd cnt \\{ deflocal@proc .,rd cnt, \\}
struc rt cnt \\{ deflocal@proc .,rt cnt, \\}
struc rq cnt \\{ deflocal@proc .,rq cnt, \\} \}
macro endl
\{ purge label
restruc db,dw,dp,dd,dt,dq
restruc rb,rw,rp,rd,rt,rq
restruc byte,word,dword,pword,tword,qword
current = $-(ebp-localbytes)
end virtual \}
macro ret operand
\{ match any, operand \\{ retn operand \\}
match , operand \\{ match epilogue:reglist, epilogue@proc:<regs>
\\\{ epilogue name,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist \\\} \\} \}
macro finish@proc \{ localbytes = (((current-1) shr 2)+1) shl 2
end if \} }
macro defargs@proc [arg]
{ common
if ~ arg eq
local ..arg,current@arg
match argname:type, arg
\{ current@arg equ argname
label ..arg type
argname equ ..arg
if dqword eq type
dd ?,?,?,?
else if tbyte eq type
dd ?,?,?
else if qword eq type | pword eq type
dd ?,?
dd ?
end if \}
match =current@arg,current@arg
\{ current@arg equ arg
arg equ ..arg
..arg dd ? \}
args@proc equ current@arg
restore current@arg
end if }
macro deflocal@proc name,def,[val]
{ common
match vars, all@vars \{ all@vars equ all@vars, \}
all@vars equ all@vars name
local ..var,..tmp
..var def val
match =?, val \{ ..tmp equ \}
match any =dup (=?), val \{ ..tmp equ \}
match tmp : value, ..tmp : val
\{ tmp: end virtual
initlocal@proc ..var,def value
virtual at tmp\}
match first rest, ..var, \{ name equ first \} }
macro initlocal@proc name,def
{ virtual at name
size@initlocal = $ - name
end virtual
position@initlocal = 0
while size@initlocal > position@initlocal
virtual at name
if size@initlocal - position@initlocal < 2
current@initlocal = 1
load byte@initlocal byte from name+position@initlocal
else if size@initlocal - position@initlocal < 4
current@initlocal = 2
load word@initlocal word from name+position@initlocal
current@initlocal = 4
load dword@initlocal dword from name+position@initlocal
end if
end virtual
if current@initlocal = 1
mov byte [name+position@initlocal], byte@initlocal
else if current@initlocal = 2
mov word [name+position@initlocal], word@initlocal
mov dword [name+position@initlocal], dword@initlocal
end if
position@initlocal = position@initlocal + current@initlocal
end while }
macro endp
{ purge ret,locals,endl
purge finish@proc
restore regs@proc
match all,args@proc \{ restore all \}
restore args@proc
match all,all@vars \{ restore all \} }
macro local [var]
{ common
forward done@local equ
match varname[count]:vartype, var
\{ match =BYTE, vartype \\{ varname rb count
restore done@local \\}
match =WORD, vartype \\{ varname rw count
restore done@local \\}
match =DWORD, vartype \\{ varname rd count
restore done@local \\}
match =PWORD, vartype \\{ varname rp count
restore done@local \\}
match =QWORD, vartype \\{ varname rq count
restore done@local \\}
match =TBYTE, vartype \\{ varname rt count
restore done@local \\}
match =DQWORD, vartype \\{ label varname dqword
rq count+count
restore done@local \\}
match , done@local \\{ virtual
varname vartype
end virtual
rb count*sizeof.\#vartype
restore done@local \\} \}
match :varname:vartype, done@local:var
\{ match =BYTE, vartype \\{ varname db ?
restore done@local \\}
match =WORD, vartype \\{ varname dw ?
restore done@local \\}
match =DWORD, vartype \\{ varname dd ?
restore done@local \\}
match =PWORD, vartype \\{ varname dp ?
restore done@local \\}
match =QWORD, vartype \\{ varname dq ?
restore done@local \\}
match =TBYTE, vartype \\{ varname dt ?
restore done@local \\}
match =DQWORD, vartype \\{ label varname dqword
dq ?,?
restore done@local \\}
match , done@local \\{ varname vartype
restore done@local \\} \}
match ,done@local
\{ var
restore done@local \}
endl }
0,0 → 1,166
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; PLAYNOTE.INC version 1.1 22 November 2003 ;;
;; ;;
;; Player Notes for Speaker PC ;;
;; subfunction #55 from function #55 Menuet OS ;;
;; ;;
;; Copyright 2003 VaStaNi ;;
;; ;;
;; >>>- SIMPLY - QUICKLY - SHORTLY -<<< ;;
;; ;;
;; Note: playnote.txt ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
align 4
cmp eax, ebx ; this is subfunction #55 ?
jne retFunc55 ; if no then return.
cmp byte [sound_flag], 0
jne retFunc55
movzx eax, byte [countDelayNote]
or al, al ; player is busy ?
jnz retFunc55 ; return counter delay Note
mov [memAdrNote], esi;edx
call get_pid
mov [pidProcessNote], eax
xor eax, eax ; Ok! EAX = 0
mov [esp+32], eax ; return value EAX for application
align 4
kontrOctave dw 0x4742, 0x4342, 0x3F7C, 0x3BEC, 0x388F, 0x3562
dw 0x3264, 0x2F8F, 0x2CE4, 0x2A5F, 0x2802, 0x25BF
memAdrNote dd 0
pidProcessNote dd 0
slotProcessNote dd 0
count_timer_Note dd 1
mem8253r42 dw 0
countDelayNote db 0
; jmp NotPlayNotes
mov esi, [memAdrNote]
or esi, esi ; ESI = 0 ? - OFF Notes Play ?
jz NotPlayNotes ; if ESI = 0 -> ignore play pocedure
cmp eax, [count_timer_Note]
jb NotPlayNotes
push eax
inc eax
mov [count_timer_Note], eax
mov al, [countDelayNote]
dec al ; decrement counter Delay for Playing Note
jz NewLoadNote@Delay
cmp al, 0xFF ; this is first Note Play ?
jne NextDelayNote
;This is FIRST Note, save counter channel 2 chip 8253
mov al, 0xB6 ; control byte to timer chip 8253
out 0x43, al ; Send it to the control port chip 8253
in al, 0x42 ; Read Lower byte counter channel 2 chip 8253
mov ah, al ; AH = Lower byte counter channel 2
in al, 0x42 ; Read Upper byte counter channel 2 chip 8253
mov [mem8253r42], ax ; Save counter channel 2 timer chip 8253
; lodsb ; load AL - counter Delay
call ReadNoteByte
or al, al ; THE END ?
jz EndPlayNote
cmp al, 0x81
jnc NoteforOctave
mov [countDelayNote], al
; lodsw ; load AX - counter for Note!
call ReadNoteByte
mov ah, al
call ReadNoteByte
xchg al, ah
jmp pokeNote
EndPlayNote: ; THE END Play Notes!
in al, 0x61 ; Get contents of system port B chip 8255
and al, 0xFC ; Turn OFF timer and speaker
out 0x61, al ; Send out new values to port B chip 8255
mov ax, [mem8253r42] ; memorize counter channel 2 timer chip 8253
xchg al, ah ; reverse byte in word
out 0x42, al ; restore Lower byte counter channel 2
mov al, ah ; AL = Upper byte counter channel 2
out 0x42, al ; restore Upper byte channel 2
xor eax, eax ; EAX = 0
mov [memAdrNote], eax; clear header control Delay-Note string
mov [countDelayNote], al; save new counter delay Note
pop eax
sub al, 0x81 ; correction value for delay Note
mov [countDelayNote], al; save counter delay this new Note
; lodsb ; load pack control code
call ReadNoteByte
cmp al, 0xFF ; this is PAUSE ?
jne packCode ; no, this is PACK CODE
in al, 0x61 ; Get contents of system port B chip 8255
and al, 0xFC ; Turn OFF timer and speaker
out 0x61, al ; Send out new values to port B chip 8255
jmp saveESI
mov cl, al ; save code
and al, 0xF ; clear upper bits
dec al ; correction
add al, al ; transform number to offset constant
movsx eax, al ; EAX - offset
add eax, dword kontrOctave; EAX - address from constant
mov ax, [eax] ; read constant
shr cl, 4 ; transform for number Octave
shr ax, cl ; calculate from Note this Octave!
out 0x42, al ; Lower byte Out to channel 2 timer chip 8253
mov al, ah
out 0x42, al ; Upper byte Out to channel 2 timer chip 8253
in al, 0x61 ; Get contents of system port B chip 8255
or al, 3 ; Turn ON timer and speaker
out 0x61, al ; Send out new values to port B chip 8255
; mov [memAdrNote], esi ; save new header control Delay-Note string
pop eax
; al - note
push eax
push ecx
push edx
push esi
mov eax, [pidProcessNote]
call pid_to_slot
test eax, eax
jz .failed
lea ecx, [esp+12]
mov edx, 1
mov esi, [memAdrNote]
inc [memAdrNote]
call read_process_memory
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop eax
;------------------- END CODE -------------------
0,0 → 1,240
; Macroinstructions for defining data structures
macro struct name
{ virtual at 0
fields@struct equ name
match child parent, name \{ fields@struct equ child,fields@\#parent \}
sub@struct equ
struc db [val] \{ \common define field@struct .,db,<val>
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
struc dw [val] \{ \common define field@struct .,dw,<val>
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
struc du [val] \{ \common define field@struct .,du,<val>
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
struc dd [val] \{ \common define field@struct .,dd,<val>
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
struc dp [val] \{ \common define field@struct .,dp,<val>
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
struc dq [val] \{ \common define field@struct .,dq,<val>
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
struc dt [val] \{ \common define field@struct .,dt,<val>
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
struc rb count \{ define field@struct .,db,count dup (?)
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
struc rw count \{ define field@struct .,dw,count dup (?)
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
struc rd count \{ define field@struct .,dd,count dup (?)
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
struc rp count \{ define field@struct .,dp,count dup (?)
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
struc rq count \{ define field@struct .,dq,count dup (?)
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
struc rt count \{ define field@struct .,dt,count dup (?)
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
macro db [val] \{ \common \local anonymous
define field@struct anonymous,db,<val>
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
macro dw [val] \{ \common \local anonymous
define field@struct anonymous,dw,<val>
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
macro du [val] \{ \common \local anonymous
define field@struct anonymous,du,<val>
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
macro dd [val] \{ \common \local anonymous
define field@struct anonymous,dd,<val>
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
macro dp [val] \{ \common \local anonymous
define field@struct anonymous,dp,<val>
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
macro dq [val] \{ \common \local anonymous
define field@struct anonymous,dq,<val>
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
macro dt [val] \{ \common \local anonymous
define field@struct anonymous,dt,<val>
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
macro rb count \{ \local anonymous
define field@struct anonymous,db,count dup (?)
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
macro rw count \{ \local anonymous
define field@struct anonymous,dw,count dup (?)
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
macro rd count \{ \local anonymous
define field@struct anonymous,dd,count dup (?)
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
macro rp count \{ \local anonymous
define field@struct anonymous,dp,count dup (?)
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
macro rq count \{ \local anonymous
define field@struct anonymous,dq,count dup (?)
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
macro rt count \{ \local anonymous
define field@struct anonymous,dt,count dup (?)
fields@struct equ fields@struct,field@struct \}
macro union \{ fields@struct equ fields@struct,,union,<
sub@struct equ union \}
macro struct \{ fields@struct equ fields@struct,,substruct,<
sub@struct equ substruct \} }
macro ends
{ match , sub@struct \{ restruc db,dw,du,dd,dp,dq,dt
restruc rb,rw,rd,rp,rq,rt
purge db,dw,du,dd,dp,dq,dt
purge rb,rw,rd,rp,rq,rt
purge union,struct
match name tail,fields@struct, \\{ if $
display 'Error: definition of ',\\`name,' contains illegal instructions.',0Dh,0Ah
end if \\}
match name=,fields,fields@struct \\{ fields@struct equ
make@struct name,fields
define fields@\\#name fields \\}
end virtual \}
match any, sub@struct \{ fields@struct equ fields@struct> \}
restore sub@struct }
macro make@struct name,[field,type,def]
{ common
local define
define equ name
local sub
match , field \{ make@substruct type,name,sub def
define equ define,.,sub, \}
match any, field \{ define equ define,.#field,type,<def> \}
match fields, define \{ define@struct fields \} }
macro define@struct name,[field,type,def]
{ common
db `name
load initial@struct byte from 0
if initial@struct = '.'
display 'Error: name of structure should not begin with a dot.',0Dh,0Ah
end if
end virtual
local list
list equ
if ~ field eq .
name#field type def
sizeof.#name#field = $ - name#field
label name#.#type
rb sizeof.#type
end if
local value
match any, list \{ list equ list, \}
list equ list <value>
sizeof.#name = $
restruc name
match values, list \{
struc name value \\{ \\local \\..base
match any, fields@struct \\\{ fields@struct equ fields@struct,.,name,<values> \\\}
match , fields@struct \\\{ label \\..base
match , value \\\\{ field type def \\\\}
match any, value \\\\{ field type value
if ~ field eq .
rb sizeof.#name#field - ($-field)
end if \\\\}
common label . at \\..base \\\}
macro name value \\{
match any, fields@struct \\\{ \\\local anonymous
fields@struct equ fields@struct,anonymous,name,<values> \\\}
match , fields@struct \\\{
match , value \\\\{ type def \\\\}
match any, value \\\\{ \\\\local ..field
..field = $
type value
if ~ field eq .
rb sizeof.#name#field - ($-..field)
end if \\\\}
common \\\} \\} \} }
macro enable@substruct
{ macro make@substruct substruct,parent,name,[field,type,def]
\{ \common
\local define
define equ parent,name
\local sub
match , field \\{ match any, type \\\{ enable@substruct
make@substruct type,parent,sub def
purge make@substruct
define equ define,.,sub, \\\} \\}
match any, field \\{ define equ define,.\#field,type,<def> \\}
match fields, define \\{ define@\#substruct fields \\} \} }
macro define@union parent,name,[field,type,def]
{ common
virtual at parent#.#name
if ~ field eq .
virtual at parent#.#name
parent#field type def
sizeof.#parent#field = $ - parent#field
end virtual
if sizeof.#parent#field > $ - parent#.#name
rb sizeof.#parent#field - ($ - parent#.#name)
end if
virtual at parent#.#name
label parent#.#type
type def
end virtual
label name#.#type at parent#.#name
if sizeof.#type > $ - parent#.#name
rb sizeof.#type - ($ - parent#.#name)
end if
end if
sizeof.#name = $ - parent#.#name
end virtual
struc name [value] \{ \common
label .\#name
last@union equ
match any, last@union \\{ virtual at .\#name
field type def
end virtual \\}
match , last@union \\{ match , value \\\{ field type def \\\}
match any, value \\\{ field type value \\\} \\}
last@union equ field
common rb sizeof.#name - ($ - .\#name) \}
macro name [value] \{ \common \local ..anonymous
..anonymous name value \} }
macro define@substruct parent,name,[field,type,def]
{ common
virtual at parent#.#name
if ~ field eq .
parent#field type def
sizeof.#parent#field = $ - parent#field
label parent#.#type
rb sizeof.#type
end if
sizeof.#name = $ - parent#.#name
end virtual
struc name value \{
label .\#name
match , value \\{ field type def \\}
match any, value \\{ field type value
if ~ field eq .
rb sizeof.#parent#field - ($-field)
end if \\}
common \}
macro name value \{ \local ..anonymous
..anonymous name \} }
0,0 → 1,18
0,0 → 1,528
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
; void __stdcall unpack(void* packed_data, void* unpacked_data);
mov esi, [esp+32+4]
mov edi, [esp+32+8]
mov eax, [esi+8]
and al, 0xC0
cmp al, 0xC0
jz .failed
mov eax, [esi+8]
push eax
add esi, 12
and al, not 0xC0
dec al
jz .lzma
pop eax
ret 8
call .lzma_unpack
pop eax
test al, 0x80
jnz .ctr1
test al, 0x40
jz .ok
mov ecx, eax
jecxz .ok
mov dl, [esi]
mov esi, [esp+32+8]
sub al, 0E8h
cmp al, 1
ja .c1
cmp byte [esi], dl
jnz .c1
; "bswap eax" is not supported on i386
shr ax, 8
ror eax, 16
xchg al, ah
sub eax, esi
add eax, [esp+32+8]
mov [esi-4], eax
loop .c1
ret 8
mov ecx, eax
jecxz .ok
mov dl, [esi]
mov esi, [esp+32+8]
cmp al, 0xF
jnz .f
cmp al, 80h
jb @b
cmp al, 90h
jb @f
sub al, 0E8h
cmp al, 1
ja .c2
cmp byte [esi], dl
jnz .c2
shr ax, 8
ror eax, 16
xchg al, ah
sub eax, esi
add eax, [esp+32+8]
mov [esi-4], eax
loop .c2
jmp .ok
.pb = 2 ; pos state bits
.lp = 0 ; literal pos state bits
.lc = 3 ; literal context bits
.posStateMask = ((1 shl .pb)-1)
.literalPosMask = ((1 shl .lp)-1)
.kNumPosBitsMax = 4
.kNumPosStatesMax = (1 shl .kNumPosBitsMax)
.kLenNumLowBits = 3
.kLenNumLowSymbols = (1 shl .kLenNumLowBits)
.kLenNumMidBits = 3
.kLenNumMidSymbols = (1 shl .kLenNumMidBits)
.kLenNumHighBits = 8
.kLenNumHighSymbols = (1 shl .kLenNumHighBits)
.LenChoice = 0
.LenChoice2 = 1
.LenLow = 2
.LenMid = (.LenLow + (.kNumPosStatesMax shl .kLenNumLowBits))
.LenHigh = (.LenMid + (.kNumPosStatesMax shl .kLenNumMidBits))
.kNumLenProbs = (.LenHigh + .kLenNumHighSymbols)
.kNumStates = 12
.kNumLitStates = 7
.kStartPosModelIndex = 4
.kEndPosModelIndex = 14
.kNumFullDistances = (1 shl (.kEndPosModelIndex/2))
.kNumPosSlotBits = 6
.kNumLenToPosStates = 4
.kNumAlignBits = 4
.kAlignTableSize = (1 shl .kNumAlignBits)
.kMatchMinLen = 2
.IsMatch = 0
.IsRep = (.IsMatch + (.kNumStates shl .kNumPosBitsMax))
.IsRepG0 = (.IsRep + .kNumStates)
.IsRepG1 = (.IsRepG0 + .kNumStates)
.IsRepG2 = (.IsRepG1 + .kNumStates)
.IsRep0Long = (.IsRepG2 + .kNumStates)
.PosSlot = (.IsRep0Long + (.kNumStates shl .kNumPosBitsMax))
.SpecPos = (.PosSlot + (.kNumLenToPosStates shl .kNumPosSlotBits))
.Align_ = (.SpecPos + .kNumFullDistances - .kEndPosModelIndex)
.Lencoder = (.Align_ + .kAlignTableSize)
.RepLencoder = (.Lencoder + .kNumLenProbs)
.Literal = (.RepLencoder + .kNumLenProbs)
.LZMA_BASE_SIZE = 1846 ; must be ==Literal
.kNumTopBits = 24
.kTopValue = (1 shl .kNumTopBits)
.kNumBitModelTotalBits = 11
.kBitModelTotal = (1 shl .kNumBitModelTotalBits)
.kNumMoveBits = 5
push edi
; int state=0;
xor ebx, ebx
mov [.previousByte], bl
; unsigned rep0=1,rep1=1,rep2=1,rep3=1;
mov eax, 1
mov edi, .rep0
; int len=0;
; result=0;
mov ecx, .Literal + (.LZMA_LIT_SIZE shl (.lc+.lp))
mov eax, .kBitModelTotal/2
mov edi, [.p]
rep stosd
; RangeDecoderInit
; rd->ExtraBytes = 0
; rd->Buffer = stream
; rd->BufferLim = stream+bufferSize
; rd->Range = 0xFFFFFFFF
pop edi
mov ebp, [esi-8] ; dest_length
add ebp, edi ; ebp = destination limit
; rd->code_ = eax
mov [.code_], eax
or [.range], -1
cmp edi, ebp
jae .main_loop_done
mov edx, edi
and edx, .posStateMask
mov eax, ebx
shl eax, .kNumPosBitsMax+2
lea eax, [.IsMatch*4 + eax + edx*4]
add eax, [.p]
call .RangeDecoderBitDecode
jc .1
movzx eax, [.previousByte]
if .literalPosMask
mov ah, dl
and ah, .literalPosMask
end if
shr eax,
imul eax, .LZMA_LIT_SIZE*4
add eax, .Literal*4
add eax, [.p]
cmp ebx, .kNumLitStates
jb .literal
xor edx, edx
sub edx, [.rep0]
mov dl, [edi + edx]
call .LzmaLiteralDecodeMatch
jmp @f
call .LzmaLiteralDecode
mov [.previousByte], al
mov al, bl
cmp bl, 4
jb @f
mov al, 3
cmp bl, 10
jb @f
mov al, 6
sub bl, al
jmp .main_loop
lea eax, [.IsRep*4 + ebx*4]
add eax, [.p]
call .RangeDecoderBitDecode
jnc .10
lea eax, [.IsRepG0*4 + ebx*4]
add eax, [.p]
call .RangeDecoderBitDecode
jc .111
mov eax, ebx
shl eax, .kNumPosBitsMax+2
lea eax, [.IsRep0Long*4 + eax + edx*4]
add eax, [.p]
call .RangeDecoderBitDecode
jc .1101
cmp bl, 7
setae bl
lea ebx, [9 + ebx + ebx]
xor edx, edx
sub edx, [.rep0]
mov al, [edi + edx]
mov [.previousByte], al
jmp .main_loop
lea eax, [.IsRepG1*4 + ebx*4]
add eax, [.p]
call .RangeDecoderBitDecode
mov eax, [.rep1]
jnc .l3
lea eax, [.IsRepG2*4 + ebx*4]
add eax, [.p]
call .RangeDecoderBitDecode
mov eax, [.rep2]
jnc .l2
xchg [.rep3], eax
push [.rep1]
pop [.rep2]
xchg eax, [.rep0]
mov [.rep1], eax
mov eax, .RepLencoder*4
add eax, [.p]
call .LzmaLenDecode
cmp bl, 7
setc bl
adc bl, bl
xor bl, 3
add bl, 8
jmp .repmovsb
mov eax, [.rep0]
xchg eax, [.rep1]
xchg eax, [.rep2]
xchg eax, [.rep3]
cmp bl, 7
setc bl
adc bl, bl
xor bl, 3
add bl, 7
mov eax, .Lencoder*4
add eax, [.p]
call .LzmaLenDecode
mov eax, .kNumLenToPosStates-1
cmp eax, ecx
jb @f
mov eax, ecx
push ecx
mov ecx, .kNumPosSlotBits
shl eax, cl
shl eax, 2
add eax, .PosSlot*4
add eax, [.p]
call .RangeDecoderBitTreeDecode
mov [.rep0], ecx
cmp ecx, .kStartPosModelIndex
jb .l6
push ecx
mov eax, ecx
and eax, 1
shr ecx, 1
or eax, 2
dec ecx
shl eax, cl
mov [.rep0], eax
pop edx
cmp edx, .kEndPosModelIndex
jae .l5
sub eax, edx
shl eax, 2
add eax, (.SpecPos - 1)*4
add eax, [.p]
call .RangeDecoderReverseBitTreeDecode
add [.rep0], ecx
jmp .l6
sub ecx, .kNumAlignBits
call .RangeDecoderDecodeDirectBits
mov ecx, .kNumAlignBits
shl eax, cl
add [.rep0], eax
mov eax, .Align_*4
add eax, [.p]
call .RangeDecoderReverseBitTreeDecode
add [.rep0], ecx
pop ecx
inc [.rep0]
jz .main_loop_done
add ecx, .kMatchMinLen
push esi
mov esi, edi
sub esi, [.rep0]
rep movsb
pop esi
mov al, [edi-1]
mov [.previousByte], al
jmp .main_loop
; in: eax->prob
; out: CF=bit; destroys eax
push edx
mov edx, [.range]
shr edx, .kNumBitModelTotalBits
imul edx, [eax]
cmp [.code_], edx
jae .ae
mov [.range], edx
mov edx, .kBitModelTotal
sub edx, [eax]
shr edx, .kNumMoveBits
add [eax], edx
cmp [.range], .kTopValue
jae @f
shl [.range], 8
shl [.code_], 8
mov byte [.code_], al
pop edx
sub [.range], edx
sub [.code_], edx
mov edx, [eax]
shr edx, .kNumMoveBits
sub [eax], edx
jmp .n
; in: ecx=numTotalBits
; out: eax=result; destroys edx
xor eax, eax
shr [.range], 1
shl eax, 1
mov edx, [.code_]
sub edx, [.range]
jb @f
mov [.code_], edx
or eax, 1
cmp [.range], .kTopValue
jae @f
shl [.range], 8
shl [.code_], 8
push eax
mov byte [.code_], al
pop eax
loop .l
; in: eax->probs
; out: al=byte; destroys edx
push ecx
mov ecx, 1
push eax
lea eax, [eax+ecx*4]
call .RangeDecoderBitDecode
pop eax
adc cl, cl
jnc @b
mov al, cl
pop ecx
; in: eax->probs, dl=matchByte
; out: al=byte; destroys edx
push ecx
mov ecx, 1
add dl, dl
setc ch
push eax
lea eax, [eax+ecx*4+0x100*4]
call .RangeDecoderBitDecode
pop eax
adc cl, cl
jc .LzmaLiteralDecode.ret
xor ch, cl
test ch, 1
mov ch, 0
jnz @b
jmp .LzmaLiteralDecodeMatch.1
; in: eax->prob, edx=posState
; out: ecx=len
push eax
add eax, .LenChoice*4
call .RangeDecoderBitDecode
pop eax
jnc .0
push eax
add eax, .LenChoice2*4
call .RangeDecoderBitDecode
pop eax
jc @f
mov ecx, .kLenNumMidBits
shl edx, cl
lea eax, [eax + .LenMid*4 + edx*4]
call .RangeDecoderBitTreeDecode
add ecx, .kLenNumLowSymbols
add eax, .LenHigh*4
mov ecx, .kLenNumHighBits
call .RangeDecoderBitTreeDecode
add ecx, .kLenNumLowSymbols + .kLenNumMidSymbols
mov ecx, .kLenNumLowBits
shl edx, cl
lea eax, [eax + .LenLow*4 + edx*4]
; in: eax->probs,ecx=numLevels
; out: ecx=length; destroys edx
push ebx
mov edx, 1
mov ebx, edx
push eax
lea eax, [eax+edx*4]
call .RangeDecoderBitDecode
pop eax
adc dl, dl
add bl, bl
loop @b
sub dl, bl
pop ebx
mov ecx, edx
; in: eax->probs,ecx=numLevels
; out: ecx=length; destroys edx
push ebx ecx
mov edx, 1
xor ebx, ebx
push eax
lea eax, [eax+edx*4]
call .RangeDecoderBitDecode
adc edx, edx
rcr ebx, 1
pop eax
loop @b
pop ecx
rol ebx, cl
mov ecx, ebx
pop ebx
align 4
;unpack.p rd unpack.LZMA_BASE_SIZE + (unpack.LZMA_LIT_SIZE shl (
unpack.p dd ?
unpack.code_ dd ?
unpack.range dd ?
unpack.rep0 dd ?
unpack.rep1 dd ?
unpack.rep2 dd ?
unpack.rep3 dd ?
unpack.previousByte db ?
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,429
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2011-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
xmin dd ?
ymin dd ?
xmax dd ?
ymax dd ?
struct BLITTER
dst_x dd ? ; 32
dst_y dd ? ; 36
src_x dd ? ; 40
src_y dd ? ; 44
w dd ? ; 48
h dd ? ; 52
bitmap dd ? ; 56
stride dd ? ; 60
align 4
;esi= clip RECT ptr
;edi= RECT ptr
;return code:
;eax= 0 - draw, 1 - don't draw
push ebx
mov eax, [edi+RECT.left]
mov ebx, [edi+RECT.right]
mov ecx, [esi+RECT.left] ;clip.left
mov edx, [esi+RECT.right] ;clip.right
cmp eax, edx ;left >= clip.right
jge .fail
cmp ebx, ecx ;right < clip.left
jl .fail
cmp eax, ecx ;left >= clip.left
jae @F
mov eax, ecx
mov [edi+RECT.left], eax
cmp ebx, edx ;right <= clip.right
jle @f
mov ebx, edx
mov [edi+RECT.right], ebx
mov eax, []
mov ebx, [edi+RECT.bottom]
mov ecx, [] ;
mov edx, [esi+RECT.bottom] ;clip.bottom
cmp eax, edx ;top >= clip.bottom
jge .fail
cmp ebx, ecx ;bottom <
jl .fail
cmp eax, ecx ;top >=
jae @F
mov eax, ecx
mov [], eax
cmp ebx, edx ;bottom <= clip.bottom
jle @f
mov ebx, edx
mov [edi+RECT.bottom], ebx
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
mov eax, 1
align 4
.sx0 equ 8
.sy0 equ 12
.sx1 equ 16
.sy1 equ 20
.dx0 equ 24
.dy0 equ 28
.dx1 equ 32
.dy1 equ 36
push edi
push esi
push ebx
sub esp, 40
mov ebx, ecx
mov edx, [ecx+BLITTER.src_x]
mov [esp+.sx0], edx
mov eax, [ecx+BLITTER.src_y]
mov [esp+.sy0], eax
add edx, [ecx+BLITTER.w]
add eax, [ecx+BLITTER.h]
mov [esp+.sx1], edx
mov [esp+.sy1], eax
lea edi, [esp+.sx0]
lea esi, []
call block_clip
test eax, eax
mov esi, 1
jnz .done
mov edi, [esp+.sx0]
mov edx, [ebx+BLITTER.dst_x]
add edx, edi
sub edx, [ebx+BLITTER.src_x]
mov [esp+.dx0], edx
mov ecx, [esp+.sy0]
mov eax, [ebx+BLITTER.dst_y]
add eax, ecx
sub eax, [ebx+BLITTER.src_y]
mov [esp+.dy0], eax
sub edx, edi
add edx, [esp+.sx1]
mov [esp+.dx1], edx
sub eax, ecx
add eax, [esp+.sy1]
mov [esp+.dy1], eax
lea edi, [esp+.dx0]
lea esi, [ebx+BLITTER.dc]
call block_clip
test eax, eax
mov esi, 1
jnz .done
mov edx, [esp+.dx0]
mov eax, [esp+.dx1]
sub eax, edx
mov [ebx+BLITTER.w], eax
mov eax, [esp+.dy0]
mov ecx, [esp+.dy1]
sub ecx, eax
mov [ebx+BLITTER.h], ecx
mov ecx, [ebx+BLITTER.src_x]
add ecx, edx
sub ecx, [ebx+BLITTER.dst_x]
mov [ebx+BLITTER.src_x], ecx
mov ecx, [ebx+BLITTER.src_y]
add ecx, eax
sub ecx, [ebx+BLITTER.dst_y]
mov [ebx+BLITTER.src_y], ecx
mov [ebx+BLITTER.dst_x], edx
mov [ebx+BLITTER.dst_y], eax
xor esi, esi
mov eax, esi
add esp, 40
pop ebx
pop esi
pop edi
purge .sx0
purge .sy0
purge .sx1
purge .sy1
purge .dx0
purge .dy0
purge .dx1
purge .dy1
align 4
push ebp
push edi
push esi
push ebx
sub esp, 72
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov ebx, [eax-twdw +]
mov edx, [eax-twdw +]
inc ebx
inc edx
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+BLITTER.dc.left], eax
mov [], eax
mov [esp+BLITTER.dc.right], ebx
mov [esp+BLITTER.dc.bottom], edx
mov [], eax
mov [], eax
mov eax, [ecx+24]
mov [], eax
mov eax, [ecx+28]
mov [], eax
mov eax, [ecx]
mov [esp+BLITTER.dst_x], eax
mov eax, [ecx+4]
mov [esp+BLITTER.dst_y], eax
mov eax, [ecx+16]
mov [esp+BLITTER.src_x], eax
mov eax, [ecx+20]
mov [esp+BLITTER.src_y], eax
mov eax, [ecx+8]
mov [esp+BLITTER.w], eax
mov eax, [ecx+12]
mov [esp+BLITTER.h], eax
mov eax, [ecx+32]
mov [esp+56], eax
mov eax, [ecx+36]
mov [esp+60], eax
mov ecx, esp
call blit_clip
test eax, eax
jne .L57
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov ebx, [esp+BLITTER.dst_x]
mov ebp, [esp+BLITTER.dst_y]
add ebx, [eax-twdw +]
add ebp, [eax-twdw +]
mov ecx, ebx
add ecx, [esp+BLITTER.w]
shl ecx, 16
mov cx, bp
add ecx, [esp+BLITTER.h]
mov edi, ebp
; imul edi, [_display.pitch]
mov edi, [BPSLine_calc_area+edi*4]
; imul ebp, [_display.width]
mov ebp, [d_width_calc_area+ebp*4]
add ebp, ebx
add ebp, [_WinMapAddress]
mov eax, [esp+BLITTER.src_y]
imul eax, [esp+BLITTER.stride]
mov esi, [esp+BLITTER.src_x]
lea esi, [eax+esi*4]
add esi, [esp+BLITTER.bitmap]
mov eax, ecx
mov ecx, [esp+BLITTER.h]
mov edx, [esp+BLITTER.w]
test ecx, ecx ;FIXME check clipping
jz .L57
test edx, edx
jz .L57
cmp [_display.bpp], 32
jne .core_24
lea edi, [edi+ebx*4]
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
align 4
xor ecx, ecx
align 4
cmp [ebp+ecx], bl
jne .skip
push eax
mov eax, [esi+ecx*4]
; check for hardware cursor
cmp [_display.select_cursor], select_cursor
je @f
cmp [_display.select_cursor], 0
jne .no_mouseunder
align 4
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp+4]
ror ecx, 16
sub ecx, edx
rol ecx, 16
sub ecx, [esp+BLITTER.h + 8]
; check mouse area for putpixel
call [_display.check_mouse]
pop ecx
align 4
; store to real LFB
mov [LFB_BASE+edi+ecx*4], eax
pop eax
align 4
inc ecx
dec edx
jnz .inner32
add esi, [esp+BLITTER.stride]
add edi, [_display.pitch]
add ebp, [_display.width]
mov edx, [esp+BLITTER.w]
dec [esp+BLITTER.h]
jnz .outer32
; call [draw_pointer]
; call __sys_draw_pointer
add esp, 72
pop ebx
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebp
lea ebx, [ebx+ebx*2]
lea edi, [LFB_BASE+edi+ebx]
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
align 4
mov [esp+64], edi
xor ecx, ecx
align 4
cmp [ebp+ecx], bl
jne .skip_1
push eax
mov eax, [esi+ecx*4]
lea edi, [edi+ecx*2]
; check for hardware cursor
cmp [_display.select_cursor], select_cursor
je @f
cmp [_display.select_cursor], 0
jne .no_mouseunder_1
align 4
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp+4]
ror ecx, 16
sub ecx, edx
rol ecx, 16
sub ecx, [esp+BLITTER.h + 8]
; check mouse area for putpixel
call [_display.check_mouse]
pop ecx
align 4
mov [edi+ecx], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [edi+ecx+2], al
pop eax
align 4
mov edi, [esp+64]
inc ecx
dec edx
jnz .inner24
add esi, [esp+BLITTER.stride]
add edi, [_display.pitch]
add ebp, [_display.width]
mov edx, [esp+BLITTER.w]
dec [esp+BLITTER.h]
jnz .outer24
jmp .done
0,0 → 1,1042
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 4181 $
Size dd ?
Width dd ?
Height dd ?
Planes dw ?
BitCount dw ?
Compression dd ?
SizeImage dd ?
XPelsPerMeter dd ?
YPelsPerMeter dd ?
ClrUsed dd ?
ClrImportant dd ?
align 4
proc init_cursor stdcall, dst:dword, src:dword
rBase dd ?
pQuad dd ?
pBits dd ?
pAnd dd ?
width dd ?
height dd ?
counter dd ?
mov esi, [src]
add esi, [esi+18]
mov eax, esi
cmp [esi+BITMAPINFOHEADER.BitCount], 24
je .img_24
cmp [esi+BITMAPINFOHEADER.BitCount], 8
je .img_8
cmp [esi+BITMAPINFOHEADER.BitCount], 4
je .img_4
align 4
add eax, [esi]
mov [pQuad], eax
add eax, 8
mov [pBits], eax
add eax, 128
mov [pAnd], eax
mov eax, [esi+4]
mov [width], eax
mov ebx, [esi+8]
shr ebx, 1
mov [height], ebx
mov edi, [dst]
add edi, 32*31*4
mov [rBase], edi
mov esi, [pQuad]
align 4
mov ebx, [pBits]
mov ebx, [ebx]
bswap ebx
mov eax, [pAnd]
mov eax, [eax]
bswap eax
mov [counter], 32
align 4
xor edx, edx
shl eax, 1
setc dl
dec edx
xor ecx, ecx
shl ebx, 1
setc cl
mov ecx, [esi+ecx*4]
and ecx, edx
and edx, 0xFF000000
or edx, ecx
mov [edi], edx
add edi, 4
dec [counter]
jnz @B
add [pBits], 4
add [pAnd], 4
mov edi, [rBase]
sub edi, 128
mov [rBase], edi
sub [height], 1
jnz .l21
align 4
add eax, [esi]
mov [pQuad], eax
add eax, 64
mov [pBits], eax
add eax, 0x200
mov [pAnd], eax
mov eax, [esi+4]
mov [width], eax
mov ebx, [esi+8]
shr ebx, 1
mov [height], ebx
mov edi, [dst]
add edi, 32*31*4
mov [rBase], edi
mov esi, [pQuad]
mov ebx, [pBits]
align 4
mov eax, [pAnd]
mov eax, [eax]
bswap eax
mov [counter], 16
align 4
xor edx, edx
shl eax, 1
setc dl
dec edx
movzx ecx, byte [ebx]
and cl, 0xF0
shr ecx, 2
mov ecx, [esi+ecx]
and ecx, edx
and edx, 0xFF000000
or edx, ecx
mov [edi], edx
xor edx, edx
shl eax, 1
setc dl
dec edx
movzx ecx, byte [ebx]
and cl, 0x0F
mov ecx, [esi+ecx*4]
and ecx, edx
and edx, 0xFF000000
or edx, ecx
mov [edi+4], edx
inc ebx
add edi, 8
dec [counter]
jnz @B
add [pAnd], 4
mov edi, [rBase]
sub edi, 128
mov [rBase], edi
sub [height], 1
jnz .l4
align 4
add eax, [esi]
mov [pQuad], eax
add eax, 1024
mov [pBits], eax
add eax, 1024
mov [pAnd], eax
mov eax, [esi+4]
mov [width], eax
mov ebx, [esi+8]
shr ebx, 1
mov [height], ebx
mov edi, [dst]
add edi, 32*31*4
mov [rBase], edi
mov esi, [pQuad]
mov ebx, [pBits]
align 4
mov eax, [pAnd]
mov eax, [eax]
bswap eax
mov [counter], 32
align 4
xor edx, edx
shl eax, 1
setc dl
dec edx
movzx ecx, byte [ebx]
mov ecx, [esi+ecx*4]
and ecx, edx
and edx, 0xFF000000
or edx, ecx
mov [edi], edx
inc ebx
add edi, 4
dec [counter]
jnz @B
add [pAnd], 4
mov edi, [rBase]
sub edi, 128
mov [rBase], edi
sub [height], 1
jnz .l81
align 4
add eax, [esi]
mov [pQuad], eax
add eax, 0xC00
mov [pAnd], eax
mov eax, [esi+BITMAPINFOHEADER.Width]
mov [width], eax
mov ebx, [esi+BITMAPINFOHEADER.Height]
shr ebx, 1
mov [height], ebx
mov edi, [dst]
add edi, 32*31*4
mov [rBase], edi
mov esi, [pAnd]
mov ebx, [pQuad]
align 4
mov eax, [esi]
bswap eax
mov [counter], 32
align 4
xor edx, edx
shl eax, 1
setc dl
dec edx
mov ecx, [ebx]
and ecx, 0x00FFFFFF
and ecx, edx
and edx, 0xFF000000
or edx, ecx
mov [edi], edx
add ebx, 3
add edi, 4
dec [counter]
jnz @B
add esi, 4
mov edi, [rBase]
sub edi, 128
mov [rBase], edi
sub [height], 1
jnz .row_24
align 4
proc set_cursor stdcall, hcursor:dword
mov eax, [hcursor]
cmp [eax+CURSOR.magic], 'CURS'
jne .fail
; cmp [eax+CURSOR.size], CURSOR_SIZE
; jne .fail
mov ebx, [current_slot]
xchg eax, [ebx+APPDATA.cursor]
mov [redrawmouse_unconditional], 1
call __sys_draw_pointer
align 4
mov eax, [def_cursor]
mov ebx, [current_slot]
xchg eax, [ebx+APPDATA.cursor]
align 4
; param
; eax= pid
; ebx= src
; ecx= flags
.src equ esp
.flags equ esp+4
.hcursor equ esp+8
sub esp, 4 ;space for .hcursor
push ecx
push ebx
mov ebx, eax
mov eax, sizeof.CURSOR
call create_kernel_object
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov [.hcursor], eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov [eax+CURSOR.magic], 'CURS'
mov [eax+CURSOR.destroy], destroy_cursor
mov [eax+CURSOR.hot_x], ebx
mov [eax+CURSOR.hot_y], ebx
stdcall kernel_alloc, 0x1000
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov edi, [.hcursor]
mov [edi+CURSOR.base], eax
mov esi, [.src]
mov ebx, [.flags]
je .indirect
movzx ecx, word [esi+10]
movzx edx, word [esi+12]
mov [edi+CURSOR.hot_x], ecx
mov [edi+CURSOR.hot_y], edx
stdcall init_cursor, eax, esi
align 4
mov ecx, [.hcursor]
lea ecx, [ecx+CURSOR.list_next]
lea edx, []
list_add ecx, edx ;list_add_tail(new, head)
mov eax, [.hcursor]
cmp [_display.init_cursor], 0
je .fail
push eax
call [_display.init_cursor]
add esp, 4
mov eax, [.hcursor]
align 4
add esp, 12
align 4
shr ebx, 16
movzx ecx, bh
movzx edx, bl
mov [edi+CURSOR.hot_x], ecx
mov [edi+CURSOR.hot_y], edx
xchg edi, eax
mov ecx, 1024
rep movsd
jmp .add_cursor
align 4
proc load_cursor stdcall, src:dword, flags:dword
handle dd ?
xor eax, eax
cmp [create_cursor], eax
je .fail2
mov [handle], eax
cmp word [flags], LOAD_FROM_FILE
jne @F
stdcall load_file, [src]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov [src], eax
align 4
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl eax, 5
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK+eax+4]
mov ebx, [src]
mov ecx, [flags]
call create_cursor ;eax, ebx, ecx
mov [handle], eax
cmp word [flags], LOAD_FROM_FILE
jne .exit
stdcall kernel_free, [src]
align 4
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
align 4
mov eax, [handle]
align 4
align 4
proc delete_cursor stdcall, hcursor:dword
; DEBUGF 1,'K : delete_cursor %x\n', [hcursor]
mov esi, [hcursor]
cmp [esi+CURSOR.magic], 'CURS'
jne .fail
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl ebx, 5
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK+ebx+4]
cmp ebx, []
jne .fail
mov ebx, [current_slot]
cmp esi, [ebx+APPDATA.cursor]
jne @F
mov eax, [def_cursor]
mov [ebx+APPDATA.cursor], eax
align 4
mov eax, [hcursor]
call [eax+APPOBJ.destroy]
align 4
align 4
; param
; eax= cursor
push eax
stdcall kernel_free, [eax+CURSOR.base]
mov eax, [esp]
lea eax, [eax+CURSOR.list_next]
list_del eax
pop eax
call destroy_kernel_object
align 4
mov eax, [esp+4]
mov [_display.cursor], eax
ret 4
align 4
proc restore_24 stdcall, x:dword, y:dword
push ebx
mov ebx, [cur_saved_base]
mov edx, [cur.h]
test edx, edx
jz .ret
push esi
push edi
mov esi, cur_saved_data
mov ecx, [cur.w]
lea ecx, [ecx+ecx*2]
push ecx
align 4
mov edi, ebx
add ebx, [_display.pitch]
mov ecx, [esp]
rep movsb
dec edx
jnz @B
pop ecx
pop edi
pop esi
align 4
pop ebx
align 4
proc restore_32 stdcall, x:dword, y:dword
push ebx
mov ebx, [cur_saved_base]
mov edx, [cur.h]
test edx, edx
jz .ret
push esi
push edi
mov esi, cur_saved_data
align 4
mov edi, ebx
add ebx, [_display.pitch]
mov ecx, [cur.w]
rep movsd
dec edx
jnz @B
pop edi
align 4
pop esi
pop ebx
align 4
proc move_cursor_24 stdcall, hcursor:dword, x:dword, y:dword
h dd ?
_dx dd ?
_dy dd ?
mov esi, [hcursor]
mov ecx, [x]
mov eax, [y]
; mov ebx, [BytesPerScanLine]
xor edx, edx
sub ecx, [esi+CURSOR.hot_x]
lea ebx, [ecx+32-1]
mov [x], ecx
sets dl
dec edx
and ecx, edx ;clip x to 0<=x
mov [cur.left], ecx
mov edi, ecx
sub edi, [x]
mov [_dx], edi
xor edx, edx
sub eax, [esi+CURSOR.hot_y]
lea edi, [eax+32-1]
mov [y], eax
sets dl
dec edx
and eax, edx ;clip y to 0<=y
mov [], eax
mov edx, eax
sub edx, [y]
mov [_dy], edx
; mul dword [BytesPerScanLine]
mov eax, [BPSLine_calc_area+eax*4]
lea edx, [LFB_BASE+ecx*3]
add edx, eax
mov [cur_saved_base], edx
cmp ebx, [Screen_Max_X]
jbe @F
mov ebx, [Screen_Max_X]
align 4
cmp edi, [Screen_Max_Y]
jbe @F
mov edi, [Screen_Max_Y]
align 4
mov [cur.right], ebx
mov [cur.bottom], edi
sub ebx, [x]
sub edi, [y]
inc ebx
inc edi
sub ebx, [_dx]
sub edi, [_dy]
mov [cur.w], ebx
mov [cur.h], edi
mov [h], edi
mov eax, edi
mov edi, cur_saved_data
align 4
mov esi, edx
add edx, [_display.pitch]
mov ecx, [cur.w]
lea ecx, [ecx+ecx*2]
rep movsb
dec eax
jnz @B
;draw cursor
mov ebx, [cur_saved_base]
mov eax, [_dy]
shl eax, 5
add eax, [_dx]
mov esi, [hcursor]
mov esi, [esi+CURSOR.base]
lea edx, [esi+eax*4]
align 4
mov ecx, [cur.w]
mov esi, edx
mov edi, ebx
add edx, 32*4
add ebx, [_display.pitch]
align 4
test eax, 0xFF000000
jz @F
mov [edi], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [edi+2], al
align 4
add edi, 3
dec ecx
jnz .pix
dec [h]
jnz .row
align 4
proc move_cursor_32 stdcall, hcursor:dword, x:dword, y:dword
h dd ?
_dx dd ?
_dy dd ?
mov esi, [hcursor]
mov ecx, [x]
mov eax, [y]
xor edx, edx
sub ecx, [esi+CURSOR.hot_x]
lea ebx, [ecx+32-1]
mov [x], ecx
sets dl
dec edx
and ecx, edx ;clip x to 0<=x
mov [cur.left], ecx
mov edi, ecx
sub edi, [x]
mov [_dx], edi
xor edx, edx
sub eax, [esi+CURSOR.hot_y]
lea edi, [eax+32-1]
mov [y], eax
sets dl
dec edx
and eax, edx ;clip y to 0<=y
mov [], eax
mov edx, eax
sub edx, [y]
mov [_dy], edx
; mul dword [BytesPerScanLine]
mov eax, [BPSLine_calc_area+eax*4]
lea edx, [LFB_BASE+eax+ecx*4]
mov [cur_saved_base], edx
cmp ebx, [Screen_Max_X]
jbe @F
mov ebx, [Screen_Max_X]
align 4
cmp edi, [Screen_Max_Y]
jbe @F
mov edi, [Screen_Max_Y]
align 4
mov [cur.right], ebx
mov [cur.bottom], edi
sub ebx, [x]
sub edi, [y]
inc ebx
inc edi
sub ebx, [_dx]
sub edi, [_dy]
mov [cur.w], ebx
mov [cur.h], edi
mov [h], edi
mov eax, edi
mov edi, cur_saved_data
align 4
mov esi, edx
add edx, [_display.pitch]
mov ecx, [cur.w]
rep movsd
dec eax
jnz @B
;draw cursor
mov ebx, [cur_saved_base]
mov eax, [_dy]
shl eax, 5
add eax, [_dx]
mov esi, [hcursor]
mov esi, [esi+CURSOR.base]
lea edx, [esi+eax*4]
align 4
mov ecx, [cur.w]
mov esi, edx
mov edi, ebx
add edx, 32*4
add ebx, [_display.pitch]
align 4
test eax, 0xFF000000
jz @F
mov [edi], eax
align 4
add edi, 4
dec ecx
jnz .pix
dec [h]
jnz .row
align 4
; in:
; eax = x
; ebx = y
; out:
; ecx = new color
; check for Y
cmp bx, [Y_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_y]
jb .no_mouse_area
cmp bx, [Y_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_y_add_curh]
jae .no_mouse_area
; check for X
cmp ax, [X_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_x]
jb .no_mouse_area
cmp ax, [X_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_x_add_curh]
jae .no_mouse_area
push eax ebx
; offset X
movzx ecx, word [X_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_x]
sub eax, ecx ; x1
; offset Y
movzx ecx, word [Y_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_y]
sub ebx, ecx ; y1
; ebx = offset y
; eax = offset x
imul ebx, [cur.w] ;y
add eax, ebx
mov ebx, eax
shl eax, 2
cmp byte [_display.bpp], 32
je @f
sub eax, ebx
align 4
add eax, cur_saved_data
mov ecx, [eax]
and ecx, 0xffffff
add ecx, 0xff000000
pop ebx eax
align 4
xor ecx, ecx
align 4
; in:
; ecx = x shl 16 + y
; eax = color
; out:
; eax = new color
; check for Y
cmp cx, [Y_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_y_add_curh]
jae .no_mouse_area
sub cx, [Y_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_y]
jb .no_mouse_area
rol ecx, 16
; check for X
cmp cx, [X_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_x_add_curh]
jae .no_mouse_area
sub cx, [X_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_x]
jb .no_mouse_area
ror ecx, 16
align 4
push eax
; ecx = (offset x) shl 16 + (offset y)
push ebx
mov ebx, ecx
shr ebx, 16 ; x
and ecx, 0xffff ; y
cmp ecx, [cur.h]
jae @f
cmp ebx, [cur.w]
jb .ok
align 4
; DEBUGF 1, "K : SHIT HAPPENS: %x %x \n", ecx,ebx
pop ebx
align 4
; ecx = offset y
; ebx = offset x
push ebx ecx
imul ecx, [cur.w] ;y
add ecx, ebx
mov ebx, ecx
shl ecx, 2
cmp byte [_display.bpp], 24
je .24
and eax, 0xFFFFFF
mov [ecx + cur_saved_data], eax ;store new color to
jmp @f
align 4
sub ecx, ebx
mov [ecx + cur_saved_data], ax ;store new color to
shr eax, 16
mov [ecx + cur_saved_data + 2], al ;store new color to
align 4
pop ecx ebx
shl ecx, 5
add ecx, ebx
mov eax, [current_cursor]
mov eax, [eax+CURSOR.base]
lea eax, [eax+ecx*4]
mov eax, [eax]
pop ebx
test eax, 0xFF000000
jz @f
add esp, 4
align 4
mov ecx, -1
align 4
pop eax
align 4
align 4
mov eax, _display
align 4
xor eax, eax
mov edi, _display
mov [edi+display_t.init_cursor], eax
mov [edi+display_t.select_cursor], eax
mov [edi+display_t.show_cursor], eax
mov [edi+display_t.move_cursor], eax
mov [edi+display_t.restore_cursor], eax
lea ecx, []
mov [], ecx
mov [edi+display_t.cr_list.prev], ecx
cmp [SCR_MODE], word 0x13
jbe .fail
test word [SCR_MODE], 0x4000
jz .fail
mov ebx, restore_32
mov ecx, move_cursor_32
mov edx, Vesa20_putpixel32_new
mov eax, [_display.bpp]
cmp al, 32
jne .24
mov [_display.select_cursor], select_cursor
mov [_display.move_cursor], ecx
mov [_display.restore_cursor], ebx
mov [_display.check_mouse], check_mouse_area_for_putpixel_new
mov [_display.check_m_pixel], check_mouse_area_for_getpixel_new
cmp [PUTPIXEL], dword VGA_putpixel
je @f
mov [PUTPIXEL], edx
stdcall load_cursor, clock_arrow, dword LOAD_FROM_MEM
mov [def_cursor_clock], eax
stdcall load_cursor, def_arrow, dword LOAD_FROM_MEM
mov [def_cursor], eax
mov ebx, restore_24
mov ecx, move_cursor_24
mov edx, Vesa20_putpixel24_new
cmp al, 24
je .set
xor eax, eax
mov [_display.select_cursor], eax
mov [_display.move_cursor], eax
align 4
file 'arrow.cur'
align 4
file 'arrow_clock.cur'
0,0 → 1,1004
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; VESA12.INC ;;
;; ;;
;; Vesa 1.2 functions for MenuetOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Copyright 2002 Ville Turjanmaa ;;
;; ;;
;; - bankswitch for S3 cards ;;
;; ;;
;; See file COPYING for details ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2455 $
S3_VIDEO equ 0
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
; A complete video driver should include the following types of function
; Putpixel
; Getpixel
; Drawimage
; Drawbar
; Drawbackground
; Modifying the set_bank -function is mostly enough
; for different Vesa 1.2 setups.
; set_bank for Trident videocards, work on Trident 9440
; modified by Mario79
cmp al, [BANK_RW]
je .retsb
mov [BANK_RW], al
push dx
mov dx, 3D8h
out dx, al
pop dx
end if
; set_bank for S3 videocards, work on S3 ViRGE PCI (325)
; modified by kmeaw
cmp al, [BANK_RW]
je .retsb
mov [BANK_RW], al
push ax
push dx
push cx
mov cl, al
mov dx, 0x3D4
mov al, 0x38
out dx, al ;CR38 Register Lock 1 ;Note: Traditionally 48h is used to
;unlock and 00h to lock
inc dx
mov al, 0x48
out dx, al ;3d5 -?
dec dx
mov al, 0x31
out dx, al ;CR31 Memory Configuration Register
;0 Enable Base Address Offset (CPUA BASE). Enables bank operation if set, ;disables if clear.
;4-5 Bit 16-17 of the Display Start Address. For the 801/5,928 see index 51h,
;for the 864/964 see index 69h.
inc dx
in al, dx
dec dx
mov ah, al
mov al, 0x31
out dx, ax
mov al, ah
or al, 9
inc dx
out dx, al
dec dx
mov al, 0x35
out dx, al ;CR35 CRT Register Lock
inc dx
in al, dx
dec dx
and al, 0xF0
mov ch, cl
and ch, 0x0F
or ch, al
mov al, 0x35
out dx, al
inc dx
mov al, ch
out dx, ax
dec dx
mov al, 0x51 ;Extended System Control 2 Register
out dx, al
inc dx
in al, dx
dec dx
and al, 0xF3
shr cl, 2
and cl, 0x0C
or cl, al
mov al, 0x51
out dx, al
inc dx
mov al, cl
out dx, al
dec dx
mov al, 0x38
out dx, al
inc dx
xor al, al
out dx, al
dec dx
pop cx
pop dx
pop ax
end if
;Set bank function for Intel 810/815 chipsets
; *****Modified by Protopopius, Russia.*****
; ********* **************
; ************************************************
cmp al, [BANK_RW]
je .retsb
mov [BANK_RW], al
push ax
push dx
mov dx, 3CEh
mov ah, al ; Save value for later use
mov al, 10h ; Index GR10 (Address Mapping)
out dx, al ; Select GR10
inc dl
mov al, 3 ; Set bits 0 and 1 (Enable linear page mapping)
out dx, al ; Write value
dec dl
mov al, 11h ; Index GR11 (Page Selector)
out dx, al ; Select GR11
inc dl
mov al, ah ; Write address
out dx, al ; Write the value
pop dx
pop ax
end if
cmp al, [BANK_RW]
je .retsb
mov [BANK_RW], al
push ax
push dx
mov ah, al
mov dx, 0x03D4
mov al, 0x39
out dx, al
inc dl
mov al, 0xA5
out dx, al
dec dl
mov al, 6Ah
out dx, al
inc dl
mov al, ah
out dx, al
dec dl
mov al, 0x39
out dx, al
inc dl
mov al, 0x5A
out dx, al
dec dl
pop dx
pop ax
end if
call [_display.disable_mouse]
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
xor edx, edx
mov eax, dword[BgrDataWidth]
mov ebx, dword[BgrDataHeight]
mul ebx
mov ebx, 3
mul ebx
mov [imax], eax
mov eax, [draw_data+32+RECT.left]
mov ebx, []
xor edi, edi;no force
push eax
push ebx
cmp [BgrDrawMode], dword 1 ; tiled background
jne no_vesa12_tiled_bgr
push edx
xor edx, edx
div dword [BgrDataWidth]
push edx
mov eax, ebx
xor edx, edx
div dword [BgrDataHeight]
mov ebx, edx
pop eax
pop edx
cmp [BgrDrawMode], dword 2 ; stretched background
jne no_vesa12_stretched_bgr
push edx
mul dword [BgrDataWidth]
mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
inc ecx
div ecx
push eax
mov eax, ebx
mul dword [BgrDataHeight]
mov ecx, [Screen_Max_Y]
inc ecx
div ecx
mov ebx, eax
pop eax
pop edx
mov esi, ebx
imul esi, dword [BgrDataWidth]
add esi, eax
lea esi, [esi*3]
add esi, [img_background];IMG_BACKGROUND
pop ebx
pop eax
mov cl, [esi+2]
shl ecx, 16
mov cx, [esi]
mov esi, eax
mov edi, ebx
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
add eax, 1
mul ebx
add eax, [_WinMapAddress]
cmp [eax+esi], byte 1
jnz v12nbgp
mov eax, [BytesPerScanLine]
mov ebx, edi
mul ebx
add eax, esi
lea eax, [VGABasePtr+eax+esi*2]
cmp [ScreenBPP], byte 24
jz v12bgl3
add eax, esi
push ebx
push eax
sub eax, VGABasePtr
shr eax, 16
call set_bank
pop eax
and eax, 65535
add eax, VGABasePtr
pop ebx
mov [eax], cx
add eax, 2
shr ecx, 16
mov [eax], cl
add esi, 3
inc eax
cmp eax, [draw_data+32+RECT.right]
jg v12nodp31
jmp v12dp3
mov eax, [draw_data+32+RECT.left]
inc ebx
cmp ebx, [draw_data+32+RECT.bottom]
jg v12dp4
jmp v12dp3
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
call [_display.disable_mouse]
;; mov [novesachecksum],dword 0
sub edx, ebx
sub ecx, eax
push esi
push edi
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov ecx, [TASK_BASE]
add eax, []
add ebx, []
push eax
mov eax, ebx ; y
mov ebx, [BytesPerScanLine]
mul ebx
pop ecx
add eax, ecx ; x
add eax, ecx
add eax, ecx
cmp [ScreenBPP], byte 24; 24 or 32 bpp ? - x start
jz dbpi2412
add eax, ecx
add eax, VGABasePtr
mov edi, eax
; x size
mov eax, [esp+4]; [esp+6]
mov ecx, eax
add ecx, eax
add ecx, eax
cmp [ScreenBPP], byte 24; 24 or 32 bpp ? - x size
jz dbpi24312
add ecx, eax
mov ebx, [esp+0]
; check limits ?
push eax
push ecx
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov ecx, [eax+draw_data-CURRENT_TASK+RECT.left]
cmp ecx, 0
jnz dbcblimitlset12
mov ecx, []
cmp ecx, 0
jnz dbcblimitlset12
mov ecx, [eax+draw_data-CURRENT_TASK+RECT.right]
cmp ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
jnz dbcblimitlset12
mov ecx, [eax+draw_data-CURRENT_TASK+RECT.bottom]
cmp ecx, [Screen_Max_Y]
jnz dbcblimitlset12
pop ecx
pop eax
push dword 0
jmp dbcblimitlno12
pop ecx
pop eax
push dword 1
cmp [ScreenBPP], byte 24; 24 or 32 bpp ?
jz dbpi24bit12
jmp dbpi32bit12
push eax
push ebx
push edx
mov eax, ecx
mov ebx, 3
div ebx
mov ecx, eax
pop edx
pop ebx
pop eax
push ebx
push edi
push ecx
xor edx, edx
mov eax, edi
sub eax, VGABasePtr
mov ebx, 3
div ebx
add eax, [_WinMapAddress]
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov dl, [eax]
push eax
push ecx
cmp dl, bl
jnz dbimp24no12
cmp [esp+5*4], dword 0
jz dbimp24yes12
; call dbcplimit
; jnz dbimp24no12
push edi
mov eax, edi
sub eax, VGABasePtr
shr eax, 16
call set_bank
and edi, 0xffff
add edi, VGABasePtr
mov eax, [esp+8+3*4+16+4+4]
shr eax, 16
pop edi
add edi, 3
pop ecx
pop eax
inc eax
loop dbnp2412
jmp dbnp24d12
pop ecx
pop eax
add edi, 3
inc eax
loop dbnp2412
mov eax, [esp+3*4+16+4]
test eax, 0x80000000
jz nodbgl2412
cmp al, 0
jz nodbgl2412
dec eax
mov [esp+3*4+16+4], eax
pop ecx
pop edi
pop ebx
add edi, [BytesPerScanLine]
dec ebx
jz dbnonewpi12
jmp dbnewpi12
add esp, 7*4
shr ecx, 2
push ebx
push edi
push ecx
mov eax, edi
sub eax, VGABasePtr
shr eax, 2
add eax, [_WinMapAddress]
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov dl, [eax]
push eax
push ecx
cmp dl, bl
jnz dbimp32no12
cmp [esp+5*4], dword 0
jz dbimp32yes12
; call dbcplimit
; jnz dbimp32no12
push edi
mov eax, edi
sub eax, VGABasePtr
shr eax, 16
call set_bank
and edi, 0xffff
add edi, VGABasePtr
mov eax, [esp+8+3*4+16+4+4]
shr eax, 16
pop edi
add edi, 4
inc ebp
pop ecx
pop eax
inc eax
loop dbnp3212
jmp dbnp32d12
pop ecx
pop eax
inc eax
add edi, 4
inc ebp
loop dbnp3212
mov eax, [esp+12+16+4]
test eax, 0x80000000
jz nodbgl3212
cmp al, 0
jz nodbgl3212
dec eax
mov [esp+12+16+4], eax
pop ecx
pop edi
pop ebx
add edi, [BytesPerScanLine]
dec ebx
jz nodbnewpi3212
jmp dbnewpi3212
add esp, 7*4
mov edi, eax; x
mov eax, ebx; y
lea edi, [edi+edi*2]
mov ebx, [BytesPerScanLine]
mul ebx
add edi, eax
mov eax, edi
shr eax, 16
call set_bank
and edi, 65535
add edi, VGABasePtr
mov eax, [esp+28]
shr eax, 16
mov [edi], al
mov edi, eax; x
mov eax, ebx; y
shl edi, 2
mov ebx, [BytesPerScanLine]
mul ebx
add edi, eax
mov eax, edi
shr eax, 16
call set_bank
and edi, 65535
add edi, VGABasePtr
mov ecx, [esp+28]
mov [edi], ecx
mov edi, eax; x
mov eax, ebx; y
lea edi, [edi+edi*2]
mov ebx, [BytesPerScanLine]
mul ebx
add edi, eax
mov eax, edi
shr eax, 16
call set_bank
and edi, 65535
add edi, VGABasePtr
mov ecx, [edi]
and ecx, 255*256*256+255*256+255
mov edi, eax; x
mov eax, ebx; y
shl edi, 2
mov ebx, [BytesPerScanLine]
xor edx, edx
mul ebx
add edi, eax
mov eax, edi
shr eax, 16
call set_bank
and edi, 65535
add edi, VGABasePtr
mov ecx, [edi]
and ecx, 255*256*256+255*256+255
; ebx = pointer to image
; ecx = size [x|y]
; edx = coordinates [x|y]
; ebp = pointer to 'get' function
; esi = pointer to 'init' function
; edi = parameter for 'get' function
; mov ebx,image
; mov ecx,320*65536+240
; mov edx,20*65536+20
call [_display.disable_mouse]
mov [novesachecksum], dword 0
push esi
push edi
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
movzx eax, word [esp+2]
movzx ebx, word [esp+0]
mov ecx, [TASK_BASE]
add eax, []
add ebx, []
push eax
mov eax, ebx ; y
mul dword [BytesPerScanLine]
pop ecx
add eax, ecx ; x
add eax, ecx
add eax, ecx
cmp [ScreenBPP], byte 24; 24 or 32 bpp ? - x start
jz pi2412
add eax, ecx
add eax, VGABasePtr
mov edi, eax
; x size
movzx ecx, word [esp+6]
mov esi, [esp+8]
movzx ebx, word [esp+4]
; check limits while draw ?
push ecx
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
cmp dword [eax+draw_data-CURRENT_TASK+RECT.left], 0
jnz dbcblimitlset212
cmp dword [], 0
jnz dbcblimitlset212
mov ecx, [eax+draw_data-CURRENT_TASK+RECT.right]
cmp ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
jnz dbcblimitlset212
mov ecx, [eax+draw_data-CURRENT_TASK+RECT.bottom]
cmp ecx, [Screen_Max_Y]
jnz dbcblimitlset212
pop ecx
push 0
jmp dbcblimitlno212
pop ecx
push 1
cmp [ScreenBPP], byte 24; 24 or 32 bpp ?
jnz pi32bit12
push edi
push ecx
push ebx
mov edx, edi
sub edx, VGABasePtr
mov ebx, 3
div ebx
add edx, [_WinMapAddress]
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov bh, [esp+4*3]
cmp bl, [edx]
jnz imp24no12
; mov eax,[esi]
push dword [esp+4*3+20]
call ebp
; cmp bh,0
; jz imp24yes12
; call dbcplimit
; jnz imp24no12
push edi
push eax
mov eax, edi
sub eax, VGABasePtr
shr eax, 16
call set_bank
pop eax
and edi, 0xffff
add edi, VGABasePtr
mov [edi], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [edi+2], al
pop edi
inc edx
; add esi,3
add edi, 3
dec ecx
jnz np2412
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop edi
add edi, [BytesPerScanLine]
add esi, [esp+32]
cmp ebp, putimage_get1bpp
jz .correct
cmp ebp, putimage_get2bpp
jz .correct
cmp ebp, putimage_get4bpp
jnz @f
mov eax, [esp+20]
mov byte[eax], 80h
dec ebx
jnz newpi12
pop eax edx ecx ebx eax edi esi
xor eax, eax
push edi
push ecx
push ebx
mov edx, edi
sub edx, VGABasePtr
shr edx, 2
add edx, [_WinMapAddress]
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov bh, [esp+4*3]
cmp bl, [edx]
jnz imp32no12
; mov eax,[esi]
push dword [esp+4*3+20]
call ebp
; cmp bh,0
; jz imp32yes12
; call dbcplimit
; jnz imp32no12
push edi
push eax
mov eax, edi
sub eax, VGABasePtr
shr eax, 16
call set_bank
pop eax
and edi, 0xffff
mov [edi+VGABasePtr], eax
pop edi
inc edx
; add esi,3
add edi, 4
dec ecx
jnz np3212
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop edi
add edi, [BytesPerScanLine]
cmp ebp, putimage_get1bpp
jz .correct
cmp ebp, putimage_get2bpp
jz .correct
cmp ebp, putimage_get4bpp
jnz @f
mov eax, [esp+20]
mov byte[eax], 80h
dec ebx
jnz newpi3212
pop eax edx ecx ebx eax edi esi
xor eax, eax
and eax, 0x3FFFFF
cmp [ScreenBPP], byte 24; 24 or 32 bpp ?
jz v12rsp24
mov edi, eax
shl edi, 2
mov eax, edi
shr eax, 16
call set_bank
and edi, 65535
add edi, VGABasePtr
mov eax, [edi]
and eax, 0x00ffffff
imul eax, 3
mov edi, eax
shr eax, 16
call set_bank
and edi, 65535
add edi, VGABasePtr
mov eax, [edi]
and eax, 0x00ffffff
0,0 → 1,2150
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; VESA20.INC ;;
;; ;;
;; Vesa 2.0 functions for MenuetOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Copyright 2002 Ville Turjanmaa ;;
;; Alexey, ;;
;; - Voodoo compatible graphics ;;
;; Juan M. Caravaca ;;
;; - Graphics optimimizations eg. drawline ;;
;; ;;
;; See file COPYING for details ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3606 $
; If you're planning to write your own video driver I suggest
; you replace the VESA12.INC file and see those instructions.
;Screen_Max_X equ 0xfe00
;Screen_Max_Y equ 0xfe04
;BytesPerScanLine equ 0xfe08
;LFBAddress equ 0xfe80
;ScreenBPP equ 0xfbf1
; getpixel
; in:
; eax = x coordinate
; ebx = y coordinate
; ret:
; ecx = 00 RR GG BB
align 4
push eax ebx edx edi
call dword [GETPIXEL]
pop edi edx ebx eax
align 4
; eax = x
; ebx = y
; check for hardware cursor
cmp [_display.select_cursor], select_cursor
je @f
cmp [_display.select_cursor], 0
jne .no_mouseunder
align 4
; check mouse area for putpixel
test ecx, 0x04000000 ; don't load to mouseunder area
jnz .no_mouseunder
call [_display.check_m_pixel]
test ecx, ecx ;0xff000000
jnz @f
align 4
; imul ebx, [BytesPerScanLine] ; ebx = y * y multiplier
mov ebx, [BPSLine_calc_area+ebx*4]
lea edi, [eax+eax*2]; edi = x*3
add edi, ebx ; edi = x*3+(y*y multiplier)
mov ecx, [LFB_BASE+edi]
align 4
and ecx, 0xffffff
align 4
; check for hardware cursor
cmp [_display.select_cursor], select_cursor
je @f
cmp [_display.select_cursor], 0
jne .no_mouseunder
align 4
; check mouse area for putpixel
test ecx, 0x04000000 ; don't load to mouseunder area
jnz .no_mouseunder
call [_display.check_m_pixel]
test ecx, ecx ;0xff000000
jnz @f
align 4
; imul ebx, [BytesPerScanLine] ; ebx = y * y multiplier
mov ebx, [BPSLine_calc_area+ebx*4]
lea edi, [ebx+eax*4]; edi = x*4+(y*y multiplier)
mov ecx, [LFB_BASE+edi]
align 4
and ecx, 0xffffff
virtual at esp
.real_sx dd ?
.real_sy dd ?
.image_sx dd ?
.image_sy dd ?
.image_cx dd ?
.image_cy dd ?
.pti dd ?
.abs_cx dd ?
.abs_cy dd ?
.line_increment dd ?
.winmap_newline dd ?
.screen_newline dd ?
.real_sx_and_abs_cx dd ?
.real_sy_and_abs_cy dd ?
.stack_data = 4*14
.edi dd ?
.esi dd ?
.ebp dd ?
.esp dd ?
.ebx dd ?
.edx dd ?
.ecx dd ?
.eax dd ?
.ret_addr dd ?
.arg_0 dd ?
end virtual
align 16
; ebx = pointer
; ecx = size [x|y]
; edx = coordinates [x|y]
; ebp = pointer to 'get' function
; esi = pointer to 'init' function
; edi = parameter for 'get' function
sub esp, putimg.stack_data
; save pointer to image
mov [putimg.pti], ebx
; unpack the size
mov eax, ecx
and ecx, 0xFFFF
shr eax, 16
mov [putimg.image_sx], eax
mov [putimg.image_sy], ecx
; unpack the coordinates
mov eax, edx
and edx, 0xFFFF
shr eax, 16
mov [putimg.image_cx], eax
mov [putimg.image_cy], edx
; calculate absolute (i.e. screen) coordinates
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov ebx, [eax-twdw +]
add ebx, [putimg.image_cx]
mov [putimg.abs_cx], ebx
mov ebx, [eax-twdw +]
add ebx, [putimg.image_cy]
mov [putimg.abs_cy], ebx
; real_sx = MIN(wnd_sx-image_cx, image_sx);
mov ebx, [eax-twdw +]; ebx = wnd_sx
; \begin{diamond}[20.08.2006]
; note that is one pixel less than real window x-size
inc ebx
; \end{diamond}[20.08.2006]
sub ebx, [putimg.image_cx]
ja @f
add esp, putimg.stack_data
align 4
cmp ebx, [putimg.image_sx]
jbe .end_x
mov ebx, [putimg.image_sx]
align 4
mov [putimg.real_sx], ebx
; init real_sy
mov ebx, [eax-twdw +]; ebx = wnd_sy
; \begin{diamond}[20.08.2006]
inc ebx
; \end{diamond}[20.08.2006]
sub ebx, [putimg.image_cy]
ja @f
add esp, putimg.stack_data
align 4
cmp ebx, [putimg.image_sy]
jbe .end_y
mov ebx, [putimg.image_sy]
align 4
mov [putimg.real_sy], ebx
; line increment
mov eax, [putimg.image_sx]
mov ecx, [putimg.real_sx]
sub eax, ecx
;; imul eax, [putimg.source_bpp]
; lea eax, [eax + eax * 2]
call esi
add eax, [putimg.arg_0]
mov [putimg.line_increment], eax
; winmap new line increment
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
inc eax
sub eax, [putimg.real_sx]
mov [putimg.winmap_newline], eax
; screen new line increment
mov eax, [_display.pitch]
mov ebx, [_display.bpp]
shr ebx, 3
imul ecx, ebx
sub eax, ecx
mov [putimg.screen_newline], eax
; pointer to image
mov esi, [putimg.pti]
; pointer to screen
mov edx, [putimg.abs_cy]
; imul edx, [BytesPerScanLine]
mov edx, [BPSLine_calc_area+edx*4]
mov eax, [putimg.abs_cx]
; movzx ebx, byte [ScreenBPP]
; shr ebx, 3
imul eax, ebx
add edx, eax
; pointer to pixel map
mov eax, [putimg.abs_cy]
; imul eax, [Screen_Max_X]
; add eax, [putimg.abs_cy]
mov eax, [d_width_calc_area + eax*4]
add eax, [putimg.abs_cx]
add eax, [_WinMapAddress]
xchg eax, ebp
mov ecx, [putimg.real_sx]
add ecx, [putimg.abs_cx]
mov [putimg.real_sx_and_abs_cx], ecx
mov ecx, [putimg.real_sy]
add ecx, [putimg.abs_cy]
mov [putimg.real_sy_and_abs_cy], ecx
; get process number
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK]
cmp byte [_display.bpp], 32
je put_image_end_32
mov edi, [putimg.real_sy]
; check for hardware cursor
mov ecx, [_display.select_cursor]
cmp ecx, select_cursor
je put_image_end_24_new
cmp ecx, 0
je put_image_end_24_old
align 4
mov ecx, [putimg.real_sx]
align 4
push [putimg.edi]
mov eax, [putimg.ebp+4]
call eax
cmp [ebp], bl
jne .skip
; store to real LFB
mov [LFB_BASE+edx], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [LFB_BASE+edx+2], al
align 4
add edx, 3
inc ebp
dec ecx
jnz .new_x
add esi, [putimg.line_increment]
add edx, [putimg.screen_newline];[BytesPerScanLine]
add ebp, [putimg.winmap_newline];[Screen_Max_X]
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get1bpp
jz .correct
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get2bpp
jz .correct
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get4bpp
jnz @f
align 4
mov eax, [putimg.edi]
mov byte [eax], 80h
align 4
dec edi
jnz .new_line
align 4
add esp, putimg.stack_data
align 4
align 4
mov ecx, [putimg.real_sx]
align 4
push [putimg.edi]
mov eax, [putimg.ebp+4]
call eax
cmp [ebp], bl
jne .skip
push ecx
neg ecx
add ecx, [putimg.real_sx_and_abs_cx + 4]
shl ecx, 16
add ecx, [putimg.real_sy_and_abs_cy + 4]
sub ecx, edi
; check mouse area for putpixel
call check_mouse_area_for_putpixel
pop ecx
; store to real LFB
mov [LFB_BASE+edx], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [LFB_BASE+edx+2], al
align 4
add edx, 3
inc ebp
dec ecx
jnz .new_x
add esi, [putimg.line_increment]
add edx, [putimg.screen_newline];[BytesPerScanLine]
add ebp, [putimg.winmap_newline];[Screen_Max_X]
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get1bpp
jz .correct
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get2bpp
jz .correct
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get4bpp
jnz @f
align 4
mov eax, [putimg.edi]
mov byte [eax], 80h
align 4
dec edi
jnz .new_line
jmp put_image_end_24.finish
align 4
align 4
mov ecx, [putimg.real_sx]
align 4
push [putimg.edi]
mov eax, [putimg.ebp+4]
call eax
cmp [ebp], bl
jne .skip
push ecx
align 4
neg ecx
add ecx, [putimg.real_sx_and_abs_cx + 4]
; check for X
cmp cx, [X_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_x_add_curh]
jae .no_mouse_area
sub cx, [X_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_x]
jb .no_mouse_area
shl ecx, 16
add ecx, [putimg.real_sy_and_abs_cy + 4]
sub ecx, edi
; check for Y
cmp cx, [Y_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_y_add_curh]
jae .no_mouse_area
sub cx, [Y_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_y]
jb .no_mouse_area
; check mouse area for putpixel
call check_mouse_area_for_putpixel_new.1
cmp ecx, -1 ;SHIT HAPPENS?
jne .no_mouse_area
mov ecx, [esp]
jmp .sh
align 4
pop ecx
; store to real LFB
mov [LFB_BASE+edx], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [LFB_BASE+edx+2], al
align 4
add edx, 3
inc ebp
dec ecx
jnz .new_x
add esi, [putimg.line_increment]
add edx, [putimg.screen_newline];[BytesPerScanLine]
add ebp, [putimg.winmap_newline];[Screen_Max_X]
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get1bpp
jz .correct
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get2bpp
jz .correct
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get4bpp
jnz @f
align 4
mov eax, [putimg.edi]
mov byte [eax], 80h
align 4
dec edi
jnz .new_line
jmp put_image_end_24.finish
align 4
mov edi, [putimg.real_sy]
; check for hardware cursor
mov ecx, [_display.select_cursor]
cmp ecx, select_cursor
je put_image_end_32_new
cmp ecx, 0
je put_image_end_32_old
align 4
mov ecx, [putimg.real_sx]
align 4
push [putimg.edi]
mov eax, [putimg.ebp+4]
call eax
cmp [ebp], bl
jne .skip
; store to real LFB
mov [LFB_BASE+edx], eax
align 4
add edx, 4
inc ebp
dec ecx
jnz .new_x
add esi, [putimg.line_increment]
add edx, [putimg.screen_newline];[BytesPerScanLine]
add ebp, [putimg.winmap_newline];[Screen_Max_X]
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get1bpp
jz .correct
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get2bpp
jz .correct
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get4bpp
jnz @f
align 4
mov eax, [putimg.edi]
mov byte [eax], 80h
align 4
dec edi
jnz .new_line
align 4
add esp, putimg.stack_data
cmp [SCR_MODE], 0x12
jne @f
call VGA__putimage
align 4
mov [EGA_counter], 1
align 4
align 4
mov ecx, [putimg.real_sx]
align 4
push [putimg.edi]
mov eax, [putimg.ebp+4]
call eax
cmp [ebp], bl
jne .skip
push ecx
neg ecx
add ecx, [putimg.real_sx_and_abs_cx + 4]
shl ecx, 16
add ecx, [putimg.real_sy_and_abs_cy + 4]
sub ecx, edi
; check mouse area for putpixel
call check_mouse_area_for_putpixel
pop ecx
; store to real LFB
mov [LFB_BASE+edx], eax
align 4
add edx, 4
inc ebp
dec ecx
jnz .new_x
add esi, [putimg.line_increment]
add edx, [putimg.screen_newline];[BytesPerScanLine]
add ebp, [putimg.winmap_newline];[Screen_Max_X]
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get1bpp
jz .correct
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get2bpp
jz .correct
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get4bpp
jnz @f
align 4
mov eax, [putimg.edi]
mov byte [eax], 80h
align 4
dec edi
jnz .new_line
jmp put_image_end_32.finish
align 4
align 4
mov ecx, [putimg.real_sx]
align 4
push [putimg.edi]
mov eax, [putimg.ebp+4]
call eax
cmp [ebp], bl
jne .skip
push ecx
align 4
neg ecx
add ecx, [putimg.real_sx_and_abs_cx + 4]
; check for X
cmp cx, [X_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_x_add_curh]
jae .no_mouse_area
sub cx, [X_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_x]
jb .no_mouse_area
shl ecx, 16
add ecx, [putimg.real_sy_and_abs_cy + 4]
sub ecx, edi
; check for Y
cmp cx, [Y_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_y_add_curh]
jae .no_mouse_area
sub cx, [Y_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_y]
jb .no_mouse_area
; check mouse area for putpixel
call check_mouse_area_for_putpixel_new.1
cmp ecx, -1 ;SHIT HAPPENS?
jne .no_mouse_area
mov ecx, [esp]
jmp .sh
align 4
pop ecx
; store to real LFB
mov [LFB_BASE+edx], eax
align 4
add edx, 4
inc ebp
dec ecx
jnz .new_x
add esi, [putimg.line_increment]
add edx, [putimg.screen_newline];[BytesPerScanLine]
add ebp, [putimg.winmap_newline];[Screen_Max_X]
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get1bpp
jz .correct
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get2bpp
jz .correct
cmp [putimg.ebp], putimage_get4bpp
jnz @f
align 4
mov eax, [putimg.edi]
mov byte [eax], 80h
align 4
dec edi
jnz .new_line
jmp put_image_end_32.finish
align 4
; eax = x coordinate
; ebx = y coordinate
; ecx = ?? RR GG BB ; 0x01000000 negation
; 0x02000000 used for draw_rectangle without top line
; for example drawwindow_III and drawwindow_IV
; edi = 0x00000001 force
;;; mov [novesachecksum], dword 0
cmp [Screen_Max_X], eax
jb .exit
cmp [Screen_Max_Y], ebx
jb .exit
test edi, 1 ; force ?
jnz .forced
; not forced:
mov edx, [d_width_calc_area + ebx*4]
add edx, [_WinMapAddress]
movzx edx, byte [eax+edx]
cmp edx, [CURRENT_TASK]
jne .exit
align 4
; check if negation
test ecx, 0x01000000
jz .noneg
call getpixel
not ecx
rol ecx, 8
mov cl, [esp+32-8+3]
ror ecx, 8
mov [esp+32-8], ecx
align 4
; OK to set pixel
call dword [PUTPIXEL]; call the real put_pixel function
align 4
align 4
; eax = x
; ebx = y
mov ecx, eax
shl ecx, 16
mov cx, bx
; imul ebx, [BytesPerScanLine] ; ebx = y * y multiplier
mov ebx, [BPSLine_calc_area+ebx*4]
lea edi, [eax+eax*2]; edi = x*3
mov eax, [esp+32-8+4]
; check for hardware cursor
cmp [_display.select_cursor], 0
jne @f
; check mouse area for putpixel
test eax, 0x04000000
jnz @f
call check_mouse_area_for_putpixel
align 4
; store to real LFB
mov [LFB_BASE+ebx+edi], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [LFB_BASE+ebx+edi+2], al
align 4
; eax = x
; ebx = y
mov ecx, eax
shl ecx, 16
mov cx, bx
; imul ebx, [BytesPerScanLine] ; ebx = y * y multiplier
mov ebx, [BPSLine_calc_area+ebx*4]
lea edi, [eax+eax*2]; edi = x*3
mov eax, [esp+32-8+4]
; check for hardware cursor
cmp [_display.select_cursor], select_cursor
jne @f
; check mouse area for putpixel
test eax, 0x04000000
jnz @f
; check for Y
cmp cx, [Y_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_y_add_curh]
jae @f
sub cx, [Y_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_y]
jb @f
rol ecx, 16
; check for X
cmp cx, [X_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_x_add_curh]
jae @f
sub cx, [X_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_x]
jb @f
ror ecx, 16
call check_mouse_area_for_putpixel_new.1
align 4
; store to real LFB
mov [LFB_BASE+ebx+edi], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [LFB_BASE+ebx+edi+2], al
align 4
; eax = x
; ebx = y
mov ecx, eax
shl ecx, 16
mov cx, bx
; imul ebx, [BytesPerScanLine] ; ebx = y * y multiplier
mov ebx, [BPSLine_calc_area+ebx*4]
lea edi, [ebx+eax*4]; edi = x*4+(y*y multiplier)
mov eax, [esp+32-8+4]; eax = color
; check for hardware cursor
cmp [_display.select_cursor], 0
jne @f
; check mouse area for putpixel
test eax, 0x04000000
jnz @f
call check_mouse_area_for_putpixel
align 4
and eax, 0xffffff
; store to real LFB
mov [LFB_BASE+edi], eax
align 4
; eax = x
; ebx = y
mov ecx, eax
shl ecx, 16
mov cx, bx
; imul ebx, [BytesPerScanLine] ; ebx = y * y multiplier
mov ebx, [BPSLine_calc_area+ebx*4]
lea edi, [ebx+eax*4]; edi = x*4+(y*y multiplier)
mov eax, [esp+32-8+4]; eax = color
; check for hardware cursor
cmp [_display.select_cursor], select_cursor
jne @f
; check mouse area for putpixel
test eax, 0x04000000
jnz @f
; check for Y
cmp cx, [Y_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_y_add_curh]
jae @f
sub cx, [Y_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_y]
jb @f
rol ecx, 16
; check for X
cmp cx, [X_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_x_add_curh]
jae @f
sub cx, [X_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_x]
jb @f
ror ecx, 16
call check_mouse_area_for_putpixel_new.1
align 4
and eax, 0xffffff
; store to real LFB
mov [LFB_BASE+edi], eax
align 4
; mov edi, ebx
; imul edi, [Screen_Max_X]
; add edi, ebx
mov edi, [d_width_calc_area + ebx*4]
add edi, eax
align 4
; draw a line
; eax = HIWORD = x1
; LOWORD = x2
; ebx = HIWORD = y1
; LOWORD = y2
; ecx = color
; edi = force ?
dl_x1 equ esp+20
dl_y1 equ esp+16
dl_x2 equ esp+12
dl_y2 equ esp+8
dl_dx equ esp+4
dl_dy equ esp+0
xor edx, edx ; clear edx
xor esi, esi ; unpack arguments
xor ebp, ebp
mov si, ax ; esi = x2
mov bp, bx ; ebp = y2
shr eax, 16 ; eax = x1
shr ebx, 16 ; ebx = y1
push eax ; save x1
push ebx ; save y1
push esi ; save x2
push ebp ; save y2
; checking x-axis...
sub esi, eax ; esi = x2-x1
push esi ; save y2-y1
jl .x2lx1 ; is x2 less than x1 ?
jg .no_vline ; x1 > x2 ?
mov edx, ebp ; else (if x1=x2)
call vline
push edx ; necessary to rightly restore stack frame at .exit
jmp .exit
align 4
neg esi ; get esi absolute value
align 4
; checking y-axis...
sub ebp, ebx ; ebp = y2-y1
push ebp ; save y2-y1
jl .y2ly1 ; is y2 less than y1 ?
jg .no_hline ; y1 > y2 ?
mov edx, [dl_x2]; else (if y1=y2)
call hline
jmp .exit
align 4
neg ebp ; get ebp absolute value
align 4
cmp ebp, esi
jle .x_rules ; |y2-y1| < |x2-x1| ?
cmp [dl_y2], ebx; make sure y1 is at the begining
jge .no_reverse1
neg dword [dl_dx]
mov edx, [dl_x2]
mov [dl_x2], eax
mov [dl_x1], edx
mov edx, [dl_y2]
mov [dl_y2], ebx
mov [dl_y1], edx
align 4
mov eax, [dl_dx]
cdq ; extend eax sing to edx
shl eax, 16 ; using 16bit fix-point maths
idiv ebp ; eax = ((x2-x1)*65536)/(y2-y1)
; correction for the remainder of the division
shl edx, 1
cmp ebp, edx
jb @f
inc eax
align 4
mov edx, ebp ; edx = counter (number of pixels to draw)
mov ebp, 1 *65536; <<16 ; ebp = dy = 1.0
mov esi, eax ; esi = dx
jmp .y_rules
align 4
cmp [dl_x2], eax ; make sure x1 is at the begining
jge .no_reverse2
neg dword [dl_dy]
mov edx, [dl_x2]
mov [dl_x2], eax
mov [dl_x1], edx
mov edx, [dl_y2]
mov [dl_y2], ebx
mov [dl_y1], edx
align 4
xor edx, edx
mov eax, [dl_dy]
cdq ; extend eax sing to edx
shl eax, 16 ; using 16bit fix-point maths
idiv esi ; eax = ((y2-y1)*65536)/(x2-x1)
; correction for the remainder of the division
shl edx, 1
cmp esi, edx
jb @f
inc eax
align 4
mov edx, esi ; edx = counter (number of pixels to draw)
mov esi, 1 *65536;<< 16 ; esi = dx = 1.0
mov ebp, eax ; ebp = dy
align 4
mov eax, [dl_x1]
mov ebx, [dl_y1]
shl eax, 16
shl ebx, 16
and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 save to mouseunder area
align 4
push eax ebx
; correction for the remainder of the division
test ah, 0x80
jz @f
add eax, 1 shl 16
align 4
shr eax, 16
; correction for the remainder of the division
test bh, 0x80
jz @f
add ebx, 1 shl 16
align 4
shr ebx, 16
; and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 save to mouseunder area
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
pop ebx eax
add ebx, ebp ; y = y+dy
add eax, esi ; x = x+dx
dec edx
jnz .draw
; force last drawn pixel to be at (x2,y2)
mov eax, [dl_x2]
mov ebx, [dl_y2]
; and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 save to mouseunder area
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
align 4
add esp, 6*4
; call [draw_pointer]
align 4
; draw an horizontal line
; eax = x1
; edx = x2
; ebx = y
; ecx = color
; edi = force ?
push eax edx
cmp edx, eax ; make sure x2 is above x1
jge @f
xchg eax, edx
align 4
and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 save to mouseunder area
align 4
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
inc eax
cmp eax, edx
jle @b
pop edx eax
align 4
; draw a vertical line
; eax = x
; ebx = y1
; edx = y2
; ecx = color
; edi = force ?
push ebx edx
cmp edx, ebx ; make sure y2 is above y1
jge @f
xchg ebx, edx
align 4
and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 save to mouseunder area
align 4
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
inc ebx
cmp ebx, edx
jle @b
pop edx ebx
align 4
virtual at esp
.bar_sx dd ?
.bar_sy dd ?
.bar_cx dd ?
.bar_cy dd ?
.abs_cx dd ?
.abs_cy dd ?
.real_sx dd ?
.real_sy dd ?
.color dd ?
.line_inc_scr dd ?
.line_inc_map dd ?
.real_sx_and_abs_cx dd ?
.real_sy_and_abs_cy dd ?
.stack_data = 4*13
end virtual
align 4
; eax cx
; ebx cy
; ecx xe
; edx ye
; edi color
sub esp, drbar.stack_data
mov [drbar.color], edi
sub edx, ebx
jle .exit ;// mike.dld, 2005-01-29
sub ecx, eax
jle .exit ;// mike.dld, 2005-01-29
mov [drbar.bar_sy], edx
mov [drbar.bar_sx], ecx
mov [drbar.bar_cx], eax
mov [drbar.bar_cy], ebx
mov edi, [TASK_BASE]
add eax, [edi-twdw +]; win_cx
add ebx, [edi-twdw +]; win_cy
mov [drbar.abs_cx], eax
mov [drbar.abs_cy], ebx
; real_sx = MIN(wnd_sx-bar_cx, bar_sx);
mov ebx, [edi-twdw +]; ebx = wnd_sx
; \begin{diamond}[20.08.2006]
; note that is one pixel less than real window x-size
inc ebx
; \end{diamond}[20.08.2006]
sub ebx, [drbar.bar_cx]
ja @f
align 4
.exit: ;// mike.dld, 2005-01-29
add esp, drbar.stack_data
xor eax, eax
inc eax
align 4
cmp ebx, [drbar.bar_sx]
jbe .end_x
mov ebx, [drbar.bar_sx]
align 4
mov [drbar.real_sx], ebx
; real_sy = MIN(wnd_sy-bar_cy, bar_sy);
mov ebx, [edi-twdw +]; ebx = wnd_sy
; \begin{diamond}[20.08.2006]
inc ebx
; \end{diamond}
sub ebx, [drbar.bar_cy]
ja @f
add esp, drbar.stack_data
xor eax, eax
inc eax
align 4
cmp ebx, [drbar.bar_sy]
jbe .end_y
mov ebx, [drbar.bar_sy]
align 4
mov [drbar.real_sy], ebx
; line_inc_map
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
sub eax, [drbar.real_sx]
inc eax
mov [drbar.line_inc_map], eax
; line_inc_scr
mov eax, [drbar.real_sx]
mov ebx, [_display.bpp]
shr ebx, 3
imul eax, ebx
neg eax
add eax, [_display.pitch]
mov [drbar.line_inc_scr], eax
; pointer to screen
mov edx, [drbar.abs_cy]
; imul edx, [BytesPerScanLine]
mov edx, [BPSLine_calc_area+edx*4]
mov eax, [drbar.abs_cx]
imul eax, ebx
add edx, eax
; pointer to pixel map
mov eax, [drbar.abs_cy]
; imul eax, [Screen_Max_X]
; add eax, [drbar.abs_cy]
mov eax, [d_width_calc_area + eax*4]
add eax, [drbar.abs_cx]
add eax, [_WinMapAddress]
xchg eax, ebp
mov ebx, [drbar.real_sx]
add ebx, [drbar.abs_cx]
mov [drbar.real_sx_and_abs_cx], ebx
mov ebx, [drbar.real_sy]
add ebx, [drbar.abs_cy]
mov [drbar.real_sy_and_abs_cy], ebx
add edx, LFB_BASE
; get process number
mov ebx, [CURRENT_TASK] ; bl - process num
mov esi, [drbar.real_sy]
mov eax, [drbar.color] ; BBGGRR00
rol eax, 8
mov bh, al ; 0x80 drawing gradient bars
ror eax, 8
cmp byte [_display.bpp], 24
jne draw_bar_end_32
align 4
; eax - color high RRGGBB
; bl - process num
; ecx - temp
; edx - pointer to screen
; esi - counter
; edi - counter
; check for hardware cursor
mov ecx, [_display.select_cursor]
cmp ecx, select_cursor
je draw_bar_end_24_new
cmp ecx, 0
je draw_bar_end_24_old
align 4
mov edi, [drbar.real_sx]
align 4
cmp byte [ebp], bl
jne .skip
; store to real LFB
mov [edx], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [edx + 2], al
align 4
; add pixel
add edx, 3
inc ebp
dec edi
jnz .new_x
; add line
add edx, [drbar.line_inc_scr]
add ebp, [drbar.line_inc_map]
; drawing gradient bars
test bh, 0x80
jz @f
test al, al
jz @f
dec al
align 4
dec esi
jnz .new_y
align 4
add esp, drbar.stack_data
xor eax, eax
align 4
align 4
mov edi, [drbar.real_sx]
align 4
cmp byte [ebp], bl
jne .skip
mov ecx, [drbar.real_sx_and_abs_cx]
sub ecx, edi
shl ecx, 16
add ecx, [drbar.real_sy_and_abs_cy]
sub ecx, esi
; check mouse area for putpixel
call check_mouse_area_for_putpixel
; store to real LFB
mov [edx], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [edx + 2], al
mov eax, [drbar.color]
align 4
; add pixel
add edx, 3
inc ebp
dec edi
jnz .new_x
; add line
add edx, [drbar.line_inc_scr]
add ebp, [drbar.line_inc_map]
; drawing gradient bars
test bh, 0x80
jz @f
test al, al
jz @f
dec al
align 4
dec esi
jnz .new_y
jmp draw_bar_end_24.end
align 4
align 4
mov edi, [drbar.real_sx]
align 4
cmp byte [ebp], bl
jne .skip
mov ecx, [drbar.real_sy_and_abs_cy]
sub ecx, esi
; check for Y
cmp cx, [Y_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_y_add_curh]
jae .no_mouse_area
sub cx, [Y_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_y]
jb .no_mouse_area
rol ecx, 16
add ecx, [drbar.real_sx_and_abs_cx]
sub ecx, edi
; check for X
cmp cx, [X_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_x_add_curh]
jae .no_mouse_area
sub cx, [X_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_x]
jb .no_mouse_area
ror ecx, 16
; check mouse area for putpixel
push eax
call check_mouse_area_for_putpixel_new.1
mov [edx], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [edx + 2], al
pop eax
jmp .skip
; store to real LFB
align 4
mov [edx], ax
ror eax, 16
mov [edx + 2], al
rol eax, 16
align 4
; add pixel
add edx, 3
inc ebp
dec edi
jnz .new_x
; add line
add edx, [drbar.line_inc_scr]
add ebp, [drbar.line_inc_map]
; drawing gradient bars
test bh, 0x80
jz @f
test al, al
jz @f
dec al
align 4
dec esi
jnz .new_y
jmp draw_bar_end_24.end
align 4
; eax - color high RRGGBB
; bl - process num
; ecx - temp
; edx - pointer to screen
; esi - counter
; edi - counter
; check for hardware cursor
mov ecx, [_display.select_cursor]
cmp ecx, select_cursor
je draw_bar_end_32_new
cmp ecx, 0
je draw_bar_end_32_old
align 4
mov edi, [drbar.real_sx]
align 4
cmp byte [ebp], bl
jne .skip
; store to real LFB
mov [edx], eax
mov eax, [drbar.color]
align 4
; add pixel
add edx, 4
inc ebp
dec edi
jnz .new_x
; add line
add edx, [drbar.line_inc_scr]
add ebp, [drbar.line_inc_map]
; drawing gradient bars
test bh, 0x80
jz @f
test al, al
jz @f
dec al
align 4
dec esi
jnz .new_y
align 4
add esp, drbar.stack_data
cmp [SCR_MODE], 0x12
jne @f
call VGA_draw_bar
align 4
xor eax, eax
mov [EGA_counter], 1
align 4
align 4
mov edi, [drbar.real_sx]
align 4
cmp byte [ebp], bl
jne .skip
mov ecx, [drbar.real_sx_and_abs_cx]
sub ecx, edi
shl ecx, 16
add ecx, [drbar.real_sy_and_abs_cy]
sub ecx, esi
; check mouse area for putpixel
call check_mouse_area_for_putpixel
; store to real LFB
mov [edx], eax
mov eax, [drbar.color]
align 4
; add pixel
add edx, 4
inc ebp
dec edi
jnz .new_x
; add line
add edx, [drbar.line_inc_scr]
add ebp, [drbar.line_inc_map]
; drawing gradient bars
test bh, 0x80
jz @f
test al, al
jz @f
dec al
align 4
dec esi
jnz .new_y
jmp draw_bar_end_32.end
align 4
align 4
mov edi, [drbar.real_sx]
align 4
cmp byte [ebp], bl
jne .skip
mov ecx, [drbar.real_sy_and_abs_cy]
sub ecx, esi
; check for Y
cmp cx, [Y_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_y_add_curh]
jae .no_mouse_area
sub cx, [Y_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_y]
jb .no_mouse_area
rol ecx, 16
add ecx, [drbar.real_sx_and_abs_cx]
sub ecx, edi
; check for X
cmp cx, [X_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_x_add_curh]
jae .no_mouse_area
sub cx, [X_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_x]
jb .no_mouse_area
ror ecx, 16
; check mouse area for putpixel
push eax
call check_mouse_area_for_putpixel_new.1
mov [edx], eax
pop eax
jmp .skip
; store to real LFB
align 4
mov [edx], eax
align 4
; add pixel
add edx, 4
inc ebp
dec edi
jnz .new_x
; add line
add edx, [drbar.line_inc_scr]
add ebp, [drbar.line_inc_map]
; drawing gradient bars
test bh, 0x80
jz @f
test al, al
jz @f
dec al
align 4
dec esi
jnz .new_y
jmp draw_bar_end_32.end
align 4
; External loop for all y from start to end
mov ebx, [] ; y start
align 4
mov ebp, [draw_data+32+RECT.left] ; x start
; 1) Calculate pointers in WinMapAddress (does pixel belong to OS thread?) [ebp]
; and LFB data (output for our function) [edi]
; mov eax, [BytesPerScanLine]
; mul ebx
mov eax, [BPSLine_calc_area+ebx*4]
xchg ebp, eax
add ebp, eax
add ebp, eax
add ebp, eax
cmp byte [_display.bpp], 24 ; 24 or 32 bpp ? - x size
jz @f
add ebp, eax
align 4
add ebp, LFB_BASE
; ebp:=Y*BytesPerScanLine+X*BytesPerPixel+AddrLFB
call calculate_edi
xchg edi, ebp
add ebp, [_WinMapAddress]
; Now eax=x, ebx=y, edi->output, ebp=offset in WinMapAddress
; 2) Calculate offset in background memory block
push eax
xor edx, edx
mov eax, ebx
div dword [BgrDataHeight] ; edx := y mod BgrDataHeight
pop eax
push eax
mov ecx, [BgrDataWidth]
mov esi, edx
imul esi, ecx ; esi := (y mod BgrDataHeight) * BgrDataWidth
xor edx, edx
div ecx ; edx := x mod BgrDataWidth
sub ecx, edx
add esi, edx ; esi := (y mod BgrDataHeight)*BgrDataWidth + (x mod BgrDataWidth)
pop eax
lea esi, [esi*3]
add esi, [img_background]
xor edx, edx
inc edx
; 3) Loop through redraw rectangle and copy background data
; Registers meaning:
; eax = x, ebx = y (screen coordinates)
; ecx = deltax - number of pixels left in current tile block
; edx = 1
; esi -> bgr memory, edi -> output
; ebp = offset in WinMapAddress
align 4
cmp [ebp], dl
jnz nbgp
push eax ecx
mov ecx, eax
shl ecx, 16
add ecx, ebx
mov eax, [esi]
; check for hardware cursor
cmp [_display.select_cursor], select_cursor
je @f
cmp [_display.select_cursor], 0
jne .no_mouseunder
align 4
and eax, 0xffffff
; check mouse area for putpixel
call [_display.check_mouse]
align 4
; store to real LFB
mov [edi], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [edi+2], al
pop ecx eax
align 4
add esi, 3
add edi, 3
align 4
cmp byte [_display.bpp], 25 ; 24 or 32 bpp?
sbb edi, -1 ; +1 for 32 bpp
; I do not use 'inc eax' because this is slightly slower then 'add eax,1'
add ebp, edx
add eax, edx
cmp eax, [draw_data+32+RECT.right]
ja dp4
sub ecx, edx
jnz dp3
; next tile block on x-axis
mov ecx, [BgrDataWidth]
sub esi, ecx
sub esi, ecx
sub esi, ecx
jmp dp3
align 4
; next scan line
inc ebx
cmp ebx, [draw_data+32+RECT.bottom]
jbe dp2
mov [EGA_counter], 1
cmp [SCR_MODE], 0x12
jne @f
call VGA_drawbackground
align 4
align 4
; Helper variables
; calculate 2^32*(BgrDataWidth-1) mod (ScreenWidth-1)
mov eax, [BgrDataWidth]
dec eax
xor edx, edx
div dword [Screen_Max_X]
push eax ; high
xor eax, eax
div dword [Screen_Max_X]
push eax ; low
; the same for height
mov eax, [BgrDataHeight]
dec eax
xor edx, edx
div dword [Screen_Max_Y]
push eax ; high
xor eax, eax
div dword [Screen_Max_Y]
push eax ; low
; External loop for all y from start to end
mov ebx, [] ; y start
mov ebp, [draw_data+32+RECT.left] ; x start
; 1) Calculate pointers in WinMapAddress (does pixel belong to OS thread?) [ebp]
; and LFB data (output for our function) [edi]
; mov eax, [BytesPerScanLine]
; mul ebx
mov eax, [BPSLine_calc_area+ebx*4]
xchg ebp, eax
add ebp, eax
add ebp, eax
add ebp, eax
cmp byte [_display.bpp], 24 ; 24 or 32 bpp ? - x size
jz @f
add ebp, eax
align 4
; ebp:=Y*BytesPerScanLine+X*BytesPerPixel+AddrLFB
call calculate_edi
xchg edi, ebp
; Now eax=x, ebx=y, edi->output, ebp=offset in WinMapAddress
push ebx
push eax
; 2) Calculate offset in background memory block
mov eax, ebx
imul ebx, dword [esp+12]
mul dword [esp+8]
add edx, ebx ; edx:eax = y * 2^32*(BgrDataHeight-1)/(ScreenHeight-1)
mov esi, edx
imul esi, [BgrDataWidth]
push edx
push eax
mov eax, [esp+8]
mul dword [esp+28]
push eax
mov eax, [esp+12]
mul dword [esp+28]
add [esp], edx
pop edx ; edx:eax = x * 2^32*(BgrDataWidth-1)/(ScreenWidth-1)
add esi, edx
lea esi, [esi*3]
add esi, [img_background]
push eax
push edx
push esi
; 3) Smooth horizontal
align 4
mov ecx, [esp+8]
mov edx, [esp+4]
mov esi, [esp]
push edi
mov edi, bgr_cur_line
call smooth_line
align 4
mov eax, [esp+16+4]
inc eax
cmp eax, [BgrDataHeight]
jae bgr.no2nd
mov ecx, [esp+8+4]
mov edx, [esp+4+4]
mov esi, [esp+4]
add esi, [BgrDataWidth]
add esi, [BgrDataWidth]
add esi, [BgrDataWidth]
mov edi, bgr_next_line
call smooth_line
align 4
pop edi
align 4
xor esi, esi
mov ecx, [esp+12]
; 4) Loop through redraw rectangle and copy background data
; Registers meaning:
; esi = offset in current line, edi -> output
; ebp = offset in WinMapAddress
; dword [esp] = offset in bgr data
; qword [esp+4] = x * 2^32 * (BgrDataWidth-1) / (ScreenWidth-1)
; qword [esp+12] = y * 2^32 * (BgrDataHeight-1) / (ScreenHeight-1)
; dword [esp+20] = x
; dword [esp+24] = y
; precalculated constants:
; qword [esp+28] = 2^32*(BgrDataHeight-1)/(ScreenHeight-1)
; qword [esp+36] = 2^32*(BgrDataWidth-1)/(ScreenWidth-1)
align 4
mov eax, [_WinMapAddress]
cmp [ebp+eax], byte 1
jnz snbgp
mov eax, [bgr_cur_line+esi]
test ecx, ecx
jz .novert
mov ebx, [bgr_next_line+esi]
call [overlapping_of_points_ptr]
align 4
push ecx
; check for hardware cursor
cmp [_display.select_cursor], select_cursor
je @f
cmp [_display.select_cursor], 0
jne .no_mouseunder
align 4
mov ecx, [esp+20+4] ;x
shl ecx, 16
add ecx, [esp+24+4] ;y
; check mouse area for putpixel
call [_display.check_mouse]
align 4
; store to real LFB
mov [LFB_BASE+edi], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [LFB_BASE+edi+2], al
pop ecx
align 4
cmp byte [_display.bpp], 25
sbb edi, -4
add ebp, 1
mov eax, [esp+20]
add eax, 1
mov [esp+20], eax
add esi, 4
cmp eax, [draw_data+32+RECT.right]
jbe sdp3a
align 4
; next y
mov ebx, [esp+24]
add ebx, 1
mov [esp+24], ebx
cmp ebx, [draw_data+32+RECT.bottom]
ja sdpdone
; advance edi, ebp to next scan line
sub eax, [draw_data+32+RECT.left]
sub ebp, eax
add ebp, [Screen_Max_X]
add ebp, 1
sub edi, eax
sub edi, eax
sub edi, eax
cmp byte [_display.bpp], 24
jz @f
sub edi, eax
align 4
add edi, [_display.pitch]
; restore ecx,edx; advance esi to next background line
mov eax, [esp+28]
mov ebx, [esp+32]
add [esp+12], eax
mov eax, [esp+16]
adc [esp+16], ebx
sub eax, [esp+16]
mov ebx, eax
lea eax, [eax*3]
imul eax, [BgrDataWidth]
sub [esp], eax
mov eax, [draw_data+32+RECT.left]
mov [esp+20], eax
test ebx, ebx
jz sdp3
cmp ebx, -1
jnz bgr_resmooth0
push edi
mov esi, bgr_next_line
mov edi, bgr_cur_line
mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
inc ecx
rep movsd
jmp bgr_resmooth1
align 4
add esp, 44
mov [EGA_counter], 1
cmp [SCR_MODE], 0x12
jne @f
call VGA_drawbackground
align 4
align 4
bgr_cur_line rd 1920 ; maximum width of screen
bgr_next_line rd 1920
align 4
mov al, [esi+2]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, [esi]
test ecx, ecx
jz @f
mov ebx, [esi+2]
shr ebx, 8
call [overlapping_of_points_ptr]
align 4
mov eax, [esp+20+8]
add eax, 1
mov [esp+20+8], eax
cmp eax, [draw_data+32+RECT.right]
ja @f
add ecx, [esp+36+8]
mov eax, edx
adc edx, [esp+40+8]
sub eax, edx
lea eax, [eax*3]
sub esi, eax
jmp smooth_line
align 4
mov eax, [draw_data+32+RECT.left]
mov [esp+20+8], eax
align 16
if 0
; this version of procedure works, but is slower than next version
push ecx edx
mov edx, eax
push esi
shr ecx, 24
mov esi, ecx
mov ecx, ebx
movzx ebx, dl
movzx eax, cl
sub eax, ebx
movzx ebx, dh
imul eax, esi
add dl, ah
movzx eax, ch
sub eax, ebx
imul eax, esi
add dh, ah
ror ecx, 16
ror edx, 16
movzx eax, cl
movzx ebx, dl
sub eax, ebx
imul eax, esi
pop esi
add dl, ah
mov eax, edx
pop edx
ror eax, 16
pop ecx
push ecx edx
mov edx, eax
push esi
shr ecx, 26
mov esi, ecx
mov ecx, ebx
shl esi, 9
movzx ebx, dl
movzx eax, cl
sub eax, ebx
movzx ebx, dh
add dl, [BgrAuxTable+(eax+0x100)+esi]
movzx eax, ch
sub eax, ebx
add dh, [BgrAuxTable+(eax+0x100)+esi]
ror ecx, 16
ror edx, 16
movzx eax, cl
movzx ebx, dl
sub eax, ebx
add dl, [BgrAuxTable+(eax+0x100)+esi]
pop esi
mov eax, edx
pop edx
ror eax, 16
pop ecx
end if
align 4
overlapping_of_points_ptr dd overlapping_of_points
align 4
mov edi, BgrAuxTable
xor edx, edx
align 4
mov eax, edx
shl eax, 8
neg eax
mov ecx, 0x200
align 4
mov byte [edi], ah
inc edi
add eax, edx
loop .loop1
add dl, 4
jnz .loop2
test byte [cpu_caps+(CAPS_MMX/8)], 1 shl (CAPS_MMX mod 8)
jz @f
mov [overlapping_of_points_ptr], overlapping_of_points_mmx
align 4
align 16
movd mm0, eax
movd mm4, eax
movd mm1, ebx
pxor mm2, mm2
punpcklbw mm0, mm2
punpcklbw mm1, mm2
psubw mm1, mm0
movd mm3, ecx
psrld mm3, 24
packuswb mm3, mm3
packuswb mm3, mm3
pmullw mm1, mm3
psrlw mm1, 8
packuswb mm1, mm2
paddb mm4, mm1
movd eax, mm4
0,0 → 1,534
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2012. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; VGA.INC ;;
;; ;;
;; 640x480 mode 0x12 VGA functions for MenuetOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Paul Butcher, ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 3606 $
align 4
;16 colour palette
mov dx, 0x3c8
mov al, 0
out dx, al
mov ecx, 16
mov dx, 0x3c9
xor eax, eax
align 4
mov al, 0
test ah, 4
jz palvgalbl1
add al, 31
test ah, 8
jz palvgalbl1
add al, 32
align 4
out dx, al; red 0,31 or 63
mov al, 0
test ah, 2
jz palvgalbl2
add al, 31
test ah, 8
jz palvgalbl2
add al, 32
align 4
out dx, al; blue 0,31 or 63
mov al, 0
test ah, 1
jz palvgalbl3
add al, 31
test ah, 8
jz palvgalbl3
add al, 32
align 4
out dx, al; green 0,31 or 63
add ah, 1
loop palvganew
; mov dx, 3ceh
; mov ax, 0005h
; out dx, ax
align 4
mov edx, 0x3c8
xor eax, eax
out dx, al
mov ecx, 256
mov edx, 0x3c9
xor eax, eax
align 4
mov al, 0
test ah, 64
jz pallbl1
add al, 21
align 4
test ah, 128
jz pallbl2
add al, 42
align 4
out dx, al
mov al, 0
test ah, 8
jz pallbl3
add al, 8
align 4
test ah, 16
jz pallbl4
add al, 15
align 4
test ah, 32
jz pallbl5
add al, 40
align 4
out dx, al
mov al, 0
test ah, 1
jz pallbl6
add al, 8
align 4
test ah, 2
jz pallbl7
add al, 15
align 4
test ah, 4
jz pallbl8
add al, 40
align 4
out dx, al
add ah, 1
loop palnew
align 4
novesachecksum dd 0x0
EGA_counter db 0
VGA_drawing_screen db 0
rb 16
.cx dd 0
align 4
cmp [SCR_MODE], 0x13
jne @f
cmp [EGA_counter], 1
je novesal
mov ecx, [MOUSE_X]
cmp ecx, [novesachecksum]
jne novesal
align 4
align 4
mov [novesachecksum], ecx
mov ecx, 0
movzx eax, word [MOUSE_Y]
cmp eax, 100
jge m13l3
mov eax, 100
align 4
cmp eax, 480-100
jbe m13l4
mov eax, 480-100
align 4
sub eax, 100
imul eax, 640*4
add ecx, eax
movzx eax, word [MOUSE_X]
cmp eax, 160
jge m13l1
mov eax, 160
align 4
cmp eax, 640-160
jbe m13l2
mov eax, 640-160
align 4
sub eax, 160
shl eax, 2
add ecx, eax
mov esi, [LFBAddress]
add esi, ecx
mov edi, VGABasePtr
mov edx, 200
mov ecx, 320
align 4
test eax, eax
jz .save_pixel
push eax
mov ebx, eax
and eax, (128+64+32) ; blue
shr eax, 5
and ebx, (128+64+32)*256; green
shr ebx, 8+2
add eax, ebx
pop ebx
and ebx, (128+64)*256*256; red
shr ebx, 8+8
add eax, ebx
align 4
loop m13pix
mov ecx, 320
add esi, 4*(640-320)
dec edx
jnz m13pix
mov [EGA_counter], 0
align 4
; draw all
mov esi, [LFBAddress]
mov edi, VGABasePtr
mov ebx, 640/32; 640*480/(8*4)
mov edx, 480
align 4
push ebx edx esi edi
shl edx, 9
lea edx, [edx+edx*4]
add esi, edx
shr edx, 5
add edi, edx
call VGA_draw_long_line
pop edi esi edx ebx
dec edx
jnz @r
call VGA_draw_long_line_1
align 4
mov dx, 3ceh
mov ax, 0ff08h
out dx, ax
mov ax, 0005h
out dx, ax
align 4
call VGA_draw_32_pixels
dec ebx
jnz m12pix
mov dx, 3c4h
mov ax, 0ff02h
out dx, ax
mov dx, 3ceh
mov ax, 0205h
out dx, ax
mov dx, 3ceh
mov al, 08h
out dx, al
align 4
xor eax, eax
mov ebp, VGA_8_pixels
mov [ebp], eax
mov [ebp+4], eax
mov [ebp+8], eax
mov [ebp+12], eax
mov ch, 4
align 4
mov cl, 8
align 4
lodsd ; eax = 24bit colour
test eax, eax
jz .end
rol eax, 8
mov al, ch
ror eax, 8
mov ch, 1
dec cl
shl ch, cl
cmp al, 85
jbe .p13green
or [ebp], ch
cmp al, 170
jbe .p13green
or [ebp+12], ch
align 4
cmp ah, 85
jbe .p13red
or [ebp+4], ch
cmp ah, 170
jbe .p13red
or [ebp+12], ch
align 4
shr eax, 8
cmp ah, 85
jbe .p13cont
or [ebp+8], ch
cmp ah, 170
jbe .p13cont
or [ebp+12], ch
align 4
ror eax, 8
mov ch, ah
inc cl
align 4
dec cl
jnz .convert_pixels_to_VGA
inc ebp
dec ch
jnz .main_loop
push esi
sub ebp, 4
mov esi, ebp
mov dx, 3c4h
mov ah, 1h
align 4
mov al, 02h
out dx, ax
xchg ax, bp
mov [edi], eax
xchg ax, bp
shl ah, 1
cmp ah, 10h
jnz @r
add edi, 4
pop esi
align 4
; eax = x
; ebx = y
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, [esp+32-8+4] ; color
; check for hardware cursor
cmp [_display.select_cursor], select_cursor
je @f
cmp [_display.select_cursor], 0
jne .no_mouseunder
align 4
push ecx
shl ecx, 16
mov cx, bx
; check mouse area for putpixel
test eax, 0x04000000
jnz @f
call [_display.check_mouse]
align 4
pop ecx
align 4
shl ebx, 9
lea ebx, [ebx+ebx*4] ; умножение на 5
lea edx, [ebx+ecx*4] ; + x*BytesPerPixel (Vesa2.0 32)
mov edi, edx
add edi, [LFBAddress] ; + LFB address
mov [edi], eax ; write to LFB for Vesa2.0
shr edx, 5 ; change BytesPerPixel to 1/8
mov edi, edx
add edi, VGABasePtr ; address of pixel in VGA area
and ecx, 0x07 ; bit no. (modulo 8)
; edi = address, eax = 24bit colour, ecx = bit no. (modulo 8)
xor edx, edx
test eax, eax
jz .p13cont
cmp al, 85
jbe .p13green
or dl, 0x01
cmp al, 170
jbe .p13green
or dl, 0x08
align 4
cmp ah, 85
jbe .p13red
or dl, 0x02
cmp ah, 170
jbe .p13red
or dl, 0x08
align 4
shr eax, 8
cmp ah, 85
jbe .p13cont
or dl, 0x04
cmp ah, 170
jbe .p13cont
or dl, 0x08
align 4
ror edx, 8
inc cl
xor eax, eax
inc ah
shr ax, cl
mov dx, 3cfh
out dx, al
mov al, [edi] ; dummy read
rol edx, 8
mov [edi], dl
align 4
; ecx = size [x|y]
; edx = coordinates [x|y]
rol edx, 16
movzx eax, dx
rol edx, 16
movzx ebx, dx
movzx edx, cx
rol ecx, 16
movzx ecx, cx
call VGA_draw_bar_1
align 4
; eax cx
; ebx cy
; ecx xe
; edx ye
sub ecx, eax
sub edx, ebx
and eax, 0xffff
and ebx, 0xffff
and ecx, 0xffff
and edx, 0xffff
call VGA_draw_bar_1
align 4
mov [], eax
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
add ebx, [eax-twdw + 4]
mov eax, [eax-twdw + 0]
add eax, []
and eax, 0xfff8
shl ebx, 9
lea ebx, [ebx+ebx*4]; умножение на 5
lea ebx, [ebx+eax*4] ; + x*BytesPerPixel (Vesa2.0 32)
mov esi, ebx
add esi, [LFBAddress] ; + LFB address
shr ebx, 5 ; change BytesPerPixel to 1/8
mov edi, ebx
add edi, VGABasePtr ; address of pixel in VGA area
mov ebx, ecx
shr ebx, 5
inc ebx
align 4
call VGA_draw_long_line_1
dec edx
jnz .main_loop
call VGA_draw_long_line_1
align 4
push ebx edx esi edi
shl edx, 9
lea edx, [edx+edx*4]
add esi, edx
shr edx, 5
add edi, edx
call VGA_draw_long_line
pop edi esi edx ebx