Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 116 → Rev 117

278,6 → 278,8
add esp, putimg.stack_data
call VGA__putimage
mov [EGA_counter],1
773,8 → 775,9
add esp, drbar.stack_data
call VGA_draw_bar
xor eax, eax
mov [EGA_counter],1
976,7 → 979,8
pop ebx
pop eax
pop ebp
mov [EGA_counter],1
call VGA_drawbackground
; ----------
1103,5 → 1107,6
pop ebx
pop eax
pop ebp
mov [EGA_counter],1
call VGA_drawbackground
52,735 → 52,401
out dx,al ; green 0,31 or 63
add ah,1
loop palvganew
; mov dx, 3ceh
; mov ax, 0005h
; out dx, ax
; pushad
call [disable_mouse]
push ebp ;
push esi ;
push edi ;
mov edx,0x3c8
xor eax, eax
out dx,al
mov ecx,256
mov edx,0x3c9
xor eax,eax
push eax ;
push ebx ; +8 [ptrImage]
push ecx ; +4 [BH]
push edx ; +0 [xy]
mov al,0
test ah,64
jz pallbl1
add al,21
test ah,128
jz pallbl2
add al,42
out dx,al
mov al,0
test ah,8
jz pallbl3
add al,8
test ah,16
jz pallbl4
add al,15
test ah,32
jz pallbl5
add al,40
out dx,al
mov al,0
test ah,1
jz pallbl6
add al,8
test ah,2
jz pallbl7
add al,15
test ah,4
jz pallbl8
add al,40
out dx,al
add ah,1
loop palnew
movzx eax,word [esp+2] ; eax:=x
movzx ebx,word [esp+0] ; ebx:=y
mov ecx,[0x3010] ;
add eax,[] ; eax+=Xwin
add ebx,[] ; ebx+=Ywin
mov ecx,ebx ; ecx = y+Ywin
mov edx,eax ; edx = x+Xwin
imul ebx, 640*4 ; (y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine
shl eax,2 ; (x+Xwin)*BytesPerPixel
add eax,ebx ;
mov edi,eax ; store copy
add eax,[0xfe80] ; +AddrLFB
;entry point in LFB >> EAX:=(y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine+X*BytesPerPixel+AddrLFB
novesachecksum dd 0x0
EGA_counter db 0
VGA_drawing_screen db 0
rb 16
.cx dd 0
shr edi,5 ; change from 4 to 1/8 BytesPerPixel
add edi,0xa0000 ; + VGABasePtr
;VGA start address >> EDI:=(y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine+X*BytesPerPixel+AddrVGA
mov ebx, [0xfe00] ; ScreenXSize
inc ebx ; +1
imul ebx,ecx ; *(y+Ywin)
mov ebp, ebx ;
add ebp, edx ; +(x+Xwin)
add ebp, WinMapAddress ; ebp:=(y+Ywin)*(ScreenXSize+1)+(x+Xwin)+AddrBuffer
cmp [0xfe0c],dword 0x13
jne @f
mov esi,[esp+8] ; esi:=AddrImg
movzx ecx,word [esp+6] ; ecx:=B
movzx ebx,word [esp+4] ; ebx:=H
; cnvl:
cmp [EGA_counter],1
je novesal
mov ecx,[0xfb0a]
cmp ecx,[novesachecksum]
jne novesal
; check limits while draw ?
push ecx ; B
push eax ; LFB address
mov eax,[0x3010]
mov ecx,[eax+draw_data-0x3000+RECT.left]
cmp ecx,0
jnz dbcblimitlset_vga
mov ecx,[]
cmp ecx,0
jnz dbcblimitlset_vga
mov ecx,[eax+draw_data-0x3000+RECT.right]
cmp ecx,[0xfe00] ; ecx <> Screen X size
jnz dbcblimitlset_vga
mov ecx,[eax+draw_data-0x3000+RECT.bottom]
cmp ecx,[0xfe04] ; ecx <> Screen Y size
jnz dbcblimitlset_vga
pop eax ; LFB address
pop ecx ; B
push dword 0
jmp pimvga
pop eax ; LFB address
pop ecx ; B
push dword 1
push edi
push esi
push eax ; LFB address
push ecx ; B
push ebx ; H
push edx ; x+Xwin
mov ebx,[0x3000]
mov bh,[esp+6*4]
mov [novesachecksum],ecx
mov ecx,0
movzx eax,word [0xfb0c]
cmp eax,100
jge m13l3
mov eax,100
cmp eax,480-100
jbe m13l4
mov eax,480-100
sub eax,100
imul eax,640*4
add ecx,eax
movzx eax,word [0xfb0a]
cmp eax,160
jge m13l1
mov eax,160
cmp eax,640-160
jbe m13l2
mov eax,640-160
sub eax,160
shl eax,2
add ecx,eax
mov esi,[0xfe80]
add esi,ecx
mov edi,0xa0000
mov edx,200
mov ecx,320
cmp eax,0
jne @f
xor eax,eax
jmp .save_pixel
push eax
mov ebx,eax
and eax,(128+64+32) ; blue
shr eax,5
and ebx,(128+64+32)*256 ; green
shr ebx,8+2
add eax,ebx
pop ebx
and ebx,(128+64)*256*256 ; red
shr ebx,8+8
add eax,ebx
loop m13pix
mov ecx,320
add esi,4*(640-320)
dec edx
jnz m13pix
mov [EGA_counter],0
mov esi,[0xfe80]
mov edi,0xa0000
mov ebx,640/32 ; 640*480/(8*4)
mov edx,480
push ebx edx esi edi
shl edx,9
lea edx,[edx+edx*4]
add esi,edx
shr edx,5
add edi,edx
call VGA_draw_long_line
pop edi esi edx ebx
dec edx
jnz @r
call VGA_draw_long_line_1
cmp bl,[ds:ebp]
jnz impvgano
mov dx,3ceh
mov ax,0ff08h
out dx, ax
mov ax,0005h
out dx, ax
call VGA_draw_32_pixels
dec ebx
jnz m12pix
mov dx,3c4h
mov ax,0ff02h
out dx,ax
mov dx,3ceh
mov ax,0205h
out dx,ax
mov dx,3ceh
mov al,08h
out dx,al
; cmp bh,0
; jz impvgayes
; call voodoodbcplimit
; jnz impvgano
; impvgayes:
push eax ; LFB address
push ebx ; app no.
push ecx ; B
push edx ; x+Xwin
mov edx,[esi] ; color
mov [eax],dx
shr edx,16
mov [eax+2],dl
mov eax,[esi] ; color
mov ecx,[esp] ; x+Xwin
and ecx,0x07 ; modulo 8
call setvgapixel ; eax=color, ecx=x%8, edi=VGA address
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
add esi,3 ; esi+=3 ptrImage+=3
add eax,4 ; eax+=4 LFBaddr +=4
xor eax,eax
mov ebp,VGA_8_pixels
mov [ebp],eax
mov [ebp+4],eax
mov [ebp+8],eax
mov [ebp+12],eax
mov ch,4
mov cl,8
lodsd ; eax = 24bit colour
cmp eax,0
je .end
rol eax,8
mov al,ch
ror eax,8
mov ch,1
dec cl
shl ch,cl
cmp al,85
jb .p13green
or [ebp],ch
cmp al,170
jb .p13green
or [ebp+12],ch
cmp ah,85
jb .p13red
or [ebp+4],ch
cmp ah,170
jb .p13red
or [ebp+12],ch
shr eax,8
cmp ah,85
jb .p13cont
or [ebp+8],ch
cmp ah,170
jb .p13cont
or [ebp+12],ch
ror eax,8
mov ch,ah
inc cl
dec cl
jnz .convert_pixels_to_VGA
inc ebp
inc edx ; x+Xwin+n
test edx,0x07 ; test modulo 8
jnz impvgacont
inc edi
dec ecx ; B--
jnz npvga
pop edx
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop eax
dec ch
jnz .main_loop
push esi
sub ebp,4
mov esi,ebp
mov dx, 3c4h
mov ah, 1h
mov al, 02h
out dx,ax
xchg ax,bp
mov [edi],eax
xchg ax,bp
shl ah, 1
cmp ah, 10h
jnz @r
add edi,4
pop esi
pop edi
add edi,640/8 ; add one VGA line
add eax,640*4 ; add one LFB line
sub ebp, ecx ; -B
add ebp, [0xfe00] ;
inc ebp ; ptrBuffer:=ptrBuffer-B+Screen_Xsize+1
push ecx
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2] ;
add esi,ecx ; ptrImage:=ptrImage+B*3
pop ecx
dec ebx ; H--
jnz pimvga
add esp,4 ; jump saved limit byte
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
; call [draw_pointer]
; call [disable_mouse]
; popad
; eax = x
; ebx = y
mov ecx,eax
mov eax, [esp+32-8+4] ; color
imul ebx, 640*4 ; y*BytesPerLine (Vesa2.0 32)
shl ebx,9
lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*4] ; óìíîæåíèå íà 5
lea edx, [ebx+ecx*4] ; + x*BytesPerPixel (Vesa2.0 32)
mov edi,edx
add edi, [0xfe80] ; + LFB address
mov [edi], eax ; write to LFB for Vesa2.0
shr edx,5 ; change BytesPerPixel to 1/8
mov edi,edx
add edi, 0x0a0000 ; address of pixel in VGA area
and ecx,0x07 ; bit no. (modulo 8)
; edi = address, eax = 24bit colour, ecx = bit no. (modulo 8)
push eax
mov ebx,eax ; color
;mov al,0x08
;mov dx,0x03ce
;out dx,al ; select GDC bit mask register
inc cl
mov ax, 0x100
shr ax,cl
mov dx,0x03cf
out dx,al ; set bit mask for pixel
mov dl,0
mov eax,ebx
and eax,0x000000ff ; blue
cmp eax,85
jle p13green
xor edx,edx
cmp eax,0
je .p13cont
cmp al,85
jb .p13green
or dl,0x01
cmp eax,170
jle p13green
cmp al,170
jb .p13green
or dl,0x08
and ebx,0x0000ff00 ; green
cmp ebx,85*256
jle p13red
cmp ah,85
jb .p13red
or dl,0x02
cmp ebx,170*256
jle p13red
cmp ah,170
jb .p13red
or dl,0x08
pop ebx
and ebx,0x00ff0000 ; red
cmp ebx,85*256*256
jle p13cont
shr eax,8
cmp ah,85
jb .p13cont
or dl,0x04
cmp ebx,170*256*256
jle p13cont
cmp ah,170
jb .p13cont
or dl,0x08
ror edx,8
inc cl
xor eax,eax
inc ah
shr ax,cl
mov dx,3cfh
out dx,al
mov al,[edi] ; dummy read
rol edx,8
mov [edi],dl
; ecx = size [x|y]
; edx = coordinates [x|y]
cmp [0xfe0c],dword 0x12
jne @f
; calculate absolute (i.e. screen) coordinates
rol edx,16
movzx eax,dx
rol edx,16
movzx ebx,dx
movzx edx,cx
rol ecx,16
movzx ecx,cx
call VGA_draw_bar_1
; pushad
call [disable_mouse]
sub edx,ebx ; edx:=Yend-Ystart=H
sub ecx,eax ; ecx:=Xend-Xstat=B
push ebp ; +24
push esi ; +20
push edi ; +16
push eax ; +12
push ebx ; +8
push ecx ; +4
push edx ; +0
mov ecx,[0x3010] ;
add eax,[] ; eax:=Xwin+x
add ebx,[] ; ebx:=Ywin+y
mov ecx, eax ; ecx:=(x+Xwin)
mov edx, ebx ; edx:=(y+Ywin)
imul ebx, 640/8 ;
mov edi, ebx ; edi:=BytesPerScanLine*(y+Ywin)
shr eax, 3 ;
add edi, eax ; + (x+Xwin)*BytesPerPixel
add edi,0xa0000 ; + VGAbaseaddress
mov eax, [0xfe00] ; ScreenXSize
inc eax ; +1
imul eax,edx ; *(y+Ywin)
mov ebp, eax ;
add ebp, ecx ; +(x+Win)
add ebp, WinMapAddress ; +AddrBuffer
mov eax, [0xfe08] ; BytesPerScanLine - LFB
mul edx ; *(y+Ywin)
mov esi,eax
add esi,ecx
add esi,ecx
add esi,ecx
add esi,ecx ; + 4*(x+Xwin)
add esi,[0xfe80] ; +AddrLFB
; edi:=(y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine+X*BytesPerPixel + AddrVGA
; esi:=(y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine+X*BytesPerPixel + AddrLFB
; ebp:=(y+Ywin)*(ScreenXSize+1)+(x+Xwin)+AddrBuffer
; x size
mov eax,[esp+4] ; B [esp+4]
mov ebx,[esp+0] ; H
mov edx,[esp+16] ; color
test edx,0x80000000
jz nodbglvga
; no color glide for VGA - set to half glide
shr ebx,1 ; H/2
; eax cx
; ebx cy
; ecx xe
; edx ye
cmp [0xfe0c],dword 0x12
jne @f
sub ecx,eax
sub edx,ebx
mov [esp+16],edx
mov ebx,[esp+0] ; reset to H
and eax,0xffff
and ebx,0xffff
and ecx,0xffff
and edx,0xffff
call VGA_draw_bar_1
; check limits ?
push eax
push ecx
mov [],eax
mov eax,[0x3010]
mov ecx,[eax+draw_data-0x3000+RECT.left]
cmp ecx,0
jnz dbcblimitlset_vga2
mov ecx,[]
cmp ecx,0
jnz dbcblimitlset_vga2
mov ecx,[eax+draw_data-0x3000+RECT.right]
cmp ecx,[0xfe00]
jnz dbcblimitlset_vga2
mov ecx,[eax+draw_data-0x3000+RECT.bottom]
cmp ecx,[0xfe04]
jnz dbcblimitlset_vga2
pop ecx
pop eax
push dword 0
jmp dbnewpivga
pop ecx ; x+Xwin
pop eax ; B
push dword 1
push eax; B
push ebx ; H
push edi
push esi
push ecx ; x+Xwin
mov ebx,[0x3000]
mov dl,[ds:ebp]
cmp dl,bl
jnz dbimpvgano
; mov edx,[esp+5*4] ; check limit?
; cmp edx,0
; jz dbimpvgayes
; call voodoodbcplimit
; jnz dbimpvgano
; dbimpvgayes:
push eax ; B
push ebx
push ecx ; x+Xwin
mov eax,[esp+12+20+16+4] ; color
mov ebx,eax
mov [esi],bx ; write LFB pixel
shr ebx,16
mov [esi+2],bl
and ecx,0x07 ; modulo 8
call setvgapixel ; eax=color, ecx=x%8, edi=VGA address
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
add esi,4 ; ptrLFB+=4
inc ebp ; address buffer
inc ecx ; x posn++
test ecx,0x07 ; test modulo 8
jnz dbvgacont
inc edi ; VGA screen ptr++
dec eax ; B-- NB ecx in Vesa20 fn?
jnz dbnpvga
pop ecx
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
pop eax
add esi,[0xfe08] ; ptrLFB+=BytesPerScanLine
add edi,640/8 ; ptrScreen+=BytesPerScanLine
add ebp,[0xfe00] ;
sub ebp, eax ; was ecx in vesa20 fn?
inc ebp ; ptrBuffer:=ptrBuffer-B+BytesPerLine+1
dec ebx ; H--
jz nodbnewpivga ; H<>0
jmp dbnewpivga
add esp,7*4 ; NB includes limit check flag
;pop ebx
;pop eax
;pop edi
;pop esi
pop ebp
;pop edx
;pop ecx
; popad
add ebx, [eax-twdw + 4]
mov eax, [eax-twdw + 0]
add eax, []
and eax,0xfff8
shl ebx,9
lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*4] ; óìíîæåíèå íà 5
lea ebx, [ebx+eax*4] ; + x*BytesPerPixel (Vesa2.0 32)
mov esi,ebx
add esi, [0xfe80] ; + LFB address
shr ebx,5 ; change BytesPerPixel to 1/8
mov edi,ebx
add edi, 0x0a0000 ; address of pixel in VGA area
mov ebx,ecx
shr ebx,5
inc ebx
call VGA_draw_long_line_1
dec edx
jnz .main_loop
call VGA_draw_long_line_1
call [disable_mouse]
push ebp
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov edx,dword [0x400000-8] ; B
add edx,dword [WinMapAddress-8] ; +B
add edx,dword [WinMapAddress-8] ; +B
push edx
mov eax,[draw_data+32+RECT.left] ; x start:=(x+Xwin)
mov ebx,[] ; y start:=(y+Ywin)
mov ecx,eax
mov edx,ebx
imul edx, 640*4 ; (y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine
shl ecx,2 ; (x+Xwin)*BytesPerPixel
add ecx,edx ;
mov ebp,ecx ; store copy
add ecx,[0xfe80] ; +AddrLFB
;entry point in LFB >> ECX:=(y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine+X*BytesPerPixel+Addr
shr ebp,5 ; change from 4 to 1/8 BytesPerPixel
add ebp,0xa0000 ; + VGABasePtr
;VGA start address >> EBP:=(y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine+X*BytesPerPixel+AddrV
call calculate_edi
dp3vga: ; MAIN LOOP
cmp [edi+WinMapAddress],byte 1 ; ptrBuffer^<>byte(1)
je ybgpvga
jmp nbgpvga
push eax ; x
push ebx ; y
push ecx ; LFB address
mov ecx,dword [WinMapAddress-8] ; B
xor edx,edx ; edx:=0
div ecx ; Xstart/B
; eax=Int(qn) edx:=Rem
lea esi,[edx+edx*2] ; esi:=edx*3
mov ecx,dword [WinMapAddress-4] ; ecx:=H
mov eax,[esp+4] ; eax:=Ystart
xor edx,edx ;
div ecx ; Ystart/H
mov eax,edx ; eax:=Rem
xor edx,edx ;
mov ebx,[esp+12] ; ebx:=B*3
mul ebx ;
add esi,eax ;
mov eax,[esi+0x300000] ; color
and eax,0xffffff
mov ecx, [esp] ; LFB address
mov ebx,eax ; copy color
mov [ecx],bx
shr ebx,16
mov [ecx+2],bl
xchg edi, ebp
mov ecx,[esp+8] ; x position
and ecx,0x07 ; x modulo 8
call setvgapixel ; eax=color, ecx=x%8, edi=VGA address
xchg ebp, edi
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
inc eax ; x++
cmp eax,[draw_data+32+RECT.right] ; X > xend?
jg nodp3vga
test eax,0x07 ; x test modulo 8
jnz hook1vga
inc ebp ; VGA address++
add ecx,4 ; LFB address += 4
inc edi ; ptrBuffer++
add esi,3 ; ptrImage+=3
jmp dp3vga
mov eax,[draw_data+32+RECT.left] ; x+Xwin
inc ebx ; y position
mov ecx,eax
mov edx,ebx
imul edx, 640*4 ; (y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine
shl ecx,2 ; (x+Xwin)*BytesPerPixel
add ecx,edx ;
mov ebp,ecx ; store copy
add ecx,[0xfe80] ; +AddrLFB
;entry point in LFB >> ECX:=(y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine+X*BytesPerPixel+Addr
shr ebp,5 ; change from 4 to 1/8 BytesPerPixel
add ebp,0xa0000 ; + VGABasePtr
;VGA start address >> EBP:=(y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine+X*BytesPerPixel+AddrV
call calculate_edi
cmp ebx,[draw_data+32+RECT.bottom] ; Y > yend
jg dp4vga
jmp dp3vga
add esp,4
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
pop ebp
push ebx edx esi edi
shl edx,9
lea edx,[edx+edx*4]
add esi,edx
shr edx,5
add edi,edx
call VGA_draw_long_line
pop edi esi edx ebx
; ----------
call [disable_mouse]
push ebp
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov edx,dword [WinMapAddress-8] ; B
add edx,dword [WinMapAddress-8] ; +B
add edx,dword [WinMapAddress-8] ; +B
push edx
mov eax,[draw_data+32+RECT.left] ; x start:=(x+Xwin)
mov ebx,[] ; y start:=(y+Ywin)
mov ecx,eax
mov edx,ebx
imul edx, 640*4 ; (y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine
shl ecx,2 ; (x+Xwin)*BytesPerPixel
add ecx,edx ;
mov ebp,ecx ; store copy
add ecx,[0xfe80] ; +AddrLFB
;entry point in LFB >> ECX:=(y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine+X*BytesPerPixel+Addr
shr ebp,5 ; change from 4 to 1/8 BytesPerPixel
add ebp,0xa0000 ; + VGABasePtr
;VGA start address >> EBP:=(y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine+X*BytesPerPixel+AddrV
call calculate_edi
sdp3vga: ; MAIN LOOP
cmp [edi+WinMapAddress],byte 1 ; ptrBuffer^<>byte(1)
je sybgpvga
jmp snbgpvga
push eax ; x
push ebx ; y
push ecx ; LFB address
mov eax,dword [WinMapAddress-8] ; B
xor edx,edx
mov ebx,[esp+8] ; Xstart
mul ebx ; B*Xstart
xor edx,edx
mov ebx,[0xfe00] ; x screen width
div ebx ; B*Xstart/xwidth
lea esi,[eax+eax*2] ; *3
mov eax,dword [WinMapAddress-4] ; H
xor edx,edx
mov ebx,[esp+4] ; Ystart
mul ebx ; H*Ystart
xor edx,edx
mov ebx,[0xfe04] ; y screen height
div ebx ; H*Ystart/yheight
xor edx,edx
mov ebx,[esp+12] ; B*3
mul ebx ;
add esi,eax
mov eax,[esi+0x300000] ; color
and eax,0xffffff
mov ecx, [esp] ; LFB address
mov ebx,eax ; copy color
mov [ecx],bx
shr ebx,16
mov [ecx+2],bl
xchg edi, ebp
mov ecx,[esp+8] ; x position
and ecx,0x07 ; x modulo 8
call setvgapixel ; eax=color, ecx=x%8, edi=VGA address
xchg ebp, edi ; ebp+=3
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
inc eax ; x++
cmp eax,[draw_data+32+RECT.right] ; X > xend?
jg snodp3vga
test eax,0x07 ; x test modulo 8
jnz shook1vga
inc ebp ; VGA address++
add ecx,4 ; LFB address += 4
inc edi ; ptrBuffer++
add esi,3 ; ptrImage+=3
jmp sdp3vga
mov eax,[draw_data+32+RECT.left] ; x+Xwin
inc ebx ; y position
mov ecx,eax
mov edx,ebx
imul edx, 640*4 ; (y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine
shl ecx,2 ; (x+Xwin)*BytesPerPixel
add ecx,edx ;
mov ebp,ecx ; store copy
add ecx,[0xfe80] ; +AddrLFB
;entry point in LFB >> ECX:=(y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine+X*BytesPerPixel+Addr
shr ebp,5 ; change from 4 to 1/8 BytesPerPixel
add ebp,0xa0000 ; + VGABasePtr
;VGA start address >> EBP:=(y+Ywin)*BytesPerScanLine+X*BytesPerPixel+A
call calculate_edi
cmp ebx,[draw_data+32+RECT.bottom] ; Y > yend
jg sdp4vga
jmp sdp3vga
add esp,4
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
pop ebp
; draw all
cmp [0xfe0c],dword 0x12
jne @f
call novesal_1