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Regard whitespace Rev 8892 → Rev 9047

0,0 → 1,578
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2021. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) MenuetOS 2000-2004 Ville Mikael Turjanmaa ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
VKEY_LSHIFT = 00000000_00000001b
VKEY_RSHIFT = 00000000_00000010b
VKEY_LCONTROL = 00000000_00000100b
VKEY_RCONTROL = 00000000_00001000b
VKEY_LALT = 00000000_00010000b
VKEY_RALT = 00000000_00100000b
VKEY_CAPSLOCK = 00000000_01000000b
VKEY_NUMLOCK = 00000000_10000000b
VKEY_SCRLOCK = 00000001_00000000b
VKEY_LWIN = 00000010_00000000b
VKEY_RWIN = 00000100_00000000b
align 4
kb_state dd 0
ext_code db 0
keyboard_mode db 0
keyboard_data db 0
altmouseb db 0
ctrl_alt_del db 0
kb_lights db 0
old_kb_lights db 0
align 4
hotkey_scancodes rd 256 ; we have 256 scancodes
hotkey_list rd 256*4 ; max 256 defined hotkeys
hotkey_buffer rd 120*2 ; buffer for 120 hotkeys
hotkey_tests dd hotkey_test0
dd hotkey_test1
dd hotkey_test2
dd hotkey_test3
dd hotkey_test4
hotkey_tests_num = 5
test al, al
setz al
test al, al
setnp al
cmp al, 3
setz al
cmp al, 1
setz al
cmp al, 2
setz al
push eax
mov edx, [kb_state]
shr edx, cl
add cl, cl
mov eax, [eax+4]
shr eax, cl
and eax, 15
cmp al, hotkey_tests_num
jae .fail
xchg eax, edx
and al, 3
call [hotkey_tests + edx*4]
cmp al, 1
pop eax
pop eax
align 4
movzx eax, word[thread_count]; top window process
movzx eax, word[WIN_POS+eax*2]
shl eax, 8
mov al, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.keyboard_mode]
mov [keyboard_mode], al
mov eax, ecx
push ebx esi edi ebp
call send_scancode
pop ebp edi esi ebx
next dd ?
prev dd ?
functions dd ?
userdata dd ?
struct KBDFUNC
strucsize dd ?
close dd ?
setlights dd ?
dd keyboards
dd keyboards
keyboard_list_mutex MUTEX
push ebx
movi eax, sizeof.KEYBOARD
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
mov ecx, [esp+4+4]
mov [eax+KEYBOARD.functions], ecx
mov ecx, [esp+8+4]
mov [eax+KEYBOARD.userdata], ecx
xchg eax, ebx
mov ecx, keyboard_list_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov ecx, keyboards
mov edx, [ecx+KEYBOARD.prev]
mov [], ecx
mov [ebx+KEYBOARD.prev], edx
mov [], ebx
mov [ecx+KEYBOARD.prev], ebx
mov ecx, [ebx+KEYBOARD.functions]
cmp [ecx+KBDFUNC.strucsize], KBDFUNC.setlights
jbe .unlock
mov ecx, [ecx+KBDFUNC.setlights]
test ecx, ecx
jz .unlock
stdcall ecx, [ebx+KEYBOARD.userdata], dword [kb_lights]
mov ecx, keyboard_list_mutex
call mutex_unlock
xchg eax, ebx
pop ebx
ret 8
push ebx
mov ebx, [esp+4+4]
mov ecx, keyboard_list_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov eax, []
mov edx, [ebx+KEYBOARD.prev]
mov [eax+KEYBOARD.prev], edx
mov [], eax
call mutex_unlock
mov ecx, [ebx+KEYBOARD.functions]
cmp [ecx+KBDFUNC.strucsize], KBDFUNC.close
jbe .nothing
mov ecx, [ecx+KBDFUNC.close]
test ecx, ecx
jz .nothing
stdcall ecx, [ebx+KEYBOARD.userdata]
pop ebx
ret 4
align 4
movzx eax, word[thread_count]; top window process
movzx eax, word[WIN_POS+eax*2]
shl eax, BSF sizeof.APPDATA
mov al, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.keyboard_mode]
mov [keyboard_mode], al
in al, 0x60
mov [keyboard_data], al
; ch = scancode
; cl = ext_code
; bh = 0 - normal key
; bh = 1 - modifier (Shift/Ctrl/Alt)
; bh = 2 - extended code
mov ch, al
cmp al, 0xE0
je @f
cmp al, 0xE1
jne .normal_code
mov bh, 2
mov [ext_code], al
jmp .writekey
mov cl, 0
xchg cl, [ext_code]
and al, 0x7F
mov bh, 1
cmp al, 0x5B
jne @f
cmp cl, 0xE0
jne @f
mov eax, VKEY_LWIN
mov bh, 0
jmp .modifier
cmp al, 0x5C
jne @f
cmp cl, 0xE0
jne @f
mov eax, VKEY_RWIN
mov bh, 0
jmp .modifier
cmp al, 0x2A
jne @f
cmp cl, 0xE0
je .writekey
mov eax, VKEY_LSHIFT
jmp .modifier
cmp al, 0x36
jne @f
cmp cl, 0xE0
je .writekey
mov eax, VKEY_RSHIFT
jmp .modifier
cmp al, 0x38
jne @f
mov eax, VKEY_LALT
test cl, cl
jz .modifier
mov al, VKEY_RALT
jmp .modifier
cmp al, 0x1D
jne @f
test cl, cl
jz .modifier
cmp cl, 0xE0
jz .modifier
mov [ext_code], cl
jmp .writekey
cmp al, 0x3A
jne @f
mov bl, 4
jmp .no_key.xor
cmp al, 0x45
jne @f
test cl, cl
jnz .writekey
mov bl, 2
jmp .no_key.xor
cmp al, 0x46
jne @f
mov bl, 1
jmp .no_key.xor
xor ebx, ebx
test ch, ch
js .writekey
movzx eax, ch ; plain key
mov bl, [keymap+eax]
mov edx, [kb_state]
test dl, VKEY_CONTROL ; ctrl alt del
jz .noctrlaltdel
test dl, VKEY_ALT
jz .noctrlaltdel
cmp ch, 53h
jne .noctrlaltdel
mov [ctrl_alt_del], 1
call wakeup_osloop
test dl, VKEY_CONTROL ; ctrl on ?
jz @f
sub bl, 0x60
test dl, VKEY_CAPSLOCK ; caps lock on ?
jz .no_caps_lock
test dl, VKEY_SHIFT ; shift on ?
jz .keymap_shif
jmp @f
test dl, VKEY_SHIFT ; shift on ?
jz @f
mov bl, [keymap_shift+eax]
test dl, VKEY_ALT ; alt on ?
jz @f
mov bl, [keymap_alt+eax]
jmp .writekey
test ch, ch
js .modifier.up
or [kb_state], eax
jmp .writekey
not eax
and [kb_state], eax
jmp .writekey
mov bh, 0
test ch, ch
js .writekey
xor [kb_state], eax
xor [kb_lights], bl
; test for system hotkeys
movzx eax, ch
cmp bh, 1
ja .nohotkey
jb @f
xor eax, eax
mov eax, [hotkey_scancodes + eax*4]
test eax, eax
jz .nohotkey
mov cl, 0
call hotkey_do_test
jc .hotkey_cont
mov cl, 2
call hotkey_do_test
jc .hotkey_cont
mov cl, 4
call hotkey_do_test
jnc .hotkey_found
mov eax, [eax]
jmp .hotkey_loop
mov eax, [eax+8]
; put key in buffer for process in slot eax
mov edi, hotkey_buffer
cmp dword [edi], 0
jz .found_free
add edi, 8
cmp edi, hotkey_buffer+120*8
jb @b
; no free space - replace first entry
mov edi, hotkey_buffer
mov [edi], eax
movzx eax, ch
cmp bh, 1
jnz @f
xor eax, eax
mov [edi+4], ax
mov eax, [kb_state]
mov [edi+6], ax
cmp [PID_lock_input], dword 0
je .nohotkey
jmp .exit.irq1
cmp [keyboard_mode], 0; return from keymap
jne .scancode
test bh, bh
jnz .exit.irq1
test bl, bl
jz .exit.irq1
cmp cl, 0xE0 ; extended keycode
jne @f
cmp ch, 53
jne .dowrite
mov bl, '/'
jmp .dowrite
cmp ch, 55
jne @f
mov bl, '*'
jmp .dowrite
cmp ch, 74
jne @f
mov bl, '-'
jmp .dowrite
cmp ch, 78
jne @f
mov bl, '+'
jmp .dowrite
test [kb_state], VKEY_NUMLOCK
jz .dowrite
cmp ch, 71
jb .dowrite
cmp ch, 83
ja .dowrite
movzx eax, ch
mov bl, [numlock_map + eax - 71]
jmp .dowrite
mov bl, ch
movzx eax, byte[KEY_COUNT]
cmp al, 120
jae .exit.irq1
inc eax
mov [KEY_COUNT], al
; store ascii or scancode
mov [KEY_BUFF+eax-1], bl
; store original scancode
add eax, 120+2
push ecx
cmp [keyboard_mode], 0; return from keymap
je @f
xor ch, ch
mov [KEY_BUFF+eax-1], ch
pop ecx
sub eax, 120+2
push ebx esi
mov ecx, keyboard_list_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov esi, keyboards
mov esi, []
cmp esi, keyboards
jz .done
mov eax, [esi+KEYBOARD.functions]
cmp dword [eax], KBDFUNC.setlights
jbe .loop
mov eax, [eax+KBDFUNC.setlights]
test eax, eax
jz .loop
stdcall eax, [esi+KEYBOARD.userdata], dword [kb_lights]
jmp .loop
mov ecx, keyboard_list_mutex
call mutex_unlock
pop esi ebx
stdcall disable_irq, 1
mov al, 0xED
call kb_write_wait_ack
mov al, [esp+8]
call kb_write_wait_ack
stdcall enable_irq, 1
ret 8
;// mike.dld ]
proc check_lights_state_has_work?
mov al, [kb_lights]
cmp al, [old_kb_lights]
call check_lights_state_has_work?
jz .nothing
mov [old_kb_lights], al
call set_lights
numlock_map db '789-456+1230.'
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:keywords
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,567
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2021. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; check mouse
; FB00 -> FB0F mouse memory 00 chunk count - FB0A-B x - FB0C-D y
; FB10 -> FB17 mouse color mem
; FB21 x move
; FB22 y move
; FB30 color temp
; FB28 high bits temp
; FB4A -> FB4D FB4A-B x-under - FB4C-D y-under
; FC00 -> FCFE com1/ps2 buffer
; FCFF com1/ps2 buffer count starting from FC00
align 4
mousecount dd ?
mousedata dd ?
Y_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_y_add_curh dw ?
Y_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_y dw ?
X_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_x_add_curh dw ?
X_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_x dw ?
align 4
mouse_speed_factor dw 4
mouse_delay db 3
mouse_doubleclick_delay db 64
align 4
; return old picture
cmp [_display.restore_cursor], 0
je @F
movzx eax, word [X_UNDER]
movzx ebx, word [Y_UNDER]
stdcall [_display.restore_cursor], eax, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx
movzx eax, word [X_UNDER]
movzx ebx, word [Y_UNDER]
add eax, ecx
add ebx, edx
push ecx
push edx
push eax
push ebx
mov eax, edx
shl eax, 6
shl ecx, 2
add eax, ecx
add eax, mouseunder
mov ecx, [eax]
pop ebx
pop eax
mov edi, 1 ; force
or ecx, 0x04000000 ; don't save to mouseunder area
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
pop edx
pop ecx
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 16
jnz mres
xor ecx, ecx
inc edx
cmp edx, 24
jnz mres
align 4
cmp [_display.move_cursor], 0
je .no_hw_cursor
mov [X_UNDER], ax
mov [Y_UNDER], bx
movzx eax, word [MOUSE_Y]
movzx ebx, word [MOUSE_X]
push eax
push ebx
; mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
; inc ecx
; mul ecx
mov eax, [d_width_calc_area + eax*4]
add eax, [_display.win_map]
movzx edx, byte [ebx+eax]
shl edx, 8
mov esi, [edx+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.cursor]
cmp esi, [current_cursor]
je .draw
mov eax, [thread_count]
movzx eax, word [WIN_POS+eax*2]
shl eax, 8
cmp eax, edx
je @F
mov esi, [def_cursor]
cmp esi, [current_cursor]
je .draw
push esi
call [_display.select_cursor]
mov [current_cursor], esi
align 4
stdcall [_display.move_cursor], esi
;align 4
; mov ecx, [def_cursor]
; mov [edx+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.cursor], ecx
; stdcall [_display.move_cursor], ecx ; stdcall: [esp]=ebx,eax
; popad
; ret
align 4
; save & draw
mov [X_UNDER], ax
mov [Y_UNDER], bx
push eax
push ebx
mov ecx, 0
mov edx, 0
align 4
push eax
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
; helloworld
push ecx
add eax, ecx ; save picture under mouse
add ebx, edx
push ecx
or ecx, 0x04000000 ; don't load to mouseunder area
push eax ebx edx edi
pop edi edx ebx eax
mov [COLOR_TEMP], ecx
pop ecx
mov eax, edx
shl eax, 6
shl ecx, 2
add eax, ecx
add eax, mouseunder
mov ebx, [COLOR_TEMP]
and ebx, 0xffffff
mov [eax], ebx
pop ecx
mov edi, edx ; y cycle
shl edi, 4 ; *16 bytes per row
add edi, ecx ; x cycle
mov esi, edi
add edi, esi
add edi, esi ; *3
add edi, [MOUSE_PICTURE] ; we have our str address
mov esi, edi
add esi, 16*24*3
push ecx
mov ecx, [COLOR_TEMP]
call combine_colors
and ecx, 0xffffff
mov [MOUSE_COLOR_MEM], ecx
pop ecx
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
add eax, ecx ; we have x coord+cycle
add ebx, edx ; and y coord+cycle
push ecx
mov ecx, [MOUSE_COLOR_MEM]
mov edi, 1 ; force
or ecx, 0x04000000 ; don't save to mouseunder area
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
pop ecx
mov ebx, [esp+0] ; pure y coord again
mov eax, [esp+4] ; and x
inc ecx ; +1 cycle
cmp ecx, 16 ; if more than 16
jnz drm
xor ecx, ecx
inc edx
cmp edx, 24
jnz drm
add esp, 8
align 4
; in
; ecx - color ( 00 RR GG BB )
; edi - ref to new color byte
; esi - ref to alpha byte
; out
; ecx - new color ( roughly (ecx*[esi]>>8)+([edi]*[esi]>>8) )
push eax
push ebx
push edx
push ecx
xor ecx, ecx
; byte 0
mov eax, 0xff
sub al, [esi+0]
mov ebx, [esp]
shr ebx, 16
and ebx, 0xff
mul ebx
shr eax, 8
add ecx, eax
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov al, [edi+0]
mov bl, [esi+0]
mul ebx
shr eax, 8
add ecx, eax
shl ecx, 8
; byte 1
mov eax, 0xff
sub al, [esi+1]
mov ebx, [esp]
shr ebx, 8
and ebx, 0xff
mul ebx
shr eax, 8
add ecx, eax
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov al, [edi+1]
mov bl, [esi+1]
mul ebx
shr eax, 8
add ecx, eax
shl ecx, 8
; byte 2
mov eax, 0xff
sub al, [esi+2]
mov ebx, [esp]
and ebx, 0xff
mul ebx
shr eax, 8
add ecx, eax
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov al, [edi+2]
mov bl, [esi+2]
mul ebx
shr eax, 8
add ecx, eax
pop eax
pop edx
pop ebx
pop eax
align 4
; in:
; eax = x
; ebx = y
; out:
; ecx = new color
push eax ebx
; check for Y
xor ecx, ecx
mov cx, [Y_UNDER] ; [MOUSE_Y]
cmp ebx, ecx
jb .no_mouse_area
add ecx, 23 ; mouse cursor Y size
cmp ebx, ecx
ja .no_mouse_area
; offset Y
sub bx, [Y_UNDER] ; [MOUSE_Y]
; check for X
xor ecx, ecx
mov cx, [X_UNDER] ; [MOUSE_X]
cmp eax, ecx
jb .no_mouse_area
add ecx, 15 ; mouse cursor X size
cmp eax, ecx
ja .no_mouse_area
; offset X
sub ax, [X_UNDER] ; [MOUSE_X]
; eax = offset x
; ebx = offset y
shl ebx, 6 ;y
shl eax, 2 ;x
add eax, ebx
add eax, mouseunder
mov ecx, [eax]
and ecx, 0xffffff
or ecx, 0xff000000
pop ebx eax
xor ecx, ecx
pop ebx eax
align 4
; in:
; ecx = x shl 16 + y
; eax = color
; out:
; eax = new color
push eax
; check for Y
mov ax, [Y_UNDER] ; [MOUSE_Y]
cmp cx, ax
jb .no_mouse_area
add ax, 23 ; mouse cursor Y size
cmp cx, ax
ja .no_mouse_area
; offset Y
sub cx, [Y_UNDER] ; [MOUSE_Y]
mov ax, cx
shl eax, 16
; check for X
mov ax, [X_UNDER] ; [MOUSE_X]
shr ecx, 16
cmp cx, ax
jb .no_mouse_area
add ax, 15 ; mouse cursor X size
cmp cx, ax
ja .no_mouse_area
; offset X
sub cx, [X_UNDER] ; [MOUSE_X]
mov ax, cx
; eax = (offset y) shl 16 + (offset x)
pop ecx
push eax ebx
mov ebx, eax
shr ebx, 16 ; y
and eax, 0xffff ; x
shl ebx, 6
shl eax, 2
add eax, ebx
add eax, mouseunder
and ecx, 0xFFFFFF
mov [eax], ecx
pop ebx eax
push esi edi
rol eax, 16
movzx edi, ax ; y cycle
shl edi, 4 ; *16 bytes per row
shr eax, 16
add edi, eax ; x cycle
lea edi, [edi*3]
add edi, [MOUSE_PICTURE] ; we have our str address
mov esi, edi
add esi, 16*24*3
call combine_colors
pop edi esi
mov eax, ecx
pop eax
align 4
movzx ecx, word [X_UNDER]
movzx edx, word [Y_UNDER]
movzx ebx, word [MOUSE_Y]
movzx eax, word [MOUSE_X]
cmp [redrawmouse_unconditional], 0
je @f
mov [redrawmouse_unconditional], 0
jmp redrawmouse
cmp eax, ecx
jne redrawmouse
cmp ebx, edx
je nodmp
align 4
call draw_mouse_under
call save_draw_mouse
; mov eax, [_display.select_cursor]
; test eax, eax
; jz @f
cmp [_display.select_cursor], select_cursor
jne @f
xor eax, eax
mov esi, [current_cursor]
mov ax, [Y_UNDER]
sub eax, [esi+CURSOR.hot_y]
mov [Y_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_y], ax
add eax, [cur.h]
mov [Y_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_y_add_curh], ax
mov ax, [X_UNDER]
sub eax, [esi+CURSOR.hot_x]
mov [X_UNDER_subtraction_CUR_hot_x], ax
add eax, [cur.w]
mov [X_UNDER_sub_CUR_hot_x_add_curh], ax
align 4
proc set_mouse_data stdcall uses ecx edx, BtnState:dword, XMoving:dword, YMoving:dword, VScroll:dword, HScroll:dword
mov eax, [BtnState]
and eax, 0x3FFFFFFF ; Top 2 bits are used to flag absolute movements
mov [BTN_DOWN], eax
mov eax, [XMoving]
test [BtnState], 0x80000000
jnz .absolute_x
test eax, eax
jz @f
call mouse_acceleration
add ax, [MOUSE_X]
jns .check_x
xor eax, eax
jmp .set_x
mov edx, [_display.width]
mul edx
shr eax, 15
cmp ax, word[_display.width]
jl .set_x
mov ax, word[_display.width]
dec ax
mov [MOUSE_X], ax
mov eax, [YMoving]
test [BtnState], 0x40000000
jnz .absolute_y
test eax, eax
jz @f
neg eax
call mouse_acceleration
add ax, [MOUSE_Y]
jns .check_y
xor eax, eax
jmp .set_y
mov edx, [_display.height]
mul edx
shr eax, 15
cmp ax, word[_display.height]
jl .set_y
mov ax, word[_display.height]
dec ax
mov [MOUSE_Y], ax
mov eax, [VScroll]
test eax, eax
jz @f
add [MOUSE_SCROLL_V], ax
bts word [BTN_DOWN], 15
mov eax, [HScroll]
test eax, eax
jz @f
add [MOUSE_SCROLL_H], ax
bts dword [BTN_DOWN], 23
mov [mouse_active], 1
call wakeup_osloop
neg ax
jl mouse_acceleration
add al, [mouse_delay]
mul al
mov cx, [mouse_speed_factor]
dec ax
shr ax, cl
inc ax
test eax, eax
jns @f
neg ax
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:keywords
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,203
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2015. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;setting date,time,clock and alarm-clock
;add sys_settime at servetable as for ex. 22 fcn:
; ebx =0 - set time ecx - 00SSMMHH
; ebx =1 - set date ecx=00DDMMYY
; ebx =2 - set day of week ecx- 1-7
; ebx =3 - set alarm-clock ecx - 00SSMMHH
; out: 0 -Ok 1 -wrong format 2 -battery low
mov al, 0x0d
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
bt ax, 7
jnc bat_low
cmp ebx, 2;day of week
jne nosetweek
test ecx, ecx ;test day of week
je wrongtime
cmp ecx, 7
ja wrongtime
mov edx, 0x70
call startstopclk
dec edx
mov al, 6
out dx, al
inc edx
mov al, cl
out dx, al
jmp endsettime
nosetweek: ;set date
cmp ebx, 1
jne nosetdate
cmp cl, 0x99;test year
ja wrongtime
shl ecx, 4
cmp cl, 0x90
ja wrongtime
cmp ch, 0x99;test month
ja wrongtime
shr ecx, 4
test ch, ch
je wrongtime
cmp ch, 0x12
ja wrongtime
shl ecx, 8
bswap ecx ;ebx=00YYMMDD
test cl, cl ;test day
je wrongtime
shl ecx, 4
cmp cl, 0x90
ja wrongtime
shr ecx, 4
cmp ch, 2 ;February
jne testday
cmp cl, 0x29
ja wrongtime
jmp setdate
cmp ch, 8
jb testday1;Aug-Dec
bt cx, 8
jnc days31
jmp days30
bt cx, 8 ;Jan-Jul ex.Feb
jnc days30
cmp cl, 0x31
ja wrongtime
jmp setdate
cmp cl, 0x30
ja wrongtime
mov edx, 0x70
call startstopclk
dec edx
mov al, 7 ;set days
out dx, al
inc edx
mov al, cl
out dx, al
dec edx
mov al, 8 ;set months
out dx, al
inc edx
mov al, ch
out dx, al
dec edx
mov al, 9 ;set years
out dx, al
inc edx
shr ecx, 8
mov al, ch
out dx, al
jmp endsettime
nosetdate: ;set time or alarm-clock
cmp ebx, 3
ja wrongtime
cmp cl, 0x23
ja wrongtime
cmp ch, 0x59
ja wrongtime
shl ecx, 4
cmp cl, 0x90
ja wrongtime
cmp ch, 0x92
ja wrongtime
shl ecx, 4
bswap ecx ;00HHMMSS
cmp cl, 0x59
ja wrongtime
shl ecx, 4
cmp cl, 0x90
ja wrongtime
shr ecx, 4
mov edx, 0x70
call startstopclk
dec edx
cmp ebx, 3
je setalarm
xor eax, eax;al=0-set seconds
out dx, al
inc edx
mov al, cl
out dx, al
dec edx
mov al, 2 ;set minutes
out dx, al
inc edx
mov al, ch
out dx, al
dec edx
mov al, 4 ;set hours
out dx, al
inc edx
shr ecx, 8
mov al, ch
out dx, al
jmp endsettime
mov al, 1;set seconds for al.
out dx, al
inc edx
mov al, cl
out dx, al
dec edx
mov al, 3;set minutes for al.
out dx, al
inc edx
mov al, ch
out dx, al
dec edx
mov al, 5;set hours for al.
out dx, al
inc edx
shr ecx, 8
mov al, ch
out dx, al
dec edx
mov al, 0x0b;enable irq's
out dx, al
inc dx
in al, dx
bts ax, 5;set bit 5
out dx, al
dec edx
call startstopclk
and [esp+36-4], dword 0
mov [esp+36-4], dword 2
mov [esp+36-4], dword 1
mov al, 0x0b
out dx, al
inc dx
in al, dx
btc ax, 7
out dx, al
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:keywords
\ No newline at end of property
Property changes:
Added: svn:ignore