Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 5565 → Rev 5577

7,8 → 7,7
$Revision: 4420 $
; Access through BIOS by diamond
; Disk access through BIOS
align 4
23,6 → 22,16
bios_hdpos dd 0
bios_cur_sector dd ?
bios_read_len dd ?
cache_chain_ptr dd ?
int13_regs_in rb sizeof.v86_regs
int13_regs_out rb sizeof.v86_regs
cache_chain_size db ?
proc bd_read_interface stdcall uses edi, \
userdata, buffer, startsector:qword, numsectors
; userdata = old [hdpos] = 80h + index in NumBiosDisks
76,7 → 85,7
xor eax, eax
proc bd_write_interface stdcall uses esi edi, \
userdata, buffer, startsector:qword, numsectors
; userdata = old [hdpos] = 80h + index in NumBiosDisks
142,7 → 151,7
xor eax, eax
; This is a stub.
proc bd_querymedia stdcall, hd_data, mediainfo
mov eax, [mediainfo]
153,16 → 162,7
xor eax, eax
; \begin{diamond}
bios_hdpos dd 0 ; 0 is invalid value for [hdpos]
bios_cur_sector dd ?
bios_read_len dd ?
align 4
push eax
push edx
209,8 → 209,7
mov [hd_error], 1
jmp hd_read_error
align 4
mov edi, OS_BASE + 0x9A000
234,13 → 233,7
mov [hd_error], 1
jmp hd_write_error
int13_regs_in rb sizeof.v86_regs
int13_regs_out rb sizeof.v86_regs
align 4
; Because this code uses fixed addresses,
; it can not be run simultaniously by many threads.
290,4 → 283,3
mov edx, ecx
; \end{diamond}
7,17 → 7,14
; HDD driver
; Low-level driver for HDD access
; DMA support by Mario79
; LBA48 support by Mario79
struct HD_DATA
hdbase dd ?
hdid dd ?
hdpos dd ?
align 4
52,7 → 49,7
dd ide_channel5_mutex
dd ide_channel6_mutex
ide_mutex MUTEX
ide_channel1_mutex MUTEX
61,29 → 58,45
ide_channel4_mutex MUTEX
ide_channel5_mutex MUTEX
ide_channel6_mutex MUTEX
rb 4
rb 6
allow_dma_access db ?
IDE_common_irq_param db ?
eventPointer dd ?
eventID dd ?
proc ide_read stdcall uses edi, \
mov al, 25h ; READ DMA EXT
jmp ide_read_write
mov al, 35h ; WRITE DMA EXT
; fall through to ide_read_write
proc ide_read_write stdcall uses esi edi ebx, \
hd_data, buffer, startsector:qword, numsectors
; hd_data = pointer to hd*_data
; buffer = pointer to buffer for data
; buffer = pointer to buffer with/for data
; startsector = 64-bit start sector
; numsectors = pointer to number of sectors on input,
; must be filled with number of sectors really read
; must be filled with number of sectors really read/written
sectors_todo dd ?
channel_lock dd ?
operation db ?
; 1. Initialize number of sectors: get number of requested sectors
; and say that no sectors were read yet.
mov [operation], al
; get number of requested sectors and say that no sectors were read yet
mov ecx, [numsectors]
mov eax, [ecx]
mov dword [ecx], 0
mov [sectors_todo], eax
; 2. Acquire the global lock.
; acquire the global lock
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov ecx, [hd_data]
mov ecx, [ecx+HD_DATA.hdpos]
dec ecx
92,13 → 105,7
mov ecx, [ecx + ide_mutex_table]
mov [channel_lock], ecx
call mutex_lock
; 3. Convert parameters to the form suitable for worker procedures.
; Underlying procedures do not know about 64-bit sectors.
; Worker procedures use global variables and edi for [buffer].
cmp dword [startsector+4], 0
jnz .fail
and [hd_error], 0
; prepare worker procedures variables
mov ecx, [hd_data]
mov eax, [ecx+HD_DATA.hdbase]
mov [hdbase], eax
107,14 → 114,12
mov eax, [ecx+HD_DATA.hdpos]
mov [hdpos], eax
mov eax, dword [startsector]
mov edi, [buffer]
; 4. Worker procedures take one sectors per time, so loop over all sectors to read.
; DMA read is permitted if [allow_dma_access]=1 or 2
cmp [allow_dma_access], 2
ja .nodma
push eax ecx
mov [sector], eax
mov ax, word [startsector+4]
mov [sector+4], ax
mov esi, [buffer]
mov edi, esi
mov bl, [operation]
mov ecx, [hdpos]
dec ecx
shr ecx, 2
121,7 → 126,6
imul ecx, sizeof.IDE_DATA
add ecx, IDE_controller_1
mov [IDE_controller_pointer], ecx
mov eax, [hdpos]
dec eax
and eax, 11b
128,176 → 132,42
shr eax, 1
add eax, ecx
cmp [eax+IDE_DATA.dma_hdd_channel_1], 1
pop ecx eax
jnz .nodma
call hd_read_dma
jmp @f
call hd_read_pio
cmp [hd_error], 0
jnz .fail
mov ecx, [numsectors]
inc dword [ecx] ; one more sector is read
dec [sectors_todo]
jz .done
inc eax
jnz .sectors_loop
; 5. Loop is done, either due to error or because everything is done.
; Release the global lock and return the corresponding status.
mov ecx, [channel_lock]
call mutex_unlock
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_unlock
or eax, -1
mov ecx, [channel_lock]
call mutex_unlock
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
proc ide_write stdcall uses esi edi, \
hd_data, buffer, startsector:qword, numsectors
; hd_data = pointer to hd*_data
; buffer = pointer to buffer with data
; startsector = 64-bit start sector
; numsectors = pointer to number of sectors on input,
; must be filled with number of sectors really written
sectors_todo dd ?
channel_lock dd ?
; 1. Initialize number of sectors: get number of requested sectors
; and say that no sectors were read yet.
mov ecx, [numsectors]
mov eax, [ecx]
mov dword [ecx], 0
mov [sectors_todo], eax
; 2. Acquire the global lock.
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov ecx, [hd_data]
mov ecx, [ecx+HD_DATA.hdpos]
dec ecx
shr ecx, 1
shl ecx, 2
mov ecx, [ecx + ide_mutex_table]
mov [channel_lock], ecx
call mutex_lock
; 3. Convert parameters to the form suitable for worker procedures.
; Underlying procedures do not know about 64-bit sectors.
; Worker procedures use global variables and esi for [buffer].
cmp dword [startsector+4], 0
jnz .fail
and [hd_error], 0
mov ecx, [hd_data]
mov eax, [ecx+HD_DATA.hdbase]
mov [hdbase], eax
mov eax, [ecx+HD_DATA.hdid]
mov [hdid], eax
mov eax, [ecx+HD_DATA.hdpos]
mov [hdpos], eax
mov esi, [buffer]
lea edi, [startsector]
mov [cache_chain_ptr], edi
; 4. Worker procedures take max 16 sectors per time,
; loop until all sectors will be processed.
mov ecx, 16
jz .next
; worker procedures take max 8000h sectors per time
; loop until all sectors will be processed
mov ecx, 8000h
cmp ecx, [sectors_todo]
jbe @f
mov ecx, [sectors_todo]
mov [cache_chain_size], cl
; DMA write is permitted only if [allow_dma_access]=1
cmp [allow_dma_access], 2
jae .nodma
push eax ecx
mov ecx, [hdpos]
dec ecx
shr ecx, 2
imul ecx, sizeof.IDE_DATA
add ecx, IDE_controller_1
mov [IDE_controller_pointer], ecx
mov eax, [hdpos]
dec eax
and eax, 11b
shr eax, 1
add eax, ecx
cmp [eax+IDE_DATA.dma_hdd_channel_1], 1
pop ecx eax
jnz .nodma
call cache_write_dma
jmp .common
mov [cache_chain_size], 1
call cache_write_pio
cmp [hd_error], 0
jnz .fail
movzx ecx, [cache_chain_size]
mov [blockSize], ecx
push ecx
call IDE_transfer
pop ecx
jc .out
mov eax, [numsectors]
add [eax], ecx
sub [sectors_todo], ecx
jz .done
add [edi], ecx
jc .fail
shl ecx, 9
add esi, ecx
jmp .sectors_loop
; 5. Loop is done, either due to error or because everything is done.
; Release the global lock and return the corresponding status.
jz .out
add [sector], ecx
adc word [sector+4], 0
jmp .next
; loop is done, either due to error or because everything is done
; release the global lock and return the corresponding status
sbb eax, eax
push eax
mov ecx, [channel_lock]
call mutex_unlock
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_unlock
or eax, -1
pop eax
mov ecx, [channel_lock]
call mutex_unlock
mov ecx, ide_mutex
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
; This is a stub.
; this is a stub
proc ide_querymedia stdcall, hd_data, mediainfo
mov eax, [mediainfo]
mov [eax+DISKMEDIAINFO.Flags], 0
307,253 → 177,232
xor eax, eax
align 4
; input: eax = sector, edi -> buffer
; output: edi = edi + 512
push eax edx
; Select the desired drive
; input: esi -> buffer, bl = command, [sector], [blockSize]
; output: esi -> next block in buffer
; for pio read esi equal edi
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 6 ;адрес регистра головок
add edx, 6
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al; номер головки/номер диска
call wait_for_hd_idle
cmp [hd_error], 0
jne hd_read_error
; ATA with 28 or 48 bit for sector number?
mov eax, [esp+4]
cmp eax, 0x10000000
jae .lba48
add al, 224
out dx, al ; select the desired drive
call save_hd_wait_timeout
inc edx
call check_hd_wait_timeout
jc .hd_error
in al, dx
test al, 128 ; ready for command?
jnz @b
pushfd ; fill the ports
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; ATA Features регистр "особенностей"
inc edx
inc eax
out dx, al ; ATA Sector Counter счётчик секторов
mov al, [blockSize+1]
out dx, al ; Sector count (15:8)
inc edx
mov eax, [esp+4+4]
out dx, al ; LBA Low LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
mov eax, [sector+3]
out dx, al ; LBA (31:24)
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
out dx, al ; LBA (39:32)
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High LBA (23:16)
shr eax, 8
out dx, al ; LBA (47:40)
sub edx, 3
mov al, [blockSize]
out dx, al ; Sector count (7:0)
inc edx
and al, 1+2+4+8 ; LBA (27:24)
add al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
mov eax, [sector]
out dx, al ; LBA (7:0)
inc edx
mov al, 20h ; READ SECTOR(S)
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
jmp .continue
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; Features Previous Reserved
out dx, al ; Features Current Reserved
inc edx
out dx, al ; Sector Count Previous Sector count (15:8)
inc eax
out dx, al ; Sector Count Current Sector count (7:0)
inc edx
mov eax, [esp+4+4]
rol eax, 8
out dx, al ; LBA Low Previous LBA (31:24)
xor eax, eax ; because only 32 bit cache
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Previous LBA (39:32)
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Previous LBA (47:40)
sub edx, 2
mov eax, [esp+4+4]
out dx, al ; LBA Low Current LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
out dx, al ; LBA (15:8)
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Current LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
out dx, al ; LBA (23:16)
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Current LBA (23:16)
inc edx
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
inc edx
mov al, 24h ; READ SECTOR(S) EXT
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
call wait_for_sector_buffer
add al, 224
out dx, al
test bl, 1
jz .PIO
mov dword [esp], 0x1000
call kernel_alloc
mov edi, eax
push eax
shl dword [blockSize], 9
mov eax, esi
add eax, [blockSize]
push eax
; check buffer pages physical addresses and fill the scatter-gather list
; buffer may be not aligned and may have size not divisible by page size
; [edi] = block physical address, [edi+4] = block size in bytes
; block addresses can not cross 10000h borders
mov ecx, esi
and ecx, 0xFFF
jz .aligned
mov eax, esi
call get_pg_addr
add eax, ecx
neg ecx
add ecx, 0x1000
mov [edi], eax
cmp ecx, [blockSize]
jnc .end
mov [edi+4], ecx
add esi, 0x1000
add edi, 8
sub [blockSize], ecx
mov eax, esi
call get_pg_addr
mov ecx, eax
mov [edi], eax
and ecx, 0xFFFF
neg ecx
add ecx, 0x10000
cmp [blockSize], ecx
jnc @f
mov ecx, [blockSize]
and ecx, 0xF000
jz .end
push ecx
add esi, 0x1000
add eax, 0x1000
sub ecx, 0x1000
jz @f
mov edx, eax
mov eax, esi
call get_pg_addr
cmp eax, edx
jz @b
pop edx
sub edx, ecx
mov [edi+4], edx
add edi, 8
sub [blockSize], edx
jnz .aligned
sub edi, 8
jmp @f
mov ecx, [blockSize]
mov [edi+4], ecx
mov byte [edi+7], 80h ; list end
pop esi
pop edi
; select controller Primary or Secondary
mov ecx, [IDE_controller_pointer]
mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.RegsBaseAddres]
mov eax, [hdpos]
dec eax
test eax, 10b
jz @f
add edx, 8
add edx, 2 ; Bus Master IDE Status register
mov al, 6
out dx, al ; clear Error bit and Interrupt bit
cmp [hd_error], 0
jne hd_read_error
add edx, 2 ; Bus Master IDE PRD Table Address
mov eax, edi
call get_pg_addr
out dx, eax ; send scatter-gather list physical address
mov ecx, 256
push edx
mov edx, [hdbase]
rep insw
add edx, 7 ; ATACommand
mov al, bl
out dx, al ; Start hard drive
pop edx
pop edx eax
sub edx, 4 ; Bus Master IDE Command register
mov al, 1 ; set direction
cmp bl, 35h ; write
jz @f
add al, 8 ; read
out dx, al ; Start Bus Master
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], 14
mov eax, [hdpos]
dec eax
test eax, 10b
jz @f
inc [IDE_common_irq_param]
push edi esi ebx
xor ecx, ecx
xor esi, esi
call create_event
mov [eventPointer], eax
mov [eventID], edx
mov ebx, edx
mov ecx, 300
call wait_event_timeout
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
mov eax, [eventPointer]
mov ebx, [eventID]
call destroy_event
mov [eventPointer], 0
pop ebx esi
call kernel_free
cmp [eventPointer], 0
jz .hd_error
align 4
; edi -> sector, esi -> data
; Select the desired drive
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 6 ;адрес регистра головок
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
call wait_for_hd_idle
cmp [hd_error], 0
jne hd_write_error
; ATA with 28 or 48 bit for sector number?
mov eax, [edi]
cmp eax, 0x10000000
jae .lba48
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; ATA Features регистр "особенностей"
inc edx
inc eax
out dx, al ; ATA Sector Counter счётчик секторов
inc edx
mov eax, [edi] ; eax = sector to write
out dx, al ; LBA Low LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High LBA (23:16)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
and al, 1+2+4+8 ; LBA (27:24)
add al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
inc edx
mov al, 30h ; WRITE SECTOR(S)
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
jmp .continue
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; Features Previous Reserved
out dx, al ; Features Current Reserved
inc edx
out dx, al ; Sector Count Previous Sector count (15:8)
inc eax
out dx, al ; Sector Count Current Sector count (7:0)
inc edx
mov eax, [edi]
rol eax, 8
out dx, al ; LBA Low Previous LBA (31:24)
xor eax, eax ; because only 32 bit cache
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Previous LBA (39:32)
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Previous LBA (47:40)
sub edx, 2
mov eax, [edi]
out dx, al ; LBA Low Current LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Current LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Current LBA (23:16)
inc edx
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
inc edx
mov al, 34h ; WRITE SECTOR(S) EXT
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
inc edx ; ATACommand
mov al, bl
out dx, al ; Start hard drive
call wait_for_sector_buffer
cmp [hd_error], 0
jne hd_write_error
push ecx esi
call save_hd_wait_timeout
in al, dx
in al, dx
in al, dx
in al, dx
call check_hd_wait_timeout
jc .hd_error
in al, dx
test al, 8 ; ready for transfer?
jz @b
cmp [hd_setup], 1 ; do not mark error for setup request
jz @f
test al, 1 ; previous command ended up with an error
jnz .hd_error
mov ecx, 256
mov edx, [hdbase]
cmp bl, 34h
jz .write
rep insw
jmp @f
rep outsw
pop esi ecx
add edx, 7
dec dword [blockSize]
jnz .sectorTransfer
align 4
push eax
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
add eax, 300 ; 3 sec timeout
mov [hd_wait_timeout], eax
pop eax
align 4
push eax
mov eax, [hd_wait_timeout]
cmp [timer_ticks], eax
jg hd_timeout_error
pop eax
mov [hd_error], 0
if lang eq sp
DEBUGF 1,"K : FS - HD tiempo de espera agotado\n"
DEBUGF 1,"K : FS - HD timeout\n"
end if
mov [hd_error], 1
pop eax
cmp bl, 30h
jnc hd_write_error
if lang eq sp
DEBUGF 1,"K : FS - HD error de lectura\n"
560,11 → 409,9
DEBUGF 1,"K : FS - HD read error\n"
end if
pop edx eax
pop esi
if lang eq sp
DEBUGF 1,"K : FS - HD error de escritura\n"
571,667 → 418,75
DEBUGF 1,"K : FS - HD write error\n"
end if
align 4
push eax edx
call save_hd_wait_timeout
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 0x7
align 4
call check_hd_wait_timeout
cmp [hd_error], 0
jne @f
in al, dx
test al, 128
jnz wfhil1
pop edx eax
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
add eax, 300 ; 3 sec timeout
mov [hd_wait_timeout], eax
align 4
push eax edx
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 0x7
call save_hd_wait_timeout
align 4
hdwait_sbuf: ; wait for sector buffer to be ready
call check_hd_wait_timeout
cmp [hd_error], 0
jne @f
in al, dx
test al, 8
jz hdwait_sbuf
mov [hd_error], 0
cmp [hd_setup], 1 ; do not mark error for setup request
je buf_wait_ok
test al, 1 ; previous command ended up with an error
jz buf_wait_ok
mov eax, [timer_ticks]
cmp [hd_wait_timeout], eax
jc @f
mov [hd_error], 1
pop edx eax
if lang eq sp
DEBUGF 1,"K : FS - HD tiempo de espera agotado\n"
DEBUGF 1,"K : FS - HD timeout\n"
end if
irq14_num equ byte 14
irq15_num equ byte 15
align 4
push eax
push edx
call save_hd_wait_timeout
align 4
call change_task
cmp [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
jz .done
call check_hd_wait_timeout
cmp [hd_error], 0
jz .wait
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
pop edx
pop eax
align 4
push eax
push edx
call save_hd_wait_timeout
align 4
call change_task
cmp [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
jz .done
call check_hd_wait_timeout
cmp [hd_error], 0
jz .wait
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
pop edx
pop eax
align 4
; note that IDE descriptor table must be 4-byte aligned
; and do not cross 4K boundary
dw 0x2000
dw 0x8000
dma_cur_sector dd not 40h
dma_hdpos dd 0
IDE_common_irq_param db 0
; all uglobals are zeroed at boot
cache_chain_ptr dd 0
cache_chain_size db 0
allow_dma_access db 0
align 4
; DEBUGF 1, 'K : IDE_irq_14_handler %x\n', [IDE_common_irq_param]:2
cmp [IDE_common_irq_param], irq14_num
jne .exit
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
mov ecx, [IDE_controller_pointer]
mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.RegsBaseAddres]
; test whether it is our interrupt?
add edx, 2
in al, dx
test al, 100b
jz @f
; clear Bus Master IDE Status register
; clear Interrupt bit
out dx, al
; clear Bus Master IDE Command register
sub edx, 2
xor eax, eax
out dx, al
; read status register and remove the interrupt request
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 0x7
in al, dx
mov al, 1
mov al, 0
align 4
; DEBUGF 1, 'K : IDE_irq_15_handler %x\n', [IDE_common_irq_param]:2
cmp [IDE_common_irq_param], irq15_num
jne .exit
; DEBUGF 1, 'K : IDE_irq_handler %x\n', [IDE_common_irq_param]:2
cmp [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
jz .exit
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
mov ecx, [IDE_controller_pointer]
mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.RegsBaseAddres]
add dx, 8
; test whether it is our interrupt?
add edx, 2
in al, dx
test al, 100b
cmp [IDE_common_irq_param], 14
jz @f
; clear Bus Master IDE Status register
; clear Interrupt bit
out dx, al
; clear Bus Master IDE Command register
sub edx, 2
mov al, 0
out dx, al
; read status register and remove the interrupt request
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 0x7
in al, dx
mov al, 1
mov al, 0
align 4
; DEBUGF 1, 'K : IDE_common_irq_handler %x\n', [IDE_common_irq_param]:2
cmp [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
je .exit
xor ebx, ebx
mov ecx, [IDE_controller_pointer]
mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.RegsBaseAddres]
mov eax, IDE_common_irq_param
cmp [eax], irq14_num
mov [eax], bl
je @f
add dx, 8
; test whether it is our interrupt?
add edx, 2
add edx, 2 ; Bus Master IDE Status register
in al, dx
test al, 100b
test al, 4
jz @f
; clear Bus Master IDE Status register
; clear Interrupt bit
out dx, al
; clear Bus Master IDE Command register
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], 0
out dx, al ; clear Interrupt bit
sub edx, 2
xor eax, eax
out dx, al
; read status register and remove the interrupt request
out dx, al ; clear Bus Master IDE Command register
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 0x7
in al, dx
add edx, 7
in al, dx ; read status register
mov eax, [eventPointer]
mov ebx, [eventID]
xor edx, edx
xor esi, esi
call raise_event
mov al, 1
mov al, 1 ; remove the interrupt request
mov al, 0
xor eax, eax ; not our interrupt
align 4
push eax
push edx
mov edx, [dma_hdpos]
cmp edx, [hdpos]
jne .notread
mov edx, [dma_cur_sector]
cmp eax, edx
jb .notread
add edx, 15
cmp [esp+4], edx
ja .notread
mov eax, [esp+4]
sub eax, [dma_cur_sector]
shl eax, 9
add eax, (OS_BASE+IDE_DMA)
push ecx esi
mov esi, eax
mov ecx, 512/4
rep movsd
pop esi ecx
pop edx
pop eax
; set data for PRD Table
mov eax, IDE_descriptor_table
mov dword [eax], IDE_DMA
mov word [eax+4], 0x2000
sub eax, OS_BASE
; select controller Primary or Secondary
mov ecx, [IDE_controller_pointer]
mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.RegsBaseAddres]
push eax
mov eax, [hdpos]
dec eax
test eax, 10b
pop eax
jz @f
add edx, 8
push edx
; Bus Master IDE PRD Table Address
add edx, 4
; save IDE_descriptor_table
out dx, eax
pop edx
; clear Bus Master IDE Command register
mov al, 0
out dx, al
; clear Bus Master IDE Status register
; clear Error bit and Interrupt bit
add edx, 2
mov al, 6 ; 110b
out dx, al
; Select the desired drive
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 6 ; адрес регистра головок
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
call wait_for_hd_idle
cmp [hd_error], 0
jnz hd_read_error
; ATA with 28 or 48 bit for sector number?
mov eax, [esp+4]
; -10h because the PreCache hits the boundary between lba28 and lba48
; 10h = 16 - size of PreCache
cmp eax, 0x10000000-10h
jae .lba48
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; ATA Features регистр "особенностей"
inc edx
mov eax, 10h ; Sector Counter = 16 ; PreCache
out dx, al ; ATA Sector Counter счётчик секторов
inc edx
mov eax, [esp+4+4]
out dx, al ; LBA Low LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High LBA (23:16)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
and al, 0xF ; LBA (27:24)
add al, byte [hdid]
add al, 11100000b
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
inc edx
mov al, 0xC8 ; READ DMA
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
jmp .continue
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; Features Previous Reserved
out dx, al ; Features Current Reserved
inc edx
out dx, al ; Sector Count Previous Sector count (15:8)
mov eax, 10h ; Sector Counter = 16 PreCache
out dx, al ; Sector Count Current Sector count (7:0)
inc edx
mov eax, [esp+4+4]
rol eax, 8
out dx, al ; LBA Low Previous LBA (31:24)
xor eax, eax ; because only 32 bit cache
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Previous LBA (39:32)
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Previous LBA (47:40)
sub edx, 2
mov eax, [esp+4+4]
out dx, al ; LBA Low Current LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Current LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Current LBA (23:16)
inc edx
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
inc edx
mov al, 25h ; READ DMA EXT
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
; select controller Primary or Secondary
mov ecx, [IDE_controller_pointer]
mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.RegsBaseAddres]
mov eax, [hdpos]
dec eax
test eax, 10b
jz @f
add dx, 8
; set write to memory and Start Bus Master
mov al, 9
out dx, al
mov eax, [hdpos]
dec eax
test eax, 10b
jnz .ide1
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], irq14_num
jmp @f
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], irq15_num
; wait for interrupt
mov eax, [hdpos]
dec eax
test eax, 10b
jnz .wait_ide1
call wait_for_sector_dma_ide0
jmp @f
call wait_for_sector_dma_ide1
cmp [hd_error], 0
jnz hd_read_error
mov eax, [hdpos]
mov [dma_hdpos], eax
pop edx
pop eax
mov [dma_cur_sector], eax
jmp hd_read_dma
mov eax, [cache_chain_ptr] ; for what?
push esi
; set data for PRD Table
mov eax, IDE_descriptor_table
mov edx, eax
mov edi, (OS_BASE+IDE_DMA)
mov dword [edx], IDE_DMA
movzx ecx, [cache_chain_size]
shl ecx, 9
mov word [edx+4], cx
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
sub eax, OS_BASE
; select controller Primary or Secondary
mov ecx, [IDE_controller_pointer]
mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.RegsBaseAddres]
push eax
mov eax, [hdpos]
dec eax
test eax, 10b
pop eax
jz @f
add edx, 8
push edx
; Bus Master IDE PRD Table Address
add edx, 4
; save IDE_descriptor_table
out dx, eax
pop edx
; clear Bus Master IDE Command register
mov al, 0
out dx, al
; clear Bus Master IDE Status register
; clear Error bit and Interrupt bit
add edx, 2
mov al, 6
out dx, al
; Select the desired drive
mov edx, [hdbase]
add edx, 6 ; адрес регистра головок
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
call wait_for_hd_idle
cmp [hd_error], 0
jnz hd_write_error_dma
; ATA with 28 or 48 bit for sector number?
mov esi, [cache_chain_ptr]
mov eax, [esi]
; -40h because the PreCache hits the boundary between lba28 and lba48
; 40h = 64 - the maximum number of sectors to be written for one command
cmp eax, 0x10000000-40h
jae .lba48
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; ATA Features регистр "особенностей"
inc edx
mov al, [cache_chain_size] ; Sector Counter
out dx, al ; ATA Sector Counter счётчик секторов
inc edx
mov eax, [esi]
out dx, al ; LBA Low LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High LBA (23:16)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
and al, 0xF ; LBA (27:24)
add al, byte [hdid]
add al, 11100000b
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
inc edx
mov al, 0xCA ; WRITE DMA
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
jmp .continue
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [hdbase]
inc edx
out dx, al ; Features Previous Reserved
out dx, al ; Features Current Reserved
inc edx
out dx, al ; Sector Count Previous Sector count (15:8)
mov al, [cache_chain_size] ; Sector Counter
out dx, al ; Sector Count Current Sector count (7:0)
inc edx
mov eax, [esi]
rol eax, 8
out dx, al ; LBA Low Previous LBA (31:24)
xor eax, eax ; because only 32 bit cache
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Previous LBA (39:32)
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Previous LBA (47:40)
sub edx, 2
mov eax, [esi]
out dx, al ; LBA Low Current LBA (7:0)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA Mid Current LBA (15:8)
shr eax, 8
inc edx
out dx, al ; LBA High Current LBA (23:16)
inc edx
mov al, byte [hdid]
add al, 128+64+32
out dx, al ; номер головки/номер диска
inc edx
mov al, 35h ; WRITE DMA EXT
out dx, al ; ATACommand регистр команд
; select controller Primary or Secondary
mov ecx, [IDE_controller_pointer]
mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.RegsBaseAddres]
mov eax, [hdpos]
dec eax
test eax, 10b
jz @f
add dx, 8
; set write to device and Start Bus Master
mov al, 1
out dx, al
mov eax, [hdpos]
dec eax
test eax, 10b
jnz .ide1
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], irq14_num
jmp @f
mov [IDE_common_irq_param], irq15_num
; wait for interrupt
mov [dma_cur_sector], not 0x40
mov eax, [hdpos]
dec eax
test eax, 10b
jnz .wait_ide1
call wait_for_sector_dma_ide0
jmp @f
call wait_for_sector_dma_ide1
cmp [hd_error], 0
jnz hd_write_error_dma
pop esi
proc clear_pci_ide_interrupts
mov esi, pcidev_list
align 4
mov esi, [esi+PCIDEV.fd]
1265,8 → 520,6
in al, dx
DEBUGF 1,'-> %x\n',al
jmp .loop
165,7 → 165,6
call pci_make_config_cmd
mov ebx, eax
; get current state
mov dx, 0xcf8
in eax, dx
push eax
692,7 → 691,7
test eax, eax
jz .nomemory
mov edi, eax
mov [edi+PCIDEV.vid_did], ecx
mov [edi+PCIDEV.vendor_device_id], ecx
mov edx, pcidev_list
list_add_tail edi, edx
mov eax, dword [.devfn]
704,19 → 703,19
shr eax, 8 ;FIXME use byte mask
mov [edi+PCIDEV.class], eax
mov ah, [.bus]
mov bh, byte [.devfn]
mov al, 2
call pci_read_reg
mov [edi+PCIDEV.svid_sdid], eax
; mov ah, [.bus]
; mov bh, byte [.devfn]
; mov al, 2
; call pci_read_reg
; mov [edi+PCIDEV.svid_sdid], eax
mov ah, [.bus]
mov al, 0
mov bh, [.devfn]
mov bl, PCI_IRQ_LINE
call pci_read_reg
mov [edi+PCIDEV.irq_line], al
; mov ah, [.bus]
; mov al, 0
; mov bh, [.devfn]
; mov bl, PCI_IRQ_LINE
; call pci_read_reg
; mov [edi+PCIDEV.irq_line], al
test byte [.devfn], 7
jnz .next_func
739,6 → 738,11
; Export for drivers. Just returns the pointer to the pci-devices list.
proc get_pcidev_list
mov eax, pcidev_list
229,7 → 229,6
VGABasePtr equ (OS_BASE+0x00A0000)
496,6 → 495,18
count dd ?
struct FUTEX
list LHEAD
magic dd ?
handle dd ?
destroy dd ?
wait_list LHEAD
pointer dd ?
flags dd ?
struct display_t
x dd ?
y dd ?
1340,3 → 1340,72
call free ;release object memory
; param
; eñõ= size
align 4
push esi
push edi
mov esi, [current_process]
mov eax, [esi+PROC.ht_free]
mov edi, [esi+PROC.ht_next]
dec eax
js .err0
mov [esi+PROC.ht_free], eax
mov eax, [esi+PROC.htab+edi*4]
mov [esi+PROC.ht_next], eax
mov eax, ecx
call malloc
test eax, eax
jz .err1
mov [eax+FUTEX.handle], edi
mov [esi+PROC.htab+edi*4], eax
pop edi
pop esi
mov eax, [esi+PROC.ht_next]
mov [esi+PROC.htab+edi*4], eax
mov [esi+PROC.ht_next], edi
inc [esi+PROC.ht_free]
pop edi
pop esi
xor eax, eax
align 4
mov ecx, sizeof.FUTEX
call create_object
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov [eax+FUTEX.magic], 'FUTX'
mov [eax+FUTEX.destroy], 0
lea ecx, [eax+FUTEX.wait_list]
list_init ecx
mov [eax+FUTEX.pointer], 0
mov [eax+FUTEX.flags], 0
469,10 → 469,11
stdcall kernel_alloc, 0x2000
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov [process], eax
lea edi, [eax+PROC.heap_lock]
mov ecx, (PROC.ht_next-PROC.heap_lock)/4
mov ecx, (PROC.ht_free-PROC.heap_lock)/4
list_init eax
add eax, PROC.thr_list
482,7 → 483,11
rep stosd
mov [edi], dword (PROC.pdt_0 - PROC.htab)/4 - 3
mov [edi+4], dword 3 ;reserve handles for stdin stdout and stderr
mov ecx, (PROC.pdt_0 - PROC.htab)/4
add edi, 8
inc eax
inc eax
489,7 → 494,6
cmp eax, ecx
jbe @B
mov [edi-4096+PROC.ht_next], 3 ;reserve handles for stdin stdout and stderr
mov eax, edi
call get_pg_addr
mov [edi-4096+PROC.pdt_0_phys], eax
533,7 → 533,6
SB16Buffer rb 65536
align 4096
_IDE_DMA rb 16*512
BUTTON_INFO rb 64*1024
RESERVED_PORTS: rb 64*1024
702,12 → 702,31
mov esi, boot_setostask
call boot_log
mov edi, sys_proc
list_init edi
lea ecx, [edi+PROC.thr_list]
list_init ecx
mov [edi+PROC.pdt_0_phys], sys_proc-OS_BASE+PROC.pdt_0
mov eax, sys_proc
lea edi, [eax+PROC.heap_lock]
mov ecx, (PROC.ht_free-PROC.heap_lock)/4
list_init eax
add eax, PROC.thr_list
list_init eax
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
mov [edi], dword (PROC.pdt_0 - PROC.htab)/4 - 3
mov [edi+4], dword 3 ;reserve handles for stdin stdout and stderr
mov ecx, (PROC.pdt_0 - PROC.htab)/4
add edi, 8
inc eax
inc eax
cmp eax, ecx
jbe @B
mov [sys_proc+PROC.pdt_0_phys], sys_proc-OS_BASE+PROC.pdt_0
mov eax, -1
mov edi, thr_slot_map+4
mov [edi-4], dword 0xFFFFFFF8
807,7 → 826,6
call free_page
mov esi, boot_initirq
call boot_log
111,7 → 111,8
io_map_0 rd 1
io_map_1 rd 1
ht_lock rd 1 ;htab[0] stdin
ht_lock rd 1
ht_free rd 1 ;htab[0] stdin
ht_next rd 1 ;htab[1] stdout
htab rd (4096-$)/4 ;htab[2] stderr
pdt_0 rd 1024
1508,9 → 1508,9
mov [esi + RING_BUFFER.end_ptr], eax
mov eax, esi
pop esi
pop esi
281,7 → 281,7
mov ebp, [d_width_calc_area+ebp*4]
add ebp, ebx
add ebp, [_WinMapAddress]
add ebp, [_display.win_map]
mov eax, [esp+BLITTER.src_y]
imul eax, [esp+BLITTER.stride]
370,7 → 370,7
jnz .inner32
add esi, [esp+BLITTER.stride]
add edi, [_display.pitch]
add edi, [_display.lfb_pitch]
add ebp, [_display.width]
inc dword [esp+.x_y]
432,7 → 432,7
jnz .inner32
add esi, [esp+BLITTER.stride]
add edi, [_display.pitch]
add edi, [_display.lfb_pitch]
add ebp, [_display.width]
inc dword [esp+.x_y]