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Regard whitespace Rev 2467 → Rev 2987

23,6 → 23,7
EV_SPACE = 512
FreeEvents = event_start-EVENT.fd ; "âèðòóàëüíûé" event, èñïîëüçóþòñÿ òîëüêî ïîëÿ:
; FreeEvents.fd=event_start è FreeEvents.bk=event_end
align 4
init_events: ;; used from kernel.asm
stdcall kernel_alloc, EV_SPACE*sizeof.EVENT
32,6 → 33,8
mov ecx, EV_SPACE ; current - in allocated space
mov ebx, FreeEvents ; previos - íà÷àëî ñïèñêà
push ebx ; îíî æå è êîíåö ïîòîì áóäåò
align 4
mov [ebx+EVENT.fd], eax
mov [eax+EVENT.bk], ebx
41,14 → 44,16
pop eax ; âîò îíî êîíöîì è ñòàëî
mov [ebx+EVENT.fd], eax
mov [eax+EVENT.bk], ebx
align 4
EVENT_WATCHED equ 0x10000000 ;áèò 28
EVENT_SIGNALED equ 0x20000000 ;áèò 29
MANUAL_RESET equ 0x40000000 ;áèò 30
MANUAL_DESTROY equ 0x80000000 ;áèò 31
align 4
create_event: ;; EXPORT use
67,7 → 72,8
mov edx, []
align 4
set_event: ;; INTERNAL use !!! don't use for Call
; Áåðåì íîâûé event èç FreeEvents, çàïîëíÿåì åãî ïîëÿ, êàê óêàçàíî â ecx,edx,esi
89,6 → 95,8
call init_events
jz RemoveEventTo.break ; POPF+RET
align 4
mov eax, [eax+EVENT.fd]
mov [eax+EVENT.magic], 'EVNT'
103,7 → 111,8
mov ecx, (sizeof.EVENT -EVENT.code)/4
rep movsd
align 4
RemoveEventTo: ;; INTERNAL use !!! don't use for Call
; eax - óêàçàòåëü íà event, ÊÎÒÎÐÛÉ âñòàâëÿåì
118,10 → 127,12
xchg ecx, [eax+EVENT.fd] ; Self.fd=NewRight, ecx=OldRight
mov [ebx+EVENT.fd], ecx ; OldLeft.fd=OldRight
mov [ecx+EVENT.bk], ebx ; OldRight.bk=OldLeft
align 4
align 4
NotDummyTest: ;; INTERNAL use (not returned for fail !!!)
pop edi
129,6 → 140,8
mov ebx, eax
mov eax, []
push edi
align 4
.small: ; êðèâî êàê-òî...
pop edi
137,7 → 150,7
shl eax, 8
jz RemoveEventTo.break ; POPF+RET
jmp edi ; øòàòíûé âîçâðàò
align 4
raise_event: ;; EXPORT use
158,6 → 171,8
mov ecx, (sizeof.EVENT -EVENT.code)/4
rep movsd
align 4
test byte[ebx+EVENT.state+3], EVENT_SIGNALED shr 24
jnz RemoveEventTo.break ; POPF+RET
165,12 → 180,14
jnc @f
test byte[ebx+EVENT.state+3], EVENT_WATCHED shr 24
jz RemoveEventTo.break ; POPF+RET
align 4
or byte[ebx+EVENT.state+3], EVENT_SIGNALED shr 24
xchg eax, ebx
jmp RemoveEventTo
align 4
clear_event: ;; EXPORT use
184,7 → 201,7
and byte[ebx+EVENT.state+3], not((EVENT_SIGNALED+EVENT_WATCHED)shr 24)
xchg eax, ebx
jmp RemoveEventTo
align 4
send_event: ;; EXPORT use
207,7 → 224,7
lea ebx, [eax+SLOT_BASE+APP_EV_OFFSET]
jmp set_event
align 4
DummyTest: ;; INTERNAL use (not returned for fail !!!)
217,16 → 234,21
jne @f
cmp [], ebx
je .ret
align 4
pop eax
xor eax, eax
align 4
align 4
or ebx, -1; infinite timeout
align 4
; Îæèäàíèå "àáñòðàêòíîãî" ñîáûòèÿ ÷åðåç ïåðåâîä ñëîòà â 5-þ ïîçèöèþ.
260,9 → 282,11
mov [eax+TASKDATA.state], 5
call change_task
mov eax, [esi+APPDATA.wait_param]
align 4
align 4
wait_event: ;; EXPORT use
281,7 → 305,7
mov edx, get_event_alone ; wait_test
call Wait_events ; timeout ignored
jmp wait_finish
align 4
get_event_ex: ;; f68:14
303,6 → 327,8
rep movsd
mov byte[edi-(sizeof.EVENT-EVENT.code)+2], cl;clear priority field
align 4
test byte[eax+EVENT.state+3], MANUAL_RESET shr 24
jnz get_event_queue.ret ; RET
314,7 → 340,7
jmp RemoveEventTo
align 4
destroy_event: ;; EXPORT use
326,6 → 352,8
; eax - àäðåñ îáúåêòà EVENT (=0 => fail)
;scratched: ebx,ecx
call DummyTest ; not returned for fail !!!
align 4
xor ecx, ecx ; clear common header
336,7 → 364,7
mov [], ecx
mov ebx, FreeEvents
jmp RemoveEventTo
align 4
353,9 → 381,11
mov eax, [ebx+APPOBJ.bk] ; âûáèðàåì ñ êîíöà, ïî ïðèíöèïó FIFO
cmp eax, ebx ; empty ???
je get_event_alone.ret0
align 4
align 4
372,21 → 402,27
test byte[eax+EVENT.state+3], EVENT_SIGNALED shr 24
jnz .ret
or byte[eax+EVENT.state+3], EVENT_WATCHED shr 24
align 4
xor eax, eax; NO event!!!
align 4
align 4
sys_sendwindowmsg: ;; f72
dec ebx
jnz .ret ;subfunction==1 ?
;pushfd ;à íàôèãà?
sub ecx, 2
je .sendkey
dec ecx
jnz .retf
align 4
cmp byte[BTN_COUNT], 1
jae .result ;overflow
394,6 → 430,8
shl edx, 8
mov [BTN_BUFF], edx
jmp .result
align 4
movzx eax, byte[KEY_COUNT]
cmp al, 120
400,12 → 438,19
jae .result ;overflow
inc byte[KEY_COUNT]
mov [KEY_COUNT+1+eax], dl
align 4
setae byte[esp+32] ;ñ÷èòàåì, ÷òî èñõîäíî: dword[esp+32]==72
.retf: ;popfd
align 4
align 4
align 4
sys_getevent: ;; f11
mov ebx, [current_slot];ïîêà ýòî âîïðîñ, ÷åãî êóäû ñóâàòü..........
415,16 → 460,18
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4
sys_waitforevent: ;; f10
or ebx, -1; infinite timeout
align 4
sys_wait_event_timeout: ;; f23
mov edx, get_event_for_app; wait_test
call Wait_events_ex ; ebx - timeout
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4
get_event_for_app: ;; used from f10,f11,f23
442,6 → 489,8
add edi, CURRENT_TASK ; edi is assumed as [TASK_BASE]
mov ecx, [edi+TASKDATA.event_mask]
and ecx, 0x7FFFFFFF
align 4
.loop: ; ïîêà íå èñ÷åðïàåì âñå áèòû ìàñêè
bsr eax, ecx ; íàõîäèì íåíóëåâîé áèò ìàñêè (31 -> 0)
jz .no_events ; èñ÷åðïàëè âñå áèòû ìàñêè, íî íè÷åãî íå íàøëè ???
448,23 → 497,35
btr ecx, eax ; ñáðàñûâàåì ïðîâåðÿåìûé áèò ìàñêè
; ïåðåõîäèì íà îáðàáîò÷èê ýòîãî (eax) áèòà
cmp eax, 9
jae .loop ; eax=[9..31], ignored
jae .loop ; eax=[9..31], ignored (event 10...32)
cmp eax, 3
je .loop ; eax=3, ignored
ja .FlagAutoReset ; eax=[4..8], retvals=eax+1
je .loop ; eax=3, ignored (event 4)
cmp eax, 4
je .FlagAutoReset ; eax=4, retvals=eax+1 (event 5)
cmp eax, 5
je .mouse_check ; eax=5, retvals=eax+1 (event 6)
ja .FlagAutoReset ; eax=[6..8], retvals=eax+1 (event 7...9)
cmp eax, 1
jae .BtKy ; eax=[1,2], retvals=eax+1
jae .BtKy ; eax=[1,2], retvals=eax+1 (event 2,3)
align 4
.WndRedraw: ; eax=0, retval WndRedraw=1
cmp [edi-twdw+WDATA.fl_redraw], al;al==0
jne .result
jmp .loop
align 4
xor eax, eax
.FlagAutoReset: ; retvals: BgrRedraw=5, Mouse=6, IPC=7, Stack=8, Debug=9
cmp eax, 5; Mouse 5+1=6
jne .no_mouse_check
align 4
.mouse_check: ; Mouse 5+1=6
push eax
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov eax, [eax + TASKDATA.event_mask]
471,7 → 532,9
test eax, 0x80000000 ; bit 31: active/inactive filter f.40
jz @f
pop eax
jmp .no_mouse_check
jmp .FlagAutoReset
align 4
; If the window is captured and moved by the user, then no mouse events!!!
mov al, [mouse.active_sys_window.action]
479,16 → 542,24
test al, al
pop eax
jnz .loop
align 4
.FlagAutoReset: ; retvals: BgrRedraw=5, IPC=7, Stack=8, Debug=9
btr [ebx+APPDATA.event_mask], eax
jnc .loop
align 4
.result: ; retval = eax+1
inc eax
align 4
movzx edx, bh
movzx edx, word[WIN_STACK+edx*2]
je .Keys ; eax=1, retval Keys=2
align 4
.Buttons: ; eax=2, retval Buttons=3
cmp byte[BTN_COUNT], 0
je .loop ; empty ???
501,13 → 572,19
mov [window_minimize], 1
dec byte[BTN_COUNT]
jmp .loop
align 4
.Keys: ; eax==1
cmp edx, [TASK_COUNT]
jne @f ; not Top ???
cmp [KEY_COUNT], al; al==1
jae .result ; not empty ???
align 4
mov edx, hotkey_buffer
align 4
cmp [edx], bh ; bh - slot for testing
je .result
516,3 → 593,4
jb @b
jmp .loop
16,7 → 16,7
jmp dtext.1
align 4
dtext: ; Text String Output (rw by Johnny_B[])
; ebx x & y
; ecx style ( 0xX0000000 ) & color ( 0x00RRGGBB )
; X = ABnnb:
24,7 → 24,7
; A = 0 <=> output esi characters; otherwise output ASCIIZ string
; B = 1 <=> fill background with color eax
; edx start of text
; edi 1 force
; edi 1 force or user area for redirect
push eax
xor eax, eax
36,6 → 36,7
xchg eax, ebx ; eax=x, ebx=y
cmp esi, 255
jb .loop
mov esi, 255
align 4
42,8 → 43,10
test ecx, ecx
js .test_asciiz
dec esi
js .end
jmp @f
align 4
53,6 → 56,7
cmp byte [esp+28], 1
jne @f
dec esi
js .end
63,6 → 67,7
movzx edx, byte [edx-1]
test ecx, 0x10000000
jnz .font2
mov esi, 9
lea ebp, [FONT_I+8*edx+edx]
75,7 → 80,17
shr dl, 1
jz .pixloop1end
jnc .nopix
test ecx, 0x08000000 ; redirect the output to the user area
jz @f
call draw_text_to_user_area
jmp .pixloop1cont
align 4
and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 save to mouseunder area
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
85,8 → 100,19
test ecx, 0x40000000
jz .pixloop1cont
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp+4+20h+20h]
test ecx, 0x08000000 ; redirect the output to the user area
jz @f
call draw_text_to_user_area
pop ecx
jmp .pixloop1cont
align 4
and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 save to mouseunder area
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
104,6 → 130,7
inc ebp
dec esi
jnz .symloop1
add eax, 6
jmp .loop
124,6 → 151,15
shr dl, 1
jnc .nopix2
test ecx, 0x08000000 ; redirect the output to the user area
jz @f
call draw_text_to_user_area
jmp .pixloop2cont
align 4
and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 save to mouseunder area
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
133,8 → 169,19
test ecx, 0x40000000
jz .pixloop2cont
push ecx
mov ecx, [esp+12+20h+20h]
test ecx, 0x08000000 ; redirect the output to the user area
jz @f
call draw_text_to_user_area
pop ecx
jmp .pixloop2cont
align 4
and ecx, 0xFBFFFFFF ;negate 0x04000000 save to mouseunder area
; call [putpixel]
call __sys_putpixel
145,6 → 192,7
inc eax
dec esi
jnz .pixloop2
pop esi
sub eax, esi
inc ebx
151,6 → 199,7
inc ebp
dec dword [esp]
jnz .symloop2
pop eax
add dword [esp+28], esi
162,3 → 211,29
pop eax
; eax = x coordinate
; ebx = y coordinate
; ecx = ?? RR GG BB
; edi = user area
align 4
imul ebx, [edi+0]
add eax, ebx
shl eax, 2
add eax, edi
add eax, 8
and ecx, 0xffffff
or ecx, 0xff000000 ; not transparent
mov [eax], ecx ; store pixel
align 4
file ''
align 4
file ''
258,8 → 258,8
call .calculate_e_delta
mov eax, mouse.active_sys_window.old_box
call sys_window_start_moving_handler
; mov eax, mouse.active_sys_window.old_box
; call sys_window_start_moving_handler
1026,6 → 1026,55
align 4
push ebx ecx edx esi edi
xor edx, edx
mov eax, 2 ; we do not minimize the kernel thread N1
mov ebx, [TASK_COUNT]
align 4
movzx edi, word[WIN_POS + eax * 2]
shl edi, 5
; it is a unused slot?
cmp dword [edi+CURRENT_TASK+TASKDATA.state], 9
je @f
; it is a hidden thread?
lea esi, [edi*8+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.app_name]
cmp [esi], byte '@'
je @f
; is it already minimized?
test [edi + window_data+WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
jnz @f
; no it's not, let's do that
or [edi + window_data+WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
inc edx
align 4
inc eax
cmp eax, ebx
jbe .loop
; If nothing has changed
test edx, edx
jz @f
push edx
call syscall_display_settings._.calculate_whole_screen
call syscall_display_settings._.redraw_whole_screen
pop edx
align 4
mov eax, edx
pop edi esi edx ecx ebx
align 4
minimize_window: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;> eax = window number on screen
1047,6 → 1096,13
; no it's not, let's do that
or [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
; If the window width is 0, then the action is not needed.
cmp [edi +], dword 0
je @f
; If the window height is 0, then the action is not needed.
cmp [edi +], dword 0
je @f
mov eax, [edi +]
mov [draw_limits.left], eax
mov ecx, eax
1057,11 → 1113,20
mov edx, ebx
add edx, [edi +]
mov [draw_limits.bottom], edx
; DEBUGF 1, "K : minimize_window\n"
; DEBUGF 1, "K : dl_left %x\n",[draw_limits.left]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : dl_right %x\n",[draw_limits.right]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : dl_top %x\n",[]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : dl_bottom %x\n",[draw_limits.bottom]
call calculatescreen
xor esi, esi
xor eax, eax
; xor esi, esi
; xor eax, eax
mov eax, edi
call redrawscreen
align 4
pop esi edx ecx ebx eax
align 4
1266,7 → 1331,7
align 4
sys_window_start_moving_handler: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////
;sys_window_start_moving_handler: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////
;? <description>
1273,9 → 1338,9
;> eax = old (original) window box
;> esi = process slot
mov edi, eax
call window._.draw_negative_box
; mov edi, eax
; call window._.draw_negative_box
; ret
align 4
1287,8 → 1352,8
;> ebx = new (final) window box
;> esi = process slot
mov edi, ebx
call window._.end_moving__box
; mov edi, ebx
; call window._.end_moving__box
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
1351,43 → 1416,15
; TODO: do we really need `draw_limits`?
; Yes, they are used by background drawing code.
mov ecx, [eax + BOX.left]
mov edx, [ebx + BOX.left]
cmp ecx, edx
jle @f
mov ecx, edx
align 4
; we need only to restore the background windows at the old place!
mov ecx, [ebx + BOX.left]
mov [draw_limits.left], ecx
mov ecx, [eax + BOX.left]
add ecx, [eax + BOX.width]
add edx, [ebx + BOX.width]
cmp ecx, edx
jae @f
mov ecx, edx
align 4
add ecx, [ebx + BOX.width]
mov [draw_limits.right], ecx
mov ecx, [eax +]
mov edx, [ebx +]
cmp ecx, edx
jle @f
mov ecx, edx
align 4
mov ecx, [ebx +]
mov [], ecx
mov ecx, [eax +]
add ecx, [eax + BOX.height]
add edx, [ebx + BOX.height]
cmp ecx, edx
jae @f
mov ecx, edx
align 4
add ecx, [ebx + BOX.height]
mov [draw_limits.bottom], ecx
; recalculate screen buffer at old position
push ebx
1578,7 → 1615,10
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wdrawn], 1
jnz .set_client_box
or [edi + WDATA.fl_wdrawn], 1
; After first draw_window we need redraw mouse necessarily!
; Otherwise the user can see cursor specified by f.37.5 from another window.
; He will be really unhappy! He is terrible in rage - usually he throws stones!
mov [redrawmouse_unconditional], 1
; NOTE: commented out since doesn't provide necessary functionality
; anyway, to be reworked
; mov eax, [timer_ticks] ; [0xfdf0]
2344,17 → 2384,17
pop esi ebx eax
align 4
;align 4
window._.end_moving__box: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
;window._.end_moving__box: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Draw positive box
;> edi = pointer to BOX struct
push eax ebx esi
xor esi, esi
jmp window._.draw_negative_box.1
; push eax ebx esi
; xor esi, esi
; jmp window._.draw_negative_box.1
align 4