Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 2129 → Rev 2130

5,7 → 5,7
;; ;;
IRQ_RESERVE = 24 ; 16 or 24
IRQ_RESERVED = 24 ; 16 or 24
62,10 → 62,11
shr eax, 16
inc al
movzx eax, al
jbe @f
@@: mov [IRQ_COUNT], eax
mov [IRQ_COUNT], eax
; Reroute IOAPIC & mask all interrupts
xor ecx, ecx
106,7 → 107,7
;init handlers table
mov ecx, IRQ_RESERVE
mov edi, irqh_tab
mov eax, edi
85,7 → 85,14
szStrchr db 'strchr',0
szStrrchr db 'strrchr',0
szDiskAdd db 'DiskAdd',0
szDiskDel db 'DiskDel',0
szDiskMediaChanged db 'DiskMediaChanged',0
szTimerHS db 'TimerHS',0
szCancelTimerHS db 'CancelTimerHS',0
align 16
dd szRegService , reg_service
151,7 → 151,8
mov [mem_block_list+63*4], ebx
mov byte [mem_block_map], 0xFC
and [heap_mutex], 0
mov ecx, heap_mutex
call mutex_init
mov [heap_blocks], 4095
mov [free_blocks], 4094
272,14 → 273,14
push esi
push edi
mov ecx, heap_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov eax, [size]
add eax, 4095
and eax, not 4095
mov [size], eax
mov ebx, heap_mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
cmp eax, [heap_free]
ja .error
355,10 → 356,11
mov [edx+list_bk], esi
mov [esi+block_flags], USED_BLOCK
mov eax, [esi+block_base]
mov ebx, [size]
sub [heap_free], ebx
and [heap_mutex], 0
mov ecx, heap_mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, [esi+block_base]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
378,17 → 380,19
mov [edx+list_bk], edi
mov [edi+block_flags], USED_BLOCK
mov eax, [edi+block_base]
mov ebx, [size]
sub [heap_free], ebx
and [heap_mutex], 0
mov ecx, heap_mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, [edi+block_base]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov ecx, heap_mutex
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
mov [heap_mutex], eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
400,9 → 404,10
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov ebx, heap_mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
mov ecx, heap_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov eax, [base]
mov esi, [mem_used.fd]
491,9 → 496,10
bts [mem_block_mask], eax
mov ecx, heap_mutex
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
mov [heap_mutex], eax
dec eax
not eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
513,16 → 519,18
bts [mem_block_mask], eax
mov [esi+block_flags],FREE_BLOCK
mov ecx, heap_mutex
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
mov [heap_mutex], eax
dec eax
not eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov ecx, heap_mutex
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
mov [heap_mutex], eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
607,8 → 615,8
proc kernel_free stdcall, base:dword
push ebx esi
mov ebx, heap_mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
mov ecx, heap_mutex
call mutex_lock
mov eax, [base]
mov esi, [mem_used.fd]
624,19 → 632,17
cmp [esi+block_flags], USED_BLOCK
jne .fail
and [heap_mutex], 0
call mutex_unlock
push ecx
mov ecx, [esi+block_size];
shr ecx, 12
call release_pages ;eax, ecx
pop ecx
stdcall free_kernel_space, [base]
pop esi ebx
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
mov [heap_mutex], eax
pop esi ebx
5,6 → 5,10
;; ;;
macro __list_add new, prev, next
mov [next+LHEAD.prev], new
28,13 → 32,13
align 16
irqh_tab rd LHEAD.sizeof * IRQ_RESERVE / 4
irqh_tab rd LHEAD.sizeof * IRQ_RESERVED / 4
irqh_pool rd IRQH.sizeof *48 /4
irqh_pool rd IRQH.sizeof * IRQ_POOL_SIZE /4
next_irqh rd 1
irq_active_set rd 1
irq_failed rd IRQ_RESERVE
irq_failed rd IRQ_RESERVED
44,8 → 48,6
.irqh dd ?
xchg bx, bx
and [.irqh], 0
push ebx
54,7 → 56,7
test ebx, ebx
jz .err
cmp ebx, IRQ_RESERVE
jae .err
mov edx, [handler]
72,9 → 74,10
mov eax, [ecx]
mov [next_irqh], eax
mov [.irqh], ecx
mov [irq_failed+ebx*4], 0 ;clear counter
mov eax, [user_data]
mov [ecx+IRQH.handler], edx
mov [], eax
81,9 → 84,8
lea edx, [irqh_tab+ebx*8]
list_add_tail ecx, edx ;clobber eax
stdcall enable_irq, ebx
stdcall enable_irq, [irq]
116,7 → 118,6
macro irq_serv_h [num] {
align 4
142,8 → 143,6
xchg bx, bx
mov ebp, [esp + 32]
mov bx, app_data ;os_data
mov ds, bx
212,4 → 211,15
add esp, 4
align 4
push eax
push ecx
xor eax,eax
out 0xf0,al
mov eax, 13
call IRQ_EOI
pop ecx
pop eax
20,7 → 20,7
; esi= nb
; ebx= idx
align 16
align 4
push esi
31,8 → 31,8
and esi, -8
add esi, 8
mov ebx, mst.mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_lock
cmp esi, 256
jae .large
92,9 → 92,13
pop edi
pop ebp
mov esi, eax
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, esi
pop esi
mov [mst.mutex], 0
lea ebx, [edx+8] ;ebx=mem
133,10 → 137,10
mov [edx+12], eax ; F->bk = r;
mov [eax+8], edx ; r->fd = F;
mov [eax+12], ecx ; r->bk = B;
mov eax, ebx
pop esi
mov [mst.mutex], 0
jmp .done
; if (ms.treemap != 0 && (mem = malloc_small(nb)) != 0)
150,9 → 154,8
call malloc_small
test eax, eax
jz .from_top
pop esi
and [mst.mutex], 0
jmp .done
; if (ms.treemap != 0 && (mem = malloc_large(nb)) != 0)
189,18 → 192,15
mov [edx+4], eax
mov [ecx+4], esi
lea eax, [ecx+8]
pop esi
and [mst.mutex], 0
jmp .done
xor eax, eax
pop esi
and [mst.mutex], 0
jmp .done
; param
; eax= mem
align 4
push edi
mov edi, eax
211,8 → 211,8
test byte [edi+4], 2
je .fail
mov ebx, mst.mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_lock
; psize = p->head & (~3);
289,7 → 289,10
mov [], edi
mov [edi+4], eax
and [mst.mutex], 0
mov esi, eax
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, esi
pop esi
pop edi
410,13 → 413,15
mov [esi+8], edx ;P->fd = F
mov [esi+12], eax ;P->bk = B
pop esi
and [mst.mutex], 0
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov ebx, eax
call insert_large_chunk
pop esi
and [mst.mutex], 0
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_unlock
1025,5 → 1030,8
cmp eax, mst.smallbins+512
jb @B
mov ecx, mst.mutex
call mutex_init
214,30 → 214,32
align 4
push edi
test ecx, ecx
jz .fail
push edi
push eax
push ecx
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
pop ecx
pop eax
mov edi, ebx
mov ebx, pg_data.pg_mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
shr edi, 12
lea edi, [page_tabs+edi*4]
invlpg [ebx]
add eax, 0x1000
add ebx, 0x1000
loop @B
mov edx, 0x1000
mov ebx, edi
shr ebx, 12
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
; push eax
invlpg [edi]
; pop eax
add edi, edx
add eax, edx
inc ebx
dec ecx
jnz @B
mov [pg_data.pg_mutex],ecx
pop edi
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
pop edi
248,16 → 250,22
align 4
mov ebx, pg_data.pg_mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
push ebp
push esi
push edi
push ebx
mov esi, eax
mov edi, eax
shr esi, 10
add esi, page_tabs
shr esi, 12
lea esi, [page_tabs+esi*4]
push ecx
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
pop ecx
mov ebp, [pg_data.pages_free]
mov ebx, [page_start]
mov edx, sys_pgmap
264,9 → 272,7
xor eax, eax
xchg eax, [esi]
push eax
invlpg [edi]
pop eax
test eax, 1
jz .next
285,11 → 291,16
add edi, 0x1000
add esi, 4
dec ecx
jnz @B
loop @B
mov [pg_data.pages_free], ebp
and [pg_data.pg_mutex],0
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
; param
423,8 → 434,8
align 4
proc new_mem_resize stdcall, new_size:dword
mov ebx, pg_data.pg_mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
mov edi, [new_size]
add edi,4095
464,8 → 475,10
mov ebx, [new_size]
call update_mem_size
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
dec [pg_data.pg_mutex]
539,9 → 552,11
pop edi
pop esi
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
xor eax, eax
inc eax
dec [pg_data.pg_mutex]
54,7 → 54,7
dd irq_serv.irq_22
dd irq_serv.irq_23
times 32 - IRQ_RESERVE dd unknown_interrupt
times 32 - IRQ_RESERVED dd unknown_interrupt
;int_0x40 gate trap (for directly copied)
dw i40 and 0xFFFF, os_code, 11101111b shl 8, i40 shr 16
246,18 → 246,6
align 4
push eax
xor eax,eax
out 0xf0,al
mov al,0x20
out 0xa0,al
out 0x20,al
pop eax
align 4
push eax
682,8 → 670,13
restore .slot
if lang eq ru
boot_sched_1 db '‘®§¤ ­¨¥ GDT TSS 㪠§ â¥«ï',0
boot_sched_2 db '‘®§¤ ­¨¥ IDT â ¡«¨æë',0
boot_sched_1 db 'Building gdt tss pointer',0
boot_sched_2 db 'Building IDT table',0
end if
360,8 → 360,8
app_tabs dd ?
mov ebx, pg_data.pg_mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
xor eax, eax
mov [dir_addr], eax
480,11 → 480,13
stdcall map_page,[tmp_task_pdir],dword 0,dword PG_UNMAP
dec [pg_data.pg_mutex]
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
mov eax, [dir_addr]
dec [pg_data.pg_mutex]
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
cmp [dir_addr], 0
je @f
stdcall destroy_app_space, [dir_addr], 0
554,10 → 556,10
jg .ret
;if there isn't threads then clear memory.
mov esi, [dlls_list]
call destroy_all_hdlls
call destroy_all_hdlls ;ecx=APPDATA
mov ebx, pg_data.pg_mutex
call wait_mutex ;ebx
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
mov eax, [pg_dir]
and eax, not 0xFFF
583,7 → 585,8
stdcall map_page,[tmp_task_ptab],0,PG_UNMAP
stdcall map_page,[tmp_task_pdir],0,PG_UNMAP
dec [pg_data.pg_mutex]
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
956,25 → 959,7
; param
; ebx=mutex
align 4
;;Maxis use atomic bts for mutex 4.4.2009
push eax
push ebx
bts dword [ebx],0
jnc .locked
call change_task
jmp .do_wait
pop ebx
pop eax
align 4
call init_heap
0,0 → 1,205
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2011. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
$Revision: 2122 $
; Simple implementation of timers. All timers are organized in a double-linked
; list, and the OS loop after every timer tick processes the list.
; This structure describes a timer for the kernel.
struct TIMER
.Next dd ?
.Prev dd ?
; These fields organize a double-linked list of all timers.
.TimerFunc dd ?
; Function to be called when the timer is activated.
.UserData dd ?
; The value that is passed as is to .TimerFunc.
.Time dd ?
; Time at which the timer should be activated.
.Interval dd ?
; Interval between activations of the timer, in 0.01s.
align 4
; The head of timer list.
dd timer_list
dd timer_list
; These two variables are used to synchronize access to the global list.
; Logically, they form an recursive mutex. Physically, the first variable holds
; the slot number of the current owner or 0, the second variable holds the
; recursion count.
; The mutex should be recursive to allow a timer function to add/delete other
; timers or itself.
timer_list_owner dd 0
timer_list_numlocks dd 0
; A timer function can delete any timer, including itself and the next timer in
; the chain. To handle such situation correctly, we keep the next timer in a
; global variable, so the removing operation can update it.
timer_next dd 0
; This internal function acquires the lock for the global list.
mov edx, [CURRENT_TASK]
xor eax, eax
lock cmpxchg [timer_list_owner], edx
jz @f
cmp eax, edx
jz @f
call change_task
jmp @b
inc [timer_list_numlocks]
; This internal function releases the lock for the global list.
dec [timer_list_numlocks]
jnz .nothing
mov [timer_list_owner], 0
; This function adds a timer.
; If deltaStart is nonzero, the timer is activated after deltaStart hundredths
; of seconds starting from the current time. If interval is nonzero, the timer
; is activated every deltaWork hundredths of seconds starting from the first
; activation. The activated timer calls timerFunc as stdcall function with one
; argument userData.
; Return value is NULL if something has failed or some value which is opaque
; for the caller. Later this value can be used for cancel_timer_hs.
proc timer_hs stdcall uses ebx, deltaStart:dword, interval:dword, \
timerFunc:dword, userData:dword
; 1. Allocate memory for the TIMER structure.
; 1a. Call the allocator.
push sizeof.TIMER
pop eax
call malloc
; 1b. If allocation failed, return (go to 5) with eax = 0.
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
; 2. Setup the TIMER structure.
xchg ebx, eax
; 2a. Copy values from the arguments.
mov ecx, [interval]
mov [ebx+TIMER.Interval], ecx
mov ecx, [timerFunc]
mov [ebx+TIMER.TimerFunc], ecx
mov ecx, [userData]
mov [ebx+TIMER.UserData], ecx
; 2b. Get time of the next activation.
mov ecx, [deltaStart]
test ecx, ecx
jnz @f
mov ecx, [interval]
add ecx, [timer_ticks]
mov [ebx+TIMER.Time], ecx
; 3. Insert the TIMER structure to the global list.
; 3a. Acquire the lock.
call lock_timer_list
; 3b. Insert an item at ebx to the tail of the timer_list.
mov eax, timer_list
mov ecx, [eax+TIMER.Prev]
mov [ebx+TIMER.Next], eax
mov [ebx+TIMER.Prev], ecx
mov [eax+TIMER.Prev], ebx
mov [ecx+TIMER.Next], ebx
; 3c. Release the lock.
call unlock_timer_list
; 4. Return with eax = pointer to TIMER structure.
xchg ebx, eax
; 5. Returning.
; This function removes a timer.
; The only argument is [esp+4] = the value which was returned from timer_hs.
push ebx ; save used register to be stdcall
; 1. Remove the TIMER structure from the global list.
; 1a. Acquire the lock.
call lock_timer_list
mov ebx, [esp+4+4]
; 1b. Delete an item at ebx from the double-linked list.
mov eax, [ebx+TIMER.Next]
mov ecx, [ebx+TIMER.Prev]
mov [eax+TIMER.Prev], ecx
mov [ecx+TIMER.Next], eax
; 1c. If we are removing the next timer in currently processing chain,
; the next timer for this timer becomes new next timer.
cmp ebx, [timer_next]
jnz @f
mov [timer_next], eax
; 1d. Release the lock.
call unlock_timer_list
; 2. Free the TIMER structure.
xchg eax, ebx
call free
; 3. Return.
pop ebx ; restore used register to be stdcall
ret 4 ; purge one dword argument to be stdcall
; This function is regularly called from osloop. It processes the global list
; and activates the corresponding timers.
; 1. Acquire the lock.
call lock_timer_list
; 2. Loop over all registered timers, checking time.
; 2a. Get the first item.
mov eax, [timer_list+TIMER.Next]
mov [timer_next], eax
; 2b. Check for end of list.
cmp eax, timer_list
jz .done
; 2c. Get and store the next timer.
mov edx, [eax+TIMER.Next]
mov [timer_next], edx
; 2d. Check time for timer activation.
; We can't just compare [timer_ticks] and [TIMER.Time], since overflows are
; possible: if the current time is 0FFFFFFFFh ticks and timer should be
; activated in 3 ticks, the simple comparison will produce incorrect result.
; So we calculate the difference [timer_ticks] - [TIMER.Time]; if it is
; non-negative, the time is over; if it is negative, then either the time is
; not over or we have not processed this timer for 2^31 ticks, what is very
; unlikely.
mov edx, [timer_ticks]
sub edx, [eax+TIMER.Time]
js .next
; The timer should be activated now.
; 2e. Store the timer data in the stack. This is required since 2f can delete
; the timer, invalidating the content.
push [eax+TIMER.UserData] ; parameter for TimerFunc
push [eax+TIMER.TimerFunc] ; to be restored in 2g
; 2f. Calculate time of next activation or delete the timer if it is one-shot.
mov ecx, [eax+TIMER.Interval]
add [eax+TIMER.Time], ecx
test ecx, ecx
jnz .nodelete
stdcall cancel_timer_hs, eax
; 2g. Activate timer, using data from the stack.
pop eax
call eax
; 2h. Advance to the next timer and continue the loop.
mov eax, [timer_next]
jmp .loop
; 3. Release the lock.
call unlock_timer_list
; 4. Return.
328,7 → 328,7
cmp edx, -1
jz .noirqhook
v86_irqhooks rd IRQ_RESERVE * 2
v86_irqhooks rd IRQ_RESERVED * 2
cmp [v86_irqhooks+edx*8], 0
jz @f
839,6 → 839,7
; mov byte [BOOT_VAR + 48Eh], 0FFh
; ret
align 4
; push irq/pushad/jmp v86_irq
; eax = irq