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Regard whitespace Rev 8987 → Rev 8988

0,0 → 1,38
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2015. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; clear the DRIVE_DATA table,
; search for FDDs and add them into the table
; author - Mario79
xor eax, eax
mov edi, DRIVE_DATA
mov ecx, DRIVE_DATA_SIZE/4
rep stosd
mov al, 0x10
out 0x70, al
mov cx, 0xff
dec cx
test cx, cx
jnz wait_cmos
in al, 0x71
mov [DRIVE_DATA], al
test al, al
jz @f
stdcall attach_int_handler, 6, FDCInterrupt, 0
DEBUGF 1, "K : Set IDE IRQ6 return code %x\n", eax
call floppy_init
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:keywords
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,475
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2015. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; HDD and CD search
cmp [ecx+IDE_DATA.ProgrammingInterface], 0
je EndFindHDD
xor ebx, ebx
inc ebx
mov [DeviceNumber], 0
cmp ecx, IDE_controller_1
jz .find
add bl, 5
add [DeviceNumber], sizeof.HD_DATA*4
cmp ecx, IDE_controller_2
jz .find
add bl, 5
add [DeviceNumber], sizeof.HD_DATA*4
mov [ChannelNumber], 1
mov [DiskNumber], 0
call FindHDD_1
inc [DiskNumber]
call FindHDD_2
inc [ChannelNumber]
dec [DiskNumber]
call FindHDD_2
inc [DiskNumber]
call FindHDD_2
jmp EndFindHDD
add [DeviceNumber], sizeof.HD_DATA
shl byte [ebx+DRIVE_DATA], 2
DEBUGF 1, "K : Channel %d ",[ChannelNumber]:1
DEBUGF 1, "Disk %d\n",[DiskNumber]:1
push ecx ebx
call ReadHDD_ID
cmp [DevErrorCode], 7
je .end
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne .FindCD
cmp [Sector512+6], word 16
ja .FindCD
cmp [Sector512+12], word 255
ja .FindCD
pop ebx
movzx eax, [DeviceNumber]
mov ecx, [Sector512+120]
mov dword[eax+hd0_data.sectors], ecx
and dword[eax+hd0_data.sectors+4], 0
bt word [Sector512+166], 10
jnc .Print_Device_Name
mov [eax+hd0_data.hd48], 1
mov ecx, [Sector512+200]
mov dword[eax+hd0_data.sectors], ecx
mov ecx, [Sector512+204]
mov dword[eax+hd0_data.sectors+4], ecx
jmp .Print_Device_Name
call DeviceReset
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne .end
call ReadCD_ID
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0
jne .end
pop ebx
inc byte [ebx+DRIVE_DATA]
inc byte [ebx+DRIVE_DATA]
pop ecx
movzx ebx, [ChannelNumber]
dec ebx
shl ebx, 1
add bl, [DiskNumber]
shl ebx, 1
call calculate_IDE_device_values_storage
mov esi, Sector512+27*2
mov edi, dev_name
mov ecx, 20
xchg ah, al
loop @b
DEBUGF 1, "K : Dev: %s \n", dev_name
xor eax, eax
mov ax, [Sector512+64*2]
DEBUGF 1, "K : PIO possible modes %x\n", al
mov ax, [Sector512+51*2]
mov al, ah
call convert_Sector512_value
DEBUGF 1, "K : PIO set mode %x\n", ah
mov ax, [Sector512+63*2]
DEBUGF 1, "K : Multiword DMA possible modes %x\n", al
mov al, ah
call convert_Sector512_value
DEBUGF 1, "K : Multiword DMA set mode %x\n", ah
mov ax, [Sector512+88*2]
DEBUGF 1, "K : Ultra DMA possible modes %x\n", al
mov [ebx+IDE_DEVICE.UDMA_possible_modes], al
mov al, ah
call convert_Sector512_value
DEBUGF 1, "K : Ultra DMA set mode %x\n", ah
mov [ebx+IDE_DEVICE.UDMA_set_mode], ah
DEBUGF 1, "K : Device not found\n"
pop ebx ecx
cmp ecx, IDE_controller_1
jne @f
add ebx, IDE_device_1
jmp .exit
cmp ecx, IDE_controller_2
jne @f
add ebx, IDE_device_2
jmp .exit
add ebx, IDE_device_3
mov ecx, 8
xor ah, ah
test al, 1b
jnz .end
shr al, 1
inc ah
loop @b
xor ah, ah
; Address of reading sector in LBA mode
SectorAddress dd ?
rb 41
;* Input parameters are passed through the global*
;* variables: *
;* ChannelNumber - channel number (1 or 2); *
;* DiskNumber - disk number on channel (0 or 1) *
;* Block of identificational data is reading *
;* to Sector512 array. *
; set up CHS mode
mov [ATAAddressMode], 0
; send device identification command
mov [ATAFeatures], 0
mov [ATAHead], 0
mov [ATACommand], 0xEC
call SendCommandToHDD
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0 ; check the error code
jne @@End ; finish, saving the error code
mov dx, [ATABasePortAddr]
add dx, 7 ; address of state register
mov ecx, 0xffff
; Check command execution time
dec ecx
jz @@Error1 ; timeout error
; Check if ready or not
in al, dx
test al, 80h ; BSY signal state
jnz @@WaitCompleet
test al, 1 ; ERR signal state
jnz @@Error6
test al, 08h ; DRQ signal state
jz @@WaitCompleet
; Receive data block from controller
mov edi, Sector512
mov dx, [ATABasePortAddr]; data register
mov cx, 256 ; number of word to receive
rep insw ; receive data block
; write the error code
mov [DevErrorCode], 1
mov [DevErrorCode], 6
; Standart base addresses of channels 1 or 2
StandardATABases dw ?, ? ; 1F0h, 170h
; Channel number
ChannelNumber db ?
; Disk number
DiskNumber db ?
DeviceNumber db ?
; Base address of ATA controller's port group
ATABasePortAddr dw ?
; ATA-command parameters
ATAFeatures db ? ; features
ATASectorCount db ? ; count of processing sectors
ATASectorNumber db ? ; initial sector number
ATACylinder dw ? ; initial cylinder number
ATAHead db ? ; initial head number
ATAAddressMode db ? ; addressing mode (0 - CHS, 1 - LBA)
ATACommand db ? ; executing command number
; Error code (0 - no errors, 1 - waiting time limit exceed
; 2 - incorrect code of addressing mode,
; 3 - incorrect channel number, 4 - incorrect disk number,
; 5 - incorrect head number, 6 - command execution error,
; 7 - time out when choosing channel)
DevErrorCode dd ?
;* Input parameters are passed through the global *
;* variables: *
;* ChannelNumber - channel number (1 or 2); *
;* DiskNumber - disk number (0 or 1); *
;* ATAFeatures - "features"; *
;* ATASectorCount - sector count; *
;* ATASectorNumber - initial sector number; *
;* ATACylinder - initial cylinder number; *
;* ATAHead - initial head number; *
;* ATAAddressMode - addressing mode (0-CHS, 1-LBA); *
;* ATACommand - command code. *
;* If the function finished successfully: *
;* in ATABasePortAddr - base address of HDD; *
;* in DevErrorCode - zero. *
;* If error has occured then in DevErrorCode will *
;* be the error code. *
; Check the addressing mode code
cmp [ATAAddressMode], 1
ja @@Err2
; Check the channel number correctness
movzx ebx, [ChannelNumber]
dec ebx
cmp ebx, 1
ja @@Err3
; Set the base address
shl ebx, 1
mov ax, [ebx+StandardATABases]
mov [ATABasePortAddr], ax
; Waiting for HDD ready to receive a command
; Choose desired disk
mov dx, [ATABasePortAddr]
add dx, 6 ; address of the heads register
mov al, [DiskNumber]
cmp al, 1 ; check the disk number
ja @@Err4
shl al, 4
or al, 10100000b
out dx, al
; Waiting for disk ready
inc dx
mov ecx, 0xfff
; Check waiting time
dec ecx
jz @@Err1
; Read the state register
in al, dx
; Check the state of BSY signal
test al, 80h
jnz @@WaitHDReady
; Check the state of DRQ signal
test al, 08h
jnz @@WaitHDReady
; load command to controller's registers
mov dx, [ATABasePortAddr]
inc dx ; "features" register
mov al, [ATAFeatures]
out dx, AL
inc dx ; sector counter
mov al, [ATASectorCount]
out dx, AL
inc dx ; sector number register
mov al, [ATASectorNumber]
out dx, AL
inc dx ; cylinder number (low byte)
mov ax, [ATACylinder]
out dx, AL
inc dx ; cylinder number (high byte)
mov al, AH
out dx, AL
inc dx ; head number / disk number
mov al, [DiskNumber]
shl al, 4
cmp [ATAHead], 0xF ; check head number
ja @@Err5
or al, [ATAHead]
or al, 10100000b
mov ah, [ATAAddressMode]
shl ah, 6
or al, ah
out dx, al
; Send command
mov al, [ATACommand]
inc dx ; command register
out dx, al
; reset the error sign
mov [DevErrorCode], 0
; write error code
mov [DevErrorCode], 7
mov [DevErrorCode], 2
mov [DevErrorCode], 3
mov [DevErrorCode], 4
mov [DevErrorCode], 5
; finish work
;* Input parameters are passed through the global*
;* variables: *
;* ChannelNumber - channel number; *
;* DiskNumber - disk number on channel. *
;* Block of identificational data is reading *
;* to Sector512 array. * *
; Set CHS mode
mov [ATAAddressMode], 0
; Send command for device identification
mov [ATAFeatures], 0
mov [ATASectorCount], 0
mov [ATASectorNumber], 0
mov [ATACylinder], 0
mov [ATAHead], 0
mov [ATACommand], 0xA1
call SendCommandToHDD
cmp [DevErrorCode], 0 ; check the error code
jne @@End_1 ; finish, saving the error code
; Wait for HDD data ready
mov dx, [ATABasePortAddr]
add dx, 7 ; port 1х7h
mov ecx, 0xffff
; Check time
dec ecx
jz @@Error1_1 ; time out error
; Check readyness
in al, dx
test al, 80h ; BSY signal state
jnz @@WaitCompleet_1
test al, 1 ; ERR signal state
jnz @@Error6_1
test al, 08h ; DRQ signal state
jz @@WaitCompleet_1
; Receive data block from controller
mov edi, Sector512 ; offset Sector512
mov dx, [ATABasePortAddr] ; port 1x0h
mov cx, 256 ; words read count
rep insw
; write the error code
mov [DevErrorCode], 1
mov [DevErrorCode], 6
;* Input parameters are passed through the global*
;* variables: *
;* ChannelNumber - channel number (1 or 2); *
;* DiskNumber - disk number (0 or 1). *
; Check the channel number correctness
movzx ebx, [ChannelNumber]
dec ebx
cmp ebx, 1
ja @@Err3_2
; Set base address
shl ebx, 1
mov dx, [ebx+StandardATABases]
mov [ATABasePortAddr], dx
; Choose desired disk
add dx, 6 ; address of heads register
mov al, [DiskNumber]
cmp al, 1 ; check disk number
ja @@Err4_2
shl al, 4
or al, 10100000b
out dx, al
; Send the "Reset" command
mov al, 0x8
inc dx ; command register
out dx, al
mov ecx, 0x80000
; Check waiting time
dec ecx
je @@Err1_2 ; time out error
; read the state register
in al, dx
; Check the state of BSY signal
test al, 80h
jnz @@WaitHDReady_1
; reset the error sign
mov [DevErrorCode], 0
; error processing
mov [DevErrorCode], 1
mov [DevErrorCode], 3
mov [DevErrorCode], 4
; write error code
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:keywords
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,122
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2008-2015. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; Detect all BIOS hard drives.
; diamond, 2008
; Do not include USB mass storages. CleverMouse, 2013
; Read the number of sectors, bytes per sector. dunkaist, 2017
xor cx, cx
mov es, cx
mov di, BOOT_LO.bios_hd
mov byte [es:di-1], cl
cmp [preboot_biosdisk], 1
jnz bdde
mov dl, 80h
mov ah, 15h
push cx dx di
int 13h
pop di dx cx
jc bddc
test ah, ah
jz bddc
inc cx
; We are going to call int 13h/func 48h, Extended get drive parameters.
; The latest version of the EDD specification is 3.0.
; There are two slightly incompatible variants for version 3.0;
; original one from Phoenix in 1998, see e.g.
;, and T13 draft,
; T13 draft addresses more possible buses, so it gives additional 8 bytes
; for device path.
; Most BIOSes follow Phoenix, but T13 version is also known to be used
; (e.g. systems based on AMD Geode).
; Fortunately, there is an in/out length field, so
; it is easy to tell what variant was selected by the BIOS:
; Phoenix-3.0 has 42h bytes, T13-3.0 has 4Ah bytes.
; Note that 2.0 has 1Eh bytes, 1.1 has 1Ah bytes; both variants of 3.0 have
; the same structure for first 1Eh bytes, compatible with previous versions.
; Note also that difference between Phoenix-3.0 and T13-3.0 starts near the
; end of the structure, so the current code doesn't even need to distinguish.
; It needs, however, give at least 4Ah bytes as input and expect that BIOS
; could return 42h bytes as output while still giving all the information.
mov ah, 48h
push ds
push es
pop ds
mov si, 0xA000
mov word [si], 4Ah
mov ah, 48h
int 13h
pop ds
jc bddc2
cmp word [es:si], 1Eh
jb .noide
cmp word [es:si+1Ah], 0xFFFF
jz .noide
inc byte [es:BOOT_LO.bios_hd_cnt]
mov al, dl
push ds
push si
lds si, [es:si+1Ah]
mov al, [si+6]
and al, 0xF
mov al, byte [si+4]
shr al, 4
and ax, 1
cmp word [si], 1F0h
jz @f
inc ax
inc ax
cmp word [si], 170h
jz @f
or ax, -1
; mov ax, -1
pop si
pop ds
jmp bddc3
cmp word [es:si], 42h
jb .nousb
cmp word [es:si+28h], 'US'
jnz .nousb
cmp byte [es:si+2Ah], 'B'
jz bddc2
inc byte [es:BOOT_LO.bios_hd_cnt]
mov al, dl
xor ax, ax
dec ax
; mov al, 0
; stosb
; mov ax, -1
; stosw
movzx eax, word[es:si+24]
mov eax, [es:si+16]
mov eax, [es:si+20]
cmp cl, [es:0x475]
jae bdde
inc dl
jnz bdds
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:keywords
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,46
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2009-2017. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; Query physical memory map from BIOS.
; diamond, 2009
push ds
; first call to fn E820
mov eax, 0xE820
xor ebx, ebx
mov es, bx
mov ds, bx
mov di, BOOT_LO.memmap_blocks
mov [BOOT_LO.memmap_block_cnt], ebx ; no blocks yet
mov ecx, 20
mov edx, 'PAMS' ; 'SMAP'
int 15h
jc no_E820
cmp eax, 'PAMS'
jnz no_E820
; cmp byte [di+16], 1 ; ignore non-free areas
; jnz e820_mem_next
inc byte [BOOT_LO.memmap_block_cnt]
add di, sizeof.e820entry
; consequent calls to fn E820
test ebx, ebx
jz e820_test_done
cmp byte [BOOT_LO.memmap_block_cnt], MAX_MEMMAP_BLOCKS
jz e820_test_done
mov eax, 0xE820
int 15h
jc e820_test_done
jmp e820_mem_loop
; let's hope for mem_test from
pop ds
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:keywords
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,158
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2015. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; 20/11/2013 yogev_ezra: Initial version (Vortex86 SoC type detection)
; 26/11/2013 yogev_ezra: Added CPU speed modifier and MMX support flag detection
; Thanks for help to: dunkaist, eAndrew, hidnplayr, Mario
VORTEX86DEBUG = 0 ; For testing in emulators and in non-Vortex86 CPU computers, set this to 1
VORTEX86DEBUGVALUE = 'DMP5' ; FAKE port output = used for testing
NORTH_BRIDGE = 0x80000000 ; Base address of Vortex86 PCI North Bridge
SOUTH_BRIDGE = 0x80003800 ; Base address of Vortex86 PCI South Bridge
; Detect Vortex86 CPU and generate CPU name in string format (PCI address at 93H~90H in Vortex86 North Bridge contains SoC type)
; Available Vortex86 CPU codes taken from Coreboot project. New codes should be added to "Vortex86SoClist" below
; #define DMP_CPUID_SX 0x31504d44 ("DMP1")
; #define DMP_CPUID_DX 0x32504d44 ("DMP2")
; #define DMP_CPUID_MX 0x33504d44 ("DMP3")
; #define DMP_CPUID_DX2 0x34504d44 ("DMP4")
; #define DMP_CPUID_MX_PLUS 0x35504d44 ("DMP5")
; #define DMP_CPUID_EX 0x37504d44 ("DMP7")
Vortex86CPUcode dd ? ; Vortex86 CPU code in HEX format (4 bytes), can be shown as string if converted to ASCII characters
Vortex86CPUid db 0 ; Vortex86 CPU id in integer format (1=Vortex86SX, 2=Vortex86DX, ...)
Vortex86SoCname db 'Vortex86 ',0 ; This variable will hold the full name of Vortex86 SoC
Vortex86SoClist: ; List of Vortex86 CPUs known today. Add new record to this list when new CPU becomes available
db 0x31, 'SX ' ; id=1
db 0x32, 'DX ' ; id=2
db 0x33, 'MX ' ; id=3 MMX is available starting from CPU code 'MX' (id=3)
db 0x34, 'DX2' ; id=4
db 0x35, 'MX+' ; id=5
db 0x37, 'EX ' ; id=7
Vortex86SoCnum = ($ - Vortex86SoClist) / 4 ; Calculate the total number of known Vortex86 CPUs
; When in debug mode, perform SoC detection regardless of the actual CPU vendor (even for vendors other than DMP)
; When in normal (not debug) mode, check the CPU vendor first, and perform SoC detection only if vendor is 'Vortex86 SoC'
cmp [cpu_vendor], 'Vort'
jnz .Vortex86end ; If the CPU vendor is not 'Vortex86 SoC', skip the SoC detection
end if
mov eax, NORTH_BRIDGE+0x90 ; 0x80000090 = PCI Configuration Address Register to read from (32-bit register - accessed as DWORD)
call .Vortex86PCIreg ; Get the CPU code from Vortex86 SoC North Bridge PCI register (Register Offset: 93H~90H)
if VORTEX86DEBUG ; When in debug mode, pretend that we received port output equal to "VORTEX86DEBUGVALUE"
end if
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 SoC type register (93H~90H) returned 0x"
test eax, eax ; Check whether the port output was '\0'
jz .nullPCIoutput ; In case the result is '\0' (NULL), skip further testing and exit
mov [Vortex86CPUcode], eax ; Save HEX CPU code to Vortex86CPUcode (so it can be used later)
DEBUGF 1, "%x (%s): ", eax, Vortex86CPUcode ; Print the CPU code (as HEX and as string) to debug log
mov ebx, 0x444d5000 ; Apply Vortex86 CPU code mask (all Vortex86 SoC have ID in form of "0xNN504d44")
bswap eax ; Assumed it is Vortex86 SoC, the highest byte identifies the exact CPU, so move it to the lowest byte
mov bl, al ; Copy SoC type to BL since EAX (that includes AL) is used implicitly in "LODSD" command below
cmp eax, ebx ; Now see whether the 3 higher bytes were "0x504d44" (which means it's Vortex86)
jnz .notVortex86 ; If it's not Vortex86 - go say so and exit
sub al, 0x30 ; Current Vortex86 CPU codes are in the range of 31h-37h, so convert them to integer (1,2,...)
mov [Vortex86CPUid], al ; Save the CPUid (1=Vortex86SX, 2=Vortex86DX, ..., 7=Vortex86EX, ...)
mov esi, Vortex86SoClist ; ESI points to the start of Vortex86SoClist (used implicitly in "LODSD" command below)
xor ecx, ecx ; Zero ECX (it is used as counter)
cld ; Clears the DF flag in the EFLAGS register (DF=0 --> String operations increment ESI)
inc ecx ; Increment our counter
cmp ecx, Vortex86SoCnum ; Check if we iterated Vortex86SoCnum times already (i.e. went over the entire Vortex86SoClist)
ja .unknownVortex86 ; If the entire list was tested and our CPU is not in that list, it is unknown Vortex86 SoC
lodsd ; Load DWORD at address DS:ESI into EAX (puts 1 line from Vortex86SoClist into EAX, then increments ESI)
cmp bl, al ; Check if our CPU matches the current record in the list
jne @b ; No match --> repeat with next record
shr eax, 8 ; Match found --> drop the SoC type code from Vortex86SoClist name and replace it with \0
mov dword [Vortex86SoCname+8], eax ; Concatenate it with prefix to receive complete SoC name (\0 is string termination)
DEBUGF 1, "%s (id=%d)\n", Vortex86SoCname, [Vortex86CPUid]:1 ; Say what we have found (CPU name and id)
jmp .Vortex86
.notVortex86: ; In case this register is used by other CPUs for other purpose, it's interesting what it contains
DEBUGF 1, "not a Vortex86 CPU\n"
jmp .Vortex86end
.unknownVortex86: ; It is Vortex86 CPU, but it's not in the list above
DEBUGF 1, "unknown Vortex86 CPU (id=%d)\n", [Vortex86CPUid]:1 ; Inform the user that the CPU is Vortex86 but name is unknown
mov eax, NORTH_BRIDGE+0x60 ; 0x80000060 = PCI Configuration Address Register to read from (32-bit register - accessed as DWORD)
call .Vortex86PCIreg ; Get current flags of Vortex86SoC North Bridge STRAP Register (Register Offset: 63h~60h)
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 STRAP Register (63h~60h) returned 0x%x\n",eax
mov eax, SOUTH_BRIDGE+0xC0 ; 0x800038C0 = PCI Configuration Address Register to read from (32-bit register - accessed as DWORD)
call .Vortex86PCIreg ; Flags of Vortex86 South Bridge Internal Peripheral Feature Control Register (Register Offset: C3h~C0h)
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 Internal Peripheral Feature Control Register (C3h~C0h) returned 0x%x\n",eax
mov eax, SOUTH_BRIDGE+0xCC ; 0x800038CC = PCI Configuration Address Register to read from (8-bit register - accessed as BYTE)
call .Vortex86PCIreg ; Flags of Vortex86 South Bridge Internal Peripheral Feature Control Register III (Register Offset: CCh)
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 Internal Peripheral Feature Control Register III (CCh) returned 0x%x\n",al
mov eax, NORTH_BRIDGE+0xA0 ; 0x800000A0 = PCI Configuration Address Register to read from (32-bit register - accessed as DWORD)
call .Vortex86PCIreg ; Get current flags of Vortex86SoC North Bridge Host Control Register (Register Offset: A3h~A0h)
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 Host Control Register (A3h~A0h) returned 0x%x: CPU speed is ",eax
mov bl, al ; The lower byte of Vortex86 Host Control Register contains CPU speed modifier and MMX support status
mov bh, al ; Backup the current AL value, so later we can test whether the value has changed
and bl, 00000111b ; CPU speed modifier is stored in bits 0-2. Value=0 means MAX speed, other values - speed reduction
jz .Vortex86CPUspeedMAX ; 0s in bits 0-2: CPU is at MAX speed (no need to modify)
inc ebx ; The actual value is 1 less than 'Divide by' setting (value '001' means 'Divide by 2', etc.)
DEBUGF 1, "reduced (divide by %d).\nK : Vortex86 changing CPU speed to ", bl ; Print the current CPU speed modifier to the log
and al, 11111000b ; At least one of the bits 0-2 contains 1: CPU is at reduced speed. Set bits 0-2 to 0s to change to MAX
DEBUGF 1, "MAX\n" ; Now the CPU should be running at MAX speed (don't write the value to PCI port yet)
cmp [Vortex86CPUid], 3 ; MMX is available starting from CPU code 'MX' (id=3)
jb .skipVortex86MMX ; No MMX support - skip MMX support status detection (for id=1,2)
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 MMX support status: MMX is " ; Bits 5-6 in Host Control Register contain MMX status
test al, 100000b ; On MMX-capable Vortex86 SoC, Bit5 = is MMX enabled? (1=Yes/0=No)
jnz .Vortex86MMXenabled ; MMX is already enabled (Bit5=1)
DEBUGF 1, "DISABLED - enabling it for this session\n" ; Print to the log that MMX is disabled
or al, 100000b ; Enable MMX support (don't write the value to PCI port yet)
jmp .AfterMMXenabled
DEBUGF 1, "ENABLED\n" ; Print to the log that MMX is enabled
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 MMX report to CPUID: " ; Print to the log what CPUID command knowns about MMX support
test al, 1000000b ; On MMX-capable Vortex86 SoC, Bit6 = report MMX support to CPUID? (1=Yes/0=No)
jnz .Vortex86MMXreported ; MMX is already reported to CPUID (Bit6=1)
DEBUGF 1, "OFF - turning it ON for this session\n" ; Print to the log that MMX will now be reported to CPUID
or al, 1000000b ; Turn on MMX reporting to CPUID (don't write the value to PCI port yet)
jmp .skipVortex86MMX
DEBUGF 1, "ON\n" ; Print to the log that MMX reporting to CPUID is enabled
cmp bh, al ; Check whether AL has changed before (if it did, we need to write it back to PCI port)
jz .Vortex86end ; No change - no need to write to the port
out dx, al ; Write the changed data to PCI port
DEBUGF 1, "K : Vortex86 Host Control Register (A3h~A0h) new value is 0x%x\n",eax
jmp .Vortex86end
.Vortex86PCIreg: ; Procedure receives input register value in EAX, and returns the output value also in EAX
mov dx, 0xcf8 ; CF8h = Vortex86 PCI Configuration Address port
out dx, eax ; Send request to PCI address port to retrieve data from this address
mov dl, 0xfc ; CFCh = Vortex86 PCI Configuration Data port
in eax, dx ; Read data from PCI data port
.nullPCIoutput: ; Emulators and non-Vortex86 CPU computers will usually return \0 in this register
DEBUGF 1, "0 (NULL)\n"
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:keywords
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,280
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2015. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
push ecx
; 1. Fill missing parameters in HD_DATA structures.
xor eax, eax
mov edx, IDE_controller_1
mov ax, [edx + IDE_DATA.BAR0_val]
mov [hd0_data.hdbase], ax
mov [hd1_data.hdbase], ax
mov ax, [edx + IDE_DATA.BAR2_val]
mov [hd2_data.hdbase], ax
mov [hd3_data.hdbase], ax
mov edx, IDE_controller_2
mov ax, [edx + IDE_DATA.BAR0_val]
mov [hd4_data.hdbase], ax
mov [hd5_data.hdbase], ax
mov ax, [edx + IDE_DATA.BAR2_val]
mov [hd6_data.hdbase], ax
mov [hd7_data.hdbase], ax
mov edx, IDE_controller_3
mov ax, [edx + IDE_DATA.BAR0_val]
mov [hd8_data.hdbase], ax
mov [hd9_data.hdbase], ax
mov ax, [edx + IDE_DATA.BAR2_val]
mov [hd10_data.hdbase], ax
mov [hd11_data.hdbase], ax
; 2. Notify the system about /hd* disks.
; For every existing disk, call ide_disk_add with correct parameters.
; Generate name "hdN" on the stack; this is 4 bytes including terminating zero.
; 2a. /hd0: exists if mask 0x40 in [DRIVE_DATA+1] is set,
; data: hd0_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+2]
test [DRIVE_DATA+1], byte 0x40
jz @f
push 'hd0'
mov eax, esp ; name
mov edx, hd0_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+2], al
pop ecx ; restore the stack
; 2b. /hd1: exists if mask 0x10 in [DRIVE_DATA+1] is set,
; data: hd1_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+3]
test [DRIVE_DATA+1], byte 0x10
jz @f
push 'hd1'
mov eax, esp
mov edx, hd1_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+3], al
pop ecx
; 2c. /hd2: exists if mask 4 in [DRIVE_DATA+1] is set,
; data: hd2_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+4]
test [DRIVE_DATA+1], byte 4
jz @f
push 'hd2'
mov eax, esp
mov edx, hd2_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+4], al
pop ecx
; 2d. /hd3: exists if mask 1 in [DRIVE_DATA+1] is set,
; data: hd3_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+5]
test [DRIVE_DATA+1], byte 1
jz @f
push 'hd3'
mov eax, esp
mov edx, hd3_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+5], al
pop ecx
; 2e. /hd4: exists if mask 0x40 in [DRIVE_DATA+6] is set,
; data: hd4_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+7]
test [DRIVE_DATA+6], byte 0x40
jz @f
push 'hd4'
mov eax, esp ; name
mov edx, hd4_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+7], al
pop ecx
; 2f. /hd5: exists if mask 0x10 in [DRIVE_DATA+6] is set,
; data: hd5_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+8]
test [DRIVE_DATA+6], byte 0x10
jz @f
push 'hd5'
mov eax, esp
mov edx, hd5_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+8], al
pop ecx
; 2g. /hd6: exists if mask 4 in [DRIVE_DATA+6] is set,
; data: hd6_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+9]
test [DRIVE_DATA+6], byte 4
jz @f
push 'hd6'
mov eax, esp
mov edx, hd6_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+9], al
pop ecx
; 2h. /hd7: exists if mask 1 in [DRIVE_DATA+6] is set,
; data: hd7_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+10]
test [DRIVE_DATA+6], byte 1
jz @f
push 'hd7'
mov eax, esp
mov edx, hd7_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+10], al
pop ecx
; 2i. /hd8: exists if mask 0x40 in [DRIVE_DATA+11] is set,
; data: hd8_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+12]
test [DRIVE_DATA+11], byte 0x40
jz @f
push 'hd8'
mov eax, esp ; name
mov edx, hd8_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+12], al
pop ecx
; 2j. /hd9: exists if mask 0x10 in [DRIVE_DATA+11] is set,
; data: hd9_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+13]
test [DRIVE_DATA+11], byte 0x10
jz @f
push 'hd9'
mov eax, esp
mov edx, hd9_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+13], al
pop ecx
; 2k. /hd10: exists if mask 4 in [DRIVE_DATA+11] is set,
; data: hd10_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+14]
test [DRIVE_DATA+14], byte 4
jz @f
push 'hd10'
mov eax, esp
mov edx, hd10_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+9], al
pop ecx
; 2l. /hd11: exists if mask 1 in [DRIVE_DATA+11] is set,
; data: hd11_data,
; number of partitions: [DRIVE_DATA+15]
test [DRIVE_DATA+11], byte 1
jz @f
push 'hd11'
mov eax, esp
mov edx, hd11_data
call ide_disk_add
mov [DRIVE_DATA+15], al
pop ecx
; 3. Notify the system about /bd* disks.
; 3a. Check whether there are BIOS disks. If no, skip step 3.
xor esi, esi
cmp esi, [NumBiosDisks]
jz .nobd
; Loop over all disks.
push 0
push 'bd'
; 3b. Get the drive number for using in /bd* name.
lea eax, [esi*4]
movzx eax, [BiosDisksData+eax*4+BiosDiskData.DriveNumber]
sub al, 80h
; 3c. Convert eax to decimal and store starting with [esp+3].
; First 2 bytes in [esp] are "bd".
lea edi, [esp+2]
; store digits in the stack, ending with -'0'
push -'0'
xor edx, edx
align 4
_10 dd 10
div [_10]
push edx
test eax, eax
jnz @b
; restore digits from the stack, this reverses the order;
; add '0', stop, when zero is reached
pop eax
add al, '0'
jnz @b
; 3e. Call the API with userdata = 80h + ecx.
mov eax, esp
lea edx, [esi+80h]
stdcall disk_add, bd_callbacks, eax, edx, 0
test eax, eax
jz @f
stdcall disk_media_changed, eax, 1
; 3f. Continue the loop.
inc esi
cmp esi, [NumBiosDisks]
jnz .bdloop
pop ecx ecx ; restore stack after name
jmp end_search_partitions
; Helper procedure for search_partitions, adds one IDE disk.
; For compatibility, number of partitions for IDE disks is kept in a separate
; variable, so the procedure returns number of partitions.
; eax -> name, edx -> disk data
proc ide_disk_add
stdcall disk_add, ide_callbacks, eax, edx, 0
test eax, eax
jz @f
push eax
stdcall disk_media_changed, eax, 1
pop eax
mov eax, [eax+DISK.NumPartitions]
cmp eax, 255
jbe @f
mov eax, 255
pop ecx
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:keywords
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,492
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2014-2015. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; find the IDE controller in the device list
mov ecx, IDE_controller_1
mov esi, pcidev_list
align 4
mov esi, [esi+PCIDEV.fd]
cmp esi, pcidev_list
jz find_IDE_controller_done
mov eax, [esi+PCIDEV.class]
; shr eax, 4
; cmp eax, 0x01018
shr eax, 7
cmp eax, 0x010180 shr 7
jnz .loop
mov eax, [esi+PCIDEV.class]
DEBUGF 1, 'K : IDE controller programming interface %x\n', eax
mov [ecx+IDE_DATA.ProgrammingInterface], eax
mov [ecx+IDE_DATA.pcidev], esi
mov ah, [esi+PCIDEV.bus]
mov al, 2
mov bh, [esi+PCIDEV.devfn]
mov dx, 0x1F0
test byte [esi+PCIDEV.class], 1
jz @f
mov bl, 0x10
push eax
call pci_read_reg
and eax, 0xFFFC
mov edx, eax
pop eax
DEBUGF 1, 'K : BAR0 IDE base addr %x\n', dx
mov [StandardATABases], dx
mov [ecx+IDE_DATA.BAR0_val], dx
mov dx, 0x3F4
test byte [esi+PCIDEV.class], 1
jz @f
mov bl, 0x14
push eax
call pci_read_reg
and eax, 0xFFFC
mov edx, eax
pop eax
DEBUGF 1, 'K : BAR1 IDE base addr %x\n', dx
mov [ecx+IDE_DATA.BAR1_val], dx
mov dx, 0x170
test byte [esi+PCIDEV.class], 4
jz @f
mov bl, 0x18
push eax
call pci_read_reg
and eax, 0xFFFC
mov edx, eax
pop eax
DEBUGF 1, 'K : BAR2 IDE base addr %x\n', dx
mov [StandardATABases+2], dx
mov [ecx+IDE_DATA.BAR2_val], dx
mov dx, 0x374
test byte [esi+PCIDEV.class], 4
jz @f
mov bl, 0x1C
push eax
call pci_read_reg
and eax, 0xFFFC
mov edx, eax
pop eax
DEBUGF 1, 'K : BAR3 IDE base addr %x\n', dx
mov [ecx+IDE_DATA.BAR3_val], dx
mov bl, 0x20
push eax
call pci_read_reg
and eax, 0xFFFC
DEBUGF 1, 'K : BAR4 IDE controller register base addr %x\n', ax
mov [ecx+IDE_DATA.RegsBaseAddres], ax
pop eax
mov bl, 0x3C
push eax
call pci_read_reg
and eax, 0xFF
DEBUGF 1, 'K : IDE Interrupt %x\n', al
mov [ecx+IDE_DATA.Interrupt], ax
pop eax
add ecx, sizeof.IDE_DATA
jmp .loop
align 4
IDE_controller_pointer dd ?
IDE_controller_1 IDE_DATA
IDE_controller_2 IDE_DATA
IDE_controller_3 IDE_DATA
cache_ide0 IDE_CACHE
cache_ide1 IDE_CACHE
cache_ide2 IDE_CACHE
cache_ide3 IDE_CACHE
cache_ide4 IDE_CACHE
cache_ide5 IDE_CACHE
cache_ide6 IDE_CACHE
cache_ide7 IDE_CACHE
cache_ide8 IDE_CACHE
cache_ide9 IDE_CACHE
cache_ide10 IDE_CACHE
cache_ide11 IDE_CACHE
IDE_device_1 rd 2
IDE_device_2 rd 2
IDE_device_3 rd 2
; set Bus Master bit of Command PCI register
push eax ecx
mov ecx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.pcidev]
mov ah, [ecx+PCIDEV.bus]
mov al, 1 ; word
mov bh, [ecx+PCIDEV.devfn]
mov bl, 0x4 ; Command register
push eax
call pci_read_reg
mov ecx, eax
pop eax
test ecx, PCI_COMMAND_BUS_MASTER ; already set?
jnz @f
call pci_write_reg
pop ecx eax
; START of initialisation IDE ATA code
cmp [ecx+IDE_DATA.ProgrammingInterface], 0
jne @f
mov esi, boot_disabling_ide
call boot_log
; Disable IDE interrupts, because the search
; for IDE partitions is in the PIO mode.
; Disable interrupts in IDE controller for PIO
mov al, 2
mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.BAR1_val] ;0x3F4
add dx, 2 ;0x3F6
out dx, al
mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.BAR3_val] ;0x374
add dx, 2 ;0x376
out dx, al
; set current ata bases
mov ax, [ecx+IDE_DATA.BAR0_val]
mov [StandardATABases], ax
mov ax, [ecx+IDE_DATA.BAR2_val]
mov [StandardATABases+2], ax
mov esi, boot_detecthdcd
call boot_log
include ''
cmp [ecx+IDE_DATA.ProgrammingInterface], 0
jne @f
mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.RegsBaseAddres]
; test whether it is our interrupt?
add dx, 2
in al, dx
test al, 100b
jz @f
; clear Bus Master IDE Status register
; clear Interrupt bit
out dx, al
add dx, 8
; test whether it is our interrupt?
in al, dx
test al, 100b
jz @f
; clear Bus Master IDE Status register
; clear Interrupt bit
out dx, al
; read status register and remove the interrupt request
mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.BAR0_val] ;0x1F0
add dx, 0x7 ;0x1F7
in al, dx
mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.BAR2_val] ;0x170
add dx, 0x7 ;0x177
in al, dx
; push eax edx
; mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.RegsBaseAddres]
; xor eax, eax
; add dx, 2
; in al, dx
; DEBUGF 1, "K : Primary Bus Master IDE Status Register %x\n", eax
; add dx, 8
; in al, dx
; DEBUGF 1, "K : Secondary Bus Master IDE Status Register %x\n", eax
; pop edx eax
; cmp [ecx+IDE_DATA.RegsBaseAddres], 0
; setnz [ecx+IDE_DATA.dma_hdd]
; set interrupts for IDE Controller
mov esi, boot_enabling_ide
call boot_log
; Enable interrupts in IDE controller for DMA
xor ebx, ebx
cmp ecx, IDE_controller_2
jne @f
add ebx, 5
jmp .check_DRIVE_DATA
cmp ecx, IDE_controller_3
jne .check_DRIVE_DATA
add ebx, 10
mov al, 0
mov ah, [ebx+DRIVE_DATA+1]
test ah, 10100000b ; check for ATAPI devices
jz @f
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE CH1 PIO, because ATAPI drive present\n"
jmp .ch1_pio_set_for_all
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE CH1 PIO because no devices\n"
jmp .ch1_pio_set_for_all
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE CH1 PIO because device not support UDMA\n"
mov [ecx+IDE_DATA.dma_hdd_channel_1], al
jmp .ch2_check
xor ebx, ebx
call calculate_IDE_device_values_storage
test ah, 1010000b
jz .ch1_pio_set_no_devices
test ah, 1000000b
jz @f
cmp [ebx+IDE_DEVICE.UDMA_possible_modes], al
je .ch1_pio_set
cmp [ebx+IDE_DEVICE.UDMA_set_mode], al
je .ch1_pio_set
test ah, 10000b
jz @f
add ebx, 2
cmp [ebx+IDE_DEVICE.UDMA_possible_modes], al
je .ch1_pio_set
cmp [ebx+IDE_DEVICE.UDMA_set_mode], al
je .ch1_pio_set
mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.BAR1_val] ;0x3F4
add dx, 2 ;0x3F6
out dx, al
call set_pci_command_bus_master
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE CH1 DMA enabled\n"
mov [ecx+IDE_DATA.dma_hdd_channel_1], byte 1
test ah, 1010b ; check for ATAPI devices
jz @f
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE CH2 PIO, because ATAPI drive present\n"
jmp .ch2_pio_set_for_all
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE CH2 PIO because no devices\n"
jmp .ch2_pio_set_for_all
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE CH2 PIO because device not support UDMA\n"
mov [ecx+IDE_DATA.dma_hdd_channel_2], al
jmp .set_interrupts_for_IDE_controllers
mov ebx, 4
call calculate_IDE_device_values_storage
test ah, 101b
jz .ch2_pio_set_no_devices
test ah, 100b
jz @f
cmp [ebx+IDE_DEVICE.UDMA_possible_modes], al
je .ch2_pio_set
cmp [ebx+IDE_DEVICE.UDMA_set_mode], al
je .ch2_pio_set
test ah, 1b
jz @f
add ebx, 2
cmp [ebx+IDE_DEVICE.UDMA_possible_modes], al
je .ch2_pio_set
cmp [ebx+IDE_DEVICE.UDMA_set_mode], al
je .ch2_pio_set
mov dx, [ecx+IDE_DATA.BAR3_val] ;0x374
add dx, 2 ;0x376
out dx, al
call set_pci_command_bus_master
DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE CH2 DMA enabled\n"
mov [ecx+IDE_DATA.dma_hdd_channel_2], byte 1
mov esi, boot_set_int_IDE
call boot_log
mov eax, [ecx+IDE_DATA.ProgrammingInterface]
; cmp ax, 0x0180
; je .pata_ide
; cmp ax, 0x018a
; jne .sata_ide
test al, 1 ; 0 - legacy PCI mode, 1 - native PCI mode
jnz .sata_ide
cmp [ecx+IDE_DATA.RegsBaseAddres], 0
je .end_set_interrupts
push ecx
stdcall attach_int_handler, 14, IDE_irq_14_handler, ecx
pop ecx
DEBUGF 1, "K : Set IDE IRQ14 return code %x\n", eax
push ecx
stdcall attach_int_handler, 15, IDE_irq_15_handler, ecx
DEBUGF 1, "K : Set IDE IRQ15 return code %x\n", eax
pop ecx
jmp .end_set_interrupts
; cmp ax, 0x0185
; je .sata_ide_1
; cmp ax, 0x018f
; jne .end_set_interrupts
; Some weird controllers generate an interrupt even if IDE interrupts
; are disabled and no IDE devices. For example, notebook ASUS K72F -
; IDE controller 010185 generates false interrupt when we work with
; the IDE controller 01018f. For this reason, the interrupt handler
; does not need to be installed if both channel IDE controller
; running in PIO mode.
; ...unfortunately, PCI interrupt can be shared with other devices
; which could enable it without consulting IDE code.
; So install the handler anyways and try to process
; even those interrupts which we are not expecting.
cmp [ecx+IDE_DATA.RegsBaseAddres], 0
je .end_set_interrupts
mov ax, [ecx+IDE_DATA.Interrupt]
movzx eax, al
push ecx
stdcall attach_int_handler, eax, IDE_common_irq_handler, ecx
pop ecx
DEBUGF 1, "K : Set IDE IRQ%d return code %x\n", [ecx+IDE_DATA.Interrupt]:1, eax
; END of initialisation IDE ATA code
mov ecx, IDE_controller_1
mov [IDE_controller_pointer], ecx
call Init_IDE_ATA_controller
mov ecx, IDE_controller_2
mov [IDE_controller_pointer], ecx
call Init_IDE_ATA_controller
mov ecx, IDE_controller_3
mov [IDE_controller_pointer], ecx
call Init_IDE_ATA_controller
mov esi, boot_getcache
call boot_log
include ''
mov esi, boot_detectpart
call boot_log
include ''
mov esi, boot_init_sys
call boot_log
call Parser_params
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
; ramdisk image should be loaded by extended primary loader if it exists
include '../boot/'
end if
mov ecx, IDE_controller_1
mov [IDE_controller_pointer], ecx
call Init_IDE_ATA_controller_2
mov ecx, IDE_controller_2
mov [IDE_controller_pointer], ecx
call Init_IDE_ATA_controller_2
mov ecx, IDE_controller_3
mov [IDE_controller_pointer], ecx
call Init_IDE_ATA_controller_2
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:keywords
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,15
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2015. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
include ''
include ''
include ''
include ''
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:keywords
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,209
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2015. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_free]
; 1/32
shr eax, 5
; round off up to 8 pages
shr eax, 3
shl eax, 3
; translate pages in butes *4096
shl eax, 12
; check a upper size of the cache, no more than 1 Mb on the physical device
cmp eax, 1024*1024
jbe @f
mov eax, 1024*1024
jmp .continue
; check a lower size of the cache, not less than 128 Kb on the physical device
cmp eax, 128*1024
jae .continue
mov eax, 128*1024
push ecx
mov ecx, 12
mov esi, cache_ide0+IDE_CACHE.size
mov [esi], eax
add esi, sizeof.IDE_CACHE
loop @b
pop ecx
xor eax, eax
mov [hdd_appl_data], 1 ;al
mov [cd_appl_data], 1
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+1], 0x80
je @f
mov esi, cache_ide0
call get_cache_ide
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+1], 0x20
je @f
mov esi, cache_ide1
call get_cache_ide
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+1], 8
je @f
mov esi, cache_ide2
call get_cache_ide
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+1], 2
je @f
mov esi, cache_ide3
call get_cache_ide
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+6], 0x80
je @f
mov esi, cache_ide4
call get_cache_ide
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+6], 0x20
je @f
mov esi, cache_ide5
call get_cache_ide
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+6], 8
je @f
mov esi, cache_ide6
call get_cache_ide
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+6], 2
je @f
mov esi, cache_ide7
call get_cache_ide
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+11], 0x80
je @f
mov esi, cache_ide8
call get_cache_ide
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+11], 0x20
je @f
mov esi, cache_ide9
call get_cache_ide
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+11], 8
je @f
mov esi, cache_ide10
call get_cache_ide
test byte [DRIVE_DATA+11], 2
je end_get_cache
mov esi, cache_ide11
call get_cache_ide
jmp end_get_cache
and [esi+IDE_CACHE.search_start], 0
and [esi+IDE_CACHE.appl_search_start], 0
push ecx
; DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE_CACHE.size %x\n", [esi+IDE_CACHE.size]
stdcall kernel_alloc, [esi+IDE_CACHE.size]
mov [esi+IDE_CACHE.pointer], eax
pop ecx
mov edx, eax
mov eax, [esi+IDE_CACHE.size]
shr eax, 3
; DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE_CACHE.system_data_size %x\n", eax
mov [esi+IDE_CACHE.system_data_size], eax
mov ebx, eax
imul eax, 7
; DEBUGF 1, "K : IDE_CACHE.appl_data_size %x\n", eax
mov [esi+IDE_CACHE.appl_data_size], eax
add ebx, edx
mov [esi+IDE_CACHE.data_pointer], ebx
push ecx
mov eax, [esi+IDE_CACHE.system_data_size]
call calculate_for_cd
add eax, [esi+IDE_CACHE.pointer]
mov [esi+IDE_CACHE.system_data], eax
mov [esi+IDE_CACHE.system_sad_size], ecx
push edi
mov edi, [esi+IDE_CACHE.pointer]
call clear_ide_cache
pop edi
mov eax, [esi+IDE_CACHE.appl_data_size]
call calculate_for_cd
add eax, [esi+IDE_CACHE.data_pointer]
mov [esi+IDE_CACHE.appl_data], eax
mov [esi+IDE_CACHE.appl_sad_size], ecx
push edi
mov edi, [esi+IDE_CACHE.data_pointer]
call clear_ide_cache
pop edi
pop ecx
push eax
mov ebx, eax
shr eax, 11
shl eax, 3
sub ebx, eax
shr ebx, 11
mov ecx, ebx
shl ebx, 11
pop eax
sub eax, ebx
dec ecx
push eax
shl ecx, 1
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop eax
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:keywords
\ No newline at end of property
Property changes:
Added: svn:ignore