Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 1505 → Rev 1689

347,6 → 347,7
* bit 0 (mask 1): window is maximized
* bit 1 (mask 2): window is minimized to panel
* bit 2 (mask 4): window is rolled up
* +71 = +0x47: dword: event mask
* Slots are numbered starting from 1.
* Returned value is not a total number of threads, because there
844,12 → 845,12
* function does not return value
Structure of the buffer:
db a,b,c,d for version a.b.c.d
db UID_xxx: one of UID_NONE=0, UID_MENUET=1, UID_KOLIBRI=2
db 0
dd REV - kernel SVN revision number
For Kolibri kernel:
db 0,7,0,0
For Kolibri kernel:
db 0,7,7,0
db 2
dd 638
dd 1657
======= Function 18, subfunction 14 - wait for screen retrace. =======
1658,58 → 1659,10
* If the buffer is too small to hold all data, only first (edx-1)
bytes are copied and than terminating 0 is inserted.
* By default, current folder for the thread is "/rd/1".
* At process/thread creation the current folder will be inherited
=============== Function 32 - delete file from ramdisk. ==============
* eax = 32 - function number
* ebx = pointer to the filename
Returned value:
* eax = 0 - success; otherwise file system error code
* This function is obsolete; function 58 allows to fulfill
the same operations with the extended possibilities.
* The current implementation returns only values 0(success) and
5(file not found).
* The filename must be either in the format 8+3 characters
(first 8 characters - name itself, last 3 - extension,
the short names and extensions are supplemented with spaces),
or in the format 8.3 characters "FILE.EXT"/"FILE.EX "
(name no more than 8 characters, dot, extension 3 characters
supplemented if necessary by spaces).
The filename must be written with capital letters. The terminating
character with code 0 is not necessary (not ASCIIZ-string).
* This function does not support folders on the ramdisk.
================ Function 33 - write file to ramdisk. ================
* eax = 33 - function number
* ebx = pointer to the filename
* ecx = pointer to data for writing
* edx = number of bytes for writing
* should be set esi=0
Returned value:
* eax = 0 - success, otherwise file system error code
* This function is obsolete; function 70 allows to fulfil
the same operations with extended possibilities.
* If esi contains non-zero value and selected file already exists,
one more file with the same name will be created.
* Otherwise file will be overwritten.
* The filename must be either in the format 8+3 characters
(first 8 characters - name itself, last 3 - extension,
the short names and extensions are supplemented with spaces),
or in the format 8.3 characters "FILE.EXT"/"FILE.EX "
(name no more than 8 characters, dot, extension 3 characters
supplemented if necessary by spaces).
The filename must be written with capital letters. The terminating
character with code 0 is not necessary (not ASCIIZ-string).
* This function does not support folders on the ramdisk.
======= Function 35 - read the color of a pixel on the screen. =======
3421,7 → 3374,6
The input mode influences results of reading keys by function 2.
When a program loads, ASCII input mode is set for it.
If subfunction is not support then eax=-1.
-------------- Subfunction 1 - set keyboard input mode. --------------
3773,8 → 3725,60
* If ecx=0, the function frees memory block at edx and returns 0.
* The contents of the block are unchanged up to the shorter of
the new and old sizes.
======== Function 68, subfunction 22 - open named memory area. =======
* eax = 68 - function number
* ebx = 22 - subfunction number
* ecx = area name. Maximum of 31 characters with terminating zero
* edx = area size in bytes for SHM_CREATE and SHM_OPEN_ALWAYS
* esi = flags for open and access:
* SHM_OPEN = 0x00 - open existing memory area. If an area
with such name does not exist, the function
will return error code 5.
* SHM_OPEN_ALWAYS = 0x04 - open existing or create new
memory area.
* SHM_CREATE = 0x08 - create new memory area. If an area
with such name already exists, the function
will return error code 10.
* SHM_READ = 0x00 - only read access
* SHM_WRITE = 0x01 - read and write access
Returned value:
* eax = pointer to memory area, 0 if error has occured
* if new area is created (SHM_CREATE or SHM_OPEN_ALWAYS):
edx = 0 - success, otherwise - error code
* if existing area is opened (SHM_OPEN or SHM_OPEN_ALWAYS):
edx = error code (if eax=0) or area size in bytes
Error codes:
* E_ACCESS = 10
* E_NOMEM = 30
* E_PARAM = 33
* Before this call one must initialize process heap by call to
subfunction 11.
* If a new area is created, access flags set maximal rights
for other processes. An attempt from other process to open
with denied rights will fail with error code E_ACCESS.
* The process which has created an area always has write access.
======= Function 68, subfunction 23 - close named memory area. =======
* eax = 68 - function number
* ebx = 23 - subfunction number
* ecx = area name. Maximum of 31 characters with terminating zero
Returned value:
* eax destroyed
* A memory area is physically freed (with deleting all data and
freeing physical memory), when all threads which have opened
this area will close it.
* When thread is terminating, all opened by it areas are closed.
====== Function 68, subfunction 24 - set new exceptions handler ======
3813,6 → 3817,7
* edx = value of activity (0/1)
Returned value:
* eax = value of old activity for this signal (0/1)
* eax = -1 - invalid signal number
* In current implementation, it is changed only exception mask for
user exception handler, wich was previously set by subfunction 24.
4111,6 → 4116,10
* '/hd0/2/menuet/pics/tanzania.bmp',0
* '/hd0/1/Program files/NameOfProgram/SomeFile.SomeExtension',0
* '/sys/MySuperApp.ini',0
Also function supports relative names. If the path begins not
with '/', it is considered relative to a current folder. To get or
set a current folder, use the function 30.
Available subfunctions:
* subfunction 0 - read file
* subfunction 1 - read folder