Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 6611 → Rev 6612

24,8 → 24,8
uint32_t y_pos; //50
uint32_t width; //440
uint32_t hight; //150
uint32_t w_pane; //30 øèðèíà ïàíåëè â îêíå
uint32_t h_pane; //25 âûñîòà ïàíåëè â îêíå
uint32_t w_pane; //30 øèðèíà ïàíåëè â îêíå, width of left pane with line numbers
uint32_t h_pane; //25 âûñîòà ïàíåëè â îêíå, hight of top pane with Rows, Cols Undo info
uint32_t width_sym; //9 øèðèíà ñèìâîëà (çíàêîìåñòà) â îêíå
uint32_t hight_sym; //16 âûñîòà ñèìâîëà (çíàêîìåñòà) â îêíå
uint8_t drag_m; // âûäåëåíèå îò ìûøè
285,15 → 285,21
extern void (*ted_key_asm)(editor *, char* table, int control) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
static inline void editor_keyboard(editor *ed, char* table, enum control_keys control, int ch)
static inline __attribute__((__stdcall__)) void editor_keyboard(editor *ed, char* table, enum control_keys control, int ch)
/// ch = GET_KEY
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"push %4\n\t"
"push %3\n\t"
"push %2\n\t"
"call *%1 \n\t"::"a"(ch), "m"(ted_key_asm), "m"(ed), "m"(table), "m"(control):);
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"nop \n\t"::"a"(ch):);
(*ted_key_asm)(ed, table, control);
extern void (*ted_open_file_asm)(editor *, struct fs_dirinfo*, char *fname) __attribute__((__stdcall__));
410,10 → 416,12
return lang;
static void editor_key(editor* ed)
static void editor_key(editor* ed, oskey_t key)
// callback for gui
//if(ed->el_focus != ed) return; // need to check not to lose keyb buffer
uint32_t control = get_control_keys();
enum control_keys ed_ctrl = 0;
int ly_opt = 1;
425,7 → 433,7
char conv_table[128];
get_keyboard_layout(ly_opt, conv_table);
editor_keyboard(ed, conv_table, ed_ctrl, get_key().val);
editor_keyboard(ed, conv_table, ed_ctrl, key.val);
static inline void gui_add_editor(kolibri_window *wnd, editor* e)
433,7 → 441,7
kolibri_window_add_element(wnd, KOLIBRI_EDITOR, e);
static inline editor* kolibri_new_editor(uint32_t x_w, uint32_t y_h, uint32_t font, uint32_t max_chars, editor **editor_interlock)
static inline editor* kolibri_new_editor(uint32_t x_w, uint32_t y_h, uint32_t font, uint32_t max_chars, void *editor_interlock)
/// font - 0b10SSS 8x16 size multiply (SSS+1), 0xSSS - 6x9 multiply (SSS+1)
443,7 → 451,8
ed->y_pos = y_h >> 16;
ed->hight = y_h & 0xFFFF;
// no panel, w_pane, h_pane == 0
ed->w_pane = 30;
ed->h_pane = 20;
// font
if (font == 0) font = 0x10; // default 16 = 8x16
int font_multipl = (font & 7) + 1;
472,8 → 481,8
ed->symbol_new_line = 20; // ascii(20)
ed->scr_w = kolibri_new_scrollbar_def(X_Y(50, 16), X_Y(50, 300), 100, 30, 0);
ed->scr_h = kolibri_new_scrollbar_def(X_Y(0, 150), X_Y(50, 16), 100, 30, 0);
ed->scr_w = kolibri_new_scrollbar_def(X_Y(0, 16), X_Y(0, 0), 100, 30, 0); // cur_area will be inited ltr, max & pos undef
ed->scr_h = kolibri_new_scrollbar_def(X_Y(0, 0), X_Y(0, 16), 100, 30, 0); // cur_area will be inited ltr, max & pos undef
ed->buffer_size = TE_BUF_SIZE;
ed->buffer = malloc(TE_BUF_SIZE);
483,6 → 492,8
ed->mode_color = 1; // can select text
ed->mode_invis = 1; // show nonprinted symbols
ed->el_focus = editor_interlock;
// ??? saveregs ax,cx,di
editor_init(ed); // memory allocation, cleaning
ed->syntax_file = (char*)&default_syntax;