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Ignore whitespace Rev 7575 → Rev 7576

318,8 → 318,10
dd sz_ted_but_undo, ted_but_undo
dd sz_ted_but_redo, ted_but_redo
dd sz_ted_but_reverse, ted_but_reverse
dd sz_ted_but_find_next, ted_but_find_next
dd sz_ted_text_colored, ted_text_colored
dd sz_ted_but_find, ted_but_find
dd sz_ted_but_find_next, ted_but_find_next
dd sz_ted_but_replace, ted_but_replace
dd sz_ted_text_colored, ted_text_colored
dd sz_ted_version, 0x00000005
dd sz_Frame_draw, frame.draw
430,7 → 432,9
sz_ted_but_undo db 'ted_but_undo',0
sz_ted_but_redo db 'ted_but_redo',0
sz_ted_but_reverse db 'ted_but_reverse',0
sz_ted_but_find db 'ted_but_find',0
sz_ted_but_find_next db 'ted_but_find_next',0
sz_ted_but_replace db 'ted_but_replace',0
sz_ted_text_colored db 'ted_text_colored',0
sz_ted_version db 'version_text_edit',0
14,6 → 14,7
<li><a href="#fun_but_copy">ted_but_copy</a></li>
<li><a href="#fun_but_cut">ted_but_cut</a></li>
<li><a href="#fun_but_find">ted_but_find</a></li>
<li><a href="#fun_but_find_next">ted_but_find_next</a></li>
<li><a href="#fun_but_paste">ted_but_paste</a></li>
<li><a href="#fun_but_redo">ted_but_redo</a></li>
87,8 → 88,20
<p>Ïðèìåð èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ:</p>
<pre>stdcall [ted_but_cut], tedit0</pre>
<h4><a name="fun_but_find">ted_but_find</a></h4>
<p>Ôóíêöèÿ äëÿ ïîèñêà òåêñòà. Èùåò òåêñò èç áóôåðà <b>ted_buffer_find</b>, ïðè íàõîæäåíèè ïåðåìåùàåò êóðñîð ê íàéäåíîìó òåêñòó è âûäåëÿåò åãî. Ïðèíèìàåò 2 ïàðàìåòðà:</p>
<p>1) ñòðóêòóðà tedit,</p>
<p>2) ïàðàìåòðû ïîèñêà:</p>
<li>0 - èñêàòü íèæå êóðñîðà</li>
<li>1 - èñêàòü âûøå êóðñîðà</li>
<li>2 - èñêàòü îò íà÷àëà äîêóìåíòà</li>
<p>Ïðèìåð èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ:</p>
<pre>stdcall [ted_but_find], tedit0, 2</pre>
<h4><a name="fun_but_find_next">ted_but_find_next</a></h4>
<p>Ôóíêöèÿ äëÿ ïîèñêà òåêñòà. Èùåò òåêñò èç áóôåðà <b>ted_buffer_find</b>, ïðè íàõîæäåíèè ïåðåìåùàåò êóðñîð ê íàéäåíîìó òåêñòó è âûäåëÿåò åãî.</p>
<p>Ôóíêöèÿ äëÿ ïîèñêà òåêñòà. Èùåò òåêñò èç áóôåðà <b>ted_buffer_find</b>, ïðè íàõîæäåíèè ïåðåìåùàåò êóðñîð ê íàéäåíîìó òåêñòó è âûäåëÿåò åãî. Ïîèñê âåäåòñÿ íèæå òåêóùåãî ïîëîæåíèÿ êóðñîðà.</p>
<p>Ïðèìåð èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ:</p>
<pre>stdcall [ted_but_find_next], tedit0</pre>
375,7 → 388,7
.ptr_free_symb dd ? ;+246 óêàçàòåëü íà ñâîáîäíóþ ïàìÿòü, â êîòîðóþ ìîæíî äîáàâëÿòü ñèìâîë (èñïîëüçóåòñÿ âíóòðè ýëåìåíòà äëÿ óñêîðåíèÿ âñòàâêè òåêñòà)
.font_s dd ? ;+250 ñòèëè äëÿ øðèôòà (îò 0 äî 7 ìíîæèòåëü äëÿ ðàçìåðà, +16 äëÿ âòîðîãî ñèñòåìíîãî øðèôòà)</pre>
<p>Äîêóìåíòàöèÿ îáíîâëÿëàñü ïîñëåäíèé ðàç 21.02.16.</p>
<p>Äîêóìåíòàöèÿ îáíîâëÿëàñü ïîñëåäíèé ðàç 21.01.19.</p>
1,2 → 1,3
@fasm.exe -m 16384 box_lib.asm box_lib.obj
@kpack box_lib.obj
23,6 → 23,7
TED_PANEL_NULL equ 0 ;­¥â ®âªàë⮩ ¯ ­¥«¨
TED_PANEL_FIND equ 1 ;¯ ­¥«ì ¯®¨áª 
TED_PANEL_SYNTAX equ 2 ;¯ ­¥«ì ¢ë¡®à  ä ©«®¢ ¯®¤á¢¥âª¨
TED_PANEL_REPLACE equ 3 ;¯ ­¥«ì § ¬¥­ë
TED_PANEL_WIDTH equ 150 ;è¨à¨­  ¯ ­¥«¨
TED_LINES_IN_NEW_FILE equ 30 ;ç¨á«® áâப ¢ ­®¢®¬ ä ©«¥
557,7 → 558,7
xor al,al
cmp ted_drag_m,1
je @f
mov al,1
inc al
mov ebx,ted_sel_x0
cmp ebx,ted_sel_x1
jne @f
577,8 → 578,8
mov esi,edi
add esi,ted_offs_sel
add edi,ted_offs_seln
mov ecx,sizeof.TexSelect
rep movsb
mov ecx,sizeof.TexSelect/4
rep movsd
pop edi
jmp @f
750,8 → 751,8
mov eax,edi ;á®å࠭塞 §­ ç¥­¨¥ edi
mov esi,ted_syntax_file
add edi,ted_offs_count_colors
mov ecx,9*4
rep movsb
mov ecx,9
rep movsd
mov edi,eax ;¢®áâ ­ ¢«¨¢ ¥¬ §­ ç¥­¨¥ edi
mov eax,ted_syntax_file
759,8 → 760,7
mov ted_text_colors,eax
mov eax,ted_colors_text_count ;init: count_colors_text (offset to key words)
add eax,8
shl eax,2
lea eax,[4*eax+32]
add eax,ted_syntax_file
mov ted_key_words_data,eax
768,14 → 768,12
xor eax,eax
ColToIndexOffset eax,edx
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,byte[edx]
shl bx,2
movzx ebx,byte[edx]
mov esi,ted_arr_key_pos
add esi,ebx
lea esi,[esi+4*ebx]
cmp dword[esi],-1
jne .no_ch_key
mov dword[esi],eax
mov [esi],eax
inc eax
loop @b
911,8 → 909,8
push ebx
mov edx,[edx+2]
cmp edx,0
je @f
or edx,edx
jz @f
imul edx,sizeof.symbol
add edx,ted_tex
call ted_symbol_not_vis
928,8 → 926,8
mov edx,[edx+2]
cmp edx,0
je @f
or edx,edx
jz @f
imul edx,sizeof.symbol
add edx,ted_tex
cmp dword [edx+14],0
1080,8 → 1078,8
; text:dword - pointer to text string
; add_opt:dword - options
; text - pointer to text string
; add_opt - options
align 16
proc ted_text_add, edit:dword, text:dword, t_len:dword, add_opt:dword
1346,64 → 1344,62
; ”ã­ªæ¨ï ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥âáï ¤«ï ᬥ­ë ॣ¨áâà  ¢ë¡à ­­ëå ᨬ¢®«®¢
align 16
proc ted_convert_sel_text, conv_fun:dword
conv_cou dd ?
mov dword[conv_cou],0
conv_cou dd ?
mov dword[conv_cou],0
call ted_is_select
cmp al,0
je .end_f
call ted_set_undo
call ted_sel_normalize
call ted_is_select
or al,al
jz .end_f
call ted_set_undo
call ted_sel_normalize
mov esi,ted_seln_x0
mov ecx,ted_seln_y0
call ted_get_pos_by_coords
mov eax,edx
mov esi,ted_seln_x1
mov ecx,ted_seln_y1
call ted_get_pos_by_coords
;call ted_get_text_perv_pos
mov ebx,edx
mov esi,ted_seln_x0
mov ecx,ted_seln_y0
call ted_get_pos_by_coords
mov eax,edx
mov esi,ted_seln_x1
mov ecx,ted_seln_y1
call ted_get_pos_by_coords
;call ted_get_text_perv_pos
mov ebx,edx
cmp eax,ebx
je .end_f
cmp eax,ebx
je .end_f
inc ted_tim_ch
mov edx,eax ;i=p0;
mov ecx,ted_ptr_free_symb
push eax
mov al,byte[edx]
call dword[conv_fun] ;¯à¥®¡à §®¢ ­¨¥ ᨬ¢®« 
mov esi,eax
cmp byte[edx],al
pop eax
je .no_change
m2m dword [edx+14],ted_tim_ch
call ted_char_add ;b_pos=ted_char_add(tex[i].c^32,i,false,b_pos);
call ted_get_text_next_pos ;go to added symbol
inc dword[conv_cou]
inc ted_tim_ch
mov edx,eax ;i=p0;
mov ecx,ted_ptr_free_symb
push eax
mov al,byte[edx]
call dword[conv_fun] ;¯à¥®¡à §®¢ ­¨¥ ᨬ¢®« 
mov esi,eax
cmp byte[edx],al
pop eax
je .no_change
m2m dword [edx+14],ted_tim_ch
call ted_char_add ;b_pos=ted_char_add(tex[i].c^32,i,false,b_pos);
call ted_get_text_next_pos ;go to added symbol
inc dword[conv_cou]
call ted_iterat_next
cmp edx,ted_tex
je @f
cmp edx,ebx
je @f
jmp @b
cmp dword[conv_cou],0
jne @f
dec ted_tim_ch
mov esi,dword[conv_cou]
call ted_iterat_next
cmp edx,ted_tex
je @f
cmp edx,ebx
jne @b
cmp dword[conv_cou],0
jne @f
dec ted_tim_ch
mov esi,dword[conv_cou]
1444,8 → 1440,8
align 16
proc ted_sel_text_del uses ebx ecx edx esi, del_opt:dword
call ted_is_select
cmp al,0
je .end_f
or al,al
jz .end_f
call ted_sel_normalize
mov esi,ted_seln_x1
2058,26 → 2054,60
; ecx = Col
; edx = Row
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
; ecx = cursor x
; edx = cursor y
align 16
push eax
push eax ebx
mov eax,ted_scr_h
sub ecx,[eax+sb_offs_position]
cmp ecx,0 ;ted_cur_y < 0
jge @f
add [eax+sb_offs_position],ecx ;¯à®ªàã⪠ áªà®««¨­£  ¢«¥¢®
xor ecx,ecx
mov ebx,5 ;5 - ¦¥« ¥¬ë© ®âáâ㯠᫥¢ 
cmp ecx,ebx
jge .end0
sub ebx,ecx ;ebx - ­  ᪮«ìª® ᨬ¢®«®¢ ­ã¦­® ᤢ¨­ãâì ªãàá®à
cmp [eax+sb_offs_position],ebx
jge @f
add ecx,[eax+sb_offs_position]
mov dword[eax+sb_offs_position],0
jmp .end0
sub [eax+sb_offs_position],ebx
add ecx,ebx
cmp ecx,[eax+sb_offs_cur_area] ;ted_cur_x > [.cur_area]
jl .end1
mov ebx,ecx
sub ebx,[eax+sb_offs_cur_area]
inc ebx
add [eax+sb_offs_position],ebx ;¯à®ªàã⪠ áªà®««¨­£  ¢¯à ¢®
sub ecx,ebx
mov ted_cur_x,ecx
mov eax,ted_scr_w
mov ted_cur_x,ecx
sub edx,[eax+sb_offs_position]
cmp edx,0 ;ted_cur_y < 0
jge @f
add [eax+sb_offs_position],edx ;¯à®ªàã⪠ áªà®««¨­£  ¢¢¥àå
xor edx,edx
jmp .end2
cmp edx,[eax+sb_offs_cur_area] ;ted_cur_y > [.cur_area]
jl @f
push ebx
jl .end2
mov ebx,edx
sub ebx,[eax+sb_offs_cur_area]
inc ebx
add [eax+sb_offs_position],ebx
add [eax+sb_offs_position],ebx ;¯à®ªàã⪠ áªà®««¨­£  ¢­¨§
sub edx,ebx
pop ebx
; ??? redrav
mov ted_cur_y,edx
pop eax
pop ebx eax
2805,7 → 2835,108
; äã­ªæ¨ï ­ å®¤¨â ⥪áâ ­  ª®â®àë© ãª §ë¢ ¥â ted_buffer_find
; f_opt = ¯ à ¬¥âàë ¯®¨áª :
; (0 - ¨áª âì ¢ëè¥ ªãàá®à , 1 - ¨áª âì ­¨¦¥ ªãàá®à , 2 - ¨áª âì ®â ­ ç «  ä ©« )
align 16
proc ted_but_find, edit:dword, f_opt:dword
push [edit]
cmp dword[f_opt],2
jne @f
call ted_but_find_first
jmp .end_f
cmp dword[f_opt],0
jne @f
call ted_but_find_next
jmp .end_f
cmp dword[f_opt],1
jne .end_f
call ted_but_find_perv
; äã­ªæ¨ï ­ å®¤¨â ⥪áâ ­  ª®â®àë© ãª §ë¢ ¥â ted_buffer_find
; ¨é¥â ®â ­ ç «  ä ©« , ¨«¨ ®â ª®­æ  ⥪ã饣® ¢ë¤¥«¥­¨ï
align 16
proc ted_but_find_first, edit:dword
mov edi,[edit]
call ted_is_select
or al,al
jz @f
call ted_sel_normalize
mov edx,ted_sel_y1
mov ecx,ted_sel_x1
call ted_go_to_pos ;¯¥à¥å®¤ ­  ª®­¥æ ¢ë¤¥«¥­¨ï
call ted_get_pos_by_cursor
jmp .end0
mov edx,ted_tex
call ted_iterat_next
mov eax,ted_buffer_find
mov bl,byte[eax]
call ted_get_find_rezult
cmp bh,1
je @f ; find
call ted_iterat_next
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle @f
jmp @b
call but_find
; äã­ªæ¨ï ­ å®¤¨â ⥪áâ ­  ª®â®àë© ãª §ë¢ ¥â ted_buffer_find
; ¨é¥â ¢ëè¥ ªãàá®à 
align 16
proc ted_but_find_perv, edit:dword
mov edi,[edit]
call ted_is_select
or al,al
jz @f
call ted_sel_normalize
mov edx,ted_sel_y0
mov ecx,ted_sel_x0
call ted_go_to_pos ;¯¥à¥å®¤ ­  ­ ç «® ¢ë¤¥«¥­¨ï
call ted_get_pos_by_cursor
call ted_iterat_perv ;¯¥à¥å®¤ ­  1-© ᨬ¢®« ¯¥à¥¤ ¢ë¤¥«¥­¨¥¬
jmp .end0
call ted_get_pos_by_cursor
mov eax,ted_buffer_find
mov bl,byte[eax]
call ted_get_find_rezult
cmp bh,1
je @f ; find
call ted_iterat_perv
cmp edx,ted_tex_1
jle @f
jmp @b
call but_find
; äã­ªæ¨ï ­ å®¤¨â ⥪áâ ­  ª®â®àë© ãª §ë¢ ¥â ted_buffer_find
; ¨é¥â ­¨¦¥ ªãàá®à 
align 16
proc ted_but_find_next, edit:dword
mov edi,[edit]
2822,8 → 2953,18
jle @f
jmp @b
cmp bh,0
je @f
call but_find
; bh = ¡ë« «¨ ­ ©¤¥­ ¨áª®¬ë© ⥪áâ (0 - ­¥â, 1 - ¤ )
; esi = first symbol pointer
align 16
or bh,bh
jz @f
call ted_get_text_coords
inc ebx ;move cursor right
mov ted_sel_x1,ebx
2831,7 → 2972,7
mov edx,eax
mov ecx,ebx
call ted_go_to_pos
mov edx,esi ;esi ¡ë«® ãáâ ­®¢«¥® ¢ ted_get_find_rezult
mov edx,esi
call ted_get_text_coords
mov ted_sel_x0,ebx
mov ted_sel_y0,eax
2843,8 → 2984,37
je .end_find
call ted_fun_find_err ;¯®«ì§®¢ â¥«ì᪠ï äã­ªæ¨ï
; rpl_text = ⥪áâ ¤«ï § ¬¥­ë
; r_opt = ¯ à ¬¥âàë ¯®¨áª :
; (0 - ¨áª âì ¢ëè¥ ªãàá®à , 1 - ¨áª âì ­¨¦¥ ªãàá®à , 2 - ¨áª âì ®â ­ ç «  ä ©« )
; n_tim = 䨪á¨à®¢ âì § ¬¥­ã ¢ ¨§¬¥­¥­¨ïå (0 - ­¥â, 1 - ¤ )
; eax = 0 - ­¥ 㤠筮, 1 - 㤠筮
align 16
proc ted_but_replace uses edx edi esi, edit:dword, rpl_text:dword, r_opt:dword, n_tim:dword
mov edi,[edit]
stdcall ted_but_find, edi,[r_opt]
xor edx,edx
cmp dword[n_tim],0
je @f
mov edx,ted_opt_ed_change_time
stdcall ted_sel_text_del, edx
or eax,0xff
jz @f
mov esi,[rpl_text]
stdcall tl_strlen
or eax,eax
jz @f
stdcall ted_text_add, edi,esi,eax,ted_opt_ed_move_cursor
xor eax,eax
inc eax
3752,8 → 3922,8
call ted_is_select
cmp al,0
je .no_select
or al,al
jz .no_select
cmp ted_seln_y0,esi
jg .no_select
cmp ted_seln_y1,esi
87,12 → 87,12
cmp ah,ID_BUT_FIND
jne @f
call ted_but_find
call but_panel_find
jmp still
jne @f
call but_replace
call but_panel_replace
jmp still
137,7 → 137,7
jne @f
stdcall but_choose_syntax, tedit0
stdcall but_panel_choose_syntax, tedit0
jmp still
cmp ah,ID_BUT_CONVERT_1251_866
156,11 → 156,26
stdcall ted_but_open_syntax, tedit0
jmp still
cmp ah,201
jne @f
stdcall [ted_but_find_next], tedit0
cmp ah,201 ;§ ¬¥­¨âì
jne .no_find
call get_find_options
stdcall [ted_but_find], tedit0, eax
jmp still
cmp ah,202 ;§ ¬¥­¨âì ¢á¥
jne .no_change
call get_find_options
stdcall [ted_but_replace], tedit0, buf_replace, eax, 1
or eax,eax
jz still
stdcall [ted_draw], tedit0
jmp still
cmp ah,203
jne .no_change_a
call but_replace_all
jmp still
cmp ah,1
jne @f
202,6 → 217,40
mcall SF_TERMINATE_PROCESS ;¢ë室 ¨§ ¯à®£à ¬¬ë
align 4
xor eax,eax
cmp [opt_gr1],opt1
je @f
inc eax
cmp [opt_gr1],opt2
je @f
inc eax
align 4
proc but_replace_all uses ebx ecx edx
call get_find_options
mov ebx,eax
stdcall [ted_but_replace], tedit0, buf_replace, ebx, 1
xor edx,edx
or eax,eax
jz @f
inc edx
mov ecx,0x1000
stdcall [ted_but_replace], tedit0, buf_replace, ebx, 0
or eax,eax
jz @f
inc edx
loop .cycle0
stdcall [ted_draw], tedit0
mov eax,edx
; al = ª®¤ ®è¨¡ª¨
align 4
553,7 → 602,7
; ¢ë§®¢/áªàë⨥ ¯ ­¥«¨ ¯®¨áª 
align 4
proc ted_but_find uses edi
proc but_panel_find uses edi
mov edi,tedit0
cmp ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_NULL
570,7 → 619,47
; ¢ë§®¢/áªàë⨥ ¯ ­¥«¨ § ¬¥­ë
align 4
proc but_panel_replace uses edi
mov edi,tedit0
cmp ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_NULL
je @f
mov ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_NULL
mov ted_wnd_l,0
jmp .e_if
mov ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_REPLACE
mov ted_wnd_l,TED_PANEL_WIDTH
call EvSize
stdcall [ted_draw],edi
; ¢ë§®¢/áªàë⨥ ¯ ­¥«¨ á ä ©« ¬¨ ᨭ⠪á¨á 
align 4
proc but_panel_choose_syntax uses edi, edit:dword
mov edi,[edit]
cmp ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_NULL
je @f
mov ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_NULL
mov ted_wnd_l,0
jmp .e_if
mov ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_SYNTAX
mov ted_wnd_l,TED_PANEL_WIDTH
call EvSize
stdcall [ted_draw],edi
align 4
rb 128
db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;128
600,13 → 689,6
; ª­®¯ª  [‡ ¬¥­¨âì] ­  ¯ ­¥«¨
align 4
; ¯®ª  ­¥ ᤥ« ­®
; äã­ªæ¨ï ¯®¨áª  ¨­ä®à¬ æ¨¨ ¢ ᯨ᪥ ª«î祢ëå á«®¢
align 4
647,22 → 729,3
; ¢ë§®¢/áªàë⨥ ¯ ­¥«¨ á ä ©« ¬¨ ᨭ⠪á¨á 
align 4
proc but_choose_syntax uses edi, edit:dword
mov edi,[edit]
cmp ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_NULL
je @f
mov ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_NULL
mov ted_wnd_l,0
jmp .e_if
mov ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_SYNTAX
mov ted_wnd_l,TED_PANEL_WIDTH
call EvSize
stdcall [ted_draw],edi
91,6 → 91,10
@@ -139,7 +143,9 @@
@@ -152,6 +158,10 @@
@@ -200,7 +210,9 @@
@@ -339,6 +351,7 @@
@@ -399,7 +412,7 @@
@@ -424,15 +437,23 @@
@@ -482,9 +503,7 @@
@@ -497,10 +516,21 @@
@@ -553,9 +583,7 @@
@@ -568,10 +596,21 @@
220,8 → 220,27
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
align 4
proc draw_panel_find
cmp ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_FIND ;if not panel
cmp ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_FIND
jne @f
call p_find
jmp .end_f
cmp ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_REPLACE
jne @f
call p_replace
jmp .end_f
push eax edx
mcall SF_DEFINE_BUTTON,,,0x80000000+201
mcall ,,,0x80000000+202
mcall ,,,0x80000000+203
pop edx eax
align 4
push eax ebx ecx edx
mov ecx,ted_wnd_t
shl ecx,16
228,15 → 247,47
mov cx,20
mov ebx,(30 shl 16)+25
mov ecx,ted_wnd_t
add cx,20+15 ; 15 - height text box
shl ecx,16
add ecx,ted_wnd_h
mov edx,ted_scr_h
add cx,word[edx+sb_offs_size_y]
sub cx,20+15-1 ; 15 - height text box
mcall ,,,[]
stdcall [edit_box_draw], edit2
mov ecx,ted_wnd_t
shl ecx,16
add ecx,(93 shl 16)+20
mcall SF_DEFINE_BUTTON,(5 shl 16)+85,,201,[sc.work_button] ;201 - button id
mov ebx,(23 shl 16)+7
add ebx,ted_wnd_t
mov ecx,[sc.work_text]
or ecx,0x80000000
mcall SF_DRAW_TEXT,,,txtFindCapt
stdcall [edit_box_draw], edit2
mov ecx,[sc.work_button_text]
or ecx,0x80000000
mov ebx,(15 shl 16)+100
add ebx,ted_wnd_t
mcall ,,,txtFindNext
stdcall [option_box_draw], opt_grlist1
pop edx ecx ebx eax
align 4
push eax ebx ecx edx
mov ecx,ted_wnd_t
shl ecx,16
mov cx,20
mov ecx,ted_wnd_t
add cx,20+15 ; 15 - height text box
shl ecx,16
add ecx,ted_wnd_h
243,30 → 294,38
mov edx,ted_scr_h
add cx,word[edx+sb_offs_size_y]
sub cx,20+15-1 ; 15 - height text box
mcall ,,,[]
stdcall [edit_box_draw], edit1
stdcall [edit_box_draw], edit2
mov ecx,ted_wnd_t
add cx,20+15+5
shl ecx,16
mov cx,20
mcall SF_DEFINE_BUTTON,(5 shl 16)+85,,201,[sc.work_button] ;201 - button id
add ecx,(133 shl 16)+20
mcall SF_DEFINE_BUTTON,(5 shl 16)+95,,202,[sc.work_button] ;replace next
mov ebx,(15 shl 16)+(20+15+10)
add ebx,ted_wnd_t
add ecx,(26 shl 16)
mcall ,,,203 ;replace all
mov ebx,ted_wnd_t
add ebx,(23 shl 16)+7
mov ecx,[sc.work_text]
or ecx,0x80000000
mcall SF_DRAW_TEXT,,,txtFindNext
mcall SF_DRAW_TEXT,,,txtFindCapt
add ebx,93
mcall SF_DRAW_TEXT,,,txtRerlaceCapt
mov ecx,[sc.work_button_text]
or ecx,0x80000000
mov ebx,ted_wnd_t
add ebx,(15 shl 16)+140
mcall ,,,txtRerlace
add ebx,26
mcall ,,,txtRerlaceAll
stdcall [option_box_draw], opt_grlist1
pop edx ecx ebx eax
jmp .end_f
push eax edx
mov edx,201
or edx,0x80000000
pop edx eax
; edi = pointer to tedit struct
357,13 → 416,14
stdcall [ted_init_scroll_bars], tedit0,2
mov eax,ted_wnd_t
mov edi,dword tree1
mov edi,tree1
mov tl_box_top,eax ;=ted_wnd_t
add tl_box_top,20
mov [],eax ;=ted_wnd_t
add dword[],20
mov [],eax ;=ted_wnd_t
add dword[],113
69,6 → 69,7
stdcall [ted_init], tedit0
stdcall [tl_data_init], tree1
option_boxes_set_sys_color sc,opt_grlist1
; OpenDialog initialisation
stdcall [OpenDialog_Init],OpenDialog_data
238,12 → 239,20
stdcall [ted_mouse], tedit0
cmp byte[tedit0.panel_id],TED_PANEL_FIND ;if not panel
;¯à®¢¥àª  ¡®ª®¢ëå ¯ ­¥«¥©
cmp byte[tedit0.panel_id],TED_PANEL_FIND
jne @f
stdcall [edit_box_mouse], edit2
stdcall [option_box_mouse], opt_grlist1
cmp byte[tedit0.panel_id],TED_PANEL_SYNTAX ;if not panel
cmp byte[tedit0.panel_id],TED_PANEL_REPLACE
jne @f
stdcall [edit_box_mouse], edit2
stdcall [edit_box_mouse], edit1
stdcall [option_box_mouse], opt_grlist1
cmp byte[tedit0.panel_id],TED_PANEL_SYNTAX
jne @f
stdcall [tl_mouse], tree1
289,7 → 298,7
mcall SF_GET_KEY
stdcall [tl_key], tree1
test word [edit2.flags],10b;ed_focus ; ¥á«¨ ­¥ ¢ 䮪ãá¥, ¢ë室¨¬
test word [edit1.flags],10b ;ed_focus ;¥á«¨ ­¥ ¢ 䮪ãá¥, ¢ë室¨¬
je @f
cmp ah,0x80 ;if key up
ja still
305,6 → 314,25
je still
stdcall KeyConvertToASCII, conv_tabl
stdcall [edit_box_key], edit1
jmp still
test word [edit2.flags],10b ;ed_focus ;¥á«¨ ­¥ ¢ 䮪ãá¥, ¢ë室¨¬
je @f
cmp ah,0x80 ;if key up
ja still
cmp ah,42 ;[Shift] (left)
je still
cmp ah,54 ;[Shift] (right)
je still
cmp ah,56 ;[Alt]
je still
cmp ah,29 ;[Ctrl]
je still
cmp ah,69 ;[Pause Break]
je still
stdcall KeyConvertToASCII, conv_tabl
stdcall [edit_box_key], edit2
jmp still
313,6 → 341,7
jmp still
align 4
edit1 edit_box TED_PANEL_WIDTH-1, 0, 20, 0xffffff, 0xff80, 0xff0000, 0xff, 0x4080, 300, buf_replace, mouse_dd, 0
edit2 edit_box TED_PANEL_WIDTH-1, 0, 20, 0xffffff, 0xff80, 0xff0000, 0xff, 0x4080, 300, buf_find, mouse_dd, 0
unpac_mem dd 0
376,6 → 405,7
last_open_synt_file rb 32 ;¨¬ï ¯®á«¥¤­¥£® ¯®¤ª«î祭­®£® ä ©«  ᨭ⠪á¨á 
buf rb BUF_SIZE ;¡ãä¥à ¤«ï ª®¯¨à®¢ ­¨ï ¨ ¢áâ ¢ª¨
buf_find rb 302 ;¡ãä¥à ¤«ï ¯®¨áª  ⥪áâ 
buf_replace rb 302 ;¡ãä¥à ¤«ï § ¬¥­ë ⥪áâ 
sc system_colors
align 16