Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Ignore whitespace Rev 5664 → Rev 5665

1,22 → 1,19
; KolibriOS Team 2005-2013
; <diamond> note that 'mov al,xx' is shorter than 'mov eax,xx'
; and if we know that high 24 bits of eax are zero, we can use 1st form
; the same about ebx,ecx,edx
; KolibriOS Team 2005-2015
fade equ 0
use32 ; ¢ª«îç¨âì 32-¡¨â­ë© ०¨¬  áᥬ¡«¥à 
use32 ; ¢ª«îç¨âì 32-¡¨â­ë© ०¨¬  áᥬ¡«¥à 
org 0x0 ;  ¤à¥á æ¨ï á ­ã«ï
db 'MENUET01' ; 8-¡ ©â­ë© ¨¤¥­â¨ä¨ª â®à MenuetOS
dd 0x01 ; ¢¥àá¨ï § £®«®¢ª  (¢á¥£¤  1)
dd START ;  ¤à¥á ¯¥à¢®© ª®¬ ­¤ë
dd IM_END ; à §¬¥à ¯à®£à ¬¬ë
dd I_END ; ª®«¨ç¥á⢮ ¯ ¬ïâ¨
dd stacktop ;  ¤à¥á ¢¥à設ë á⥪ 
dd 0x0 ;  ¤à¥á ¡ãä¥à  ¤«ï ¯ à ¬¥â஢
db 'MENUET01' ; 8-¡ ©â­ë© ¨¤¥­â¨ä¨ª â®à MenuetOS
dd 0x01 ; ¢¥àá¨ï § £®«®¢ª  (¢á¥£¤  1)
dd START ;  ¤à¥á ¯¥à¢®© ª®¬ ­¤ë
dd IM_END ; à §¬¥à ¯à®£à ¬¬ë
dd I_END ; ª®«¨ç¥á⢮ ¯ ¬ïâ¨
dd stacktop ;  ¤à¥á ¢¥à設ë á⥪ 
dd 0x0 ;  ¤à¥á ¡ãä¥à  ¤«ï ¯ à ¬¥â஢
dd cur_dir_path
include ''
26,43 → 23,43
include '../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/load_lib.mac'
include '../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/trunk/box_lib.mac'
align 4
load_libraries l_libs_start,end_l_libs
inc eax
test eax,eax
jz close
inc eax
test eax,eax
jz close
push dword check1
call [init_checkbox2]
push dword check1
call [init_checkbox2]
stdcall dll.Init,[init_lib]
invoke ini_get_int,ini_file,asettings,aautosave,0
mov [autosave],eax
dec eax
jnz @f
bts dword [check1.flags],1
invoke ini_get_int,ini_file,asettings,aautosave,0
mov [autosave],eax
dec eax
jnz @f
bts dword [check1.flags],1
mcall 40,0x80000027
mcall 40,0x80000027
call draw_window
mov al,10
mcall ;wait here for event
mcall ;wait here for event
dec eax
jz redraw
jz redraw
dec eax
jz key
jz key
dec eax
jz button
jz button
push dword check1
call [check_box_mouse2]
bt dword [check1.flags],1
bt dword [check1.flags],1
jnc @f
mov [autosave],1
jmp still
72,7 → 69,7
mov al,2
mcall ;eax=2 - get key code
mcall ;eax=2 - get key code
mov al,ah
cmp al,13
je restart
89,14 → 86,14
mcall -1
mcall 17 ;eax=17 - get pressed button id
mcall 17 ;eax=17 - get pressed button id
xchg al,ah
dec eax
jz close
jz close
dec eax
jz restart_kernel
jz restart_kernel
dec eax
jz restart
jz restart
dec eax
jnz checkbox
131,12 → 128,12
if fade=0
mov al,4
mcall ,<50,110> ,0x800000cc,label7 ;eax=4 - write text
mcall ,<50,120> ,0x800000cc,label7 ;eax=4 - write text
end if
mcall 70,rdsave
test eax,eax
js no_save
js no_save
mov ecx,eax
mcall 18,21
mov ecx,eax
150,7 → 147,7
pop ecx
mcall 9,proc_info
cmp [proc_info+50],9
je no_save
je no_save
jmp @b
pop ecx
159,7 → 156,7
btc dword [check1.flags],1
jc .1
jc .1
mov [autosave],1
jmp .draw
174,34 → 171,34
mcall ,1
mov al,14
mcall ;eax=14 - get screen max x & max y
mcall ;eax=14 - get screen max x & max y
movzx ecx,ax
shr eax,17
shl eax,16
lea ebx,[eax-110 shl 16+222]
lea ebx,[eax-165 shl 16+332]
shr ecx,1
shl ecx,16
lea ecx,[ecx-70 shl 16+122]
lea ecx,[ecx-70 shl 16+132]
xor eax,eax
mcall , , ,[color1],0x01000000 ;define and draw window
mcall , , ,[color1],0x01000000 ;define and draw window
mov al,13
mcall ,<0,223> ,<0,123>
mcall ,<1,221>,<1,121>,[color2]
mcall ,<2,220>,<2,120>, [color3]
mcall ,<0,333> ,<0,133>
mcall ,<1,331>,<1,131>,[color2]
mcall ,<2,330>,<2,130>, [color3]
mov al,8
mcall ,<16,90> ,<20,27>,4,[color4] ;eax=8 - draw buttons
mcall ,<113,90>, ,2,[color5]
mcall , ,<54,27>,1,[color6]
mcall ,<16,90> , ,3,[color7]
mcall ,<16,144> ,<16,36>,4,[color4] ;eax=8 - draw buttons
mcall ,<170,144>, ,2,[color5]
mcall , ,<62,36>,1,[color6]
mcall ,<16,144> , ,3,[color7]
mov al,4
mcall ,<27,24> ,[color8],label2 ;eax=4 - write text
mcall ,<23,58> , ,label3
mcall ,<47,37> , ,label5
mcall ,<41,71> , ,label6
mcall ,<28,19> ,[color8],label2 ;eax=4 - write text
mcall ,<28,65> , ,label3
mcall ,<64,40> ,[color9],label5
mcall ,<64,86> , ,label6
push dword check1
call [check_box_draw2]
222,12 → 219,12
autosave rd 1
rb 4096
rb 4096
rb 4096
rb 4096
align 32
rb 4096
rb 4096
I_END: ; ¬¥âª  ª®­æ  ¯à®£à ¬¬ë
I_END: ; ¬¥âª  ª®­æ  ¯à®£à ¬¬ë