Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 6891 → Rev 7105

33,7 → 33,13
;< eax = 0 / pointer to converted image ;;
;< ecx = error code / undefined ;;
push ebx esi edi 0 0
img dd ?
prev dd ?
push ebx esi edi
mov [img], 0
mov [prev], 0
mov ebx, [_src]
mov eax, [ebx + Image.Previous]
45,28 → 51,26
stdcall img.convert.layer, ebx, [_dst], [_dst_type], [_flags], [_param]
test eax, eax
jz .error
cmp dword[esp + 4], 0
cmp [img], 0
jnz @f
mov [esp + 4], eax
mov [img], eax
mov ecx, [esp]
mov ecx, [prev]
jecxz @f
mov [ecx + Image.Next], eax
mov [eax + Image.Previous], ecx
push [ebx + Image.Flags]
pop [eax + Image.Flags]
push [ebx + Image.Delay]
pop [eax + Image.Delay]
mov [eax + Image.Previous], ecx
mov [esp], eax
mov [prev], eax
push [ebx + Image.Flags]
pop [eax + Image.Flags]
push [ebx + Image.Delay]
pop [eax + Image.Delay]
mov ebx, [ebx + Image.Next]
test ebx, ebx
jnz .loop
pop eax eax edi esi ebx
mov eax, [img]
pop eax eax edi esi ebx
pop edi esi ebx
86,187 → 90,174
;< ecx = error code / undefined ;;
width rd 1
height rd 1
fun rd 1
push ebx esi edi
mov ebx, [_src]
mov eax, 1
mov ecx, [_dst_type]
shl eax, cl
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Type]
test eax, [img.types_table + 4*ecx]
jnz @f
jmp .error
mov ebx, [_src]
mov eax, [ebx + Image.Type]
mov esi, [img.convert.table + 4*eax]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
jmp .exit
mov eax, [_dst]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
stdcall img.create, [ebx + Image.Width], [ebx + Image.Height], [_dst_type]
test eax, eax
jz .error
mov [_dst], eax
cmp eax, [_dst_type]
jnz .next
mov [fun], eax
mov eax, [_dst]
test eax, eax
jnz @f
stdcall img.create, [ebx + Image.Width], [ebx + Image.Height], [_dst_type]
test eax, eax
jz .exit
mov [_dst], eax
mov edi, [eax + Image.Data]
mov esi, [ebx + Image.Data]
mov eax, [ebx + Image.Type]
cmp eax, Image.bpp8i
je .bpp8i
cmp eax, Image.bpp8g
je .bpp8g
cmp eax, Image.bpp24
je .bpp24
cmp eax, Image.bpp32
je .bpp32
cmp eax, Image.bpp15
je .bpp15
cmp eax, Image.bpp16
je .bpp16
cmp eax, Image.bpp1
je .bpp1
cmp eax, Image.bpp8a
je .bpp8a
jmp .error
mov edi, [eax + Image.Data]
mov esi, [ebx + Image.Data]
mov eax, [ebx + Image.Type]
stdcall [fun], [_src], [_dst]
mov eax, [_dst]
pop edi esi ebx
mov ecx, [_dst_type]
proc img._.convert.bpp8i_to_bpp24 _src, _dst
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
mov ebx, [ebx + Image.Palette]
sub ecx, 1
jz .bpp8i.last
mov eax, [edx]
add edx, 8
cmp eax, ecx
jne @b
jmp dword[edx - 4]
movzx eax, byte[esi]
add esi, 1
mov eax, [ebx + eax*4]
mov [edi], eax
add edi, 3
sub ecx, 1
jnz @b
movzx eax, byte[esi]
mov eax, [ebx + eax*4]
mov [edi], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [edi + 2], al
mov edx, img.convert.bpp8i.table
jmp .find_in_table_and_jump
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
proc img._.convert.bpp8i_to_bpp32 _src, _dst
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
mov ebx, [ebx + Image.Palette]
sub ecx, 1
jz .bpp8i.last
mov ebx, [ebx + Image.Palette]
movzx eax, byte[esi]
add esi, 1
mov eax, [ebx + eax*4]
mov [edi], eax
add edi, 3
sub ecx, 1
jnz @b
movzx eax, byte[esi]
mov eax, [ebx + eax*4]
mov [edi], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [edi + 2], al
mov eax, [_dst]
jmp .quit
movzx eax, byte[esi]
add esi, 1
mov eax, [ebx + eax*4]
mov [edi], eax
add edi, 4
dec ecx
jnz @b
mov edx, img.convert.bpp8g.table
jmp .find_in_table_and_jump
mov eax, [_dst]
mov eax, [eax + Image.Palette]
mov dword[eax], 0x00000000
mov dword[eax + 4], 0x00ffffff
mov edx, [ebx + Image.Height]
proc img._.convert.bpp8g_to_bpp1 _src, _dst
mov eax, [_dst]
mov eax, [eax + Image.Palette]
mov dword[eax], 0x00000000
mov dword[eax + 4], 0x00ffffff
mov edx, [ebx + Image.Height]
mov ax, 0x0800
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
mov ax, 0x0800
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
shl al, 1
cmp byte[esi], 0x7f
adc eax, 0
add esi, 1
dec ah
jnz @f
mov byte[edi], al
add edi, 1
mov ax, 0x0800
shl al, 1
cmp byte[esi], 0x7f
adc eax, 0
add esi, 1
dec ah
jnz @f
mov byte[edi], al
add edi, 1
mov ax, 0x0800
dec ecx
jnz .bpp8g_to_bpp1.pixel
cmp ah, 8
je @f
mov cl, ah
shl al, cl
mov byte[edi], al
add edi, 1
dec ecx
jnz .bpp8g_to_bpp1.pixel
cmp ah, 8
je @f
mov cl, ah
shl al, cl
mov byte[edi], al
add edi, 1
dec edx
jnz .bpp8g_to_bpp1.line
mov eax, [_dst]
jmp .quit
dec edx
jnz .bpp8g_to_bpp1.line
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
rep movsb
mov eax, [_dst]
jmp .quit
proc img._.convert.bpp8g_to_bpp24 _src, _dst
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
mov al, byte[esi]
mov byte[edi + 0], al
mov byte[edi + 1], al
mov byte[edi + 2], al
add esi, 1
add edi, 3
sub ecx, 1
jnz @b
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
proc img._.convert.bpp24_to_bpp24 _src, _dst
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
lea ecx, [ecx*3]
mov edx, ecx
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov ecx, edx
and ecx, 3
rep movsb
proc img._.convert.bpp24_to_bpp8g _src, _dst
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
mov al, byte[esi]
mov byte[edi + 0], al
mov byte[edi + 1], al
mov byte[edi + 2], al
add esi, 1
add edi, 3
sub ecx, 1
jnz @b
mov eax, [_dst]
jmp .quit
movzx ebx, byte[esi + 0]
movzx eax, byte[esi + 1]
add ebx, eax
movzx eax, byte[esi + 2]
add eax, ebx
mov ebx, 3
add esi, 3
div bl
mov byte[edi], al
add edi, 1
sub ecx, 1
jnz @b
mov edx, img.convert.bpp24.table
jmp .find_in_table_and_jump
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
lea ecx, [ecx*3]
mov edx, ecx
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov ecx, edx
and ecx, 3
rep movsb
mov eax, [_dst]
jmp .quit
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
proc img._.convert.bpp24_to_bpp32 _src, _dst
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
movzx ebx, byte[esi + 0]
movzx eax, byte[esi + 1]
add ebx, eax
movzx eax, byte[esi + 2]
add eax, ebx
mov ebx, 3
add esi, 3
div bl
mov byte[edi], al
add edi, 1
sub ecx, 1
jnz @b
mov eax, [_dst]
jmp .quit
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
ror eax, 16
274,392 → 265,416
dec ecx
jnz @b
mov eax, [_dst]
jmp .quit
mov edx, img.convert.bpp32.table
jmp .find_in_table_and_jump
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
proc img._.convert.bpp32_to_bpp24 _src, _dst
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
mov eax, [esi]
mov [edi], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [edi + 2], al
add esi, 4
add edi, 3
sub ecx, 1
jnz @b
mov eax, [_dst]
jmp .quit
mov eax, [esi]
mov [edi], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [edi + 2], al
add esi, 4
add edi, 3
sub ecx, 1
jnz @b
mov edx, img.convert.bpp15.table
jmp .find_in_table_and_jump
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
proc img._.convert.bpp32_to_bpp32 _src, _dst
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
rep movsd
endp ; copypasted from do_rgb
push ebx ebp
sub ecx, 4
jb .bpp15.tail
proc img._.convert.bpp15_to_bpp24 _src, _dst
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height] ; copypasted from do_rgb
push ebx ebp
sub ecx, 4
jb .bpp15.tail
align 16
repeat 2
mov ebx, [esi]
mov al, [esi]
mov ah, [esi + 1]
add esi, 4
and al, 0x1F
and ah, 0x1F shl 2
mov ebp, ebx
mov dl, al
mov dh, ah
shr al, 2
shr ah, 4
shl dl, 3
shl dh, 1
and ebp, 0x1F shl 5
add al, dl
add ah, dh
shr ebp, 2
mov [edi], al
mov [edi + 2], ah
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, ebp
shr eax, 16
shr ebx, 5
add ebx, ebp
mov ebp, eax
mov [edi + 1], bl
and eax, (0x1F) or (0x1F shl 10)
and ebp, 0x1F shl 5
lea edx, [eax + eax]
shr al, 2
mov ebx, ebp
shr ah, 4
shl dl, 2
shr ebx, 2
shr ebp, 7
add al, dl
add ah, dh
mov [edi + 3], al
add ebx, ebp
mov [edi + 5], ah
mov [edi + 4], bl
add edi, 6
mov ebx, [esi]
mov al, [esi]
mov ah, [esi + 1]
add esi, 4
and al, 0x1F
and ah, 0x1F shl 2
mov ebp, ebx
mov dl, al
mov dh, ah
shr al, 2
shr ah, 4
shl dl, 3
shl dh, 1
and ebp, 0x1F shl 5
add al, dl
add ah, dh
shr ebp, 2
mov [edi], al
mov [edi + 2], ah
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, ebp
shr eax, 16
shr ebx, 5
add ebx, ebp
mov ebp, eax
mov [edi + 1], bl
and eax, (0x1F) or (0x1F shl 10)
and ebp, 0x1F shl 5
lea edx, [eax + eax]
shr al, 2
mov ebx, ebp
shr ah, 4
shl dl, 2
shr ebx, 2
shr ebp, 7
add al, dl
add ah, dh
mov [edi + 3], al
add ebx, ebp
mov [edi + 5], ah
mov [edi + 4], bl
add edi, 6
end repeat
sub ecx, 4
sub ecx, 4
add ecx, 4
jz .bpp15.done
add ecx, 4
jz .bpp15.done
movzx eax, word [esi]
mov ebx, eax
add esi, 2
and eax, (0x1F) or (0x1F shl 10)
and ebx, 0x1F shl 5
lea edx, [eax + eax]
shr al, 2
mov ebp, ebx
shr ebx, 2
shr ah, 4
shl dl, 2
shr ebp, 7
add eax, edx
add ebx, ebp
mov [edi], al
mov [edi + 1], bl
mov [edi + 2], ah
add edi, 3
sub ecx, 1
jnz @b
movzx eax, word [esi]
mov ebx, eax
add esi, 2
and eax, (0x1F) or (0x1F shl 10)
and ebx, 0x1F shl 5
lea edx, [eax + eax]
shr al, 2
mov ebp, ebx
shr ebx, 2
shr ah, 4
shl dl, 2
shr ebp, 7
add eax, edx
add ebx, ebp
mov [edi], al
mov [edi + 1], bl
mov [edi + 2], ah
add edi, 3
sub ecx, 1
jnz @b
pop ebp ebx
mov eax, [_dst]
jmp .quit
pop ebp ebx
mov eax, [_dst]
jmp .quit
push ebx ebp
sub ecx, 4
jb .bpp15.tail
push ebx ebp
sub ecx, 4
jb .bpp15.tail
align 16
repeat 4
if (% mod 2) = 1
mov eax, dword[esi]
mov ebx, dword[esi]
mov eax, dword[esi]
mov ebx, dword[esi]
movzx eax, word[esi]
mov ebx, eax
movzx eax, word[esi]
mov ebx, eax
end if
add esi, 2
and eax, (0x1F) or (0x1F shl 10)
and ebx, 0x1F shl 5
lea edx, [eax + eax]
shr al, 2
mov ebp, ebx
shr ebx, 2
shr ah, 4
shl dl, 2
shr ebp, 7
add eax, edx
add ebx, ebp
mov [edi], al
mov [edi + 1], bl
mov [edi + 2], ah
add edi, 3
add esi, 2
and eax, (0x1F) or (0x1F shl 10)
and ebx, 0x1F shl 5
lea edx, [eax + eax]
shr al, 2
mov ebp, ebx
shr ebx, 2
shr ah, 4
shl dl, 2
shr ebp, 7
add eax, edx
add ebx, ebp
mov [edi], al
mov [edi + 1], bl
mov [edi + 2], ah
add edi, 3
end repeat
sub ecx, 4
jnb .bpp15.amd.loop
jmp .bpp15.tail
sub ecx, 4
jnb .bpp15.amd.loop
jmp .bpp15.tail
mov edx, img.convert.bpp16.table
jmp .find_in_table_and_jump
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
proc img._.convert.bpp16_to_bpp24 _src, _dst
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
push ebx ebp
sub ecx, 4
jb .bpp16.tail
push ebx ebp
sub ecx, 4
jb .bpp16.tail
align 16
repeat 2
mov ebx, [esi]
mov al, [esi]
mov ah, [esi + 1]
add esi, 4
and al, 0x1F
and ah, 0x1F shl 3
mov ebp, ebx
mov dl, al
mov dh, ah
shr al, 2
shr ah, 5
shl dl, 3
and ebp, 0x3F shl 5
add al, dl
add ah, dh
shr ebp, 3
mov [edi], al
mov [edi + 2], ah
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, ebp
shr eax, 16
shr ebx, 6
add ebx, ebp
mov ebp, eax
mov [edi + 1], bl
and eax, (0x1F) or (0x1F shl 11)
and ebp, 0x3F shl 5
mov edx, eax
shr al, 2
mov ebx, ebp
shr ah, 5
shl dl, 3
shr ebx, 3
shr ebp, 9
add al, dl
add ah, dh
mov [edi + 3], al
add ebx, ebp
mov [edi + 5], ah
mov [edi + 4], bl
add edi, 6
mov ebx, [esi]
mov al, [esi]
mov ah, [esi + 1]
add esi, 4
and al, 0x1F
and ah, 0x1F shl 3
mov ebp, ebx
mov dl, al
mov dh, ah
shr al, 2
shr ah, 5
shl dl, 3
and ebp, 0x3F shl 5
add al, dl
add ah, dh
shr ebp, 3
mov [edi], al
mov [edi + 2], ah
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, ebp
shr eax, 16
shr ebx, 6
add ebx, ebp
mov ebp, eax
mov [edi + 1], bl
and eax, (0x1F) or (0x1F shl 11)
and ebp, 0x3F shl 5
mov edx, eax
shr al, 2
mov ebx, ebp
shr ah, 5
shl dl, 3
shr ebx, 3
shr ebp, 9
add al, dl
add ah, dh
mov [edi + 3], al
add ebx, ebp
mov [edi + 5], ah
mov [edi + 4], bl
add edi, 6
end repeat
sub ecx, 4
sub ecx, 4
add ecx, 4
jz .bpp16.done
add ecx, 4
jz .bpp16.done
movzx eax, word[esi]
mov ebx, eax
add esi, 2
and eax, (0x1F) or (0x1F shl 11)
and ebx, 0x3F shl 5
mov edx, eax
shr al, 2
mov ebp, ebx
shr ebx, 3
shr ah, 5
shl dl, 3
shr ebp, 9
add eax, edx
add ebx, ebp
mov [edi], al
mov [edi + 1], bl
mov [edi + 2], ah
add edi, 3
sub ecx, 1
jnz @b
movzx eax, word[esi]
mov ebx, eax
add esi, 2
and eax, (0x1F) or (0x1F shl 11)
and ebx, 0x3F shl 5
mov edx, eax
shr al, 2
mov ebp, ebx
shr ebx, 3
shr ah, 5
shl dl, 3
shr ebp, 9
add eax, edx
add ebx, ebp
mov [edi], al
mov [edi + 1], bl
mov [edi + 2], ah
add edi, 3
sub ecx, 1
jnz @b
pop ebp ebx
mov eax, [_dst]
jmp .quit
pop ebp ebx
mov eax, [_dst]
jmp .quit
push ebx ebp
sub ecx, 4
jb .bpp16.tail
push ebx ebp
sub ecx, 4
jb .bpp16.tail
align 16
repeat 4
if (% mod 2) = 1
mov eax, dword[esi]
mov ebx, dword[esi]
mov eax, dword[esi]
mov ebx, dword[esi]
movzx eax, word[esi]
mov ebx, eax
movzx eax, word[esi]
mov ebx, eax
end if
add esi, 2
and eax, (0x1F) or (0x1F shl 11)
and ebx, 0x3F shl 5
mov edx, eax
shr al, 2
mov ebp, ebx
shr ebx, 3
shr ah, 5
shl dl, 3
shr ebp, 9
add eax, edx
add ebx, ebp
mov [edi], al
mov [edi + 1], bl
mov [edi + 2], ah
add edi, 3
add esi, 2
and eax, (0x1F) or (0x1F shl 11)
and ebx, 0x3F shl 5
mov edx, eax
shr al, 2
mov ebp, ebx
shr ebx, 3
shr ah, 5
shl dl, 3
shr ebp, 9
add eax, edx
add ebx, ebp
mov [edi], al
mov [edi + 1], bl
mov [edi + 2], ah
add edi, 3
end repeat
sub ecx, 4
jnb .bpp16.amd.loop
jmp .bpp16.tail
sub ecx, 4
jnb .bpp16.amd.loop
jmp .bpp16.tail
mov edx, img.convert.bpp1.table
jmp .find_in_table_and_jump
push [ebx + Image.Width]
pop [width]
push [ebx + Image.Height]
pop [height]
mov edx, [ebx + Image.Palette]
proc img._.convert.bpp1_to_bpp24 _src, _dst
width rd 1
height rd 1
push [ebx + Image.Width]
pop [width]
push [ebx + Image.Height]
pop [height]
mov edx, [ebx + Image.Palette]
mov ebx, [width]
mov ebx, [width]
mov ah, 8
mov al, byte[esi]
add esi, 1
mov ah, 8
mov al, byte[esi]
add esi, 1
xor ecx, ecx
shl al, 1
adc ecx, 0
mov ecx, [edx + 4*ecx]
mov word[edi], cx
shr ecx, 8
mov byte[edi + 2], ch
add edi, 3
sub ebx, 1
jnz @f
sub [height], 1
jnz .bpp1_to_bpp24.line
jmp .bpp1.done
xor ecx, ecx
shl al, 1
adc ecx, 0
mov ecx, [edx + 4*ecx]
mov word[edi], cx
shr ecx, 8
mov byte[edi + 2], ch
add edi, 3
sub ebx, 1
jnz @f
sub [height], 1
jnz .bpp1_to_bpp24.line
jmp .bpp1.done
sub ah, 1
jnz .bpp1_to_bpp24.bit
jmp .bpp1_to_bpp24.byte
sub ah, 1
jnz .bpp1_to_bpp24.bit
jmp .bpp1_to_bpp24.byte
mov eax, [_dst]
jmp .quit
mov edx, img.convert.bpp8a.table
jmp .find_in_table_and_jump
mov eax, [_dst]
mov eax, [eax + Image.Palette]
mov dword[eax], 0x00000000
mov dword[eax + 4], 0x00ffffff
mov edx, [ebx + Image.Height]
proc img._.convert.bpp8a_to_bpp1 _src, _dst
mov eax, [_dst]
mov eax, [eax + Image.Palette]
mov dword[eax], 0x00000000
mov dword[eax + 4], 0x00ffffff
mov edx, [ebx + Image.Height]
mov ax, 0x0800
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
mov ax, 0x0800
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
shl al, 1
cmp byte[esi], 0x7f
adc eax, 0
add esi, 2
dec ah
jnz @f
mov byte[edi], al
add edi, 1
mov ax, 0x0800
shl al, 1
cmp byte[esi], 0x7f
adc eax, 0
add esi, 2
dec ah
jnz @f
mov byte[edi], al
add edi, 1
mov ax, 0x0800
dec ecx
jnz .bpp8a_to_bpp1.pixel
cmp ah, 8
je @f
mov cl, ah
shl al, cl
mov byte[edi], al
add edi, 1
dec ecx
jnz .bpp8a_to_bpp1.pixel
cmp ah, 8
je @f
mov cl, ah
shl al, cl
mov byte[edi], al
add edi, 1
dec edx
jnz .bpp8a_to_bpp1.line
mov eax, [_dst]
jmp .quit
dec edx
jnz .bpp8a_to_bpp1.line
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
proc img._.convert.bpp8a_to_bpp24 _src, _dst
mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width]
imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height]
mov al, byte[esi]
mov byte[edi + 0], al
mov byte[edi + 1], al
mov byte[edi + 2], al
add esi, 2
add edi, 3
sub ecx, 1
jnz @b
mov eax, [_dst]
jmp .quit
xor eax, eax
pop edi esi ebx
mov al, byte[esi]
mov byte[edi + 0], al
mov byte[edi + 1], al
mov byte[edi + 2], al
add esi, 2
add edi, 3
sub ecx, 1
jnz @b
dd Image.bpp24, img.convert.layer.bpp8i_to_bpp24
dd Image.bpp24, img.convert.layer.bpp8g_to_bpp24
dd Image.bpp8g, img.convert.layer.bpp8g_to_bpp8g
dd Image.bpp1, img.convert.layer.bpp8g_to_bpp1
dd Image.bpp24, img._.convert.bpp8i_to_bpp24
dd Image.bpp32, img._.convert.bpp8i_to_bpp32
dd 0
dd Image.bpp24, img.convert.layer.bpp24_to_bpp24
dd Image.bpp8g, img.convert.layer.bpp24_to_bpp8g
dd Image.bpp32, img.convert.layer.bpp24_to_bpp32
dd Image.bpp24, img._.convert.bpp24_to_bpp24
dd Image.bpp8g, img._.convert.bpp24_to_bpp8g
dd Image.bpp32, img._.convert.bpp24_to_bpp32
dd 0
dd Image.bpp24, img.convert.layer.bpp32_to_bpp24
dd Image.bpp24, img._.convert.bpp32_to_bpp24
dd Image.bpp32, img._.convert.bpp32_to_bpp32
dd 0
dd Image.bpp24, img.convert.layer.bpp15_to_bpp24
dd Image.bpp24, img._.convert.bpp15_to_bpp24
dd 0
dd Image.bpp24, img.convert.layer.bpp16_to_bpp24
dd Image.bpp24, img._.convert.bpp16_to_bpp24
dd 0
dd Image.bpp24, img.convert.layer.bpp1_to_bpp24
dd Image.bpp24, img._.convert.bpp1_to_bpp24
dd 0
dd Image.bpp24, img._.convert.bpp8g_to_bpp24
dd Image.bpp1, img._.convert.bpp8g_to_bpp1
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd Image.bpp24, img.convert.layer.bpp8a_to_bpp24
dd Image.bpp24, img._.convert.bpp8a_to_bpp24
dd 0
dd 0 ; no image type zero
dd img.convert.bpp8i.table
dd img.convert.bpp24.table
dd img.convert.bpp32.table
dd img.convert.bpp15.table
dd img.convert.bpp16.table
dd img.convert.bpp1.table
dd img.convert.bpp8g.table
dd img.convert.bpp2i.table
dd img.convert.bpp4i.table
dd img.convert.bpp8a.table
26,7 → 26,10
include '../../../../'
include '../../../../'
include '../../../../'
;include '../../../../'
include '../../../../'
__DEBUG__ = 0
include '../../../../develop/libraries/libs-dev/libio/'
purge section,mov,add,sub
include ''
124,14 → 127,50
proc img.from_file _filename ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;;
;? --- TBD --- ;;
;? load file from disk and decode it ;;
;> --- TBD --- ;;
;> [_filename] = file name as passed to libio ;;
;< eax = 0 / pointer to image ;;
xor eax, eax
fd dd ?
img_data_len dd ?
img_data dd ? ; raw bytes
img dd ? ; Image pointer
DEBUGF 2, 'img.from_file: %s\n', [_filename]
push ebx
mov [img], 0
invoke, [_filename], O_READ
mov [fd], eax
test eax, eax
jz .exit
invoke file.size, [_filename]
test eax, eax
jnz .exit_close
mov [img_data_len], ebx
invoke mem.alloc, ebx
test eax, eax
jz .exit_close
mov [img_data], eax
invoke, [fd], eax, [img_data_len]
cmp eax, -1
jz .exit_free_close
cmp eax, [img_data_len]
jnz .exit_free_close
stdcall img.decode, [img_data], [img_data_len], 0
test eax, eax
jz .exit_free_close
mov [img], eax
invoke, [img_data]
invoke file.close, [fd]
mov eax, [img]
pop ebx
2439,18 → 2478,6
.z80 dd LIBIMG_FORMAT_Z80,, img.decode.z80, img.encode.z80, 0 ;this must be the last entry as there are no signatures in z80 screens at all
dd 0
align 4
img.types_table: ; entries order must correspond to type defnitions in
dd 0 ; there is no Image.bpp* = 0
.bpp8i dd (1 SHL Image.bpp24)
.bpp24 dd (1 SHL Image.bpp24) OR (1 SHL Image.bpp8g)
.bpp32 dd (1 SHL Image.bpp24)
.bpp15 dd (1 SHL Image.bpp24)
.bpp16 dd (1 SHL Image.bpp24)
.bpp1 dd (1 SHL Image.bpp24)
.bpp8g dd (1 SHL Image.bpp24) OR (1 SHL Image.bpp1 ) OR (1 SHL Image.bpp8g)
.bpp8a dd (1 SHL Image.bpp24)
2717,6 → 2744,8
align 4
type2bpp dd 8, 24, 32, 15, 16, 1, 9, 2, 4
2786,15 → 2815,24
align 16
library archiver, 'archiver.obj'
library \
archiver, 'archiver.obj', \
libio , 'libio.obj'
import archiver, \
deflate_unpack2, 'deflate_unpack2',\
deflateInit2, 'deflateInit2',\
deflateReset, 'deflateReset',\
deflate, 'deflate',\
deflateEnd, 'deflateEnd',\
calc_crc32, 'calc_crc32'
deflate_unpack2, 'deflate_unpack2',\
deflateInit2, 'deflateInit2',\
deflateReset, 'deflateReset',\
deflate, 'deflate',\
deflateEnd, 'deflateEnd',\
calc_crc32, 'calc_crc32'
import libio , \
file.size , 'file_size' , \ , 'file_open' , \ , 'file_read' , \
file.close, 'file_close'
align 4
; mutex for unpacker loading
deflate_loader_mutex dd 0
30,7 → 30,7
; scale type ; corresponding img.scale params
65,10 → 65,10
; encode flags (byte 0x02 of _common option)
; convert flags
; none so far