Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 6432 → Rev 6433

0,0 → 1,68
@echo off
echo ####################################################
echo # test libc builder #
echo # usage: build [clean] #
echo ####################################################
rem #### CONFIG SECTION ####
set LIBNAME=libck.a
set INCLUDE=include
set CC=D:\VSProjects\msys-kos32-4.8.2\ktcc\trunk\libc\kos32-tcc.exe
set CFLAGS=-I"%cd%\%INCLUDE%" -Wall
set AR=kos32-ar
set ASM=fasm
set dirs=.
set objs=
set target=%1
if not "%1"=="clean" set target=all
set INCLUDE="%cd%"
call :Target_%target%
if ERRORLEVEL 0 goto Exit_OK
echo Probably at runing has been created error
echo For help send a report...
goto :eof
%CC% %CFLAGS% %1 -o "%~dpn1.kex" -lck
if not %errorlevel%==0 goto Error_Failed
set objs=%objs% "%~dpn1.o"
goto :eof
%ASM% %1 "%~dpn1.o"
if not %errorlevel%==0 goto Error_Failed
set objs=%objs% "%~dpn1.o"
goto :eof
echo cleaning ...
for %%a in (%dirs%) do del /Q "%%a\*.o"
for %%a in (%dirs%) do del /Q "%%a\*.kex"
goto :Exit_OK
echo building all ...
for %%a in (%dirs%) do (
for %%f in ("%%a\*.asm") do call :Compile_Asm "%%f"
for %%f in ("%%a\*.c") do call :Compile_C "%%f"
:: %AR% -ru %LIBNAME% %objs%
:: if not %errorlevel%==0 goto Error_Failed
goto Exit_OK
echo error: execution failed
exit 1
echo ####################################################
echo # All operations has been done... #
echo ####################################################
exit 0
0,0 → 1,125
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "test.h"
#define TEST(r, f, x, m) ( \
errno=0, ((r) = (f)) == (x) || \
(t_error("%s failed (" m ")\n", #f, r, x, strerror(errno)), 0) )
#define TEST_S(s, x, m) ( \
!strcmp((s),(x)) || \
(t_error("[%s] != [%s] (%s)\n", s, x, m), 0) )
static FILE *writetemp(const char *data)
FILE *f = fopen("_tmpfile.tmp", "w+");
if (!f) return 0;
if (!fwrite(data, strlen(data), 1, f)) {
return 0;
return f;
int main(void)
int i, x, y;
double u;
char a[100], b[100];
FILE *f;
TEST(i, !!(f=writetemp("hello, world")), 1, "failed to make temp file");
if (f) {
TEST(i, fscanf(f, "%s %[own]", a, b), 2, "got %d fields, expected %d");
TEST_S(a, "hello,", "wrong result for %s");
TEST_S(b, "wo", "wrong result for %[own]");
TEST(i, fgetc(f), 'r', "'%c' != '%c') (%s)");
TEST(i, !!(f=writetemp("ld 0x12 0x34")), 1, "failed to make temp file");
if (f) {
TEST(i, fscanf(f, "ld %5i%2i", &x, &y), 1, "got %d fields, expected %d");
TEST(i, x, 0x12, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, fgetc(f), '3', "'%c' != '%c'");
TEST(i, !!(f=writetemp(" 42")), 1, "failed to make temp file");
if (f) {
TEST(i, fscanf(f, " %n%*d%n", &x, &y), 0, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, x, 6, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, y, 8, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, ftell(f), 8, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, !!feof(f), 1, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, !!(f=writetemp("[abc123]....x")), 1, "failed to make temp file");
if (f) {
TEST(i, fscanf(f, "%10[^]]%n%10[].]%n", a, &x, b, &y), 2, "%d != %d");
TEST_S(a, "[abc123", "wrong result for %[^]]");
TEST_S(b, "]....", "wrong result for %[].]");
TEST(i, x, 7, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, y, 12, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, ftell(f), 12, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, feof(f), 0, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, fgetc(f), 'x', "%d != %d");
TEST(i, !!(f=writetemp("0x1.0p12")), 1, "failed to make temp file");
if (f) {
TEST(i, fscanf(f, "%lf%n %d", &u, &x, &y), 1, "%d != %d");
TEST(u, u, 0.0, "%g != %g");
TEST(i, x, 1, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, y, -1, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, ftell(f), 1, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, feof(f), 0, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, fgetc(f), 'x', "%d != %d");
TEST(i, fgetc(f), '0', "%d != %d");
TEST(i, fgetc(f), 'x', "%d != %d");
TEST(i, fscanf(f, "%lf%n%c %d", &u, &x, a, &y), 3, "%d != %d");
TEST(u, u, 1.0, "%g != %g");
TEST(i, x, 3, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, a[0], 'p', "%d != %d");
TEST(i, y, 12, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, ftell(f), 8, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, !!feof(f), 1, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, !!(f=writetemp("1.0 012")), 1, "failed to make temp file");
if (f) {
TEST(i, fscanf(f, "%lf%n %i", &u, &x, &y), 2, "%d != %d");
TEST(u, u, 1.0, "%g != %g");
TEST(i, x, 3, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, y, 10, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, ftell(f), 13, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, !!feof(f), 1, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, !!(f=writetemp("0xx")), 1, "failed to make temp file");
if (f) {
TEST(i, fscanf(f, "%x%n", &x, &y), 0, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, x, -1, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, y, -1, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, ftell(f), 2, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, feof(f), 0, "%d != %d");
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,186
/* A minor test-program for memmove.
Copyright (C) 2005 Axis Communications.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Neither the name of Axis Communications nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.
/* Test moves of 0..MAX bytes; overlapping-src-higher,
overlapping-src-lower and non-overlapping. The overlap varies with
1..N where N is the size moved. This means an order of MAX**2
iterations. The size of an octet may seem appropriate for MAX and
makes an upper limit for simple testing. For the CRIS simulator,
making this 256 added 90s to the test-run (2GHz P4) while 64 (4s) was
enough to spot the bugs that had crept in, hence the number chosen. */
#define MAX 64
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define TOO_MANY_ERRORS 11
int errors = 0;
#define DEBUGP \
if (errors == TOO_MANY_ERRORS) \
printf ("Further errors omitted\n"); \
else if (errors < TOO_MANY_ERRORS) \
/* A safe target-independent memmove. */
mymemmove (unsigned char *dest, unsigned char *src, size_t n)
size_t i;
if ((src <= dest && src + n <= dest)
|| src >= dest)
while (n-- > 0)
*dest++ = *src++;
dest += n;
src += n;
while (n-- > 0)
*--dest = *--src;
/* It's either the noinline attribute or forcing the test framework to
pass -fno-builtin-memmove. */
xmemmove (unsigned char *dest, unsigned char *src, size_t n)
__attribute__ ((__noinline__));
xmemmove (unsigned char *dest, unsigned char *src, size_t n)
void *retp;
retp = memmove (dest, src, n);
if (retp != dest)
DEBUGP ("memmove of n bytes returned %p instead of dest=%p\n",
retp, dest);
/* Fill the array with something we can associate with a position, but
not exactly the same as the position index. */
fill (unsigned char dest[MAX*3])
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX*3; i++)
dest[i] = (10 + i) % MAX;
main (void)
size_t i;
int errors = 0;
/* Leave some room before and after the area tested, so we can detect
overwrites of up to N bytes, N being the amount tested. If you
want to test using valgrind, make these malloced instead. */
unsigned char from_test[MAX*3];
unsigned char to_test[MAX*3];
unsigned char from_known[MAX*3];
unsigned char to_known[MAX*3];
/* Non-overlap. */
for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
/* Do the memmove first before setting the known array, so we know
it didn't change any of the known array. */
fill (from_test);
fill (to_test);
xmemmove (to_test + MAX, 1 + from_test + MAX, i);
fill (from_known);
fill (to_known);
mymemmove (to_known + MAX, 1 + from_known + MAX, i);
if (memcmp (to_known, to_test, sizeof (to_known)) != 0)
DEBUGP ("memmove failed non-overlap test for %d bytes\n", i);
/* Overlap-from-before. */
for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
size_t j;
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
fill (to_test);
xmemmove (to_test + MAX * 2 - i, to_test + MAX * 2 - i - j, i);
fill (to_known);
mymemmove (to_known + MAX * 2 - i, to_known + MAX * 2 - i - j, i);
if (memcmp (to_known, to_test, sizeof (to_known)) != 0)
DEBUGP ("memmove failed for %d bytes,"
" with src %d bytes before dest\n",
i, j);
/* Overlap-from-after. */
for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
size_t j;
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
fill (to_test);
xmemmove (to_test + MAX, to_test + MAX + j, i);
fill (to_known);
mymemmove (to_known + MAX, to_known + MAX + j, i);
if (memcmp (to_known, to_test, sizeof (to_known)) != 0)
DEBUGP ("memmove failed when moving %d bytes,"
" with src %d bytes after dest\n",
i, j);
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
if (errors != 0)
abort ();
exit (0);
0,0 → 1,20
* Copyright (C) 2014 by ARM Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
* is freely granted, provided that this notice is preserved.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
const char m[8] = {'M','M','M','M','M','M','M','M'};
int main()
printf ("%.*s\n", 8, m); // must print MMMMMMMM
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
exit (0);
0,0 → 1,28
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
//#include <unistd.h>
//#include "test.h"
volatile int t_status = 0;
int t_printf(const char *s, ...)
va_list ap;
char buf[512];
int n;
t_status = 1;
va_start(ap, s);
n = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof buf, s, ap);
if (n < 0)
n = 0;
else if (n >= sizeof buf) {
n = sizeof buf;
buf[n - 1] = '0';
buf[n - 2] = '.';
buf[n - 3] = '.';
buf[n - 4] = '.';
return printf("%s\n", buf);
0,0 → 1,173
//#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "test.h"
static int scmp(const void *a, const void *b)
return strcmp(*(char **)a, *(char **)b);
static int icmp(const void *a, const void *b)
return *(int*)a - *(int*)b;
static int ccmp(const void *a, const void *b)
return *(char*)a - *(char*)b;
static int cmp64(const void *a, const void *b)
const uint64_t *ua = a, *ub = b;
return *ua < *ub ? -1 : *ua != *ub;
/* 26 items -- even */
static const char *s[] = {
"Bob", "Alice", "John", "Ceres",
"Helga", "Drepper", "Emeralda", "Zoran",
"Momo", "Frank", "Pema", "Xavier",
"Yeva", "Gedun", "Irina", "Nono",
"Wiener", "Vincent", "Tsering", "Karnica",
"Lulu", "Quincy", "Osama", "Riley",
"Ursula", "Sam"
static const char *s_sorted[] = {
"Alice", "Bob", "Ceres", "Drepper",
"Emeralda", "Frank", "Gedun", "Helga",
"Irina", "John", "Karnica", "Lulu",
"Momo", "Nono", "Osama", "Pema",
"Quincy", "Riley", "Sam", "Tsering",
"Ursula", "Vincent", "Wiener", "Xavier",
"Yeva", "Zoran"
/* 23 items -- odd, prime */
static int n[] = {
879045, 394, 99405644, 33434, 232323, 4334, 5454,
343, 45545, 454, 324, 22, 34344, 233, 45345, 343,
848405, 3434, 3434344, 3535, 93994, 2230404, 4334
static int n_sorted[] = {
22, 233, 324, 343, 343, 394, 454, 3434,
3535, 4334, 4334, 5454, 33434, 34344, 45345, 45545,
93994, 232323, 848405, 879045, 2230404, 3434344, 99405644
static void str_test(const char **a, const char **a_sorted, int len)
int i;
qsort(a, len, sizeof *a, scmp);
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
if (strcmp(a[i], a_sorted[i]) != 0) {
t_error("string sort failed at index %d\n", i);
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
t_printf("\t%d\t%s\t%s\n", i, a[i], a_sorted[i]);
static void int_test(int *a, int *a_sorted, int len)
int i;
qsort(a, len, sizeof *a, icmp);
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
if (a[i] != a_sorted[i]) {
t_error("integer sort failed at index %d\n", i);
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
t_printf("\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", i, a[i], a_sorted[i]);
static void uint64_gen(uint64_t *p, uint64_t *p_sorted, int n)
int i;
uint64_t r = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
r += t_randn(20);
p[i] = r;
memcpy(p_sorted, p, n * sizeof *p);
t_shuffle(p, n);
static void uint64_test(uint64_t *a, uint64_t *a_sorted, int len)
int i;
qsort(a, len, sizeof *a, cmp64);
for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
if (a[i] != a_sorted[i]) {
t_error("uint64 sort failed at index %d\n", i);
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
t_printf("\t%d\t%Ld \t%Ld\n", i, a[i], a_sorted[i]);
#define T(a, a_sorted) do { \
char p[] = a; \
qsort(p, sizeof p - 1, 1, ccmp); \
if (memcmp(p, a_sorted, sizeof p) != 0) { \
t_error("character sort failed\n"); \
t_printf("\tgot: \"%s\"\n", p); \
t_printf("\twant: \"%s\"\n", a_sorted); \
} \
} while(0)
static void char_test(void)
T("", "");
T("1", "1");
T("11", "11");
T("12", "12");
T("21", "12");
T("111", "111");
T("211", "112");
T("121", "112");
T("112", "112");
T("221", "122");
T("212", "122");
T("122", "122");
T("123", "123");
T("132", "123");
T("213", "123");
T("231", "123");
T("321", "123");
T("312", "123");
T("1423", "1234");
T("51342", "12345");
T("261435", "123456");
T("4517263", "1234567");
T("37245618", "12345678");
T("812436597", "123456789");
T("987654321", "123456789");
T("321321321", "111222333");
T("49735862185236174", "11223344556677889");
T("1", "This must fail");
int main(void)
int i;
str_test(s, s_sorted, sizeof s/sizeof*s);
int_test(n, n_sorted, sizeof n/sizeof*n);
for (i = 1023; i<=1026; i++) {
uint64_t p[1026], p_sorted[1026];
uint64_gen(p, p_sorted, i);
uint64_test(p, p_sorted, i);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,167
#include <float.h>
// TODO: use large period prng
static uint64_t seed = -1;
static uint32_t rand32(void)
seed = 6364136223846793005ULL*seed + 1;
return seed >> 32;
static uint64_t rand64(void)
uint64_t u = rand32();
return u<<32 | rand32();
static double frand()
return rand64() * 0x1p-64;
static float frandf()
return rand32() * 0x1p-32f;
static long double frandl()
return rand64() * 0x1p-64L
#if LDBL_MANT_DIG > 64
+ rand64() * 0x1p-128L
void t_randseed(uint64_t s)
seed = s;
/* uniform random in [0,n), n > 0 must hold */
uint64_t t_randn(uint64_t n)
uint64_t r, m;
/* m is the largest multiple of n */
m = -1;
m -= m%n;
while ((r = rand64()) >= m);
return r%n;
/* uniform on [a,b], a <= b must hold */
uint64_t t_randint(uint64_t a, uint64_t b)
uint64_t n = b - a + 1;
if (n)
return a + t_randn(n);
return rand64();
/* shuffle the elements of p and q until the elements in p are well shuffled */
static void shuffle2(uint64_t *p, uint64_t *q, size_t np, size_t nq)
size_t r;
uint64_t t;
while (np) {
r = t_randn(nq+np--);
t = p[np];
if (r < nq) {
p[np] = q[r];
q[r] = t;
} else {
p[np] = p[r-nq];
p[r-nq] = t;
/* shuffle the elements of p */
void t_shuffle(uint64_t *p, size_t n)
void t_randrange(uint64_t *p, size_t n)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
p[i] = i;
t_shuffle(p, n);
/* hash table insert, 0 means empty, v > 0 must hold, len is power-of-2 */
static int insert(uint64_t *tab, size_t len, uint64_t v)
size_t i = v & (len-1);
size_t j = 1;
while (tab[i]) {
if (tab[i] == v)
return -1;
i += j++;
i &= len-1;
tab[i] = v;
return 0;
/* choose k unique numbers from [0,n), k <= n */
int t_choose(uint64_t n, size_t k, uint64_t *p)
uint64_t *tab;
size_t i, j, len;
if (n < k)
return -1;
if (n < 16) {
/* no alloc */
while (k)
if (t_randn(n--) < k)
p[--k] = n;
return 0;
if (k < 8) {
/* no alloc, n > 15 > 2*k */
for (i = 0; i < k;) {
p[i] = t_randn(n);
for (j = 0; p[j] != p[i]; j++);
if (j == i)
return 0;
// TODO: if k < n/k use k*log(k) solution without alloc
if (n < 5*k && (n-k)*sizeof *tab < (size_t)-1) {
/* allocation is n-k < 4*k */
tab = malloc((n-k) * sizeof *tab);
if (!tab)
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
p[i] = i;
for (; i < n; i++)
tab[i-k] = i;
if (k < n-k)
shuffle2(p, tab, k, n-k);
shuffle2(tab, p, n-k, k);
return 0;
/* allocation is 2*k <= len < 4*k */
for (len = 16; len < 2*k; len *= 2);
tab = calloc(len, sizeof *tab);
if (!tab)
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
while (insert(tab, len, t_randn(n)+1));
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (tab[i])
*p++ = tab[i]-1;
return 0;
0,0 → 1,34
most test adapted from "musl-libctest-master" project
some taken from newlib
Status or tests
no library fns realized
-?scanf ignores width specs, '*' and [chars], cant read %a float
-%n counts as parameter
-some format misturbances
-ungetc fails if filepos == 0 - no tricks
all file ops limited to 2Gb
0,0 → 1,188
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
//#include <errno.h>
//#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "test.h"
#define TEST(r, f, x, m) ( \
((r) = (f)) == (x) || \
(t_error("%s failed (" m ")\n", #f, r, x), 0) )
#define TEST_S(s, x, m) ( \
!strcmp((s),(x)) || \
(t_error("[%s] != [%s] (%s)\n", s, x, m), 0) )
static const struct {
const char *fmt;
int i;
const char *expect;
} int_tests[] = {
/* width, precision, alignment */
{ "%04d", 12, "0012" },
{ "%.3d", 12, "012" },
{ "%3d", 12, " 12" },
{ "%-3d", 12, "12 " },
{ "%+3d", 12, "+12" },
{ "%+-5d", 12, "+12 " },
{ "%+- 5d", 12, "+12 " },
{ "%- 5d", 12, " 12 " },
{ "% d", 12, " 12" },
{ "%0-5d", 12, "12 " },
{ "%-05d", 12, "12 " },
/* ...explicit precision of 0 shall be no characters. */
{ "%.0d", 0, "" },
{ "%.0o", 0, "" },
{ "%#.0d", 0, "" },
{ "%#.0o", 0, "" },
{ "%#.0x", 0, "" },
/* ...but it still has to honor width and flags. */
{ "%2.0u", 0, " " },
{ "%02.0u", 0, " " },
{ "%2.0d", 0, " " },
{ "%02.0d", 0, " " },
{ "% .0d", 0, " " },
{ "%+.0d", 0, "+" },
/* hex: test alt form and case */
{ "%x", 63, "3f" },
{ "%#x", 63, "0x3f" },
{ "%X", 63, "3F" },
/* octal: test alt form */
{ "%o", 15, "17" },
{ "%#o", 15, "017" },
{ NULL, 0.0, NULL }
static const struct {
const char *fmt;
double f;
const char *expect;
} fp_tests[] = {
/* basic form, handling of exponent/precision for 0 */
{ "%a", 0.0, "0x0p+0" },
{ "%e", 0.0, "0.000000e+00" },
{ "%f", 0.0, "0.000000" },
{ "%g", 0.0, "0" },
{ "%#g", 0.0, "0.00000" },
{ "%la", 0.0, "0x0p+0" },
{ "%le", 0.0, "0.000000e+00" },
{ "%lf", 0.0, "0.000000" },
{ "%lg", 0.0, "0" },
{ "%#lg", 0.0, "0.00000" },
/* rounding */
{ "%f", 1.1, "1.100000" },
{ "%f", 1.2, "1.200000" },
{ "%f", 1.3, "1.300000" },
{ "%f", 1.4, "1.400000" },
{ "%f", 1.5, "1.500000" },
{ "%.4f", 1.06125, "1.0613" }, /* input is not representible exactly as double */
{ "%.4f", 1.03125, "1.0312" }, /* 0x1.08p0 */
{ "%.2f", 1.375, "1.38" },
{ "%.1f", 1.375, "1.4" },
{ "%.1lf", 1.375, "1.4" },
{ "%.15f", 1.1, "1.100000000000000" },
{ "%.16f", 1.1, "1.1000000000000001" },
{ "%.17f", 1.1, "1.10000000000000009" },
{ "%.2e", 1500001.0, "1.50e+06" },
{ "%.2e", 1505000.0, "1.50e+06" },
{ "%.2e", 1505000.00000095367431640625, "1.51e+06" },
{ "%.2e", 1505001.0, "1.51e+06" },
{ "%.2e", 1506000.0, "1.51e+06" },
/* correctness in DBL_DIG places */
{ "%.15g", 1.23456789012345, "1.23456789012345" },
/* correct choice of notation for %g */
{ "%g", 0.0001, "0.0001" },
{ "%g", 0.00001, "1e-05" },
{ "%g", 123456, "123456" },
{ "%g", 1234567, "1.23457e+06" },
{ "%.7g", 1234567, "1234567" },
{ "%.7g", 12345678, "1.234568e+07" },
{ "%.8g", 0.1, "0.1" },
{ "%.9g", 0.1, "0.1" },
{ "%.10g", 0.1, "0.1" },
{ "%.11g", 0.1, "0.1" },
/* pi in double precision, printed to a few extra places */
{ "%.15f", M_PI, "3.141592653589793" },
{ "%.18f", M_PI, "3.141592653589793116" },
/* exact conversion of large integers */
{ "%.0f", 340282366920938463463374607431768211456.0,
"340282366920938463463374607431768211456" },
{ NULL, 0.0, NULL }
int main(void)
int i, j, k;
char b[2000];
TEST(i, snprintf(0, 0, "%d", 123456), 6, "length returned %d != %d");
TEST(i, snprintf(0, 0, "%.4s", "hello"), 4, "length returned %d != %d");
TEST(i, snprintf(b, 0, "%.0s", "goodbye"), 0, "length returned %d != %d");
strcpy(b, "xxxxxxxx");
TEST(i, snprintf(b, 4, "%d", 123456), 6, "length returned %d != %d");
TEST_S(b, "123", "incorrect output");
TEST(i, b[5], 'x', "buffer overrun");
/* Perform ascii arithmetic to test printing tiny doubles */
TEST(i, snprintf(b, sizeof b, "%.1022f", 0x1p-1021), 1024, "%d != %d");
b[1] = '0';
for (i=0; i<1021; i++) {
for (k=0, j=1023; j>0; j--) {
if (b[j]<'5') b[j]+=b[j]-'0'+k, k=0;
else b[j]+=b[j]-'0'-10+k, k=1;
TEST(i, b[1], '1', "'%c' != '%c'");
for (j=2; b[j]=='0'; j++);
TEST(i, j, 1024, "%d != %d");
errno = 0;
TEST(i, snprintf(NULL, 0, "%.*u", 2147483647, 0), 2147483647, "cannot print max length %d");
TEST(i, snprintf(NULL, 0, "%.*u ", 2147483647, 0), -1, "integer overflow %d");
TEST(i, errno, EOVERFLOW, "after overflow: %d != %d");
for (j=0; int_tests[j].fmt; j++) {
i = snprintf(b, sizeof b, int_tests[j].fmt, int_tests[j].i);
if (i != strlen(int_tests[j].expect)) {
t_error("snprintf(b, sizeof b, \"%s\", %d) returned %d wanted %d\n",
int_tests[j].fmt, int_tests[j].i, i, strlen(int_tests[j].expect));
if (strcmp(b, int_tests[j].expect) != 0)
t_error("bad integer conversion fmt[%s]: got \"%s\", want \"%s\"\n", int_tests[j].fmt, b, int_tests[j].expect);
for (j=0; fp_tests[j].fmt; j++) {
i = snprintf(b, sizeof b, fp_tests[j].fmt, fp_tests[j].f);
if (i != strlen(fp_tests[j].expect)) {
t_error("snprintf(b, sizeof b, \"%s\", %f) returned %d wanted %d\n",
fp_tests[j].fmt, fp_tests[j].f, i, strlen(fp_tests[j].expect));
if (strcmp(b, fp_tests[j].expect) != 0)
t_error("bad floating-point conversion: got \"%s\", want \"%s\"\n", b, fp_tests[j].expect);
TEST(i, snprintf(0, 0, "%.4a", 1.0), 11, "%d != %d");
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,89
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
//#include <limits.h>
#include "test.h"
#define TEST(r, f, x, m) ( \
((r) = (f)) == (x) || \
(t_error("%s failed (" m ")\n", #f, r, x), 0) )
#define TEST_S(s, x, m) ( \
!strcmp((s),(x)) || \
(t_error("[%s] != [%s] (%s)\n", s, x, m), 0) )
#define TEST_F(x) ( \
TEST(i, sscanf(# x, "%lf", &d), 1, "got %d fields, expected %d"), \
TEST(t, d, (double)x, "%g != %g") )
int main(void)
int i;
char a[100], b[100];
int x, y, z, u, v;
double d, t;
TEST(i, sscanf("hello, world\n", "%s %s", a, b), 2, "only %d fields, expected %d");
TEST_S(a, "hello,", "");
TEST_S(b, "world", "");
TEST(i, sscanf("hello, world\n", "%[hel]%s", a, b), 2, "only %d fields, expected %d");
TEST_S(a, "hell", "");
TEST_S(b, "o,", "");
TEST(i, sscanf("hello, world\n", "%[hel] %s", a, b), 2, "only %d fields, expected %d");
TEST_S(a, "hell", "");
TEST_S(b, "o,", "");
a[8] = 'X';
a[9] = 0;
TEST(i, sscanf("hello, world\n", "%8c%8c", a, b), 1, "%d fields, expected %d");
TEST_S(a, "hello, wX", "");
TEST(i, sscanf("56789 0123 56a72", "%2d%d%*d %[0123456789]\n", &x, &y, a), 3, "only %d fields, expected %d");
TEST(i, x, 56, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, y, 789, "%d != %d");
TEST_S(a, "56", "");
TEST(i, sscanf("011 0x100 11 0x100 100", "%i %i %o %x %x\n", &x, &y, &z, &u, &v), 5, "only %d fields, expected %d");
TEST(i, x, 9, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, y, 256, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, z, 9, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, u, 256, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, v, 256, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, sscanf("20 xyz", "%d %d\n", &x, &y), 1, "only %d fields, expected %d");
TEST(i, x, 20, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, sscanf("xyz", "%d %d\n", &x, &y), 0, "got %d fields, expected no match (%d)");
TEST(i, sscanf("", "%d %d\n", &x, &y), -1, "got %d fields, expected input failure (%d)");
TEST(i, sscanf(" 12345 6", "%2d%d%d", &x, &y, &z), 3, "only %d fields, expected %d");
TEST(i, x, 12, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, y, 345, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, z, 6, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, sscanf(" 0x12 0x34", "%5i%2i", &x, &y), 1, "got %d fields, expected %d");
TEST(i, x, 0x12, "%d != %d");
// TEST_F(0x1234p56); hangs on
TEST(i, sscanf("10e", "%lf", &d), 0, "got %d fields, expected no match (%d)");
TEST(i, sscanf("", "%lf\n", &d), -1, "got %d fields, expected input failure (%d)");
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,147
#define _BSD_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "test.h"
#ifndef min
#define min(a,b) ((a<b)?a:b)
size_t strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
int nsrc = strlen(src);
strncpy(dst, src, min(size, nsrc+1));
if (size > 0 && nsrc >= size)
dst[size - 1] = '\0';
return nsrc;
size_t strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
int ndest = strlen(dst);
int nsrc = strlen(src);
if (size > ndest + 1)
strncat(dst, src, size - ndest - 1);
if (size > 0 && nsrc + ndest >= size)
dst[size - 1] = '\0';
return nsrc + ndest;
/* r = place to store result
* f = function call to test (or any expression)
* x = expected result
* m = message to print on failure (with formats for r & x)
#define TEST(r, f, x, m) ( \
((r) = (f)) == (x) || \
(t_error("%s failed (" m ")\n", #f, r, x), 0) )
#define TEST_S(s, x, m) ( \
!strcmp((s),(x)) || \
(t_error("[%s] != [%s] (%s)\n", s, x, m), 0) )
int main(void)
char b[32];
char *s;
int i;
b[16]='a'; b[17]='b'; b[18]='c'; b[19]=0;
TEST(s, strcpy(b, b+16), b, "wrong return %p != %p");
TEST_S(s, "abc", "strcpy gave incorrect string");
TEST(s, strcpy(b+1, b+16), b+1, "wrong return %p != %p");
TEST_S(s, "abc", "strcpy gave incorrect string");
TEST(s, strcpy(b+2, b+16), b+2, "wrong return %p != %p");
TEST_S(s, "abc", "strcpy gave incorrect string");
TEST(s, strcpy(b+3, b+16), b+3, "wrong return %p != %p");
TEST_S(s, "abc", "strcpy gave incorrect string");
TEST(s, strcpy(b+1, b+17), b+1, "wrong return %p != %p");
TEST_S(s, "bc", "strcpy gave incorrect string");
TEST(s, strcpy(b+2, b+18), b+2, "wrong return %p != %p");
TEST_S(s, "c", "strcpy gave incorrect string");
TEST(s, strcpy(b+3, b+19), b+3, "wrong return %p != %p");
TEST_S(s, "", "strcpy gave incorrect string");
TEST(s, memset(b, 'x', sizeof b), b, "wrong return %p != %p");
TEST(s, strncpy(b, "abc", sizeof b - 1), b, "wrong return %p != %p");
TEST(i, memcmp(b, "abc\0\0\0\0", 8), 0, "strncpy fails to zero-pad dest");
TEST(i, b[sizeof b - 1], 'x', "strncpy overruns buffer when n > strlen(src)");
b[3] = 'x'; b[4] = 0;
strncpy(b, "abc", 3);
TEST(i, b[2], 'c', "strncpy fails to copy last byte: %hhu != %hhu");
TEST(i, b[3], 'x', "strncpy overruns buffer to null-terminate: %hhu != %hhu");
TEST(i, !strncmp("abcd", "abce", 3), 1, "strncmp compares past n");
TEST(i, !!strncmp("abc", "abd", 3), 1, "strncmp fails to compare n-1st byte");
strcpy(b, "abc");
TEST(s, strncat(b, "123456", 3), b, "%p != %p");
TEST(i, b[6], 0, "strncat failed to null-terminate (%d)");
TEST_S(s, "abc123", "strncat gave incorrect string");
strcpy(b, "aaababccdd0001122223");
TEST(s, strchr(b, 'b'), b+3, "%p != %p");
TEST(s, strrchr(b, 'b'), b+5, "%p != %p");
TEST(i, strspn(b, "abcd"), 10, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, strcspn(b, "0123"), 10, "%d != %d");
TEST(s, strpbrk(b, "0123"), b+10, "%d != %d");
strcpy(b, "abc 123; xyz; foo");
TEST(s, strtok(b, " "), b, "%p != %p");
TEST_S(s, "abc", "strtok result");
TEST(s, strtok(NULL, ";"), b+4, "%p != %p");
TEST_S(s, " 123", "strtok result");
TEST(s, strtok(NULL, " ;"), b+11, "%p != %p");
TEST_S(s, "xyz", "strtok result");
TEST(s, strtok(NULL, " ;"), b+16, "%p != %p");
TEST_S(s, "foo", "strtok result");
memset(b, 'x', sizeof b);
TEST(i, strlcpy(b, "abc", sizeof b - 1), 3, "length %d != %d");
TEST(i, b[3], 0, "strlcpy did not null-terminate short string (%d)");
TEST(i, b[4], 'x', "strlcpy wrote extra bytes (%d)");
memset(b, 'x', sizeof b);
TEST(i, strlcpy(b, "abc", 2), 3, "length %d != %d");
TEST(i, b[0], 'a', "strlcpy did not copy character %d");
TEST(i, b[1], 0, "strlcpy did not null-terminate long string (%d)");
memset(b, 'x', sizeof b);
TEST(i, strlcpy(b, "abc", 3), 3, "length %d != %d");
TEST(i, b[2], 0, "strlcpy did not null-terminate l-length string (%d)");
TEST(i, strlcpy(NULL, "abc", 0), 3, "length %d != %d");
memcpy(b, "abc\0\0\0x\0", 8);
TEST(i, strlcat(b, "123", sizeof b), 6, "length %d != %d");
TEST_S(b, "abc123", "strlcat result");
memcpy(b, "abc\0\0\0x\0", 8);
TEST(i, strlcat(b, "123", 6), 6, "length %d != %d");
TEST_S(b, "abc12", "strlcat result");
TEST(i, b[6], 'x', "strlcat wrote past string %d != %d");
memcpy(b, "abc\0\0\0x\0", 8);
TEST(i, strlcat(b, "123", 4), 6, "length %d != %d");
TEST_S(b, "abc", "strlcat result");
memcpy(b, "abc\0\0\0x\0", 8);
TEST(i, strlcat(b, "123", 3), 6, "length %d != %d");
TEST_S(b, "abc", "strlcat result");
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,56
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <stdint.h>
#include "test.h"
static char buf[512];
static void *(*volatile pmemcpy)(void *restrict, const void *restrict2, size_t);
static void *aligned(void *p) {
return (void*)(((uintptr_t)p + 63) & -64U);
#define N 80
static void test_align(int dalign, int salign, int len)
char *src = aligned(buf);
char *dst = aligned(buf + 128);
char *want = aligned(buf + 256);
char *p;
int i;
if (salign + len > N || dalign + len > N)
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
src[i] = '#';
dst[i] = want[i] = ' ';
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
src[salign+i] = want[dalign+i] = '0'+i;
p = pmemcpy(dst+dalign, src+salign, len);
if (p != dst+dalign)
t_error("memcpy(%p,...) returned %p\n", dst+dalign, p);
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
if (dst[i] != want[i]) {
t_error("memcpy(align %d, align %d, %d) failed\n", dalign, salign, len);
t_printf("got : %.*s\n", dalign+len+1, dst);
t_printf("want: %.*s\n", dalign+len+1, want);
int main(void)
int i,j,k;
pmemcpy = memcpy;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 64; k++)
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,71
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <stdint.h>
#include "test.h"
static char buf[512];
static void *(*volatile pmemset)(void *, int, size_t);
static void *aligned(void *p)
return (void*)(((uintptr_t)p + 63) & -64U);
#define N 80
static void test_align(int align, int len)
char *s = aligned(buf);
char *want = aligned(buf + 256);
char *p;
int i;
if (align + len > N)
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
s[i] = want[i] = ' ';
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
want[align+i] = '#';
p = pmemset(s+align, '#', len);
if (p != s+align)
t_error("memset(%p,...) returned %p\n", s+align, p);
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
if (s[i] != want[i]) {
t_error("memset(align %d, '#', %d) failed\n", align, len);
t_printf("got : %.*s\n", align+len+1, s);
t_printf("want: %.*s\n", align+len+1, want);
static void test_value(int c)
int i;
pmemset(buf, c, 10);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if ((unsigned char)buf[i] != (unsigned char)c) {
t_error("memset(%d) failed: got %d\n", c, buf[i]);
int main(void)
int i,j,k;
pmemset = memset;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 64; j++)
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,60
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "test.h"
#define N(s, c) { \
char *p = s; \
char *q = strchr(p, c); \
if (q) \
t_error("strchr(%s,%s) returned str+%d, wanted 0\n", #s, #c, q-p); \
#define T(s, c, n) { \
char *p = s; \
char *q = strchr(p, c); \
if (q == 0) \
t_error("strchr(%s,%s) returned 0, wanted str+%d\n", #s, #c, n); \
else if (q - p != n) \
t_error("strchr(%s,%s) returned str+%d, wanted str+%d\n", #s, #c, q-p, n); \
int main(void)
int i;
char a[128];
char s[256];
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
a[i] = (i+1) & 127;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
*((unsigned char*)s+i) = i+1;
N("", 'a')
N("a", 'b')
N("abc abc", 'x')
N(a, 128)
N(a, 255)
T("", 0, 0)
T("a", 'a', 0)
T("a", 'a'+256, 0)
T("a", 0, 1)
T("ab", 'b', 1)
T("aab", 'b', 2)
T("aaab", 'b', 3)
T("aaaab", 'b', 4)
T("aaaaab", 'b', 5)
T("aaaaaab", 'b', 6)
T("abc abc", 'c', 2)
T(s, 1, 0)
T(s, 2, 1)
T(s, 10, 9)
T(s, 11, 10)
T(s, 127, 126)
T(s, 128, 127)
T(s, 255, 254)
T(s, 0, 255)
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,36
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "test.h"
#define T(s, c, n) { \
char *p = s; \
char *q = c; \
size_t r = strcspn(p, q); \
if (r != n) \
t_error("strcspn(%s,%s) returned %lu, wanted %lu\n", #s, #c, (unsigned long)r, (unsigned long)(n)); \
int main(void)
int i;
char a[128];
char s[256];
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
a[i] = (i+1) & 127;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
*((unsigned char*)s+i) = i+1;
T("", "", 0)
T("a", "", 1)
T("", "a", 0)
T("abc", "cde", 2)
T("abc", "ccc", 2)
T("abc", a, 0)
T("\xff\x80 abc", a, 2)
T(s, "\xff", 254)
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,57
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "test.h"
#define N(s, sub) { \
char *p = s; \
char *q = strstr(p, sub); \
if (q) \
t_error("strstr(%s,%s) returned str+%d, wanted 0\n", #s, #sub, q-p); \
#define T(s, sub, n) { \
char *p = s; \
char *q = strstr(p, sub); \
if (q == 0) \
t_error("strstr(%s,%s) returned 0, wanted str+%d\n", #s, #sub, n); \
else if (q - p != n) \
t_error("strstr(%s,%s) returned str+%d, wanted str+%d\n", #s, #sub, q-p, n); \
int main(void)
N("", "a")
N("a", "aa")
N("a", "b")
N("aa", "ab")
N("aa", "aaa")
N("abba", "aba")
N("abc abc", "abcd")
N("0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9", "-3-4-56-7-8-")
N("0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9", "-3-4-5+6-7-8-")
N("_ _ _\xff_ _ _", "_\x7f_")
N("_ _ _\x7f_ _ _", "_\xff_")
T("", "", 0)
T("abcd", "", 0)
T("abcd", "a", 0)
T("abcd", "b", 1)
T("abcd", "c", 2)
T("abcd", "d", 3)
T("abcd", "ab", 0)
T("abcd", "bc", 1)
T("abcd", "cd", 2)
T("ababa", "baba", 1)
T("ababab", "babab", 1)
T("abababa", "bababa", 1)
T("abababab", "bababab", 1)
T("ababababa", "babababa", 1)
T("nanabanabanana", "aba", 3)
T("nanabanabanana", "ban", 4)
T("nanabanabanana", "anab", 1)
T("nanabanabanana", "banana", 8)
T("_ _\xff_ _", "_\xff_", 2)
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,77
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "test.h"
#define length(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof *(x))
static struct {
char *s;
double f;
} t[] = {
{"0", 0.0},
{"00.00", 0.0},
{"-.00000", -0.0},
{"1e+1000000", INFINITY},
{"1e-1000000", 0},
// 2^-1074 * 0.5 - eps
{".2470328229206232720882843964341106861825299013071623822127928412503377536351043e-323", 0},
// 2^-1074 * 0.5 + eps
{".2470328229206232720882843964341106861825299013071623822127928412503377536351044e-323", 0x1p-1074},
// 2^-1074 * 1.5 - eps
{".7410984687618698162648531893023320585475897039214871466383785237510132609053131e-323", 0x1p-1074},
// 2^-1074 * 1.5 + eps
{".7410984687618698162648531893023320585475897039214871466383785237510132609053132e-323", 0x1p-1073},
// 2^-1022 + 2^-1075 - eps
{".2225073858507201630123055637955676152503612414573018013083228724049586647606759e-307", 0x1p-1022},
// 2^-1022 + 2^-1075 + eps
{".2225073858507201630123055637955676152503612414573018013083228724049586647606760e-307", 0x1.0000000000001p-1022},
// 2^1024 - 2^970 - eps
"2711559699508093042880177904174497791.999999999999999999999999999999", 0x1.fffffffffffffp1023},
// 2^1024 - 2^970
"2711559699508093042880177904174497792", INFINITY},
// some random numbers
{".5961860348131807091861002266453941950428e00", 0.59618603481318067}, // 0x1.313f4bc3b584cp-1
{"1.815013169218038729887460898733526957442e-1", 0.18150131692180388}, // 0x1.73b6f662e1712p-3
{"42.07082357534453600681618685682257590772e-2", 0.42070823575344535}, // 0x1.aece23c6e028dp-2
{"665.4686306516261456328973225579833470816e-3", 0.66546863065162609}, // 0x1.54b84dea53453p-1
{"6101.852922970868621786690495485449831753e-4", 0.61018529229708685}, // 0x1.386a34e5d516bp-1
{"76966.95208236968077849464348875471158549e-5", 0.76966952082369677}, // 0x1.8a121f9954dfap-1
{"250506.5322228682496132604807222923702304e-6", 0.25050653222286823}, // 0x1.0084c8cd538c2p-2
{"2740037.230228005325852424697698331177377e-7", 0.27400372302280052}, // 0x1.18946e9575ef4p-2
{"20723093.50049742645941529268715428324490e-8", 0.20723093500497428}, // 0x1.a868b14486e4dp-3
{"0.7900280238081604956226011047460238748912e1", 7.9002802380816046}, // 0x1.f99e3100f2eaep+2
{"0.9822860653737296848190558448760465863597e2", 98.228606537372968}, // 0x1.88ea17d506accp+6
{"0.7468949723190370809405570560160405324869e3", 746.89497231903704}, // 0x1.75728e73f48b7p+9
{"0.1630268320282728475980459844271031751665e4", 1630.2683202827284}, // 0x1.97912c28d5cbp+10
{"0.4637168629719170695109918769645492022088e5", 46371.686297191707}, // 0x1.6a475f6258737p+15
{"0.6537805944497711554209461686415872067523e6", 653780.59444977110}, // 0x1.3f3a9305bb86cp+19
{"0.2346324356502437045212230713960457676531e6", 234632.43565024371}, // 0x1.ca4437c3631eap+17
{"0.9709481716420048341897258980454298205278e8", 97094817.164200485}, // 0x1.7263284a8242cp+26
{"0.4996908522051874110779982354932499499602e9", 499690852.20518744}, // 0x1.dc8ad6434872ap+28
int main(void)
int i;
double x;
char *p;
for (i = 0; i < length(t); i++) {
x = strtod(t[i].s, &p);
if (x != t[i].f)
t_error("strtod(\"%s\") want %a got %a\n", t[i].s, t[i].f, x);
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,21
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "test.h"
int main(void)
double x, want = .1111111111111111111111;
char buf[40000];
memset(buf, '1', sizeof buf);
buf[0] = '.';
buf[sizeof buf - 1] = 0;
if ((x=strtod(buf, 0)) != want)
t_error("strtod(.11[...]1) got %a want %a\n", x, want);
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,34
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "test.h"
/* r = place to store result
* f = function call to test (or any expression)
* x = expected result
* m = message to print on failure (with formats for r & x)
#define TEST(r, f, x, m) ( \
((r) = (f)) == (x) || \
(t_error("%s failed (" m ")\n", #f, r, x, r-x), 0) )
int main(void)
int i;
double d, d2;
char buf[1000];
for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
d = sin(i);
snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "%.300f", d);
TEST(d2, strtod(buf, 0), d, "round trip fail %a != %a (%a)");
TEST(d, strtod("0x1p4", 0), 16.0, "hex float %a != %a");
TEST(d, strtod("0x1.1p4", 0), 17.0, "hex float %a != %a");
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,44
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "test.h"
#define length(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof *(x))
static struct {
char *s;
float f;
} t[] = {
// 2^-149 * 0.5 - eps
{".7006492321624085354618647916449580656401309709382578858785341419448955413429303e-45", 0},
// 2^-149 * 0.5 + eps
{".7006492321624085354618647916449580656401309709382578858785341419448955413429304e-45", 0x1p-149},
// 2^-149 * 0.5 - eps
{".2101947696487225606385594374934874196920392912814773657635602425834686624028790e-44", 0x1p-149},
// 2^-149 * 0.5 + eps
{".2101947696487225606385594374934874196920392912814773657635602425834686624028791e-44", 0x1p-148},
// 2^-126 + 2^-150 - eps
{".1175494420887210724209590083408724842314472120785184615334540294131831453944281e-37", 0x1p-126},
// 2^-126 + 2^-150 + eps
{".1175494420887210724209590083408724842314472120785184615334540294131831453944282e-37", 0x1.000002p-126},
// 2^128 - 2^103 - eps
{"340282356779733661637539395458142568447.9999999999999999999", 0x1.fffffep127},
// 2^128 - 2^103
{"340282356779733661637539395458142568448", INFINITY},
int main(void)
int i;
float x;
char *p;
for (i = 0; i < length(t); i++) {
x = strtof(t[i].s, &p);
if (x != t[i].f)
t_error("strtof(\"%s\") want %a got %a\n", t[i].s, t[i].f, x);
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,80
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
//#include <errno.h>
#include "test.h"
/* r = place to store result
* f = function call to test (or any expression)
* x = expected result
* m = message to print on failure (with formats for r & x)
#define TEST(r, f, x, m) ( \
errno = 0, msg = #f, ((r) = (f)) == (x) || \
(t_error("%s failed (" m ")\n", #f, r, x), 0) )
#define TEST2(r, f, x, m) ( \
((r) = (f)) == (x) || \
(t_error("%s failed (" m ")\n", msg, r, x), 0) )
int main(void)
int i;
long l;
unsigned long ul;
char *msg="";
char *s, *c;
TEST(l, atol("2147483647"), 2147483647L, "max 32bit signed %ld != %ld");
TEST(l, strtol("2147483647", 0, 0), 2147483647L, "max 32bit signed %ld != %ld");
TEST(ul, strtoul("4294967295", 0, 0), 4294967295UL, "max 32bit unsigned %lu != %lu");
if (sizeof(long) == 4) {
TEST(l, strtol(s="2147483648", &c, 0), 2147483647L, "uncaught overflow %ld != %ld");
TEST2(i, c-s, 10, "wrong final position %d != %d");
TEST2(i, errno, ERANGE, "missing errno %d != %d");
TEST(l, strtol(s="-2147483649", &c, 0), -2147483647L-1, "uncaught overflow %ld != %ld");
TEST2(i, c-s, 11, "wrong final position %d != %d");
TEST2(i, errno, ERANGE, "missing errno %d != %d");
TEST(ul, strtoul(s="4294967296", &c, 0), 4294967295UL, "uncaught overflow %lu != %lu");
TEST2(i, c-s, 10, "wrong final position %d != %d");
TEST2(i, errno, ERANGE, "missing errno %d != %d");
TEST(ul, strtoul(s="-1", &c, 0), -1UL, "rejected negative %lu != %lu");
TEST2(i, c-s, 2, "wrong final position %d != %d");
TEST2(i, errno, 0, "spurious errno %d != %d");
TEST(ul, strtoul(s="-2", &c, 0), -2UL, "rejected negative %lu != %lu");
TEST2(i, c-s, 2, "wrong final position %d != %d");
TEST2(i, errno, 0, "spurious errno %d != %d");
TEST(ul, strtoul(s="-2147483648", &c, 0), -2147483648UL, "rejected negative %lu != %lu");
TEST2(i, c-s, 11, "wrong final position %d != %d");
TEST2(i, errno, 0, "spurious errno %d != %d");
TEST(ul, strtoul(s="-2147483649", &c, 0), -2147483649UL, "rejected negative %lu != %lu");
TEST2(i, c-s, 11, "wrong final position %d != %d");
TEST2(i, errno, 0, "spurious errno %d != %d");
} else {
TEST(i, 0, 1, "64bit tests not implemented");
TEST(l, strtol("z", 0, 36), 35, "%ld != %ld");
TEST(l, strtol("00010010001101000101011001111000", 0, 2), 0x12345678, "%ld != %ld");
TEST(l, strtol(s="0F5F", &c, 16), 0x0f5f, "%ld != %ld");
TEST(l, strtol(s="0xz", &c, 16), 0, "%ld != %ld");
TEST2(i, c-s, 1, "wrong final position %ld != %ld");
TEST(l, strtol(s="0x1234", &c, 16), 0x1234, "%ld != %ld");
TEST2(i, c-s, 6, "wrong final position %ld != %ld");
c = NULL;
TEST(l, strtol(s="123", &c, 37), 0, "%ld != %ld");
TEST2(i, c-s, 0, "wrong final position %d != %d");
TEST2(i, errno, EINVAL, "%d != %d");
TEST(l, strtol(s=" 15437", &c, 8), 015437, "%ld != %ld");
TEST2(i, c-s, 7, "wrong final position %d != %d");
TEST(l, strtol(s=" 1", &c, 0), 1, "%ld != %ld");
TEST2(i, c-s, 3, "wrong final position %d != %d");
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,96
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "test.h"
#define length(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof *(x))
static struct {
char *s;
long double f;
} t[] = {
{"0", 0.0},
{"12.345", 12.345L},
{"1.2345e1", 12.345L},
{"1e+1000000", INFINITY},
{"1e-1000000", 0},
#if LDBL_MANT_DIG == 53
// 2^-1074 * 0.5 - eps
{".2470328229206232720882843964341106861825299013071623822127928412503377536351043e-323", 0},
// 2^-1074 * 0.5 + eps
{".2470328229206232720882843964341106861825299013071623822127928412503377536351044e-323", 0x1p-1074},
// 2^-1074 * 1.5 - eps
{".7410984687618698162648531893023320585475897039214871466383785237510132609053131e-323", 0x1p-1074},
// 2^-1074 * 1.5 + eps
{".7410984687618698162648531893023320585475897039214871466383785237510132609053132e-323", 0x1p-1073},
// 2^-1022 + 2^-1075 - eps
{".2225073858507201630123055637955676152503612414573018013083228724049586647606759e-307", 0x1p-1022},
// 2^-1022 + 2^-1075 + eps
{".2225073858507201630123055637955676152503612414573018013083228724049586647606760e-307", 0x1.0000000000001p-1022},
// 2^1024 - 2^970 - eps
"2711559699508093042880177904174497791.999999999999999999999999999999", 0x1.fffffffffffffp1023},
// 2^1024 - 2^970
"2711559699508093042880177904174497792", INFINITY},
// some random numbers
{".5961860348131807091861002266453941950428e00", 0.59618603481318067}, // 0x1.313f4bc3b584cp-1
{"1.815013169218038729887460898733526957442e-1", 0.18150131692180388}, // 0x1.73b6f662e1712p-3
{"42.07082357534453600681618685682257590772e-2", 0.42070823575344535}, // 0x1.aece23c6e028dp-2
{"665.4686306516261456328973225579833470816e-3", 0.66546863065162609}, // 0x1.54b84dea53453p-1
{"6101.852922970868621786690495485449831753e-4", 0.61018529229708685}, // 0x1.386a34e5d516bp-1
{"76966.95208236968077849464348875471158549e-5", 0.76966952082369677}, // 0x1.8a121f9954dfap-1
{"250506.5322228682496132604807222923702304e-6", 0.25050653222286823}, // 0x1.0084c8cd538c2p-2
{"2740037.230228005325852424697698331177377e-7", 0.27400372302280052}, // 0x1.18946e9575ef4p-2
{"20723093.50049742645941529268715428324490e-8", 0.20723093500497428}, // 0x1.a868b14486e4dp-3
{"0.7900280238081604956226011047460238748912e1", 7.9002802380816046}, // 0x1.f99e3100f2eaep+2
{"0.9822860653737296848190558448760465863597e2", 98.228606537372968}, // 0x1.88ea17d506accp+6
{"0.7468949723190370809405570560160405324869e3", 746.89497231903704}, // 0x1.75728e73f48b7p+9
{"0.1630268320282728475980459844271031751665e4", 1630.2683202827284}, // 0x1.97912c28d5cbp+10
{"0.4637168629719170695109918769645492022088e5", 46371.686297191707}, // 0x1.6a475f6258737p+15
{"0.6537805944497711554209461686415872067523e6", 653780.59444977110}, // 0x1.3f3a9305bb86cp+19
{"0.2346324356502437045212230713960457676531e6", 234632.43565024371}, // 0x1.ca4437c3631eap+17
{"0.9709481716420048341897258980454298205278e8", 97094817.164200485}, // 0x1.7263284a8242cp+26
{"0.4996908522051874110779982354932499499602e9", 499690852.20518744}, // 0x1.dc8ad6434872ap+28
#elif LDBL_MANT_DIG == 64
// 2^-16445 * 0.5 - eps
{".1822599765941237301264202966809709908199525407846781671860490243514185844316698e-4950", 0},
// 2^-16445 * 0.5 + eps
{".1822599765941237301264202966809709908199525407846781671860490243514185844316699e-4950", 0x1p-16445L},
// 2^-16445 * 1.5 - eps
{".5467799297823711903792608900429129724598576223540345015581470730542557532950096e-4950", 0x1p-16445L},
// 2^-16445 * 1.5 + eps
{".5467799297823711903792608900429129724598576223540345015581470730542557532950097e-4950", 0x1p-16444L},
// 2^-16382 + 2^-16446 - eps
{".3362103143112093506444937793915876332724499641527442230928779770593420866576777e-4931", 0x1p-16382L},
// 2^-16382 + 2^-16446 + eps
{".3362103143112093506444937793915876332724499641527442230928779770593420866576778e-4931", 0x1.0000000000000002p-16382L},
// 2^16384 - 2^16319 - eps
{"118973149535723176505351158982948.86679662540046955672e4900", 0x1.fffffffffffffffep16383L},
// 2^16384 - 2^16319 + eps
{"118973149535723176505351158982948.86679662540046955673e4900", INFINITY},
int main(void)
int i;
long double x;
char *p;
for (i = 0; i < length(t); i++) {
x = strtold(t[i].s, &p);
if (x != t[i].f)
t_error("strtold(\"%s\") want %La got %La\n", t[i].s, t[i].f, x);
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,37
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef __GNUC__
#include <stdint.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* TODO: not thread-safe nor fork-safe */
extern volatile int t_status;
#define T_LOC2(l) __FILE__ ":" #l
#define T_LOC1(l) T_LOC2(l)
#define t_error(...) t_printf(T_LOC1(__LINE__) ": " __VA_ARGS__)
int t_printf(const char *s, ...);
int t_vmfill(void **, size_t *, int);
int t_memfill(void);
void t_fdfill(void);
void t_randseed(uint64_t s);
uint64_t t_randn(uint64_t n);
uint64_t t_randint(uint64_t a, uint64_t b);
void t_shuffle(uint64_t *p, size_t n);
void t_randrange(uint64_t *p, size_t n);
int t_choose(uint64_t n, size_t k, uint64_t *p);
char *t_pathrel(char *buf, size_t n, char *argv0, char *p);
int t_setrlim(int r, long lim);
#include ""
#include ""
0,0 → 1,41
//#include <tgmath.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "test.h"
int main(void)
long i;
i = lrint(123456789.1f) & 0x7fffffff;
if (i != 123456792)
t_error("lrint(123456789.1f)&0x7fffffff want 123456792 got %ld\n", i);
i = lrint(123456789.1) & 0x7fffffff;
if (i != 123456789)
t_error("lrint(123456789.1)&0x7fffffff want 123456789 got %ld\n", i);
if (sqrt(2.0f) != 1.41421353816986083984375)
t_error("sqrt(2.0f) want 1.41421353816986083984375 got %f\n", sqrt(2.0f));
if (sqrt(2.0) != 1.414213562373095145474621858738828450441360)
t_error("sqrt(2.0) want 1.414213562373095145474621858738828450441360 got %d\n", sqrt(2.0));
if (sqrt(2) != 1.414213562373095145474621858738828450441360)
t_error("sqrt(2) want 0x1.6a09e667f3bcdp+0 got %a\n", sqrt(2.0));
if (sizeof pow(sqrt(8),0.5f) != sizeof(double))
t_error("sizeof pow(sqrt(8),0.5f) want %d got %d\n", (int)sizeof(double), (int)sizeof pow(sqrt(8),0.5f));
if (sizeof pow(2.0,0.5) != sizeof(double))
t_error("sizeof pow(2.0,0.5) want %d got %d\n", (int)sizeof(double), (int)sizeof pow(2.0,0.5));
if (sizeof pow(2.0f,0.5f) != sizeof(float))
t_error("sizeof pow(2.0f,0.5f) want %d got %d\n", (int)sizeof(float), (int)sizeof pow(2.0f,0.5f));
// if (sizeof pow(2.0,0.5+0*I) != sizeof(double complex))
// t_error("sizeof pow(2.0,0.5+0*I) want %d got %d\n", (int)sizeof(double complex), (int)sizeof pow(2.0,0.5+0*I));
if (pow(2.0,0.5) != 1.414213562373095145474621858738828450441360)
t_error("pow(2.0,0.5) want 0x1.6a09e667f3bcdp+0 got %a\n", pow(2.0,0.5));
if (pow(2,0.5) != 1.414213562373095145474621858738828450441360)
t_error("pow(2,0.5) want 0x1.6a09e667f3bcdp+0 got %a\n", pow(2,0.5));
if (pow(2,0.5f) != 1.414213562373095145474621858738828450441360)
t_error("pow(2,0.5f) want 0x1.6a09e667f3bcdp+0 got %a\n", pow(2,0.5f));
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,110
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "test.h"
/* We use this instead of memcmp because some broken C libraries
* add additional nonstandard fields to struct tm... */
int tm_cmp(struct tm tm1, struct tm tm2)
return tm1.tm_sec != tm2.tm_sec ||
tm1.tm_min != tm2.tm_min ||
tm1.tm_hour != tm2.tm_hour ||
tm1.tm_mday != tm2.tm_mday ||
tm1.tm_mon != tm2.tm_mon ||
tm1.tm_year != tm2.tm_year ||
tm1.tm_wday != tm2.tm_wday ||
tm1.tm_yday != tm2.tm_yday ||
tm1.tm_isdst!= tm2.tm_isdst;
char *tm_str(struct tm tm)
static int i;
static char b[4][64];
i = (i+1)%4;
snprintf(b[i], sizeof b[i],
"s=%02d m=%02d h=%02d mday=%02d mon=%02d year=%04d wday=%d yday=%d isdst=%d",
tm.tm_sec, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_hour,
tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_year,
tm.tm_wday, tm.tm_yday, tm.tm_isdst);
return b[i];
#define TM(ss,mm,hh,md,mo,yr,wd,yd,dst) (struct tm){ \
.tm_sec = ss, .tm_min = mm, .tm_hour = hh, \
.tm_mday = md, .tm_mon = mo, .tm_year = yr, \
.tm_wday = wd, .tm_yday = yd, .tm_isdst = dst }
#define TM_EPOCH TM(0,0,0,1,0,70,4,0,0)
#define TM_Y2038_1S TM(7,14,3,19,0,138,2,18,0)
#define TM_Y2038 TM(8,14,3,19,0,138,2,18,0)
static void sec2tm(time_t t, char *m)
struct tm *tm;
time_t r;
errno = 0;
tm = gmtime(&t);
if (errno != 0)
t_error("%s: gmtime((time_t)%lld) should not set errno, got %s\n",
m, (long long)t, strerror(errno));
errno = 0;
r = mktime(tm);
if (errno != 0)
t_error("%s: mktime(%s) should not set errno, got %s\n",
m, tm_str(*tm), strerror(errno));
if (t != r)
t_error("%s: mktime(gmtime(%lld)) roundtrip failed: got %lld (gmtime is %s)\n",
m, (long long)t, (long long)r, tm_str(*tm));
static void tm2sec(struct tm *tm, int big, char *m)
struct tm *r;
time_t t;
int overflow = big && (time_t)LLONG_MAX!=LLONG_MAX;
errno = 0;
t = mktime(tm);
if (overflow && t != -1)
t_error("%s: mktime(%s) expected -1, got (time_t)%ld\n",
m, tm_str(*tm), (long)t);
if (overflow && errno != 10000) //EOVERFLOW
t_error("%s: mktime(%s) expected EOVERFLOW (%s), got (%s)\n",
m, tm_str(*tm), strerror(10000), strerror(errno));
if (!overflow && t == -1)
t_error("%s: mktime(%s) expected success, got (time_t)-1\n",
m, tm_str(*tm));
if (!overflow && errno)
t_error("%s: mktime(%s) expected no error, got (%s)\n",
m, tm_str(*tm), strerror(errno));
r = gmtime(&t);
if (!overflow && tm_cmp(*r, *tm))
t_error("%s: gmtime(mktime(%s)) roundtrip failed: got %s\n",
m, tm_str(*tm), tm_str(*r));
int main(void)
time_t t;
tm2sec(&TM_EPOCH, 0, "gmtime(0)");
tm2sec(&TM_Y2038_1S, 0, "2038-1s");
tm2sec(&TM_Y2038, 1, "2038");
sec2tm(0, "EPOCH");
for (t = 1; t < 1000; t++)
sec2tm(t*100003, "EPOCH+eps");
/* FIXME: set a TZ var and check DST boundary conditions */
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,354
* Copyright (C) 2002 by Red Hat, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
* is freely granted, provided that this notice is preserved.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef MAX_1
#ifdef __SPU__
#define MAX_1 11000
#define MAX_1 33000
#define MAX_2 (2 * MAX_1 + MAX_1 / 10)
void eprintf (int line, char *result, char *expected, int size)
if (size != 0)
printf ("Failure at line %d, result is <%.*s>, should be <%s> of size %d\n",
line, size, result, expected, size);
printf ("Failure at line %d, result is <%s>, should be <%s>\n",
line, result, expected);
void mycopy (char *target, char *source, int size)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
target[i] = source[i];
void myset (char *target, char ch, int size)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
target[i] = ch;
int main()
char target[MAX_1] = "A";
char first_char;
char second_char;
char array[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxz";
char array2[] = "0123456789!@#$%^&*(";
char buffer2[MAX_1];
char buffer3[MAX_1];
char buffer4[MAX_1];
char buffer5[MAX_2];
char buffer6[MAX_2];
char buffer7[MAX_2];
char expected[MAX_1];
char *tmp1, *tmp2, *tmp3, *tmp4, *tmp5, *tmp6, *tmp7;
int i, j, k, x, z, align_test_iterations;
int test_failed = 0;
tmp1 = target;
tmp2 = buffer2;
tmp3 = buffer3;
tmp4 = buffer4;
tmp5 = buffer5;
tmp6 = buffer6;
tmp7 = buffer7;
tmp2[0] = 'Z';
tmp2[1] = '\0';
if (memset (target, 'X', 0) != target ||
memcpy (target, "Y", 0) != target ||
memmove (target, "K", 0) != target ||
strncpy (tmp2, "4", 0) != tmp2 ||
strncat (tmp2, "123", 0) != tmp2 ||
strcat (target, "") != target)
eprintf (__LINE__, target, "A", 0);
test_failed = 1;
if (strcmp (target, "A") || strlen(target) != 1 || memchr (target, 'A', 0) != NULL
|| memcmp (target, "J", 0) || strncmp (target, "A", 1) || strncmp (target, "J", 0) ||
tmp2[0] != 'Z' || tmp2[1] != '\0')
eprintf (__LINE__, target, "A", 0);
test_failed = 1;
tmp2[2] = 'A';
if (strcpy (target, "") != target ||
strncpy (tmp2, "", 4) != tmp2 ||
strcat (target, "") != target)
eprintf (__LINE__, target, "", 0);
test_failed = 1;
if (target[0] != '\0' || strncmp (target, "", 1) ||
memcmp (tmp2, "\0\0\0\0", 4))
eprintf (__LINE__, target, "", 0);
test_failed = 1;
tmp2[2] = 'A';
if (strncat (tmp2, "1", 3) != tmp2 ||
memcmp (tmp2, "1\0A", 3))
eprintf (__LINE__, tmp2, "1\0A", 3);
test_failed = 1;
if (strcpy (tmp3, target) != tmp3 ||
strcat (tmp3, "X") != tmp3 ||
strncpy (tmp2, "X", 2) != tmp2 ||
memset (target, tmp2[0], 1) != target)
eprintf (__LINE__, target, "X", 0);
test_failed = 1;
if (strcmp (target, "X") || strlen (target) != 1 ||
memchr (target, 'X', 2) != target ||
strchr (target, 'X') != target ||
memchr (target, 'Y', 2) != NULL ||
strchr (target, 'Y') != NULL ||
strcmp (tmp3, target) ||
strncmp (tmp3, target, 2) ||
memcmp (target, "K", 0) ||
strncmp (target, tmp3, 3))
eprintf (__LINE__, target, "X", 0);
test_failed = 1;
if (strcpy (tmp3, "Y") != tmp3 ||
strcat (tmp3, "Y") != tmp3 ||
memset (target, 'Y', 2) != target)
eprintf (__LINE__, target, "Y", 0);
test_failed = 1;
target[2] = '\0';
if (memcmp (target, "YY", 2) || strcmp (target, "YY") ||
strlen (target) != 2 || memchr (target, 'Y', 2) != target ||
strcmp (tmp3, target) ||
strncmp (target, tmp3, 3) ||
strncmp (target, tmp3, 4) ||
strncmp (target, tmp3, 2) ||
strchr (target, 'Y') != target)
eprintf (__LINE__, target, "YY", 2);
test_failed = 1;
strcpy (target, "WW");
if (memcmp (target, "WW", 2) || strcmp (target, "WW") ||
strlen (target) != 2 || memchr (target, 'W', 2) != target ||
strchr (target, 'W') != target)
eprintf (__LINE__, target, "WW", 2);
test_failed = 1;
if (strncpy (target, "XX", 16) != target ||
memcmp (target, "XX\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 16))
eprintf (__LINE__, target, "XX\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 16);
test_failed = 1;
if (strcpy (tmp3, "ZZ") != tmp3 ||
strcat (tmp3, "Z") != tmp3 ||
memcpy (tmp4, "Z", 2) != tmp4 ||
strcat (tmp4, "ZZ") != tmp4 ||
memset (target, 'Z', 3) != target)
eprintf (__LINE__, target, "ZZZ", 3);
test_failed = 1;
target[3] = '\0';
tmp5[0] = '\0';
strncat (tmp5, "123", 2);
if (memcmp (target, "ZZZ", 3) || strcmp (target, "ZZZ") ||
strcmp (tmp3, target) || strcmp (tmp4, target) ||
strncmp (target, "ZZZ", 4) || strncmp (target, "ZZY", 3) <= 0 ||
strncmp ("ZZY", target, 4) >= 0 ||
memcmp (tmp5, "12", 3) ||
strlen (target) != 3)
eprintf (__LINE__, target, "ZZZ", 3);
test_failed = 1;
target[2] = 'K';
if (memcmp (target, "ZZZ", 2) || strcmp (target, "ZZZ") >= 0 ||
memcmp (target, "ZZZ", 3) >= 0 || strlen (target) != 3 ||
memchr (target, 'K', 3) != target + 2 ||
strncmp (target, "ZZZ", 2) || strncmp (target, "ZZZ", 4) >= 0 ||
strchr (target, 'K') != target + 2)
eprintf (__LINE__, target, "ZZK", 3);
test_failed = 1;
strcpy (target, "AAA");
if (memcmp (target, "AAA", 3) || strcmp (target, "AAA") ||
strncmp (target, "AAA", 3) ||
strlen (target) != 3)
eprintf (__LINE__, target, "AAA", 3);
test_failed = 1;
j = 5;
while (j < MAX_1)
for (i = j-1; i <= j+1; ++i)
/* don't bother checking unaligned data in the larger
sizes since it will waste time without performing additional testing */
if (i <= 16 * sizeof(long))
align_test_iterations = 2*sizeof(long);
if (i <= 2 * sizeof(long) + 1)
z = 2;
z = 2 * sizeof(long);
align_test_iterations = 1;
for (x = 0; x < align_test_iterations; ++x)
tmp1 = target + x;
tmp2 = buffer2 + x;
tmp3 = buffer3 + x;
tmp4 = buffer4 + x;
tmp5 = buffer5 + x;
tmp6 = buffer6 + x;
first_char = array[i % (sizeof(array) - 1)];
second_char = array2[i % (sizeof(array2) - 1)];
memset (tmp1, first_char, i);
mycopy (tmp2, tmp1, i);
myset (tmp2 + z, second_char, i - z - 1);
if (memcpy (tmp1 + z, tmp2 + z, i - z - 1) != tmp1 + z)
printf ("error at line %d\n", __LINE__);
test_failed = 1;
tmp1[i] = '\0';
tmp2[i] = '\0';
if (strcpy (expected, tmp2) != expected)
printf ("error at line %d\n", __LINE__);
test_failed = 1;
tmp2[i-z] = first_char + 1;
if (memmove (tmp2 + z + 1, tmp2 + z, i - z - 1) != tmp2 + z + 1 ||
memset (tmp3, first_char, i) != tmp3)
printf ("error at line %d\n", __LINE__);
test_failed = 1;
myset (tmp4, first_char, i);
tmp5[0] = '\0';
if (strncpy (tmp5, tmp1, i+1) != tmp5 ||
strcat (tmp5, tmp1) != tmp5)
printf ("error at line %d\n", __LINE__);
test_failed = 1;
mycopy (tmp6, tmp1, i);
mycopy (tmp6 + i, tmp1, i + 1);
tmp7[2*i+z] = second_char;
strcpy (tmp7, tmp1);
strchr (tmp1, second_char);
if (memcmp (tmp1, expected, i) || strcmp (tmp1, expected) ||
strncmp (tmp1, expected, i) ||
strncmp (tmp1, expected, i+1) ||
strcmp (tmp1, tmp2) >= 0 || memcmp (tmp1, tmp2, i) >= 0 ||
strncmp (tmp1, tmp2, i+1) >= 0 ||
strlen (tmp1) != i || memchr (tmp1, first_char, i) != tmp1 ||
strchr (tmp1, first_char) != tmp1 ||
memchr (tmp1, second_char, i) != tmp1 + z ||
strchr (tmp1, second_char) != tmp1 + z ||
strcmp (tmp5, tmp6) ||
strncat (tmp7, tmp1, i+2) != tmp7 ||
strcmp (tmp7, tmp6) ||
tmp7[2*i+z] != second_char)
eprintf (__LINE__, tmp1, expected, 0);
printf ("x is %d\n",x);
printf ("i is %d\n", i);
printf ("tmp1 is <%p>\n", tmp1);
printf ("tmp5 is <%p> <%s>\n", tmp5, tmp5);
printf ("tmp6 is <%p> <%s>\n", tmp6, tmp6);
test_failed = 1;
for (k = 1; k <= align_test_iterations && k <= i; ++k)
if (memcmp (tmp3, tmp4, i - k + 1) != 0 ||
strncmp (tmp3, tmp4, i - k + 1) != 0)
printf ("Failure at line %d, comparing %.*s with %.*s\n",
__LINE__, i, tmp3, i, tmp4);
test_failed = 1;
tmp4[i-k] = first_char + 1;
if (memcmp (tmp3, tmp4, i) >= 0 ||
strncmp (tmp3, tmp4, i) >= 0 ||
memcmp (tmp4, tmp3, i) <= 0 ||
strncmp (tmp4, tmp3, i) <= 0)
printf ("Failure at line %d, comparing %.*s with %.*s\n",
__LINE__, i, tmp3, i, tmp4);
test_failed = 1;
tmp4[i-k] = first_char;
j = ((2 * j) >> 2) << 2;
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
if (test_failed)
0,0 → 1,170
#include "test.h"
//#include <stdint.h>
static uint64_t randstate = 0x123456789abcdef0ull;
static uint64_t rnd(void) {
randstate = 6364136223846793005ull*randstate + 1;
return randstate;
void test_maketest()
int i;
uint64_t x,y;
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
x = rnd();
y = rnd()>>(i/2);
if (!y)
printf("0x%llxull, 0x%llxull, 0x%llxull, 0x%llxull,\n", x, y, x/y, x%y);
static struct {
uint64_t x, y, div, mod;
} t[] = {
0x8ddb1a43e77c4031ull, 0x5950e8c33d34979eull, 0x1ull, 0x348a3180aa47a893ull,
0x723f4114006c08c7ull, 0x817de530db2b43fcull, 0x0ull, 0x723f4114006c08c7ull,
0x47811fa5f00f74dull, 0x3d98e7d3fcd5d5c5ull, 0x0ull, 0x47811fa5f00f74dull,
0x51ffcc7cdc989d43ull, 0x36be8bd6746b70e4ull, 0x1ull, 0x1b4140a6682d2c5full,
0x57bf9128512fe829ull, 0x197b3858155d498dull, 0x3ull, 0xb4de82011180b82ull,
0x89fc1c5968fa817full, 0xdcea797734c7115ull, 0x9ull, 0xdb838065b4a87c2ull,
0x4ed5264cf7092ec5ull, 0xde40d1e15ef3e74ull, 0x5ull, 0x960e4b6895cf681ull,
0xffd86b253d97317bull, 0x13f9ff2d24b6d6f4ull, 0xcull, 0x1020750785051e0bull,
0x8771fa2da656a721ull, 0x9210fe654c59bfcull, 0xeull, 0x7a31b9503881f59ull,
0xb5961d12bcd3e937ull, 0xbdb5a33662f547aull, 0xfull, 0x3bbd40fc00df611ull,
0x93c79eecdac7ed3dull, 0x6f267c57ea2b7b5ull, 0x15ull, 0x1e51bb9776edb64ull,
0x6b93ffce49f1a4b3ull, 0x3583d1f9702ee03ull, 0x20ull, 0x8c5bdb6993e453ull,
0x138aefcc98ce5d19ull, 0x117002fa7600b11ull, 0x11ull, 0x103eca27b6da0f8ull,
0xb3da641cef491fefull, 0x357615f638334b8ull, 0x35ull, 0x2c33b5d551f35d7ull,
0x71c4b06e463912b5ull, 0x1c286ad9e8f5229ull, 0x40ull, 0x1230506a2648875ull,
0x97d4cf7df046d6ebull, 0x1e9412f5c77b2b8ull, 0x4full, 0xd9b1e06756b023ull,
0x1428f04bd490ea11ull, 0x9d97f29a897c93ull, 0x20ull, 0x75f1f8836157b1ull,
0x35256c76832705a7ull, 0xa962f1a447dcd7ull, 0x50ull, 0x3680f32cb20277ull,
0x2969e82bd9347f2dull, 0x723d68574d4156ull, 0x5cull, 0x5bd6ac79710445ull,
0x9061a12aae71a823ull, 0x4186d8a1a66175ull, 0x234ull, 0x48be68be2f25full,
0x695b8d33ef342e09ull, 0x3ed1fe1a998fe3ull, 0x1adull, 0x15a6615bde0ea2ull,
0x46b4dd1e06367a5full, 0xa04e70622e4e8ull, 0x70eull, 0x64750bc0b9dafull,
0xd68b05ba7eee12a5ull, 0x72ab3fb682444ull, 0x1defull, 0x3c437fc988329ull,
0x1e59cc2ac508f85bull, 0xeb15ae6d4d7f9ull, 0x210ull, 0xc00aeae0b86cbull,
0x296f8d2c76a0901ull, 0xf65628b31b01ull, 0x2b0ull, 0xf14566117651ull,
0x7036f5ad7cbc5e17ull, 0xa09d3bfcf72cfull, 0xb2dull, 0x72236db564ab4ull,
0x915d6883c575ad1dull, 0x3a38d68d3a38eull, 0x27f2ull, 0x241de6f7a6ee1ull,
0x845ba74f5adfa793ull, 0x2f6950e58d00bull, 0x2caaull, 0x249dc90239c45ull,
0xb910d16c54805af9ull, 0x1fc2ca5c99a7aull, 0x5d3aull, 0x1771487b50955ull,
0x27a2e280bcf990cfull, 0x389aa0c0b0cc0ull, 0xb34ull, 0x9d71d12eb9cfull,
0x1e032f04a5372e95ull, 0x63c2a1d58710ull, 0x4d04ull, 0x154ce4414255ull,
0x3a1a5659908495cbull, 0x279dcd85418aull, 0x17775ull, 0x132c6f9c7bb9ull,
0xd769a376e5e103f1ull, 0xadacb670e0c7ull, 0x13d85ull, 0x8ad256e5d18eull,
0x269f4f4baaaf287ull, 0x1aed2ad9daf0ull, 0x16f3ull, 0x426550f80b7ull,
0x6700daeeb87a770dull, 0xeca7ab1aa93ull, 0x6f6c5ull, 0x70d9466f1eeull,
0xd0201f3783c2a303ull, 0x3a0c01aa3e6aull, 0x395e1ull, 0x18b33b9015d9ull,
0xca3f2e00d291e3e9ull, 0xbe0e048cd94ull, 0x1106c2ull, 0x37f7fc0a1c1ull,
0xec4d240dc289633full, 0x4f8aadb7483ull, 0x2f8855ull, 0x46e0db91bc0ull,
0xd7967b29e2e36685ull, 0xe61d902db27ull, 0xefd69ull, 0x36811fff886ull,
0xe3ecd4374320af3bull, 0x4edd0edd0a0ull, 0x2e3defull, 0x4ad0da4c9dbull,
0x7a08fe1d98b4dae1ull, 0x6bced9c0c15ull, 0x121c89ull, 0x40c856617a4ull,
0x34435992a5c9c2f7ull, 0x4f4a94c109full, 0xa8bc9ull, 0x94c5d46120ull,
0x6fd0027468f1dcfdull, 0x597186b0153ull, 0x140060ull, 0x16f26555dddull,
0x4fe37c1db1619a73ull, 0x47a0c30bd15ull, 0x11d861ull, 0x5964fb3d7eull,
0x77aa77f86d07c8d9ull, 0x3a39cf03d65ull, 0x20e21cull, 0x37f7fede7cdull,
0xc072e76ad59cf1afull, 0x3a786701dull, 0x34a98c59ull, 0x22b6b1b9aull,
0xfb8e8f1f7781ba75ull, 0xe8ca427d3eull, 0x114a34dull, 0xa344eb94cfull,
0x160e34cf590444abull, 0xe2388f12feull, 0x18f574ull, 0xc303329393ull,
0x2509ddea3a648dd1ull, 0xec762d81bcull, 0x281955ull, 0xc0463d1e65ull,
0xc9ba10cd6eafcf67ull, 0x96a51d06f7ull, 0x156ce72ull, 0x133e2df369ull,
0x1dd4fe261b4adeedull, 0x2736e25406ull, 0xc2bfefull, 0x1354c1f353ull,
0x480258f92fc38de3ull, 0x2599b52bb0ull, 0x1ea450cull, 0x2879f11a3ull,
0x5a3257b1114109c9ull, 0x2978f9f1aaull, 0x22cc30aull, 0x1317311b25ull,
0xf4eeda8f34ab3c1full, 0x1aa70450d9ull, 0x9309d64ull, 0x1187b6925bull,
0x3c2c319ca8612a65ull, 0x73fc01eceull, 0x84d0088ull, 0x3165accf5ull,
0x4f6034e74a16561bull, 0x1f29d53707ull, 0x28c0daaull, 0xd88e07075ull,
0x206665a7072f1cc1ull, 0xda87e7ceaull, 0x25f48c1ull, 0xd3ddb2057ull,
0x100c559d7db417d7ull, 0xb907ebbc2ull, 0x1634188ull, 0xa2eae16c7ull,
0x64c5f83691b47cddull, 0x5aced6ebbull, 0x11c17fb7ull, 0x344109030ull,
0x32a812777eaf7d53ull, 0x1cb63fe4full, 0x1c3a9675ull, 0xb113f938ull,
0x67478d96865ca6b9ull, 0x142fa03aull, 0x51dcb463dull, 0x11359ce7ull,
0x71024e740deb428full, 0x142d3885ull, 0x599d9edd5ull, 0x13b1ae6ull,
0x52c78160b090b655ull, 0xd02101c6ull, 0x65d1b205ull, 0x1c0a0177ull,
0x16917d5f9fde38bull, 0xfb1566c7ull, 0x17029e0ull, 0x1bbe166bull,
0xa6ee688a0d1387b1ull, 0x22c4d384ull, 0x4cd19afcfull, 0x77143f5ull,
0x74babc1be2ed9c47ull, 0x22eda9a6ull, 0x3578b1967ull, 0x189b247dull,
0x7c5cbf2dfc1db6cdull, 0x5f09c060ull, 0x14efd44d4ull, 0x5210e74dull,
0x7c046071c1ac68c3ull, 0x3696c8e6ull, 0x24596d86bull, 0x26060a1ull,
0x84728ab55d399fa9ull, 0x267d7771ull, 0x370ea7405ull, 0x255d1674ull,
0x99f57100ef5404ffull, 0x10c0df86ull, 0x9308fef0dull, 0x9009131ull,
0x3f4c0514b0df5e45ull, 0xf2c3810ull, 0x42bf84d39ull, 0x3aa12b5ull,
0xd01edb572821ecfbull, 0x2a443aeull, 0x4ec8b88639ull, 0x111c73dull,
0xeecb08561bd0cea1ull, 0xbeca231ull, 0x140692508bull, 0x9b36e06ull,
0x8c856facc6335cb7ull, 0x398eab4ull, 0x271008c7a5ull, 0x922ab3ull,
0x23fb9839e8358cbdull, 0x24deb54ull, 0xf9d714151ull, 0xb9c329ull,
0x2005d5de30015033ull, 0x47c06dbull, 0x7240bccbaull, 0x104d115ull,
0x67d59c29e076f499ull, 0x179f009ull, 0x465554ac22ull, 0x10b0767ull,
0x32d2dd34369c836full, 0x13d3fbfull, 0x2902f2fb54ull, 0x7553c3ull,
0x3960c3c99fdc2235ull, 0x1b808baull, 0x21618743cdull, 0x11e7743ull,
0x343bad5adfa9726bull, 0xeef444ull, 0x37f58c51a6ull, 0x3d8a53ull,
0x7a4aadd7b4e5f191ull, 0x129c9ull, 0x6921bb5a2a53ull, 0x6b66ull,
0x9eb7dae5d71c5927ull, 0x31d7f5ull, 0x32f2ff2c6d5ull, 0x22c4eull,
0x1b285999316afeadull, 0x115477ull, 0x1912cf6611eull, 0x801bbull,
0x917aee3d84b533a3ull, 0x71d26full, 0x1473408589aull, 0x6e74ddull,
0x18e6a86b0473a589ull, 0x50a12ull, 0x4f0fabc67d4ull, 0x210a1ull,
0xf22c9887813bbddfull, 0x5b17aull, 0x2a897505c07bull, 0x1f841ull,
0xef7a551239d60225ull, 0x7fb5aull, 0x1e00b98e188bull, 0x41847ull,
0xffd2ad0e77b73dbull, 0x146f14ull, 0xc8500600a3ull, 0xba1full,
0x76743abdfb91f081ull, 0xd5888ull, 0x8e0303c479cull, 0x245a1ull,
0xc2eeb030bcff9197ull, 0x7a4e8ull, 0x198034e02c37ull, 0x343bfull,
0x63cc9c23f0ed0c9dull, 0x6c1e5ull, 0xec4d5841041ull, 0x38178ull,
0x7ad70f846e8f1313ull, 0x7fdf5ull, 0xf5ecec69bc9ull, 0x756b6ull,
0x60de3d71574eb279ull, 0x6ea3ull, 0xe02421997a61ull, 0x18b6ull,
0xd27054901c68b44full, 0x2dd0full, 0x497d639c8f46ull, 0xe135ull,
0xbcf297b8f0dbfe15ull, 0xcf17ull, 0xe992af0ca1abull, 0x32b8ull,
0x96c3ae70323ef14bull, 0xbbdcull, 0xcd7329b68d81ull, 0x1b6full,
0xdc1a13cfa4d3cb71ull, 0xdb16ull, 0x1012fe5ed296full, 0x46e7ull,
0xa1d40a2986f40607ull, 0x8067ull, 0x142a473fdb7beull, 0x1895ull,
0x227f92ef6daab68dull, 0x15ecull, 0x192dda5d5ed25ull, 0xf71ull,
0xc0a4a7810015ee83ull, 0x6064ull, 0x1ffa220762fc8ull, 0x4463ull,
0xd38b6eb9f0e71b69ull, 0x1909ull, 0x8732ce2cc77f4ull, 0xfd5ull,
0x2e588bdb751a66bfull, 0x229cull, 0x156d025c70d97ull, 0x10bbull,
0xd90f7e11dcbd1605ull, 0x760ull, 0x1d6e934381ba2eull, 0x2c5ull,
0x60ab67a4e5aeabbull, 0x1bf7ull, 0x374f26f3e3edull, 0x210ull,
0x224f627be76a8261ull, 0x4f4ull, 0x6ed4d3882b567ull, 0x35ull,
0x300d1ab91bd0b677ull, 0xe9cull, 0x34a002fb76e63ull, 0x823ull,
0x2a63d80e0c52fc7dull, 0x32ull, 0xd90970ebc4383full, 0x2full,
0xb0e94bbc1f90c5f3ull, 0x3b3ull, 0x2fd2ef70381c52ull, 0x29dull,
0x2b5dc22562dbe059ull, 0x30aull, 0xe45055015fff5ull, 0x1c7ull,
0x4a7fd1078807d52full, 0x18dull, 0x300a32f60677d4ull, 0x16bull,
0x41a01ee8ab0849f5ull, 0x13cull, 0x352a3971f57e9dull, 0x29ull,
0x95a7287ad5f6602bull, 0x1d0ull, 0x529130d1034a23ull, 0xbbull,
0x723bacc76bd51551ull, 0x16ull, 0x53142091089af83ull, 0xfull,
0x81c49febaa2ca2e7ull, 0xcdull, 0xa20d44956f5bf4ull, 0x83ull,
0x11593d6b3f54de6dull, 0x63ull, 0x2cdc6b1a7f9078ull, 0x5ull,
0x756c82d6f7069963ull, 0x5cull, 0x146bea3ba565525ull, 0x17ull,
0xda882ab2a88c0149ull, 0x1bull, 0x8180194d6d5c728ull, 0x11ull,
0xbb03671751a7ff9full, 0x20ull, 0x5d81b38ba8d3ffcull, 0x1full,
0x6884fa0a8f0c99e5ull, 0x12ull, 0x5ce7fab40d6088cull, 0xdull,
0x5052a2953c528441ull, 0x7ull, 0xb7984f0bf79809bull, 0x4ull,
0x58dd1583185ecb57ull, 0x9ull, 0x9dfad0e90ee1697ull, 0x8ull,
0xaa6870c376df5c5dull, 0x3ull, 0x38cd7aebd24a741full, 0x0ull,
0x4b21d01617167e39ull, 0x2ull, 0x2590e80b0b8b3f1cull, 0x1ull,
int main(void)
uint64_t x, y, div, mod;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof t/sizeof *t; i++) {
x = t[i].x;
y = t[i].y;
div = x / y;
mod = x % y;
if (div != t[i].div)
t_error("udiv %llu/%llu want %llu got %llu\n", x, y, t[i].div, div);
if (mod != t[i].mod)
t_error("umod %llu%%%llu want %llu got %llu\n", x, y, t[i].mod, mod);
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;
0,0 → 1,55
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
//#include <errno.h>
//#include <limits.h>
//#include <unistd.h>
#include "test.h"
#define TEST(r, f, x, m) ( \
errno = 0, ((r) = (f)) == (x) || \
(t_error("%s failed (" m ")\n", #f, r, x, strerror(errno)), 0) )
#define TEST_S(s, x, m) ( \
!strcmp((s),(x)) || \
(t_error("[%s] != [%s] (%s)\n", s, x, m), 0) )
int main(void)
int i;
char a[100];
FILE *f;
TEST(i, !(f = fopen("_tmpfile.tmp","w+")), 0, "failed to create temp file %d!=%d (%s)");
if (!f) return t_status;
TEST(i, fprintf(f, "hello, world\n"), 13, "%d != %d (%m)");
TEST(i, fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET), 0, "%d != %d (%m)");
TEST(i, feof(f), 0, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, fgetc(f), 'h', "'%c' != '%c'");
TEST(i, ftell(f), 1, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, ungetc('x', f), 'x', "%d != %d");
TEST(i, ftell(f), 0, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, fscanf(f, "%[h]", a), 0, "got %d fields, expected %d");
TEST(i, ftell(f), 0, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, fgetc(f), 'x', "'%c' != '%c'");
TEST(i, ftell(f), 1, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET), 0, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, ungetc('x', f), 'x', "%d != %d");
TEST(i, fread(a, 1, sizeof a, f), 14, "read %d, expected %d");
a[14] = 0;
TEST_S(a, "xhello, world\n", "mismatch reading ungot character");
TEST(i, fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET), 0, "%d != %d");
TEST(i, fscanf(f, "%[x]", a), 0, "got %d fields, expected %d");
TEST(i, ungetc('x', f), 'x', "unget failed after fscanf: %d != %d");
TEST(i, fgetc(f), 'x', "'%c' != '%c'");
TEST(i, fgetc(f), 'h', "'%c' != '%c'");
printf("%s finished\n", __FILE__);
return t_status;