Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 209 → Rev 272

9,7 → 9,7
; Willow - greatly srinked code size by using GIF texture and FPU to calculate sine table
; !!!! Don't use GIF.INC in your apps - it's modified for FREE3D !!!!
TEX_SIZE equ 64*64*4
ceil = sinus+16*1024
wall = ceil+TEX_SIZE*1
22,9 → 22,9
APP_MEM equ 0x200000
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id
dd 0x01 ; header version
dd START ; start of code
32,11 → 32,11
dd APP_MEM;0x300000 ; memory for app
dd APP_MEM;0x300000 ; esp
dd 0x0 , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon
include ''
include ''
include ''
include ''
START: ; start of execution
mov esi,textures
mov edi,ceil
45,8 → 45,8
mov esi,sinus
mov ecx,360*10
fld [sindegree]
fld [sindegree]
fst st1
fmul [sindiv]
56,7 → 56,7
loop .sinlp
call draw_window ; at first, draw the window
call draw_stuff
; ******* MOUSE CHECK *******
; mov eax,37 ; check mouse (use mouse over window to navigate)
67,12 → 67,12
mov eax,37
mov ebx,1 ; check mouseposition
int 0x40
mov ebx,eax
shr eax,16
and eax,0x0000FFFF ; mousex
and ebx,0x0000FFFF ; mousey
cmp eax,5 ; mouse out of window ?
jb check_refresh ; it will prevent an app-crash
cmp ebx,22
81,7 → 81,7
jg check_refresh
cmp ebx,501
jg check_refresh
cmp eax,315 ; navigating?
jb m_left
cmp eax,325 ;
93,12 → 93,12
jg s_down
; ******* END OF MOUSE CHECK *******
; mov eax,23 ; wait for system event with 10 ms timeout
; mov ebx,1 ; thats max 100 FPS
mov eax,11 ; ask no wait for full speed
int 0x40
cmp eax,1 ; window redraw request ?
je red2
cmp eax,2 ; key in buffer ?
105,32 → 105,32
je key2
cmp eax,3 ; button in buffer ?
je button2
mov edi,[mouseya] ; check flag if a refresh has to be done
cmp edi,1
jne gamestart
mov [mouseya],dword 0
call draw_stuff
jmp gamestart
red2: ; redraw
call draw_window
call draw_stuff
jmp gamestart
key2: ; key
mov eax,2
int 0x40
cmp al,1
je gamestart ; keybuffer empty
cmp ah,27 ; esc=End App
je finish
cmp ah,178 ; up
je s_up
cmp ah,177 ; down
139,24 → 139,26
je s_left
cmp ah,179 ; right
je s_right
jmp gamestart ; was any other key
s_up: ; walk forward (key or mouse)
mov eax,[vpx]
mov ebx,[vpy]
mov ecx,[vheading]
imul ecx,4
add ecx,sinus
; imul ecx,4
; add ecx,sinus
lea ecx, [sinus+ecx*4]
mov edi,[ecx]
mov edx,[vheading]
imul edx,4
add edx,sinus
add edx,3600
; imul edx,4
; add edx,sinus
; add edx,3600
lea edx, [sinus+3600+edx*4]
cmp edx,eosinus ;cosinus taken from (sinus plus 900) mod 3600
jb ok200
sub edx,14400
164,7 → 166,7
mov esi,[edx]
; sal esi,1 ; edit walking speed here
; sal edi,1
add eax,edi ; newPx
add ebx,esi ; newPy
mov edi,eax ; newPx / ffff
173,8 → 175,9
sar esi,16
mov ecx,esi
sal ecx,5 ; equal *32
add ecx,edi
add ecx,grid
; add ecx,edi
; add ecx,grid
lea ecx, [grid+ecx+edi]
cmp [ecx],byte 0 ; collision check
jne cannotwalk0
mov [vpx],eax
182,29 → 185,31
mov [mouseya],dword 1 ; set refresh flag
jmp check_refresh
s_down: ; walk backward
mov eax,[vpx]
mov ebx,[vpy]
mov ecx,[vheading]
imul ecx,4
add ecx,sinus
; imul ecx,4
; add ecx,sinus
lea ecx, [sinus+ecx*4]
mov edi,[ecx]
mov edx,[vheading]
imul edx,4
add edx,sinus
add edx,3600
; imul edx,4
; add edx,sinus
; add edx,3600
lea edx, [sinus+3600+edx*4]
cmp edx,eosinus ;cosinus taken from (sinus plus 900) mod 3600
jb ok201
sub edx,14400
mov esi,[edx]
; sal esi,1 ; edit walking speed here
; sal edi,1
sub eax,edi ; newPx
sub ebx,esi ; newPy
mov edi,eax ; newPx / ffff
213,8 → 218,9
sar esi,16
mov ecx,esi
sal ecx,5
add ecx,edi
add ecx,grid
; add ecx,edi
; add ecx,grid
lea ecx, [grid+ecx+edi]
cmp [ecx],byte 0
jne cannotwalk1
mov [vpx],eax
222,7 → 228,7
mov [mouseya],dword 1
jmp check_refresh
s_left: ; turn left (key)
mov edi,[vheading] ; heading
add edi,50
233,7 → 239,7
mov [vheading],edi
mov [mouseya],dword 1
jmp check_refresh
s_right: ; turn right
mov edi,[vheading]
sub edi,50
244,7 → 250,7
mov [vheading],edi
mov [mouseya],dword 1
jmp check_refresh
m_left: ; turn left (mouse)
mov edi,[vheading] ; heading
mov ecx,315
258,7 → 264,7
mov [vheading],edi
mov [mouseya],dword 1
jmp continue ; allow both: walk and rotate
m_right: ; turn right
mov edi,[vheading]
sub eax,325
271,32 → 277,32
mov [vheading],edi
mov [mouseya],dword 1
jmp continue
button2: ; button
mov eax,17 ; get id
int 0x40
cmp ah,1 ; button id=1 ?
jne gamestart
; eo GAME mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
mov eax,-1 ; close this program
int 0x40
; *********************************************
; *********************************************
mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw
mov ebx,1 ; 1, start of draw
int 0x40
mov eax,0 ; function 0 : define and draw window
mov ebx,50*65536+649 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
305,7 → 311,7
mov esi,0x80777777 ; color of grab bar RRGGBB,8->color gl
mov edi,0x00777777 ; color of frames RRGGBB
int 0x40
mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window
mov ebx,8*65536+8 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
313,7 → 319,7
mov edx,labelt ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi,labellen-labelt ; text length
int 0x40
mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button
mov ebx,(649-19)*65536+12 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
321,20 → 327,20
mov edx,1 ; button id
mov esi,0x777777 ; button color RRGGBB
int 0x40
mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw
mov ebx,2 ; 2, end of draw
int 0x40
; *********************************************
; ******* COMPUTE 3D-VIEW ********
; *********************************************
mov [step1],dword 1
;mov [step64],dword 64
mov esi,[vheading]
361,42 → 367,44
jb ok2
sub edx,3600
; get stepx and stepy
mov ecx,edx
imul ecx,4
add ecx,sinus ; pointer to stepx
; mov ecx,edx
; imul ecx,4
; add ecx,sinus ; pointer to stepx
lea ecx, [sinus+edx*4]
mov esi,[ecx]
sar esi,4 ; accuracy
mov [vstepx],esi ; store stepx
mov esi,edx
imul esi,4
add esi,sinus ; pointer to stepy
add esi,3600
; mov esi,edx
; imul esi,4
; add esi,sinus ; pointer to stepy
; add esi,3600
lea esi, [sinus+3600+edx*4]
cmp esi,eosinus ;cosinus taken from ((sinus plus 900) mod 3600)
jb ok202
sub esi,14400
mov ecx,[esi]
sar ecx,4
mov [vstepy],ecx ; store stepy
mov eax,[vpx] ; get Camera Position
mov ebx,[vpy]
mov [vxx],eax ; init caster position
mov [vyy],ebx
mov edi,0 ; init L (number of raycsting-steps)
mov [step1],dword 1 ; init Caster stepwidth for L
; raycast a pixel column.................................
add edi,[step1] ; count caster steps
;jmp nodouble ; use this to prevent blinking/wobbling textures: much slower!
cmp edi,32
je double
cmp edi,512
404,26 → 412,26
cmp edi,1024
je double
jmp nodouble
mov edx,[step1]
sal edx,1
mov [step1],edx
mov edx,[vstepx]
sal edx,1
mov [vstepx],edx
mov edx,[vstepy]
sal edx,1
mov [vstepy],edx
mov eax,32000 ; 3600 ; determine Floors Height based on distance
mov edx,0
mov ebx,edi
div ebx
mov esi,eax
mov [vdd],esi
430,7 → 438,7
mov edx,260
sub edx,esi
mov [vh],edx
cmp edx,22
jb no_nu_pixel
cmp edx,259
437,42 → 445,47
jg no_nu_pixel ; draw only new pixels
cmp edx,[h_old]
je no_nu_pixel
mov eax,[vxx] ; calc floor pixel
mov ebx,[vyy]
and eax,0x0000FFFF
and ebx,0x0000FFFF
shr eax,10
shr ebx,10 ; pixel coords inside Texture x,y 64*64
mov [xfrac],eax
mov [yfrac],ebx
; plot floor pixel !!!!
mov [vl],edi ; save L
mov [ytemp],esi ; remember L bzw. H
mov edi,[yfrac] ; get pixel color of this floor pixel
sal edi,8
mov esi,[xfrac]
sal esi,2
add edi,esi
add edi,wall ; in fact its floor, just using the wall texture :)
; add edi,esi
; add edi,wall ; in fact its floor, just using the wall texture :)
lea edi, [wall+edi+esi]
mov edx,[edi]
mov [remesi],esi
;**** calculate pixel adress:****
mov esi,[ytemp]
add esi,240
imul esi,1920
add esi,[vx1]
add esi,[vx1]
add esi,[vx1]
add esi,0x80000
; add esi,[vx1]
; add esi,[vx1]
; add esi,[vx1]
; add esi,0x80000
mov eax, [vx1]
lea eax, [eax+eax*2]
lea esi, [0x80000+eax+esi]
cmp esi,0x80000+1920*480
jg foff0
cmp esi,0x80000
479,33 → 492,33
jb foff0
; now we have the adress of the floor-pixel color in edi
; and the adress of the pixel in the image in esi
mov edx,[edi]
;******************** custom distance DARKEN Floor
mov eax,[vdd]
; jmp nodark0 ; use this to deactivate darkening floor (a bit faster)
cmp eax,80
jg nodark0
; split rgb
mov [blue],edx
and [blue],dword 255
shr edx,8
mov [green],edx
and [green],dword 255
shr edx,8
mov [red],edx
and [red],dword 255
mov eax,81 ; darkness parameter
sub eax,[vdd]
sal eax,1
; reduce rgb
sub [red],eax
cmp [red], dword 0
512,13 → 525,13
jg notblack10
mov [red],dword 0
sub [green],eax
cmp [green],dword 0
jg notblack20
mov [green],dword 0
mov edx,[blue]
sub [blue],eax
cmp [blue],dword 0
525,71 → 538,73
jg notblack30
mov [blue],dword 0
shl dword [red],16 ; reassemble rgb
shl dword [green],8
mov edx,[red]
or edx,[green]
or edx,[blue]
; eo custom darken floor
mov eax,edx
mov [esi],eax ; actually draw the floor pixel
; paint "forgotten" pixels
mov edx,[lasty]
sub edx,1920
cmp esi,edx
je foff0
mov [esi+1920],eax
sub edx,1920
cmp esi,edx
je foff0
mov [edx+1920],eax
sub edx,1920
cmp esi,edx
je foff0
mov [edx+1920],eax
mov [lasty],esi
;**** end of draw floor pixel ****
mov esi,[remesi]
mov edi,[vl] ; restore L
mov esi,[vh]
mov [h_old],esi
mov eax,[vxx]
mov ebx,[vyy]
add eax,[vstepx] ; casting...
add ebx,[vstepy]
mov [vxx],eax
mov [vyy],ebx
sar eax,16
sar ebx,16
mov [vpxi],eax ; casters position in Map Grid
mov [vpyi],ebx
mov edx,ebx
; imul edx,32
shl edx,5
add edx,grid
add edx,eax
; add edx,grid
; add edx,eax
lea edx, [grid+edx+eax]
cmp [edx],byte 0 ; raycaster reached a wall? (0=no)
jne getout
cmp edi,10000 ; limit view range
598,44 → 613,48
mov eax,[edx] ; store Grid Wall Value for Texture Selection
mov [vk],eax
call blur ; deactivate this (blurs the near floor) : a bit faster
; simply copy floor to ceil pixel column here
;jmp nocopy ; use this for test purposes
mov eax,0x80000+1920*240
mov ebx,0x80000+1920*240
sub eax,1920
add ebx,1920
mov ecx,0
add ecx,[vx1]
add ecx,[vx1]
add ecx,[vx1]
mov edx,ecx
; mov ecx,0
; add ecx,[vx1]
; add ecx,[vx1]
; add ecx,[vx1]
mov ecx, [vx1]
lea ecx, [ecx+ecx*2]
; mov edx,ecx
; add ecx,eax
; add edx,ebx
lea edx, [ecx+ebx]
add ecx,eax
add edx,ebx
mov esi,[edx]
mov [ecx],esi
cmp eax,0x80000
jg copyfloor
; *** end of copy floor to ceil
; draw this pixelrows wall
mov [vl],edi
mov edi,260
sub edi,[vdd]
cmp edi,0
643,111 → 662,112
xor edi,edi
mov [vbottom],edi ; end wall ceil (or window top)
mov esi,262
add esi,[vdd] ; start wall floor
xor edi,edi
; somethin is wrong with xfrac,so recalc...
mov eax,[vxx]
and eax,0x0000FFFF
shr eax,10
mov [xfrac],eax
mov eax,[vyy]
and eax,0x0000FFFF
shr eax,10
mov [yfrac],eax
; find each pixels color:
add edi,64
sub esi,1
cmp esi, 502 ; dont calc offscreen-pixels
jg speedup
xor edx,edx
mov eax, edi
mov ebx,[vdd]
add ebx,[vdd]
; add ebx,[vdd]
add ebx, ebx
div ebx
and eax,63
mov [ytemp],eax ; get y of texture for wall
mov eax,[xfrac]
add eax,[yfrac]
and eax,63
mov [xtemp],eax ; get x of texture for wall
; now prepare to plot that wall-pixel...
mov [remedi],edi
mov edi,[ytemp]
sal edi,8
mov edx,[xtemp]
sal edx,2
add edi,edx
mov eax,[vk] ; determine which texture should be used
and eax,255
cmp eax,1
jne checkmore1
add edi,ceil
jmp foundtex
cmp eax,2
jne checkmore2
add edi,wall
jmp foundtex
cmp eax,3
jne checkmore3
add edi,wall2
jmp foundtex
cmp eax,4
jne checkmore4
add edi,wall3
jmp foundtex
cmp eax,5
jne checkmore5
add edi,wall4
jmp foundtex
cmp eax,6
jne checkmore6
add edi,wall5
jmp foundtex
cmp eax,7
jne checkmore7
add edi,wall6
jmp foundtex
cmp eax,8
jne checkmore8
add edi,wall7
jmp foundtex
mov edx,[edi] ; get pixel color inside texture
; ***pseudoshade south-west
jmp east ; activate this for southwest pseudoshade : a bit slower + blink-bug
mov edi,[yfrac]
758,18 → 778,22
shr edx,1
mov [pseudo],dword 1
call dark_distance ; deactivate wall distance darkening: a bit faster
; ******* DRAW WALL PIXEL *******
mov eax,esi
sub eax,22
; sub eax,22
lea eax, [esi-22]
imul eax,1920
add eax,[vx1]
add eax,[vx1]
add eax,[vx1]
add eax,0x80000
; add eax,[vx1]
; add eax,[vx1]
; add eax,[vx1]
; add eax,0x80000
mov ebx, [vx1]
lea ebx, [ebx+ebx*2]
lea eax, [eax+0x80000+ebx]
cmp eax,0x80000+1920*480
jg dont_draw
cmp eax,0x80000
781,12 → 805,12
cmp esi,[vbottom] ; end of this column?
jg pixelrow
mov edi,[vl] ; restoring
mov eax,[vx1] ; inc X1
add eax,1
mov [vx1],eax
;*** NEXT A ***
mov esi,[va]
sub esi,1
795,8 → 819,8
jg for_a
;*** EO NEXT A ***
; **** put image !!!!!****
; ***********************
mov eax,7
804,21 → 828,25
mov ecx,640*65536+480
mov edx,5*65536+20
int 0x40
mov eax,0x080000+360*1920
add eax,1920
mov ebx,eax
add ebx,[vx1]
add ebx,[vx1]
add ebx,[vx1]
; mov ebx,eax
; add ebx,[vx1]
; add ebx,[vx1]
; add ebx,[vx1]
mov ebx,[vx1]
lea ebx, [ebx+ebx*2]
add ebx, eax
mov ecx,[ebx-15]
and ecx,0x00FEFEFE
shr ecx,1
828,68 → 856,68
add edx,ecx
and edx,0x00FEFEFE
shr edx,1
mov ecx,[ebx-9]
and ecx,0x00FEFEFE
shr ecx,1
add edx,ecx
and edx,0x00FEFEFE
shr edx,1
mov ecx,[ebx-6]
and ecx,0x00FEFEFE
shr ecx,1
add edx,ecx
and edx,0x00FEFEFE
shr edx,1
mov ecx,[ebx-3]
and ecx,0x00FEFEFE
shr ecx,1
add edx,ecx
and edx,0x00FEFEFE
shr edx,1
mov ecx,[ebx]
and ecx,0x00FEFEFE
shr ecx,1
add edx,ecx
mov [ebx],edx
cmp eax,0x80000+478*1920
jb copyfloor2
; ******* Darken by Distance *******
; color must be in edx, wall height in [vdd]
mov eax,[vdd]
cmp eax,50
jg nodark
; split rgb
mov [blue],edx
and [blue],dword 255
shr edx,8
mov [green],edx
and [green],dword 255
shr edx,8
mov [red],edx
and [red],dword 255
mov eax,51 ; darkness parameter
sub eax,[vdd]
cmp [pseudo],dword 1
896,7 → 924,7
je isdarkside
sal eax,2
; reduce rgb
sub [red],eax
cmp [red], dword 0
903,13 → 931,13
jg notblack10b
mov [red],dword 0
sub [green],eax
cmp [green],dword 0
jg notblack20b
mov [green],dword 0
mov edx,[blue]
sub [blue],eax
cmp [blue],dword 0
916,7 → 944,7
jg notblack30b
mov [blue],dword 0
shl dword [red],16 ; reassemble rgb
shl dword [green],8
mov edx,[red]
923,14 → 951,14
or edx,[green]
or edx,[blue]
mov eax,edx
;wall=wall floor
;2 corner stone
939,7 → 967,7
;5 greek mosaic
;6 old street stones
;7 maya wall
grid: ; 32*32 Blocks, Map: 0 = Air, 1 to 8 = Wall
db 2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8
db 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,8
973,23 → 1001,24
db 5,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,4,4,4,4,4,0,0,1
db 1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,4,1,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
db 2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
dd 0x0001FFFF ; initial player position * 0xFFFF
dd 0x0001FFFF
sindegree dd 0.0
sininc dd 0.0017453292519943295769236907684886
sindiv dd 6553.5
sindiv dd 6553.5
file 'texture.gif'
align 4
dd ?;-
; misc raycaster vars:
1033,7 → 1062,7
dd ?;-
dw ?,?;-,?;-
dd ?;-
1074,6 → 1103,7
dd ?;-
dd ?;-
sinus rd 360*10
sinus rd 360*10