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Ignore whitespace Rev 9565 → Rev 9566

0,0 → 1,339
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., <>
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
Copyright (C) {year} {fullname}
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
{signature of Ty Coon}, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.
0,0 → 1,94
CC = kos32-gcc
LD = kos32-ld
OBJCOPY = kos32-objcopy
KPACK = kpack
STRIP = kos32-strip
HCL = hcl
SDK_DIR = $(abspath ../../sdk)
CFLAGS = -c -O2 -std=c11 -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -fno-ident -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-stack-check \
-fno-stack-protector -mno-stack-arg-probe -fno-exceptions -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables \
-ffast-math -mno-ms-bitfields -march=pentium-mmx \
-U__WIN32__ -U_Win32 -U_WIN32 -U__MINGW32__ -UWIN32 -D_KOLIBRI \
-D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -Wno-missing-field-initializers -D_SDL -DUSE_SDL=1 -DOGG_MUSIC
LDFLAGS = -static -S -nostdlib -T $(SDK_DIR)/sources/newlib/ --image-base 0 --subsystem native
INCLUDES = -I$(SDK_DIR)/sources/newlib/libc/include -I$(SDK_DIR)/sources/SDL-1.2.2_newlib/include -I$(SDK_DIR)/sources/SDL_mixer-1.2.12 -Isrc
src/collision.o \
src/effect.o \
src/enemy.o \
src/game.o \
src/hero.o \
src/ini.o \
src/inventory.o \
src/main.o \
src/object.o \
src/options.o \
src/PHL.o \
src/platform.o \
src/qda.o \
src/stagedata.o \
src/text.o \
src/titlescreen.o \
src/weapon.o \
src/enemies/batboss.o \
src/enemies/bat.o \
src/enemies/bee.o \
src/enemies/boar.o \
src/enemies/boomknight.o \
src/enemies/crab.o \
src/enemies/devil.o \
src/enemies/dodo.o \
src/enemies/dog.o \
src/enemies/firewheel.o \
src/enemies/fish.o \
src/enemies/garm.o \
src/enemies/gas.o \
src/enemies/ghoul.o \
src/enemies/golem.o \
src/enemies/gyra.o \
src/enemies/heads.o \
src/enemies/hydra.o \
src/enemies/jellyfish.o \
src/enemies/knight.o \
src/enemies/lolidra.o \
src/enemies/pendulum.o \
src/enemies/podoboo.o \
src/enemies/poisonknight.o \
src/enemies/pumpkin.o \
src/enemies/seal.o \
src/enemies/skeleton.o \
src/enemies/skull.o \
src/enemies/slime.o \
src/enemies/slug.o \
src/enemies/thwomp.o \
src/enemies/waterjumper.o \
SDL_OBJS = src/sdl/audio.o \
src/sdl/input.o \
src/sdl/graphics.o \
src/sdl/system.o \
MISC_OBJS = src/misc.o
LIBS = -lSDL_mixer -lvorbis -logg -lSDLn -lsound -lgcc -lc.dll
$(STRIP) -S $(HCL)
$(OBJCOPY) $(HCL) -O binary
$(KPACK) --nologo $(HCL)
%.o : %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ $<
0,0 → 1,71
# Hydra Castle Labyrinth
![HCL build status]( "HCL build status")
This version of Hydra Castle Labyrinth is based on the 3DS port (see below for original notice)
This version use SDL (either 1.2 or 2.0) and build on Linux, OpenPandora, PocketCHIP and ODROID.
You'll need SDL and SDL_mixer to build, either version 1.2 or 2.0.
The SDL2 version use SDL Renderer and so is hardware accelerated.
The SDL1.2 version use plain bitmap (no OpenGL or GLES needed).
On Debian and friend, to prepare and build, you can do (if you never build anything before, start with `sudo apt install build-essential git`):
For SDL1.2
sudo apt install libsdl-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev cmake
cd ~
git clone
cd hydracastlelabyrinth
cmake .
For SDL2.0
sudo apt install libsdl2-2.0-dev libsdl2-mixer2.0-dev cmake
cd ~
git clone
cd hydracastlelabyrinth
cmake . -DUSE_SDL2=ON
To hear music, you can optionnaly use timidity, but it will play OGG track by default.
sudo apt install timidity
And launch the game with
To start windowed 640x480 game. You can have fullscreen with `./hcl -f` or `./hcl -d` to have fullscreen at current desktop resolution.
![sreenshot on Pandora](screenshot.png "screenshot on Pandora")
# Web Version
You can play an Emscripten version directly on your browser here:
# Original Notice
**This work has been done by an anon from /hbg/ on and not me!**
I've asked the original author about what license to use and he allowed me to use the GPLv2.
Therefore consider each file to be licensed under the GPLv2, even if there is no disclaimer inside of each file.
You will have gotten a copy of the license as part of the git and if not, get a copy from ``.
Original author notes:
Source code for the fan-made port of Hydra Castle Labyrinth for 3DS
Anything related to the PSP and Wii are unfinished.
(Yes, it does look like a 3rd grader programmed this.)
The game's originally done by E.Hashimoto (a.k.a. Buster).
You can download some of his works under this [link](
0,0 → 1,2
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = image/png
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,85
#include "PHL.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "qda.h"
#include "game.h"
void PHL_Init()
PHL_AudioInit(); // DBG
#ifdef _3DS
Result rc = romfsInit();
/*if (rc) {
printf("romfsInit: %08lX\n", rc);
printf("\nromfs Init Successful!\n");
WHITE = 0;
RED = 1;
void PHL_Deinit()
#ifdef _3DS
//Extracts bmps from the bmp.qda archive file
PHL_Surface PHL_LoadQDA(char* fname)
PHL_Surface surf;
int numofsheets = 29;
for (int i = 0; i < numofsheets; i++)
if (strcmp(fname, (char*)headers[i].fileName) == 0) { //Match found
//printf("\nMatch Found: %s", fname);
surf = PHL_LoadBMP(i);
i = numofsheets; //End search
return surf;
void PHL_DrawTextBold(char* txt, int dx, int dy, int col)
int i, cx, cy;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(txt); i++)
cx = (txt[i] - 32) * 16;
cy = 32 * col;
while (cx >= 512) {
cx -= 512;
cy += 16;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(dx + (16 * i), dy, cx, cy, 16, 16, images[imgBoldFont]);
void PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered(char* txt, int dx, int dy, int col)
if (dy < 640 && dy > -16) {
int stringW = strlen(txt) * 16;
PHL_DrawTextBold(txt, dx - (stringW / 2), dy, col);
0,0 → 1,56
PHL stands for Portable Homebrew Library
#ifndef PHL_H
#define PHL_H
#ifdef _3DS
#include "3ds/system.h"
#include "3ds/graphics.h"
#include "3ds/input.h"
#include "3ds/audio.h"
#ifdef _WII
#include "wii/system.h"
#include "wii/graphics.h"
#include "wii/input.h"
#include "wii/audio.h"
#ifdef _PSP
#include "psp/system.h"
#include "psp/graphics.h"
#include "psp/input.h"
#include "psp/audio.h"
#ifdef _SDL
#ifdef _SDL2
#include "sdl2/system.h"
#include "sdl2/graphics.h"
#include "sdl2/input.h"
#include "sdl2/audio.h"
#include "sdl/system.h"
#include "sdl/graphics.h"
#include "sdl/input.h"
#include "sdl/audio.h"
typedef struct {
int x, y, w, h;
} PHL_Rect;
void PHL_Init();
void PHL_Deinit();
extern int WHITE, RED, YELLOW;
PHL_Surface PHL_LoadQDA(char* fname);
void PHL_DrawTextBold(char* txt, int dx, int dy, int col);
void PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered(char* txt, int dx, int dy, int col);
0,0 → 1,15
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
inline void littleBigEndian (void *x, int sz) {
unsigned char *toConvert = (unsigned char *)(x);
unsigned char tmp;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sz/2; ++i) {
tmp = toConvert[i];
toConvert[i] = toConvert[sz - i - 1];
toConvert[sz - i - 1] = tmp;
inline void BE16(uint16_t* w) {littleBigEndian(w, 2);}
inline void BE32(uint32_t* i) {littleBigEndian(i, 4);}
0,0 → 1,336
#include "collision.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "PHL.h"
#include "object.h"
int checkMix(Mask r, Mask c);
int checkRect(Mask r1, Mask r2);
int checkCircle(Mask c1, Mask c2);
int checkCollision(Mask m1, Mask m2)
if (m1.unused != 1 && m2.unused != 1) {
if ( == 0 && == 0) {
return checkRect(m1, m2);
}else if ( == 1 && == 1) {
return checkCircle(m1, m2);
}else if ( == 1 && == 0) {
return checkMix(m2, m1);
}else if ( == 0 && == 1) {
return checkMix(m1, m2);
return 0;
int checkCollisionXY(Mask m, int x, int y)
int result = 0;
if (m.unused != 1) {
if ( == 1) {
if (sqrt( pow(x - m.x, 2) + pow(y - m.y, 2) ) <= m.w) {
result = 1;
if (x < m.x || x > m.x + m.w || y < m.y || y > m.y + m.h) {
result = 1;
return result;
//Returns 1 or 0 depending on if there is a collision with a type of tile
int checkTileCollision(int type, Mask m)
int result = 0;
if (m.x < 0) {
m.x = 0;
}else if (m.x + m.w > 640) {
m.x = 640 - m.w;
if (m.y < 0) {
m.y = 0;
}else if (m.y + m.h > 480) {
m.y = 480 - m.h;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int tileX = (int)m.x / 40;
int tileY = (int)m.y / 40;
if (i == 1) {
tileX = (int)((m.x + m.w - 1) / 40);
}else if (i == 2) {
tileY = (int)((m.y + m.h - 1) / 40);
}else if (i == 3) {
tileX = (int)((m.x + m.w - 1) / 40);
tileY = (int)((m.y + m.h - 1) / 40);
if (collisionTiles[tileX][tileY] == type) {
result = 1;
i = 4;
return result;
//Returns a tile's demension. Overkill for a lot of situations.
PHL_Rect getTileCollision(int type, Mask m)
PHL_Rect result;
result.x = -1;
result.y = -1;
result.w = 40;
result.h = 40;
if (m.x < 0) {
m.x = 0;
}else if (m.x + m.w > 640) {
m.x = 640 - m.w;
if (m.y < 0) {
m.y = 0;
}else if (m.y + m.h > 480) {
m.y = 480 - m.h;
//PHL_DrawRect(mask.x, mask.y, mask.w, mask.h, PHL_NewRGB(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int tileX = (int)m.x / 40;
int tileY = (int)m.y / 40;
if (i == 1) {
tileX = (int)((m.x + m.w - 1) / 40);
}else if (i == 2) {
tileY = (int)((m.y + m.h - 1) / 40);
}else if (i == 3) {
tileX = (int)((m.x + m.w - 1) / 40);
tileY = (int)((m.y + m.h - 1) / 40);
if (collisionTiles[tileX][tileY] == type) {
result.x = tileX * 40;
result.y = tileY * 40;
i = 4;
//PHL_DrawRect(result.x, result.y, 40, 40, PHL_NewRGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00));
//PHL_DrawRect(tileX * 40, tileY * 40, 40, 40, PHL_NewRGB(0x00, 0xFF, 0x00));
return result;
int checkTileCollisionXY(int type, int x, int y)
int result = 0;
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
}else if (x > 640) {
x = 640;
if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
}else if (y > 480) {
y = 480;
int tileX = (int)x / 40;
int tileY = (int)y / 40;
if (collisionTiles[tileX][tileY] == type) {
result = 1;
return result;
PHL_Rect getTileCollisionXY(int type, int x, int y)
PHL_Rect result;
result.x = -1;
result.y = -1;
result.w = 40;
result.h = 40;
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
}else if (x > 640) {
x = 640;
if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
}else if (y > 480) {
y = 480;
int tileX = (int)x / 40;
int tileY = (int)y / 40;
if (collisionTiles[tileX][tileY] == type) {
result.x = tileX * 40;
result.y = tileY * 40;
return result;
void PHL_DrawMask(Mask m)
if ( == 0) {
PHL_DrawRect(m.x, m.y, m.w, m.h, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
}else if ( == 1) {
PHL_DrawRect(m.x - m.w, m.y - m.w, m.w * 2, m.w * 2, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
int checkMix(Mask r, Mask c)
int insidex = 0, insidey = 0;
if (c.x >= r.x && c.x <= r.x + r.w) {
insidex = 1;
if (c.y >= r.y && c.y <= r.y + r.h) {
insidey = 1;
//Check if circle center is inside rectangle
if (insidex == 1 && insidey == 1) {
else if (insidex == 1) {
if ((c.y < r.y && r.y - c.y <= c.w) ||
(c.y > (r.y + r.h) && c.y - (r.y + r.h) <= c.w)) {
return 0;
}else if (insidey == 1) {
if ((c.x < r.x && r.x - c.x <= c.w) ||
(c.x > (r.x + r.w) && c.x - (r.x + r.w) <= c.w)) {
return 0;
//Check points
if (sqrt( pow(r.x - c.x, 2) + pow(r.y - c.y, 2) ) <= c.w) {
}else if (sqrt( pow(r.x + r.w - c.x, 2) + pow(r.y - c.y, 2) ) <= c.w) {
}else if (sqrt( pow(r.x - c.x, 2) + pow(r.y + r.h - c.y, 2) ) <= c.w) {
}else if (sqrt( pow(r.x + r.w - c.x, 2) + pow( r.y + r.h - c.y, 2) ) <= c.w) {
return 0;
return 1;
int checkRect(Mask r1, Mask r2)
if (r1.x > r2.x + r2.w ||
r1.x + r1.w < r2.x ||
r1.y > r2.y + r2.h ||
r1.y + r1.h < r2.y)
return 0;
return 1;
int checkCircle(Mask c1, Mask c2)
int maxdis = c1.w + c2.w;
int dis = sqrt(pow(c2.x - c1.x, 2) + pow(c2.y - c1.y, 2));
if (dis <= maxdis) {
return 1;
return 0;
//Heavier tile collision that omits destroyable blocks
PHL_Rect getTileCollisionWeapon(int type, Mask m)
PHL_Rect result;
result.x = -1;
result.y = -1;
result.w = 40;
result.h = 40;
if (m.x < 0) {
m.x = 0;
}else if (m.x + m.w > 640) {
m.x = 640 - m.w;
if (m.y < 0) {
m.y = 0;
}else if (m.y + m.h > 480) {
m.y = 480 - m.h;
//PHL_DrawRect(mask.x, mask.y, mask.w, mask.h, PHL_NewRGB(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int tileX = (int)m.x / 40;
int tileY = (int)m.y / 40;
if (i == 1) {
tileX = (int)((m.x + m.w - 1) / 40);
}else if (i == 2) {
tileY = (int)((m.y + m.h - 1) / 40);
}else if (i == 3) {
tileX = (int)((m.x + m.w - 1) / 40);
tileY = (int)((m.y + m.h - 1) / 40);
if (collisionTiles[tileX][tileY] == type) {
result.x = tileX * 40;
result.y = tileY * 40;
//Check if destroyable block
int a;
for (a = 0; a < MAX_OBJECTS; a++) {
if (objects[a] != NULL) {
if (objects[a]->type == 3) {
Destroyable* d = objects[a]->data;
if (result.x == d->x && result.y == d->y) {
result.x = -1;
result.y = -1;
if (result.x != -1) {
i = 4;
return result;
0,0 → 1,27
#include "PHL.h"
typedef struct {
int circle; //1 if circle, 0 is rectangle
int x, y;
int w, h; //width is the radius if it's a circle
int unused;
} Mask;
void PHL_DrawMask(Mask m);
int checkCollision(Mask m1, Mask m2);
int checkTileCollision(int type, Mask m);
PHL_Rect getTileCollision(int type, Mask m);
int checkCollisionXY(Mask m, int x, int y);
int checkTileCollisionXY(int type, int x, int y);
PHL_Rect getTileCollisionXY(int type, int x, int y);
PHL_Rect getTileCollisionWeapon(int type, Mask m);
0,0 → 1,384
#include "effect.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "PHL.h"
#include "hero.h"
#include "collision.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void createEffect(int type, int x, int y)
createEffectExtra(type, x, y, 0, 0, 0);
void createEffectExtra(int t, int x, int y, double hsp, double vsp, int val)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++) {
if (effects[i] == NULL) {
Effect* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
e->id = i;
e->type = t;
e->x = x;
e->y = y;
e->vsp = vsp;
e->hsp = hsp;
e->grav = 0;
e->imageIndex = 0;
e->imageSpeed = 0;
e->cropx = 0;
e->cropy = 0;
e->width = 40;
e->height = 40;
e->image = imgMisc20;
e->timer = 60;
e->visible = 1;
e->val1 = 0;
e->loop = 0;
e->frames = 0;
e->depth = 1;
//Sword collision
if (e->type == 1) {
e->cropx = 440;
e->cropy = 40;
e->imageSpeed = 0.25;
e->timer = 19;
//Enemy poof
else if (e->type == 2) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndBom01], CHN_EFFECTS);
e->width = 64;
e->height = 64;
e->imageSpeed = 0.33;
e->timer = 30;
e->image = imgMisc32;
//Dust after landing from a fall - left/right
else if (e->type == 3) {
e->cropx = 320;
e->cropy = 80;
e->hsp = -1;
if (hsp > 0) {
e->hsp = 1;
e->cropx = 0;
e->imageSpeed = 0.33;
e->timer = 8 * (1 / e->imageSpeed);
//Block destroy/debris
else if (e->type == 4) {
e->grav = 0.2;
e->loop = 1;
e->frames = 4;
e->timer = 60;
//Set flash offset
if ((e->hsp > 0 && val == 0) || (e->hsp > 0 && val == 1)) {
e->timer -= 1;
e->imageSpeed = 0.34;
int size = (rand() % 2) + 1;
e->cropx = 0;
if (e->hsp < 0) {
e->cropx = 160;
if (size == 1) { //Big
e->cropy = 40;
}else{ //Small
e->cropy = 440;
//Chest sparkle
else if (e->type == 5) {
/*e->x -= 20;
e->y -= 20;
e->x += -20 + (rand() % 40) + 1;
e->y += -20 + (rand() % 40) + 1;
e->x -= 20;
e->y -= 20;
e->cropx = 440;
e->cropy = 120;
e->imageSpeed = 0.3;
e->timer = 16;
e->depth = 0;
//Charge orbs
else if (e->type == 6) {
e->x -= 20;
e->y -= 20;
e->cropx = 0;
e->cropy = 200;
e->val1 = (rand() % 360) + 1;
e->imageSpeed = 0.3;
e->timer = 20;
e->depth = 0;
//Poison bubble
else if (e->type == 7) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_EFFECTS);
e->x -= 30;
e->x += (rand() % 20) + 1;
e->cropx = 280;
e->cropy = 120;
e->timer = 35;
e->vsp = -2;
e->imageIndex = 0;
e->imageSpeed = 0.16;
e->depth = 0;
//Stone break free
else if (e->type == 8) {
e->image = imgMisc32;
e->cropy = 64;
e->width = 64;
e->height = 64;
e->imageSpeed = 0.32;
e->timer = 18;
//Tiny stone debris
else if (e->type == 9) {
e->x -= 20;
e->y -= 20;
e->image = imgMisc20;
e->cropy = 40;
e->cropx = 320 + ((rand() % 3) * 40);
e->imageSpeed = 0;
e->vsp = -2 - (0.25 * (rand() % 8));
e->hsp = -1 + (0.25 * (rand() % 8));
e->grav = 0.1;
e->timer = 60;
e->depth = 0;
//Lava top animation
else if (e->type == 10) {
e->cropy = 40;
e->cropx = 80;
e->imageSpeed = 0.125;
e->depth = -1;
e->loop = 1;
e->frames = 3;
e->timer = 100;
e->image = imgTiles;
//Water top animation
else if (e->type == 11) {
e->cropy = 40;
e->cropx = 240;
e->imageSpeed = 0.125;
e->depth = -1;
e->loop = 1;
e->frames = 4;
e->timer = 100;
e->image = imgTiles;
//Hero Air Bubble
else if (e->type == 12) {
e->x -= 20;
e->val1 = e->x; //Start x
e->y -= 20;
e->cropx = 440;
e->loop = 1;
e->frames = 2;
e->imageSpeed = 0.2;
e->timer = 120;
e->vsp = -0.5;
e->depth = 0;
//Water splash
else if (e->type == 13) {
e->cropx = 200;
e->imageSpeed = 0.1;
e->timer = 55;
e->grav = 0.1;
//Lava splash
else if (e->type == 14) {
e->cropx = 400;
e->cropy = 200;
e->imageSpeed = 0.1;
e->timer = 55;
e->grav = 0.1;
effects[i] = e;
void effectStep(Effect* e)
e->x += e->hsp;
e->y += e->vsp;
e->vsp += e->grav;
e->imageIndex += e->imageSpeed;
if (e->loop == 1) {
if (e->imageIndex >= e->frames) {
e->imageIndex -= e->frames;
if (e->type == 12) { //Hero Air Bubble
e->x = e->val1 + 5 * sin((e->timer * 5) * 3.14159 / 180);
if (checkTileCollisionXY(4, e->x + 20, e->y + 20) == 0) {
e->timer = 0;
if (e->type == 10 || e->type == 11) { //Lava top
e->timer = 100;
if (e->type == 4 || e->type == 9 || e->type == 12) { //Stone Rubble
if (e->timer <= 30 && e->timer % 2 != 0) {
e->visible = 0;
e->visible = 1;
else if (e->type == 6) { //Charge orb
if (e->timer % 2 == 0) {
e->visible = 1;
e->x = herox + ((e->timer * 3) * sin(e->val1 * 3.14159 / 180)) - 20;
e->y = heroy + ((e->timer * 3) * cos(e->val1 * 3.14159 / 180));
e->visible = 0;
e->timer -= 1;
if (e->timer <= 0) {
void effectDraw(Effect* e)
//if (e->type != 4 || (e->timer > 30 || e->timer % 2 == 0)) {
if (e->visible == 1) {
if (e->type == 7) { //Poison Bubble
int animation[6] = {0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3};
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(e->x, e->y, e->cropx + (e->width * (animation[(int)e->imageIndex])), e->cropy, e->width, e->height, images[e->image]);
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(e->x, e->y, e->cropx + (e->width * ((int)e->imageIndex)), e->cropy, e->width, e->height, images[e->image]);
void effectDestroy(int id)
if (effects[id] != NULL) {
effects[id] = NULL;
void createRockSmash(int x, int y)
x -= 20;
int randvsp = (rand() % 3) + 1;
createEffectExtra(4, x, y, -1.5, -2 - randvsp, 0);
randvsp = (rand() % 3) + 1;
createEffectExtra(4, x, y, -1, -5 - randvsp, 1);
randvsp = (rand() % 3) + 1;
createEffectExtra(4, x, y, 1.5, -2 - randvsp, 0);
randvsp = (rand() % 3) + 1;
createEffectExtra(4, x, y, 1, -5 - randvsp, 1);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndBom02], 2);
void createSplash(int x, int y)
double chsp = 0,
cvsp = 0;
x -= 20;
chsp = -0.25 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -1.5 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(13, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
chsp = 0.25 + ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -1.5 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(13, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
chsp = -0.25 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -0.5 - ((rand() % 4) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(13, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
chsp = 0.25 + ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -0.5 - ((rand() % 4) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(13, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndWater01], CHN_EFFECTS);
void createLavaSplash(int x, int y)
double chsp = 0,
cvsp = 0;
x -= 20;
chsp = -0.25 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -1.5 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(14, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
chsp = 0.25 + ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -1.5 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(14, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
chsp = -0.25 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -0.5 - ((rand() % 4) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(14, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
chsp = 0.25 + ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -0.5 - ((rand() % 4) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(14, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot07], CHN_EFFECTS);
0,0 → 1,31
#ifndef EFFECTS_H
#define EFFECTS_H
typedef struct {
int id, type;
double x, y,
vsp, hsp, grav,
imageIndex, imageSpeed;
int cropx, cropy;
int width, height;
int image, timer;
int visible;
int val1;
int loop, frames;
int depth;
} Effect;
void createEffect(int type, int x, int y);
void createEffectExtra(int t, int x, int y, double hsp, double vsp, int val);
void effectStep(Effect* e);
void effectDraw(Effect* e);
void effectDestroy(int id);
void createRockSmash(int x, int y);
void createSplash(int x, int y);
void createLavaSplash(int x, int y);
0,0 → 1,172
#include "bat.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void batStep(Bat* b);
void batDraw(Bat* b);
void createBat(int x, int y, int type)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* result = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof *result);
Bat* b = /*(Bat*)*/malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->x = b->xstart = x;
b->y = b->ystart = y;
b->type = type;
b->imageIndex = 5;
b->counter = 0;
b->timer = 0;
b->state = 0;
b->dir = 1;
result->data = b;
result->enemyStep = batStep;
result->enemyDraw = batDraw;
result->type = 1;
enemies[i] = result;
void batStep(Bat* b)
if (b->state == 0)
b->imageIndex = 5;
//wait for hero to get near
if (b->timer <= 0) {
Mask area; = 0;
area.unused = 0;
area.x = b->xstart - 60;
area.y = b->ystart;
area.w = 160; area.h = 100;
if (checkCollisionXY(area, herox, heroy + 20)) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi07], CHN_ENEMIES);
b->state = 1;
b->timer = 270;
if (b->type == 1) {
b->counter = 1;
if (herox < b->x + 20) {
b->dir = -1;
b->dir = 1;
b->timer -= 1;
else if (b->state == 1)
b->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (b->imageIndex >= 5) {
b->imageIndex -= 5;
//Rotation angle
b->timer += 4;
if (b->timer >= 360) {
b->timer -= 360;
b->y = b->ystart + 30 + (30 * sin(b->timer * 3.14159 / 180));
//Red bat
if (b->type == 1) {
b->x += 2 * b->dir;
//Return to perch
if (b->timer == 270) {
if (b->type == 1 && b->counter > 0) {
b->dir *= -1;
b->timer = 270;
b->counter -= 1;
b->state = 0;
b->timer = 70;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 32;
mask.h = 28;
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = b->y;
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, heroMask)) {
heroHit(10, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
createEffect(2, b->x - 12, b->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(b->x + 20, b->y);
void batDraw(Bat* b)
int cropX = 0,
cropY = 120;
if (b->type == 1) {
cropX = 400;
cropY = 280;
cropX += (int)b->imageIndex * 40;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(b->x, b->y - 4, cropX, cropY, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,16
#ifndef BAT_H
#define BAT_H
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int xstart, ystart;
int type; //0 = gray | 1 = red
int dir;
double imageIndex;
int counter, timer, state;
} Bat;
void createBat(int x, int y, int type);
0,0 → 1,319
#include "batboss.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "heads.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int boss2flag = 5;
//void updateBatMask(Batboss* b);
void batbossStep(Batboss* b);
void batbossDraw(Batboss* b);
void createBatboss(int x, int y)
if (flags[boss2flag] == 0) { //have not beaten boss 2
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("boss03.bmp");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof *e);
Batboss* b = /*(Batboss*)*/malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->x = x;
b->y = y;
b->vsp = 0;
b->hsp = 0;
b->grav = 0.1;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->ypos = y;
b->rot = 0;
b->hp = 35;
b->invincible = 0;
b->state = 0;
b->timer = 0;
b->mode = 0; //0 for flame, 1 for tornado stomp
b->mask.unused = b-> = 0;
b->mask.w = 100;
b->mask.h = 68;
//Setup phase
b->state = 0;
b->hsp = 2;
b->ypos = b->y - 24;
b->timer = 60;
e->data = b;
e->enemyStep = batbossStep;
e->enemyDraw = batbossDraw;
e->type = 41;
enemies[i] = e;
void batbossStep(Batboss* b)
char dead = 0;
//Wing flap
if (b->state == 0 || b->state == 1 || b->state == 2 || b->state == 5 || b->state == 6) {
b->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (b->imageIndex >= 2) {
b->imageIndex -= 2;
if (b->state == 3 || b->state == 4) {
b->imageIndex += 0.2;
if (b->imageIndex >= 5) {
b->imageIndex -= 3;
if (b->timer > 0) {
b->timer -= 1;
if (b->invincible > 0) {
b->invincible -= 1;
//Large vertical movement
if (b->state == 0 || b->state == 1) {
b->rot += 2;
if (b->rot >= 360) { b->rot -= 360; }
b->y = b->ypos - (40 * sin(b->rot * 3.14159 / 180));
//Small vertical movement
if (b->state == 2) {
b->rot += 2;
if (b->rot >= 360) { b->rot -= 360; }
b->y = b->ypos - (20 * sin(b->rot * 3.14159 / 180));
//Horizontal movement
if (b->state == 0) {
b->x += b->hsp;
if (b->x >= 520 || b->x <= 120) { //Hit walls
b->hsp *= -1;
if (b->timer <= 0) {
b->state = 1;
//Slow to halt
else if (b->state == 1) {
b->x += b->hsp;
if (b->x >= 520 || b->x <= 120) { //Hit walls
b->hsp *= -1;
double rate = 0.03;
if (b->hsp > 0) {
b->hsp -= rate;
if (b->hsp <= 0) { b->hsp = 0; }
else if (b->hsp < 0) {
b->hsp += rate;
if (b->hsp >= 0) { b->hsp = 0; }
if (b->hsp == 0 && b->rot <= 2) {
b->state = 2;
b->timer = 60;
else if (b->state == 2) {
if (b->timer == 1) {
//Shoot flame
int fx = b->x;
int fy = b->y + 24;
int fangle = (atan2(heroy - fy, fx - (herox - 20)) * 180 / 3.14159) + 270;
createFireball(fx, fy, fangle, b->id);
createFireball(fx, fy, fangle - 15, b->id);
createFireball(fx, fy, fangle + 15, b->id);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot03], CHN_ENEMIES);
if (b->timer <= 0 && b->rot <= 2) {
if (b->mode == 0) {
b->state = 0;
b->timer = 60;
b->hsp = 2;
b->mode = 1;
b->mode = 0;
b->state = 3;
b->imageIndex = 2;
b->vsp = -4;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot06], CHN_ENEMIES);
if (herox < b->x) {
b->hsp *= -1;
else if (b->state == 3) {
b->y += b->vsp;
b->vsp += b->grav;
if (b->vsp >= 6) { b->vsp = 6; }
//Hit floor
if (b->y >= 480 - 176) {
b->y = 480 - 176;
b->state = 4;
b->timer = 120;
quakeTimer = 30;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit04], CHN_ENEMIES);
b->hsp = 1;
if (b->x > herox) {
b->hsp *= -1;
else if (b->state == 4) {
b->x += b->hsp;
if (b->timer <= 0 || b->x >= 520 || b->x <= 120) {
b->state = 5;
b->timer = 80 + (rand() % 61);
else if (b->state == 5) {
b->y -= 1;
if (b->timer <= 0) {
b->state = 0;
b->ypos = b->y;
b->rot = 0;
b->timer = 60;
b->hsp = 2;
if (b->x > herox) {
b->hsp *= -1;
else if (b->state == 6) {
b->y += 0.2;
if (b->timer % 12 == 0) {
createEffect(2, b->x - 64 + (rand() % 100), b->y + (rand() % 80));
if (b->timer <= 0) {
dead = 1;
if (b->state != 6) {
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
if (b->state == 3 || b->state == 4) {
mask.w = 64;
mask.h = 96;
mask.y = b->y;
mask.w = 100;
mask.h = 68;
mask.y = b->y + 18;
mask.x = b->x - (mask.w / 2);
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(30, b->x);
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
b->invincible = 15;
b->hp -= 1;
if (b->hp <= 0) {
b->state = 6;
b->timer = 180;
b->invincible = 200;
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
flags[boss2flag] = 1;
void batbossDraw(Batboss* b)
if (b->invincible % 2 == 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(b->x - 64, b->y, (int)b->imageIndex * 128, 0, 128, 96, images[imgBoss]);
0,0 → 1,18
#ifndef BATBOSS_H
#define BATBOSS_H
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double hsp, vsp, grav;
double imageIndex;
double ypos;
double rot;
int hp;
int state, timer, mode;
int invincible;
} Batboss;
void createBatboss(int x, int y);
0,0 → 1,214
#include "bee.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void beeStep(Bee* b);
void beeDraw(Bee* b);
void createBee(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof *e);
Bee* b = /*(Bee*)*/malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->x = x;
b->y = y;
b->xstart = b->x;
b->ystart = b->y;
b->hsp = 0;
b->vsp = 0;
b->timer = 0;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->dir = 1;
b->state = 0;
b->hoverdir = 180;
if (dir == 1) {
b->hoverdir = 0;
b->dir = -1;
e->data = b;
e->enemyStep = beeStep;
e->enemyDraw = beeDraw;
e->type = 24;
enemies[i] = e;
void beeStep(Bee* b)
b->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (b->imageIndex >= 3) {
b->imageIndex -= 3;
//Mindless hovering
if (b->state == 0)
b->hoverdir += 2.6;
if (b->hoverdir >= 360) {
b->hoverdir -= 360;
b->dir = 1;
if (b->hoverdir <= 180) {
b->dir = -1;
b->x = b->xstart + (20 * cos(b->hoverdir * 3.14159 /180));
//If player is within range
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.x = b->x - 80;
area.y = b->y;
area.w = 200;
area.h = 100;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask())) {
b->state = 1;
b->dir = 1;
if (b->x + 20 > herox) {
b->dir = -1;
b->hsp = -5.5 * b->dir;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndBee01], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Fly backwards
else if (b->state == 1)
b->hsp += 0.25 * b->dir;
if ((b->dir == 1 && b->hsp >= 0) || (b->dir == -1 && b->hsp <= 0)) {
b->hsp = 0;
b->state = 2;
b->vsp = 3.75;
//Fly downwards
else if (b->state == 2)
b->vsp -= 0.1;
if (b->vsp <= 0) {
b->state = 3;
b->vsp = 0;
b->dir = 1;
if (b->x + 20 > herox) {
b->dir = -1;
b->hsp = 3 * b->dir;
//Fly diaganal
else if (b->state == 3)
b->vsp -= 0.1;
if (b->vsp < -3) {
b->vsp = -3;
if (b->y <= b->ystart) {
b->state = 4;
b->vsp = 0;
b->y = b->ystart;
if (b->x < b->xstart) {
b->dir = 1;
b->dir = -1;
b->hsp = b->dir;
//Fly back to start
else if (b->state == 4)
if ((b->dir == 1 && b->x >= b->xstart) || (b->dir == -1 && b->x <= b->xstart)) {
b->state = 0;
b->hsp = 0;
b->hoverdir = 0;
b->x += b->hsp;
b->y += b->vsp;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 24;
mask.h = 32;
mask.y = b->y + 6;
mask.x = b->x + 14;
if (b->dir == -1) {
mask.x = b->x + 2;
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon Collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
createEffect(2, b->x - 12, b->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(b->x + 20, b->y);
void beeDraw(Bee* b)
int cropx = 280;
if (b->dir == -1) {
cropx += 120;
cropx += (int)b->imageIndex * 40;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(b->x, b->y, cropx, 480, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,16
#ifndef BEE_H
#define BEE_H
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int xstart, ystart;
double hsp, vsp;
double imageIndex;
int dir, state, timer;
double hoverdir;
} Bee;
void createBee(int x, int y, int dir);
0,0 → 1,221
#include "boar.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void boarStep(Boar* b);
void boarDraw(Boar* b);
void createBoar(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof *e);
Boar* b = /*(Boar*)*/malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->hp = 3;
b->x = x;
b->y = y;
b->hsp = 0;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->dir = 1;
b->blink = 0;
b->state = 0;
b->timer = 0;
e->data = b;
e->enemyStep = boarStep;
e->enemyDraw = boarDraw;
e->type = 26;
enemies[i] = e;
void boarStep(Boar* b)
//Setup mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = 32;
mask.h = 28;
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = b->y + 40 - mask.h;
//Blink animation
if (b->blink > 0) {
b->blink -= 1;
if (b->state == 0)
b->imageIndex += 0.15;
if (b->imageIndex >= 8) {
b->imageIndex -= 8;
//if player gets near
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.x = b->x - 80;
area.y = b->y - 40;
area.w = 200;
area.h = 80;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
b->state = 1;
b->timer = -1;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->dir = 1;
if (herox < b->x + 20) {
b->dir = -1;
//Rev up
else if (b->state == 1)
b->timer += 1;
//Play sound
if (b->timer % 10 == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot01], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Create effect
if (b->timer % 16 == 0) {
if (b->dir == 1) {
createEffectExtra(3, b->x + 20 - 30, b->y + 8, -1, 0, 0);
if (b->dir == -1) {
createEffectExtra(3, b->x + 20 - 10, b->y + 8, 1, 0, 0);
if (b->timer >= 60) {
b->state = 2;
b->hsp = 3;
else if (b->state == 2)
b->x += b->hsp * b->dir;
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
//Collide with wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
b->x -= b->hsp * b->dir;
b->dir *= -1;
//On edge
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.x += mask.w * b->dir;
mask.y += 1;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
b->dir *= -1;
mask.y -= 1;
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
b->hsp -= 0.05;
if (b->hsp <= 0) {
b->state = 0;
//Running animation
if (b->state == 1 || b->state == 2) {
b->imageIndex += 0.2;
if (b->imageIndex >= 2) {
b->imageIndex -= 2;
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(30, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
b->hp -= 1;
b->blink = 15;
if (b->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, b->x - 12, b->y - 12);
spawnCollectable(b->x + 20, b->y);
void boarDraw(Boar* b)
if (b->blink % 2 == 0)
int cropx = 0, cropy = 360;
int drawx = b->x, drawy = b->y;
if (b->state == 0) {
int animation[8] = {0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 3};
cropx = 160 + (animation[(int)b->imageIndex] * 40);
cropx = (int)b->imageIndex * 40;
if (b->dir == -1) {
cropx += 80;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(drawx, drawy, cropx, cropy, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,18
#ifndef BOAR_H
#define BOAR_H
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
double x, y;
double hsp;
double imageIndex;
int blink;
int dir;
int state;
int timer;
} Boar;
void createBoar(int x, int y);
0,0 → 1,285
#include "boomknight.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void boomknightStep(Boomknight* b);
void boomknightDraw(Boomknight* b);
void boomStep(Boom* b);
void boomDraw(Boom* b);
void createBoomknight(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Boomknight* b = malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->hp = 2;
b->blink = 0;
b->x = x;
b->y = y;
b->dir = 1;
if (herox < b->x + 20) {
b->dir = -1;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->state = 0;
b->timer = 0;
e->data = b;
e->enemyStep = boomknightStep;
e->enemyDraw = boomknightDraw;
e->type = 31;
enemies[i] = e;
void boomknightStep(Boomknight* b)
b->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (b->imageIndex >= 2) {
b->imageIndex -= 2;
if (b->blink > 0) {
b->blink -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 30;
mask.h = 32;
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = b->y + (40 - mask.h);
if (b->state == 0) {
double hsp = 0.5;
b->x += hsp * b->dir;
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
//Hit wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
b->dir *= -1;
//On edge
mask.x += mask.w * b->dir;
mask.y += 20;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
b->dir *= -1;
//Player is close
if (b->timer <= 0) {
Mask area;
{ = area.unused = 0;
area.w = 120;
area.h = 40;
area.x = b->x + 20;
if (b->dir == -1) {
area.x -= area.w;
area.y = b->y;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
b->state = 1;
b->timer = 0;
b->timer -= 1;
else if (b->state == 1) {
b->imageIndex = 0;
if (b->timer >= 15) {
b->imageIndex = 2;
b->timer += 1;
if (b->timer == 15) {
createBoom(b->x, b->y, b->dir);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi05], CHN_ENEMIES);
if (b->timer >= 110) {
b->state = 0;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->timer = 120;
//Update Mask
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = b->y + (40 - mask.h);
//Hero Collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon Collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
b->hp -= 1;
b->blink = 15;
if (b->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, b->x - 12, b->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(b->x + 20, b->y);
void boomknightDraw(Boomknight* b)
if (b->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = 400 + ((int)b->imageIndex * 40);
if (b->dir == -1) {
cropX += 120;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(b->x, b->y, cropX, 400, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
//Enemy boomerang
void createBoom(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Boom* b = malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->dir = dir;
b->x = x;
b->y = y;
b->hsp = 6 * b->dir;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->timer = 90;
e->data = b;
e->enemyStep = boomStep;
e->enemyDraw = boomDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void boomStep(Boom* b)
b->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (b->imageIndex >= 8) {
b->imageIndex -= 8;
b->x += b->hsp;
double fric = 0.125;
b->hsp -= fric * b->dir;
//Hero collision
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 24;
mask.h = 24;
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = b->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(10, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
b->timer -= 1;
if (b->timer <= 0) {
createEffectExtra(5, b->x + 20, b->y + 20, 0, 0, 0);
void boomDraw(Boom* b)
int cropX = (int)b->imageIndex * 40;
if (b->dir == -1) {
cropX += 320;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(b->x, b->y, cropX, 360, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
0,0 → 1,27
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
int blink;
double x, y;
int dir;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer;
} Boomknight;
void createBoomknight(int x, int y);
typedef struct {
int id;
int dir;
double x, y;
double hsp;
double imageIndex;
int timer;
} Boom;
void createBoom(int x, int y, int dir);
0,0 → 1,509
#include "crab.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int boss3flag = 13;
void crabStep(Crab* c);
void crabDraw(Crab* c);
void updateCrabMask(Crab* c);
void crabDestroy(Crab* c);
void electricityStep(Electricity* e);
void electricityDraw(Electricity* e);
void createCrab(int x, int y)
if (flags[boss3flag] == 0) { //have not beaten boss 3
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("boss06.bmp");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
//Boss start
Enemy* e = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof(Enemy));
Crab* c = /*(Crab*)*/malloc(sizeof(Crab));
c->id = i;
//c->hp = 1;
c->hp = 35;
c->invincible = 0;
c->x = x;
c->y = y;
c->vsp = 0;
c->hsp = 0;
c->imageIndex = 0;
c->state = 0;
c->timer = 0;
c->counter = 0;
c->mask.unused = 0;
c-> = 1;
c->mask.w = 33;
c->mask.h = 33;
//Setup phase
c->timer = 60;
e->data = c;
e->enemyStep = crabStep;
e->enemyDraw = crabDraw;
e->type = 42;
enemies[i] = e;
void crabStep(Crab* c)
char dead = 0;
double grav = 0.15;
if (c->invincible > 0) {
c->invincible -= 1;
if (c->state == 0)
c->imageIndex = 0;
if (c->timer <= 0) {
c->timer = 0;
if (c->counter == 2 || c->counter == 5) { //Goto roll
c->state = 3;
if (c->counter == 5) {
c->counter = 0;
c->counter = 3;
}else if (c->counter == 3) {
c->state = 2;
c->state = 1; //Goto shoot
c->timer -= 1;
//Shoot Electric orbs
else if (c->state == 1)
//Create orbs
if (c->timer == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi05], CHN_ENEMIES);
double angle = (atan2(heroy + 20 - (c->y + 60), c->x - (herox - 20)) * 180 / 3.14159) + 270;
createElectricity(c->x, c->y + 60, angle - 45, c->id);
createElectricity(c->x, c->y + 60, angle - 22.5, c->id);
createElectricity(c->x, c->y + 60, angle, c->id);
createElectricity(c->x, c->y + 60, angle + 22.5, c->id);
createElectricity(c->x, c->y + 60, angle + 45, c->id);
if (c->timer >= 20) {
c->state = 2;
c->timer = 0;
c->timer += 1;
else if (c->state == 2)
c->imageIndex = 1;
//Hopping down or hopping up
int hopup = 1;
if (c->counter > 2) {
hopup = 0;
if (c->timer == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndJump02], CHN_ENEMIES);
c->vsp = -6.5;
if (hopup == 0) {
c->vsp = -1.5;
c->timer = 1;
//Vertical velocity
c->y += c->vsp;
c->vsp += grav;
if (c->vsp >= 6) {
c->vsp = 6;
//Check if onground
if ((hopup == 1 && c->vsp > 0) || (hopup == 0 && c->vsp >= 6)) {
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.w = 40;
area.h = 10;
area.x = c->x - (area.w / 2);
area.y = c->y + (80 - area.h);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, area);
if (collide.x != -1) {
c->y = collide.y - 80;
c->state = 0;
c->counter += 1;
c->timer = 25;
if (c->counter == 2 || c->counter == 5) {
c->timer = 3;
//Roll hop
else if (c->state == 3)
if (c->hsp > 0) {
c->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (c->hsp < 0) {
c->imageIndex -= 0.25;
if (c->imageIndex < 2) { c->imageIndex += 4; }
if (c->imageIndex >= 6) { c->imageIndex -= 4; }
if (c->timer == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit04], CHN_ENEMIES);
c->timer = 1;
c->vsp = -1.5;
c->imageIndex = 2;
if (c->x > 320) {
c->hsp = -8;
c->hsp = 8;
c->y += c->vsp;
c->vsp += grav;
//Check if onground
if (c->vsp > 0) {
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.w = 40;
area.h = 10;
area.x = c->x - (area.w / 2);
area.y = c->y + (80 - area.h);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, area);
if (collide.x != -1) {
c->y = collide.y - 80;
c->state = 4;
if (c->state == 4)
if (c->hsp > 0) {
c->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (c->hsp < 0) {
c->imageIndex -= 0.25;
if (c->imageIndex < 2) { c->imageIndex += 4; }
if (c->imageIndex >= 6) { c->imageIndex -= 4; }
c->x += c->hsp;
//Collide with wall
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.w = area.h = c->mask.w * 2;
area.x = c->x - c->mask.w;
area.y = c->y + (40 - c->mask.h);
if (checkTileCollision(1, area) == 1) {
c->state = 5;
c->timer = 0;
//Bounce off wall
if (c->state == 5)
if (c->timer == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit04], CHN_ENEMIES);
c->timer = 1;
c->vsp = -2;
c->hsp = 2;
if (c->x > 320) {
c->hsp *= -1;
c->imageIndex = 1;
c->x += c->hsp;
c->y += c->vsp;
c->vsp += grav;
//Check if onground
if (c->vsp > 0) {
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.w = 40;
area.h = 10;
area.x = c->x - (area.w / 2);
area.y = c->y + (80 - area.h);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, area);
if (collide.x != -1) {
c->y = collide.y - 80;
c->state = 0;
c->timer = 65;
else if (c->state == 6)
c->imageIndex = 1;
c->y += 0.2;
c->timer -= 1;
if (c->timer % 12 == 0) {
createEffect(2, c->x - 64 + (rand() % 100), c->y + (rand() % 80));
if (c->timer <= 0) {
dead = 1;
if (dead == 0) {
if (c->state != 6) {
//Update Mask
c->mask.x = c->x;
c->mask.y = c->y + 40;
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(c->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
c->invincible = 15;
c->hp -= 1;
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(c->mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(30, c->x);
if (c->hp <= 0) {
c->state = 6;
c->timer = 180;
c->invincible = 200;
void crabDraw(Crab* c)
if (c->invincible % 2 == 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(c->x - 40, c->y, (int)c->imageIndex * 80, 0, 80, 80, images[imgBoss]);
void updateCrabMask(Crab* c)
c->mask.x = c->x;
c->mask.y = c->y + 40;
void crabDestroy(Crab* c)
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
flags[boss3flag] = 1;
void createElectricity(int x, int y, double angle, int minid)
int i;
for (i = minid; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof *e);
Electricity* el = /*(Electricity*)*/malloc(sizeof *el);
el->id = i;
el->x = x;
el->y = y;
//Fix angle
if (angle < 0) {
angle += 360;
if (angle >= 360) {
angle -= 360;
el->angle = angle;
el->imageIndex = 0;
el->mask.unused = 0;
el-> = 1;
el->mask.w = 16;
el->mask.h = 16;
el->mask.x = x;
el->mask.y = y;
e->data = el;
e->enemyStep = electricityStep;
e->enemyDraw = electricityDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
int thisid = -1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
if (i <= minid) {
thisid = i;
if (thisid == -1) {
for (i = minid + 1; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
enemies[i] = enemies[minid];
Crab* c = enemies[i]->data;
c->id = i;
thisid = minid;
if (thisid != -1) {
Enemy* e = (Enemy*)malloc(sizeof(Enemy));
Electricity* el = (Electricity*)malloc(sizeof(Electricity));
el->id = thisid;
el->x = x;
el->y = y;
//Fix angle
if (angle < 0) {
angle += 360;
if (angle >= 360) {
angle -= 360;
el->angle = angle;
el->imageIndex = 0;
el->mask.unused = 0;
el-> = 1;
el->mask.w = 16;
el->mask.h = 16;
el->mask.x = x;
el->mask.y = y;
e->data = el;
e->enemyStep = electricityStep;
e->enemyDraw = electricityDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[thisid] = e;
void electricityStep(Electricity* e)
double spd = 3;
e->x += spd * sin(e->angle * 3.14159 / 180);
e->y += spd * cos(e->angle * 3.14159 / 180);
//Update Mask
e->mask.x = e->x;
e->mask.y = e->y;
//Collide with Shield
if (checkCollision(shieldMask, e->mask) == 1) {
createEffect(1, e->x - 20, e->y - 20);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS);
//Collide with Hero
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), e->mask) == 1) {
if (heroHit(25, e->x) == 1) {
e->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (e->imageIndex >= 3) {
e->imageIndex -= 3;
//Outside of screen
if (e->x < -20 || e->x > 660 || e->y < -20 || e->y > 500) {
void electricityDraw(Electricity* e)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(e->x - 20, e->y - 20, 40 + ((int)e->imageIndex * 40), 0, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
0,0 → 1,30
#ifndef CRAB_H
#define CRAB_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp, invincible;
double x, y;
double hsp, vsp;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer, counter;
Mask mask;
} Crab;
void createCrab(int x, int y);
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double angle;
double imageIndex;
Mask mask;
} Electricity;
void createElectricity(int x, int y, double angle, int minid);
0,0 → 1,458
#include "devil.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int boss6flag = 31;
void devilStep(Devil* d);
void devilDraw(Devil* d);
void orbStep(Orb* o);
void orbDraw(Orb* o);
void createDevil(int x, int y)
if (flags[boss6flag] == 0) { //have not beaten boss 6
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("boss04.bmp");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof *e);
Devil* d = /*(Devil*)*/malloc(sizeof *d);
d->id = i;
d->x = x;
d->y = y;
d->ystart = d->y;
d->newystart = d->ystart;
d->hsp = -2.5;
d->hp = 100;
//d->hp = 1;
d->state = 0;
d->timer = 0;
d->blink = 0;
d->boblen = 32;
d->bobspd = 3;
d->tailangle = 90;
d->rotcounter = 0;
d->bobcounter = 0;
d->bobspd = 3;
d->rotspd = 1;
d->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = d;
e->enemyStep = devilStep;
e->enemyDraw = devilDraw;
e->type = 45;
enemies[i] = e;
void devilStep(Devil* d)
char dead = 0;
d->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (d->imageIndex >= 2) {
d->imageIndex -= 2;
if (d->blink > 0) {
d->blink -= 1;
if (d->state != 4) {
d->bobcounter += d->bobspd;
if (d->bobcounter >= 360) {
d->bobcounter -= 360;
d->y = d->ystart + (d->boblen * cos(d->bobcounter * 3.14159 / 180));
//Swing tail
d->rotcounter += d->rotspd;
if (d->rotcounter >= 360) {
d->rotcounter -= 360;
d->tailangle = 90 + (55 * cos(d->rotcounter * 3.14159 / 180));
if (d->state == 0 || d->state == 2)
d->rotspd = 1;
d->boblen = 32;
d->bobspd = 3;
//Re-align ystart
if (d->ystart > d->newystart) {
d->ystart -= 1;
if (d->ystart < d->newystart) {
d->ystart += 1;
d->x += d->hsp;
//Slow Down
double rate = 0.016;
if (d->hsp < 0) {
d->hsp += rate;
if (d->hsp >= 0) {
d->hsp = 0;
if (d->hsp > 0) {
d->hsp -= rate;
if (d->hsp <= 0) {
d->hsp = 0;
if (d->hsp == 0) {
d->timer = 0;
if (d->state == 0) {
d->state = 1;
if (d->state == 2) {
if ((d->rotcounter >= 90 && d->rotcounter <= 90 + d->rotspd) || (d->rotcounter >= 270 && d->rotcounter <= 270 + d->rotspd)) {
d->state = 3;
//mid room pause
else if (d->state == 1)
d->timer += 1;
if (d->timer >= 60) {
if (d->state == 1) {
d->hsp = 2.5;
if (herox < d->x) {
d->hsp *= -1;
d->state = 2;
else if (d->state == 3)
d->rotspd = 3;
d->boblen = 10;
d->bobspd = 10;
d->timer += 1;
//Shoot orbs
if (d->timer == 120 || d->timer == 240 || d->timer == 360) {
int aim = (atan2((heroy + 20) - d->y, d->x - herox) * 180 / 3.14159) + 270;
int spawnY = d->y + 20;
createOrb(d->x, spawnY, aim + 22);
createOrb(d->x, spawnY, aim + 11);
createOrb(d->x, spawnY, aim);
createOrb(d->x, spawnY, aim - 11);
createOrb(d->x, spawnY, aim - 22);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot03], CHN_ENEMIES);
if (d->timer == 360) {
d->state = 0;
d->hsp = 2.5;
if (d->x > 320) {
d->hsp *= -1;
int chaseY = heroy - d->ystart;
if (chaseY > 52) { chaseY = 52; }
if (chaseY < -52) { chaseY = -52; }
d->newystart = d->ystart + chaseY;
if (d->state == 4) {
d->rotspd = 3;
d->y += 0.2;
d->timer -= 1;
if (d->timer % 12 == 0) {
createEffect(2, d->x - 64 + (rand() % 100), d->y - 64 + (rand() % 80));
if (d->timer <= 0) {
dead = 1;
if (d->state != 4) {
//Setup masks
Mask masks[6];
//Head mask
masks[0].unused = masks[0].circle = 0;
masks[0].w = 100;
masks[0].h = 104;
masks[0].x = d->x - (masks[0].w / 2);
masks[0].y = d->y - (masks[0].h / 2);
//Link masks
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
int taildis[4] = {54, 80, 108, 134};
int taillag[4] = {10, 15, 10, 5};
double newtailangle = 90 + (55 * cos((d->rotcounter - taillag[i-1]) * 3.14159 / 180));
masks[i].unused = 0;
masks[i].circle = 1;
masks[i].w = 16;
masks[i].h = 16;
masks[i].x = d->x + (taildis[i-1] * cos(newtailangle * 3.14159 / 180));
masks[i].y = d->y + (taildis[i-1] * sin(newtailangle * 3.14159 / 180));
//Barb mask
masks[5].unused = masks[5].circle = 0;
masks[5].w = 40;
masks[5].h = 40;
masks[5].x = (d->x + (160 * cos(d->tailangle * 3.14159 / 180))) - (masks[5].w / 2);
masks[5].y = (d->y + (160 * sin(d->tailangle * 3.14159 / 180))) - (masks[5].h / 2);
int hitHead = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < 6; a++)
if (a == 0 || a == 5) {
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(masks[a], getHeroMask())) {
int damage = 25;
if (a == 0) {
damage = 50;
if (heroHit(damage, masks[a].x + (masks[a].w / 2)) == 1) {
if (a == 5) { //Barb
//Weapon collision
if (hitHead == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(masks[a], weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
if (a == 0) {
d->hp -= 1;
d->blink = 15;
hitHead = 1;
if (d->hp <= 0) {
d->state = 4;
d->timer = 180;
d->blink = 200;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
if (dead == 1) {
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
flags[boss6flag] = 1;
void devilDraw(Devil* d)
if (d->blink % 2 == 0)
int dx, dy;
//Draw tail
int taildis[4] = {54, 80, 108, 134};
int taillag[4] = {10, 15, 10, 5};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
double newtailangle = 90 + (55 * cos((d->rotcounter - taillag[i]) * 3.14159 / 180));
dx = d->x + (taildis[i] * cos(newtailangle * 3.14159 / 180)) - 32;
dy = d->y + (taildis[i] * sin(newtailangle * 3.14159 / 180)) - 32;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(dx, dy, 0, 128, 64, 64, images[imgBoss]);
//Draw Head
dx = d->x - 64;
dy = d->y - 64;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(dx, dy, (int)d->imageIndex * 128, 0, 128, 128, images[imgBoss]);
//Draw Tail Tip
dx = d->x + (160 * cos(d->tailangle * 3.14159 / 180)) - 32;
dy = d->y + (160 * sin(d->tailangle * 3.14159 / 180)) - 32;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(dx, dy, 64, 128, 64, 64, images[imgBoss]);
//Stone Orbs
void createOrb(int x, int y, double dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof *e);
Orb* o = /*(Orb*)*/malloc(sizeof *o);
o->id = i;
o->x = x;
o->y = y;
o->dir = dir;
o->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = o;
e->enemyStep = orbStep;
e->enemyDraw = orbDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void orbStep(Orb* o)
char dead = 0;
o->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (o->imageIndex >= 4) {
o->imageIndex -= 4;
int spd = 4;
o->x += spd * sin(o->dir * 3.14159 / 180);
o->y += spd * cos(o->dir * 3.14159 / 180);
Mask mask;
mask.unused = 0; = 1;
mask.w = 6;
mask.x = o->x;
mask.y = o->y;
//Collide with shield
/*if (checkCollision(mask, shieldMask)) {
createEffect(1, o->x - 20, o->y - 20);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS);
dead = 1;
//Hit player
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask)) {
heroHit(25, mask.x);
//Collide with weapon
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
createEffect(2, o->x - 32, o->y - 32);
dead = 1;
//Destroy if outside of room
if (o->x < -20 || o->x > 660 || o->y < -20 || o->y > 500) {
dead = 1;
//Finally erase object
if (dead == 1) {
void orbDraw(Orb* o)
int animation[4] = {0, 1, 0, 2};
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(o->x - 20, o->y - 20, 440 + (animation[(int)o->imageIndex] * 40), 480, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
0,0 → 1,28
#ifndef DEVIL_H
#define DEVIL_H
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double ystart, newystart;
double hsp;
int hp;
int state, timer;
int blink;
int boblen, bobspd;
double tailangle, bobcounter, rotcounter, rotspd;
double imageIndex;
} Devil;
void createDevil(int x, int y);
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double dir;
double imageIndex;
} Orb;
void createOrb(int x, int y, double dir);
0,0 → 1,587
#include "dodo.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void dodoStep(Dodo* d);
void dodoDraw(Dodo* d);
Mask updateDodoMask(Dodo* d, Mask mask);
int dodoWallCollision(Dodo* d, Mask mask);
int boss1flag = 1;
void createDodo(int x, int y, int flag)
char miniboss = 0;
if (flag != 0) {
miniboss = 1;
flag = boss1flag;
if (flags[flag] == 0) {
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("boss01.bmp");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
if (miniboss == 0) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Dodo* d = malloc(sizeof *d);
d->id = i;
d->x = x;
d->y = y;
d->vsp = -6;
d->hsp = 0;
d->grav = 0.2;
d->onground = 0;
d->dir = -1;
if (herox > d->x) {
d->dir = 1;
d->imageIndex = 0;
d->timer = 0;
d->state = 2;
d->hp = 45;
d->blink = 0;
d->tojump = 1;
d->jumptoggle = 0;
d->flag = flag;
e->data = d;
e->enemyStep = dodoStep;
e->enemyDraw = dodoDraw;
e->type = 40;
enemies[i] = e;
void dodoStep(Dodo* d)
char dead = 0;
double fric = 0.06;
//Animation vars
double imgspd = 0;
int frames = 0;
if (d->timer > 0) {
d->timer -= 1;
if (d->blink > 0) {
d->blink -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 56;
mask.h = 56;
mask = updateDodoMask(d, mask);
if (d->state == 0)
d->hsp = 0;
d->vsp = 0;
imgspd = 0.1;
frames = 4;
//End state
if (d->timer <= 0) {
//Go to chase
if (d->tojump == 0) {
d->state = 1;
d->timer = 260;
d->tojump = 1;
//Go to windup
else {
d->state = 3;
d->timer = 30;
if (d->onground == 0) {
d->state = 6;
d->imageIndex = 1;
else if (d->state == 1)
imgspd = 0.2;
frames = 4;
if ( (d->dir == -1 && herox < d->x) || (d->dir == 1 && herox > d->x) ) {
d->hsp += (fric / 2) * d->dir;
//limit speed
if (d->hsp > 3) {
d->hsp = 3;
if (d->hsp < -3) {
d->hsp = -3;
//Turn around
d->hsp -= fric * d->dir;
//Done slowing down
if ( (d->dir == 1 && d->hsp <= 0) || (d->dir == -1 && d->hsp >= 0) ) {
d->hsp = 0;
d->state = 4;
d->imageIndex = 0;
//Stop running
if (d->timer <= 0) {
if (d->hsp >= 1 || d->hsp <= -1) {
d->state = 5;
if (d->onground == 0) {
d->state = 6;
d->imageIndex = 1;
//Turn around
else if (d->state == 4)
imgspd = 0;
d->imageIndex += 0.2;
//Done turning around
if (d->imageIndex >= 3) {
d->dir *= -1;
d->state = 1;
d->imageIndex = 0;
if (d->onground == 0) {
d->state = 6;
d->imageIndex = 1;
if (d->state == 2)
//Set image
imgspd = 0;
d->imageIndex = 0;
if (d->vsp < 0) {
d->imageIndex = 1;
//Face hsp
if (d->hsp > 0) {
d->dir = 1;
if (d->hsp < 0) {
d->dir = -1;
if (d->onground == 1) {
d->state = 5;
d->tojump = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit04], CHN_ENEMIES);
quakeTimer = 30;
createEffectExtra(3, d->x - 30, d->y + 50, -1, 0, 0);
createEffectExtra(3, d->x - 10, d->y + 50, 1, 0, 0);
if (d->state == 3)
//Set image
imgspd = 0;
d->imageIndex = 0;
if (d->timer <= 0) {
d->state = 2;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndJump01], CHN_ENEMIES);
if (d->jumptoggle == 0) {
d->jumptoggle = 1;
d->vsp = -3;
d->hsp = 2 * d->dir;
d->jumptoggle = 0;
d->hsp = 1.5 * d->dir;
d->vsp = -6;
//Slide to a stop
else if (d->state == 5)
if (d->hsp > 0) {
d->hsp -= fric;
if (d->hsp <= 0) {
d->hsp = 0;
else if (d->hsp < 0) {
d->hsp += fric;
if (d->hsp >= 0) {
d->hsp = 0;
//Go to idle
if (d->hsp == 0) {
d->state = 0;
d->timer = 140;
if (d->state == 6)
//Set image
imgspd = 0;
d->imageIndex = 0;
//Face hsp
if (d->hsp > 0) {
d->dir = 1;
if (d->hsp < 0) {
d->dir = -1;
if (d->onground == 1) {
d->state = 5;
d->tojump = 1;
if (d->state == 7)
imgspd = 0.2;
frames = 4;
d->y += 0.2;
if (d->blink % 12 == 0) {
createEffect(2, d->x - 72 + (rand() % 80), d->y - 12 + (rand() % 76));
if (d->blink <= 0) {
dead = 1;
//Horizontal movement
if (d->hsp != 0) {
d->x += d->hsp;
//Wall collision
if (d->state != 6) {
if (dodoWallCollision(d, mask) == 1) {
d->hsp *= -1;
if (d->state == 1) {
d->state = 5;
//Vertical movement
if (d->vsp != 0) {
d->y += d->vsp;
mask = updateDodoMask(d, mask);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (d->vsp < 0) {
d->y = collide.y + 40 - (96 - 14 - mask.h);
else if (d->vsp > 0) {
d->y = collide.y - 96 + 14;
//Check if onground
mask = updateDodoMask(d, mask);
mask.y += 1;
if (!checkTileCollision(1, mask)) {
d->onground = 0;
d->onground = 1;
mask.y -= 1;
if (d->onground == 0) {
d->vsp += d->grav;
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
d->blink = 15;
d->hp -= 1;
if (d->hp <= 0) {
d->state = 7;
d->blink = 180;
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(30, d->x);
if (imgspd != 0) {
d->imageIndex += imgspd;
if (d->imageIndex >= frames) {
d->imageIndex -= frames;
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
//Is the level 1 boss
if (d->flag == boss1flag) {
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
flags[d->flag] = 1;
void dodoDraw(Dodo* d)
if (d->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = 0,
cropY = 0;
int dirW = 0;
if (d->state == 0) {
dirW = 0;
int frame = 0;
if (d->dir == 1) {
int animation[4] = {0, 6, 7, 6};
frame = animation[(int)d->imageIndex];
int animation[4] = {3, 8, 9, 8};
frame = animation[(int)d->imageIndex];
cropX = frame * 96;
while (cropX >= 576) {
cropX -= 576;
cropY += 96;
else if (d->state == 1 || d->state == 7) {
dirW = 288;
int animation[4] = {0, 1, 0, 2};
cropX = animation[(int)d->imageIndex] * 96;
else if (d->state == 2) {
dirW = 192;
cropY = 192;
cropX = (int)d->imageIndex * 96;
//Turn around
else if (d->state == 4) {
dirW = 0;
cropY = 288;
if (d->dir == 1) {
int animation[3] = {0, 1, 2};
cropX = animation[(int)d->imageIndex] * 96;
int animation[3] = {2, 1, 0};
cropX = animation[(int)d->imageIndex] * 96;
else if (d->state == 3 || d->state == 5 || d->state == 6) {
dirW = 192;
cropX = 0;
cropY = 192;
//Direction offset
if (dirW != 0 && d->dir == -1) {
cropX += dirW;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(d->x - 48, d->y, cropX, cropY, 96, 96, images[imgBoss]);
Mask updateDodoMask(Dodo* d, Mask mask)
mask.x = d->x - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = d->y + (96 - 14 - mask.h);
return mask;
int dodoWallCollision(Dodo* d, Mask mask)
int result = 0;
mask = updateDodoMask(d, mask);
//Stay inside of room
if (d->x < 24) {
result = 1;
d->x = 24;
else if (d->x > 616) {
result = 1;
d->x = 616;
//Tile collision
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
result = 1;
if (d->hsp > 0) {
d->x = collide.x - (mask.w / 2);
d->x = collide.x + 40 + (mask.w / 2);
return result;
0,0 → 1,22
#ifndef DODO_H
#define DODO_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double vsp, hsp, grav;
int dir, onground;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer, hp;
int blink;
int tojump, jumptoggle;
int flag;
//Mask mask;
} Dodo;
void createDodo(int x, int y, int flag);
0,0 → 1,294
#include "dog.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void dogStep(Dog* d);
void dogDraw(Dog* d);
int hitWall(Dog* d, Mask mask);
void createDog(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Dog* d = malloc(sizeof *d);
d->id = i;
d->hp = 3;
d->blink = 0;
d->x = x;
d->y = y;
d->hsp = 0;
d->vsp = 0;
d->imageIndex = 0;
d->dir = 1;
if (herox < d->x) {
d->dir = -1;
d->state = 0;
d->timer = 0;
d->counter = 0;
e->data = d;
e->enemyStep = dogStep;
e->enemyDraw = dogDraw;
e->type = 30;
enemies[i] = e;
void dogStep(Dog* d)
double grav = 0.175;
char onground = 0;
char wallhit = 0;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 32;
mask.h = 32;
mask.x = d->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = d->y + (40 - mask.h);
//Blink animation
if (d->blink > 0) {
d->blink -= 1;
//Horizontal movement
d->x += d->hsp;
mask.x = d->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
//Wall collision
if (hitWall(d, mask) == 1) {
wallhit = 1;
mask.x = d->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
//Vertical Movement
d->vsp += grav;
d->y += d->vsp;
mask.y = d->y + (40 - mask.h);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (d->vsp >= 0) {
onground = 1;
d->vsp = 0;
d->y = collide.y - 40;
if (d->vsp < 0) {
d->y = collide.y + 40 - (40 - mask.h);
mask.y = d->y + (40 - mask.h);
if (d->state == 0)
double fric = 0.1;
d->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (d->imageIndex >= 2) {
d->imageIndex -= 2;
//Collide with wall
if (wallhit == 1 && onground == 1) {
d->hsp *= -1;
//Slide to hault
if (d->hsp > 0) {
d->dir = 1;
d->hsp -= fric;
if (d->hsp <= 0) {
d->hsp = 0;
if (d->hsp < 0) {
d->dir = -1;
d->hsp += fric;
if (d->hsp >= 0) {
d->hsp = 0;
//Player is close
if (d->hsp == 0) {
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.w = 220;
area.h = 60;
area.x = d->x - 90;
area.y = d->y - 20;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
d->state = 1;
d->counter = 0;
d->vsp = 1;
else if (d->state == 1)
int spd = 2;
d->hsp = spd * d->dir;
//Land on floor
if (onground == 1) {
d->counter += 1;
d->vsp = -1.5;
if (d->counter == 3) {
d->vsp = -4;
if (d->counter == 4) {
d->state = 0;
d->counter = 0;
d->vsp = 0;
d->hsp = spd * d->dir;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi05], CHN_ENEMIES);
d->dir = 1;
if (herox < d->x + 20) {
d->dir = -1;
d->imageIndex = 1;
if (d->vsp < 0) {
d->imageIndex = 2;
//Update mask to be safe
mask.x = d->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = d->y + (40 - mask.h);
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
if (heroHit(10, mask.x + (mask.w / 2)) == 1) {
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
d->blink = 15;
d->hp -= 1;
if (d->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, d->x - 12, d->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(d->x + 20, d->y);
void dogDraw(Dog* d)
if (d->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = 240 + ((int)d->imageIndex * 40);
if (d->dir == -1) {
cropX += 120;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(d->x, d->y, cropX, 40, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
int hitWall(Dog* d, Mask mask)
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
int dir = 1;
if (d->hsp < 0) {
dir = -1;
d->x = collide.x + 20 - ((20 + (mask.w / 2)) * dir) - 20;
return 1;
if (d->x < -20) {
d->x = -20;
return 1;
if (d->x > 620) {
d->x = 620;
return 1;
return 0;
0,0 → 1,17
#ifndef DOG_H
#define DOG_H
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
int blink;
double x, y;
double vsp, hsp;
double imageIndex;
int dir;
int state, timer, counter;
} Dog;
void createDog(int x, int y);
0,0 → 1,272
#include "firewheel.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void firewheelRotate(Firewheel* f, int clockwise);
void firewheelStep(Firewheel* f);
void firewheelDraw(Firewheel* f);
void createFirewheel(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Firewheel* f = malloc(sizeof *f);
f->id = i;
f->x = x;
f->y = y;
f->imageIndex = 0;
f->hp = 2;
f->blink = 0;
f->hsp = 1;
f->vsp = 0;
f->wallx = 0;
f->wally = 1;
f->timer = 0;
if (x % 40 != 0) {
f->timer = 20;
//Start on ceiling
Mask mask; = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 40;
mask.h = 40;
mask.x = f->x;
mask.y = f->y + 10;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
f->wally = -1;
f->hsp *= -1;
f->dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
f->hsp *= -1;
f->dir = -1;
e->data = f;
e->enemyStep = firewheelStep;
e->enemyDraw = firewheelDraw;
e->type = 27;
enemies[i] = e;
void firewheelStep(Firewheel* f)
f->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (f->imageIndex >= 4) {
f->imageIndex -= 4;
if (f->blink > 0) {
f->blink -= 1;
int spd = 2;
f->x += spd * f->hsp;
f->y += spd * f->vsp;
//Setup mask
Mask mask; = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 40;
mask.h = 40;
mask.x = f->x;
mask.y = f->y;
//Check if ready to change angle
if ( (f->hsp != 0 && (int)f->x % 20 == 0) || (f->vsp != 0 && (int)f->y % 20 == 0) )
int doCheck = 1;
while (doCheck == 1) {
doCheck = 0;
//Check on edge
mask.x += (f->wallx * 10);
mask.y += (f->wally * 10);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
//Outside of room
if (f->y <= -40) {
collide.x = 1;
//On edge
if (collide.x == -1) {
int tempHsp = f->hsp;
int tempVsp = f->vsp;
f->hsp = f->wallx;
f->vsp = f->wally;
f->wallx = -tempHsp;
f->wally = -tempVsp;
doCheck = 1;
//Hit wall
else {
mask.x = f->x;
mask.y = f->y;
mask.x += f->hsp * 10;
mask.y += f->vsp * 10;
collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
//Outside of room
if (collide.x == -1) {
if (f->y <= -40 && f->vsp != 1) {
collide.x = 1;
//Did collide with wall
if (collide.x != -1) {
int tempWallx = f->wallx;
int tempWally = f->wally;
f->wallx = f->hsp;
f->wally = f->vsp;
f->hsp = -tempWallx;
f->vsp = -tempWally;
doCheck = 1;
mask.x += f->hsp * 10;
mask.y += f->vsp * 10;
//Collide with wall
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
//Outside of room
if (collide.x == -1) {
if (mask.y <= 0 && f->vsp < 0) {
collide.x = f->x;
collide.y = -40;
collide.w = 40;
collide.h = 40;
//Did collide with wall
if (collide.x != -1) {
int tempWallx = f->wallx;
int tempWally = f->wally;
f->wallx = f->hsp;
f->wally = f->vsp;
f->hsp = -tempWallx;
f->vsp = -tempWally;
//Edge rotate
mask.x = f->x;
mask.y = f->y;
mask.x += (f->wallx * 10);
mask.y += (f->wally * 10);
collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
int tempHsp = f->hsp;
int tempVsp = f->vsp;
f->hsp = f->wallx;
f->vsp = f->wally;
f->wallx = -tempHsp;
f->wally = -tempVsp;
//Update Mask
mask.w = 30;
mask.h = 30;
mask.x = f->x + 5;
mask.y = f->y + 5;
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(20, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
f->hp -= 1;
f->blink = 15;
if (f->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, f->x - 12, f->y - 12);
spawnCollectable(f->x + 20, f->y);
void firewheelDraw(Firewheel* f)
if (f->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cy = 80;
if (f->dir == -1) {
cy += 40;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(f->x, f->y, 480 + ((int)f->imageIndex * 40), cy, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,18
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double imageIndex;
int hp;
int blink;
int dir;
int hsp, vsp;
int wallx, wally;
int timer;
} Firewheel;
void createFirewheel(int x, int y, int dir);
0,0 → 1,139
#include "fish.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../collision.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void createFish(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Fish* f = malloc(sizeof *f);
f->id = i;
f->x = f->xstart = x;
f->y = y;
f->imageIndex = 0;
f->spd = 1;
f->turning = 0;
f->dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
f->dir = -1;
f->spd = -1;
f-> = f->mask.unused = 0;
f->mask.x = x + 3;
f->mask.y = y + 6;
f->mask.w = 34;
f->mask.h = 32;
e->data = f;
e->enemyStep = fishStep;
e->enemyDraw = fishDraw;
e->type = 13;
enemies[i] = e;
void fishStep(Fish* f)
double fric = 0.02;
f->x += f->spd;
f->mask.x = f->x + 3;
if (f->turning == 0) {
f->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (f->imageIndex >= 2) {
f->imageIndex -= 2;
f->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (f->imageIndex >= 3) {
f->turning = 0;
if (f->dir == 1) {
if (f->x > f->xstart + 25) {
f->spd -= fric;
if (f->spd < 0) {
f->dir = -1;
f->turning = 1;
f->imageIndex = 0;
f->spd += fric;
if (f->spd > 1) {
f->spd = 1;
}else if (f->dir == -1) {
if (f->x < f->xstart - 25) {
f->spd += fric;
if (f->spd > 0) {
f->dir = 1;
f->turning = 1;
f->imageIndex = 0;
f->spd -= fric;
if (f->spd < -1) {
f->spd = -1;
if (checkCollision(f->mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, f->x + 20);
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(f->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
createEffect(2, f->x - 12, f->y - 12);
spawnCollectable(f->x + 20, f->y);
void fishDraw(Fish* f)
int thisImage = 0;
if (f->turning == 1) {
if (f->dir == -1) {
int animation[3] = {4, 6, 5};
thisImage = animation[(int)f->imageIndex];
int animation[3] = {5, 6, 4};
thisImage = animation[(int)f->imageIndex];
thisImage = f->imageIndex;
if (f->spd < 0) {
thisImage += 2;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(f->x, f->y, 360 + (thisImage * 40), 360, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,24
#ifndef FISH_H
#define FISH_H
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int xstart;
double imageIndex;
double spd;
int dir, turning;
Mask mask;
} Fish;
void createFish(int x, int y, int dir);
void fishStep(Fish* f);
void fishDraw(Fish* f);
0,0 → 1,578
#include "garm.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
int boss7flag = 47;
void garmStep(Garm* g);
void garmDraw(Garm* g);
void garmrockStep(Garmrock* g);
void garmrockDraw(Garmrock* g);
void createGarm(int x, int y)
if (flags[boss7flag] == 0) { //have not beaten boss 7
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("boss07.bmp");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Garm* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->hp = 105;
//g->hp = 1;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->hsp = 0;
g->vsp = 0;
g->dir = -1;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->state = 0;
g->timer = 0;
g->blink = 0;
g->substate = 0;
g->wallcounter = 0;
g->targx = 0;
e->data = g;
e->enemyStep = garmStep;
e->enemyDraw = garmDraw;
e->type = 46;
enemies[i] = e;
void garmStep(Garm* g)
char dead = 0;
//Blink animation
if (g->blink > 0) {
g->blink -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 88;
mask.h = 104;
mask.x = g->x - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = g->y + (120 - mask.h);
//Stand still
if (g->state == 0)
g->imageIndex += 0.0625;
if (g->imageIndex >= 2) {
g->imageIndex -= 2;
//End state
g->timer += 1;
if (g->timer >= 60) {
g->state = 1;
//g->vsp = -4.5;
g->counter = 0;
g->timer = 0;
//PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi09], CHN_ENEMIES);
else if (g->state == 1)
g->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (g->imageIndex >= 3) {
g->imageIndex -= 3;
if (g->timer > 0) {
g->vsp = 0;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->timer -= 1;
if (g->timer <= 0) {
//End state
if (g->counter >= 3) {
g->state = 2;
g->counter = 0;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->vsp = -6;
g->hsp = 8;
if (g->x > herox) {
g->hsp *= -1;
if (g->substate == 0) {
g->wallcounter = 1;
g->substate = 1;
g->wallcounter = 2;
g->substate = 0;
g->vsp = -5;
else if (g->timer == 0) {
double grav = 0.25;
if (g->timer == 0) {
g->y += g->vsp;
g->vsp += grav;
mask.y = g->y + (120 - mask.h);
//Land on ground
if (g->vsp >= 0 && g->timer == 0) {
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
g->y = collide.y - 120;
mask.y = g->y + (120 - mask.h);
g->vsp = 0;
g->timer = 3;
g->counter += 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi09], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Leap towards wall
else if (g->state == 2)
double grav = 0.25;
//Set image
if (g->hsp > 0) {
g->imageIndex = 0;
if (g->hsp < 0) {
g->imageIndex = 1;
g->y += g->vsp;
g->vsp += grav;
mask.y = g->y + (120 - mask.h);
g->x += g->hsp;
mask.x = g->x - (mask.w / 2);
if (g->wallcounter > 0)
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
g->wallcounter -= 1;
if (g->hsp < 0) {
g->x = collide.x + 40 + (mask.w / 2);
if (g->hsp > 0) {
g->x = collide.x - (mask.w / 2);
g->state = 3;
g->timer = 0;
//Ground pound
else {
char action = 0;
if ( (g->hsp > 0 && g->x > g->targx) || (g->hsp < 0 && g->x < g->targx) ) {
action = 1;
//Wall collision backup
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (g->hsp < 0) {
g->x = collide.x + 40 + (mask.w / 2);
if (g->hsp > 0) {
g->x = collide.x - (mask.w / 2);
action = 1;
if (action == 1) {
g->state = 4;
g->vsp = -4;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndWolf01], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Grab wall
else if (g->state == 3)
g->timer += 1;
if (g->timer > 5) {
g->state = 2;
g->vsp = -6;
g->hsp *= -1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi09], CHN_ENEMIES);
g->targx = herox;
if (g->wallcounter <= 0) {
//Get distance from player
int dis = g->x - g->targx;
if (dis < 0) {
dis *= -1;
if (dis < 200 || g->substate == 1) {
g->hsp /= 2;
//Ground pound
else if (g->state == 4)
double grav = 0.2;
g->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (g->imageIndex >= 3) {
g->imageIndex -= 3;
g->y += g->vsp;
g->vsp += grav;
mask.y = g->y + (120 - mask.h);
//Collide with floor
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
g->y = collide.y - 120;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit04], CHN_ENEMIES);
quakeTimer = 30;
g->state = 0;
g->timer = -20;
//Create rocks
createGarmrock(g->x + 64, g->y + 100, 2, -4);
createGarmrock(g->x + 34, g->y + 100, 1, -5);
createGarmrock(g->x - 34, g->y + 100, -1, -5);
createGarmrock(g->x - 64, g->y + 100, -2, -4);
createEffectExtra(3, g->x - 50, g->y + 90, -1, 0, 0);
createEffectExtra(3, g->x + 10, g->y + 90, 1, 0, 0);
if (g->state == 5) {
g->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (g->imageIndex >= 3) {
g->imageIndex -= 3;
g->y += 0.2;
if (g->blink % 12 == 0) {
createEffect(2, g->x - 64 + (rand() % 100), g->y + 60 - 64 + (rand() % 80));
if (g->blink <= 0) {
dead = 1;
if (dead == 0) {
//Update Mask
mask.x = g->x - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = g->y + (120 - mask.h);
//Hero collision
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask) == 1) {
heroHit(40, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
g->hp -= 1;
g->blink = 15;
if (g->hp <= 0) {
g->state = 5;
g->blink = 200;
if (dead == 1) {
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
flags[boss7flag] = 1;
void garmDraw(Garm* g)
if (g->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = 0,
cropY = 0;
//Jump Spinning
if ((g->state == 1 && g->timer == 0) || g->state == 4 || g->state == 5) {
cropY = 128;
cropX = 256;
if (g->state == 2) {
cropY = 128;
//Wall grab
if (g->state == 3) {
cropX = 384;
cropX += (int)g->imageIndex * 128;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x - 64, g->y - 8, cropX, cropY, 128, 128, images[imgBoss]);
void createGarmrock(int x, int y, double hsp, double vsp)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Garmrock* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->hp = 3;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->hsp = hsp;
g->vsp = vsp;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->counter = 0;
g->inwall = 0;
g->blink = 0;
e->data = g;
e->enemyStep = garmrockStep;
e->enemyDraw = garmrockDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void garmrockStep(Garmrock* g)
char dead = 0;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 44;
mask.h = 44;
mask.x = g->x - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = g->y - (mask.h / 2);
g->imageIndex += 0.2;
if (g->imageIndex >= 4) {
g->imageIndex -= 4;
if (g->blink > 0) {
g->blink -= 1;
//Horizontal movement
g->x += g->hsp;
mask.x = g->x - (mask.w / 2);
g->inwall = 0;
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
g->inwall = 1;
//Vertical movement
double grav = 0.1;
g->y += g->vsp;
g->vsp += grav;
mask.y = g->y - (mask.h / 2);
if (g->inwall == 0 && g->counter == 0) {
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
g->counter = 1;
g->y = collide.y - (mask.h / 2);
g->vsp = -2;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit06], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Update mask
mask.x = g->x - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = g->y - (mask.h / 2);
//Hero collision
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask) == 1) {
heroHit(30, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
g->hp -= 1;
g->blink = 15;
if (g->hp <= 0) {
dead = 1;
createRockSmash(g->x, g->y + 20);
//Destroy when out of room
if (mask.y > 480) {
dead = 1;
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
void garmrockDraw(Garmrock* g)
if (g->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = 256,
cropY = 192;
if (g->hsp < 0) {
cropX = 512;
cropX += (int)g->imageIndex * 64;
while (cropX >= 640) {
cropX -= 640;
cropY += 64;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x - 32, g->y - 32, cropX, cropY, 64, 64, images[imgMisc32]);
0,0 → 1,31
#ifndef GARM_H
#define GARM_H
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
double x, y;
double hsp, vsp;
int dir;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer, blink, counter;
int wallcounter, substate;
int targx;
} Garm;
void createGarm(int x, int y);
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
double x, y;
double vsp, hsp;
double imageIndex;
int counter;
int blink;
int inwall;
} Garmrock;
void createGarmrock(int x, int y, double hsp, double vsp);
0,0 → 1,116
#include "gas.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void gasStep(Gas* g);
void gasDraw(Gas* g);
void createGas(int x, int y, int temp)
if (temp == 0 || hasKey[7] == 0) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Gas* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->state = 0;
g->timer = 0;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->mask.unused = g-> = 0;
g->mask.w = g->mask.h = 24;
g->mask.x = x + 20 - (g->mask.w / 2);
g->mask.y = y + 40 - g->mask.h;
e->data = g;
e->enemyStep = gasStep;
e->enemyDraw = gasDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void gasStep(Gas* g)
if (g->state != 0) {
g->imageIndex += 0.2;
if (g->state == 0) { //Wait
Mask tempMask; = tempMask.unused = 0;
tempMask.x = g->x - 100;
tempMask.y = g->y - 20;
tempMask.w = 240;
tempMask.h = 60;
if (checkCollisionXY(tempMask, herox, heroy + 20)) {
g->state = 1;
g->imageIndex = 3;
g->timer = 32;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndGas01], CHN_ENEMIES);
else if (g->state == 1 || g->state == 3) { //Small puff
if (g->imageIndex >= 5) {
g->imageIndex -= 2;
g->timer -= 1;
if (g->timer <= 0) {
if (g->state == 3) {
g->state = 0;
g->state = 2;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->timer = 175;
else if (g->state == 2) { //Big puff
if (g->imageIndex >= 3) {
g->imageIndex -= 3;
g->timer -= 1;
if (g->timer <= 0) {
g->state = 3;
g->timer = 120;
g->imageIndex = 3;
if (hasItem[7] != 1) { //Does not have gas mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = mask.h = 24;
mask.x = g->x + 20 - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = g->y + 40 - mask.h;
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask)) {
if (heroHit(15, g->x + 20)) {
void gasDraw(Gas* g)
if (g->state != 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x, g->y, (int)g->imageIndex * 40, 400, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,18
#ifndef GAS_H
#define GAS_H
//#include "../enemy.h"
//#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int state, timer;
double imageIndex;
//Mask mask;
} Gas;
void createGas(int x, int y, int temp);
0,0 → 1,218
#include "ghoul.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void ghoulStep(Ghoul* g);
void ghoulDraw(Ghoul* g);
void createGhoul(int x, int y, int type)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Ghoul* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->hp = 2;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->vsp = 0;
g->grav = 0.1;
g->dir = 0;
g->type = type;
g->onground = 0;
g->timer = 0;
g->state = 0;
g->invincible = 0;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g-> = 0;
g->mask.unused = 1;
g->mask.w = 24;
g->mask.h = 32;
g->mask.x = g->x + ((40 - g->mask.w) / 2);
g->mask.y = g->y + (40 - g->mask.h);
e->data = g;
e->enemyStep = ghoulStep;
e->enemyDraw = ghoulDraw;
e->type = 18;
enemies[i] = e;
void ghoulStep(Ghoul* g)
if (g->invincible > 0) {
g->invincible -= 1;
if (g->state == 0) { //Wait
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.w = 280;
area.h = 80;
area.x = g->x - 120;
area.y = g->y - 20;
if (checkCollisionXY(area, herox, heroy + 20) == 1) {
g->state = 1;
g->mask.unused = 0;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->dir = 1;
if (herox < g->x + 20) {
g->dir = -1;
else if (g->state == 1) { //Pop-up
g->imageIndex += 0.16;
if (g->imageIndex >= 4) {
g->state = 2;
g->vsp = -1;
g->imageIndex = 0;
else if (g->state == 2) { //Walking
g->mask.unused = 0;
if (g->onground == 0) {
//Vertical movement
g->y += g->vsp;
g->vsp += g->grav;
g->mask.y = g->y + (40 - g->mask.h);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, g->mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, g->mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
g->onground = 1;
g->vsp = 0;
g->y = collide.y - 40;
g->mask.y = g->y + (40 - g->mask.h);
g->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (g->imageIndex >= 2) {
g->imageIndex -= 2;
double hsp = 1;
if ((int)g->imageIndex == 0) {
hsp = 0.5;
if (g->type == 1) {
hsp *= 2;
g->x += hsp * g->dir;
g->mask.x = g->x + ((40 - g->mask.w) / 2);
if (g->onground == 1) {
if ((g->x < -20 || g->x > 660) || checkTileCollision(1, g->mask) == 1) {
g->dir *= -1;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, g->mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
g->x = collide.x + (40 * g->dir);
else {
//check on ledge
g->mask.w = 5;
if (g->dir == 1) {
g->mask.x = g->x + 30;
if (g->dir == -1) {
g->mask.x = g->x + 5;
g->mask.y += 20;
if (checkTileCollision(1, g->mask) == 0 && checkTileCollision(3, g->mask) == 0) {
g->dir *= -1;
g->mask.w = 24;
g->mask.x = g->x + ((40 - g->mask.w) / 2);
g->mask.y = g->y + (40 - g->mask.h);
g->mask.x = g->x + ((40 - g->mask.w) / 2);
g->mask.y = g->y + (40 - g->mask.h);
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(g->mask, getHeroMask())) {
if (heroHit(10, g->x + 20) == 1 && g->type == 1) {
//Weapon Collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(g->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
g->hp -= 1;
g->invincible = 15;
if (g->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, g->x - 12, g->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(g->x + 20, g->y);
void ghoulDraw(Ghoul* g)
if (g->state != 0 && g->invincible % 2 == 0) {
int cx = (int)g->imageIndex * 40,
cy = 160;
if (g->state == 1) {
cx += 160;
if (g->dir == -1) {
cx += 80;
//Purple palette
cy += 160 * g->type;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x, g->y, cx, cy, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,22
#ifndef GHOUL_H
#define GHOUL_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
double x, y;
double vsp, grav;
int type;
int onground;
int dir;
int state, timer, invincible;
double imageIndex;
Mask mask;
} Ghoul;
void createGhoul(int x, int y, int type);
0,0 → 1,199
#include "golem.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void golemStep(Golem* g);
void golemDraw(Golem* g);
void createGolem(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Golem* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->hp = 4;
g->dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
g->dir = -1;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->state = 0;
g->blink = 0;
e->data = g;
e->enemyStep = golemStep;
e->enemyDraw = golemDraw;
e->type = 28;
enemies[i] = e;
void golemStep(Golem* g)
double imageSpeed = 0.2;
if (g->blink > 0) {
g->blink -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = 36;
mask.h = 36;
mask.x = g->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = g->y + (40 - mask.h);
if (g->state == 0)
g->imageIndex += imageSpeed * g->dir;
if (g->imageIndex >= 8) {
g->imageIndex -= 8;
if (g->imageIndex < 0) {
g->imageIndex += 8;
double hsp = 1;
g->x += hsp * g->dir;
mask.x = g->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
char nextState = 0;
//Check on ledge
mask.x += 30 * g->dir;
mask.y += 10;
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 0 && checkTileCollision(3, mask) == 0) {
nextState = 1;
mask.x = g->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = g->y + (40 - mask.h);
//Collide with wall
mask.x += hsp * g->dir;
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
nextState = 1;
mask.x = g->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
if (nextState == 1) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi10], CHN_ENEMIES);
g->state = 1;
g->imageIndex = 0;
else if (g->state == 1)
g->imageIndex += imageSpeed;
if (g->imageIndex >= 12) {
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->state = 0;
g->dir *= -1;
//Hero Collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
if (g->state == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
g->hp -= 1;
g->blink = 15;
if (g->hp <= 0) {
createRockSmash(mask.x + (mask.w / 2), mask.y + (mask.h / 2));
spawnCollectable(g->x + 20, g->y);
void golemDraw(Golem* g)
if (g->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = 320,
cropY = 160;
int drawY = g->y;
if (g->state == 0) {
cropX += (int)g->imageIndex * 40;
drawY += 2;
cropY = 280;
cropX = 240;
int animation[12] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0};
cropX += animation[(int)g->imageIndex] * 40;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x, drawY, cropX, cropY, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,16
#ifndef GOLEM_H
#define GOLEM_H
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double imageIndex;
int hp;
int dir;
int state;
int blink;
} Golem;
void createGolem(int x, int y, int dir);
0,0 → 1,332
#include "gyra.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void gyraStep(Gyra* g);
void gyraDraw(Gyra* g);
void gyraDestroy(Gyra* g);
int boss4flag = 21;
void createGyra(int x, int y)
if (flags[boss4flag] == 0) { //have not yet beaten boss 4
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("boss02.bmp");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
//Boss start
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Gyra* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->hp = 50;
//g->hp = 1;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->targx = g->x;
g->targy = g->y;
g->state = 0;
g->timer = 260;
g->counter = 0;
g->invincible = 0;
g->dir = 0;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->targx = g->x - 32;
g->targy = g->y + 64;
g->dir = 160;
g->x = g->targx + (80 * sin(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
g->y = g->targy + (80 * cos(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
int a;
for (a = 0; a < 144; a++) {
g->xrecord[a] = g->x;
g->yrecord[a] = g->y;
e->data = g;
e->enemyStep = gyraStep;
e->enemyDraw = gyraDraw;
e->type = 43;
enemies[i] = e;
void gyraStep(Gyra* g)
g->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (g->imageIndex >= 2) {
g->imageIndex -= 2;
int pattern[6] = {0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 2};
//Move in a circle
if (g->state == 0)
int len = 80;
if (g->timer == 0) {
g->targx = g->x + (len * sin((g->dir + 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
g->targy = g->y + (len * cos((g->dir + 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
g->dir -= 90;
g->timer = 250;
g->dir += 1.5;
if (g->dir >= 360) {
g->dir -= 360;
g->x = g->targx + (len * sin(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
g->y = g->targy + (len * cos(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
g->timer -= 1;
if (g->timer <= 0) {
g->counter += 1;
g->state = pattern[g->counter];
if (g->state != 1 && (g->x < 40 || g->x > 600 || g->y < 40 || g->y > 440)) {
g->state = 1;
g->timer = 0;
else if (g->state == 1)
if (g->timer == 0) {
g->targx = herox;
g->targy = heroy + 20;
g->dir += 90;
g->timer = 320;
double spd = 2;
double diralt = 1.2;
double targdir = (atan2(g->targy - g->y, g->x - g->targx) * 180 / 3.14159) + 270;
targdir = g->dir - targdir;
while (targdir >= 360) { targdir -= 360; }
while (targdir < 0) { targdir += 360; }
if (targdir > 180) {
g->dir += diralt;
if (targdir < 180) {
g->dir -= diralt;
g->x += spd * sin(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180);
g->y += spd * cos(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180);
//Get (close) to targ coords
g->timer -= 1;
if (g->timer <= 0 || sqrt( pow(g->x - g->targx, 2) + pow(g->y - g->targy, 2) ) <= spd * 2) {
g->counter += 1;
if (g->counter >= 5) {
g->counter = 0;
g->state = pattern[g->counter];
g->timer = 0;
//Oval movement
else if (g->state == 2)
int wlen = 120,
hlen = 80;
if (g->timer == 0) {
g->targx = g->x + (wlen * sin((g->dir - 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
g->targy = g->y + (hlen * cos((g->dir - 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
g->dir += 90;
g->timer = 200;
g->dir -= 1.5;
if (g->dir < 0) {
g->dir += 360;
g->x = g->targx + (wlen * sin(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
g->y = g->targy + (hlen * cos(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
g->timer -= 1;
if (g->timer <= 0) {
g->counter += 1;
if (g->counter >= 5) {
g->counter = 0;
g->state = pattern[g->counter];
if (g->state != 1 && (g->x < 40 || g->x > 600 || g->y < 40 || g->y > 440)) {
g->state = 1;
g->timer = 0;
if (g->state == 3)
g->timer -= 1;
if (g->timer <= 0) {
g->timer = 12;
int cx = g->xrecord[128 - (g->counter * 16)],
cy = g->yrecord[128 - (g->counter * 16)];
createEffect(2, cx - 32, cy - 32);
g->counter += 1;
if (g->counter == 9) {
//Update tail record
int i;
for (i = 142; i >= 0; i--) {
g->xrecord[i + 1] = g->xrecord[i];
g->yrecord[i + 1] = g->yrecord[i];
g->xrecord[0] = g->x;
g->yrecord[0] = g->y;
//for (i = 8; i >= 0; i--) {
for (i = 0; i <= 8; i++) {
int cx = g->x, cy = g->y;
if (i != 0) {
cx = g->xrecord[i * 16];
cy = g->yrecord[i * 16];
Mask mask;
mask.unused = 0; = 1;
mask.x = cx;
mask.y = cy;
mask.w = mask.h = 28;
int a;
for (a = 0; a < MAX_WEAPONS; a++) {
if (weapons[a] != NULL) {
if (weapons[a]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[a]->weaponMask)) {
g->invincible = -15;
if (i == 8) {
g->hp -= 1;
g->invincible = 15;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
//Hit player
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask)) {
if (heroHit(30, mask.x) && i == 0) {
if (g->hp <= 0) {
g->state = 3;
g->timer = 0;
g->counter = 0;
g->invincible = 200;
if (g->invincible > 0) {
g->invincible -= 1;
if (g->invincible < 0) {
g->invincible += 1;
void gyraDraw(Gyra* g)
if (g->invincible <= 0 || g->invincible % 2 == 0) {
//Draw Tail Tip
if (g->state != 3 || g->counter <= 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->xrecord[126] - 40, g->yrecord[126] - 40, 320 + ((int)g->imageIndex * 80), 0, 80, 80, images[imgBoss]);
//Draw Tail
int i;
for (i = 7; i > 0; i--) {
if (g->state != 3 || g->counter <= (7 - i) + 1) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->xrecord[i * 16] - 40, g->yrecord[i * 16] - 40, 160 + ((int)g->imageIndex * 80), 0, 80, 80, images[imgBoss]);
//Draw Head
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x - 40, g->y - 40, (int)g->imageIndex * 80, 0, 80, 80, images[imgBoss]);
//PHL_DrawRect(g->targx, g->targy, 10, 10, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
//heroAmmo = g->state;
int i;
for (i = 8; i >= 0; i--) {
int cx = g->x, cy = g->y;
if (i != 0) {
cx = g->xrecord[i * 16];
cy = g->yrecord[i * 16];
PHL_DrawRect(cx, cy, 10, 10, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
void gyraDestroy(Gyra* g)
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
flags[boss4flag] = 1;
0,0 → 1,19
#ifndef GYRA_H
#define GYRA_H
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
double x, y;
double xrecord[144];
double yrecord[144];
int state, timer, counter;
int targx, targy;
int invincible;
double dir;
double imageIndex;
} Gyra;
void createGyra(int x, int y);
0,0 → 1,838
#include "heads.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void headStep(Head* h);
void headDraw(Head* h);
void bulletStep(Bullet* b);
void bulletDraw(Bullet* b);
void fireballStep(Fireball* f);
void fireballDraw(Fireball* f);
void laserStep(Laser* l);
void laserDraw(Laser* l);
void flameStep(Flame* f);
void flameDraw(Flame* f);
void rockStep(Rock* r);
void rockDraw(Rock* r);
void airStep(Air* a);
void airDraw(Air* a);
void createHead(int type, int x, int y, int dir, int offset, int cooloff)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Head* h = malloc(sizeof *h);
h->id = i;
h->type = type;
h->x = x;
h->y = y;
h->state = 0;
h->hp = 5;
h->invincible = 0;
h->counter = 0;
h->dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
h->dir = -1;
h->timer = 30 * offset;
h->cooloff = 60;
if (cooloff != 0) {
h->cooloff = 30 * cooloff;
e->type = -1;
if (h->type == 0) {
e->type = 4;
h->cooloff = 120;
else if (h->type == 1) {
e->type = 6;
else if (h->type == 2) {
e->type = 5;
else if (h->type == 3) {
e->type = 7;
h->cooloff = 120;
else if (h->type == 4) {
e->type = 10;
h->dir = 0;
else if (h->type == 5) {
e->type = 25;
h->dir = 0;
e->data = h;
e->enemyStep = headStep;
e->enemyDraw = headDraw;
enemies[i] = e;
void headStep(Head* h)
int RHYNO = 0,
DEMON = 3,
FIRE = 4,
JAR = 5;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.x = h->x;
mask.y = h->y + 1;
mask.w = 40;
mask.h = 39;
if (h->invincible > 0) {
h->invincible -= 1;
if (h->timer > 0) {
h->timer -= 1;
if (h->state == 0)
char endstate = 0;
if (h->timer <= 0) {
if (h->type == RHYNO || h->type == DEMON) {
Mask area; = area.unused = 0;
area.h = 80;
area.w = 400;
area.y = h->y - 20;
area.x = h->x;
if (h->dir == -1) {
area.x -= area.w - 40;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
endstate = 1;
endstate = 1;
//Move onto next state
if (endstate == 1) {
h->state = 1;
h->timer = 30;
else if (h->state == 1)
//Shoot projectile
if (h->timer <= 0) {
//Play Sound
int soundtoplay[6] = {sndShot03, sndShot04, sndFire01, sndHit06, sndShot03, sndShot06};
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[soundtoplay[h->type]], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Set vars
h->state = 0;
h->timer = h->cooloff;
//Create projectile
//Rhyno head
if (h->type == RHYNO) {
createBullet(mask.x + (mask.w / 2), h->y + 24, h->dir, h->id);
//Medusa head
if (h->type == MEDUSA) {
createLaser(h->x, h->y, h->dir);
//Dragon head
if (h->type == DRAGON) {
createFlame(h->x + 20 + (20 * h->dir), h->y - 10, h->dir);
//Demon head
if (h->type == DEMON) {
createRock(h->x + (20 * h->dir), h->y, h->dir);
//Fireball Statue
if (h->type == FIRE) {
createFireball(h->x + 20, h->y + 20, (atan2(heroy - h->y, h->x - (herox - 20)) * 180 / 3.14159) + 270, h->id);
//Air Jar
if (h->type == JAR) {
h->state = 3;
h->timer = 12;
h->counter = 0;
//Air Jar
else if (h->state == 3)
if (h->timer <= 0) {
h->counter += 1;
h->timer = 12;
createAir(h->x, h->y - 20);
if (h->counter >= 6) {
h->counter = 0;
h->state = 0;
h->timer = h->cooloff;
//Hit player
if (h->type != JAR) {
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask)) {
heroHit(10, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
h->hp -= 1;
h->invincible = 15;
if (h->hp <= 0) {
createRockSmash(h->x + 20, h->y + 20);
spawnCollectable(h->x + 20, h->y);
void headDraw(Head* h)
if (h->invincible % 2 == 0)
int sheetX[6] = {0, 320, 160, 240, 560, 400};
int sheetY[6] = {80, 80, 80, 120, 0, 120};
int cropX = sheetX[h->type];
int addx[6] = {6, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int frames = 2;
//Change dir
if (h->dir == 0) {
frames = 1;
frames = 2;
if (h->dir == -1) {
cropX += 40;
//White flash
if (h->state == 1 && h->timer % 6 < 3) {
cropX += 40 * frames;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(h->x - (addx[h->type] * h->dir), h->y, cropX, sheetY[h->type], 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
void createBullet(int x, int y, int dir, int minid)
int i;
for (i = minid; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Bullet* b = malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->x = x;
b->y = y;
b->hsp = dir * 4;
b->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = b;
e->enemyStep = bulletStep;
e->enemyDraw = bulletDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void bulletStep(Bullet* b)
char dead = 0;
b->x += b->hsp;
//Create Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = 0; = 1;
mask.w = mask.h = 10;
mask.x = b->x;
mask.y = b->y;
if (b->hsp > 0) {
b->imageIndex += 0.33;
b->imageIndex -= 0.33;
if (b->imageIndex < 0) {
b->imageIndex += 4;
if (b->imageIndex >= 4) {
b->imageIndex -= 4;
//Collide with wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
createEffect(1, b->x - 20, b->y - 20);
dead = 1;
//Collide with hero
//Shield collision
if (checkCollision(mask, shieldMask) == 1) {
dead = 1;
createEffect(1, b->x - 20, b->y - 20);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS);
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask)) {
heroHit(10, mask.x);
//Destroy if outside of view
if (b->x > 660 || b->x < -20 || b->y < -20 || b->y > 520) {
dead = 1;
if (dead == 1) {
void bulletDraw(Bullet* b)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(b->x - 20, b->y - 20, 160 + (40 * (int)b->imageIndex), 480, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
void createFireball(int x, int y, int angle, int minid)
//General idea: try to place fireball over spawner
int i;
for (i = minid; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Fireball* f = malloc(sizeof *f);
f->id = i;
f->x = x;
f->y = y;
f->spd = 3;
f->imageIndex = 0;
f->angle = angle;
f-> = 1;
f->mask.unused = 0;
f->mask.x = x;
f->mask.y = y;
f->mask.w = f->mask.h = 14;
e->data = f;
e->enemyStep = fireballStep;
e->enemyDraw = fireballDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void fireballStep(Fireball* f)
f->x += (f->spd) * sin(f->angle * 3.14159 / 180);
f->y += (f->spd) * cos(f->angle * 3.14159 / 180);
f->mask.x = f->x;
f->mask.y = f->y;
f->imageIndex += 0.5;
if (f->imageIndex >= 8) {
f->imageIndex -= 8;
//Collide with shield
if (checkCollision(f->mask, shieldMask)) {
createEffect(1, f->x - 20, f->y - 20);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS);
//Hit player
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), f->mask)) {
heroHit(10, f->mask.x);
//Destroy if outside of view
if (f->x > 660 || f->x < -20 || f->y < -20 || f->y > 520) {
void fireballDraw(Fireball* f)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(f->x - 20, f->y - 20, 320 + (40 * (int)f->imageIndex), 440, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
void createLaser(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Laser* l = malloc(sizeof *l);
l->id = i;
l->x = x;
l->y = y;
l->dir = dir;
l->imageIndex = 0;
l-> = l->mask.unused = 0;
l->mask.x = x;
l->mask.y = y + 17;
l->mask.w = 40;
l->mask.h = 6;
e->data = l;
e->enemyStep = laserStep;
e->enemyDraw = laserDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void laserStep(Laser* l)
char dead = 0;
l->x += l->dir * 10;
l->mask.x = l->x;
l->imageIndex += 0.34;
if (l->imageIndex >= 2) {
l->imageIndex -= 2;
if (checkCollision(shieldMask, l->mask)) { //Hit shield
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS);
createEffect(1, l->x + (20 * l->dir), l->y);
dead = 1;
}else if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), l->mask)) {
heroHit(15, l->x + 20);
if (dead == 0) {
if (checkTileCollision(1, l->mask)) {
createEffect(1, l->x + (20 * l->dir), l->y);
dead = 1;
if (dead == 0) {
if (l->mask.x > 640 || l->mask.x + l->mask.w <= 0) {
void laserDraw(Laser* l)
int dx = 0,
dy = 480;
if (l->dir == -1) {
dx += 80;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(l->x, l->y, dx + (((int)l->imageIndex) * 40), dy, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
//Dragon Flame
void createFlame(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Flame* f = malloc(sizeof *f);
f->id = i;
f->x = x;
f->y = y;
f->dir = dir;
f->timer = 60;
f->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = f;
e->enemyStep = flameStep;
e->enemyDraw = flameDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void flameStep(Flame* f)
f->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (f->timer > 0) {
if (f->imageIndex >= 3) {
f->imageIndex -= 3;
f->timer -= 1;
if (f->timer == 0) {
f->imageIndex = 3;
//Hero Collision
Mask mask; = mask.unused = 0;
mask.x = f->x;
mask.y = f->y + 16;
mask.w = 120;
mask.h = 18;
if (f->dir == -1) {
mask.x -= 120;
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
int centerX = mask.x + 60 - (60 * f->dir);
//Hero is on ladder
if (getHeroState() == 3) {
centerX = herox;
heroHit(30, centerX);
if (f->timer < 0 && f->imageIndex >= 6) {
void flameDraw(Flame* f)
int drawX = f->x,
drawY = f->y;
int cropX = 0,
cropY = 0;
if (f->dir == -1) {
cropX += 720;
drawX -= 120;
cropX += 120 * (int)f->imageIndex;
while (cropX >= 600) {
cropX -= 600;
cropY += 40;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(drawX, drawY, cropX, cropY, 120, 40, images[imgMisc6020]);
//Demon Rock
void createRock(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Rock* r = malloc(sizeof *r);
r->id = i;
r->x = x;
r->y = y;
r->vsp = -3;
r->dir = dir;
r->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = r;
e->enemyStep = rockStep;
e->enemyDraw = rockDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void rockStep(Rock* r)
char dead = 0;
r->imageIndex += 0.25 * r->dir;
if (r->imageIndex >= 8) {
r->imageIndex -= 8;
if (r->imageIndex < 0) {
r->imageIndex += 8;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.x = r->x + 2;
mask.y = r->y + 2;
mask.w = 36;
mask.h = 36;
int hsp = 3;
double grav = 0.12;
r->y += r->vsp;
r->vsp += grav;
//Collide with floor
mask.y = r->y + 2;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit06], CHN_ENEMIES);
r->y = collide.y - mask.h - 2;
r->vsp = -3;
mask.y = r->y + 2;
r->x += hsp * r->dir;
//Collide with wall
mask.x = r->x + 2;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
dead = 1;
//Hero collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(20, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
if (dead == 1) {
createRockSmash(r->x + 20, r->y);
void rockDraw(Rock* r)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(r->x, r->y, 320 + ((int)r->imageIndex * 40), 160, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
//Air Stream
void createAir(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Air* a = malloc(sizeof *a);
a->id = i;
a->x = x;
a->y = y;
a->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = a;
e->enemyStep = airStep;
e->enemyDraw = airDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
//Air Puff
void airStep(Air* a)
Mask mask; = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 36;
mask.h = 30;
mask.x = a->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
a->imageIndex += 0.5;
if (a->imageIndex >= 2) {
a->imageIndex -= 2;
a->y -= 6;
mask.y = a->y + (40 - mask.h);
//Collide with player
if (getHeroState() != 2) {
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
if (hasItem[27] == 0) {
heroHit(10, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Floating stuff
if (getHeroVsp() > -5) {
//destroy if outside of room
if (mask.y + mask.h < 0) {
void airDraw(Air* a)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(a->x, a->y, (int)a->imageIndex * 40, 560, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
0,0 → 1,89
#ifndef HEADS_H
#define HEADS_H
#include "../collision.h"
//Goblin/medusa/dragon head statues
typedef struct {
int id, type; //0 = Rhyno head | 1 = Goblin | 2 = Dragon | 3 = Demon | 4 = Fireball | 5 = Air Jar
int state, timer;
double x, y;
int dir;
int hp, invincible;
int cooloff;
int counter;
//Mask mask;
} Head;
void createHead(int type, int x, int y, int dir, int offset, int cooloff);
//Bullet from Rhyno statues
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int hsp;
double imageIndex;
//Mask mask;
} Bullet;
void createBullet(int x, int y, int dir, int minid); //Minid is the spawner's id
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int angle;
int spd;
double imageIndex;
Mask mask;
} Fireball;
void createFireball(int x, int y, int angle, int minid);
//Medusa lazer
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int dir;
double imageIndex;
Mask mask;
} Laser;
void createLaser(int x, int y, int dir);
//Dragon flame
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int dir;
int timer;
double imageIndex;
} Flame;
void createFlame(int x, int y, int dir);
//Demon Boulder
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double vsp;
int dir;
double imageIndex;
} Rock;
void createRock(int x, int y, int dir);
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double imageIndex;
} Air;
void createAir(int x, int y);
0,0 → 1,1127
#include "hydra.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
const double PI = 3.14159;
double headRot = 0;
void hydraStep(Hydra* h);
void hydraDraw(Hydra* h);
void hydraDestroy(Hydra* h);
void hydraheadStep(Hydrahead* h);
void hydraheadDraw(Hydrahead* h);
void hydragoopStep(Hydragoop* h);
void hydragoopDraw(Hydragoop* h);
void hydrarockStep(Hydrarock* h);
void hydrarockDraw(Hydrarock* h);
void hydrashockStep(Hydrashock* h);
void hydrashockDraw(Hydrashock* h);
double getHydraX(Hydrahead* h);
double getHydraY(Hydrahead* h);
Mask getHydraMask(Hydra* h);
int checkWeaponCollision(Mask m);
double lengthdir_x(double ang, double len);
double lengthdir_y(double ang, double len);
void setHeadState(int headid, int state);
void createHydra(int x)
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("lboss01.bmp");
int i;
for (i = 4; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Hydra* h = malloc(sizeof *h);
h->id = i;
h->hp = 10;
//h->hp = 1;
h->blink = 0;
h->x = x;
h->y = -64;
h->hsp = 0;
h->vsp = 0;
h->imageIndex = 0;
h->state = 0;
h->timer = 0;
h->patternCounter = 0;
h->onground = 0;
h->noheads = 0;
e->data = h;
e->enemyStep = hydraStep;
e->enemyDraw = hydraDraw;
e->type = 47;
enemies[i] = e;
h->headid[0] = createHydrahead(-1, 0, i);
h->headid[1] = createHydrahead(1, 0, i);
h->headid[2] = createHydrahead(1, 1, i);
h->headid[3] = createHydrahead(-1, 1, i);
void hydraStep(Hydra* h)
double grav = 0.2;
double fric = 0.1;
if (h->state == 6) {
h->y += 0.2;
h->timer -= 1;
h->blink -= 1;
if (h->timer % 12 == 0) {
createEffect(2, h->x - 64 + (rand() % 128) - 32, h->y - 64 + (rand() % 128));
if (h->timer <= 0) {
//Setup Mask
Mask mask = getHydraMask(h);
//States with hydra heads
if (h->noheads == 0) {
//Fall in intro
if (h->state == 0) {
h->hsp = 0;
h->timer += 1;
if (h->timer >= 50) {
h->timer = 50;
h->imageIndex = 2;
if (h->onground == 1) {
h->state = 1;
h->timer = 0;
grav = 0;
//Wait/Pattern activate
else if (h->state == 1)
h->timer += 1;
//Stop speed animation
if (h->timer >= 120) {
int patternSize = 9;
int pattern[9] = {4, 0, 4, 1, 4, 2, 4, 3, 2};
//Head seizure
if (pattern[h->patternCounter] == 4) {
h->state = 4;
h->timer = 0;
//Small hop
if (pattern[h->patternCounter] == 0) {
h->state = 2;
h->timer = 0;
if (pattern[h->patternCounter] == 1) {
h->timer = -120;
setHeadState(h->headid[0], 2);
setHeadState(h->headid[1], 2);
//Big Hop
if (pattern[h->patternCounter] == 2) {
h->state = 3;
h->timer = 0;
if (pattern[h->patternCounter] == 3) {
h->timer = -40;
setHeadState(h->headid[2], 3);
setHeadState(h->headid[3], 3);
h->patternCounter += 1;
if (h->patternCounter >= patternSize) {
h->patternCounter = 0;
//Head seizure state
else if (h->state == 4) {
//Speed up head animation
if (h->timer == 0) {
setHeadState(h->headid[0], 1);
setHeadState(h->headid[1], 1);
setHeadState(h->headid[2], 1);
setHeadState(h->headid[3], 1);
h->timer += 1;
//Stop speed animation
if (h->timer == 120) {
setHeadState(h->headid[0], 0);
setHeadState(h->headid[1], 0);
setHeadState(h->headid[2], 0);
setHeadState(h->headid[3], 0);
h->state = 1;
h->timer = 120;
//Switch to noheads mode
if (h->onground == 1 &&
enemies[h->headid[0]] == NULL &&
enemies[h->headid[1]] == NULL &&
enemies[h->headid[2]] == NULL &&
enemies[h->headid[3]] == NULL)
h->noheads = 1;
h->state = 1;
h->timer = -15;
h->patternCounter = 0;
//States without hydra heads
//Wait/pattern activate
if (h->state == 1) {
h->timer += 1;
if (h->timer >= 0) {
int patternSize = 3;
int pattern[3] = {0, 0, 2};
//Small hop
if (pattern[h->patternCounter] == 0) {
h->state = 2;
h->timer = 0;
//Big Hop
if (pattern[h->patternCounter] == 2) {
h->state = 3;
h->timer = 0;
h->patternCounter += 1;
if (h->patternCounter >= patternSize) {
h->patternCounter = 0;
//States used by both modes
//Small hop
if (h->state == 2) {
if (h->timer == 0) {
h->vsp = -2;
h->onground = 0;
h->hsp = 2.5;
if (herox < h->x) {
h->hsp *= -1;
h->timer += 1;
if (h->onground == 1) {
if (h->noheads == 0 || h->hsp == 0) {
h->state = 1;
h->timer = 0;
//Large Hop
else if (h->state == 3) {
h->hsp = 0;
if (h->timer == 0) {
h->timer = 1;
if (h->noheads == 0) {
h->vsp = -8;
h->vsp = -5;
h->onground = 0;
if (h->onground == 1) {
h->timer += 1;
if (h->timer % 20 == 0) {
if (h->timer >= 220) {
h->state = 1;
h->timer = -15;
if (h->onground == 1) {
h->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (h->imageIndex >= 2) {
h->imageIndex -= 2;
if (h->vsp < 0) {
h->imageIndex = 3;
else {
h->imageIndex = 2;
if (h->blink > 0) {
h->blink -= 1;
if (h->hsp != 0) {
h->x += h->hsp;
mask = getHydraMask(h);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
int dir = 1;
if (h->hsp < 0) {
dir = -1;
h->x = collide.x + 20 - ((20 + (mask.w / 2)) * dir);
h->hsp *= -1;
if (h->onground == 1) {
if (h->hsp > 0) {
h->hsp -= fric;
if (h->hsp < 0) {
h->hsp = 0;
if (h->hsp < 0) {
h->hsp += fric;
if (h->hsp > 0) {
h->hsp = 0;
int maxVsp = 9;
if (h->onground == 0) {
h->y += h->vsp;
h->vsp += grav;
mask = getHydraMask(h);
//Limit vsp
if (h->vsp > maxVsp) {
h->vsp = maxVsp;
//Collide with floor
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
h->y = collide.y - 64;
h->vsp = 0;
h->onground = 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit04], CHN_ENEMIES);
quakeTimer = 30;
createEffectExtra(3, h->x - 30, h->y + 32, -1, 0, 0);
createEffectExtra(3, h->x - 10, h->y + 32, 1, 0, 0);
//Update mask
mask = getHydraMask(h);
//Hero Collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(25, h->x);
//Weapon Collision
int wid = checkWeaponCollision(mask);
if (wid != -1) {
//Pushed back
if (h->noheads == 0) {
h->hsp = weapons[wid]->dir;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi05], CHN_ENEMIES);
h->hp -= 1;
h->blink = 15;
if (h->hp <= 0) {
h->state = 6;
h->timer = 180;
h->blink = 200;
void hydraDraw(Hydra* h)
if (h->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = (int)h->imageIndex * 128;
int cropY = 128;
if (h->noheads == 1) {
cropY += 128;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(h->x - 64, h->y - 64, cropX, cropY, 128, 128, images[imgBoss]);
void hydraDestroy(Hydra* h)
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
Mask getHydraMask(Hydra* h)
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = 84;
mask.h = 84;
mask.x = h->x - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = h->y - 64 + (128 - mask.h);
return mask;
int createHydrahead(int dir, int position, int bodyid)
int result = -1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Hydrahead* h = malloc(sizeof *h);
h->id = i;
result = i;
h->hp = 25;
//h->hp = 1;
h->blink = 0;
h->dir = dir;
h->position = position;
h->imageIndex = 0;
h->neckRot = 0;
if (position != 0) {
h->neckRot -= 45;
h->state = 0;
h->timer = 0;
h->counter = 0;
h->bodyid = bodyid;
int a;
for (a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
h->bodyposX[a] = 0;
h->bodyposY[a] = 0;
e->data = h;
e->enemyStep = hydraheadStep;
e->enemyDraw = hydraheadDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
return result;
void hydraheadStep(Hydrahead* h)
char dead = 0;
h->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (h->imageIndex >= 2) {
h->imageIndex -= 2;
if (h->blink > 0) {
h->blink -= 1;
h->neckRot += 2;
if (h->neckRot >= 360) {
h->neckRot -= 360;
if (h->state == 4) {
h->timer += 1;
if (h->timer % 6 == 0) {
createEffect(2, h->bodyposX[6 - h->counter] - 32, h->bodyposY[6 - h->counter] - 32);
h->counter += 1;
if (h->counter >= 7) {
dead = 1;
if (h->state == 0) {
//Do nothing special
//Fast movements
else if (h->state == 1) {
h->neckRot += 2;
//Shoot goop
else if (h->state == 2) {
h->neckRot += 2;
h->timer += 1;
//Create Goop
if (h->timer % 15 == 0) {
int ghsp = -4 + (rand() % 9),
gvsp = -6;
createHydragoop(h->bodyposX[6], h->bodyposY[6], ghsp, gvsp);
if (h->timer >= 120) {
h->state = 0;
//Shoot electricity
else if (h->state == 3) {
if (h->timer == 0) {
h->timer = 1;
if (h->timer % 20 == 0) {
if (h->counter == 0) {
createHydrashock(h->bodyposX[6] + (70 * h->dir), h->bodyposY[6] + 20);
h->neckRot -= 2;
h->counter += 1;
if (h->counter >= 20) {
h->counter = 0;
h->timer += 1;
h->neckRot += 2;
h->timer += 1;
if (h->timer > 80) {
h->state = 0;
Hydra* body = enemies[h->bodyid]->data;
body->state = 1;
body->timer = 239;
Mask mask; = mask.unused = 0;
//Collide with player
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i+=2) {
//Setup mask
mask.w = 48;
mask.h = 48;
if (i == 6) {
mask.w = 60;
mask.h = 36;
mask.x = h->bodyposX[i] - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = h->bodyposY[i] - (mask.h / 2);
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask) == 1) {
heroHit(25, getHydraX(h));
//Weapon collision
//Mask should still be on the head
int wid = checkWeaponCollision(mask);
if (wid != -1) {
h->blink = 15;
h->hp -= 1;
if (h->hp <= 0) {
h->state = 4;
h->timer = 0;
h->counter = 0;
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
void hydraheadDraw(Hydrahead* h)
char c[10];
sprintf(c, "%02d", h->timer);
PHL_DrawTextBold(c, h->bodyposX[6], 0, 0);
h->bodyposX[0] = getHydraX(h) + 20;
h->bodyposY[0] = getHydraY(h);
double drawX = getHydraX(h) + 20;
double drawY = getHydraY(h);
int dis = 24;
int angle = -25;
if (h->position == 1) {
angle = -60;
drawX -= 5;
drawY -= 20;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
double wavlen = sin((h->neckRot + (45 * i)) * PI / 180);
double incang = 45;
if (h->position != 0) {
incang = 45;
if (i == 6) {
//incang += 15;
incang = 50;
if (h->position == 1) {
incang = 80;
drawX += lengthdir_x(angle + (incang * wavlen), dis);
drawY += lengthdir_y(angle + (incang * wavlen), dis);
h->bodyposX[i] = drawX;
h->bodyposY[i] = drawY;
if (h->dir == -1) {
double difference = h->bodyposX[i] - getHydraX(h);
h->bodyposX[i] = getHydraX(h) - difference;
if (h->blink % 2 == 0) {
if (h->state != 4 || (6 - h->counter >= i)) {
if (i != 6) {
int cropX = 0;
if (h->dir == -1) {
cropX += 64;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(h->bodyposX[i] - 32, h->bodyposY[i] - 32, cropX, 64, 64, 64, images[imgBoss]);
int cropX = 0;
if (h->dir == -1) {
cropX += 320;
cropX += (int)h->imageIndex * 80;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(h->bodyposX[i] - 40, h->bodyposY[i] - 32, cropX, 0, 80, 64, images[imgBoss]);
int checkWeaponCollision(Mask m)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(weapons[i]->weaponMask, m) == 1) {
return i;
return -1;
double lengthdir_x(double ang, double len)
return cos(ang * PI / 180) * len;
double lengthdir_y(double ang, double len)
return sin(ang * PI / 180) * len;
double getHydraX(Hydrahead* h)
if (enemies[h->bodyid] != NULL) {
Hydra* hbody = enemies[h->bodyid]->data;
return hbody->x;
return -1;
double getHydraY(Hydrahead* h)
if (enemies[h->bodyid] != NULL) {
Hydra* hbody = enemies[h->bodyid]->data;
return hbody->y;
return -1;
void setHeadState(int headid, int state)
if (enemies[headid] != NULL) {
Hydrahead* h = enemies[headid]->data;
if (h->state != 4) {
h->state = state;
h->timer = 0;
h->counter = 0;
void createHydragoop(int x, int y, int hsp, int vsp)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Hydragoop* h = malloc(sizeof *h);
h->id = i;
h->x = x;
h->y = y;
h->hsp = hsp;
h->vsp = vsp;
h->inwall = 0;
h->bounce = 0;
h->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = h;
e->enemyStep = hydragoopStep;
e->enemyDraw = hydragoopDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi06], CHN_ENEMIES);
void hydragoopStep(Hydragoop* h)
char dead = 0;
h->imageIndex += 0.16;
if (h->imageIndex >= 3) {
h->imageIndex -= 3;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 36;
mask.h = 36;
mask.x = h->x - mask.w / 2;
mask.y = h->y - mask.h / 2;
double grav = 0.2;
h->x += h->hsp;
mask.x = h->x - mask.w / 2;
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
h->inwall = 1;
h->y += h->vsp;
h->vsp += grav;
mask.y = h->y - mask.h / 2;
if (h->inwall == 0 && h->bounce == 0) {
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
h->bounce = 1;
h->vsp = -2;
//Outside of room
if ( (h->y > 500 && h->vsp >= 0) ||
(h->x < -20 && h->hsp <= 0) ||
(h->x > 660 && h->hsp >= 0) )
dead = 1;
//Collide with hero
//Collide with shield
if (checkCollision(mask, shieldMask) == 1) {
createEffect(1, h->x - 20, h->y - 20);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS);
dead = 1;
else if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
if (heroHit(25, h->x) == 1) {
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
void hydragoopDraw(Hydragoop* h)
int cropX = 320;
cropX += (int)h->imageIndex * 40;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(h->x - 20, h->y - 20, cropX, 480, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
void createHydrarock()
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Hydrarock* h = malloc(sizeof *h);
h->id = i;
h->x = 70 + (rand() % 26) * 20;
h->y = -24;
h->vsp = 0;
h->bounce = 0;
h->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = h;
e->enemyStep = hydrarockStep;
e->enemyDraw = hydrarockDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void hydrarockStep(Hydrarock* h)
h->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (h->imageIndex >= 8) {
h->imageIndex -= 8;
double grav = 0.15;
h->y += h->vsp;
h->vsp += grav;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 44;
mask.h = 44;
mask.x = h->x - mask.w / 2;
mask.y = h->y - mask.h / 2;
if (h->bounce == 0) {
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
h->bounce = 1;
h->vsp = -2;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit06], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Hero collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(30, h->x);
//Weapon Collision
int wid = checkWeaponCollision(mask);
if (wid != -1) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
if (h->y >= 520) {
void hydrarockDraw(Hydrarock* h)
int cropX = 128;
cropX += (int)h->imageIndex * 64;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(h->x - 32, h->y - 32, cropX, 128, 64, 64, images[imgMisc32]);
void createHydrashock(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Hydrashock* h = malloc(sizeof *h);
h->id = i;
h->timer = 0;
h->x = x;
h->y = y;
h->angle = 0;
h->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = h;
e->enemyStep = hydrashockStep;
e->enemyDraw = hydrashockDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot03], CHN_ENEMIES);
void hydrashockStep(Hydrashock* h)
h->imageIndex += 0.5;
if (h->imageIndex >= 4) {
h->imageIndex -= 4;
h->timer += 1;
if (h->timer >= 20) {
if (h->timer == 20) {
//Set angle
h->angle = (atan2(h->x - (herox), heroy + 20 - h->y) * 180 / PI) + 90;
h->timer = 22;
int spd = 5;
h->x += lengthdir_x(h->angle, spd);
h->y += lengthdir_y(h->angle, spd);
//Setup mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = 28;
mask.h = 28;
mask.x = h->x - mask.w / 2;
mask.y = h->y - mask.h / 2;
//Hero Collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
if (heroHit(25, h->x) == 1) {
//Destroy if outside of room
if (mask.x > 660 || mask.x + mask.w < -20 || mask.y > 500 || mask.y + mask.h < -20) {
void hydrashockDraw(Hydrashock* h)
if (h->timer % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = (int)h->imageIndex * 64;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(h->x - 32, h->y - 32, cropX, 192, 64, 64, images[imgMisc32]);
0,0 → 1,65
#ifndef HYDRA_H
#define HYDRA_H
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp, blink;
double x, y;
double hsp, vsp;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer;
int patternCounter;
char onground;
char noheads;
int headid[4];
} Hydra;
void createHydra(int x);
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp, blink;
int dir;
int position; //0 = lower 1 = higher
double imageIndex;
double neckRot;
int state, timer, counter;
int bodyid;
double bodyposX[7];
double bodyposY[7];
} Hydrahead;
int createHydrahead(int dir, int position, int bodyid);
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double hsp, vsp;
char inwall;
char bounce;
double imageIndex;
} Hydragoop;
void createHydragoop(int x, int y, int hsp, int vsp);
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double vsp;
char bounce;
double imageIndex;
} Hydrarock;
void createHydrarock();
typedef struct {
int id;
int timer;
double x, y;
double angle;
double imageIndex;
} Hydrashock;
void createHydrashock(int x, int y);
0,0 → 1,195
#include "jellyfish.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void jellyfishStep(Jellyfish* j);
void jellyfishDraw(Jellyfish* j);
void createJellyfish(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Jellyfish* j = malloc(sizeof *j);
j->id = i;
j->x = x;
j->y = j->ystart = y;
j->ystart += 20;
j->spd = 0;
j->angle = 0;
j->state = 0;
j->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = j;
e->enemyStep = jellyfishStep;
e->enemyDraw = jellyfishDraw;
e->type = 20;
enemies[i] = e;
void jellyfishStep(Jellyfish* j)
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = mask.h = 30;
mask.x = j->x + 20 - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = j->y + 20 - (mask.h / 2);
//Idle float
if (j->state == 0)
j->imageIndex += 0.06;
if (j->imageIndex >= 4) {
j->imageIndex -= 4;
j->angle += 2.5;
if (j->angle >= 360) { j->angle -= 360; }
j->y = j->ystart + (20 * sin(j->angle * 3.14159 / 180));
//Update mask
mask.y = j->y + 20 - (mask.h / 2);
//if player is close enough
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.w = area.h = 160;
area.x = j->x - 60;
area.y = j->y - 60;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
j->state = 1;
j->spd = 0;
if (j->state == 1)
if (j->spd == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_ENEMIES);
j->spd = 3;
//Move Right
if (herox > j->x + 20) {
//Move Up
if (heroy < j->y) {
j->angle = 135;
//Move Down
else {
j->angle = 45;
//Move Left
//Move Up
if (heroy < j->y) {
j->angle = 225;
//Move Down
else {
j->angle = 315;
j->x += (j->spd) * sin(j->angle * 3.14159 / 180);
j->y += (j->spd) * cos(j->angle * 3.14159 / 180);
//Slow down
j->spd -= 0.075;
if (j->spd <= 0) {
j->spd = 0;
j->state = 2;
if (j->state == 2)
if (j->spd == 0) {
j->spd = 1;
j->ystart = j->y - 20;
j->angle = 80;
j->angle += 2.5;
if (j->angle >= 360) { j->angle -= 360; }
j->y = j->ystart + (20 * sin(j->angle * 3.14159 / 180));
if (j->angle >= 180) {
j->state = 0;
j->ystart = j->y - 20;
j->angle = 100;
//Update Mask
mask.x = j->x + 20 - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = j->y + 20 - (mask.h / 2);
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, j->x + 20);
//Sword collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
spawnCollectable(j->x + 20, j->y);
createEffect(2, j->x - 12, j->y - 12);
void jellyfishDraw(Jellyfish* j)
int frame = 0;
//if (j->state == 0) {
int animation[4] = { 0, 1, 0, 2};
frame = animation[(int)j->imageIndex];
if (j->state == 1) {
if (j->angle == 135) {
frame = 3;
else if (j->angle == 225) {
frame = 4;
else if (j->angle == 315) {
frame = 5;
else {
frame = 6;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(j->x, j->y, frame * 40, 520, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,16
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int ystart;
double spd;
double angle;
int state;
double imageIndex;
} Jellyfish;
void createJellyfish(int x, int y);
0,0 → 1,232
#include "knight.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void knightDestroy(Knight* k);
void createKnight(int x, int y, int type)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Knight* k = malloc(sizeof *k);
k->id = i;
k->type = type;
k->x = x;
k->y = y;
//They face the player when they are spawned
k->dir = -1;
if (herox > x + 20) {
k->dir = 1;
k->vsp = 0;
k->grav = 0.2;
k->state = 0;
k->timer = 60 + (((rand() % 5) + 1) * 60);
k->imageIndex = 0;
k->hp = 2;
//Shield Knight
if (k->type == 1) {
k->hp = 3;
k->invincible = 0;
k->shieldhit = 0;
k-> = 0;
k->mask.unused = 0;
k->mask.x = x + 4;
k->mask.y = y + 8;
k->mask.w = 32;
k->mask.h = 32;
e->data = k;
e->enemyStep = knightStep;
e->enemyDraw = knightDraw;
e->type = 3;
enemies[i] = e;
void knightStep(Knight* k)
if (k->shieldhit > 0) {
k->shieldhit -= 1;
if (k->invincible > 0) {
k->invincible -= 1;
if (k->state == 0) { //Walk
k->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (k->imageIndex >= 2) {
k->imageIndex -= 2;
double spd = 1;
if (k->type == 1) {
spd = 0.5;
spd *= k->dir;
k->x += spd;
k->mask.x = k->x + 4;
k->mask.y = k->y + 8;
Mask emask; = emask.unused = 0;
emask.w = 16;
emask.h = 32;
emask.x = k->x + 12;
emask.y = k->y + 8;
//Turn when colliding with a wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, emask)) {
k->dir *= -1;
//Turn when on an edge
k->mask.x += k->mask.w * k->dir;
k->mask.y += 1;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, k->mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, k->mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
k->dir *= -1;
if (k->x + 20 >= 640 || k->x + 20 <= 0) {
k->dir *= -1;
k->mask.x = k->x + 4;
k->mask.y = k->y + 8;
k->timer -= 1;
if (k->timer <= 0) {
k->state = 1;
k->timer = 120;
k->imageIndex = 0;
else if (k->state == 1) { //Wait
k->timer -= 1;
if (k->timer <= 0) {
k->state = 0;
k->dir = 1;
if (herox < k->x + 20) {
k->dir = -1;
k->timer = 60 + (((rand() % 5) + 1) * 60);
//Green Sword Knight
if (k->type == 0) {
//Hit player
Mask swordMask;
swordMask.unused = 0; = 0;
swordMask.x = k->x + (24 * k->dir);
swordMask.y = k->y + 20;
swordMask.w = 40;
swordMask.h = 10;
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), swordMask)) {
heroHit(30, k->x + 20);
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), k->mask)) {
heroHit(15, k->x + 20);
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(k->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
char gotHit = 1;
int weapondir = weapons[i]->dir;
//Shield Collision
if (k->type == 1) {
if (weapondir == k->dir * -1) {
gotHit = 0;
k->shieldhit = 15;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
if (gotHit == 1) {
k->hp -= 1;
k->invincible = 15;
if (k->hp <= 0) {
void knightDraw(Knight* k)
if (k->invincible % 2 == 0) {
int cx = 0, cy = 200;
//Green Knight's Sword
if (k->type == 0) {
int swordimg = 0;
if (k->dir == -1) {
swordimg = 1;
int posx = 24, posy = 8;
if ((int)k->imageIndex == 1) {
posx -= 2;
posy -= 2;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(k->x + (posx * k->dir), k->y + posy, 160 + (swordimg * 40), 200, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
//Shield Knight
if (k->type == 1) {
cx = 240;
if (k->dir == -1) {
cx += 80;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(k->x, k->y, cx + ((int)k->imageIndex * 40), cy, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
void knightDestroy(Knight* k)
createEffect(2, k->x - 12, k->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(k->x + 20, k->y);
0,0 → 1,23
#ifndef KNIGHT_H
#define KNIGHT_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id, type;
double x, y,
vsp, grav;
int dir, state, timer;
double imageIndex;
int hp, invincible;
int shieldhit;
Mask mask;
} Knight;
void createKnight(int x, int y, int type);
void knightStep(Knight* k);
void knightDraw(Knight* k);
0,0 → 1,367
#include "lolidra.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int boss5flag = 38;
void lolidraDestroy(Lolidra* l);
int getNumOfMinions();
void createLolidra(int x, int y)
if (flags[boss5flag] == 0) { //have not beaten boss 5
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("boss05.bmp");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
//Boss start
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Lolidra* l = malloc(sizeof *l);
l->id = i;
l->x = x;
l->y = y;
l->positionY = l->y;
l->imageIndex = 0;
l->hoverRot = 0;
l->hp = 100;
//l->hp = 1;
l->state = 0;
l->invincible = 0;
l->visible = 1;
l->timer = 0;
l->counter = 0;
l->mask.unused = 0;
l-> = 1;
l->mask.w = 46;
l->mask.h = 0;
l->mask.x = l->x;
l->mask.y = l->y;
e->data = l;
e->enemyStep = lolidraStep;
e->enemyDraw = lolidraDraw;
e->type = 44;
enemies[i] = e;
void lolidraStep(Lolidra* l)
char dead = 0;
l->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (l->imageIndex >= 3) {
l->imageIndex -= 3;
if (l->invincible > 0) {
l->invincible -= 1;
//Spawn minions
if (l->state == 0)
if (l->counter < 5) {
l->counter += 1;
if (getNumOfMinions() < 10) {
l->counter = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_ENEMIES);
createMinion(l->x, l->y - 10);
l->timer += 1;
if (l->timer >= 600){
l->counter = 0;
l->timer = 0;
l->state = 1;
l->invincible = 20;
else if (l->state == 1 || l->state == 3)
if (l->invincible <= 0) {
l->visible = 0;
if (l->timer == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi10], CHN_ENEMIES);
l->timer += 1;
if (l->timer >= 330) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi03], CHN_ENEMIES);
l->timer = 0;
l->visible = 1;
l->invincible = 20;
l->x = herox;
l->positionY = heroy - 40;
if (l->state == 1) {
l->state = 2;
if (l->state == 3) {
l->state = 0;
else if (l->state == 2)
l->timer += 1;
if (l->timer >= 180) {
l->timer = 0;
l->state = 3;
l->invincible = 20;
else if (l->state == 4)
l->y += 0.2;
l->timer -= 1;
l->invincible -= 1;
if (l->timer % 12 == 0) {
createEffect(2, l->x - 64 + (rand() % 128), l->y - 64 + (rand() % 128));
if (l->timer <= 0) {
dead = 1;
if (dead == 0)
if (l->state != 4) {
l->hoverRot += 5;
if (l->hoverRot >= 360) {
l->hoverRot -= 360;
l->y = l->positionY + (5 * sin(l->hoverRot * 3.14159 / 180));
//Update Mask
l->mask.x = l->x;
l->mask.y = l->y;
if (l->visible == 1) {
//Collide with Hero
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), l->mask) == 1) {
heroHit(30, l->x);
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(l->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
l->invincible = 15;
l->hp -= 1;
if (l->hp <= 0) {
l->state = 4;
l->timer = 180;
l->invincible = 200;
void lolidraDraw(Lolidra* l)
if (l->visible == 1 && l->invincible % 2 == 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(l->x - 64, l->y - 74, ((int)l->imageIndex) * 128, 0, 128, 128, images[imgBoss]);
void lolidraDestroy(Lolidra* l)
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
flags[boss5flag] = 1;
void createMinion(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Minion* m = malloc(sizeof *m);
m->id = i;
m->state = 0;
m->timer = 0;
m->x = x;
m->y = y;
m->positionY = m->y;
m->dir = rand() % 360;
m->spd = 8;
m->imageIndex = 0;
m-> = 1;
m->mask.unused = 0;
m->mask.w = 10;
m->mask.x = 0;
m->mask.y = 0;
e->data = m;
e->enemyStep = minionStep;
e->enemyDraw = minionDraw;
e->type = 23;
enemies[i] = e;
void minionStep(Minion* m)
char dead = 0;
m->imageIndex += 0.2;
if (m->imageIndex >= 2) {
m->imageIndex -= 2;
//Slow down
if (m->state == 0)
if (m->spd > 0) {
m->spd -= 0.3;
if (m->spd <= 0) {
m->positionY = m->y;
m->spd = 0;
m->dir = 0;
m->state = 1;
else if (m->state == 1)
m->dir += 5;
if (m->dir >= 360) {
m->dir -= 360;
m->y = m->positionY + (10 * sin(m->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
m->timer += 1;
if (m->timer >= 120) {
m->timer = 0;
m->state = 2;
m->spd = (rand() % 2) + 1;
m->dir = (atan2(heroy + 20 - m->y, m->x - herox) * 180 / 3.14159) + 270;
else if (m->state == 2)
m->timer += 1;
if (m->timer >= 120) {
createEffect(5, m->x, m->y);
dead = 1;
if (dead == 0)
if (m->spd != 0) {
m->x += m->spd * sin(m->dir * 3.14159 / 180);
m->y += m->spd * cos(m->dir * 3.14159 / 180);
//Update Mask
m->mask.x = m->x;
m->mask.y = m->y;
//Collide with Hero
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), m->mask) == 1) {
if (heroHit(10, m->x) == 1) {
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(m->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
createEffect(2, m->x - 32, m->y - 32);
void minionDraw(Minion* m)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(m->x - 32, m->y - 32, ((int)m->imageIndex) * 64, 128, 64, 64, images[imgBoss]);
int getNumOfMinions()
int result = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] != NULL) {
if (enemies[i]->type == 23) {
result += 1;
return result;
0,0 → 1,40
#ifndef LOLIDRA_H
#define LOLIDRA_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double positionY;
double imageIndex, hoverRot;
int hp, state, invincible,
visible, timer, counter;
Mask mask;
} Lolidra;
void createLolidra(int x, int y);
void lolidraStep(Lolidra* l);
void lolidraDraw(Lolidra* l);
typedef struct {
int id;
int state;
int timer;
double x, y;
double positionY;
double imageIndex;
double dir, spd;
Mask mask;
} Minion;
void createMinion(int x, int y);
void minionStep(Minion* m);
void minionDraw(Minion* m);
0,0 → 1,78
#include "pendulum.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void createPendulum(int x, int y, int side)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Pendulum* p = malloc(sizeof *p);
p->id = i;
p->x = x;
p->y = y;
p->angle = 0;
p->rotCounter = 180;
if (side == 1) {
p->rotCounter += 180;
p-> = 1;
p->mask.unused = 0;
p->mask.w = 24;
p->mask.x = 0;
p->mask.y = 0;
e->data = p;
e->enemyStep = pendulumStep;
e->enemyDraw = pendulumDraw;
e->type = 22;
enemies[i] = e;
void pendulumStep(Pendulum* p)
p->rotCounter += 2;
if (p->rotCounter >= 360) {
p->rotCounter -= 360;
p->angle += (3.15 * cos(p->rotCounter * 3.14159 / 180));
//Update Mask
p->mask.x = p->x + (96 * cos((p->angle + 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
p->mask.y = p->y + (96 * sin((p->angle + 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(p->mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, p->mask.x);
void pendulumDraw(Pendulum* p)
int drawX = p->x,
drawY = p->y;
int len[] = {0, 16, 32, 48, 66, 96};
int cropX[] = {64, 64, 64, 64, 0, 576};
int cropY[] = {128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 64};
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
drawX = p->x + (len[i] * cos((p->angle + 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
drawY = p->y + (len[i] * sin((p->angle + 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(drawX- 32, drawY - 32, cropX[i], cropY[i], 64, 64, images[imgMisc32]);
0,0 → 1,19
#ifndef PENDULUM_H
#define PENDULUM_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double rotCounter, angle;
Mask mask;
} Pendulum;
void createPendulum(int x, int y, int side);
void pendulumStep(Pendulum* p);
void pendulumDraw(Pendulum* p);
0,0 → 1,176
#include "podoboo.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../effect.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void podobooStep(Podoboo* p);
void podobooDraw(Podoboo* p);
void createPodoboo(int x, int y, int offset, int height)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Podoboo* p = malloc(sizeof *p);
p->id = i;
p->x = x;
p->y = p->ystart = y;
p->hp = 2;
p->blink = 0;
p->yoffset = p->rot = 0;
p->vsp = 0;
p->grav = 0.13;
p->jumpheight = -5;
if (height == 1) {
p->jumpheight = -5.4;
if (height == 1) {
p->jumpheight = -7;
p->imageIndex = 0;
p->timer = 30 * offset;
p->state = 0;
e->data = p;
e->enemyStep = podobooStep;
e->enemyDraw = podobooDraw;
e->type = 15;
enemies[i] = e;
void podobooStep(Podoboo* p)
if (p->blink > 0) {
p->blink -= 1;
p->timer -= 1;
//Float in lava
if (p->state == 0)
p->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (p->imageIndex >= 2) {
p->imageIndex -= 2;
//Bob movement
p->rot += 5;
if (p->rot >= 360) {
p->rot -= 360;
p->y = p->ystart + (5 * sin(p->rot * 3.14159 / 180));
if (p->timer <= 0) {
p->state = 1;
createLavaSplash(p->x + 20, p->y);
p->y = p->ystart;
p->vsp = p->jumpheight;
//In air
else if (p->state == 1)
p->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (p->imageIndex >= 3) {
p->imageIndex -= 3;
p->y += p->vsp;
p->vsp += p->grav;
//Land in lava again
if (p->vsp > 0 && p->y >= p->ystart) {
createLavaSplash(p->x + 20, p->y);
p->y = p->ystart;
p->state = 0;
p->vsp = 0;
p->timer = 60;
//Create Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = mask.h = 30;
mask.x = p->x + 5;
mask.y = p->y + 5;
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
p->hp -= 1;
p->blink = 15;
if (p->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, p->x - 12, p->y - 12);
spawnCollectable(p->x + 20, p->y);
void podobooDraw(Podoboo* p)
if (p->blink % 2 == 0) {
int thisImage = p->imageIndex;
if (p->state == 1) {
thisImage += 2;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(p->x, p->y, 280 + (40 * thisImage), 520, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,20
#ifndef PODOBOO_H
#define PODOBOO_H
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int ystart;
int hp;
int blink;
int rot;
double yoffset;
double vsp, grav;
double jumpheight;
double imageIndex;
int timer, state;
} Podoboo;
void createPodoboo(int x, int y, int offset, int height);
0,0 → 1,318
#include "poisonknight.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void poisonknightStep(Poisonknight* p);
void poisonknightDraw(Poisonknight* p);
void goopStep(Goop* g);
void goopDraw(Goop* g);
void createPoisonknight(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Poisonknight* p = malloc(sizeof *p);
p->id = i;
p->hp = 2;
p->x = x;
p->y = y;
p->imageIndex = 0;
p->dir = 1;
if (herox < p->x) {
p->dir = -1;
p->blink = 0;
p->timer = 0;
p->state = 0;
e->data = p;
e->enemyStep = poisonknightStep;
e->enemyDraw = poisonknightDraw;
e->type = 29;
enemies[i] = e;
void poisonknightStep(Poisonknight* p)
char dead = 0;
p->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (p->imageIndex >= 2) {
p->imageIndex -= 2;
if (p->blink > 0) {
p->blink -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 38;
mask.h = 36;
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = p->y + (40 - mask.h);
if (p->state == 0) {
double hsp = 1;
p->x += hsp * p->dir;
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
//Hit wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
p->dir *= -1;
//On wall edge
else {
mask.x += mask.w * p->dir;
mask.y += 10;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
p->dir *= -1;
//Hero is close enough
if (p->timer <= 0) {
Mask area; = area.unused = 0;
area.x = p->x - 110;
area.y = p->y;
area.w = 260;
area.h = 40;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
p->dir = 1;
if (herox < p->x + 20) {
p->dir = -1;
p->imageIndex = 1;
p->timer = 0;
p->state = 1;
p->timer -= 1;
else if (p->state == 1)
p->imageIndex = 1;
p->timer += 1;
if (p->timer >= 15) {
p->state = 2;
p->timer = 0;
p->imageIndex = 2;
//Shoot goop
else if (p->state == 2)
//Shoot goop
if (p->timer == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi05], CHN_ENEMIES);
createGoop(p->x + (20 * p->dir), p->y - 2, p->dir);
p->imageIndex = 2;
p->timer += 1;
if (p->timer >= 25) {
p->state = 0;
p->timer = 240;
//Update Mask
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = p->y + (40 - mask.h);
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
p->hp -= 1;
p->blink = 15;
if (p->hp <= 0) {
dead = 1;
createEffect(2, p->x - 12, p->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(p->x + 20, p->y);
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
void poisonknightDraw(Poisonknight* p)
if (p->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = (int)p->imageIndex * 40;
if (p->dir == -1) {
cropX += 120;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(p->x, p->y, cropX, 280, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
//Poison Goop
void createGoop(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Goop* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->dir = dir;
g->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = g;
e->enemyStep = goopStep;
e->enemyDraw = goopDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void goopStep(Goop* g)
char dead = 0;
g->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (g->imageIndex >= 3) {
g->imageIndex -= 3;
int hsp = 4;
g->x += hsp * g->dir;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 22;
mask.h = 22;
mask.x = g->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = g->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
//Collide with hero
//Collide with shield
if (checkCollision(mask, shieldMask) == 1) {
dead = 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS);
createEffect(1, g->x, g->y);
//Collide with hero
else if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
if (heroHit(10, mask.x + (mask.w / 2)) == 1) {
//Collide with wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
dead = 1;
createEffect(1, g->x, g->y);
//Destroy if out of room
if (g->x + 40 < 0 || g->x > 640) {
dead = 1;
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
void goopDraw(Goop* g)
int cropX = 400 + ((int)g->imageIndex * 40);
if (g->dir == -1) {
cropX += 120;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x, g->y, cropX, 520, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
0,0 → 1,26
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
double x, y;
double imageIndex;
int dir;
int blink;
int timer;
int state;
} Poisonknight;
void createPoisonknight(int x, int y);
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int dir;
double imageIndex;
} Goop;
void createGoop(int x, int y, int dir);
0,0 → 1,375
#include "pumpkin.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void pumpkinenemyStep(Pumpkinenemy* p);
void pumpkinenemyDraw(Pumpkinenemy* p);
void pumpkinheadStep(Pumpkinhead* p);
void pumpkinheadDraw(Pumpkinhead* p);
void createPumpkinenemy(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Pumpkinenemy* p = malloc(sizeof *p);
p->id = i;
p->hp = 3;
p->blink = 0;
p->x = x;
p->y = y;
p->dir = 1;
if (herox < p->x + 20) {
p->dir = -1;
p->imageIndex = 0;
p->state = 0;
p->timer = 0;
e->data = p;
e->enemyStep = pumpkinenemyStep;
e->enemyDraw = pumpkinenemyDraw;
e->type = 32;
enemies[i] = e;
void pumpkinenemyStep(Pumpkinenemy* p)
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = 20;
mask.h = 38;
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = p->y + (40 - mask.h);
p->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (p->imageIndex >= 2) {
p->imageIndex -= 2;
if (p->blink > 0) {
p->blink -= 1;
if (p->state == 0)
double hsp = 0.5;
p->x += hsp * p->dir;
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
//Hit wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1 || mask.x > 640 || mask.x + mask.w < 0) {
p->dir *= -1;
//On edge
mask.x += mask.w * p->dir;
mask.y += 20;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
p->dir *= -1;
//Player is close
if (p->timer <= 0) {
Mask area;
{ = area.unused = 0;
area.w = 240;
area.h = 80;
area.x = p->x - 100;
area.y = p->y - 40;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
p->state = 1;
p->timer = 0;
p->dir = 1;
if (herox < p->x + 20) {
p->dir = -1;
p->timer -= 1;
else if (p->state == 1) {
p->imageIndex = 0;
if (p->timer >= 15) {
p->imageIndex = 2;
p->timer += 1;
if (p->timer == 15) {
createPumpkinhead(p->x, p->y - 6, p->dir);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi05], CHN_ENEMIES);
if (p->timer >= 40) {
p->state = 0;
p->imageIndex = 0;
p->timer = 300;
//Update Mask
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = p->y + (40 - mask.h);
//Hero Collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon Collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
p->hp -= 1;
p->blink = 15;
if (p->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, p->x - 12, p->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(p->x + 20, p->y);
void pumpkinenemyDraw(Pumpkinenemy* p)
if (p->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = (int)p->imageIndex * 40;
if (p->dir == -1) {
cropX += 120;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(p->x, p->y, cropX, 560, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
//Pumpkin bomb head
void createPumpkinhead(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Pumpkinhead* p = malloc(sizeof *p);
p->id = i;
p->dir = dir;
p->x = x;
p->y = y;
p->vsp = -2;
p->imageIndex = 0;
p->state = 0;
p->timer = 0;
e->data = p;
e->enemyStep = pumpkinheadStep;
e->enemyDraw = pumpkinheadDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void pumpkinheadStep(Pumpkinhead* p)
char dead = 0;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 20;
mask.h = 22;
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = p->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
//Pumpkin head
if (p->state == 0)
char explode = 0;
p->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (p->imageIndex >= 2) {
p->imageIndex -= 2;
int hsp = 3;
p->x += hsp * p->dir;
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
p->x = collide.x + 20 - ((20 + (mask.w / 2)) * p->dir) - 20;
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
p->dir *= -1;
double grav = 0.15;
p->y += p->vsp;
p->vsp += grav;
mask.y = p->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
p->y = collide.y - 40;
explode = 1;
//Update Mask
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = p->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
if (explode == 1) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndBom03], CHN_ENEMIES);
p->state = 1;
p->imageIndex = 0;
p->timer = 0;
//Outside of room
if (mask.y > 480 || mask.x > 640 || mask.x + mask.w < 0) {
dead = 1;
else if (p->state == 1)
//Update Mask
mask.w = 68;
mask.h = 66;
mask.x = p->x - 44 + 64 - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = p->y - 44 + (84 - mask.h);
p->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (p->imageIndex >= 12) {
dead = 1;
//Hero Collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(40, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
void pumpkinheadDraw(Pumpkinhead* p)
if (p->state == 0) {
int cropX = (int)p->imageIndex * 40;
if (p->dir == -1) {
cropX += 80;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(p->x, p->y, cropX, 240, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
if (p->state == 1) {
int cropX = (int)p->imageIndex * 128;
int cropY = 0;
while (cropX >= 640) {
cropX -= 640;
cropY += 96;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(p->x - 44, p->y - 44, cropX, cropY, 128, 96, images[imgExplosion]);
0,0 → 1,27
#ifndef PUMPKIN_H
#define PUMPKIN_H
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
int blink;
double x, y;
int dir;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer;
} Pumpkinenemy;
void createPumpkinenemy(int x, int y);
typedef struct {
int id;
int dir;
double x, y;
double vsp;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer;
} Pumpkinhead;
void createPumpkinhead(int x, int y, int dir);
0,0 → 1,204
#include "seal.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../collision.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void sealStep(Seal* s);
void sealDraw(Seal* s);
void createSeal(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Seal* s = malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = i;
s->hp = 2;
s->x = x;
s->y = y;
s->imageIndex = 0;
s->dir = 1;
if (x + 20 > herox) {
s->dir = -1;
s->state = 0;
s->timer = 0;
s->invincible = 0;
e->data = s;
e->enemyStep = sealStep;
e->enemyDraw = sealDraw;
e->type = 19;
enemies[i] = e;
void sealStep(Seal* s)
if (s->invincible > 0) {
s->invincible -= 1;
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = mask.h = 28;
mask.x = s->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = s->y + (40 - mask.h);
if (s->state == 0)
s->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (s->imageIndex >= 2) {
s->imageIndex -= 2;
//Check if hit a wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
s->dir *= -1;
//Check if on edge
mask.x += mask.w * s->dir;
mask.y += mask.h;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
s->dir *= -1;
mask.x = s->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = s->y + (40 - mask.h);
s->x += 0.5 * s->dir;
if (s->timer <= 0) {
//Check if player is close enough
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.x = s->x - 40;
area.y = s->y;
area.w = 120;
area.h = 120;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
s->state = 1;
s->timer = -1;
s->timer -= 1;
//Rear back
else if (s->state == 1)
if (s->timer == -1) {
s->imageIndex = 4;
s->timer = 20;
s->timer -= 1;
if (s->timer <= 0) {
s->state = 2;
s->timer = -1;
s->imageIndex = 0;
//Tounge attack
else if (s->state == 2)
if (s->timer == -1) {
s->timer = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndGet01], CHN_ENEMIES);
int animation[41] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3,
2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 };
s->imageIndex = animation[(int)s->timer];
//Update mask height to fit tounge
int len[6] = { 18, 38, 58, 64, 66, 0};
mask.h += len[(int)s->imageIndex];
s->timer += 1;
if (s->timer >= 41) {
s->state = 0;
s->timer = 120;
s->imageIndex = 0;
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(10, s->x + 20);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
s->hp -= 1;
s->invincible = 15;
if (s->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, s->x - 12, s->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(s->x + 20, s->y);
void sealDraw(Seal* s)
if (s->invincible % 2 == 0) {
int cx = 400 + ((int)s->imageIndex * 40);
if (s->state == 0) {
if (s->dir == -1) {
cx += 80;
if (s->state == 2) {
cx = 600;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x, s->y, cx, 200, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
//Draw tounge
if (s->state == 2) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x, s->y + 28, 200 + ((int)s->imageIndex * 40), 0, 40, 80, images[imgMisc2040]);
0,0 → 1,14
#ifndef SEAL_H
#define SEAL_H
typedef struct {
int id, hp;
double x, y;
double imageIndex;
int dir, state, timer;
int invincible;
} Seal;
void createSeal(int x, int y);
0,0 → 1,298
#include "skeleton.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void skeletonStep(Skeleton* s);
void skeletonDraw(Skeleton* s);
void boneStep(Bone* b);
void boneDraw(Bone* b);
void createSkeleton(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Skeleton* s = malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = i;
s->x = x;
s->y = y;
s->imageIndex = 0;
s->dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
s->dir = -1;
s->hsp = 0.5 * s->dir;
s->hp = 2;
s->state = 0;
s->timer = 0;
s->invincible = 0;
s->mask.unused = s-> = 0;
s->mask.w = 24;
s->mask.h = 36;
s->mask.x = s->x + 8;
s->mask.y = s->y + 4;
e->data = s;
e->enemyStep = skeletonStep;
e->enemyDraw = skeletonDraw;
e->type = 17;
enemies[i] = e;
void skeletonStep(Skeleton* s)
if (s->invincible > 0) {
s->invincible -= 1;
//Collide with wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, s->mask) == 1) {
s->hsp *= -1;
//Check if on ledge
int tempdir = 1;
if (s->hsp < 0) {
tempdir = -1;
s->mask.x += tempdir * s->mask.w;
s->mask.y += 10;
if (checkTileCollision(1, s->mask) == 0 && checkTileCollision(3, s->mask) == 0) {
s->hsp *= -1;
s->mask.y -= 10;
s->mask.x = s->x + 8;
s->x += s->hsp;
if (s->timer >= 0) {
s->timer -= 1;
//Walk around
if (s->state == 0)
s->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (s->hsp < 0) {
s->dir = -1;
s->hsp = -0.5;
}else if (s->hsp > 0) {
s->dir = 1;
s->hsp = 0.5;
s->hsp = 0.5 * s->dir;
if (s->timer <= 0) {
//If hero is too close
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.x = s->x - 80;
area.y = s->y - 20;
area.w = 200;
area.h = 80;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
s->state = 1;
s->timer = 30;
s->hsp = 0;
s->dir = 1;
if (herox < s->mask.x + (s->mask.w / 2)) {
s->dir = -1;
else if (s->state == 1)
s->hsp = 0;
s->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (s->timer <= 0) {
s->state = 2;
s->hsp = 2.5 * -s->dir;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi05], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Slide backwards
else if (s->state == 2)
s->imageIndex = 0;
double fric = 0.075;
if (s->hsp > 0) {
s->hsp -= fric;
if (s->hsp <= 0) { s->hsp = 0; }
else if (s->hsp < 0) {
s->hsp += fric;
if (s->hsp >= 0) { s->hsp = 0; }
if (s->hsp == 0) {
s->state = 3;
s->timer = 30;
createBone(s->x, s->y, s->dir);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot05], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Throw bone
else if (s->state == 3)
s->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (s->timer <= 0) {
s->timer = 0;
s->state = 0;
if (s->imageIndex >= 2) {
s->imageIndex -= 2;
//Update mask
s->mask.x = s->x + 8;
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(s->mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(10, s->x + 20);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(s->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
s->hp -= 1;
s->invincible = 15;
if (s->hp <= 0) {
createRockSmash(s->x + 20, s->y + 20);
spawnCollectable(s->x + 20, s->mask.y + s->mask.h - 40);
void skeletonDraw(Skeleton* s)
if (s->invincible % 2 == 0) {
int dx = 160 + ((int)s->imageIndex * 40);
if (s->dir == -1) {
dx += 80;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x, s->y, dx, 240, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
void createBone(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Bone* b = malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->x = x;
b->y = y;
b->hsp = dir * 0.75;
b->vsp = -4;
b->grav = 0.1;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->mask.unused = 0;
b-> = 1;
b->mask.w = 12;
b->mask.h = 12;
b->mask.x = b->x + 20;
b->mask.y = b->y + 20;
e->data = b;
e->enemyStep = boneStep;
e->enemyDraw = boneDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void boneStep(Bone* b)
if (b->hsp < 0) {
b->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (b->imageIndex >= 4) {
b->imageIndex -= 4;
b->imageIndex -= 0.25;
if (b->imageIndex < 0) {
b->imageIndex += 4;
b->x += b->hsp;
b->y += b->vsp;
b->vsp += b->grav;
//Update Mask
b->mask.x = b->x + 20;
b->mask.y = b->y + 20;
if (b->y > 480) {
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(b->mask, shieldMask)) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS);
createEffect(1, b->x, b->y);
if (checkCollision(b->mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(10, b->x + 20);
void boneDraw(Bone* b)
int img = 320 + ((int)b->imageIndex * 40);
if (b->hsp > 0) {
img += 160;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(b->x, b->y, img, 240, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,31
#ifndef SKELETON_H
#define SKELETON_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double hsp;
double imageIndex;
int dir;
int hp;
int state, timer, invincible;
Mask mask;
} Skeleton;
void createSkeleton(int x, int y, int dir);
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double hsp, vsp, grav;
double imageIndex;
Mask mask;
} Bone;
void createBone(int x, int y, int dir);
0,0 → 1,174
#include "skull.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void skullStep(Skull* s);
void skullDraw(Skull* s);
void createSkull(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Skull* s = malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = i;
//X/Y in center of sprite
s->x = x + 20;
s->y = y + 20;
s->yoffset = 0;
s->rot = 0;
s->state = 0;
s->timer = 0;
s->imageIndex = 0;
s->dir = 0;
e->data = s;
e->enemyStep = skullStep;
e->enemyDraw = skullDraw;
e->type = 12;
enemies[i] = e;
void skullStep(Skull* s)
double imageSpeed = 0;
if (s->state == 0)
imageSpeed = 0.2;
if (s->timer > 0) {
s->timer -= 1;
Mask tempmask;
tempmask.unused = = 0;
tempmask.x = s->x - 100;
tempmask.y = s->y - 100;
tempmask.w = tempmask.h = 200;
if (checkCollisionXY(tempmask, herox, heroy + 20)) {
//Calculate distance
//int dis = sqrt(pow(s->x - herox, 2) + pow(s->y - (heroy + 20), 2));
//if (dis <= 100) {
s->state = 1;
//s->dir = (rand() % 8) * 45;
s->dir = (rand() % 360) + 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi08], CHN_ENEMIES);
s->timer = 130;
else if (s->state == 1)
imageSpeed = 0.3;
int spd = 2;
s->x += (spd * cos(s->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
s->y += (spd * sin(s->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
double herodir = ((atan2((heroy + 20) - s->y, herox - s->x) * 180) / 3.14159);
if (herodir >= 360) {
herodir -= 360;
if (herodir < 0) {
herodir += 360;
double tempdir = s->dir - herodir;
if (tempdir < 0) {
tempdir += 360;
if (tempdir < 180) {
s->dir -= 2;
s->dir += 2;
if (s->dir >= 360) {
s->dir -= 360;
if (s->dir < 0) {
s->dir += 360;
s->timer -= 1;
if (s->timer <= 0) {
s->state = 0;
s->timer = 10;
s->imageIndex += imageSpeed;
if (s->imageIndex >= 4) {
s->imageIndex -= 4;
//Hover offset
s->rot += 5;
if (s->rot >= 360) {
s->rot -= 360;
s->yoffset = (5 * sin(s->rot * 3.14159 / 180));
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = 0; = 1;
mask.x = s->x;
mask.y = s->y;
mask.w = mask.h = 10;
//Hero collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, mask.x);
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
createEffect(2, s->x - 32, s->y - 32);
spawnCollectable(s->x, s->y - 20);
void skullDraw(Skull* s)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x - 20, s->y + s->yoffset - 20, 480 + ((int)s->imageIndex * 40), 40, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,15
#ifndef SKULL_H
#define SKULL_H
typedef struct {
int id, state, timer;
double x, y;
double yoffset;
int rot;
double dir;
double imageIndex;
} Skull;
void createSkull(int x, int y);
0,0 → 1,228
#include "slime.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../collision.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../weapon.h"
void slimeStep(Slime* s);
void slimeDraw(Slime* s);
void createSlime(int x, int y, int type, int offset)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* result = malloc(sizeof *result);
Slime* s = malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = i;
s->x = x + 20;
s->y = y;
s->type = type;
s->offset = offset;
s->hp = 1;
s->state = 0;
s->counter = 0;
s->timer = 0;
s->grav = 0.125;
s->vsp = 0;
s->hsp = 0;
s->imageIndex = 0;
result->data = s;
result->enemyStep = slimeStep;
result->enemyDraw = slimeDraw;
result->type = 0;
enemies[i] = result;
void slimeStep(Slime* s)
char dead = 0;
//Stay within room
if (s->x > 640) {
s->x = 640;
if (s->x < 0) {
s->x = 0;
//Setup Rectangle Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = 0; = 0;
mask.w = 24;
mask.h = 24;
mask.x = s->x - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = s->y + 28 - (mask.h / 2);
if (s->state == 0)
s->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (s->imageIndex >= 6) {
s->imageIndex = 0;
if (s->offset <= 0) {
s->state = 1;
//Red/Yellow Slime
if (s->type == 1 || s->type == 2)
s->hsp = 1;
if (s->type == 2) {
s->hsp = 1.5;
if ((int)(rand() % 2) == 0) {
s->hsp *= -1;
if (s->counter < 2) {
s->vsp = -2;
s->counter += 1;
s->vsp = -4;
s->counter = 0;
s->offset -= 1;
else if (s->state == 1)
//Red/Yellow Slime
if (s->type == 1 || s->type == 2)
s->x += s->hsp;
mask.x = s->x - (mask.w / 2);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (s->hsp > 0) {
s->x = collide.x - (mask.w / 2);
}else if (s->hsp < 0) {
s->x = collide.x + 40 + (mask.w / 2);
mask.x = s->x - (mask.w / 2);
s->y += s->vsp;
s->vsp += s->grav;
mask.y = s->y + 28 - (mask.h / 2);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (s->vsp >= 0) {
s->state = 0;
s->hsp = 0;
s->y = collide.y - 40;
s->y = collide.y + 40 - (40 - mask.h) + 1;
//Setup Collision Mask
mask.unused = 0; = 1;
mask.w = 12;
mask.x = s->x;
mask.y = s->y + 28;
//Fell in a pit
if (s->y > 480) {
dead = 1;
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(mask, heroMask)) {
int dmg[3] = {10, 20, 20};
if (heroHit(dmg[s->type], s->x) == 1 && s->type == 2) {
//Sword collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
spawnCollectable(s->x, s->y + 6);
createEffect(2, s->x - 32, s->y - 12);
dead = 1;
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
void slimeDraw(Slime* s)
int cropX = 0,
cropY = 0;
if (s->state == 0) {
int image[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 };
cropX = image[(int)s->imageIndex] * 40;
else if (s->state == 1) {
cropX = 200;
if (s->vsp >= 0) {
cropX += 40;
//Color offsets
int addX[3] = {0, 280, 0};
int addY[3] = {0, 0, 480};
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x - 20, s->y + 12, cropX + addX[s->type], cropY + addY[s->type], 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,17
#ifndef SLIME_H
#define SLIME_H
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int type; //0 = blue | 1 = red | 2 = yellow
int offset;
double vsp, hsp, grav;
double imageIndex;
int counter, timer, state;
int hp;
} Slime;
void createSlime(int x, int y, int type, int offset);
0,0 → 1,164
#include "slug.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void slugStep(Slug* s);
void slugDraw(Slug* s);
void createSlug(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Slug* s = malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = i;
s->x = x;
s->y = y;
s->imageIndex = 0;
s->vsp = 0;
s->dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
s->dir = -1;
e->data = s;
e->enemyStep = slugStep;
e->enemyDraw = slugDraw;
e->type = 2;
enemies[i] = e;
void slugStep(Slug* s)
//Create Mask
Mask mask;
{ = 0;
mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 32;
mask.h = 24;
mask.x = s->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = s->y + (40 - mask.h);
s->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (s->imageIndex >= 4) {
s->imageIndex -= 4;
//Check if on ground
int onground = 1;
mask.y += 1;
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 0 && checkTileCollision(3, mask) == 0) {
onground = 0;
mask.y -= 1;
if (onground == 0) {
double grav = 0.2;
s->y += s->vsp;
s->vsp += grav;
//Land on ground
mask.y = mask.y + (40 - mask.h);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
s->y = collide.y - 40;
s->vsp = 0;
//Check if on ledge
mask.x += mask.w * s->dir;
mask.y += 1;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
s->dir *= -1;
//Horizontal movement
double hsp = 0.5;
s->x += s->dir * hsp;
//Check if hit a wall
mask.x = s->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = s->y + (40 - mask.h);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
s->dir *= -1;
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask) == 1) {
createEffect(2, s->x - 12, s->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(s->x + 20, s->y);
void slugDraw(Slug* s)
int anim[4] = { 1, 0, 2, 0 };
int cropx = anim[(int)s->imageIndex] * 40;
if (s->dir == -1) {
cropx += 120;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x, s->y + 10, cropx, 40, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,13
#ifndef SLUG_H
#define SLUG_H
typedef struct {
int id;
int dir;
double x, y, vsp;
double imageIndex;
} Slug;
void createSlug(int x, int y, int dir);
0,0 → 1,265
#include "thwomp.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../effect.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void thwompStep(Thwomp* t);
void thwompDraw(Thwomp* t);
void createThwomp(int x, int y, int type, int offset, int delay, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Thwomp* t = malloc(sizeof *t);
t->id = i;
t->x = x;
t->y = y;
t->vsp = 0;
t->grav = 0.3;
t->imageIndex = 0;
t->type = type;
t->state = 0;
t->timer = offset * 30;
t->delay = delay * 30;
//default delay is 60
if (delay == 0) {
t->delay = 60;
t->dir = dir;
t->hp = 3;
t->blink = 0;
e->data = t;
e->enemyStep = thwompStep;
e->enemyDraw = thwompDraw;
e->type = 16;
enemies[i] = e;
void thwompStep(Thwomp* t)
t->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (t->imageIndex >= 3) {
t->imageIndex -= 3;
if (t->blink > 0) {
t->blink -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = mask.h = 36;
mask.x = t->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = t->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
if (t->state == 0) {
t->vsp = 0;
if (t->type == 0) {
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.x = t->x - 40;
area.y = t->y;
area.w = 120;
area.h = 160;
if (checkCollisionXY(area, herox, heroy)) {
t->state = 1;
t->timer -= 1;
if (t->timer <= 0) {
t->state = 1;
else if (t->state == 1) {
if (t->dir == 0) {
t->y += t->vsp;
if (t->dir == 1) {
t->x -= t->vsp;
if (t->dir == 2) {
t->x += t->vsp;
t->vsp += t->grav;
if (t->vsp >= 7) {
t->vsp = 7;
//Update Mask
mask.x = t->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = t->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
int effX = t->x,
effY = t->y;
if (t->dir == 0) {
t->y = collide.y - 40;
effY = t->y + 20;
if (t->dir == 1) {
t->x = collide.x + 40;
effX = t->x - 20;
if (t->dir == 2) {
t->x = collide.x - 40;
effX = t->x + 20;
t->state = 2;
t->timer = 60;
createEffect(1, effX, effY);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_ENEMIES);
else if (t->state == 2) {
if (t->type == 1) { //Automatic
t->timer -= 1;
if (t->timer <= 0) {
t->state = 3;
else if (t->state == 3) { //rise up
if (t->dir == 0) {
t->y -= 2;
if (t->dir == 1) {
t->x += 2;
if (t->dir == 2) {
t->x -= 2;
//Update Mask
mask.x = t->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = t->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
if (t->dir == 0) {
mask.y -= 4;
if (t->dir == 1) {
mask.x += 4;
if (t->dir == 2) {
mask.x -= 4;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (t->dir == 0) {
t->y = collide.y + 40 + 2;
if (t->dir == 1) {
t->x = collide.x - 40 + 2;
if (t->dir == 2) {
t->x = collide.x + 40 + 2;
t->state = 0;
t->timer = t->delay;
//Update Mask
mask.x = t->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = t->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
if (hasItem[16] == 1) { //Has blue paper
t->hp -= 1;
t->blink = 15;
if (t->hp <= 0) {
createRockSmash(t->x + 20, t->y + 20);
spawnCollectable(t->x + 20, t->y);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
void thwompDraw(Thwomp* t)
if (t->blink % 2 == 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(t->x, t->y, 240 + ((int)t->imageIndex * 40), 400, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
0,0 → 1,18
#ifndef THWOMP_H
#define THWOMP_H
//#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double vsp, grav;
double imageIndex;
int type, state, timer, dir;
int hp, blink;
int delay;
} Thwomp;
void createThwomp(int x, int y, int type, int offset, int delay, int dir);
0,0 → 1,356
#include "waterjumper.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "../game.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "../collision.h"
void waterJumperStep(WaterJumper* w);
void waterJumperDraw(WaterJumper* w);
void createWaterJumper(int x, int y, int type, int offset, int height)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
WaterJumper* w = malloc(sizeof *w);
w->id = i;
w->type = type;
w->x = x;
w->y = w->ystart = y;
w->hp = 1;
w->hsp = w->vsp = 0;
w->grav = 0.115;
w->yoffset = 0;
w->imageIndex = 0;
w->blink = 0;
w->timer = 60;
w->timer += 60 * offset;
w->rot = 0;
w->state = 0;
if (type == 1) {
w->hp = 2;
w->timer = 60 * offset;
//Specific offset timer
if (offset > 10) {
w->timer = offset;
w->height = height;
w->mask.unused = w-> = 0;
w->mask.x = x + 8;
w->mask.y = y + 8;
w->mask.w = 24;
w->mask.h = 24;
e->data = w;
e->enemyStep = waterJumperStep;
e->enemyDraw = waterJumperDraw;
e->type = 14;
enemies[i] = e;
void waterJumperStep(WaterJumper* w)
if (w->blink > 0) {
w->blink -= 1;
if (w->timer > 0) {
w->timer -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = 24;
mask.h = 24;
mask.x = w->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = w->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
if (w->state == 0)
w->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (w->imageIndex >= 2) {
w->imageIndex -= 2;
w->rot += 5;
if (w->rot >= 360) {
w->rot -= 360;
w->y = w->ystart + (5 * sin(w->rot * 3.14159 / 180));
//Hop out of water
if (w->timer <= 0) {
w->state = 1;
w->timer = -1;
createSplash(w->x + 20, w->y);
w->y = w->ystart;
//In air
else if (w->state == 1)
w->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (w->imageIndex >= 3) {
w->imageIndex -= 3;
//Green type
if (w->type == 0)
//State Start
if (w->timer == -1) {
w->timer = 0;
w->vsp = -5.5;
w->hsp = -2;
if (w->x + 20 < herox) {
w->hsp *= -1;
//Horizontal Movement
w->x += w->hsp;
//Land in water
if (w->vsp > 0 && w->y >= w->ystart) {
createSplash(w->x + 20, w->y);
w->y = w->ystart;
w->state = 0;
w->hsp = w->vsp = 0;
w->timer = 120;
//Blue type
//State Start
if (w->timer == -1) {
w->timer = 0;
if (w->height == 2) {
w->vsp = -5.5;
else if (w->height == 3) {
w->vsp = -6;
else if (w->height == 4) {
w->vsp = -7;
else if (w->height == 5) {
w->vsp = -7.5;
//Land on expected ground
if (w->vsp > 0) {
if (w->y >= w->ystart - 22 - (w->height * 40)) {
w->y = w->ystart - 22 - (w->height * 40);
w->imageIndex = 5;
w->state = 2;
w->timer = 240;
w->hsp = 2;
if (herox < w->x + 20) {
w->hsp *= -1;
//Vertical Movement
w->y += w->vsp;
w->vsp += w->grav;
else if (w->state == 2) {
w->imageIndex += 0.16;
if (w->imageIndex >= 7) {
w->imageIndex -= 2;
w->x += w->hsp;
mask.x = w->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
//Hit wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
w->hsp *= -1;
//Turn on edge
mask.x += (mask.w / 2) * w->hsp;
mask.y += mask.h;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
w->hsp *= -1;
//End walk
if (w->timer <= 0) {
w->state = 3;
w->timer = -1;
//Jump Down
else if (w->state == 3)
if (w->timer == -1) {
w->timer = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_ENEMIES);
w->vsp = -4;
w->imageIndex = 2;
w->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (w->imageIndex >= 5) {
w->imageIndex -= 3;
w->y += w->vsp;
w->vsp += w->grav;
if (w->vsp > 6) {
w->vsp = 6;
//Land in Water
if (w->y >= w->ystart) {
w->state = 0;
createSplash(w->x + 20, w->y);
w->timer = 60;
//Update Mask
mask.x = w->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = w->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
w->blink = 15;
w->hp -= 1;
if (w->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, w->x - 12, w->y - 12);
spawnCollectable(w->x + 20, w->y);
void waterJumperDraw(WaterJumper* w)
if (w->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cx = (int)w->imageIndex * 40;
if (w->state == 1) {
cx += 80;
if (w->type == 1) {
cx += 200;
if (w->state == 2 && w->hsp < 0) {
cx += 80;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(w->x, w->y, cx, 440, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,23
#include "../enemy.h"
typedef struct {
int id, type;
double x, y;
int hp;
int blink;
int ystart, rot;
double yoffset;
double hsp, vsp, grav;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer;
int height;
} WaterJumper;
void createWaterJumper(int x, int y, int type, int offset, int height);
0,0 → 1,133
#include "wizard.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void createWizard(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Wizard* w = malloc(sizeof *w);
w->id = i;
w->x = x;
w->y = y;
w->imageIndex = 0;
w->state = 0;
w->timer = 50;
w->visible = 1;
w-> = w->mask.unused = 0;
w->mask.w = 24;
w->mask.h = 38;
w->mask.x = w->x + 8;
w->mask.y = w->y + 2;
e->data = w;
e->enemyStep = wizardStep;
e->enemyDraw = wizardDraw;
e->type = 21;
enemies[i] = e;
void wizardStep(Wizard* w)
w->imageIndex += 0.3;
if (w->imageIndex >= 3) {
w->imageIndex -= 3;
//Stand still
if (w->state == 0) {
w->timer -= 1;
if (w->timer <= 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi10], CHN_ENEMIES);
w->state = 1;
w->timer = 15;
else if (w->state == 1 || w->state == 3) {
if (w->visible == 0) {
w->visible = 1;
w->visible = 0;
w->timer -= 1;
if (w->timer <= 0) {
if (w->state == 1) {
w->state = 2;
w->timer = 60;
else if (w->state == 3) {
w->visible = 1;
w->state = 0;
w->timer = 50;
else if (w->state == 2) {
w->visible = 0;
w->timer -= 1;
if (w->timer <= 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi03], CHN_ENEMIES);
w->state = 3;
w->timer = 15;
//Horizontal Jump
int gridX = w->x / 40,
gridY = w->y / 40,
lastGridX = gridX;
do {
gridX = (rand() % 16) + 1;
} while (collisionTiles[gridX][gridY] != 0 ||
collisionTiles[gridX][gridY+1] != 1 ||
gridX == lastGridX);
w->x = gridX * 40;
w->mask.x = w->x + 8;
if (w->state == 0 || w->state == 3) {
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(w->mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, w->x + 20);
//Weapon Collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(w->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
createEffect(2, w->x - 12, w->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(w->x + 20, w->y);
void wizardDraw(Wizard* w)
if (w->visible == 1) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(w->x, w->y, 520 + (((int)w->imageIndex) * 40), 480, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
0,0 → 1,20
#ifndef WIZARD_H
#define WIZARD_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer, visible;
Mask mask;
} Wizard;
void createWizard(int x, int y);
void wizardStep(Wizard* w);
void wizardDraw(Wizard* w);
0,0 → 1,16
#include "enemy.h"
#include "game.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void enemyDestroy(int id)
if (enemies[id] != NULL) {
if (enemies[id]->data != NULL) {
enemies[id]->data = NULL;
enemies[id] = NULL;
0,0 → 1,13
#ifndef ENEMY_H
#define ENEMY_H
typedef struct {
void* data; //Specific enemy struct
void (*enemyStep)();
void (*enemyDraw)();
int type;
} Enemy;
void enemyDestroy(int id);
0,0 → 1,1976
#include "game.h"
#include "hero.h"
#include "PHL.h"
#include "qda.h"
#include "ini.h"
#include "titlescreen.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "inventory.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "effect.h"
#include "text.h"
#include "stagedata.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
int gameStep();
void gameDraw(char doDrawHud);
void freeArrays();
void drawHud();
int getTileType(int valx, int valy);
void loadUncommonImages();
char forceGameExit = 0;
int drawhp;
int NumOfSounds = 43;
int NumOfImages = 14;
char autoSave = 1;
int levelStartFlag = 0;
char tilesetStrings[9][12] = {"stage01.bmp",
"stage08.bmp" };
char musicStrings[9][14] = { "midi/main01",
"midi/main06" };
int collisionTiles[16][12];
PHL_Surface images[15];
PHL_Sound sounds[43];
PHL_Music bgmMusic;
PHL_Music bgmSecret;
PHL_Music bgmGameover;
Object* objects[MAX_OBJECTS];
Effect* effects[MAX_EFFECTS];
Weapon* weapons[MAX_WEAPONS];
Enemy* enemies[MAX_ENEMIES];
Platform* platforms[MAX_PLATFORMS];
int secretTimer;
unsigned long playTime;
Door* lastDoor;
int quakeTimer;
int bellFlag;
int bossFlag;
int bossDefeatedFlag;
int roomSecret;
char roomDarkness;
int itemGotX;
int itemGotY;
PHL_Background background, foreground;
unsigned char hasWeapon[5];
unsigned char hasItem[28];
unsigned char hasKey[8];
unsigned char flags[60];
double cutInTimer = 240;
int transitionTimer = 0;
int level = 0;
int screenX = 5,
screenY = 2;
#ifdef _SDL
char savename[4096];
char savemap[4096];
extern int fileSynched;
int em_state = -2;
void em_loop_fn(void* arg)
if(!PHL_MainLoop()) {
int result;
switch (em_state) {
case -2: if(fileSynched) em_state++;
case -1: em_state++;
// need to delay loading of init to let synchof files happens
//Load Resources
case 0:
case 1: result = titleEMStep();
if (result == 3) {
em_state = 100;
} else if(result!=-1) {
em_state = 60;
else {
//Reset game state
//Load Game
if (result == 1)
if (fileExists(savename) == 1) {
}else if (fileExists(savemap) == 1) {
case 2:
//Update resources, depending on level
images[imgTiles] = PHL_LoadQDA(tilesetStrings[level]);
bgmMusic = PHL_LoadMusic(musicStrings[level], 1);
em_state = 10;
case 10: // main game loop
result = gameStep();
em_state = 20;
else {
em_state = result;
else {
case 20: // game ended
roomDarkness = 0;
//Erase temp save if it exists
if (fileExists(savename))
FS.syncfs(false,function () {
Module.print("File sych'd")
em_state = 0;
case 30: // option menu
// fall thru
case 31:
result = optionsEMStep();
//Reset Game
if (result == 1)
em_state = 20;
else if (result == 3) {
em_state = 100;
} else if (result!=-1)
em_state = 10;
case 40:
case 41:
result = inventoryEMStep();
em_state = 10;
case 50:
result = getItemEMStep();
em_state = 10;
case 60: // option menu
// fall thru
case 61:
result = optionsEMStep();
if (result!=-1)
em_state = 0;
case 100:
//Free Resources
//Deinit services
// end
em_state = 0; // no quitting, as it make no sense in a browser (just kill the tab)
void game()
#ifdef _SDL
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
const char* home = "PROGDIR:";
#elif defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
const char* home = "hcl_data/";
#elif defined(_KOLIBRI)
const char* home = KOS_TMP_DIR;
const char* home = getenv("HOME");
strcpy(savename, home);
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
strcat(savename, ".hydracastlelabyrinth/");
#elif !defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
strcat(savename, "/.hydracastlelabyrinth/");
strcpy(savemap, savename);
strcat(savename, "save.tmp");
strcat(savemap, "");
} else {
strcpy(savename, "data/save.tmp");
strcpy(savemap, savemap);
//Setup services
printf("DBG:QDA FAILED\n");
printf("DBG: 1\n");
printf("DBG: 2\n");
emscripten_set_main_loop_arg(em_loop_fn, NULL, -1, 1);
printf("DBG: 3\n");
//Load Resources
printf("DBG: 4\n");
printf("DBG: 5\n");
while (PHL_MainLoop())
int titleScreenResult = titleScreen();
printf("DBG: titleScreen()\n");
//Exit game
if (titleScreenResult == 3) {
// Options
else if(titleScreenResult == 2) {
int optionsResult = options(1);
//Exit Game
if (optionsResult == 3) {
//Game Start
//Reset game state
//Load Game
if (titleScreenResult == 1)
if (fileExists(savename) == 1) {
}else if (fileExists(savemap) == 1) {
//Update resources, depending on level
/*printf("\nTiles are ");
if (images[imgTiles].pxdata == NULL) {
printf("not loaded.");
images[imgTiles] = PHL_LoadQDA(tilesetStrings[level]);
bgmMusic = PHL_LoadMusic(musicStrings[level], 1);
//In game main loop
char gameLoop = 1;
while (PHL_MainLoop() == 1 && gameLoop == 1) {
int gameResult = gameStep();
if (gameResult != -1) {
gameLoop = 0;
if (gameLoop == 1) {
//Game end (return to titlescreen)
roomDarkness = 0;
//Erase temp save if it exists
if (fileExists(savename))
#ifdef _SDL
char fullPath[128];
strcpy(fullPath, "");
#ifdef _3DS
strcat(fullPath, "sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth/");
strcat(fullPath, savename);
FS.syncfs(false,function () {
Module.print("File sych'd")
//Free Resources
//Deinit services
void loadImages()
images[imgTiles] = PHL_LoadQDA(tilesetStrings[level]);
images[imgEnemies] = PHL_LoadQDA("ene01.bmp");
images[imgHud] = PHL_LoadQDA("status.bmp");
images[imgMisc20] = PHL_LoadQDA("chr20.BMP");
images[imgMisc32] = PHL_LoadQDA("chr32.BMP");
images[imgHero] = PHL_LoadQDA("mychr.bmp");
images[imgItems] = PHL_LoadQDA("items.bmp");
images[imgExplosion] = PHL_LoadQDA("chr64.BMP");
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("boss01.bmp");
//images[imgMisc2040] = PHL_LoadQDA("chr20x40.BMP");
images[imgFontKana] = PHL_LoadQDA("font8x8-kana.bmp");
images[imgBoldFont] = PHL_LoadQDA("font8x8-01.bmp");
//images[imgDark] = PHL_LoadQDA("dark.bmp");
//images[imgMisc6020] = PHL_LoadQDA("chr60x20.bmp");
//images[imgHud].colorKey = PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0);
//PHL_SetColorKey(images[imgHud], 0, 0, 0);
images[imgTitle01] = PHL_LoadQDA("title01.BMP");
void loadResources()
//Loading Images
puts("DBG loadResources1");
//Load Sounds
sounds[sndBee01] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/bee01.wav");
sounds[sndBell01] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/bell01.wav");
sounds[sndBom01] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/bom01.wav");
sounds[sndBom02] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/bom02.wav");
sounds[sndBom03] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/bom03.wav");
sounds[sndDoor00] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/door00.wav");
sounds[sndFire01] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/fire01.wav");
sounds[sndGas01] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/gas01.wav");
sounds[sndGet01] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/get01.wav");
sounds[sndGet02] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/get02.wav");
sounds[sndHit01] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/hit01.wav");
sounds[sndHit02] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/hit02.wav");
sounds[sndHit03] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/hit03.wav");
sounds[sndHit04] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/hit04.wav");
sounds[sndHit05] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/hit05.wav");
sounds[sndHit06] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/hit06.wav");
sounds[sndHit07] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/hit07.wav");
sounds[sndJump01] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/jump01.wav");
sounds[sndJump02] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/jump02.wav");
sounds[sndNg] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/ng.wav");
sounds[sndOk] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/ok.wav");
sounds[sndPi01] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/pi01.wav");
sounds[sndPi02] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/pi02.wav");
sounds[sndPi03] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/pi03.wav");
sounds[sndPi04] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/pi04.wav");
sounds[sndPi05] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/pi05.wav");
sounds[sndPi06] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/pi06.wav");
sounds[sndPi07] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/pi07.wav");
sounds[sndPi08] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/pi08.wav");
sounds[sndPi09] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/pi09.wav");
sounds[sndPi10] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/pi10.wav");
sounds[sndPower01] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/power01.wav");
sounds[sndPower02] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/power02.wav");
sounds[sndShot01] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/shot01.wav");
sounds[sndShot02] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/shot02.wav");
sounds[sndShot03] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/shot03.wav");
sounds[sndShot04] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/shot04.wav");
sounds[sndShot05] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/shot05.wav");
sounds[sndShot06] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/shot06.wav");
sounds[sndShot07] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/shot07.wav");
sounds[sndStep01] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/step01.wav");
sounds[sndWater01] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/water01.wav");
sounds[sndWolf01] = PHL_LoadSound("wav/wolf01.wav");
puts("DBG loadResources2");
//Load Music
bgmSecret = PHL_LoadMusic("midi/nazo", 0);
puts("DBG loadResources3");
bgmGameover = PHL_LoadMusic("midi/gameover", 0);
puts("DBG loadResources4");
void freeImages()
int i;
//Free graphics
for (i = 0; i < NumOfImages; i++) {
void freeResources()
//Free sounds
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NumOfSounds; i++) {
//Free Music
void gameSetup()
//Reset Flags
quakeTimer = 0;
secretTimer = 0;
roomDarkness = 0;
bellFlag = 0;
bossFlag = 0;
bossDefeatedFlag = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
flags[i] = 0;
//Save Data
playTime = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
hasWeapon[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
hasItem[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i< 8; i++) {
hasKey[i] = 0;
//Room Data
roomSecret = 0;
level = 0;
screenX = 5;
screenY = 2;
//Hero Setup
drawhp = herohp;
//Reset object arrays
//Setup screen transition
cutInTimer = 240;
int gameStep()
//Manage Timers
playTime += 1;
if (quakeTimer > 0) {
quakeTimer -= 1;
if (cutInTimer > 0) {
cutInTimer -= 5;
//Play music when the transition ends
if (cutInTimer <= 0 && bossDefeatedFlag == 0 && bossFlag == 0) {
//Hero step
//End game if hero died
if (heroStep() == 1) {
return 0;
//Menu button presses
if (getHeroState() <= 5 && cutInTimer <= 0) {
if (btnSelect.pressed == 1)
return 31;
int optionsResult = options(0);
//Reset Game
if (optionsResult == 1) {
return 0;
//Exit Game
if (optionsResult == 3) {
return 1;
}else if (btnStart.pressed == 1) {
return 40;
//Objects steps
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLATFORMS; i++) {
if (platforms[i] != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++) {
if (effects[i] != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] != NULL) {
if (forceGameExit == 1) {
forceGameExit = 0;
return 0;
return -1;
void gameDraw(char doDrawHud)
PHL_DrawBackground(background, foreground);
int i;
//Draw water/lava top effects
for (i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++) {
if (effects[i] != NULL) {
if (effects[i]->depth == -1) {
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLATFORMS; i++) {
if (platforms[i] != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
//Draw effects under
for (i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++) {
if (effects[i] != NULL) {
if (effects[i]->depth == 0) {
//Draw enemies backwards, so bullets and such are underneath their spawners
//for (i = MAX_ENEMIES - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] != NULL) {
//Not Death, draw death later
if (getHeroState() != 8) {
//Draw effects over
for (i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++) {
if (effects[i] != NULL) {
if (effects[i]->depth == 1) {
//Draw Darkness
if (roomDarkness == 1) {
int cornerX = herox - 160,
cornerY = heroy + 20 - 160;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(cornerX, cornerY, 320 * hasItem[18], 0, 320, 320, images[imgDark]);
//Top darkness rectangle
if (cornerY > 0) {
PHL_DrawRect(0, 0, 640, cornerY, PHL_NewRGB(10, 0, 0));
//Bottom darkness rectangle
if (cornerY + 320 < 480) {
PHL_DrawRect(0, cornerY + 320, 640, 480, PHL_NewRGB(10, 0, 0));
//Left rectangle
if (cornerX > 0) {
PHL_DrawRect(0, cornerY, cornerX, 320, PHL_NewRGB(10, 0, 0));
//Right rectangle
if (cornerX + 320 < 640) {
PHL_DrawRect(cornerX + 320, cornerY, 640 - cornerX + 320, 320, PHL_NewRGB(10, 0, 0));
//Draw death over darkness
if (getHeroState() == 8) {
if (doDrawHud == 1) {
//cut-in transition
if (cutInTimer > 0) {
PHL_DrawRect(0, 0, 640, cutInTimer, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0));
PHL_DrawRect(0, 240 + (240 - cutInTimer), 640, 480, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0));
static int em_itemNum;
static char getItemTimer;
void getItemSetup(int itemNum)
char getItemTimer = 0;
int getItemEMStep()
int itemNum = em_itemNum;
char loop = 1;
void getItem(int itemNum)
char getItemTimer = 0;
char loop = 1;
while (PHL_MainLoop() && loop == 1)
//Get Item Step
if (getItemTimer == 0) {
setHeroImageIndex(getHeroImageIndex() + 0.3);
if (getHeroImageIndex() > 3) {
getItemTimer = 1;
}else if (getItemTimer == 1) {
//Wait for input
if (btnAccept.pressed == 1 || btnFaceDown.pressed == 1 || btnFaceRight.pressed == 1 ||
btnFaceUp.pressed == 1 || btnFaceLeft.pressed == 1 || btnStart.pressed == 1) {
getItemTimer = 2;
}else if (getItemTimer == 2) {
setHeroImageIndex(getHeroImageIndex() + 0.3);
if (getHeroImageIndex() >= 7) {
loop = 0;
//Get Item Draw
if (getHeroImageIndex() >= 3) {
char tempDarkness = roomDarkness;
roomDarkness = 0;
PHL_DrawRect(140, 208, 360, 64, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
PHL_DrawRect(142, 210, 356, 60, PHL_NewRGB(0, 20, 0));
PHL_DrawRect(148, 216, 48, 48, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
PHL_DrawRect(152, 220, 40, 40, PHL_NewRGB(119, 166, 219));
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(152, 220, itemGotX, itemGotY, 40, 40, images[imgItems]);
int drawX = 196, drawY = 216;
int twoLayers = 0;
if (itemName[itemNum]->length + found->length + 2 > 17) {
twoLayers = 1;
drawY -= 8;
drawX = drawCharacter(17, 2, drawX, drawY);
drawX = drawText(itemName[itemNum], drawX, drawY);
drawX = drawCharacter(18, 2, drawX, drawY);
if (twoLayers == 1) {
drawX = 204;
drawY += 24;
drawText(found, drawX, drawY);
roomDarkness = tempDarkness;
return loop;
void saveScreen()
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPower02], CHN_SOUND);
herohp = maxhp;
int saveTimer = 60;
char loop = 1;
while (PHL_MainLoop() && loop == 1)
PHL_DrawRect(140, 208, 360, 64, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
PHL_DrawRect(142, 210, 356, 60, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 255));
drawTextCentered(saving, 320, 216);
saveTimer -= 1;
if (saveTimer <= 0) {
loop = 0;
if (writeSave(savemap) == 1)
if (fileExists(savename))
char fullPath[128];
strcpy(fullPath, "");
#ifdef _3DS
strcat(fullPath, "sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth/");
strcat(fullPath, savename);
FS.syncfs(false,function () {
Module.print("File sych'd")
//Result screen and credits
void gameEnding()
int timer = 0;
char exitLoop = 0;
//Result screen
bgmMusic = PHL_LoadMusic("midi/allclear", 0);
//Calculate completion percentage
char treasureString[11];
int itemCount = 0;
int ALLITEMS = 41;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
itemCount += hasWeapon[i];
for (i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
itemCount += hasItem[i];
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
itemCount += hasKey[i];
sprintf(treasureString, "%d%%", itemCount * 100 / ALLITEMS);
//Calculate time
char timeString[12];
int hours = playTime / 216000;
int minutes = (playTime % 216000) / 3600;
int seconds = ((playTime % 216000) % 3600) / 60;
sprintf(timeString, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds);
int transTimer = 0;
while (PHL_MainLoop() && exitLoop == 0)
timer += 1;
if (timer >= 500) {
transTimer += 8;
if (transTimer >= 360) {
exitLoop = 1;
//Animate Effects
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++) {
if (effects[i] != NULL) {
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("--- ALL CLEAR! ---", 320, 64, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("TIME", 320, 128, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered(timeString, 320, 144, WHITE);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("TREASURE", 320, 192, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered(treasureString, 320, 208, WHITE);
if (transTimer > 0) {
PHL_DrawRect(0, 0, 640, transTimer, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0));
PHL_DrawRect(0, 240 + (240 - transTimer), 640, 480, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0));
timer = 0;
exitLoop = 0;
bgmMusic = PHL_LoadMusic("midi/ending", 0);
int timer = 0;
double viewY = 0;
int maxViewY = 2200;
double imageIndex = 0;
while (PHL_MainLoop() && exitLoop == 0)
timer += 1;
if (timer >= 2220) {
exitLoop = 1;
viewY += 1;
if (viewY >= maxViewY - 480) {
viewY = maxViewY - 480;
imageIndex += 0.1;
if (imageIndex >= 2) {
imageIndex -= 2;
PHL_DrawRect(0, 0, 640, 480, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0));
if (exitLoop == 0) {
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("- STAFF -", 320, 480 - viewY, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("SPRITES", 320, 560 - viewY, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("BUSTER", 320, 576 - viewY, WHITE);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("PROGRAM", 320, 640 - viewY, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("BUSTER", 320, 656 - viewY, WHITE);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("MUSIC", 320, 720 - viewY, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("MATAJUUROU", 320, 736 - viewY, WHITE);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("TEST PLAYER", 320, 800 - viewY, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("ZAC", 320, 816 - viewY, WHITE);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("- SPECIAL THANKS -", 320, 912 - viewY, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("QUADRUPLE D", 320, 992 - viewY, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("SANDMAN", 320, 1008 - viewY, WHITE);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("KBGM", 320, 1072 - viewY, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("KR.SHIN", 320, 1088 - viewY, WHITE);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("KBGMPLAYER", 320, 1152 - viewY, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("NARUTO", 320, 1168 - viewY, WHITE);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("SOUND EFFECT", 320, 1232 - viewY, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("OSABISHIYUUKI", 320, 1248 - viewY, WHITE);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("EDGE", 320, 1312 - viewY, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("TAKABO", 320, 1328 - viewY, WHITE);
PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered("THE END", 320, maxViewY - 284 - viewY, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(300, maxViewY - 256 - viewY, (int)imageIndex * 40, 280, 40, 80, images[imgHero]);
forceGameExit = 1;
//Black screen between screens
void screenTransition()
char timer = 15;
while (PHL_MainLoop() && timer > 0)
PHL_DrawRect(0, 0, 640, 480, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0));
timer -= 1;
if (autoSave == 1) {
void enterDoor()
//Is not leaving boss room prematurely
bossFlag = 0;
level = lastDoor->warplevel;
screenX = lastDoor->warpcoords % 12;
screenY = lastDoor->warpcoords / 12;
herox = lastDoor->warpx;
heroy = lastDoor->warpy;
if (level == 0) {
//Free uncommon images
bgmMusic = PHL_LoadMusic("midi/start", 0);
int timer = 125;
while (PHL_MainLoop() && timer > 0)
timer -= 1;
PHL_DrawRect(0, 0, 640, 480, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0));
drawTextCentered(dungeon[level - 1], 320, 216);
//Reload tileset
images[imgTiles] = PHL_LoadQDA(tilesetStrings[level]);
bgmMusic = PHL_LoadMusic(musicStrings[level], 1);
changeScreen(0, 0);
void loadScreen()
//Stop music if you leave a boss room early
if (bossFlag == 1) {
bgmMusic = PHL_LoadMusic(musicStrings[level], 1);
bossDefeatedFlag = bossFlag = 0;
roomDarkness = 0;
int fileNum = stage[level][(screenY * 12) + screenX];
//Cycle through this process twice. Once for the backgroud, and one for the foreground
int cycle = 0;
for (cycle = 0; cycle < 2; cycle++)
//Build file string
char toChar[4];
sprintf(toChar, "%03d", fileNum);
char dest[80];
strcpy(dest, "");
#ifdef _3DS
strcat(dest, "romfs:/map/");
#elif defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
strcat(dest, "PROGDIR:data/map/");
#elif defined(_SDL)
strcat(dest, "data/map/");
strcat(dest, "romfs/map/");
strcat(dest, toChar);
//load background on first pass
if (cycle == 0) {
strcat(dest, "a");
strcat(dest, ".map");
//Read file
FILE* file;
if ((file = fopen(dest, "rb")))
char* memblock;
int size;
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
size = ftell(file);
memblock = (char*)malloc(size);
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
if(fread(memblock, 1, size, file) != size)
printf("Warning, could not read %s correctly\n", dest);
//Load data
int count = 162; //Level data starts 118
int xx, yy;
int valx = 0, valy = 0;
int raw;
for (yy = 0; yy < 12; yy++) {
for (xx = 0; xx < 16; xx++) {
raw = (unsigned)memblock[count];
valx = raw & 0x0F;
valy = raw & 0xF0;
valy >>= 4;
if (cycle == 0) {
background.tileX[xx][yy] = valx;
background.tileY[xx][yy] = valy;
}else if (cycle == 1) {
foreground.tileX[xx][yy] = valx;
foreground.tileY[xx][yy] = valy;
collisionTiles[xx][yy] = getTileType(valx, valy);
//Breakable blocks
if (valy == 11 && (valx == 0 || valx == 1 || valx == 2)) {
int secret = 0;
if (valx == 2) {
secret = 1;
createDestroyable(xx * 40, yy * 40, secret);
if (valx == 2 && valy == 1) {
createEffect(10, xx * 40, yy * 40);
foreground.tileX[xx][yy] = 0;
foreground.tileY[xx][yy] = 0;
if (valx == 6 && valy == 1) {
createEffect(11, xx * 40, yy * 40);
foreground.tileX[xx][yy] = 0;
foreground.tileY[xx][yy] = 0;
count += 2;
count += 12;
PHL_ErrorScreen("Map file was not found");
PHL_UpdateBackground(background, foreground);
//Load file
//Build file string
char toChar[4];
sprintf(toChar, "%03d", fileNum);
char dest[30];
#ifdef _3DS
strcpy(dest, "romfs:/obj/");
#elif defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
strcpy(dest, "PROGDIR:data/obj/");
#elif defined(_SDL)
strcpy(dest, "data/obj/");
strcpy(dest, "romfs/obj/");
//Add a 0 if needed
if (fileNum < 100) {
strcat(dest, "0");
strcat(dest, toChar);
strcat(dest, ".dat");
FILE* file;
if ((file = fopen(dest, "rb"))) {
unsigned char* memblock;
int size;
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
size = ftell(file);
memblock = (unsigned char*)malloc(size);
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
if(fread(memblock, 1, size, file) != size)
printf("Warning: could not read %s correctly\n", dest);
int count = 0;
while (count < size) {
int type = memblock[count];
if (type <= 10)
if (type == 0 || type == 9) { //Blue/Red Slime
createSlime(memblock[count + 1] * 20, memblock[count + 2] * 20, memblock[count + 3], memblock[count + 4]);
else if (type == 1) { //Bat (grey/red)
createBat(memblock[count + 1] * 20, memblock[count + 2] * 20, memblock[count + 3]);
else if (type == 2) { //Slug
createSlug(memblock[count + 1] * 20, memblock[count + 2] * 20, memblock[count + 3]);
else if (type == 3) { //Knight
createKnight(memblock[count + 1] * 20, memblock[count + 2] * 20, memblock[count + 3]);
else if (type == 4) { //Rhyno head
createHead(0, memblock[count + 1] * 20, memblock[count + 2] * 20, memblock[count + 3], memblock[count+4], memblock[count+5]);
else if (type == 5) { //Dragon head
createHead(2, memblock[count + 1] * 20, memblock[count + 2] * 20, memblock[count + 3], memblock[count+4], memblock[count+5]);
else if (type == 6) { //Goblin/medusa head
createHead(1, memblock[count + 1] * 20, memblock[count + 2] * 20, memblock[count + 3], memblock[count+4], memblock[count+5]);
else if (type == 7) { //Demon head
createHead(3, memblock[count + 1] * 20, memblock[count + 2] * 20, memblock[count + 3], memblock[count+4], memblock[count+5]);
else if (type == 10) { //Fireball head
createHead(4, memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20, 1, memblock[count+3], memblock[count+4]);
else if (type <= 20)
if (type == 11) { //Poison Gas
createGas(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 12) { //Flying skull
createSkull(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20);
else if (type == 13) { //Fish
createFish(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 14) { //Water Jumper
createWaterJumper(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20, memblock[count+3], memblock[count+4], memblock[count+5]);
else if (type == 15) { //Podoboo
createPodoboo(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20, memblock[count+3], memblock[count+4]);
else if (type == 16) { //Thwomp
createThwomp(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20, memblock[count+3], memblock[count+4], memblock[count+5], memblock[count+6]);
else if (type == 17) { //Skeleton
createSkeleton(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 18) { //Ghoul
createGhoul(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 19) { //Seal
createSeal(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20);
else if (type == 20) { //Jellyfish
createJellyfish(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20);
else if (type <= 30)
if (type == 21) { //Wizard
createWizard(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20);
else if (type == 22) { //Pendulum
createPendulum(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 24) { //Bee
createBee(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 25) { //Air Jar
//createJar(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20, memblock[count+3], memblock[count+4]);
createHead(5, memblock[count + 1] * 20, memblock[count + 2] * 20, 0, memblock[count+3], memblock[count+4]);
else if (type == 26) { //Boar
createBoar(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20);
else if (type == 27) { //Fire Wheel
createFirewheel(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 28) { //Rock Golem
createGolem(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 29) { //Poison Knight
createPoisonknight(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20);
else if (type == 30) { //Electricity doggy
createDog(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20);
else if (type < 40)
if (type == 31) {
createBoomknight(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20);
else if (type == 32) {
createPumpkinenemy(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20);
else if (type < 50)
if (type == 40) {
createDodo(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 41) {
createBatboss(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20);
else if (type == 42) {
createCrab(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20);
else if (type == 43) {
createGyra(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20);
else if (type == 44) {
createLolidra(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20);
else if (type == 45) {
createDevil(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20);
else if (type == 46) {
createGarm(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20);
else if (type == 47) {
createHydra(memblock[count+1] * 20);
else if (type <= 60)
if (type == 50) { //Moving platforms
createPlatform(0, memblock[count + 1] * 20, memblock[count + 2] * 20, memblock[count + 3] * 20, memblock[count + 4] * 20, memblock[count + 5], memblock[count+6]);
else if (type == 51) { //Loose block
createPlatform(1, memblock[count + 1] * 20, memblock[count + 2] * 20, 0, 0, 0, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 52) { //Locked Block
createLockBlock(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 53) { //Gate
createGate(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 54) { //Statue
createStatue(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 55) { //Megaman block
createPlatform(2, memblock[count + 1] * 20, memblock[count + 2] * 20, memblock[count + 3], memblock[count + 4], 0, 0);
else if (type == 56) { //Electric gate
createShockgate(memblock[count + 1] * 20, memblock[count + 2] * 20, memblock[count + 3]);
else if (type == 57) { //Hydra platform
createPlatform(3, memblock[count + 1] * 20, memblock[count + 2] * 20, 0, 0, 0, 0);
else if (type < 70)
else/* if (type <= 80)*/
if (type == 70) { //Breakable Block
createDestroyable(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20, 1);
else if (type == 71) { //Secret Trigger
createSecretTrigger(memblock[count+1], memblock[count+2], memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 73) { //Chests
createChest(memblock[count + 1] * 20, memblock[count + 2] * 20, memblock[count + 3], memblock[count + 4]);
else if (type == 74) { //Save Points
createSavePoint(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 75) { //door
createDoor(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20, memblock[count+3], memblock[count+4], memblock[count+5] * 20, memblock[count+6] * 20, memblock[count+7]);
else if (type == 76) { //Light Switch
createSwitch(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 77) { //Floor Button
createFloorPad(memblock[count+1]*20, memblock[count+2]*20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 78) {
roomDarkness = 1;
else if (type == 79) { //Ladder Spawner
createLadder(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 80) { //Generator
createGenerator(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20, memblock[count+3]);
else if (type == 81) { //Crown
createCrown(memblock[count+1] * 20, memblock[count+2] * 20);
count += 16;
void drawHud()
//Repress certain screen altering variables
int tempDark = roomDarkness;
roomDarkness = 0;
int tempQuake = quakeTimer;
quakeTimer = 0;
//Change HUD position
int drawy = 8;
if (heroy <= 100) {
drawy = 400;
//Move scrolling health bar
if (drawhp > herohp) {
drawhp -= 1;
if (drawhp < herohp) {
drawhp += 1;
//Main image
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(8, drawy, 0, 0, 368, 64, images[imgHud]);
//Health bar
PHL_RGB hpbarc = PHL_NewRGB(128, 255, 0);
if (getHeroPoisoned() > 0) {
hpbarc = PHL_NewRGB(255, 128, 255);
PHL_DrawRect(76, drawy + 8, maxhp * 2, 6, PHL_NewRGB(255, 0, 0));
PHL_DrawRect(76, drawy + 8, drawhp * 2, 6, hpbarc);
//Ammo counter
char c[10];
sprintf(c, "%02d", heroAmmo);
PHL_DrawTextBold(c, 74, drawy + 36, WHITE);
//Draw weapon icon
int wx = 32 * (heroWeapon + 1);
if (hasWeapon[heroWeapon] == 0) {
wx = 0;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(24, drawy + 16, wx, 64, 32, 32, images[imgHud]);
//Restore screen altering variables
quakeTimer = tempQuake;
roomDarkness = tempDark;
void freeArrays()
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLATFORMS; i++) {
void changeScreen(int dx, int dy)
roomSecret = 0;
screenX += dx;
screenY += dy;
int getTileType(int valx, int valy) {
int result = 0;
if (valy == 11 && valx == 8) {
result = 3; //Ladder Top
if (valy == 1 && valx == 1) {
result = 5; //Lava
if (valy > 7) {
result = 1; //Solid
if (valy == 0 && (valx == 3 || valx == 5)) {
result = 2; //Ladders
if (valy == 1 && valx == 5) {
result = 4; //Water
if (valx == 0 && (valy == 1 || valy == 2)) {
result = 6; //Spikes
if (valy == 11 && (valx == 0 || valx == 1 || valx == 2)) {
result = 1; //Breakable solid block
if (level == 4 && valy == 3 && (valx == 0 || valx == 1 || valx == 2)) {
result = 6; //Spikes
return result;
//Save file load/save
int writeSave(char* fname)
int result = 0;
FILE* f;
char fullPath[4096];
strcpy(fullPath, "");
#ifdef _3DS
strcat(fullPath, "sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth/");
#elif _KOLIBRI
strcat(fullPath, KOS_HCL_SAVES_PATH);
strcat(fullPath, fname);
if ( (f = fopen(fullPath, "wb")) ) {
int size = 4548;
unsigned char* memblock = (unsigned char*)malloc(size);
memset(memblock, 0, size);
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
#define D 3
#define D 0
memblock[0x0+D] = herohp;
memblock[0x4+D] = maxhp;
memblock[0x8+D] = heroAmmo;
memblock[0x0C+D] = maxAmmo;
if (heroWeapon == -1) {
memblock[0x10] = 0;
memblock[0x10] = heroWeapon;
memblock[0x14] = 1; //Unknown, but always resets to 1
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
memblock[(0x3FC) + i] = flags[i];
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
memblock[(0x7E4) + i] = hasWeapon[i];
int itemorder[28] = { 0x7F6, 0x7FA, 0x7F9, 0x7F8, 0x7F1, 0x7F3, 0x7F2,
0x7FB, 0x7ED, 0x7EF, 0x7EE, 0x7F0, 0x7EC, 0x7F4,
0x7F7, 0x7F5, 0x7EA, 0x7EB, 0x7FF, 0x803, 0x804,
0x7FE, 0x802, 0x805, 0x800, 0x7FD, 0x7FC, 0x801 };
for (i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
memblock[itemorder[i]] = hasItem[i];
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
memblock[(0x806) + i] = hasKey[i];
int writeHerox = herox;
int writeHeroy = heroy;
memcpy(&memblock[0x11B0], &writeHerox, 4);
memcpy(&memblock[0x11B4], &writeHeroy, 4);
if (getHeroDirection() == 1) {
memblock[0x11C0+D] = 0;
memblock[0x11C0+D] = 1;
memblock[0x11B8+D] = level;
memblock[0x11BC+D] = (screenX) + (screenY * 12);
memcpy(&memblock[0x11AC], &playTime, 4);
fwrite(memblock, 1, size, f);
result = 1;
//persist changes
FS.syncfs(false,function (err) {
return result;
void loadSave(char* fname)
FILE* f;
char fullPath[128];
strcpy(fullPath, "");
#ifdef _3DS
strcat(fullPath, "sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth/");
strcat(fullPath, fname);
if ((f = fopen(fullPath, "rb"))) {
//Reminder: read order matters
unsigned long loadTemp = 0;
int tmp;
//Hero HP
tmp = fread(&loadTemp, 4, 1, f);
herohp = loadTemp;
drawhp = herohp;
//Max HP
tmp = fread(&loadTemp, 4, 1, f);
maxhp = loadTemp;
tmp = fread(&loadTemp, 4, 1, f);
heroAmmo = loadTemp;
//Max Ammo
tmp = fread(&loadTemp, 4, 1, f);
maxAmmo = loadTemp;
int loadedWeapon = 0;
tmp = fread(&loadedWeapon, 1, 1, f);
//Read Flags
fseek(f, 0x3FC, SEEK_SET);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
tmp = fread(&flags[i], 1, 1, f);
//Read weapons
fseek(f, 0x7E4, SEEK_SET);
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
tmp = fread(&hasWeapon[i], 1, 1, f);
heroWeapon = -1;
if (hasWeapon[loadedWeapon] == 1) {
heroWeapon = loadedWeapon;
//Read items
int itemorder[28] = { 16, 17, 12, 8, 10, 9, 11,
4, 6, 5, 13, 15, 0, 14,
3, 2, 1, 7, 26, 25, 21,
18, 24, 27, 22, 19, 20, 23 };
fseek(f, 0x7EA, SEEK_SET);
for (i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
tmp = fread(&hasItem[itemorder[i]], 1, 1, f);
//Read keys
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
tmp = fread(&hasKey[i], 1, 1, f);
fseek(f, 0x11AC, SEEK_SET);
tmp = fread(&playTime, 4, 1, f);
//fseek(f, 4540, SEEK_SET);
//Hero X and Y
tmp = fread(&loadTemp, 4, 1, f);
herox = loadTemp;
tmp = fread(&loadTemp, 4, 1, f);
heroy = loadTemp;
tmp = fread(&loadTemp, 4, 1, f);
level = loadTemp;
//Screen coords
tmp = fread(&loadTemp, 4, 1, f);
screenX = (loadTemp) % 12;
screenY = ((int)(loadTemp) / 12);
tmp = fread(&loadTemp, 4, 1, f);
if (loadTemp == 0) {
#undef D
int fileExists(char* fpath)
int result = 0;
char fullPath[128];
strcpy(fullPath, "");
#ifdef _3DS
strcat(fullPath, "sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth/");
strcat(fullPath, fpath);
FILE* f;
if ( (f = fopen(fullPath, "rb")) ) {
result = 1;
return result;
void playSecret()
secretTimer = 210;
void secretCountdown()
if (secretTimer > 0) {
secretTimer -= 1;
if (secretTimer <= 0) {
if (bossFlag == 0 && bossDefeatedFlag == 0) {
}else if (secretTimer == 180) {
int getDrawHP()
return drawhp;
void setDrawHP(int val)
drawhp = val;
int getLevel()
return level;
void setBossRoom()
bossFlag = 1;
secretTimer = 0;
if (level != 8) {
bgmMusic = PHL_LoadMusic("midi/boss", 1);
bgmMusic = PHL_LoadMusic("midi/lastboss", 1);
void setAutoSave(char val)
autoSave = val;
char getAutoSave()
return autoSave;
void loadUncommonImages()
//Seal Toungs
if (level == 4) {
images[imgMisc2040] = PHL_LoadQDA("chr20x40.BMP");
if (level == 5) {
images[imgDark] = PHL_LoadQDA("dark.bmp");
//Dragon Flame
if (level == 7 || level == 8) {
images[imgMisc6020] = PHL_LoadQDA("chr60x20.bmp");
0,0 → 1,237
#ifndef GAME_H
#define GAME_H
#include "PHL.h"
#include "enemy.h"
#include "enemies/slime.h"
#include "enemies/bat.h"
#include "enemies/slug.h"
#include "enemies/knight.h"
#include "enemies/heads.h"
#include "enemies/gas.h"
#include "enemies/skull.h"
#include "enemies/fish.h"
#include "enemies/waterjumper.h"
#include "enemies/podoboo.h"
#include "enemies/thwomp.h"
#include "enemies/dodo.h"
#include "enemies/batboss.h"
#include "enemies/crab.h"
#include "enemies/skeleton.h"
#include "enemies/ghoul.h"
#include "enemies/seal.h"
#include "enemies/jellyfish.h"
#include "enemies/wizard.h"
#include "enemies/pendulum.h"
#include "enemies/gyra.h"
#include "enemies/lolidra.h"
#include "enemies/bee.h"
#include "enemies/devil.h"
#include "enemies/firewheel.h"
#include "enemies/boar.h"
#include "enemies/golem.h"
#include "enemies/garm.h"
#include "enemies/poisonknight.h"
#include "enemies/dog.h"
#include "enemies/boomknight.h"
#include "enemies/pumpkin.h"
#include "enemies/hydra.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "effect.h"
#include "weapon.h"
#include "platform.h"
#define TITLE 0
#define GAME 1
#define INVENTORY 2
#define OPTIONS 3
#define SAVING 4
#define LEVELSTART 5
#define GETITEM 6
//Sound channels
#define CHN_MUSIC 0
#define CHN_SOUND 1 //Various sounds, like menus and fanfares
#define CHN_HERO 2
#define CHN_WEAPONS 3
#define CHN_ENEMIES 4
#define CHN_EFFECTS 5
extern Door* lastDoor;
extern int secretTimer;
extern int levelStartTimer;
extern int saveTimer;
extern int quakeTimer;
extern int bellFlag;
extern int bossFlag;
extern int bossDefeatedFlag;
extern char roomDarkness;
//Used for item get message
extern int itemGotX;
extern int itemGotY;
extern int roomSecret;
extern int collisionTiles[16][12];
//Playtime in frames. At 60 frames per second can hold ~828 1/2 days worth of playtime if my math isn't shit
extern unsigned long playTime;
extern unsigned char hasWeapon[5];
extern unsigned char hasItem[28];
extern unsigned char hasKey[8];
//Save data flags
extern unsigned char flags[60];
extern PHL_Background background,
//Game assets
extern PHL_Surface images[15];
extern PHL_Music bgmMusic;
extern PHL_Music bgmSecret;
extern PHL_Music bgmGameover;
extern PHL_Sound sounds[43];
#define MAX_WEAPONS 5
extern Weapon* weapons[MAX_WEAPONS];
#define MAX_OBJECTS 40
extern Object* objects[MAX_OBJECTS];
#define MAX_ENEMIES 20
extern Enemy* enemies[MAX_ENEMIES];
#define MAX_EFFECTS 30
extern Effect* effects[MAX_EFFECTS];
#define MAX_PLATFORMS 10
extern Platform* platforms[MAX_PLATFORMS];
//Graphic names
#define imgTiles 0
#define imgEnemies 1
#define imgHud 2
#define imgMisc20 3
#define imgMisc32 4
#define imgHero 5
#define imgItems 6
#define imgExplosion 7
#define imgBoss 8
#define imgMisc2040 9
#define imgFontKana 10
#define imgBoldFont 11
#define imgDark 12
#define imgMisc6020 13
#define imgTitle01 14
//Sound names
#define sndBee01 0
#define sndBell01 1
#define sndBom01 2
#define sndBom02 3
#define sndBom03 4
#define sndDoor00 5
#define sndFire01 6
#define sndGas01 7
#define sndGet01 8
#define sndGet02 9
#define sndHit01 10
#define sndHit02 11
#define sndHit03 12
#define sndHit04 13
#define sndHit05 14
#define sndHit06 15
#define sndHit07 16
#define sndJump01 17
#define sndJump02 18
#define sndNg 19
#define sndOk 20
#define sndPi01 21
#define sndPi02 22
#define sndPi03 23
#define sndPi04 24
#define sndPi05 25
#define sndPi06 26
#define sndPi07 27
#define sndPi08 28
#define sndPi09 29
#define sndPi10 30
#define sndPower01 31
#define sndPower02 32
#define sndShot01 33
#define sndShot02 34
#define sndShot03 35
#define sndShot04 36
#define sndShot05 37
#define sndShot06 38
#define sndShot07 39
#define sndStep01 40
#define sndWater01 41
#define sndWolf01 42
#ifdef _SDL
extern char savename[4096];
extern char savemap[4096];
#define savename "data/save.tmp"
#define savemap "map/"
#ifdef _KOLIBRI
#define KOS_HCL_SAVES_PATH "/tmp0/1/.hydracastlelabyrinth"
#define KOS_TMP_DIR "/tmp0/1"
void loadImages();
void freeImages();
void loadResources();
void freeResources();
void game();
void gameSetup();
void gameCleanup();
void enterDoor();
void getItemSetup(int itemNum);
int getItemEMStep();
void getItem(int itemNum);
void saveScreen();
void gameEnding();
//void enterDoor(Door* d);
void loadScreen();
void changeScreen(int dx, int dy);
int writeSave(char* fname);
void loadSave(char* fname);
int fileExists(char* fpath);
void playSecret();
void secretCountdown();
int getDrawHP();
void setDrawHP(int val);
int getLevel();
void setBossRoom();
void setAutoSave(char val);
char getAutoSave();
0,0 → 1,1415
#include "hero.h"
#include "game.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "weapon.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include <stdio.h>
//State constants
const char NORMAL = 0;
const char SLASH = 1;
const char HIT = 2;
const char LADDER = 3;
const char STONE = 4;
const char CHARGE = 5;
//#define GETITEM 6
const char DOOR = 7;
const char DEATH = 8;
const char QUAKE = 9;
int state;
double herox, heroy;
double herohp, maxhp;
int heroAmmo, maxAmmo;
int heroWeapon;
Mask heroMask;
Mask shieldMask;
void updateMask();
void heroChangeScreen(int dx, int dy);
int herodir = 1;
int canCharge = 0;
int canJump = 0;
int onground = 0;
int heldUp = 0;
const double GRAVITY = 0.3;
const double CLIMBSPEED = 1.2;
const double CLIMBSPEEDPOWER = 2.0;
double vsp = 0;
double hsp = 0;
double imageIndex = 0;
double jumpspd = 7.5;
int invincible = 0;
int timer = 0;
int chargeTimer = 0;
int shieldTimer = 0; //Holds up shield if this is 0
int stun = 0;
int stunTimer = 0;
int poisoned = 0;
int stoneTimer = 0;
int stoneState = 0;
int stoneDir = 1;
int inWater = 0;
int drownTimer = 0;
void heroSetup()
state = NORMAL;
herodir = 1;
herox = 320;
heroy = 320;
vsp = 0;
hsp = 0;
imageIndex = 0;
//climbspd = 1;
invincible = 0;
timer = 0;
chargeTimer = 0;
shieldTimer = 0;
poisoned = 0;
stoneTimer = 0;
stoneState = 0;
stoneDir = 1;
herohp = 128;
maxhp = 128;
heroAmmo = 0;
maxAmmo = 99;
heroWeapon = -1;
heroMask.unused = 0; = 0;
heroMask.w = 24;
heroMask.h = 26;
onground = 0;
canJump = 0;
heroy += 1;
if (checkTileCollision(1, getHeroMask()) == 1 || checkTileCollision(3, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
onground = 1;
if (hasItem[12] == 1) {
canJump = 1;
heroy -= 1;
shieldMask.unused = 1; = 0;
shieldMask.w = 24;
shieldMask.h = 24;
shieldMask.x = 0;
shieldMask.y = 0;
inWater = -1;
int heroStep()
int result = -1;
//set HP limits
if (herohp > maxhp) {
herohp = maxhp;
if (herohp < 0) {
herohp = 0;
heldUp = btnUp.held;
if (invincible > 0) {
invincible -= 1;
//Scripted states
if (state == DOOR) {
//Remove some status conditions
stun = 0;
poisoned = 0;
inWater = 0;
imageIndex += 0.2;
//Done walking
if (imageIndex >= 10) {
state = NORMAL;
else if (state == DEATH) {
stun = 0;
stunTimer = 0;
poisoned = 0;
imageIndex += 0.3;
if (imageIndex >= 4) {
imageIndex -= 4;
if (timer >= 90) {
invincible = 1;
invincible = 0;
timer += 1;
if (timer == 90) {
createEffect(2, herox - 32, heroy - 12);
//Play Music
if (timer == 150) {
//End game over screen prematurly
if (timer > 150 && btnStart.pressed == 1) {
btnStart.pressed = 0;
timer = 630;
//Reset game
if (timer == 630) {
FILE* f;
if ((f = fopen("data/save.tmp", "rb"))) {
result = 1;
//Uncontrollable states, but can move
else {
char canGrav = 1;
double grav = GRAVITY;
if (state == CHARGE) {
canGrav = 0;
shieldTimer = 10;
vsp = 0;
//Charge start (rear back)
if (timer == 0) {
imageIndex = 0;
hsp = -2 * herodir;
double fric = 0.3;
if (hsp < 0) {
hsp += fric;
if (hsp >= 0) {
hsp = 0;
}else if (hsp > 0) {
hsp -= fric;
if (hsp <= 0) {
hsp = 0;
timer += 1;
//Forward charge start
if (timer == 15) {
invincible = 35;
hsp = 7 * herodir;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot01], CHN_WEAPONS);
if (timer > 15) {
imageIndex = 1;
if (timer > 19) {
imageIndex = 2;
if (timer > 21) {
imageIndex = 3;
if (timer == 59) {
imageIndex = 4;
if (timer == 30) {
hsp = 0;
//End state
if (timer >= 60) {
state = NORMAL;
else if (state == HIT) {
grav = GRAVITY - 0.05;
timer -= 1;
if (timer < 0) {
timer = 0;
imageIndex += 0.33;
if (imageIndex >= 2) {
imageIndex -= 2;
if (onground == 1) {
hsp = 0;
//End hit state
if (onground == 1 && vsp == 0 && timer == 0) {
state = NORMAL;
invincible = 60;
else if (state == STONE) {
grav = GRAVITY - 0.05;
if (stoneState != 2) {
stoneTimer -= 1;
//Setup break free animation
if (stoneTimer <= 0) {
stoneTimer = 0;
stoneState = 2;
imageIndex = 0;
createRockSmash(herox, heroy + 20);
herodir = stoneDir;
imageIndex += 0.16;
//Frozen state flashes
if (stoneState != 2 && imageIndex >= 2) {
imageIndex = 0;
//In air
if (stoneState == 0) {
if (onground == 0) {
//hsp = -(herodir * 2);
stoneState = 1;
createEffect(9, herox, heroy + 20);
createEffect(9, herox, heroy + 20);
//On ground
else if (stoneState == 1) {
hsp = 0;
if (btnFaceDown.pressed == 1) {
stoneTimer -= 30;
createEffect(9, herox, heroy + 20);
//Break free animation
else if (stoneState == 2) {
imageIndex += 0.16;
if ((int)imageIndex == 3) {
createEffect(8, herox - 32, heroy - 22);
imageIndex += 0.5;
if (imageIndex >= 17) {
state = NORMAL;
stoneState = 0;
else if (state == QUAKE) {
grav = GRAVITY - 0.05;
hsp = 0;
if (onground == 1) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_HERO);
if (timer == 0) {
vsp = -2 - grav;
onground = 0;
else if (timer == 1) {
vsp = -1 - grav;
onground = 0;
else if (timer == 2) {
vsp = -0.5 - grav;
onground = 0;
else if (timer == 3) {
state = NORMAL;
vsp = 0;
timer += 1;
//Controllable states
else {
char canWalk = 1;
if (state == NORMAL) {
if (shieldTimer > 0) {
shieldTimer -= 1;
//Change direction with buttons
if (btnLeft.held == 1) {
herodir = -1;
if (btnRight.held == 1) {
herodir = 1;
if (btnFaceDown.pressed == 1) {
if (onground == 1 || canJump == 1) {
if (onground == 0) {
canJump = 0;
vsp = -jumpspd;
onground = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndJump01], CHN_HERO);
//cancel jump
if (vsp < 0 && btnFaceDown.released == 1) {
vsp = 0;
if (onground == 1 && hsp != 0) {
imageIndex += 0.1;
if (imageIndex >= 2) {
imageIndex -= 2;
if (canCharge == 1 && btnFaceLeft.held == 1) {
chargeTimer += 1;
//Create Effects
if (chargeTimer >= 10 && chargeTimer < 66 && ((chargeTimer - 10) % 8) == 0) {
createEffect(6, herox, heroy + 20);
if (chargeTimer == 70) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPower01], CHN_SOUND);
if (canCharge == 1 && chargeTimer >= 70 && btnFaceLeft.released == 1) {
state = CHARGE;
timer = 0;
imageIndex = 0;
addWeapon(SWORD, herox, heroy);
if (stun == 0) {
if (btnFaceLeft.pressed == 1) {
state = SLASH;
imageIndex = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot01], CHN_WEAPONS);
addWeapon(SWORD, herox, heroy);
if (btnFaceRight.pressed == 1) {
if (heroWeapon != -1) {
addWeapon(heroWeapon, (int)herox - 20, (int)heroy);
//Grabbing Ladder
//Grab ladder
if (btnUp.held == 1) {
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollisionXY(2, herox, heroy + 20);
if (collide.x != -1) {
state = LADDER;
canWalk = 0;
hsp = 0;
vsp = 0;
herox = collide.x + 20;
//Climb down onto ladder
else if (onground == 1 && btnDown.held == 1) {
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollisionXY(3, herox, heroy + 40);
if (collide.x != -1) {
state = LADDER;
canWalk = 0;
hsp = 0;
vsp = 0;
herox = collide.x + 20;
heroy += 1;
else if (state == SLASH) {
shieldTimer = 10;
//Can move in air, not on the ground
if (onground == 1) {
canWalk = 0;
hsp = 0;
double imgspd = 0.25;
if (imageIndex < 1) {
imgspd = 0.25;
}else if (imageIndex < 2) {
imgspd = 0.34;
}else if (imageIndex < 3) {
imgspd = 0.34;
}else if (imageIndex < 4) {
imgspd = 0.125;
}else if (imageIndex < 5) {
imgspd = 0.5;
imageIndex += imgspd;
//Finish slash
if (imageIndex >= 5) {
state = NORMAL;
canCharge = hasItem[17]; //Has red scroll
chargeTimer = 0;
else if (state == LADDER) {
onground = 0;
canWalk = 0;
canGrav = 0;
hsp = 0;
vsp = 0;
//Generate final climb speed
double climbspd = CLIMBSPEED;
//Has power bracelet
if (hasItem[4] == 1) {
//Stun slows climb speed
if (stun > 0) {
climbspd /= 2;
//Get up/down axis
int yaxis = btnDown.held - btnUp.held;
if (yaxis != 0) {
imageIndex += 0.125;
//Limit imageIndex
if (imageIndex >= 8) {
imageIndex -= 8;
heroy += climbspd * yaxis;
//Touch ground
if (yaxis == 1) {
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, getHeroMask());
if (collide.x != -1) {
state = NORMAL;
heroy = collide.y - 40;
imageIndex = 0;
//Off of ladder
if (yaxis != 0) {
if (checkTileCollision(2, getHeroMask()) == 0 && checkTileCollision(3, getHeroMask()) == 0) {
state = NORMAL;
if (btnDown.held == 1) {
onground = 0;
if (canWalk == 1) {
int xaxis = btnRight.held - btnLeft.held;
hsp = 3 * xaxis;
//Cancel jump
if (vsp < 0 && btnFaceDown.released == 1) {
vsp = 0;
if (hasItem[11] == 0) { //Does not have amulete
if (quakeTimer > 0 && onground == 1) {
state = QUAKE;
vsp = -3 - grav;
timer = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_HERO);
//Used to prevent glitching out on ladder tops
int precheckladder = checkTileCollision(3, getHeroMask());
//Horizontal movement
if (hsp != 0) {
double finalhsp = hsp;
//Slow when climbing and stunned
if ( (inWater == 1 && hasItem[5] == 0) || stun == 1) {
finalhsp /= 4;
//Speed up movement in water
if (inWater == 1 && hasItem[5] == 1) { //Has fins
finalhsp = (finalhsp / 3) * 2;
herox += finalhsp;
//Stay within screen during boss fight
if (bossFlag == 1) {
if (herox < 10) {
herox = 10;
if (herox > 630) {
herox = 630;
//Collide with wall
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, getHeroMask());
if (collide.x == -1 && precheckladder == 0) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, getHeroMask());
//Did collide
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (hsp > 0) {
herox = collide.x - (heroMask.w / 2);
}else if (hsp < 0) {
herox = collide.x + 40 + (heroMask.w / 2);
if (state == STONE) {
herodir *= -1;
//Check if walked off ledge
if (vsp >= 0) {
heroy += 1;
if ( checkTileCollision(1, getHeroMask()) //Solid ground
|| (hasItem[13] == 1 && checkTileCollision(5, getHeroMask())) //Has red shoes
|| (precheckladder == 0 && checkTileCollision(3, getHeroMask())) ) //Ladder tops
onground = 0;
heroy -= 1;
//Vertical Movement
if (canGrav == 1 && onground == 0) {
int maxVsp = 8;
//Water slows movement
if (inWater == 1) {
grav *= 0.5;
maxVsp *= 0.5;
vsp += grav;
if (vsp > maxVsp) {
vsp = maxVsp;
//Vertical Movement
double tempVsp = vsp;
char landed = 0;
//Water slows movement
if (inWater == 1 || stun == 1) {
tempVsp *= 0.5;
heroy += tempVsp;
//Colliding with floor/ceiling
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, getHeroMask());
if (collide.x == -1&& precheckladder == 0) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, getHeroMask());
if (collide.x == -1 && hasItem[13] == 1) { //has red shoes
collide = getTileCollision(5, getHeroMask());
if (collide.x != -1) {
//Collide with floor
if (vsp > 0) {
heroy = collide.y - 40;
vsp = 0;
onground = 1;
if (hasItem[12] == 1) { //Has blue boots
canJump = 1;
landed = 1;
//Collide with ceiling
else if (vsp < 0) {
heroy = collide.y + 40 - (40 - heroMask.h);
//Jumpthrough/moving platforms
if (vsp >= 0) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLATFORMS; i++) {
if (platforms[i] != NULL) {
int onPlatTop = 0;
if (herox - (heroMask.w / 2) > platforms[i]->mask.x + platforms[i]->mask.w || herox + (heroMask.w / 2) < platforms[i]->mask.x) {
if (platforms[i]->y == heroy + 40 && vsp >= 0) {
onPlatTop = 1;
if (onPlatTop == 1 || checkCollision(getHeroMask(), platforms[i]->mask) == 1) {
heroMask.y -= vsp;
if (onPlatTop == 1 || checkCollision(heroMask, platforms[i]->mask) == 0) {
heroy = platforms[i]->mask.y - 40;
if (vsp != 0) {
landed = 1;
vsp = 0;
onground = 1;
if (hasItem[12] == 1) {
canJump = 1;
//Land on ground after a hit
if (landed == 1 && (state == HIT || state == STONE)) {
timer = 60;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit01], CHN_HERO);
createEffectExtra(3, herox - 30, heroy + 8, -1, 0, 0);
createEffectExtra(3, herox - 10, heroy + 8, 1, 0, 0);
//Water stuff
if (inWater == 1) {
drownTimer -= 1;
if (drownTimer <= 0) {
drownTimer = 60;
if (hasItem[6] == 0) {
herohp -= 4;
createEffect(12, herox, heroy + 20);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi06], CHN_SOUND);
if (checkTileCollision(4, getHeroMask())) {
if (inWater == 0) {
drownTimer = 60;
//Splash effect
createSplash(herox, heroy);
inWater = 1;
if (checkTileCollision(6, getHeroMask()) == 0) {
if (inWater == 1) {
//Splash effect
createSplash(herox, heroy);
inWater = 0;
if (poisoned > 0) {
poisoned -= 1;
if (poisoned % 20 == 0) {
herohp -= 1;
createEffect(7, herox, heroy);
//Switch weapon
int axis = btnR.pressed - btnL.pressed;
if (axis != 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi01], CHN_SOUND);
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
int thisweapon = heroWeapon + (i * axis);
if (thisweapon >= 5) {
thisweapon -= 5;
if (thisweapon < 0) {
thisweapon += 5;
if (hasWeapon[thisweapon] == 1) {
heroWeapon = thisweapon;
i = 6;
//Collide with lava
heroy -= 20;
if (checkTileCollision(5, getHeroMask())) {
herohp = 0;
heroy += 20;
//Collide with spikes
PHL_Rect spike = getTileCollision(6, getHeroMask());
if (spike.x != -1) {
Mask spikeMask; = spikeMask.unused = 0;
spikeMask.x = spike.x + 10;
spikeMask.y = spike.y + 10;
spikeMask.w = spikeMask.h = 20;
if (checkCollision(spikeMask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, spike.x + 20);
if (getDrawHP() <= 0) { //Based on the hud's opinion on player's health, apparently
state = DEATH;
timer = 0;
imageIndex = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit02], CHN_HERO);
//Manage charge
if (state != NORMAL) {
canCharge = 0;
chargeTimer = 0;
if (canCharge == 1) {
if (btnFaceLeft.held == 0 && btnFaceLeft.pressed == 0) {
canCharge = 0;
//Screen transitions
if (herox < -20) {
herox = 620;
heroChangeScreen(-1, 0);
else if (herox > 660) {
herox = 20;
heroChangeScreen(1, 0);
else if (state == LADDER && heroy < -40) {
heroy = 440;
heroChangeScreen(0, -1);
else if (heroy > 480) {
heroy = 0;
heroChangeScreen(0, 1);
return result;
void heroChangeScreen(int dx, int dy)
vsp = 0;
chargeTimer = 0;
canCharge = 0;
if (hasItem[12] == 1) {
canJump = 1;
if (state == HIT || state == SLASH || state == CHARGE) {
state = NORMAL;
//Force a black screen
PHL_DrawRect(0, 0, 640, 480, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0));
changeScreen(dx, dy);
void heroDraw()
int cropX = 0, cropY = 0;
int drawShield = 0;
if (state == DOOR) {
cropY = 160;
cropX = (int)imageIndex * 40;
else if (state == GETITEM) {
int animation[7] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 0, 1};
cropY = 40;
cropX = 320 + (animation[(int)imageIndex] * 40);
else if (state == LADDER) {
cropX = 80;
cropY = 80;
int animation[8] = {0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 3};
cropX += 40 * animation[(int)floor(imageIndex)];
else if (state == NORMAL)
if (onground == 1) {
if (hsp != 0) {
cropX = floor(imageIndex) * 40;
if (herodir == -1) {
cropX += 80;
imageIndex = 0;
cropX = 0;
cropY = 0;
if (hasItem[14] == 1 && shieldTimer <= 0) {
drawShield = 1;
cropY = 120;
if (herodir == -1) {
cropX += 40;
if (heldUp == 1) {
cropX += 80;
if (herodir == -1) {
cropX += 80;
if (vsp < 0) {
imageIndex = 0;
imageIndex = 1;
cropX = 160 + (40 * imageIndex);
if (herodir == -1) {
cropX += 80;
}else if (state == SLASH)
//Sword Slash
int animation[5] = {0, 1, 2, 2, 0};
cropY = 40;
cropX = 40 * animation[(int)floor(imageIndex)];
if (herodir == -1) {
cropX += 120;
else if (state == CHARGE) {
int animation[5] = {0, 1, 2, 2, 0};
cropY = 40;
cropX = animation[(int)imageIndex] * 40;
if (herodir == -1) {
cropX += 120;
else if (state == HIT) {
int thisImage = 12;
if (onground == 0) {
thisImage = 8;
if (state == STONE) {
thisImage = 28;
thisImage += (int)imageIndex;
if (herodir == -1) {
thisImage += 2;
cropX = 40 * thisImage;
while (cropX >= 640) {
cropX -= 640;
cropY += 40;
else if (state == STONE) {
cropY = 40;
if (stoneState == 0 || stoneState == 1) { //In air/on ground
int thisImage = (int)imageIndex;
if (stoneDir == -1) {
thisImage += 2;
cropX = 480 + (thisImage * 40);
else if (stoneState == 2) { //Break free
int animation[17] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 0, 1, 0};
cropX = 320 + (animation[(int)imageIndex] * 40);
else if (state == DEATH) {
if (timer >= 130) {
char tempDark = roomDarkness;
roomDarkness = 0;
PHL_DrawTextBold("GAME OVER", 248, 240, YELLOW);
roomDarkness = tempDark;
int frame = 0;
if (herodir == 1) {
int animation[4] = {0, 3, 6, 9};
frame = animation[(int)imageIndex];
if (herodir == -1) {
int animation[4] = {2, 1, 4, 11};
frame = animation[(int)imageIndex];
cropX = frame * 40;
else if (state == QUAKE) {
cropY = 80;
if (herodir == -1) {
cropX = 40;
if ((state == HIT && invincible % 6 < 3) || invincible % 2 == 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(herox - 20, heroy, cropX, cropY, 40, 40, images[imgHero]);
if (drawShield == 1) {
int scx = 320; //Shield crop x
int sdx = herox - 2, sdy = heroy + 10; //Shield draw x/y
if (herodir == -1) {
sdx -= 36;
scx += 40;
if (heldUp == 1) {
scx += 80;
sdy -= 26;
sdx -= 8 * herodir;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(sdx, sdy, scx, 240, 40, 40, images[imgHero]);
//Draw stun effect
if (stun == 1) {
int frame = (int)(((300 - stunTimer) % 32) / 4);
if (frame == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit05], CHN_SOUND);
int animation[8] = {0, 1, 2, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1};
if (animation[frame] != -1) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(herox - 32, heroy - 12, 384 + (animation[frame] * 64), 64, 64, 64, images[imgMisc32]);
if (stunTimer <= 0) {
stun = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPower01], CHN_SOUND);
stunTimer -= 1;
//PHL_DrawRect(mask.x, mask.y, mask.w, mask.h, PHL_NewRGB(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF));
void updateMask()
heroMask.x = herox - 12;
heroMask.y = heroy + 14;
//Update shield mask
shieldMask.unused = 1;
if (hasItem[14] == 1) { //has shield
if (state == NORMAL && onground == 1 && hsp == 0 && shieldTimer == 0) {
shieldMask.unused = 0;
//Shield held in front
if (heldUp == 0) {
shieldMask.w = 14;
shieldMask.h = 20;
shieldMask.x = herox + 10;
shieldMask.y = heroy + 20;
if (herodir == -1) {
shieldMask.x -= 34;
//Shield above head
shieldMask.w = 24;
shieldMask.h = 8;
shieldMask.x = herox - 2;
shieldMask.y = heroy - 2;
if (herodir == -1) {
shieldMask.x -= 20;
int heroHit(int damage, int centerx)
if (state != HIT && state != DEATH && state != DOOR && (invincible <= 0 || (state == STONE && invincible == 60))) {
if (state != STONE || (state == STONE && stoneState != 2)) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit02], CHN_HERO);
herohp -= damage;
vsp = -4;
onground = 0;
if (herox - centerx > 0) {
herodir = -1;
hsp = herodir * -2;
if (herox - centerx < 0) {
herodir = 1;
hsp = herodir * -2;
if (state != STONE) {
state = HIT;
return 1;
return 0;
void heroPoison()
if (hasItem[8] != 1) { //Does not have poison resistance ring
if (poisoned <= 0) {
poisoned = 300;
void heroStone()
//if (((state != HIT && state != DEATH && state != DOOR ) || (state == STONE && stoneState != 2)) && invincible <= 0) {
if (state != HIT && state != DEATH && state != DOOR && (invincible <= 0 || (state == STONE && invincible == 60))) {
if (state != STONE || (state == STONE && stoneState != 2)) {
if (hasItem[9] != 1) { //Does not have green ring
if (state == STONE) {
herodir = stoneDir;
//Get-ers and set-ers
Mask getHeroMask()
return heroMask;
int getHeroState()
return state;
void setHeroState(int s)
state = s;
//Special cases
if (s == GETITEM) {
heldUp = 0;
//timer = 0;
//subPosition = GETITEM;
if (s == DOOR) {
imageIndex = 0;
if (s == STONE) {
if (stoneTimer <= 0) {
stoneTimer = 350;
stoneState = 0;
invincible = 60;
stoneDir = herodir;
int getHeroInvincible()
return invincible;
int getHeroDirection()
return herodir;
void setHeroDirection(int d)
herodir = d;
double getHeroImageIndex()
return imageIndex;
void setHeroImageIndex(double index)
imageIndex = index;
double getHeroVsp()
return vsp;
double getHeroHsp()
return hsp;
void setHeroHsp(double newHsp)
hsp = newHsp;
void setHeroVsp(double newVsp)
vsp = newVsp;
int getHeroOnground()
return onground;
void setHeroOnground(int val)
onground = val;
void setHeroTimer(int t)
timer = t;
int getHeroPoisoned()
return poisoned;
void heroStun()
if (hasItem[10] == 0) { //Does not have cloak
stun = 1;
if (stunTimer <= 0) {
stunTimer = 300;
void setHeroCanjump(int set)
canJump = set;
0,0 → 1,55
#ifndef HERO_H
#define HERO_H
#include "PHL.h"
#include "collision.h"
extern double herox, heroy;
extern double herohp, maxhp;
extern int heroAmmo, maxAmmo;
extern int heroWeapon;
extern Mask heroMask;
extern Mask shieldMask;
void heroSetup();
void heroCleanup();
int heroStep();
void heroDraw();
int heroHit(int damage, int centerx);
void heroPoison();
void heroStone();
Mask getHeroMask();
int getHeroState();
void setHeroState(int s);
int getHeroInvincible();
int getHeroDirection();
void setHeroDirection(int d);
double getHeroImageIndex();
void setHeroImageIndex(double index);
double getHeroVsp();
double getHeroHsp();
void setHeroHsp(double newHsp);
void setHeroVsp(double newVsp);
int getHeroOnground();
void setHeroOnground(int val);
void setHeroTimer(int t);
int getHeroPoisoned();
void heroStun();
void setHeroCanjump(int set);
0,0 → 1,395
#include "ini.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "PHL.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "text.h"
#include <emscripten.h>
//char* getFileLocation();
char* trimString(char* orig);
void screenLoad(char* first, char* second);
void sizeLoad(char* first, char* second);
void blurLoad(char* first, char* second);
void xbrzLoad(char* first, char* second);
void languageLoad(char* first, char* second);
void autosaveLoad(char* first, char* second);
void musictypeLoad(char* first, char* second);
void musicvolumeLoad(char* first, char* second);
void iniInit()
//Build filepath
char fullPath[128];
#ifdef _SDL
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
strcpy(fullPath, "PROGDIR:.hydracastlelabyrinth/");
#elif defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
strcpy(fullPath, "hcl_data/");
#elif defined(_KOLIBRI)
strcpy(fullPath, KOS_HCL_SAVES_PATH"/");
strcpy(fullPath, getenv("HOME"));
strcat(fullPath, "/.hydracastlelabyrinth/");
#elif defined(_3DS)
strcpy(fullPath, "sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth/");
strcpy(fullPath, "");
strcat(fullPath, "system.ini");
FILE* f;
if ( (f = fopen(fullPath, "rt")) )
//File exists - read it
//File does not exists - create it (with default hardcoded settings)
void saveSettings()
//Build filepath
char fullPath[128];
#ifdef _SDL
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
strcpy(fullPath, "PROGDIR:.hydracastlelabyrinth/");
#elif defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
strcpy(fullPath, "hcl_data/");
#elif defined(_KOLIBRI)
strcpy(fullPath, KOS_HCL_SAVES_PATH"/");
strcpy(fullPath, getenv("HOME"));
strcat(fullPath, "/.hydracastlelabyrinth/");
#elif defined(_3DS)
strcpy(fullPath, "sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth/");
strcpy(fullPath, "");
strcat(fullPath, "system.ini");
FILE* f;
if ( (f = fopen(fullPath, "wt")) )
fprintf(f, "[disp]");
#ifdef _3DS
fprintf(f, "\r\nscreen=");
if (activeScreen->screen == GFX_BOTTOM) {
fprintf(f, "bottom");
fprintf(f, "top");
#ifdef _PSP
//Screen Size
fprintf(f, "\r\nsize=");
if (getScreenSize() == 1) {
fprintf(f, "1");
else if (getScreenSize() == 2) {
fprintf(f, "2");
else {
fprintf(f, "0");
//Screen Blur
fprintf(f, "\r\nblur=");
if (getBlur() == 1) {
fprintf(f, "on");
fprintf(f, "off");
#ifdef _SDL
//xBRZ Scaling
fprintf(f, "\r\nxbrz=");
if (getXBRZ() == 1) {
fprintf(f, "on");
fprintf(f, "off");
fprintf(f, "\r\n[system]");
fprintf(f, "\r\nlanguage=");
if (getLanguage() == 0) {
fprintf(f, "jp");
if (getLanguage() == 1) {
fprintf(f, "en");
fprintf(f, "\r\nautosave=");
if (getAutoSave() == 1) {
fprintf(f, "on");
fprintf(f, "off");
#ifdef _SDL
fprintf(f, "\r\n[audio]");
fprintf(f, "\r\nmusic_type=%s", getMusicType()?"ogg":"midi");
fprintf(f, "\r\nmusic=%d", music_volume);
// Audio
FS.syncfs(false,function () {
Module.print("File sych'd")
void loadSettings()
//Build filepath
char fullPath[128];
#ifdef _SDL
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
strcpy(fullPath, "PROGDIR:.hydracastlelabyrinth/");
#elif defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
strcpy(fullPath, "hcl_data/");
#elif defined(_KOLIBRI)
strcat(fullPath, KOS_HCL_SAVES_PATH"/");
strcpy(fullPath, getenv("HOME"));
strcat(fullPath, "/.hydracastlelabyrinth/");
#elif defined(_3DS)
strcpy(fullPath, "sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth/");
strcpy(fullPath, "");
strcat(fullPath, "system.ini");
FILE* f;
if ( (f = fopen(fullPath, "rt")) )
char line[80];
while ( (fgets(line, 80, f) != NULL) )
char* lineptr = line;
lineptr = trimString(lineptr);
if (lineptr != NULL) {
//Ignore category lines
if (lineptr[0] != '[')
//Check if it has a = delimiter first
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 80; i++) {
if (line[i] == '=')
//Begin line splitting
char* half;
if ( (half = strsep(&lineptr, "=")) != NULL)
//first half
char* fhalf = half;
if ( (half = strsep(&lineptr, "=")) != NULL) {
//Second half
char* shalf = half;
//Load options
screenLoad(fhalf, shalf);
sizeLoad(fhalf, shalf);
blurLoad(fhalf, shalf);
xbrzLoad(fhalf, shalf);
languageLoad(fhalf, shalf);
autosaveLoad(fhalf, shalf);
musictypeLoad(fhalf, shalf);
musicvolumeLoad(fhalf, shalf);
i = 81;
//Build file path
char* getFileLocation()
char fullPath[128];
strcpy(fullPath, "");
#ifdef _CIA
strcat(fullPath, "sdmc:/3ds/HydraCastleLabyrinth/");
strcat(fullPath, "system.ini");
return fullPath;
char* trimString(char* orig)
char* output = orig;
int i, r = 0;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(orig); i++) {
if (orig[i] != ' ' && orig[i] != '\n' && orig[i] != '\r') {
output[r] = orig[i];
orig[r] = 0;
return output;
void screenLoad(char* first, char* second)
#ifdef _3DS
if (strcmp(first, "screen") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "top") == 0) {
swapScreen(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT);
if (strcmp(second, "bottom") == 0) {
void sizeLoad(char* first, char* second)
#ifdef _PSP
if (strcmp(first, "size") == 0) {
if (second[0] == '0') {
//fprintf(debug, "\nsize is 0");
if (second[0] == '1') {
//fprintf(debug, "\nsize is 1");
if (second[0] == '2') {
//fprintf(debug, "\nsize is 2");
void blurLoad(char* first, char* second)
#ifdef _PSP
if (strcmp(first, "blur") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "on") == 0) {
//fprintf(debug, "\nblur is on");
if (strcmp(second, "off") == 0) {
//fprintf(debug, "\nblur is off");
void xbrzLoad(char* first, char* second)
#ifdef _SDL
if (strcmp(first, "xbrz") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "on") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "off") == 0) {
void languageLoad(char* first, char* second)
if (strcmp(first, "language") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "en") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "jp") == 0) {
void autosaveLoad(char* first, char* second)
if (strcmp(first, "autosave") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "on") == 0) {
//fprintf(debug, "\nautosave is on");
if (strcmp(second, "off") == 0) {
//fprintf(debug, "\nautosave is off");
void musicvolumeLoad(char* first, char* second)
#ifdef _SDL
if (strcmp(first, "music") == 0) {
if (second[0] >= '0' && second[0] <= '4') {
music_volume = second[0]-'0';
PHL_MusicVolume(0.25f * music_volume);
void musictypeLoad(char* first, char* second)
#ifdef _SDL
if (strcmp(first, "music_type") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "ogg") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "midi") == 0) {
0,0 → 1,10
#ifndef INI_H
#define INI_H
//Functions to handle the "system.ini" file
void iniInit();
void saveSettings();
void loadSettings();
0,0 → 1,180
#include "inventory.h"
#include "PHL.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "text.h"
int cursorX = 0;
int cursorY = 0;
static char tempDark;
void inventorySetup()
tempDark = roomDarkness;
roomDarkness = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi04], CHN_SOUND);
int inventoryEMStep()
int result = -1;
if (inventoryStep() == 1) {
result = 0;
roomDarkness = tempDark;
return result;
void inventory()
char tempDark = roomDarkness;
roomDarkness = 0;
char loop = 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi04], CHN_SOUND);
while (PHL_MainLoop() && loop == 1)
if (inventoryStep() == 1) {
loop = 0;
roomDarkness = tempDark;
int inventoryStep()
char playsnd = 0;
if (btnRight.pressed - btnLeft.pressed != 0) {
cursorX += btnRight.pressed - btnLeft.pressed;
playsnd = 1;
if (btnDown.pressed - btnUp.pressed != 0) {
cursorY += btnDown.pressed - btnUp.pressed;
playsnd = 1;
if (playsnd == 1) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi01], CHN_SOUND);
//Limit cursor
if (cursorX < 0) { cursorX = 6; }
if (cursorX > 6) { cursorX = 0; }
if (cursorY < 0) { cursorY = 3; }
if (cursorY > 3) { cursorY = 0; }
if (btnStart.pressed == 1 || btnDecline.pressed == 1)
return 1;
return 0;
void inventoryDraw()
//Black background
PHL_DrawRect(0, 0, 640, 480, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0));
PHL_DrawTextBold("SUB WEAPON", 16, 16, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("ITEM", 16, 96, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("KEY", 16, 320, YELLOW);
//Blue rectangles
int i, a, cx, cy;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
PHL_DrawRect(18 + (48 * i), 34, 44, 44, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
PHL_DrawRect(20 + (48 * i), 36, 40, 40, PHL_NewRGB(119, 166, 219));
if (hasWeapon[i] == 1) {
cx = (i + 1) * 40;
cx = 0;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(20 + (48 * i), 36, cx, 0, 40, 40, images[imgItems]);
int count = 0;
int imageOrder[28] = { 13, 17, 16, 15, 8, 10, 9,
18, 4, 6, 5, 7, 3, 11,
14, 12, 1, 2, 22, 26, 27,
21, 25, 28, 23, 20, 19, 24 };
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
PHL_DrawRect(18 + (48 * a), 114 + (48 * i), 44, 44, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
PHL_DrawRect(20 + (48 * a), 116 + (48 * i), 40, 40, PHL_NewRGB(119, 166, 219));
if (hasItem[count] == 0) {
cx = 0;
cy = 0;
cy = 0;
cx = (imageOrder[count] + 6) * 40;
while (cx >= 640) {
cy += 40;
cx -= 640;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(20 + (48 * a), 116 + (48 * i), cx, cy, 40, 40, images[imgItems]);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
PHL_DrawRect(18 + (48 * i), 338, 44, 44, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
PHL_DrawRect(20 + (48 * i), 340, 40, 40, PHL_NewRGB(119, 166, 219));
if (hasKey[i] == 1) {
cx = 120 + (i * 40);
cy = 80;
cx = 0;
cy = 0;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(20 + (48 * i), 340, cx, cy, 40, 40, images[imgItems]);
//Text box
PHL_DrawRect(16, 400, 606, 46, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
PHL_DrawRect(18, 402, 602, 42, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 255));
if (hasItem[cursorX + (cursorY * 7)] == 1) {
int drawX = 32, drawY = 402;
//Draw item name
drawX = drawText(itemName[cursorX + (cursorY * 7) + 5], drawX, drawY);
//Draw item description
drawX = drawCharacter(6, 0, drawX, drawY);
drawText(itemDescription[cursorX + (cursorY * 7)], drawX, drawY);
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(16 + (cursorX * 48), 112 + (cursorY * 48), 0, 96, 48, 48, images[imgHud]);
0,0 → 1,13
void inventorySetup();
int inventoryEMStep();
void inventory();
int inventoryStep();
void inventoryDraw();
0,0 → 1,182
#include "PHL.h"
#include "game.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef ODROID
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
#ifdef __amigaos4__
static const char* __attribute__((used)) stackcookie = "$STACK: 1000000";
#ifdef __MORPHOS__
unsigned long __stack = 1000000;
#ifdef _KOLIBRI
extern char* dirname(char*);
extern void setcwd(char*);
void createSaveLocations()
//Force create save data folders
#ifdef _3DS
//3DS builds
mkdir("sdmc:/3ds", 0777);
mkdir("sdmc:/3ds/appdata", 0777);
mkdir("sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth", 0777);
mkdir("sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth/data", 0777);
mkdir("sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth/map", 0777);
#elif defined(_SDL)
char buff[4096];
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
#elif defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
strcpy(buff, "hcl_data");
#elif defined (_KOLIBRI)
mkdir(KOS_HCL_SAVES_PATH, 777);
strcpy(buff, getenv("HOME"));
strcat(buff, "/.hydracastlelabyrinth");
// if exist first?
#ifndef _KOLIBRI
struct stat sb;
if(!(stat(buff, &sb)==0 && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)))
mkdir(buff, 0777);
//psp, wii
mkdir("/data", 0777);
mkdir("/map", 0777);
int fileSynched = 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
#ifdef _KOLIBRI
// that HEAP32 on &fileSynched looks like a hack, but I needed a way to be sure the DB is read before reading the ini files
Module.print("Will import permanent storage");
FS.syncfs(true, function() {
Module.print("Permanent storage imported");
HEAP32[$0>>2] = 1;
}, &fileSynched);
#ifdef _3DS
#ifdef _SDL
if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) {
#if defined(PANDORA) || defined(PYRA) || defined(CHIP) || defined(ODROID)
wantFullscreen = 1;
wantFullscreen = 0;
#ifdef CHIP
screenScale = 1;
#elif defined(BITTBOY)
screenScale = 1;
#elif defined(PYRA)
//screenScale = 3;
desktopFS = 1;
#elif defined(ODROID)
desktopFS = 1;
screenScale = 2;
useJoystick = 1;
// get command line arguments
for (int i=1; i<argc; i++)
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-f"))
wantFullscreen = 1;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--fullscreen"))
wantFullscreen = 1;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-d"))
desktopFS = 1;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--desktop"))
desktopFS = 1;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-x1"))
screenScale = 1;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-x2"))
screenScale = 2;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-x3"))
screenScale = 3;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-x4"))
screenScale = 4;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-x5"))
screenScale = 5;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--xbrz"))
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--no-xbrz"))
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-j"))
useJoystick = 0;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--nojoy"))
useJoystick = 0;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) {
printf("Quick help\n-f|--fullscreen\tUse fullscreen\n-d|--desktop\tdesktop fullscreen\n-x1|-x2|-x3|-x4\tUse screenScale of *1..*4 (default *2 = 640x480)\n-j|-nojoy\tdo not use Joystick\n--xbrz\tUse xBRZ scaling\n--no-xbrz\tNo xBRZ scaling\n");
#ifdef _SDL2
SDL_DisplayMode infos;
SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, &infos);
screenW = infos.w;
screenH = infos.h;
const SDL_VideoInfo* infos = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
screenH = infos->current_h;
screenW = infos->current_w;
} else {
screenW = 320 * screenScale;
screenH = 240 * screenScale;
printf("Hydra Castle Labyrinth, %s %dx%d scale=x%d%s, using Joystick=%d\n", (wantFullscreen || desktopFS)?"Fullscreen":"Windowed", screenW, screenH, screenScale, getXBRZ()?" xBRZ":"", useJoystick);
//System specific cleanup
#ifdef _PSP
#ifdef _3DS
return 0;
0,0 → 1,92
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
void *memrchr(const void *m, int c, size_t n)
const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char*)m;
c = (unsigned char)c;
while (n--) if (s[n]==c) return (void *)(s+n);
return 0;
void setcwd(char* path){
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
::"a"(30), "b"(1), "c"(path)
char *dirname(char *path)
static const char dot[] = ".";
char *last_slash;
last_slash = path != NULL ? strrchr (path, '/') : NULL;
if (last_slash != NULL && last_slash != path && last_slash[1] == '\0')
char *runp;
for (runp = last_slash; runp != path; --runp)
if (runp[-1] != '/')
if (runp != path)
last_slash = (char*)memrchr((void*)path, '/', runp - path);
if (last_slash != NULL)
char *runp;
for (runp = last_slash; runp != path; --runp)
if (runp[-1] != '/')
if (runp == path)
if (last_slash == path + 1)
last_slash = path + 1;
last_slash = runp;
last_slash[0] = '\0';
path = (char *) dot;
return path;
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct{
unsigned p00;
uint64_t p04;
struct {
unsigned p04dw;
unsigned p08dw;
unsigned p12;
union {
unsigned p16;
const char *new_name;
void *bdfe;
void *buf16;
const void *cbuf16;
char p20;
const char *p21;
int kos_mkdir(const char *path, unsigned v)
int status;
ksys70_t dir_opt;
dir_opt.p00 = 9;
dir_opt.p21 = path;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
:"a"(70), "b"(&dir_opt)
return status;
0,0 → 1,1532
#include "object.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "hero.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "enemies/slug.h"
#include "game.h"
#include <math.h>
void nullFunction(void* v);
void ammoStep(Ammo* a);
void ammoDraw(Ammo* a);
void destroyableStep(Destroyable* d);
void secretTriggerStep(SecretTrigger* s);
void chestStep(Chest* c);
void chestDraw(Chest* c);
void savePointStep(SavePoint* s);
void savePointDraw(SavePoint* s);
void doorStep(Door* d);
void doorDraw(Door* d);
void lockBlockStep(LockBlock* l);
void lockBlockDraw(LockBlock* l);
void switchStep(Switch* s);
int switchActivate(Switch* s);
void switchResult(Switch* s);
void switchDraw(Switch* s);
void gateStep(Gate* g);
void gateDraw(Gate* g);
void statueStep(Statue* s);
void statueDraw(Statue* s);
void buttonStep(FloorPad* f);
void buttonDraw(FloorPad* f);
void ladderStep(Ladder* l);
void ladderActivate(int x, int y);
void generatorStep(Generator* g);
void generatorDraw(Generator* g);
void shockgateStep(Shockgate* s);
void shockgateDraw(Shockgate* s);
void crownStep(Crown* c);
void crownDraw(Crown* c);
void nullFunction(void* v)
//Wow, it's literally nothing!
void objectDestroy(int id)
if (objects[id] != NULL) {
if (objects[id]->data != NULL) {
objects[id]->data = NULL;
objects[id] = NULL;
void spawnCollectable(int x, int y)
int num = (rand() % 100) + 1;
int result = -1;
int heartchance = 15;
int ammochance = 10;
if (hasItem[3] == 1) { //Has golden seed
heartchance *= 2;
ammochance *= 2;
if (num <= heartchance) {
result = 1; //Heart
else if (num > heartchance && num <= heartchance + ammochance) {
result = 0; //Ammo
//result = rand() % 2;
if (result != -1) {
createAmmo(x, y, result);
void createAmmo(int x, int y, int type)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] == NULL) {
Object* o = malloc(sizeof *o);
Ammo* a = malloc(sizeof *a);
a->id = i;
a->x = x;
a->y = y;
a->type = type;
a->vsp = -2.5;
a->grav = 0.2;
a->blink = 30;
a->canLand = 0;
a->bounce = 0;
o->data = a;
o->objectStep = ammoStep;
o->objectDraw = ammoDraw;
o->type = -1;
objects[i] = o;
void ammoStep(Ammo* a)
char dead = 0;
//Flashing animation
if (a->blink > 0) {
a->blink -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 2;
mask.h = 1;
mask.x = a->x - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = a->y + (40 - mask.h);
a->y += a->vsp;
a->vsp += a->grav;
mask.y = a->y + (40 - mask.h);
//Destroy if it falls in a pit
if (a->y > 480) {
dead = 1;
if (a->vsp >= 0) {
//Inside of a block
if (a->canLand == 0) {
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 0 && checkTileCollision(3, mask) == 0) {
a->canLand = 1;
//Land on ground
if (a->canLand == 1) {
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
a->y = collide.y - 40;
a->vsp = 0;
if (a->bounce <= 2) {
double bounceVsp[3] = {-2, -1, 0};
if (a->bounce > 2) {
a->bounce = 2;
a->vsp = bounceVsp[a->bounce];
a->bounce += 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], 2);
a->canLand = 0;
//Setup hero collision mask
mask.w = 20;
mask.h = 32;
if (a->type == 1) {
mask.w = 28;
mask.h = 26;
mask.x = a->x - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = a->y + (40 - mask.h);
if (a->blink <= 0 && checkCollision(mask, heroMask)) {
if (a->type == 0) {
heroAmmo += 5;
if (heroAmmo > maxAmmo) {
heroAmmo = maxAmmo;
else if (a->type == 1) {
herohp += 10;
if (herohp > 128) {
herohp = 128;
dead = 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndGet02], 2);
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
void ammoDraw(Ammo* a)
if (a->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX[2] = {40, 0};
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(a->x - 20, a->y + 2, cropX[a->type], 120, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
//Destroyable Block
void createDestroyable(int x, int y, int secret)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] == NULL) {
Object* o = malloc(sizeof *o);
Destroyable* d = malloc(sizeof *d);
d->id = i;
d->x = x;
d->y = y;
d->secret = secret;
d->hp = 3;
//d->invulnerable = 0;
d->mask.x = x;
d->mask.y = y;
d->mask.w = d->mask.h = 40;
d->mask.unused = d-> = 0;
o->data = d;
o->objectStep = destroyableStep;
o->objectDraw = nullFunction;
o->type = 3;
objects[i] = o;
void destroyableStep(Destroyable* d)
//if (d->invulnerable <= 0) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown <= 0) {
if (checkCollision(d->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
if (hasItem[0] == 1) { //Has copper pick
d->hp -= 1;
if (hasItem[1] == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
}else{ //Has silver pick
d->hp -= 2;
//d->invulnerable = 15;
if (d->hp <= 0) {
createRockSmash(d->x + 20, d->y + 20);
int sx = d->x / 40;
int sy = d->y / 40;
foreground.tileX[sx][sy] = 0;
foreground.tileY[sx][sy] = 0;
collisionTiles[sx][sy] = 0;
PHL_UpdateBackground(background, foreground);
if (d->secret == 0) {
spawnCollectable(d->x + 20, d->y);
}else if (d->secret == 1) {
roomSecret = 1;
if (hasItem[0] == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], 1);
d->invulnerable -= 1;
//Secret Trigger
void createSecretTrigger(int type, int enemyType, int flag)
if (flag != 0 && flags[flag] == 1) {
roomSecret = 1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] == NULL) {
Object* o = malloc(sizeof *o);
SecretTrigger* s = malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = i;
s->flag = flag;
s->type = type;
s->enemyType = enemyType;
o->data = s;
o->objectStep = secretTriggerStep;
o->objectDraw = nullFunction;
o->type = -1;
objects[i] = o;
void secretTriggerStep(SecretTrigger* s)
int i, result = 1;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (s->type == 0) { //Destroy all enemies
if (enemies[i] != NULL && enemies[i]->type != -1) {
result = 0;
else if (s->type == 1) { //Destroy one type of enemy
if (enemies[i] != NULL && enemies[i]->type == s->enemyType) {
result = 0;
else{ //No trigger, only activate on creation
result = 0;
if (result == 1) {
if (s->flag != 0) {
flags[s->flag] = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
void createChest(int x, int y, int item, int secret)
//Don't create if the player already has the item
int dospawn = 1;
if (item <= 4) {
if (hasWeapon[item] == 1) { dospawn = 0; }
else if (item <= 32) {
if (hasItem[item - 5] == 1) { dospawn = 0; }
else if (item <= 40) {
if (hasKey[item - 33] == 1) { dospawn = 0; }
if (dospawn == 1) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] == NULL) {
Object* o = malloc(sizeof *o);
Chest* c = malloc(sizeof *c);
c->id = i;
c->x = x;
c->y = y;
c->item = item;
c->secret = secret;
c->timer = 10;
c->visible = 1;
if (secret == 1 && roomSecret == 0) { //Assume secret trigger is loaded before chest
c->visible = 0;
if (hasItem[2] == 1) { //Has Bell
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndBell01], CHN_SOUND);
//bellFlag = 1;
c->mask.x = x;
c->mask.y = y;
c->mask.w = c->mask.h = 40;
c->mask.unused = c-> = 0;
o->data = c;
o->objectStep = chestStep;
o->objectDraw = chestDraw;
o->type = 4;
objects[i] = o;
extern int em_state;
void chestStep(Chest* c)
if (c->visible == 1) {
c->timer -= 1;
if (c->timer <= 0) {
createEffectExtra(5, c->x + (rand() % 40) + 1, c->y + 4 + (rand() % 40) + 1, 0, 0, 0);
c->timer = 12;
if (btnUp.pressed == 1) {
if (getHeroOnground() == 1 && checkCollisionXY(c->mask, herox, heroy + 20) == 1) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndGet02], CHN_HERO);
if (c->item <= 4) {
hasWeapon[c->item] = 1;
itemGotX = 40 + (c->item * 40);
itemGotY = 0;
else if (c->item <= 32) {
hasItem[c->item - 5] = 1;
int itemorder[28] = { 12, 16, 15, 14, 7, 9, 8,
17, 3, 5, 4, 6, 2, 10,
13, 11, 0, 1, 21, 25, 26,
20, 24, 27, 22, 19, 18, 23 };
itemGotX = 280 + (itemorder[c->item - 5] * 40);
itemGotY = 0;
while (itemGotX >= 640) {
itemGotX -= 640;
itemGotY += 40;
else if (c->item <= 40) {
hasKey[c->item - 33] = 1;
itemGotX = 120 + ((c->item - 33) * 40);
itemGotY = 80;
//Fix no 2nd jump immediatly after getting boots
if (c->item == 17) {
//setHeroState(6); //Set hero state to GETITEM
int saveItem = c->item;
em_state = 50;
else {
if (roomSecret == 1) {
c->visible = 1;
//Visible if the boss is already defeated
if (bossDefeatedFlag == 1) {
c->visible = 1;
void chestDraw(Chest* c)
if (c->visible == 1) {
int dx = 520, dy = 0;
if (c->item > 32) {
dx = 240;
dy = 120;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(c->x, c->y, dx, dy, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
//Save point
void createSavePoint(int x, int y, int hidden)
if (hidden == 0 || hasKey[7] == 1) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] == NULL) {
Object* o = malloc(sizeof *o);
SavePoint* s = malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = i;
s->x = x;
s->y = y;
s->imageIndex = 0;
s->mask.x = x + 6;
s->mask.y = y;
s->mask.w = 28;
s->mask.h = 40;
s->mask.unused = s-> = 0;
o->data = s;
o->objectStep = savePointStep;
o->objectDraw = savePointDraw;
o->type = -1;
objects[i] = o;
void savePointStep(SavePoint* s)
s->imageIndex += 0.15;
if (s->imageIndex >= 4) {
s->imageIndex -= 4;
if (btnUp.pressed == 1 && getHeroOnground() == 1) {
if (checkCollisionXY(s->mask, herox, heroy)) {
void savePointDraw(SavePoint* s)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x, s->y, (int)s->imageIndex * 40, 320, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
unsigned char unlockedDoor[8] = {0, 2, 6, 7, 32, 22, 39, 48};
void createDoor(int x, int y, int level, int coords, int warpx, int warpy, int secret)
if (level != 8 || hasKey[7] == 1) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] == NULL) {
Object* o = malloc(sizeof *o);
Door* d = malloc(sizeof *d);
d->id = i;
d->x = x;
d->y = y;
d->visible = 1;
d->secret = secret;
if (d->secret == 1) {
d->visible = 0;
d->open = 0;
if (level == 0) {
d->open = 1;
d->open = flags[unlockedDoor[level-1]];
d->warplevel = level;
d->warpcoords = coords;
d->warpx = warpx;
d->warpy = warpy;
d->mask.x = x + 6;
d->mask.y = y;
d->mask.w = 28;
d->mask.h = 40;
d->mask.unused = d-> = 0;
o->data = d;
o->objectStep = doorStep;
o->objectDraw = doorDraw;
o->type = -1;
objects[i] = o;
void doorStep(Door* d)
if (d->visible == 1) {
if (btnUp.pressed == 1 && getHeroOnground() == 1 && getHeroState() != 6) {
if (checkCollisionXY(d->mask, herox, heroy)) {
if (d->open == 0) {
if (hasKey[d->warplevel - 1] == 1) {
d->open = 1;
flags[unlockedDoor[d->warplevel - 1]] = 1;
//doorUnlocked[d->warplevel-1] = 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndDoor00], CHN_SOUND);
//Setup Door event
herox = d->x + 20;
heroy = d->y;
lastDoor = d;
setHeroState(7); //Set state to DOOR
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndStep01], CHN_HERO);
if (bossDefeatedFlag == 1 && hasKey[getLevel()]) {
d->visible = 1;
//Display key and door if the boss didn't show up
else if (d->secret == 1 && bossFlag == 0) {
bossFlag = 1;
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
void doorDraw(Door* d)
if (d->visible == 1) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(d->x, d->y, 600 - (40 * d->open), 0, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
//Lock Block
void createLockBlock(int x, int y, int flag)
if (flags[flag] == 0) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] == NULL) {
Object* o = malloc(sizeof *o);
LockBlock* l = malloc(sizeof *l);
l->id = i;
l->x = x;
l->y = y;
l->invincible = 0;
int tx = x / 40;
int ty = y / 40;
l->tile = collisionTiles[tx][ty];
collisionTiles[tx][ty] = 1;
l->flag = flag;
o->data = l;
o->objectStep = lockBlockStep;
o->objectDraw = lockBlockDraw;
o->type = -1;
objects[i] = o;
void lockBlockStep(LockBlock* l)
//Collide with weapons
if (l->invincible <= 0) {
Mask mask; = mask.unused = 0;
mask.x = l->x;
mask.y = l->y;
mask.w = mask.h = 40;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
l->invincible = 15;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
l->invincible -= 1;
if (roomSecret == 1) {
int tx = l->x / 40;
int ty = l->y / 40;
collisionTiles[tx][ty] = l->tile;
flags[l->flag] = 1;
objects[l->id] = NULL;
void lockBlockDraw(LockBlock* l)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(l->x, l->y, 120, 400, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
//Green light switch
void createSwitch(int x, int y, int flag)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] == NULL) {
Object* o = malloc(sizeof *o);
Switch* s = malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = i;
s->x = x;
s->y = y;
s->imageIndex = 0;
s->flag = flag;
s->activated = 0;
if (flags[s->flag] == 1) {
s->activated = 1;
o->data = s;
o->objectStep = switchStep;
o->objectDraw = switchDraw;
o->type = 76;
objects[i] = o;
void switchStep(Switch* s)
if (s->activated == 0) {
if (btnUp.pressed == 1) {
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = 16;
mask.h = 30;
mask.x = s->x + 12;
mask.y = s->y + 10;
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
if (switchActivate(s) == 1) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_SOUND);
s->imageIndex += 0.2;
if (s->imageIndex >= 3) {
s->imageIndex -= 2;
int switchActivate(Switch* s)
int success = 0;
if ((s->flag == 24 && hasItem[23] == 1) || //Switch in level 2
(s->flag == 26 && hasItem[24] == 1)) { //Switch in level 6
success = 1;
//Switches in level 7
if ((s->flag == 44 && hasItem[25] == 1) || //Left Switch
(s->flag == 43 && hasItem[26] == 1))
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_SOUND);
s->activated = 1;
flags[s->flag] = 1;
if (flags[44] == 1 && flags[43] == 1) {
flags[45] = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
success = 1;
if (success == 1) {
s->activated = 1;
flags[s->flag] = 1;
return success;
void switchResult(Switch* s)
if (s->flag == 24) { //Switch in level 2
createPlatform(0, 320, 240, 320, 360, 1, 0);
flags[23] = 1;
if (s->flag == 26) { //Switch in level 6
roomSecret = 1;
void switchDraw(Switch* s)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x, s->y, 240 + (40 * (int)s->imageIndex), 560, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
void createGate(int x, int y, int col)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] == NULL) {
Object* o = malloc(sizeof *o);
Gate* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->col = col;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->timer = 0;
g->open = 0;
//g->invincible = 0;
o->data = g;
o->objectStep = gateStep;
o->objectDraw = gateDraw;
o->type = 53;
objects[i] = o;
void gateStep(Gate* g)
if (g->open == 1) {
if (g->imageIndex < 4) {
g->imageIndex += 0.1;
//Not (fully) opened
if (g->imageIndex < 4)
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.x = g->x + 11;
mask.y = g->y;
mask.w = 18;
mask.h = 40;
//Collide with player
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
if (getHeroHsp() < 0) {
herox = mask.x + mask.w + (getHeroMask().w / 2);
else if (getHeroHsp() > 0) {
herox = mask.x - (getHeroMask().w / 2);
//Collide with weapons
if (g->open == 0) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
//Is a sword
if (weapons[i]->type == 5) {
if ((g->col == 0 && hasItem[20] == 1) || (g->col == 1 && hasItem[19] == 1)) {
g->open = 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndDoor00], CHN_SOUND);
void gateDraw(Gate* g)
int cx = (int)g->imageIndex * 40,
cy = 520;
if (g->col == 0) { //Red Gate
cx += 200;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x, g->y, cx, cy, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
void createStatue(int x, int y, int type)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] == NULL) {
Object* o = malloc(sizeof *o);
Statue* s = malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = i;
s->x = x;
s->y = y;
s->type = type;
s->invincible = 0;
s->hp = 3;
o->data = s;
o->objectStep = statueStep;
o->objectDraw = statueDraw;
o->type = 54;
objects[i] = o;
void statueStep(Statue* s)
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = 40;
mask.h = 40;
mask.x = s->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = s->y;
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
if (getHeroHsp() < 0) {
herox = mask.x + mask.w + (getHeroMask().w / 2) + 1;
if (getHeroHsp() > 0) {
herox = mask.x - (getHeroMask().w / 2);
//Collide with weapons
if (s->invincible <= 0) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
s->invincible = 15;
//Break if you have the right item
if ((s->type == 0 && hasItem[22] == 1) || (s->type == 1 && hasItem[21] == 1)) {
s->hp -= 1;
if (s->hp <= 0) {
createRockSmash(s->x + 20, s->y + 20);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
s->invincible -= 1;
void statueDraw(Statue* s)
int cx = 200,
cy = 400;
if (s->type == 1) {
cx += 200;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x, s->y, cx, cy, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
void createFloorPad(int x, int y, int flag)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
char found = 0;
if (objects[i] == NULL) {
Object* o = malloc(sizeof *o);
FloorPad* f = malloc(sizeof *f);
f->id = i;
f->x = x;
f->y = y;
f->pressed = 0;
f->flag = flag;
if (flag != 0 && flags[flag] == 1) {
roomSecret = 1;
o->data = f;
o->objectStep = buttonStep;
o->objectDraw = buttonDraw;
o->type = 77;
objects[i] = o;
found = 1;
if (found == 1) {
//Create a breakable block if it's covered by a solid block
int roundx = x / 40,
roundy = y / 40;
if (collisionTiles[roundx][roundy] == 1) {
createDestroyable(x, y, 2);
void buttonStep(FloorPad* f)
if (f->pressed == 0) {
if (getHeroVsp() > 0) {
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = 16;
mask.h = 10;
mask.x = f->x + ((40 - mask.w) /2);
mask.y = f->y + (40 - mask.h);
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
f->pressed = 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit02], CHN_SOUND);
//Check if there are other buttons unpressed
int found = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] != NULL) {
if (objects[i]->type == 77) {
FloorPad* btemp = objects[i]->data;
if (btemp->pressed == 0) {
found = 1;
//Activate flag
if (found == 0) {
roomSecret = 1;
if (f->flag != 0 && flags[f->flag] == 0) {
flags[f->flag] = 1;
void buttonDraw(FloorPad* f)
char covered = 0;
int roundx = f->x / 40,
roundy = f->y / 40;
//Covered by breakable block
if (collisionTiles[roundx][roundy] == 1) {
covered = 1;
if (covered == 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(f->x, f->y, 160 + (f->pressed * 40), 320, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
void createLadder(int x, int y, int flag)
if (flags[flag] == 1) {
ladderActivate(x, y);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] == NULL) {
Object* o = malloc(sizeof *o);
Ladder* l = malloc(sizeof *l);
l->id = i;
l->x = x;
l->y = y;
l->flag = flag;
if (getLevel() != 6) {
if (hasItem[2] == 1) { //Has Bell
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndBell01], CHN_SOUND);
o->data = l;
o->objectStep = ladderStep;
o->objectDraw = nullFunction;
o->type = 79;
objects[i] = o;
void ladderStep(Ladder* l)
if (roomSecret == 1) {
flags[l->flag] = 1;
ladderActivate(l->x, l->y);
void ladderActivate(int x, int y)
y = (int)(y / 40);
x = (int)(x / 40);
while (y >= 0) {
foreground.tileX[x][y] = 3;
foreground.tileY[x][y] = 0;
collisionTiles[x][y] = 2;
y -= 1;
PHL_UpdateBackground(background, foreground);
void createGenerator(int x, int y, int flag)
if (flags[flag] == 0) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] == NULL) {
Object* o = malloc(sizeof *o);
Generator* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->hp = 3;
g->blink = 0;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->flag = flag;
o->data = g;
o->objectStep = generatorStep;
o->objectDraw = generatorDraw;
o->type = 80;
objects[i] = o;
void generatorStep(Generator* g)
g->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (g->imageIndex >= 2) {
g->imageIndex -= 2;
if (g->blink > 0) {
g->blink -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 24;
mask.h = 40;
mask.x = g->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = g->y;
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
g->hp -= 1;
g->blink = 15;
if (g->hp <= 0) {
createRockSmash(g->x + 20, g->y + 20);
flags[g->flag] = 1;
//if no generators exist
char found = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (i != g->id && objects[i] != NULL) {
if (objects[i]->type == 80) {
found = 1;
if (found == 0) {
roomSecret = 1;
void generatorDraw(Generator* g)
if (g->blink % 2 == 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x, g->y, 80 + ((int)g->imageIndex * 40), 600, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
//Electric gate
void createShockgate(int x, int y, int flag)
if (flags[flag] == 0) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] == NULL) {
Object* o = malloc(sizeof *o);
Shockgate* s = malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = i;
s->x = x;
s->y = y;
s->imageIndex = 0;
s->flag = flag;
o->data = s;
o->objectStep = shockgateStep;
o->objectDraw = shockgateDraw;
o->type = 56;
objects[i] = o;
void shockgateStep(Shockgate* s)
s->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (s->imageIndex >= 4) {
s->imageIndex -= 4;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 40 * 3;
mask.h = 8;
mask.x = s->x;
mask.y = s->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
//Hero Collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroy = mask.y - 40;
if (roomSecret == 1) {
flags[s->flag] = 1;
void shockgateDraw(Shockgate* s)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x + (40 * i), s->y, 80 + ((int)s->imageIndex * 40), 560, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
void createCrown(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objects[i] == NULL) {
Object* o = malloc(sizeof *o);
Crown* c = malloc(sizeof *c);
c->id = i;
c->x = x;
c->y = y;
c->ystart = c->y;
c->bobRot = 0;
c->imageIndex = 0;
c->visible = 0;
c->timer = 0;
o->data = c;
o->objectStep = crownStep;
o->objectDraw = crownDraw;
o->type = 57;
objects[i] = o;
void crownStep(Crown* c)
if (c->visible == 0) {
if (roomSecret == 1) {
c->visible = 1;
c->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (c->imageIndex >= 2) {
c->imageIndex -= 2;
c->bobRot += 6;
if (c->bobRot >= 360) {
c->bobRot -= 360;
c->y = c->ystart + sin(c->bobRot * 3.14159 / 180) * 5;
c->timer -= 1;
if (c->timer <= 0) {
createEffectExtra(5, c->x + (rand() % 40) + 1, c->y + 4 + (rand() % 40) + 1, 0, 0, 0);
c->timer = 12;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 15;
mask.h = 11;
mask.x = c->x + 20 - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = c->y + 20 - (mask.h / 2);
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
void crownDraw(Crown* c)
if (c->visible == 1) {
int cropX = (int)c->imageIndex * 40;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(c->x, c->y, cropX, 200, 40, 40, images[imgHero]);
0,0 → 1,181
#ifndef OBJECT_H
#define OBJECT_H
#include "collision.h"
typedef struct {
void* data; //Specific object struct
void (*objectStep)();
void (*objectDraw)();
int type;
} Object;
void objectDestroy(int id);
//Health/Ammo collectables
typedef struct {
int id, type; //0 for ammo, 1 for heart
double x, y,
vsp, grav;
int blink, canLand, bounce;
} Ammo;
void spawnCollectable(int x, int y);
void createAmmo(int x, int y, int type);
//Destroyable blocks
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int hp/*, invulnerable*/;
int secret;
Mask mask;
} Destroyable;
void createDestroyable(int x, int y, int secret);
//Secret Trigger
typedef struct {
int id, flag;
int type, enemyType;
} SecretTrigger;
void createSecretTrigger(int type, int enemyType, int flag);
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int item, secret;
int visible;
int timer;
Mask mask;
} Chest;
void createChest(int x, int y, int item, int secret);
//Save point
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
double imageIndex;
Mask mask;
} SavePoint;
void createSavePoint(int x, int y, int hidden);
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int open, secret, visible;
int warplevel, warpcoords;
int warpx, warpy;
Mask mask;
} Door;
void createDoor(int x, int y, int level, int coords, int warpx, int warpy, int secret);
//Lock Block
typedef struct {
int id, flag;
int x, y;
int tile;
int invincible;
} LockBlock;
void createLockBlock(int x, int y, int flag);
//Light Switch
typedef struct {
int id, flag;
int x, y;
int activated;
double imageIndex;
} Switch;
void createSwitch(int x, int y, int flag);
//Blue/Red Gates
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int col;
int timer, open;
//int invincible;
double imageIndex;
} Gate;
void createGate(int x, int y, int col);
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int type;
int invincible;
int hp;
} Statue;
void createStatue(int x, int y, int type);
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int flag;
int pressed;
} FloorPad;
void createFloorPad(int x, int y, int flag);
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int flag;
} Ladder;
void createLadder(int x, int y, int flag);
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
int blink;
int x, y;
double imageIndex;
int flag;
} Generator;
void createGenerator(int x, int y, int flag);
//Electric gate
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
double imageIndex;
int flag;
} Shockgate;
void createShockgate(int x, int y, int flag);
//Ending crown
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, ystart;
double y;
double bobRot;
double imageIndex;
int timer;
char visible;
} Crown;
void createCrown(int x, int y);
0,0 → 1,381
#include <stdio.h>
#include "options.h"
#include "PHL.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "ini.h"
#include "text.h"
char page = 0;
int optCursor = 0;
int lastOption = -1;
#ifdef _SDL
int musicType = 1;
int getMusicType()
return musicType;
void setMusicType(int t)
#ifndef _KOLIBRI
musicType = t;
// restart music...
musicType = 1; /* MIDI NOT WORK! */
static char tempDark;
static int emOnly;
void optionsSetup(int only)
tempDark = roomDarkness;
roomDarkness = 0;
emOnly = only;
page = only?1:0;
int optionsEMStep()
int loop = 1;
int result = optionsStep();
if (page == 0 && result != -1 && result != 2) {
loop = 0;
if (emOnly && page==0) {
loop = 0;
if(!loop) roomDarkness = tempDark;
return (!loop)?result:-1;
int options(int only)
char tempDark = roomDarkness;
roomDarkness = 0;
int result = -1;
char loop = 1;
if(only) page=1;
while (PHL_MainLoop() && loop == 1)
result = optionsStep();
if (page == 0 && result != -1 && result != 2) {
loop = 0;
if (only && page==0) {
loop = 0;
roomDarkness = tempDark;
return result;
int optionsStep()
int result = -1;
if (btnDown.pressed == 1) {
optCursor += 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi01], CHN_SOUND);
}else if (btnUp.pressed == 1) {
optCursor -= 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi01], CHN_SOUND);
//First screen (continue/reset/exit)
if (page == 0) {
//Limit cursor
if (optCursor >= 4) {
optCursor = 0;
if (optCursor < 0) {
optCursor = 3;
if (btnAccept.pressed == 1 || btnStart.pressed == 1) {
result = optCursor;
if (result == 1) {
if (result == 2) {
page = 1;
optCursor = 0;
//No blip on game exit
if (optCursor != 3) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndOk], CHN_SOUND);
if (btnSelect.pressed == 1) {
result = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndOk], CHN_SOUND);
//Actual options screen
else if (page == 1) {
//Limit cursor
if (optCursor > lastOption) {
optCursor = 0;
if (optCursor < 0) {
optCursor = lastOption;
if (btnAccept.pressed == 1 || btnStart.pressed == 1) {
//Universal settings
if (optCursor == 0) {
if (getLanguage() == JAPANESE) {
if (optCursor == 1) {
if (getAutoSave() == 0) {
#ifdef _3DS
if (optCursor == 2) {
if (activeScreen->screen == GFX_TOP) {
swapScreen(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT);
#ifdef _PSP
if (optCursor == 2) {
if (getScreenSize() == 0) {
}else if (getScreenSize() == 1) {
if (optCursor == 3) {
if (getBlur() == 0) {
#ifdef _SDL
// Music type
if(optCursor == 2) {
if(getMusicType() == 0)
// Music volume
if(optCursor == 3) {
music_volume = (music_volume+1)%5;
PHL_MusicVolume(0.25f * music_volume);
// xBRZ
if (optCursor == 4) {
if (getXBRZ() == 0) {
if (optCursor == lastOption) {
page = 0;
else if (btnDecline.pressed == 1) {
page = 0;
if (page == 0) {
return result;
void optionsDraw()
PHL_DrawRect(0, 0, 640, 480, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0));
if (page == 0)
PHL_DrawTextBold("CONTINUE", 254, 144, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("RESET", 278, 176, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("OPTIONS", 262, 208, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("EXIT", 286, 240, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("<", 232, 144 + (32 * optCursor), RED);
PHL_DrawTextBold(">", 390, 144 + (32 * optCursor), RED);
else if (page == 1)
int xleft = 216;
int xright = xleft + 160;
int ydrawstart = 144;
int ydraw = ydrawstart;
int ystep = 32;
int optioncount = 0;
PHL_DrawTextBold("LANGUAGE", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (getLanguage() == 1) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("EN", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (getLanguage() == 0) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("JP", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
PHL_DrawTextBold("SAFE SAVE", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (getAutoSave() == 1) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("ON", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("OFF", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
#ifdef _3DS
PHL_DrawTextBold("SCREEN", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (activeScreen->screen == GFX_TOP) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("TOP", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("BOTTOM", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
#ifdef _PSP
//Screen Size
PHL_DrawTextBold("SCREEN", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (getScreenSize() == 0) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("1:1", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
else if (getScreenSize() == 1) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("FILL", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
else if (getScreenSize() == 2) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("FULL", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
PHL_DrawTextBold("BLUR", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (getBlur() == 1) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("ON", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("OFF", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
#ifdef _SDL
// Music type
PHL_DrawTextBold("MUSIC", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (getMusicType() == 1) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("OGG", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("MIDI", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
// Music volume
PHL_DrawTextBold("MUSIC", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
char buff[50];
sprintf(buff, "%d%%", music_volume*25);
PHL_DrawTextBold(buff, xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
// xBRZ scaling
PHL_DrawTextBold("XBRZ", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (getXBRZ() == 1) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("ON", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("OFF", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
PHL_DrawTextBold("BACK", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (lastOption == -1) {
lastOption = optioncount;
PHL_DrawTextBold(">", xleft - 32, ydrawstart + (ystep * optCursor), RED);
0,0 → 1,18
#ifndef OPTIONS_H
#define OPTIONS_H
void optionsSetup(int only);
int optionsEMStep();
int options(int only);
int optionsStep();
void optionsDraw();
#ifdef _SDL
int getMusicType();
void setMusicType(int t);
0,0 → 1,223
#include "platform.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "PHL.h"
#include "hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void createPlatform(int type, int xstart, int ystart, int xend, int yend, int spd, int secret)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLATFORMS; i++) {
if (platforms[i] == NULL) {
Platform* p = malloc(sizeof *p);
p->id = i;
p->type = type;
p->x = p->xstart = xstart;
p->y = p->ystart = ystart;
p->xend = xend;
p->yend = yend;
p->timer = 0;
p->secret = secret;
if (roomSecret == 1) {
p->secret = 0;
p->visible = 1;
if (p->secret == 1) {
p->visible = 0;
if (type == 1) {
p->xend = p->x + 1;
p->yend = p->y;
p->state = 0;
p->spd = spd;
p-> = 0;
p->mask.unused = 0;
if (p->secret == 1) {
p->mask.unused = 1;
p->mask.x = xstart;
p->mask.y = ystart;
p->mask.w = p->mask.h = 40;
platforms[i] = p;
void platformStep(Platform* p)
char isSolid = p->visible;
//Megaman blocks
if (p->type == 2) {
int myStep = p->xend,
maxSteps = p->yend;
p->timer += 1;
if (p->timer >= maxSteps * 60 + 60) {
p->timer = 0;
//Play sound
if (p->timer == myStep * 60) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi03], CHN_SOUND);
if (p->timer > myStep * 60 && p->timer <= (myStep * 60) + 60) {
isSolid = 1;
p->visible = 1;
//Blink effect
if (p->timer > myStep * 60 + 30) {
p->visible = p->timer % 2;
isSolid = 0;
p->mask.unused = 1;
p->visible = 0;
//Fall off platform
if (getHeroMask().x > p->mask.x + p->mask.w || getHeroMask().x + getHeroMask().w < p->mask.x) {
}else if (heroy == p->y - 40 && getHeroVsp() >= 0) {
if (isSolid == 1) {
p->mask.unused = 0;
int targx = p->xend,
targy = p->yend;
if (p->state == 1) {
targx = p->xstart;
targy = p->ystart;
//Check if the player is standing on top
int isontop = 0;
int isabove = 0;
if (getHeroMask().x > p->mask.x + p->mask.w || getHeroMask().x + getHeroMask().w < p->mask.x) {
}else if (heroy == p->y - 40 && getHeroVsp() >= 0) {
isontop = 1;
}else if (heroy < p->y - 40) {
isabove = 1;
//Move platform
if (p->y != targy) {
if (p->y < targy) {
p->y += p->spd;
if (isontop == 1) {
heroy += p->spd;
p->y -= p->spd;
if (isontop == 1) {
heroy -= p->spd;
p->mask.y = p->y;
if (checkCollision(p->mask, getHeroMask()) && isabove == 1) {
heroy = p->y - 40;
if (p->x != targx) {
if (p->x < targx) {
p->x += p->spd;
if (isontop == 1) {
herox += p->spd;
p->x -= p->spd;
if (isontop == 1) {
herox -= p->spd;
if (p->x == targx && p->y == targy) {
if (p->state == 0) {
p->state = 1;
p->state = 0;
if (p->type == 0) //Moving platform
else if (p->type == 1) { //Loose block
if (p->spd != 0) {
p->timer -= 1;
if (p->timer <= 0) {
createRockSmash(p->x + 20, p->y + 20);
if (isontop == 1) {
/*createEffectExtra(4, p->x, p->y, -1, 0, 0);
createEffectExtra(4, p->x, p->y, -1, 0, 1);
createEffectExtra(4, p->x, p->y, 1, 0, 0);
createEffectExtra(4, p->x, p->y, 1, 0, 1);
if (p->spd == 0 && isontop == 1) {
p->spd = 2;
p->timer = 30;
//Update Mask
p->mask.x = p->x;
p->mask.y = p->y;
//p->mask.unused = 1;
if (p->secret == 1) {
if (roomSecret == 1) {
p->mask.unused = 0;
p->visible = 1;
p->secret = 0;
void platformDraw(Platform* p)
if (p->visible == 1) {
int cropX = p->type * 40;
if (p->type == 3) {
cropX = 9 * 40;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(p->x, p->y, cropX, 400, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
void platformDestroy(int id)
if (platforms[id] != NULL) {
platforms[id] = NULL;
0,0 → 1,26
#ifndef PLATFORM_H
#define PLATFORM_H
#include "collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id, type; //0 = moving platform
double x, y;
int xstart, ystart;
int xend, yend;
int state;
double spd;
int timer;
int secret, visible;
Mask mask;
} Platform;
void createPlatform(int type, int xstart, int ystart, int xend, int yend, int spd, int secret);
void platformStep(Platform* p);
void platformDraw(Platform* p);
void platformDestroy(int id);
0,0 → 1,72
#include "qda.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
#include "amigaos.h"
QDAHeader headers[29];
//Load headers for each image
//Returns: 0 = file not found | 1 = success | 2 = Invalid file
int initQDA()
int result = 0;
FILE* f;
char fullPath[80];
#ifdef _SDL
strcpy(fullPath, "data/");
strcpy(fullPath, "");
#ifdef _3DS
strcat(fullPath, "romfs:/");
strcat(fullPath, "bmp.qda");
if ( (f = fopen(fullPath, "rb")) ) {
result = 1;
//Read header data into memory
int allHeadersSize = 0x1F5C;
unsigned char* QDAFile = (unsigned char*)malloc(allHeadersSize);
int tmp = fread(QDAFile, allHeadersSize, 1, f);
//Check if QDA file is valid
if (QDAFile[4] == 0x51 && QDAFile[5] == 0x44 && QDAFile[6] == 0x41 && QDAFile[7] == 0x30) {
//Load headers separately
int numofsheets = 29;
int headerSize = 0x10C;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numofsheets; i++) {
//memcpy(&headers[i], &QDAFile[0x100 + (i * headerSize)], sizeof(QDAHeader));
int offset = 256 + (i * headerSize);
memcpy(&headers[i].offset, &QDAFile[offset], 4);
memcpy(&headers[i].size, &QDAFile[offset + 4], 4);
memcpy(&headers[i].bytes, &QDAFile[offset + 8], 4);
memcpy(&headers[i].fileName, &QDAFile[offset + 12], 0x100);
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
result = 2;
return result;
0,0 → 1,14
#ifndef QDA_H
#define QDA_H
typedef struct {
unsigned long offset;
unsigned long size;
unsigned long bytes;
unsigned char* fileName[256];
} QDAHeader;
extern QDAHeader headers[29]; //names, offsets, and sizes of each sheet
int initQDA();
0,0 → 1,83
#include "audio.h"
#include "../options.h"
#include <SDL.h>
int music_volume = 4;
void PHL_AudioInit()
#ifndef __MORPHOS__
Mix_Init(MIX_INIT_OGG); // midi is on by default
Mix_OpenAudio(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096);
PHL_MusicVolume(0.25f * music_volume);
void PHL_AudioClose()
#ifndef __MORPHOS__
//Same as PHL_LoadSound, but expects a file name without extension
PHL_Music PHL_LoadMusic(char* fname, int loop)
PHL_Music ret;
ret.loop = loop;
char buff[4096];
strcpy(buff, "data/");
strcat(buff, fname);
strcat(buff, getMusicType()?".ogg":".mid");
ret.snd = Mix_LoadMUS(buff);
return ret;
PHL_Sound PHL_LoadSound(char* fname)
char buff[4096];
strcpy(buff, "data/");
strcat(buff, fname);
return Mix_LoadWAV(buff);
void PHL_MusicVolume(float vol)
void PHL_PlayMusic(PHL_Music snd)
Mix_PlayMusic(snd.snd, snd.loop?-1:0);
void PHL_PlaySound(PHL_Sound snd, int channel)
Mix_PlayChannel(channel, snd, 0);
void PHL_StopMusic()
void PHL_StopSound(PHL_Sound snd, int channel)
void PHL_FreeMusic(PHL_Music snd)
snd.snd = NULL;
void PHL_FreeSound(PHL_Sound snd)
0,0 → 1,35
#ifndef SDLAUDIO_H
#define SDLAUDIO_H
#include <SDL_mixer.h>
#include <string.h>
//#define PHL_Music Mix_Music*
#define PHL_Sound Mix_Chunk*
typedef struct
int loop;
Mix_Music* snd;
} PHL_Music;
extern int music_volume;
void PHL_AudioInit();
void PHL_AudioClose();
void PHL_MusicVolume(float vol);
PHL_Music PHL_LoadMusic(char* fname, int loop); //Same as PHL_LoadSound, but expects a file name without extension
PHL_Sound PHL_LoadSound(char* fname);
void PHL_PlayMusic(PHL_Music snd);
void PHL_PlaySound(PHL_Sound snd, int channel);
void PHL_StopMusic();
void PHL_StopSound(PHL_Sound snd, int channel);
void PHL_FreeMusic(PHL_Music snd);
void PHL_FreeSound(PHL_Sound snd);
0,0 → 1,352
#include <SDL.h>
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../qda.h"
#include "graphics.h"
#include "scale.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
#include "../amigaos.h"
SDL_Surface* screen = NULL;
SDL_Surface* drawbuffer = NULL;
SDL_Surface* backbuffer = NULL;
int wantFullscreen = 0;
int screenScale = 2;
int desktopFS = 0;
int deltaX = 0;
int deltaY = 0;
int screenW = 640;
int screenH = 480;
int drawscreen = 0;
int xbrz = 0;
static uint32_t tframe;
extern void Input_InitJoystick();
extern void Input_CloseJoystick();
int getXBRZ()
return xbrz;
void setXBRZ(int active)
#ifdef _KOLIBRI
xbrz = 0; // Problems with "xBRZ". Temporarily not used.
if(active) active = 1;
if(xbrz==active) return;
xbrz = active;
// try to reload everything, but boss ressource will not be reloaded
SDL_Color PHL_NewRGB(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
SDL_Color ret = {.r = r, .b = b, .g = g};
return ret;
void PHL_GraphicsInit()
#ifdef __MORPHOS__
uint32_t flags = SDL_SWSURFACE;
if(wantFullscreen || desktopFS)
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode((desktopFS)?0:screenW, (desktopFS)?0:screenH, 0, flags);
const SDL_VideoInfo* infos = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
screenH = infos->current_h;
screenW = infos->current_w;
if(screenW/320 < screenH/240)
screenScale = screenW/320;
screenScale = screenH/240; // automatic guess the scale
deltaX = (screenW-320*screenScale)/2;
deltaY = (screenH-240*screenScale)/2;
SDL_WM_SetCaption("Hydra Castle Labyrinth", NULL);
drawbuffer = screen;
drawscreen = 1;
backbuffer = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, 320*screenScale, 240*screenScale, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
tframe = SDL_GetTicks();
void PHL_GraphicsExit()
void PHL_StartDrawing()
void PHL_EndDrawing()
//implement some crude frameskiping, limited to 2 frame skip
static int skip = 0;
uint32_t tnext = tframe + 1000/60;
if (SDL_GetTicks()>tnext && skip<2) {
tframe += 1000/60;
// handle black borders
if(deltaX) {
SDL_Rect rect = {0, 0, deltaX, screenH};
SDL_FillRect(screen, &rect, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0));
rect.x = screenW - deltaX -1;
SDL_FillRect(screen, &rect, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0));
if(deltaY) {
SDL_Rect rect = {0, 0, screenW, deltaY};
SDL_FillRect(screen, &rect, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0));
rect.y = screenH - deltaY -1;
SDL_FillRect(screen, &rect, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0, 0, 0));
while((tframe = SDL_GetTicks())<tnext)
void PHL_ForceScreenUpdate()
void PHL_SetDrawbuffer(PHL_Surface surf)
drawbuffer = surf;
drawscreen = (surf==screen);
void PHL_ResetDrawbuffer()
drawbuffer = screen;
drawscreen = 1;
//PHL_RGB PHL_NewRGB(int r, int g, int b);
void PHL_SetColorKey(PHL_Surface surf, int r, int g, int b)
SDL_SetColorKey(surf, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY|SDL_RLEACCEL, SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, r, g, b));
PHL_Surface PHL_NewSurface(int w, int h)
return SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, 32, 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000);
return SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, w, h, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0);
void PHL_FreeSurface(PHL_Surface surf)
//PHL_Surface PHL_LoadBMP(char* fname);
PHL_Surface PHL_LoadBMP(int index)
SDL_Surface* surf;
FILE* f;
if ( (f = fopen("data/bmp.qda", "rb")) ) {
uint8_t* QDAFile = (uint8_t*)malloc(headers[index].size);
fseek(f, headers[index].offset, SEEK_SET);
int tmp = fread(QDAFile, 1, headers[index].size, f);
uint16_t w, h;
//Read data from header
memcpy(&w, &QDAFile[18], 2);
memcpy(&h, &QDAFile[22], 2);
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
BE16(&w); BE16(&h);
surf = PHL_NewSurface(w * screenScale, h * screenScale);
//surf = PHL_NewSurface(200, 200);
//Load Palette
int dx, dy;
int count = 0;
if(getXBRZ()) {
#ifndef _KOLIBRI
Uint32 palette[20][18];
for (dx = 0; dx < 20; dx++) {
for (dy = 0; dy < 16; dy++) {
palette[dx][dy] = 255<<24 | ((Uint32)QDAFile[54 + count])<<0 | ((Uint32)QDAFile[54 + count + 1])<<8 | ((Uint32)QDAFile[54 + count + 2])<<16;
count += 4;
Uint32* tmp = NULL;
tmp = (Uint32*)malloc(w*h*screenScale*4);
Uint32 transp;
for (dx = 0; dx < w; dx++) {
for (dy = 0; dy < h; dy++) {
int pix = dx + w * dy;
int px = QDAFile[1078 + pix] / 16;
int py = QDAFile[1078 + pix] % 16;
//Get transparency from first palette color
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) {
//Darkness special case
if (index == 27)
transp = 255<<24;
transp = palette[0][0];
Uint32 c = palette[px][py];
tmp[(h-1-dy)*w+dx] = c;
xbrz_scale((void*)tmp, (void*)surf->pixels, w, h, screenScale);
} else {
PHL_RGB palette[20][18];
for (dx = 0; dx < 20; dx++) {
for (dy = 0; dy < 16; dy++) {
palette[dx][dy].b = QDAFile[54 + count];
palette[dx][dy].g = QDAFile[54 + count + 1];
palette[dx][dy].r = QDAFile[54 + count + 2];
count += 4;
for (dx = 0; dx < w; dx++) {
for (dy = 0; dy < h; dy++) {
int pix = dx + w * dy;
int px = QDAFile[1078 + pix] / 16;
int py = QDAFile[1078 + pix] % 16;
//Get transparency from first palette color
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) {
//Darkness special case
if (index == 27) {
SDL_SetColorKey(surf, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY|SDL_RLEACCEL, SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
SDL_SetColorKey(surf, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY|SDL_RLEACCEL, SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, palette[0][0].r, palette[0][0].g, palette[0][0].b));
PHL_RGB c = palette[px][py];
//PHL_DrawRect(dx * 2, dy * 2, 2, 2, c);
SDL_Rect rect = {dx * screenScale, (h-1-dy) * screenScale, screenScale, screenScale};
SDL_FillRect(surf, &rect, SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, c.r, c.g, c.b));
return surf;
void PHL_DrawRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, SDL_Color col)
SDL_Rect rect = {x*screenScale/2 + (drawscreen?deltaX:0), y*screenScale/2 + (drawscreen?deltaY:0), w*screenScale/2, h*screenScale/2};
SDL_FillRect(drawbuffer, &rect, SDL_MapRGB(drawbuffer->format, col.r, col.g, col.b));
void PHL_DrawSurface(double x, double y, PHL_Surface surface)
if (quakeTimer > 0) {
int val = quakeTimer % 4;
if (val == 0) {
y -= 1;
} else if (val == 2) {
y += 1;
SDL_Rect offset;
offset.x = x*screenScale/2 + (drawscreen?deltaX:0);
offset.y = y*screenScale/2 + (drawscreen?deltaY:0);
SDL_BlitSurface(surface, NULL, drawbuffer, &offset);
void PHL_DrawSurfacePart(double x, double y, int cropx, int cropy, int cropw, int croph, PHL_Surface surface)
if (quakeTimer > 0) {
int val = quakeTimer % 4;
if (val == 0) {
y -= (screenScale==1)?2:1;
}else if (val == 2) {
y += (screenScale==1)?2:1;
SDL_Rect crop, offset;
crop.x = cropx*screenScale/2;
crop.y = cropy*screenScale/2;
crop.w = cropw*screenScale/2;
crop.h = croph*screenScale/2;
offset.x = x*screenScale/2 + (drawscreen?deltaX:0);
offset.y = y*screenScale/2 + (drawscreen?deltaY:0);
SDL_BlitSurface(surface, &crop, drawbuffer, &offset);
void PHL_DrawBackground(PHL_Background back, PHL_Background fore)
PHL_DrawSurface(0, 0, backbuffer);
void PHL_UpdateBackground(PHL_Background back, PHL_Background fore)
int xx, yy;
for (yy = 0; yy < 12; yy++)
for (xx = 0; xx < 16; xx++)
//Draw Background tiles
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(xx * 40, yy * 40, back.tileX[xx][yy] * 40, back.tileY[xx][yy] * 40, 40, 40, images[imgTiles]);
//Only draw foreground tile if not a blank tile
if (fore.tileX[xx][yy] != 0 || fore.tileY[xx][yy] != 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(xx * 40, yy * 40, fore.tileX[xx][yy] * 40, fore.tileY[xx][yy] * 40, 40, 40, images[imgTiles]);
0,0 → 1,78
#ifndef GRAPHICS_H
#define GRAPHICS_H
#include <SDL.h>
#define PHL_Surface SDL_Surface*
#define PHL_RGB SDL_Color
typedef struct {
int tileX[16][12];
int tileY[16][12];
} PHL_Background;
typedef struct {
unsigned int r, g, b;
typedef struct {
OSL_IMAGE* pxdata;
int width;
int height;
PHL_RGB colorKey;
} PHL_Surface;
extern PHL_Surface screen;
extern int wantFullscreen;
extern int screenScale;
extern int desktopFS;
extern int deltaX;
extern int deltaY;
extern int screenW;
extern int screenH;
SDL_Color PHL_NewRGB(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
SDL_Color ret = {.r = r, .b = b, .g = g};
return ret;
void PHL_GraphicsInit();
void PHL_GraphicsExit();
void PHL_StartDrawing();
void PHL_EndDrawing();
void PHL_ForceScreenUpdate();
void PHL_SetDrawbuffer(PHL_Surface surf);
void PHL_ResetDrawbuffer();
//PHL_RGB PHL_NewRGB(int r, int g, int b);
void PHL_SetColorKey(PHL_Surface surf, int r, int g, int b);
PHL_Surface PHL_NewSurface(int w, int h);
void PHL_FreeSurface(PHL_Surface surf);
//PHL_Surface PHL_LoadBMP(char* fname);
PHL_Surface PHL_LoadBMP(int index);
void PHL_DrawRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, SDL_Color col);
void PHL_DrawSurface(double x, double y, PHL_Surface surface);
void PHL_DrawSurfacePart(double x, double y, int cropx, int cropy, int cropw, int croph, PHL_Surface surface);
void PHL_DrawBackground(PHL_Background back, PHL_Background fore);
void PHL_UpdateBackground(PHL_Background back, PHL_Background fore);
int getXBRZ();
void setXBRZ(int active);
0,0 → 1,218
#include "input.h"
#include <SDL.h>
Button btnUp = {0}, btnDown = {0}, btnLeft = {0}, btnRight = {0};
Button btnFaceUp = {0}, btnFaceDown = {0}, btnFaceLeft = {0}, btnFaceRight = {0};
Button btnL = {0}, btnR = {0};
Button btnStart = {0}, btnSelect = {0};
Button btnAccept = {0}, btnDecline = {0};
int axisX = 0, axisY = 0;
int bUp = 0, bDown = 0, bLeft = 0, bRight = 0;
int bFaceUp = 0, bFaceDown = 0, bFaceLeft = 0, bFaceRight = 0;
int bR = 0, bL = 0;
int bStart = 0, bSelect = 0;
int bAccept = 0, bDecline = 0;
int jUp = 0, jDown = 0, jLeft = 0, jRight = 0;
int jFaceUp = 0, jFaceDown = 0, jFaceLeft = 0, jFaceRight = 0;
int jR = 0, jL = 0;
int jStart = 0, jSelect = 0;
int jAccept = 0, jDecline = 0;
SDL_Joystick *joy1 = NULL;
int useJoystick = 1;
void Input_InitJoystick()
int n = SDL_NumJoysticks();
if (n) {
joy1 = SDL_JoystickOpen(0);
printf("Using %s\n", SDL_JoystickName(0));
} else {
joy1 = NULL;
void Input_CloseJoystick()
joy1 = NULL;
void Input_KeyEvent(SDL_Event* evt)
int w = (evt->type==SDL_KEYDOWN)?1:0;
case SDLK_UP: bUp = w; break;
case SDLK_DOWN: bDown = w; break;
case SDLK_LEFT: bLeft = w; break;
case SDLK_RIGHT: bRight = w; break;
#if defined(PANDORA) || defined(PYRA)
case SDLK_PAGEUP: bFaceUp = w; break;
case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: bFaceDown = w; break;
case SDLK_END: bFaceLeft = w; break; // reversing, so (B) is sword
case SDLK_HOME: bFaceRight = w; break;
case SDLK_RCTRL: bR = w; break;
case SDLK_RSHIFT: bL = w; break;
case SDLK_LCTRL: bSelect = w; break;
case SDLK_LALT: bStart = w; break;
#elif defined(CHIP)
case SDLK_MINUS: bFaceUp = w; break;
case SDLK_o: bFaceDown = w; break;
case SDLK_0: bFaceLeft = w; break;
case SDLK_EQUALS: bFaceRight = w; break;
case SDLK_1: bR = w; break;
case SDLK_2: bL = w; break;
case SDLK_SPACE: bSelect = w; break;
case SDLK_RETURN: bStart = w; break;
#elif defined(BITTBOY)
case SDLK_MINUS: bFaceUp = w; break;
case SDLK_LCTRL: bFaceDown = w; break; // A - jump
case SDLK_SPACE: bFaceLeft = w; break; // B - slash
case SDLK_LALT: bFaceRight = w; break; // TA - secondary
case SDLK_LSHIFT: bR = w; break; // TB - switch
case SDLK_ESCAPE: bSelect = w; break; // select - menu
case SDLK_RETURN: bStart = w; break; // start - inventory
case SDLK_RCTRL: bSelect = w; break; // reset - menu
#elif defined(GAMESHELL)
case SDLK_i: bFaceUp = w; break;
case SDLK_k: bFaceDown = w; break; //jump
case SDLK_j: bFaceLeft = w; break; //slash
case SDLK_u: bFaceRight = w; break; //secondary weapon
case SDLK_SPACE: bR = w; break; //switch weapon
// case SDLK_w: bL = w; break; //switch weapon
// case SDLK_SPACE: bSelect = w; break;
case SDLK_ESCAPE: bSelect = w; break;
case SDLK_RETURN: bStart = w; break;
case SDLK_e: bFaceUp = w; break;
case SDLK_x: bFaceDown = w; break;
case SDLK_s: bFaceLeft = w; break;
case SDLK_d: bFaceRight = w; break;
case SDLK_r: bR = w; break;
case SDLK_w: bL = w; break;
case SDLK_SPACE: bSelect = w; break;
case SDLK_ESCAPE: bSelect = w; break;
case SDLK_RETURN: bStart = w; break;
void Input_JoyAxisEvent(SDL_Event* evt) {
#define DEADZONE 32
if(evt->jaxis.axis==0) {
int v = (evt->jaxis.value)/256;
if(v>-DEADZONE & v<DEADZONE) axisX = 0;
else if(v<0) axisX = -1;
else axisX = +1;
if(evt->jaxis.axis==1) {
int v = (evt->jaxis.value)/256;
if(v>-DEADZONE & v<DEADZONE) axisY = 0;
else if(v<0) axisY = -1;
else axisY = +1;
void Input_JoyEvent(SDL_Event* evt) {
int w = (evt->type==SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN)?1:0;
/* XBox 360 based mapping here,
(would be better to switch to SDL2.0)
btn SDL1.2 SDL2.0
A 0 10
B 1 11
X 2 12
Y 3 13
Home N/A 14
LB 4 8
RB 5 9
LT N/A N/A (axis)
RT N/A N/A (axis)
Select 6 5
Start 7 4
L3 9 6
R3 10 7
DPad Up N/A 0
DPad Down N/A 1
DPad Left N/A 2
DPad Right N/A 3
case 0: jFaceDown = w; break;
case 1: jFaceLeft = w; break;
case 2: jFaceRight = w; break;
case 3: jFaceUp = w; break;
case 4: jL = w; break;
case 5: jR = w; break;
case 6: jSelect = w; break;
case 7: jStart = w; break;
/*case 12:jUp = w; break;
case 13:jDown = w; break;
case 14:jLeft = w; break;
case 15:jRight = w; break;*/
void Input_JoyHatEvent(SDL_Event* evt) {
int v=evt->jhat.value;
jUp = v&SDL_HAT_UP;
jDown = v&SDL_HAT_DOWN;
jLeft = v&SDL_HAT_LEFT;
jRight = v&SDL_HAT_RIGHT;
void updateKey(Button* btn, int state)
if (state) {
if (btn->held == 1) {
btn->pressed = 0;
btn->pressed = 1;
btn->held = 1;
btn->released = 0;
if (btn->held == 1) {
btn->released = 1;
btn->released = 0;
btn->held = 0;
btn->pressed = 0;
void PHL_ScanInput()
updateKey(&btnUp, bUp|jUp|(axisY<0));
updateKey(&btnDown, bDown|jDown|(axisY>0));
updateKey(&btnLeft, bLeft|jLeft|(axisX<0));
updateKey(&btnRight, bRight|jRight|(axisX>0));
updateKey(&btnStart, bStart|jStart);
updateKey(&btnSelect, bSelect|jSelect);
updateKey(&btnL, bL|jL);
updateKey(&btnR, bR|jR);
updateKey(&btnFaceLeft, bFaceLeft|jFaceLeft);
updateKey(&btnFaceDown, bFaceDown|jFaceDown);
updateKey(&btnFaceRight, bFaceRight|jFaceRight);
updateKey(&btnAccept, bFaceLeft|jFaceLeft);
updateKey(&btnDecline, bFaceDown|jFaceDown);
0,0 → 1,22
#ifndef INPUT_H
#define INPUT_H
#include <SDL.h>
typedef struct {
int pressed,
} Button;
extern Button btnUp, btnDown, btnLeft, btnRight;
extern Button btnFaceUp, btnFaceDown, btnFaceLeft, btnFaceRight;
extern Button btnL, btnR;
extern Button btnStart, btnSelect;
extern Button btnAccept, btnDecline;
extern int axisX, axisY;
extern int useJoystick;
void PHL_ScanInput();
0,0 → 1,153
/// JOYSTICK STUB FOR Wolfenstein 3D port to KolibriOS
/// Ported by maxcodehack and turbocat2001
/* Set up for C function definitions, even when using C++ */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** @file SDL_joystick.h
* @note In order to use these functions, SDL_Init() must have been called
* with the SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK flag. This causes SDL to scan the system
* for joysticks, and load appropriate drivers.
/** The joystick structure used to identify an SDL joystick */
struct _SDL_Joystick;
typedef struct _SDL_Joystick SDL_Joystick;
/* Function prototypes */
* Count the number of joysticks attached to the system
int SDL_NumJoysticks(void){};
* Get the implementation dependent name of a joystick.
* This can be called before any joysticks are opened.
* If no name can be found, this function returns NULL.
const char * SDL_JoystickName(int device_index){};
* Open a joystick for use.
* @param[in] device_index
* The index passed as an argument refers to
* the N'th joystick on the system. This index is the value which will
* identify this joystick in future joystick events.
* @return This function returns a joystick identifier, or NULL if an error occurred.
SDL_Joystick * SDL_JoystickOpen(int device_index){};
* Returns 1 if the joystick has been opened, or 0 if it has not.
int SDL_JoystickOpened(int device_index){};
* Get the device index of an opened joystick.
int SDL_JoystickIndex(SDL_Joystick *joystick){};
* Get the number of general axis controls on a joystick
int SDL_JoystickNumAxes(SDL_Joystick *joystick){};
* Get the number of trackballs on a joystick
* Joystick trackballs have only relative motion events associated
* with them and their state cannot be polled.
int SDL_JoystickNumBalls(SDL_Joystick *joystick){};
* Get the number of POV hats on a joystick
int SDL_JoystickNumHats(SDL_Joystick *joystick){};
* Get the number of buttons on a joystick
int SDL_JoystickNumButtons(SDL_Joystick *joystick){};
* Update the current state of the open joysticks.
* This is called automatically by the event loop if any joystick
* events are enabled.
void SDL_JoystickUpdate(void){};
* Enable/disable joystick event polling.
* If joystick events are disabled, you must call SDL_JoystickUpdate()
* yourself and check the state of the joystick when you want joystick
* information.
* @param[in] state The state can be one of SDL_QUERY, SDL_ENABLE or SDL_IGNORE.
int SDL_JoystickEventState(int state){};
* Get the current state of an axis control on a joystick
* @param[in] axis The axis indices start at index 0.
* @return The state is a value ranging from -32768 to 32767.
int SDL_JoystickGetAxis(SDL_Joystick *joystick, int axis){};
* @name Hat Positions
* The return value of SDL_JoystickGetHat() is one of the following positions:
#define SDL_HAT_CENTERED 0x00
#define SDL_HAT_UP 0x01
#define SDL_HAT_RIGHT 0x02
#define SDL_HAT_DOWN 0x04
#define SDL_HAT_LEFT 0x08
* Get the current state of a POV hat on a joystick
* @param[in] hat The hat indices start at index 0.
int SDL_JoystickGetHat(SDL_Joystick *joystick, int hat){};
* Get the ball axis change since the last poll
* @param[in] ball The ball indices start at index 0.
* @return This returns 0, or -1 if you passed it invalid parameters.
int SDL_JoystickGetBall(SDL_Joystick *joystick, int ball, int *dx, int *dy){};
* Get the current state of a button on a joystick
* @param[in] button The button indices start at index 0.
int SDL_JoystickGetButton(SDL_Joystick *joystick, int button){};
* Close a joystick previously opened with SDL_JoystickOpen()
void SDL_JoystickClose(SDL_Joystick *joystick){};
/* Ends C function definitions when using C++ */
#ifdef __cplusplus
0,0 → 1,14
#include "scale.h"
#include "../xBRZ/xbrz.h"
#include <string.h>
void xbrz_scale(void* src, void* dst, int width, int height, int scale)
if(scale==1) {
memcpy(dst, src, width*height*4);
} else if (scale>1 && scale <= 6) {
xbrz::scale(scale, (const uint32_t*)src, (uint32_t*)dst, width, height, xbrz::ColorFormat::ARGB);
} else {
xbrz::nearestNeighborScale((const uint32_t*)src, width, height, (uint32_t*)dst, width*scale, height*scale);
0,0 → 1,14
#ifndef _SCALE_H_
#define _SCALE_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void xbrz_scale(void* src, void* dst, int width, int height, int scale);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif //_SCALE_H_
0,0 → 1,56
#include <SDL.h>
#include "system.h"
char quitGame = 0;
void Input_KeyEvent(SDL_Event* evt);
void Input_JoyEvent(SDL_Event* evt);
void Input_JoyAxisEvent(SDL_Event* evt);
void Input_JoyHatEvent(SDL_Event* evt);
int PHL_MainLoop()
SDL_Event evt;
case SDL_QUIT:
quitGame = 1;
return 0;
if (quitGame == 1)
return 0;
return 1;
void PHL_ConsoleInit()
void PHL_GameQuit()
quitGame = 1;
void PHL_ErrorScreen(char* message)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", message);
0,0 → 1,15
#ifndef SYSTEM_H
#define SYSTEM_H
#include <SDL.h>
#include "../PHL.h"
extern char quitGame;
int PHL_MainLoop();
void PHL_ConsoleInit();
void PHL_GameQuit();
void PHL_ErrorScreen(char* message);
0,0 → 1,93
#include "stagedata.h"
int stage[9][96] = {
{ -1, -1, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, -1, -1 },
//Level 1
{ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 84, 85, 86, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, 87, 88, 89, 90, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 91, 92, 93, 94, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 },
//Level 2
{ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 95, -1, -1, -1, 96, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 },
//Level 3
{ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 108, -1, 109, 110, 111, -1, 112, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 113, 114, 115, 107, 116, 117, 118, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, 119, 120, 121, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 122, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 },
//Level 4
{ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, 129, 130, 131, 132, -1, 135, 136, -1,
-1, -1, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 133, 134, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 137, 138, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 139, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 140, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 },
//Level 5
{ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 159, -1, 162, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 158, 160, 161, 163, 164, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 165, 166, 167, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 173, -1, 174, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 },
//Level 6
{ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 156, 157, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, 149, 150, 154, 155, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 151, -1, 152, 153, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 147, 148, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 },
//Level 7
{ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 188, 189, 190, 191, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 182, 183, 184, 185, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, 186, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, -1, -1, -1,
-1, 187, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 },
//Level 8
{ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 192, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 195, 194, 193, 198, 199, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 196, 197, 202, 201, 200, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 205, 204, 203, 208, 209, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, 206, 207, 212, 211, 210, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 213, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, }
0,0 → 1,6
extern int stage[9][96];
0,0 → 1,79
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-us">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Hydra Castle Labyrinth</title>
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html, body {
margin: 0;
.emscripten {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
position: absolute;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
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width: auto;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
height: auto;
.loading {
position: absolute;
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display: none;
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<div class="loading">Loading...</div>
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const $game = document.querySelector('.game');
const widthToHeight = 640 / 480;
const resize = () => {
if(window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight > widthToHeight === $game.classList.contains('portrait')) {
var Module = {
print(text) {
console.log(' '));
printErr() {
console.error(' '));
canvas: $game
window.addEventListener('resize', resize, false);
// Work-around chromium autoplay policy
function resumeAudio(e) {
if (typeof Module === 'undefined'
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if (Module.SDL2.audioContext.state == 'running') {
$game.removeEventListener('click', resumeAudio);
document.removeEventListener('keydown', resumeAudio);
$game.addEventListener('click', resumeAudio);
document.addEventListener('keydown', resumeAudio);
{{{ SCRIPT }}}
0,0 → 1,213
#include "text.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "PHL.h"
#include "game.h"
char gameLanguage;
Message* saving;
Message* saveError[3];
Message* itemName[41];
Message* found;
Message* itemDescription[28];
Message* dungeon[8];
void loadMessage(Message* m, FILE* f);
void trimMessage(Message* m);
void textInit()
gameLanguage = JAPANESE;
saving = (Message*)malloc(sizeof(Message));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
saveError[i] = (Message*)malloc(sizeof(Message));
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
dungeon[i] = (Message*)malloc(sizeof(Message));
for (i = 0; i < 41; i++) {
itemName[i] = (Message*)malloc(sizeof(Message));
found = (Message*)malloc(sizeof(Message));
for (i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
itemDescription[i] = (Message*)malloc(sizeof(Message));
//printf("\nText init");
void textFree()
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < 41; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
void loadText()
FILE* f;
char fullPath[30];
#ifdef _3DS
strcpy(fullPath, "romfs:/");
#elif defined(_SDL)
strcpy(fullPath, "data/");
strcpy(fullPath, "romfs/");
if (gameLanguage == ENGLISH) {
strcat(fullPath, "en.dat");
strcat(fullPath, "jp.dat");
if ( (f = fopen(fullPath, "rb")) )
//printf("\ntext.dat found");
//Load saving message
loadMessage(saving, f);
//printf("\n%d", saving->length);
//Load save error message
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
loadMessage(saveError[i], f);
//Load dungeon intros
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
loadMessage(dungeon[i], f);
//Load item names
for (i = 0; i < 41; i++) {
loadMessage(itemName[i], f);
loadMessage(found, f);
//Load item descriptions
for (i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
loadMessage(itemDescription[i], f);
//printf("\ntext.dat was not found");
//Returns the next character X position
int drawText(Message* m, int x, int y)
int textw = 20;
int texth = 32;
int dx = x;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < m->length; i++) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(dx, y, m->x[i] * textw, m->y[i] * texth, textw, texth, images[imgFontKana]);
dx += textw - 2;
return dx;
int drawCharacter(int cx, int cy, int x, int y)
int textw = 20;
int texth = 32;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(x, y, cx * textw, cy * texth, textw, texth, images[imgFontKana]);
return x + textw - 2;
void drawTextCentered(Message* m, int x, int y)
int textw = 20;
int texth = 32;
x -= (m->length / 2) * (textw - 2);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < m->length; i++) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(x + (i * (textw - 2)), y, m->x[i] * textw, m->y[i] * texth, textw, texth, images[imgFontKana]);
void setLanguage(char lan)
gameLanguage = lan;
char getLanguage()
return gameLanguage;
void loadMessage(Message* m, FILE* f)
unsigned char* buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * 64);
int cnt = fread(buffer, 1, 64, f);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < cnt; i+=2) {
m->x[i/2] = buffer[i];
m->y[i/2] = buffer[i+1];
void trimMessage(Message* m)
m->length = 32;
int i;
for (i = 31; i >= 0; i--)
if (m->x[i] == 0 && m->y[i] == 0) {
m->length -= 1;
i = -1;
0,0 → 1,34
#define JAPANESE 0
#define ENGLISH 1
extern char gameLanguage;
typedef struct {
unsigned char x[32];
unsigned char y[32];
char length;
} Message;
extern Message* saving;
extern Message* saveError[3];
extern Message* itemName[41];
extern Message* found;
extern Message* itemDescription[28];
extern Message* dungeon[8];
void textInit();
void textFree();
void loadText();
int drawText(Message* m, int x, int y);
int drawCharacter(int cx, int cy, int x, int y);
void drawTextCentered(Message* m, int x, int y);
void setLanguage(char lan);
char getLanguage();
0,0 → 1,142
#include "titlescreen.h"
#include "game.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "text.h"
int tempsave = 0;
int cursor = 0;
void titleScreenSetup();
int titleScreenStep();
void titleScreenDraw();
int titleEMStep()
//Get input
//Titlescreen step
int result = titleScreenStep();
//Draw titlescreen
if (result != -1)
PHL_DrawRect(0, 0, 640, 480, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0));
return result;
int titleScreen()
char loop = 1;
int result = -1;
while (PHL_MainLoop() && loop == 1)
//Get input
//Titlescreen step
result = titleScreenStep();
//Draw titlescreen
if (result != -1) {
loop = 0;
//Force screen to black
PHL_DrawRect(0, 0, 640, 480, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0));
return result;
void titleScreenSetup()
cursor = 0;
//Move cursor if save file exists
if ( fileExists(savemap) ) {
cursor = 1;
//Check if temp save file exists
tempsave = 0;
if ( fileExists(savename) ) {
tempsave = 1;
cursor = 1;
int titleScreenStep()
//Move cursor
if (btnDown.pressed == 1 || btnSelect.pressed == 1) {
cursor += 1;
if (cursor > 3) {
cursor = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi01], 1);
if (btnUp.pressed == 1) {
cursor -= 1;
if (cursor < 0) {
cursor = 3;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi01], 1);
if (btnAccept.pressed == 1 || btnStart.pressed == 1) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndOk], 1);
return cursor;
return -1;
void titleScreenDraw()
PHL_DrawRect(0, 0, 640, 480, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0));
if (tempsave == 0) {
//Title image
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(168, 72, 0, 0, 304, 168, images[imgTitle01]);
//Save error message
drawTextCentered(saveError[0], 320, 80);
drawTextCentered(saveError[1], 320, 80 + 50);
drawTextCentered(saveError[2], 320, 80 + 96);
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(228, 264 + (cursor * 32), 4, 176, 184, 32, images[imgTitle01]);
PHL_DrawTextBold("NEW GAME", 256, 272, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("LOAD GAME", 248, 304, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("OPTIONS", 264, 336, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("EXIT", 288, 368, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("(C) 2011 E.HASHIMOTO", 160, 410, WHITE);
PHL_DrawTextBold("GPL2 PTITSEB", 224, 442, WHITE);
0,0 → 1,11
void titleScreenSetup();
int titleEMStep();
int titleScreen();
0,0 → 1,602
#include "weapon.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "hero.h"
#include "PHL.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "object.h"
void updateWeaponMask(Weapon* w);
void addWeapon(int type, int x, int y)
if (heroAmmo > 0 || type == SWORD) {
int i, weaponcount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->type != SWORD) {
weaponcount += 1;
if (type == BOMB) { //Bombs have one lower limit
weaponcount += 1;
if (type == SWORD || weaponcount < (2 + hasItem[15])) { //3 projectiles if have green scroll
if (type != SWORD) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot01], CHN_WEAPONS);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] == NULL) {
Weapon* w = malloc(sizeof *w);
w->id = i;
w->type = type;
w->x = x;
w->y = y;
w->hsp = 0;
w->vsp = 0;
w->grav = 0;
w->imageIndex = 0;
w->power = 1;
w->timer = 0;
w->state = 0;
w->cooldown = 0;
w->hitflag = 0;
w->dir = getHeroDirection();
w-> = 0;
w->weaponMask.unused = 0;
w->weaponMask.x = 0;
w->weaponMask.y = 0;
w->weaponMask.w = 10;
w->weaponMask.h = 10;
if (w->type == SWORD)
w->weaponMask.unused = 1;
}else if (w->type == ARROW)
w->hsp = 8 * getHeroDirection();
w->weaponMask.y += 16;
w->weaponMask.w = 32;
w->weaponMask.h = 6;
}else if (w->type == AXE)
w->hsp = 2 * getHeroDirection();
w->vsp = -6;
w->grav = 0.2;
w->weaponMask.w = w->weaponMask.h = 24;
w->y += (40 - getHeroMask().h) - ((40 - w->weaponMask.h) / 2);
w->weaponMask.x = w->x + ((40 - w->weaponMask.w) / 2);
w->weaponMask.y = w->y + ((40 - w->weaponMask.h) / 2);
}else if (w->type == BOOMERANG)
w->x += 20;
w->y += 20;
w-> = 1;
w->weaponMask.w = 16;
w->hsp = 6 * getHeroDirection();
w->vsp = getHeroDirection(); //Vsp is used for starting direction
w->timer = 120;
}else if (w->type == FIREBALL)
w->vsp = -2;
w->grav = 0.1;
w->hsp = 2 * getHeroDirection();
w->x += 20;
w->y += 20;
w-> = 1;
w->weaponMask.w = 15;
Mask tempMask; = tempMask.unused = 0;
tempMask.y = w->y - w->weaponMask.w;
tempMask.x = w->x - w->weaponMask.w;
tempMask.w = tempMask.h = w->weaponMask.w * 2;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, tempMask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, tempMask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
w->y = collide.y + 40 + w->weaponMask.w;
}else if (w->type == BOMB)
w->dir = 0;
w->vsp = -2;
w->grav = 0.1;
w->hsp = getHeroDirection();
w->weaponMask.unused = 1;
Mask tempMask;
tempMask.y = w->y + 8;
tempMask.x = w->x + 8;
tempMask.w = tempMask.h = 24; = tempMask.unused = 0;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, tempMask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, tempMask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
w->y = collide.y + 40 - 8;
weapons[i] = w;
if (type != SWORD) {
heroAmmo -= 1;
//When a weapon lands a hit
void weaponHit(Weapon* w)
//w->cooldown = 15;
w->hitflag = 1;
if (w->type == SWORD) {
createEffect(1, w->weaponMask.x + (w->weaponMask.w / 2) - 10 + (rand() % 20) - 10, w->weaponMask.y + (w->weaponMask.h / 2) - 10 + (rand() % 20) - 10);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit02], CHN_WEAPONS);
}else if (w->type == ARROW || w->type == AXE) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_WEAPONS);
createEffect(1, w->x, w->y);
}else if (w->type == BOOMERANG) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_WEAPONS);
createEffect(1, w->x, w->y - 40 + (rand() % 40) + 1);
}else if (w->type == FIREBALL) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_WEAPONS);
createEffect(1, w->x - 20, w->y - 20);
}else if (w->type == BOMB) {
void weaponStep(Weapon* w)
char dead = 0;
if (w->cooldown > 0) {
w->cooldown -= 1;
if (w->hitflag == 1) {
w->hitflag = 0;
w->cooldown = 15;
if (w->type == SWORD)
double imgind = getHeroImageIndex();
if ((getHeroState() != 1 && getHeroState() != 5) || imgind >= 4) { //Not slashing
dead = 1;
w->x = herox;
w->y = heroy;
}else if (w->type == ARROW)
//Yes, this does have to be done before movement
//Destroy if out of view or collides with wall
if (w->x > 640 || w->x + 40 < 0 || checkTileCollision(1, w->weaponMask) == 1) {
w->x += w->hsp;
}else if (w->type == AXE)
w->y += w->vsp;
w->vsp += w->grav;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollisionWeapon(1, w->weaponMask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, w->weaponMask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (w->vsp <= 0) {
w->y = collide.y + 40 - ((40 - w->weaponMask.h) / 2);
w->vsp = 0;
w->x += w->hsp;
collide = getTileCollisionWeapon(1, w->weaponMask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (w->hsp > 0) {
w->x = collide.x - 40 + ((40 - w->weaponMask.w) / 2);
w->x = collide.x + 40 - ((40 - w->weaponMask.w) / 2);
w->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (w->imageIndex >= 8) {
w->imageIndex -= 8;
if (w->x > 640 || w->x + 40 < 0 || w->y > 520) {
dead = 1;
}else if (w->type == BOOMERANG)
w->x += w->hsp;
w->hsp -= 0.125 * (w->vsp); //Vsp is recycled to be the starting direction
if (w->hsp >= 6) {
w->hsp = 6;
if (w->hsp <= -6) {
w->hsp = -6;
w->dir = 1;
if (w->hsp < 0) {
w->dir = -1;
w->y = heroy + 20;
w->imageIndex -= (0.33 * w->vsp);
if (w->imageIndex < 0) {
w->imageIndex += 8;
if (w->imageIndex >= 8) {
w->imageIndex -= 8;
w->timer -= 1;
if (w->timer <= 0) {
createEffect(5, w->x, w->y);
dead = 1;
}else if (w->type == FIREBALL)
//Move vertically
w->y += w->vsp;
w->vsp += w->grav;
Mask tempMask; = tempMask.unused = 0;
tempMask.y = w->y - w->weaponMask.w;
tempMask.w = tempMask.h = w->weaponMask.w * 2;
tempMask.x = w->x - w->weaponMask.w;
//Check vertical collision
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollisionWeapon(1, tempMask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollisionWeapon(3, tempMask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (w->vsp <= 0) {
w->y = collide.y + 40 + w->weaponMask.w;
w->vsp = 0;
w->y = collide.y - w->weaponMask.w;
if (w->timer == 0) {
w->vsp = -2;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], 2);
}else if (w->timer == 1) {
w->vsp = -1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], 2);
dead = 1;
w->timer += 1;
tempMask.y = w->y - w->weaponMask.w;
//Move horizontally
w->x += w->hsp;
tempMask.x = w->x - w->weaponMask.w;
//Check horizontal collision
collide = getTileCollisionWeapon(1, tempMask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (w->hsp > 0) {
w->x = collide.x - (tempMask.w / 2) ;
w->x = collide.x + 40 + (tempMask.w / 2);
w->hsp *= -1;
tempMask.x = w->x - w->weaponMask.w;
w->dir = 1;
if (w->hsp < 0) {
w->dir = -1;
w->imageIndex += 0.5;
if (w->imageIndex >= 8) {
w->imageIndex -= 8;
if (w->x > 640 || w->x + 40 < 0 || w->y > 520) {
dead = 1;
}else if (w->type == BOMB)
if (w->state == 0) { //Bouncing bomb
Mask tempMask;
tempMask.y = w->y + 8;
tempMask.w = tempMask.h = 24; = tempMask.unused = 0;
w->x += w->hsp;
tempMask.x = w->x + 8;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, tempMask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (w->hsp > 0) {
w->x = collide.x - 40 + 8;
w->x = collide.x + 40 - 8;
w->hsp *= -1;
tempMask.x = w->x + 8;
w->imageIndex -= (0.33 * w->hsp);
if (w->imageIndex < 0) {
w->imageIndex += 8;
if (w->imageIndex >= 8) {
w->imageIndex -= 8;
w->y += w->vsp;
w->vsp += w->grav;
tempMask.y = w->y + 8;
collide = getTileCollision(1, tempMask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, tempMask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (w->vsp <= 0) {
w->y = collide.y + 40 - 8;
w->vsp = 0;
w->y = collide.y - 40 + 8;
if (w->timer == 0) {
w->vsp = -2;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_WEAPONS);
}else if (w->timer == 1) {
w->vsp = -1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_WEAPONS);
w->state = 1;
w->imageIndex = 0;
w->weaponMask.unused = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndBom03], CHN_WEAPONS);
w->timer += 1;
if (w->x > 640 || w->x + 40 < 0 || w->y > 520) {
dead = 1;
else if (w->state == 1) { //Explosion
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), w->weaponMask) == 1) {
heroHit(20, w->x + 20);
w->imageIndex += 0.34;
if (w->imageIndex >= 11) {
dead = 1;
if (dead == 1) {
void weaponDraw(Weapon* w)
if (w->type == SWORD) {
//Draw Sword
double imgind = getHeroImageIndex();
int dir = getHeroDirection();
if (imgind < 4) {
int swordx = 0, swordy = 0;
int scropx = 40 * (int)floor(imgind),
scropy = 240;
if (imgind < 1) {
swordy = -16;
swordx = -8;
}else if (imgind < 2) {
swordy = -8;
swordx = 24;
}else if (imgind < 4) {
swordy = 14;
swordx = 26;
if (dir == -1) {
swordx *= -1;
scropx += 160;
if (getHeroInvincible() % 2 == 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(herox - 20 + swordx, heroy + swordy, scropx, scropy, 40, 40, images[imgHero]);
//PHL_DrawSurfacePart(w->x, w->y, 0, 240, 40, 40, images[imgHero]);
else if (w->type == ARROW)
int dx = 240;
if (w->hsp <= 0) {
dx += 40;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(w->x, w->y, dx, 200, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
}else if (w->type == AXE)
int dx = 0;
if (w->hsp <= 0) {
dx = 320;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(w->x, w->y, dx + ((int)w->imageIndex * 40), 240, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
}else if (w->type == BOOMERANG)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(w->x - 20, w->y - 20, 320 + ((int)w->imageIndex * 40), 160, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
}else if (w->type == FIREBALL)
int dx = 0;
if (w->hsp <= 0) {
dx = 320;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(w->x - 20, w->y - 20, dx + ((int)w->imageIndex * 40), 280, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
}else if (w->type == BOMB)
if (w->state == 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(w->x, w->y, (int)w->imageIndex * 40, 160, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
else if (w->state == 1) {
int cx = (int)w->imageIndex * 128;
int cy = 0;
while (cx >= 640) {
cx -= 640;
cy += 96;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(w->weaponMask.x, w->weaponMask.y, cx, cy, 128, 96, images[imgExplosion]);
void updateWeaponMask(Weapon* w)
if (w->type == SWORD) {
//Sword mask
//swordMask.unused = 0;
double imgind = getHeroImageIndex();
int dir = getHeroDirection();
w->weaponMask.unused = 0;
if (imgind < 1) {
/*w->weaponMask.w = 8;
w->weaponMask.h = 24;
w->weaponMask.x = herox - 4 + (dir * -8); //herox - 20 + (direction * -8) + 16
w->weaponMask.y = heroy - 8; //heroy - 16 + 8
w->weaponMask.unused = 1;
}else if (imgind < 2) {
w->weaponMask.w = 32;
w->weaponMask.h = 38;
w->weaponMask.x = herox - 20 + (dir * 28) + 4;
w->weaponMask.y = heroy - 6;
}else if (imgind < 3) {
w->weaponMask.w = 24;
w->weaponMask.h = 20;
w->weaponMask.x = herox - 20 + (dir * 26) + 8;
w->weaponMask.y = heroy + 18;
}else if (imgind < 4) {
w->weaponMask.w = 24;
w->weaponMask.h = 6;
w->weaponMask.x = herox - 20 + (dir * 26) + 8;
w->weaponMask.y = heroy + 30;
}else if (w->type == ARROW) {
w->weaponMask.x = w->x;
w->weaponMask.y = w->y + 16;
if (w->hsp > 0) {
w->weaponMask.x += 8;
}else if (w->type == AXE) {
w->weaponMask.x = w->x + ((40 - w->weaponMask.w) / 2);
w->weaponMask.y = w->y + ((40 - w->weaponMask.h) / 2);
}else if (w->type == BOOMERANG) {
w->weaponMask.x = w->x;
w->weaponMask.y = w->y;
}else if (w->type == FIREBALL) {
w->weaponMask.x = w->x;
w->weaponMask.y = w->y;
}else if (w->type == BOMB) {
if (w->state == 1) { //Update mask on explosion
w->weaponMask.x = w->x - 44;
w->weaponMask.y = w->y - 44 - 8;
w->weaponMask.w = 128;
w->weaponMask.h = 90; //Hits blocks below
void weaponDestroy(int id)
if (weapons[id] != NULL) {
weapons[id] = NULL;
0,0 → 1,34
#ifndef WEAPON_H
#define WEAPON_H
#include "collision.h"
#define ARROW 0
#define AXE 1
#define BOOMERANG 2
#define FIREBALL 3
#define BOMB 4
#define SWORD 5
typedef struct {
int id, type;
double x, y;
double vsp, hsp;
double grav;
double imageIndex;
int dir;
int power, timer, state, cooldown, hitflag;
Mask weaponMask;
} Weapon;
void addWeapon(int type, int x, int y);
void weaponStep(Weapon* w);
void weaponDraw(Weapon* w);
void weaponHit(Weapon* w);
void weaponDestroy(int id);
0,0 → 1,51
xBRZ 1.5 [2017-08-07]
Added RGB conversion routines
xBRZ 1.4 [2015-07-25]
Added 6xBRZ scaler
Create color distance buffer lazily
xBRZ 1.3 [2015-04-03]
Improved ARGB performance by 15%
Fixed alpha channel gradient bug
xBRZ 1.2 [2014-11-21]
Further improved performance by over 30%
xBRZ 1.1 [2014-11-02]
Support images with alpha channel
Improved color analysis
xBRZ 1.0 [2013-02-11]
Fixed xBRZ scaler compiler issues for GCC
xBRZ 0.2 [2012-12-11]
Added 5xBRZ scaler
Optimized xBRZ scaler performance by factor 3
Further improved image quality of xBRZ scaler
xBRZ 0.1 [2012-09-26]
Initial release:
- scale while preserving small image features
- support multithreading
- support 64-bit architectures
- support processing image slices
0,0 → 1,621
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works.
The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
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Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
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For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
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Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. Definitions.
"This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
"Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
works, such as semiconductor masks.
"The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
on the Program.
To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
public, and in some countries other activities as well.
To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
1. Source Code.
The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
form of a work.
A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
is widely used among developers working in that language.
The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for
the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
subprograms and other parts of the work.
The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
same work.
2. Basic Permissions.
All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
makes it unnecessary.
3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
technological measures.
4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
it, and giving a relevant date.
b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
released under this License and any conditions added under section
7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
"keep intact all notices".
c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
work need not make them do so.
A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate.
6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
in one of these ways:
a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
customarily used for software interchange.
b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
with subsection 6b.
d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
charge under subsection 6d.
A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
included in conveying the object code work.
A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
the only significant mode of use of the product.
"Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
modification has been made.
If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
been installed in ROM).
The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network.
Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for
unpacking, reading or copying.
7. Additional Terms.
"Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
this License without regard to the additional permissions.
When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
Notices displayed by works containing it; or
c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
authors of the material; or
e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
those licensors and authors.
All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
governed by this License along with a term that is a further
restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
not survive such relicensing or conveying.
If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
where to find the applicable terms.
Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
the above requirements apply either way.
8. Termination.
You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
paragraph of section 11).
However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
prior to 60 days after the cessation.
Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice.
Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
material under section 10.
9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
11. Patents.
A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
this License.
Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
propagate the contents of its contributor version.
In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
patent against the party.
If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
country that you have reason to believe are valid.
If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
work and works based on it.
A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
combination as such.
14. Revised Versions of this License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
to choose that version for the Program.
Later license versions may give you additional or different
permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
later version.
15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
16. Limitation of Liability.
17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
copy of the Program in return for a fee.
0,0 → 1,1174
// ****************************************************************************
// * This file is part of the HqMAME project. It is distributed under *
// * GNU General Public License: *
// * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT gmx DOT de) - All Rights Reserved *
// * *
// * Additionally and as a special exception, the author gives permission *
// * to link the code of this program with the MAME library (or with modified *
// * versions of MAME that use the same license as MAME), and distribute *
// * linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General *
// * Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than MAME. *
// * If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version *
// * of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to *
// * do so, delete this exception statement from your version. *
// ****************************************************************************
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#include "xbrz.h"
#include "xbrz_tools.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define NDEBUG
using namespace xbrz;
template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N> inline
uint32_t gradientRGB(uint32_t pixFront, uint32_t pixBack) //blend front color with opacity M / N over opaque background:
static_assert(0 < M && M < N && N <= 1000, "");
auto calcColor = [](unsigned char colFront, unsigned char colBack) -> unsigned char {
return (colFront * M + colBack * (N - M)) / N;
return makePixel(calcColor(getRed (pixFront), getRed (pixBack)),
calcColor(getGreen(pixFront), getGreen(pixBack)),
calcColor(getBlue (pixFront), getBlue (pixBack)));
template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N> inline
uint32_t gradientARGB(uint32_t pixFront, uint32_t pixBack) //find intermediate color between two colors with alpha channels (=> NO alpha blending!!!)
static_assert(0 < M && M < N && N <= 1000, "");
const unsigned int weightFront = getAlpha(pixFront) * M;
const unsigned int weightBack = getAlpha(pixBack) * (N - M);
const unsigned int weightSum = weightFront + weightBack;
if (weightSum == 0)
return 0;
auto calcColor = [=](unsigned char colFront, unsigned char colBack)
return static_cast<unsigned char>((colFront * weightFront + colBack * weightBack) / weightSum);
return makePixel(static_cast<unsigned char>(weightSum / N),
calcColor(getRed (pixFront), getRed (pixBack)),
calcColor(getGreen(pixFront), getGreen(pixBack)),
calcColor(getBlue (pixFront), getBlue (pixBack)));
//double fastSqrt(double n)
// __asm //speeds up xBRZ by about 9% compared to std::sqrt which internally uses the same assembler instructions but adds some "fluff"
// {
// fld n
// fsqrt
// }
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define FORCE_INLINE __forceinline
#elif defined __GNUC__
#define FORCE_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) inline
#define FORCE_INLINE inline
enum RotationDegree //clock-wise
//calculate input matrix coordinates after rotation at compile time
template <RotationDegree rotDeg, size_t I, size_t J, size_t N>
struct MatrixRotation;
template <size_t I, size_t J, size_t N>
struct MatrixRotation<ROT_0, I, J, N>
static const size_t I_old = I;
static const size_t J_old = J;
template <RotationDegree rotDeg, size_t I, size_t J, size_t N> //(i, j) = (row, col) indices, N = size of (square) matrix
struct MatrixRotation
static const size_t I_old = N - 1 - MatrixRotation<static_cast<RotationDegree>(rotDeg - 1), I, J, N>::J_old; //old coordinates before rotation!
static const size_t J_old = MatrixRotation<static_cast<RotationDegree>(rotDeg - 1), I, J, N>::I_old;//
template <size_t N, RotationDegree rotDeg>
class OutputMatrix
OutputMatrix(uint32_t* out, int outWidth) : //access matrix area, top-left at position "out" for image with given width
outWidth_(outWidth) {
template <size_t I, size_t J>
uint32_t& ref() const
static const size_t I_old = MatrixRotation<rotDeg, I, J, N>::I_old;
static const size_t J_old = MatrixRotation<rotDeg, I, J, N>::J_old;
return *(out_ + J_old + I_old * outWidth_);
uint32_t* out_;
const int outWidth_;
template <class T> inline
T square(T value) {
return value * value;
double distRGB(uint32_t pix1, uint32_t pix2)
const double r_diff = static_cast<int>(getRed (pix1)) - getRed (pix2);
const double g_diff = static_cast<int>(getGreen(pix1)) - getGreen(pix2);
const double b_diff = static_cast<int>(getBlue (pix1)) - getBlue (pix2);
//euklidean RGB distance
return std::sqrt(square(r_diff) + square(g_diff) + square(b_diff));
double distYCbCr(uint32_t pix1, uint32_t pix2, double lumaWeight)
//YCbCr conversion is a matrix multiplication => take advantage of linearity by subtracting first!
const int r_diff = static_cast<int>(getRed (pix1)) - getRed (pix2);//we may delay division by 255 to after matrix multiplication
const int g_diff = static_cast<int>(getGreen(pix1)) - getGreen(pix2); //
const int b_diff = static_cast<int>(getBlue (pix1)) - getBlue (pix2); //substraction for int is noticeable faster than for double!
//const double k_b = 0.0722; //ITU-R BT.709 conversion
//const double k_r = 0.2126; //
const double k_b = 0.0593; //ITU-R BT.2020 conversion
const double k_r = 0.2627; //
const double k_g = 1 - k_b - k_r;
const double scale_b = 0.5 / (1 - k_b);
const double scale_r = 0.5 / (1 - k_r);
const double y = k_r * r_diff + k_g * g_diff + k_b * b_diff;//[!], analog YCbCr!
const double c_b = scale_b * (b_diff - y);
const double c_r = scale_r * (r_diff - y);
//we skip division by 255 to have similar range like other distance functions
return std::sqrt(square(lumaWeight * y) + square(c_b) + square(c_r));
double distYCbCrBuffered(uint32_t pix1, uint32_t pix2)
//30% perf boost compared to plain distYCbCr()!
//consumes 64 MB memory; using double is only 2% faster, but takes 128 MB
static const std::vector<float> diffToDist = []
std::vector<float> tmp;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 256 * 256 * 256; ++i) //startup time: 114 ms on Intel Core i5 (four cores)
const int r_diff = getByte<2>(i) * 2 - 0xFF;
const int g_diff = getByte<1>(i) * 2 - 0xFF;
const int b_diff = getByte<0>(i) * 2 - 0xFF;
const double k_b = 0.0593; //ITU-R BT.2020 conversion
const double k_r = 0.2627; //
const double k_g = 1 - k_b - k_r;
const double scale_b = 0.5 / (1 - k_b);
const double scale_r = 0.5 / (1 - k_r);
const double y = k_r * r_diff + k_g * g_diff + k_b * b_diff;//[!], analog YCbCr!
const double c_b = scale_b * (b_diff - y);
const double c_r = scale_r * (r_diff - y);
tmp.push_back(static_cast<float>(std::sqrt(square(y) + square(c_b) + square(c_r))));
return tmp;
} ();
//if (pix1 == pix2) -> 8% perf degradation!
// return 0;
//if (pix1 < pix2)
// std::swap(pix1, pix2); -> 30% perf degradation!!!
#if 1
const int r_diff = static_cast<int>(getRed (pix1)) - getRed (pix2);
const int g_diff = static_cast<int>(getGreen(pix1)) - getGreen(pix2);
const int b_diff = static_cast<int>(getBlue (pix1)) - getBlue (pix2);
return diffToDist[(((r_diff + 0xFF) / 2) << 16) | //slightly reduce precision (division by 2) to squeeze value into single byte
(((g_diff + 0xFF) / 2) << 8) |
(( b_diff + 0xFF) / 2)];
#else //not noticeably faster:
const int r_diff_tmp = ((pix1 & 0xFF0000) + 0xFF0000 - (pix2 & 0xFF0000)) / 2;
const int g_diff_tmp = ((pix1 & 0x00FF00) + 0x00FF00 - (pix2 & 0x00FF00)) / 2; //slightly reduce precision (division by 2) to squeeze value into single byte
const int b_diff_tmp = ((pix1 & 0x0000FF) + 0x0000FF - (pix2 & 0x0000FF)) / 2;
return diffToDist[(r_diff_tmp & 0xFF0000) | (g_diff_tmp & 0x00FF00) | (b_diff_tmp & 0x0000FF)];
enum BlendType
BLEND_NORMAL, //a normal indication to blend
BLEND_DOMINANT, //a strong indication to blend
//attention: BlendType must fit into the value range of 2 bit!!!
struct BlendResult
/**/ blend_f, blend_g,
/**/ blend_j, blend_k;
struct Kernel_4x4 //kernel for preprocessing step
/**/ a, b, c, d,
/**/ e, f, g, h,
/**/ i, j, k, l,
/**/ m, n, o, p;
input kernel area naming convention:
| A | B | C | D |
| E | F | G | H | //evaluate the four corners between F, G, J, K
----|---|---|---| //input pixel is at position F
| I | J | K | L |
| M | N | O | P |
template <class ColorDistance>
FORCE_INLINE //detect blend direction
BlendResult preProcessCorners(const Kernel_4x4& ker, const xbrz::ScalerCfg& cfg) //result: F, G, J, K corners of "GradientType"
BlendResult result = {};
if ((ker.f == ker.g &&
ker.j == ker.k) ||
(ker.f == ker.j &&
ker.g == ker.k))
return result;
auto dist = [&](uint32_t pix1, uint32_t pix2) {
return ColorDistance::dist(pix1, pix2, cfg.luminanceWeight);
const int weight = 4;
double jg = dist(ker.i, ker.f) + dist(ker.f, ker.c) + dist(ker.n, ker.k) + dist(ker.k, ker.h) + weight * dist(ker.j, ker.g);
double fk = dist(ker.e, ker.j) + dist(ker.j, ker.o) + dist(ker.b, ker.g) + dist(ker.g, ker.l) + weight * dist(ker.f, ker.k);
if (jg < fk) //test sample: 70% of values max(jg, fk) / min(jg, fk) are between 1.1 and 3.7 with median being 1.8
const bool dominantGradient = cfg.dominantDirectionThreshold * jg < fk;
if (ker.f != ker.g && ker.f != ker.j)
result.blend_f = dominantGradient ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL;
if (ker.k != ker.j && ker.k != ker.g)
result.blend_k = dominantGradient ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL;
else if (fk < jg)
const bool dominantGradient = cfg.dominantDirectionThreshold * fk < jg;
if (ker.j != ker.f && ker.j != ker.k)
result.blend_j = dominantGradient ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL;
if (ker.g != ker.f && ker.g != ker.k)
result.blend_g = dominantGradient ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL;
return result;
struct Kernel_3x3
/**/ a, b, c,
/**/ d, e, f,
/**/ g, h, i;
#define DEF_GETTER(x) template <RotationDegree rotDeg> uint32_t inline get_ ## x(const Kernel_3x3 &ker) { return ker.x; }
//we cannot and NEED NOT write "ker.##x" since ## concatenates preprocessor tokens but "." is not a token
#define DEF_GETTER(x, y) template <> inline uint32_t get_ ## x<ROT_90>(const Kernel_3x3 &ker) { return ker.y; }
#define DEF_GETTER(x, y) template <> inline uint32_t get_ ## x<ROT_180>(const Kernel_3x3 &ker) { return ker.y; }
#define DEF_GETTER(x, y) template <> inline uint32_t get_ ## x<ROT_270>(const Kernel_3x3 &ker) { return ker.y; }
//compress four blend types into a single byte
inline BlendType getTopL (unsigned char b) {
return static_cast<BlendType>(0x3 & b);
inline BlendType getTopR (unsigned char b) {
return static_cast<BlendType>(0x3 & (b >> 2));
inline BlendType getBottomR(unsigned char b) {
return static_cast<BlendType>(0x3 & (b >> 4));
inline BlendType getBottomL(unsigned char b) {
return static_cast<BlendType>(0x3 & (b >> 6));
inline void setTopL (unsigned char& b, BlendType bt) {
b |= bt;
} //buffer is assumed to be initialized before preprocessing!
inline void setTopR (unsigned char& b, BlendType bt) {
b |= (bt << 2);
inline void setBottomR(unsigned char& b, BlendType bt) {
b |= (bt << 4);
inline void setBottomL(unsigned char& b, BlendType bt) {
b |= (bt << 6);
inline bool blendingNeeded(unsigned char b) {
return b != 0;
template <RotationDegree rotDeg> inline
unsigned char rotateBlendInfo(unsigned char b) {
return b;
template <> inline unsigned char rotateBlendInfo<ROT_90 >(unsigned char b) {
return ((b << 2) | (b >> 6)) & 0xff;
template <> inline unsigned char rotateBlendInfo<ROT_180>(unsigned char b) {
return ((b << 4) | (b >> 4)) & 0xff;
template <> inline unsigned char rotateBlendInfo<ROT_270>(unsigned char b) {
return ((b << 6) | (b >> 2)) & 0xff;
#ifndef NDEBUG
int debugPixelX = -1;
int debugPixelY = 12;
__declspec(thread) bool breakIntoDebugger = false;
input kernel area naming convention:
| A | B | C |
| D | E | F | //input pixel is at position E
| G | H | I |
template <class Scaler, class ColorDistance, RotationDegree rotDeg>
FORCE_INLINE //perf: quite worth it!
void blendPixel(const Kernel_3x3& ker,
uint32_t* target, int trgWidth,
unsigned char blendInfo, //result of preprocessing all four corners of pixel "e"
const xbrz::ScalerCfg& cfg)
#define a get_a<rotDeg>(ker)
#define b get_b<rotDeg>(ker)
#define c get_c<rotDeg>(ker)
#define d get_d<rotDeg>(ker)
#define e get_e<rotDeg>(ker)
#define f get_f<rotDeg>(ker)
#define g get_g<rotDeg>(ker)
#define h get_h<rotDeg>(ker)
#define i get_i<rotDeg>(ker)
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (breakIntoDebugger)
__debugbreak(); //__asm int 3;
const unsigned char blend = rotateBlendInfo<rotDeg>(blendInfo);
if (getBottomR(blend) >= BLEND_NORMAL)
auto eq = [&](uint32_t pix1, uint32_t pix2) {
return ColorDistance::dist(pix1, pix2, cfg.luminanceWeight) < cfg.equalColorTolerance;
auto dist = [&](uint32_t pix1, uint32_t pix2) {
return ColorDistance::dist(pix1, pix2, cfg.luminanceWeight);
const bool doLineBlend = [&]() -> bool
if (getBottomR(blend) >= BLEND_DOMINANT)
return true;
//make sure there is no second blending in an adjacent rotation for this pixel: handles insular pixels, mario eyes
if (getTopR(blend) != BLEND_NONE && !eq(e, g)) //but support double-blending for 90� corners
return false;
if (getBottomL(blend) != BLEND_NONE && !eq(e, c))
return false;
//no full blending for L-shapes; blend corner only (handles "mario mushroom eyes")
if (!eq(e, i) && eq(g, h) && eq(h, i) && eq(i, f) && eq(f, c))
return false;
return true;
} ();
const uint32_t px = dist(e, f) <= dist(e, h) ? f : h; //choose most similar color
OutputMatrix<Scaler::scale, rotDeg> out(target, trgWidth);
if (doLineBlend)
const double fg = dist(f, g); //test sample: 70% of values max(fg, hc) / min(fg, hc) are between 1.1 and 3.7 with median being 1.9
const double hc = dist(h, c); //
const bool haveShallowLine = cfg.steepDirectionThreshold * fg <= hc && e != g && d != g;
const bool haveSteepLine = cfg.steepDirectionThreshold * hc <= fg && e != c && b != c;
if (haveShallowLine)
if (haveSteepLine)
Scaler::blendLineSteepAndShallow(px, out);
Scaler::blendLineShallow(px, out);
if (haveSteepLine)
Scaler::blendLineSteep(px, out);
Scaler::blendLineDiagonal(px, out);
Scaler::blendCorner(px, out);
#undef a
#undef b
#undef c
#undef d
#undef e
#undef f
#undef g
#undef h
#undef i
template <class Scaler, class ColorDistance> //scaler policy: see "Scaler2x" reference implementation
void scaleImage(const uint32_t* src, uint32_t* trg, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, const xbrz::ScalerCfg& cfg, int yFirst, int yLast)
yFirst = std::max(yFirst, 0);
yLast = std::min(yLast, srcHeight);
if (yFirst >= yLast || srcWidth <= 0)
const int trgWidth = srcWidth * Scaler::scale;
//"use" space at the end of the image as temporary buffer for "on the fly preprocessing": we even could use larger area of
//"sizeof(uint32_t) * srcWidth * (yLast - yFirst)" bytes without risk of accidental overwriting before accessing
const int bufferSize = srcWidth;
unsigned char* preProcBuffer = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(trg + yLast * Scaler::scale * trgWidth) - bufferSize;
std::fill(preProcBuffer, preProcBuffer + bufferSize, '\0');
static_assert(BLEND_NONE == 0, "");
//initialize preprocessing buffer for first row of current stripe: detect upper left and right corner blending
//this cannot be optimized for adjacent processing stripes; we must not allow for a memory race condition!
if (yFirst > 0)
const int y = yFirst - 1;
const uint32_t* s_m1 = src + srcWidth * std::max(y - 1, 0);
const uint32_t* s_0 = src + srcWidth * y;//center line
const uint32_t* s_p1 = src + srcWidth * std::min(y + 1, srcHeight - 1);
const uint32_t* s_p2 = src + srcWidth * std::min(y + 2, srcHeight - 1);
for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; ++x)
const int x_m1 = std::max(x - 1, 0);
const int x_p1 = std::min(x + 1, srcWidth - 1);
const int x_p2 = std::min(x + 2, srcWidth - 1);
Kernel_4x4 ker = {}; //perf: initialization is negligible
ker.a = s_m1[x_m1]; //read sequentially from memory as far as possible
ker.b = s_m1[x];
ker.c = s_m1[x_p1];
ker.d = s_m1[x_p2];
ker.e = s_0[x_m1];
ker.f = s_0[x];
ker.g = s_0[x_p1];
ker.h = s_0[x_p2];
ker.i = s_p1[x_m1];
ker.j = s_p1[x];
ker.k = s_p1[x_p1];
ker.l = s_p1[x_p2];
ker.m = s_p2[x_m1];
ker.n = s_p2[x];
ker.o = s_p2[x_p1];
ker.p = s_p2[x_p2];
const BlendResult res = preProcessCorners<ColorDistance>(ker, cfg);
preprocessing blend result:
| F | G | //evalute corner between F, G, J, K
----|---| //input pixel is at position F
| J | K |
setTopR(preProcBuffer[x], res.blend_j);
if (x + 1 < bufferSize)
setTopL(preProcBuffer[x + 1], res.blend_k);
for (int y = yFirst; y < yLast; ++y)
uint32_t* out = trg + Scaler::scale * y * trgWidth; //consider MT "striped" access
const uint32_t* s_m1 = src + srcWidth * std::max(y - 1, 0);
const uint32_t* s_0 = src + srcWidth * y;//center line
const uint32_t* s_p1 = src + srcWidth * std::min(y + 1, srcHeight - 1);
const uint32_t* s_p2 = src + srcWidth * std::min(y + 2, srcHeight - 1);
unsigned char blend_xy1 = 0; //corner blending for current (x, y + 1) position
for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; ++x, out += Scaler::scale)
#ifndef NDEBUG
breakIntoDebugger = debugPixelX == x && debugPixelY == y;
//all those bounds checks have only insignificant impact on performance!
const int x_m1 = std::max(x - 1, 0); //perf: prefer array indexing to additional pointers!
const int x_p1 = std::min(x + 1, srcWidth - 1);
const int x_p2 = std::min(x + 2, srcWidth - 1);
Kernel_4x4 ker4 = {}; //perf: initialization is negligible
ker4.a = s_m1[x_m1]; //read sequentially from memory as far as possible
ker4.b = s_m1[x];
ker4.c = s_m1[x_p1];
ker4.d = s_m1[x_p2];
ker4.e = s_0[x_m1];
ker4.f = s_0[x];
ker4.g = s_0[x_p1];
ker4.h = s_0[x_p2];
ker4.i = s_p1[x_m1];
ker4.j = s_p1[x];
ker4.k = s_p1[x_p1];
ker4.l = s_p1[x_p2];
ker4.m = s_p2[x_m1];
ker4.n = s_p2[x];
ker4.o = s_p2[x_p1];
ker4.p = s_p2[x_p2];
//evaluate the four corners on bottom-right of current pixel
unsigned char blend_xy = 0; //for current (x, y) position
const BlendResult res = preProcessCorners<ColorDistance>(ker4, cfg);
preprocessing blend result:
| F | G | //evalute corner between F, G, J, K
----|---| //current input pixel is at position F
| J | K |
blend_xy = preProcBuffer[x];
setBottomR(blend_xy, res.blend_f); //all four corners of (x, y) have been determined at this point due to processing sequence!
setTopR(blend_xy1, res.blend_j); //set 2nd known corner for (x, y + 1)
preProcBuffer[x] = blend_xy1; //store on current buffer position for use on next row
blend_xy1 = 0;
setTopL(blend_xy1, res.blend_k); //set 1st known corner for (x + 1, y + 1) and buffer for use on next column
if (x + 1 < bufferSize) //set 3rd known corner for (x + 1, y)
setBottomL(preProcBuffer[x + 1], res.blend_g);
//fill block of size scale * scale with the given color
fillBlock(out, trgWidth * sizeof(uint32_t), ker4.f, Scaler::scale, Scaler::scale);
//place *after* preprocessing step, to not overwrite the results while processing the the last pixel!
//blend four corners of current pixel
if (blendingNeeded(blend_xy)) //good 5% perf-improvement
Kernel_3x3 ker3 = {}; //perf: initialization is negligible
ker3.a = ker4.a;
ker3.b = ker4.b;
ker3.c = ker4.c;
ker3.d = ker4.e;
ker3.e = ker4.f;
ker3.f = ker4.g;
ker3.g = ker4.i;
ker3.h = ker4.j;
ker3.i = ker4.k;
blendPixel<Scaler, ColorDistance, ROT_0 >(ker3, out, trgWidth, blend_xy, cfg);
blendPixel<Scaler, ColorDistance, ROT_90 >(ker3, out, trgWidth, blend_xy, cfg);
blendPixel<Scaler, ColorDistance, ROT_180>(ker3, out, trgWidth, blend_xy, cfg);
blendPixel<Scaler, ColorDistance, ROT_270>(ker3, out, trgWidth, blend_xy, cfg);
template <class ColorGradient>
struct Scaler2x : public ColorGradient
static const int scale = 2;
template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N> //bring template function into scope for GCC
static void alphaGrad(uint32_t& pixBack, uint32_t pixFront) {
ColorGradient::template alphaGrad<M, N>(pixBack, pixFront);
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 0>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 1>(), col);
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineSteep(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, scale - 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, scale - 1>(), col);
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineSteepAndShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<1, 0>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<5, 6>(out.template ref<1, 1>(), col); //[!] fixes 7/8 used in xBR
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineDiagonal(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 2>(out.template ref<1, 1>(), col);
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendCorner(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
//model a round corner
alphaGrad<21, 100>(out.template ref<1, 1>(), col); //exact: 1 - pi/4 = 0.2146018366
template <class ColorGradient>
struct Scaler3x : public ColorGradient
static const int scale = 3;
template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N> //bring template function into scope for GCC
static void alphaGrad(uint32_t& pixBack, uint32_t pixFront) {
ColorGradient::template alphaGrad<M, N>(pixBack, pixFront);
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 0>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 2>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 1>(), col);
out.template ref<scale - 1, 2>() = col;
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineSteep(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, scale - 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<2, scale - 2>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, scale - 1>(), col);
out.template ref<2, scale - 1>() = col;
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineSteepAndShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<2, 0>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, 2>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<2, 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, 2>(), col);
out.template ref<2, 2>() = col;
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineDiagonal(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 8>(out.template ref<1, 2>(), col); //conflict with other rotations for this odd scale
alphaGrad<1, 8>(out.template ref<2, 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<7, 8>(out.template ref<2, 2>(), col); //
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendCorner(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
//model a round corner
alphaGrad<45, 100>(out.template ref<2, 2>(), col); //exact: 0.4545939598
//alphaGrad<7, 256>(out.template ref<2, 1>(), col); //0.02826017254 -> negligible + avoid conflicts with other rotations for this odd scale
//alphaGrad<7, 256>(out.template ref<1, 2>(), col); //0.02826017254
template <class ColorGradient>
struct Scaler4x : public ColorGradient
static const int scale = 4;
template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N> //bring template function into scope for GCC
static void alphaGrad(uint32_t& pixBack, uint32_t pixFront) {
ColorGradient::template alphaGrad<M, N>(pixBack, pixFront);
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 0>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 2>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 3>(), col);
out.template ref<scale - 1, 2>() = col;
out.template ref<scale - 1, 3>() = col;
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineSteep(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, scale - 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<2, scale - 2>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, scale - 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<3, scale - 2>(), col);
out.template ref<2, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<3, scale - 1>() = col;
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineSteepAndShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<3, 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, 3>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<3, 0>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, 3>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 3>(out.template ref<2, 2>(), col); //[!] fixes 1/4 used in xBR
out.template ref<3, 3>() = col;
out.template ref<3, 2>() = col;
out.template ref<2, 3>() = col;
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineDiagonal(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 2>(out.template ref<scale - 1, scale / 2 >(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 2>(out.template ref<scale - 2, scale / 2 + 1>(), col);
out.template ref<scale - 1, scale - 1>() = col;
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendCorner(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
//model a round corner
alphaGrad<68, 100>(out.template ref<3, 3>(), col); //exact: 0.6848532563
alphaGrad< 9, 100>(out.template ref<3, 2>(), col); //0.08677704501
alphaGrad< 9, 100>(out.template ref<2, 3>(), col); //0.08677704501
template <class ColorGradient>
struct Scaler5x : public ColorGradient
static const int scale = 5;
template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N> //bring template function into scope for GCC
static void alphaGrad(uint32_t& pixBack, uint32_t pixFront) {
ColorGradient::template alphaGrad<M, N>(pixBack, pixFront);
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 0>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 2>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 3, 4>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 3>(), col);
out.template ref<scale - 1, 2>() = col;
out.template ref<scale - 1, 3>() = col;
out.template ref<scale - 1, 4>() = col;
out.template ref<scale - 2, 4>() = col;
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineSteep(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, scale - 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<2, scale - 2>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<4, scale - 3>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, scale - 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<3, scale - 2>(), col);
out.template ref<2, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<3, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<4, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<4, scale - 2>() = col;
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineSteepAndShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, scale - 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<2, scale - 2>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, scale - 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 0>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 2>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<2, 3>(out.template ref<3, 3>(), col);
out.template ref<2, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<3, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<4, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<scale - 1, 2>() = col;
out.template ref<scale - 1, 3>() = col;
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineDiagonal(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 8>(out.template ref<scale - 1, scale / 2 >(), col);//conflict with other rotations for this odd scale
alphaGrad<1, 8>(out.template ref<scale - 2, scale / 2 + 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 8>(out.template ref<scale - 3, scale / 2 + 2>(), col); //
alphaGrad<7, 8>(out.template ref<4, 3>(), col);
alphaGrad<7, 8>(out.template ref<3, 4>(), col);
out.template ref<4, 4>() = col;
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendCorner(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
//model a round corner
alphaGrad<86, 100>(out.template ref<4, 4>(), col); //exact: 0.8631434088
alphaGrad<23, 100>(out.template ref<4, 3>(), col); //0.2306749731
alphaGrad<23, 100>(out.template ref<3, 4>(), col); //0.2306749731
//alphaGrad<1, 64>(out.template ref<4, 2>(), col); //0.01676812367 -> negligible + avoid conflicts with other rotations for this odd scale
//alphaGrad<1, 64>(out.template ref<2, 4>(), col); //0.01676812367
template <class ColorGradient>
struct Scaler6x : public ColorGradient
static const int scale = 6;
template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N> //bring template function into scope for GCC
static void alphaGrad(uint32_t& pixBack, uint32_t pixFront) {
ColorGradient::template alphaGrad<M, N>(pixBack, pixFront);
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 0>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 2>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 3, 4>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 3>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 3, 5>(), col);
out.template ref<scale - 1, 2>() = col;
out.template ref<scale - 1, 3>() = col;
out.template ref<scale - 1, 4>() = col;
out.template ref<scale - 1, 5>() = col;
out.template ref<scale - 2, 4>() = col;
out.template ref<scale - 2, 5>() = col;
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineSteep(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, scale - 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<2, scale - 2>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<4, scale - 3>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, scale - 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<3, scale - 2>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<5, scale - 3>(), col);
out.template ref<2, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<3, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<4, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<5, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<4, scale - 2>() = col;
out.template ref<5, scale - 2>() = col;
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineSteepAndShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, scale - 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<2, scale - 2>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, scale - 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<3, scale - 2>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 0>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 2>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 3>(), col);
out.template ref<2, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<3, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<4, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<5, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<4, scale - 2>() = col;
out.template ref<5, scale - 2>() = col;
out.template ref<scale - 1, 2>() = col;
out.template ref<scale - 1, 3>() = col;
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendLineDiagonal(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
alphaGrad<1, 2>(out.template ref<scale - 1, scale / 2 >(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 2>(out.template ref<scale - 2, scale / 2 + 1>(), col);
alphaGrad<1, 2>(out.template ref<scale - 3, scale / 2 + 2>(), col);
out.template ref<scale - 2, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<scale - 1, scale - 1>() = col;
out.template ref<scale - 1, scale - 2>() = col;
template <class OutputMatrix>
static void blendCorner(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
//model a round corner
alphaGrad<97, 100>(out.template ref<5, 5>(), col); //exact: 0.9711013910
alphaGrad<42, 100>(out.template ref<4, 5>(), col); //0.4236372243
alphaGrad<42, 100>(out.template ref<5, 4>(), col); //0.4236372243
alphaGrad< 6, 100>(out.template ref<5, 3>(), col); //0.05652034508
alphaGrad< 6, 100>(out.template ref<3, 5>(), col); //0.05652034508
struct ColorDistanceRGB
static double dist(uint32_t pix1, uint32_t pix2, double luminanceWeight)
return distYCbCrBuffered(pix1, pix2);
//if (pix1 == pix2) //about 4% perf boost
// return 0;
//return distYCbCr(pix1, pix2, luminanceWeight);
struct ColorDistanceARGB
static double dist(uint32_t pix1, uint32_t pix2, double luminanceWeight)
const double a1 = getAlpha(pix1) / 255.0;
const double a2 = getAlpha(pix2) / 255.0;
Requirements for a color distance handling alpha channel: with a1, a2 in [0, 1]
1. if a1 = a2, distance should be: a1 * distYCbCr()
2. if a1 = 0, distance should be: a2 * distYCbCr(black, white) = a2 * 255
3. if a1 = 1, ??? maybe: 255 * (1 - a2) + a2 * distYCbCr()
//return std::min(a1, a2) * distYCbCrBuffered(pix1, pix2) + 255 * abs(a1 - a2);
//=> following code is 15% faster:
const double d = distYCbCrBuffered(pix1, pix2);
if (a1 < a2)
return a1 * d + 255 * (a2 - a1);
return a2 * d + 255 * (a1 - a2);
//alternative? return std::sqrt(a1 * a2 * square(distYCbCrBuffered(pix1, pix2)) + square(255 * (a1 - a2)));
struct ColorGradientRGB
template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N>
static void alphaGrad(uint32_t& pixBack, uint32_t pixFront)
pixBack = gradientRGB<M, N>(pixFront, pixBack);
struct ColorGradientARGB
template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N>
static void alphaGrad(uint32_t& pixBack, uint32_t pixFront)
pixBack = gradientARGB<M, N>(pixFront, pixBack);
void xbrz::scale(size_t factor, const uint32_t* src, uint32_t* trg, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, ColorFormat colFmt, const xbrz::ScalerCfg& cfg, int yFirst, int yLast)
switch (colFmt)
case ColorFormat::ARGB:
switch (factor)
case 2:
return scaleImage<Scaler2x<ColorGradientARGB>, ColorDistanceARGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
case 3:
return scaleImage<Scaler3x<ColorGradientARGB>, ColorDistanceARGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
case 4:
return scaleImage<Scaler4x<ColorGradientARGB>, ColorDistanceARGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
case 5:
return scaleImage<Scaler5x<ColorGradientARGB>, ColorDistanceARGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
case 6:
return scaleImage<Scaler6x<ColorGradientARGB>, ColorDistanceARGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
case ColorFormat::RGB:
switch (factor)
case 2:
return scaleImage<Scaler2x<ColorGradientRGB>, ColorDistanceRGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
case 3:
return scaleImage<Scaler3x<ColorGradientRGB>, ColorDistanceRGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
case 4:
return scaleImage<Scaler4x<ColorGradientRGB>, ColorDistanceRGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
case 5:
return scaleImage<Scaler5x<ColorGradientRGB>, ColorDistanceRGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
case 6:
return scaleImage<Scaler6x<ColorGradientRGB>, ColorDistanceRGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
bool xbrz::equalColorTest(uint32_t col1, uint32_t col2, ColorFormat colFmt, double luminanceWeight, double equalColorTolerance)
switch (colFmt)
case ColorFormat::ARGB:
return ColorDistanceARGB::dist(col1, col2, luminanceWeight) < equalColorTolerance;
case ColorFormat::RGB:
return ColorDistanceRGB::dist(col1, col2, luminanceWeight) < equalColorTolerance;
return false;
void xbrz::nearestNeighborScale(const uint32_t* src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight,
uint32_t* trg, int trgWidth, int trgHeight)
nearestNeighborScale(src, srcWidth, srcHeight, srcWidth * sizeof(uint32_t),
trg, trgWidth, trgHeight, trgWidth * sizeof(uint32_t),
SliceType::TARGET, 0, trgHeight, [](uint32_t pix) {
return pix;
0,0 → 1,73
// ****************************************************************************
// * This file is part of the HqMAME project. It is distributed under *
// * GNU General Public License: *
// * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT gmx DOT de) - All Rights Reserved *
// * *
// * Additionally and as a special exception, the author gives permission *
// * to link the code of this program with the MAME library (or with modified *
// * versions of MAME that use the same license as MAME), and distribute *
// * linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General *
// * Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than MAME. *
// * If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version *
// * of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to *
// * do so, delete this exception statement from your version. *
// ****************************************************************************
#ifndef XBRZ_HEADER_3847894708239054
#define XBRZ_HEADER_3847894708239054
#include <cstddef> //size_t
#include <cstdint> //uint32_t
#include <limits>
#include "xbrz_config.h"
namespace xbrz
| xBRZ: "Scale by rules" - high quality image upscaling filter by Zenju |
using a modified approach of xBR:
- new rule set preserving small image features
- highly optimized for performance
- support alpha channel
- support multithreading
- support 64-bit architectures
- support processing image slices
- support scaling up to 6xBRZ
enum class ColorFormat //from high bits -> low bits, 8 bit per channel
RGB, //8 bit for each red, green, blue, upper 8 bits unused
ARGB, //including alpha channel, BGRA byte order on little-endian machines
-> map source (srcWidth * srcHeight) to target (scale * width x scale * height) image, optionally processing a half-open slice of rows [yFirst, yLast) only
-> support for source/target pitch in bytes!
-> if your emulator changes only a few image slices during each cycle (e.g. DOSBox) then there's no need to run xBRZ on the complete image:
Just make sure you enlarge the source image slice by 2 rows on top and 2 on bottom (this is the additional range the xBRZ algorithm is using during analysis)
CAVEAT: If there are multiple changed slices, make sure they do not overlap after adding these additional rows in order to avoid a memory race condition
in the target image data if you are using multiple threads for processing each enlarged slice!
THREAD-SAFETY: - parts of the same image may be scaled by multiple threads as long as the [yFirst, yLast) ranges do not overlap!
- there is a minor inefficiency for the first row of a slice, so avoid processing single rows only; suggestion: process at least 8-16 rows
void scale(size_t factor, //valid range: 2 - 6
const uint32_t* src, uint32_t* trg, int srcWidth, int srcHeight,
ColorFormat colFmt,
const ScalerCfg& cfg = ScalerCfg(),
int yFirst = 0, int yLast = std::numeric_limits<int>::max()); //slice of source image
void nearestNeighborScale(const uint32_t* src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight,
/**/ uint32_t* trg, int trgWidth, int trgHeight);
//parameter tuning
bool equalColorTest(uint32_t col1, uint32_t col2, ColorFormat colFmt, double luminanceWeight, double equalColorTolerance);
0,0 → 1,33
// ****************************************************************************
// * This file is part of the HqMAME project. It is distributed under *
// * GNU General Public License: *
// * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT gmx DOT de) - All Rights Reserved *
// * *
// * Additionally and as a special exception, the author gives permission *
// * to link the code of this program with the MAME library (or with modified *
// * versions of MAME that use the same license as MAME), and distribute *
// * linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General *
// * Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than MAME. *
// * If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version *
// * of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to *
// * do so, delete this exception statement from your version. *
// ****************************************************************************
#ifndef XBRZ_CONFIG_HEADER_284578425345
#define XBRZ_CONFIG_HEADER_284578425345
//do NOT include any headers here! used by xBRZ_dll!!!
namespace xbrz
struct ScalerCfg
double luminanceWeight = 1;
double equalColorTolerance = 30;
double dominantDirectionThreshold = 3.6;
double steepDirectionThreshold = 2.2;
double newTestAttribute = 0;//unused; test new parameters
0,0 → 1,177
// ****************************************************************************
// * This file is part of the HqMAME project. It is distributed under *
// * GNU General Public License: *
// * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT gmx DOT de) - All Rights Reserved *
// * *
// * Additionally and as a special exception, the author gives permission *
// * to link the code of this program with the MAME library (or with modified *
// * versions of MAME that use the same license as MAME), and distribute *
// * linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General *
// * Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than MAME. *
// * If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version *
// * of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to *
// * do so, delete this exception statement from your version. *
// ****************************************************************************
#ifndef XBRZ_TOOLS_H_825480175091875
#define XBRZ_TOOLS_H_825480175091875
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits>
namespace xbrz
template <uint32_t N> inline
unsigned char getByte(uint32_t val) {
return static_cast<unsigned char>((val >> (8 * N)) & 0xff);
inline unsigned char getAlpha(uint32_t pix) {
return getByte<3>(pix);
inline unsigned char getRed (uint32_t pix) {
return getByte<2>(pix);
inline unsigned char getGreen(uint32_t pix) {
return getByte<1>(pix);
inline unsigned char getBlue (uint32_t pix) {
return getByte<0>(pix);
inline uint32_t makePixel(unsigned char a, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b) {
return (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
inline uint32_t makePixel( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b) {
return (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
inline uint32_t rgb555to888(uint16_t pix) {
return ((pix & 0x7C00) << 9) | ((pix & 0x03E0) << 6) | ((pix & 0x001F) << 3);
inline uint32_t rgb565to888(uint16_t pix) {
return ((pix & 0xF800) << 8) | ((pix & 0x07E0) << 5) | ((pix & 0x001F) << 3);
inline uint16_t rgb888to555(uint32_t pix) {
return static_cast<uint16_t>(((pix & 0xF80000) >> 9) | ((pix & 0x00F800) >> 6) | ((pix & 0x0000F8) >> 3));
inline uint16_t rgb888to565(uint32_t pix) {
return static_cast<uint16_t>(((pix & 0xF80000) >> 8) | ((pix & 0x00FC00) >> 5) | ((pix & 0x0000F8) >> 3));
template <class Pix> inline
Pix* byteAdvance(Pix* ptr, int bytes)
using PixNonConst = typename std::remove_cv<Pix>::type;
using PixByte = typename std::conditional<std::is_same<Pix, PixNonConst>::value, char, const char>::type;
static_assert(std::is_integral<PixNonConst>::value, "Pix* is expected to be cast-able to char*");
return reinterpret_cast<Pix*>(reinterpret_cast<PixByte*>(ptr) + bytes);
//fill block with the given color
template <class Pix> inline
void fillBlock(Pix* trg, int pitch, Pix col, int blockWidth, int blockHeight)
//for (int y = 0; y < blockHeight; ++y, trg = byteAdvance(trg, pitch))
// std::fill(trg, trg + blockWidth, col);
for (int y = 0; y < blockHeight; ++y, trg = byteAdvance(trg, pitch))
for (int x = 0; x < blockWidth; ++x)
trg[x] = col;
enum class SliceType
template <class PixSrc, class PixTrg, class PixConverter>
void nearestNeighborScale(const PixSrc* src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcPitch,
/**/ PixTrg* trg, int trgWidth, int trgHeight, int trgPitch,
SliceType st, int yFirst, int yLast, PixConverter pixCvrt /*convert PixSrc to PixTrg*/)
static_assert(std::is_integral<PixSrc>::value, "PixSrc* is expected to be cast-able to char*");
static_assert(std::is_integral<PixTrg>::value, "PixTrg* is expected to be cast-able to char*");
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(pixCvrt(PixSrc())), PixTrg>::value, "PixConverter returning wrong pixel format");
if (srcPitch < srcWidth * static_cast<int>(sizeof(PixSrc)) ||
trgPitch < trgWidth * static_cast<int>(sizeof(PixTrg)))
switch (st)
case SliceType::SOURCE:
//nearest-neighbor (going over source image - fast for upscaling, since source is read only once
yFirst = std::max(yFirst, 0);
yLast = std::min(yLast, srcHeight);
if (yFirst >= yLast || trgWidth <= 0 || trgHeight <= 0) return;
for (int y = yFirst; y < yLast; ++y)
//mathematically: ySrc = floor(srcHeight * yTrg / trgHeight)
// => search for integers in: [ySrc, ySrc + 1) * trgHeight / srcHeight
//keep within for loop to support MT input slices!
const int yTrg_first = ( y * trgHeight + srcHeight - 1) / srcHeight;//=ceil(y * trgHeight / srcHeight)
const int yTrg_last = ((y + 1) * trgHeight + srcHeight - 1) / srcHeight;//=ceil(((y + 1) * trgHeight) / srcHeight)
const int blockHeight = yTrg_last - yTrg_first;
if (blockHeight > 0)
const PixSrc* srcLine = byteAdvance(src, y * srcPitch);
/**/ PixTrg* trgLine = byteAdvance(trg, yTrg_first * trgPitch);
int xTrg_first = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; ++x)
const int xTrg_last = ((x + 1) * trgWidth + srcWidth - 1) / srcWidth;
const int blockWidth = xTrg_last - xTrg_first;
if (blockWidth > 0)
xTrg_first = xTrg_last;
const auto trgPix = pixCvrt(srcLine[x]);
fillBlock(trgLine, trgPitch, trgPix, blockWidth, blockHeight);
trgLine += blockWidth;
case SliceType::TARGET:
//nearest-neighbor (going over target image - slow for upscaling, since source is read multiple times missing out on cache! Fast for similar image sizes!)
yFirst = std::max(yFirst, 0);
yLast = std::min(yLast, trgHeight);
if (yFirst >= yLast || srcHeight <= 0 || srcWidth <= 0) return;
for (int y = yFirst; y < yLast; ++y)
PixTrg* trgLine = byteAdvance(trg, y * trgPitch);
const int ySrc = srcHeight * y / trgHeight;
const PixSrc* srcLine = byteAdvance(src, ySrc * srcPitch);
for (int x = 0; x < trgWidth; ++x)
const int xSrc = srcWidth * x / trgWidth;
trgLine[x] = pixCvrt(srcLine[xSrc]);
#endif //XBRZ_TOOLS_H_825480175091875