Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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No changes between revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 7889 → Rev 7888

64,7 → 64,7
void DrawBufer::WriteText(dword x, y, byte fontType, dword color, str_offset, strlen)
void DrawBufer::WriteText(dword x, y, byte fontType, dword color, str_offset)
#define BUGFIX_32000 32000
dword ydiv=0;
72,7 → 72,6
dword new_buf_offset;
if (y + 30 >= bufh) IncreaseBufSize();
if (y < BUGFIX_32000) {
ESI = strlen;
WriteBufText(x, y, fontType, color, str_offset, buf_data);
else {
85,7 → 84,6
ESDWORD[new_buf_offset] = bufw;
ESDWORD[new_buf_offset+4] = bufh - y;
ESI = strlen;
WriteBufText(x, y, fontType, color, str_offset, new_buf_offset);
ESDWORD[new_buf_offset] = reserve_data_1;
154,15 → 154,15
$mov ebx,#__file_F70.func
$int 0x40
:int __FILE::write(dword write_offset, write_len, write_buffer, wfile_path)
:int __FILE::write(dword write_file_size, write_buffer, write_file_path)
__file_F70.func = 2;
__file_F70.param1 = write_offset;
__file_F70.param1 = 0;
__file_F70.param2 = 0;
__file_F70.param3 = write_len;
__file_F70.param3 = write_file_size;
__file_F70.param4 = write_buffer;
__file_F70.rezerv = 0; = io.path.path(wfile_path); = io.path.path(write_file_path);
$mov eax,70
$mov ebx,#__file_F70.func
$int 0x40
326,7 → 326,7
:int IO::write(dword PATH,data)
return file.write(0,strlen(data),data,PATH);
:dword IO::read(dword PATH)
355,7 → 355,6
$mov eax,70
$mov ebx,#__file_F70.func
$int 0x40
return EAX;
:signed IO::count(dword PATH)
2,7 → 2,7
void LoadIniSettings()
{ = ini.GetInt("FontSize", 13); = ini.GetInt("FontSize", 14);
encoding = ini.GetInt("Encoding", CH_AUTO);
curcol_scheme = ini.GetInt("ColorScheme", 2);
Form.left = ini.GetInt("WinX", 150);
97,8 → 97,8
text_color__ = text_colors[text_color_index];
if (link) && (text_colors[text_color_index]==text_colors[0]) text_color__ = link_color_default;
DrawBuf.WriteText(start_x, draw_y, list.font_type, text_color__, #line, NULL);
if (style.b) DrawBuf.WriteText(start_x+1, draw_y, list.font_type, text_color__, #line, NULL);
DrawBuf.WriteText(start_x, draw_y, list.font_type, text_color__, #line);
if (style.b) DrawBuf.WriteText(start_x+1, draw_y, list.font_type, text_color__, #line);
if (style.s) DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, list.item_h / 2 - zoom + draw_y, line_length, zoom, text_color__);
if (style.u) DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, list.item_h - zoom - zoom + draw_y, line_length, zoom, text_color__);
if (link) {
272,12 → 272,11
mov edi, windows
mov esi, []
mov esi, [colors.work_button]
cmp [window_active], edi
jne @f
;not esi
;and esi, 0x00ffffff
mov esi, [colors.work_light]
not esi
and esi, 0x00ffffff
inc edx
300,17 → 299,6
mov esi, 0x00aa0000 ; red !
; write closing cross
mov ebx, [xsize]
sub ebx, 9
shl ebx, 16
add ebx, TOP_SPACE+3
mov ecx, 0x80FFFfff
mov edx, closing_cross
mcall 4
; Draw the windownames onto the buttons
320,7 → 308,7
mov esi, MAX_WINDOWS
mov edi, windows
mov ecx, [colors.work_text]
mov ecx, [colors.work_button_text]
test [edi + window.flags], FLAG_UPDATED
jz @f
mov ecx, 0x00aa0000 ; RED!
559,8 → 559,6
default_real db 'Kolibri User', 0
default_quit db 'KolibriOS forever', 0
closing_cross db 'x',0
irc_colors dd 0xffffff ; 0 white
dd 0x000000 ; 1 black
dd 0x00007f ; 2 blue (navy)
75,6 → 75,7
-- For russian build, add russian-only files.
if build_type == "rus" then tup.append_table(img_files, {
{"EXAMPLE.ASM", PROGS .. "/develop/examples/example/trunk/rus/example.asm"},
{"PIPETKA", build_type .. "/pipetka"},
{"GAMES/BASEKURS.KLA", build_type .. "/games/basekurs.kla"},
{"GAMES/PADENIE", build_type .. "/games/padenie"},
{"File Managers/KFAR.INI", build_type .. "/File Managers/kfar.ini"},
612,7 → 613,6
{"TMPDISK", PROGS .. "/cmm/tmpdisk/"},
{"DEVELOP/CLIPVIEW", PROGS .. "/cmm/clipview/"},
{"DEVELOP/MENU", PROGS .. "/cmm/menu/"},
{"DEVELOP/PIPET", PROGS .. "/cmm/pipet/"},
{"File Managers/EOLITE", PROGS .. "/cmm/eolite/"},
{"KF_VIEW", PROGS .. "/cmm/kf_font_viewer/"},
{"GAMES/CLICKS", PROGS .. "/games/clicks/trunk/"},
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
41,7 → 41,7
¥¤ ªâ®à Animage /sys/media/animage
 «®¦¥­¨¥ 䨫ìâ஢ /sys/media/imgf/imgf
 «¨âà  /sys/media/palitra
¨¯¥âª  /sys/develop/pipet
¨¯¥âª  /sys/pipetka
#4 **** ‡¢ãª ¨ ¢¨¤¥® ****
€ã¤¨®¯«¥¥à Pixie /sys/media/pixie
€ã¤¨®¯«¥¥à AC97SND /sys/media/ac97snd
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
3,11 → 3,12
Demos > /@1
Graphics > /@3
Multimedia > /@4
Emulators* > /@18
Development > /@5
System > /@7
Data processing > /@10
Network > /@11
Other > /@14
Data processing > /@11
Network > /@12
Other > /@15
Help /sys/docpack
Run /sys/run
Shutdown /sys/end
40,7 → 41,6
Animage /sys/media/animage
Image Filtering /sys/media/imgf/imgf
Palitra /sys/media/palitra
Pipet /sys/develop/pipet
#4 **** MULTIMEDIA ****
Pixie AudioPlayer /sys/media/pixie
AC97SND Audioplayer /sys/media/ac97snd
47,6 → 47,7
Fplay* Video player /kolibrios/media/fplay
MidAMP /sys/media/midamp
#5 **** DEVELOPMENT ****
Examples > /@6
KPack Archiver /sys/kpack
Flat Assembler /sys/develop/fasm
Diff Tool /sys/develop/diff
56,24 → 57,36
Character table /sys/ASCIIVju
Key ASCII-codes /sys/develop/keyascii
Key SCAN-codes /sys/develop/scancode
#6 **** EMULATORS ****
DOSBox* (DOS PC) /kolibrios/emul/DosBox/dosbox
e80* (ZX Spectrum) /kolibrios/emul/e80/e80
FCE Ultra* (NES) /kolibrios/emul/fceu/fceu
Gameboy Color* /kolibrios/emul/gameboy
ScummVM* (adventure) /kolibrios/emul/scummvm
ZSNES* (super Nintendo) /kolibrios/emul/zsnes
#6 **** EXAMPLES ****
Threaded example /sys/develop/thread
Color slider /sys/demos/cslide
Console example 1 /sys/develop/testcon2
Console example 2 /sys/develop/test_gets
Message Boxes example /sys/demos/use_mb
#7 **** SYSTEM ****
File Management > /@8
Accessibility > /@9
Hotkeys /sys/mykey
Settings > /@8
System monitors > /@9
File Management > /@10
Testing > /@16
Accessibility > /@17
Debug board /sys/develop/board
Clipboard viewer /sys/develop/clipview
Calendar /sys/calendar
Terminal /sys/terminal
#8 **** SETTINGS ****
System /sys/setup
Background generator /sys/media/palitra
Colors & Skin /sys/skincfg
Hotkeys /sys/mykey
ATI video mode /sys/vmode
#9 **** SYSTEM MONITORS ****
Task manager /sys/cpu
System panel /sys/syspenel
#8 **** FILE MANAGEMENT ****
PCI devices /sys/pcidev
CPUID /sys/cpuid
Ghost Monitor /sys/gmon
Bus disconnect test /sys/kbd
HDD informer /sys/hdd_info
#10 **** FILE MANAGEMENT ****
KFAR /sys/File Managers/kfar
fNav /sys/File Managers/fNav/fNav
KFM /sys/File Managers/kfm
81,10 → 94,7
Virtual disks /sys/tmpdisk
Shell /sys/shell
Save ramdisk /sys/rdsave
#9 **** ACCESSIBILITY ****
Screen magnifier /sys/magnify
Screen keyboard /sys/zkey
#10 **** DATA PROCESSING ****
#11 **** DATA PROCESSING ****
Calculator /sys/calc
Tinypad /sys/tinypad
TextEdit /sys/develop/t_edit
92,12 → 102,12
Graph builder /sys/graph
Hex editor /sys/develop/heed
Unarchiver Unz /sys/unz
#11 **** NETWORK ****
Clients > /@12
Servers > /@13
#12 **** NETWORK ****
Clients > /@13
Servers > /@14
Network devices /sys/network/netcfg
Network status /sys/network/netstat
#12 **** CLIENTS ****
#13 **** CLIENTS ****
IRC /sys/network/ircc
FTP /sys/network/ftpc
TFTP /sys/network/tftpc
108,13 → 118,27
VNC Viewer /sys/network/vncc
Downloader /sys/network/downloader
Text-based browser /sys/network/webview
#13 **** SERVERS ****
#14 **** SERVERS ****
FTP /sys/network/ftpd
#14 **** OTHER ****
Emulators* > /@6
#15 **** OTHER ****
Analog clock /sys/demos/aclock
Binary clock /sys/demos/bcdclk
Timer /sys/demos/timer
Screenshooter /sys/scrshoot
RTF reader /sys/rtfread
#16 **** SYSTEM TESTS ****
Protection test /sys/test
Monitor test /sys/disptest
Graphics benchmark /sys/mgb
File system benchmark /sys/fspeed
#17 **** ACCESSIBILITY ****
Screen magnifier /sys/magnify
Screen keyboard /sys/zkey
#18 **** EMULATORS ****
DOSBox* (DOS PC) /kolibrios/emul/DosBox/dosbox
e80* (ZX Spectrum) /kolibrios/emul/e80/e80
FCE Ultra* (NES) /kolibrios/emul/fceu/fceu
Gameboy Color* /kolibrios/emul/gameboy
ScummVM* (adventure) /kolibrios/emul/scummvm
ZSNES* (super Nintendo) /kolibrios/emul/zsnes