Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 4288 → Rev 4287

1187,9 → 1187,9
xor eax, eax
mov [ecx+0], dword eax
mov [ecx+4], dword eax
mov eax, [_display.width]
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
mov [ecx+8], eax
mov eax, [_display.height]
mov eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
mov [ecx+12], eax
mov ebx, [pl0_stack]
379,6 → 379,8
_WinMapSize rd 1
LFBAddress rd 1
Screen_Max_X rd 1
Screen_Max_Y rd 1
209,7 → 209,7
xor esi, esi
mov edi, [_display.width]
mov edi, [Screen_Max_X]
mov eax, ecx
movsx ebx, ax
sar eax, 16
233,7 → 233,7
align 4
mov edi, [_display.height]
mov edi, [Screen_Max_Y]
mov eax, edx
movsx ebx, ax
sar eax, 16
294,8 → 294,8
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ecx, [_display.width]
mov edx, [_display.height]
mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
mov edx, [Screen_Max_Y]
jmp calculatescreen
align 4
303,11 → 303,9
xor eax, eax
mov [draw_limits.left], eax
mov [], eax
mov eax, [_display.width]
dec eax
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
mov [draw_limits.right], eax
mov eax, [_display.height]
dec eax
mov eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
mov [draw_limits.bottom], eax
mov eax, window_data
jmp redrawscreen
586,9 → 584,9
mov eax, [edi +]
add eax, [edi +]
mov ebx, [_display.width]
mov ebx, [Screen_Max_X]
cmp eax, ebx
jl .fix_vertical
jle .fix_vertical
mov eax, [edi +]
sub eax, ebx
jle @f
603,9 → 601,9
mov eax, [edi +]
add eax, [edi +]
mov ebx, [_display.height]
mov ebx, [Screen_Max_Y]
cmp eax, ebx
jl .fix_client_box
jle .fix_client_box
mov eax, [edi +]
sub eax, ebx
jle @f
1718,9 → 1716,9
mov ecx, [edi +]
mov edx, [edi +]
mov esi, [_display.width]
mov esi, [Screen_Max_X]
cmp ecx, esi
jae .fix_width_high
ja .fix_width_high
align 4
1732,9 → 1730,9
align 4
mov esi, [_display.height]
mov esi, [Screen_Max_Y]
cmp edx, esi
jae .fix_height_high
ja .fix_height_high
align 4
1883,7 → 1881,11
; get WinMap start
push esi
mov esi, [_display.width]
; mov edi, [Screen_Max_X]
; inc edi
; mov esi, edi
mov esi, [Screen_Max_X]
inc esi
; imul edi, ebx
mov edi, [d_width_calc_area + ebx*4]
1927,6 → 1929,9
; get WinMap start -> ebp
push eax
; mov eax, [Screen_Max_X] ; screen_sx
; inc eax
; imul eax, ebx
mov eax, [d_width_calc_area + ebx*4]
add eax, [esp]
1993,7 → 1998,7
sub ebp, [ff_xsz]
add ebp, [ff_x]
add ebp, [_display.width] ; screen.x
add ebp, [Screen_Max_X] ; screen.x
inc ebp
inc ebx
cmp ebx, [ff_ysz]
394,9 → 394,9
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left], eax
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width]
cmp eax, [_display.width]
cmp eax, [Screen_Max_X]
jl @f
sub eax, [_display.width]
sub eax, [Screen_Max_X]
sub [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left], eax
mov eax, []
406,9 → 406,9
mov [], eax
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height]
cmp eax, [_display.height]
cmp eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
jle .call_window_handler
sub eax, [_display.height]
sub eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
sub [], eax
jmp .call_window_handler
458,14 → 458,14
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height], eax
add eax, []
cmp eax, [_display.height]
jl .check_resize_e
sub eax, [_display.height]
cmp eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
jle .check_resize_e
sub eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
neg eax
add [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height], eax
mov ecx, [_display.height]
mov ecx, [Screen_Max_Y]
cmp ecx, eax
jg .check_resize_e
jge .check_resize_e
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.height], ecx
484,14 → 484,14
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], eax
add eax, [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.left]
cmp eax, [_display.width]
jl .call_window_handler
sub eax, [_display.height]
cmp eax, [Screen_Max_X]
jle .call_window_handler
sub eax, [Screen_Max_X]
neg eax
add [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], eax
mov ecx, [_display.height]
mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
cmp ecx, eax
jg .call_window_handler
jge .call_window_handler
mov [mouse.active_sys_window.new_box.width], ecx
523,6 → 523,9
;< esi = process slot
;< edi = pointer to WDATA struct
; mov esi, [Screen_Max_X]
; inc esi
; imul esi, [mouse.state.pos.y]
mov esi, [mouse.state.pos.y]
mov esi, [d_width_calc_area + esi*4]
486,11 → 486,13
mov [_display.width], eax
mov [display_width_standard], eax
dec eax
mov [Screen_Max_X], eax
mov [screen_workarea.right], eax
movzx eax, word [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_Y_RES]; Y max
mov [_display.height], eax
mov [display_height_standard], eax
dec eax
mov [Screen_Max_Y], eax
mov [screen_workarea.bottom], eax
movzx eax, word [BOOT_VARS+BOOT_VESA_MODE] ; screen mode
mov dword [SCR_MODE], eax
2189,6 → 2191,9
movzx eax, word [MOUSE_Y]
movzx ebx, word [MOUSE_X]
; mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
; inc ecx
; mul ecx
mov eax, [d_width_calc_area + eax*4]
add eax, [_WinMapAddress]
2495,10 → 2500,10
;* mouse centered - start code- Mario79
; push eax
mov eax, [_display.width]
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
shr eax, 1
mov [MOUSE_X], ax
mov eax, [_display.height]
mov eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
shr eax, 1
mov [MOUSE_Y], ax
call wakeup_osloop
2540,11 → 2545,11
; cmp ecx,4 ; set mouse pointer position
dec ecx
jnz .set_mouse_button
cmp dx, word[_display.width]
jae .end
cmp dx, word[Screen_Max_Y]
ja .end
rol edx, 16
cmp dx, word[_display.height]
jae .end
cmp dx, word[Screen_Max_X]
ja .end
mov [MOUSE_X], edx
call wakeup_osloop
2631,7 → 2636,9
mov eax, ecx
mov ecx, [_display.pitch]
mov [_display.width], eax
dec eax
mov [_display.height], edx
dec edx
; eax - new Screen_Max_X
; edx - new Screen_Max_Y
mov [do_not_touch_winmap], 1
2968,22 → 2975,22
jnz nosb9
; ecx = [left]*65536 + [right]
; edx = [top]*65536 + [bottom]
mov eax, [_display.width]
mov ebx, [_display.height]
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
mov ebx, [Screen_Max_Y]
; check [right]
cmp cx, ax
jae .exit
ja .exit
; check [left]
ror ecx, 16
cmp cx, ax
jae .exit
ja .exit
; check [bottom]
cmp dx, bx
jae .exit
ja .exit
; check [top]
ror edx, 16
cmp dx, bx
jae .exit
ja .exit
movzx eax, cx ; [left]
movzx ebx, dx ; [top]
3021,8 → 3028,8
and [draw_data+32 + RECT.left], 0
and [draw_data+32 +], 0
push eax ebx
mov eax, [_display.width]
mov ebx, [_display.height]
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
mov ebx, [Screen_Max_Y]
mov [draw_data+32 + RECT.right], eax
mov [draw_data+32 + RECT.bottom], ebx
pop ebx eax
3378,9 → 3385,9
add edx, draw_data - CURRENT_TASK
mov [edx + RECT.left], 0
mov [edx +], 0
mov eax, [_display.width]
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
mov [edx + RECT.right], eax
mov eax, [_display.height]
mov eax, [Screen_Max_Y]
mov [edx + RECT.bottom], eax
3511,6 → 3518,26
; check if pixel is allowed to be drawn
; push eax edx
;; mov edx, [Screen_Max_X] ; screen x size
;; inc edx
;; imul edx, ebx
; mov edx, [d_width_calc_area + ebx*4]
; add eax, [_WinMapAddress]
; mov dl, [eax+edx]; lea eax, [...]
; xor ecx, ecx
; mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
; cmp al, dl
; setne cl
; pop edx eax
; ret
cpustring db 'CPU',0
4947,9 → 4974,9
jnz @f
mov word [msg_board_pos+2], (42*6)
add word [msg_board_pos], 10
mov ax, word [_display.height]
mov ax, word [Screen_Max_Y]
cmp word [msg_board_pos], ax
jb @f
jbe @f
mov word [msg_board_pos], 10
; // end if
5166,9 → 5193,9
.1: ; resolution
mov eax, [_display.width]
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, word [_display.height]
mov ax, word [Screen_Max_Y]
add eax, 0x00010001
mov [esp+32], eax
5254,9 → 5281,9
align 4
syscall_getscreensize: ; GetScreenSize
mov ax, word [_display.width]
mov ax, word [Screen_Max_X]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, word [_display.height]
mov ax, word [Screen_Max_Y]
mov [esp + 32], eax
5322,10 → 5349,10
align 4
syscall_getpixel_WinMap: ; GetPixel WinMap
cmp ebx, [_display.width]
jb @f
cmp ecx, [_display.height]
jb @f
cmp ebx, [Screen_Max_X]
jbe @f
cmp ecx, [Screen_Max_Y]
jbe @f
xor eax, eax
jmp .store
5342,7 → 5369,8
align 4
syscall_getpixel: ; GetPixel
mov ecx, [_display.width]
mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
inc ecx
xor edx, edx
mov eax, ebx
div ecx
5587,6 → 5615,8
mov [Screen_Max_X], eax
mov [Screen_Max_Y], edx
mov [_display.pitch], ecx
mov [screen_workarea.right], eax
5628,8 → 5658,8
call repos_windows
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
mov ecx, [_display.width]
mov edx, [_display.height]
mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
mov edx, [Screen_Max_Y]
call calculatescreen
pop edi
pop esi
111,6 → 111,9
push eax
push ebx
; mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
; inc ecx
; mul ecx
mov eax, [d_width_calc_area + eax*4]
add eax, [_WinMapAddress]
491,10 → 494,9
align 4
cmp ax, word [_display.width]
cmp ax, word [Screen_Max_X];ScreenLength
jl @@M2
mov ax, word [_display.width]
dec ax
mov ax, word [Screen_Max_X];ScreenLength-1
align 4
512,10 → 514,9
align 4
cmp ax, word [_display.height]
cmp ax, word [Screen_Max_Y];ScreenHeigth
jl @@M4
mov ax, word [_display.height]
dec ax
mov ax, word [Screen_Max_Y];ScreenHeigth-1
align 4
618,17 → 618,15
add edx, eax
mov [cur_saved_base], edx
cmp ebx, [_display.width]
jb @F
mov ebx, [_display.width]
dec ebx
cmp ebx, [Screen_Max_X]
jbe @F
mov ebx, [Screen_Max_X]
align 4
cmp edi, [_display.height]
jb @F
mov edi, [_display.height]
dec edi
cmp edi, [Screen_Max_Y]
jbe @F
mov edi, [Screen_Max_Y]
align 4
738,17 → 736,15
lea edx, [LFB_BASE+eax+ecx*4]
mov [cur_saved_base], edx
cmp ebx, [_display.width]
jb @F
mov ebx, [_display.width]
dec ebx
cmp ebx, [Screen_Max_X]
jbe @F
mov ebx, [Screen_Max_X]
align 4
cmp edi, [_display.height]
jb @F
mov edi, [_display.height]
dec edi
cmp edi, [Screen_Max_Y]
jbe @F
mov edi, [Screen_Max_Y]
align 4
23,7 → 23,14
; If you're planning to write your own video driver I suggest
; you replace the VESA12.INC file and see those instructions.
;Screen_Max_X equ 0xfe00
;Screen_Max_Y equ 0xfe04
;BytesPerScanLine equ 0xfe08
;LFBAddress equ 0xfe80
;ScreenBPP equ 0xfbf1
; getpixel
218,7 → 225,8
add eax, [putimg.arg_0]
mov [putimg.line_increment], eax
; winmap new line increment
mov eax, [_display.width]
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
inc eax
sub eax, [putimg.real_sx]
mov [putimg.winmap_newline], eax
; screen new line increment
241,6 → 249,8
add edx, eax
; pointer to pixel map
mov eax, [putimg.abs_cy]
; imul eax, [Screen_Max_X]
; add eax, [putimg.abs_cy]
mov eax, [d_width_calc_area + eax*4]
add eax, [putimg.abs_cx]
685,11 → 695,12
; for example drawwindow_III and drawwindow_IV
; edi = 0x00000001 force
;;; mov [novesachecksum], dword 0
cmp eax, [_display.width]
jae .exit
cmp ebx, [_display.height]
jae .exit
cmp [Screen_Max_X], eax
jb .exit
cmp [Screen_Max_Y], ebx
jb .exit
test edi, 1 ; force ?
jnz .forced
878,6 → 889,9
align 4
; mov edi, ebx
; imul edi, [Screen_Max_X]
; add edi, ebx
mov edi, [d_width_calc_area + ebx*4]
add edi, eax
1209,8 → 1223,9
mov [drbar.real_sy], ebx
; line_inc_map
mov eax, [_display.width]
mov eax, [Screen_Max_X]
sub eax, [drbar.real_sx]
inc eax
mov [drbar.line_inc_map], eax
; line_inc_scr
mov eax, [drbar.real_sx]
1229,6 → 1244,8
add edx, eax
; pointer to pixel map
mov eax, [drbar.abs_cy]
; imul eax, [Screen_Max_X]
; add eax, [drbar.abs_cy]
mov eax, [d_width_calc_area + eax*4]
add eax, [drbar.abs_cx]
1752,21 → 1769,23
; Helper variables
; calculate 2^32*(BgrDataWidth) mod (ScreenWidth)
; calculate 2^32*(BgrDataWidth-1) mod (ScreenWidth-1)
mov eax, [BgrDataWidth]
dec eax
xor edx, edx
div dword [_display.width]
div dword [Screen_Max_X]
push eax ; high
xor eax, eax
div dword [_display.width]
div dword [Screen_Max_X]
push eax ; low
; the same for height
mov eax, [BgrDataHeight]
dec eax
xor edx, edx
div dword [_display.height]
div dword [Screen_Max_Y]
push eax ; high
xor eax, eax
div dword [_display.height]
div dword [Screen_Max_Y]
push eax ; low
; External loop for all y from start to end
mov ebx, [] ; y start
1920,7 → 1939,8
; advance edi, ebp to next scan line
sub eax, [draw_data+32+RECT.left]
sub ebp, eax
add ebp, [_display.width]
add ebp, [Screen_Max_X]
add ebp, 1
sub edi, eax
sub edi, eax
sub edi, eax
1951,7 → 1971,7
push edi
mov esi, bgr_next_line
mov edi, bgr_cur_line
mov ecx, [_display.width]
mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
inc ecx
rep movsd
jmp bgr_resmooth1