Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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No changes between revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 2461 → Rev 2462

0,0 → 1,9
size 80 60
elements 1
24 24 0 and[2]
captions 3
10 8 z x1
10 44 z x2
56 26 n y1
points 4
10 25 9 10 27 3 10 44 8 56 26 4
0,0 → 1,10
size 80 60
elements 1
24 24 0 and[3]
captions 4
10 8 z x1
10 44 z x2
30 44 z x3
56 27 n y1
points 5
10 25 9 10 27 3 10 44 8 56 27 4 22 44 9
0,0 → 1,9
if not exist bin mkdir bin
if not exist bin\font6x9.bmp @copy ..\..\..\fs\kfar\trunk\font6x9.bmp bin\font6x9.bmp
@copy *.png bin\*.png
@copy *.txt bin\*.txt
@fasm.exe -m 16384 log_el.asm bin\log_el.kex
@kpack bin\log_el.kex
if not exist bin\buf2d.obj @fasm.exe -m 16384 ..\..\..\develop\libraries\buf2d\trunk\buf2d.asm bin\buf2d.obj
@kpack bin\buf2d.obj
0,0 → 1,60
size 168 108
elements 19
67 33 0 or[2]
67 39 0 or[2]
67 11 0 or[2]
67 5 0 or[2]
81 15 0 sm[1]
81 25 0 sm[1]
121 44 0 and[3]
121 52 0 and[3]
121 60 0 and[3]
121 68 0 and[3]
121 76 0 and[3]
121 92 0 and[3]
121 84 0 and[3]
94 19 0 not
101 29 0 not
94 29 0 not
101 19 0 not
94 15 0 not
101 15 0 not
captions 8
11 14 z a1
27 14 z a2
43 14 o a3
11 44 z b1
27 44 o b2
43 44 z b3
146 44 n 0
146 92 n 6
points 105
63 36 3 61 40 3 107 45 11 65 6 4 63 42 11 57 6 3
65 40 4 65 36 4 65 42 4 61 12 3 65 12 4 65 8 4
63 8 3 109 77 11 111 79 11 79 13 6 79 23 8 119 65 4
111 87 9 146 55 4 75 41 12 119 77 4 75 7 6 99 27 9
75 26 1 77 28 3 119 93 4 117 89 9 63 14 1 119 81 4
119 89 4 119 87 4 119 79 4 73 31 9 75 31 6 73 18 1
113 95 9 90 26 8 109 93 9 119 95 4 99 13 3 111 27 6
115 33 6 90 20 1 43 14 2 43 16 9 63 16 12 27 20 9
27 14 2 113 71 11 119 69 4 61 20 12 57 22 12 11 22 9
11 14 2 43 44 2 43 46 9 63 46 12 61 50 12 27 50 9
27 44 2 11 44 2 11 52 9 57 52 12 99 33 9 57 34 3
119 97 4 115 97 9 146 87 4 111 55 11 109 16 4 146 79 4
119 49 4 115 49 11 119 47 4 119 57 4 117 57 11 117 30 6
119 61 4 146 63 4 146 71 4 119 85 4 119 73 4 146 47 4
107 61 11 146 95 4 119 55 4 119 53 4 113 20 6 119 45 4
117 73 11 119 71 4 115 81 11 107 69 9 111 47 11 107 53 11
90 16 1 115 65 11 90 23 4 109 85 11 90 30 1 119 63 4
107 13 2 113 63 11 77 35 4
subpoints 74
63 40 63 12 75 18 61 16 57 20 57 16 61 46 57 50
57 46 75 35 75 13 117 49 113 47 107 20 109 20 107 27
109 27 107 30 115 47 109 30 111 30 113 30 117 55 115 55
113 55 109 53 111 53 113 53 115 53 113 33 111 33 109 33
107 33 117 65 115 63 117 63 109 61 111 61 113 61 115 61
115 71 117 71 117 69 115 69 113 69 111 69 109 69 117 53
117 81 113 79 115 79 117 79 111 77 113 77 115 77 115 93
113 93 115 95 117 61 117 87 117 85 115 85 115 87 113 87
113 85 111 85 117 77 117 47 109 45 111 45 113 45 115 45
117 45 107 16
0,0 → 1,99
proc dll.Load, import_table:dword
mov esi,[import_table]
.next_lib: mov edx,[esi]
or edx,edx
jz .exit
push esi
mov esi,[esi+4]
mov edi,s_libdir.fname
@@: lodsb
or al,al
jnz @b
mcall 68,19,s_libdir
or eax,eax
jz .fail
stdcall dll.Link,eax,edx
push eax
mov eax, [eax]
cmp dword [eax], 'lib_'
pop eax
jnz @f
stdcall dll.Init,[eax+4]
pop esi
add esi,8
jmp .next_lib
.exit: xor eax,eax
.fail: add esp,4
xor eax,eax
inc eax
proc dll.Link, exp:dword,imp:dword
push eax
mov esi,[imp]
test esi,esi
jz .done
.next: lodsd
test eax,eax
jz .done
stdcall dll.GetProcAddress,[exp],eax
or eax,eax
jz @f
mov [esi-4],eax
jmp .next
@@: mov dword[esp],0
.done: pop eax
proc dll.Init, dllentry:dword
mov eax,mem.Alloc
mov ebx,mem.Free
mov ecx,mem.ReAlloc
mov edx,dll.Load
stdcall [dllentry]
proc dll.GetProcAddress, exp:dword,sz_name:dword
mov edx,[exp]
xor eax,eax
.next: or edx,edx
jz .end
cmp dword[edx],0
jz .end
stdcall strcmp,[edx],[sz_name]
test eax,eax
jz .ok
add edx,8
jmp .next
.ok: mov eax,[edx+4]
.end: ret
proc strcmp, str1:dword,str2:dword
push esi edi
mov esi,[str1]
mov edi,[str2]
xor eax,eax
@@: lodsb
jne .fail
or al,al
jnz @b
jmp .ok
.fail: or eax,-1
.ok: pop edi esi
db '/sys/lib/'
.fname rb 32
0,0 → 1,1262
; äã­ªæ¨ ¤«ï ᮧ¤ ­¨ï ¨ । ªâ¨à®¢ ­¨ï ¯à®¢®¤®¢
struct Cell
x dd ? ;+0
y dd ? ;+4
liv db ? ;+8
napr db ? ;+9
offs_cell_x equ 0
offs_cell_y equ 4
offs_cell_liv equ 8
offs_cell_napr equ 9
;áâàãªâãà  ¤«ï ᮧ¤ ­¨ï ¯®«ï
align 4
.index dd 0
cell dd 0 ;㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¯ ¬ïâì á® áâàãªâãà ¬¨ ï祥ª
.max_cell dd 90000
.b_sort dd 0 ;£à ­¨æ  ¤«ï á®àâ¨à®¢ ­­ëå ï祥ª
pole_index equ dword[edi]
pole_data equ dword[edi +4] ;㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¯ ¬ïâì á® áâàãªâãà ¬¨ ï祥ª
pole_max_cell equ dword[edi +8]
pole_b_sort equ dword[edi+12] ;£à ­¨æ  ¤«ï á®àâ¨à®¢ ­­ëå ï祥ª
macro get_cell_offset reg,ind
mov reg,ind
imul reg,sizeof.Cell
add reg,dword[cell]
er_oom db 0 ;­  á«ãç © ¨áç¥à¯ ­¨ï ¯ ¬ïâ¨
Cor_x dd 0
Cor_y dd 0
zoom db 3 ;¬ áèâ ¡ ¯®«ï
txt_zoom db 'Œ áèâ ¡:',0
txt_osob db '’®ç¥ª:',0
txt_info: db ' §¬¥à: '
.size: rb 16
txt_mull db '*',0
txt_space db ' ',0
txt_nl db 13,10,0
txt_buf rb 32
align 4
proc pole_init uses eax ebx edi, pole:dword
mov edi,dword[pole]
;*** ª®¤ á ®¤­®© ®¡« áâìî ¢ ¯ ¬ï⨠***
mov ebx,4
add ebx,sizeof.Cell
imul ebx,pole_max_cell
stdcall mem.Alloc,ebx
mov pole_index,eax
mov ebx,pole_max_cell
shl ebx,2
add eax,ebx
mov pole_data,eax
stdcall pole_clear, edi
stdcall pole_paint, edi ;à¨á®¢ ­¨¥ ¯®«ï ¢ ¡ãä¥à¥ (­¥ ­  íªà ­¥)
align 4
proc pole_delete uses edi, pole:dword
mov edi,dword[pole]
stdcall mem.Free,pole_index
;ç¨á⪠ ¯à®¢®¤®¢ ­  á奬¥
align 4
proc pole_clear uses eax ecx edi, pole:dword
mov edi,dword[pole]
xor eax,eax
mov pole_b_sort,eax
mov byte[er_oom],al
mov ecx,pole_max_cell
imul ecx,sizeof.Cell
mov edi,pole_data
repne stosb ;memset(cell,0,sizeof(Cell)*pole_max_cell);
mov edi,dword[pole]
mov ecx,pole_max_cell
mov edi,pole_index
stosd ;for(i=0;i<pole_max_cell;i++) pole_index[i]=i;
;mov dword[edi],eax
;add edi,4
inc eax
loop @b
align 4
proc pole_cell_creat, pole:dword, x:dword, y:dword, li:dword
mov edi,dword[pole]
mov esi,pole_index
; *** ¥á«¨ ª«¥âª  㦥 ¡ë«  ᮧ¤ ­ 
stdcall pole_cell_find, [pole], [x],[y]
cmp eax,0
je @f
get_cell_offset ebx,eax
jmp .change
; *** ᮧ¤ ­¨¥ ­®¢®© ï祩ª¨
; ­ å®¤¨¬ ­®¬¥à ᢮¡®¤­®© ï祩ª¨ (i) ¤«ï ¤®¡ ¢«¥­¨ï ­®¢®©
;mov esi,pole_index
inc dword[esi]
mov ebx,pole_max_cell
cmp dword[esi],ebx
jne @f
dec dword[esi]
;... need call message: "eror out of memory" ...
;... ¢ë¢®¤ á®®¡é¥­¨ï ¯¥à¥¯®«­¥­¨ï ­ ¤® ¤®¡ ¢¨âì ...
mov byte[er_oom],0
jmp .fun_e ;return;
mov eax,dword[esi] ;eax - ­®¬¥à ¤«ï ¯®á«¥¤­¥© ï祩ª¨
shl eax,2
add eax,pole_index ;eax - 㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¤®¡ ¢«ï¥¬ãî ï祩ªã (¢ ª®­¥æ ¬ áᨢ )
get_cell_offset ebx,dword[eax]
mov ecx,dword[x]
mov dword[ebx],ecx ;+0 = .x
mov edx,dword[y]
mov dword[ebx+4],edx ;+4 = .y
mov ecx,[li]
mov byte[ebx+offs_cell_liv],cl
;㤠«¥­¨¥ ï祩ª¨
align 4
proc pole_cell_delete, pole:dword, x:dword, y:dword
mov edi,dword[pole]
mov esi,pole_index
mov ecx,[esi]
cmp ecx,1
jl .fun_e
stdcall pole_cell_find, [pole], [x],[y]
cmp eax,0
je .fun_e ;¥á«¨ ª«¥âª  ­¥ ¡ë«  ᮧ¤ ­ 
cmp pole_b_sort,0
je @f
dec pole_b_sort
dec dword[esi]
mov edi,esi
add edi,4
mov edx,ecx
repnz scasd ;¯®¨áª
sub edi,4
shl edx,2
add edx,esi ;ª®­¥ç­ë© í«¥¬¥­â ¬ áᨢ 
sub edx,edi
shr edx,2
mov ecx,edx
bt ecx,31
jc .fun_e
mov esi,edi
add esi,4
mov edx,[edi] ;á®åà ­¥­¨¥ ⥪ã饣® 㪠§ â¥«ï
rep movsd
mov [edi],edx ;¢®ááâ ­®¢«¥­¨¥ ⥪ã饣® 㪠§ â¥«ï (¢ ª®­æ¥ ¬ áᨢ )
if 0
align 4
proc but_test_pole, pole:dword
stdcall [buf2d_clear], buf_0, [buf_0.color]
mov edi,dword[pole]
stdcall pole_paint,edi
mov ebx,5
mov esi,pole_index
mov ecx,[esi]
mov edi,open_file_lif
mov eax,[esi]
add esi,4
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall [buf2d_draw_text], buf_0, buf_font,edi,5,ebx,color_s0 ;à¨á㥬 ç¨á«® â®ç¥ª
add ebx,9
cmp ecx,1
jl .end_dr
mov eax,[esi]
add esi,4
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall [buf2d_draw_text], buf_0, buf_font,edi,5,ebx,color_caption ;à¨á㥬 㪠§ â¥«¨ ­  ¬ áᨢë â®ç¥ª
add ebx,9
loop @b
mov ecx,4
mov eax,[esi]
add esi,4
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall [buf2d_draw_text], buf_0, buf_font,edi,5,ebx,color_border ;à¨á㥬 4 áâப¨ 㪠§ â¥«¥©
add ebx,9
loop @b
stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0
;call redraw_pole
end if
; eax - index
align 4
proc pole_cell_find uses edi, pole:dword, x:dword, y:dword
mov edi,dword[pole]
mov eax,pole_index
cmp dword[eax],0
jne @f
xor eax,eax ;if(!fristC) return 0;
jmp .fun_e
xor eax,eax ;fnd=0;
cmp pole_b_sort,0
je @f
stdcall pole_bin_find, pole_index, [x],[y], pole_b_sort ;i=BinFind(pole_index, x,y, pole_b_sort);
cmp eax,0
je @f
shl eax,2
add eax,pole_index
mov eax,dword[eax] ;if(i) fnd=pole_index[i];
jmp .fun_e
cmp eax,0
jne @f ;¯®¨áª ï祩ª¨ §  ¡¨­ à­ë¬ ¤¥à¥¢®¬
push ebx ecx edx esi
;ebx -> i
;ecx -> firstC
;edx -> &pole_index[i]
;esi -> cell[pole_index[i]]
mov ecx,pole_index
mov ebx,pole_b_sort
mov edx,ebx
shl edx,2
add edx,ecx
inc ebx
mov ecx,dword[ecx]
.cycle_b: ;for(i=pole_b_sort+1;i<=fristC;i++)
add edx,4
get_cell_offset esi,dword[edx]
mov eax,dword[x]
cmp dword[esi],eax ;+0 = .x
jne .if_e
mov eax,dword[y]
cmp dword[esi+4],eax ;+4 = .y
jne .if_e
;if(cell[pole_index[i]].x==x && cell[pole_index[i]].y==y){
mov eax,dword[edx] ;fnd=pole_index[i];
jmp .cycle_e ;break;
inc ebx
cmp ebx,ecx
jle .cycle_b
xor eax,eax ;¢®ááâ ­ ¢«¨¢ ¥¬ ­ã«¥¢®¥ §­ ç¥­¨¥ ¥á«¨ ­¥ ­ è«¨ ï祩ªã (¢ 横«¥ eax ¯®àâ¨âáï ¯à¨ ¯à®¢¥àª¥ ª®®à¤¨­ â)
pop esi edx ecx ebx
; eax - index
align 4
proc pole_bin_find uses ebx ecx edx edi, mas:dword, fx:dword, fy:dword, k:dword
xor eax,eax
mov ebx,1 ;ebx - ¬ ªá¨¬ «ì­ë© ¯®à冷ª ¤«ï ¤¥à¥¢ 
cmp dword[k],ebx
jle @f ;while(k>por)
shl ebx,1 ;por<<=1;
jmp @b
cmp dword[k],ebx
jge @f ;if(k<por)
shr ebx,1 ;por>>=1;
mov ecx,ebx ;i=por;
;ecx -> i
;edi -> mas[i]
.cycle_b: ;do{
shr ebx,1 ;por>>=1;
mov edi,ecx
shl edi,2
add edi,dword[mas]
stdcall pole_compare_cells_mb_coords, dword[edi],[fx],[fy]
cmp dl,0
je .if_u0_e
@@: ;while(i+por>k)
mov edx,ecx
add edx,ebx
cmp edx,dword[k] ;i+por>k
jle @f
shr ebx,1 ;por>>=1;
jmp @b
add ecx,ebx ;i+=por;
jmp .if_e
;else if(compare_cells_bm(mas[i],fx,fy))i-=por;
stdcall pole_compare_cells_bm_coords, dword[edi],[fx],[fy]
cmp dl,0
je .if_u1_e
sub ecx,ebx
jmp .if_e
;else { m=i; por=0; }
mov eax,ecx
xor ebx,ebx
cmp ebx,0
jne .cycle_b ;}while(por);
; dl
align 4
proc pole_compare_cells_bm_coords uses eax ebx ecx, i0:dword, fx:dword, fy:dword
get_cell_offset eax,[i0]
;eax -> cell[i0]
mov ebx,dword[fx]
cmp dword[eax],ebx
jle @f
mov dl,1
jmp .fun_e
mov ecx,dword[fy]
cmp dword[eax+4],ecx
jle @f
cmp dword[eax],ebx
jne @f
mov dl,1
jmp .fun_e
xor dl,dl
; dl
align 4
proc pole_compare_cells_mb_coords uses eax ebx ecx, i0:dword, fx:dword, fy:dword
get_cell_offset eax,[i0]
;eax -> cell[i0]
mov ebx,dword[fx]
cmp dword[eax],ebx
jge @f
mov dl,1
jmp .fun_e
mov ecx,dword[fy]
cmp dword[eax+4],ecx
jge @f
cmp dword[eax],ebx
jne @f
mov dl,1
jmp .fun_e
xor dl,dl
; dl
align 4
proc pole_compare_cells_bm, i0:dword, i1:dword
push eax ebx ecx
get_cell_offset eax,[i0] ;eax -> cell[i0]
get_cell_offset ebx,[i1] ;ebx -> cell[i1]
mov ecx,dword[ebx] ;+0 = .x
cmp dword[eax],ecx
jle @f ;x0>x1
mov dl,1
jmp .fun_e
jne @f ;x0==x1
mov ecx,dword[ebx+4] ;+4 = .y
cmp dword[eax+4],ecx
jle @f ;y0>y1
mov dl,1
jmp .fun_e
xor dl,dl
pop ecx ebx eax
; ç¨á⪠ ï祥ª (¯à®¢®¤®¢), ãáâ ­®¢ª  ­  ¢á¥å ¯à®¢®¤ å 0-£® ᨣ­ « 
; ­ã¦­® ¢ë§ë¢ âì ¯à¨ ä®à¬¨à®¢ ­¨¨ ¨«¨ ¯¥à¥¤ § ¯ã᪮¬ á奬ë
align 4
proc pole_reset_cells uses eax ebx ecx edi, pole:dword
mov edi,dword[pole]
mov eax,pole_index
cmp dword[eax],0
je .fun_e ;¥á«¨ ­¥â ï祥ª (¯à®¢®¤®¢) â® ¢ë室
mov ecx,dword[eax]
@@: ;横« ¯® ¢á¥¬ ï祩ª ¬
add eax,4
mov ebx,[eax]
imul ebx,sizeof.Cell
add ebx,pole_data
;and byte[ebx+offs_cell_liv],0xfe ;á¡à®á ¬« ¤è¥£® ¡¨â 
cmp byte[ebx+offs_cell_liv],2
je .no_clear
mov byte[ebx+offs_cell_liv],0
loop @b
align 4
proc p_paint_elems uses eax esi
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_info],0,tree1
pop esi
cmp esi,0
je @f
cmp word[esi],el_icon_elems ;¯®«ã祭¨¥ ç¥à¥§ esi ⨯ ¨ª®­ª¨
jne .end_element
stdcall [tl_node_poi_get_data], esi, tree1
pop eax
stdcall el_draw, eax
cmp word[esi],el_icon_captions ;¯®«ã祭¨¥ ç¥à¥§ esi ⨯ ¨ª®­ª¨
jne .end_caption
stdcall [tl_node_poi_get_data], esi, tree1
pop eax
stdcall capt_draw, eax
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_next_info],esi,tree1
pop esi ;¯¥à¥å®¤¨¬ ª á«¥¤ã饬ã 㧫ã
jmp @b
; äã­ªæ¨ï à¨á®¢ ­¨ï í«¥¬¥­â  ­  ¯®«¥
align 4
proc el_draw, h_elem:dword
mov edi,[h_elem]
mov eax,[edi] ;coord x
mov ebx,[edi+4] ;coord y
movzx edi,byte[edi+sp_offs_el_type]
imul edi,size_el_opt
add edi,el_opt_beg ;edi - 㪠§ â¥«ì ­  áâàãªâãàã ᮠ᢮©á⢠¬¨ í«¥¬¥­â 
movzx ecx,byte[edi+el_offs_box_x]
movzx edx,byte[edi+el_offs_box_y]
dec ecx
dec edx
push eax ebx
mov esi,[h_elem]
movzx esi,byte[esi+8]
push dword[edi+el_offs_col]
push ebx
push eax
stdcall move_rotate_n90, ecx,edx,esi
stdcall draw_scaled_rect, eax,ebx ;à¨á®¢ ­¨ ª®à¯ãá  í«¥¬¥­â 
pop ebx eax
;***  «£®à¨â¬ à¨á®¢ ­¨ï ­®£ ***
movzx esi,byte[zoom]
cmp esi,1
jne .end_m1
;*** à¨á®¢ ­¨¥ ­®£ ¯à¨ 1-¬ ¬ áèâ ¡¥ ***
;¢å®¤­ë¥ ­®£¨
mov esi,[h_elem]
stdcall el_get_leg_coords,esi,0 ;ãáâ ­®¢ª  ¯ à ¬¥â஢ 0-© ­®£¨
add eax,[Cor_x]
add ebx,[Cor_y]
movzx esi,byte[esi+8]
stdcall move_rotate_n90, 1,0,esi
mov edx,el_offs_legs_inp
inc edx
stdcall [buf2d_set_pixel], buf_0, eax,ebx,dword[edi+el_offs_col]
movzx ecx,byte[edi+edx]
cmp ecx,0
je @f
stdcall move_rotate_n90, 0,ecx,esi
inc edx
jmp @b
;¢ë室­ë¥ ­®£¨
mov esi,[h_elem]
stdcall el_get_leg_coords,esi,(1 shl 16) ;ãáâ ­®¢ª  ¯ à ¬¥â஢ 0-© ­®£¨
add eax,[Cor_x] ;¤«ï à ¡®âë á buf2d_line
add ebx,[Cor_y] ;¤«ï à ¡®âë á buf2d_line
movzx esi,byte[esi+8]
stdcall move_rotate_n90, -2,0,esi
mov edx,el_offs_legs_out
inc edx
push dword[edi+el_offs_col]
stdcall move_rotate_n90, 1,0,esi
push ebx
push eax
stdcall move_rotate_n90, -1,0,esi
;stdcall draw_scaled_rect, eax,ebx
stdcall [buf2d_line], buf_0, eax,ebx
movzx ecx,byte[edi+edx]
cmp ecx,0
je @f
stdcall move_rotate_n90, 0,ecx,esi
inc edx
jmp @b
jmp .end_mn
;*** à¨á®¢ ­¨¥ ­®£ ¯à¨ n-¬ ¬ áèâ ¡¥ ***
;¢å®¤­ë¥ ­®£¨
xor edx,edx
stdcall el_get_leg_coords,[h_elem],edx
mov ecx,eax
or ecx,ebx
jz @f
mov ecx,[h_elem]
movzx ecx,byte[ecx+8]
stdcall move_rotate_n90, 1,0,ecx
add eax,[Cor_x]
add ebx,[Cor_y]
imul eax,esi
imul ebx,esi
stdcall [buf2d_filled_rect_by_size], buf_0, eax,ebx,esi,esi, dword[edi+el_offs_col]
inc edx
jmp @b
;¢ë室­ë¥ ­®£¨
mov edx,(1 shl 16)
stdcall el_get_leg_coords,[h_elem],edx
mov ecx,eax
or ecx,ebx
jz @f
mov ecx,[h_elem]
movzx ecx,byte[ecx+8]
push dword[edi+el_offs_col]
stdcall move_rotate_n90, -2,0,ecx
push ebx
push eax
stdcall move_rotate_n90, 1,0,ecx
stdcall draw_scaled_rect, eax,ebx
inc edx
jmp @b
align 4
proc capt_draw uses eax ebx edi esi, h_capt:dword
mov edi,[h_capt]
mov eax,[edi] ;coord x
mov ebx,[edi+4] ;coord y
add eax,[Cor_x]
add ebx,[Cor_y]
movzx esi,byte[zoom]
cmp esi,1
jle @f
imul eax,esi
imul ebx,esi
add edi,capt_offs ;edi - 㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¯®«­ãî ¯®¤¯¨áì (á ª®®à¤¨­ â ¬¨)
call str_next_val
call str_next_val
;call str_next_val
stdcall [buf2d_draw_text], buf_0, buf_font,edi,eax,ebx,color_caption ;à¨á㥬 áâபã á ⥪á⮬
; ¯®¤äã­ªæ¨ï ¤«ï à¨á®¢ ­¨ï 㢥«¨ç¥­­ëå ¯àאַ㣮«ì­¨ª®¢ ­  á奬¥
align 4
proc draw_scaled_rect uses eax ebx ecx edx edi, x0:dword,y0:dword,x1:dword,y1:dword, color:dword
movzx edi,byte[zoom]
mov edx,[y1]
mov ecx,[x1]
mov ebx,[y0]
mov eax,[x0]
cmp eax,ecx
jle @f
xchg eax,ecx
sub ecx,eax
cmp ebx,edx
jle @f
xchg ebx,edx
sub edx,ebx
inc ecx
inc edx
imul edx,edi
imul ecx,edi
add ebx,[Cor_y]
imul ebx,edi
add eax,[Cor_x]
imul eax,edi
stdcall [buf2d_filled_rect_by_size], buf_0, eax,ebx,ecx,edx, dword[color]
align 4
proc pole_paint, pole:dword
;*** நᮢ ­¨¥ à ¬ª¨
mov eax,[Cor_x]
mov ebx,[Cor_y]
mov ecx,[shem_w]
mov edx,[shem_h]
movzx esi,byte[zoom]
cmp esi,1
jle @f
imul eax,esi
imul ebx,esi
imul ecx,esi
imul edx,esi
dec eax
dec ebx
add ecx,2
add edx,2
stdcall [buf2d_rect_by_size], buf_0, eax,ebx, ecx,edx, color_border
;eax -> firstC
;ebx -> i
;ecx -> cell[pole_index[i]]
;edx -> color
mov edi,dword[pole]
mov eax,pole_index
cmp dword[eax],0
je .no_draw
mov eax,dword[eax]
mov ebx,1
@@: ;while(i<pole_b_sort && Cor_x+cell[pole_index[i]].x<0)
cmp ebx,pole_b_sort
jge @f ;¯¥à¥å®¤¨¬ ­  ­ ç «® ­¨¦­¥£® 横« 
mov ecx,ebx
shl ecx,2
add ecx,pole_index
get_cell_offset ecx,dword[ecx]
mov edx,dword[ecx] ;+0 = .x
add edx,dword[Cor_x]
cmp edx,0
jge @f ;¯¥à¥å®¤¨¬ ­  ­ ç «® ­¨¦­¥£® 横« 
inc ebx ;i++; // ¤«ï ¯à®¯ã᪠ ï祥ª §  ®ª­®¬ á«¥¢ 
jmp @b
;eax -> pole_index[firstC]
;ebx -> pole_index[i]
;edi -> coord_x
;esi -> coord_y
shl eax,2
shl ebx,2
add eax,pole_index
add ebx,pole_index
cmp byte[zoom],2
jge .zoom2
@@: ;for(;i<=fristC;i++){
get_cell_offset ecx,dword[ebx]
mov edi,dword[Cor_x]
add edi,dword[ecx] ;+0 = .x
mov esi,dword[Cor_y]
add esi,dword[ecx+4] ;+4 = .y
movzx edx,byte[ecx+offs_cell_liv]
and edx,3 ;®£à ­¨ç¥­¨¥
shl edx,2
add edx,shem_colors
stdcall [buf2d_set_pixel], buf_0, edi, esi, [edx]
add ebx,4
cmp ebx,eax
jle @b
jmp .no_draw
@@: ;for(;i<=fristC;i++){
get_cell_offset ecx,dword[ebx]
movzx edx,byte[zoom] ;edx ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥âáï ¤«ï ¢­¥á¥­¨ï zoom ¢ 4 ¡ ©â­®¥ ç¨á«®
mov edi,dword[ecx] ;+0 = .x
add edi,dword[Cor_x]
imul edi,edx
mov esi,dword[ecx+4] ;+4 = .y
add esi,dword[Cor_y]
imul esi,edx
movzx edx,byte[ecx+offs_cell_liv]
and edx,3 ;®£à ­¨ç¥­¨¥
shl edx,2
add edx,shem_colors
movzx ecx,byte[zoom]
;;;dec ecx
stdcall [buf2d_filled_rect_by_size], buf_0, edi, esi, ecx, ecx, [edx]
add ebx,4
cmp ebx,eax
jle @b
call p_paint_elems
;‘®àâ¨à®¢ª  ï祥ª ¯®«ï, ­ã¦­  ¤«ï ¡®«¥¥ ¡ëáâண® ¯®¨áª 
align 4
proc pole_sort uses eax edi, pole:dword
mov edi,dword[pole]
mov eax,pole_index
mov eax,dword[eax] ;firstC -> eax
stdcall pole_fl_sort, pole_index,eax ;á®àâ¨à㥬 ¢á¥ ï祩ª¨
mov pole_b_sort,eax ;áâ ¢¨¬ ç¨á«® ®âá®àâ¨à®¢ ­­ëå ï祥ª à ¢­®¥ ç¨á«ã ¢á¥å áãé¥áâ¢ãîé¨å ï祥ª
;‘®àâ¨à®¢ª  ¢¥ªâ®à  a[1..n] ¬¥â®¤®¬ ”«®©¤ 
;«¥¬¥­â a[0] ¢ á®àâ¨à®¢ª¥ ­¥ ãç áâ¢ã¥â
align 4
proc pole_fl_sort uses eax ecx edx edi esi, a:dword, n:dword
mov ecx,dword[a]
;”®à¬¨à®¢ âì ¨á室­®¥ ç áâ¨ç­® 㯮à冷祭­®¥ ¤¥à¥¢®
mov eax,dword[n]
shr eax,1
@@: ;for(i=n>>1; i>=2; i--)
stdcall pole_fl_surface, ecx,eax,[n] ;(a,i,n)
dec eax
cmp eax,2
jge @b
;‚믮«­¨âì ¯à®æ¥¤ãà㠢ᯫëâ¨ï ”«®©¤  ¤«ï ª ¦¤®£® ¯®¤¤¥à¥¢ 
mov eax,dword[n]
@@: ;for(i=n; i>=2; i--){
stdcall pole_fl_surface, ecx,1,eax ;(a,1,i)
;®¬¥áâ¨âì ­ ©¤¥­­ë© ¬ ªá¨¬ «ì­ë© í«¥¬¥­â ¢ ª®­¥æ ᯨ᪠
mov edi,eax
shl edi,2
add edi,ecx ;edi -> &a[i]
mov esi,dword[edi] ;w=a[i];
mov edx,dword[ecx+4]
mov dword[edi],edx ;a[i]=a[1];
mov dword[ecx+4],esi ;a[1]=w;
dec eax
cmp eax,2
jge @b
;à®æ¥¤ãà  ¢á¯«ëâ¨ï ”«®©¤  ¯® ¤¥à¥¢ã a[1..k]
align 4
proc pole_fl_surface, a:dword, i:dword, k:dword
copy dd ?
;edx -> ...
;edi -> m
;esi -> j
mov eax,dword[a]
mov ebx,dword[i]
mov ecx,dword[k]
mov edx,ebx
shl edx,2
add edx,eax
mov edx,dword[edx]
mov dword[copy],edx ;copy=a[i];
mov edi,ebx
shl edi,1 ;m=i<<1;
.cycle_b: ;while (m<=k) {
cmp edi,ecx
jg .cycle_e
jne @f ;if (m==k) j=m;
mov esi,edi
jmp .else_e
@@: ;else if (pole_compare_cells_bm(a[m],a[m+1])) j=m;
mov edx,edi
shl edx,2
add edx,eax
stdcall pole_compare_cells_bm, dword[edx],dword[edx+4]
cmp dl,0
je @f
mov esi,edi
jmp .else_e
@@: ;else j=m+1;
mov esi,edi
inc esi
;if (pole_compare_cells_bm(a[j],copy)) {
mov edx,esi
shl edx,2
add edx,eax
stdcall pole_compare_cells_bm, dword[edx],dword[copy]
cmp dl,0
je .cycle_e ;} else break; //¢ë室 ¨§ 横« 
mov edx,esi
shl edx,2
add edx,eax
push dword[edx] ;push a[j];
mov edx,ebx
shl edx,2
add edx,eax
pop dword[edx] ;a[i]=a[j];
mov ebx,esi ;i=j;
mov edi,ebx
shl edi,1 ;m=i<<1;
jmp .cycle_b
;§­ ç¥­¨ï ¬­®£¨å ॣ¨áâ஢ 㦥 ­¥ ¢ ¦­ë â. ª. ª®­¥æ ä㭪樨
shl ebx,2
add eax,ebx
mov edx,dword[copy]
mov dword[eax],edx ;a[i]=copy;
align 4
proc pole_draw_pok uses eax ebx ecx edx edi esi, pole:dword
;mov edi,dword[pole]
mov eax,4 ;à¨á®¢ ­¨¥ ⥪áâ 
mov ebx,325*65536+5
mov ecx,[sc.work_text]
or ecx,0x80000000 ;or (1 shl 30)
mov edx,txt_zoom
;mov edi,[]
int 0x40
add bx,9
mov edx,txt_osob
int 0x40
add bx,9
mov edx,txt_info
int 0x40
mov eax,47
movzx ecx,byte[zoom]
mov ebx,(2 shl 16)
mov edx,(325+6*9)*65536+5
mov esi,[sc.work_button_text]
or esi,(1 shl 30)
mov edi,[sc.work_button]
int 0x40 ;¬ áèâ ¡
mov edi,dword[pole]
mov ecx,pole_index
mov ecx,[ecx]
mov edi,[sc.work_button]
mov ebx,(5 shl 16)
add edx,(6*0)*65536+9
int 0x40 ;ç¨á«® â®ç¥ª
align 4
cmp byte[zoom],16
jge @f
;¢ëç¨á«¥­¨¥ ᤢ¨£®¢ ¤«ï ¯®«ï, ª®â®àë¥ ®¡¥á¯¥ç â 業â஢ªã ¯®«ï ¯à¨ 㢥«¨ç¥­¨¨ ¬ áèâ ¡ 
movzx ecx,byte[zoom]
xor edx,edx
mov eax,dword[buf_0.w]
shr eax,1 ;¢ eax ¯®«®¢¨­  è¨à¨­ë ¯®«ï
mov ebx,eax ;¤¥« ¥¬ १¥à¢­ãî ª®¯¨î eax
div ecx ;¤¥«¨¬ eax ­  ⥪ã騩 ¬ áèâ ¡
xchg eax,ebx
xor edx,edx
inc ecx
div ecx ;¤¥«¨¬ eax ­  ­®¢ë© ¬ áèâ ¡
sub ebx,eax ;¢ëç¨á«ï¥âáï ᤢ¨£ ¯®«ï ª®â®àë© ®¡¥á¯¥ç¨â 業â஢ªã ¯®«ï
sub dword[Cor_x],ebx ;ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ ¯®«¥ §à¥­¨ï ¯® ®á¨ x
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,byte[zoom]
xor edx,edx
mov eax,dword[buf_0.h]
shr eax,1
mov ebx,eax
div ecx
xchg eax,ebx
xor edx,edx
inc ecx
div ecx
sub ebx,eax
sub dword[Cor_y],ebx ;ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ ¯®«¥ §à¥­¨ï ¯® ®á¨ y
inc byte[zoom]
stdcall pole_draw_pok, pole
call redraw_pole
align 4
cmp byte[zoom],1
jle @f
;¢ëç¨á«¥­¨¥ ᤢ¨£®¢ ¤«ï ¯®«ï, ª®â®àë¥ ®¡¥á¯¥ç â 業â஢ªã ¯®«ï ¯à¨ 㬥­ì襭¨¨ ¬ áèâ ¡ 
movzx ecx,byte[zoom]
xor edx,edx
mov eax,dword[buf_0.w]
shr eax,1 ;¢ eax ¯®«®¢¨­  è¨à¨­ë ¯®«ï
mov ebx,eax ;¤¥« ¥¬ १¥à¢­ãî ª®¯¨î eax
div ecx ;¤¥«¨¬ eax ­  ⥪ã騩 ¬ áèâ ¡
xchg eax,ebx
xor edx,edx
dec ecx
div ecx ;¤¥«¨¬ eax ­  ­®¢ë© ¬ áèâ ¡
sub ebx,eax ;¢ëç¨á«ï¥âáï ᤢ¨£ ¯®«ï ª®â®àë© ®¡¥á¯¥ç¨â 業â஢ªã ¯®«ï
sub dword[Cor_x],ebx ;ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ ¯®«¥ §à¥­¨ï ¯® ®á¨ x
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,byte[zoom]
xor edx,edx
mov eax,dword[buf_0.h]
shr eax,1
mov ebx,eax
div ecx
xchg eax,ebx
xor edx,edx
dec ecx
div ecx
sub ebx,eax
sub dword[Cor_y],ebx ;ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ ¯®«¥ §à¥­¨ï ¯® ®á¨ y
dec byte[zoom]
stdcall pole_draw_pok, pole
call redraw_pole
;業â஢ª  áå¥¬ë ¯® 業âàã íªà ­ 
align 4
proc but_center uses eax ebx ecx edx
movzx ecx,byte[zoom]
cmp ecx,1
jle .end_m_1
mov eax,[buf_0.w]
mov ebx,[shem_w]
imul ebx,ecx
sub eax,ebx
xor edx,edx
shl ecx,1
cmp eax,0
jge @f
neg eax
inc eax
div ecx
neg eax
inc eax
jmp .set_x
div ecx
mov [Cor_x],eax
mov eax,[buf_0.h]
mov ebx,[shem_h]
shr ecx,1
imul ebx,ecx
sub eax,ebx
xor edx,edx
shl ecx,1
cmp eax,0
jge @f
neg eax
inc eax
div ecx
neg eax
inc eax
jmp .set_y
div ecx
mov [Cor_y],eax
jmp .end_m_n
mov eax,[buf_0.w]
sub eax,[shem_w]
shr eax,1
bt eax,30
jnc @f
bts eax,31
mov [Cor_x],eax
mov eax,[buf_0.h]
sub eax,[shem_h]
shr eax,1
bt eax,30
jnc @f
bts eax,31
mov [Cor_y],eax
call redraw_pole
align 4
push eax ecx edx
mov eax,dword[buf_0.h]
shr eax,2
movzx ecx,byte[zoom]
cmp cx,2
jl @f ;¤¥«¥­¨¥ ­  ¢¥«¨ç¨­ã zoom
xor edx,edx
div ecx
add dword[Cor_y],eax
pop edx ecx eax
call redraw_pole
align 4
push eax ecx edx
mov eax,dword[buf_0.h]
shr eax,2
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,byte[zoom]
cmp cx,2
jl @f ;¤¥«¥­¨¥ ­  ¢¥«¨ç¨­ã zoom
xor edx,edx
div ecx
sub dword[Cor_y],eax
pop edx ecx eax
call redraw_pole
align 4
push eax ecx edx
mov eax,dword[buf_0.w]
shr eax,2
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,byte[zoom]
cmp cx,2
jl @f ;¤¥«¥­¨¥ ­  ¢¥«¨ç¨­ã zoom
xor edx,edx
div ecx
add dword[Cor_x],eax
pop edx ecx eax
call redraw_pole
align 4
push eax ecx edx
mov eax,dword[buf_0.w]
shr eax,2
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,byte[zoom]
cmp cx,2
jl @f ;¤¥«¥­¨¥ ­  ¢¥«¨ç¨­ã zoom
xor edx,edx
div ecx
sub dword[Cor_x],eax
pop edx ecx eax
call redraw_pole
; edx - count created points
align 4
proc shem_create_line uses eax ebx ecx edi, x:dword, y:dword, opt:dword
mov edi,pole
xor edx,edx
mov ebx,[x]
mov ecx,[y]
bt dword[opt],0
jnc @f
inc ebx
cmp ebx,[shem_w]
jge @f
stdcall pole_cell_find, pole,ebx,ecx
cmp eax,0
je .u0
imul eax,sizeof.Cell
add eax,pole_data
cmp byte[eax+offs_cell_liv],1
jne @f
stdcall pole_cell_creat, pole,ebx,ecx,1
inc edx
jmp .line_lr
mov ebx,[x]
;mov ecx,[y]
bt dword[opt],2
jnc @f
dec ebx
cmp ebx,0
jl @f
stdcall pole_cell_find, pole,ebx,ecx
cmp eax,0
je .u1
imul eax,sizeof.Cell
add eax,pole_data
cmp byte[eax+offs_cell_liv],1
jne @f
stdcall pole_cell_creat, pole,ebx,ecx,1
inc edx
jmp .line_rl
mov ebx,[x]
mov ecx,[y]
bt dword[opt],3
jnc @f
dec ecx
cmp ecx,0
jl @f
stdcall pole_cell_find, pole,ebx,ecx
cmp eax,0
je .u2
imul eax,sizeof.Cell
add eax,pole_data
cmp byte[eax+offs_cell_liv],1
jne @f
stdcall pole_cell_creat, pole,ebx,ecx,1
inc edx
jmp .line_du
;mov ebx,[x]
mov ecx,[y]
bt dword[opt],1
jnc @f
inc ecx
cmp ecx,[shem_h]
jge @f
stdcall pole_cell_find, pole,ebx,ecx
cmp eax,0
je .u3
imul eax,sizeof.Cell
add eax,pole_data
cmp byte[eax+offs_cell_liv],1
jne @f
stdcall pole_cell_creat, pole,ebx,ecx,1
inc edx
jmp .line_ud
align 4
stdcall [buf2d_clear], buf_0, [buf_0.color]
stdcall pole_paint, pole
stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0
0,0 → 1,2140
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ;¨¤¥­â¨ä. ¨á¯®«­ï¥¬®£® ä ©«  ¢á¥£¤  8 ¡ ©â
dd 0x1
dd start
dd i_end ;à §¬¥à ¯à¨«®¦¥­¨ï
dd mem
dd stacktop
dd 0
dd sys_path
color_border equ 0xff0000
color_s0 equ 0xff ;ᨣ­ « 0
color_s1 equ 0xffffff ;ᨣ­ « 1
color_s2 equ 0xff00 ;â®çª  ¡¥§ ¯¥à¥á¥ç¥­¨ï
color_s3 equ 0xff0000 ;¢à¥¬¥­­®¥ §­ ç¥­¨¥ ¤«ï á®åà ­¥­¨ï
color_caption equ 0x808080
;­®¬ à  ¨ª®­®ª:
el_icon_group equ 0 ;£à㯯®¢ ï
el_icon_points equ 1 ;â®çª¨
el_icon_sub_points equ 2 ;¨§®«ï樨
el_icon_elems equ 3 ;í«¥¬¥­â 
el_icon_captions equ 4 ;¯®¤¯¨á¨
size_el_opt equ 34 ;à §¬¥à áâàãªâãàë á ®¯æ¨ï¬¨ í«¥¬¥­â 
el_offs_nam equ 0 ;ᬥ饭¨¥ ¤«ï ­ ç «  ¨¬¥­¨ í«¥¬¥­â 
el_offs_col equ 16 ;梥â í«¥¬¥­â 
el_offs_box_x equ 20 ;è¨à¨­  ª®à®¡ª¨ í«¥¬¥­â 
el_offs_box_y equ 21 ;¢ëá®â  ª®à®¡ª¨ í«¥¬¥­â 
el_offs_table equ 22 ;㪠§ â¥«ì ­  â ¡«¨æã à ¡®âë í«¥¬¥­â 
el_offs_legs_inp equ 26 ;ᬥ饭¨¥ ­  ®¯¨á ­¨¥ ¢å®¤­ëå ­®£
el_offs_legs_out equ 30 ;ᬥ饭¨¥ ­  ®¯¨á ­¨¥ ¢ë室­ëå ­®£
sp_offs_el_type equ 9 ;ᬥ饭¨¥ ¤«ï ⨯  í«¥¬¥­â  ¢ ᯨ᪥
points_max equ 1000
capt_offs equ 10 ;ᬥ饭¨¥ ¤«ï ­ ç «  ¯®¤¯¨á¨ ¢ «¨á⥠tree1
include '../../../'
include '../../../'
include '../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/load_lib.mac'
include '../../../develop/libraries/box_lib/trunk/box_lib.mac'
include ''
include ''
include ''
include ''
@use_library_mem mem.Alloc,mem.Free,mem.ReAlloc,dll.Load
caption db '‹®£¨ç¥áª¨¥ í«¥¬¥­âë 15.03.12',0 ;¯®¤¯¨áì ®ª­ 
panel_0_coord_top equ 5 ;¢¥àå­ïï ª®®à¤¨­ â  0-£® à鸞 ¯ ­¥«¨ ¨­áâà㬥­â®¢
panel_1_coord_top equ 35
panel_2_coord_top equ 60
panel_3_coord_top equ 85
align 4
proc move_rotate_x_n90 uses ecx edi, d_x:dword, angle:dword
mov edi,[angle] ;㣮« ¯®¢®à®â  / 90 (®â 0-3)
and edi,3
shl edi,4 ;edi*=16
add edi,mcs
mov ecx,[d_x]
imul ecx,dword[edi]
add eax,ecx
mov ecx,[d_x]
imul ecx,dword[edi+8]
add ebx,ecx
struct FileInfoBlock
Function dd ?
Position dd ?
Flags dd ?
Count dd ?
Buffer dd ?
db ?
FileName dd ?
macro elOpt nam,col,box_x,box_y,table, il0, il1, il2, ol0, ol1, ol2
@@: db nam
rb @b+16-$
dd col
db box_x
db box_y
dd table+0 ;+el_offs_table
db il0+0 ;0-ï ¢å®¤­ ï ­®£ 
db il1+0 ;1-ï ¢å®¤­ ï ­®£ 
db il2+0
db 0
db ol0+0
db ol1+0
db ol2+0
db 0
align 4
elOpt 'or[2]', 0xff00ff,5,5,tbl_or, 1,2,, 2
elOpt 'or[3]', 0xff00ff,5,7,tbl_or, 1,2,2, 3
elOpt 'and[2]',0xffff00,5,5,tbl_and.2, 1,2,, 2
elOpt 'and[3]',0xffff00,5,7,tbl_and.3, 1,2,2, 3
elOpt 'not', 0xffff,3,3,tbl_not, 1,,, 1
elOpt 'xor', 0x8000ff,5,5,tbl_xor, 1,2,, 2
elOpt 'sm[1]', 0x8080ff,7,7,tbl_sm, 1,2,2, 1,4
elOpt '???', 0x808080,3,3,tbl_and.3, 1,,, 1 ;­¥ ®¯®§­ ­­ë© í«¥¬¥­â
;â ¡«¨æë ¯® ª®â®àë¬ § ¤ îâáï ¯à ¢¨«  à ¡®âë í«¥¬¥­â®¢
align 4
tbl_or db 0,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1 ;or2, or3
.3: db 0,0,0,0
.2: db 0,0,0,1
tbl_xor db 0,1,1,0
tbl_sm db 0,2,2,1, 2,1,1,3
tbl_not db 1,0 ;not
time dd 0
tim_ch db 0
pen_mode dd 0 ;०¨¬ à¨á®¢ ­¨ï ¯à®¢®¤ 
txt_set_0 db '0',0
txt_set_1 db '1',0
txt_mov_l db 27,0 ;<-
txt_mov_r db 26,0 ;->
txt_size db 'size',0
txt_elements db 'elements',0
txt_points db 'points',0
txt_sub_points db 'subpoints',0
txt_captions db 'captions',0
;¬ âà¨æ  ª®á¨­ãᮢ ¨ ᨭãᮢ, ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥¬ ï ¤«ï ¯®¢®à®â®¢ ᨣ­ «®¢ ¨ í«¥¬¥­â®¢
align 4
mcs dd 1, 0, 0, 1,\
0, 1,-1, 0,\
-1, 0, 0,-1,\
0,-1, 1, 0
run_file_70 FileInfoBlock
image_data dd 0 ;㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¢à¥¬¥­­ãî ¯ ¬ïâì. ¤«ï ­ã¦¥­ ¯à¥®¡à §®¢ ­¨ï ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï
image_data_toolbar dd 0
TREE_ICON_SYS16_BMP_SIZE equ IMAGE_TOOLBAR_ICON_SIZE*11+54 ;à §¬¥à bmp ä ©«  á á¨á⥬­ë¬¨ ¨ª®­ª ¬¨
icon_tl_sys dd 0 ;㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¯ ¬ïâì ¤«ï åà ­¥­¨ï á¨á⥬­ëå ¨ª®­®ª
TOOLBAR_ICON_BMP_SIZE equ IMAGE_TOOLBAR_ICON_SIZE*5+54 ;à §¬¥à bmp ä ©«  á ¨ª®­ª ¬¨ ®¡ê¥ªâ®¢
icon_toolbar dd 0 ;㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¯ ¬ïâì ¤«ï åà ­¥­¨ï ¨ª®­®ª ®¡ê¥ªâ®¢
IMAGE_FONT_SIZE equ 128*144*3
image_data_gray dd 0 ;¯ ¬ïâì á ¢à¥¬¥­­ë¬¨ á¥à묨 ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï¬¨ ¢ ä®à¬ â¥ 24-bit, ¨§ ª®â®àëå ¡ã¤ãâ ᮧ¤ ¢ âìáï âà ä à¥âë
macro load_image_file path,buf,size { ;¬ ªà®á ¤«ï § £à㧪¨ ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨©
;path - ¬®¦¥â ¡ëâì ¯¥à¥¬¥­­®© ¨«¨ áâப®¢ë¬ ¯ à ¬¥â஬
if path eqtype '' ;¯à®¢¥à塞 § ¤ ­ «¨ áâப®© ¯ à ¬¥âà path
jmp @f
local .path_str
.path_str db path ;ä®à¬¨à㥬 «®ª «ì­ãî ¯¥à¥¬¥­­ãî
db 0
;32 - áâ ­¤ àâ­ë©  ¤à¥á ¯® ª®â®à®¬ã ¤®«¦¥­ ¡ëâì ¡ãä¥à á á¨á⥬­ë¬ ¯ã⥬
copy_path .path_str,[32],file_name,0x0
copy_path path,[32],file_name,0x0 ;ä®à¬¨à㥬 ¯®«­ë© ¯ãâì ª ä ©«ã ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï, ¯®¤à §ã¬¥¢ ¥¬ çâ® ®­ ¢ ®¤­®© ¯ ¯ª¥ á ¯à®£à ¬¬®©
end if
stdcall mem.Alloc, dword size ;¢ë¤¥«ï¥¬ ¯ ¬ïâì ¤«ï ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï
mov [buf],eax
mov eax,70 ;70-ï äã­ªæ¨ï à ¡®â  á ä ©« ¬¨
mov [run_file_70.Function], 0
mov [run_file_70.Position], 0
mov [run_file_70.Flags], 0
mov [run_file_70.Count], dword size
m2m [run_file_70.Buffer], [buf]
mov byte[run_file_70+20], 0
mov [run_file_70.FileName], file_name
mov ebx,run_file_70
int 0x40 ;§ £à㦠¥¬ ä ©« ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï
cmp ebx,0xffffffff
je @f
;®¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬ ¢¨¤ ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï ¨ ¯¥à¥¢®¤¨¬ ¥£® ¢® ¢à¥¬¥­­ë© ¡ãä¥à image_data
stdcall dword[img_decode], dword[buf],ebx,0
mov dword[image_data],eax
;¯à¥®¡à §ã¥¬ ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨¥ ª ä®à¬ âã rgb
stdcall dword[img_to_rgb2], dword[image_data],dword[buf]
;㤠«ï¥¬ ¢à¥¬¥­­ë© ¡ãä¥à image_data
stdcall dword[img_destroy], dword[image_data]
align 4
load_libraries l_libs_start,l_libs_end
;¯à®¢¥àª  ­  ᪮«ìª® 㤠筮 § £ã§¨« áì ¡¨¡«¨®â¥ª 
mov ebp,lib_7
cmp dword [ebp+ll_struc_size-4],0
jz @f
mcall -1 ;exit not correct
mcall 48,3,sc,sizeof.system_colors
mcall 40,0x27
stdcall [OpenDialog_Init],OpenDialog_data ;¯®¤£®â®¢ª  ¤¨ «®£ 
stdcall [buf2d_create], buf_0 ;ᮧ¤ ­¨¥ ¡ãä¥à 
load_image_file 'toolbar.png', image_data_toolbar,IMAGE_TOOLBAR_SIZE
stdcall pole_init, pole
stdcall dword[tl_data_init], tree1
;á¨á⥬­ë¥ ¨ª®­ª¨ 16*16 ¤«ï tree_list
load_image_file 'tl_sys_16.png', icon_tl_sys,TREE_ICON_SYS16_BMP_SIZE
;¥á«¨ ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨¥ ­¥ ®âªàë«®áì, â® ¢ icon_tl_sys ¡ã¤ãâ
;­¥ ¨­¨æ¨ «¨§¨à®¢ ­­ë¥ ¤ ­­ë¥, ­® ®è¨¡ª¨ ­¥ ¡ã¤¥â, â. ª. ¡ãä¥à ­ã¦­®£® à §¬¥à 
mov eax,dword[icon_tl_sys]
mov dword[tree1.data_img_sys],eax
load_image_file 'objects.png', icon_toolbar,TOOLBAR_ICON_BMP_SIZE
mov eax,dword[icon_toolbar]
mov dword[tree1.data_img],eax
load_image_file 'font6x9.bmp', image_data_gray,IMAGE_FONT_SIZE
stdcall [buf2d_create_f_img], buf_font,[image_data_gray] ;ᮧ¤ ¥¬ ¡ãä¥à
stdcall mem.Free,[image_data_gray] ;®á¢®¡®¦¤ ¥¬ ¯ ¬ïâì
stdcall [buf2d_conv_24_to_8], buf_font,1 ;¤¥« ¥¬ ¡ãä¥à ¯à®§à ç­®á⨠8 ¡¨â
stdcall [buf2d_convert_text_matrix], buf_font
stdcall sign_init, 3000
mcall 26,9
mov [last_time],eax
align 4
call draw_window
align 4
mcall 26,9
mov ebx,[last_time]
add ebx,10 ;§ ¤¥à¦ª 
cmp ebx,eax
jge @f
mov ebx,eax
sub ebx,eax
;cmp ebx,10 ;§ ¤¥à¦ª 
;ja timer_funct
;test ebx,ebx
;jz timer_funct
mcall 23
cmp eax,0
je timer_funct
cmp al,1
jz red_win
cmp al,EV_KEY
jz key
cmp al,3
jz button
cmp al,EV_MOUSE
jne @f
call mouse
jmp still
align 4
mcall 26,9
mov [last_time],eax
cmp byte[tim_ch],0
je @f
inc dword[time]
call sign_move
mov eax,[time]
and eax,11b ;ªà â­®áâì 4-¬
jnz @f
call sign_from_elems
call sign_from_captions
jmp still
align 4
stdcall [tl_mouse], tree1
push eax ebx ecx edx
mcall 37,2 ;­ ¦ âë¥ ª­®¯ª¨ ¬ëè¨
bt eax,0 ;«¥¢ ï ª­®¯ª  ­ ¦ â ?
jnc .end_buf_wnd
mcall 37,1 ;eax = (x shl 16) + y
cmp ax,word[buf_0.t]
jl .end_buf_wnd ;­¥ ¯®¯ «¨ ¢ ®ª­® ¡ãä¥à  ¯® ®á¨ y
mov ebx,eax
shr ebx,16
cmp bx,word[buf_0.l]
jl .end_buf_wnd ;­¥ ¯®¯ «¨ ¢ ®ª­® ¡ãä¥à  ¯® ®á¨ x
and eax,0xffff ;®áâ ¢«ï¥¬ ª®®à¤¨­ âã y
sub ax,word[buf_0.t]
sub bx,word[buf_0.l]
;*** ¤¥«¥­¨¥ ­  zoom
movzx ecx,byte[zoom]
xor edx,edx
div ecx
xchg eax,ebx ;ebx ¤¥«¨¬ ­  ecx
xor edx,edx
div ecx
sub eax,[Cor_x]
sub ebx,[Cor_y]
;*** ¯à®¢¥àª  ­  ¯®¯ ¤¥­¨¥ ¢ á奬ã
bt eax,31
jc .end_buf_wnd
bt ebx,31
jc .end_buf_wnd
cmp eax,[shem_w]
jge .end_buf_wnd
cmp ebx,[shem_h]
jge .end_buf_wnd
cmp byte[pen_mode],1
jne @f
;०¨¬ à¨á®¢ ­¨ï ¯à®¢®¤ 
stdcall pole_cell_creat, pole,eax,ebx,0
;­¨ç¥£® ­¥ ã¡à «®áì redraw_pole ­¥ ¯®¤å®¤¨â, â. ª. ç¨áâ¨âì ¯®«¥ ­¥ ­ã¦­®
stdcall pole_paint, pole
stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0
;stdcall but_test_pole, pole
jmp .end_buf_wnd
cmp byte[pen_mode],2
jne @f
;०¨¬ à¨á®¢ ­¨ï ¨§®«ï樨 ¤«ï ¯à®¢®¤ 
stdcall pole_cell_creat, pole,eax,ebx,2
stdcall pole_paint, pole
stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0
;stdcall but_test_pole, pole
jmp .end_buf_wnd
cmp byte[pen_mode],3
jne @f
;०¨¬ áâ¨à ­¨ï ¯à®¢®¤ 
stdcall pole_cell_delete, pole,eax,ebx
call redraw_pole
;stdcall but_test_pole, pole
jmp .end_buf_wnd
pop edx ecx ebx eax
align 4
mcall 12,1
; *** à¨á®¢ ­¨¥ £« ¢­®£® ®ª­  (¢ë¯®«­ï¥âáï 1 à § ¯à¨ § ¯ã᪥) ***
xor eax,eax
mov ebx,(20 shl 16)+520
mov ecx,(20 shl 16)+415
mov edx,[]
or edx,(3 shl 24)+0x10000000+0x20000000
mov edi,caption
int 0x40
; *** ᮧ¤ ­¨¥ ª­®¯®ª ­  ¯ ­¥«ì ***
mov eax,8
mov ebx,(5 shl 16)+20
mov ecx,(panel_0_coord_top shl 16)+20
mov edx,3
mov esi,[sc.work_button]
int 0x40
mov ebx,(30 shl 16)+20
mov edx,4
int 0x40
mov ebx,(55 shl 16)+20
mov edx,5
int 0x40
mov ebx,(85 shl 16)+20
mov edx,6
int 0x40
mov ebx,(110 shl 16)+20
mov edx,7
int 0x40
mov ebx,(135 shl 16)+20
mov edx,8
int 0x40
mov ebx,(160 shl 16)+20
mov edx,9
int 0x40
mov ebx,(185 shl 16)+20
mov edx,10
int 0x40
mov ebx,(210 shl 16)+20
mov edx,11
int 0x40
mov ebx,(235 shl 16)+20
mov edx,12
int 0x40
mov ebx,(265 shl 16)+20
mov edx,13
int 0x40
; *** à¨á®¢ ­¨¥ ¨ª®­®ª ­  ª­®¯ª å ***
mov eax,7
mov ebx,[image_data_toolbar]
mov ecx,(16 shl 16)+16
mov edx,(7 shl 16)+panel_0_coord_top+2 ;icon new
int 0x40
add edx,(25 shl 16) ;icon open
int 0x40
add edx,(25 shl 16) ;icon save
int 0x40
add edx,(30 shl 16) ;+
int 0x40
add edx,(25 shl 16) ;-
int 0x40
add edx,(25 shl 16) ;
int 0x40
add edx,(25 shl 16) ;m
int 0x40
add edx,(25 shl 16) ;m
int 0x40
add edx,(25 shl 16) ;m
int 0x40
add edx,(25 shl 16) ;m
int 0x40
add edx,(30 shl 16) ;center
int 0x40
; *** à¨á®¢ ­¨¥ ¡ãä¥à  ***
stdcall [buf2d_draw], buf_0
mov dword[wScrObj.all_redraw],1
stdcall [tl_draw], tree1
stdcall pole_draw_pok, pole
; *** ᮧ¤ ­¨¥ ª­®¯®ª ãáâ ­®¢ª¨ ᨣ­ «®¢ set_0 ¨ set_1 ***
mov eax,8
mov ebx,(5 shl 16)+20
mov ecx,(panel_1_coord_top shl 16)+20
mov edx,20
mov esi,[sc.work_button]
int 0x40
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,21
int 0x40
add ebx,30 shl 16
mov edx,22
int 0x40
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,23
int 0x40
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,24
int 0x40
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,25
int 0x40
mov eax,4 ;à¨á®¢ ­¨¥ ⥪áâ 
mov ebx,(10 shl 16)+panel_1_coord_top+5
mov ecx,[sc.work_text]
or ecx,0x80000000 ;or (1 shl 30)
mov edx,txt_set_0
;mov edi,[]
int 0x40
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,txt_set_1
int 0x40
add ebx,35 shl 16
mov edx,txt_mov_l
int 0x40
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,txt_mov_r
int 0x40
; *** ᮧ¤ ­¨¥ ª­®¯®ª à¨á®¢ ­¨ï ¯à®¢®¤  ***
mov eax,8
mov ebx,(5 shl 16)+20
mov ecx,(panel_2_coord_top shl 16)+20
mov edx,30
mov esi,[sc.work_button]
int 0x40
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,31
int 0x40
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,32
int 0x40
add ebx,25 shl 16
mov edx,33
int 0x40
; *** à¨á®¢ ­¨¥ ¨ª®­®ª ­  ª­®¯ª å ***
mov eax,7
mov ebx,[image_data_toolbar]
mov ecx,(16 shl 16)+16
mov edx,(7 shl 16)+panel_2_coord_top+2 ;¨ª®­ª  áâ५ 
int 0x40
add edx,(25 shl 16) ;icon pen 1
int 0x40
add edx,(25 shl 16) ;icon pen 2
int 0x40
add edx,(25 shl 16) ;icon pen 3
int 0x40
mcall 12,2
align 4
mcall 2
stdcall [tl_key], dword tree1
jmp still
align 4
mcall 17
cmp ah,3
jne @f
call but_new_file
cmp ah,4
jne @f
call but_open_file
cmp ah,5
jne @f
call but_save_file
cmp ah,6
jne @f
call but_run_stop
cmp ah,7
jne @f
call but_zoom_p
cmp ah,8
jne @f
call but_zoom_m
cmp ah,9
jne @f
call but_pole_left
cmp ah,10
jne @f
call but_pole_right
cmp ah,11
jne @f
call but_pole_up
cmp ah,12
jne @f
call but_pole_dn
cmp ah,13
jne @f
call but_center
cmp ah,20
jne @f
call but_set_0
cmp ah,21
jne @f
call but_set_1
cmp ah,22
jne @f
call but_mov_l
cmp ah,23
jne @f
call but_mov_r
cmp ah,24
jne @f
call but_mov_u
cmp ah,25
jne @f
call but_mov_d
cmp ah,30
jne @f
call but_set_none
cmp ah,31
jne @f
call but_set_pen_1
cmp ah,32
jne @f
call but_set_pen_2
cmp ah,33
jne @f
call but_set_pen_3
cmp ah,1
jne still
stdcall [buf2d_delete],buf_0
stdcall [buf2d_delete],buf_font
stdcall mem.Free,[image_data_toolbar]
stdcall pole_delete, pole
call sign_delete
stdcall [tl_data_clear], tree1
mcall -1
align 4
stdcall pole_clear, pole
call redraw_pole
align 4
f_size dd 0 ;à §¬¥à ®âªà뢠¥¬®£® ä ©« 
shem_w dd 192 ;è¨à¨­  á奬ë
shem_h dd 128 ;¢ëá®â  á奬ë
shem_points dd 0 ;ª®««¨ç¥á⢮ 㧫®¢ ­  á奬¥
shem_sub_points dd 0 ;ª®««¨ç¥á⢮ ¨§®«¨à®¢ ­­ëå 㧫®¢ ­  á奬¥
shem_elems dd 0 ;ª®««¨ç¥á⢮ í«¥¬¥­â®¢ ­  á奬¥
shem_captions dd 0
dd color_s0, color_s1, color_s2, color_s3
align 4
rb 2*4096 ;®¡« áâì ¤«ï ®âªàëâ¨ï ä ©«®¢
align 4
copy_path open_dialog_name,communication_area_default_path,file_name,0
mov [OpenDialog_data.type],0
stdcall [OpenDialog_Start],OpenDialog_data
cmp [OpenDialog_data.status],2
je .end_open_file
;ª®¤ ¯à¨ 㤠筮¬ ®âªàë⨨ ¤¨ «®£ 
mov eax,70 ;70-ï äã­ªæ¨ï à ¡®â  á ä ©« ¬¨
mov [run_file_70.Function], 0
mov [run_file_70.Position], 0
mov [run_file_70.Flags], 0
mov dword[run_file_70.Count], open_file_lif.end-open_file_lif
m2m [run_file_70.Buffer], open_file_lif
mov byte[run_file_70+20], 0
mov dword[run_file_70.FileName], openfile_path
mov ebx,run_file_70
int 0x40 ;§ £à㦠¥¬ ä ©«
cmp ebx,0xffffffff
je .end_open_file
mov dword[f_size],ebx
add ebx,open_file_lif
mov byte[ebx],0 ;­  á«ãç © ¥á«¨ à ­¥¥ ¡ë« ®âªàëâ ä ©« ¡®«ì襣® à §¬¥à  ç¨á⨬ ª®­¥æ ¡ãä¥à  á ä ©«®¬
mcall 71,1,openfile_path
;§ ¤ ¥¬ ¬¨­¨¬ «ì­ë¥ §­ ç¥­¨ï, ­  á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¢ ä ©«¥ ¡ã¤ãâ ­¥ª®à¥ªâ­ë¥ à §¬¥àë
mov dword[shem_w],5
mov dword[shem_h],5
mov esi,txt_size
call str_analiz_r
cmp edi,0
je @f
stdcall str_len,esi
add edi,eax
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
cmp eax,5
jl @f ;®è¨¡ª  ¢ ä ©«¥ (­  .end_open_file ­¥ ¯¥à¥å®¤¨¬, ¯ëâ ¥¬áï ¯à®ç¨â âì ¤àã£ãî ¨­ä®à¬ æ¨î)
mov dword[shem_w],eax
call str_next_val
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
cmp eax,5
jl @f ;®è¨¡ª  ¢ ä ©«¥
mov dword[shem_h],eax
stdcall [tl_info_clear],tree1
;*** ¤®¡ ¢«¥­¨¥ ¢ ᯨ᮪ «®£¨ç¥áª¨å í«¥¬¥­â®¢ ***
stdcall [tl_node_add], txt_elements-capt_offs,(el_icon_group shl 16), tree1
stdcall [tl_cur_next], tree1
mov esi,txt_elements
call str_analiz_r
cmp edi,0
je .end_elems
stdcall str_len,esi
add edi,eax
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
cmp eax,0
jle .end_elems ;¥á«¨ ç¨á«® í«¥¬¥­â®¢ = 0
mov [shem_elems],eax
mov ecx,eax
call str_next_val
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
mov dword[txt_buf],eax ;ª®®à¤¨­ â  x
call str_next_val
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
mov dword[txt_buf+4],eax ;ª®®à¤¨­ â  y
call str_next_val
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
mov byte[txt_buf+8],al ;­ ¯à ¢«¥­¨¥
call str_next_val
;¯®  ¤à¥áã edi ­ §¢ ­¨¥ í«¥¬¥­â 
stdcall el_get_name, edi
mov byte[txt_buf+sp_offs_el_type],al ;⨯ í«¥¬¥­â 
stdcall make_list_capts,txt_buf,edi
stdcall [tl_node_add], txt_buf,(el_icon_elems shl 16)+1, tree1
stdcall [tl_cur_next], tree1
dec ecx
jnz .cycle_elem
;*** ¤®¡ ¢«¥­¨¥ ¢ ᯨ᮪ ⥪á⮢ëå ¯®¤¯¨á¥© ***
stdcall [tl_node_add], txt_captions-capt_offs,(el_icon_group shl 16), tree1
stdcall [tl_cur_next], tree1
mov esi,txt_captions
call str_analiz_r
cmp edi,0
je .end_captions
stdcall str_len,esi
add edi,eax
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
cmp eax,0
jle .end_captions ;¥á«¨ ç¨á«® ¯®¤¯¨á¥© = 0
mov [shem_captions],eax
mov ecx,eax
call str_next_val
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
mov dword[txt_buf],eax ;ª®®à¤¨­ â  x
call str_next_val
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
mov dword[txt_buf+4],eax ;ª®®à¤¨­ â  y
call str_next_val
mov al,byte[edi]
mov byte[txt_buf+8],al ;¢¨¤ ¯®¤¯¨á¨ ('z' - ᨣ­ « á 0, 'o' - ᨣ­ « á 1, 'n' - ­¥â ᨣ­ « )
call str_next_val
stdcall make_list_capts,txt_buf,edi
stdcall [tl_node_add], txt_buf,(el_icon_captions shl 16)+1, tree1
stdcall [tl_cur_next], tree1
dec ecx
jnz .cycle_captions
mov byte[txt_buf+capt_offs],0 ;®¡­ã«¥­¨¥ ¯®¤¯¨á¥©
;*** ¤®¡ ¢«¥­¨¥ ¢ ᯨ᮪ ª«î祢ëå â®ç¥ª ***
stdcall [tl_node_add], txt_points-capt_offs,(el_icon_group shl 16), tree1
stdcall [tl_cur_next], tree1
mov dword[shem_points],0
mov esi,txt_points
call str_analiz_r
cmp edi,0
je .end_points ;¥á«¨ ®¯¨á ­¨ï â®ç¥ª ­¥â ¢ ä ©«¥
stdcall str_len,esi
add edi,eax
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
cmp eax,0
jle .end_points ;¥á«¨ ç¨á«® â®ç¥ª = 0
mov [shem_points],eax
mov ecx,eax
call str_next_val
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
mov dword[txt_buf],eax ;ª®®à¤¨­ â  x
call str_next_val
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
mov dword[txt_buf+4],eax ;ª®®à¤¨­ â  y
call str_next_val
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
mov byte[txt_buf+8],al ;­ ¯à ¢«¥­¨ï
; stdcall make_list_capts,txt_buf,0
stdcall [tl_node_add], txt_buf,(el_icon_points shl 16)+1, tree1
stdcall [tl_cur_next], tree1
dec ecx
jnz .cycle_poi
stdcall [tl_cur_beg], tree1
;*** ¤®¡ ¢«¥­¨¥ â®ç¥ç­ëå ®¡ê¥ªâ®¢ ***
stdcall pole_clear, pole
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_info],0,tree1
pop esi
cmp esi,0
je @f
cmp word[esi],el_icon_points ;¯®«ã祭¨¥ ç¥à¥§ esi ⨯ ¨ª®­ª¨, ¨ ¯à®¯ã᪠­¥ â®ç¥ç­ëå ®¡ê¥ªâ®¢
jne .end_add_p0
stdcall [tl_node_poi_get_data], esi, tree1
pop eax
stdcall pole_cell_creat, pole,dword[eax],dword[eax+4],0
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_next_info],esi,tree1
pop esi ;¯¥à¥å®¤¨¬ ª á«¥¤ã饬ã 㧫ã
jmp @b
stdcall pole_sort, pole
;*** ¤®¡ ¢«¥­¨¥ â®ç¥ç­ëå ®¡ê¥ªâ®¢ (­  ®á­®¢¥ «®£¨ç¥áª¨å í«¥¬¥­â®¢) ***
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_info],0,tree1
pop esi
cmp esi,0
je @f
cmp word[esi],el_icon_elems ;¯®«ã祭¨¥ ç¥à¥§ esi ⨯ ¨ª®­ª¨
jne .end_add_p3
stdcall [tl_node_poi_get_data], esi, tree1
pop ecx
xor edx,edx ;edx - ­®¬¥à ¢å®¤­®© ­®£¨
stdcall el_get_leg_coords, ecx,edx
test eax,eax
jnz .add_beg1
test ebx,ebx
jnz .add_beg1
jmp .end_add_p1 ;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨­ âë ­¥ ¢§ï«¨áì (eax=0 && ebx=0), ¢ë室 ¨§ 横« 
stdcall pole_cell_creat, pole,eax,ebx,0
inc edx
jmp .add_p1
mov edx,(1 shl 16) ;edx - ­®¬¥à ¢ë室­®© ­®£¨
stdcall el_get_leg_coords, ecx,edx
test eax,eax
jnz .add_beg2
test ebx,ebx
jnz .add_beg2
jmp .end_add_p2 ;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨­ âë ­¥ ¢§ï«¨áì (eax=0 && ebx=0), ¢ë室 ¨§ 横« 
stdcall pole_cell_creat, pole,eax,ebx,0
inc edx
jmp .add_p2
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_next_info],esi,tree1
pop esi ;¯¥à¥å®¤¨¬ ª á«¥¤ã饬ã 㧫ã
jmp @b
stdcall pole_sort, pole
;*** ¤®¡ ¢«¥­¨¥ â®ç¥ç­ëå ®¡ê¥ªâ®¢ (­  ®á­®¢¥ ¯®¤¯¨á¥©) ***
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_info],0,tree1
pop esi
cmp esi,0
je @f
cmp word[esi],el_icon_captions ;¯®«ã祭¨¥ ç¥à¥§ esi ⨯ ¨ª®­ª¨
jne .end_add_p6
stdcall [tl_node_poi_get_data], esi, tree1
pop ecx
cmp byte[ecx+8],'n'
je .end_add_p6
stdcall pole_cell_creat, pole,[ecx],[ecx+4],0
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_next_info],esi,tree1
pop esi ;¯¥à¥å®¤¨¬ ª á«¥¤ã饬ã 㧫ã
jmp @b
stdcall pole_sort, pole
;*** à¨á®¢ ­¨¥ ¯à®¢®¤®¢ (­  ®á­®¢¥ â®ç¥ç­ëå ®¡ê¥ªâ®¢) ***
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_info],0,tree1
pop esi
xor ecx,ecx
cmp esi,0
je @f
cmp word[esi],el_icon_points ;¯®«ã祭¨¥ ç¥à¥§ esi ⨯ ¨ª®­ª¨, ¨ ¯à®¯ã᪠­¥ â®ç¥ç­ëå ®¡ê¥ªâ®¢
jne .end_add_p4
stdcall [tl_node_poi_get_data], esi, tree1
pop eax
movzx ebx,byte[eax+8]
stdcall shem_create_line, dword[eax],dword[eax+4],ebx
add ecx,edx
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_next_info],esi,tree1
pop esi ;¯¥à¥å®¤¨¬ ª á«¥¤ã饬ã 㧫ã
cmp ecx,250 ;ecx - ç¨á«® ¤®¡ ¢«¥­­ëå â®ç¥ª
jl @b
xor ecx,ecx
stdcall pole_sort, pole ;á®àâ¨à㥬 ¤«ï ®¯â¨¬¨§ æ¨¨ ¡ëáâத¥©á⢨ï
jmp @b
stdcall pole_sort, pole
stdcall pole_reset_cells, pole ;ç¨á⪠ ¯à®¢®¤®¢
;*** ¤®¡ ¢«¥­¨¥ ¨§®«ï樮­­ëå ®¡ê¥ªâ®¢ (¯àאַ ¨§ ä ©« , ¬¨­ãï § ¯¨áì ¢ ᯨ᮪) ***
mov dword[shem_sub_points],0
mov esi,txt_sub_points
call str_analiz_r
cmp edi,0
je .end_sub_points ;¥á«¨ ®¯¨á ­¨ï â®ç¥ª ­¥â ¢ ä ©«¥
stdcall str_len,esi
add edi,eax
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
cmp eax,0
jle .end_sub_points ;¥á«¨ ç¨á«® â®ç¥ª = 0
mov [shem_sub_points],eax
mov ecx,eax
call str_next_val
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi
mov ebx,eax ;ª®®à¤¨­ â  x
call str_next_val
stdcall conv_str_to_int,edi ;ª®®à¤¨­ â  y
stdcall pole_cell_creat, pole,ebx,eax,2
dec ecx
jnz .cycle_sub_poi
stdcall pole_sort, pole
;*** 㤠«¥­¨¥ ª«î祢ëå â®ç¥ª ᮠᯨ᪠ ***
mov ecx,[shem_points]
inc ecx
stdcall [tl_info_undo],tree1
loop @b
;*** ä®à¬¨à®¢ ­¨¥ ¯®¤¯¨á¥© ® ¯ à ¬¥âà å á奬ë ***
mov dword[txt_info.size],0
mov eax,dword[shem_w]
mov edi,txt_info.size
call convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat, edi,txt_mull
mov eax,dword[shem_h]
mov edi,txt_buf
call convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat, txt_info.size,edi
stdcall str_cat, txt_info.size,txt_space ;§ ¢¥àè î騩 ¯à®¡¥«
call but_center ;業â஢ª  á奬ë á ãç¥â®¬ shem_w ¨ shem_h
align 4
proc but_save_file
napr dd ?
;*** ¢ë§®¢ ¤¨ «®£®¢®£® ®ª­  ¤«ï á®åà ­¥­¨ï ä ©« 
copy_path open_dialog_name,communication_area_default_path,file_name,0
mov [OpenDialog_data.type],1
stdcall [OpenDialog_Start],OpenDialog_data
cmp [OpenDialog_data.status],1 ;if status==1 then save
jne .end_save_file
;*** ¯à®¢¥àª  ¥áâì «¨ ¯à®¢®¤  ­  á奬¥
mov edi,pole
mov esi,pole_index
cmp dword[esi],0
je .cycle1_beg ;.end_save_file ;¥á«¨ ­¥â ï祥ª (¯à®¢®¤®¢) â® ¢ë室
;*** ãáâ ­ ¢«¨¢ ¥¬ ¬¥âª¨ ­  ª«îç¥¢ë¥ â®çª¨, ª®â®àë¥ ¡ã¤ãâ á®åà ­¥­ë ¢ ä ©«
mov dword[shem_points],0 ;¤«ï ¯¥à¥®¯à¥¤¥«¥­¨ï â®ç¥ª
mov dword[shem_sub_points],0
mov ecx,dword[esi]
.cycle0: ;横« ¯® ¢á¥¬ â®çª ¬
add esi,4
mov ebx,[esi]
imul ebx,sizeof.Cell
add ebx,pole_data
cmp byte[ebx+offs_cell_liv],2
jne @f
inc dword[shem_sub_points]
jmp .cycle0_next
mov dword[napr],0
mov edx,[ebx+offs_cell_y]
push edx
mov edx,[ebx+offs_cell_x]
inc edx
push edx
stdcall pole_cell_find, edi
cmp eax,0
je @f
or dword[napr],1
mov edx,[ebx+offs_cell_y]
inc edx
push edx
mov edx,[ebx+offs_cell_x]
push edx
stdcall pole_cell_find, edi
cmp eax,0
je @f
or dword[napr],2
mov edx,[ebx+offs_cell_y]
push edx
mov edx,[ebx+offs_cell_x]
dec edx
push edx
stdcall pole_cell_find, edi
cmp eax,0
je @f
or dword[napr],4
mov edx,[ebx+offs_cell_y]
dec edx
push edx
mov edx,[ebx+offs_cell_x]
push edx
stdcall pole_cell_find, edi
cmp eax,0
je @f
or dword[napr],8
cmp dword[napr],5
je @f
cmp dword[napr],10
je @f
cmp dword[napr],15
je @f
mov eax,dword[napr]
mov byte[ebx+offs_cell_liv],3 ;ãáâ ­®¢ª  ¬¥âª¨
mov byte[ebx+offs_cell_napr],al ;ãáâ ­®¢ª  ­ ¯à ¢«¥­¨©
inc dword[shem_points]
dec ecx
jnz .cycle0
;*** á­ï⨥ ¬¥âª¨ á â®ç¥ª, ª®â®àë¥ ­ å®¤ïâáï ­  ¢å®¤­ëå ­®£ å «®£¨ç¥áª¨å í«¥¬¥­â®¢
mov dword[shem_elems],0 ;¤«ï ¯¥¯¥®¯à¥¤¥«¥­¨ï ç¨á«  í«¥¬¥­â®¢
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_info],0,tree1
pop esi
cmp esi,0
je .cycle1_end
cmp word[esi],el_icon_elems ;¯®«ã祭¨¥ ç¥à¥§ esi ⨯ ¨ª®­ª¨
jne .end_add_p1
stdcall [tl_node_poi_get_data], esi, tree1
pop ecx
inc dword[shem_elems]
xor edx,edx ;edx - ­®¬¥à ¢å®¤­®© ­®£¨
stdcall el_get_leg_coords, ecx,edx
test eax,eax
jz @f ;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨­ âë ­¥ ¢§ï«¨áì (eax=0 && ebx=0)
test ebx,ebx
jz @f ;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨­ âë ­¥ ¢§ï«¨áì (eax=0 && ebx=0)
stdcall pole_cell_find, edi,eax,ebx
test eax,eax
jz .no_erase
get_cell_offset ebx,eax
mov byte[ebx+offs_cell_liv],0 ;á­ï⨥ ¬¥âª¨
dec dword[shem_points]
inc edx
jmp @b
;mov edx,(1 shl 16) ;edx - ­®¬¥à ¢ë室­®© ­®£¨
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_next_info],esi,tree1
pop esi ;¯¥à¥å®¤¨¬ ª á«¥¤ã饬ã 㧫ã
jmp .cycle1
;*** ᮧ¤ ­¨¥ ¨­ä®à¬ æ¨¨ ¤«ï § ¯¨á¨ ¢ ä ©« ***
mov edi,open_file_lif
stdcall mem_copy,edi,txt_size,5
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
mov eax,dword[shem_w]
add edi,5
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
mov eax,[shem_h]
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_nl
;*** á®åà ­¥­¨¥ «®£¨ç¥áª¨å í«¥¬¥­â®¢ ***
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_elements
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
mov eax,[shem_elems]
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_nl
cmp eax,1
jl .cycle2_end
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_info],0,tree1
pop esi
cmp esi,0
je .cycle2_end
cmp word[esi],el_icon_elems ;¯®«ã祭¨¥ ç¥à¥§ esi ⨯ ¨ª®­ª¨
jne .end_add_p2
stdcall [tl_node_poi_get_data], esi, tree1
pop ecx
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
mov eax,[ecx] ;coord x
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
mov eax,[ecx+4] ;coord y
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
movzx eax,byte[ecx+8] ;angle
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
;¨¬ï í«¥¬¥­â 
movzx eax,byte[ecx+sp_offs_el_type]
imul eax,size_el_opt
add eax,el_opt_beg+el_offs_nam
stdcall str_cat,edi,eax
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_nl
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_next_info],esi,tree1
pop esi ;¯¥à¥å®¤¨¬ ª á«¥¤ã饬ã 㧫ã
jmp .cycle2
;*** á®åà ­¥­¨¥ ¯®¤¯¨á¥© ***
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_captions
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
mov eax,[shem_captions]
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_nl
cmp eax,1
jl .cycle3_end
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_info],0,tree1
pop esi
cmp esi,0
je .cycle3_end
cmp word[esi],el_icon_captions ;¯®«ã祭¨¥ ç¥à¥§ esi ⨯ ¨ª®­ª¨
jne .end_add_p3
stdcall [tl_node_poi_get_data], esi, tree1
pop ecx
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
mov eax,[ecx] ;coord x
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
mov eax,[ecx+4] ;coord y
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
movzx eax,byte[ecx+8] ;n,z,o
mov ah,' ' ;¯à®¡¥« ¯®á«¥ ¡ãª¢ë, çâ® ¡ë ­¥ ¤®¡ ¢«ïâì txt_space
mov dword[edi],eax ;al
;¨¬ï í«¥¬¥­â 
mov ebx,edi
mov edi,ecx
add edi,capt_offs
call str_next_val
call str_next_val
;call str_next_val
xchg ebx,edi
stdcall str_cat,edi,ebx
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_nl
stdcall dword[tl_node_poi_get_next_info],esi,tree1
pop esi ;¯¥à¥å®¤¨¬ ª á«¥¤ã饬ã 㧫ã
jmp .cycle3
;*** á®åà ­¥­¨¥ ª«î祢ëå â®ç¥ª ***
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_points
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
mov eax,[shem_points]
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_nl
mov eax,edi
mov edi,pole
mov esi,pole_index
cmp dword[esi],0
je .no_points ;¥á«¨ ­¥â ï祥ª (¯à®¢®¤®¢) â® ¯à®¯ãáª
mov ebx,pole_data
mov dword[napr],ebx
mov edi,eax
mov ecx,dword[esi]
.cycle4: ;横« ¯® ¢á¥¬ â®çª ¬
add esi,4
mov ebx,[esi]
imul ebx,sizeof.Cell
add ebx,dword[napr] ;pole_data
movzx edx,word[ebx+offs_cell_liv] ;also use offs_cell_napr
cmp dl,3
jne @f
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
mov eax,dword[ebx+offs_cell_x]
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
mov eax,dword[ebx+offs_cell_y]
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
movzx eax,dh
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
;stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_nl
dec ecx
jnz .cycle4
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_nl
;*** á®åà ­¥­¨¥ ¨§®«ï樮­­ëå â®ç¥ª ***
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_sub_points
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
mov eax,[shem_sub_points]
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_nl
mov eax,edi
mov edi,pole
mov esi,pole_index
;cmp dword[esi],0
;je .no_points ;¥á«¨ ­¥â ï祥ª (¯à®¢®¤®¢) â® ¯à®¯ãáª
;mov ebx,pole_data
;mov dword[napr],ebx
mov edi,eax
mov ecx,dword[esi]
.cycle5: ;横« ¯® ¢á¥¬ â®çª ¬
add esi,4
mov ebx,[esi]
imul ebx,sizeof.Cell
add ebx,dword[napr] ;pole_data
movzx edx,byte[ebx+offs_cell_liv]
cmp dl,2
jne @f
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
mov eax,dword[ebx+offs_cell_x]
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
mov eax,dword[ebx+offs_cell_y]
stdcall convert_int_to_str
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
;stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_nl
dec ecx
jnz .cycle5
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_nl
;*** ®¯à¥¤¥«¥­¨¥ ¯ à ¬¥â஢ ä ©« 
mov edi,open_file_lif
stdcall str_len,edi
mov ecx,eax
;*** § ¯¨áì ä ©« 
mov eax,70
mov [run_file_70.Function], 2
mov [run_file_70.Position], 0
mov [run_file_70.Flags], 0
mov dword[run_file_70.Count], ecx
mov [run_file_70.Buffer], edi
mov byte[run_file_70+20], 0
mov dword[run_file_70.FileName], openfile_path
mov ebx,run_file_70
int 0x40 ;á®å࠭塞 ä ©«
call redraw_pole
;ä®à¬¨à®¢ ­¨¥ ¯®¤¯¨á¨ ¤«ï ᯨ᪠
align 4
proc make_list_capts uses eax ebx ecx edi, buf:dword, txt:dword
mov ebx,dword[buf]
mov edi,ebx
add edi,capt_offs
mov dword[edi],' ' ;¯à®¡¥«ë ¤«ï ¢ëà ¢­¨¢ ­¨ï ¬ «¥­ìª¨å ç¨á¥«
mov eax,dword[ebx] ;+0 - offset coord x
cmp eax,100
jge @f
inc edi
cmp eax,10
jge @f
inc edi
call convert_int_to_str ;ª®®à¤¨­ â  x (¤«ï ¯®¤¯¨á¨)
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
mov eax,dword[ebx+4] ;+4 - offset coord y
call convert_int_to_str ;ª®®à¤¨­ â  y (¤«ï ¯®¤¯¨á¨)
stdcall str_cat,edi,txt_space
mov edi,dword[txt]
cmp edi,0
je .end_f
stdcall str_len,edi ;eax = strlen([edi])
mov ecx,edi
call str_next_spaces
sub edi,ecx ;®¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬ ¤«¨­­ã ¯®¤¯¨á¨
cmp edi,eax
jle @f
mov edi,eax ;¥á«¨ áâப  § ª®­ç¨« áì ­¥ ¯à®¡¥«®¬
;cmp edi,1
;jge @f
; mov edi,1 ;¬¨­¨¬ã¬ 1 ᨬ¢®«
add ebx,capt_offs
stdcall str_n_cat, ebx,ecx,edi
; eax - ⨯ í«¥¬¥­â 
align 4
proc el_get_name uses ecx edi esi, str:dword
mov edi,[str]
mov esi,el_opt_beg+el_offs_nam
xor ecx,ecx
stdcall str_instr, edi,esi
cmp eax,0
je @f
add esi,size_el_opt
cmp esi,el_opt_beg.end
jge @f
inc ecx
jmp @b
mov eax,ecx
; el_data - 㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¤ ­­ë¥ í«¥¬¥­â 
; l_opt - ­®¬¥à ­®£¨, ¤«ï ª®â®à®© ¨éãâáï ª®®à¤¨­ âë, ¢å®¤­ ï/¢ë室­ ï ­®£ 
; eax - coord x (if not found eax=0)
; ebx - coord y (if not found ebx=0)
align 4
proc el_get_leg_coords uses ecx edx edi esi, el_data:dword, l_opt:dword
mov edi,[el_data] ;¤ ­­ë¥ í«¥¬¥­â 
movzx esi,byte[edi+sp_offs_el_type] ;⨯ í«¥¬¥­â 
imul esi,size_el_opt
add esi,el_opt_beg
;esi+el_offs_legs_inp - 㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¯ à ¬¥âàë 0-© ¢å®¤­®© ­®£¨
mov eax,[edi+0]
mov ebx,[edi+4]
mov edx,[l_opt]
movzx edi,byte[edi+8] ;㣮« ¯®¢®à®â  / 90 (®â 0-3)
btr edx,16 ;¢å®¤­ ï/¢ë室­ ï ­®£ 
jc .output_leg
;¥á«¨ ­®£  ¢å®¤­ ï
inc edx ;­®¬¥à æ¨ï ­®£ ­ ç¨­ ¥âáï á ­ã«ï, ¯®â®¬ã ¤®¡ ¢«ï¥¬ 1
stdcall move_rotate_x_n90, -2,edi
add esi,el_offs_legs_inp
movzx ecx,byte[esi]
cmp ecx,0
je .not_found ;­®£¨ ª®­ç¨«¨áì à ­ìè¥, 祬 ®¦¨¤ «®áì
stdcall move_rotate_n90, 0,ecx,edi
inc esi
dec edx
jnz @b
jmp .end_f
;¥á«¨ ­®£  ¢ë室­ ï
inc edx ;­®¬¥à æ¨ï ­®£ ­ ç¨­ ¥âáï á ­ã«ï, ¯®â®¬ã ¤®¡ ¢«ï¥¬ 1
movzx ecx,byte[esi+el_offs_box_x]
add ecx,2
stdcall move_rotate_x_n90, ecx,edi
add esi,el_offs_legs_out
movzx ecx,byte[esi]
cmp ecx,0
je .not_found ;­®£¨ ª®­ç¨«¨áì à ­ìè¥, 祬 ®¦¨¤ «®áì
stdcall move_rotate_n90, 0,ecx,edi
inc esi
dec edx
jnz @b
jmp .end_f
xor eax,eax
xor ebx,ebx
align 4
proc move_rotate_n90 uses ecx edi, d_x:dword, d_y:dword, angle:dword
mov edi,[angle] ;㣮« ¯®¢®à®â  / 90 (®â 0-3)
and edi,3
shl edi,4 ;edi*=16
add edi,mcs
mov ecx,[d_x]
imul ecx,dword[edi]
add eax,ecx
mov ecx,[d_y]
imul ecx,dword[edi+4]
add eax,ecx
mov ecx,[d_x]
imul ecx,dword[edi+8]
add ebx,ecx
mov ecx,[d_y]
imul ecx,dword[edi+12]
add ebx,ecx
align 4
proc mem_copy, destination:dword, source:dword, len:dword
push ecx esi edi
mov esi, dword[source]
mov edi, dword[destination]
mov ecx, dword[len]
rep movsb
pop edi esi ecx
; ”ã­ªæ¨ï ¯à®¯ã᪠¥â ®¤­® á«®¢® (¨«¨ ç¨á«®) á ãç¥â®¬ à §¤¥«¨â¥«ì­ëå ᨬ¢®«®¢:
; ¯à®¡¥« , â ¡ã«ï樨, ­®¢®© áâப¨. ã¦­  ¤«ï ¯®á«¥¤®¢ â¥«ì­®£® áç¨â뢠­¨ ç¨á¥« ¨§ áâப¨
; edi - 㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¯à®¡¥« ¨«¨ á«®¢®
; edi - 㪠§ â¥«ì ­  á«¥¤ãî饥 á«®¢®
align 4
call str_skip_spaces
cmp byte[edi],0
je @f
cmp byte[edi],' '
je @f
cmp byte[edi],9
je @f
cmp byte[edi],10
je @f
cmp byte[edi],13
je @f
inc edi
jmp @b
call str_skip_spaces
align 4
dec edi
inc edi
cmp byte[edi],' '
je @b
cmp byte[edi],9
je @b
cmp byte[edi],10
je @b
cmp byte[edi],13
je @b
align 4
dec edi
inc edi
cmp byte[edi],0
je @f
cmp byte[edi],' '
je @f
cmp byte[edi],9
je @f
cmp byte[edi],10
je @f
cmp byte[edi],13
je @f
jmp @b
; esi - 㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¨áª®¬®¥ á«®¢®
; edi - 㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¯®§¨æ¨î ¢ ª®â®à®© á«®¢® ­ ©¤¥­®, ¥á«¨ á«®¢® ­¥ ­ ©¤¥­® â® edi=0
;¯®àâïâáï ॣ¨áâàë:
; eax ecx
align 4
mov edi,open_file_lif
mov ecx,dword[f_size]
mov al,byte[esi] ;ãáâ ­ ¢«¨¢ ¥¬ ¯¥à¢ë© ᨬ¢®« ¤«ï ¯®¨áª 
repnz scasb
cmp ecx,0
je @f ;¥á«¨ § ª®­ç¨«áï ¢¥áì ⥪áâ, â® ¢ë室 ¨§ ä㭪樨
;¯¥à¢ë© ᨬ¢®« ¯®  ¤à¥áã edi-1 ¤®«¦¥­ ¡ëâì ¨§ áâப¨ esi
dec edi
stdcall str_instr, edi,esi ;¯à®¢¥à塞 á«®¢® ­  ᮢ¯ ¤¥­¨¥
inc edi
cmp al,0
jne @b ;¥á«¨ á«®¢® ­¥ ᮢ¯ «®, ¨é¥¬ ¢ áâப¥ á«¥¤ãî騩 ¯¥à¢ë© ᨬ¢®« ¤«ï áà ¢­¥­¨ï
;á ¯®¯ ¤ ¥¬ ¥á«¨ ­ è«¨ á«®¢® esi ¯®  ¤à¥áã edi
jmp .exit_f
;á ¯®¯ ¤ ¥¬ ¥á«¨ ­¥ ­ è«¨ á«®¢® esi ¯®  ¤à¥áã edi
xor edi,edi
; ¯à®¢¥àï¥â ᮤ¥à¦¨âáï «¨ áâப  str1 ¢ áâப¥ str0
; ¯à®¢¥àª  ¤¥« ¥âáï ⮫쪮 ­ ç¨­ ï á ¯¥à¢ëå ᨬ¢®«®¢, 㪠§ ­­ëå ¢ str0 ¨ str1
; ¯à¨¬¥à 1: ¥á«¨ str0='aaabbbccc', str1='bbb' ᮢ¯ ¤¥­¨ï ­¥ ¡ã¤¥â
; ¯à¨¬¥à 2: ¥á«¨ str0='aaabbbccc', str1='aaa' ᮢ¯ ¤¥­¨¥ ¡ã¤¥â
; al = 0 ¥á«¨ áâப  str1 ᮤ¥à¦¨âáï ¢ str0
; al != 0 ¥á«¨ áâப  str1 ­¥ ᮤ¥à¦¨âáï ¢ str0
align 4
proc str_instr uses edi esi, str0:dword, str1:dword
;xor eax,eax
mov edi,[str0]
mov esi,[str1]
mov al,[esi]
cmp al,0
je .e1
inc esi
scasb ;áà ¢­¨¢ ¥¬ ᨬ¢®«ë
jz @b ;¥á«¨ ᮢ¯ «¨, â® ¯¥à¥å®¤¨¬ ª áà ¢­¥­¨î á«¥¤ãîé¨å
;á ¯®¯ ¤ ¥¬ ¥á«¨ áâப¨ ­¥ ᮢ¯ «¨
sub al,[edi-1]
.e1: ;á ¯®¯ ¤ ¥¬ ¥á«¨ áâப  str1 (esi) § ª®­ç¨« áì
align 4
proc but_run_stop
xor byte[tim_ch],1
cmp byte[tim_ch],0
jne @f
;®áâ ­®¢ª  á奬ë
stdcall pole_reset_cells, pole ;ç¨á⪠ ¯à®¢®¤®¢
call redraw_pole
jmp .end_f
;¯®¤£®â®¢ª  áå¥¬ë ª § ¯ãáªã
call sign_clear
align 4
proc but_set_0 uses eax
stdcall [tl_node_get_data], tree1
pop eax
test eax,eax
jz .end_f
; cmp byte[eax+8],'n'
; je .end_f
cmp byte[eax+8],'o' ;¢à¥¬¥­­®¥ ®âá¥ç¥­¨¥, ¯®ª  ­¥â ¯à®¢¥àª¨ ⨯  ⥪ã饩 ¨ª®­ª¨
jne .end_f
mov byte[eax+8],'z'
align 4
proc but_set_1 uses eax
stdcall [tl_node_get_data], tree1
pop eax
test eax,eax
jz .end_f
; cmp byte[eax+8],'n'
; je .end_f
cmp byte[eax+8],'z' ;¢à¥¬¥­­®¥ ®âá¥ç¥­¨¥, ¯®ª  ­¥â ¯à®¢¥àª¨ ⨯  ⥪ã饩 ¨ª®­ª¨
jne .end_f
mov byte[eax+8],'o'
;ᤢ¨£ ®¡ê¥ªâ  ¢«¥¢®
align 4
proc but_mov_l uses eax edi
cmp byte[tim_ch],0
jne .end_f
stdcall [tl_node_get_data], tree1
pop eax
test eax,eax
jz .end_f
cmp dword[eax],1
jle .end_f
dec dword[eax]
mov edi,eax
stdcall mem_copy,txt_buf,eax,capt_offs
add edi,capt_offs
call str_next_val
call str_next_val
stdcall make_list_capts,txt_buf,edi
stdcall mem_copy,eax,txt_buf,32 ;capt_offs
call redraw_pole
stdcall [tl_draw],tree1
;ᤢ¨£ ®¡ê¥ªâ  ¢¯à ¢®
align 4
proc but_mov_r uses eax edi
cmp byte[tim_ch],0
jne .end_f
stdcall [tl_node_get_data], tree1
pop eax
test eax,eax
jz .end_f
inc dword[eax]
mov edi,eax
stdcall mem_copy,txt_buf,eax,capt_offs
add edi,capt_offs
call str_next_val
call str_next_val
stdcall make_list_capts,txt_buf,edi
stdcall mem_copy,eax,txt_buf,32 ;capt_offs
call redraw_pole
stdcall [tl_draw],tree1
align 4
proc but_mov_u uses eax edi
cmp byte[tim_ch],0
jne .end_f
stdcall [tl_node_get_data], tree1
pop eax
test eax,eax
jz .end_f
cmp dword[eax+4],1
jle .end_f
dec dword[eax+4]
mov edi,eax
stdcall mem_copy,txt_buf,eax,capt_offs
add edi,capt_offs
call str_next_val
call str_next_val
stdcall make_list_capts,txt_buf,edi
stdcall mem_copy,eax,txt_buf,32 ;capt_offs
call redraw_pole
stdcall [tl_draw],tree1
align 4
proc but_mov_d uses eax edi
cmp byte[tim_ch],0
jne .end_f
stdcall [tl_node_get_data], tree1
pop eax
test eax,eax
jz .end_f
inc dword[eax+4]
mov edi,eax
stdcall mem_copy,txt_buf,eax,capt_offs
add edi,capt_offs
call str_next_val
call str_next_val
stdcall make_list_capts,txt_buf,edi
stdcall mem_copy,eax,txt_buf,32 ;capt_offs
call redraw_pole
stdcall [tl_draw],tree1
;ãáâ ­®¢ª  ®¡ëç­®£® ०¨¬ , ¡¥§ à¨á®¢ ­¨ï
align 4
proc but_set_none
mov byte[pen_mode],0
;ãáâ ­®¢ª  ०¨¬  à¨á®¢ ­¨ï ¯à®¢®¤ 
align 4
proc but_set_pen_1
mov byte[pen_mode],1
align 4
proc but_set_pen_2
mov byte[pen_mode],2
;ãáâ ­®¢ª  ०¨¬  áâ¨à ­¨ï ¯à®¢®¤ 
align 4
proc but_set_pen_3
mov byte[pen_mode],3
;¤ ­­ë¥ ¤«ï ¤¨ «®£  ®âªàëâ¨ï ä ©«®¢
align 4
.type dd 0 ;0 - ®âªàëâì, 1 - á®åà ­¨âì, 2 - ¢ë¡à âì ¤â४â®à¨î
.procinfo dd procinfo ;+4
.com_area_name dd communication_area_name ;+8
.com_area dd 0 ;+12
.opendir_path dd plugin_path ;+16
.dir_default_path dd default_dir ;+20
.start_path dd file_name ;+24 ¯ãâì ª ¤¨ «®£ã ®âªàëâ¨ï ä ©«®¢
.draw_window dd draw_window ;+28
.status dd 0 ;+32
.openfile_path dd openfile_path ;+36 ¯ãâì ª ®âªà뢠¥¬®¬ã ä ©«ã
.filename_area dd filename_area ;+40
.filter_area dd Filter
.x_size dw 420 ;+48 ; Window X size
.x_start dw 10 ;+50 ; Window X position
.y_size dw 320 ;+52 ; Window y size
.y_start dw 10 ;+54 ; Window Y position
default_dir db '/rd/1',0
db 'FFFFFFFF_open_dialog',0
db 'opendial',0
db '/rd/1/File managers/',0
dd Filter.end - Filter ;.1
db 'TXT',0
db 'ASM',0
db 0
include ''
mouse_dd dd 0x0
sc system_colors
last_time dd 0
align 16
procinfo process_information
align 4
buf_0: dd 0 ;
.l: dw 170 ;+4 left
.t: dw panel_1_coord_top ;+6 top
.w: dd 335 ;+8 w
.h: dd 340 ;+12 h
.color: dd 0 ;+16 color
db 24 ;+20 bit in pixel
align 4
buf_font: ;¡ãä¥à á® èà¨ä⮬
dd 0 ;㪠§ â¥«ì ­  ¡ãä¥à ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨ï
dw 25 ;+4 left
dw 25 ;+6 top
dd 96 ;+8 w
dd 144 ;+12 h
dd 0 ;+16 color
db 24 ;+20 bit in pixel
el_focus dd 0
tree1 tree_list 32,points_max+2, tl_key_no_edit, 16,16,\
0x8080ff,0x0000ff,0xffffff, 5,panel_3_coord_top,145,250, 0,capt_offs,0,\
el_focus, wScrObj,0
align 4
.size_x dw 16 ;+0
.start_x dw 0 ;+2
.size_y dw 150 ;+4
.start_y dw 0 ;+6
.btn_high dd 15 ;+8
.type dd 1 ;+12
.max_area dd 100 ;+16
.cur_area dd 30 ;+20
.position dd 0 ;+24
.bckg_col dd 0xeeeeee ;+28
.frnt_col dd 0xbbddff ;+32
.line_col dd 0 ;+36
.redraw dd 0 ;+40
.delta dw 0 ;+44
.delta2 dw 0 ;+46
.r_size_x dw 0 ;+48
.r_start_x dw 0 ;+50
.r_size_y dw 0 ;+52
.r_start_y dw 0 ;+54
.m_pos dd 0 ;+56
.m_pos_2 dd 0 ;+60
.m_keys dd 0 ;+64
.run_size dd 0 ;+68
.position2 dd 0 ;+72
.work_size dd 0 ;+76
.all_redraw dd 0 ;+80
.ar_offset dd 1 ;+84
align 4
proc str_n_cat uses eax ecx edi esi, str1:dword, str2:dword, n:dword
mov esi,dword[str2]
mov ecx,dword[n]
mov edi,dword[str1]
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
repne movsb
mov byte[edi],0
align 4
proc str_cat uses eax ecx edi esi, str1:dword, str2:dword
mov esi,dword[str2]
stdcall str_len,esi
mov ecx,eax
inc ecx
mov edi,dword[str1]
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
repne movsb
; eax = strlen
align 4
proc str_len, str1:dword
mov eax,[str1]
cmp byte[eax],0
je @f
inc eax
jmp @b
sub eax,[str1]
; buf - 㪠§ â¥«ì ­  áâபã, ç¨á«® ¤®«¦­® ¡ëâì ¢ 10 ¨«¨ 16 à¨ç­®¬ ¢¨¤¥
; eax - ç¨á«®
align 4
proc conv_str_to_int, buf:dword
xor eax,eax
push ebx ecx esi
xor ebx,ebx
mov esi,[buf]
;­  á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¯¥à¥¤ ç¨á«®¬ ­ å®¤ïâáï ¯à®¡¥«ë
cmp byte[esi],' '
jne @f
inc esi
jmp @b
;®¯à¥¤¥«¥­¨¥ ®âà¨æ â¥«ì­ëå ç¨á¥«
xor ecx,ecx
inc ecx
cmp byte[esi],'-'
jne @f
dec ecx
inc esi
cmp word[esi],'0x'
je .load_digit_16
.load_digit_10: ;áç¨â뢠­¨¥ 10-â¨ç­ëå æ¨äà
mov bl,byte[esi]
cmp bl,'0'
jl @f
cmp bl,'9'
jg @f
sub bl,'0'
imul eax,10
add eax,ebx
inc esi
jmp .load_digit_10
jmp @f
.load_digit_16: ;áç¨â뢠­¨¥ 16-à¨ç­ëå æ¨äà
add esi,2
mov bl,byte[esi]
cmp bl,'0'
jl @f
cmp bl,'f'
jg @f
cmp bl,'9'
jle .us1
cmp bl,'A'
jl @f ;®âᥨ¢ ¥¬ ᨬ¢®«ë >'9' ¨ <'A'
.us1: ;á®áâ ¢­®¥ ãá«®¢¨¥
cmp bl,'F'
jle .us2
cmp bl,'a'
jl @f ;®âᥨ¢ ¥¬ ᨬ¢®«ë >'F' ¨ <'a'
sub bl,32 ;¯¥à¥¢®¤¨¬ ᨬ¢®«ë ¢ ¢¥àå­¨© ॣ¨áâà, ¤«ï ã¯à®é¥­¨ï ¨å ¯®á«¥¤ã饩 ®¡à ¡®âª¨
.us2: ;á®áâ ¢­®¥ ãá«®¢¨¥
sub bl,'0'
cmp bl,9
jle .cor1
sub bl,7 ;convert 'A' to '10'
shl eax,4
add eax,ebx
inc esi
jmp .cycle_16
cmp ecx,0 ;¥á«¨ ç¨á«® ®âà¨æ â¥«ì­®¥
jne @f
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,ecx
pop esi ecx ebx
;íâ®â ª®¤ ­¥ ¬®©, ®­ ¯à¥®¡à §ã¥â ç¨á«® ¢ áâபã
; eax = value
; edi = string buffer
align 4
mov dword[edi+1],0;0x20202020
call .str
align 4
mov ecx,0x0a ;§ ¤ ¥âáï á¨á⥬  áç¨á«¥­¨ï ¨§¬¥­ïîâáï ॣ¨áâàë ebx,eax,ecx,edx ¢å®¤­ë¥ ¯ à ¬¥âàë eax - ç¨á«®
;¯à¥à¥¢®¤ ç¨á«  ¢ ASCII áâப㠢§®¤­ë¥ ¤ ­­ë¥ ecx=á¨á⥬  áç¨á«¥­ï edi  ¤à¥á ªã¤  § ¯¨á뢠âì, ¡ã¤¥¬ áâபã, ¯à¨ç¥¬ ª®­¥æ ¯¥à¥¬¥­­®©
cmp eax,ecx ;áà ¢­¨âì ¥á«¨ ¢ eax ¬¥­ìè¥ ç¥¬ ¢ ecx â® ¯¥à¥©â¨ ­  @@-1 â.¥. ­  pop eax
jb @f
xor edx,edx ;®ç¨áâ¨âì edx
div ecx ;à §¤¥«¨âì - ®áâ â®ª ¢ edx
push edx ;¯®«®¦¨âì ¢ á⥪
;dec edi ;ᬥ饭¨¥ ­¥®¡å®¤¨¬®¥ ¤«ï § ¯¨á¨ á ª®­æ  áâப¨
call .str ;¯¥à¥©â¨ ­  á ¬ã ᥡï â.¥. ¢ë§¢ âì á ¬ã á¥¡ï ¨ â ª ¤® ⮣® ¬®¬¥­â  ¯®ª  ¢ eax ­¥ áâ ­¥â ¬¥­ìè¥ ç¥¬ ¢ ecx
pop eax
@@: ;cmp al,10 ;¯à®¢¥à¨âì ­¥ ¬¥­ìè¥ «¨ §­ ç¥­¨¥ ¢ al 祬 10 (¤«ï á¨á⥬ë áç¨á«¥­ï 10 ¤ ­­ ï ª®¬ ­¤  - «¨è­ ï))
or al,0x30 ;¤ ­­ ï ª®¬ ­¤  ª®à®ç¥ 祬 ¤¢¥ ¢ëè¥
stosb ;§ ¯¨á âì í«¥¬¥­â ¨§ ॣ¨áâà  al ¢ ï祪㠯 ¬ï⨠es:edi
ret ;¢¥à­ãâìáï ç¥­ì ¨­â¥à¥á­ë© 室 â.ª. ¯®ª  ¢ á⥪¥ åà ­¨âìáï ª®«-¢® ¢ë§®¢®¢ â® á⮫쪮 à § ¬ë ¨ ¡ã¤¥¬ ¢ë§ë¢ âìáï
rb 1024
sys_path rb 1024
rb 1024 ;4096
library_path rb 1024
plugin_path rb 4096
openfile_path rb 4096
filename_area rb 256
0,0 → 1,48
proc mem.Alloc,size ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push ebx ecx
mov ecx,[size]
;*** add ecx,4
mcall 68,12
;*** add ecx,-4
;*** mov [eax],ecx
;*** add eax,4
pop ecx ebx
proc mem.ReAlloc,mptr,size ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
push ebx ecx edx
mov ecx,[size]
or ecx,ecx
jz @f
;*** add ecx,4
@@: mov edx,[mptr]
or edx,edx
jz @f
;*** add edx,-4
@@: mcall 68,20
or eax,eax
jz @f
;*** add ecx,-4
;*** mov [eax],ecx
;*** add eax,4
@@: pop edx ecx ebx
proc mem.Free,mptr ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push ebx ecx
mov ecx,[mptr]
or ecx,ecx
jz @f
;*** add ecx,-4
@@: mcall 68,13
pop ecx ebx
0,0 → 1,101
size 204 192
elements 36
111 44 3 sm[1]
123 44 3 sm[1]
135 44 3 sm[1]
147 44 3 sm[1]
159 44 3 sm[1]
80 35 0 and[2]
67 35 0 and[2]
54 35 0 and[2]
123 71 3 sm[1]
135 71 3 sm[1]
147 71 3 sm[1]
159 71 3 sm[1]
135 98 3 sm[1]
147 98 3 sm[1]
159 98 3 sm[1]
183 98 3 sm[1]
147 125 3 sm[1]
159 125 3 sm[1]
183 125 3 sm[1]
195 125 3 sm[1]
41 62 0 and[2]
54 62 0 and[2]
67 62 0 and[2]
80 62 0 and[2]
41 89 0 and[2]
54 89 0 and[2]
67 89 0 and[2]
80 89 0 and[2]
41 116 0 and[2]
54 116 0 and[2]
67 116 0 and[2]
80 116 0 and[2]
41 35 0 and[2]
171 71 3 sm[1]
171 98 3 sm[1]
171 125 3 sm[1]
captions 10
76 9 z a0
63 9 z a1
50 9 z a2
37 9 z a3
11 122 z b0
11 95 z b1
11 68 z b2
11 41 z b3
190 183 n c0
106 183 n c7
points 167
190 183 8 37 117 9 106 183 8 37 60 10 115 39 6 108 39 3
106 13 2 173 135 9 50 117 9 132 93 3 178 13 2 63 117 9
139 135 9 158 122 3 161 108 9 170 95 3 122 68 3 185 135 9
76 117 9 149 108 9 142 13 2 78 122 12 146 95 3 52 122 13
154 53 2 115 81 9 178 183 8 166 13 2 78 95 12 190 13 2
182 108 12 78 68 12 194 135 12 182 135 12 142 53 2 130 53 2
170 81 12 161 135 9 78 41 12 125 81 9 130 13 2 76 36 11
63 36 11 50 36 11 37 33 10 134 68 3 50 63 11 134 95 3
63 63 11 161 122 6 76 63 11 166 183 8 149 135 9 76 90 11
63 90 11 50 90 11 37 87 10 39 41 13 39 68 13 39 95 13
39 122 13 173 95 6 52 95 13 182 122 3 52 68 13 142 183 8
52 41 13 118 183 8 122 81 12 65 41 13 65 68 13 65 95 13
65 122 13 192 118 6 137 68 6 139 93 6 180 114 6 74 114 3
130 80 2 149 81 9 158 95 3 118 53 2 61 112 3 168 112 6
173 108 9 170 108 12 156 110 6 48 110 3 142 107 2 149 122 6
173 122 6 37 36 1 48 83 3 144 83 6 146 68 3 127 108 9
156 85 6 61 85 3 142 80 2 146 135 12 185 122 6 154 80 2
74 87 3 168 87 6 154 13 2 137 95 6 180 91 6 146 122 3
170 122 3 168 64 6 149 95 6 137 108 9 156 60 6 74 60 3
178 107 2 170 135 12 130 183 8 166 80 2 61 58 3 144 58 6
134 108 12 158 108 12 132 56 6 48 56 3 37 63 1 127 66 6
158 135 12 37 90 1 48 29 3 120 29 6 161 68 6 134 81 12
132 31 6 61 31 3 154 107 2 161 81 9 161 95 6 166 107 2
74 33 3 144 33 6 137 81 9 149 68 6 156 37 6 118 13 2
158 81 12 158 54 12 149 54 9 149 41 6 146 41 3 146 81 12
154 183 8 146 54 12 137 54 9 137 41 6 134 41 3 120 66 3
146 108 12 134 54 12 125 54 9 125 41 6 122 41 3 158 68 3
125 68 6 122 54 12 113 54 9 113 41 6 110 41 3
subpoints 174
76 41 63 41 50 41 37 41 144 37 76 33 132 37 132 33
76 31 63 31 120 37 120 33 120 31 76 29 63 29 50 29
118 81 166 64 154 64 142 64 130 64 118 64 115 64 106 64
76 60 106 60 115 60 118 60 37 68 50 68 63 68 76 68
142 108 37 95 50 95 154 108 166 108 178 108 106 118 118 118
130 118 63 95 76 95 106 91 118 91 178 91 166 91 154 91
142 91 130 91 106 87 118 87 130 87 142 87 142 118 154 118
166 118 178 118 154 87 166 87 168 91 63 85 130 60 142 60
154 60 156 64 63 58 76 58 106 58 118 58 76 85 106 85
118 85 130 85 190 118 180 118 178 114 166 114 142 85 154 85
156 87 156 91 50 83 63 83 76 83 115 58 130 58 142 58
144 60 144 64 50 56 63 56 106 83 118 83 130 83 142 83
154 114 144 85 144 87 144 91 142 114 130 114 118 114 130 108
127 91 76 56 106 56 127 87 106 114 76 114 127 85 63 112
76 112 106 112 118 112 130 112 142 112 127 83 127 81 115 56
118 56 166 81 154 81 130 54 142 54 154 54 118 54 115 54
130 56 132 58 132 60 132 64 142 81 130 81 154 112 106 29
106 31 106 33 106 37 118 37 118 33 118 31 118 29 130 31
130 33 130 37 142 37 142 33 154 37 166 112 168 114 168 118
156 118 156 114 156 112 154 110 142 110 130 110 118 110 106 110
76 110 63 110 50 110 142 135 139 118 139 114 139 112 139 110
139 108 154 135 166 135 178 135 190 135 76 87
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,9
size 80 60
elements 1
24 24 0 or[2]
captions 3
10 8 z x1
10 44 z x2
56 26 n y1
points 4
10 25 9 10 27 3 10 44 8 56 26 4
0,0 → 1,10
size 80 60
elements 1
24 24 0 or[3]
captions 4
10 8 z x1
10 44 z x2
30 44 z x3
56 27 n y1
points 5
10 25 9 10 27 3 10 44 8 56 27 4 22 44 9
0,0 → 1,40
size 80 80
elements 1
6 32 0 not
points 171
28 52 2 50 75 8 29 52 2 30 52 2 31 52 2 32 52 2
33 52 2 34 52 2 35 52 2 36 52 2 37 52 2 38 52 2
39 52 2 40 52 2 41 52 2 42 52 2 43 52 2 44 52 2
45 52 2 46 52 2 47 52 2 48 52 2 49 52 2 50 52 2
51 52 2 51 75 8 49 75 8 48 75 8 47 75 8 46 75 8
45 75 8 44 75 8 43 75 8 42 75 8 41 75 8 40 75 8
39 75 8 38 75 8 37 75 8 36 75 8 35 75 8 34 75 8
33 75 8 32 75 8 31 75 8 30 75 8 29 75 8 28 75 8
37 65 8 37 69 2 38 69 2 39 69 2 40 69 2 41 69 2
38 65 8 39 65 8 40 65 8 41 65 8 52 75 8 53 75 8
54 75 8 55 75 8 56 75 8 57 75 8 58 75 8 59 75 8
51 49 8 50 49 8 49 49 8 48 49 8 47 49 8 46 49 8
45 49 8 44 49 8 43 49 8 42 49 8 41 49 8 40 49 8
39 49 8 38 49 8 37 49 8 36 49 8 35 49 8 34 49 8
33 49 8 32 49 8 31 49 8 30 49 8 29 49 8 28 49 8
28 4 2 29 4 2 30 4 2 31 4 2 32 4 2 33 4 2
34 4 2 35 4 2 36 4 2 37 4 2 38 4 2 39 4 2
40 4 2 41 4 2 42 4 2 43 4 2 44 4 2 45 4 2
46 4 2 47 4 2 48 4 2 49 4 2 50 4 2 51 4 2
52 4 2 53 4 2 54 4 2 55 4 2 56 4 2 57 4 2
58 4 2 59 4 2 60 4 2 61 4 2 62 4 2 63 4 2
64 4 2 65 4 2 66 4 2 67 4 2 68 4 2 69 4 2
70 4 2 71 4 2 72 4 2 73 4 2 74 4 2 75 4 2
60 75 8 61 75 8 62 75 8 63 75 8 64 75 8 65 75 8
66 75 8 67 75 8 68 75 8 69 75 8 70 75 8 71 75 8
72 75 8 73 75 8 74 75 8 75 75 8 11 30 3 4 30 3
27 30 4 39 14 8 39 17 2 40 17 2 41 17 2 42 17 2
43 17 2 44 17 2 45 17 2 45 14 8 44 14 8 43 14 8
42 14 8 41 14 8 40 14 8
subpoints 41
58 34 58 36 58 38 58 40 58 42 58 44 58 46 58 48
58 50 58 52 58 54 58 56 58 58 58 60 56 60 54 60
52 60 50 60 48 60 46 60 44 60 42 60 40 60 38 60
36 60 58 32 58 30 56 30 54 30 52 30 50 30 48 30
46 30 44 30 42 30 40 30 38 30 36 30 34 30 32 30
30 30
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84 57 3 82 55 3 127 101 2 127 95 12 122 98 6 131 98 1
80 53 0 127 51 0 175 98 0 127 143 0 80 98 0
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283 126 4 284 125 4 285 124 4 286 123 4 287 122 4 288 121 4
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