Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 529 → Rev 532

33,7 → 33,7
PARAMS = memsize - 1024
appname equ 'Jpegview '
version equ '0.15'
version equ '0.16'
132,6 → 132,8
cmp [PARAMS+2], byte "L"
je boot_set_background
cmp byte [PARAMS], 1
jz ipc_service
mov edi, name_string ; clear string with file name
mov al, 0
mov ecx, 100
250,6 → 252,110
mcall 68, 11
mov esi, PARAMS+1
xor eax, eax
xor ecx, ecx
test al, al
jz @f
lea ecx, [ecx*5]
lea ecx, [ecx*2+eax-'0']
jmp @b
add ecx, 16
mov edx, ecx
mcall 68, 12
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mcall -1
mov ecx, eax
and dword [ecx], 0
mov dword [ecx+4], 8
mov [ipc_mem], ecx
mcall 60, 1
mcall 40, 1 shl 6
mcall 23, 500 ; wait up to 5 seconds for IPC message
test eax, eax
jz .exit
; we got message with JPEG data, now decode it
mov eax, [ecx+12]
mov [ipc_mem_size], eax
; init JPEG decoder
mov ecx,memsize-fin-stack_size ; size
mov edi,fin ; pointer
call add_mem ; mark memory from fin to 0x100000-1024 as free
call colorprecalc ; calculate colors
; hook file functions
mov ecx, 4
call malloc
and dword [edi], 0
lea eax, [edi-file_handler.position]
mov byte [read], 0xE9
mov dword [read+1], read_from_mem - (read+5)
; decode
call jpeg_info
mov dword [jpeg_st],ebp
test ebp,ebp
jz .end
mov eax, [ebp + x_size]
mul dword [ebp + y_size]
lea eax, [eax*3+8]
mov ecx, eax
mcall 68, 12
test eax, eax
jz .end
mov [ipc_mem_out], eax
mov ebx, [ebp + x_size]
mov [eax], ebx
mov ebx, [ebp + y_size]
mov [eax+4], ebx
mov dword [ebp+draw_ptr],put_chunk_to_mem
call jpeg_display
; IPC response
mov esi, [ebp + x_size]
imul esi, [ebp + y_size]
lea esi, [esi*3+8]
mov edx, [ipc_mem_out]
mov ecx, [ipc_mem]
mov ecx, [ecx+8]
mcall 60,2
jmp close_program ; close the program right now
mov esi, 8
mov edx, x_pointer ; points to 2 null dwords
jmp .response
; in: eax=handle, ecx=size, edi=pointer to buffer
; out: ecx=number of read bytes, buffer filled
mov esi, [ipc_mem]
add esi, 16
add esi, [eax+file_handler.position]
add ecx, [eax+file_handler.position]
cmp ecx, [ipc_mem_size]
jb @f
mov ecx, [ipc_mem_size]
sub ecx, [eax+file_handler.position]
add [eax+file_handler.position], ecx
rep movsb
285,8 → 391,34
; in: (eax,ebx) = start coordinates of chunk
; (ecx,edx) = sizes of chunk
; edi -> chunk data
push esi edi edx
mov esi, edi
mov edi, ebx
imul edi, [ebp + x_size]
add edi, eax
lea edi, [edi*3+8]
add edi, [ipc_mem_out]
push ecx edi
lea ecx, [ecx*3]
rep movsb
pop edi ecx
add edi, [ebp + x_size]
add edi, [ebp + x_size]
add edi, [ebp + x_size]
dec edx
jnz @b
pop edx edi esi
; *********************************************
; *********************************************
597,8 → 729,11
dd -(iniciomemoria+4),-(iniciomemoria+4),(iniciomemoria+4),.l1,0
.l1 dd 0
sc system_colors
ipc_mem dd ?
ipc_mem_size dd ?
ipc_mem_out dd ?
fileattr: rb 40
dirinfo: rb 32+304