Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 529 → Rev 589

7,6 → 7,9
dd stacktop
dd 0, app_path
version equ '0.4'
version_dword equ 0*10000h + 40
include ''
include ''
include ''
81,10 → 84,18
jz exit
cmp [panel1_files], 0
jz exit
mov [panel1_sortmode], 0 ; sort by name
mov [panel2_sortmode], 0
push 2 ; "á।­¨©" ä®à¬ â
pop eax
xor eax, eax
mov [panel1_hPlugin], eax
mov [panel1_parents], eax
mov [panel1_parents_sz], eax
mov [panel1_parents_alloc], eax
mov [panel2_hPlugin], eax
mov [panel2_parents], eax
mov [panel2_parents_sz], eax
mov [panel2_parents_alloc], eax
mov [panel1_sortmode], al ; sort by name
mov [panel2_sortmode], al
mov al, 2 ; "á।­¨©" ä®à¬ â
mov [panel1_colmode], eax
mov [panel2_colmode], eax
mov [num_screens], 1
121,6 → 132,28
push dword app_path
call [ini.get_int]
mov [bConfirmDeleteIncomplete], al
push 2
push aLeftViewMode
push aPanels
push app_path
call [ini.get_int]
cmp eax, 1
jb @f
cmp eax, 4
ja @f
mov [panel1_colmode], eax
push 2
push aRightViewMode
push aPanels
push app_path
call [ini.get_int]
cmp eax, 1
jb @f
cmp eax, 4
ja @f
mov [panel2_colmode], eax
mov ecx, 0x1000
call xpgalloc
test eax, eax
202,6 → 235,11
loop .l3
; load plugins
push enum_plugins_callback
push aPlugins
push app_path
call [ini.enum_keys]
mov esi, def_left_dir
mov edi, panel1_dir
239,6 → 277,86
jz key
; button - we have only one button, close
; close all screens
mov ecx, [num_screens]
mov eax, [screens]
mov ebp, [eax+ecx*8-4]
mov eax, [eax+ecx*8-8]
push ebp
call [eax+screen_vtable.OnExit]
pop ecx
call pgfree
dec [num_screens]
jnz @b
; unload all plugins
mov ecx, [num_plugins]
imul esi, ecx, PluginInfo.size
add esi, [plugins]
dec ecx
js .unload_done
sub esi, PluginInfo.size
push ecx esi
call [esi+PluginInfo.unload]
pop esi ecx
jmp .unload
if 0 ; commented due to bug in libini
cmp [ini.set_int], aIniSetInt
jz .nosave
push [panel1_colmode]
push aLeftViewMode
push aPanels
push app_path
call [ini.set_int]
push [panel2_colmode]
push aRightViewMode
push aPanels
push app_path
call [ini.set_int]
end if
mov ecx, [panel1_files]
call pgfree
mov ecx, [panel2_files]
call pgfree
mov ecx, [screens]
call pgfree
mov ecx, [associations]
call pgfree
mov ecx, [console_data_ptr]
call pgfree
mov ecx, [MemForImage]
call pgfree
mov esi, FolderShortcuts
push 10
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jnz @f
loop @b
jmp .nofreefs
mov ecx, eax
call pgfree
mov ecx, [plugins]
call pgfree
mov ecx, [panel1_parents]
call pgfree
mov ecx, [panel2_parents]
call pgfree
mov eax, [numallocatedregions]
test eax, eax
jz @f
mov edi, allocatedregions
jmp $
end if
or eax, -1
int 40h
640,6 → 758,182
xor eax, eax
ret 12
; LongBool __stdcall callback(f_name,sec_name,key_name);
; [esp+4] = f_name, [esp+8] = sec_name, [esp+12] = key_name
push nullstr
push 1024
push saved_file_name
push dword [esp+12+12]
push dword [esp+16+8]
push dword [esp+20+4]
call [ini.get_str]
test eax, eax
jnz .ret
mov esi, saved_file_name
cmp byte [esi], '/'
jz .absolute
; convert path to absolute
mov edi, execdata
push esi
test al, al
jnz @b
pop edi
mov esi, app_path
push esi
xor ecx, ecx
test al, al
jz @f
cmp al, '/'
jnz @b
mov ecx, esi
jmp @b
pop esi
sub ecx, esi
rep movsb
mov esi, execdata
cmp word [esi], '.'
jz .ret
cmp word [esi], './'
jnz @f
add esi, 2
jmp .z
cmp word [esi], '..'
jnz .c
cmp byte [esi+2], 0
jz .ret
cmp byte [esi+2], '/'
jnz .c
add esi, 3
dec edi
cmp edi, saved_file_name
jbe .ret
cmp byte [edi-1], '/'
jnz @b
jmp .z
test al, al
jz @f
cmp edi, saved_file_name+1024
jb .c
mov esi, execdata
call load_dll_and_import.big
mov al, 1
ret 12
; allocate space for plugin info
mov eax, [num_plugins]
inc eax
mov [num_plugins], eax
imul ecx, eax, PluginInfo.size
cmp ecx, [alloc_plugins]
jbe .norealloc
mov edx, [plugins]
call xpgrealloc
test eax, eax
jnz @f
dec [num_plugins]
jmp .ret
mov [plugins], eax
lea eax, [ecx+0xFFF]
and eax, not 0xFFF
mov [alloc_plugins], eax
mov esi, [plugins]
lea esi, [esi+ecx-PluginInfo.size]
; load plugin DLL
or ebp, -1
mov eax, saved_file_name
test eax, eax
jnz .dec_ret
; find exported functions
mov eax, aVersion
call load_dll_and_import.find_exported_function
jnc @f
xor eax, eax
jae @f
jbe @f
push aIncompatibleVersion
push saved_file_name
push aCannotLoadPlugin
mov eax, esp
push ContinueBtn
push 1
push eax
push 3
call SayErr
add esp, 12
jmp .dec_ret
mov edi, esi
mov esi, plugin_exported
test eax, eax
jz .import_done
call load_dll_and_import.find_exported_function
jnc @f
mov eax, [esi-4+plugin_exported_default-plugin_exported]
jmp .import
; initialize plugin
mov eax, aPluginLoad
call load_dll_and_import.find_exported_function
jc .ok
push kfar_info
call eax
cmp eax, 1
jb .ok
ja .dec_ret
push aInitFailed
jmp .cantload
mov al, 1
ret 12
xor eax, eax
ret 20
ret 4
ret 8
xor eax, eax
ret 12
; in: ecx=sizeof(screen data), edx->vtable
; out: ebp=pointer or NULL, eax!=0 if successful
967,6 → 1261,152
call get_curfile_folder_entry
test byte [ecx], 10h
jnz .enter_folder
; todo: add <Enter> handling on plugin panel
cmp [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data], 0
jnz .ret
; generate full file name
lea esi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data]
mov edi, execdata
test al, al
jz @f
cmp edi, execdataend-1
jae .bigfilename
jmp @b
lea esi, [ecx+40]
mov al, '/'
cmp edi, execdataend
ja .bigfilename
test al, al
jnz @b
; try to open file and look for all plugins
push O_READ
push execdata
call open
test eax, eax
jz .noplugins ; if can't open, just try to execute
mov esi, eax ; save handle
push filedata_buffer_size
push filedata_buffer
push esi
call read
mov edi, eax ; save size of read data
; test for Kolibri executable
cmp eax, 24h
jb .enter.noexec
cmp dword [filedata_buffer], 'MENU'
jnz @f
cmp word [filedata_buffer+4], 'ET'
jnz @f
push esi
call close
jmp .run_app
cmp dword [filedata_buffer], 'KPCK'
jnz @f
cmp dword [filedata_buffer+12], 0x26914601
jz .close_run
mov ecx, [num_plugins]
mov edx, [plugins]
sub edx, PluginInfo.size
add edx, PluginInfo.size
dec ecx
js .plugdone
push edi
push filedata_buffer
call get_curfile_folder_entry
push ecx
push execdata
push esi
call [edx+PluginInfo.OpenFilePlugin]
mov [esp+28], eax
test eax, eax
jz .plugloop
cmp eax, -1
jnz .pluginok
push esi
call close
; save current directory and set root directory of hPlugin
mov edi, eax ; save handle
mov esi, execdata
test al, al
jnz @b
sub esi, execdata-9
; allocate esi bytes in buffer 'parents'
mov ecx, [ebp + panel1_parents_sz - panel1_data]
add ecx, esi
cmp ecx, [ebp + panel1_parents_alloc - panel1_data]
jbe .enter.norealloc
push edx
mov edx, [ebp + panel1_parents - panel1_data]
call xpgrealloc
pop edx
test eax, eax
jnz @f
push edi
call [edx+PluginInfo.ClosePlugin]
mov [ebp + panel1_parents - panel1_data], eax
mov [ebp + panel1_parents_sz - panel1_data], ecx
; save current state to the end of buffer
sub ecx, esi
add ecx, [ebp + panel1_parents - panel1_data]
xchg edx, [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data]
mov [ecx], edx
xchg edi, [ebp + panel1_hFile - panel1_data]
mov [ecx+4], edi
mov byte [ecx+8], 0
lea edi, [ecx+9]
lea ecx, [esi-9]
mov esi, execdata
rep movsb
mov word [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data], '/'
mov eax, [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data]
lea ebx, [ebp + panel1_plugin_info - panel1_data]
and dword [ebx], 0
push ebp
push ebx
push [ebp + panel1_hFile - panel1_data]
call [eax+PluginInfo.GetOpenPluginInfo]
pop ebp
call get_curfile_folder_entry
mov esi, ecx
mov edi, left_dotdot_entry
cmp ebp, panel1_data
jz @f
add edi, right_dotdot_entry-left_dotdot_entry
mov ecx, 10
rep movsd
mov byte [edi-40], 10h ; attributes: folder
mov eax, '..'
jmp .reread
push esi
call close
; run program or association
call get_curfile_folder_entry
call find_extension
jc .run_app
996,27 → 1436,6
mov [execptr], execdata
and [execparams], 0
lea esi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data]
mov edi, execdata
test al, al
jz @f
cmp edi, execdataend-1
jae .bigfilename
jmp @b
lea esi, [ecx+40]
mov al, '/'
cmp edi, execdataend
ja .bigfilename
test al, al
jnz @b
; for fasm call - special handling, because
; 1) fasm command line convention is different : fasm infile,outfile[,path] rather than tinypad infile
; 2) fasm will probably create new file in directory, so we want to reload panel data
1096,9 → 1515,6
push 1
push eax
push 2
push -1
push -1
push dword aError
call SayErr
pop eax
pop eax
1133,9 → 1549,6
push 1
push eax
push 1
push -1
push -1
push dword aError
call SayErr
pop eax
1143,7 → 1556,13
mov eax, aCmdLineTooBig
jmp .l2
mov byte [ecx], 0
mov esi, prev_dir
lea edi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data]
test al, al
jnz @b
mov eax, aFolderNameTooBig
jmp .l2
1167,7 → 1586,6
cmp esi, edx
pop esi
jae .bigfoldername
mov ecx, edi
mov al, '/'
cmp [edi-1], al
jz @f
1179,6 → 1597,28
test al, al
jnz @b
mov eax, [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data]
test eax, eax
jz .reread
push ebp
lea esi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data]
push esi
add ecx, 40
push ecx
push [ebp + panel1_hFile - panel1_data]
call [eax+PluginInfo.SetFolder]
pop ebp
test al, al
jnz .reread
mov esi, prev_dir
lea edi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data]
test al, al
jnz @b
call read_folder
1186,6 → 1626,14
jmp .done_redraw
lea edi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data]
cmp word [edi], '/'
jnz .dotdot_noroot
cmp [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data], 0
jz .retd
call close_plugin_panel
jmp .dotdot
mov edx, edi
mov al, 0
or ecx, -1
repnz scasb
1195,11 → 1643,37
repnz scasb
inc edi
cmp edi, edx
jnz @f
inc edi
push dword [edi]
mov byte [edi], 0
inc edi
push edi
mov eax, [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data]
test eax, eax
jz .dotdot_native
push ebp
lea esi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data]
push esi
push aDotDot
push [ebp + panel1_hFile - panel1_data]
call [eax+PluginInfo.SetFolder]
pop ebp
test al, al
jnz .dotdot_native
pop edi
pop dword [edi]
call read_folder
pop edi
pop dword [edi]
push edi
cmp byte [edi], '/'
jnz @f
inc edi
mov edx, [ebp + panel1_files - panel1_data]
mov ecx, [ebp + panel1_numfiles - panel1_data]
1228,6 → 1702,8
inc edx
mov [ebp + panel1_start - panel1_data], edx
pop edi
mov byte [edi], 0
jmp .done_cmdbar
sub al, 0x3D
1356,6 → 1832,10
mov ecx, edx
lea edi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data]
cmp [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data], 0
jz .find_cur_drive_loop
mov edi, [ebp + panel1_parents - panel1_data]
add edi, 8
push edi
lea esi, [ecx+8]
1391,15 → 1871,22
push [ebp + panel1_left - panel1_data]
call menu_centered_in
cmp eax, -1
jz .ret2
lea esi, [eax+8]
jnz @f
mov ecx, edx
call pgfree
push eax
call close_plugin_panels
lea edi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data]
push ecx esi edi
push edi
mov esi, edi
mov edi, prev_dir
mov ecx, 1024/4
rep movsd
pop edi esi ecx
pop edi
pop esi
add esi, 8
1410,6 → 1897,11
call read_folder
jmp .done_redraw
; todo: copy to plugin panel
cmp [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data], 0
jz @f
mov esi, ebp
cmp [ebp + panel1_selected_num - panel1_data], 0
jnz .f5_2
1429,9 → 1921,23
jmp @b
; todo: copy to plugin panel
mov esi, ebp
xor esi, panel1_data xor panel2_data
cmp [esi + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data], 0
jz .f5_2
mov eax, [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data]
mov [source_hModule], eax
mov eax, [ebp + panel1_hFile - panel1_data]
mov [source_hPlugin], eax
mov eax, left_dotdot_entry
cmp ebp, panel1_data
jz @f
add eax, right_dotdot_entry-left_dotdot_entry
mov [default_attr], eax
add esi, panel1_dir - panel1_data
mov edi, CopyDestEditBuf
mov eax, CopyDestEditBuf.length
1699,9 → 2205,6
push 1
push eax
push 2
push -1
push -1
push aError
call SayErr
pop eax
pop eax
1767,6 → 2270,9
mov [bDestIsFolder], dl
mov [copy_bSkipAll], 0
mov [copy_bSkipAll2], 0
mov [copy_bSkipAll3], 0
test [ebp + panel1_plugin_flags - panel1_data], 2
jnz .copy_GetFiles
cmp [ebp + panel1_selected_num - panel1_data], 0
jnz .f5_selected3
call copy_file
1799,6 → 2305,43
loop .f5_selected_copyloop
jmp .copydone
mov ecx, [ebp + panel1_selected_num - panel1_data]
cmp ecx, 1
adc ecx, 0
shl ecx, 2
call xpgalloc
test eax, eax
jnz @f
push ebp eax ; save
push copy_AddDir ; adddir
push copy_AddFile ; addfile
push eax ; items
shr ecx, 2
push ecx ; NumItems
push [ebp + panel1_hFile - panel1_data]
mov edi, eax
call get_curfile_folder_entry
mov [edi], ecx
cmp [ebp + panel1_selected_num - panel1_data], 0
jz .cgf1
mov esi, [ebp + panel1_files - panel1_data]
mov ecx, [ebp + panel1_numfiles - panel1_data]
test byte [eax+303], 1
jz @f
loop .cgf0
mov eax, [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data]
call [eax+PluginInfo.GetFiles]
pop ecx ebp
call pgfree
jmp .copydone
call view_file
1849,8 → 2392,6
push 2
push eax
push 2
push -1
push -1
push aDeleteCaption
call Message
add esp, 8
1871,6 → 2412,11
jmp .copydone
; todo: delete files from plugin panel
cmp [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data], 0
jz @f
cmp [ebp + panel1_selected_num - panel1_data], 0
jnz .f8_has_selected
call get_curfile_folder_entry
1901,8 → 2447,6
push 2
push eax
push 2
push -1
push -1
push aDeleteCaption
call Message
add esp, 8
1975,6 → 2519,11
jmp .done_redraw
; todo: context menu for plugin panel
cmp [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data], 0
jz @f
; display context menu
; ignore folders
call get_curfile_folder_entry
2253,8 → 2802,10
jnz @f
push eax
call close_plugin_panels
lea esi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data]
push eax esi
push esi
mov edi, prev_dir
2383,6 → 2934,113
jmp .done_redraw
call close_plugin_panel
cmp [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data], 0
jnz @b
; close plugin and restore old directory
mov esi, [ebp + panel1_parents - panel1_data]
add esi, [ebp + panel1_parents_sz - panel1_data]
dec esi
cmp byte [esi-1], 0
jnz @b
push esi
lea edi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data]
test al, al
jnz @b
pop esi
sub esi, 9
mov edx, [esi] ; hPlugin
mov ebx, [esi+4] ; hFile
sub esi, [ebp + panel1_parents - panel1_data]
mov [ebp + panel1_parents_sz - panel1_data], esi
xchg edx, [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data]
xchg ebx, [ebp + panel1_hFile - panel1_data]
push edx ebx
lea ebx, [ebp + panel1_plugin_info - panel1_data]
and dword [ebx], 0
mov eax, [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data]
test eax, eax
jz @f
push ebp
push ebx
push [ebp + panel1_hFile - panel1_data]
call [eax+PluginInfo.GetOpenPluginInfo]
pop ebp
pop ebx edx
; edx=hPlugin, ebx=hFile
push ebp
xor ecx, ecx
mov eax, [screens]
mov ebp, [eax+ecx*8+4]
mov eax, [eax+ecx*8]
call [eax+screen_vtable.IsHandleUsed]
jz .used
inc ecx
cmp ecx, [num_screens]
jb @b
push ebx
call [edx+PluginInfo.ClosePlugin]
pop ebp
; edx=hPlugin, ebx=hFile
mov ebp, panel1_data
call .1
jz .ret
mov ebp, panel2_data
cmp edx, [ebp+panel1_hPlugin-panel1_data]
jnz @f
cmp ebx, [ebp+panel1_hFile-panel1_data]
jz .ret
mov esi, [ebp + panel1_parents_sz - panel1_data]
test esi, esi
jnz @f
inc esi
add esi, [ebp + panel1_parents - panel1_data]
dec esi
cmp byte [esi-1], 0
jnz @b
sub esi, 9
cmp edx, [esi] ; hPlugin
jnz .no
mov ebx, [esi+4] ; hFile
jz .ret
cmp esi, [ebp + panel1_parents - panel1_data]
jnz @b
inc esi
; close plugin panels
mov ebp, panel1_data
call close_plugin_panels
mov ebp, panel2_data
call close_plugin_panels
call draw_cmdbar
mov ebp, panel1_data
2458,12 → 3116,43
end if
sub ecx, 13
mov ebp, [active_panel]
lea esi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data]
push 3
pop edx
cmp [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data], 0
jz .native
mov esi, [ebp + panel1_parents - panel1_data]
add esi, [ebp + panel1_parents_sz - panel1_data]
dec esi
cmp byte [esi-1], 0
jz @f
cmp byte [esi-1], '/'
jnz @b
push ecx edi
shr ecx, 1
test al, al
jz @f
loop @b
sub edi, [esp]
sub [esp+4], edi
add [esp], edi
pop edi ecx
lea esi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data]
cmp byte [esi+1], 0
jnz @f
inc esi
jmp .main
lea esi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data]
dec ecx
test al, al
jz @f
2477,6 → 3166,7
dec esi
dec edi
push esi
2518,11 → 3208,11
jz .nodir
cmp esi, [esp]
jae @b
mov esi, [esp+4]
mov al, '/'
dec ecx
jz .nodir
mov esi, [esp+4]
cmp esi, [esp+8]
jb .nodir
3058,6 → 3748,44
and dword [edi], 0
mov edi, [esp+8]
mov ecx, 1024
mov esi, [esp+12]
test esi, esi
jz .nohost
mov edx, esi
test al, al
jz @f
cmp al, '/'
jnz @b
mov edx, esi
jmp @b
mov esi, edx
test al, al
loopnz @b
dec edi
inc ecx
mov esi, [esp+16]
cmp word [esi], '/'
jz .nodir
test al, al
loopnz @b
dec edi
mov byte [edi], 0
ret 10h
mov eax, [ebp + panel1_left - panel1_data]
mov edx, [ebp + panel1_top - panel1_data]
3182,6 → 3910,24
jnz .columns_loop
; ‡ £®«®¢®ª ¯ ­¥«¨ (⥪ãé ï ¯ ¯ª )
lea esi, [ebp + panel1_dir - panel1_data]
mov eax, [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data]
test eax, eax
jz .native
push ebp
push esi
mov esi, [ebp + panel1_parents - panel1_data]
add esi, [ebp + panel1_parents_sz - panel1_data]
dec esi
cmp byte [esi-1], 0
jnz @b
push esi
push execdata
push [ebp + panel1_hFile - panel1_data]
call [eax+PluginInfo.GetPanelTitle]
pop ebp
mov esi, execdata
mov edi, cur_header
mov ecx, [ebp + panel1_width - panel1_data]
sub ecx, 7
4038,10 → 4784,30
mov dword [ebp + panel1_selected_size - panel1_data], eax
mov dword [ebp + panel1_selected_size+4 - panel1_data], eax
mov eax, [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data]
test eax, eax
jz .native
mov ecx, [dirinfo.size]
test [ebp + panel1_plugin_flags - panel1_data], 1
jz @f
dec ecx ; reserve one entry for '..'
push ebp
push [dirinfo.dirdata]
push ecx
push 0
push [ebp + panel1_hFile - panel1_data]
call [eax + PluginInfo.ReadFolder]
pop ebp
mov ebx, [dirinfo.dirdata]
mov ebx, [ebx+4]
jmp .read
push 70
pop eax
mov ebx, dirinfo
int 40h
test eax, eax
jz .ok
cmp eax, 6
4061,14 → 4827,14
push 2
push eax
push 3
push -1
push -1
push dword aError
call SayErr
add esp, 5*4
test eax, eax
jz .retry
; If not on plugin panel, try to return to previous directory
cmp [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data], 0
jnz @f
mov esi, prev_dir
cmp byte [esi], 0
jz @f
4079,6 → 4845,7
mov [bSilentFolderMode], 1 ; enter silent mode
; Try to read parent folder
mov esi, []
xor edx, edx
4091,11 → 4858,27
lea edi, [esi-1]
jmp .up1
cmp [ebp + panel1_hPlugin - panel1_data], 0
jz .4
cmp edx, 1
ja .up
; ç⥭¨¥ á ¯ ­¥«¨ ¯« £¨­  ®¡«®¬ «®áì ¯® ¯®«­®©
; ¯à¨ í⮬ ¬ë 㦥 ¢ ª®à­¥
; ¤¥« ¥¬ ¢¨¤, çâ® äã­ªæ¨ï ç⥭¨ï ¢¥à­ã«  0 í«¥¬¥­â®¢
; (¥á«¨ ­ã¦¥­ ¢å®¤ "..", ®­ ¡ã¤¥â ¤®¡ ¢«¥­  ¢â®¬ â¨ç¥áª¨)
xor ebx, ebx ; 0 items read
mov eax, [dirinfo.dirdata]
mov [eax+8], ebx ; 0 items total
jmp .ok
cmp edx, 2
jbe .noup
jmp read_folder
; There is no parent folder, and we are not on plugin panel
; Try to read ramdisk
mov esi, []
mov edi, esi
4142,9 → 4925,10
mov [prev_dir], 0
jmp read_folder
and [ebp + panel1_start - panel1_data], 0
and [ebp + panel1_index - panel1_data], 0
and [ebp + panel1_start - panel1_data], 0
xor edx, edx
mov [ebp + panel1_start - panel1_data], edx
mov [ebp + panel1_index - panel1_data], edx
mov [ebp + panel1_start - panel1_data], edx
mov edi, [ebp + panel1_files - panel1_data]
mov eax, [ebp + panel1_nfa - panel1_data]
lea eax, [edi + eax*4 + 32]
4151,7 → 4935,6
mov ecx, [eax-32+4]
test ecx, ecx
jz .loopdone
xor edx, edx
; ˆ£­®à¨à㥬 ᯥ樠«ì­ë¥ ¢å®¤ë, ᮮ⢥âáâ¢ãî騥 ¯ ¯ª¥ '.' ¨ ¬¥âª¥ ⮬ 
cmp word [eax+40], '.'
4192,6 → 4975,58
; ¯®¤á¢¥âª 
; call insert_last_dot
call highlight_init
; call delete_last_dot
add eax, 304
dec ecx
jnz .ptrinit
push edi
sub edi, [ebp + panel1_files - panel1_data]
shr edi, 2
mov [ebp + panel1_numfiles - panel1_data], edi
pop edi
test edx, edx
jnz @f
test [ebp + panel1_plugin_flags - panel1_data], 1
jz @f
mov ecx, [ebp + panel1_numfiles - panel1_data]
inc [ebp + panel1_numfiles - panel1_data]
lea esi, [edi-4]
rep movsd
mov eax, left_dotdot_entry
cmp ebp, panel1_data
jz .zq
add eax, right_dotdot_entry-left_dotdot_entry
call highlight_init
; ‘®àâ¨à®¢ª 
movzx eax, [ebp + panel1_sortmode - panel1_data]
mov ebx, [compare_fns + eax*4]
mov edx, [ebp + panel1_files - panel1_data]
mov ecx, [ebp + panel1_numfiles - panel1_data]
jecxz .skip
mov eax, [edx]
cmp word [eax+40], '..'
jnz .nodotdot
cmp byte [eax+42], 0
jnz .nodotdot
dec ecx
add edx, 4
call sort
mov [bSilentFolderMode], 0 ; leave silent mode
mov ebp, eax
lea esi, [ebp+40]
4256,35 → 5091,7
mov ah, [panel_selected_cursor_color]
mov [ebp+7], ah
; call delete_last_dot
add eax, 304
dec ecx
jnz .ptrinit
sub edi, [ebp + panel1_files - panel1_data]
shr edi, 2
mov [ebp + panel1_numfiles - panel1_data], edi
; ‘®àâ¨à®¢ª 
movzx eax, [ebp + panel1_sortmode - panel1_data]
mov ebx, [compare_fns + eax*4]
mov edx, [ebp + panel1_files - panel1_data]
mov ecx, [ebp + panel1_numfiles - panel1_data]
jecxz .skip
mov eax, [edx]
cmp word [eax+40], '..'
jnz .nodotdot
cmp byte [eax+42], 0
jnz .nodotdot
dec ecx
add edx, 4
call sort
mov [bSilentFolderMode], 0 ; leave silent mode
4689,7 → 5496,12
mov eax, 2
ret 10h
if 0
; Following subroutines work, but are slow
; in: esi->name, edi->mask
; out: CF clear <=> match
5273,7 → 6085,7
pop esi
header db 'Kolibri Far 0.35',0
header db 'Kolibri Far ',version,0
nomem_draw db 'No memory for redraw.',0
.size = $ - nomem_draw
5703,6 → 6515,8
.OnKey dd ?
.keybar dd ?
.getname dd ?
.OnExit dd ?
.IsHandleUsed dd ?
end virtual
5710,6 → 6524,8
dd panels_OnKey
dd keybar_panels
dd panels_getname
dd panels_OnExit
dd panels_IsHandleUsed
dd viewer_OnRedraw
5716,6 → 6532,8
dd viewer_OnKey
dd keybar_viewer
dd viewer_getname
dd viewer_OnExit
dd viewer_IsHandleUsed
; additions to this table require changes in
6293,6 → 7111,7
dd aContinue
aCannotOpenFile_ptr dd aCannotOpenFile
if lang eq ru
aDeleteCaption db '“¤ «¥­¨¥',0
aConfirmDeleteText db '‚ë å®â¨â¥ 㤠«¨âì',0
6354,6 → 7173,7
aDate db 4,'„ â '
aTime db 5,'∴•'
aCannotLoadDLL db '¥ ¬®£ã § £à㧨âì DLL',0
aCannotLoadPlugin db '¥ ¬®£ã § £à㧨âì ¯« £¨­',0
aInvalidDLL db '” ©« ­¥ ­ ©¤¥­ ¨«¨ ¨¬¥¥â ­¥¢¥à­ë© ä®à¬ â',0
aMissingExport db '¥®¡å®¤¨¬ ï äã­ªæ¨ï ­¥ ­ ©¤¥­ ',0
aInitFailed db 'Žè¨¡ª  ¯à¨ ¨­¨æ¨ «¨§ æ¨¨',0
6361,6 → 7181,8
aTables db '’ ¡«¨æë',0
aSelect db '®¬¥â¨âì',0
aDeselect db '‘­ïâì',0
aCannotOpenFile db 'Žè¨¡ª  ¯à¨ ®âªàë⨨ ä ©« ',0
aCannotSetFolder db '¥ ¬®£ã § ©â¨ ¢ ¯ ¯ªã',0
aDeleteCaption db 'Delete',0
aConfirmDeleteText db 'Do you wish to delete',0
6426,6 → 7248,7
aDate db 4,'Date'
aTime db 4,'Time'
aCannotLoadDLL db 'Cannot load DLL',0
aCannotLoadPlugin db 'Cannot load plugin',0
aInvalidDLL db 'File is not found or invalid',0
aMissingExport db 'Required function is not present',0
aInitFailed db 'Initialization failed',0
6433,11 → 7256,15
aTables db 'Tables',0
aSelect db 'Select',0
aDeselect db 'Deselect',0
aCannotOpenFile db 'Cannot open the file',0
aCannotSetFolder db 'Cannot enter to folder',0
end if
aOk db 'OK',0
aNoMemory db 'No memory!'
nullstr db 0
aUntitled db 'untitled',0
aDotDot db '..',0,0
libini_name db '/sys/dll/'
standard_dll_path_size = $ - standard_dll_path
6447,13 → 7274,33
aVersion db 'version',0
aIniGetInt db 'ini.get_int',0
aIniGetStr db 'ini.get_str',0
aIniSetInt db 'ini.set_int',0
aIniEnumKeys db 'ini.enum_keys',0
aPluginLoad db 'plugin_load',0
aPluginUnload db 'plugin_unload',0
aGetattr db 'getattr',0
aOpen db 'open',0
aRead db 'read',0
aSetpos db 'setpos',0
aClose db 'close',0
aOpenFilePlugin db 'OpenFilePlugin',0
aClosePlugin db 'ClosePlugin',0
aReadFolder db 'ReadFolder',0
aSetFolder db 'SetFolder',0
aGetOpenPluginInfo db 'GetOpenPluginInfo',0
aGetPanelTitle db 'GetPanelTitle',0
aGetFiles db 'GetFiles',0
aConfirmations db 'Confirmations',0
aConfirmDelete db 'Delete',0
aConfirmDeleteIncomplete db 'DeleteIncomplete',0
aPanels db 'Panels',0
aLeftViewMode db 'LeftViewMode',0
aRightViewMode db 'RightViewMode',0
aAssociations db 'Associations',0
aPlugins db 'Plugins',0
aMenu db 'Menu',0
aFolderShortcuts db 'FolderShortcuts',0
aShortcut db 'Shortcut'
6464,9 → 7311,87
ini.get_int dd aIniGetInt
ini.get_str dd aIniGetStr
ini.enum_keys dd aIniEnumKeys
ini.set_int dd aIniSetInt
dd 0
dd aPluginUnload
dd aGetattr
dd aOpen
dd aRead
dd aSetpos
dd aClose
dd aOpenFilePlugin
dd aClosePlugin
dd aReadFolder
dd aSetFolder
dd aGetOpenPluginInfo
dd aGetPanelTitle
dd aGetFiles
dd 0
dd plugin_unload_default
dd getattr_default
dd open_default
dd read
dd setpos_default
dd close
dd OpenFilePlugin_default
dd ClosePlugin_default
dd ReadFolder_default
dd SetFolder_default
dd GetOpenPluginInfo_default
dd GetPanelTitle_default
dd GetFiles_default
dd .size
dd version_dword
dd open
dd read
dd -1 ; write: to be implemented
dd seek
dd -1 ; flush: to be implemented
dd filesize
dd close
dd xpgalloc
dd xpgrealloc
dd pgfree
dd getfreemem
dd libini_alloc
dd libini_realloc
dd libini_free
dd menu
dd menu_centered_in
dd DialogBox
dd SayErr
dd Message
dd cur_width
.size = $ - kfar_info
plugins dd 0
num_plugins dd 0
alloc_plugins dd 0
virtual at 0
.unload dd ?
.getattr dd ?
.open dd ?
.read dd ?
.setpos dd ?
.close dd ?
.OpenFilePlugin dd ?
.ClosePlugin dd ?
.ReadFolder dd ?
.SetFolder dd ?
.GetOpenPluginInfo dd ?
.GetPanelTitle dd ?
.GetFiles dd ?
.size = $
end virtual
virtual at 0
; up to 16 columns on one panel
.NumColumns dd ?
6592,6 → 7517,11
panel1_nfa dd ?
panel1_numfiles dd ?
panel1_files dd ?
panel1_hPlugin dd ?
panel1_hFile dd ?
panel1_parents dd ?
panel1_parents_sz dd ?
panel1_parents_alloc dd ?
panel1_colmode dd ?
panel1_colwidths rd 16+1
panel1_total_num dd ?
6598,6 → 7528,8
panel1_total_size dq ?
panel1_selected_num dd ?
panel1_selected_size dq ?
panel1_plugin_flags dd ?
panel1_dir rb 1024
6614,6 → 7546,11
panel2_nfa dd ?
panel2_numfiles dd ?
panel2_files dd ?
panel2_hPlugin dd ?
panel2_hFile dd ?
panel2_parents dd ?
panel2_parents_sz dd ?
panel2_parents_alloc dd ?
panel2_colmode dd ?
panel2_colwidths rd 16+1
panel2_total_num dd ?
6620,6 → 7557,8
panel2_total_size dq ?
panel2_selected_num dd ?
panel2_selected_size dq ?
panel2_plugin_flags dd ?
panel2_dir rb 1024
;console_data rb max_width*max_height*2
6670,6 → 7609,10
active_screen_vtable dd ?
active_screen_data dd ?
default_attr dd ?
left_dotdot_entry rb 40+3 ; 40 bytes for attributes + '..'
right_dotdot_entry rb 40+3
aConfirmDeleteTextBuf rb aConfirmDeleteTextMax + 1
CopySourceTextBuf rb 512
CopyDestEditBuf rb 12+512+1
6686,6 → 7629,12
copy_buffer_size = 65536
copy_buffer rb copy_buffer_size
filedata_buffer_size = 1024
filedata_buffer rb filedata_buffer_size
source_hModule dd ?
source_hPlugin dd ?
source_hFile dd ?
; data for directory delete
; If directory nested level is >1024, then its full name is too big,
; so we see the overflow when creating full name (we check for this!)
6701,6 → 7650,7
del_bSkipAll db ? ; for directory errors
label copy_bSkipAll byte at del_bSkipAll
copy_bSkipAll2 db ? ; for file read/write errors
copy_bSkipAll3 db ? ; for SetFolder errors
bEndSlash db ?
bDestIsFolder db ?
6708,7 → 7658,7
; stack
align 4
rb 512
rb 32768