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Regard whitespace Rev 6428 → Rev 6429

0,0 → 1,128
# Tiny C Compiler Makefile for libtcc1.a
TOP = ..
include $(TOP)/Makefile
VPATH = $(top_srcdir)/lib $(top_srcdir)/win32/lib
ifndef TARGET # native library
ifdef CONFIG_WIN64
TARGET = x86_64-win
ifdef CONFIG_WIN32
TARGET = i386-win
ifeq ($(ARCH),i386)
TARGET = i386
ifeq ($(ARCH),x86-64)
TARGET = x86_64
ifeq ($(ARCH),arm)
TARGET = arm
XCC = $(CC)
ifeq ($(ARCH),arm64)
TARGET = arm64
BCHECK_O = bcheck.o
native : ../libtcc1.a
cross : $(DIR)/libtcc1.a
native : TCC = $(TOP)/tcc$(EXESUF)
cross : TCC = $(TOP)/$(TARGET)-tcc$(EXESUF)
I386_O = libtcc1.o alloca86.o alloca86-bt.o $(BCHECK_O)
X86_64_O = libtcc1.o alloca86_64.o alloca86_64-bt.o $(BCHECK_O)
ARM_O = libtcc1.o armeabi.o alloca-arm.o
WIN32_O = $(I386_O) crt1.o wincrt1.o dllcrt1.o dllmain.o chkstk.o
WIN64_O = $(X86_64_O) crt1.o wincrt1.o dllcrt1.o dllmain.o chkstk.o
ARM64_O = lib-arm64.o
# build TCC runtime library to contain PIC code, so it can be linked
# into shared libraries
# don't compile with -fstack-protector-strong, TCC doesn't handle it
# correctly
CFLAGS := $(filter-out -fstack-protector-strong,$(CFLAGS))
ifeq "$(TARGET)" "i386-win"
OBJ = $(addprefix $(DIR)/,$(WIN32_O))
XCC ?= $(TCC) -B$(top_srcdir)/win32 -I$(top_srcdir)/include
XAR ?= $(DIR)/tiny_libmaker$(EXESUF)
ifeq "$(TARGET)" "x86_64-win"
OBJ = $(addprefix $(DIR)/,$(WIN64_O))
XCC = $(TCC) -B$(top_srcdir)/win32 -I$(top_srcdir)/include
XAR ?= $(DIR)/tiny_libmaker$(EXESUF)
ifeq "$(TARGET)" "i386"
OBJ = $(addprefix $(DIR)/,$(I386_O))
XCC ?= $(TCC) -B$(TOP)
ifeq "$(TARGET)" "x86_64"
OBJ = $(addprefix $(DIR)/,$(X86_64_O))
XCC ?= $(TCC) -B$(TOP)
ifeq "$(TARGET)" "arm"
OBJ = $(addprefix $(DIR)/,$(ARM_O))
XCC ?= $(TCC) -B$(TOP)
ifeq "$(TARGET)" "arm64"
OBJ = $(addprefix $(DIR)/,$(ARM64_O))
XCC ?= $(TCC) -B$(TOP)
$(error libtcc1.a not supported on target '$(TARGET)')
XFLAGS = $(filter-out -b,$(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(PICFLAGS) $(TGT))
ifeq ($(TARGETOS),Darwin)
XAR = $(DIR)/tiny_libmaker$(EXESUF)
XAR ?= $(AR)
$(DIR)/libtcc1.a ../libtcc1.a : $(OBJ) $(XAR)
$(XAR) rcs $@ $(OBJ)
$(DIR)/%.o : %.c
$(XCC) -c $< -o $@ $(XFLAGS)
$(DIR)/%.o : %.S
$(XCC) -c $< -o $@ $(XFLAGS)
$(DIR)/%$(EXESUF) : $(TOP)/win32/tools/%.c
$(CC) -o $@ $< $(XFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
$(OBJ) $(XAR) : $(DIR)/exists
$(DIR)/exists :
mkdir -p $(DIR)
@echo $@ > $@
clean :
rm -rfv i386-win x86_64-win i386 x86_64 arm64
0,0 → 1,11
.align 2
.global alloca
.type alloca, %function
rsb sp, r0, sp
bic sp, sp, #7
mov r0, sp
mov pc, lr
.size alloca, .-alloca
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
0,0 → 1,47
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
/* alloca86-bt.S */
.globl __bound_alloca
pop %edx
pop %eax
mov %eax, %ecx
add $3,%eax
and $-4,%eax
jz p6
cmp $4096,%eax
jbe p5
test %eax,-4096(%esp)
sub $4096,%esp
sub $4096,%eax
jmp p4
sub %eax,%esp
mov %esp,%eax
push %edx
push %eax
push %ecx
push %eax
call __bound_new_region
add $8, %esp
pop %eax
pop %edx
push %edx
push %edx
/* mark stack as nonexecutable */
#if defined __ELF__ && defined __linux__
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
0,0 → 1,35
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
/* alloca86.S */
.globl alloca
pop %edx
pop %eax
add $3,%eax
and $-4,%eax
jz p3
cmp $4096,%eax
jbe p2
test %eax,-4096(%esp)
sub $4096,%esp
sub $4096,%eax
jmp p1
sub %eax,%esp
mov %esp,%eax
push %edx
push %edx
/* mark stack as nonexecutable */
#if defined __ELF__ && defined __linux__
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
0,0 → 1,60
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
/* alloca86_64.S */
.globl __bound_alloca
# bound checking is not implemented
pop %rdx
mov %rcx,%rax
add $15,%rax
and $-16,%rax
jz p3
cmp $4096,%rax
jbe p2
test %rax,-4096(%rsp)
sub $4096,%rsp
sub $4096,%rax
jmp p1
sub %rax,%rsp
mov %rsp,%rax
add $32,%rax
push %rdx
pop %rdx
mov %rdi,%rax
movl %rax,%rsi # size, a second parm to the __bound_new_region
add $15,%rax
and $-16,%rax
jz p3
sub %rax,%rsp
mov %rsp,%rdi # pointer, a first parm to the __bound_new_region
mov %rsp,%rax
push %rdx
push %rax
call __bound_new_region
pop %rax
pop %rdx
push %rdx
/* mark stack as nonexecutable */
#if defined __ELF__ && defined __linux__
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
0,0 → 1,42
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
/* alloca86_64.S */
.globl alloca
pop %rdx
mov %rcx,%rax
mov %rdi,%rax
add $15,%rax
and $-16,%rax
jz p3
cmp $4096,%rax
jbe p2
test %rax,-4096(%rsp)
sub $4096,%rsp
sub $4096,%rax
jmp p1
sub %rax,%rsp
mov %rsp,%rax
add $32,%rax
push %rdx
/* mark stack as nonexecutable */
#if defined __ELF__ && defined __linux__
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
0,0 → 1,489
/* TCC ARM runtime EABI
Copyright (C) 2013 Thomas Preud'homme
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the software.
#include <limits.h>
/* We rely on the little endianness and EABI calling convention for this to
work */
typedef struct double_unsigned_struct {
unsigned low;
unsigned high;
} double_unsigned_struct;
typedef struct unsigned_int_struct {
unsigned low;
int high;
} unsigned_int_struct;
#define REGS_RETURN(name, type) \
void name ## _return(type ret) {}
/* Float helper functions */
#define FLOAT_EXP_BITS 8
#define FLOAT_FRAC_BITS 23
#define DOUBLE_EXP_BITS 11
#define ONE_EXP(type) ((1 << (type ## _EXP_BITS - 1)) - 1)
REGS_RETURN(unsigned_int_struct, unsigned_int_struct)
REGS_RETURN(double_unsigned_struct, double_unsigned_struct)
/* float -> integer: (sign) 1.fraction x 2^(exponent - exp_for_one) */
/* float to [unsigned] long long conversion */
#define DEFINE__AEABI_F2XLZ(name, with_sign) \
void __aeabi_ ## name(unsigned val) \
{ \
int exp, high_shift, sign; \
double_unsigned_struct ret; \
/* compute sign */ \
sign = val >> 31; \
/* compute real exponent */ \
exp = val >> FLOAT_FRAC_BITS; \
exp &= (1 << FLOAT_EXP_BITS) - 1; \
exp -= ONE_EXP(FLOAT); \
/* undefined behavior if truncated value cannot be represented */ \
if (with_sign) { \
if (exp > 62) /* |val| too big, double cannot represent LLONG_MAX */ \
return; \
} else { \
if ((sign && exp >= 0) || exp > 63) /* if val < 0 || val too big */ \
return; \
} \
val &= (1 << FLOAT_FRAC_BITS) - 1; \
if (exp >= 32) { \
ret.high = 1 << (exp - 32); \
if (exp - 32 >= FLOAT_FRAC_BITS) { \
ret.high |= val << (exp - 32 - FLOAT_FRAC_BITS); \
ret.low = 0; \
} else { \
high_shift = FLOAT_FRAC_BITS - (exp - 32); \
ret.high |= val >> high_shift; \
ret.low = val << (32 - high_shift); \
} \
} else { \
ret.high = 0; \
ret.low = 1 << exp; \
if (exp > FLOAT_FRAC_BITS) \
ret.low |= val << (exp - FLOAT_FRAC_BITS); \
else \
ret.low |= val >> (FLOAT_FRAC_BITS - exp); \
} \
/* encode negative integer using 2's complement */ \
if (with_sign && sign) { \
ret.low = ~ret.low; \
ret.high = ~ret.high; \
if (ret.low == UINT_MAX) { \
ret.low = 0; \
ret.high++; \
} else \
ret.low++; \
} \
double_unsigned_struct_return(ret); \
/* float to unsigned long long conversion */
/* float to long long conversion */
/* double to [unsigned] long long conversion */
#define DEFINE__AEABI_D2XLZ(name, with_sign) \
void __aeabi_ ## name(double_unsigned_struct val) \
{ \
int exp, high_shift, sign; \
double_unsigned_struct ret; \
/* compute sign */ \
sign = val.high >> 31; \
/* compute real exponent */ \
exp = (val.high >> (DOUBLE_FRAC_BITS - 32)); \
exp &= (1 << DOUBLE_EXP_BITS) - 1; \
exp -= ONE_EXP(DOUBLE); \
/* undefined behavior if truncated value cannot be represented */ \
if (with_sign) { \
if (exp > 62) /* |val| too big, double cannot represent LLONG_MAX */ \
return; \
} else { \
if ((sign && exp >= 0) || exp > 63) /* if val < 0 || val too big */ \
return; \
} \
val.high &= (1 << (DOUBLE_FRAC_BITS - 32)) - 1; \
if (exp >= 32) { \
ret.high = 1 << (exp - 32); \
if (exp >= DOUBLE_FRAC_BITS) { \
high_shift = exp - DOUBLE_FRAC_BITS; \
ret.high |= val.high << high_shift; \
ret.high |= val.low >> (32 - high_shift); \
ret.low = val.low << high_shift; \
} else { \
high_shift = DOUBLE_FRAC_BITS - exp; \
ret.high |= val.high >> high_shift; \
ret.low = val.high << (32 - high_shift); \
ret.low |= val.low >> high_shift; \
} \
} else { \
ret.high = 0; \
ret.low = 1 << exp; \
if (exp > DOUBLE_FRAC_BITS - 32) { \
high_shift = exp - DOUBLE_FRAC_BITS - 32; \
ret.low |= val.high << high_shift; \
ret.low |= val.low >> (32 - high_shift); \
} else \
ret.low |= val.high >> (DOUBLE_FRAC_BITS - 32 - exp); \
} \
/* encode negative integer using 2's complement */ \
if (with_sign && sign) { \
ret.low = ~ret.low; \
ret.high = ~ret.high; \
if (ret.low == UINT_MAX) { \
ret.low = 0; \
ret.high++; \
} else \
ret.low++; \
} \
double_unsigned_struct_return(ret); \
/* double to unsigned long long conversion */
/* double to long long conversion */
/* long long to float conversion */
#define DEFINE__AEABI_XL2F(name, with_sign) \
unsigned __aeabi_ ## name(unsigned long long v) \
{ \
int s /* shift */, flb /* first lost bit */, sign = 0; \
unsigned p = 0 /* power */, ret; \
double_unsigned_struct val; \
/* fraction in negative float is encoded in 1's complement */ \
if (with_sign && (v & (1ULL << 63))) { \
sign = 1; \
v = ~v + 1; \
} \
val.low = v; \
val.high = v >> 32; \
/* fill fraction bits */ \
for (s = 31, p = 1 << 31; p && !(val.high & p); s--, p >>= 1); \
if (p) { \
ret = val.high & (p - 1); \
if (s < FLOAT_FRAC_BITS) { \
ret <<= FLOAT_FRAC_BITS - s; \
ret |= val.low >> (32 - (FLOAT_FRAC_BITS - s)); \
flb = (val.low >> (32 - (FLOAT_FRAC_BITS - s - 1))) & 1; \
} else { \
flb = (ret >> (s - FLOAT_FRAC_BITS - 1)) & 1; \
ret >>= s - FLOAT_FRAC_BITS; \
} \
s += 32; \
} else { \
for (s = 31, p = 1 << 31; p && !(val.low & p); s--, p >>= 1); \
if (p) { \
ret = val.low & (p - 1); \
if (s <= FLOAT_FRAC_BITS) { \
ret <<= FLOAT_FRAC_BITS - s; \
flb = 0; \
} else { \
flb = (ret >> (s - FLOAT_FRAC_BITS - 1)) & 1; \
ret >>= s - FLOAT_FRAC_BITS; \
} \
} else \
return 0; \
} \
if (flb) \
ret++; \
/* fill exponent bits */ \
ret |= (s + ONE_EXP(FLOAT)) << FLOAT_FRAC_BITS; \
/* fill sign bit */ \
ret |= sign << 31; \
return ret; \
/* unsigned long long to float conversion */
/* long long to float conversion */
/* long long to double conversion */
#define __AEABI_XL2D(name, with_sign) \
void __aeabi_ ## name(unsigned long long v) \
{ \
int s /* shift */, high_shift, sign = 0; \
unsigned tmp, p = 0; \
double_unsigned_struct val, ret; \
/* fraction in negative float is encoded in 1's complement */ \
if (with_sign && (v & (1ULL << 63))) { \
sign = 1; \
v = ~v + 1; \
} \
val.low = v; \
val.high = v >> 32; \
/* fill fraction bits */ \
for (s = 31, p = 1 << 31; p && !(val.high & p); s--, p >>= 1); \
if (p) { \
tmp = val.high & (p - 1); \
if (s < DOUBLE_FRAC_BITS - 32) { \
high_shift = DOUBLE_FRAC_BITS - 32 - s; \
ret.high = tmp << high_shift; \
ret.high |= val.low >> (32 - high_shift); \
ret.low = val.low << high_shift; \
} else { \
high_shift = s - (DOUBLE_FRAC_BITS - 32); \
ret.high = tmp >> high_shift; \
ret.low = tmp << (32 - high_shift); \
ret.low |= val.low >> high_shift; \
if ((val.low >> (high_shift - 1)) & 1) { \
if (ret.low == UINT_MAX) { \
ret.high++; \
ret.low = 0; \
} else \
ret.low++; \
} \
} \
s += 32; \
} else { \
for (s = 31, p = 1 << 31; p && !(val.low & p); s--, p >>= 1); \
if (p) { \
tmp = val.low & (p - 1); \
if (s <= DOUBLE_FRAC_BITS - 32) { \
high_shift = DOUBLE_FRAC_BITS - 32 - s; \
ret.high = tmp << high_shift; \
ret.low = 0; \
} else { \
high_shift = s - (DOUBLE_FRAC_BITS - 32); \
ret.high = tmp >> high_shift; \
ret.low = tmp << (32 - high_shift); \
} \
} else { \
ret.high = ret.low = 0; \
double_unsigned_struct_return(ret); \
} \
} \
/* fill exponent bits */ \
ret.high |= (s + ONE_EXP(DOUBLE)) << (DOUBLE_FRAC_BITS - 32); \
/* fill sign bit */ \
ret.high |= sign << 31; \
double_unsigned_struct_return(ret); \
/* unsigned long long to double conversion */
__AEABI_XL2D(ul2d, 0)
/* long long to double conversion */
__AEABI_XL2D(l2d, 1)
/* Long long helper functions */
/* TODO: add error in case of den == 0 (see §4.3.1 and §4.3.2) */
#define define_aeabi_xdivmod_signed_type(basetype, type) \
typedef struct type { \
basetype quot; \
unsigned basetype rem; \
} type
#define define_aeabi_xdivmod_unsigned_type(basetype, type) \
typedef struct type { \
basetype quot; \
basetype rem; \
} type
#define AEABI_UXDIVMOD(name,type, rettype, typemacro) \
static inline rettype aeabi_ ## name (type num, type den) \
{ \
rettype ret; \
type quot = 0; \
/* Increase quotient while it is less than numerator */ \
while (num >= den) { \
type q = 1; \
/* Find closest power of two */ \
while ((q << 1) * den <= num && q * den <= typemacro ## _MAX / 2) \
q <<= 1; \
/* Compute difference between current quotient and numerator */ \
num -= q * den; \
quot += q; \
} \
ret.quot = quot; \
ret.rem = num; \
return ret; \
#define __AEABI_XDIVMOD(name, type, uiname, rettype, urettype, typemacro) \
void __aeabi_ ## name(type numerator, type denominator) \
{ \
unsigned type num, den; \
urettype uxdiv_ret; \
rettype ret; \
if (numerator >= 0) \
num = numerator; \
else \
num = 0 - numerator; \
if (denominator >= 0) \
den = denominator; \
else \
den = 0 - denominator; \
uxdiv_ret = aeabi_ ## uiname(num, den); \
/* signs differ */ \
if ((numerator & typemacro ## _MIN) != (denominator & typemacro ## _MIN)) \
ret.quot = 0 - uxdiv_ret.quot; \
else \
ret.quot = uxdiv_ret.quot; \
if (numerator < 0) \
ret.rem = 0 - uxdiv_ret.rem; \
else \
ret.rem = uxdiv_ret.rem; \
rettype ## _return(ret); \
define_aeabi_xdivmod_signed_type(long long, lldiv_t);
define_aeabi_xdivmod_unsigned_type(unsigned long long, ulldiv_t);
define_aeabi_xdivmod_signed_type(int, idiv_t);
define_aeabi_xdivmod_unsigned_type(unsigned, uidiv_t);
REGS_RETURN(lldiv_t, lldiv_t)
REGS_RETURN(ulldiv_t, ulldiv_t)
REGS_RETURN(idiv_t, idiv_t)
REGS_RETURN(uidiv_t, uidiv_t)
AEABI_UXDIVMOD(uldivmod, unsigned long long, ulldiv_t, ULONG)
__AEABI_XDIVMOD(ldivmod, long long, uldivmod, lldiv_t, ulldiv_t, LLONG)
void __aeabi_uldivmod(unsigned long long num, unsigned long long den)
ulldiv_t_return(aeabi_uldivmod(num, den));
void __aeabi_llsl(double_unsigned_struct val, int shift)
double_unsigned_struct ret;
if (shift >= 32) {
val.high = val.low;
val.low = 0;
shift -= 32;
if (shift > 0) {
ret.low = val.low << shift;
ret.high = (val.high << shift) | (val.low >> (32 - shift));
#define aeabi_lsr(val, shift, fill, type) \
type ## _struct ret; \
if (shift >= 32) { \
val.low = val.high; \
val.high = fill; \
shift -= 32; \
} \
if (shift > 0) { \
ret.high = val.high >> shift; \
ret.low = (val.high << (32 - shift)) | (val.low >> shift); \
type ## _struct_return(ret); \
return; \
} \
type ## _struct_return(val);
void __aeabi_llsr(double_unsigned_struct val, int shift)
aeabi_lsr(val, shift, 0, double_unsigned);
void __aeabi_lasr(unsigned_int_struct val, int shift)
aeabi_lsr(val, shift, val.high >> 31, unsigned_int);
/* Integer division functions */
AEABI_UXDIVMOD(uidivmod, unsigned, uidiv_t, UINT)
int __aeabi_idiv(int numerator, int denominator)
unsigned num, den;
uidiv_t ret;
if (numerator >= 0)
num = numerator;
num = 0 - numerator;
if (denominator >= 0)
den = denominator;
den = 0 - denominator;
ret = aeabi_uidivmod(num, den);
if ((numerator & INT_MIN) != (denominator & INT_MIN)) /* signs differ */
ret.quot *= -1;
return ret.quot;
unsigned __aeabi_uidiv(unsigned num, unsigned den)
return aeabi_uidivmod(num, den).quot;
__AEABI_XDIVMOD(idivmod, int, uidivmod, idiv_t, uidiv_t, INT)
void __aeabi_uidivmod(unsigned num, unsigned den)
uidiv_t_return(aeabi_uidivmod(num, den));
0,0 → 1,950
* Tiny C Memory and bounds checker
* Copyright (c) 2002 Fabrice Bellard
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#if !defined(__FreeBSD__) && !defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) \
&& !defined(__DragonFly__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__) && !defined(__NetBSD__)
#include <malloc.h>
#if !defined(_WIN32)
#include <unistd.h>
/* #define BOUND_DEBUG */
#define dprintf(a...) fprintf(a)
#define dprintf(a...)
/* define so that bound array is static (faster, but use memory if
bound checking not used) */
/* #define BOUND_STATIC */
/* use malloc hooks. Currently the code cannot be reliable if no hooks */
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD_kernel__) \
|| defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__dietlibc__) \
|| defined(__UCLIBC__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) \
|| defined(_WIN32) || defined(TCC_UCLIBC)
#warning Bound checking does not support malloc (etc.) in this environment.
#define BOUND_T1_BITS 13
#define BOUND_T2_BITS 11
#define BOUND_T3_BITS (sizeof(size_t)*8 - BOUND_T1_BITS - BOUND_T2_BITS)
#define BOUND_E_BITS (sizeof(size_t))
#define BOUND_T1_SIZE (1 << BOUND_T1_BITS)
#define BOUND_T2_SIZE (1 << BOUND_T2_BITS)
#define BOUND_T3_SIZE (1 << BOUND_T3_BITS)
#define BOUND_T23_SIZE (1 << BOUND_T23_BITS)
/* this pointer is generated when bound check is incorrect */
#define INVALID_POINTER ((void *)(-2))
/* size of an empty region */
#define EMPTY_SIZE ((size_t)(-1))
/* size of an invalid region */
#define INVALID_SIZE 0
typedef struct BoundEntry {
size_t start;
size_t size;
struct BoundEntry *next;
size_t is_invalid; /* true if pointers outside region are invalid */
} BoundEntry;
/* external interface */
void __bound_init(void);
void __bound_new_region(void *p, size_t size);
int __bound_delete_region(void *p);
#ifdef __attribute__
/* an __attribute__ macro is defined in the system headers */
#undef __attribute__
#define FASTCALL __attribute__((regparm(3)))
void *__bound_malloc(size_t size, const void *caller);
void *__bound_memalign(size_t size, size_t align, const void *caller);
void __bound_free(void *ptr, const void *caller);
void *__bound_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size, const void *caller);
static void *libc_malloc(size_t size);
static void libc_free(void *ptr);
static void install_malloc_hooks(void);
static void restore_malloc_hooks(void);
static void *saved_malloc_hook;
static void *saved_free_hook;
static void *saved_realloc_hook;
static void *saved_memalign_hook;
/* TCC definitions */
extern char __bounds_start; /* start of static bounds table */
/* error message, just for TCC */
const char *__bound_error_msg;
/* runtime error output */
extern void rt_error(size_t pc, const char *fmt, ...);
static BoundEntry *__bound_t1[BOUND_T1_SIZE]; /* page table */
static BoundEntry **__bound_t1; /* page table */
static BoundEntry *__bound_empty_t2; /* empty page, for unused pages */
static BoundEntry *__bound_invalid_t2; /* invalid page, for invalid pointers */
static BoundEntry *__bound_find_region(BoundEntry *e1, void *p)
size_t addr, tmp;
BoundEntry *e;
e = e1;
while (e != NULL) {
addr = (size_t)p;
addr -= e->start;
if (addr <= e->size) {
/* put region at the head */
tmp = e1->start;
e1->start = e->start;
e->start = tmp;
tmp = e1->size;
e1->size = e->size;
e->size = tmp;
return e1;
e = e->next;
/* no entry found: return empty entry or invalid entry */
if (e1->is_invalid)
return __bound_invalid_t2;
return __bound_empty_t2;
/* print a bound error message */
static void bound_error(const char *fmt, ...)
__bound_error_msg = fmt;
fprintf(stderr,"%s %s: %s\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, fmt);
*(int *)0 = 0; /* force a runtime error */
static void bound_alloc_error(void)
bound_error("not enough memory for bound checking code");
/* return '(p + offset)' for pointer arithmetic (a pointer can reach
the end of a region in this case */
void * FASTCALL __bound_ptr_add(void *p, size_t offset)
size_t addr = (size_t)p;
BoundEntry *e;
dprintf(stderr, "%s %s: %p %p\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, p, offset);
e = __bound_t1[addr >> (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS)];
e = (BoundEntry *)((char *)e +
((addr >> (BOUND_T3_BITS - BOUND_E_BITS)) &
((BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1) << BOUND_E_BITS)));
addr -= e->start;
if (addr > e->size) {
e = __bound_find_region(e, p);
addr = (size_t)p - e->start;
addr += offset;
if (addr >= e->size) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s %s: %p is outside of the region\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, p + offset);
return INVALID_POINTER; /* return an invalid pointer */
return p + offset;
/* return '(p + offset)' for pointer indirection (the resulting must
be strictly inside the region */
#define BOUND_PTR_INDIR(dsize) \
void * FASTCALL __bound_ptr_indir ## dsize (void *p, size_t offset) \
{ \
size_t addr = (size_t)p; \
BoundEntry *e; \
dprintf(stderr, "%s %s: %p %p start\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, p, offset); \
__bound_init(); \
e = __bound_t1[addr >> (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS)]; \
e = (BoundEntry *)((char *)e + \
((addr >> (BOUND_T3_BITS - BOUND_E_BITS)) & \
((BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1) << BOUND_E_BITS))); \
addr -= e->start; \
if (addr > e->size) { \
e = __bound_find_region(e, p); \
addr = (size_t)p - e->start; \
} \
addr += offset + dsize; \
if (addr > e->size) { \
fprintf(stderr,"%s %s: %p is outside of the region\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, p + offset); \
return INVALID_POINTER; /* return an invalid pointer */ \
} \
dprintf(stderr, "%s %s: return p+offset = %p\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, p + offset); \
return p + offset; \
/* return the frame pointer of the caller */
#define GET_CALLER_FP(fp)\
fp = (size_t)__builtin_frame_address(1);\
/* called when entering a function to add all the local regions */
void FASTCALL __bound_local_new(void *p1)
size_t addr, size, fp, *p = p1;
dprintf(stderr, "%s, %s start p1=%p\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, p);
for(;;) {
addr = p[0];
if (addr == 0)
addr += fp;
size = p[1];
p += 2;
__bound_new_region((void *)addr, size);
dprintf(stderr, "%s, %s end\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__);
/* called when leaving a function to delete all the local regions */
void FASTCALL __bound_local_delete(void *p1)
size_t addr, fp, *p = p1;
for(;;) {
addr = p[0];
if (addr == 0)
addr += fp;
p += 2;
__bound_delete_region((void *)addr);
static BoundEntry *__bound_new_page(void)
BoundEntry *page;
size_t i;
page = libc_malloc(sizeof(BoundEntry) * BOUND_T2_SIZE);
if (!page)
for(i=0;i<BOUND_T2_SIZE;i++) {
/* put empty entries */
page[i].start = 0;
page[i].size = EMPTY_SIZE;
page[i].next = NULL;
page[i].is_invalid = 0;
return page;
/* currently we use malloc(). Should use bound_new_page() */
static BoundEntry *bound_new_entry(void)
BoundEntry *e;
e = libc_malloc(sizeof(BoundEntry));
return e;
static void bound_free_entry(BoundEntry *e)
static BoundEntry *get_page(size_t index)
BoundEntry *page;
page = __bound_t1[index];
if (!page || page == __bound_empty_t2 || page == __bound_invalid_t2) {
/* create a new page if necessary */
page = __bound_new_page();
__bound_t1[index] = page;
return page;
/* mark a region as being invalid (can only be used during init) */
static void mark_invalid(size_t addr, size_t size)
size_t start, end;
BoundEntry *page;
size_t t1_start, t1_end, i, j, t2_start, t2_end;
start = addr;
end = addr + size;
t2_start = (start + BOUND_T3_SIZE - 1) >> BOUND_T3_BITS;
if (end != 0)
t2_end = end >> BOUND_T3_BITS;
t2_end = 1 << (BOUND_T1_BITS + BOUND_T2_BITS);
#if 0
dprintf(stderr, "mark_invalid: start = %x %x\n", t2_start, t2_end);
/* first we handle full pages */
t1_start = (t2_start + BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1) >> BOUND_T2_BITS;
t1_end = t2_end >> BOUND_T2_BITS;
i = t2_start & (BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1);
j = t2_end & (BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1);
if (t1_start == t1_end) {
page = get_page(t2_start >> BOUND_T2_BITS);
for(; i < j; i++) {
page[i].size = INVALID_SIZE;
page[i].is_invalid = 1;
} else {
if (i > 0) {
page = get_page(t2_start >> BOUND_T2_BITS);
for(; i < BOUND_T2_SIZE; i++) {
page[i].size = INVALID_SIZE;
page[i].is_invalid = 1;
for(i = t1_start; i < t1_end; i++) {
__bound_t1[i] = __bound_invalid_t2;
if (j != 0) {
page = get_page(t1_end);
for(i = 0; i < j; i++) {
page[i].size = INVALID_SIZE;
page[i].is_invalid = 1;
void __bound_init(void)
size_t i;
BoundEntry *page;
size_t start, size;
size_t *p;
static int inited;
if (inited)
inited = 1;
dprintf(stderr, "%s, %s() start\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__);
/* save malloc hooks and install bound check hooks */
__bound_t1 = libc_malloc(BOUND_T1_SIZE * sizeof(BoundEntry *));
if (!__bound_t1)
__bound_empty_t2 = __bound_new_page();
for(i=0;i<BOUND_T1_SIZE;i++) {
__bound_t1[i] = __bound_empty_t2;
page = __bound_new_page();
for(i=0;i<BOUND_T2_SIZE;i++) {
/* put invalid entries */
page[i].start = 0;
page[i].size = INVALID_SIZE;
page[i].next = NULL;
page[i].is_invalid = 1;
__bound_invalid_t2 = page;
/* invalid pointer zone */
start = (size_t)INVALID_POINTER & ~(BOUND_T23_SIZE - 1);
size = BOUND_T23_SIZE;
mark_invalid(start, size);
/* malloc zone is also marked invalid. can only use that with
* hooks because all libs should use the same malloc. The solution
* would be to build a new malloc for tcc.
* usually heap (= malloc zone) comes right after bss, i.e. after _end, but
* not always - either if we are running from under `tcc -b -run`, or if
* address space randomization is turned on(a), heap start will be separated
* from bss end.
* So sbrk(0) will be a good approximation for start_brk:
* - if we are a separately compiled program, __bound_init() runs early,
* and sbrk(0) should be equal or very near to start_brk(b) (in case other
* constructors malloc something), or
* - if we are running from under `tcc -b -run`, sbrk(0) will return
* start of heap portion which is under this program control, and not
* mark as invalid earlier allocated memory.
* (a) /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space = 2, on Linux;
* usually turned on by default.
* (b) on Linux >= v3.3, the alternative is to read
* start_brk from /proc/self/stat
start = (size_t)sbrk(0);
size = 128 * 0x100000;
mark_invalid(start, size);
/* add all static bound check values */
p = (size_t *)&__bounds_start;
while (p[0] != 0) {
__bound_new_region((void *)p[0], p[1]);
p += 2;
dprintf(stderr, "%s, %s() end\n\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__);
void __bound_main_arg(void **p)
void *start = p;
while (*p++);
dprintf(stderr, "%s, %s calling __bound_new_region(%p, %p)\n",
__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, (void *) p - start);
__bound_new_region(start, (void *) p - start);
void __bound_exit(void)
static inline void add_region(BoundEntry *e,
size_t start, size_t size)
BoundEntry *e1;
if (e->start == 0) {
/* no region : add it */
e->start = start;
e->size = size;
} else {
/* already regions in the list: add it at the head */
e1 = bound_new_entry();
e1->start = e->start;
e1->size = e->size;
e1->next = e->next;
e->start = start;
e->size = size;
e->next = e1;
/* create a new region. It should not already exist in the region list */
void __bound_new_region(void *p, size_t size)
size_t start, end;
BoundEntry *page, *e, *e2;
size_t t1_start, t1_end, i, t2_start, t2_end;
dprintf(stderr, "%s, %s(%p, %p) start\n",
__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, p, size);
start = (size_t)p;
end = start + size;
t1_start = start >> (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS);
t1_end = end >> (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS);
/* start */
page = get_page(t1_start);
t2_start = (start >> (BOUND_T3_BITS - BOUND_E_BITS)) &
t2_end = (end >> (BOUND_T3_BITS - BOUND_E_BITS)) &
e = (BoundEntry *)((char *)page + t2_start);
add_region(e, start, size);
if (t1_end == t1_start) {
/* same ending page */
e2 = (BoundEntry *)((char *)page + t2_end);
if (e2 > e) {
for(;e<e2;e++) {
e->start = start;
e->size = size;
add_region(e, start, size);
} else {
/* mark until end of page */
e2 = page + BOUND_T2_SIZE;
for(;e<e2;e++) {
e->start = start;
e->size = size;
/* mark intermediate pages, if any */
for(i=t1_start+1;i<t1_end;i++) {
page = get_page(i);
e2 = page + BOUND_T2_SIZE;
for(e=page;e<e2;e++) {
e->start = start;
e->size = size;
/* last page */
page = get_page(t1_end);
e2 = (BoundEntry *)((char *)page + t2_end);
for(e=page;e<e2;e++) {
e->start = start;
e->size = size;
add_region(e, start, size);
dprintf(stderr, "%s, %s end\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__);
/* delete a region */
static inline void delete_region(BoundEntry *e,
void *p, size_t empty_size)
size_t addr;
BoundEntry *e1;
addr = (size_t)p;
addr -= e->start;
if (addr <= e->size) {
/* region found is first one */
e1 = e->next;
if (e1 == NULL) {
/* no more region: mark it empty */
e->start = 0;
e->size = empty_size;
} else {
/* copy next region in head */
e->start = e1->start;
e->size = e1->size;
e->next = e1->next;
} else {
/* find the matching region */
for(;;) {
e1 = e;
e = e->next;
/* region not found: do nothing */
if (e == NULL)
addr = (size_t)p - e->start;
if (addr <= e->size) {
/* found: remove entry */
e1->next = e->next;
/* WARNING: 'p' must be the starting point of the region. */
/* return non zero if error */
int __bound_delete_region(void *p)
size_t start, end, addr, size, empty_size;
BoundEntry *page, *e, *e2;
size_t t1_start, t1_end, t2_start, t2_end, i;
dprintf(stderr, "%s %s() start\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__);
start = (size_t)p;
t1_start = start >> (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS);
t2_start = (start >> (BOUND_T3_BITS - BOUND_E_BITS)) &
/* find region size */
page = __bound_t1[t1_start];
e = (BoundEntry *)((char *)page + t2_start);
addr = start - e->start;
if (addr > e->size)
e = __bound_find_region(e, p);
/* test if invalid region */
if (e->size == EMPTY_SIZE || (size_t)p != e->start)
return -1;
/* compute the size we put in invalid regions */
if (e->is_invalid)
empty_size = INVALID_SIZE;
empty_size = EMPTY_SIZE;
size = e->size;
end = start + size;
/* now we can free each entry */
t1_end = end >> (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS);
t2_end = (end >> (BOUND_T3_BITS - BOUND_E_BITS)) &
delete_region(e, p, empty_size);
if (t1_end == t1_start) {
/* same ending page */
e2 = (BoundEntry *)((char *)page + t2_end);
if (e2 > e) {
for(;e<e2;e++) {
e->start = 0;
e->size = empty_size;
delete_region(e, p, empty_size);
} else {
/* mark until end of page */
e2 = page + BOUND_T2_SIZE;
for(;e<e2;e++) {
e->start = 0;
e->size = empty_size;
/* mark intermediate pages, if any */
/* XXX: should free them */
for(i=t1_start+1;i<t1_end;i++) {
page = get_page(i);
e2 = page + BOUND_T2_SIZE;
for(e=page;e<e2;e++) {
e->start = 0;
e->size = empty_size;
/* last page */
page = get_page(t1_end);
e2 = (BoundEntry *)((char *)page + t2_end);
for(e=page;e<e2;e++) {
e->start = 0;
e->size = empty_size;
delete_region(e, p, empty_size);
dprintf(stderr, "%s %s() end\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__);
return 0;
/* return the size of the region starting at p, or EMPTY_SIZE if non
existent region. */
static size_t get_region_size(void *p)
size_t addr = (size_t)p;
BoundEntry *e;
e = __bound_t1[addr >> (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS)];
e = (BoundEntry *)((char *)e +
((addr >> (BOUND_T3_BITS - BOUND_E_BITS)) &
((BOUND_T2_SIZE - 1) << BOUND_E_BITS)));
addr -= e->start;
if (addr > e->size)
e = __bound_find_region(e, p);
if (e->start != (size_t)p)
return EMPTY_SIZE;
return e->size;
/* patched memory functions */
/* force compiler to perform stores coded up to this point */
#define barrier() __asm__ __volatile__ ("": : : "memory")
static void install_malloc_hooks(void)
saved_malloc_hook = __malloc_hook;
saved_free_hook = __free_hook;
saved_realloc_hook = __realloc_hook;
saved_memalign_hook = __memalign_hook;
__malloc_hook = __bound_malloc;
__free_hook = __bound_free;
__realloc_hook = __bound_realloc;
__memalign_hook = __bound_memalign;
static void restore_malloc_hooks(void)
__malloc_hook = saved_malloc_hook;
__free_hook = saved_free_hook;
__realloc_hook = saved_realloc_hook;
__memalign_hook = saved_memalign_hook;
static void *libc_malloc(size_t size)
void *ptr;
ptr = malloc(size);
return ptr;
static void libc_free(void *ptr)
/* XXX: we should use a malloc which ensure that it is unlikely that
two malloc'ed data have the same address if 'free' are made in
between. */
void *__bound_malloc(size_t size, const void *caller)
void *ptr;
/* we allocate one more byte to ensure the regions will be
separated by at least one byte. With the glibc malloc, it may
be in fact not necessary */
ptr = libc_malloc(size + 1);
if (!ptr)
return NULL;
dprintf(stderr, "%s, %s calling __bound_new_region(%p, %p)\n",
__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, ptr, size);
__bound_new_region(ptr, size);
return ptr;
void *__bound_memalign(size_t size, size_t align, const void *caller)
void *ptr;
if (align > 4) {
/* XXX: handle it ? */
ptr = NULL;
} else {
/* we suppose that malloc aligns to at least four bytes */
ptr = malloc(size + 1);
/* we allocate one more byte to ensure the regions will be
separated by at least one byte. With the glibc malloc, it may
be in fact not necessary */
ptr = memalign(size + 1, align);
if (!ptr)
return NULL;
dprintf(stderr, "%s, %s calling __bound_new_region(%p, %p)\n",
__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, ptr, size);
__bound_new_region(ptr, size);
return ptr;
void __bound_free(void *ptr, const void *caller)
if (ptr == NULL)
if (__bound_delete_region(ptr) != 0)
bound_error("freeing invalid region");
void *__bound_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size, const void *caller)
void *ptr1;
size_t old_size;
if (size == 0) {
__bound_free(ptr, caller);
return NULL;
} else {
ptr1 = __bound_malloc(size, caller);
if (ptr == NULL || ptr1 == NULL)
return ptr1;
old_size = get_region_size(ptr);
if (old_size == EMPTY_SIZE)
bound_error("realloc'ing invalid pointer");
memcpy(ptr1, ptr, old_size);
__bound_free(ptr, caller);
return ptr1;
void *__bound_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
void *ptr;
size = size * nmemb;
ptr = __bound_malloc(size, NULL);
if (!ptr)
return NULL;
memset(ptr, 0, size);
return ptr;
#if 0
static void bound_dump(void)
BoundEntry *page, *e;
size_t i, j;
fprintf(stderr, "region dump:\n");
for(i=0;i<BOUND_T1_SIZE;i++) {
page = __bound_t1[i];
for(j=0;j<BOUND_T2_SIZE;j++) {
e = page + j;
/* do not print invalid or empty entries */
if (e->size != EMPTY_SIZE && e->start != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%08x:",
(i << (BOUND_T2_BITS + BOUND_T3_BITS)) +
(j << BOUND_T3_BITS));
do {
fprintf(stderr, " %08lx:%08lx", e->start, e->start + e->size);
e = e->next;
} while (e != NULL);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
/* some useful checked functions */
/* check that (p ... p + size - 1) lies inside 'p' region, if any */
static void __bound_check(const void *p, size_t size)
if (size == 0)
p = __bound_ptr_add((void *)p, size - 1);
bound_error("invalid pointer");
void *__bound_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)
void* p;
dprintf(stderr, "%s %s: start, dst=%p src=%p size=%p\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, dst, src, size);
__bound_check(dst, size);
__bound_check(src, size);
/* check also region overlap */
if (src >= dst && src < dst + size)
bound_error("overlapping regions in memcpy()");
p = memcpy(dst, src, size);
dprintf(stderr, "%s %s: end, p=%p\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, p);
return p;
void *__bound_memmove(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size)
__bound_check(dst, size);
__bound_check(src, size);
return memmove(dst, src, size);
void *__bound_memset(void *dst, int c, size_t size)
__bound_check(dst, size);
return memset(dst, c, size);
/* XXX: could be optimized */
int __bound_strlen(const char *s)
const char *p;
size_t len;
len = 0;
for(;;) {
p = __bound_ptr_indir1((char *)s, len);
bound_error("bad pointer in strlen()");
if (*p == '\0')
return len;
char *__bound_strcpy(char *dst, const char *src)
size_t len;
void *p;
dprintf(stderr, "%s %s: strcpy start, dst=%p src=%p\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, dst, src);
len = __bound_strlen(src);
p = __bound_memcpy(dst, src, len + 1);
dprintf(stderr, "%s %s: strcpy end, p=%p\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, dst, src, p);
return p;
0,0 → 1,2
:kos32-gcc -c libtcc1.c -DTCC_TARGET_I386 -ID:\VSProjects\msys-kos32-4.8.2\sdk\sources\newlib\libc\include
D:\VSProjects\msys-kos32-4.8.2\ktcc\trunk\libc\kos32-tcc.exe libtcc1.c -c -DTCC_TARGET_I386
0,0 → 1,652
* TCC runtime library for arm64.
* Copyright (c) 2015 Edmund Grimley Evans
* Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
* are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
* notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
* without any warranty.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
void __clear_cache(void *beg, void *end)
__arm64_clear_cache(beg, end);
typedef struct {
uint64_t x0, x1;
} u128_t;
static long double f3_zero(int sgn)
long double f;
u128_t x = { 0, (uint64_t)sgn << 63 };
memcpy(&f, &x, 16);
return f;
static long double f3_infinity(int sgn)
long double f;
u128_t x = { 0, (uint64_t)sgn << 63 | 0x7fff000000000000 };
memcpy(&f, &x, 16);
return f;
static long double f3_NaN(void)
long double f;
#if 0
// ARM's default NaN usually has just the top fraction bit set:
u128_t x = { 0, 0x7fff800000000000 };
// GCC's library sets all fraction bits:
u128_t x = { -1, 0x7fffffffffffffff };
memcpy(&f, &x, 16);
return f;
static int fp3_convert_NaN(long double *f, int sgn, u128_t mnt)
u128_t x = { mnt.x0,
mnt.x1 | 0x7fff800000000000 | (uint64_t)sgn << 63 };
memcpy(f, &x, 16);
return 1;
static int fp3_detect_NaNs(long double *f,
int a_sgn, int a_exp, u128_t a,
int b_sgn, int b_exp, u128_t b)
// Detect signalling NaNs:
if (a_exp == 32767 && (a.x0 | a.x1 << 16) && !(a.x1 >> 47 & 1))
return fp3_convert_NaN(f, a_sgn, a);
if (b_exp == 32767 && (b.x0 | b.x1 << 16) && !(b.x1 >> 47 & 1))
return fp3_convert_NaN(f, b_sgn, b);
// Detect quiet NaNs:
if (a_exp == 32767 && (a.x0 | a.x1 << 16))
return fp3_convert_NaN(f, a_sgn, a);
if (b_exp == 32767 && (b.x0 | b.x1 << 16))
return fp3_convert_NaN(f, b_sgn, b);
return 0;
static void f3_unpack(int *sgn, int32_t *exp, u128_t *mnt, long double f)
u128_t x;
memcpy(&x, &f, 16);
*sgn = x.x1 >> 63;
*exp = x.x1 >> 48 & 32767;
x.x1 = x.x1 << 16 >> 16;
if (*exp)
x.x1 |= (uint64_t)1 << 48;
*exp = 1;
*mnt = x;
static u128_t f3_normalise(int32_t *exp, u128_t mnt)
int sh;
if (!(mnt.x0 | mnt.x1))
return mnt;
if (!mnt.x1) {
mnt.x1 = mnt.x0;
mnt.x0 = 0;
*exp -= 64;
for (sh = 32; sh; sh >>= 1) {
if (!(mnt.x1 >> (64 - sh))) {
mnt.x1 = mnt.x1 << sh | mnt.x0 >> (64 - sh);
mnt.x0 = mnt.x0 << sh;
*exp -= sh;
return mnt;
static u128_t f3_sticky_shift(int32_t sh, u128_t x)
if (sh >= 128) {
x.x0 = !!(x.x0 | x.x1);
x.x1 = 0;
return x;
if (sh >= 64) {
x.x0 = x.x1 | !!x.x0;
x.x1 = 0;
sh -= 64;
if (sh > 0) {
x.x0 = x.x0 >> sh | x.x1 << (64 - sh) | !!(x.x0 << (64 - sh));
x.x1 = x.x1 >> sh;
return x;
static long double f3_round(int sgn, int32_t exp, u128_t x)
long double f;
int error;
if (exp > 0) {
x = f3_sticky_shift(13, x);
else {
x = f3_sticky_shift(14 - exp, x);
exp = 0;
error = x.x0 & 3;
x.x0 = x.x0 >> 2 | x.x1 << 62;
x.x1 = x.x1 >> 2;
if (error == 3 || ((error == 2) & (x.x0 & 1))) {
if (!++x.x0) {
if (x.x1 == (uint64_t)1 << 48)
exp = 1;
else if (x.x1 == (uint64_t)1 << 49) {
x.x0 = x.x0 >> 1 | x.x1 << 63;
x.x1 = x.x1 >> 1;
if (exp >= 32767)
return f3_infinity(sgn);
x.x1 = x.x1 << 16 >> 16 | (uint64_t)exp << 48 | (uint64_t)sgn << 63;
memcpy(&f, &x, 16);
return f;
static long double f3_add(long double fa, long double fb, int neg)
u128_t a, b, x;
int32_t a_exp, b_exp, x_exp;
int a_sgn, b_sgn, x_sgn;
long double fx;
f3_unpack(&a_sgn, &a_exp, &a, fa);
f3_unpack(&b_sgn, &b_exp, &b, fb);
if (fp3_detect_NaNs(&fx, a_sgn, a_exp, a, b_sgn, b_exp, b))
return fx;
b_sgn ^= neg;
// Handle infinities and zeroes:
if (a_exp == 32767 && b_exp == 32767 && a_sgn != b_sgn)
return f3_NaN();
if (a_exp == 32767)
return f3_infinity(a_sgn);
if (b_exp == 32767)
return f3_infinity(b_sgn);
if (!(a.x0 | a.x1 | b.x0 | b.x1))
return f3_zero(a_sgn & b_sgn);
a.x1 = a.x1 << 3 | a.x0 >> 61;
a.x0 = a.x0 << 3;
b.x1 = b.x1 << 3 | b.x0 >> 61;
b.x0 = b.x0 << 3;
if (a_exp <= b_exp) {
a = f3_sticky_shift(b_exp - a_exp, a);
a_exp = b_exp;
else {
b = f3_sticky_shift(a_exp - b_exp, b);
b_exp = a_exp;
x_sgn = a_sgn;
x_exp = a_exp;
if (a_sgn == b_sgn) {
x.x0 = a.x0 + b.x0;
x.x1 = a.x1 + b.x1 + (x.x0 < a.x0);
else {
x.x0 = a.x0 - b.x0;
x.x1 = a.x1 - b.x1 - (x.x0 > a.x0);
if (x.x1 >> 63) {
x_sgn ^= 1;
x.x0 = -x.x0;
x.x1 = -x.x1 - !!x.x0;
if (!(x.x0 | x.x1))
return f3_zero(0);
x = f3_normalise(&x_exp, x);
return f3_round(x_sgn, x_exp + 12, x);
long double __addtf3(long double a, long double b)
return f3_add(a, b, 0);
long double __subtf3(long double a, long double b)
return f3_add(a, b, 1);
long double __multf3(long double fa, long double fb)
u128_t a, b, x;
int32_t a_exp, b_exp, x_exp;
int a_sgn, b_sgn, x_sgn;
long double fx;
f3_unpack(&a_sgn, &a_exp, &a, fa);
f3_unpack(&b_sgn, &b_exp, &b, fb);
if (fp3_detect_NaNs(&fx, a_sgn, a_exp, a, b_sgn, b_exp, b))
return fx;
// Handle infinities and zeroes:
if ((a_exp == 32767 && !(b.x0 | b.x1)) ||
(b_exp == 32767 && !(a.x0 | a.x1)))
return f3_NaN();
if (a_exp == 32767 || b_exp == 32767)
return f3_infinity(a_sgn ^ b_sgn);
if (!(a.x0 | a.x1) || !(b.x0 | b.x1))
return f3_zero(a_sgn ^ b_sgn);
a = f3_normalise(&a_exp, a);
b = f3_normalise(&b_exp, b);
x_sgn = a_sgn ^ b_sgn;
x_exp = a_exp + b_exp - 16352;
// Convert to base (1 << 30), discarding bottom 6 bits, which are zero,
// so there are (32, 30, 30, 30) bits in (a3, a2, a1, a0):
uint64_t a0 = a.x0 << 28 >> 34;
uint64_t b0 = b.x0 << 28 >> 34;
uint64_t a1 = a.x0 >> 36 | a.x1 << 62 >> 34;
uint64_t b1 = b.x0 >> 36 | b.x1 << 62 >> 34;
uint64_t a2 = a.x1 << 32 >> 34;
uint64_t b2 = b.x1 << 32 >> 34;
uint64_t a3 = a.x1 >> 32;
uint64_t b3 = b.x1 >> 32;
// Use 16 small multiplications and additions that do not overflow:
uint64_t x0 = a0 * b0;
uint64_t x1 = (x0 >> 30) + a0 * b1 + a1 * b0;
uint64_t x2 = (x1 >> 30) + a0 * b2 + a1 * b1 + a2 * b0;
uint64_t x3 = (x2 >> 30) + a0 * b3 + a1 * b2 + a2 * b1 + a3 * b0;
uint64_t x4 = (x3 >> 30) + a1 * b3 + a2 * b2 + a3 * b1;
uint64_t x5 = (x4 >> 30) + a2 * b3 + a3 * b2;
uint64_t x6 = (x5 >> 30) + a3 * b3;
// We now have (64, 30, 30, ...) bits in (x6, x5, x4, ...).
// Take the top 128 bits, setting bottom bit if any lower bits were set:
uint64_t y0 = (x5 << 34 | x4 << 34 >> 30 | x3 << 34 >> 60 |
!!(x3 << 38 | (x2 | x1 | x0) << 34));
uint64_t y1 = x6;
// Top bit may be zero. Renormalise:
if (!(y1 >> 63)) {
y1 = y1 << 1 | y0 >> 63;
y0 = y0 << 1;
x.x0 = y0;
x.x1 = y1;
return f3_round(x_sgn, x_exp, x);
long double __divtf3(long double fa, long double fb)
u128_t a, b, x;
int32_t a_exp, b_exp, x_exp;
int a_sgn, b_sgn, x_sgn, i;
long double fx;
f3_unpack(&a_sgn, &a_exp, &a, fa);
f3_unpack(&b_sgn, &b_exp, &b, fb);
if (fp3_detect_NaNs(&fx, a_sgn, a_exp, a, b_sgn, b_exp, b))
return fx;
// Handle infinities and zeroes:
if ((a_exp == 32767 && b_exp == 32767) ||
(!(a.x0 | a.x1) && !(b.x0 | b.x1)))
return f3_NaN();
if (a_exp == 32767 || !(b.x0 | b.x1))
return f3_infinity(a_sgn ^ b_sgn);
if (!(a.x0 | a.x1) || b_exp == 32767)
return f3_zero(a_sgn ^ b_sgn);
a = f3_normalise(&a_exp, a);
b = f3_normalise(&b_exp, b);
x_sgn = a_sgn ^ b_sgn;
x_exp = a_exp - b_exp + 16395;
a.x0 = a.x0 >> 1 | a.x1 << 63;
a.x1 = a.x1 >> 1;
b.x0 = b.x0 >> 1 | b.x1 << 63;
b.x1 = b.x1 >> 1;
x.x0 = 0;
x.x1 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 116; i++) {
x.x1 = x.x1 << 1 | x.x0 >> 63;
x.x0 = x.x0 << 1;
if (a.x1 > b.x1 || (a.x1 == b.x1 && a.x0 >= b.x0)) {
a.x1 = a.x1 - b.x1 - (a.x0 < b.x0);
a.x0 = a.x0 - b.x0;
x.x0 |= 1;
a.x1 = a.x1 << 1 | a.x0 >> 63;
a.x0 = a.x0 << 1;
x.x0 |= !!(a.x0 | a.x1);
x = f3_normalise(&x_exp, x);
return f3_round(x_sgn, x_exp, x);
long double __extendsftf2(float f)
long double fx;
u128_t x;
uint32_t a;
uint64_t aa;
memcpy(&a, &f, 4);
aa = a;
x.x0 = 0;
if (!(a << 1))
x.x1 = aa << 32;
else if (a << 1 >> 24 == 255)
x.x1 = (0x7fff000000000000 | aa >> 31 << 63 | aa << 41 >> 16 |
(uint64_t)!!(a << 9) << 47);
x.x1 = (aa >> 31 << 63 | ((aa >> 23 & 255) + 16256) << 48 |
aa << 41 >> 16);
memcpy(&fx, &x, 16);
return fx;
long double __extenddftf2(double f)
long double fx;
u128_t x;
uint64_t a;
memcpy(&a, &f, 8);
x.x0 = a << 60;
if (!(a << 1))
x.x1 = a;
else if (a << 1 >> 53 == 2047)
x.x1 = (0x7fff000000000000 | a >> 63 << 63 | a << 12 >> 16 |
(uint64_t)!!(a << 12) << 47);
x.x1 = a >> 63 << 63 | ((a >> 52 & 2047) + 15360) << 48 | a << 12 >> 16;
memcpy(&fx, &x, 16);
return fx;
float __trunctfsf2(long double f)
u128_t mnt;
int32_t exp;
int sgn;
uint32_t x;
float fx;
f3_unpack(&sgn, &exp, &mnt, f);
if (exp == 32767 && (mnt.x0 | mnt.x1 << 16))
x = 0x7fc00000 | (uint32_t)sgn << 31 | (mnt.x1 >> 25 & 0x007fffff);
else if (exp > 16510)
x = 0x7f800000 | (uint32_t)sgn << 31;
else if (exp < 16233)
x = (uint32_t)sgn << 31;
else {
exp -= 16257;
x = mnt.x1 >> 23 | !!(mnt.x0 | mnt.x1 << 41);
if (exp < 0) {
x = x >> -exp | !!(x << (32 + exp));
exp = 0;
if ((x & 3) == 3 || (x & 7) == 6)
x += 4;
x = ((x >> 2) + (exp << 23)) | (uint32_t)sgn << 31;
memcpy(&fx, &x, 4);
return fx;
double __trunctfdf2(long double f)
u128_t mnt;
int32_t exp;
int sgn;
uint64_t x;
double fx;
f3_unpack(&sgn, &exp, &mnt, f);
if (exp == 32767 && (mnt.x0 | mnt.x1 << 16))
x = (0x7ff8000000000000 | (uint64_t)sgn << 63 |
mnt.x1 << 16 >> 12 | mnt.x0 >> 60);
else if (exp > 17406)
x = 0x7ff0000000000000 | (uint64_t)sgn << 63;
else if (exp < 15308)
x = (uint64_t)sgn << 63;
else {
exp -= 15361;
x = mnt.x1 << 6 | mnt.x0 >> 58 | !!(mnt.x0 << 6);
if (exp < 0) {
x = x >> -exp | !!(x << (64 + exp));
exp = 0;
if ((x & 3) == 3 || (x & 7) == 6)
x += 4;
x = ((x >> 2) + ((uint64_t)exp << 52)) | (uint64_t)sgn << 63;
memcpy(&fx, &x, 8);
return fx;
int32_t __fixtfsi(long double fa)
u128_t a;
int32_t a_exp;
int a_sgn;
int32_t x;
f3_unpack(&a_sgn, &a_exp, &a, fa);
if (a_exp < 16369)
return 0;
if (a_exp > 16413)
return a_sgn ? -0x80000000 : 0x7fffffff;
x = a.x1 >> (16431 - a_exp);
return a_sgn ? -x : x;
int64_t __fixtfdi(long double fa)
u128_t a;
int32_t a_exp;
int a_sgn;
int64_t x;
f3_unpack(&a_sgn, &a_exp, &a, fa);
if (a_exp < 16383)
return 0;
if (a_exp > 16445)
return a_sgn ? -0x8000000000000000 : 0x7fffffffffffffff;
x = (a.x1 << 15 | a.x0 >> 49) >> (16446 - a_exp);
return a_sgn ? -x : x;
uint32_t __fixunstfsi(long double fa)
u128_t a;
int32_t a_exp;
int a_sgn;
f3_unpack(&a_sgn, &a_exp, &a, fa);
if (a_sgn || a_exp < 16369)
return 0;
if (a_exp > 16414)
return -1;
return a.x1 >> (16431 - a_exp);
uint64_t __fixunstfdi(long double fa)
u128_t a;
int32_t a_exp;
int a_sgn;
f3_unpack(&a_sgn, &a_exp, &a, fa);
if (a_sgn || a_exp < 16383)
return 0;
if (a_exp > 16446)
return -1;
return (a.x1 << 15 | a.x0 >> 49) >> (16446 - a_exp);
long double __floatsitf(int32_t a)
int sgn = 0;
int exp = 16414;
uint32_t mnt = a;
u128_t x = { 0, 0 };
long double f;
int i;
if (a) {
if (a < 0) {
sgn = 1;
mnt = -mnt;
for (i = 16; i; i >>= 1)
if (!(mnt >> (32 - i))) {
mnt <<= i;
exp -= i;
x.x1 = ((uint64_t)sgn << 63 | (uint64_t)exp << 48 |
(uint64_t)(mnt << 1) << 16);
memcpy(&f, &x, 16);
return f;
long double __floatditf(int64_t a)
int sgn = 0;
int exp = 16446;
uint64_t mnt = a;
u128_t x = { 0, 0 };
long double f;
int i;
if (a) {
if (a < 0) {
sgn = 1;
mnt = -mnt;
for (i = 32; i; i >>= 1)
if (!(mnt >> (64 - i))) {
mnt <<= i;
exp -= i;
x.x0 = mnt << 49;
x.x1 = (uint64_t)sgn << 63 | (uint64_t)exp << 48 | mnt << 1 >> 16;
memcpy(&f, &x, 16);
return f;
long double __floatunsitf(uint32_t a)
int exp = 16414;
uint32_t mnt = a;
u128_t x = { 0, 0 };
long double f;
int i;
if (a) {
for (i = 16; i; i >>= 1)
if (!(mnt >> (32 - i))) {
mnt <<= i;
exp -= i;
x.x1 = (uint64_t)exp << 48 | (uint64_t)(mnt << 1) << 16;
memcpy(&f, &x, 16);
return f;
long double __floatunditf(uint64_t a)
int exp = 16446;
uint64_t mnt = a;
u128_t x = { 0, 0 };
long double f;
int i;
if (a) {
for (i = 32; i; i >>= 1)
if (!(mnt >> (64 - i))) {
mnt <<= i;
exp -= i;
x.x0 = mnt << 49;
x.x1 = (uint64_t)exp << 48 | mnt << 1 >> 16;
memcpy(&f, &x, 16);
return f;
static int f3_cmp(long double fa, long double fb)
u128_t a, b;
memcpy(&a, &fa, 16);
memcpy(&b, &fb, 16);
return (!(a.x0 | a.x1 << 1 | b.x0 | b.x1 << 1) ? 0 :
((a.x1 << 1 >> 49 == 0x7fff && (a.x0 | a.x1 << 16)) ||
(b.x1 << 1 >> 49 == 0x7fff && (b.x0 | b.x1 << 16))) ? 2 :
a.x1 >> 63 != b.x1 >> 63 ? (int)(b.x1 >> 63) - (int)(a.x1 >> 63) :
a.x1 < b.x1 ? (int)(a.x1 >> 63 << 1) - 1 :
a.x1 > b.x1 ? 1 - (int)(a.x1 >> 63 << 1) :
a.x0 < b.x0 ? (int)(a.x1 >> 63 << 1) - 1 :
b.x0 < a.x0 ? 1 - (int)(a.x1 >> 63 << 1) : 0);
int __eqtf2(long double a, long double b)
return !!f3_cmp(a, b);
int __netf2(long double a, long double b)
return !!f3_cmp(a, b);
int __lttf2(long double a, long double b)
return f3_cmp(a, b);
int __letf2(long double a, long double b)
return f3_cmp(a, b);
int __gttf2(long double a, long double b)
return -f3_cmp(b, a);
int __getf2(long double a, long double b)
return -f3_cmp(b, a);
0,0 → 1,753
/* TCC runtime library.
Parts of this code are (c) 2002 Fabrice Bellard
Copyright (C) 1987, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.
In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, the
Free Software Foundation gives you unlimited permission to link the
compiled version of this file into combinations with other programs,
and to distribute those combinations without any restriction coming
from the use of this file. (The General Public License restrictions
do apply in other respects; for example, they cover modification of
the file, and distribution when not linked into a combine
This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
//#include <stdint.h>
#define W_TYPE_SIZE 32
#define BITS_PER_UNIT 8
typedef int Wtype;
typedef unsigned int UWtype;
typedef unsigned int USItype;
typedef long long DWtype;
typedef unsigned long long UDWtype;
struct DWstruct {
Wtype low, high;
typedef union
struct DWstruct s;
DWtype ll;
} DWunion;
typedef long double XFtype;
#define WORD_SIZE (sizeof (Wtype) * BITS_PER_UNIT)
#define HIGH_WORD_COEFF (((UDWtype) 1) << WORD_SIZE)
/* the following deal with IEEE single-precision numbers */
#define EXCESS 126
#define SIGNBIT 0x80000000
#define HIDDEN (1 << 23)
#define SIGN(fp) ((fp) & SIGNBIT)
#define EXP(fp) (((fp) >> 23) & 0xFF)
#define MANT(fp) (((fp) & 0x7FFFFF) | HIDDEN)
#define PACK(s,e,m) ((s) | ((e) << 23) | (m))
/* the following deal with IEEE double-precision numbers */
#define EXCESSD 1022
#define HIDDEND (1 << 20)
#define EXPD(fp) (((fp.l.upper) >> 20) & 0x7FF)
#define SIGND(fp) ((fp.l.upper) & SIGNBIT)
#define MANTD(fp) (((((fp.l.upper) & 0xFFFFF) | HIDDEND) << 10) | \
(fp.l.lower >> 22))
#define HIDDEND_LL ((long long)1 << 52)
#define MANTD_LL(fp) ((fp.ll & (HIDDEND_LL-1)) | HIDDEND_LL)
#define PACKD_LL(s,e,m) (((long long)((s)+((e)<<20))<<32)|(m))
/* the following deal with x86 long double-precision numbers */
#define EXCESSLD 16382
#define EXPLD(fp) (fp.l.upper & 0x7fff)
#define SIGNLD(fp) ((fp.l.upper) & 0x8000)
/* only for x86 */
union ldouble_long {
long double ld;
struct {
unsigned long long lower;
unsigned short upper;
} l;
union double_long {
double d;
#if 1
struct {
unsigned int lower;
int upper;
} l;
struct {
int upper;
unsigned int lower;
} l;
long long ll;
union float_long {
float f;
unsigned int l;
/* XXX: we don't support several builtin supports for now */
#if !defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64) && !defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
/* XXX: use gcc/tcc intrinsic ? */
#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
#define sub_ddmmss(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
__asm__ ("subl %5,%1\n\tsbbl %3,%0" \
: "=r" ((USItype) (sh)), \
"=&r" ((USItype) (sl)) \
: "0" ((USItype) (ah)), \
"g" ((USItype) (bh)), \
"1" ((USItype) (al)), \
"g" ((USItype) (bl)))
#define umul_ppmm(w1, w0, u, v) \
__asm__ ("mull %3" \
: "=a" ((USItype) (w0)), \
"=d" ((USItype) (w1)) \
: "%0" ((USItype) (u)), \
"rm" ((USItype) (v)))
#define udiv_qrnnd(q, r, n1, n0, dv) \
__asm__ ("divl %4" \
: "=a" ((USItype) (q)), \
"=d" ((USItype) (r)) \
: "0" ((USItype) (n0)), \
"1" ((USItype) (n1)), \
"rm" ((USItype) (dv)))
#define count_leading_zeros(count, x) \
do { \
USItype __cbtmp; \
__asm__ ("bsrl %1,%0" \
: "=r" (__cbtmp) : "rm" ((USItype) (x))); \
(count) = __cbtmp ^ 31; \
} while (0)
#error unsupported CPU type
/* most of this code is taken from libgcc2.c from gcc */
static UDWtype __udivmoddi4 (UDWtype n, UDWtype d, UDWtype *rp)
DWunion ww;
DWunion nn, dd;
DWunion rr;
UWtype d0, d1, n0, n1, n2;
UWtype q0, q1;
UWtype b, bm;
nn.ll = n;
dd.ll = d;
d0 = dd.s.low;
d1 = dd.s.high;
n0 = nn.s.low;
n1 = nn.s.high;
if (d1 == 0)
if (d0 > n1)
/* 0q = nn / 0D */
udiv_qrnnd (q0, n0, n1, n0, d0);
q1 = 0;
/* Remainder in n0. */
/* qq = NN / 0d */
if (d0 == 0)
d0 = 1 / d0; /* Divide intentionally by zero. */
udiv_qrnnd (q1, n1, 0, n1, d0);
udiv_qrnnd (q0, n0, n1, n0, d0);
/* Remainder in n0. */
if (rp != 0)
rr.s.low = n0;
rr.s.high = 0;
*rp = rr.ll;
if (d1 == 0)
if (d0 > n1)
/* 0q = nn / 0D */
count_leading_zeros (bm, d0);
if (bm != 0)
/* Normalize, i.e. make the most significant bit of the
denominator set. */
d0 = d0 << bm;
n1 = (n1 << bm) | (n0 >> (W_TYPE_SIZE - bm));
n0 = n0 << bm;
udiv_qrnnd (q0, n0, n1, n0, d0);
q1 = 0;
/* Remainder in n0 >> bm. */
/* qq = NN / 0d */
if (d0 == 0)
d0 = 1 / d0; /* Divide intentionally by zero. */
count_leading_zeros (bm, d0);
if (bm == 0)
/* From (n1 >= d0) /\ (the most significant bit of d0 is set),
conclude (the most significant bit of n1 is set) /\ (the
leading quotient digit q1 = 1).
This special case is necessary, not an optimization.
(Shifts counts of W_TYPE_SIZE are undefined.) */
n1 -= d0;
q1 = 1;
/* Normalize. */
b = W_TYPE_SIZE - bm;
d0 = d0 << bm;
n2 = n1 >> b;
n1 = (n1 << bm) | (n0 >> b);
n0 = n0 << bm;
udiv_qrnnd (q1, n1, n2, n1, d0);
/* n1 != d0... */
udiv_qrnnd (q0, n0, n1, n0, d0);
/* Remainder in n0 >> bm. */
if (rp != 0)
rr.s.low = n0 >> bm;
rr.s.high = 0;
*rp = rr.ll;
if (d1 > n1)
/* 00 = nn / DD */
q0 = 0;
q1 = 0;
/* Remainder in n1n0. */
if (rp != 0)
rr.s.low = n0;
rr.s.high = n1;
*rp = rr.ll;
/* 0q = NN / dd */
count_leading_zeros (bm, d1);
if (bm == 0)
/* From (n1 >= d1) /\ (the most significant bit of d1 is set),
conclude (the most significant bit of n1 is set) /\ (the
quotient digit q0 = 0 or 1).
This special case is necessary, not an optimization. */
/* The condition on the next line takes advantage of that
n1 >= d1 (true due to program flow). */
if (n1 > d1 || n0 >= d0)
q0 = 1;
sub_ddmmss (n1, n0, n1, n0, d1, d0);
q0 = 0;
q1 = 0;
if (rp != 0)
rr.s.low = n0;
rr.s.high = n1;
*rp = rr.ll;
UWtype m1, m0;
/* Normalize. */
b = W_TYPE_SIZE - bm;
d1 = (d1 << bm) | (d0 >> b);
d0 = d0 << bm;
n2 = n1 >> b;
n1 = (n1 << bm) | (n0 >> b);
n0 = n0 << bm;
udiv_qrnnd (q0, n1, n2, n1, d1);
umul_ppmm (m1, m0, q0, d0);
if (m1 > n1 || (m1 == n1 && m0 > n0))
sub_ddmmss (m1, m0, m1, m0, d1, d0);
q1 = 0;
/* Remainder in (n1n0 - m1m0) >> bm. */
if (rp != 0)
sub_ddmmss (n1, n0, n1, n0, m1, m0);
rr.s.low = (n1 << b) | (n0 >> bm);
rr.s.high = n1 >> bm;
*rp = rr.ll;
ww.s.low = q0;
ww.s.high = q1;
return ww.ll;
#define __negdi2(a) (-(a))
long long __divdi3(long long u, long long v)
int c = 0;
DWunion uu, vv;
DWtype w;
uu.ll = u;
vv.ll = v;
if (uu.s.high < 0) {
c = ~c;
uu.ll = __negdi2 (uu.ll);
if (vv.s.high < 0) {
c = ~c;
vv.ll = __negdi2 (vv.ll);
w = __udivmoddi4 (uu.ll, vv.ll, (UDWtype *) 0);
if (c)
w = __negdi2 (w);
return w;
long long __moddi3(long long u, long long v)
int c = 0;
DWunion uu, vv;
DWtype w;
uu.ll = u;
vv.ll = v;
if (uu.s.high < 0) {
c = ~c;
uu.ll = __negdi2 (uu.ll);
if (vv.s.high < 0)
vv.ll = __negdi2 (vv.ll);
__udivmoddi4 (uu.ll, vv.ll, (UDWtype *) &w);
if (c)
w = __negdi2 (w);
return w;
unsigned long long __udivdi3(unsigned long long u, unsigned long long v)
return __udivmoddi4 (u, v, (UDWtype *) 0);
unsigned long long __umoddi3(unsigned long long u, unsigned long long v)
UDWtype w;
__udivmoddi4 (u, v, &w);
return w;
/* XXX: fix tcc's code generator to do this instead */
long long __ashrdi3(long long a, int b)
#ifdef __TINYC__
DWunion u;
u.ll = a;
if (b >= 32) {
u.s.low = u.s.high >> (b - 32);
u.s.high = u.s.high >> 31;
} else if (b != 0) {
u.s.low = ((unsigned)u.s.low >> b) | (u.s.high << (32 - b));
u.s.high = u.s.high >> b;
return u.ll;
return a >> b;
/* XXX: fix tcc's code generator to do this instead */
unsigned long long __lshrdi3(unsigned long long a, int b)
#ifdef __TINYC__
DWunion u;
u.ll = a;
if (b >= 32) {
u.s.low = (unsigned)u.s.high >> (b - 32);
u.s.high = 0;
} else if (b != 0) {
u.s.low = ((unsigned)u.s.low >> b) | (u.s.high << (32 - b));
u.s.high = (unsigned)u.s.high >> b;
return u.ll;
return a >> b;
/* XXX: fix tcc's code generator to do this instead */
long long __ashldi3(long long a, int b)
#ifdef __TINYC__
DWunion u;
u.ll = a;
if (b >= 32) {
u.s.high = (unsigned)u.s.low << (b - 32);
u.s.low = 0;
} else if (b != 0) {
u.s.high = ((unsigned)u.s.high << b) | ((unsigned)u.s.low >> (32 - b));
u.s.low = (unsigned)u.s.low << b;
return u.ll;
return a << b;
#ifndef COMMIT_4ad186c5ef61_IS_FIXED
long long __tcc_cvt_ftol(long double x)
unsigned c0, c1;
long long ret;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("fnstcw %0" : "=m" (c0));
c1 = c0 | 0x0C00;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("fldcw %0" : : "m" (c1));
__asm__ __volatile__ ("fistpll %0" : "=m" (ret));
__asm__ __volatile__ ("fldcw %0" : : "m" (c0));
return ret;
#endif /* !__x86_64__ */
/* XXX: fix tcc's code generator to do this instead */
float __floatundisf(unsigned long long a)
DWunion uu;
XFtype r;
uu.ll = a;
if (uu.s.high >= 0) {
return (float)uu.ll;
} else {
r = (XFtype)uu.ll;
r += 18446744073709551616.0;
return (float)r;
double __floatundidf(unsigned long long a)
DWunion uu;
XFtype r;
uu.ll = a;
if (uu.s.high >= 0) {
return (double)uu.ll;
} else {
r = (XFtype)uu.ll;
r += 18446744073709551616.0;
return (double)r;
long double __floatundixf(unsigned long long a)
DWunion uu;
XFtype r;
uu.ll = a;
if (uu.s.high >= 0) {
return (long double)uu.ll;
} else {
r = (XFtype)uu.ll;
r += 18446744073709551616.0;
return (long double)r;
unsigned long long __fixunssfdi (float a1)
register union float_long fl1;
register int exp;
register unsigned long l;
fl1.f = a1;
if (fl1.l == 0)
return (0);
exp = EXP (fl1.l) - EXCESS - 24;
l = MANT(fl1.l);
if (exp >= 41)
return (unsigned long long)-1;
else if (exp >= 0)
return (unsigned long long)l << exp;
else if (exp >= -23)
return l >> -exp;
return 0;
unsigned long long __fixunsdfdi (double a1)
register union double_long dl1;
register int exp;
register unsigned long long l;
dl1.d = a1;
if (dl1.ll == 0)
return (0);
exp = EXPD (dl1) - EXCESSD - 53;
l = MANTD_LL(dl1);
if (exp >= 12)
return (unsigned long long)-1;
else if (exp >= 0)
return l << exp;
else if (exp >= -52)
return l >> -exp;
return 0;
unsigned long long __fixunsxfdi (long double a1)
register union ldouble_long dl1;
register int exp;
register unsigned long long l;
dl1.ld = a1;
if (dl1.l.lower == 0 && dl1.l.upper == 0)
return (0);
exp = EXPLD (dl1) - EXCESSLD - 64;
l = dl1.l.lower;
if (exp > 0)
return (unsigned long long)-1;
else if (exp >= -63)
return l >> -exp;
return 0;
long long __fixsfdi (float a1)
long long ret; int s;
ret = __fixunssfdi((s = a1 >= 0) ? a1 : -a1);
return s ? ret : -ret;
long long __fixdfdi (double a1)
long long ret; int s;
ret = __fixunsdfdi((s = a1 >= 0) ? a1 : -a1);
return s ? ret : -ret;
long long __fixxfdi (long double a1)
long long ret; int s;
ret = __fixunsxfdi((s = a1 >= 0) ? a1 : -a1);
return s ? ret : -ret;
#if defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64) && !defined(_WIN64)
#ifndef __TINYC__
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Avoid including stdlib.h because it is not easily available when
cross compiling */
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t definition is needed for a x86_64-tcc to parse memset() */
extern void *malloc(unsigned long long);
extern void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n);
extern void free(void*);
extern void abort(void);
enum __va_arg_type {
__va_gen_reg, __va_float_reg, __va_stack
//This should be in sync with the declaration on our include/stdarg.h
/* GCC compatible definition of va_list. */
typedef struct {
unsigned int gp_offset;
unsigned int fp_offset;
union {
unsigned int overflow_offset;
char *overflow_arg_area;
char *reg_save_area;
} __va_list_struct;
#undef __va_start
#undef __va_arg
#undef __va_copy
#undef __va_end
void __va_start(__va_list_struct *ap, void *fp)
memset(ap, 0, sizeof(__va_list_struct));
*ap = *(__va_list_struct *)((char *)fp - 16);
ap->overflow_arg_area = (char *)fp + ap->overflow_offset;
ap->reg_save_area = (char *)fp - 176 - 16;
void *__va_arg(__va_list_struct *ap,
enum __va_arg_type arg_type,
int size, int align)
size = (size + 7) & ~7;
align = (align + 7) & ~7;
switch (arg_type) {
case __va_gen_reg:
if (ap->gp_offset + size <= 48) {
ap->gp_offset += size;
return ap->reg_save_area + ap->gp_offset - size;
goto use_overflow_area;
case __va_float_reg:
if (ap->fp_offset < 128 + 48) {
ap->fp_offset += 16;
return ap->reg_save_area + ap->fp_offset - 16;
size = 8;
goto use_overflow_area;
case __va_stack:
ap->overflow_arg_area += size;
ap->overflow_arg_area = (char*)((intptr_t)(ap->overflow_arg_area + align - 1) & -(intptr_t)align);
return ap->overflow_arg_area - size;
#ifndef __TINYC__
fprintf(stderr, "unknown ABI type for __va_arg\n");
#endif /* __x86_64__ */
/* Flushing for tccrun */
#if defined(TCC_TARGET_X86_64) || defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
void __clear_cache(void *beginning, void *end)
#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void __clear_cache(void *beginning, void *end)
/* __ARM_NR_cacheflush is kernel private and should not be used in user space.
* However, there is no ARM asm parser in tcc so we use it for now */
#if 1
syscall(__ARM_NR_cacheflush, beginning, end, 0);
__asm__ ("push {r7}\n\t"
"mov r7, #0xf0002\n\t"
"mov r2, #0\n\t"
"swi 0\n\t"
"pop {r7}\n\t"
#warning __clear_cache not defined for this architecture, avoid using tcc -run
0,0 → 1,510
* Test 128-bit floating-point arithmetic on arm64:
* build with two different compilers and compare the output.
* Copyright (c) 2015 Edmund Grimley Evans
* Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
* are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
* notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
* without any warranty.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define check(x) ((x) ? (void)0 : check_fail(#x, __FILE__, __LINE__))
void check_fail(const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line)
printf("%s:%d: Check (%s) failed.", file, line, assertion);
typedef struct {
unsigned long long x0, x1;
} u128_t;
float copy_fi(uint32_t x)
float f;
memcpy(&f, &x, 4);
return f;
double copy_di(uint64_t x)
double f;
memcpy(&f, &x, 8);
return f;
long double copy_ldi(u128_t x)
long double f;
memcpy(&f, &x, 16);
return f;
uint32_t copy_if(float f)
uint32_t x;
memcpy(&x, &f, 4);
return x;
uint64_t copy_id(double f)
uint64_t x;
memcpy(&x, &f, 8);
return x;
u128_t copy_ild(long double f)
u128_t x;
memcpy(&x, &f, 16);
return x;
long double make(int sgn, int exp, uint64_t high, uint64_t low)
u128_t x = { low,
(0x0000ffffffffffff & high) |
(0x7fff000000000000 & (uint64_t)exp << 48) |
(0x8000000000000000 & (uint64_t)sgn << 63) };
return copy_ldi(x);
void cmp(long double a, long double b)
u128_t ax = copy_ild(a);
u128_t bx = copy_ild(b);
int eq = (a == b);
int ne = (a != b);
int lt = (a < b);
int le = (a <= b);
int gt = (a > b);
int ge = (a >= b);
check(eq == 0 || eq == 1);
check(lt == 0 || lt == 1);
check(gt == 0 || gt == 1);
check(ne == !eq && le == (lt | eq) && ge == (gt | eq));
check(eq + lt + gt < 2);
printf("cmp %016llx%016llx %016llx%016llx %d %d %d\n",
ax.x1, ax.x0, bx.x1, bx.x0, lt, eq, gt);
void cmps(void)
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
cmp(make(i, 0, 0, 0), make(j, 0, 0, 0));
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
long double f1 = make(i, 32767, (uint64_t)1 << j, 0);
long double f2 = make(i, 32767, 0, (uint64_t)1 << j);
cmp(f1, 0);
cmp(f2, 0);
cmp(0, f1);
cmp(0, f2);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
cmp(make(i & 1, i >> 1, 0, 0),
make(j & 1, j >> 1, 0, 0));
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
int a, b;
for (a = 0; a < 2; a++) {
for (b = 0; b < 2; b++) {
cmp(make(i, j, a, b), make(i, j, 0, 0));
cmp(make(i, j, 0, 0), make(i, j, a, b));
void xop(const char *name, long double a, long double b, long double c)
u128_t ax = copy_ild(a);
u128_t bx = copy_ild(b);
u128_t cx = copy_ild(c);
printf("%s %016llx%016llx %016llx%016llx %016llx%016llx\n",
name, ax.x1, ax.x0, bx.x1, bx.x0, cx.x1, cx.x0);
void fadd(long double a, long double b)
xop("add", a, b, a + b);
void fsub(long double a, long double b)
xop("sub", a, b, a - b);
void fmul(long double a, long double b)
xop("mul", a, b, a * b);
void fdiv(long double a, long double b)
xop("div", a, b, a / b);
void nanz(void)
// Check NaNs:
long double x[7];
int i, j, n = 0;
x[n++] = make(0, 32000, 0x95132b76effc, 0xd79035214b4f8d53);
x[n++] = make(1, 32001, 0xbe71d7a51587, 0x30601c6815d6c3ac);
x[n++] = make(0, 32767, 0, 1);
x[n++] = make(0, 32767, (uint64_t)1 << 46, 0);
x[n++] = make(1, 32767, (uint64_t)1 << 47, 0);
x[n++] = make(1, 32767, 0x7596c7099ad5, 0xe25fed2c58f73fc9);
x[n++] = make(0, 32767, 0x835d143360f9, 0x5e315efb35630666);
check(n == sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
fadd(x[i], x[j]);
fsub(x[i], x[j]);
fmul(x[i], x[j]);
fdiv(x[i], x[j]);
// Check infinities and zeroes:
long double x[6];
int i, j, n = 0;
x[n++] = make(1, 32000, 0x62acda85f700, 0x47b6c9f35edc4044);
x[n++] = make(0, 32001, 0x94b7abf55af7, 0x9f425fe354428e19);
x[n++] = make(0, 32767, 0, 0);
x[n++] = make(1, 32767, 0, 0);
x[n++] = make(0, 0, 0, 0);
x[n++] = make(1, 0, 0, 0);
check(n == sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
fadd(x[i], x[j]);
fsub(x[i], x[j]);
fmul(x[i], x[j]);
fdiv(x[i], x[j]);
void adds(void)
// Check shifting and add/sub:
int i;
for (i = -130; i <= 130; i++) {
int s1 = (uint32_t)i % 3 < 1;
int s2 = (uint32_t)i % 5 < 2;
fadd(make(s1, 16384 , 0x502c065e4f71a65d, 0xd2f9bdb031f4f031),
make(s2, 16384 + i, 0xae267395a9bc1033, 0xb56b5800da1ba448));
// Check normalisation:
uint64_t a0 = 0xc6bab0a6afbef5ed;
uint64_t a1 = 0x4f84136c4a2e9b52;
int ee[] = { 0, 1, 10000 };
int e, i;
for (e = 0; e < sizeof(ee) / sizeof(*ee); e++) {
int exp = ee[e];
fsub(make(0, exp, a1, a0), make(0, 0, 0, 0));
for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--)
fsub(make(0, exp, a1 | (uint64_t)1 << i >> 1, a0),
make(0, exp, a1 >> i << i, 0));
for (i = 63; i >=0; i--)
fsub(make(0, exp, a1, a0 | (uint64_t)1 << i >> 1),
make(0, exp, a1, a0 >> i << i));
// Carry/overflow from rounding:
fadd(make(0, 114, -1, -1), make(0, 1, 0, 0));
fadd(make(0, 32766, -1, -1), make(0, 32653, 0, 0));
fsub(make(1, 32766, -1, -1), make(0, 32653, 0, 0));
void muls(void)
int i, j;
long double max = make(0, 32766, -1, -1);
long double min = make(0, 0, 0, 1);
fmul(max, max);
fmul(max, min);
fmul(min, min);
for (i = 117; i > 0; i--)
fmul(make(0, 16268, 0x643dcea76edc, 0xe0877a598403627a),
make(i & 1, i, 0, 0));
fmul(make(0, 16383, -1, -3), make(0, 16383, 0, 1));
// Round to next exponent:
fmul(make(0, 16383, -1, -2), make(0, 16383, 0, 1));
// Round from subnormal to normal:
fmul(make(0, 1, -1, -1), make(0, 16382, 0, 0));
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 112; j++)
fmul(make(0, 16383, (uint64_t)1 << i, 0),
make(0, 16383,
j < 64 ? 0 : (uint64_t)1 << (j - 64),
j < 64 ? (uint64_t)1 << j : 0));
void divs(void)
int i;
long double max = make(0, 32766, -1, -1);
long double min = make(0, 0, 0, 1);
fdiv(max, max);
fdiv(max, min);
fdiv(min, max);
fdiv(min, min);
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
fdiv(make(0, 16383, -1, -1), make(0, 16383, -1, -(uint64_t)1 << i));
for (i = 0; i < 48; i++)
fdiv(make(0, 16383, -1, -1), make(0, 16383, -(uint64_t)1 << i, 0));
void cvtlsw(int32_t a)
long double f = a;
u128_t x = copy_ild(f);
printf("cvtlsw %08lx %016llx%016llx\n", (long)(uint32_t)a, x.x1, x.x0);
void cvtlsx(int64_t a)
long double f = a;
u128_t x = copy_ild(f);
printf("cvtlsx %016llx %016llx%016llx\n",
(long long)(uint64_t)a, x.x1, x.x0);
void cvtluw(uint32_t a)
long double f = a;
u128_t x = copy_ild(f);
printf("cvtluw %08lx %016llx%016llx\n", (long)a, x.x1, x.x0);
void cvtlux(uint64_t a)
long double f = a;
u128_t x = copy_ild(f);
printf("cvtlux %016llx %016llx%016llx\n", (long long)a, x.x1, x.x0);
void cvtil(long double a)
u128_t x = copy_ild(a);
int32_t b1 = a;
int64_t b2 = a;
uint32_t b3 = a;
uint64_t b4 = a;
printf("cvtswl %016llx%016llx %08lx\n",
x.x1, x.x0, (long)(uint32_t)b1);
printf("cvtsxl %016llx%016llx %016llx\n",
x.x1, x.x0, (long long)(uint64_t)b2);
printf("cvtuwl %016llx%016llx %08lx\n",
x.x1, x.x0, (long)b3);
printf("cvtuxl %016llx%016llx %016llx\n",
x.x1, x.x0, (long long)b4);
void cvtlf(float a)
uint32_t ax = copy_if(a);
long double b = a;
u128_t bx = copy_ild(b);
printf("cvtlf %08lx %016llx%016llx\n", (long)ax, bx.x1, bx.x0);
void cvtld(double a)
uint64_t ax = copy_id(a);
long double b = a;
u128_t bx = copy_ild(b);
printf("cvtld %016llx %016llx%016llx\n", (long long)ax, bx.x1, bx.x0);
void cvtfl(long double a)
u128_t ax = copy_ild(a);
float b = a;
uint32_t bx = copy_if(b);
printf("cvtfl %016llx%016llx %08lx\n", ax.x1, ax.x0, (long)bx);
void cvtdl(long double a)
u128_t ax = copy_ild(a);
double b = a;
uint64_t bx = copy_id(b);
printf("cvtdl %016llx%016llx %016llx\n", ax.x1, ax.x0, (long long)bx);
void cvts(void)
int i, j;
uint32_t x = 0xad040c5b;
for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
cvtlsw(x >> (31 - i));
for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
cvtlsw(-(x >> (31 - i)));
uint64_t x = 0xb630a248cad9afd2;
for (i = 0; i < 63; i++)
cvtlsx(x >> (63 - i));
for (i = 0; i < 63; i++)
cvtlsx(-(x >> (63 - i)));
uint32_t x = 0xad040c5b;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
cvtluw(x >> (31 - i));
uint64_t x = 0xb630a248cad9afd2;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
cvtlux(x >> (63 - i));
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
cvtil(make(i, 32767, 0, 1));
cvtil(make(i, 32767, (uint64_t)1 << 47, 0));
cvtil(make(i, 32767, 123, 456));
cvtil(make(i, 32767, 0, 0));
cvtil(make(i, 16382, -1, -1));
cvtil(make(i, 16383, -1, -1));
cvtil(make(i, 16384, 0x7fffffffffff, -1));
cvtil(make(i, 16384, 0x800000000000, 0));
for (j = 0; j < 68; j++)
cvtil(make(i, 16381 + j, 0xd4822c0a10ec, 0x1fe2f8b2669f5c9d));
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { \
cvtfl(make(i, 0, 0, 0));
cvtfl(make(i, 16232, -1, -1));
cvtfl(make(i, 16233, 0, 0));
cvtfl(make(i, 16233, 0, 1));
cvtfl(make(i, 16383, 0xab0ffd000000, 0));
cvtfl(make(i, 16383, 0xab0ffd000001, 0));
cvtfl(make(i, 16383, 0xab0ffeffffff, 0));
cvtfl(make(i, 16383, 0xab0fff000000, 0));
cvtfl(make(i, 16383, 0xab0fff000001, 0));
cvtfl(make(i, 16510, 0xfffffeffffff, -1));
cvtfl(make(i, 16510, 0xffffff000000, 0));
cvtfl(make(i, 16511, 0, 0));
cvtfl(make(i, 32767, 0, 0));
cvtfl(make(i, 32767, 0, 1));
cvtfl(make(i, 32767, 0x4cbe01ac5f40, 0x75cee3c6afbb00b5));
cvtfl(make(i, 32767, 0x800000000000, 1));
cvtfl(make(i, 32767, 0xa11caaaf6a52, 0x696033e871eab099));
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
cvtdl(make(i, 0, 0, 0));
cvtdl(make(i, 15307, -1, -1));
cvtdl(make(i, 15308, 0, 0));
cvtdl(make(i, 15308, 0, 1));
cvtdl(make(i, 16383, 0xabc123abc0ff, 0xe800000000000000));
cvtdl(make(i, 16383, 0xabc123abc0ff, 0xe800000000000001));
cvtdl(make(i, 16383, 0xabc123abc0ff, 0xf7ffffffffffffff));
cvtdl(make(i, 16383, 0xabc123abc0ff, 0xf800000000000000));
cvtdl(make(i, 16383, 0xabc123abc0ff, 0xf800000000000001));
cvtdl(make(i, 17406, 0xffffffffffff, 0xf7ffffffffffffff));
cvtdl(make(i, 17406, 0xffffffffffff, 0xf800000000000000));
cvtdl(make(i, 17407, 0, 0));
cvtdl(make(i, 32767, 0, 0));
cvtdl(make(i, 32767, 0, 1));
cvtdl(make(i, 32767, 0x4cbe01ac5f40, 0x75cee3c6afbb00b5));
cvtdl(make(i, 32767, 0x800000000000, 1));
cvtdl(make(i, 32767, 0xa11caaaf6a52, 0x696033e871eab099));
void tests(void)
int main()
#ifdef __aarch64__
printf("This test program is intended for a little-endian architecture\n"
"with an IEEE-standard 128-bit long double.\n");
return 0;