Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 9739 → Rev 9740

1,5 → 1,5
; application : View3ds ver. 0.076 - tiny .3ds and .asc files viewer
; application : View3ds ver. 0.077 - tiny .3ds and .asc files viewer
; with a few graphics effects demonstration.
; compiler : FASM
; system : KolibriOS
67,50 → 67,71
call alloc_buffer_mem
call read_param
call read_from_disk ; read, if all is ok eax = 0
btr eax,31 ; mark 1
cmp eax,0
jne .gen
bts eax,31 ; mark 2
mov esi,[fptr]
cmp [esi],word 4D4Dh
jne .asc
jne .asc_gen
call read_tp_variables ; init points and triangles count variables
cmp eax,0
jne .malloc
xor eax,eax ; if failed read -> generate
; if no house.3ds on board - generate
xor bl,bl ; reallocate memory
.asc_gen: ; read asc file or generate
push eax
; if no house.3ds on rd - generate
xor bl,bl ; allocate memory
mov [triangles_count_var],20000
mov [points_count_var],20000
call alloc_mem_for_tp
pop eax
bt eax,31
jc .asc
mov bl,[generator_flag]
call generate_object
mov ax,1 ;mark
jmp .opt
mov [triangles_count_var],10000 ; to do: read asc header
mov [points_count_var],10000
call alloc_mem_for_tp
; xor bl,bl
; mov [triangles_count_var],20000 ; to do: read asc header
; mov [points_count_var],20000
; call alloc_mem_for_tp
call read_asc
xor ax,ax
jmp .opt
call alloc_mem_for_tp
call read_from_file
if Ext >= SSE2
push ax
end if
call optimize_object1 ; proc in file b_procs.asm
; set point(0,0,0) in center and calc all coords
; to be in <-1.0,1.0>
call normalize_all_light_vectors
call copy_lights ; to aligned float
call init_triangles_normals2
; call init_triangles_normals2
if Ext >= SSE2
; if first byte of ax set -> old style normal vectors finding
call detect_chunks
mov [chunks_number],ecx
mov [chunks_ptr],ebx
push esi
push edi
call init_triangles_normals2
; esi - tri_ch
; edi - t_ptr - every vertice index - pointer to to all triangles
; that have this index
pop edi
pop esi
pop ax
end if
call init_point_normals
122,7 → 143,6
call do_color_buffer ; intit color_map
if Ext >= SSE3
call init_point_lights
mov [fire_flag],0 ; proteza
end if
mov edi,bumpmap
call calc_bumpmap
206,10 → 226,22
jmp noclose
red: ; redraw
; xor edx,edx
; @@:
; push edx
mov eax,9 ; get process info
mov ebx,procinfo
mov ecx,-1
or ecx,-1
int 0x40
; pop edx
; inc edx
; cmp dword[procinfo+26],50000000 ; ~ 10 Mbytes
; jb @f
; cmp edx,1
; je @b
; @@:
mov eax,[procinfo+42] ; read params of window
sub eax,225
mov [size_x_var],ax
297,14 → 329,14
call update_flags ; update flags and write labels of flags
; do other operations according to flag
cmp ah,3 ; ah = 3 -> shading model
jne .next_m6
cmp [dr_flag],2
jne @f
; cmp ah,3 ; ah = 3 -> shading model
; jne .next_m6
; cmp [dr_flag],2
; jne @f
; call init_envmap2 ; <----! this don't works in env mode
; and more than ~18 kb objects
; call init_envmap_cub2
; @@:
cmp [dr_flag],4
jne @f
call generate_texture2
402,7 → 434,7
call detect_chunks
mov [chunks_number],ecx
mov [chunks_ptr],ebx
mov ax,1 ; - old style detecting normal vectors
; esi - tri_ch
; edi - t_ptr - every vertice index - pointer to to all triangles
; that have this index
412,6 → 444,7
call calc_bumpmap_coords ; bump and texture mapping
call do_edges_list
call write_info
cmp ah,19
je @f
693,6 → 726,7
lea ecx,[eax*4]
if (Ext = MMX)|(Ext = SSE)
mov bh,bl
push bx
shl ebx,16
884,9 → 918,10
movzx ecx,word[size_y_var]
imul ecx,eax
xor eax,eax
shr ecx,1
; shr ecx,1
rep stosd
edit: ; mmx required, edit mesh by vertex
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
895,9 → 930,9
.y_coord equ ebp-2
.x_coord equ ebp-4
.points_translated equ ebp-10
.points equ ebp-22
.points_rotated equ ebp-34
.mx equ ebp-70
.points equ ebp-26
.points_rotated equ ebp-26-16
.mx equ ebp-26-56
macro check_bar
906,17 → 941,11
movzx edx,word[size_x_var]
imul edx,ecx
add ebx,edx
push ebx
mov ecx,ebx
shl ecx,2
; lea ecx,[ebx*2]
lea ebx,[ebx*3]
cmp [dr_flag],12
jl @f
add ebx,[esp]
add esp,4
cmp [dr_flag],10
cmovg ebx,ecx
add ebx,[screen_ptr]
mov ebx,[ebx]
and ebx,0x00ffffff
935,10 → 964,9
pcmpgtw mm0,mm1
pcmpgtw mm3,mm1
pxor mm3,mm0
movd eax,mm3
mov cx,ax
shr eax,16
and ax,cx
pmovmskb eax,mm3
and eax,1111b
or ax,ax
jz .no_edit
949,8 → 977,6
; store both x and y coordinates
ror eax,16
; push eax
; sub esp,256
mov [.x_coord],eax
test word[mouse_state],100000000b
jz .not_press ; check if left mouse button press
957,7 → 983,6
; left button pressed
jne .no_edit
add ecx,[vertices_index_ptr]
992,30 → 1017,18
jne .end
mov esi,[vertex_edit_no]
; dec esi
lea esi,[esi*3]
add esi,esi
add esi,[points_translated_ptr]
movd xmm0,[edit_end_x]
punpcklwd xmm0,[the_zero]
movd xmm1,[vect_x]
punpcklwd xmm1,[the_zero]
; movd xmm2,[offset_y]
; punpcklwd xmm2,[the_zero]
psubd xmm0,xmm1
; psubd xmm0,xmm2
cvtdq2ps xmm0,xmm0
movups [.points],xmm0
movd mm1,dword[esi]
paddw mm1,mm0
psubw mm1,qword[vect_x]
movd dword[esi],mm1
lea edi,[.points]
; detranslate
fild word[esi+4]
fstp dword[edi+8]
fild word[esi+2]
fisub word[offset_x]
fstp dword[edi+4]
fild word[esi]
fisub word[offset_y] ; proteza
fstp dword[edi]
mov esi,matrix
lea edi,[.mx]
call reverse_mx_3x3
1037,11 → 1050,8
; mov ecx,3
; cld
; rep movsd
mov dword[edit_start_x],0
mov dword[edit_end_x],0
mov [vertex_edit_no],-1
1096,10 → 1106,10
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
; updates flags and writing flag description
; in ah - button number
1511,6 → 1521,7
; esi - tri_ch
; edi - t_ptr
; ax = 1 -> old style finding normals
.z equ dword [ebp-8]
.y equ dword [ebp-12]
.x equ [ebp-16]
1519,6 → 1530,7
.t_ptr equ dword [ebp-36]
.tri_ch equ dword [ebp-40]
.max_val equ dword [ebp-44]
.mark equ word [ebp-45]
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
1527,11 → 1539,11
mov .t_ptr,edi
mov .tri_ch,esi
; mov .mark,ax
bt ax,0
jc .old1
mov ecx,[triangles_count_var]
shl ecx,3
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
1581,7 → 1593,10
jmp .end
xor edx,edx
mov edi,[points_normals_ptr]
1644,6 → 1659,9
mov edx,.point_number
cmp edx,[points_count_var]
jne .ipn_loop
; cmp .mark,1
; je .end1
; always free if Ext>=SSE2
mov eax,68
1656,9 → 1674,9
mov ecx,.tri_ch
int 0x40
; .end1:
add esp,64
pop ebp
1817,38 → 1835,37
movzx ecx,word[size_x_var]
movzx eax,word[size_y_var]
imul ecx,eax
xor eax,eax
if Ext=NON
; if Ext=NON
rep stosd
else if Ext = MMX
pxor mm0,mm0
movq [edi+00],mm0
movq [edi+08],mm0
movq [edi+16],mm0
movq [edi+24],mm0
add edi,32
sub ecx,8
jnc @b
push ecx
mov ecx,edi
and ecx,0x0000000f
rep stosb
pop ecx
and ecx,0xfffffff0
xorps xmm0,xmm0
movaps [edi],xmm0
movaps [edi+16],xmm0
movaps [edi+32],xmm0
movaps [edi+48],xmm0
add edi,64
sub ecx,16
jnz @b
end if
; else if Ext = MMX
; pxor mm0,mm0
; @@:
; movq [edi+00],mm0
; movq [edi+08],mm0
; movq [edi+16],mm0
; movq [edi+24],mm0
; add edi,32
; sub ecx,8
; jnc @b
; else
; push ecx
; mov ecx,edi
; and ecx,0x0000000f
; rep stosb
; pop ecx
; and ecx,0xfffffff0
; xorps xmm0,xmm0
; @@:
; movaps [edi],xmm0
; movaps [edi+16],xmm0
; movaps [edi+32],xmm0
; movaps [edi+48],xmm0
; add edi,64
; sub ecx,16
; jnz @b
; end if
1879,7 → 1896,7
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,60
sub esp,64
; movzx ax,[dr_flag]
mov .dr_flag,ax
2777,6 → 2794,7
; je @f
; int3
; @@:
mov eax, .index1x12
mov ebx, .index2x12
mov ecx, .index3x12
2945,7 → 2963,7
add esp,60
add esp,64
pop ebp
2956,7 → 2974,7
; in eax - render model
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
; emms
.fac equ dword[ebp-16]
.xplus_scr equ ebp-8
.xplus_index equ ebp-12
3320,12 → 3338,12
int 0x40 ; -> allocate memory to triangles
mov [triangles_ptr], eax ; -> eax = pointer to allocated mem
mov eax, 68
mov ecx,[triangles_count_var]
imul ecx,[i36]
mov edx,[edges_ptr]
int 0x40 ; -> allocate memory to triangles
mov [edges_ptr], eax ; -> eax = pointer to allocated mem
; mov eax, 68
; mov ecx,[triangles_count_var]
; imul ecx,[i36]
; mov edx,[edges_ptr]
; int 0x40 ; -> allocate memory to triangles
; mov [edges_ptr], eax ; -> eax = pointer to allocated mem
; ststic memory
3411,6 → 3429,7
; eax = 0 -> ok file loaded
mov esi,I_Param
cmp dword[esi],0
je .end
3543,9 → 3562,6
; *********************************************
movzx eax,[fire_flag]
push eax
; int3
mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw
mov ebx,1 ; 1, start of draw
int 0x40
3732,8 → 3748,8
mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw
mov ebx,2 ; 2, end of draw
int 0x40
pop eax
mov [fire_flag],al
; pop eax
; mov [fire_flag],al