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Regard whitespace Rev 1197 → Rev 1198

14,212 → 14,227
$Revision: 982 $
align 4
dw 8*0x41-1
dd idts+8
align 4 ;3A08
mov edi, idts+8
mov edi, idts
mov esi, sys_int
mov ecx, 0x40
mov [edi], ax ; lower part of offset
mov [edi+2], word os_code ; segment selector
mov ax, word 10001110b shl 8 ; type: interrupt gate
mov [edi+4], eax
add edi, 8
mov eax, (10001110b shl 24) + os_code
@@: movsw ;low word of code-entry
stosd ;interrupt gate type : os_code selector
movsw ;high word of code-entry
loop @b
;mov edi,8*0x40+idts+8
mov dword [edi], (i40 and 0xFFFF) or (os_code shl 16)
mov dword [edi+4], (11101111b shl 8) or (i40 and 0xFFFF0000)
; type: trap gate
movsd ;copy low dword of trap gate for int 0x40
movsd ;copy high dword of trap gate for int 0x40
lidt [esi]
msg_sel_ker db "kernel", 0
msg_sel_app db "application", 0
align 4
dd e0,debug_exc,e2,e3
dd e4,e5,e6,e7
dd e8,e9,e10,e11
dd e12,e13,page_fault_handler,e15
;exception handlers addresses (for interrupt gate construction)
dd e0,e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,except_7 ; SEE: core/
dd e8,e9,e10,e11,e12,e13,page_fault_exc,e15
dd e16, e17,e18, e19
times 12 dd unknown_interrupt ;int_20..int_31
dd except_16, e17,e18, except_19
times 12 dd unknown_interrupt
;interrupt handlers addresses (for interrupt gate construction)
dd irq0, irq_serv.irq_1, irq_serv.irq_2
dd irq_serv.irq_3, irq_serv.irq_4
dd p_irq3, p_irq4
dd p_irq3, p_irq4 ;??? íåñòûêîâêà
end if
dd irq_serv.irq_5, p_irq6, irq_serv.irq_7
dd irq_serv.irq_8, irq_serv.irq_9, irq_serv.irq_10
dd irq_serv.irq_11, irq_serv.irq_12,irqD ,p_irq14,p_irq15
times 16 dd unknown_interrupt ;int_0x30..int_0x3F
times 16 dd unknown_interrupt
;int_0x40 gate trap (for directly copied)
dw i40 and 0xFFFF, os_code, 11101111b shl 8, i40 shr 16
dd i40
idtreg: ; data for LIDT instruction (!!! must be immediately below sys_int data)
dw 2*($-sys_int-4)-1
dd idts ;0x8000B100
dw 0 ;ïðîñòî âûðàâíèâàíèå
msg_fault_sel dd msg_exc_8,msg_exc_u,msg_exc_a,msg_exc_b
dd msg_exc_c,msg_exc_d,msg_exc_e
msg_exc_8 db "Double fault", 0
msg_exc_u db "Undefined Exception", 0
msg_exc_a db "Invalid TSS", 0
msg_exc_b db "Segment not present", 0
msg_exc_c db "Stack fault", 0
msg_exc_d db "General protection fault", 0
msg_exc_e db "Page fault", 0
msg_sel_ker db "kernel", 0
msg_sel_app db "application", 0
macro save_ring3_context
macro save_ring3_context {
macro restore_ring3_context
macro restore_ring3_context {
; simply return control to interrupted process
macro exc_wo_code [num]
macro exc_wo_code [num] {
e#num :
mov bl, num
jmp exc_c
} exc_wo_code 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,15,16,19
macro exc_w_code [num]
macro exc_w_code [num] {
e#num :
add esp, 4
mov bl, num
jmp exc_c
} exc_w_code 8,9,10,11,12,13,17,18
exc_wo_code 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 15, 18
exc_w_code 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17
mov ax, app_data ;èñêëþ÷åíèå
mov ds, ax ;çàãðóçèì ïðàâèëüíûå çíà÷åíè
mov es, ax ;â ðåãèñòðû
pf_err_code dd ?
page_fault_exc: ; äóðàêîóñòî÷èâîñòü: ñåëåêòîðû èñïîð÷åíû...
pop [ss:pf_err_code]; äåéñòâèòåëüíî äî ñëåäóþùåãî #PF
mov bl,14
exc_c: ; èñêëþ÷åíèÿ (âñå, êðîìå 7-ãî - #NM)
; Ôðýéì ñòåêà ïðè èñêëþ÷åíèè/ïðåðûâàíèè èç 3-ãî êîëüöà + pushad (ò.å., èìåííî çäåñü)
reg_ss equ esp+0x30
reg_esp3 equ esp+0x2C
reg_eflags equ esp+0x28
reg_cs3 equ esp+0x24
reg_eip equ esp+0x20
; ýòî ôðýéì îò pushad
reg_eax equ esp+0x1C
reg_ecx equ esp+0x18
reg_edx equ esp+0x14
reg_ebx equ esp+0x10
reg_esp0 equ esp+0x0C
reg_ebp equ esp+0x08
reg_esi equ esp+0x04
reg_edi equ esp+0x00
Mov ds,ax,app_data ; çàãðóçèì ïðàâèëüíûå çíà÷åíèÿ
mov es,ax ; â ñåãìåíòíûå ðåãèñòðû
cld ; è ïðèâîäèì DF ê ñòàíäàðòó
movzx ebx,bl
; redirect to V86 manager? (EFLAGS & 0x20000) != 0?
test byte [esp+20h+8+2], 2
test byte[reg_eflags+2],2
jnz v86_exc_c
; test if debugging
mov eax, [current_slot]
mov eax, [eax+APPDATA.debugger_slot]
cmp bl,14 ; #PF
jne @f
call page_fault_handler ; SEE: core/
@@: mov esi, [current_slot]
btr [esi+APPDATA.except_mask], ebx
jnc @f
mov eax,[esi+APPDATA.exc_handler]
test eax, eax
jnz IRetToUserHook
@@: cli
mov eax, [esi+APPDATA.debugger_slot]
test eax, eax
jnz .debug
; not debuggee => say error and terminate
movzx eax, bl
mov [error_interrupt], eax
call show_error_parameters
add esp, 0x20
mov edx, [TASK_BASE]
mov [edx + TASKDATA.state], byte 4
jmp change_task
call show_error_parameters ;; only ONE using, inline ???
;mov edx, [TASK_BASE]
mov [edx + TASKDATA.state], byte 4 ; terminate
jmp change_task ; stack - here it does not matter at all, SEE: core/
; we are debugged process, notify debugger and suspend ourself
; eax=debugger PID
movzx ecx, bl
push ecx
mov ecx, [TASK_BASE]
push dword [] ; PID of current process
push 12
pop ecx
push 1 ; 1=exception
call debugger_notify
pop ecx
pop ecx
pop ecx
mov ecx,1 ; debug_message code=other_exception
cmp bl,1 ; #DB
jne .notify ; notify debugger and suspend ourself
mov ebx, dr6 ; debug_message data=DR6_image
xor edx, edx
mov dr6, edx
mov edx, dr7
mov cl, not 8
.l1: shl dl,2
jc @f
and bl, cl
@@: sar cl,1
jc .l1
mov cl, 3 ; debug_message code=debug_exception
push ebx ; debug_message data
mov ebx, [TASK_BASE]
push [] ; PID
push ecx ; debug_message code ((here: ecx==1/3))
mov cl, 12 ; debug_message size
call debugger_notify ;; only ONE using, inline ??? SEE: core/
add esp,12
mov edx, [TASK_BASE]
mov byte [edx+TASKDATA.state], 1 ; suspended
call change_task
call change_task ; SEE: core/
hexletters db '0123456789ABCDEF'
error_interrupt dd -1
xchg eax, [reg_eip]
sub dword[reg_esp3], 8
mov edi, [reg_esp3]
mov [edi], ebx
mov eax,[CURRENT_TASK]
shl eax, 5
DEBUGF 1, "K : Process - forced terminate PID: %x\n", [CURRENT_TASK + + eax]
mov eax, [error_interrupt]
cmp al, 0x08
jne @f
DEBUGF 1, "K : Double fault\n"
jmp defined_error
cmp al, 0x0a
jne @f
DEBUGF 1, "K : Invalid TSS\n"
jmp defined_error
cmp al, 0x0b
jne @f
DEBUGF 1, "K : Segment not present\n"
jmp defined_error
cmp al, 0x0c
jne @f
DEBUGF 1, "K : Stack fault\n"
jmp defined_error
cmp al, 0x0d
jne @f
DEBUGF 1, "K : General protection fault\n"
jmp defined_error
cmp al, 0x0e
jne @f
DEBUGF 1, "K : Page fault\n"
jmp defined_error
DEBUGF 1, "K : Undefined Exception\n"
DEBUGF 1, "K : EAX : %x EBX : %x ECX : %x\n", [esp + 0x20], [esp - 12 + 0x20], [esp - 4 + 0x20]
DEBUGF 1, "K : EDX : %x ESI : %x EDI : %x\n", [esp - 8 + 0x20], [esp - 24 + 0x20], [esp - 28 + 0x20]
DEBUGF 1, "K : EBP : %x EIP : %x ", [esp - 20 + 0x20], [esp + 4 + 0x20]
mov eax, [esp + 8 + 0x20]
mov edx,[TASK_BASE] ;not scratched below
DEBUGF 1, "K : Process - forced terminate PID: %x\n", []
cmp bl, 0x08
jb .l0
cmp bl, 0x0e
jbe .l1
.l0: mov bl, 0x09
.l1: mov eax,[msg_fault_sel+ebx*4 - 0x08*4]
DEBUGF 1, "K : %s\n", eax
mov eax, [reg_cs3+4]
mov edi, msg_sel_app
mov ebx, [esp + 16 + 0x20]
mov ebx, [reg_esp3+4]
cmp eax, app_code
je @f
mov edi, msg_sel_ker
mov ebx, [esp - 16 + 0x20]
DEBUGF 1, "ESP : %x\nK : Flags : %x CS : %x (%s)\n", ebx, [esp + 12 + 0x20], eax, edi
mov ebx, [reg_esp0+4]
@@: DEBUGF 1, "K : EAX : %x EBX : %x ECX : %x\n", [reg_eax+4], [reg_ebx+4], [reg_ecx+4]
DEBUGF 1, "K : EDX : %x ESI : %x EDI : %x\n", [reg_edx+4], [reg_esi+4], [reg_edi+4]
DEBUGF 1, "K : EBP : %x EIP : %x ESP : %x\n", [reg_ebp+4], [reg_eip+4], ebx
DEBUGF 1, "K : Flags : %x CS : %x (%s)\n", [reg_eflags+4], eax, edi
restore reg_ss
restore reg_esp3
restore reg_eflags
restore reg_cs
restore reg_eip
restore reg_eax
restore reg_ecx
restore reg_edx
restore reg_ebx
restore reg_esp0
restore reg_ebp
restore reg_esi
restore reg_edi
; irq1 -> hid/
macro irqh [num]
macro irqh [num] {
p_irq#num :
mov edi, num
jmp irqhandler
irqh 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11
277,26 → 292,18
mov ax, app_data ;os_data
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov dx,0xf0
push eax
mov al,0
out dx,al
mov dx,0xa0
out 0xf0,al
mov al,0x20
out dx,al
mov dx,0x20
out dx,al
out 0xa0,al
out 0x20,al
pop eax
irqh 2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11
mov esi,edi ; 1
421,8 → 428,8
jmp new_sys_threads
process_terminating db 'K : Process - terminating',13,10,0
process_terminated db 'K : Process - done',13,10,0
; process_terminating db 'K : Process - terminating',13,10,0
; process_terminated db 'K : Process - done',13,10,0
msg_obj_destroy db 'K : destroy app object',13,10,0
445,7 → 452,6
;mov esi,process_terminating
;call sys_msg_board_str
DEBUGF 1,"%s",process_terminating
cmp [application_table_status],0
805,7 → 811,6
mov [application_table_status],0
;mov esi,process_terminated
;call sys_msg_board_str
DEBUGF 1,"%s",process_terminated
add esp, 4
restore .slot