Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 1513 → Rev 1514

157,6 → 157,8
mcall 12, 1 ; start of draw
mcall 0, dword [Form], dword [Form + 4], 0x13ffffff, 0x805080d0, title
mcall 8, 136 shl 16 + 100, 35 shl 16 + 18, 4, 0x00007f00 ; SLIP
call Get_PCI_Info ; get pci version and last bus, scan for and draw each pci device
cmp edx, 20 shl 16 + 110
689,7 → 689,7
push 0
push 0 ; sin_zero
push esi ; sin_addr
push AF_INET + (53 shl 24)
push AF_INET + (53 shl 16)
; sin_family and sin_port in network byte order
; 8c. Connect.
mcall 74, 4, , esp, sizeof.sockaddr_in
13,7 → 13,7
include '../'
purge mov,add,sub
include '../'
include ''
include '../'
include '../network_lib/'
194,7 → 194,7
.port dw 23 shl 8
.port dw 23
.ip dd 0
rb 10
1,31 → 1,35
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01'
dd 1, START, I_END, IM_END+0x1000, IM_END+0x1000, 0, 0
dd 0x1
dd I_END
dd 0, 0
include '../'
include '../'
include '../'
include '../'
include '../'
include '../../../../../programs/develop/libraries/box_lib/trunk/box_lib.mac'
include 'editbox_ex.mac'
include '../'
filebuffer_size equ 4*4096 ; 16kb (dont try to change it yet..)
TIMEOUT equ 500
TIMEOUT equ 100
buffer_len equ 1500
AF_INET4 equ 2
opcode_rrq equ 1 shl 8
opcode_wrq equ 2 shl 8
opcode_data equ 3 shl 8
opcode_ack equ 4 shl 8
opcode_error equ 5 shl 8
opcode_rrq equ 1
opcode_wrq equ 2
opcode_data equ 3
opcode_ack equ 4
opcode_error equ 5
; read/write request packet
51,14 → 55,14
; error packet
; 2 bytes 2 bytes string 1 byte
; -----------------------------------------
; ----------------------------------------
; | Opcode | ErrorCode | ErrMsg | 0 |
; -----------------------------------------
; ----------------------------------------
;; mcall 68, 11
mcall 68, 11
stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT
or eax, eax
185,11 → 189,11
mcall 4,350*65536+137, 0x80000000, str_kb_s
; mcall 47,1 shl 31 + 7 shl 16 + 1,kbps,305*65536+137,0x00000000
mcall 47,1 shl 31 + 7 shl 16 + 1,kbps,305*65536+137,0x00000000
mcall 4,20*65536+137, 0x80000000, [status]
mcall 4,50*65536+137, 0x80000000, str_complete
; mcall 47,1 shl 31 + 3 shl 16 + 1,done,25*65536+137,0x00000000
mcall 47,1 shl 31 + 3 shl 16 + 1,done,25*65536+137,0x00000000
mcall 12,2
209,30 → 213,19
push esp ; fourth parameter
push 0 ; third parameter
push 0 ; second parameter
push SRV ; first parameter
push dword SRV ; first parameter
call [getaddrinfo]
pop esi ; now we will have pointer to result in esi
pop esi
; test for error
test eax, eax
jnz still
mov esi, [esi + addrinfo.ai_addr]
mov esi, [esi]
mov esi, [esi + sockaddr_in.sin_addr]
mov dword [IP], esi
stdcall mem.Alloc, buffer_len
test eax, eax
jz stop_transfer
mov [packetbuff], eax
invoke file_open, local_addr, O_READ + O_WRITE + O_CREATE
cmp eax, 32
jb stop_transfer
mov [fh], eax
mcall socket, AF_INET4, IP_PROTO_UDP, 0 ; socket_open
cmp eax, -1
je still
244,8 → 237,8
je still
mov word [I_END], opcode_rrq
cmp [option_group2],op3 ; method = get?
jz @f
cmp [option_group2],op3
je @f
mov word [I_END], opcode_wrq
253,7 → 246,7
mov edi, remote_addr
mov ecx, 250
repnz scasb
sub edi, remote_addr
sub edi, remote_addr-1
mov ecx, edi
mov edi, I_END+2
mov esi, remote_addr
283,20 → 276,14
mov esi, edi
mcall send, [socketnum], I_END
mcall 40, 10000101b
mov [last_ack], 0
; mcall 26, 9
; mov [last_time], eax
mov [status], str_transfering
call draw_window
mcall 40, 10000101b
cmp [option_group2],op3 ; method = get?
jnz send_data_loop
invoke file_truncate, [fh]
303,127 → 290,111
mcall 23, TIMEOUT
dec eax
jz .redraw
jz .red
dec eax
dec eax
jz .btn
jz .key
mcall recv, [socketnum], [packetbuff], buffer_len ; receive data
mov esi, [packetbuff]
cmp word[esi], opcode_data
mcall recv, [socketnum], buffer, buffer_len, 0 ; receive data
cmp word[buffer], opcode_data
jne .error
mov bx, [last_ack]
inc bx
rol bx, 8
cmp word [esi + 2], bx
cmp word [buffer + 2], bx
jne .packet_got_lost
inc [last_ack]
cmp eax, 4+512
je .continue
; now, we need to store the data
add esi, 4
sub eax, 4
mov ecx, eax
invoke file_write, [fh], esi ,ecx
cmp ecx, 512 ; full data packet?
jge .continue
; last packet, or something else
mov [status], str_success
invoke file_close, [fh]
mcall close, [socketnum]
jmp stop_transfer
cmp word[esi], opcode_error
je .decode_error
jmp .continue
; mcall 26, 9
; mov ebx, [last_time]
; mov [last_time], eax
; xor edx, edx
; sub eax, ebx
; xchg eax, ecx
; div ecx
; mov [kbps], eax
; mcall 47,1 shl 31 + 7 shl 16 + 1,kbps,305*65536+137,0x40000000, 0x00ffffff
mov word [buffer], opcode_ack ; send ack
mov ax, [last_ack]
rol ax, 8
mov word [buffer+2], ax
mcall send, [socketnum], buffer, 4, 0
jmp receive_data_loop
mcall 17
call draw_window
jmp .kill_xfer
jmp receive_data_loop
call draw_window
mcall 2
cmp ah, 2
jz exit
; close socket ?
jmp receive_data_loop
movzx esi, word[esi + 2]
cmp esi, 7
cmovg esi, [zero]
mov esi, dword [4*esi + error_crosslist]
mov [status], esi
jmp .kill_xfer
mov word[buffer], opcode_data
invoke file_open, local_addr, O_READ
or eax, eax
jz .exit
mov [fh], eax
stdcall mem.Alloc, filebuffer_size
or eax, eax
jz .exit
mov [fb], eax
mov [last_ack], 0
mov [fo], 0
inc [last_ack]
invoke file_seek, [fh], [fo], SEEK_END
cmp eax, -1
je .exit
invoke file_read, [fh], [fb], filebuffer_size
cmp eax, -1
je .exit
add [fo], filebuffer_size
cmp eax, filebuffer_size
je .packet
; ijhidfhfdsndsfqk
movzx esi, [last_ack]
and esi, 0x000000001f ; last five bits BUFFER SIZE MUST BE 16 kb for this to work !!!
shl esi, 9 ; = * 512
add esi, [fb]
mov edi, buffer
mov ax, opcode_data
mov ax, [last_ack]
xchg al, ah
mov word[buffer+2], ax
mov ecx, 512/4
rep movsd
invoke file_read, [fh], buffer + 4, 512
cmp eax, -1
je .kill_xfer
mcall send, [socketnum], buffer, 4+512, 0 ; send data
add eax, 4
mov [packetsize], eax
mcall send, [socketnum], buffer, [packetsize], 0 ; send data
mcall 23, TIMEOUT
dec eax
430,67 → 401,46
jz .red
dec eax
dec eax
jz .btn
jz .key
mcall recv, [socketnum], [packetbuff], buffer_len ; receive ack
cmp eax, -1
je .kill_xfer
mcall recv, [socketnum], buffer, buffer_len, 0 ; receive ack
mov esi, [packetbuff]
cmp word[buffer], opcode_ack
jne .exit
cmp word[esi], opcode_error
je .decode_error
cmp word[esi], opcode_ack
jne .send_packet
mov ax, [last_ack]
xchg al, ah
cmp word[esi+2], ax
jne .send_packet
cmp word[buffer+2], ax
jne .packet
inc [last_ack]
test [last_ack],0x001f
jz .read_chunk
jmp .packet
cmp [packetsize], 512+4
jne .xfer_ok ; transfer is done
call draw_window
jmp .read_chunk
call draw_window
jmp .loop
mcall 17
mcall 2
cmp ah, 2
jz exit
mov [status], str_fail
; close socket ?
jmp .loop
invoke file_close, [fh]
mcall close, [socketnum]
jmp stop_transfer
jmp still
mov [status], str_success
jmp .xfer_done
movzx esi, word[esi + 2]
cmp esi, 7
cmovg esi, [zero]
mov esi, dword [4*esi + error_crosslist]
mov [status], esi
jmp .send_packet
500,7 → 450,7
dw 69 shl 8
dw 69
IP db 192,168,1,115
sockaddr_len = $ - sockaddr
507,9 → 457,9
align 16
library box_lib , 'box_lib.obj',\
io_lib , 'libio.obj',\
network , 'network.obj'
library box_lib , 'box_lib.obj'
library io_lib , 'libio.obj'
library network , 'network.obj'
import box_lib ,\
edit_box_draw ,'edit_box' ,\
544,10 → 494,9
freeaddrinfo , 'freeaddrinfo'
edit1 edit_box 300,80,5 ,0xffffff,0x6f9480,0,0,0,99 ,SRV,ed_focus, 13,13
edit2 edit_box 300,80,25,0xffffff,0x6a9480,0,0,0,99 ,remote_addr,ed_figure_only, 5,5
edit3 edit_box 300,80,45,0xffffff,0x6a9480,0,0,0,99 ,local_addr,ed_figure_only, 13,13
edit1 edit_box 300,80,5 ,0xffffff,0x6f9480,0,0,0,99 ,SRV,ed_focus, 11,11
edit2 edit_box 300,80,25,0xffffff,0x6a9480,0,0,0,99 ,remote_addr,ed_figure_only, 10,10
edit3 edit_box 300,80,45,0xffffff,0x6a9480,0,0,0,99 ,local_addr,ed_figure_only, 27,27
edit4 edit_box 40,340,68,0xffffff,0x6a9480,0,0,0,5 ,BLK,ed_figure_only, 3, 3
op1 option_box option_group1,80,68,6,12,0xffffff,0,0,netascii,octet-netascii
558,7 → 507,6
option_group1 dd op1
option_group2 dd op3
Option_boxs1 dd op1,op2,0
Option_boxs2 dd op3,op4,0
572,12 → 520,7
str_kb_s db 'kb/s',0
str_complete db '% complete',0
str_transfer db 'Transfer',0
str_waiting db 'Welcome!',0
str_transfering db 'Transfering...',0
str_success db 'Tranfser completed sucessfully',0
str_fail db 'Transfer failed!',0
._0 db 'Not defined, see error message (if any).',0
._1 db 'File not found.',0
589,18 → 532,6
._7 db 'No such user.',0
dd str_error._0
dd str_error._1
dd str_error._2
dd str_error._3
dd str_error._4
dd str_error._5
dd str_error._6
dd str_error._7
netascii db 'NetASCII'
octet db 'Octet'
get db 'GET'
611,25 → 542,19
last_ack dw ?
fh dd ? ; file handle
fo dd ? ; file offset
fb dd ? ; file buffer
last_time dd ?
packetbuff dd ?
packetsize dd ?
status dd str_waiting
zero dd 0
SRV db "",0
times (SRV + 256 - $) db 0
rb (SRV + 256 - $)
remote_addr db "3.png",0
times (remote_addr + 256 - $) db 0
remote_addr db "IMG00",0
rb (remote_addr + 256 - $)
local_addr db "/sys/test.png",0
times (local_addr + 256 - $) db 0
local_addr db "/hd0/1/KolibriOS/kernel.mnt",0
rb (local_addr + 256 - $)
rb buffer_len
131,29 → 131,8
mcall 40, 1 shl 7 ; network event
; eth.set_network_drv 0x00000383
DEBUGF 1,">Zero-config service:\n"
; eth.status eax ; Read the Stack status
; test eax,eax ; if eax is zero, no driver was found
; jnz @f
; DEBUGF 1,"No Card found!\n"
; jmp close
; @@:
; DEBUGF 1,"Detected card: %x\n",eax
; @@:
; eth.check_cable eax
; test al,al
; jnz @f
; DEBUGF 1,"Cable disconnected!\n"
; mcall 5, 500 ; loop until cable is connected (check every 5 sec)
; jmp @r
; @@:
; eth.read_mac MAC
mcall 75, 1337 shl 16 + 4
cmp eax, -1
254,6 → 233,7
test eax,eax
jz apipa
;;; todo: skip this bullcrap
mov edi, eax
mov ecx,BUFFER
261,12 → 241,14
rep stosb
;; todo: put this in a buffer instead of writing bytes and words!
mov edx,[dhcpMsg]
mov [edx], byte 0x01 ; Boot request
mov [edx+1], byte 0x01 ; Ethernet
mov [edx+2], byte 0x06 ; Ethernet h/w len
mov [edx+4], dword 0x11223344 ; xid
mov [edx+4], dword 0x11223344 ; xid ;;;;;;;
mov eax,[currTime]
mov [edx+8], eax ; secs, our uptime
mov [edx+10], byte 0x80 ; broadcast flag set
274,7 → 256,7
mov [edx+28],dword eax
mov ax, word [MAC+4] ; last 2 bytes of MAC
mov [edx+32],word ax
mov [edx+236], dword 0x63538263 ; magic number
mov [edx+236], dword 0x63538263 ; magic cookie
mov [edx+240], word 0x0135 ; option DHCP msg type
mov al, [dhcpMsgType]
mov [edx+240+2], al
313,7 → 295,6
mcall 23, TIMEOUT*10 ; wait for data
read_data: ; we have data - this will be the response
mcall 74, 7, [socketNum], [dhcpMsg], BUFFER ; read data from socket
DEBUGF 1,"->%d bytes received\n", eax
464,7 → 445,7
; DEBUGF 1,"Sending ARP announce\n"
; eth.ARP_ANNOUNCE [dhcpClientIP] ; send an ARP announce packet
jmp close
572,7 → 553,7
dw 68 shl 8 ; local port
dw 68 ; local port
dd 0 ; local IP
rb 10
581,7 → 562,7
dw 67 shl 8 ; destination port
dw 67 ; destination port
dd -1 ; destination IP
rb 10