Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 1663 → Rev 1664

100,19 → 100,19
pf_err_code dd ?
page_fault_exc: ; äóðàêîóñòî÷èâîñòü: ñåëåêòîðû èñïîð÷åíû...
pop [ss:pf_err_code]; äåéñòâèòåëüíî äî ñëåäóþùåãî #PF
page_fault_exc: ; fool-proofing: if selectors damaged...
pop [ss:pf_err_code]; active to the next #PF
mov bl,14
exc_c: ; èñêëþ÷åíèÿ (âñå, êðîìå 7-ãî - #NM)
; Ôðýéì ñòåêà ïðè èñêëþ÷åíèè/ïðåðûâàíèè èç 3-ãî êîëüöà + pushad (ò.å., èìåííî çäåñü)
exc_c: ; exceptions (all but the 7th - #NM)
; the stack frame for an exception/interrupt occured in Ring3 + pushad (i.e. here)
reg_ss equ esp+0x30
reg_esp3 equ esp+0x2C
reg_eflags equ esp+0x28
reg_cs3 equ esp+0x24
reg_eip equ esp+0x20
; ýòî ôðýéì îò pushad
; pushad's frame
reg_eax equ esp+0x1C
reg_ecx equ esp+0x18
reg_edx equ esp+0x14
122,9 → 122,9
reg_esi equ esp+0x04
reg_edi equ esp+0x00
Mov ds,ax,app_data ; çàãðóçèì ïðàâèëüíûå çíà÷åíèÿ
mov es,ax ; â ñåãìåíòíûå ðåãèñòðû
cld ; è ïðèâîäèì DF ê ñòàíäàðòó
Mov ds,ax,app_data ; load the correct values
mov es,ax ; to segregs
cld ; and clear DF
movzx ebx,bl
; redirect to V86 manager? (EFLAGS & 0x20000) != 0?
test byte[reg_eflags+2],2
259,7 → 259,6
mov edi, 14
cmp [v86_irqhooks+edi*8], 0
jnz v86_irq2
; mov byte [BOOT_VAR + 0x48E], 0xFF
call [irq14_func]
call ready_for_next_irq_1
272,7 → 271,6
mov edi, 15
cmp [v86_irqhooks+edi*8], 0
jnz v86_irq2
; mov byte [BOOT_VAR + 0x48E], 0xFF
call [irq15_func]
call ready_for_next_irq_1
281,11 → 279,10
mov eax,5
mov [check_idle_semaphore],eax
; mov al, 0x20
add eax,(0x20-0x5)
out 0x20, al
;destroy eax
mov eax,5
409,18 → 406,14
; * eax = 64 - íîìåð ôóíêöèè
; * ebx = 1 - åäèíñòâåííàÿ ïîäôóíêöèÿ
; * ecx = íîâûé ðàçìåð ïàìÿòè
;Âîçâðàùàåìîå çíà÷åíèå:
; * eax = 0 - óñïåøíî
; * eax = 1 - íåäîñòàòî÷íî ïàìÿòè
; * eax = 64 - sysFn #
; * ebx = 1 - subFn
; * ecx = new memory size
; * eax = 0 - OK
; * eax = 1 - insufficient memory
; ebx = 1 - resize
; ecx = new amount of memory
; cmp eax,1
dec ebx
jnz .no_application_mem_resize
stdcall new_mem_resize, ecx
429,15 → 422,14
; process_terminating db 'K : Process - terminating',13,10,0
; process_terminated db 'K : Process - done',13,10,0
msg_obj_destroy db 'K : destroy app object',13,10,0
msg_obj_destroy db 'K : app object destroyed',13,10,0
; terminate application
; param
; esi= slot
terminate: ; terminate application
.slot equ esp ;locals
451,9 → 443,6
mov [CURRENT_TASK+esi+TASKDATA.state], 9
;mov esi,process_terminating
;call sys_msg_board_str
cmp [application_table_status],0
je term9
674,11 → 663,10
cmp [CURRENT_TASK + edi + TASKDATA.state], byte 9 ; skip dead slots
je .check_next_window
add edi, window_data
; \begin{diamond}[19.09.2006]
; skip minimized windows
test [edi + WDATA.fl_wstate], WSTATE_MINIMIZED
jnz .check_next_window
; \end{diamond}
call waredraw
691,12 → 679,12
jnz @f
call free_hd_channel
and [hd1_status], 0
; cmp [cd_status], esi
; jnz @f
; call free_cd_channel
; and [cd_status], 0
cmp [cd_status], esi
jnz @f
call free_cd_channel
and [cd_status], 0
cmp [flp_status], esi
jnz @f
and [flp_status], 0
794,7 → 782,6
add ecx, 0x100
jmp .xd0
; call systest
sti ; .. and life goes on
mov eax, [draw_limits.left]
810,8 → 797,6
mov [DONT_DRAW_MOUSE],byte 0 ; draw mouse
and [application_table_status],0
;mov esi,process_terminated
;call sys_msg_board_str
add esp, 4
restore .slot
818,7 → 803,7
boot_sched_1 db 'Building gdt tss pointer',0
boot_sched_2 db 'Building IDT table',0
; boot_sched_2 db 'Building IDT table',0
826,9 → 811,4
mov esi,boot_sched_1
call boot_log
; call build_process_gdt_tss_pointer
; mov esi,boot_sched_2
; call boot_log