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Rev 6884 | Rev 9568 | Go to most recent revision | Details | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

Rev Author Line No. Line
6884 punk_joker 1
lsz labelt1,\
   en,  'File',\
   ru,  'Файл',\
   de,  'Datei'
        db 0

lsz labelt2,\
    en,   'File info',\
    ru,   'Информация о файле',\
    de,   'Dateiinfo'
        db 0

lsz fitext,\
    en, 'File name     ',\
    en, 'File size     ',\
    en, 'X size        ',\
    en, 'Y size        ',\
    en, 'Resolution    ',\
    en, 'Frames total  ',\
    ru, 'Имя файла     ',\
    ru, 'Размер файла  ',\
    ru, 'Ширина        ',\
    ru, 'Высота        ',\
    ru, 'Бит на пиксел ',\
    ru, 'Всего кадров  ',\
    de, 'Datei Namen   ',\
    de, 'Fateigroesse  ',\
    de, 'X groesse     ',\
    de, 'Y groesse     ',\
    de, 'Die Tiefe     ',\
    de, 'Zahl Frames   '
        db 0
.1:	db 'zSea version: 1.00 RC5 Date: 08/04/2017',0
.2:	db 'Authors:',0
.3:	db 'Marat Zakiyanov aka Mario(Mario79)',0
.4:	db 'zSea program, modules: cnv_bmp.obj,',0
.5:	db 'cnv_png.obj, convert.obj, rotate.obj  ',0
.6:	db 'scaling.obj, box_lib.obj, OpenDialog',0
.7:	db 'proc_lib.obj',0

.8:	db 'Evgeny Grechnikov aka Diamond',0
.9:	db 'modules: cnv_jpeg.obj, cnv_gif.obj,',0
.10:	db 'archiver.obj, sort.obj ',0

.11:	db 'Alexey Teplov aka ',0
.12:	db 'modules: box_lib.obj, load_lib.mac',0

.13:	db 'Mihail Semenyako aka Mike.dld',0
.14:	db 'modules: libini.obj, libio.obj',0
status   dd 0  ;bit0=1 if file thread is created
;process  dd 0

bWasDraw db 0
vflag: db 'x'
bgrmode: dd 1

wnd_width dd 210
wnd_height dd 53
lsz labelt3,\
    en, 'About program',\
    ru, 'О программе',\
    de, 'Uber das programm'
        db 0
lsz labelt4,\
    en, 'Set wallpaper',\
    ru, 'Установка фона',\
    de, 'Installation hintergrund'
        db 0
lsz labelt5,\
    en, 'Select sorting mode',\
    ru, 'Сортировка директории',\
    de, 'Regimes der Sortierung'
        db 0
lsz bgrdtext,\
    en, 'Set as background:',\
    ru, 'Тип обоев:',\
    de, 'Als hintergrund'
        db 0
lsz scc_text,\
    en, 'Position:',\
    ru, 'Позиция:',\
    de, 'Position:'
        db 0
lsz sorttext,\
    en, 'Directory sorting mode:',\
    ru, 'Режим сортировки директории:',\
    de, 'Regime der Sortierung des Verzeichnisses:'
        db 0
lsz errortext,\
    en, 'File system error:',\
        ru,     'Ошибка файловой системы:',\
    de, 'Fehler files systemes:'
        db 0
lsz optiontext,\
    en, 'Options:',\
    ru, 'Настройки:',\
    de, 'Optionen:'
        db 0
;lsz tiled,\
;    en, 'Tiled',\
;    ru, 'Замостить',\
;    de, 'Gekachelt'

;lsz stretch,\
;    en, 'Stretch',\
;    ru, 'Растянуть',\
;    de, 'Gestreckt'
lsz color_btn,\
    en, 'Background color:',\
    ru, 'Цвет фона:',\
    de, 'Hintergrundfarbe:'
        db 0
lsz ok_btn,\
    en, 'Ok',\
    ru, 'Ok',\
    de, 'Ok'
        db 0
lsz slide_show_delay_title,\
    en, 'Slide show delay:',\
    ru, 'Задержка слайдшоу:',\
    de, 'Verzug der schau:'
        db 0
lsz arrows_offset_title,\
    en, 'Arrows offset:',\
    ru, 'Смещение стрелками:',\
    de, 'Bewegung von den zeigern:'
        db 0
    db '+        -',0
		dd  0
        db 'auto',0
        dd      zoom_factors.100
.1:     dd  0
        dd      1
        dd      2
        dd      3
        dd      4
        dd      5
        dd      7
        dd      10
        dd      17
        dd      25
        dd      37
        dd      50
        dd      62
        dd      75
        dd      87
        dd      100
        dd      125
        dd      150
        dd      175
        dd      200
        dd      225
        dd      250
        dd      275
        dd      300
        dd      350
        dd      400
        dd      450
        dd      500
        dd      600
        dd      700
        dd      800
        dd      900
        dd      1000
        dd      1100
        dd      1200
        dd      1300
        dd      1400
        dd      1500
        dd      1750
        dd      2000
        dd      2250
        dd      2500
        dd      2750
        dd      3000
        dd      3500
        dd      4000
        dd      4500
        dd      5000

zoom_factors_old dd 0

; not change this section!!!
; start section
align 4
crop_image_file     dd 0 ;+0
crop_raw_pointer    dd 0 ;+4
crop_return_code    dd 0 ;+8
crop_img_size       dd 0 ;+12
crop_deflate_unpack dd 0 ;+16
crop_raw_pointer_2  dd 0 ;+20
; end section

; not change this section!!!
; start section
align 4
image_file     dd 0 ;+0
raw_pointer    dd 0 ;+4
return_code    dd 0 ;+8
img_size       dd 0 ;+12
deflate_unpack dd 0 ;+16
raw_pointer_2  dd 0 ;+20
; end section
test1 dd 0 ;+24
test2 dd 0 ;+28
test3 dd 0 ;+32
test4 dd 0 ;+36
test5 dd 0 ;+40
test6 dd 0 ;+44
test7 dd 0 ;+48
align 4
soi                                     dd 0
img_width				dd 0
img_width_2				dd 0
img_high				dd 0
img_high_2				dd 0
img_resolution          dd 0
img_resolution_2        dd 0
img_palette				dd 0

background_color dd 0xffffff

skin_height	dd 0

screen_high	dd 0
screen_width	dd 0

.y	dw 0
.x	dw 0

screen_relation		dd 0
picture_relation	dd 0

stretch_img_high	dd 0
stretch_img_width	dd 0

RAW1_pointer		dd 0
RAW1_size_x		dd 0
RAW1_size		dd 0
Repeat_N		dd 0
Total_Repeat_N		dd 1
previous_frame_pointer	dd 0
Animation_timer		dd 0
Frame_delay		dw 0
Transp_flag		db 0
Transp_index            db 0
Disposal_Method		db 0
RAW1_flag		db 0
no_fill			db 0
redraw_wallpaper_flag	db 0

calc_next_value_plus	db 0
calc_next_value_minus	db 0
align 4
;plugin       dd 0
;plugin_1     dd 0
;plugin_2     dd 0
;plugin_3     dd 0

;plugin_validate         dd 0
;plugin_validate_1       dd 0
;plugin_validate_2       dd 0
;plugin_validate_3       dd 0

;plugin_format           dd 0
;plugin_format_1         dd 0
;plugin_format_2         dd 0
;plugin_format_3         dd 0

;plugin_convert  dd 0
;plugin_convert_background dd 0
;plugin_sort             dd 0
;plugin_rotate   dd 0
;plugin_scaling  dd 0

slide_show_delay dd 500 ; cost of 0,01 sec.
slide_show_delay_old dd 0

sort_type dd 2
sort_type_old dd 0
expansion_length        dd      0
expansion_start         dd      0

timer                           dd      0
    .vertical   dw 0
    .horizontal dw 0

    .y                  dw 0
    .x                  dw 0

    .y                  dw 0
    .x                  dw 0

mouse_keys              dd 0
mouse_keys_old  dd 0

arrows_offset dd 10
arrows_offset_old dd 10

option_pointer dd 0
plus_pointer  dd 0
minus_pointer  dd 0
space_pointer  dd 0

pos: dd 6

work_area_LR_old dd 0
work_area_TB_old dd 0

scaling_mode dd 100
scaling_mode_old dd 100

window_start_x_old dd 0
window_start_y_old dd 0
window_high_old dd 0
window_width_old dd 0

window_start_x dd 0
window_start_y dd 0
window_high dd 0
window_width dd 0
;skin_high dd 0
window_status dd 0
draw_SB db 0
draw_SB1 db 0
correct_w db 0
correct_h db 0
wa_width dw 0
wa_high dw 0

wa_width_1 dw 0
wa_width_2 dw 0

wa_high_1 dw 0
wa_high_2 dw 0

image_start_coordinates dd 0
.y:     dw 0
.x: dw 0

vertical_position_coorect dd 0
horizontal_position_coorect dd 0

fill_color dd 0xffffff
fill_color_old dd 0xffffff

position_coorect        db 0

open_file_flag db 0
sort_directory_flag db 0
redraw_flag db 0

press_Enter_flag db 0

capture_image_area_flag db 0

correct_scrollbar_100_flag db 0
;dd  test_area.end - test_area
;db 'BMP',0
;db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
aApplicationsPaths		db 'ApplicationsPaths',0
aOther		db 'Other',0

aHelp		db 'Help',0
aEditor		db 'Editor',0
aOpenDialog	db 'OpenDialog',0
akey_help	db 'HelpFile',0

aConvertPlugins			db 'ConvertPlugins',0

ConvertPlugins_no_key db 'NoKey',0

aCP0		db 'CP0',0
aCP1		db 'CP1',0
aCP2		db 'CP2',0
aCP3		db 'CP3',0
aCP4		db 'CP4',0
aCP5		db 'CP5',0
aCP6		db 'CP6',0
aCP7		db 'CP7',0
aCP8		db 'CP8',0
aCP9		db 'CP9',0
plugin_BMP_name                 db 'cnv_bmp.obj',0
plugin_PNG_name                 db 'cnv_png.obj',0
plugin_JPEG_name                db 'cnv_jpeg.obj',0
plugin_GIF_name                 db 'cnv_gif.obj',0

;plugin_convert_name             db 'convert.obj',0
;plugin_sort_name                db 'sort.obj',0
;plugin_rotate_name              db 'rotate.obj',0
;plugin_scaling_name             db 'scaling.obj',0
;plugin_UNPACK_name              db 'archiver.obj',0
;boxlib_name                             db 'box_lib.obj',0
;Libini_name                             db 'libini.obj',0
plugins_directory               db 'plugins/',0
ini_file_name                   db 'zsea.ini',0

button_name					db 'buttons.png',0
;buttons_passive_name		db '1.png',0
;buttons_active_name			db '2.png',0
;buttons_click_name			db '3.png',0

buttons_directory			db 'buttons/',0
;UNPACK_function_name db 'deflate_unpack',0
;UNPACK_function_name    db 'deflate_unpack2',0

system_dir_Boxlib			db '/sys/lib/box_lib.obj',0
system_dir_Libini			db '/sys/lib/libini.obj',0
system_dir_Sort				db '/sys/lib/sort.obj',0
system_dir_UNPACK			db '/sys/lib/archiver.obj',0
system_dir_Convert			db '/sys/lib/convert.obj',0
system_dir_Rotate			db '/sys/lib/rotate.obj',0
system_dir_Scaling			db '/sys/lib/scaling.obj',0
system_dir_ProcLib			db '/sys/lib/proc_lib.obj',0

library01  l_libs system_dir_Boxlib+9, library_path, system_dir_Boxlib, \
Box_lib_import, plugins_directory

library02  l_libs system_dir_Libini+9, library_path, system_dir_Libini, \
Libini_import, plugins_directory

library03  l_libs system_dir_Sort+9, library_path, system_dir_Sort, \
Sort_import, plugins_directory

library04  l_libs system_dir_UNPACK+9, library_path, system_dir_UNPACK, \
UNPACK_import, plugins_directory

library05  l_libs system_dir_Convert+9, library_path, system_dir_Convert, \
Convert_import, plugins_directory

library06  l_libs system_dir_Rotate+9, library_path, system_dir_Rotate, \
Rotate_import, plugins_directory

library07  l_libs system_dir_Scaling+9, library_path, system_dir_Scaling, \
Scaling_import, plugins_directory

library08  l_libs system_dir_ProcLib+9, library_path, system_dir_ProcLib, \
ProcLib_import, plugins_directory

align 4
cnv_plugin_name_pointer dd plugin_0_name
cnv_plugin_import_pointer dd Convert_plugin_0

system_path db '/sys/lib/'
.1:			rb 128
.Start			dd aCP_Start
.Version		dd aCP_Version
.Check			dd aCP_Check
.Assoc			dd aCP_Assoc
        dd      0
        dd      0
.Start			dd aCP_Start
.Version		dd aCP_Version
.Check			dd aCP_Check
.Assoc			dd aCP_Assoc
        dd      0
        dd      0
.Start			dd aCP_Start
.Version		dd aCP_Version
.Check			dd aCP_Check
.Assoc			dd aCP_Assoc
        dd      0
        dd      0
.Start			dd aCP_Start
.Version		dd aCP_Version
.Check			dd aCP_Check
.Assoc			dd aCP_Assoc
        dd      0
        dd      0
.Start			dd aCP_Start
.Version		dd aCP_Version
.Check			dd aCP_Check
.Assoc			dd aCP_Assoc
        dd      0
        dd      0		
.Start			dd aCP_Start
.Version		dd aCP_Version
.Check			dd aCP_Check
.Assoc			dd aCP_Assoc
        dd      0
        dd      0	
.Start			dd aCP_Start
.Version		dd aCP_Version
.Check			dd aCP_Check
.Assoc			dd aCP_Assoc
        dd      0
        dd      0	
.Start			dd aCP_Start
.Version		dd aCP_Version
.Check			dd aCP_Check
.Assoc			dd aCP_Assoc
        dd      0
        dd      0		
.Start			dd aCP_Start
.Version		dd aCP_Version
.Check			dd aCP_Check
.Assoc			dd aCP_Assoc
        dd      0
        dd      0
.Start			dd aCP_Start
.Version		dd aCP_Version
.Check			dd aCP_Check
.Assoc			dd aCP_Assoc
        dd      0
        dd      0
aCP_Start		db 'START',0
aCP_Version		db 'version',0
aCP_Check		db 'Check_Header',0
aCP_Assoc		db 'Associations',0

file_mount:             db 'File N: Amount: Zoom:',0

current_key_code db 0
old_key_code db 0
; Tokens
aSortMode       db 'SortMode',0
aSlideShowDelay db 'SlideShowDelay',0
aArrowsOffset db 'ArrowsOffset',0
aShowFileName db 'ShowFileName',0
aFilteringFlag db 'FilteringFlag',0
aVariables      db 'Variables',0
;aVar   db 'Var',0
;aTemp  db 'Temp',0
align 4
OpenDialog_Init		dd aOpenDialog_Init
OpenDialog_Start	dd aOpenDialog_Start

ColorDialog_Init	dd aColorDialog_Init
ColorDialog_Start	dd aColorDialog_Start
;OpenDialog__Version	dd aOpenDialog_Version
        dd      0
        dd      0

aOpenDialog_Init	db 'OpenDialog_init',0
aOpenDialog_Start	db 'OpenDialog_start',0

aColorDialog_Init	db 'ColorDialog_init',0
aColorDialog_Start	db 'ColorDialog_start',0
;aOpenDialog_Version	db 'Version_OpenDialog',0
align 4
Scaling_Start		dd aScaling_Start
Scaling_Version		dd aScaling_Version
        dd      0
        dd      0
aScaling_Start		db 'START',0
aScaling_Version	db 'version',0
align 4
rotate_Start		dd aRotate_Start
rotate_Version		dd aRotate_Version
        dd      0
        dd      0
aRotate_Start		db 'START',0
aRotate_Version		db 'version',0
align 4
convert_Start		dd aConvert_Start
convert_Version		dd aConvert_Version
convert_Conv_24b	dd aConvert_Conv_24b
        dd      0
        dd      0
aConvert_Start		db 'START',0
aConvert_Version	db 'version',0
aConvert_Conv_24b	db 'Convert24b',0
align 4
;unpack_Version				dd aUnpack_Version
;unpack_PluginLoad			dd aUnpack_PluginLoad 
;unpack_OpenFilePlugin		dd aUnpack_OpenFilePlugin
;unpack_ClosePlugin			dd aUnpack_ClosePlugin
;unpack_ReadFolder			dd aUnpack_ReadFolder 
;unpack_SetFolder			dd aUnpack_SetFolder
;unpack_GetFiles				dd aUnpack_GetFiles
;unpack_GetOpenPluginInfo	dd aUnpack_GetOpenPluginInfo
;unpack_Getattr				dd aUnpack_Getattr
;unpack_Open					dd aUnpack_Open
;unpack_Read					dd aUnpack_Read
;unpack_Setpos				dd aUnpack_Setpos
;unpack_Close				dd aUnpack_Close
;unpack_DeflateUnpack		dd aUnpack_DeflateUnpack
unpack_DeflateUnpack2		dd aUnpack_DeflateUnpack2
        dd      0
        dd      0

;aUnpack_Version        db      'version',0
;aUnpack_PluginLoad     db      'plugin_load',0
;aUnpack_OpenFilePlugin db      'OpenFilePlugin',0
;aUnpack_ClosePlugin    db      'ClosePlugin',0
;aUnpack_ReadFolder     db      'ReadFolder',0
;aUnpack_SetFolder      db      'SetFolder',0
;aUnpack_GetFiles       db      'GetFiles',0
;aUnpack_GetOpenPluginInfo db   'GetOpenPluginInfo',0
;aUnpack_Getattr        db      'getattr',0
;aUnpack_Open           db      'open',0
;aUnpack_Read           db      'read',0
;aUnpack_Setpos         db      'setpos',0
;aUnpack_Close          db      'close',0
;aUnpack_DeflateUnpack  db      'deflate_unpack',0
aUnpack_DeflateUnpack2 db      'deflate_unpack2',0

align 4
sort_init 		dd aSort_init
sort_version	dd aSort_version
sort_dir		dd aSort_SortDir
sort_strcmpi	dd aSort_strcmpi
        dd      0
        dd      0

aSort_init		db 'START',0
aSort_version	db 'version',0
aSort_SortDir	db 'SortDir',0
aSort_strcmpi	db 'strcmpi',0

align 4
lib_init                        dd      aLib_init
version_lib_ini         dd      aVersion_lib_ini
ini_enum_sections       dd      aIni_enum_sections
ini_enum_keys           dd      aIni_enum_keys
ini_get_str                     dd      aIni_get_str
ini_get_int                     dd      aIni_get_int
ini_get_color           dd      aIni_get_color
ini_set_str                     dd      aIni_set_str
ini_set_int                     dd      aIni_set_int
ini_set_color           dd      aIni_set_color
        dd      0
        dd      0

aLib_init                       db      'lib_init',0
aVersion_lib_ini        db      'version',0
aIni_enum_sections      db      'ini_enum_sections',0
aIni_enum_keys          db      'ini_enum_keys',0
aIni_get_str            db      'ini_get_str',0
aIni_get_int            db      'ini_get_int',0
aIni_get_color          db      'ini_get_color',0
aIni_set_str            db      'ini_set_str',0
aIni_set_int            db      'ini_set_int',0
aIni_set_color          db      'ini_set_color',0

align 4
;init_lib            dd      a_init
;version_lib         dd      a_version

edit_box_draw   dd      aEdit_box_draw
edit_box_key    dd      aEdit_box_key
edit_box_mouse  dd      aEdit_box_mouse
;version_ed      dd      aVersion_ed

init_checkbox   dd      aInit_checkbox
check_box_draw  dd      aCheck_box_draw
check_box_mouse dd      aCheck_box_mouse
;version_ch      dd      aVersion_ch

option_box_draw  dd      aOption_box_draw
option_box_mouse dd      aOption_box_mouse
;version_op       dd      aVersion_op

scrollbar_ver_draw	dd aScrollbar_ver_draw
scrollbar_ver_mouse	dd aScrollbar_ver_mouse
scrollbar_hor_draw	dd aScrollbar_hor_draw
scrollbar_hor_mouse	dd aScrollbar_hor_mouse
;version_scrollbar	dd aVersion_scrollbar

dinamic_button_draw	dd      aDbutton_draw
dinamic_button_mouse	dd      aDbutton_mouse
;version_dbutton		dd      aVersion_dbutton

menu_bar_draw		dd      aMenu_bar_draw
menu_bar_mouse		dd      aMenu_bar_mouse
menu_bar_activate	dd      aMenu_bar_activate
;version_menu_bar	dd      aVersion_menu_bar

;FileBrowser_draw	dd      aFileBrowser_draw
;FileBrowser_mouse	dd      aFileBrowser_mouse
;FileBrowser_key		dd      aFileBrowser_key
;Version_FileBrowser	dd      aVersion_FileBrowser
                dd      0
                dd      0

;a_init          db 'lib_init',0
;a_version       db 'version',0

aEdit_box_draw  db 'edit_box',0
aEdit_box_key   db 'edit_box_key',0
aEdit_box_mouse db 'edit_box_mouse',0
;aVersion_ed     db 'version_ed',0

aInit_checkbox   db 'init_checkbox2',0
aCheck_box_draw  db 'check_box_draw2',0
aCheck_box_mouse db 'check_box_mouse2',0
;aVersion_ch      db 'version_ch2',0

aOption_box_draw  db 'option_box_draw',0
aOption_box_mouse db 'option_box_mouse',0
;aVersion_op       db 'version_op',0

aScrollbar_ver_draw             db 'scrollbar_v_draw',0
aScrollbar_ver_mouse    db 'scrollbar_v_mouse',0
aScrollbar_hor_draw             db 'scrollbar_h_draw',0
aScrollbar_hor_mouse    db 'scrollbar_h_mouse',0
;aVersion_scrollbar              db 'version_scrollbar',0

aDbutton_draw                   db 'dbutton_draw',0
aDbutton_mouse                  db 'dbutton_mouse',0
;aVersion_dbutton                db 'version_dbutton',0

aMenu_bar_draw                  db 'menu_bar_draw',0
aMenu_bar_mouse                 db 'menu_bar_mouse',0
aMenu_bar_activate              db 'menu_bar_activate',0
;aVersion_menu_bar               db 'version_menu_bar',0

;aFileBrowser_draw             db 'FileBrowser_draw',0
;aFileBrowser_mouse            db 'FileBrowser_mouse',0
;aFileBrowser_key              db 'FileBrowser_key',0
;aVersion_FileBrowser          db 'version_FileBrowser',0
align 4
load_directory_pointer dd 0
file_name_length dd 0
load_file_number dd 0
error_fs dd 0
error_pointer dd 0
;error_locate   dd 0
error_window_x: dd 100 shl 16 + 300
error_window_y: dd 100 shl 16 + 100

PID  dd 0
PID1 dd 0
PID2 dd 0
PID3 dd 0
PID4 dd 0
PID5 dd 0
PID6 dd 0
PID7 dd 0
active_process dd 0
timer_counter dd 0
draw_scrollbar_counter dd 0
align 4
  dd  error_fs_text_0
  dd  error_fs_text_1
  dd  error_fs_text_2
  dd  error_fs_text_3
  dd  error_fs_text_4
  dd  error_fs_text_5
  dd  error_fs_text_6
  dd  error_fs_text_7
  dd  error_fs_text_8
  dd  error_fs_text_9
  dd  error_fs_text_10
  dd  error_fs_text_11

error_fs_text_0:        db 'Success full',0
error_fs_text_1:        db 'Base and/or partition of a hard disk is not defined',0
error_fs_text_2:        db 'Function is not supported for the given file system',0
error_fs_text_3:        db 'Unknown file system',0
error_fs_text_4:        db 'Reserved, is never returned in the current implementation',0
error_fs_text_5:        db 'File not found',0
error_fs_text_6:        db 'End of file, EOF',0
error_fs_text_7:        db 'Pointer lies outside of application memory',0
error_fs_text_8:        db 'Disk is full',0
error_fs_text_9:        db 'FAT table is destroyed',0
error_fs_text_10:       db 'Access denied',0
error_fs_text_11:       db 'Device error',0
     db 'File system error',0
     db 'Unsupported file or corrupt data',0
     db 'Not_enough_memory',0
     db 'Unknown error',0
extended_key db 0
no_draw_window db 0

shift_flag	db 0
ctrl_flag	db 0
alt_flag	db 0
align 4
edit1 edit_box 200,10,30,0xffffff,0xbbddff,0,0,0,255,string,mouse_dd,ed_focus+ed_always_focus,0

;mouse_flag: dd 0x0

mouse_dd	rd 1
align 4
; option_boxes_bcgr:
op1 option_box option_group1,60,45,6,12,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,op_text.1,op_text.e1-op_text.1
op2 option_box option_group1,60,60,6,12,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,op_text.2,op_text.e2-op_text.2
op3 option_box option_group1,60,75,6,12,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,op_text.3,op_text.e3-op_text.3
op4 option_box option_group1,60,90,6,12,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,op_text.4,op_text.e4-op_text.4

.1 db 'Tiled'
.2 db 'Stretch'
.3 db 'Stretch + Crop'
.4 db 'Stretch + Inscribe'

option_group1   dd op1

option_boxes_bcgr:      dd op1,op2,op3,op4,0

align 4
op_UL option_box option_group3,200,40,20,20,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,0,0
op_UC option_box option_group3,223,40,20,20,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,0,0
op_UR option_box option_group3,246,40,20,20,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,0,0
op_CL option_box option_group3,200,63,20,20,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,0,0
op_CC option_box option_group3,223,63,20,20,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,0,0
op_CR option_box option_group3,246,63,20,20,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,0,0
op_DL option_box option_group3,200,86,20,20,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,0,0
op_DC option_box option_group3,223,86,20,20,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,0,0
op_DR option_box option_group3,246,86,20,20,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,0,0

option_group3   dd op_CC

Stretch_Crop_Corner	dd 1 shl 16+1
option_boxes_SCC:      dd op_UL,op_UC,op_UR,op_CL,op_CC,op_CR,op_DL,op_DC,op_DR,0

bcgr_group_pointer	db 0
align 4
sort0 option_box option_group2,60,40,6,12,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,op_text_1.1,op_text_1.e1-op_text_1.1
sort2 option_box option_group2,60,55,6,12,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,op_text_1.2,op_text_1.e2-op_text_1.2
sort4 option_box option_group2,60,70,6,12,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,op_text_1.3,op_text_1.e3-op_text_1.3
sort6 option_box option_group2,60,85,6,12,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,op_text_1.4,op_text_1.e4-op_text_1.4

.1 db 'Name'
.2 db 'Type'
.3 db 'Date'
.4 db 'Size'

option_group2   dd sort2
option_group2_old dd 0

option_boxes_sort       dd sort0, sort2, sort4, sort6,0
check1 check_box2 (140 shl 16)+12,(50 shl 16)+12,6,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,check_text1,ch_flag_middle  ;ch_flag_en

check_text1 db 'Show file name',0

show_file_name_old dd 0
check2 check_box2 (140 shl 16)+12,(70 shl 16)+12,6,0xFFFFFF,0,0xffffff,check_text2,ch_flag_middle  ;ch_flag_en

check_text2 db 'Bilinear filtering',0

filtering_flag	dd 0
filtering_flag_old	dd 0
align 4
.size_x     dw 15 ;+0
.start_x    dw 500 ;+2
.size_y     dw 300 ;+4
.start_y    dw 30 ;+6
.btn_high   dd 15 ;+8
.type       dd 2  ;+12
.max_area   dd 10  ;+16
.cur_area   dd 2  ;+20
.position   dd 0  ;+24
.bckg_col   dd 0xeeeeee ;+28
.frnt_col   dd 0x8aeaa0   ;0xbbddff ;+32
.line_col   dd 0  ;+36
.redraw     dd 0  ;+40
.delta      dw 0  ;+44
.delta2     dw 0  ;+46
.r_size_x   dw 0  ;+48
.r_start_x  dw 0  ;+50
.r_size_y   dw 0 ;+52
.r_start_y  dw 0 ;+54
.m_pos      dd 0 ;+56
.m_pos_2    dd 0 ;+60
.m_keys     dd 0 ;+64
.run_size   dd 0 ;+68
.position2  dd 0 ;+72
.work_size  dd 0 ;+76
.all_redraw dd 0 ;+80
.ar_offset      dd 10 ;+84
align 4
.size_x     dw 300  ;0 ;+0
.start_x    dw 10   ;0 ;+2
.size_y     dw 15   ;0 ;+4
.start_y    dw 300    ;0 ;+6
.btn_high   dd 15 ;+8
.type       dd 2  ;+12
.max_area   dd 10  ;+16
.cur_area   dd 2  ;+20
.position   dd 0  ;+24
.bckg_col   dd 0xeeeeee ;+28
.frnt_col   dd 0x8aeaa0  ;0xbbddff ;+32
.line_col   dd 0  ;+36
.redraw     dd 0  ;+40
.delta      dw 0  ;+44
.delta2     dw 0  ;+46
.r_size_x   dw 0  ;+48
.r_start_x  dw 0  ;+50
.r_size_y   dw 0 ;+52
.r_start_y  dw 0 ;+54
.m_pos      dd 0 ;+56
.m_pos_2    dd 0 ;+60
.m_keys     dd 0 ;+64
.run_size   dd 0 ;+68
.position2  dd 0 ;+72
.work_size  dd 0 ;+76
.all_redraw dd 0 ;+80
.ar_offset      dd 10 ;+84
align 4
.type:                  dd 0   ;+0
.size_x                 dw 35  ;+4
.start_x                dw 5   ;+6
.size_y                 dw 15   ;+8
.start_y                dw 3  ;+10
.text_pointer:  dd menu_text_area_1  ;0 ;+12
.pos_pointer:   dd menu_text_area_1.1 ;0 ;+16
.text_end               dd menu_text_area_1.end ;0 ;+20
.ret_key	dd 0  ;+24
.mouse_keys             dd 0  ;+28
.size_x1                dw 70  ;+32
.start_x1               dw 5   ;+34
.size_y1                dw 100   ;+36
.start_y1               dw 18  ;+38
.bckg_col       dd 0xe5e5e5 ;+40
.frnt_col       dd 0xff ;+44
.menu_col       dd 0xeef0ff  ;0xffffff ;+48
.select         dd 0 ;+52
.out_select     dd 0 ;+56
.buf_adress             dd 0 ;+60
.procinfo               dd 0 ;+64
.click                  dd 0 ;+68
.cursor                 dd 0 ;+72
.cursor_old             dd 0 ;+76
.interval               dd 16 ;+80
.cursor_max             dd 0 ;+84
.extended_key   dd 0 ;+88
.menu_sel_col   dd 0x00cc00 ;+92
.bckg_text_col  dd 0 ; +96
.frnt_text_col  dd 0xffffff ;+100
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+104
.font_height    dd 8 ;+108
.cursor_out             dd 0 ;+112
.get_mouse_flag dd 0 ;+116
db 'File',0
db 'Open',0
db 'Properties',0
db 'Exit',0
db 0
align 4
.type:                  dd 0   ;+0
.size_x                 dw 35  ;+4
.start_x                dw 40   ;+6
.size_y                 dw 15   ;+8
.start_y                dw 3  ;+10
.text_pointer:  dd menu_text_area_2  ;0 ;+12
.pos_pointer:   dd menu_text_area_2.1 ;0 ;+16
.text_end               dd menu_text_area_2.end ;0 ;+20
.ret_key	dd 0  ;+24
.mouse_keys             dd 0  ;+28
.size_x1                dw 90  ;+32
.start_x1               dw 40   ;+34
.size_y1                dw 100   ;+36
.start_y1               dw 18  ;+38
.bckg_col       dd 0xe5e5e5 ;+40
.frnt_col       dd 0xff ;+44
.menu_col       dd 0xeef0ff  ;0xffffff ;+48
.select         dd 0 ;+52
.out_select     dd 0 ;+56
.buf_adress             dd 0 ;+60
.procinfo               dd 0 ;+64
.click                  dd 0 ;+68
.cursor                 dd 0 ;+72
.cursor_old             dd 0 ;+76
.interval               dd 16 ;+80
.cursor_max             dd 0 ;+84
.extended_key   dd 0 ;+88
.menu_sel_col   dd 0x00cc00 ;+92
.bckg_text_col  dd 0 ; +96
.frnt_text_col  dd 0xffffff ;+100
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+104
.font_height    dd 8 ;+108
.cursor_out             dd 0 ;+112
.get_mouse_flag dd 0 ;+116
db 'Edit',0
db 'Rotate Clock.',0
db 'Rotate CClock.',0
db 'Invert L to R',0
db 'Invert U to D',0
db 0
align 4
.type:                  dd 0   ;+0
.size_x                 dw 35  ;+4
.start_x                dw 75   ;+6
.size_y                 dw 15   ;+8
.start_y                dw 3  ;+10
.text_pointer:  dd menu_text_area_3  ;0 ;+12
.pos_pointer:   dd menu_text_area_3.1 ;0 ;+16
.text_end               dd menu_text_area_3.end ;0 ;+20
.ret_key	dd 0  ;+24
.mouse_keys             dd 0  ;+28
.size_x1                dw 90  ;+32
.start_x1               dw 75   ;+34
.size_y1                dw 100   ;+36
.start_y1               dw 18  ;+38
.bckg_col       dd 0xe5e5e5 ;+40
.frnt_col       dd 0xff ;+44
.menu_col       dd 0xeef0ff  ;0xffffff ;+48
.select         dd 0 ;+52
.out_select     dd 0 ;+56
.buf_adress             dd 0 ;+60
.procinfo               dd 0 ;+64
.click                  dd 0 ;+68
.cursor                 dd 0 ;+72
.cursor_old             dd 0 ;+76
.interval               dd 16 ;+80
.cursor_max             dd 0 ;+84
.extended_key   dd 0 ;+88
.menu_sel_col   dd 0x00cc00 ;+92
.bckg_text_col  dd 0 ; +96
.frnt_text_col  dd 0xffffff ;+100
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+104
.font_height    dd 8 ;+108
.cursor_out             dd 0 ;+112
.get_mouse_flag dd 0 ;+116
db 'View',0
db 'Sort Directory',0
db 'Full Screen',0
db 'Reload',0
db 0
align 4
.type:                  dd 0   ;+0
.size_x                 dw 35  ;+4
.start_x                dw 110   ;+6
.size_y                 dw 15   ;+8
.start_y                dw 3  ;+10
.text_pointer:  dd menu_text_area_4  ;0 ;+12
.pos_pointer:   dd menu_text_area_4.1 ;0 ;+16
.text_end               dd menu_text_area_4.end ;0 ;+20
.ret_key	dd 0  ;+24
.mouse_keys             dd 0  ;+28
.size_x1                dw 40  ;+32
.start_x1               dw 110   ;+34
.size_y1                dw 100   ;+36
.start_y1               dw 18  ;+38
.bckg_col       dd 0xe5e5e5 ;+40
.frnt_col       dd 0xff ;+44
.menu_col       dd 0xeef0ff  ;0xffffff ;+48
.select         dd 0 ;+52
.out_select     dd 0 ;+56
.buf_adress             dd 0 ;+60
.procinfo               dd 0 ;+64
.click                  dd 0 ;+68
.cursor                 dd 0 ;+72
.cursor_old             dd 0 ;+76
.interval               dd 16 ;+80
.cursor_max             dd 0 ;+84
.extended_key   dd 0 ;+88
.menu_sel_col   dd 0x00cc00 ;+92
.bckg_text_col  dd 0 ; +96
.frnt_text_col  dd 0xffffff ;+100
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+104
.font_height    dd 8 ;+108
.cursor_out             dd 0 ;+112
.get_mouse_flag dd 0 ;+116
db 'Zoom',0
db 'Normal',0
db 'More',0
db 'Less',0
db 'Auto',0
db 0
align 4
.type:                  dd 0   ;+0
.size_x                 dw 40  ;+4
.start_x                dw 145   ;+6
.size_y                 dw 15   ;+8
.start_y                dw 3  ;+10
.text_pointer:  dd menu_text_area_5  ;0 ;+12
.pos_pointer:   dd menu_text_area_5.1 ;0 ;+16
.text_end               dd menu_text_area_5.end ;0 ;+20
.ret_key	dd 0  ;+24
.mouse_keys             dd 0  ;+28
.size_x1                dw 80  ;+32
.start_x1               dw 145   ;+34
.size_y1                dw 100   ;+36
.start_y1               dw 18  ;+38
.bckg_col       dd 0xe5e5e5 ;+40
.frnt_col       dd 0xff ;+44
.menu_col       dd 0xeef0ff  ;0xffffff ;+48
.select         dd 0 ;+52
.out_select     dd 0 ;+56
.buf_adress             dd 0 ;+60
.procinfo               dd 0 ;+64
.click                  dd 0 ;+68
.cursor                 dd 0 ;+72
.cursor_old             dd 0 ;+76
.interval               dd 16 ;+80
.cursor_max             dd 0 ;+84
.extended_key   dd 0 ;+88
.menu_sel_col   dd 0x00cc00 ;+92
.bckg_text_col  dd 0 ; +96
.frnt_text_col  dd 0xffffff ;+100
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+104
.font_height    dd 8 ;+108
.cursor_out             dd 0 ;+112
.get_mouse_flag dd 0 ;+116
db 'Tools',0
db 'Image Editor',0
db 'Wallpaper',0
db 'Slide Show',0
db 'Options',0
db 0
align 4
.type:                  dd 0   ;+0
.size_x                 dw 35  ;+4
.start_x                dw 185   ;+6
.size_y                 dw 15   ;+8
.start_y                dw 3  ;+10
.text_pointer:  dd menu_text_area_6  ;0 ;+12
.pos_pointer:   dd menu_text_area_6.1 ;0 ;+16
.text_end               dd menu_text_area_6.end ;0 ;+20
.ret_key	dd 0  ;+24
.mouse_keys             dd 0  ;+28
.size_x1                dw 50  ;+32
.start_x1               dw 185   ;+34
.size_y1                dw 100   ;+36
.start_y1               dw 18  ;+38
.bckg_col       dd 0xe5e5e5 ;+40
.frnt_col       dd 0xff ;+44
.menu_col       dd 0xeef0ff  ;0xffffff ;+48
.select         dd 0 ;+52
.out_select     dd 0 ;+56
.buf_adress             dd 0 ;+60
.procinfo               dd 0 ;+64
.click                  dd 0 ;+68
.cursor                 dd 0 ;+72
.cursor_old             dd 0 ;+76
.interval               dd 16 ;+80
.cursor_max             dd 0 ;+84
.extended_key   dd 0 ;+88
.menu_sel_col   dd 0x00cc00 ;+92
.bckg_text_col  dd 0 ; +96
.frnt_text_col  dd 0xffffff ;+100
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+104
.font_height    dd 8 ;+108
.cursor_out             dd 0 ;+112
.get_mouse_flag dd 0 ;+116
db 'Help',0
db 'Help',0
db 'About',0
db 0
align 4
dinamic_button_data_1: ; open file
.type                   dd 0 ;+0
.size_x                 dw 20 ;+4
.start_x                dw 230 ;+6
.size_y                 dw 20 ;+8
.start_y                dw 3 ;+10
.mouse_pos              dd 0 ;+12
.mouse_keys             dd 0 ;+16
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+20
.active_raw             dd 0 ;+24
.passive_raw    dd 0 ;+28
.click_raw              dd 0 ;+32
.resolution_raw dd 0 ;+36
.palette_raw    dd 0 ;+40
.offset_raw             dd 0 ;+44
.select                 dd 0 ;+48
.click                  dd 0 ;+52
align 4
dinamic_button_data_2: ; reload file
.type                   dd 0 ;+0
.size_x                 dw 20 ;+4
.start_x                dw 255 ;+6
.size_y                 dw 20 ;+8
.start_y                dw 3 ;+10
.mouse_pos              dd 0 ;+12
.mouse_keys             dd 0 ;+16
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+20
.active_raw             dd 0 ;+24
.passive_raw    dd 0 ;+28
.click_raw              dd 0 ;+32
.resolution_raw dd 0 ;+36
.palette_raw    dd 0 ;+40
.offset_raw             dd 0 ;+44
.select                 dd 0 ;+48
.click                  dd 0 ;+52
align 4
dinamic_button_data_3: ; left limit
.type                   dd 0 ;+0
.size_x                 dw 20 ;+4
.start_x                dw 285 ;+6
.size_y                 dw 20 ;+8
.start_y                dw 3 ;+10
.mouse_pos              dd 0 ;+12
.mouse_keys             dd 0 ;+16
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+20
.active_raw             dd 0 ;+24
.passive_raw    dd 0 ;+28
.click_raw              dd 0 ;+32
.resolution_raw dd 0 ;+36
.palette_raw    dd 0 ;+40
.offset_raw             dd 0 ;+44
.select                 dd 0 ;+48
.click                  dd 0 ;+52
align 4
dinamic_button_data_4: ; left arrow
.type                   dd 0 ;+0
.size_x                 dw 20 ;+4
.start_x                dw 310 ;+6
.size_y                 dw 20 ;+8
.start_y                dw 3 ;+10
.mouse_pos              dd 0 ;+12
.mouse_keys             dd 0 ;+16
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+20
.active_raw             dd 0 ;+24
.passive_raw    dd 0 ;+28
.click_raw              dd 0 ;+32
.resolution_raw dd 0 ;+36
.palette_raw    dd 0 ;+40
.offset_raw             dd 0 ;+44
.select                 dd 0 ;+48
.click                  dd 0 ;+52
align 4
dinamic_button_data_5: ; slide show
.type                   dd 0 ;+0
.size_x                 dw 20 ;+4
.start_x                dw 335 ;+6
.size_y                 dw 20 ;+8
.start_y                dw 3 ;+10
.mouse_pos              dd 0 ;+12
.mouse_keys             dd 0 ;+16
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+20
.active_raw             dd 0 ;+24
.passive_raw    dd 0 ;+28
.click_raw              dd 0 ;+32
.resolution_raw dd 0 ;+36
.palette_raw    dd 0 ;+40
.offset_raw             dd 0 ;+44
.select                 dd 0 ;+48
.click                  dd 0 ;+52
align 4
dinamic_button_data_6: ; right arrow
.type                   dd 0 ;+0
.size_x                 dw 20 ;+4
.start_x                dw 360 ;+6
.size_y                 dw 20 ;+8
.start_y                dw 3 ;+10
.mouse_pos              dd 0 ;+12
.mouse_keys             dd 0 ;+16
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+20
.active_raw             dd 0 ;+24
.passive_raw    dd 0 ;+28
.click_raw              dd 0 ;+32
.resolution_raw dd 0 ;+36
.palette_raw    dd 0 ;+40
.offset_raw             dd 0 ;+44
.select                 dd 0 ;+48
.click                  dd 0 ;+52
align 4
dinamic_button_data_7: ; right limit
.type                   dd 0 ;+0
.size_x                 dw 20 ;+4
.start_x                dw 385 ;+6
.size_y                 dw 20 ;+8
.start_y                dw 3 ;+10
.mouse_pos              dd 0 ;+12
.mouse_keys             dd 0 ;+16
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+20
.active_raw             dd 0 ;+24
.passive_raw    dd 0 ;+28
.click_raw              dd 0 ;+32
.resolution_raw dd 0 ;+36
.palette_raw    dd 0 ;+40
.offset_raw             dd 0 ;+44
.select                 dd 0 ;+48
.click                  dd 0 ;+52
align 4
dinamic_button_data_8: ; zoom +
.type                   dd 0 ;+0
.size_x                 dw 20 ;+4
.start_x                dw 415 ;+6
.size_y                 dw 20 ;+8
.start_y                dw 3 ;+10
.mouse_pos              dd 0 ;+12
.mouse_keys             dd 0 ;+16
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+20
.active_raw             dd 0 ;+24
.passive_raw    dd 0 ;+28
.click_raw              dd 0 ;+32
.resolution_raw dd 0 ;+36
.palette_raw    dd 0 ;+40
.offset_raw             dd 0 ;+44
.select                 dd 0 ;+48
.click                  dd 0 ;+52
align 4
dinamic_button_data_9: ; zoom -
.type                   dd 0 ;+0
.size_x                 dw 20 ;+4
.start_x                dw 440 ;+6
.size_y                 dw 20 ;+8
.start_y                dw 3 ;+10
.mouse_pos              dd 0 ;+12
.mouse_keys             dd 0 ;+16
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+20
.active_raw             dd 0 ;+24
.passive_raw    dd 0 ;+28
.click_raw              dd 0 ;+32
.resolution_raw dd 0 ;+36
.palette_raw    dd 0 ;+40
.offset_raw             dd 0 ;+44
.select                 dd 0 ;+48
.click                  dd 0 ;+52
align 4
dinamic_button_data_10: ; zoom 100%
.type                   dd 0 ;+0
.size_x                 dw 20 ;+4
.start_x                dw 465 ;+6
.size_y                 dw 20 ;+8
.start_y                dw 3 ;+10
.mouse_pos              dd 0 ;+12
.mouse_keys             dd 0 ;+16
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+20
.active_raw             dd 0 ;+24
.passive_raw    dd 0 ;+28
.click_raw              dd 0 ;+32
.resolution_raw dd 0 ;+36
.palette_raw    dd 0 ;+40
.offset_raw             dd 0 ;+44
.select                 dd 0 ;+48
.click                  dd 0 ;+52
align 4
dinamic_button_data_11: ; rotate clockwise
.type                   dd 0 ;+0
.size_x                 dw 20 ;+4
.start_x                dw 495 ;+6
.size_y                 dw 20 ;+8
.start_y                dw 3 ;+10
.mouse_pos              dd 0 ;+12
.mouse_keys             dd 0 ;+16
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+20
.active_raw             dd 0 ;+24
.passive_raw    dd 0 ;+28
.click_raw              dd 0 ;+32
.resolution_raw dd 0 ;+36
.palette_raw    dd 0 ;+40
.offset_raw             dd 0 ;+44
.select                 dd 0 ;+48
.click                  dd 0 ;+52
align 4
dinamic_button_data_12: ; rotate counter-clockwise
.type                   dd 0 ;+0
.size_x                 dw 20 ;+4
.start_x                dw 520 ;+6
.size_y                 dw 20 ;+8
.start_y                dw 3 ;+10
.mouse_pos              dd 0 ;+12
.mouse_keys             dd 0 ;+16
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+20
.active_raw             dd 0 ;+24
.passive_raw    dd 0 ;+28
.click_raw              dd 0 ;+32
.resolution_raw dd 0 ;+36
.palette_raw    dd 0 ;+40
.offset_raw             dd 0 ;+44
.select                 dd 0 ;+48
.click                  dd 0 ;+52
align 4
dinamic_button_data_13: ; file information
.type                   dd 0 ;+0
.size_x                 dw 20 ;+4
.start_x                dw 550 ;+6
.size_y                 dw 20 ;+8
.start_y                dw 3 ;+10
.mouse_pos              dd 0 ;+12
.mouse_keys             dd 0 ;+16
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+20
.active_raw             dd 0 ;+24
.passive_raw    dd 0 ;+28
.click_raw              dd 0 ;+32
.resolution_raw dd 0 ;+36
.palette_raw    dd 0 ;+40
.offset_raw             dd 0 ;+44
.select                 dd 0 ;+48
.click                  dd 0 ;+52
align 4
dinamic_button_data_14: ; wallpaper
.type                   dd 0 ;+0
.size_x                 dw 20 ;+4
.start_x                dw 575 ;+6
.size_y                 dw 20 ;+8
.start_y                dw 3 ;+10
.mouse_pos              dd 0 ;+12
.mouse_keys             dd 0 ;+16
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+20
.active_raw             dd 0 ;+24
.passive_raw    dd 0 ;+28
.click_raw              dd 0 ;+32
.resolution_raw dd 0 ;+36
.palette_raw    dd 0 ;+40
.offset_raw             dd 0 ;+44
.select                 dd 0 ;+48
.click                  dd 0 ;+52
align 4
dinamic_button_data_15: ; settings
.type                   dd 0 ;+0
.size_x                 dw 20 ;+4
.start_x                dw 600 ;+6
.size_y                 dw 20 ;+8
.start_y                dw 3 ;+10
.mouse_pos              dd 0 ;+12
.mouse_keys             dd 0 ;+16
.mouse_keys_old dd 0 ;+20
.active_raw             dd 0 ;+24
.passive_raw    dd 0 ;+28
.click_raw              dd 0 ;+32
.resolution_raw dd 0 ;+36
.palette_raw    dd 0 ;+40
.offset_raw             dd 0 ;+44
.select                 dd 0 ;+48
.click                  dd 0 ;+52
align 4
.subfunction	dd 1
.start			dd 0
.flags			dd 0
.size			dd 0
.return			dd procinfo
				db      0
.name:			dd      plugin_pach
align 4
.subfunction	dd 5
.Offset			dd 0
.Offset_1		dd 0
.size			dd 0
.return			dd process_info
				db 0
.name:			dd string
align 4
.subfunction	dd 7
.flags		dd 0
.parameter	dd library_path
.reserved1	dd 0
.reserved2	dd 0
		db 0
.name:		dd Help_path
align 4
.version		dd 0 ;+0
.curn_blocks	dd 0 ;+4
.totl_blocks	dd 0 ;+8
.other			rb 20
.type			dd 0
.procinfo		dd procinfo ;+4
.com_area_name		dd communication_area_name ;+8
.com_area		dd 0 ;+12
.opendir_pach		dd plugin_pach ;+16
.dir_default_pach	dd communication_area_default_pach ;+20
.start_path		dd library_path ;+24
.draw_window		dd draw_window ;+28
.status			dd 0 ;+32
.openfile_pach		dd string ;+36
.filename_area		dd 0	;+40
.filter_area		dd Filter
.x_size			dw 420 ;+48 ; Window X size
.x_start		dw 10 ;+50 ; Window X position
.y_size			dw 320 ;+52 ; Window y size
.y_start		dw 10 ;+54 ; Window Y position

	db 'FFFFFFFF_open_dialog',0
	db 'opendial',0
	db '/rd/1',0
;communication_area dd 0
.type			dd 0
.procinfo		dd procinfo ;+4
.com_area_name		dd cd_communication_area_name ;+8
.com_area		dd 0 ;+12
.start_path		dd colordialog_path ;+16
.draw_window		dd thread4.draw_window ;+20
.status			dd 0 ;+24
.x_size			dw 510 ;+28 ; Window X size
.x_start		dw 10 ;+30 ; Window X position
.y_size			dw 310 ;+32 ; Window y size
.y_start		dw 10 ;+34 ; Window Y position
.color_type		dd 0 ;+36 ; 0- RGB, 1 or other - reserved
.color			dd 0 ;+40 ; Selected color

	db 'FFFFFFFF_color_dialog',0
	db '/rd/1/colrdial',0
; clear bacground thread
	dd 0
; window option
	dd 0
; window error message
	dd 0
; window set sort mode
	dd 0
; window background
	dd 0
; window about
	dd 0
; file info
	dd 0
; file open
	dd 0
;	dd 0
;	dd 0
;	dd 0
;	dd 0
;	dd 0
;	dd 0
;	dd 0
;	dd 0
;	dd 0