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Rev Age Author Path Log message Diff
10035 2 d 8 h ace_dent /programs/bcc32/examples/libimg_1/ Optimize png files for `bcc32/examples`

Lossless optimization of png image files, using `pngslim` and other tools.
Program graphics (compiled or included with software):
- Slimmed 8 KiB (~8 KiB kpacked), ~22% saving for 1 file.
10034 2 d 8 h ace_dent /programs/cmm/pixie2/ Optimize png files for `cmm/pixie2`

Manually tweaked to use true black background (RGB:0,0,0), fixed 1 pixel, then lossless optimization of png image, using `pngslim` and other tools.
Program graphics (compiled or included with software):
- Slimmed 46 B (~37 B kpacked), ~3% saving for 1 file.
10033 2 d 8 h ace_dent /programs/cmm/ Optimize png files for `cmm` programs

Lossless optimization of png image files, using `pngslim` and other tools.
Program graphics (compiled or included with software):
- Slimmed 191 B (~281 B kpacked), average ~1% saving for 3 files.
Source artwork material (not directly included in a distribution):
- Slimmed 7 KiB (~5 KiB kpacked), average ~41% saving for 13 files.
10032 2 d 16 h ace_dent /programs/demos/free3d/trunk/ Optimize png files for `demos/free3d`

Lossless optimization of png image files, using `pngslim` and other tools.
Program graphics (compiled or included with software):
- Slimmed 8.3 KiB (~8.3 KiB kpacked), ~8% saving for 1 file. Note: restricted to 24bpp / RGB-8.
10031 3 d 7 h ace_dent /programs/develop/ Optimize png files for `programs/develop`

Lossless optimization of png image files, using `pngslim` and other tools.
Program graphics (compiled or included with software):
- Slimmed 28.7 KiB (~28.5 KiB kpacked), average ~19% saving for 13 files.
Documentation only artwork (distributed outside of a program):
- Slimmed 100 KiB (~91 KiB kpacked), average ~38% saving for 27 files.
10030 3 d 18 h ace_dent /programs/emulator/e80/trunk/ Optimize png files for `emulator/e80`

Lossless optimization of png image files, using `pngslim` and other tools.
Documentation only artwork (distributed outside of a program):
- Slimmed 52 B (~81 B kpacked), ~1% saving for 1 file.
10029 3 d 21 h ace_dent /programs/games/ Optimize png files for `games` resources

Lossless optimization of png image files, using `pngslim` and other tools.
Program graphics (compiled or included with software):
- Slimmed 526 KiB (~485 KiB kpacked), average ~39% saving for 20 files.
Source artwork material (not included in a distribution):
- Slimmed 433 B (~425 B kpacked), ~15% saving for 1 file.
Old vestigial images (may no longer be used):
- Slimmed 41.9 KiB (~16.9 KiB kpacked), average ~45% saving for 8 files.
10028 4 d 7 h ace_dent / Optimize png files for `games`

Lossless optimization of png image files, using `pngslim` and other tools.
Program graphics (compiled or included with software):
- Slimmed 64 KiB (~64 KiB kpacked), average ~16% saving for 9 files.
Documentation only artwork (distributed outside a program):
- Slimmed 4.5 KiB (~4.6 KiB kpacked), average ~15% saving for 6 files.
Source artwork material (not directly included in a distribution):
- Slimmed 2.6 KiB (~2 KiB kpacked), average ~26% saving for 4 files.
10027 4 d 12 h ace_dent /programs/media/voxel_editor/ Optimize png files for `media/voxel_editor`

Lossless optimization of png image files, using `pngslim` and other tools.
Program graphics (compiled or included with software):
- Slimmed 3.6 KiB (~3.6 KiB kpacked), average ~29% saving for 6 files.
Documentation only artwork (distributed outside a program):
- Slimmed 45.7 KiB (~33 KiB kpacked), average ~38% saving for 28 files.
10026 4 d 12 h ace_dent /programs/media/log_el/ Optimize png files for `media/log_el`

Lossless optimization of png image files, using `pngslim` and other tools.
Program graphics (compiled or included with software):
- Slimmed 2.1 KiB (~2.1 KiB kpacked), average ~34% saving for 5 files.
Documentation only artwork (distributed outside a program):
- Slimmed 31.4 KiB (~28.2 KiB kpacked), average ~41% saving for 18 files.
10025 4 d 13 h ace_dent /programs/media/ Optimize png files for `media` programs

Lossless optimization of png image files, using `pngslim` and other tools.
Program graphics (compiled or included with software):
- Slimmed 453 B (~467 B kpacked), average ~8% saving for 5 files.
Documentation only artwork (distributed outside a program):
- Slimmed 112 KiB (~111 KiB kpacked), average ~30% saving for 11 files.
10024 4 d 15 h ace_dent /programs/network/ftpc/ Optimize png files for `network/ftpc`

Lossless optimization of png image files, using `pngslim` and other tools.
Program graphics (compiled or included with software):
- Slimmed 102 B (~102 B kpacked), average ~11% saving for 2 files.
10023 4 d 15 h ace_dent /programs/other/ Optimize png files for `other/` programs

Lossless optimization of png image files, using `pngslim` and other tools.
Program graphics (compiled or included with software):
- Slimmed 0.5 KiB (~0.5 KiB kpacked), average ~15% saving for 3 files.
Documentation only artwork (distributed outside a program):
- Slimmed 23.8 KiB (~22.7 KiB kpacked), average ~64% saving for 2 files.
10022 4 d 16 h ace_dent /programs/other/ Optimize png files for `other/cnc_control` and `/cnc_editor`

Lossless optimization of png image files, using `pngslim` and other tools.
Program graphics (compiled or included with software):
- Slimmed 1.5 KiB (~1.5 KiB kpacked), average ~24% saving for 4 files.
Documentation only artwork (distributed outside a program):
- Slimmed 28.8 KiB (~26.3 KiB kpacked), average ~33% saving for 23 files.
10021 4 d 17 h ace_dent /programs/system/ Optimize png files for `programs/system` resources

Lossless optimization of png image files, using `pngslim` and other tools.
Program graphics (compiled or included with software):
- Slimmed 7.1 KiB (~7.1 KiB kpacked), ~54% saving for 1 file. Note: Color mode changed RGBA>Palette.
Documentation only artwork (distributed outside a program):
- Slimmed 62 B (~64 B kpacked), ~6% saving for 1 file.
Source artwork material (not directly included in a distribution):
- Slimmed 1.9 KiB (~1.9 KiB kpacked), ~17% saving for 1 file.
10017 7 d 12 h Doczom /programs/system/ Apps: fixed 3 programs for using a long path in parameters  
10011 15 d 9 h Doczom /programs/develop/fasm/1.73/ Fasm: Fixed a bug when building programs with the length of the included file name >100 bytes  
10009 39 d 11 h Doczom /programs/media/midiplay/trunk/ midiplay: Added code to work with the MPU 401 port bypassing the 20 sysfn

Refactored code and code style
9992 67 d 7 h hidnplayr /programs/network/ircc/ Bugfix in CTCP  
9991 68 d 10 h hidnplayr /programs/network/ssh/ Automatic algorithm selection.  
9990 69 d 8 h hidnplayr /programs/network/ssh/ Added support for encrypt-then-mac modes (hmac-sha2-256-etm,hmac-sha2-512-etm)  
9988 71 d 14 h ace_dent / Optimize logo.png

Lossless optimization of png files:
- 2x `logo.png` slimmed 2623 bytes, ~5% saving.
9987 72 d 8 h hidnplayr /programs/network/ssh/ -Added Poly1305-Chacha20 cipher (new hardcoded default)
-Use HMAC and CTR/CBC from libcrash instead of our own implementations
-Fixed stack allocation for keystroke handler thread
9986 72 d 8 h hidnplayr /programs/develop/libraries/libcrash/mac/ Poly1305: Fix forgotten variable init  
9985 73 d 8 h hidnplayr /programs/network/ssh/ Small speedup in modular exponentation routine (still not side channel resiliant)  
9984 73 d 19 h hidnplayr /programs/network/ircc/ Fixed bug when parsing JOIN command.
Implemented proper handeling of partially received commands.
9981 79 d 8 h hidnplayr /programs/network/ircc/ -Fixed bug where some commands were terminated with \r\r instead of \r\n  
9980 84 d 7 h hidnplayr /programs/network/netstat/ Allow cursor keys in editboxes (as mentioned in bug #153)  
9979 84 d 7 h hidnplayr /programs/network/ircc/ -Fixed bug #150: ping reply length
-Fixed bug where some commands were terminated with \n\r instead of \r\n
9978 84 d 11 h hidnplayr /programs/network/ircc/ Fixed bug #149 : parsing of subsequent non-printable characters  
9973 100 d 10 h rgimad /programs/develop/ktcc/trunk/libc.obj/include/ libc.obj: added _ksys_blitter (sysfn73), add forgotten static in libimg.h  
9972 106 d 14 h Doczom /programs/ programs in "programs\media" that use deleted system functions and whose rewriting is not rational have been moved to "programs\other\outdated"  
9971 117 d 17 h Doczom /programs/ Update headers programs : delete MENUET00 header on 2 programs.
Fixed mario2 game : delete using sysfn 6 and added constants
Update : Added new fields in process_information
9970 118 d 10 h turbocat / DGen-SDL:
- The home directory is now taken from system.env;
- The original documentation was restored and converted into html;
- File path hints now work in command mode.
9965 124 d 1 h dunkaist / Update demos/gears to use sys/ksys.h  
9952 134 d 6 h turbocat / NewLib:
- Duplicate functionality files removed;
- Refactoring of file handling functions;
- Removed broken impliments.
Gears (C + TinyGL):
- Removed because it duplicates an existing example on Fasm and uses unsupported wrappers on the KOS API.
- Removed. The MuJS port is too old and not used anywhere. Support is not profitable.
- Removed useless GCC version. Support is not profitable.
DGen-SDL and SQLite3
- Fix after removing broken "dirent.h".
- Moving the KOS API wrapper to avoid compilation errors.
Udis86, uARM and 8086tiny:
- Fix after removing redundant "kos_LoadConsole.h".
9947 229 d 7 h ace_dent / Update `docs/README.TXT` and rename to `CREDITS`
- Rename to `CREDITS.TXT` for clarity.
- Improve text of opening paragraph. Thanks to various translators.
- Reformat to use headings, removing excessive whitespace characters (~2.5KiB).
- Sort list of contributors alphabetically; easier to maintain.
- Add missing contributors and remove from `kernel.asm`. Thanks to @rgimad.
- Minor formatting and whitespace cleanup.
9946 229 d 16 h akron1 /programs/develop/cedit/ CEdit:
- added line spacing setting
- disabled highlighting of anonymous labels
9945 229 d 20 h Doczom / Added new driver for mount raw disk images.
- Added driver virt_disk.sys
- Added the program "virtdisk" which allows you to add, delete and view virtual disks.
9940 238 d 21 h IgorA /programs/bcc32/ bcc32: add rasterworks example