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  1. #Life 1.05
  2. #D MAX, the smallest known example of a "spacefiller"
  3. #D
  4. #D This is the fastest-growing known pattern in Conway's Game of Life
  5. #D (possibly the fastest possible). It fills space to a density of 1/2,
  6. #D conjectured to be the maximum density, and does it at a speed of c/2
  7. #D in each of the 4 directions, which has been proven to be the maximum
  8. #D possible speed.
  9. #D
  10. #D Population is [(t+19)^2+463]/4 for t divisible by 4;
  11. #D .             [(t+19)^2+487]/4 for t even, not div. by 4;
  12. #D .             [(t+18)^2+639]/4 for t odd.
  13. #D
  14. #D Original construction, top/bottom stretchers by Hartmut Holzwart;
  15. #D Size optimization, left/right stretchers by David Bell;
  16. #D Original idea, middle part, l/r stretcher connection by Al Hensel.
  17. #D This spacefiller by David Bell, September 1993.
  18. #N
  19. #P -14 -21
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