Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 6468 → Rev 6469

18,7 → 18,7
format binary as ""
__DEBUG__ = 1
__DEBUG_LEVEL__ = 2 ; 1: Extreme debugging, 2: Debugging, 3: Errors only
MAX_BITS = 8192
33,16 → 33,17
dd i_end ; initialized size
dd mem+4096 ; required memory
dd mem+4096 ; stack pointer
dd hostname ; parameters
dd params ; parameters
dd 0 ; path
include '../../'
;include '../../'
purge mov,add,sub
include '../../'
include '../../'
include '../../'
include '../../'
;include '../../develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/'
include '../../develop/libraries/libcrash/trunk/'
include ''
include ''
53,7 → 54,7
include ''
include ''
include ''
include '../../fs/kfar/trunk/kfar_arc/'
include ''
; macros for network byte order
macro dd_n op {
68,24 → 69,120
(((op) and 000FFh) shl 8)
proc dump_hex _ptr, _length
if __DEBUG_LEVEL__ <= 1
mov esi, [_ptr]
mov ecx, [_length]
bswap eax
DEBUGF 1,'%x',eax
loop .next_dword
DEBUGF 1,'\n'
end if
struct ssh_connection
; Connection
hostname rb 1024
socketnum dd ?
sockaddr dw ? ; Address family
port dw ?
ip dd ?
rb 10
; Encryption/Decryption
rx_crypt_proc dd ?
tx_crypt_proc dd ?
rx_crypt_ctx_ptr dd ?
tx_crypt_ctx_ptr dd ?
rx_crypt_blocksize dd ?
tx_crypt_blocksize dd ?
; Message authentication
rx_mac_proc dd ?
tx_mac_proc dd ?
rx_mac_ctx hmac_sha256_context
tx_mac_ctx hmac_sha256_context
rx_mac_length dd ?
tx_mac_length dd ?
; Buffers
rx_seq dd ? ; Packet sequence number for MAC
rx_buffer ssh_packet_header
rb BUFFERSIZE-sizeof.ssh_packet_header
tx_seq dd ? ; Packet sequence number for MAC
tx_buffer ssh_packet_header
rb BUFFERSIZE-sizeof.ssh_packet_header
send_data dw ?
; Output from key exchange
dh_K dd ? ; Shared Secret (Big endian)
dh_K_length dd ? ; Length in little endian
dh_H rb 32 ; Exchange Hash
session_id_prefix db ?
session_id rb 32
rx_iv rb 32 ; Rx initialisation vector
tx_iv rb 32 ; Tx initialisation vector
rx_enc_key rb 32 ; Rx encryption key
tx_enc_key rb 32 ; Tx encryption key
rx_int_key rb 32 ; Rx integrity key
tx_int_key rb 32 ; Tx integrity key
; Diffie Hellman
dh_p dd ?
dh_g dd ?
dh_x dd ?
dh_e dd ?
dh_f dd ?
dh_signature dd ?
temp_ctx ctx_sha224256
k_h_ctx ctx_sha224256
mcall 68, 11 ; Init heap
DEBUGF 1, "SSH: Loading libraries\n"
DEBUGF 2, "SSH: Loading libraries\n"
stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT
test eax, eax
jnz exit
DEBUGF 1, "SSH: Init PRNG\n"
DEBUGF 2, "SSH: Init PRNG\n"
call init_random
DEBUGF 1, "SSH: Init Console\n"
DEBUGF 2, "SSH: Init Console\n"
invoke con_start, 1
invoke con_init, 80, 25, 80, 25, title
; Check for parameters
cmp byte[hostname], 0
jne resolve
; Check for parameters TODO
; cmp byte[params], 0
; jne resolve
invoke con_cls
96,7 → 193,7
; write prompt
invoke con_write_asciiz, str2
; read string
mov esi, hostname
mov esi, con.hostname
invoke con_gets, esi, 256
; check for exit
test eax, eax
105,10 → 202,11
jz done
mov [sockaddr1.port], 22 shl 8
mov [con.sockaddr], AF_INET4
mov [con.port], 22 shl 8
; delete terminating '\n'
mov esi, hostname
mov esi, con.hostname
cmp al, ':'
137,7 → 235,7
xchg bl, bh
mov [sockaddr1.port], bx
mov [con.port], bx
144,7 → 242,7
; resolve name
push esp ; reserve stack place
push esp
invoke getaddrinfo, hostname, 0, 0
invoke getaddrinfo, con.hostname, 0, 0
pop esi
; test for error
test eax, eax
152,7 → 250,7
invoke con_cls
invoke con_write_asciiz, str3
invoke con_write_asciiz, hostname
invoke con_write_asciiz, con.hostname
; write results
invoke con_write_asciiz, str8
160,7 → 258,7
; convert IP address to decimal notation
mov eax, [esi+addrinfo.ai_addr]
mov eax, [eax+sockaddr_in.sin_addr]
mov [sockaddr1.ip], eax
mov [con.ip], eax
invoke inet_ntoa, eax
; write result
invoke con_write_asciiz, eax
176,35 → 274,34
mcall socket, AF_INET4, SOCK_STREAM, 0
cmp eax, -1
jz socket_err
mov [socketnum], eax
mov [con.socketnum], eax
; Connect
mcall connect, [socketnum], sockaddr1, 18
DEBUGF 2, "Connecting to server\n"
mcall connect, [con.socketnum], con.sockaddr, 18
test eax, eax
jnz socket_err
; Start calculating hash meanwhile
call sha256_init
; Start calculating hash
invoke sha256_init, con.temp_ctx
; HASH: string V_C, the client's version string (CR and NL excluded)
mov esi, ssh_ident_ha
mov edx, ssh_ident.length+4-2
call sha256_update
invoke sha256_update, con.temp_ctx, ssh_ident_ha, ssh_ident.length+4-2
; Send our identification string
DEBUGF 1, "Sending ID string\n"
mcall send, [socketnum], ssh_ident, ssh_ident.length, 0
; >> Send our identification string
DEBUGF 2, "Sending ID string\n"
mcall send, [con.socketnum], ssh_ident, ssh_ident.length, 0
cmp eax, -1
je socket_err
; Check protocol version of server
mcall recv, [socketnum], rx_buffer, BUFFERSIZE, 0
; << Check protocol version of server
mcall recv, [con.socketnum], con.rx_buffer, BUFFERSIZE, 0
cmp eax, -1
je socket_err
DEBUGF 1, "Received ID string\n"
cmp dword[rx_buffer], "SSH-"
DEBUGF 2, "Received ID string\n"
cmp dword[con.rx_buffer], "SSH-"
jne proto_err
cmp dword[rx_buffer+4], "2.0-"
cmp dword[con.rx_buffer+4], "2.0-"
jne proto_err
; HASH: string V_S, the server's version string (CR and NL excluded)
211,12 → 308,22
lea edx, [eax+2]
sub eax, 2
bswap eax
mov [rx_buffer-4], eax
mov esi, rx_buffer-4
call sha256_update
mov dword[con.rx_buffer-4], eax
invoke sha256_update, con.temp_ctx, con.rx_buffer-4, edx
; Key Exchange init
DEBUGF 1, "Sending KEX init\n"
; >> Key Exchange init
mov [con.rx_seq], 0
mov [con.tx_seq], 0
mov [con.rx_crypt_blocksize], 4 ; minimum blocksize
mov [con.tx_crypt_blocksize], 4
mov [con.rx_crypt_proc], 0
mov [con.tx_crypt_proc], 0
mov [con.rx_mac_proc], 0
mov [con.tx_mac_proc], 0
mov [con.rx_mac_length], 0
mov [con.tx_mac_length], 0
DEBUGF 2, "Sending KEX init\n"
mov edi, ssh_kex.cookie
call MBRandom
226,32 → 333,31
call MBRandom
stdcall ssh_send_packet, [socketnum], ssh_kex, ssh_kex.length, 0
stdcall ssh_send_packet, con, ssh_kex, ssh_kex.length, 0
cmp eax, -1
je socket_err
; HASH: string I_C, the payload of the client's SSH_MSG_KEXINIT
mov eax, [tx_buffer+ssh_header.length]
mov eax, dword[con.tx_buffer+ssh_packet_header.packet_length]
bswap eax
movzx ebx, [tx_buffer+ssh_header.padding]
movzx ebx, [con.tx_buffer+ssh_packet_header.padding_length]
sub eax, ebx
dec eax
lea edx, [eax+4]
bswap eax
mov [tx_buffer+1], eax
mov esi, tx_buffer+1
call sha256_update
mov dword[con.tx_buffer+1], eax
invoke sha256_update, con.temp_ctx, con.tx_buffer+1, edx
; Check key exchange init of server
stdcall ssh_recv_packet, [socketnum], rx_buffer, BUFFERSIZE, 0
; << Check key exchange init of server
stdcall ssh_recv_packet, con, 0
cmp eax, -1
je socket_err
cmp [rx_buffer+ssh_header.message_code], SSH_MSG_KEXINIT
cmp [con.rx_buffer.message_code], SSH_MSG_KEXINIT
jne proto_err
DEBUGF 1, "Received KEX init\n"
DEBUGF 2, "Received KEX init\n"
lea esi, [rx_buffer+sizeof.ssh_header+16]
lea esi, [con.rx_buffer+sizeof.ssh_packet_header+16]
bswap eax
DEBUGF 1, "kex_algorithms: %s\n", esi
295,39 → 401,145
DEBUGF 1, "KEX First Packet Follows: %u\n", al
; TODO: parse this structure and init procedures accordingly
; HASH: string I_S, the payload of the servers's SSH_MSG_KEXINIT
mov eax, [rx_buffer+ssh_header.length]
movzx ebx, [rx_buffer+ssh_header.padding]
mov eax, dword[con.rx_buffer+ssh_packet_header.packet_length]
movzx ebx, [con.rx_buffer+ssh_packet_header.padding_length]
sub eax, ebx
dec eax
lea edx, [eax+4]
bswap eax
mov [rx_buffer+sizeof.ssh_header-5], eax
mov esi, rx_buffer+sizeof.ssh_header-5
call sha256_update
mov dword[con.rx_buffer+sizeof.ssh_packet_header-5], eax
invoke sha256_update, con.temp_ctx, con.rx_buffer+sizeof.ssh_packet_header-5, edx
; Exchange keys with the server
stdcall dh_gex
test eax, eax
jnz exit
; Set keys
DEBUGF 1, "SSH: Init encryption\n"
stdcall aes256_cbc_init, rx_iv
mov [rx_context], eax
stdcall aes256_set_encrypt_key, [rx_context], rx_enc_key
mov [decrypt_proc], aes256_cbc_decrypt
mov [rx_blocksize], 32
DEBUGF 1, "SSH: Init decryption\n"
stdcall aes256_cbc_init, tx_iv
mov [tx_context], eax
stdcall aes256_set_decrypt_key, [tx_context], tx_enc_key
mov [encrypt_proc], aes256_cbc_encrypt
mov [tx_blocksize], 32
DEBUGF 2, "SSH: Setting encryption keys\n"
stdcall aes256_cbc_init, con.rx_iv
mov [con.rx_crypt_ctx_ptr], eax
stdcall aes256_set_decrypt_key, eax, con.rx_enc_key
mov [con.rx_crypt_proc], aes256_cbc_decrypt
mov [con.rx_crypt_blocksize], AES256_BLOCKSIZE
stdcall aes256_cbc_init, con.tx_iv
mov [con.tx_crypt_ctx_ptr], eax
stdcall aes256_set_encrypt_key, eax, con.tx_enc_key
mov [con.tx_crypt_proc], aes256_cbc_encrypt
mov [con.tx_crypt_blocksize], AES256_BLOCKSIZE
stdcall hmac_sha256_setkey, con.rx_mac_ctx, con.rx_int_key, SHA256_HASH_SIZE
mov [con.rx_mac_proc], hmac_sha256
mov [con.rx_mac_length], SHA256_HASH_SIZE
stdcall hmac_sha256_setkey, con.tx_mac_ctx, con.tx_int_key, SHA256_HASH_SIZE
mov [con.tx_mac_proc], hmac_sha256
mov [con.tx_mac_length], SHA256_HASH_SIZE
; TODO: erase all keys from memory and free the memory
; >> Request service (user-auth)
DEBUGF 2, "SSH: Requesting service\n"
stdcall ssh_send_packet, con, ssh_request_service, ssh_request_service.length, 0
cmp eax, -1
je socket_err
; << Check for service acceptance
stdcall ssh_recv_packet, con, 0
cmp eax, -1
je socket_err
cmp [con.rx_buffer.message_code], SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT
jne proto_err
; >> Request user authentication
; TODO: Request username from the user
; invoke con_write_asciiz, str12
; invoke con_gets, username, 256
; test eax, eax
; jz done
; TODO: implement password authentication
DEBUGF 2, "SSH: User authentication\n"
stdcall ssh_send_packet, con, ssh_request_userauth, ssh_request_userauth.length, 0
cmp eax, -1
je socket_err
; << Check for userauth acceptance
stdcall ssh_recv_packet, con, 0
cmp eax, -1
je socket_err
cmp [con.rx_buffer.message_code], SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS
jne proto_err
; >> Open channel
DEBUGF 2, "SSH: Open channel\n"
stdcall ssh_send_packet, con, ssh_channel_open, ssh_channel_open.length, 0
cmp eax, -1
je socket_err
; << Check for channel open confirmation
stdcall ssh_recv_packet, con, 0
cmp eax, -1
je socket_err
cmp [con.rx_buffer.message_code], SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION
jne proto_err
; >> Channel request: pty
DEBUGF 2, "SSH: Request pty\n"
stdcall ssh_send_packet, con, ssh_channel_request, ssh_channel_request.length, 0
cmp eax, -1
je socket_err
; << Check for channel request confirmation
stdcall ssh_recv_packet, con, 0
cmp eax, -1
je socket_err
cmp [con.rx_buffer.message_code], SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS
jne proto_err
; >> Channel request: shell
DEBUGF 2, "SSH: Request shell\n"
stdcall ssh_send_packet, con, ssh_shell_request, ssh_shell_request.length, 0
cmp eax, -1
je socket_err
; << Check for channel request confirmation (FIXME: this may not be first packet!)
; stdcall ssh_recv_packet, con, 0
; cmp eax, -1
; je socket_err
; cmp [con.rx_buffer.message_code], SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS
; jne proto_err
; Launch network thread
mcall 18, 7
push eax
340,14 → 552,27
test eax, 0x200 ; con window closed?
jnz exit
stdcall ssh_recv_packet, [socketnum], rx_buffer, BUFFERSIZE, 0
cmp eax, -1
je closed
stdcall ssh_recv_packet, con, 0
cmp eax, 0
jbe closed
cmp [con.rx_buffer.message_code], SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA
jne .dump
mov eax, dword[con.rx_buffer.message_code+5]
bswap eax
DEBUGF 1, 'SSH: got %u bytes of data !\n', eax
mov esi, rx_buffer
lea esi, [con.rx_buffer.message_code+5+4]
mov ecx, eax
lea edi, [esi + eax]
mov byte [edi], 0
invoke con_write_asciiz, esi
jmp mainloop
lea esi, [con.rx_buffer]
mov ecx, eax
355,23 → 580,22
dec ecx
jnz @r
lea edi, [esi + eax]
mov byte [edi], 0
invoke con_write_asciiz, esi
DEBUGF 1, "\n"
jmp mainloop
DEBUGF 1, "SSH: protocol error\n"
DEBUGF 3, "SSH: protocol error\n"
invoke con_write_asciiz, str7
jmp prompt
DEBUGF 1, "SSH: socket error %d\n", ebx
DEBUGF 3, "SSH: socket error %d\n", ebx
invoke con_write_asciiz, str6
jmp prompt
DEBUGF 1, "SSH: DNS error %d\n", eax
DEBUGF 3, "SSH: DNS error %d\n", eax
invoke con_write_asciiz, str5
jmp prompt
386,8 → 610,8
invoke con_exit, 1
DEBUGF 1, "SSH: Exiting\n"
mcall close, [socketnum]
DEBUGF 3, "SSH: Exiting\n"
mcall close, [con.socketnum]
mcall -1
395,14 → 619,8
mcall 40, 0
invoke con_getch2
mov [send_data], ax
xor esi, esi
inc esi
test al, al
jnz @f
inc esi
stdcall ssh_send_packet, [socketnum], send_data, 0
mov [ssh_channel_data+9], al
stdcall ssh_send_packet, con, ssh_channel_data, ssh_channel_data.length, 0
invoke con_get_flags
test eax, 0x200 ; con window closed?
423,17 → 641,12
str9 db ')',10,0
str10 db 'Invalid hostname.',10,10,0
str11 db 10,'Remote host closed the connection.',10,10,0
str12 db 'Enter username: ',0
.port dw 0
.ip dd 0
rb 10
dd_n (ssh_ident.length-2)
db "SSH-2.0-KolibriOS_SSH_0.01",13,10
db "SSH-2.0-KolibriOS_SSH_0.02",13,10
.length = $ - ssh_ident
490,16 → 703,75
.length = $ - ssh_new_keys
dd_n 12 ; String length
db "ssh-userauth" ; Service name
.length = $ - ssh_request_service
dd_n 12
dd_n 8
db "username" ; user name in ISO-10646 UTF-8 encoding [RFC3629]
dd_n 14
db "ssh-connection" ; service name in US-ASCII
dd_n 4
db "none" ; method name in US-ASCII
; Other options: publickey, password, hostbased
.length = $ - ssh_request_userauth
dd_n 7
db "session"
dd_n 0 ; Sender channel
dd_n 1024 ; Initial window size
dd_n 1024 ; maximum packet size
.length = $ - ssh_channel_open
dd_n 0 ; Recipient channel
dd_n 7
db "pty-req"
db 1 ; Bool: want reply
dd_n 5
db "xterm"
dd_n 80 ; terminal width (rows)
dd_n 25 ; terminal height (rows)
dd_n 0 ; terminal width (pixels)
dd_n 0 ; terminal height (pixels)
dd_n 0 ; list of supported opcodes
.length = $ - ssh_channel_request
dd_n 0 ; Recipient channel
dd_n 5
db "shell"
db 1 ; Bool: want reply
.length = $ - ssh_shell_request
dd_n 0 ; Sender channel
dd_n 1
db ?
.length = $ - ssh_channel_data
; import
align 4
library network, 'network.obj', \
console, 'console.obj';, \
; libcrash, 'libcrash.obj'
console, 'console.obj', \
libcrash, 'libcrash.obj'
import network, \
getaddrinfo, 'getaddrinfo', \
518,61 → 790,23
con_write_string, 'con_write_string', \
con_get_flags, 'con_get_flags'
;import libcrash, \
; crash.hash, 'crash_hash'
import libcrash, \
sha256_init, 'sha256_init', \
sha256_update, 'sha256_update', \
sha256_final, 'sha256_final'
decrypt_proc dd dummy_encrypt
encrypt_proc dd dummy_encrypt
rx_blocksize dd 4
tx_blocksize dd 4
rx_context dd ?
tx_context dd ?
socketnum dd ?
rx_packet_length dd ? ;;;;;
rx_buffer: rb BUFFERSIZE+1
tx_buffer: rb BUFFERSIZE+1
params rb 1024
send_data dw ?
con ssh_connection
hostname rb 1024
; Temporary values ; To be removed FIXME
mpint_tmp rb MPINT_MAX_LEN+4
; Diffie Hellman variables
dh_p dd ?
dh_g dd ?
dh_x dd ?
dh_e dd ?
dh_f dd ?
dh_signature dd ?
; Output from key exchange
dh_K dd ? ; Shared Secret (Big endian)
.length dd ? ; Length in little endian
dh_H rb 32 ; Exchange Hash
session_id rb 32
rx_iv rb 32 ; Rx initialisation vector
tx_iv rb 32 ; Tx initialisation vector
rx_enc_key rb 32 ; Rx encryption key
tx_enc_key rb 32 ; Tx encryption key
rx_int_key rb 32 ; Rx integrity key
tx_int_key rb 32 ; Tx integrity key
; Temporary values ; To be removed
mpint_tmp rb MPINT_MAX_LEN+4