Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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No changes between revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 7188 → Rev 7189

1,7 → 1,3
//repeat track
//edit list manually
#define MEMSIZE 4096 * 50
34,9 → 30,10
//simple open dialog data
char default_dir[] = "/rd/1";
od_filter filter2 = { 8, "MP3\0\0" };
od_filter filter2 = { 15, "MP3\0WAV\0XM\0\0" };
#define ABOUT_MESSAGE "'Pixies Player v2.61
#define ABOUT_MESSAGE "Pixie Player v2.62
A tiny music folder player.
Supports MP3, WAV, XM audio file formats.
46,10 → 43,13
Start playing selected file: Enter
Goto next/previous track: Ctrl + Left/Right
Change sound volume: Left/Right key
Mute: M key' -td"
Mute: M key
scroll_bar scroll1 = { 5,200,398,44,0,2,115,15,0,0xeeeeee,0xBBBbbb,0xeeeeee,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1}; &"
scroll_bar scroll1 = { 5,200,398,44,0,2,115,15,0,0xeeeeee,0xBBBbbb,0xeeeeee,
proc_info Form;
llist list;
143,10 → 143,12
if (mouse.vert) && (list.MouseScroll(mouse.vert)) DrawPlayList();
if (mouse.dblclick) EventStartPlayingSelectedItem();
if (mouse.down) && (mouse.key&MOUSE_LEFT) && (list.ProcessMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y)) DrawPlayList();
if (mouse.down) && (mouse.key&MOUSE_RIGHT) notify(ABOUT_MESSAGE);
if (mouse.down) && (mouse.key&MOUSE_LEFT)
&& (list.ProcessMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y)) DrawPlayList();
if (mouse.down) && (mouse.key&MOUSE_RIGHT) CreateThread(#EventShowAbout,#menu_stak+4092);
if(mouse.key&MOUSE_LEFT) && (mouse.y<skin.h) && (window_mode == WINDOW_MODE_SMALL) EventDragWindow();
if(mouse.key&MOUSE_LEFT) && (mouse.x<14)
&& (window_mode == WINDOW_MODE_SMALL) EventDragWindow();
case evButton:
switch(GetButtonID()) {
178,8 → 180,10
if (list.ProcessKey(key_scancode)) DrawPlayList();
case evReDraw:
if (window_mode == WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL) DefineDragableWindow(win_x_normal, win_y_normal, skin.w - 1, skin.h + list.h-1);
if (window_mode == WINDOW_MODE_SMALL) DefineDragableWindow(win_x_small, win_y_small, WIN_W_SMALL, WIN_H_SMALL);
if (window_mode == WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL)
DefineDragableWindow(win_x_normal, win_y_normal, skin.w - 1, skin.h + list.h-1);
if (window_mode == WINDOW_MODE_SMALL)
DefineDragableWindow(win_x_small, win_y_small, WIN_W_SMALL, WIN_H_SMALL);
if (param[0]) {
222,14 → 226,17
text_color = theme.color_list_text;
//this is cur_y playing file
if (i + list.first == current_playing_file_n) && (playback_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_PLAYING)
if (i + list.first == current_playing_file_n)
&& (playback_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_PLAYING)
text_color = theme.color_list_active_text;
DrawBar(list.x, yyy, list.w, list.item_h, bg_color);
kfont.WriteIntoWindow(6, yyy+list.text_y, bg_color, text_color, list.font_type, #temp_filename);
kfont.WriteIntoWindow(6, yyy+list.text_y, bg_color,
text_color, list.font_type, #temp_filename);
DrawBar(list.x,list.visible * list.item_h + list.y, list.w, -list.visible * list.item_h + list.h, theme.color_list_bg);
DrawBar(list.x,list.visible * list.item_h + list.y, list.w,
-list.visible * list.item_h + list.h, theme.color_list_bg);
249,7 → 256,7
char cur_y_playing_title[245];
strcpy(#cur_y_playing_title, #current_filename);
//cur_y_playing_title[strlen(#cur_y_playing_title)-4] = '\0';
cur_y_playing_title[strrchr(#cur_y_playing_title, '.')-1] = '\0';
//if (strlen(#cur_y_playing_title) > 36) strcpy(#cur_y_playing_title + 34, "...");
return #cur_y_playing_title;
264,13 → 271,17
button_y = 46;
img_draw stdcall(skin.image, 0, 0, skin.w, skin.h, 0, 0);
if (playback_mode != PLAYBACK_MODE_STOPED) img_draw stdcall(skin.image, 46, button_y, 41, 21, skin.w+1, WIN_H_SMALL+1);
if (repeat) img_draw stdcall(skin.image, Form.width - 101-1, button_y+2, 17, 17, skin.w+43, WIN_H_SMALL+1);
if (shuffle) img_draw stdcall(skin.image, Form.width - 82-1, button_y+2, 17, 17, skin.w+62, WIN_H_SMALL+1);
if (playback_mode != PLAYBACK_MODE_STOPED)
img_draw stdcall(skin.image, 46, button_y, 41, 21, skin.w+1, WIN_H_SMALL+1);
if (repeat)
img_draw stdcall(skin.image, Form.width-102, button_y+2, 17,17,skin.w+43, WIN_H_SMALL+1);
if (shuffle)
img_draw stdcall(skin.image, Form.width-83, button_y+2, 17,17, skin.w+62, WIN_H_SMALL+1);
if /*(!list.count) && */ (!work_folder) DrawPixieTitle("Pixie");
if (!work_folder) DrawPixieTitle("Pixie");
else DrawPixieTitle(#work_folder + strrchr(#work_folder, '/'));
kfont.WriteIntoWindow(8, 24, theme.color_top_panel_bg, theme.color_top_panel_song_name, list.font_type, GetSongTitle());
kfont.WriteIntoWindow(8, 24, theme.color_top_panel_bg,
theme.color_top_panel_song_name, list.font_type, GetSongTitle());
//Playing control buttons
DefineHiddenButton(7, button_y, 38, 20, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_PREV);
DefineHiddenButton(47, button_y, 38, 20, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_PLAY_PAUSE);
292,9 → 303,9
img_draw stdcall(skin.image, 0, 0, WIN_W_SMALL, WIN_H_SMALL, skin.w-1, 0);
DefineHiddenButton(0, 0, WIN_W_SMALL, WIN_H_SMALL, 99 + BT_NOFRAME);
//Playing control buttons
DefineHiddenButton(8, button_y, 24, 16, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_PREV);
DefineHiddenButton(34, button_y, 24, 16, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_PLAY_PAUSE);
DefineHiddenButton(60, button_y, 24, 16, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_NEXT);
DefineHiddenButton(20, button_y, 24, 16, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_PREV);
DefineHiddenButton(46, button_y, 24, 16, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_PLAY_PAUSE);
DefineHiddenButton(72, button_y, 24, 16, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_NEXT);
//Window control buttons
DefineHiddenButton(Form.width - 20, 1, 19, 13, BUTTON_WINDOW_CLOSE);
DefineHiddenButton(Form.width - 20, 16, 19, 13, BUTTON_WINDOW_REDUCE);
316,7 → 327,8
void DrawPixieTitle(dword _title)
kfont.WriteIntoWindow(8, 5, theme.color_top_panel_bg, theme.color_top_panel_folder_name, list.font_type, _title);
kfont.WriteIntoWindow(8, 5, theme.color_top_panel_bg,
theme.color_top_panel_folder_name, list.font_type, _title);
388,7 → 400,10
if (!repeat)
for (i=2; i<strlen(#notify_message)-6; i++)
if (notify_message[i]=='\'') notify_message[i]=96; //replace ' char to avoid @notify misunderstood
//replace ' char to avoid @notify misunderstood
if (notify_message[i]=='\'') notify_message[i]=96;
notify_run_id = notify(#notify_message);
464,7 → 479,8
void EventCheckSongFinished()
if (playback_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_PLAYING) && (!GetProcessSlot(player_run_id)) {
if (playback_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_PLAYING)
&& (!GetProcessSlot(player_run_id)) {
if (repeat) EventStartPlayingMp3();
else EventPlaybackNext();
482,6 → 498,33
void EventShowAbout()
proc_info pop_up;
loop() switch(WaitEvent())
case evButton:
case evKey:
if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_ESC) ExitProcess();
case evReDraw:
DefineDragableWindow(150, 200, 363, 300);
GetProcessInfo(#pop_up, SelfInfo);
DrawBar(0, 0, pop_up.width, pop_up.height, theme.color_top_panel_bg);
DrawRectangle(0, 0, pop_up.width, pop_up.height, theme.color_list_border);
WriteTextLines(10, 10, 0x90, theme.color_top_panel_song_name, ABOUT_MESSAGE, 19);
DefineHiddenButton(pop_up.width - 27, 1, 26, 15, BUTTON_WINDOW_CLOSE);
img_draw stdcall(skin.image, pop_up.width-28, 0, 28, 18, skin.w - 29, 0);
DrawCaptButton(pop_up.width-10-80, pop_up.height - 30, 80, 20, 11,
theme.color_list_active_bg, theme.color_top_panel_song_name, "Clear");
char menu_stak[4096];
13,7 → 13,7
_ini ini = { "/sys/media/pixie/pixie.ini", "Config" };
#define WIN_W_SMALL 114
#define WIN_W_SMALL 126
#define WIN_H_SMALL 31
void LoadIniConfig()
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream