Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 729 → Rev 730

172,9 → 172,7
; push 0
; pop es
mov si,word[es:vi.VideoModePtr]
push word[es:vi.VideoModePtr+2]
pop fs
lfs si, [es:vi.VideoModePtr]
mov bx,modes_table
;save no vesa mode of work 320x200, EGA/CGA 256 梥⮢ and 640x480, VGA 16 梥⮢
205,6 → 203,9
test [es:mi.ModeAttributes],10000000b ;LFB ?
jz @f
; cmp [es:mi.BitsPerPixel], 24
; jb @f
cmp [es:mi.BitsPerPixel],16
jne .l0
cmp [es:mi.GreenMaskSize],5
512,6 → 513,66
mov si,_bt
call printplain
; show scroll
push es
push 0xB800
pop es
; arrows
mov di, (11*80+53)*2
mov al, 30
add di, 80*2-1
mov al, 32
mov cx, 7
add di, 80*2-1
loop @b
mov al, 31
; calculate scroll size
mov ax, [end_cursor]
sub ax, modes_table
mov bx, size_of_step
div bx
mov si, ax ; si = size of list
mov ax, [home_cursor]
sub ax, modes_table
div bx
mov di, ax
mov ax, 7*9
div si
test ax, ax
jnz @f
inc ax
cmp al, 7
jb @f
mov al, 7
mov cx, ax
; cx = scroll height
; calculate scroll pos
xor bx, bx ; initialize scroll pos
sub al, 7+1
neg al
sub si, 9-1
jbe .draw_scroll
mul di
div si
mov bx, ax
mov al, 0xDB
imul di, bx, 80*2
add di, (12*80+53)*2
add di, 80*2-1
loop @b
pop es
push si