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Regard whitespace Rev 6580 → Rev 6581

0,0 → 1,3720
--DawnBringer function library v1.14 (some drawing replaced)
--by Richard Fhager
-- Email:
-- MSN:
-- Many functions in here was adopted from Evalion, a Javascript codecrafting/imageprocessing project
-- You may access these functions in your own scripts by loading this library,
-- just add the follwing line as one of the first instructions:
-- run("dawnbringer_lib")
-- or
-- run("../libs/dawnbringer_lib.lua")
-- Note that the functions must be called with the full library object-name, "db.function_name..."
-- Global library object
db = {}
-- *************************************
-- *** Text & Conversions ***
-- *************************************
function db.rgb2HEX(r,g,b,prefix)
local c,n,s,t,z
c = {r,g,b}
z = {"0",""}
t = ""
for n = 1, 3, 1 do
s = string.upper(string.format("%x",c[n]))
t = t..z[#s]..s
--s = tonumber(c[n],16)
--t = t..s
return prefix..t
-- ... eof Text & Conversions ...
-- *************************************
-- *** Custom Math Functions ***
-- *************************************
function db.sign(v)
local s
s = 0
if v > 0 then s = 1; end
if v < 0 then s = -1; end
return s
function db.distance(ax,ay,bx,by) return math.sqrt((ax-bx)^2 + (ay-by)^2); end
function db.rotation (rot_ang,hub_x,hub_y,x,y) -- Rotate coordinates x & y relative hub
local new_ang,dist,m,xd,yd,v; m = math
if (not(xd==0 and yd==0)) then
v = -90; if xd < 0 then v = 90; end
new_ang = m.atan(yd/xd) - (v+rot_ang) * m.pi/180;
dist = m.sqrt(xd*xd+yd*yd);
x = hub_x - m.sin(new_ang)*dist;
y = hub_y + m.cos(new_ang)*dist;
return math.floor(x),math.floor(y) -- For drawing purposes
function db.recursiveSum(div,rlev) -- divisons per recursion,recursion levels
local s,i,m
s,m = 1,1
for i = 1, rlev, 1 do
m = m*div
s = s + m
return s
-- ... eof Custom Math Functions ...
-- *************************************
-- *** Fractional Scenery ***
-- *************************************
function db.setSceneryPalette()
db.colorCigarr(10,28,true) -- 250 colors
setcolor(250, 208,48,48)
setcolor(251, 48,208,48)
setcolor(252, 48,48,208)
setcolor(253, 224,224,64)
setcolor(254, 224,64,224)
setcolor(255, 64,224,224)
local n,c,dist; c={}
dist = haz + out * math.sqrt((xf-sx)^2+(yf-sy)^2);
for n = 1, 3, 1 do c[n] = (rgb[n] * lum) / dist; end
return c;
function db.zoom(xf,yf,zoom,panx,pany) -- Zoom and Pan in a fractional coord-system
xf = (xf-0.5)/zoom + 0.5 + panx;
yf = (yf-0.5)/zoom + 0.5 + pany;
return xf,yf
function db.rotationFrac(rot_ang,hub_x,hub_y,x,y) -- Rotate coordinates x & y relative hub
local new_ang,dist,m,xd,yd,v; m = math
if (not(xd==0 and yd==0)) then
v = -90; if xd < 0 then v = 90; end
new_ang = m.atan(yd/xd) - (v+rot_ang) * m.pi/180;
dist = m.sqrt(xd*xd+yd*yd);
x = hub_x - m.sin(new_ang)*dist;
y = hub_y + m.cos(new_ang)*dist;
return x,y
function db.twirl(x,y,arms,trot,tpow,tang)
local b,ang,vx,vy,vr,m,deg,tw
m=math; deg=math.pi/180; tw=.5;
if (not(x==.5 and y==.5)) then
ang = m.atan((.5-y)/(.5-x));
b = 0; if (x>.5) then b = m.pi; end
vx = .5-x; vy = .5-y; vr = m.pow(m.sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy),tpow);
tw = .5+m.sin(-tang*deg+vr*trot+(ang + b)*arms)*.5;
return tw;
--- Alpha filters
function db.alpha1(x,y,amp) -- Coord, Amplify: 0..n
local p,a,xh,yh,m
xh=0.5-x; yh=0.5-y; m = math
p = m.pow(xh*xh+yh*yh,0.7);
a = m.cos(32*m.pi*p)*m.sin(8*m.pi*(xh+yh));
return 1 + (a * amp)
-- ... eof Fractional Scenery ...
-- *************************************
-- *** Custom Array Functions ***
-- *************************************
-- Ok, I don't know Lua that well (still unsure about some scopes & refs etc.)
-- And some features may not be active in Grafx2. So, some of the follwing functions
-- may exist in Lua/Grafx2...but since I'm not sure if and how they work - I'll prefer
-- to add a set of my own of known performance.
function db.newArrayInit(xs,val)
local x,ary; ary = {}
for x = 1, xs, 1 do
ary[x] = val
return ary
function db.newArrayInit2Dim(xs,ys,val)
local x,y,ary; ary = {}
for y = 1, ys, 1 do
ary[y] = {}
for x = 1, xs, 1 do
ary[y][x] = val
return ary
-- Merge two arrays into a NEW one: array_c = db.newArrayMerge(array_b,array_b)
function db.newArrayMerge(a,b)
local n,ary; ary = {}
for n = 1, #a, 1 do
ary[n] = a[n]
for n = 1, #b, 1 do
ary[n+#a] = b[n]
return ary
-- Generate a copy of an array with a new value added Last
function db.newArrayInsertLast(a,val)
local n,ary; ary = {}
for n = 1, #a, 1 do
ary[n] = a[n]
ary[#a+1] = val
return ary
-- Generate a copy of an array with a new value added First
function db.newArrayInsertFirst(a,val)
local n,ary; ary = {}
ary[1] = val
for n = 2, #a+1, 1 do
ary[n] = a[n-1]
return ary
function db.ary2txt(ary) -- One & two dimensions supported [a,b] -> "a,b". [[a,b],[c,d]] -> "a-b, c-d"
local t,n,m,v
t = ""
for n = 1, #ary, 1 do
if type(ary[n]) == "table" then
t = t..ary[n][1]
for m = 2, #ary[n], 1 do
t = t.."-"..ary[n][m]
else t = t..ary[n];
t = t..", "
return t
-- *** Array data manipulation ***
-- InsertionSort Array, this is chaos...I'm confused and stomped...don't understand how Lua works...
-- ...sorting seem be to ok but this code is ugly...
-- Sort LO-HI
-- Screwed up or confused thing here I think, perhaps lo-hi/hi-lo. This is working lo-hi but the code
-- looks like hi-lo...edit this some day
function db.sorti(d,idx)
local a,j,tmp,l,e
l = #d
for a=2, l, 1 do
tmp = d[a];
e = a
for j=a, 2, -1 do
e = j
if d[j-1][idx] > tmp[idx] then d[j] = d[j-1]; e = j-1; else break; end;
--return d
function db.shuffle(list)
local i,n,t
for n = #list, 2, -1 do
i = 1+math.floor(math.random() * n)
t = list[n]; list[n] = list[i]; list[i] = t
-- ... eof Custom Array Functions ...
-- *************************************
-- *** Misc. Logical Operations ***
-- *************************************
-- palList [r,g,b,palindex] is expected only to contain unique colors
-- index = -1 --> index of list
function db.makeIndexList(list,index)
local n,ilist
ilist = {}
for n = 1, #list, 1 do
if (index > 0) then ilist[n] = list[n][index]; end
if (index == -1) then ilist[n] = n; end
return ilist
-- Return a list of all possible (non-same) pairs from the entries in a list
-- [a,b,c] --> [[a,b],[a,c],[b,c]]
-- (All entries are treated as unique. i.e it's only the INDEX that counts)
-- mode = 0: Only unique pairs (m = (n^2 - n)/2), [a,b] --> [[a,b]]
-- mode = 1: All pairs, i.e mirror versions as well. (m = n^2 - n), [a,b] --> [[a,b], [b,a]]
function db.pairsFromList(list,mode)
local a,b,l,n,pairs
pairs = {}
l = #list
n = 1
for a = 1, l, 1 do
for b = a+1, l, 1 do
pairs[n] = {list[a],list[b]}; n = n + 1
if mode == 1 then pairs[n] = {list[b],list[a]}; n = n + 1; end
return pairs
function db.valueInArray(ary,val)
local n,res
res = false
for n = 1, #ary, 1 do
if ary[n] == val then res = true; break; end
return res
-- RAMP specific
-- Remove initial pair (palList) colors from pallist
function db.initiateRamp(pair,pallist,pal_index)
local n,found,plist
plist = {}
found = 1
for n = 1, #pallist, 1 do
if db.valueInArray(pair,pallist[n]) == false then
plist[found] = pallist[n]; found = found + 1;
pair[pal_index] = plist -- ex: ["pal"]
return pair -- Is now a 2 color RAMP
-- Remove new col entry from ramp's pallist and add it to the ramp, returns an updated ramp
-- RampList = [1,2] ["pal"] = palList = [3,4,5], addindex = 3
-- --> [1,2,3] palList = [4,5]
function db.updateRamp(ramp,addindex,pal_index)
local n,found,pallist,plist,newramp
plist = {}
pallist = ramp[pal_index]
-- New palList without added color to IndexList
found = 1
for n = 1, #pallist, 1 do
if pallist[n] ~= addindex then
plist[found] = pallist[n]; found = found + 1;
newramp = db.newArrayInsertLast(ramplist,addindex)
newramp[pal_index] = plist
return rlist
-- Returns a list of all inital ramps from color pairs
-- Weeds out bad pairs, attaches remaining palette colors and the first rgb-vector
function db.initiateRampList(pairs,pallist,pal_index,vec_index,min,maxmult,rw,gw,bw)
local n,ramplist,newpairs,accept,dist,c1,c2,max,rD,gD,bD
ramplist = {}
max = min + (142 / math.sqrt(#pallist)) * maxmult -- min ex: 8-12
accept = 0
for n = 1, #pairs, 1 do
c1 = pallist[pairs[n][1]]
c2 = pallist[pairs[n][2]]
rD = c2[1] - c1[1]
gD = c2[2] - c1[2]
bD = c2[3] - c1[3]
dist = math.sqrt( (rw*rD)^2 + (gw*gD)^2 + (bw*bD)^2 )
if dist >= min and dist <= max then
accept = accept + 1; ramplist[accept] = db.initiateRamp(pairs[n],pallist,pal_index);
ramplist[accept][vec_index] = {rD, gD, bD, dist}; -- Add first color vector, ONLY KEEP DISTANCE?
return ramplist
function db.findRampExpansionColors(ramp)
local clist
clist = {}
-- Calculate vectors here?
return clist
function db.findRAMPS(min_len, max_len)
local i,n,c,pallist,ramp,ramplist,pairs,spairs,palindex,vecindex,found,donelist,newlist,dones
local colorlist
palindex = "pal"
vecindex = "vector"
pallist = db.fixPalette(db.makePalList(256), 0)
pairs = db.pairsFromList(db.makeIndexList(pallist,-1), 0)
ramplist = db.initiateRampList(pairs,pallist,palindex,vecindex, 8,0.75, 0.26,0.55,0.19)
-- MIN_LEN = 5
-- MAX_LEN = 10
-- Split Ramp-build into two parts:
-- 1. Build ramps >= MIN_LEN, NONE added to 'Done'
-- 2. Run til no more ramps can be expanded or reaches MAX_LEN, ALL ramps added to 'Done'
for i = 1, (min_len - 2), 1 do -- Assuming 2 for inital pairs (2 color ramps)
newlist = {}
found = 0
for n = 1, #ramplist, 1 do
ramp = ramplist[n]
colorlist = db.findRampExpansionColors(ramp) -- Colors that can split the current ramp into new expanded ramps
for c = 1, #colorlist, 1 do
found = found + 1; newlist[found] = db.updateRamp(ramp,colorlist[c],palindex); -- Ramp is expanded by 1 color
ramplist = newlist
donelist = {}; dones = 0
newlist = {}
found = 0
for n = 1, #ramplist, 1 do
ramp = ramplist[n]
if true == false then
found = found + 1; newlist[found] = db.updateRamp(ramp,color,palindex);
dones = dones + 1; donelist[dones] = ramp;
--ramplist = newlist
until found == 0
return #pairs.." - "..#ramplist
-- ... eof Misc. Logical Operations ...
-- ***************************************
-- *** General RGB-Color Modifications ***
-- ***************************************
function db.makeComplementaryColor(r,g,b,brikeeplev) -- Lev: 0 = Normal, 1 = Loose, 2 = Strict
local bri_o,bri_n,bdiff
function cap(v) return math.max(0,math.min(v,255)); end
bri_o = db.getBrightness(r,g,b)
r,g,b = db.shiftHUE(r,g,b,180)
if brikeeplev > 0 then
for n = 0, brikeeplev*3-1, 1 do -- Must iterate to reduce brightness error
bri_n = db.getBrightness(r,g,b)
bdiff = (bri_o - bri_n) / 2 * brikeeplev
r = cap(r + bdiff)
g = cap(g + bdiff)
b = cap(b + bdiff)
return r,g,b
-- *** Color balance ***
-- bri_flag: Preserve brightness
-- loose_flag: Loose preservation restrictions for brightness and balance
-- Jeez, was this a tricky sucker; color-balance is just adding and capping...
-- but trying color-balance with preserved perceptual brightness is a different monster...
-- bad I could only solve it by iterative error correction.
function db.ColorBalance(r,g,b,rd,gd,bd,bri_flag,loose_flag) -- preserve brightness
local rw,gw,bw,ri,gi,bi,itot,rni,gni,bni,ro,go,bo,ovscale,lev,count,rt,gt,bt,rf,gf,bf,bri
-- Dawn 3.0, [0.26,0.55,0.19], 0-255 bri-colorscale adjust = 1.56905
rw,gw,bw = 0.26, 0.55, 0.19
function cap(v) return math.min(255,math.max(v,0)); end
bri = db.getBrightness(r,g,b)
-- Loose brightness & balance preservation, a good compromise.
if bri_flag == true and loose_flag == true then
lev = (rd + gd + bd) / 3
rd = rd - lev
gd = gd - lev
bd = bd - lev
brin = db.getBrightness(cap(r+rd),cap(g+gd),cap(b+bd))
itot = brin - bri
rd = rd - itot
gd = gd - itot
bd = bd - itot
if bri_flag == true and loose_flag == false then
itot = 255
count = 0
-- Normalize (Yup, it's right only to normalize once first..cont.norm. will have some counter-effect)
lev = (rd + gd + bd) / 3
rd = rd - lev
gd = gd - lev
bd = bd - lev
--messagebox("Norm:"..rd..", "", "
-- Calculate total brightness change
-- Note: Perceptual Brightness is exponential, and can't be delta-adjusted for anything other than greyscales.
-- Although the formula for the new brightness corrected normalization level can can be derived...
-- doesn't do much good since the bigger problem is overflow outside the 0-255 boundary.
-- As for now, I see no other means to solve this issue than with iterative error-correction.
rt = r+rd
gt = g+gd
bt = b+bd
itot = 9e99
rni = rd
gni = gd
bni = bd
-- We can get brightness of negative values etc. So bri-correction is put on hold until values are scaled down
if (rt>=0 and gt>=0 and bt>=0) and (rt<256 and gt<256 and bt<256) then
brin = db.getBrightness(rt,gt,bt)
itot = brin - bri
--messagebox("Bri Diff: "..itot)
-- Brightness adjusted balance
rni = rd - itot
gni = gd - itot
bni = bd - itot
--messagebox("Bri Adj Bal:"..rni..", "..gni..", "..bni)
-- Apply balance to find overflow (as fraction of the channel change)
ro = math.max( math.max((r + rni)-255,0), math.abs(math.min((r + rni),0)) ) / math.max(math.abs(rni),1)
go = math.max( math.max((g + gni)-255,0), math.abs(math.min((g + gni),0)) ) / math.max(math.abs(gni),1)
bo = math.max( math.max((b + bni)-255,0), math.abs(math.min((b + bni),0)) ) / math.max(math.abs(bni),1)
ovscale = 1 - math.max(ro,go,bo)
-- Scaling balances might be logically incorrect (as they can be seen as constant differences)
-- But scaling DOWN is quite harmless and I don't see how it could be done otherwise...
-- ex: +10 red, +5 blue: Scale x2 = +20 red, +10 blue -> More red over blue than ordered, a contrast behaviour.
-- +10 red, +5 blue: Scale x0.5 = +5 red, +2.5 blue -> Less of everything, but a part of the order. Harmless?
rd = rni * ovscale
gd = gni * ovscale
bd = bni * ovscale
count = count + 1
--messagebox("Final bal:"..rd..", "", "
until math.abs(itot) < 1 or count > 5
rf = r + rd
gf = g + gd
bf = b + bd
--messagebox("Result color:"..rf..", "", "
return rf,gf,bf
-- bri_flag: Preserve brightness
-- cap_flag: Cap new color at 0-255, has a desaturating effect for large values.
function db.ColorBalanceXXX(r,g,b,rd,gd,bd,bri_flag,cap_flag) -- preserve brightness
local rf,gf,bf
if cap_flag == true then
rd = math.min(255,math.max(0, r+rd)) - r
gd = math.min(255,math.max(0, g+gd)) - g
bd = math.min(255,math.max(0, b+bd)) - b
local rw,gw,bw,ri,gi,bi,itot,rni,gni,bni,ro,go,bo,ovscale
-- Dawn 3.0, [0.26,0.55,0.19], 0-255 bri-colorscale adjust = 1.56905
rw,gw,bw = 0.26, 0.55, 0.19
if bri_flag == true then
-- Calculate total brightness change
--ri = rd * rw
--gi = gd * gw
--bi = bd * bw
--itot = math.sqrt(ri^2 + gi^2 + bi^2)
bri = db.getBrightness(r,g,b)
brin = db.getBrightness(r+rd,g+gd,b+bd)
itot = brin - bri
-- Normalized and Brightness adjusted balance
rni = rd - itot
gni = gd - itot
bni = bd - itot
-- Apply balance to find overflow (as fraction of the channel change)
ro = math.max( math.max((r + rni)-255,0), math.abs(math.min((r + rni),0)) ) / math.max(math.abs(rni),1)
go = math.max( math.max((g + gni)-255,0), math.abs(math.min((g + gni),0)) ) / math.max(math.abs(gni),1)
bo = math.max( math.max((b + bni)-255,0), math.abs(math.min((b + bni),0)) ) / math.max(math.abs(bni),1)
ovscale = 1 - math.max(ro,go,bo)
rd = rni * ovscale
gd = gni * ovscale
bd = bni * ovscale
rf = r + rd
gf = g + gd
bf = b + bd
return rf,gf,bf
function db.getContrast(ch) -- Channel, returns fraction -1..0..1, negative for ch < 127.5
--return math.abs((ch / 127.5) - 1)
return (ch / 127.5) - 1
function db.getAvgContrast(r,g,b)
return (math.abs(db.getContrast(r)) + math.abs(db.getContrast(g)) + math.abs(db.getContrast(b))) / 3
-- Mode = 0: Proportional - all colors reach max contrast at 100%
-- Mode = 1: Linear - percentage simply added
function db.changeContrastOLD(r,g,b,prc,mode)
local m,rd,gd,bd,rv,gv,bv,rc,gc,bc,base,sign
base = 1; sign = 1
if prc < 0 then base = 0; sign = -1; end -- decontrast
m = prc / 100 * sign
-- mode 0
rc = db.getContrast(r)
rd = (base - math.abs(rc)) * m * db.sign(rc)
rv = (rc+rd+1) * 127.5
gc = db.getContrast(g)
gd = (base - math.abs(gc)) * m * db.sign(gc)
gv = (gc+gd+1) * 127.5
bc = db.getContrast(b)
bd = (base - math.abs(bc)) * m * db.sign(bc)
bv = (bc+bd+1) * 127.5
return rv,gv,bv
function db.changeContrast(r,g,b,prc) -- Photoshop style
local m,rd,gd,bd,rv,gv,bv,rc,gc,bc
m = 1 + math.pow((255 / 100 * prc),3) / (255*255)
-- decontrast
if prc < 0 then
m = 1 - math.abs(prc)/100
rc = db.getContrast(r)
rd = rc * m
rv = (rd+1) * 127.5
gc = db.getContrast(g)
gd = gc * m
gv = (gd+1) * 127.5
bc = db.getContrast(b)
bd = bc * m
bv = (bd+1) * 127.5
return rv,gv,bv
function db.getBrightness(r,g,b) -- 0-255
local bri
--bri = (r+g+b)/3
--bri = r*0.3 + g*0.59 + b*0.11 -- Luma Y'601
--bri = math.sqrt((r*0.3)^2 + (g*0.59)^2 + (b*0.11)^2) -- Luma Y'601
--bri = r*0.245 + g*0.575 + b*0.18 -- Dawn 2.0
bri = math.sqrt((r*0.26)^2 + (g*0.55)^2 + (b*0.19)^2) * 1.56905 -- Dawn 3.0
return bri
-- Note on desaturation: These functions are all junk, the only way to desaturate
-- is to fade a color into it's corresponding greyscale.
function db.desaturate(percent,r,g,b) -- V1.0 by Richard Fhager
local a,p
p = percent / 100
a = (math.min(math.max(r,g,b),255) + math.max(math.min(r,g,b),0)) * 0.5 * p
r = r + (a-r*p) -- a+r*(1-p)
g = g + (a-g*p)
b = b + (a-b*p)
return r,g,b
function db.desaturateA(percent,c) -- array version
local r,g,b,a
r = c[1]
g = c[2]
b = c[3]
p = percent / 100
a = (math.min(math.max(r,g,b),255) + math.max(math.min(r,g,b),0)) * 0.5 * p
r = r + (a-r*p)
g = g + (a-g*p)
b = b + (a-b*p)
return {r,g,b}
function db.desatAVG(desat,c) -- Desaturation, simpe average
r = c[1]
g = c[2]
b = c[3]
p = desat / 100
a = (r+g+b)/3
r = r + p*(a-r)
g = g + p*(a-g)
b = b + p*(a-b)
return {r,g,b}
function db.getSaturation(r,g,b) -- HSL
local M,m,c,s,l
M = math.max(r,g,b)
m = math.min(r,g,b)
c = (M - m)/255
s = 0
if c ~= 0 then
--l = (0.3*r + 0.59*g + 0.11*b)/255 -- HSLuma: Y'601
l = (M+m)/510 -- This produces a quite "correct looking" divison of saturation
if l <= 0.5 then s = c / (2*l); end
if l > 0.5 then s = c / (2-2*l); end
return math.min(255,s * 255)
function db.getTrueSaturationX(r,g,b) -- Distance from grayscale axis. Not HSV/HSL
local sat,bri
bri = (r+g+b) / 3
sat = math.min(255, math.sqrt((r-bri)^2 + (g-bri)^2 + (b-bri)^2) * 1.224744875)
return sat
-- WIP. Trying to find a more natural model for estimating Saturation
-- Current: (HSL + True) / 2
function db.getAppSaturation(r,g,b)
return math.min(255, (db.getSaturation(r,g,b) + db.getTrueSaturationX(r,g,b)) / 2)
function db.saturate(percent,r,g,b)
local a,m,p,mc
a = (math.min(math.max(r,g,b),255) + math.max(math.min(r,g,b),0)) * 0.5
m = math.min(255-math.max(r,g,b), math.min(r,g,b))
p = percent * (m / 100)
mc = math.max((r-a),(g-a),(b-a)) -- Can this be derived elsewhere?
if mc ~= 0 then
r = r + (r-a) * p / mc
g = g + (g-a) * p / mc
b = b + (b-a) * p / mc
return r,g,b
-- Super Saturate: Better than Photoshop etc.
-- Higher than 100% power is ok
function db.saturateAdv(percent,r,g,b,brikeeplev,greydamp) -- brikeep = 0 - 2
local a,m,p,mc,bri_o,bri_n,bdiff,mx,mi,adj,q,n
function cap(v) return math.max(0,math.min(v,255)); end
mx = math.max(r,g,b)
mi = math.min(r,g,b)
bri_o = db.getBrightness(r,g,b)
a = (math.min(mx,255) + math.max(mi,0)) * 0.5
m = math.min(255-mx, mi)
p = percent * (m / 100)
mc = math.max((r-a),(g-a),(b-a)) -- Can this be derived elsewhere?
if mc ~= 0 and m ~= 0 then
adj = math.min(1,(mx - mi) / m) -- Reduce effect on low saturation
if greydamp == false then adj = 1; end
q = p / mc * adj
r = cap( r + (r-a) * q )
g = cap( g + (g-a) * q )
b = cap( b + (b-a) * q )
for n = 0, brikeeplev*2, 1 do -- Must iterate to reduce brightness error
bri_n = db.getBrightness(r,g,b)
bdiff = (bri_o - bri_n) / 2 * brikeeplev
r = cap(r + bdiff)
g = cap(g + bdiff)
b = cap(b + bdiff)
return r,g,b
-- Lightness: Darken / Brighten color (Argument and returnvalue is a rgb-list)
-- Rate of change is inversely proportional to the distance of the max/min.
-- i.e. all colors/channels will reach max/min at the same time (at 0 or 100 %)
-- (As opposed to 'Brightness' where all channels are changed by a constant value)
function db.lightness(percent,c)
local v,r,g,b,p
r = c[1]
g = c[2]
b = c[3]
p = math.abs(percent/100)
v = 255
if percent < 0 then v = 0; end
r = r + (v - r)*p
g = g + (v - g)*p
b = b + (v - b)*p
return {r,g,b}
function db.changeLightness(r,g,b,percent)
local v
v = db.lightness(percent,{r,g,b})
return v[1],v[2],v[3]
function db.getLightness(r,g,b) -- HSL bi-hexcone
return (math.max(r,g,b) + math.min(r,g,b)) / 2
function db.shiftHUE(r,g,b,deg) -- V1.3 R.Fhager 2007, (Heavily derived code, hehe...)
local c,h,mi,mx,d,s,p,i,f,q,t
c = {g,b,r}
mi = math.min(r,g,b)
mx = math.max(r,g,b); v = mx;
d = mx - mi;
s = 0; if mx ~= 0 then s = d/mx; end
p = 1; if g ~= mx then p = 2; if b ~= mx then p = 0; end; end
if s~=0 then
r = c[1+i]
g = c[1+(i+4)%6]
b = c[1+(i+2)%6]
return r,g,b
function db.getHUE(r,g,b,greytol) -- 0-6 (6.5 = Greyscale), mult. with 60 for degrees
-- 1 Color diff is roughly detected by Tolerance = 0.0078125 (Tol. incr. with lightness etc.)
local c,h,mi,mx,d,s,p,i,f,q,t
c = {g,b,r}
mi = math.min(r,g,b)
mx = math.max(r,g,b); v = mx;
d = mx - mi;
s = 0; if mx ~= 0 then s = d/mx; end
p = 1; if g ~= mx then p = 2; if b ~= mx then p = 0; end; end
h = 6.5 -- for custom graphical purposes
if s>greytol then -- can't use >=
return h
-- ... eof RGB color modifications ...
-- ****************************************
-- *** Custom Color / Palette functions ***
-- ****************************************
--# of Unique colors in palette:
--# of Colors in Image:
--# of Unique colors in Image:
function db.rgbcap(r,g,b,mx,mi)
local m = math
return m.max(mi,m.min(r,mx)), m.max(mi,m.min(g,mx)), m.max(mi,m.min(b,mx))
function db.rgbcapInt(r,g,b,mx,mi)
local m = math
return m.floor(m.max(mi,m.min(r,mx))), m.floor(m.max(mi,m.min(g,mx))), m.floor(m.max(mi,m.min(b,mx)))
function db.makePalList(cols)
local pal,n,r,g,b
pal = {}
for n = 0, cols-1, 1 do
r,g,b = getcolor(n)
pal[n+1] = {r,g,b,n}
return pal
function db.makeSparePalList(cols)
local pal,n,r,g,b
pal = {}
for n = 0, cols-1, 1 do
r,g,b = getsparecolor(n)
pal[n+1] = {r,g,b,n}
return pal
-- Use to remove the black colors (marks unused colors) from palette-list
-- if it's known that no black color exists in the image.
function db.stripBlackFromPalList(pallist)
local i,u,c,dummy; i = 257 -- Do 'nothing' If using a full 256 col palette with no blacks
for u = 1, #pallist, 1 do
c = pallist[u]
if (c[1]+c[2]+c[3]) == 0 then i = u; end
dummy = table.remove(pallist,i)
return pallist
function db.stripIndexFromPalList(pallist,colindex)
local i,u,c,dummy
for u = 1, #pallist, 1 do
c = pallist[u]
if c[4] == colindex then i = u; end
dummy = table.remove(pallist,i)
return pallist
function db.addHSBtoPalette(pallist)
local n,hue,sat,rgb
for n=1, #pallist, 1 do
rgb = pallist[n]
pallist[n][5] = db.getHUE(rgb[1],rgb[2],rgb[3],0)
pallist[n][6] = db.getSaturation(rgb[1],rgb[2],rgb[3])
pallist[n][7] = db.getBrightness(rgb[1],rgb[2],rgb[3])
return pallist -- {r,g,b,n,bri,hue,sat}
function db.makePalListRange(start,ends)
local pal,n,r,g,b,a
pal = {}
a = 1
for n = start, ends, 1 do
r,g,b = getcolor(n)
pal[a] = {r,g,b,n}; a = a + 1;
return pal
function db.makePalListShade(cols,sha) -- Convert colors to less bits, colorcube operations etc.
local pal,n,r,g,b,mf,div
mf = math.floor
div = 256 / sha
pal = {}
for n = 0, cols-1, 1 do
r,g,b = getcolor(n)
pal[n+1] = {mf(r/div),mf(g/div),mf(b/div),n}
return pal
function db.makePalListShadeSPARE(cols,sha) -- Convert colors to less bits, colorcube operations etc.
local pal,n,r,g,b,mf,div
mf = math.floor
div = 256 / sha
pal = {}
for n = 0, cols-1, 1 do
r,g,b = getsparecolor(n)
pal[n+1] = {mf(r/div),mf(g/div),mf(b/div),n}
return pal
function db.getColorDistance_weight(r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,rw,gw,bw)
return math.sqrt( (rw*(r1-r2))^2 + (gw*(g1-g2))^2 + (bw*(b1-b2))^2 )
-- Since brightness is exponential, each channel may work as a "star" drowning the color
-- of a lesser channel. This algorithm is an approximation to adjust distances for this phenomenon.
-- Ex: Adding 32 red to black is visually obvious, but adding 64 red to full green is almost
-- impossible to detect by the naked eye.
-- However this isn't a complete solution so we may weigh in brightness as well...
-- If cv = 0 (0..1) then prox acts as ordinary perceptual colordistance
-- if bri = 1 (0..1) then distance is only that of brightness
function db.getColorDistanceProx(r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,rw,gw,bw,normalizer, cv,briweight)
local rp1,gp1,bp1,rp2,gp2,bp2,v,m1,m2,prox,bdiff; v = 2*255*255
m1 = math.max(r1,g1,b1)
m2 = math.max(r2,g2,b2)
rp1 = 1 - math.sqrt((r1-m1)^2 / v) * cv
gp1 = 1 - math.sqrt((g1-m1)^2 / v) * cv
bp1 = 1 - math.sqrt((b1-m1)^2 / v) * cv
rp2 = 1 - math.sqrt((r2-m2)^2 / v) * cv
gp2 = 1 - math.sqrt((g2-m2)^2 / v) * cv
bp2 = 1 - math.sqrt((b2-m2)^2 / v) * cv
bdiff = math.abs(db.getBrightness(r1,g1,b1) - db.getBrightness(r2,g2,b2)) -- weights are hardcoded in function
prox = math.sqrt( (rw*(r1*rp1-r2*rp2))^2 + (gw*(g1*gp1-g2*gp2))^2 + (bw*(b1*bp1-b2*bp2))^2 ) * normalizer
return prox * (1-briweight) + bdiff * briweight
function db.getBestPalMatch(r,g,b,pal,index_flag) -- pal = [r,g,b,palindex], index_flag -> return palindex if pal is sorted or reduced
local diff,best,bestcol,cols,n,c,p
cols = #pal
bestcol = -1
best = 9e99
for n=1, cols, 1 do
p = pal[n]
diff = db.getColorDistance_weight(r,g,b,p[1],p[2],p[3],0.26,0.55,0.19) * 1.569
if diff < best then bestcol = n; best = diff; end
if index_flag == true then
bestcol = pal[bestcol][4] + 1
return bestcol-1 -- palList index start at 1, image-palette at 0
-- Normally this function will return the (image)palette index of best color
-- ...but if the palette has been sorted with 'fixPalette' it will return the index
-- of the custom palList, setting index_flag will convert this value to image-palette index
-- HYBRID means the colormatch is a combo of color and (perceptual)brightness
function db.getBestPalMatchHYBRID(rgb,pal,briweight,index_flag) -- Now correctly balanced
local diff,diffC,diffB,best,bestcol,cols,n,c,r,g,b,p,obri,pbri
cols = #pal
bestcol = -1
best = 9e99
-- Note: Not secured against negative values (this algorithm is SLOW, we cannot afford it)
r = rgb[1]
g = rgb[2]
b = rgb[3]
obri = db.getBrightness(r,g,b) -- 0-255
for n=1, cols, 1 do
p = pal[n]
pbri = db.getBrightness(p[1],p[2],p[3])
diffB = math.abs(obri - pbri)
-- we need to normalize the distance by the weights
diffC = db.getColorDistance_weight(r,g,b,p[1],p[2],p[3],0.26,0.55,0.19) * 1.569
diff = briweight * (diffB - diffC) + diffC
if diff < best then bestcol = n; best = diff; end
if index_flag == true then
bestcol = pal[bestcol][4] + 1 -- Since we detract 1 on return, God Lua is stupid
return bestcol-1 -- palList index start at 1, image-palette at 0
-- Special version of Hybrid-remapping for mixPalette list
-- mixpal: {score,col#1,col#2,dist,rm,gm,bm, c1_r,c1_g,c1_b, c2_r,c2_g,c2_b}
-- returns: {col#1,col#2} (index of palette)
function db.getBestPalMatchHybridMIX(rgb,mixpal,briweight,mixreduction)
local diff,diffC,diffB,best,bestcol,cols,n,c,r,g,b,p,obri,pbri, distmult
cols = #mixpal
bestcol = -1
best = 9e99
-- We will simply add the the distance to the mix with the distance between the mixcolors and
-- employ a user tolerance to much the latter will matter.
--distmult = 255 / 9.56 / 100 * mixreduction -- 16 shades
distmult = 1.56902 / 100 * mixreduction -- 24-bit, Dawn3.0 colormodel
-- Note: Not secured against negative values (this algorithm is SLOW, we cannot afford it)
r = rgb[1]
g = rgb[2]
b = rgb[3]
obri = db.getBrightness(r,g,b) -- 0-255
for n=1, cols, 1 do
p = mixpal[n]
--pbri = db.getBrightness(p[5],p[6],p[7])
-- *** DawnBringer's exponetial color brightness dither resolution phenomena theorem ***
-- Bri = color value ^ 2
-- Two adjacent pixels displayed with "normal high resolution" will NOT have the perceptual
-- brightness of the resulting mixcolor. The brightness lies closer to that of the brightest pixel.
-- Bri[(C1+C2)/2] = SQRT( (C1bri^2 + C2bri^2) / 2 )
-- (Brightness according to Dawn-model: bri = SQRT( (r*.26)^2 + (g*.55)^2 + (b*.19)^2 ) )
pbri = math.sqrt((db.getBrightness(p[8],p[9],p[10])^2 + db.getBrightness(p[11],p[12],p[13])^2) / 2)
diffB = math.abs(obri - pbri)
-- we need to normalize the distance by the weights
diffC = db.getColorDistance_weight(r,g,b,p[5],p[6],p[7],0.26,0.55,0.19) * 1.569 + p[4]*distmult
diff = briweight * (diffB - diffC) + diffC
if diff <= best then bestcol = n; best = diff; end
return {mixpal[bestcol][2], mixpal[bestcol][3]}
--return {mixpal[bestcol][2], 0}
function db.matchcolorHSB(h,s,b,pallist,index_flag)
-- why don't we just convert HSB-diagram to RGB and do normal colormatching?
-- Not the same...
local n,c,best,bestcol,pb,ph,ps,diff,huediff,huecorr,hue_adj,sat_adj,bri_adj
bestcol = -1
best = 9e99
-- higher adjust means more impact (higher hue gives more interpolation )
hue_adj = 4
sat_adj = 0.075
bri_adj = 2
huecorr = 255 / 6 -- Our Hue goes from 0.0 - 5.999
for n=1, #pallist, 1 do
c = pallist[n]
ph = c[5]
ps = c[6]
pb = c[7]
huediff = math.abs(h-ph*huecorr)
if huediff > 127 then huediff = huediff - (huediff % 127) * 2; end
--if ph == 6.5 then huediff = 0; end
-- With less saturation, exact hue becomes less important and brightness more usefull
-- This allows for greyscales and low saturation colors to work smoothly.
huediff = huediff * (ps /255)
diff = hue_adj*huediff^2 + (s-ps)^2 * sat_adj + (b-pb)^2 * bri_adj
if diff <= best then bestcol = n; best = diff; end
if index_flag == true then
bestcol = pallist[bestcol][4] + 1 -- Since we detract 1 on return, God Lua is stupid
return bestcol-1
-- Used by PaletteAnalysis.lua, FindRamps(), MixColors() etc.
-- Assigns is used by ApplySpare script
function db.fixPalette(pal,sortflag) -- Arrange palette & only keep unique colors
local n,l,rgb,i,unique,bri,hue,sat,ulist,indexpal,newpal,dtot
ulist = {}
indexpal = {}
newpal = {}
local doubles,assign
doubles = {}; assign = {}
l = #pal
unique = 1 -- ok, see how stupid lua is
dtot = 0
for n=1, l, 1 do
rgb = pal[n]; -- actually rgbn
i = 1 + rgb[1] * 65536 + rgb[2] * 256 + rgb[3];
bri = db.getBrightness(rgb[1],rgb[2],rgb[3])
if indexpal[i] == nil then
indexpal[i] = rgb; ulist[unique] = {i,bri}; unique = unique+1;
assign[rgb[4]+1] = rgb[4] -- really n, but can we be sure?
doubles[rgb[4]] = true; -- Mark as double (This is wrong; starts at 0...but col 0 cannot be a double so...)
dtot = dtot + 1
assign[rgb[4]+1] = indexpal[i][4] -- Reassign removed color
-- sort ulist
if sortflag == 1 then db.sorti(ulist,2); end -- sort by brightness
l = #ulist
for n=1, l, 1 do
newpal[n] = indexpal[ulist[n][1]]
newpal["assigns"] = assign -- Complete list of image color assigns (removed cols will point to 1st occurence)
newpal["doubles"] = doubles
newpal.double_total = dtot
--messagebox("unique colors", unique-1)
return newpal
function db.drawColorspace12bit(x,y,cols,size)
local r,g,b,c,rows,row,col,s16,rx,ry,xx,yy
s16 = size*16
rows = math.floor(16/cols)
for g = 0, 15, 1 do
col = g % cols
row = math.floor(g / cols)
for r = 0, 15, 1 do
for b = 0, 15, 1 do
c = matchcolor(r*17,g*17,b*17)
xx = x+col*s16+r*size
yy = y+row*s16+b*size
for ry = 0, size-1, 1 do
for rx = 0, size-1, 1 do
function db.drawHSBdiagram(pallist,posx,posy,width,height,size,sat)
local x,y,c
for y = 0, height-1, 1 do
for x = 0, width-1, 1 do
hue = 255/width * x
bri = 255/height * y
c = db.matchcolorHSB(hue,sat,bri,pallist,true)
db.drawRectangle(posx + x*size, posy + y*size,size,size, c)
function db.polarHSBdiagram(ox,oy,radius,pol,brilev,huelev,saturation,dark2bright_flag)
local pal,bstep,bstep2,hstep,hstep2,bri,hue,sx,sy,cx,cy,x,y,p1,p2,c
pal = db.addHSBtoPalette(db.fixPalette(db.makePalList(256)))
bstep = radius / (brilev + pol)
bstep2 = bstep / 2
hstep = -360 / huelev
hstep2 = hstep / 2
c = 255; if dark2bright_flag then c = 0; end
for y=pol, brilev+pol-1,1 do
bri = (brilev - y + pol) * (256 / brilev)
if dark2bright_flag then
bri = (brilev - (brilev - y + pol)) * (256 / brilev)
for x=0, huelev-1,1 do
hue = x * (360 / huelev) * 255/360
c = db.matchcolorHSB(hue,saturation,bri,pal,true)
sx = ox
sy = oy - y*bstep
cx,cy = db.rotationFrac(x*hstep,ox,oy,sx,sy)
x1,y1 = db.rotation(x*hstep-hstep2,ox,oy,ox, sy-bstep2)
x2,y2 = db.rotation(x*hstep+hstep2,ox,oy,ox, sy-bstep2)
x3,y3 = db.rotation(x*hstep-hstep2,ox,oy,ox, sy+bstep2)
x4,y4 = db.rotation(x*hstep+hstep2,ox,oy,ox, sy+bstep2)
p1 = {{x1,y1},{x2,y2},{x3,y3}}
p2 = {{x3,y3},{x4,y4},{x2,y2}}
db.fillTriangle(p1,c,0,true,false) -- triangle, fillcol, linecol, fill, wire
updatescreen(); if (waitbreak(0)==1) then return; end
end -- polarHSB
-- Histograms, remapping etc.
function db.makeHistogram()
local n,y,x,c,w,h,list; list = {}
w, h = getpicturesize()
for n = 1, 256, 1 do list[n] = 0; end
for y = 0, h - 1, 1 do
for x = 0, w - 1, 1 do
c = getpicturepixel(x,y)
list[c+1] = list[c+1] + 1
return list
function db.makeHistogramIndexed() -- With color index so it can be sorted etc.
local n,y,x,c,w,h,r,g,b,list; list = {}
w, h = getpicturesize()
for n = 1, 256, 1 do
r,g,b = getcolor(n-1)
list[n] = {0,n-1,r,g,b};
for y = 0, h - 1, 1 do
for x = 0, w - 1, 1 do
c = getpicturepixel(x,y)
list[c+1][1] = list[c+1][1] + 1
return list
function db.makeSpareHistogram()
local n,y,x,c,w,h,list; list = {}
w, h = getsparepicturesize()
--w,h = 512,360
for n = 1, 256, 1 do list[n] = 0; end
for y = 0, h - 1, 1 do
for x = 0, w - 1, 1 do
c = getsparepicturepixel(x,y)
list[c+1] = list[c+1] + 1
return list
-- Makes a palette-list from only the colors (histogram) that occurs in the image
-- Assumes image/palette has not changed since histogram was created
function db.makePalListFromHistogram(hist)
local n,r,g,b,list,count
list = {}
count = 1
for n = 1, #hist, 1 do
if hist[n] > 0 then
r,g,b = getcolor(n-1)
list[count] = {r,g,b,n-1}
count = count + 1
return list
function db.makePalListFromSpareHistogram(hist)
local n,r,g,b,list,count
list = {}
count = 1
for n = 1, #hist, 1 do
if hist[n] > 0 then
r,g,b = getsparecolor(n-1)
list[count] = {r,g,b,n-1}
count = count + 1
return list
function db.remap(org) -- Working with a remap-list there's no need of reading backuppixel
local x,y,c,i,w,h,s,f,col
f = getpicturepixel
s = false
w, h = getpicturesize()
for y = 0, h - 1, 1 do
for x = 0, w - 1, 1 do
c = f(x,y)
i = org[c+1]
if i == null then i = matchcolor(getbackupcolor(getbackuppixel(x,y))); s = true; col = c; end -- Find color for a removed double
if s then messagebox("Remapping: Not all image colors were found in remap-list (re-assign), probably due to duplicate removal. Matchcolor was used, ex: col# "..col);
-- Same as db.remap but no comments
function db.remapImage(colassignlist) -- assignment list is optional
local x,y,c,w,i,h,assign
assign = false
if colassignlist ~= null then assign = true; end
w,h = getpicturesize()
for y = 0, h-1, 1 do
for x = 0, w-1, 1 do
c = getbackuppixel(x,y)
i = null; if assign then i = colassignlist[c+1]; end
if not assign or i == null then
i = matchcolor(getbackupcolor(c))
-- Palette DeCluster: Color-reduction by fusing similar colors into new ones, using a desired tolerance.
-- This is a method similar to Median-Cut, but more surgical.
-- pallist: Palette list {r,g,b,palette_index}
-- hist: Histogram {color 0 pixels, color 1 pixels...etc} always a full 256 color list
-- crad: Cluster radius treshold in % of distance between black & white
-- A value of 0 will only remove identical colors
-- A value of 3-4 will usally fuse redundant colors without causing notice
-- prot_pow: (0..10) Protect common colors in histogram. Distances are increased by ocurrence.
-- Also gives protection to fused colors even if not using histogram (combined nominal weights)
-- pixels: Pixels in image (so protection can be calculated)
-- rw,gw,bw: Color weights (rw+gw+bw = 1, 0.33,0.33,0.33 is nominal)
-- Returns:
-- a new (c)palette list {r,g,b,{original palette_indices},fused flag, histogram_weight}
-- a remap list (org) [image color + 1] = remap color (in the new palette)
function db.deCluster(pallist, hist, crad, prot_pow, pixels, rw,gw,bw)
local u,c,a,i,o,j,n,c1,c2,r,g,b,r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,wt,rt,gt,bt,tot,pd
local worst,wtot,maxdist,maxDist,distfrac,clusterExists,clustVal,count,crad1
local cList,cPalList,clusterList,fuseCol,orgcols,newPalList,org
maxdist = math.sqrt(rw*rw*65025 + gw*gw*65025 + bw*bw*65025)
distfrac = 100 / maxdist
-- Let's just make a slightly more suitable format of the pallist (List for original color(s))
cPalList = {}
for u = 1, #pallist, 1 do
c = pallist[u]
cPalList[u] = {c[1],c[2],c[3],{c[4]},false,hist[c[4]+1]} -- r,g,b,{original colors},fuse_marker,histogram_weight
clusterExists = true
while clusterExists do
clusterExists = false
clusterList = {}
crad1 = crad + 1 -- avoid divison by zero
worst = 9999
for a = 1, #cPalList, 1 do
c1 = cPalList[a]
r1,g1,b1 = c1[1],c1[2],c1[3]
wtot = c1[6]
cList = {a}
maxDist = 0
for b = 1, #cPalList, 1 do
if (b ~= a) then
c2 = cPalList[b]
r2,g2,b2 = c2[1],c2[2],c2[3]
wt = c2[6]
pd = math.pow((1 + wt / pixels), prot_pow) -- Protection, increase distance
dist = db.getColorDistance_weight(r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,rw,gw,bw) * distfrac * pd
if dist <= crad then
wtot = wtot + wt
maxDist = math.max(dist,maxDist)
end -- b
if #cList > 1 then
clustVal = maxDist / (crad1 * #cList) * (wtot / #cList)
if clustVal < worst then
worst = clustVal
clusterList = cList
end -- a
--t = db.ary2txt(clusterList)
--messagebox("Worst cluster is "..t)
-- Fuse
if #clusterList > 1 then
clusterExists = true -- Run another iteration and look for more clusters
fuseCol = {0,0,0,{}}
rt,gt,bt,tot = 0,0,0,0
for n = 1, #clusterList, 1 do
i = clusterList[n]
c = cPalList[i]
--o = c[4][1] -- Original color (always #1 in list since fused colors can't re-fuse)
o = c[4] -- Original color list
--if c[5] == true then messagebox("Re-Fusing..."); end
r,g,b = c[1],c[2],c[3]
--wt = hist[o+1] -- Org. colors are 0-255
wt = c[6]
rt = rt + r * wt
gt = gt + g * wt
bt = bt + b * wt
tot = tot + wt
cPalList[i] = -1 -- Erase color
orgcols = fuseCol[4]
for j = 1, #o, 1 do
fuseCol[4] = orgcols
rt = rt / tot
gt = gt / tot
bt = bt / tot
fuseCol[1] = rt
fuseCol[2] = gt
fuseCol[3] = bt
fuseCol[5] = true -- fusecol marker
fuseCol[6] = tot
--messagebox(#clusterList.." Colors was fused, resulting in "..rt..", "", "
newPalList = {}
for n = 1, #cPalList, 1 do
if cPalList[n] ~= -1 then
--newPalList = db.newArrayInsertLast(newPalList,cPalList[n])
cPalList = newPalList
--messagebox("Pal length: "..#cPalList)
statusmessage("DC - Image colors: "..#cPalList.." "); waitbreak(0)
end -- fuse
end -- while
-- Create remap-list
org = {}
count = 0
for u = 1, #cPalList, 1 do
c = cPalList[u]
for n = 1, #c[4], 1 do
i = c[4][n]
org[i+1] = count -- quick way to remap without matchcolor
count = count + 1
return org,cPalList
end; -- decluster
-- ------------- MEDIAN CUT V1.0 ------------
-- 256 color Palette Lua-version (converted from Evalion JS-script)
-- by Richard 'DawnBringer' Fhager
-- pal: [[r,g,b,i]] Pallist
-- cnum: Target number of colors in reduced palette
-- (step:) 1.. Pixel picks for processing, 1 = all pixels in image, best and slowest. 2 = 25% of pixels
-- qual: Flag Qualitative color selection (Normal mode)
-- quant: Flag Quantative color/pixel selection (Histogram) 100% mean that it count as much as quality
-- (One of or both qual/quant must be selected)
-- rgbw: [3] RGB-weights []. Weigh the color channels. ex: [1,1.333,0.75]
-- bits: 1-8 Bits used for each color channel in palette
-- quantpow: 0..1
-- return: A palette! A list of [r,g,b] values
-- NOTE: Quantity will act as a counterforce to altered colorspace (weights)...
-- Ex: if Green is considered bigger, it will be split into more blocks
-- but each blocks will have less colors and thus less quantity.
-- Perceptual colorspace (rgb-weights) will generally produce the best quality of palettes, but if
-- It's desirable to preserve stronger colors, esp. in small palettes,
-- it can be good to just use nominal space: 1,1,1
-- Histogram may be useful to assign more colors to an object that already covers most of the image,
-- however; if the object of interest is small in relation to a large (unimportant) background, it's
-- usually best not to have any histogram at all. Histogram will dampen strong infrequent colors.
function db.medianCut(pal,cnum,qual,quant,rgbw,bits,quantpow)
local n,x,y,xs,ys,rgb,blocklist,blocks
local len,res,chan,diff,maxdiff,maxblock,split
local qualnorm, quantnorm
-- Normalize 256 for quality/quantity relationship
qualnorm = 1 / math.sqrt(rgbw[1]^2 + rgbw[2]^2 + rgbw[3]^2)
quantnorm = 256 / #pal
blocklist = {}
blocklist[1] = {}; blocks = 1
for n=1, #pal, 1 do
blocklist[1][n] = pal[n];
failsafe = 0
while (blocks < cnum and failsafe < 256) do
failsafe = failsafe + 1
maxdiff = -1
maxblock = -1
for n=1, blocks, 1 do
diff = blocklist[n].diff
if (diff > maxdiff) then maxdiff = diff; maxblock = n; end -- maxchan is stored as .chan in block
split = splitBlock(blocklist,maxblock,qual,quant,rgbw,qualnorm,quantnorm,quantpow)
--if (split == false){ alert("Only found " + blocks + " (24-bit) colors!"); break; }
blocks = #blocklist
--status.value = "MC: " +blocks
end -- while
return blocks2Palette(blocklist,bits)
function blocks2Palette(blocklist,bits)
local n,r,g,b,c,pal,block,rgb,blen,M,dB,cB,rf,gf,bf
M = math
pal = {}
--bits = 1
dB = M.pow(2,8-bits)
cB = M.ceil(255 / (M.pow(2,bits) - 1))
for n=1, #blocklist, 1 do
block = blocklist[n]
r,g,b = 0,0,0
blen = #block
for c=1, blen, 1 do
rgb = block[c]
r = r + rgb[1]
g = g + rgb[2]
b = b + rgb[3]
rf = M.floor(M.min(255,M.max(0,M.floor(r/blen))) / dB) * cB
gf = M.floor(M.min(255,M.max(0,M.floor(g/blen))) / dB) * cB
bf = M.floor(M.min(255,M.max(0,M.floor(b/blen))) / dB) * cB
pal[n] = {rf, gf, bf, 0} -- col is avg. of all colors in block (index is set (to 0) for compatibility)
end -- blocklist
return pal
function analyzeBlock(block,qual,quant,rgbw,qualnorm,quantnorm,quantpow)
local r,g,b,n,rmin,gmin,bmin,rmax,gmax,bmax,rdif,gdif,bdif,chan,d,median,diff
local len,Mm,Mx,rgb,kv,qu
Mx,Mm = math.max, math.min
len = #block
rmin,gmin,bmin = 255,255,255
rmax,gmax,bmax = 0,0,0
for n=1, len, 1 do
rgb = block[n]
r = rgb[1] * rgbw[1]
g = rgb[2] * rgbw[2]
b = rgb[3] * rgbw[3]
--if (!isNaN(r) and !isNaN(g) and !isNaN(b)) then -- Ignore any erroneous data
rmin = Mm(rmin,r)
gmin = Mm(gmin,g)
bmin = Mm(bmin,b)
rmax = Mx(rmax,r)
gmax = Mx(gmax,g)
bmax = Mx(bmax,b)
rdif = (rmax - rmin) -- * rgbw[1]
gdif = (gmax - gmin) -- * rgbw[2]
bdif = (bmax - bmin) -- * rgbw[3]
d = {{rmin,rdif,rmax},{gmin,gdif,gmax},{bmin,bdif,bmax}}
chan = 1 -- Widest channel
if (gdif > rdif) then chan = 2; end
if (bdif > rdif and bdif > gdif) then chan = 3; end
-- Ok, this is the average of the max/min value rather than an actual median
-- I guess this will fill the colorspace more uniformly and perhaps select extremes to a greater extent?
-- Which is better?
--median = d[chan][1] + d[chan][2] / 2 -- OLD same as median with nominal weights
median = (d[chan][1] + d[chan][3]) / 2
-- quantity and quality are normalized to 256 (256 is the total of colors in the set for quantity)
-- Note that, regardless of forumla, quality (distance) must always be greater in any block than quantity (colors/pixels)
-- Coz a block may contain many of only 1 unique color, thus rendering it impossible to split if selected.
kv = 1
qu = 1
if (quant) then kv = 1 + len*quantnorm*quantpow; end
if (qual) then qu = d[chan][2] * qualnorm; end
diff = qu + qu*kv^2.5
block.chan = chan
block.diff = diff
block.median = median
return {chan,diff,median,len}
function splitBlock(blocklist,maxblock,qual,quant,rgbw,qualnorm,quantnorm,quantpow)
local n,cmax,median,blockA,blockB,len,cB,block,rgb,res
blockA,blockB = {},{}
block = blocklist[maxblock]
res = true
chan = block.chan
median = block.median
cB = blocklist[maxblock] -- maxblock starts at 1 when called so it should not hava a +1
len = #cB
for n=1, len, 1 do
rgb = cB[n]
--if (rgb[chan] >= median) then blockA.push(rgb); end
--if (rgb[chan] < median) then blockB.push(rgb); end
if (rgb[chan]*rgbw[chan] >= median) then table.insert(blockA,rgb); end
if (rgb[chan]*rgbw[chan] < median) then table.insert(blockB,rgb); end
blocklist[maxblock] = blockA -- Can't be empty right?
if (#blockB > 0) then
analyzeBlock(blocklist[#blocklist],qual,quant,rgbw,qualnorm,quantnorm,quantpow) -- no -1 on blocklist
res = false
return res -- false = no split
------------ eof MEDIAN CUT --------------------------
-- ------------- MEDIAN REDUX V1.0 ------------
-- Divide space by greatest distance of any two colors (rather than MC-method of any given channel)
-- Basically it allows colorspace to be sliced at any angles rather than the "boxing" of MC.
-- by Richard 'DawnBringer' Fhager
-- pal: [[r,g,b,i,h]] Pallist (h = histogram/pixelcount)
-- cnum: Target number of colors in reduced palette
-- (step:) 1.. Pixel picks for processing, 1 = all pixels in image, best and slowest. 2 = 25% of pixels
-- qual: Flag Qualitative color selection (Normal mode)
-- quant: Flag Quantative color/pixel selection (Histogram) 100% mean that it count as much as quality
-- (One of or both qual/quant must be selected)
-- rgbw: [3] RGB-weights []. Weigh the color channels. ex: [0.26, 0.55, 0.19]
-- bits: 1-8 Bits used for each color channel in palette
-- quantpow: 0..1 Quantity vs Quality (put weight into histogram/pixelcount)
-- briweight: 0..1 Brightness distance weight in colordistance
-- proxweight: 0..1 Primary Proximity distance weight in colordistance (ColorTheory-WIP: compensate for brightness of individual channels, the "extra power" of primary colors)
-- return: A palette! A list of [r,g,b] values
-- NOTE: Quantity will act as a counterforce to altered colorspace (weights)...
-- Ex: if Green is considered bigger, it will be split into more blocks
-- but each blocks will have less colors and thus less quantity.
-- Perceptual colorspace (rgb-weights) will generally produce the best quality of palettes, but if
-- It's desirable to preserve stronger colors, esp. in small palettes,
-- it can be good to just use nominal space: 0.33, 0.33, 0.33
-- Histogram may be useful to assign more colors to an object that already covers most of the image,
-- however; if the object of interest is small in relation to a large (unimportant) background, it's
-- usually best not to have any histogram at all. Histogram will dampen strong infrequent colors.
function db.medianRedux(pal,cnum,qual,quant,rgbw,bits,quantpow, briweight, proxweight) -- pal[r,g,b,i,pixelcount]
local n,x,y,xs,ys,rgb,blocklist,blocks
local len,res,chan,diff,maxdiff,maxblock,split
local qualnorm, quantnorm,count
blocklist = {}
blocklist[1] = {}; blocks = 1
count = 0
for n=1, #pal, 1 do
blocklist[1][n] = pal[n];
count = count + pal[n][5]
-- Normalize 256 for quality/quantity relationship
qualnorm = 1 / math.sqrt(rgbw[1]^2 + rgbw[2]^2 + rgbw[3]^2)
quantnorm = 256 / count
-- Dist table
statusmessage("MR: Making Distance Table..."); updatescreen(); if (waitbreak(0)==1) then return; end
local dy,c,r1,g1,b1,i1,i2
dt = {}
for n=1, #pal, 1 do
c = pal[n]
r1,g1,b1,i1 = c[1],c[2],c[3],c[4]
dt[i1+1] = {}
for m=1, #pal, 1 do
dt[i1+1][pal[m][4]+1] = db.getColorDistanceProx(r1,g1,b1,pal[m][1],pal[m][2],pal[m][3],rgbw[1],rgbw[2],rgbw[3],qualnorm, proxweight, briweight) -- pri/bri
statusmessage("MR: Analyzing Block 1..."); updatescreen(); if (waitbreak(0)==1) then return; end
statusmessage("MR: Analyzing Blocks..."); updatescreen(); if (waitbreak(0)==1) then return; end
failsafe = 0
while (blocks < cnum and failsafe < 256) do
failsafe = failsafe + 1
maxdiff = -1
maxblock = -1
for n=1, blocks, 1 do
diff = blocklist[n].diff
if (diff > maxdiff) then maxdiff = diff; maxblock = n; end -- maxchan is stored as .chan in block
split = r_splitBlock(dt,blocklist,maxblock,qual,quant,rgbw,qualnorm,quantnorm,quantpow)
if (split == false) then messagebox("Only found "..blocks.." (24-bit) colors!"); break; end
blocks = #blocklist
statusmessage("MR: "..blocks); updatescreen(); if (waitbreak(0)==1) then return; end
end -- while
return r_blocks2Palette(blocklist,bits)
function r_blocks2Palette(blocklist,bits)
local n,r,g,b,c,pal,block,rgb,blen,M,dB,cB,rf,gf,bf
M = math
pal = {}
--bits = 1
dB = M.pow(2,8-bits)
cB = M.ceil(255 / (M.pow(2,bits) - 1))
for n=1, #blocklist, 1 do
block = blocklist[n]
r,g,b = 0,0,0
blen = #block
for c=1, blen, 1 do
rgb = block[c]
r = r + rgb[1]
g = g + rgb[2]
b = b + rgb[3]
rf = M.floor(M.min(255,M.max(0,M.floor(r/blen))) / dB) * cB
gf = M.floor(M.min(255,M.max(0,M.floor(g/blen))) / dB) * cB
bf = M.floor(M.min(255,M.max(0,M.floor(b/blen))) / dB) * cB
pal[n] = {rf, gf, bf} -- col is avg. of all colors in block
end -- blocklist
return pal
function r_analyzeBlock(dt,block,qual,quant,rgbw,qualnorm,quantnorm,quantpow)
local r,g,b,n,m,rmin,gmin,bmin,rmax,gmax,bmax,rdif,gdif,bdif,chan,d,median,diff
local len,Mm,Mx,rgb,kv,qu
local maxdist,dist,r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,c1,c2,count
Mx,Mm = math.max, math.min
len = #block
rmin,gmin,bmin = 255,255,255
rmax,gmax,bmax = 0,0,0
maxdist,c1,c2,count = 0,-1,-1,0
for n=1, len, 1 do
rgb1 = block[n]
count = count + rgb1[5] -- pixelcount for color
for m=n+1, len, 1 do
rgb2 = block[m]
--dist = db.getColorDistanceProx(r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,0.26,0.55,0.19,1.569, 0.1, 0.25) -- pri/bri
dist = dt[rgb1[4]+1][rgb2[4]+1]
if dist > maxdist then
maxdist = dist
c1 = rgb1[4]+1
c2 = rgb2[4]+1
-- quantity and quality are normalized to 256 (256 is the total of colors in the set for quantity)
-- Note that, regardless of forumla, quality (distance) must always be greater in any block than quantity (colors/pixels)
-- Coz a block may contain many of only 1 unique color, thus rendering it impossible to split if selected.
kv = 1
qu = 1
if (quant) then kv = math.pow(1 + count*quantnorm*quantpow, 0.5); end
if (qual) then qu = maxdist * qualnorm; end
diff = qu*(1-quantpow) + qu*kv
block.chan = -1
block.diff = diff
block.median = -1
block.c1 = c1
block.c2 = c2
return {diff,len}
function r_splitBlock(dt,blocklist,maxblock,qual,quant,rgbw,qualnorm,quantnorm,quantpow)
local n,cmax,median,blockA,blockB,len,cB,block,rgb,res
local c1,c2,dist1,dist2,medr,medg,medb,r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,rgb1,rgb2
blockA,blockB = {},{}
block = blocklist[maxblock]
res = true
--chan = block.chan
--median = block.median
c1 = block.c1
c2 = block.c2
--rgb1 = block[c1]
--r1,g1,b1 = rgb1[1],rgb1[2],rgb1[3]
--rgb2 = block[c2]
--r2,g2,b2 = rgb2[1],rgb2[2],rgb2[3]
--medr = (r1+r2)/2
--medg = (g1+g2)/2
--medb = (b1+b2)/2
cB = blocklist[maxblock] -- maxblock starts at 1 when called so it should not hava a +1
len = #cB
if len < 2 then return false; end
for n=1, len, 1 do
rgb = cB[n]
dist1 = dt[rgb[4]+1][c1]
dist2 = dt[rgb[4]+1][c2]
if (dist1 <= dist2)
then table.insert(blockA,rgb);
if (dist1 > dist2) then
blocklist[maxblock] = blockA -- Can't be empty right?
if (#blockB > 0) then
r_analyzeBlock(dt,blocklist[#blocklist],qual,quant,rgbw,qualnorm,quantnorm,quantpow) -- no -1 on blocklist
res = false
return res -- false = no split
------------ eof MEDIAN REDUX --------------------------
-- ... eof Custom Color / Palette functions ...
-- *****************************
-- *** Custom Draw functions ***
-- *****************************
function db.line(x1,y1,x2,y2,c) -- Coords should be integers or broken lines are possible
local n,st,m,xd,yd; m = math
st = m.max(1,m.abs(x2-x1),m.abs(y2-y1));
xd = (x2-x1) / st
yd = (y2-y1) / st
for n = 0, st, 1 do
putpicturepixel(m.floor(x1 + n*xd), m.floor(y1 + n*yd), c );
function db.lineTransp(x1,y1,x2,y2,c,amt) -- amt: 0-1, 1 = Full color
local n,st,m,x,y,r,g,b,r1,g1,b1,c2,org; m = math
org = 1 - amt
st = m.max(1,m.abs(x2-x1),m.abs(y2-y1));
for n = 0, st, 1 do
x = m.floor(x1+n*(x2-x1)/st)
y = m.floor(y1+n*(y2-y1)/st)
r,g,b = getcolor(getpicturepixel(x,y))
r1,g1,b1 = getcolor(c)
c2 = matchcolor(r1*amt+r*org, g1*amt+g*org, b1*amt+b*org)
putpicturepixel(x, y, c2 );
function db.drawBrushRectangle(x1,y1,w,h,c)
local x,y
for y = y1, y1+h-1, 1 do
for x = x1, x1+w-1, 1 do
function db.drawRectangle(x1,y1,w,h,c)
local x,y
for y = y1, y1+h-1, 1 do
for x = x1, x1+w-1, 1 do
function db.drawRectangleNeg(x1,y1,w,h,c)
local x,y,xs,ys
xs = db.sign(w)
ys = db.sign(h)
if xs == 0 then xs = 1; end
if ys == 0 then ys = 1; end
for y = y1, y1+h-1, ys do
for x = x1, x1+w-1, xs do
function db.drawRectangleLine(x,y,w,h,c)
w = w-1
h = h-1
function db.drawRectangleMix(x1,y1,w,h,c1,c2)
local x,y,c,n
c = {c1,c2}
n = 0
for y = y1, y1+h-1, 1 do
n = n + 1
for x = x1, x1+w-1, 1 do
n = n + 1
function db.drawCircle(x1,y1,r,c) -- ok, lottsa weird adjustments here, can probably be optimized...
local x,y,d,r5,r25,r2,xr5,yr5
r5,r25,r2,xr5,yr5 = r+0.5,r-0.25,r*2, x1-r-0.5, y1-r-0.5
for y = 0, r2, 1 do
for x = 0, r2, 1 do
d = math.sqrt((x-r5)^2 + (y-r5)^2)
if d < r25 then putpicturepixel(x + xr5, y + yr5,c); end
function db.drawBrushCircle(x1,y1,r,c) -- ok, lottsa weird adjustments here, can probably be optimized...
local x,y,d
for y = 0, r*2, 1 do
for x = 0, r*2, 1 do
d = math.sqrt((x-r-0.5)^2 + (y-r-0.5)^2)
if d < r-0.25 then putbrushpixel(x1+x-r-0.5,y1+y-r-0.5,c); end
-- Rotation in degrees
-- Step is # of line segments (more is "better")
-- a & b are axis-radius
function db.ellipse2(x,y,a,b,stp,rot,col)
local n,m=math,rad,al,sa,ca,sb,cb,ox,oy,x1,y1,ast
m = math; rad = m.pi/180; ast = rad * 360/stp;
sb = m.sin(-rot * rad); cb = m.cos(-rot * rad)
for n = 0, stp, 1 do
ox = x1; oy = y1;
sa = m.sin(ast*n) * b; ca = m.cos(ast*n) * a
x1 = x + ca * cb - sa * sb
y1 = y + ca * sb + sa * cb
--if (n > 0) then db.line(ox,oy,x1,y1,col); end
if (n > 0) then drawline(ox,oy,x1,y1,col); end
var ER = 0.3
var DR = 0.15
function ellipse(x,y,r,stp,rot){
var n,deg=360,m=Math,rad=Math.PI/180,rn
var ox,oy,x1,y1,x2,y2,d1,r1 = ER * xx
for (n=0; n<=deg; n+=stp){
ox = x2; oy = y2, rn = rad * n
d1 = rn - rot
x1 = x + m.sin(d1) * r
y1 = y + m.cos(d1) * r
x2 = x1 + m.sin(-rn) * r1
y2 = y1 + m.cos(-rn) * r1
if (n > 0){ line_rgb(MX,[0,0,0],0,ox,oy,x2,y2) }
function ellipse2(x,y,a,b,stp,rot,rgb,transp){
var n,m=Math,rad=m.PI/180,al,sa,ca,sb,cb,ox,oy,x1,y1
sb = m.sin(-rot * rad); cb = m.cos(-rot * rad)
for (n=0; n<=stp; n++){
ox = x1; oy = y1; al = rad * 360/stp * n
sa = m.sin(al) * b; ca = m.cos(al) * a
x1 = x + ca * cb - sa * sb
y1 = y + ca * sb + sa * cb
if (n > 0){ line_rgb(MX,rgb,transp,ox,oy,x1,y1) }
function db.obliqueCube(side,x,y,r,g,b,bri,cols)
local n,c,depth,x1,y1,x2,y2,f
asscols = false
if cols >= 0 and cols<250 then
asscols = true
c = cols; setcolor(cols,r,g,b); cols = cols + 1
cP50 = cols; q = bri*0.5; setcolor(cols,r+q,g+q,b+q); cols = cols + 1;
cP75 = cols; q = bri*0.75; setcolor(cols,r+q,g+q,b+q); cols = cols + 1;
cM50 = cols; q = -bri*0.5; setcolor(cols,r+q,g+q,b+q); cols = cols + 1;
cM100= cols; q = -bri; setcolor(cols,r+q,g+q,b+q); cols = cols + 1;
f = matchcolor
if asscols == false then
c = f(r,g,b)
cP50 = f(r+bri*0.5,g+bri*0.5,b+bri*0.5)
cP75 = f(r+bri*0.75,g+bri*0.75,b+bri*0.75)
cM50 = f(r-bri*0.5,g-bri*0.5,b-bri*0.5)
cM100 = f(r-bri,g-bri,b-bri)
depth = math.floor(side / 2)
for n = 0, depth-1, 1 do
for n = 0, depth-1, 1 do
-- /
-- Smoothing & Shade
-- /
return cols
function db.obliqueCubeBRI(side,x,y,r,g,b,bri,pallist,briweight,index_flag)
local n,c,depth,x1,y1,x2,y2
--f = db.getBestPalMatchHYBRID
c = db.getBestPalMatchHYBRID({r,g,b}, pallist, briweight, index_flag)
cP50 = db.getBestPalMatchHYBRID({r+bri*0.5,g+bri*0.5,b+bri*0.5}, pallist, briweight, index_flag)
cP75 = db.getBestPalMatchHYBRID({r+bri*0.75,g+bri*0.75,b+bri*0.75}, pallist, briweight, index_flag)
cM50 = db.getBestPalMatchHYBRID({r-bri*0.5,g-bri*0.5,b-bri*0.5}, pallist, briweight, index_flag)
cM100 = db.getBestPalMatchHYBRID({r-bri,g-bri,b-bri}, pallist, briweight, index_flag)
depth = math.floor(side / 2)
for n = 0, depth-1, 1 do
for n = 0, depth-1, 1 do
-- /
-- Smoothing & Shade
-- /
function db.fillTriangle(p,fcol,lcol,fill,wire) -- p = list of 3 points
local n,x,y,x1,x2,y1,y2,xf,yf,len,mr
mr = math.floor
-- Convert to screen/matrix-coordinates
--if (mode == 'percent') then xf = xx / 100; yf = yy / 100; end
--if (mode == 'fraction') then xf = xx; yf = yy; end
--if (mode ~= 'absolute') then screenilizeTriangle(p,xf,yf); end
if (fill) then
local Ax,Ay,Bx,By,Cx,Cy,xd,a,b,yc,ABdy,BCdy,ABix,BCix,ACix
xd = {}
--sort(p,1) -- Find top and middle y-point
Ay = p[1][2]; Ax = p[1][1]
By = p[2][2]; Bx = p[2][1]
Cy = p[3][2]; Cx = p[3][1]
ABdy = By - Ay
BCdy = Cy - By
ABix = (Bx - Ax) / ABdy
BCix = (Cx - Bx) / BCdy
ACix = (Cx - Ax) / (Cy - Ay)
a=1; b=2;
if (ACix < ABix) then a=2; b=1; end
for y = 0, ABdy-1, 1 do -- Upper -1
xd[a] = mr(Ax + ABix * y)
xd[b] = mr(Ax + ACix * y)
yc = y+Ay;
for x=xd[1], xd[2], 1 do
a=1; b=2;
if (BCix < ACix) then a=2; b=1; end
for y = 0, BCdy, 1 do -- Lower
xd[a] = mr(Cx - BCix * y);
xd[b] = mr(Cx - ACix * y)
yc = Cy-y;
for x = xd[1], xd[2], 1 do
end -- eof fill
if (wire) then
for n = 0, 2, 1 do -- Outline
x1 = p[n+1][1]; y1 = p[n+1][2]
x2 = p[1 + (n+1) % 3][1]; y2 = p[1 + (n+1) % 3][2]
end -- eof fillTriangle
-- ... eof Custom Draw functions ...
-- ******************************
-- *** Filters & Convolutions ***
-- ******************************
function db.applyConvolution2Pic(convmx,divisor,bias,neg,amt)
local r,g,b,mx,my,cx,cy,mxh,myh,mp,rb,gb,bb,xx,yy,x,y,w,h,div,n1,n2,amtr,ro,go,bo
n1 = 1
n2 = bias
if neg == 1 then
n1 = -1
n2 = 255 + bias
amtr = 1 - amt
w, h = getpicturesize()
cy = #convmx
cx = #convmx[1]
mxh = math.floor(cx / 2) + 1
myh = math.floor(cy / 2) + 1
for y = 0, h-1, 1 do
for x = 0, w-1, 1 do
r,g,b = 0,0,0
ro,go,bo = getcolor(getbackuppixel(x,y))
div = divisor
for my = 1, cy, 1 do
for mx = 1, cx, 1 do
xp = mx-mxh
yp = my-myh
mp = convmx[my][mx]
xx = x + xp
yy = y + yp
if yy>=0 and yy<h and xx>=0 and xx<w then
rb,gb,bb = getcolor(getbackuppixel(xx,yy))
r = r + rb * mp
g = g + gb * mp
b = b + bb * mp
else div = div - mp -- Assumes divisor is the sum of the convolution matrix
r = ro*amtr + (n2 + (n1 * r) / div)*amt -- +bias
g = go*amtr + (n2 + (n1 * g) / div)*amt
b = bo*amtr + (n2 + (n1 * b) / div)*amt
updatescreen(); if (waitbreak(0)==1) then return; end
-- ... eof Filters & Convolutions ...
-- *****************************
-- *** Fractals etc. ***
-- *****************************
-- Fractal Pattern V1.0 by Richard Fhager (mod allows for wrapping)
-- Pattern matrix example: {{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1}}
function db.pattern(x,y,p,n,i) -- coord as fraction of 1, pattern, offset(0), iterations (1-15)
local px,py
py = #p
px = #p[1]
while ((p[1+math.abs(math.floor(y*py))%py][1+math.abs(math.floor(x*px))%px]) > 0 and n<i) do
n = n+1
return 1 - n/i;
function db.patternDec(x,y,p,n,i) -- coord as fraction of 1, pattern, offset(0), iterations (1-15)
local px,py,spfrac,nfrac,fx,fy
spfrac = 1
nfrac = 0
py = #p
px = #p[1]
while (spfrac > 0 and n<i) do
fy = math.floor(math.abs(y*py))%py
fx = math.floor(math.abs(x*px))%px
spfrac = p[fy+1][fx+1]
if (spfrac>0) then
x = x*px - fx
y = y*py - fy
nfrac = nfrac + spfrac
n = n+1
--return 1 - n/i;
return 1 - nfrac/i
function db.mandel(x,y,l,r,o,i) -- pos. as fraction of 1, left coord, right coord, y coord, iterations
local w,s,a,p,q,n,v,w
a = l + s*x;
p = a;
b = o - s*(y-0.5);
q = b;
n = 1;
v = 0;
w = 0;
while (v+w<4 and n<i) do n=n+1; v=p*p; w=q*q; q=2*p*q+b; p=v-w+a; end;
return n
-- ... eof Fractals etc. ...
-- ********************************************
-- *** Color Cube / Space, Custom Functions ***
-- ********************************************
-- SHADES (sha): 24bit colors is too complex so we operate with less shades/bits/colors.
-- 16 shades = 12bit = 16*16*16 = 4096 colors (or cubic-elements)
-- 32 shades = 15bit = 32*32*32 = 32768 colors
-- data: {color available flag, 0 (gravity/distance, calculated, init as zero)}
function db.initColorCube(sha,data)
local ary,z,y,x,n
ary = {}
for z = 0, sha-1, 1 do
ary[z+1] = {}
for y = 0, sha-1, 1 do
ary[z+1][y+1] = {}
if data ~= nil then
for x = 0, sha-1, 1 do
-- This is silly stupid, if you know how to assign one array to another (no ref), plz help!
-- i.e. how to: data = {false,0}; myArray[z][y][x] = data.
ary[z+1][y+1][x+1] = {}
for n = 1, #data, 1 do
ary[z+1][y+1][x+1][n] = data[n]
return ary
function db.findVoid(cube,sha) -- void is point with longest distance to closest color
local weakest,weak_i,x,y,z,c,w
weakest = -1
weak_i = {-1,-1,-1}
for z = 0, sha-1, 1 do
for y = 0, sha-1, 1 do
for x = 0, sha-1, 1 do
c = cube[z+1][y+1][x+1]
if c[1] == true then
w = c[2]
if w > weakest then weakest = w; weak_i = {z,y,x}; end
return weak_i[1],weak_i[2],weak_i[3]
-- Nearest color version: void is selected by the point that has the greatest distance
-- to the nearest color. Higher value means greater void.
function db.addColor2Cube(cube,sha,r,g,b,rw,gw,bw)
local star,x,y,z,d,rd,gd,bd,cu1,cu2
star = 0
cube[r+1][g+1][b+1] = {false, star}
for z = 0, sha-1, 1 do
rd = (rw*(z-r))^2
cu2 = cube[z+1]
for y = 0, sha-1, 1 do
gd = (gw*(y-g))^2
cu1 = cu2[y+1]
for x = 0, sha-1, 1 do
d = rd + gd + (bw*(x-b))^2
--cube[z+1][y+1][x+1][2] = math.min(d, cube[z+1][y+1][x+1][2]) -- Don't add, use nearest color
cu1[x+1][2] = math.min(d, cu1[x+1][2])
-- Should be same as original, but not 100% verified. Using a rgb+1 trick to speed up handling
function db.addColor2Cube_test(cube,sha,r,g,b,rw,gw,bw)
local star,x,y,z,d,rd,gd,bd,cu1,cu2
star = 0
r = r+1; g = g+1; b = b+1
cube[r][g][b] = {false, star}
for z = 1, sha, 1 do
rd = (rw*(z-r))^2
cu2 = cube[z]
for y = 1, sha, 1 do
gd = (gw*(y-g))^2
cu1 = cu2[y]
for x = 1, sha, 1 do
cu1[x][2] = math.min(rd+gd+(bw*(x-b))^2, cu1[x][2])
-- Create new allowed colorlines in colorspace (ramps from which colors can be picked)
function db.enableRangeColorsInCube(cube,sha,r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2)
local div,r,g,b,n,rs,gs,bs
div = 256 / sha
rs = (r2 - r1) / sha / div
gs = (g2 - g1) / sha / div
bs = (b2 - b1) / sha / div
for n = 0, sha-1, 1 do
r = math.floor(r1/div + rs * n)
g = math.floor(g1/div + gs * n)
b = math.floor(b1/div + bs * n)
cube[r+1][g+1][b+1][1] = true
function db.colorCigarr(shades,radius,fill_flag)
local s,rad,radsq,step,shalf,bas,cols,found,x,y,z,bri,con,d,n
radius = radius / 100
step = math.floor(255 / (shades-1))
shalf = math.floor(shades / 2)
s = shades - 1
rad = math.floor(shades / 2 * radius)
radsq = rad^2
bas = 0
cols = {}
found = 0
for z = 0, s, 1 do
for y = 0, s, 1 do
for x = 0, s, 1 do
bri = (x + y + z ) / 3
--bri = math.sqrt(((x*0.26)^2 + (y*0.55)^2 + (z*0.19)^2)) * 1.5609
con = math.floor((shades - math.abs(bri - shalf)*2) * radius)
d = math.floor(math.sqrt((bri-x)^2 + (bri-y)^2 + (bri-z)^2))
--d = math.floor(math.sqrt(((bri-x)*0.26)^2 + ((bri-y)*0.55)^2 + ((bri-z)*0.19)^2)) * 1.5609
-- Filled cigarr: Less or Equal, cigarr shell: Equal
if d == con or (d < con and fill_flag) then
found = found + 1
r = bas + x * step
g = bas + y * step
b = bas + z * step
cols[found] = {r,g,b}
end; end; end
--messagebox("Colors found: "..found.."\n\n".."Run AnalyzePalette to examine")
for n = 0, 255, 1 do
if n < found then
c = cols[n+1]
end -- eof colorcigarr
-- ... eof Color Cube ...
-- Returns a list of mixcolors palette entries, that are ranked by by quality & usefulness
-- This whole junk my partly locked on 16 shades (4096 colors/ 12bit palette precision) so don't use anything else...
function db.colormixAnalysis(sha,spare_flag,cust_dist) -- Interface
local shades,pallist,ilist,custom_max_distance
shades = sha -- 16 is good
custom_max_distance = -1
if cust_dist ~= null then
custom_max_distance = cust_dist -- in %
if spare_flag == true then -- No shades here for now
--pallist = db.makePalListShadeSPARE(256,shades) -- 16 shades so Colorcube processes is possible
pallist = db.makeSparePalList(256)
pallist = db.fixPalette(pallist,0) -- Remove doubles, No need to sort?
ilist = db.makeIndexList(pallist, -1) -- -1, use list order as index
pallist = db.makePalListShade(256,shades) -- 16 shades so Colorcube processes is possible
pallist = db.fixPalette(pallist,0) -- Remove doubles, No need to sort?
ilist = db.makeIndexList(pallist, -1) -- -1, use list order as index
if shades > 0 then
return db.colormixAnalysisEXT(shades,pallist,ilist,custom_max_distance) -- max distance in %
if shades == -1 then
return db.colormixAnalysisEXTnoshade(pallist,ilist,custom_max_distance) -- max distance in %
function db.colormixAnalysisEXT(SHADES,pallist,ilist,custom_max_distance) -- Shades, most number of mixes returned
local n,m,c1,c2,pairs,cube,rm,gm,bm
local mix,total,found,dist,void,ideal,mini,maxi,bestmix,bestscore
--messagebox("will now make pairs")
pairs = db.pairsFromList(ilist,0) -- 0 for unique pairs only, pairs are entries in pallist
--messagebox(#pairs.." will now add colors to cube")
cube = db.initColorCube(SHADES,{true,9999})
for n = 1, #pallist, 1 do
c1 = pallist[n]
-- these values are adjusted for a 12bit palette (0-15) and perceptual weight where r+g+b = 1.0
-- Ideal distance = 2.5 Green steps = 1.375
-- Minimum distance = 1 Green step = 0.55
--messagebox("colorcube done")
VACT = 1
DACT = 1
total = 9.56 -- Max distance possible with 16 shades
ideal = 0.45 -- 1 step = 0.637
mini = 0.35
maxi = ideal + (total - ideal) / math.max(1, #pallist / 16)
if custom_max_distance ~= -1 then
maxi = total * (custom_max_distance / 100)
mix = {}
--mix[1] = {9e99,0,0,9e99,0,0,0}
bestmix = -1
bestscore = 9e99
found = 0
for n = 1, #pairs, 1 do
c1 = pallist[pairs[n][1]]
c2 = pallist[pairs[n][2]]
dist = db.getColorDistance_weight(c1[1],c1[2],c1[3],c2[1],c2[2],c2[3],0.26,0.55,0.19) -- Not normalized
rm = math.floor((c1[1]+c2[1])/2)
gm = math.floor((c1[2]+c2[2])/2)
bm = math.floor((c1[3]+c2[3])/2)
-- Mix color adjustment (perhaps less than perfect, but probably good enough)
mixbri = db.getBrightness(rm,gm,bm)
truebri = math.sqrt((db.getBrightness(c1[1],c1[2],c1[3])^2 + db.getBrightness(c2[1],c2[2],c2[3])^2) / 2)
diff = truebri - mixbri
rm = math.max(0,math.min(15,math.floor(rm + diff)))
gm = math.max(0,math.min(15,math.floor(gm + diff)))
bm = math.max(0,math.min(15,math.floor(bm + diff)))
newbri = db.getBrightness(rm,gm,bm)
delta = math.abs(newbri - truebri)
--if delta > 0.9 then
-- messagebox(pallist[pairs[n][1]][4]..", "..pallist[pairs[n][2]][4].." delta = "
--rm = math.floor(math.sqrt((c1[1]^2 + c2[1]^2) / 2))
--gm = math.floor(math.sqrt((c1[2]^2 + c2[2]^2) / 2))
--bm = math.floor(math.sqrt((c1[3]^2 + c2[3]^2) / 2))
void = cube[rm+1][gm+1][bm+1][2]
if dist >= mini and dist <= maxi then
found = found + 1
score = ((1+DACT*(dist - ideal)^2) / (1+void*VACT)) -- Lowest is best
mix[found] = {score,pallist[pairs[n][1]][4],pallist[pairs[n][2]][4],dist,rm*SHADES,gm*SHADES,bm*SHADES,c1[1]*SHADES,c1[2]*SHADES,c1[3]*SHADES,c2[1]*SHADES,c2[2]*SHADES,c2[3]*SHADES} -- mix holds palette entry
if score < bestscore then bestscore = score; bestmix = found; end
if true == false then
-- 2nd pass, add bestmix to colorspace. This reduces many similar mixes.
m = mix[bestmix]
for n = 1, #mix, 1 do
if n ~= bestmix then
m = mix[n]
dist = m[4]
void = cube[m[5]+1][m[6]+1][m[7]+1][2]
score = ((1+DACT*(dist - ideal)^2) / (1+void*VACT))
m[1] = score
c1,c2 = -1,-1
if found > 0 then
best = mix[1]
c1 = best[2]
c2 = best[3]
--return found,c1,c2
return mix,found,c1,c2
-- Mixcolor without colorcube - no scoring or sorting, 24bit colors, faster...
function db.colormixAnalysisEXTnoshade(pallist,ilist,custom_max_distance)
local n,m,c1,c2,pairs,cube,rm,gm,bm
local mix,total,found,dist,void,ideal,mini,maxi,bestmix,bestscore
pairs = db.pairsFromList(ilist,0) -- 0 for unique pairs only, pairs are entries in pallist
total = 162.53 -- Max distance possible with 24-bit palette ad Dawn3.0 color weights 162.53
ideal = 0
mini = 0
maxi = ideal + (total - ideal) / math.max(1, #pallist / 16)
if custom_max_distance ~= -1 then
maxi = total * (custom_max_distance / 100)
statusmessage("Mixcol Analysis ("..#pairs.." pairs) ");
updatescreen(); if (waitbreak(0)==1) then return; end
mix = {}
found = 0
for n = 1, #pairs, 1 do
c1 = pallist[pairs[n][1]]
c2 = pallist[pairs[n][2]]
dist = db.getColorDistance_weight(c1[1],c1[2],c1[3],c2[1],c2[2],c2[3],0.26,0.55,0.19) -- Not normalized
rm = math.floor((c1[1]+c2[1])/2)
gm = math.floor((c1[2]+c2[2])/2)
bm = math.floor((c1[3]+c2[3])/2)
-- Mix color adjustment
mixbri = db.getBrightness(rm,gm,bm)
truebri = math.sqrt((db.getBrightness(c1[1],c1[2],c1[3])^2 + db.getBrightness(c2[1],c2[2],c2[3])^2) / 2)
diff = truebri - mixbri
rm = math.max(0,math.min(255,math.floor(rm + diff)))
gm = math.max(0,math.min(255,math.floor(gm + diff)))
bm = math.max(0,math.min(255,math.floor(bm + diff)))
newbri = db.getBrightness(rm,gm,bm)
delta = math.abs(newbri - truebri)
--if delta > 0.9 then
-- messagebox(pallist[pairs[n][1]][4]..", "..pallist[pairs[n][2]][4].." delta = "
if dist >= mini and dist <= maxi then
found = found + 1
score = 1
mix[found] = {score,pallist[pairs[n][1]][4],pallist[pairs[n][2]][4],dist,rm,gm,bm,c1[1],c1[2],c1[3],c2[1],c2[2],c2[3]} -- mix holds palette entry
return mix,found,-1,-1
-- Fuse a palettelist into an extended mix-anlysis list
function db.fusePALandMIX(pal,mix,max_score,max_dist)
local n,c,mixlist,tot,score,dist,c1,c2,rm,gm,bm
mixlist = {}
tot = 0
-- {r,g,b,n}
for n = 1, #pal, 1 do
tot = tot + 1
c = pal[n]
mixlist[tot] = {0,c[4],c[4],0,c[1],c[2],c[3],c[1],c[2],c[3],c[1],c[2],c[3]}
-- {score,col#1,col#2,dist,rm,gm,bm} low score is best
for n = 1, #mix, 1 do
score = mix[n][1]
dist = mix[n][4]
if score <= max_score and dist <= max_dist then
tot = tot + 1
mixlist[tot] = mix[n]
return mixlist
-- ********************************************
-- *** L-system (fractal curves & "plants") ***
-- ********************************************
function db.Lsys_makeData(a)
local n,i; i = {}
for n = 1, #a, 1 do i[a[n][2]] = a[n]; end
return i
function db.Lsys_makeSet(seed,iter,data)
local s,n,i,nset,set
set = seed
for n = 1, iter, 1 do
nset = ''
for i = 1, #set, 1 do
s = string.sub(set,i,i)
nset =[s][3]
set = nset
return set
function db.Lsys_draw(set,data,cx,cy,size,rot,rgb,rng,transp, speed)
local p,M,DEG,l,n,d,i,v,q,c,tx,ty,posx,posy,dval,col,w,h,s,cl,count
if speed == nil then speed = 50; end -- speed is drawing operations per update
function ang(d) return (d % 360 + 360) * DEG; end
w,h = getpicturesize()
p = 0
M = math
DEG = math.pi/180
l = #set
posx={}; posy={}; dval={}
if (rgb == null) then rgb = {0,0,0}; end
if (transp == null) then transp = 0; end
col = db.newArrayMerge(rgb,{})
q = 255 / l
count = 0
for n = 1, l, 1 do
s = string.sub(set,n,n)
d = data[s]
i = d[1]
v = d[4]
if (i == 'Left') then rot = rot - v; end
if (i == 'Right') then rot = rot + v; end
if (i == 'Save') then p=p+1; posx[p] = cx; posy[p] = cy; dval[p] = rot; end
if (i == 'Load') then cx = posx[p]; cy = posy[p]; rot = dval[p]; p=p-1; end
if (i == 'Draw') then
tx = cx + M.sin(ang(rot)) * size
ty = cy + -M.cos(ang(rot)) * size
for c = 1, 3, 1 do
if (rng[c] > 0) then col[c] = rgb[c] + (n * q) * rng[c]; end
if (rng[c] < 0) then col[c] = rgb[c] + (n * q) * rng[c]; end
cl = matchcolor(col[1],col[2],col[3])
cx = tx; cy = ty
count = count + 1
if count == speed then count = 0; updatescreen(); if (waitbreak(0)==1) then return end; end
return {cx,cy,rot}
end -- draw
-- eof L-system
-- ********************************************
-- ********************************************
-- Render engine for mathscenes (Full Floyd-Steinberg dither etc)
function db.fsrender(f,pal,ditherprc,xdith,ydith,percep,xonly, ord_bri,ord_hue,bri_change,hue_change,BRIWEIGHT, wd,ht,ofx,ofy) -- f is function
local w,h,i,j,c,x,y,r,g,b,d,fl,v,v1,v2,vt,vt1,vt2,dither,m,mathfunc,dpow,fsdiv,ord,d1a,d1b,briweight
local d1,d2,o1,o2,ox,oy
-- percep is no longer used, matchcolor2 is always active, but the code is kept if there's ever a need to
-- study the effect of perceptual colorspaces versus matchcolor
if ord_bri == null then ord_bri = 0; end
if ord_hue == null then ord_hue = 0; end
if bri_change == null then bri_change = 0; end
if hue_change == null then hue_change = 0; end
if BRIWEIGHT == null then BRIWEIGHT = 0; end
briweight = BRIWEIGHT / 100
ord = {{0,4,1,5},
--i = ((ord[y % 4 + 1][x % 4 + 1])*28.444 - 99.55556)/100 * 16
function hue(r,g,b,deg)
local i,brin,diff,brio,r2,g2,b2
r2,g2,b2 = db.shiftHUE(r,g,b,deg)
brio = db.getBrightness(r,g,b)
for i = 0, 5, 1 do -- 6 iterations, fairly strict brightness preservation
brin = db.getBrightness(r2,g2,b2)
diff = brin - brio
r2,g2,b2 = db.rgbcap(r2-diff, g2-diff, b2-diff, 255,0)
return r2,g2,b2
fsdiv = 16
if xonly == 1 then fsdiv = 7; end -- Only horizontal dither
dither = 0; if ditherprc > 0 then dither = 1; end
-- When using standard error-diffusion brightness-matching is not really compatible
--matchfunc = matchcolor2
--if dither == 1 then matchfunc = matchcolor; end
dpow = ditherprc / 100
if wd == null then
w,h = getpicturesize()
else w = wd; h = ht
if ofx == null then
ox,oy = 0,0
else ox = ofx; oy = ofy
function cap(v)
return math.min(255,math.max(0,v))
fl = {}
fl[1] = {}
fl[2] = {}
i = 1
j = 2
-- Read the first 2 lines
v1 = ydith/2 + 0%2 * -ydith
v2 = ydith/2 + 1%2 * -ydith
for x = 0, w - 1, 1 do
d1a,d1b = 0,0
if ord_bri > 0 then
o1 = ord[0 % 4 + 1][x % 4 + 1]
d1a = (o1*28.444 - 99.55556)/100 * ord_bri
o2 = ord[1 % 4 + 1][(x+2) % 4 + 1] -- +2 To get it in right sequence for some reason
d1b = (o2*28.444 - 99.55556)/100 * ord_bri
-- We skip Hue-ordering for now
vt1 = v1 + xdith/2 + (x+math.floor(0/2))%2 * -xdith + d1a
vt2 = v2 + xdith/2 + (x+math.floor(1))%2 * -xdith + d1b -- Ok, not sure why 1/2 doesn't make for a nice pattern so we just use 1
r,g,b = f(x, 0, w, h)
fl[i][x] = {cap(r+vt1),cap(g+vt1),cap(b+vt1)}
r,g,b = f(x, 1, w, h)
fl[j][x] = {cap(r+vt2),cap(g+vt2),cap(b+vt2)}
for y = 0, h-1, 1 do
for x = 0, w-1, 1 do
o = fl[i][x]
r = o[1] + bri_change
g = o[2] + bri_change
b = o[3] + bri_change
if hue_change ~= 0 then
r,g,b = hue(r,g,b,hue_change)
--if percep == 0 then c = matchfunc(r,g,b); end
--if percep == 1 then
-- --c = db.getBestPalMatchHYBRID({r,g,b},pal,0,true)
--c = matchcolor2(r,g,b,briweight)
c = matchcolor2(r,g,b,briweight)
if dither == 1 then
if x>1 and x<w-1 and y<h-1 then
rn,gn,bn = getcolor(c)
re = ((r - rn) / fsdiv) * dpow
ge = ((g - gn) / fsdiv) * dpow
be = ((b - bn) / fsdiv) * dpow
o = fl[i][x+1]; r,g,b = o[1],o[2],o[3]
fl[i][x+1] = {cap(r+re*7), cap(g+ge*7), cap(b+be*7)}
if xonly ~= 1 then
o = fl[j][x]; r,g,b = o[1],o[2],o[3]
fl[j][x] = {cap(r+re*5), cap(g+ge*5), cap(b+be*5)}
o = fl[j][x-1]; r,g,b = o[1],o[2],o[3]
fl[j][x-1] = {cap(r+re*3), cap(g+ge*3), cap(b+be*3)}
o = fl[j][x+1]; r,g,b = o[1],o[2],o[3]
fl[j][x+1] = {cap(r+re), cap(g+ge), cap(b+be)}
vt = 0
v = ydith/2 + y%2 * -ydith
-- Flip ED lines and read the nextline
i,j = j,i
for x = 0, w - 1, 1 do
d1,d2 = 0,0
if ord_bri > 0 then
o = ord[y % 4 + 1][x % 4 + 1]
d1 = (o*28.444 - 99.55556)/100 * ord_bri
vt = v + xdith/2 + (x+math.floor(y/2))%2 * -xdith + d1
r,g,b = f(x, y+2, w, h)
if ord_hue > 0 then
o = ord[y % 4 + 1][x % 4 + 1]
d2 = (((o + 3.5) % 7) / 7 - 0.5) * ord_hue
r,g,b = hue(r,g,b,d2)
fl[j][x] = {cap(r+vt),cap(g+vt),cap(b+vt)}
updatescreen(); if (waitbreak(0)==1) then return; end
-- ROTATE Image or Brush
-- target: 1 = Brush, 2 = Picture, 3 = Brush-to-Picture
-- rot: Rotation in degrees
-- mode: 1 = Simple, 2 = Cosine Interpolation, 2 = BiLinear Interpolation
-- spritemode: 0 = Off, 1 = On (Only match adjacent colors, use with Bilinear-Ip. for good result)
-- resize: 0 = No, 1 = Yes (Resize Image/Brush to fit all gfx, otherwise clip)
-- update: 0 = No, 1 = Yes (Update screen while drawing)
-- xoffset: For use with Brush-to-Picture operations
-- yoffset: For use with Brush-to-Picture operations
function db.doRotation(target,rot,mode,spritemode,resize,update, xoffset,yoffset)
local trg,f,w,h,x,y,r,g,b,c,hub_x,hub_y,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,dX,dY,dXs,dYs,ox,oy,mx,my,xp,yp,pal,func
function donothing(n)
func = {
{getsize=getbrushsize, setsize=setbrushsize, clear=donothing, get=getbrushbackuppixel, put=putbrushpixel},
{getsize=getpicturesize, setsize=setpicturesize, clear=clearpicture, get=getbackuppixel, put=putpicturepixel},
{getsize=getbrushsize, setsize=donothing, clear=donothing, get=getbrushbackuppixel, put=putpicturepixel}
trg = func[target]
function bilinear(ox,oy,w,h,func,mode)
local xp1,xp2,yp1,yp2,r1,r2,r3,r4,g1,g2,g3,g4,b1,b2,b3,b4,r,g,b, c1,c2,c3,c4,pal,adjx,adjy
xp2 = ox - math.floor(ox)
yp2 = oy - math.floor(oy)
if mode == 1 then -- Cosinus curve (rather than linear), slightly sharper result (probably same as Photoshop)
xp2 = 1 - (math.cos(xp2 * math.pi) + 1)/2
yp2 = 1 - (math.cos(yp2 * math.pi) + 1)/2
xp1 = 1 - xp2
yp1 = 1 - yp2
c1 = func(math.floor(ox),math.floor(oy));
c2 = func(math.ceil(ox),math.floor(oy));
c3 = func(math.floor(ox),math.ceil(oy));
c4 = func(math.ceil(ox),math.ceil(oy));
r1,g1,b1 = getcolor(c1);
r2,g2,b2 = getcolor(c2);
r3,g3,b3 = getcolor(c3);
r4,g4,b4 = getcolor(c4);
pal = {{r1,g1,b1,c1},{r2,g2,b2,c2},{r3,g3,b3,c3},{r4,g4,b4,c4}} -- for SpriteMode ColorMatching
r = (r1*xp1 + r2*xp2)*yp1 + (r3*xp1 + r4*xp2)*yp2;
g = (g1*xp1 + g2*xp2)*yp1 + (g3*xp1 + g4*xp2)*yp2;
b = (b1*xp1 + b2*xp2)*yp1 + (b3*xp1 + b4*xp2)*yp2;
return r,g,b, pal
f = db.rotationFrac
w,h = trg.getsize()
hub_x = w / 2 - 0.5 -- Rotates 90,180 perfectly, not 45
hub_y = h / 2 - 0.5
--hub_x = w / 2
--hub_y = h / 2
x1,y1 = f (-rot,hub_x,hub_y,0,0) -- Rot is negative coz we read destination and write to source
x2,y2 = f (-rot,hub_x,hub_y,w-1,0)
x3,y3 = f (-rot,hub_x,hub_y,0,h-1)
x4,y4 = f (-rot,hub_x,hub_y,w-1,h-1)
dX = (x2 - x1) / w
dY = (y2 - y1) / w
dXs = (x4 - x2) / h
dYs = (y3 - y1) / h
adjx,adjy = 0,0
ox,oy = 0,0
if resize == 1 then
mx = math.ceil(math.max(math.abs(x1-hub_x),math.abs(x3-hub_x))) * 2 + 2
my = math.ceil(math.max(math.abs(y1-hub_y),math.abs(y3-hub_y))) * 2 + 2
if target == 3 then -- Center gfx at Brush-to-Picture
adjx = -mx/2
adjy = -my/2
ox = (mx - w) / 2
oy = (my - h) / 2
for y = -oy, h-1+oy, 1 do
RE,GE,BE = 0,0,0
for x = -ox, w-1+ox, 1 do
xp = x1 + dX * x + dXs * y
yp = y1 + dY * x + dYs * y
if mode == 2 or mode == 3 then
r,g,b,pal = bilinear(xp,yp,w,h,trg.get, mode_co)
if spritemode == 1 then
c = db.getBestPalMatchHYBRID({r+RE,g+GE,b+BE},pal,0.65,true) -- Brightness do very little in general with 4 set colors
else c = matchcolor2(r+RE,g+GE,b+BE)
else c = trg.get(xp,yp)
--rn,gn,bn = getcolor(c)
--RE = (r - rn)*0.5
--GE = (g - gn)*0.5
--BE = (b - bn)*0.5
trg.put(x+ox+xoffset+adjx,y+oy+yoffset+adjy, c)
if update == 1 then
statusmessage("Working... %"..math.floor(((y+oy) / (h-1+2*oy))*100))
updatescreen(); if (waitbreak(0)==1) then return; end
end; -- doRotation
-- PARTICLE v1.0
-- Draw Sphere or Disc to any target with gradients that may fade to background
-- type: "sphere" - volmetric planet-like disc
-- "disc" - plain disc
-- mode: "blend" - mix graphics with background color
-- "add" - add graphics to background color
-- wd,ht: - Max Width/Height of drawing area, i.e. screen size (needed if drawing to an array-buffer)
-- sx,sy: - drawing coordinates (center)
-- xrad,yrad: - x & y radii
-- rgba1: - rgb+alpha array of center color: {r,g,b,a}, alpha is 0..1 where 1 is no transparency, Extreme rgb-values allowed
-- rgba2: - rgb+alpha array of edge color: {r,g,b,a}, alpha is 0..1 where 1 is no transparency, Extreme rgb-values allowed
-- update_flag: - Display rendering option (and add break feature)
-- f_get: - Get pixel function: use getpicturepixel if reading from image (set null for image default)
-- f_put: - Put pixel function: use putpicturepixel if drawing to image (set null for image default)
-- f_recur: - Optional custom control-function for recursion (set null if not used)
-- recur_count - Recursion depth counter, for use in combination with a custom function (f_recur), 0 as default
-- Ex: particle("sphere","add", w,h, w/2,h/2, 40,40, {500,400,255, 0.8},{0,-150,-175, 0.0}, true, null, null, null, 0)
function db.particle(type,mode,wd,ht,sx,sy,xrad,yrad,rgba1,rgba2, update_flag, f_get, f_put, f_recur, recur_count)
local x,y,rev,dix,diy,r3,g3,b3,px,py,alpha,ralpha,add,q,rgb,rgb1,rgb2,rgb3,n,def_get,def_put
function def_get(x,y)
local r,g,b
r,g,b = getcolor(getpicturepixel(x,y));
return {r,g,b}
function def_put(x,y,r,g,b) putpicturepixel(x,y, matchcolor2(r,g,b,0.65)); end
if f_get == null then f_get = def_get; end
if f_put == null then f_put = def_put; end
q = {[true] = 1, [false] = 0}
rgb,rgb1,rgb2 = {},{},{}
if mode == 'blend' then
add = 1
if mode == 'add' then
add = 0
dix = xrad*2
diy = yrad*2
for y = 0, diy, 1 do
py = sy+y-yrad; oy = y / diy;
if (py >= 0 and py < ht) then
for x = 0, dix, 1 do
px = sx+x-xrad; ox = x / dix;
if (px >= 0 and px < wd) then
if type == 'sphere' then -- Sphere
a = math.sqrt(math.max(0,0.25 - ((0.5-ox)^2+(0.5-oy)^2))) * 2
if type == 'disc' then -- Disc
a = 1-math.sqrt((0.5-ox)^2+(0.5-oy)^2)*2
if a>0 then
rev = 1-a
rgb3 = f_get(px,py)
alpha = rgba1[4] * a + rgba2[4] * rev
ralpha = 1 - alpha * add
for n = 1, 3, 1 do
rgb1[n] = q[rgba1[n]==-1]*rgb3[n] + q[rgba1[n]~=-1]*rgba1[n] -- Fade from background?
rgb2[n] = q[rgba2[n]==-1]*rgb3[n] + q[rgba2[n]~=-1]*rgba2[n] -- Fade to background?
rgb[n] = (rgb1[n] * a + rgb2[n] * rev) * alpha + rgb3[n] * ralpha
f_put(px, py, rgb[1],rgb[2],rgb[3]);
end -- if x is good
end -- x
if update_flag then updatescreen(); if (waitbreak(0)==1) then return; end; end
end -- if y is good
end -- y
if f_recur ~= null then -- recursion
f_recur(type,mode,wd,ht,sx,sy,xrad,yrad,rgba1,rgba2, update_flag, f_get, f_put, f_recur, recur_count);
updatescreen(); if (waitbreak(0)==1) then return; end;
-- MedianCut a larger palette-list from a MathScene to produce a high-quality BriSorted palette for the final render/colormatching
function db.makeSamplePal(w,h,colors,frend)
local n,x,y,r,g,b,pal
n,pal = 0,{}
for y = 0, h, math.ceil(h/63) do
for x = 0, w, math.ceil(w/63) do
r,g,b = frend(x,y,w,h)
n = n+1
r,g,b = db.rgbcapInt(r,g,b,255,0)
pal[n] = {r,g,b,0}
return db.fixPalette(db.medianCut(pal, colors, true, false, {0.26,0.55,0.19}, 8, 0),1) -- pal, cols, qual, quant, weights, bits, quantpower
-- Backdrop/Gradient Render (May be written to a matrix for rendering with db.fsrender)
function db.backdrop(p0,p1,p2,p3,fput,ip_mode) -- points:{x,y,r,g,b}, IpMode "linear" is default
local x,y,ox,oy,xr,yr,r,g,b,ax,ay,w,h
ax,ay = p0[1],p0[2]
w = p1[1] - p0[1]
h = p2[2] - p0[2]
for y = 0, h, 1 do -- +1 to fill screen with FS-render
oy = y/h
if ip_mode == "cosine" then oy = 1 - (math.cos(oy * math.pi) + 1)/2; end
yr = 1 - oy
for x = 0, w, 1 do
ox = x/w
if ip_mode == "cosine" then ox = 1 - (math.cos(ox * math.pi) + 1)/2; end
xr = 1 - ox
r = (p0[3]*xr + p1[3]*ox)*yr + (p2[3]*xr + p3[3]*ox)*oy;
g = (p0[4]*xr + p1[4]*ox)*yr + (p2[4]*xr + p3[4]*ox)*oy;
b = (p0[5]*xr + p1[5]*ox)*yr + (p2[5]*xr + p3[5]*ox)*oy;
-- eof backdrop
function db.splinePoint(x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,points,point)
local x,y,sx1,sy1,sx2,sy2,f
f = point * 1 / points
sx1 = x0*(1-f) + x1*f
sy1 = y0*(1-f) + y1*f
sx2 = x1*(1-f) + x2*f
sy2 = y1*(1-f) + y2*f
x = sx1 * (1-f) + sx2 * f
y = sy1 * (1-f) + sy2 * f
return x,y
-- zx = 2*x1 - (x0+x2)/2
function db.drawSplineSegment(x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,points,col) -- Does spline segment p1-p2
local n,x,y,sx1,sy1,sx2,sy2,mid,zx1,zy1,zx2,zy2,fx,fy
mid = math.floor(points / 2)
-- Extended Bezier points
zx1 = 2*x1 - (x0+x2)/2
zy1 = 2*y1 - (y0+y2)/2
zx2 = 2*x2 - (x1+x3)/2
zy2 = 2*y2 - (y1+y3)/2
fx,fy = x1,y1 -- Segment to be drawn (0),1 - 2,(3)
for n = 0, mid, 1 do
f = n * 1 / points * 2
sx1,sy1 = db.splinePoint(x0,y0,zx1,zy1,x2,y2,mid*2, mid + n)
sx2,sy2 = db.splinePoint(x1,y1,zx2,zy2,x3,y3,mid*2, n)
x = sx1 * (1-f) + sx2 * f
y = sy1 * (1-f) + sy2 * f
fx,fy = x,y
-- eof Splines
0,0 → 1,138
-- Persistence library:
-- Memorize data for current function
-- and tab=memory.load()
-- The data will be stored in file called
-- <calling_function_name>.dat
-- in the lua directory
-- Example 1:
-- -- Load initial values or set defaults
-- arg = memory.load({picX=320,picY=200,scale=0})
-- -- Run an inputbox
-- OK,arg.picX,arg.picY,arg.scale = inputbox("Image Size")",
-- "Width", arg.picX, 1,2048,0,
-- "Height", arg.picY, 1,2048,0,
-- "Scale", arg.scale, 0,1,0);
-- if OK == true then
-- -- Save the selected values
-- end
-- Example 2:
-- -- Load initial values or set defaults
-- arg = memory.load({x=320,y=200,scale=0})
-- picX=arg.x
-- picY=arg.y
-- scale=arg.scale
-- -- Run an inputbox
-- OK,picX,picY,scale = inputbox("Image Size")",
-- "Width", picX, 1,2048,0,
-- "Height", picY, 1,2048,0,
-- "Scale", scale, 0,1,0);
-- if OK == true then
-- -- Save the selected values
-- end
memory =
serialize = function(o)
if type(o) == "number" then
return tostring(o)
elseif type(o) == "string" then
return string.format("%q", o)
--elseif type(o) == "table" then
-- io.write("{\n")
-- for k,v in pairs(o) do
-- io.write(" ", k, " = ")
-- memory.serialize(v)
-- io.write(",\n")
-- end
-- io.write("}\n")
error("cannot serialize a " .. type(o))
-- Return a string identifying the calling function.
-- Pass 1 for parent, 2 for grandparent etc.
callername = function(level)
local w
local last_slash
local info = debug.getinfo(level+1,"Sn")
local caller=tostring(
-- Function name if possible
if (caller~="nil") then
return caller
-- Otherwise, get file name, without extension
-- Get part after directory name
while true do
local pos = string.find(info.source, "/", last_slash+1)
if (pos==nil) then break end
while true do
local pos = string.find(info.source, "\\", last_slash+1)
if (pos==nil) then break end
caller=string.sub(info.source, last_slash+1)
-- Remove file extension
if (string.sub(caller,-4, -1)==".lua") then
caller=string.sub(caller, 1, -5)
return caller
-- Memorize some parameters.
save = function(o)
local caller=memory.callername(2)
--for k, v in pairs(o) do
-- messagebox(tostring(k))
-- messagebox(tostring(v))
local f, e =".dat", "w");
if (f ~= nil) then
f:write("Entry {\n")
for k, v in pairs(o) do
if (type(v)=="number") then
f:write(" "..k.."="..memory["serialize"](v)..",\n")
-- Recover some saved parameters.
load = function(o)
local caller=memory.callername(2)
local i
function Entry (b)
-- Adds (or replaces) values in arg with those from b
for k, v in pairs(b) do
local f = (loadfile(caller..".dat"))
if (f ~= nil) then
return o
return memory