Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 2299 → Rev 2300

122,7 → 122,8
add esi, ARP_ENTRY.size
loop .loop
dec ecx
jnz .loop
jmp .exit
161,7 → 162,7
DEBUGF 1,"ARP_Handler - start\n"
cmp ecx, 28
jl .exit
jb .exit
; Handle Reply packets
183,7 → 184,8
cmp [esi + ARP_ENTRY.IP], eax
je .gotit
add esi, ARP_ENTRY.size
loop .loop
dec ecx
jnz .loop
jmp .exit
349,7 → 351,7
test ecx, ecx ; first entry?
jz .add
cmp ecx, ARP_TABLE_SIZE ; list full ?
jge .error
jae .error
mov eax, dword[esi + ARP_ENTRY.MAC]
mov bx , word[esi + ARP_ENTRY.MAC + 4]
602,7 → 604,7
cmp ecx, [NumARP]
jge .error
jae .error
; edi = pointer to buffer
; ecx = # entry
imul ecx, ARP_ENTRY.size
622,7 → 624,7
; ecx = # entry
cmp ecx, [NumARP]
jge .error
jae .error
imul ecx, ARP_ENTRY.size
lea esi, [ARP_table + ecx]
call ARP_del_entry
597,7 → 597,7
DEBUGF 1,"IPv4_create_packet: size=%u\n", ecx
cmp ecx, 65500 ; Max IPv4 packet size
jg .too_large
ja .too_large
push ecx eax ebx dx di
673,7 → 673,7
DEBUGF 1,"IPv4_output_raw: size=%u ptr=%x socket=%x\n", ecx, esi, eax
cmp ecx, 1480 ;;;;;
jg .too_large
ja .too_large
sub esp, 8
push esi eax
761,7 → 761,7
and ecx, not 111b ; align 4
cmp ecx, IPv4_Packet.DataOrOptional + 8 ; must be able to put at least 8 bytes
jl .err2
jb .err2
push esi ecx
mov eax, [esi + IPv4_Packet.DestinationAddress]
846,7 → 846,7
DEBUGF 1,"Ipv4_fragment - bytes remaining: %u\n", ecx
cmp ecx, [esp+1*4]
jge .new_fragment
jae .new_fragment
mov [esp+4], ecx ; set fragment size to remaining packet size
jmp .new_fragment
64,7 → 64,7
DEBUGF 1,"ETH_input - size: %u\n", ecx
cmp ecx, 60 ; check packet length
jl .dump
jb .dump
sub ecx, ETH_FRAME.Data
lea edx, [eax + ETH_FRAME.Data]
110,7 → 110,7
DEBUGF 1,"ETH_output: size=%u device:%x\n", ecx, ebx
cmp ecx, [ebx + NET_DEVICE.mtu]
jg .exit
ja .exit
push ecx ; << 1
push di eax edx ; << 2
140,8 → 140,8
pop ecx ; >> 1
cmp edx, 60-1 ; minimum ethernet packet size
jle .adjust_size
cmp edx, 60 ; minimum ethernet packet size
jb .adjust_size
DEBUGF 1,"ETH_output: done: %x total size: %u\n", eax, edx
181,7 → 181,7
jg .error
ja .error
movzx eax, bh
shl eax, 2
44,7 → 44,7
macro add_to_queue ptr, size, entry_size, failaddr {
cmp [ptr + queue.size], size ; Check if queue isnt full
jge failaddr
jae failaddr
inc [ptr + queue.size] ; if not full, queue one more
54,7 → 54,7
lea ecx, [size*]
cmp edi, ecx ; entry size
jl .no_wrap
jb .no_wrap
sub edi, size*entry_size
79,7 → 79,7
lea ecx, [size*]
cmp esi, ecx ; entry size
jl .no_wrap
jb .no_wrap
sub esi, size*entry_size
216,17 → 216,17
pseudo_random eax
jl @r
jb @r
jg @r
ja @r
mov [last_UDP_port], ax
pseudo_random eax
jl @r
jb @r
jg @r
ja @r
mov [last_TCP_port], ax
240,7 → 240,7
align 4
cmp ebx, 9 ; highest possible number
jg @f
ja @f
jmp dword [sock_sysfn_table + 4*ebx]
cmp ebx, 255
372,7 → 372,7
jz s_error
cmp esi, 2
jl s_error
jb s_error
cmp word [edx], AF_INET4
je .af_inet4
393,7 → 393,7
DEBUGF 1,"af_inet4\n"
cmp esi, 6
jl s_error
jb s_error
push word [edx + 2]
pop word [eax + UDP_SOCKET.LocalPort]
430,7 → 430,7
jz s_error
cmp esi, 8
jl s_error
jb s_error
cmp word [edx], AF_INET4
je .af_inet4
577,7 → 577,7
cmp edx, MAX_backlog
jle @f
jbe @f
mov edx, MAX_backlog
665,7 → 665,7
cmp [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED ; state must be LISTEN, SYN_SENT or CLOSED
jl .free
jb .free
call TCP_output
mov dword [esp+32], 0
715,7 → 715,7
DEBUGF 1,"Got %u bytes of data\n", ecx
cmp ecx, ebx
jg .too_small
ja .too_small
push [esi + socket_queue_entry.buf_ptr] ; save the buffer addr so we can clear it later
mov esi, [esi + socket_queue_entry.data_ptr]
1119,7 → 1119,7
add [eax + RING_BUFFER.size], ecx
jg .too_large
ja .too_large
mov edi, [eax + RING_BUFFER.write_ptr]
1141,7 → 1141,7
pop ecx
cmp edi, [eax + RING_BUFFER.end_ptr]
jge .wrap
jae .wrap
mov [eax + RING_BUFFER.write_ptr], edi
1155,7 → 1155,7
mov ecx, SOCKET_MAXDATA ; calculate number of bytes available in buffer
sub ecx, [eax + RING_BUFFER.size]
jge .full
jae .full
mov [eax + RING_BUFFER.size], SOCKET_MAXDATA ; update size, we will fill buffer completely
jmp .copy
1185,7 → 1185,7
DEBUGF 1,"SOCKET_ring_read: ringbuff=%x ptr=%x size=%u\n", eax, edi, ecx
cmp ecx, [eax + RING_BUFFER.size]
jg .less_data
ja .less_data
mov esi, [eax + RING_BUFFER.read_ptr]
1234,12 → 1234,12
DEBUGF 1,"SOCKET_ring_free: %u bytes from ring %x\n", ecx, eax
sub [eax + RING_BUFFER.size], ecx
jl .sumthinwong
jb .sumthinwong
add [eax + RING_BUFFER.read_ptr], ecx
mov edx, [eax + RING_BUFFER.end_ptr]
cmp [eax + RING_BUFFER.read_ptr], edx
jl @f
jb @f
sub [eax + RING_BUFFER.read_ptr], SOCKET_MAXDATA
1468,7 → 1468,7
; Exit if backlog queue is full
mov eax, [ebx + SOCKET_QUEUE_LOCATION + queue.size]
cmp ax, [ebx + SOCKET.backlog]
jge .fail
jae .fail
; Allocate new socket
call SOCKET_alloc
274,7 → 274,7
mov eax, [NET_RUNNING]
jge .error
jae .error
; Check if device is already listed
339,7 → 339,7
DEBUGF 1,"NET_set_default %x\n", eax
jge .error
jae .error
cmp [NET_DRV_LIST+eax*4], 0
je .error
583,7 → 583,7
cmp bh, MAX_NET_DEVICES ; Check if device number exists
jge .doesnt_exist
jae .doesnt_exist
mov esi, ebx
and esi, 0x0000ff00
679,7 → 679,7
align 4
cmp bh, MAX_NET_DEVICES ; Check if device number exists
jge .doesnt_exist
jae .doesnt_exist
mov esi, ebx
and esi, 0x0000ff00
46,7 → 46,7
DEBUGF 1,"headersize=%u\n", eax
cmp eax, 20
jl .drop_not_locked
jb .drop_not_locked
; Now, re-calculate the checksum
66,7 → 66,7
DEBUGF 1,"Checksum is correct\n"
sub ecx, esi ; update packet size
jl .drop_not_locked
jb .drop_not_locked
DEBUGF 1,"we got %u bytes of data\n", ecx
73,7 → 73,7
; Check if this packet has a timestamp option (We do it here so we can process it quickly)
cmp esi, 20 + 12 ; Timestamp option is 12 bytes
jl .no_timestamp
jb .no_timestamp
je .is_ok
cmp byte [edx + TCP_segment.Data + 12], TCP_OPT_EOL ; end of option list
226,7 → 226,7
cmp edi, eax
jge .no_options
jae .no_options
cmp byte [edi], TCP_OPT_EOL ; end of option list?
jz .no_options
349,16 → 349,16
; This test is true only if the window is fully open, that is, the connection is not in the middle of slow start or congestion avoidance.
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND]
jl .not_uni_xfer
jb .not_uni_xfer
; - The acknowledgment field in the segment is less than or equal to the maximum sequence number sent.
mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX]
jg .not_uni_xfer
ja .not_uni_xfer
; - The acknowledgment field in the segment is greater than the largest unacknowledged sequence number.
sub eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
jle .not_uni_xfer
jbe .not_uni_xfer
DEBUGF 1,"Header prediction: we are sender\n"
527,10 → 527,10
mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ISS]
jle .drop_with_reset
jbe .drop_with_reset
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX]
jg .drop_with_reset
ja .drop_with_reset
test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_RST
559,7 → 559,7
mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber]
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA], eax
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
jle @f
jbe @f
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT], eax
576,7 → 576,7
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.ISS]
jle .simultaneous_open
jbe .simultaneous_open
test [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], TH_ACK
jz .simultaneous_open
660,7 → 660,7
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.RCV_NXT]
sub eax, [edx + TCP_segment.SequenceNumber]
jle .no_duplicate
jbe .no_duplicate
DEBUGF 1,"Uh oh.. %u bytes of duplicate data!\n", eax
673,7 → 673,7
inc [edx + TCP_segment.SequenceNumber]
cmp [edx + TCP_segment.UrgentPointer], 1
jle @f
jbe @f
dec [edx + TCP_segment.UrgentPointer]
jmp .dup_syn
687,7 → 687,7
; Check for entire duplicate packet
cmp eax, ecx
jge .duplicate
jae .duplicate
DEBUGF 1,"Going to drop %u out of %u bytes\n", eax, ecx
743,7 → 743,7
;;; TODO
sub [edx + TCP_segment.UrgentPointer], ax
jg @f
ja @f
and [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], not (TH_URG)
mov [edx + TCP_segment.UrgentPointer], 0
753,10 → 753,10
; Handle data that arrives after process terminates
cmp [ebx + SOCKET.PID], 0
jg @f
ja @f
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_CLOSE_WAIT
jle @f
jbe @f
test ecx, ecx
jz @f
777,12 → 777,12
; eax now holds the number of bytes to drop
jle .no_excess_data
jbe .no_excess_data
;;; TODO: update stats
cmp eax, ecx
jl .dont_drop_all
jb .dont_drop_all
;;; TODO 700-736
898,9 → 898,9
mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber]
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA], eax
jg .drop_with_reset
ja .drop_with_reset
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX]
jg .drop_with_reset
ja .drop_with_reset
;;; update stats
mov eax, ebx
931,7 → 931,7
mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
jg .not_dup_ack
ja .not_dup_ack
test ecx, ecx
jnz .reset_dupacks
943,7 → 943,7
DEBUGF 1,"Processing a duplicate ACK..\n"
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.timer_retransmission], 10000 ;;;;
jg @f
ja @f
mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
968,7 → 968,7
xor edx, edx
div [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
cmp eax, 2
jge @f
jae @f
mov ax, 2
mul [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
995,7 → 995,7
pop eax ; <<<<
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
jl @f
jb @f
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT], eax
1003,7 → 1003,7
jle .not_dup_ack
jbe .not_dup_ack
DEBUGF 1,"Increasing congestion window\n"
1028,9 → 1028,9
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SSTHRESH]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND]
jg @f
ja @f
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_dupacks], TCP_re_xmit_thresh
jle @f
jbe @f
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND], eax
1038,7 → 1038,7
mov eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX]
jle @f
jbe @f
;;; TODO: update stats
jmp .drop_after_ack
1084,7 → 1084,7
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
cmp esi, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_SSTHRESH]
jle @f
jbe @f
push edx
push eax
mul eax
1135,7 → 1135,7
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA], eax
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
jl @f
jb @f
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT], eax
1226,13 → 1226,13
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL1]
cmp eax, [edx + TCP_segment.SequenceNumber]
jl .update_window
jg @f
jb .update_window
ja @f
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL2]
cmp eax, [edx + TCP_segment.AckNumber]
jl .update_window
jg .no_window_update
jb .update_window
ja .no_window_update
mov eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WL2]
1241,7 → 1241,7
movzx eax, [edx + TCP_segment.Window]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND]
jle .no_window_update
jbe .no_window_update
1258,7 → 1258,7
; ;; mov eax, tiwin
; cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND]
; jle @f
; jbe @f
; ;;; update stats
1266,7 → 1266,7
mov eax, dword [edx + TCP_segment.Window]
cmp eax, [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.max_sndwnd]
jle @f
jbe @f
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.max_sndwnd], eax
mov [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND], eax
1306,7 → 1306,7
movzx eax, [edx + TCP_segment.UrgentPointer]
add eax, [ebx + STREAM_SOCKET.rcv + RING_BUFFER.size]
jle .not_urgent
jbe .not_urgent
mov [edx + TCP_segment.UrgentPointer], 0
and [edx + TCP_segment.Flags], not (TH_URG)
1336,7 → 1336,7
jnz .process_fin
cmp [ebx + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_FIN_WAIT_1
jge .dont_do_data
jae .dont_do_data
test ecx, ecx
jz .final_processing
41,7 → 41,7
mov ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_idle]
cmp ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_rxtcur]
jle .not_idle
jbe .not_idle
; We have been idle for a while and no ACKS are expected to clock out any data we send..
; Slow start to get ack "clock" running again.
56,7 → 56,7
mov ecx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_WND] ; determine window
cmp ecx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND] ;
jl @f ;
jb @f ;
mov ecx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_CWND] ;
@@: ;
76,7 → 76,7
jnz .no_zero_window
cmp ebx, [eax + STREAM_SOCKET.snd + RING_BUFFER.size]
jge @f
jae @f
and dl, not (TH_FIN) ; clear the FIN flag ??? how can it be set before?
95,7 → 95,7
mov esi, [eax + STREAM_SOCKET.snd + RING_BUFFER.size]
cmp esi, ecx
jl @f
jb @f
mov esi, ecx
sub esi, ebx
132,7 → 132,7
; Send one segment at a time (124)
cmp esi, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
jle @f
jbe @f
mov esi, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
176,11 → 176,11
mov ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.max_sndwnd]
shr ebx, 1
cmp esi, ebx
jge .send
jae .send
mov ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
cmp ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX]
jl .send
jb .send
205,7 → 205,7
mov ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UP] ; when urgent pointer is beyond start of send bufer
cmp ebx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA]
jg .send
ja .send
test dl, TH_FIN
jz .enter_persist ; no reason to send, enter persist state
347,7 → 347,7
add esi, edi ; total TCP segment size
cmp esi, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
jle .no_overflow
jbe .no_overflow
mov esi, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_maxseg]
445,7 → 445,7
mov edx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
cmp edx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX]
jle @f
jbe @f
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_MAX], edx
;;;; TODO: time transmission (420)
455,7 → 455,7
; set retransmission timer if not already set, and not doing an ACK or keepalive probe
cmp [eax + TCP_SOCKET.timer_retransmission], 1000 ;;;;
jl .retransmit_set
jb .retransmit_set
cmp edx, [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_UNA] ; edx = [eax + TCP_SOCKET.SND_NXT]
je .retransmit_set
131,7 → 131,7
DEBUGF 1,"TCP_drop\n"
cmp [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_SYN_RECEIVED
jl .no_syn_received
jb .no_syn_received
mov [eax + TCP_SOCKET.t_state], TCPS_CLOSED