Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 5166 → Rev 5171

0,0 → 1,183
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01'
dd 0x1
dd start
dd i_end
dd mem,stacktop
dd 0,cur_dir_path
include '../../../../../../programs/'
include '../../../../../../programs/'
include '../../../../../../programs/develop/libraries/box_lib/load_lib.mac'
include '../../../../../../programs/'
include '../'
align 4
load_library name_tgl, cur_dir_path, library_path, system_path, \
err_message_found_lib, head_f_l, import_lib_tinygl, err_message_import, head_f_i
cmp eax,-1
jz button.exit
mcall 40,0x27
stdcall [kosglMakeCurrent], 10,10,300,225,ctx1
stdcall [glEnable], GL_DEPTH_TEST
stdcall [glGenLists],1
mov [obj1],eax
stdcall [glNewList],eax,GL_COMPILE
stdcall [glColor3f],1.0, 0.0, 0.0
stdcall [glBegin],GL_LINE_LOOP
stdcall [glVertex3f], 0, 0.9, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], 0.636, 0.636, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], 0.9, 0.0, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], 0.636, -0.636, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], 0.0, -0.9, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], -0.636,-0.636, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], -0.9, 0.0, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], -0.636, 0.636, 0.1
call [glEnd]
stdcall [glColor3f],0.0, 0.0, 1.0
stdcall [glBegin],GL_LINE_LOOP
stdcall [glVertex3f], 0.0, 1.1, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], 0.778, 0.778, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], 2.1, 0.0, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], 0.778, -0.778, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], 0.0, -1.1, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], -0.778, -0.778, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], -2.1, 0.0, 0.1
stdcall [glVertex3f], -0.778, 0.778, 0.1
call [glEnd]
call [glEndList]
call draw_3d
align 4
call draw_window
align 4
mcall 10
cmp al,1
jz red_win
cmp al,2
jz key
cmp al,3
jz button
jmp still
align 4
mcall 12,1
mov edx,0x33ffffff ;0x73ffffff
mcall 0,(50 shl 16)+330,(30 shl 16)+275,,,caption
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
mcall 12,2
align 4
mcall 2
cmp ah,27 ;Esc
je button.exit
;178 ;Up
;177 ;Down
cmp ah,176 ;Left
jne @f
fld dword[angle_z]
fadd dword[delt_size]
fstp dword[angle_z]
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
cmp ah,179 ;Right
jne @f
fld dword[angle_z]
fsub dword[delt_size]
fstp dword[angle_z]
call draw_3d
stdcall [kosglSwapBuffers]
jmp still
align 4
mcall 17
cmp ah,1
jne still
mcall -1
align 4
caption db 'Test tinygl library, [Esc] - exit, [<-] and [->] - rotate',0
align 4
ctx1 db 28 dup (0) ;TinyGLContext or KOSGLContext
;sizeof.TinyGLContext = 28
align 4
stdcall [glClear], GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT + GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT ;очистим буфер цвета и глубины
stdcall [glPushMatrix]
stdcall [glRotatef], [angle_z],0.0,0.0,1.0
stdcall [glScalef], 0.3,0.3,0.3
stdcall [glCallList],[obj1]
stdcall [glPopMatrix]
align 4
angle_z dd 0.0
delt_size dd 3.0
obj1 dd ?
align 4
macro E_LIB n
n dd sz_#n
include '../'
dd 0,0
macro E_LIB n
sz_#n db `n,0
include '../'
system_path db '/sys/lib/'
name_tgl db 'tinygl.obj',0
err_message_found_lib db 'Sorry I cannot load library tinygl.obj',0
head_f_l db 'System error',0
err_message_import db 'Error on load import library tinygl.obj',0
rb 1024
rb 4096
rb 4096
15,21 → 15,17
align 4
proc endSharedState uses eax ebx, context:dword
mov ebx,[context]
mov ebx,[ebx+offs_cont_shared_state]
; int i;
; for(i=0;i<MAX_DISPLAY_LISTS;i++) {
; /* TODO */
; }
stdcall gl_free, dword[ebx] ;lists
stdcall gl_free, dword[ebx+4] ;texture_hash_table
stdcall gl_free, dword[ebx+offs_cont_shared_state] ;lists
stdcall gl_free, dword[ebx+offs_cont_shared_state+4] ;texture_hash_table
align 4
proc glInit uses eax ebx ecx edx, zbuffer1:dword
; int i;
stdcall gl_zalloc,sizeof.GLContext
mov dword[gl_ctx],eax
mov edx,eax
33,45 → 33,75
shl ebx,2
add eax,ebx
mov eax,[eax]
if DEBUG ;find_list
push edi
mov ecx,80
lea edi,[buf_param]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_nl,2
stdcall dbg_print,f_find_l,buf_param
pop edi
end if
;static void delete_list(GLContext *c,int list)
; GLParamBuffer *pb,*pb1;
; GLList *l;
; l=find_list(c,list);
align 4
proc delete_list uses eax ebx ecx edx, context:dword, list:dword
mov ebx,[context]
stdcall find_list,ebx,[list]
mov edx,eax
; assert(l != NULL);
; /* free param buffer */
; pb=l->first_op_buffer;
; while (pb!=NULL) {
; pb1=pb->next;
; gl_free(pb);
; pb=pb1;
; }
; free param buffer
mov eax,[edx] ;eax = GLList.first_op_buffer
cmp eax,0
je .end_w
mov ecx,[eax+offs_gpbu_next]
stdcall gl_free,eax
mov eax,ecx
jmp @b
; gl_free(l);
; c->shared_state.lists[list]=NULL;
stdcall gl_free,edx
mov ecx,[list]
shl ecx,2
mov ebx,[ebx+offs_cont_shared_state] ;ebx = &context.shared_state.lists
add ebx,ecx
mov dword[ebx],0 ;=NULL
;static GLList *alloc_list(GLContext *c,int list)
; GLList *l;
; GLParamBuffer *ob;
align 4
proc alloc_list uses ebx ecx, context:dword, list:dword
stdcall gl_zalloc,sizeof.GLParamBuffer
mov ecx,eax
stdcall gl_zalloc,sizeof.GLList
; l=gl_zalloc(sizeof(GLList));
; ob=gl_zalloc(sizeof(GLParamBuffer));
mov dword[ecx+offs_gpbu_next],0 ;
mov dword[eax],ecx ;l.first_op_buffer=ob
; ob->next=NULL;
; l->first_op_buffer=ob;
mov dword[ecx+offs_gpbu_ops],OP_EndList ;ob.ops[0].op=OP_EndList
; ob->ops[0].op=OP_EndList;
mov ebx,[context]
mov ebx,[ebx+offs_cont_shared_state]
mov ecx,[list]
shl ecx,2
add ebx,ecx
mov [ebx],eax ;context.shared_state.lists[list]=l
if DEBUG ;alloc_list
push edi
mov ecx,80
lea edi,[buf_param]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
; c->shared_state.lists[list]=l;
; return l;
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_nl,2
stdcall dbg_print,f_alloc_l,buf_param
pop edi
end if
;void gl_print_op(FILE *f,GLParam *p)
102,43 → 132,55
align 4
proc gl_compile_op uses eax ebx, context:dword, p:dword
mov eax,[context]
; int op,op_size;
; GLParamBuffer *ob,*ob1;
; int index,i;
proc gl_compile_op, context:dword, p:dword
mov edx,[context]
; op=p[0].op;
; op_size=op_table_size[op];
; index=c->current_op_buffer_index;
; ob=c->current_op_buffer;
lea ebx,[op_table_size]
mov ecx,[p]
mov ecx,[ecx]
shl ecx,2
add ecx,ebx
mov ecx,[ecx] ;ecx = кол-во параметров в компилируемой функции
mov ebx,[edx+offs_cont_current_op_buffer_index]
mov eax,[edx+offs_cont_current_op_buffer]
; /* we should be able to add a NextBuffer opcode */
; if ((index + op_size) > (OP_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE-2)) {
; we should be able to add a NextBuffer opcode
mov esi,ebx
add esi,ecx
cmp esi,(OP_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE-2)
jle @f
mov edi,eax
stdcall gl_zalloc,sizeof.GLParamBuffer
mov dword[eax+offs_gpbu_next],0 ;=NULL
; ob1=gl_zalloc(sizeof(GLParamBuffer));
; ob1->next=NULL;
mov dword[edi+offs_gpbu_next],eax
mov esi,ebx
shl esi,2
add esi,edi
mov dword[esi+offs_gpbu_ops],OP_NextBuffer
mov dword[esi+offs_gpbu_ops+4],eax
; ob->next=ob1;
; ob->ops[index].op=OP_NextBuffer;
; ob->ops[index+1].p=(void *)ob1;
mov dword[edx+offs_cont_current_op_buffer],eax
xor ebx,ebx
; c->current_op_buffer=ob1;
; ob=ob1;
; index=0;
; }
; for(i=0;i<op_size;i++) {
; ob->ops[index]=p[i];
; index++;
; }
; c->current_op_buffer_index=index;
mov esi,[p]
mov edi,ebx
shl edi,2
add edi,eax
inc ebx
loop @b
mov dword[edx+offs_cont_current_op_buffer_index],ebx
align 4
proc gl_add_op uses eax ebx ecx, p:dword ;GLParam*
if DEBUG ;gl_add_op
push edi esi
mov ebx,[p]
mov ebx,[ebx]
209,6 → 251,7
add ecx,ebx
call dword[ecx] ;op_table_func[op](c,p)
call gl_get_context
cmp dword[eax+offs_cont_compile_flag],0
je @f
stdcall gl_compile_op,eax,[p]
234,61 → 277,107
;void glopCallList(GLContext *c,GLParam *p)
; GLList *l;
; int list,op;
align 4
proc glopCallList uses eax ebx ecx edx edi, context:dword, p:dword
mov edx,[context]
mov ebx,[p]
; list=p[1].ui;
; l=find_list(c,list);
; if (l == NULL) gl_fatal_error("list %d not defined",list);
; p=l->first_op_buffer->ops;
stdcall find_list,edx,[ebx+4]
cmp eax,0
jne @f
;if (eax == NULL) gl_fatal_error("list %d not defined",[ebx+4])
mov edi,[eax] ;edi = &GLList.first_op_buffer.ops
; while (1) {
; op=p[0].op;
; if (op == OP_EndList) break;
; if (op == OP_NextBuffer) {
; p=(GLParam *)p[1].p;
; } else {
; op_table_func[op](c,p);
; p+=op_table_size[op];
; }
; }
align 4
.cycle_0: ;while (1)
if DEBUG ;glopCallList
push ecx edi
mov eax,[edi]
mov ecx,80
lea edi,[buf_param]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
;void glNewList(unsigned int list,int mode)
; GLList *l;
; GLContext *c=gl_get_context();
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_nl,2
stdcall dbg_print,txt_op,buf_param
pop edi ecx
end if
cmp dword[edi],OP_EndList
je .end_f ;if (op == OP_EndList) break
cmp dword[edi],OP_NextBuffer
jne .els_0 ;if (op == OP_NextBuffer)
mov edi,[edi+4] ;p=p[1].p
jmp .cycle_0
mov ecx,dword[edi] ;ecx = OP_...
shl ecx,2
lea ebx,[op_table_func]
add ecx,ebx
stdcall dword[ecx],edx,edi ;op_table_func[op](context,p)
mov ecx,dword[edi] ;ecx = OP_...
shl ecx,2
lea ebx,[op_table_size]
add ecx,ebx
mov ecx,[ecx]
shl ecx,2
add edi,ecx ;edi += op_table_size[op]
jmp .cycle_0
align 4
proc glNewList uses eax ebx, list:dword, mode:dword
call gl_get_context
mov ebx,eax
; assert(mode == GL_COMPILE || mode == GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE);
; assert(c->compile_flag == 0);
; l=find_list(c,list);
; if (l!=NULL) delete_list(c,list);
; l=alloc_list(c,list);
; c->current_op_buffer=l->first_op_buffer;
; c->current_op_buffer_index=0;
; c->compile_flag=1;
; c->exec_flag=(mode == GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE);
; assert(ebx->compile_flag == 0);
;void glEndList(void)
; GLContext *c=gl_get_context();
; GLParam p[1];
stdcall find_list,ebx,[list]
cmp eax,0
je @f
stdcall delete_list,ebx,[list]
stdcall alloc_list,ebx,[list]
mov eax,[eax] ;eax = GLList.first_op_buffer
mov [ebx+offs_cont_current_op_buffer],eax
mov dword[ebx+offs_cont_current_op_buffer_index],0
mov dword[ebx+offs_cont_compile_flag],1
xor eax,eax
cmp dword[mode],GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE
jne @f
inc eax ;eax = (mode == GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE)
mov [ebx+offs_cont_exec_flag],eax
align 4
proc glEndList uses eax ebx
p dd ?
call gl_get_context
; assert(c->compile_flag == 1);
; /* end of list */
; p[0].op=OP_EndList;
; gl_compile_op(c,p);
; end of list
mov dword[p],OP_EndList
mov ebx,ebp
sub ebx,4 ;=sizeof(dd)
stdcall gl_compile_op,eax,ebx
; c->compile_flag=0;
; c->exec_flag=1;
mov dword[eax+offs_cont_compile_flag],0
mov dword[eax+offs_cont_exec_flag],1
if DEBUG ;glEndList
stdcall dbg_print,f_end_l,txt_nl
end if
; eax = (find_list(gl_get_context,list) != NULL)
300,30 → 389,60
je @f
mov eax,1
if DEBUG ;glIsList
push edi
mov ecx,80
lea edi,[buf_param]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_nl,2
stdcall dbg_print,f_is_l,buf_param
pop edi
end if
;unsigned int glGenLists(int range)
; GLContext *c=gl_get_context();
; int count,i,list;
; GLList **lists;
align 4
proc glGenLists uses ebx ecx edx edi esi, range:dword
call gl_get_context
mov edi,eax
; lists=c->shared_state.lists;
; count=0;
; for(i=0;i<MAX_DISPLAY_LISTS;i++) {
; if (lists[i]==NULL) {
; count++;
; if (count == range) {
; list=i-range+1;
; for(i=0;i<range;i++) {
; alloc_list(c,list+i);
; }
; return list;
; }
; } else {
; count=0;
; }
; }
; return 0;
mov ebx,[eax+offs_cont_shared_state] ;ebx=context.shared_state.lists
xor edx,edx ;count=0
xor esi,esi
.cycle_0: ;for(esi=0;esi<MAX_DISPLAY_LISTS;esi++)
cmp dword[ebx],0 ;if (ebx[i]==NULL)
je .els_0
inc edx
cmp edx,[range] ;if (count == range)
jne .els_1
mov ecx,[range]
inc esi
sub esi,ecx ;esi = (esi-range+1)
.cycle_1: ;for(i=0;i<range;i++)
stdcall alloc_list,edi,esi
inc esi
loop .cycle_1
mov eax,esi
jmp .end_f
xor edx,edx ;count=0
add ebx,4
inc esi
loop .cycle_0
xor eax,eax
if DEBUG ;glGenLists
push edi
mov ecx,80
lea edi,[buf_param]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_nl,2
stdcall dbg_print,f_gen_l,buf_param
pop edi
end if
64,9 → 64,6
glTexCoord4d: ;(double ,double ,double, double )
glTexCoord4fv: ;(float *)
glTexCoord4dv: ;(double *)
glGenLists: ;(int range)
glNewList: ;(unsigned int list,int mode)
glEndList: ;(void)
glGenTextures: ;(int n, unsigned int *textures)
glDeleteTextures: ;(int n, const unsigned int *textures)
glGetIntegerv: ;(int pname,int *params)
74,12 → 71,12
; ***
align 4
txt_nl db 13,10,0
txt_sp db ' ',0
txt_op db 'Op_code',0
txt_zp_sp db ', ',0
m_1 db '(1)',13,10,0
m_2 db '(2)',13,10,0
159,6 → 156,11
f_cl1 db ' ClipLine1',0
f_m4m db 'gl_M4_Mul',0
f_m4ml db 'gl_M4_MulLeft',0
f_find_l db 'find_list',0
f_alloc_l db 'alloc_list',0
f_is_l db 'glIsList',0
f_gen_l db 'glGenLists',0
f_end_l db 'glEndList',0
align 4
proc dbg_print, fun:dword, mes:dword
130,9 → 130,12
next dd ? ;struct GLParamBuffer*
offs_gpbu_ops equ 0
offs_gpbu_next equ 4*OP_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE
struct GLList
first_op_buffer dd ? ;GLParamBuffer*
; /* TODO: extensions for an hash table or a better allocating scheme */
; TODO: extensions for an hash table or a better allocating scheme
struct GLVertex