Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 6614 → Rev 6767

1,2 → 1,3
if tup.getconfig("NO_FASM") ~= "" then return end
tup.rule("kolibri.asm", "fasm %f %o " .. tup.getconfig("KPACK_CMD"), "kolibri.dll")
tup.rule("kolibri.asm", "fasm %f %o " .. tup.getconfig("PESTRIP_CMD") .. tup.getconfig("KPACK_CMD"), "kolibri.dll")
16,9 → 16,13
parmbase@proc equ esp+4+loc+regcount*4
localbase@proc equ esp
fpo_localsize = loc
fpo_delta = 0
macro fpo_epilogue procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
if fpo_localsize
add esp, fpo_localsize
end if
irps reg, reglist \{ reverse pop reg \}
if flag and 10000b
26,3 → 30,57
retn parmbytes
end if
macro deflocal@proc name,def,[val]
deflocal@proc name#_unique_suffix,def,val
all@vars equ all@vars,name
name equ name#_unique_suffix+fpo_delta
macro defargs@proc [arg]
rawargs equ
srcargs equ arg
rawargs equ rawargs,arg#_unique_suffix
match =,tmp,rawargs \{
defargs@proc tmp
uniqargs equ args@proc
restore args@proc
args@proc equ uniqargs,srcargs
arg equ arg#_unique_suffix+fpo_delta
macro stdcall proc,[arg] ; directly call STDCALL procedure
{ common
fpo_delta_base = fpo_delta
if ~ arg eq
pushd arg
fpo_delta = fpo_delta + 4
end if
call proc
fpo_delta = fpo_delta_base
macro ccall proc,[arg] ; directly call CDECL procedure
{ common
fpo_delta_base = fpo_delta
size@ccall = 0
if ~ arg eq
pushd arg
fpo_delta = fpo_delta + 4
size@ccall = size@ccall+4
end if
call proc
if size@ccall
add esp, size@ccall
end if
fpo_delta = fpo_delta_base
fpo_delta = 0
10,7 → 10,6
FS_STACK_MAX equ dword [fs:4]
FS_STACK_MIN equ dword [fs:8]
FS_SELF_PTR equ dword [fs:0x18]
FS_PROCESS_DATA equ dword [fs:0x30]
FS_ERRNO equ dword [fs:0x34]
FS_SYSCALL_PTR equ dword [fs:0xC0]
40,8 → 39,10
environment dd ?
include ''
include ''
include ''
include ''
include ''
proc syscall_int40
75,10 → 76,6
epilogue@proc equ fpo_epilogue
proc start stdcall, dll_base, reason, reserved
exe_base dd ?
exe_path_size dd ?
; 1. Do nothing unless called by the kernel for DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH.
cmp [reason], DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
jnz .nothing
112,15 → 109,8
call fixup_pe_relocations
pop ecx
jc .die
; 2d. Allocate process data.
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 12
mov ecx, 0x1000
; 2e. Initialize process heap.
; 2d. Initialize process heap.
mov eax, [ebp+kernel_init_data.exe_base]
mov [exe_base], eax
mov edx, [eax+STRIPPED_PE_HEADER.SizeOfHeapReserve]
cmp word [eax], 'MZ'
jnz @f
128,6 → 118,43
mov edx, [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeapReserve]
; 2e. Allocate and fill MODULE structs for main exe and kolibri.dll.
mov eax, [ebp+kernel_init_data.exe_path]
inc eax
cmp byte [eax-1], 0
jnz @b
sub eax, [ebp+kernel_init_data.exe_path]
push eax
add eax, sizeof.MODULE
stdcall malloc, eax
test eax, eax
jz .die
mov ebx, eax
stdcall malloc, sizeof.MODULE + kolibri_dll.size
test eax, eax
jz .die
mov edx, modules_list
mov [], ebx
mov [], eax
mov [], edx
mov [edx+MODULE.prev], eax
mov [eax+MODULE.prev], ebx
mov [ebx+MODULE.prev], edx
push esi
mov esi, kolibri_dll
mov ecx, kolibri_dll.size
lea edi, [eax+MODULE.path]
rep movsb
pop esi
call init_module_struct
mov eax, ebx
mov esi, [ebp+kernel_init_data.exe_path]
pop ecx
lea edi, [ebx+MODULE.path]
rep movsb
mov esi, [ebp+kernel_init_data.exe_base]
call init_module_struct
; 2f. Copy rest of init struct and free memory.
; Parse command line to argc/argv here and move arguments to the heap
; in order to save memory: init struct and heap use different pages,
138,13 → 165,6
mov FS_STACK_MIN, eax
add eax, [ebp+kernel_init_data.stack_size]
mov FS_STACK_MAX, eax
mov eax, [ebp+kernel_init_data.exe_path]
inc eax
cmp byte [eax-1], 0
jnz @b
sub eax, [ebp+kernel_init_data.exe_path]
mov [exe_path_size], eax
mov esi, [ebp+kernel_init_data.command_line]
xor edx, edx
xor edi, edi
156,16 → 176,16
mov [.argc], ebx
sub esi, [ebp+kernel_init_data.command_line]
lea esi, [esi+(ebx+1)*4]
add esi, [exe_path_size]
stdcall malloc, esi
test eax, eax
jz .die
mov [.argv], eax
mov edx, eax
lea edi, [eax+ebx*4]
mov esi, [ebp+kernel_init_data.exe_path]
mov [edx], edi
lea edi, [eax+(ebx+1)*4]
mov eax, [modules_list +]
add eax, MODULE.path
mov [edx], eax
add edx, 4
mov ecx, [exe_path_size]
rep movsb
mov esi, [ebp+kernel_init_data.command_line]
call parse_cmdline
and dword [edx], 0 ; argv[argc] = NULL
174,16 → 194,48
mov ebx, 13
mov ecx, ebp
; 2g. Initialize mutex for list of MODULEs.
mov ecx, modules_mutex
call mutex_init
; 2h. For console applications, call console.dll!con_init with default parameters.
mov eax, [modules_list +]
mov esi, [eax+MODULE.base]
mov al, [esi+STRIPPED_PE_HEADER.Subsystem]
cmp byte [esi], 'M'
jnz @f
mov eax, [esi+3Ch]
mov al, byte [esi+eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.Subsystem]
jnz .noconsole
stdcall dlopen, console_dll, 0
test eax, eax
jz .noconsole
stdcall dlsym, eax, con_init_str
test eax, eax
jz .noconsole
mov edx, [modules_list +]
stdcall eax, -1, -1, -1, -1, [edx+MODULE.filename]
; 3. Configure modules: main EXE and possible statically linked DLLs.
mov esi, [exe_base]
mov eax, [.argv]
pushd [eax]
mov eax, [modules_list +]
mov esi, [eax+MODULE.base]
add eax, MODULE.path
push eax
call fixup_pe_relocations
pop ecx
jc .die
mutex_lock modules_mutex
mov esi, [modules_list +]
call resolve_pe_imports
mov ebx, eax
mutex_unlock modules_mutex
test ebx, ebx
jnz .die
; 4. Call exe entry point.
mov esi, [esi+MODULE.base]
mov edx, [esi+STRIPPED_PE_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint]
cmp word [esi], 'MZ'
cmp byte [esi], 'M'
jnz @f
mov ecx, [esi+IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew]
add ecx, esi
190,7 → 242,8
mov edx, [ecx+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint]
add edx, esi
add esp, fpo_localsize+4
pop ecx
mov [process_initialized], 1
call edx
; If exe entry point has returned control, die.
jmp .die
246,18 → 299,46
, mspace_realloc, 'mspace_realloc' \
, mspace_realloc_in_place, 'mspace_realloc_in_place' \
, mspace_memalign, 'mspace_memalign' \
, dlopen, 'dlopen' \
, dlclose, 'dlclose' \
, dlsym, 'dlsym' \
end data
kolibri_dll db 'kolibri.dll',0
kolibri_dll db '/rd/1/lib/kolibri.dll',0
.size = $ - kolibri_dll
console_dll db 'console.dll',0
con_init_str db 'con_init',0
msg_version_mismatch db 'S : Version mismatch between kernel and kolibri.dll',13,10,0
msg_bad_relocation1 db 'S : Bad relocation type in ',0
msg_bad_relocation db 'Bad relocation type in ',0
msg_newline db 13,10,0
msg_relocated1 db 'S : fixups for ',0
msg_relocated2 db ' applied',13,10,0
msg_noreloc1 db 'Module ',0
msg_noreloc2 db ' is not at preferred base and has no fixups',0
loader_debugboard_prefix db 'S : ',0
notify_program db '/rd/1/@notify',0
msg_cannot_open db 'Cannot open ',0
msg_paths_begin db ' in any of '
module_path1 db '/rd/1/lib/'
.size = $ - module_path1
db ', '
module_path2 db '/kolibrios/lib/'
.size = $ - module_path2
db ', ',0
msg_export_name_not_found db 'Exported function ',0
msg_export_ordinal_not_found db 'Exported ordinal #',0
msg_export_not_found db ' not found in module ',0
msg_unknown db '<unknown>',0
section '.data' data readable writable
section '.data' data readable writable
malloc_magic dd ?
end if
default_heap dd ?
modules_list rd 2
modules_mutex MUTEX
process_initialized db ?
98,8 → 98,7
macro set_default_heap
mov ebp, [ebp+0x18]
mov ebp, [default_heap]
295,8 → 294,7
mov [malloc_magic], eax
end if
stdcall create_mspace, edx, 1
mov [ecx+0x18], eax
mov [default_heap], eax
proc heap_corrupted
317,7 → 315,7
jz @f
inc esi
cmp esi, ebx
cmp esi, edx
jb @b
mov esi, heap_corrupted_msg
444,5 → 444,5
align 4
logfile dd ?
errno dd ?
FS_PROCESS_DATA = process_data
default_heap dd ?
process_data rd 1024
0,0 → 1,610
; Module management, non-PE-specific code.
; Works in conjuction with for PE-specific code.
; void* dlopen(const char* filename, int mode)
; Opens the module named filename and maps it in; returns a handle that can be
; passed to dlsym to get symbol values from it.
; If filename starts with '/', it is treated as an absolute file name.
; Otherwise, dlopen searches for filename in predefined locations:
; /rd/1/lib, /kolibrios/lib, directory of the executable file.
; The current directory is *not* searched.
; If the same module is loaded again with dlopen(), the same
; handle is returned. The loader maintains reference
; counts for loaded modules, so a dynamically loaded module is
; not deallocated until dlclose() has been called on it as many times
; as dlopen() has succeeded on it. Any initialization functions
; are called just once.
; If dlopen() fails for any reason, it returns NULL.
; mode is reserved and should be zero.
proc dlopen stdcall uses esi edi, file, mode
; find_module_by_name and load_module do all the work.
; We just need to acquire/release the mutex and adjust input/output.
cmp [mode], 0
jnz .invalid_mode
mutex_lock modules_mutex
mov edi, [file]
call find_module_by_name
test esi, esi
jnz .inc_refcount
call load_module
xor edi, edi
test eax, eax
jz .unlock_return
; The handle returned on success is module base address.
; Unlike pointer to MODULE struct, it can be actually useful
; for the caller as is.
mov edi, [eax+MODULE.base]
jmp .unlock_return
inc [esi+MODULE.refcount]
mov edi, [esi+MODULE.base]
mutex_unlock modules_mutex
mov eax, edi
xor eax, eax
; int dlclose(void* handle)
; Decrements the reference count on the dynamically loaded module
; referred to by handle. If the reference count drops to zero,
; then the module is unloaded. All modules that were automatically loaded
; when dlopen() was invoked on the module referred to by handle are
; recursively closed in the same manner.
; A successful return from dlclose() does not guarantee that the
; module has been actually removed from the caller's address space.
; In addition to references resulting from explicit dlopen() calls,
; a module may have been implicitly loaded (and reference counted)
; because of dependencies in other shared objects.
; Only when all references have been released can the module be removed
; from the address space.
; On success, dlclose() returns 0; on error, it returns a nonzero value.
proc dlclose stdcall uses esi, handle
; This function uses two worker functions:
; find_module_by_addr to map handle -> MODULE,
; dereference_module for the main work.
; Aside of calling these, we should only acquire/release the mutex.
mutex_lock modules_mutex
mov ecx, [handle]
call find_module_by_addr
test esi, esi
jz .invalid_handle
call dereference_module
mutex_unlock modules_mutex
xor eax, eax
mutex_unlock modules_mutex
xor eax, eax
inc eax
; void* dlsym(void* handle, const char* symbol)
; Obtains address of a symbol in a module.
; On failure, returns NULL.
; symbol can also be a number between 0 and 0xFFFF;
; it is interpreted as an ordinal of a symbol.
; Low 64K of address space are blocked for the allocation,
; so a valid pointer cannot be less than 0x10000.
; handle is not validated. Passing an invalid handle can result in a crash.
proc dlsym stdcall, handle, symbol
export_base dd ?
export_ptr dd ?
export_size dd ?
import_module dd 0
; Again, helper functions do all the work.
; We don't need to browse list of MODULEs,
; so we don't need to acquire/release the mutex.
; Unless the function is forwarded or module name is required for error message,
; but this should be processed by get_exported_function_*.
mov eax, [handle]
call prepare_import_from_module
mov ecx, [symbol]
cmp ecx, 0x10000
jb .ordinal
mov edx, -1 ; no hint for lookup in name table
call get_exported_function_by_name
call get_exported_function_by_ordinal
; Errors happen.
; Some errors should be reported to the user. Some errors are normal.
; After the process has been initialized, we don't know what an error
; should mean - is the failed DLL absolutely required or unimportant enhancement?
; So we report an error to the caller and let it decide how to handle it.
; However, when the process is initializing, there is no one to report to,
; so we must inform the user ourselves.
; In any case, write to the debug board - it is *debug* board, after all.
; This function is called whenever an error occurs in the loader.
; Except errors in malloc/realloc - they shouldn't happen anyway,
; and if they happened after all, we are screwed and likely will fail anyway,
; so don't bother.
; Variable number of arguments: strings to be concatenated, end with NULL.
proc loader_say_error c uses ebx esi, first_msg, ...
; 1. Concatenate all given strings to the final error message.
; 1a. Calculate the total length.
xor ebx, ebx
lea edx, [first_msg]
mov ecx, [edx]
test ecx, ecx
jz .length_done
inc ebx
inc ecx
cmp byte [ecx-1], 0
jnz @b
dec ebx
add edx, 4
jmp .get_length
inc ebx ; terminating zero
; 1b. Allocate memory. Exit if failed.
stdcall malloc, ebx
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
mov esi, eax
; 1c. Copy data.
lea edx, [first_msg]
mov ecx, [edx]
test ecx, ecx
jz .data_done
mov bl, [ecx]
test bl, bl
jz @f
mov [eax], bl
inc ecx
inc eax
jmp @b
add edx, 4
jmp .copy_data
mov byte [eax], 0 ; terminating zero
; 2. Print to the debug board.
mov ecx, loader_debugboard_prefix
call sys_msg_board_str
mov ecx, esi
call sys_msg_board_str
mov ecx, msg_newline
call sys_msg_board_str
; 3. If the initialization is in process, report to the user.
xor eax, eax
cmp [process_initialized], al
jnz .no_report
; Use @notify. Create structure for function 70.7 on the stack.
push eax ; to be rewritten with part of path
push eax ; to be rewritten with part of path
push eax ; reserved
push eax ; reserved
push esi ; command line
push eax ; flags: none
push 7
mov eax, 70
mov ebx, esp
mov dword [ebx+21], notify_program
add esp, 28
; Ignore any errors. We can't do anything with them anyway.
stdcall free, esi
; When the loader is initializing the process, errors can happen.
; They should be reported to the user.
; The main executable cannot do this, it is not initialized yet.
; So we should do it ourselves.
; However, after the process has been initialized, the main
; Helper function that is called whenever an error is occured.
; For now, we don't expect many modules in one process.
; So, all modules are linked into a single list,
; and lookup functions simply walk the entire list.
; This should be revisited if dozens of modules would be typical.
; This structure describes one loaded PE module.
; malloc'd from the default heap,
; includes variable-sized module path in the end.
struct MODULE
; All modules are linked in the global list with head at modules_list.
next dd ?
prev dd ?
base dd ? ; base address
size dd ? ; size in memory
refcount dd ? ; reference counter
timestamp dd ? ; for bound imports
basedelta dd ? ; base address - preferred address, for bound imports
num_imports dd ? ; size of imports array
imports dd ?
; Pointer to array of pointers to MODULEs containing imported functions.
; Used to unload all dependencies when the module is unloaded.
; Contains all modules referenced by import table;
; if the module forwards some export to another module,
; then forward target is added to this array when forward source is requested.
filename dd ? ; pointer inside path array after dirname
filenamelen dd ? ; strlen(filename) + 1
path rb 0
; Fills some fields in a new MODULE struct based on given PE image.
; Assumes that MODULE.path has been filled during the allocation,
; does not insert the structure in the common list, fills everything else.
; in: eax -> MODULE
; in: esi = module base
proc init_module_struct
; Straightforward initialization of all non-PE-specific fields.
lea edx, [eax+MODULE.path]
mov [eax+MODULE.filename], edx
inc edx
cmp byte [edx-1], 0
jz @f
cmp byte [edx-1], '/'
jnz @b
mov [eax+MODULE.filename], edx
jmp @b
sub edx, [eax+MODULE.filename]
mov [eax+MODULE.filenamelen], edx
xor edx, edx
mov [eax+MODULE.base], esi
mov [eax+MODULE.refcount], 1
mov [eax+MODULE.num_imports], edx
mov [eax+MODULE.imports], edx
; Let the PE-specific part do its job.
; Helper function for dlclose and resolving forwarded exports from dlsym.
; in: ecx = module base address
; out: esi -> MODULE or esi = NULL
; modules_mutex should be locked
proc find_module_by_addr
; Simple linear lookup in the list.
mov esi, [modules_list +]
cmp esi, modules_list
jz .notfound
cmp ecx, [esi+MODULE.base]
jz .found
mov esi, []
jmp .scan
xor esi, esi
; Helper function for whenever we have a module name
; and want to check whether it is already loaded.
; in: edi -> name with or without a path
; out: esi -> MODULE or esi = NULL
; modules_mutex should be locked
proc find_module_by_name uses edi
; 1. Skip the path, if it is present.
; eax = current pointer,
; edi is updated whenever the previous character is '/'
mov eax, edi
cmp byte [eax], 0
jz .found_basename
inc eax
cmp byte [eax-1], '/'
jnz .find_basename
mov edi, eax
jmp .find_basename
; 2. Simple linear lookup in the list.
mov eax, [modules_list +]
cmp eax, modules_list
jz .notfound
; For every module, compare base names ignoring paths.
push edi
mov esi, [eax+MODULE.filename]
mov ecx, [eax+MODULE.filenamelen]
repz cmpsb
pop edi
jz .found
mov eax, []
jmp .scan
mov esi, eax
xor esi, esi
; Called when some module is implicitly loaded by another module,
; either due to a record in import table,
; or because some exported function forwards to another module.
; Checks whether the target module has already been referenced
; by the source module. The first reference is passed down
; to load_module increasing refcount of the target and possibly
; loading it if not yet, subsequent references just return
; without modifying refcount.
; We don't actually need to deduplicate DLLs from import table
; as long as we decrement refcount on unload the same number of times
; that we have incremented it on load.
; However, we need to keep track of references to forward targets,
; and we don't want to scan the entire export table and load all forward
; targets just in case some of those would be useful,
; so load them on-demand first time and ignore subsequential references.
; To be consistent, do the same for import table too.
; in: esi -> source MODULE struct
; in: edi -> target module name
; out: eax -> imported MODULE, 0 on error
; modules_mutex should be locked
proc load_imported_module uses edi
; 1. Find the target module in the loaded modules list.
; If not found, go to 5.
push esi
call find_module_by_name
test esi, esi
mov eax, esi
pop esi
jz .load
; 2. The module has been already loaded.
; Now check whether it is already stored in imports array.
; If yes, just return without doing anything.
mov edi, [esi+MODULE.imports]
mov ecx, [esi+MODULE.num_imports]
test ecx, ecx
jz .newref
repnz scasd
jz .nothing
; The module is loaded, but not by us.
; 3. Increment the reference counter of the target.
inc [eax+MODULE.refcount]
; 4. Add the new pointer to the imports array.
; 4a. Check whether there is place in the array.
; If so, go to 4c.
; We don't want to reallocate too often, since reallocation
; may involve copying our data to a new place.
; We always reserve space that is a power of two; in this way,
; the wasted space is never greater than the used space,
; and total time of copying the data is O(number of modules).
; The last fact is not really important right now,
; since the current implementation of step 2 makes everything
; quadratic and the number of modules is very small anyway,
; but since this enhancement costs only a few instructions, why not?
mov edi, eax
; X is a power of two or zero if and only if (X and (X - 1)) is zero
mov ecx, [esi+MODULE.num_imports]
lea edx, [ecx-1]
test ecx, edx
jnz .has_space
; 4b. Reallocate the imports array:
; if the current size is zero, allocate 1 item,
; otherwise double number of items.
; Item size is 4 bytes.
lea ecx, [ecx*8]
test ecx, ecx
jnz @f
mov ecx, 4
stdcall realloc, [esi+MODULE.imports], ecx
test eax, eax
jz .realloc_failed
mov [esi+MODULE.imports], eax
mov ecx, [esi+MODULE.num_imports]
; 4c. Append pointer to the target MODULE to imports array.
mov eax, [esi+MODULE.imports]
mov [eax+ecx*4], edi
inc [esi+MODULE.num_imports]
mov eax, edi
; 5. This is a totally new module. Load it.
call load_module
; On error, return it to the caller. On success, go to 4.
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
jmp .add_to_imports
; Out of memory for a couple of dwords? Should not happen.
; Dereference the target referenced by step 3 or 5
; and return error to the caller.
push esi
mov esi, edi
call dereference_module
pop esi
xor eax, eax
; Helper procedure for load_module.
; Allocates MODULE structure for (given path) + (module name),
; calls the kernel to map it,
; on success, fills the MODULE structure.
; in: edi -> module name
; in: ebx = strlen(filename) + 1
proc try_map_module uses ebx esi, path_ptr, path_len
; 1. Allocate MODULE structure.
mov eax, [path_len]
lea eax, [eax+ebx+MODULE.path]
stdcall malloc, eax
test eax, eax
jz .nothing
; 2. Create the full name of module in MODULE structure:
; concatenate module path, if given, and module name.
mov ecx, [path_len]
mov esi, [path_ptr]
push edi
lea edi, [eax+MODULE.path]
rep movsb
mov ecx, ebx
mov esi, [esp]
rep movsb
pop edi
mov esi, eax
; 3. Call the kernel to map the module.
lea ecx, [eax+MODULE.path]
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 28
cmp eax, -0x1000
ja .failed
; 4. On success, fill the rest of MODULE structure and return it.
xchg eax, esi
call init_module_struct
; On failure, undo allocation at step 1 and return zero.
stdcall free, esi
xor eax, eax
; Worker procedure for loading a new module.
; Does not check whether the module has been already loaded;
; find_module_by_name should be called beforehand.
; in: edi -> filename
; out: eax -> MODULE or 0
; modules_mutex should be locked
proc load_module uses ebx esi ebp
; 1. Map the module.
; 1a. Prepare for try_map_module: calculate length of the name.
mov ebx, edi
inc ebx
cmp byte [ebx-1], 0
jnz @b
sub ebx, edi
; 1b. Check whether the given path is absolute.
; If so, proceed to 1c. If not, go to 1d.
cmp byte [edi], '/'
jnz .relative
; 1c. The given path is absolute. Use it as is. Don't try any other paths.
stdcall try_map_module, 0, 0
test eax, eax
jnz .loaded_ok
ccall loader_say_error, msg_cannot_open, edi, 0
jmp .load_failed
; 1d. The given path is relative.
; Try /rd/1/lib/, /kolibrios/lib/ and path to executable
; in this order.
stdcall try_map_module, module_path1, module_path1.size
test eax, eax
jnz .loaded_ok
stdcall try_map_module, module_path2, module_path2.size
test eax, eax
jnz .loaded_ok
; Note: we assume that the executable is always the first module in the list.
mov eax, [modules_list +]
mov ecx, [eax+MODULE.filename]
add eax, MODULE.path
mov esi, eax
sub ecx, eax
stdcall try_map_module, eax, ecx
test eax, eax
jnz .loaded_ok
mov ebx, dword [esi+MODULE.filename-MODULE.path]
movzx eax, byte [ebx]
mov byte [ebx], 0
push eax
ccall loader_say_error, msg_cannot_open, edi, msg_paths_begin, esi, 0
pop eax
mov byte [ebx], al
xor eax, eax
; Module has been mapped.
; MODULE structure has been initialized, but not yet inserted in the common list.
; 2. Insert the MODULE structure in the end of the common list.
mov esi, eax
mov eax, [modules_list+MODULE.prev]
mov [], esi
mov [esi+MODULE.prev], eax
mov [modules_list+MODULE.prev], esi
mov [], modules_list
; 3. Call PE-specific code to initialize the mapped module.
push esi
push edi ; for messages in fixup_pe_relocations
mov esi, [esi+MODULE.base]
call fixup_pe_relocations
pop ecx
pop esi
jc .fail_unload
call resolve_pe_imports
test eax, eax
jnz .fail_unload
mov eax, esi
call dereference_module
xor eax, eax
; Worker procedure for unloading a module.
; Drops one reference to the module; if it was the last one,
; unloads the module and all referenced modules recursively.
; in: esi -> MODULE struct
; modules_mutex should be locked
proc dereference_module
; 1. Decrement reference counter.
; If the decremented value is nonzero, exit.
dec [esi+MODULE.refcount]
jnz .nothing
; 2. Remove the module from the common list.
mov eax, [esi+MODULE.prev]
mov edx, []
mov [], edx
mov [edx+MODULE.prev], eax
; 3. Recursively unload dependencies.
cmp [esi+MODULE.num_imports], 0
jz .import_deref_done
mov eax, [esi+MODULE.num_imports]
push esi
mov esi, [esi+MODULE.imports]
mov esi, [esi+(eax-1)*4]
call dereference_module
pop esi
dec [esi+MODULE.num_imports]
jnz .import_deref_loop
stdcall free, [esi+MODULE.imports] ; free(NULL) is ok
; 4. Unmap the module.
push ebx
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 29
mov ecx, [esi+MODULE.base]
pop ebx
; 5. Free the MODULE struct.
stdcall free, esi
Property changes:
Added: svn:eol-style
\ No newline at end of property
19,6 → 19,9
VirtualAddress dd ?
62,7 → 65,13
Machine dw ?
NumberOfSections dw ?
95,7 → 104,7
AddressOfNameOrdinals dd ?
OriginalFirstThunk dd ?
TimeDateStamp dd ?
ForwarderChain dd ?
103,6 → 112,11
FirstThunk dd ?
Hint dw ?
Name rb 0
VirtualAddress dd ?
SizeOfBlock dd ?
144,3 → 158,9
NumberOfLinenumbers dw ?
Characteristics dd ?
TimeDateStamp dd ?
OffsetModuleName dw ?
NumberOfModuleForwarderRefs dw ?
1,3 → 1,41
; Processings of PE format.
; Works in conjunction with for non-PE-specific code.
; PE-specific part of init_module_struct.
; Fills fields of MODULE struct from PE image.
macro init_module_struct_pe_specific
; We need a module timestamp for bound imports.
; In a full PE, there are two timestamps, one in the header
; and one in the export table; existing tools use the first one.
; A stripped PE header has no timestamp, so read the export table;
; the stripper should write the correct value there.
cmp byte [esi], 'M'
jz .parse_mz
jbe @f
mov [eax+MODULE.timestamp], edx
mov edx, esi
sub edx, [esi+STRIPPED_PE_HEADER.ImageBase]
mov [eax+MODULE.basedelta], edx
mov edx, [esi+STRIPPED_PE_HEADER.SizeOfImage]
mov [eax+MODULE.size], edx
mov ecx, [esi+3Ch]
add ecx, esi
mov edx, [ecx+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp]
mov [eax+MODULE.timestamp], edx
mov edx, esi
sub edx, [ecx+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.ImageBase]
mov [eax+MODULE.basedelta], edx
mov edx, [ecx+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage]
mov [eax+MODULE.size], edx
; Check whether PE module has been loaded at preferred address.
; If not, relocate the module.
4,7 → 42,7
; in: esi = PE base address
; in: [esp+4] = module name for debug print
; out: CF=1 - fail
proc fixup_pe_relocations uses edi ebp
proc fixup_pe_relocations c uses ebp, modulename
; 1. Fetch some data from PE header or stripped PE header.
; We need:
; * ImageBase - preferred address, compare with esi = actual load address;
19,7 → 57,7
; In the first case, IMAGE_FILE_RELOCS_STRIPPED is set, and this is an error.
; In the second case, IMAGE_FILE_RELOCS_STRIPPED is not set; do nothing.
mov ebp, esi
cmp word [esi], 'MZ'
cmp byte [esi], 'M'
jz .parse_mz
sub ebp, [esi+STRIPPED_PE_HEADER.ImageBase]
jnz @f
33,6 → 71,7
jz .nothing
ccall loader_say_error, msg_noreloc1, [modulename], msg_noreloc2, 0
40,25 → 79,29
add eax, esi
sub ebp, [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.ImageBase]
jz .nothing
mov dl, byte [esi+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.FileHeader.Characteristics]
mov dl, byte [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.FileHeader.Characteristics]
cmp [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.NumberOfDirectories], IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC
jbe .norelocs
cmp [eax+IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY.isize], 0
jz .norelocs
mov edi, [eax+IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY.VirtualAddress]
push -1
push -1
push [eax+IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY.isize]
virtual at esp
.sizeleft dd ?
.next_page_original_access dd ?
.next_page_addr dd ?
end virtual
add edi, esi
cmp [.sizeleft], 0
jz .norelocs
; 2. We need to relocate and we have the relocation table.
; esi = PE base address
; edi = pointer to current data of relocation table
; 2a. Relocation table is organized into blocks describing every page.
; End of table is defined from table size fetched from the header.
; Loop 2b-2g over all blocks until no more data is left.
; Loop 2b-2i over all blocks until no more data is left.
; 2b. Load the header of the current block: address and size.
; Advance total size.
70,13 → 113,20
jbe .pagedone
; 2c. We are going to modify data, so mprotect the current page to be writable.
push esi
fpo_delta = fpo_delta + 4
; 2c. Check whether we have mprotect-ed the current page at the previous step.
; If so, go to 2e.
cmp [.next_page_addr+fpo_delta], edx
jz .mprotected_earlier
; 2d. We are going to modify data, so mprotect the current page to be writable.
; Save the old protection, we will restore it after the block is processed.
; Ignore any error.
; Go to 2f after.
push esi ecx
push ecx
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 30
84,12 → 134,20
mov esi, 0x1000
pop ecx
jmp .mprotected
; 2e. We have already mprotect-ed the current page,
; move corresponding variables.
mov [.next_page_addr+fpo_delta], -1
mov eax, [.next_page_original_access+fpo_delta]
push eax
; 2d. Block data is an array of word values. Repeat 2e for every of those.
fpo_delta = fpo_delta + 4
; 2g. Block data is an array of word values. Repeat 2h for every of those.
sub ecx, 2
jb .relocdone
; 2e. Every value consists of a 4-bit type and 12-bit offset in the page.
; 2h. Every value consists of a 4-bit type and 12-bit offset in the page.
; x86 uses two types: 0 = no data (used for padding), 3 = 32-bit relative.
movzx eax, word [edi]
add edi, 2
99,11 → 157,31
jz .relocloop
jnz .badreloc
; If the target dword intersects page boundary,
; we need to mprotect the next page too.
cmp ebx, 0xFFC
jbe .no_mprotect_next
push ebx ecx edx
fpo_delta = fpo_delta + 12
lea eax, [.next_page_original_access+fpo_delta]
call .restore_old_access
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 30
mov esi, 0x1000
add edx, esi
mov [.next_page_original_access+fpo_delta], eax
mov [.next_page_addr+fpo_delta], edx
pop edx ecx ebx
fpo_delta = fpo_delta - 12
add [edx+ebx], ebp
jmp .relocloop
; 2f. Restore memory protection changed in 2c.
; 2i. Restore memory protection changed in 2d.
pop ecx
fpo_delta = fpo_delta - 4
cmp ecx, -1
jz @f
mov eax, 68
112,17 → 190,21
pop esi
fpo_delta = fpo_delta - 4
cmp [.sizeleft], 0
cmp [.sizeleft+fpo_delta], 0
jnz .pageloop
pop eax ; pop .sizeleft
lea eax, [.next_page_original_access+fpo_delta]
call .restore_old_access
add esp, 12
; 3. For performance reasons, relocation should be avoided
; by choosing an appropriate preferred address.
; If we have actually relocated something, yell to the debug board,
; so the programmer can notice that.
; It's a warning, not an error, so don't call loader_say_error.
mov ecx, msg_relocated1
call sys_msg_board_str
mov ecx, [esp+4]
mov ecx, [modulename]
call sys_msg_board_str
mov ecx, msg_relocated2
call sys_msg_board_str
129,13 → 211,921
pop eax
mov ecx, msg_bad_relocation1
call sys_msg_board_str
mov ecx, [esp+4]
call sys_msg_board_str
mov ecx, msg_newline
call sys_msg_board_str
pop ecx
pop esi
add esp, 12
ccall loader_say_error, msg_bad_relocation, [modulename], 0
cmp dword [eax+4], -1
jz @f
mov ecx, [eax]
mov edx, [eax+4]
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 30
mov esi, 0x1000
; Resolves static dependencies in the given PE module.
; Recursively loads and initializes all dependencies.
; in: esi -> MODULE struct
; out: eax=0 - success, eax=-1 - error
; modules_mutex should be locked
proc resolve_pe_imports
export_base dd ?
export_ptr dd ?
export_size dd ?
import_module dd ?
import_dir dd ?
import_descriptor dd ?
bound_import_dir dd ?
bound_import_cur_module dd ?
relocated_bound_modules_count dd ?
relocated_bound_modules_ptr dd ?
cur_page dd -0x1000 ; the page at 0xFFFFF000 is never allocated
cur_page_old_access dd ?
next_page dd -1
next_page_old_access dd ?
; General case of resolving imports against one module that is already loaded:
; binding either does not exist or has mismatched timestamp,
; so we need to walk through all imported symbols and resolve each one.
macro resolve_import_from_module fail_action
local .label1, .loop, .done
; common preparation that doesn't need to be repeated per each symbol
mov eax, [import_module]
mov eax, [eax+MODULE.base]
call prepare_import_from_module
; There are two arrays of dwords pointed to by FirstThunk and OriginalFirstThunk.
; Target array is FirstThunk: addresses of imported symbols should be written
; there, that is where the program expects to find them.
; Source array can be either FirstThunk or OriginalFirstThunk.
; Normally, FirstThunk and OriginalFirstThunk in a just-compiled binary
; point to two identical copies of the same array.
; Binding of the binary rewrites FirstThunk array with actual addresses,
; but keeps OriginalFirstThunk as is.
; If OriginalFirstThunk and FirstThunk are both present, use OriginalFirstThunk
; as source array.
; However, a compiler is allowed to generate a binary without OriginalFirstThunk;
; it is impossible to bind such a binary, but it is still valid.
; If OriginalFirstThunk is absent, use FirstThunk as source array.
mov ebx, [ebp+IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.OriginalFirstThunk]
mov ebp, [ebp+IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.FirstThunk]
test ebx, ebx
jnz .label1
mov ebx, ebp
; FirstThunk and OriginalFirstThunk are RVAs.
add ebx, [esi+MODULE.base]
add ebp, [esi+MODULE.base]
; Source array is terminated with zero dword.
cmp dword [ebx], 0
jz .done
mov ecx, [ebx]
get_address_for_thunk ; should preserve esi,edi,ebp
test eax, eax
jz fail_action
mov edi, eax
mov edx, ebp
call .ensure_writable ; should preserve edx,ebx,esi,ebp
mov [edx], edi
add ebx, 4
add ebp, 4
jmp .loop
; Resolve one imported symbol.
; in: ecx = ordinal or RVA of thunk
; out: eax = address of exported function
macro get_address_for_thunk
local .ordinal, .common
; Ordinal imports have bit 31 set, name imports have bit 31 clear.
btr ecx, 31
jc .ordinal
; Thunk for name import is RVA of IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME structure.
add ecx, [esi+MODULE.base]
movzx edx, [ecx+IMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME.Hint]
call get_exported_function_by_name
jmp .common
; Thunk for ordinal import is just an ordinal,
; bit 31 has been cleared by btr instruction.
call get_exported_function_by_ordinal
; We have four main variants:
; normal unbound import, old-style bound import, new-style bound import,
; no import.
; * Normal unbound import:
; we have an array of import descriptors, one per imported module,
; pointed to by import directory.
; We should loop over all descriptors and apply resolve_import_from_module
; for each one.
; * Old-style bound import:
; we have the same array of import descriptors, but timestamp field is set up.
; We should do the same loop, but we can do a lightweight processing
; of modules with correct timestamp. In the best case, "lightweight processing"
; means just skipping them, but corrections arise for relocated modules
; and forwarded exports.
; * New-style bound import:
; we have two parallel arrays of import descriptors and bound descriptors,
; pointed to by two directories. Timestamp field has a special value -1
; in import descriptors, real timestamps are in bound descriptors.
; There can be different strategies; we loop over bound descriptors
; and scan for corresponding import descriptors only if needed,
; this accelerates the fast path where all timestamps are correct and
; dependencies are not relocated.
; * No import: not really different from normal import with no descriptors.
; There are two large parts in this function:
; step 2 handles unbound and old-style bound import, where we loop over import descriptors;
; step 3 handles new-style bound import, where we loop over bound descriptors.
; 1. Fetch addresses of two directories. We are not interested in their sizes.
; ebp = import RVA
; ebx = bound import RVA
xor ebx, ebx
xor ebp, ebp
; PE and stripped PE have different places for directories.
mov eax, [esi+MODULE.base]
cmp byte [eax], 'M'
jz .parse_mz
jbe .common
jbe .common
jmp .common
add eax, [eax+3Ch]
cmp [eax+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.NumberOfDirectories], IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT
jbe .common
jbe .common
mov [import_dir], ebp
; If bound import is present, go to 3.
; If both directories are absent, no import - nothing to do.
; Otherwise, advance to 2.
test ebx, ebx
jnz .bound_import
test ebp, ebp
jz .done
; 2. Unbound import or old-style bound import.
; Repeat 2a-2h for all descriptors in the directory.
add ebp, [esi+MODULE.base] ; directories contain RVA
; 2a. Check whether this descriptor is an end mark with zero fields.
; Look at Name field.
test edi, edi
jz .done
; 2b. Load the target module.
add edi, [esi+MODULE.base] ; Name field is RVA
call load_imported_module ; should preserve esi,ebp
test eax, eax
jz .failed
mov [import_module], eax
; 2c. Check whether the descriptor has a non-stale old-style binding.
; Zero timestamp means "not bound".
; Mismatched timestamp means "stale binding".
; In both cases, go to 2g.
mov edx, [ebp+IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.TimeDateStamp]
test edx, edx
jz .resolve_normal_import
cmp edx, [eax+MODULE.timestamp]
jnz .resolve_normal_import
; 2d. The descriptor has a non-stale old-style binding.
; There are two cases when we still need to do something:
; * if the target module has been relocated, we need to add
; relocation delta to all addresses;
; * if some exports are forwarded, old-style binding cannot bind them:
; there is only one timestamp field, we can't verify timestamps
; of forward targets.
; Thunks for forwarded exports contain index of next forwarded export
; instead of target address, making a single-linked list terminated by -1.
; ForwarderChain is the head of the list.
; If both problems are present, we resort to 2g as if binding is stale,
; it shouldn't be encountered normally anyway: relocations should be avoided,
; and forwarded exports should be new-style bound.
; If the target module is not relocated, go to 2f.
; If the target module is relocated and there are no forwarded exports,
; advance to 2e.
cmp [eax+MODULE.basedelta], 0
jz .normal_import_check_forwarders
cmp [ebp+IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.ForwarderChain], -1
jnz .resolve_normal_import
; 2e. Binding is correct, but we need to add MODULE.basedelta
; to all imported addresses in FirstThunk array.
; For consistency with generic-case resolve_import_from_module,
; check for end of thunks by looking at OriginalFirstThunk array.
; After that, go to 2h.
mov edx, [ebp+IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.FirstThunk]
add edx, [esi+MODULE.base]
mov ebx, [ebp+IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.OriginalFirstThunk]
add ebx, [esi+MODULE.base]
mov edi, [eax+MODULE.basedelta]
cmp dword [ebx], 0
jz .normal_import_next
call .ensure_writable ; should preserve esi,edi,ebp,ebx,edx
add dword [edx], edi
add edx, 4
add ebx, 4
jmp .normal_import_add_delta
; 2f. The target module is not relocated.
; Exports that are not forwarded are correct.
; Go through ForwarderChain list and resolve all exports from it.
; After that, go to 2h.
mov edi, [ebp+IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.ForwarderChain]
cmp edi, -1
jz .normal_import_next ; don't prepare_import_from_module for empty list
mov eax, [import_module]
mov eax, [eax+MODULE.base]
call prepare_import_from_module
mov ebx, [ebp+IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.OriginalFirstThunk]
add ebx, [esi+MODULE.base]
mov ecx, [ebx+edi*4]
get_address_for_thunk ; should preserve esi,edi,ebp
test eax, eax
jz .failed
mov ebx, eax
mov edx, [ebp+IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.FirstThunk]
add edx, [esi+MODULE.base]
lea edx, [edx+edi*4]
call .ensure_writable ; should preserve edx,ebx,esi,ebp
mov edi, [edx] ; next forwarded export
mov [edx], ebx ; store the address
cmp edi, -1
jnz .normal_import_forward_chain
jmp .normal_import_next
; 2g. Run generic-case resolver.
mov [import_descriptor], ebp
resolve_import_from_module .failed ; should preserve esi
mov ebp, [import_descriptor]
; 2h. Advance to next descriptor and continue the loop.
jmp .normal_import_loop
; 3. New-style bound import.
; Repeat 3a-3o for all descriptors in bound import directory.
mov [bound_import_dir], ebx
add ebx, [esi+MODULE.base]
; 3a. Check whether this descriptor is an end mark with zero fields.
movzx edi, [ebx+IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.OffsetModuleName]
mov [bound_import_cur_module], edi
test edi, edi
jz .done
; Bound import descriptors come in groups.
; The first descriptor in each group corresponds to the main imported module.
; If some exports from the module are forwarded, additional descriptors
; are created for modules where those exports are forwarded to.
; Number of additional descriptors is given by one field in the first descriptor.
; 3b. Prepare for loop at 3c-3f with loading targets of all exports.
; This includes the target module and all modules in chains of forwarded exports.
movzx ebp, [ebx+IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.NumberOfModuleForwarderRefs]
mov [relocated_bound_modules_count], 0
mov [relocated_bound_modules_ptr], 0
mov [import_module], 0
; 3c. Load a referenced module.
; Names in bound import descriptors are relative to bound import directory,
; not RVAs.
add edi, [bound_import_dir]
call load_imported_module ; should preserve ebx,esi,ebp
test eax, eax
jz .bound_import_failed
; The target module is first in the list.
cmp [import_module], 0
jnz @f
mov [import_module], eax
; 3d. Check whether timestamp in the descriptor matches module timestamp.
; If not, go to 3h which after some preparations will resort to generic-case
; resolve_import_from_module; in this case, we stop processing the group,
; resolve_import_from_module will take care about additional modules anyway.
mov edx, [ebx+IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.TimeDateStamp]
test edx, edx
jz .bound_import_wrong_timestamp
cmp edx, [eax+MODULE.timestamp]
jnz .bound_import_wrong_timestamp
; 3e. Collect all referenced modules that have been relocated.
cmp [eax+MODULE.basedelta], 0
jz .bound_import_forwarder_next
mov edi, eax
; We don't want to reallocate too often, since reallocation
; may involve copying our data to a new place.
; We always reserve space that is a power of two; in this way,
; the wasted space is never greater than the used space,
; and total time of copying the data is O(number of modules).
mov eax, [relocated_bound_modules_ptr]
mov edx, [relocated_bound_modules_count]
; X is a power of two or zero if and only if (X and (X - 1)) is zero
lea ecx, [edx-1]
test ecx, edx
jnz .bound_import_norealloc
; if the current size is zero, allocate 1 item,
; otherwise double number of items.
; Item size is 4 bytes.
lea edx, [edx*8]
test edx, edx
jnz @f
mov edx, 4
stdcall realloc, [relocated_bound_modules_ptr], edx
test eax, eax
jz .bound_import_failed
mov [relocated_bound_modules_ptr], eax
mov edx, [relocated_bound_modules_count]
inc [relocated_bound_modules_count]
mov [eax+edx*4], edi
; 3f. Advance to the next descriptor in the group.
movzx edi, [ebx+IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.OffsetModuleName]
dec ebp
jns .bound_import_forwarder_loop
; 3g. All timestamps are correct.
; If all targets are not relocated, then we have nothing to do
; with exports from the current module, so continue loop at 3a;
; ebx already points to the next descriptor.
; Otherwise, go to 3i.
cmp [relocated_bound_modules_count], 0
jz .bound_import_loop
jmp .bound_import_fix
; 3h. We have aborted the loop over the group;
; advance ebx so that it points to the first descriptor of the next group,
; make a mark so that 3l will know that we need to reimport everything.
; We don't need [relocated_bound_modules_count] in this case anymore,
; use zero value as a mark.
lea ebx, [ebx+(ebp+1)*sizeof.IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR]
mov [relocated_bound_modules_count], 0
; 3i. We need to do something with exported addresses.
; Find corresponding import descriptors; there can be more than one.
; Repeat 3j-3n for all import descriptors.
mov ebp, [import_dir]
add ebp, [esi+MODULE.base]
; 3j. Check whether we have reached end of import table.
; If so, go to 3o.
test edx, edx
jz .bound_import_next
; 3k. Check whether the current import descriptor matches the current
; bound import descriptor. Check Name fields.
; If so, advance to 3l.
; Otherwise, advance to the next import descriptor and return to 3j.
add edx, [esi+MODULE.base]
mov edi, [bound_import_cur_module]
mov al, [edx]
cmp [edi], al
jnz .next_related_descriptor
test al, al
jz .found_related_descriptor
inc edx
inc edi
jmp @b
mov ebp, [import_descriptor]
jmp .look_related_descriptors
; 3l. Check what we should do:
; advance to 3m, if we need to reimport everything,
; go to 3n, if we just need to relocate something.
mov [import_descriptor], ebp
cmp [relocated_bound_modules_count], 0
jnz .bound_import_add_delta
; 3m. Apply resolve_import_from_module and return to 3j.
resolve_import_from_module .bound_import_failed ; should preserve ebx,esi
jmp .next_related_descriptor_restore
; 3n. Loop over all imported symbols.
; For every imported symbol, check whether it fits within one of relocated
; modules, and if so, apply relocation to it.
; For consistency with generic-case resolve_import_from_module,
; determine end of thunks from OriginalFirstThunk array.
mov edx, [ebp+IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.FirstThunk]
add edx, [esi+MODULE.base]
mov ebx, [ebp+IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR.OriginalFirstThunk]
add ebx, [esi+MODULE.base]
cmp dword [ebx], 0
jz .next_related_descriptor_restore
mov ecx, [relocated_bound_modules_ptr]
mov ebp, [relocated_bound_modules_count]
push esi
mov esi, [ecx]
mov eax, [edx]
sub eax, [esi+MODULE.base]
add eax, [esi+MODULE.basedelta]
cmp eax, [esi+MODULE.size]
jb .found_delta_module
add ecx, 4
dec ebp
jnz .find_delta_module
pop esi
add ebx, 4
add edx, 4
jmp .bound_import_add_delta_loop
mov ebp, [esi+MODULE.basedelta]
pop esi
call .ensure_writable ; should preserve esi,ebp,ebx,edx
add [edx], ebp
jmp .bound_import_add_delta_next
; 3o. Free the data we might have allocated and return to 3a.
cmp [relocated_bound_modules_ptr], 0
jz .bound_import_loop
stdcall free, [relocated_bound_modules_ptr]
jmp .bound_import_loop
call .restore_protection
xor eax, eax
cmp [relocated_bound_modules_ptr], 0
jz .failed
stdcall free, [relocated_bound_modules_ptr]
call .restore_protection
xor eax, eax
dec eax
; Local helper functions.
fpo_delta = fpo_delta + 4
; Import table may reside in read-only pages.
; We should mprotect any page where we are going to write to.
; Things get interesting when one thunk spans two pages.
; in: edx = address of dword to make writable
; 1. Fast path: if we have already mprotect-ed one page and
; the requested dword is in the same page, do nothing.
mov eax, edx
sub eax, [cur_page]
cmp eax, 0x1000 - 4
ja .cur_page_not_sufficient
; 2. If the requested dword begins in the current page
; and ends in the next page, mprotect the next page and return.
push ebx esi edx
fpo_delta = fpo_delta + 12
cmp eax, 0x1000
jae .wrong_cur_page
cmp [next_page], -1
jnz @f
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 30
mov edx, [cur_page]
mov esi, 0x1000
add edx, esi
mov [next_page], edx
mov [next_page_old_access], eax
pop edx esi ebx
; The requested dword does not intersect with the current page.
; 3. Restore the protection of the current page,
; it is unlikely to be used again.
cmp [cur_page], -0x1000
jz @f
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 30
mov ecx, [cur_page_old_access]
mov edx, [cur_page]
mov esi, 0x1000
; 4. If the next page has been mprotect-ed too,
; switch to it as the current page and restart the function.
cmp [next_page], -1
jz @f
mov eax, [next_page]
mov [cur_page], eax
mov eax, [next_page_old_access]
mov [cur_page_old_access], eax
mov [next_page], -1
pop edx esi ebx
jmp .ensure_writable
; 5. This is the entirely new page to mprotect.
mov edx, [esp]
and edx, not 0xFFF
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 30
mov [cur_page], edx
mov esi, 0x1000
mov [cur_page_old_access], eax
pop edx esi ebx
fpo_delta = fpo_delta - 12
; Called at end of processing,
; restores protection of pages that we have mprotect-ed for write.
push esi
fpo_delta = fpo_delta + 4
cmp [next_page], -1
jz @f
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 30
mov ecx, [next_page_old_access]
mov edx, [next_page]
mov esi, 0x1000
cmp [cur_page], -0x1000
jz @f
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 30
mov ecx, [cur_page_old_access]
mov edx, [cur_page]
mov esi, 0x1000
pop esi
fpo_delta = fpo_delta - 4
; Part of resolving symbol from a module that is the same for all symbols.
; resolve_pe_imports calls it only once per module.
; Fetches export directory from the module.
; Non-standard calling convention: saves results to first 2 dwords on the stack.
; in: eax = module base
proc prepare_import_from_module c, export_base, export_ptr, export_size
; The implementation is straightforward.
mov [export_base], eax
cmp byte [eax], 'M'
jz .parse_mz
jbe .noexport
add edx, eax
mov [export_ptr], edx
mov [export_size], edx
mov ecx, [eax+3Ch]
add ecx, eax
cmp [ecx+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.NumberOfDirectories], IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT
jbe .noexport
mov edx, [ecx+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory.VirtualAddress+IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT*sizeof.IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY]
add edx, eax
mov [export_ptr], edx
mov edx, [ecx+IMAGE_NT_HEADERS.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory.isize+IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT*sizeof.IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY]
mov [export_size], edx
mov [export_ptr], 0
mov [export_size], 0
; PE format supports export by name and by ordinal.
; Any exported symbol always have an ordinal.
; It may have a name, it may have no name.
; A symbol can even have multiple names, usually this happens
; when several functions with the same body like 'ret' are merged.
; Addresses of all exported symbols are contained in one array AddressOfFunctions.
; Ordinal of a symbol is an index in this array + Base.
; Base is defined in export directory, usually it equals 1.
; Export by name is more complicated. There are two parallel arrays
; AddressOfNames and AddressOfNameOrdinals with the same length.
; This length can be less or greater than length of AddressOfFunctions.
; AddressOfNames is a sorted array with all exported names.
; AddressOfNameOrdinals, contrary to the title, gives index in AddressOfFunctions.
; Looking up a name means
; * scanning AddressOfNames array to find the index of the corresponding name
; * looking in AddressOfNameOrdinals at the index found above to get another index;
; index in AddressOfNames/AddressOfNameOrdinals has no other meaning
; * finally, looking in AddressOfFunctions with that second index.
; Resolve symbol from a module by name.
; prepare_import_from_module should be called beforehand.
; in: ecx -> name, edx = hint for lookup in name table
; out: eax = exported address or NULL
; if [module] is zero, modules_mutex should be unlocked
; if [module] is nonzero, modules_mutex should be locked
proc get_exported_function_by_name c uses ebx esi edi, export_base, export_ptr, export_size, module
forward_export_base dd ?
forward_export_ptr dd ?
forward_export_size dd ?
forward_export_module dd ?
; 1. Find length of the name, including terminating zero.
mov esi, ecx
inc ecx
cmp byte [ecx-1], 0
jnz @b
sub ecx, esi
; 2. Validate that export directory is present at all.
mov eax, [export_ptr]
test eax, eax
jz .export_name_not_found
; 3. Check whether the hint is correct.
; The hint is a zero-based index in name table.
; Theoretically, zero is a valid hint.
; Unfortunately, in practice everyone uses zero if the hint is unknown,
; which is a quite typical situation, so treating zero as a valid hint
; would waste processor cycles much more often than save.
; So only check the hint if it is between 1 and NumberOfNames-1 inclusive.
; 3a. Validate the hint.
mov ebx, [eax+IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.AddressOfNames]
add ebx, [export_base]
cmp edx, [eax+IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.NumberOfNames]
jae .ignore_hint
test edx, edx
jz .ignore_hint
; 3b. Check the hinted name.
; If it matches, go to 5. If not, we're out of luck, use normal lookup.
mov edi, [ebx+edx*4]
add edi, [export_base]
push ecx esi
repz cmpsb
pop esi ecx
jz .found
; 4. Binary search over name table.
; Export names are sorted with respect to repz cmpsb.
; edi <= (the target index) < edx
xor edi, edi
mov edx, [eax+IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.NumberOfNames]
; if there are no indexes between edi and edx, name is invalid
cmp edi, edx
jae .export_name_not_found
; try the index in the middle of current range
lea eax, [edi+edx]
shr eax, 1
; compare
push ecx esi edi
fpo_delta = fpo_delta + 12
mov edi, [ebx+eax*4]
add edi, [export_base]
repz cmpsb
pop edi esi ecx
fpo_delta = fpo_delta - 12
; exact match -> found, go to 5
; string at esi = target, string at edi = current attempt
; (string at esi) < (string at edi) -> current index is too high, update upper range
; (string at esi) > (string at edi) -> current index is too low, update lower range
jz .found
jb @f
lea edi, [eax+1]
jmp .export_name_search.loop
mov edx, eax
jmp .export_name_search.loop
; Generic error handler.
mov ebx, esi
mov esi, [module]
test esi, esi
jnz @f
mutex_lock modules_mutex
mov ecx, [export_base]
call find_module_by_addr
mutex_unlock modules_mutex
mov eax, msg_unknown
test esi, esi
jz @f
mov eax, [esi+MODULE.filename]
ccall loader_say_error, msg_export_name_not_found, ebx, msg_export_not_found, eax, 0
xor eax, eax
; 5. We have found an index in AddressOfNames/AddressOfNameOrdinals arrays,
; convert it to index in AddressOfFunctions array.
mov edx, [export_ptr]
mov ebx, [edx+IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.AddressOfNameOrdinals]
add ebx, [export_base]
movzx eax, word [ebx+eax*2]
; 6. Fetch the exported address from AddressOfFunctions array.
cmp eax, [edx+IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.NumberOfFunctions]
jae .export_name_not_found
mov ebx, [edx+IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.AddressOfFunctions]
add ebx, [export_base]
mov eax, [ebx+eax*4]
test eax, eax
jz .export_name_not_found
; This part of code is also used by get_exported_function_by_ordinal.
; 7. Check whether the address is inside the export directory.
; If not, we are done.
add eax, [export_base]
mov esi, eax
sub esi, edx
cmp esi, [export_size]
jb .export_is_forwarded
; The export is forwarded to another module.
; The address we have got points to the string "<module>.<function>"
; 8. Get the target module name. It is everything before the first dot,
; minus DLL extension.
; 8a. Find the dot.
mov ebx, eax
inc eax
cmp byte [eax-1], '.'
jz .dot_found
cmp byte [eax-1], 0
jnz @b
jmp .export_name_not_found
; 8b. Allocate the memory.
sub eax, ebx
mov edi, eax
add eax, 4 ; dll + terminating zero
stdcall malloc, eax
test eax, eax
jz .return0
; 8c. Copy module name.
mov esi, ebx
mov ecx, edi
mov edi, eax
rep movsb
mov dword [edi], 'dll'
mov ebx, esi ; save pointer to <function>
mov edi, eax ; module name
; 9. Load the target module.
; 9a. Get the pointer to MODULE struct for ourselves.
mov esi, [module]
test esi, esi
jnz @f
mutex_lock modules_mutex
mov ecx, [export_base]
call find_module_by_addr
test esi, esi
jz .load_forwarded_failed
; 9b. Call the worker.
call load_imported_module
test eax, eax
jz .load_forwarded_failed
mov esi, eax
; 9c. We don't need module name anymore, free the memory allocated at 8b.
stdcall free, edi
; 10. Resolve the forwarded export recursively.
; 10a. Prepare for importing.
mov [forward_export_module], esi
mov eax, [esi+MODULE.base]
call prepare_import_from_module
; 10b. Check whether we are importing by ordinal or by name.
; Forwarded export by ordinal has ebx -> "#<ordinal>".
cmp byte [ebx], '#'
jnz .no_ordinal
lea edx, [ebx+1]
xor ecx, ecx ; ordinal
movzx eax, byte [edx]
sub eax, '0'
cmp eax, 10
jae .no_ordinal
lea ecx, [ecx*5]
lea ecx, [ecx*2+eax]
inc edx
cmp byte [edx], 0
jnz @b
; 10c. We are importing by ordinal. Call the worker.
call get_exported_function_by_ordinal
jmp @f
; 10d. We are importing by name. Call the worker.
mov ecx, ebx
or edx, -1
call get_exported_function_by_name
cmp [module], 0
jnz @f
push eax
mutex_unlock modules_mutex
pop eax
cmp [module], 0
jnz @f
mutex_unlock modules_mutex
stdcall free, edi
xor eax, eax
; Resolve symbol from a module by name.
; prepare_import_from_module should be called beforehand.
; in: ecx = ordinal
; out: eax = exported address or NULL
; if [module] is zero, modules_mutex should be unlocked
; if [module] is nonzero, modules_mutex should be locked
proc get_exported_function_by_ordinal c uses ebx esi edi, export_base, export_ptr, export_size, module
forward_export_base dd ?
forward_export_ptr dd ?
forward_export_size dd ?
forward_export_module dd ?
; 1. Validate that export directory is present at all.
mov edx, [export_ptr]
test edx, edx
jz .export_ordinal_not_found
; 2. Convert ordinal to index in AddressOfFunctions array.
mov eax, ecx ; keep ecx for error message
sub eax, [edx+IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.Base]
; 3. Validate the index.
cmp eax, [edx+IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.NumberOfFunctions]
jae .export_ordinal_not_found
; 4. Fetch the exported address from AddressOfFunctions array.
; On success, continue to check for forwarded exports in get_exported_function_by_name.
mov ebx, [edx+IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY.AddressOfFunctions]
add ebx, [export_base]
mov eax, [ebx+eax*4]
test eax, eax
jnz get_exported_function_by_name.check_forwarded
; Generic error handler.
sub esp, 16
fpo_delta = fpo_delta + 16
; Convert ordinal to string.
lea edi, [esp+15]
mov byte [edi], 0
mov eax, 0xCCCCCCCD
mul ecx
shr edx, 3 ; edx = quotient of ecx / 10
lea eax, [edx*5]
add eax, eax
sub ecx, eax ; ecx = remainder of ecx % 10
add cl, '0'
dec edi
mov byte [edi], cl
mov ecx, edx
test edx, edx
jnz @b
; Get module name.
mov esi, [module]
test esi, esi
jnz @f
mutex_lock modules_mutex
mov ecx, [export_base]
call find_module_by_addr
mutex_unlock modules_mutex
mov eax, msg_unknown
test esi, esi
jz @f
mov eax, [esi+MODULE.filename]
ccall loader_say_error, msg_export_ordinal_not_found, edi, msg_export_not_found, eax, 0
add esp, 16
fpo_delta = fpo_delta - 16
xor eax, eax
0,0 → 1,138
; High-level synchronization primitives.
; Mutex: stands for MUTual EXclusion.
; Allows to enforce that only one thread executes some code at a time.
; mutex_lock acquires the given mutex, mutex_unlock releases it;
; if thread 1 holds the mutex and thread 2 calls mutex_lock,
; thread 2 is blocked until thread 1 calls mutex_unlock.
; Several threads can wait for the same mutex; when the owner
; releases the mutex, one of waiting threads grabs the released mutex,
; but it is unspecified which one.
; If there is no contention, i.e. no one calls mutex_lock
; while somebody is holding the mutex, then
; mutex_lock and mutex_unlock use just a few instructions.
; This is the fast path.
; Otherwise, mutex_lock and mutex_unlock require a syscall
; to enter waiting state and wake someone up correspondingly.
; Implementation. We use one dword for status and
; kernel handle for underlying futex to be able to sleep/wake.
; Bit 31, the highest bit of status dword,
; is set if someone holds the mutex and clear otherwise.
; Bits 0-30 form the number of threads waiting in mutex_lock.
; All modifications of status dword should be atomic.
struct MUTEX
status dd ?
handle dd ?
; Initialization. Set status dword to zero and
; open the underlying futex.
; in: ecx -> MUTEX
proc mutex_init
mov [ecx+MUTEX.status], 0
push ebx
mov eax, 77
xor ebx, ebx
pop ebx
mov [ecx+MUTEX.handle], eax
; Finalization. Close the underlying futex.
; in: ecx = MUTEX handle
proc mutex_destroy
push ebx
mov eax, 77
mov ebx, 1
pop ebx
; Acquire the mutex.
macro mutex_lock mutex
local .done
; Atomically set the locked status bit and get the previous value.
lock bts [mutex+MUTEX.status], 31
; Fast path: the mutex was not locked. If so, we are done.
jnc .done
if ~(mutex eq ecx)
mov ecx, mutex
end if
call mutex_lock_slow_path
; Acquire the mutex, slow path.
; Someone holds the mutex... or has held it a moment ago.
; in: ecx -> MUTEX
proc mutex_lock_slow_path
; Atomically increment number of waiters.
lock inc [ecx+MUTEX.status]
; When the mutex owner will release the mutex and wake us up,
; another thread can sneak in and grab the mutex before us.
; So, the following actions are potentially repeated in a loop.
mov edx, [ecx+MUTEX.status]
; The owner could have unlocked the mutex in parallel with us.
; If so, don't sleep: nobody would wake us up.
test edx, edx
jns .skip_wait
; Pass the fetched value to the kernel along with futex handle.
; If the owner unlocks the mutex while we are here,
; the kernel will detect mismatch and exit without sleeping.
; Otherwise, the owner will wake us up explicitly.
push ebx ecx esi
mov eax, 77
mov ebx, 2
mov ecx, [ecx+MUTEX.handle]
xor esi, esi
pop esi ecx ebx
; We have woken up.
; Or we didn't even sleep because status dword has been changed beneath us.
; Anyway, something may have changed, re-evaluate the situation.
; Atomically set the locked status bit and get the previous value.
lock bts [ecx+MUTEX.status], 31
; If the mutex was locked, someone has grabbed the mutex before us.
; Repeat the loop.
jc .wait_loop
; The mutex was unlocked and we have just managed to lock it.
; Our status has changed from a waiter to the owner.
; Decrease number of waiters and exit.
lock dec [ecx+MUTEX.status]
; Release the mutex.
macro mutex_unlock mutex
local .done
; Atomically clear the locked status bit and check whether someone is waiting.
lock and [mutex+MUTEX.status], 0x7FFFFFFF
; Fast path: nobody is waiting.
jz .done
mov ecx, [mutex+MUTEX.handle]
call mutex_unlock_slow_path
; Release the mutex, slow path.
; Someone is sleeping in the kernel, or preparing for the sleep.
; Wake one of waiters.
; in: ecx = MUTEX handle
proc mutex_unlock_slow_path
push ebx
mov eax, 77
mov ebx, 3
mov edx, 1
pop ebx
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