Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 9432 → Rev 9433

21,7 → 21,7
; Compile with FASM for Kolibri
BTN_WIDTH = 198 ; was 178
FONT_TYPE = 0x90000000
43,7 → 43,13
include "..\..\..\"
include "..\..\..\"
;include "../../../" ; debug macros
; Formatted debug output:
include "..\..\..\"
__DEBUG__ = 1 ; 0 - disable debug output / 1 - enable debug output
__DEBUG_LEVEL__ = DBG_ERR ; set the debug level
DBG_ALL = 0 ; all messages
DBG_INFO = 1 ; info and errors
DBG_ERR = 2 ; only errors
align 4
80,6 → 86,8
mcall 30, 1, default_dir
mov esi,bootparam
cmp [esi],byte 0
je .no_boot_parameters
145,6 → 153,52
mcall 48,3,sc,sizeof.system_colors ; load system colors
; DEBUGF DBG_INFO, " = %x\n", []
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 22
mov ecx, icons_resname
mov esi, 0 ; SHM_READ
test eax, eax
jnz @f
mov [no_shared_resources], 1
DEBUGF DBG_ERR, "Failed to get ICONS18W from @RESHARE.\nTry rerun @RESHARE.\n"
jmp .no_res
mov [shared_icons_ptr], eax
mov [shared_icons_size], edx
; copy shared icons to active icons
mov esi, eax
mov ecx, edx
mcall 68, 12, edx
mov edi, eax
mov [shared_icons_active_ptr], eax
shr ecx, 2 ; /= 4; ecx = how many dwords in shared icons
rep movsd
; change work color to work_light color
mov esi, [shared_icons_active_ptr]
xor ecx, ecx
cmp ecx, [shared_icons_size]
jae .end_for1
mov eax, esi
add eax, ecx
mov edx, [eax]
cmp edx, []
; DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "eax = %x, = %x\n", eax, []
jne @f
mov ebx, [] ;[sc.work_light]
add ebx, 0x1a1a1a ;;
mov [eax], ebx
add ecx, 4
jmp .for1
; get size of file MENU.DAT
mcall 70,fileinfo
test eax,eax
168,13 → 222,13
mov edi,[fileinfo.return] ;mem_end
align 4
newsearch: ; search for next submenu in MENU.DAT
mov al,'#'
repne scasb
test ecx,ecx ; if not found
jz close
call get_number
call get_number ; get submenu number from char at edi position to ebx
test ebx,ebx
jnz .number
cmp al,'#'
182,9 → 236,9
align 4
shl ebx,4
shl ebx,4 ; *= 16 . 16 is size of process table (see virtual at 0 ... stuff in the end of file)
add ebx,[menu_data] ; pointer to process table
mov [ebx],edi
mov [ebx],edi ; process_table->pointer = edi
inc [processes]
jmp newsearch
246,7 → 300,8
mov [buffer],0
align 4
thread: ; starts new thread. called when opening each menu
mov ebp,esp
sub ebp,0x1000
cmp ebp,0x2000 ; if this is first started thread
266,7 → 321,7
call draw_window ; redraw
align 4
still: ; event loop
call free_area_if_set_mutex
mcall 23,5 ; wait here for event
370,11 → 425,12
; dph eax
call draw_only_needed_buttons
; look for the next line <ah> times; <ah> = button_id
; look (.next_string) for the next line in MENU.DAT <ah> times; <ah> = button_id
push eax
align 4
; DEBUGF DBG_INFO, ".next_string called\n"
call searchstartstring
dec ah
jnz .next_string
715,7 → 771,7
; *********************************************
align 4
mcall 48,5
mcall 48,5 ; get working area
mov [x_working_area],eax
mov [y_working_area],ebx
842,9 → 898,11
align 4
mov [is_icon_active], 0
inc dl
cmp [edi + cur_sel],dl
jne .nohighlight
mov [is_icon_active], 1
cmp esi,0
jne @f
mov esi,0x2a2a2a
862,7 → 920,7
push edx
mov edx, esi
mcall 13
mcall 13 ; draw rect
mcall , BTN_WIDTH,<[draw_y],1>,[sc.work_light]
add ecx, BTN_HEIGHT-1
876,7 → 934,7
movzx edx,dl
dec dl
imul ebx,edx,BTN_HEIGHT
add ebx,(4 shl 16) + TXT_Y
add ebx,((4 + 18) shl 16) + TXT_Y ; added + 18 (icon size)
movzx ecx,dl
inc ecx
mov edx,[edi + pointer]
883,22 → 941,81
align 4
cmp byte [edx],13
cmp byte [edx],13 ; if \r encountered => line found
je .linefound
inc edx
inc edx ; go to next char
jmp .findline
align 4
inc edx
cmp byte [edx],10
inc edx ; go to next char after \r
cmp byte [edx],10 ; if it is not \n then again findline
jne .findline
dec ecx
dec ecx ; TODO what in ecx? button number?
jnz .findline
mov ecx, [sc.work_text]
add ecx, FONT_TYPE
mcall 4,,,,21
push ecx esi edi ebp
push ebx ; preserve ebx, it stores coordinates
mov [tmp], edx
mov [has_icon], 1
xor ebx, ebx
@@: ; parse icon number
inc edx
mov al,[edx]
; DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "(%u)\n", al
cmp al, '0'
jb @f
cmp al, '9'
ja @f
sub al, '0'
imul ebx,10
add ebx,eax
jmp @b
; DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "icon_number = %x al = %u\n", ebx, al
mov [icon_number], ebx
cmp al, ' '
je @f
; if no space after number then consider that number is a part of caption
mov edx, [tmp] ; restore edx
mov [has_icon], 0 ; no icon
pop ebx
mcall 4,,,,21 ; draw menu element caption
cmp [no_shared_resources], 1
je @f
cmp [has_icon], 1
jne @f
; draw icon:
mov eax, ebx
shr eax, 16
sub eax, 18 ; 18 - icon width
movzx ebx, bx
sub ebx, 2
shl eax, 16
add eax, ebx
mov [tmp], eax
mov ebx, [icon_number]
imul ebx, 18*18*4
mov ecx, [shared_icons_ptr]
; DEBUGF DBG_INFO, "is_icon_active = %x\n", [is_icon_active]
cmp [is_icon_active], 1
jne .not_active_icon
mov ecx, [shared_icons_active_ptr]
add ebx, ecx
mcall 65, ebx, (18 shl 16) + 18, [tmp], 32, 0, 0
pop ebp edi esi ecx
pop edx
1002,6 → 1119,18
prev_sel db ? ; +12 previous selection
rb 16-$+1 ; [16 bytes per element]
end virtual
include_debug_strings ; for debug-fdo
icons_resname db 'ICONS18W', 0
shared_icons_ptr dd ?
shared_icons_active_ptr dd ?
shared_icons_size dd ?
has_icon db ?
icon_number dd ?
is_icon_active dd ?
no_shared_resources dd 0
tmp dd ?
align 4