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Regard whitespace Rev 485 → Rev 1009

File deleted
\ No newline at end of file
File deleted
File deleted
\ No newline at end of file
1,7 → 1,7
; made by hidnplayr ( for KolibriOS
; made by hidnplayr ( for KolibriOS
; The given code before every macro is only a simple example
10,7 → 10,7
; v1.0: august 2006 original release
; v1.1: december 2006 bugfixes and improvements
; v1.2: februari 2007 more bugfixes and improvements
; v1.2: february 2007 more bugfixes and improvements
macro mov arg1,arg2 {
if arg1 eq arg2
339,51 → 339,12
; The function 'resolve' resolves the address in edx and puts the resulting IP in eax.
; When the input is an IP-adress, the function will output this IP in eax.
; If something goes wrong, the result in eax should be 0
; example:
; resolve query1,IP,PORT
; resolve '',IP,PORT
; resolve query2,IP,PORT
; query1 db '',0
; query2 db '',0
; IP dd ?
; PORT dd ?
macro resolve query,result {
push edx
if query eqtype 0
mov edx,query
local ..string, ..label
jmp ..label
..string db query,0
mov edx,..string
end if
call __resolve
mov result,eax
if used __resolve
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: Resolving started\n'
end if
; This code validates if the query is an IP containing 4 numbers and 3 dots
push edx ; push edx (query address) onto stack
xor al, al ; make al (dot count) zero
408,7 → 369,7
@@: ; we reach this when end of query reached
cmp al,3 ; check if there where 3 dots
jnz no_IP ; if not, jump to no_IP (this is where the DNS will take over)
jnz no_IP ; if not, jump to no_IP
; The following code will convert this IP into a dword and output it in eax
; If there is also a port number specified, this will be returned in ebx, otherwise ebx is -1
438,189 → 399,15
add edx, ebx
bswap edx ; we want little endian order
mov eax, edx
pop edx
xor edx, edx
; The query is not an IP address, we will send the query to a DNS server and hope for answer ;)
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: The query is no ip, Building request string from:%u\n',edx
end if
; Build the request string
mov eax, 0x00010100
mov [dnsMsg], eax
mov eax, 0x00000100
mov [dnsMsg+4], eax
mov eax, 0x00000000
mov [dnsMsg+8], eax
; domain name goes in at dnsMsg+12
mov esi, dnsMsg + 12 ; location of label length
mov edi, dnsMsg + 13 ; label start
mov ecx, 12 ; total string length so far
mov [esi], byte 0
inc ecx
mov al, [edx]
cmp al, 0
je td001 ; we have finished the string translation
cmp al, '.'
je td004 ; we have finished the label
inc byte [esi]
inc ecx
mov [edi], al
inc edi
inc edx
jmp td0021
mov esi, edi
inc edi
inc edx
jmp td002
; write label len + label text
mov [edi], byte 0
inc ecx
inc edi
mov [edi], dword 0x01000100
add ecx, 4
mov [dnsMsgLen], ecx ; We'll need the length of the message when we send it
; Now, lets send this and wait for an answer
eth.search_port 1024,edx ; Find a free port starting from 1025 and store in edx
eth.get_DNS esi ; Read DNS IP from stack into esi
eth.open_udp edx,53,esi,[socketNum] ; First, open socket
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: Socket opened: %u (port %u)\n',[socketNum],ecx
end if
eth.write_udp [socketNum],[dnsMsgLen],dnsMsg ; Write to socket ( request DNS lookup )
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: Data written, length:%u offset:%u\n',[dnsMsgLen],dnsMsg
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: Waiting for data: (timeout is %us)\n',TIMEOUT
end if
eth.wait_for_data [socketNum],TIMEOUT,abort ; Now, we wait for data from remote
eth.read_data dword[socketNum],dnsMsg,dword[dnsMsgLen],dnsMsg+BUFFER ; Read the data into the buffer
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'Data received, offset:%u buffer size:%u length:%u\n',dnsMsg,BUFFER,esi-dnsMsg
end if
eth.close_udp [socketNum] ; We're done, close the socket
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'Closed Socket\n'
end if
; Now parse the message to get the host IP. Man, this is complicated. It's described in RFC 1035
; 1) Validate that we have an answer with > 0 responses
; 2) Find the answer record with TYPE 0001 ( host IP )
; 3) Finally, copy the IP address to the display
; Note: The response is in dnsMsg, the end of the buffer is pointed to by [dnsMsgLen]
mov esi, dnsMsg
mov al, [esi+2] ; Is this a response to my question?
and al, 0x80
cmp al, 0x80
jne abort
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: It was a response to my question\n'
end if
mov al, [esi+3] ; Were there any errors?
and al, 0x0F
cmp al, 0x00
jne abort
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: There were no errors\n'
end if
mov ax, [esi+6] ; Is there ( at least 1 ) answer?
cmp ax, 0x00
je abort
; Header validated. Scan through and get my answer
add esi, 12 ; Skip to the question field
call skipName ; Skip through the question field
add esi, 4 ; skip past the questions qtype, qclass
; Now at the answer. There may be several answers, find the right one ( TYPE = 0x0001 )
call skipName
mov ax, [esi]
cmp ax, 0x0100 ; Is this the IP address answer?
jne ctr002c
add esi, 10 ; Yes! Point eax to the first byte of the IP address
mov eax,[esi]
ctr002c: ; Skip through the answer, move to the next
add esi, 8
movzx eax, byte [esi+1]
mov ah, [esi]
add esi, eax
add esi, 2
cmp esi, [dnsMsgLen] ; Have we reached the end of the msg? This is an error condition, should not happen
jl ctr002z ; Check next answer
if __DEBUG__ eq 1
DEBUGF 1,'DNS: Something went wrong, aborting\n'
end if
xor eax,eax
; Increment esi to the first byte past the name field
; Names may use compressed labels. Normally do.
; RFC 1035 page 30 gives details
mov al, [esi]
cmp al, 0
je sn_exit
and al, 0xc0
cmp al, 0xc0
je sn001
movzx eax, byte [esi]
inc eax
add esi, eax
jmp skipName
add esi, 2 ; A pointer is always at the end
inc esi
dnsMsgLen: dd 0
socketNum: dd 0xFFFF
if ~defined dnsMsg
dnsMsg: rb BUFFER
end if
end if
0,0 → 1,157
proc mem.Alloc size ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push ebx ecx
mov eax,[size]
lea ecx,[eax+4+4095]
and ecx,not 4095
mcall 68,12
add ecx,-4
mov [eax],ecx
add eax,4
pop ecx ebx
proc mem.ReAlloc mptr,size;///////////////////////////////////////////////////
push ebx ecx esi edi eax
mov eax,[mptr]
mov ebx,[size]
or eax,eax
jz @f
lea ecx,[ebx+4+4095]
and ecx,not 4095
add ecx,-4
cmp ecx,[eax-4]
je .exit
@@: mov eax,ebx
call mem.Alloc
xchg eax,[esp]
or eax,eax
jz .exit
mov esi,eax
xchg eax,[esp]
mov edi,eax
mov ecx,[esi-4]
cmp ecx,[edi-4]
jbe @f
mov ecx,[edi-4]
@@: add ecx,3
shr ecx,2
rep movsd
xchg eax,[esp]
call mem.Free
pop eax edi esi ecx ebx
proc mem.Free mptr ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
mov eax,[mptr]
or eax,eax
jz @f
push ebx ecx
lea ecx,[eax-4]
mcall 68,13
pop ecx ebx
@@: ret
proc dll.Load, import_table:dword
mov esi,[import_table]
.next_lib: mov edx,[esi]
or edx,edx
jz .exit
push esi
mov esi,[esi+4]
mov edi,s_libdir.fname
@@: lodsb
or al,al
jnz @b
mcall 68,19,s_libdir
or eax,eax
jz .fail
stdcall dll.Link,eax,edx
stdcall dll.Init,[eax+4]
pop esi
add esi,8
jmp .next_lib
.exit: xor eax,eax
.fail: add esp,4
xor eax,eax
inc eax
proc dll.Link, exp:dword,imp:dword
push eax
mov esi,[imp]
test esi,esi
jz .done
.next: lodsd
test eax,eax
jz .done
stdcall dll.GetProcAddress,[exp],eax
or eax,eax
jz @f
mov [esi-4],eax
jmp .next
@@: mov dword[esp],0
.done: pop eax
proc dll.Init, dllentry:dword
mov eax,mem.Alloc
mov ebx,mem.Free
mov ecx,mem.ReAlloc
mov edx,dll.Load
stdcall [dllentry]
proc dll.GetProcAddress, exp:dword,sz_name:dword
mov edx,[exp]
xor eax,eax
.next: or edx,edx
jz .end
cmp dword[edx],0
jz .end
stdcall strcmp,[edx],[sz_name]
test eax,eax
jz .ok
add edx,8
jmp .next
.ok: mov eax,[edx+4]
.end: ret
proc strcmp, str1:dword,str2:dword
push esi edi
mov esi,[str1]
mov edi,[str2]
xor eax,eax
@@: lodsb
jne .fail
or al,al
jnz @b
jmp .ok
.fail: or eax,-1
.ok: pop edi esi
db '/sys/lib/'
.fname rb 32
0,0 → 1,498
; Zero-config
; v 1.4
; DHCP code is based on that by Mike Hibbet (DHCP client for menuetos)
; Written by HidnPlayr & Derpenguin
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id
dd 0x01 ; header version
dd START ; start of code
dd IM_END ; size of image
dd I_END ; memory for app
dd I_END ; esp
dd 0x0 , path ; I_Param , I_Icon
TIMEOUT equ 60 ; in seconds
BUFFER equ 1024 ; in bytes
__DEBUG__ equ 1 ; enable/disable
__DEBUG_LEVEL__ equ 1 ; 1 = all, 2 = errors
PROBE_WAIT equ 1 ; second (initial random delay)
PROBE_MIN equ 1 ; second (minimum delay till repeated probe)
PROBE_MAX equ 2 ; seconds (maximum delay till repeated probe)
PROBE_NUM equ 3 ; (number of probe packets)
ANNOUNCE_NUM equ 2 ; (number of announcement packets)
ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL equ 2 ; seconds (time between announcement packets)
ANNOUNCE_WAIT equ 2 ; seconds (delay before announcing)
MAX_CONFLICTS equ 10 ; (max conflicts before rate limiting)
RATE_LIMIT_INTERVAL equ 60 ; seconds (delay between successive attempts)
DEFEND_INTERVAL equ 10 ; seconds (min. wait between defensive ARPs)
include '../../../'
include '../../../'
include ''
include ''
include ''
include ''
START: ; start of execution
mcall 40, 0
eth.set_network_drv 0x00000383
DEBUGF 1,"Zero-config service:\n"
eth.status eax ; Read the Stack status
test eax,eax ; if eax is zero, no driver was found
jnz @f
DEBUGF 1,"No Card found!\n"
jmp close
DEBUGF 1,"Detected card: %x\n",eax
eth.check_cable eax
test al,al
jnz @f
DEBUGF 1,"Cable disconnected!\n"
mcall 5, 500 ; loop until cable is connected (check every 5 sec)
jmp @r
eth.read_mac MAC
DEBUGF 1,"MAC: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x\n",[MAC]:2,[MAC+1]:2,[MAC+2]:2,[MAC+3]:2,[MAC+4]:2,[MAC+5]:2
mov edi, path ; Calculate the length of zero-terminated string
xor al , al
mov ecx, 1024
repnz scas byte[es:edi]
dec edi
mov esi, filename
mov ecx, 5
rep movsb
mcall 64,1,I_END_2
mcall 68,11
stdcall dll.Load,@IMPORT
or eax,eax
jnz skip_ini
invoke ini.get_str, path, str_ipconfig, str_type, inibuf, 16, 0
mov eax,dword[inibuf]
cmp eax,'stat'
jne skip_ini
invoke ini.get_str, path, str_ipconfig, str_ip, inibuf, 16, 0
mov edx, inibuf
call Ip2dword
eth.set_IP edx
invoke ini.get_str, path, str_ipconfig, str_gateway, inibuf, 16, 0
mov edx, inibuf
call Ip2dword
eth.set_GATEWAY edx
invoke ini.get_str, path, str_ipconfig, str_dns, inibuf, 16, 0
mov edx, inibuf
call Ip2dword
eth.set_DNS edx
invoke ini.get_str, path, str_ipconfig, str_subnet, inibuf, 16, 0
mov edx, inibuf
call Ip2dword
eth.set_SUBNET edx
mcall -1
eth.check_port 68,eax ; Check if port 68 is available
cmp eax,1
je @f
DEBUGF 1,"Port 68 is already in use!\n"
jmp close
eth.open_udp 68,67,-1,[socketNum] ; open socket (local,remote,ip,socket)
; Setup the first msg we will send
mov byte [dhcpMsgType], 0x01 ; DHCP discover
mov dword [dhcpLease], esi ; esi is still -1 (-1 = forever)
mcall 26, 9
imul eax,100
mov [currTime],eax
buildRequest: ; Creates a DHCP request packet.
stdcall mem.Alloc, BUFFER
mov [dhcpMsg], eax
test eax,eax
jz apipa
mov edi, eax
mov ecx,BUFFER
xor eax,eax
rep stosb
mov edx,[dhcpMsg]
mov [edx], byte 0x01 ; Boot request
mov [edx+1], byte 0x01 ; Ethernet
mov [edx+2], byte 0x06 ; Ethernet h/w len
mov [edx+4], dword 0x11223344 ; xid
mov eax,[currTime]
mov [edx+8], eax ; secs, our uptime
mov [edx+10], byte 0x80 ; broadcast flag set
mov eax, dword [MAC] ; first 4 bytes of MAC
mov [edx+28],dword eax
mov ax, word [MAC+4] ; last 2 bytes of MAC
mov [edx+32],word ax
mov [edx+236], dword 0x63538263 ; magic number
mov [edx+240], word 0x0135 ; option DHCP msg type
mov al, [dhcpMsgType]
mov [edx+240+2], al
mov [edx+240+3], word 0x0433 ; option Lease time = infinity
mov eax, [dhcpLease]
mov [edx+240+5], eax
mov [edx+240+9], word 0x0432 ; option requested IP address
mov eax, [dhcpClientIP]
mov [edx+240+11], eax
mov [edx+240+15], word 0x0437 ; option request list
mov [edx+240+17], dword 0x0f060301
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x01 ; Check which msg we are sending
jne request_options
mov [edx+240+21], byte 0xff ; "Discover" options
mov [dhcpMsgLen], dword 262 ; end of options marker
jmp send_request
mov [edx+240+21], word 0x0436 ; server IP
mov eax, [dhcpServerIP]
mov [edx+240+23], eax
mov [edx+240+27], byte 0xff ; end of options marker
mov [dhcpMsgLen], dword 268
eth.write_udp [socketNum],[dhcpMsgLen],[dhcpMsg] ; write to socket ( send broadcast request )
mov eax, [dhcpMsg] ; Setup the DHCP buffer to receive response
mov [dhcpMsgLen], eax ; Used as a pointer to the data
mov eax,23 ; wait here for event (data from remote)
mov ebx,TIMEOUT*10
eth.poll [socketNum]
test eax,eax
jnz read_data
DEBUGF 2,"Timeout!\n"
eth.close_udp [socketNum]
jmp apipa ; no server found, lets try zeroconf
read_data: ; we have data - this will be the response
eth.read_packet [socketNum], [dhcpMsg], BUFFER
mov [dhcpMsgLen], eax
eth.close_udp [socketNum]
; depending on which msg we sent, handle the response
; accordingly.
; If the response is to a dhcp discover, then:
; 1) If response is DHCP OFFER then
; 1.1) record server IP, lease time & IP address.
; 1.2) send a request packet
; If the response is to a dhcp request, then:
; 1) If the response is DHCP ACK then
; 1.1) extract the DNS & subnet fields. Set them in the stack
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x01 ; did we send a discover?
je discover
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x03 ; did we send a request?
je request
jmp close ; really unknown, what we did
call parseResponse
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x02 ; Was the response an offer?
jne apipa ; NO - so we do zeroconf
mov [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x03 ; DHCP request
jmp buildRequest
call parseResponse
cmp [dhcpMsgType], byte 0x05 ; Was the response an ACK? It should be
jne apipa ; NO - so we do zeroconf
jmp close
; Function
; parseResponse
; Description
; extracts the fields ( client IP address and options ) from
; a DHCP response
; The values go into
; dhcpMsgType,dhcpLease,dhcpClientIP,dhcpServerIP,
; dhcpDNSIP, dhcpSubnet
; The message is stored in dhcpMsg
DEBUGF 1,"Data received, parsing response\n"
mov edx, [dhcpMsg]
eth.set_IP [edx+16]
mov eax,[edx]
mov [dhcpClientIP],eax
DEBUGF 1,"Client: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edx+16]:1,[edx+17]:1,[edx+18]:1,[edx+19]:1
add edx, 240 ; Point to first option
xor ecx, ecx
add edx, ecx
mov al, [edx]
cmp al, 0xff ; End of options?
je pr_exit
cmp al, dhcp_msg_type ; Msg type is a single byte option
jne @f
mov al, [edx+2]
mov [dhcpMsgType], al
add edx, 3
jmp pr001 ; Get next option
inc edx
movzx ecx, byte [edx]
inc edx ; point to data
cmp al, dhcp_dhcp_server_id ; server ip
jne @f
mov eax, [edx]
mov [dhcpServerIP], eax
DEBUGF 1,"Server: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edx]:1,[edx+1]:1,[edx+2]:1,[edx+3]:1
jmp next_option
cmp al, dhcp_address_time
jne @f
mov eax,[edx]
bswap eax
mov [dhcpLease],eax
DEBUGF 1,"lease: %d\n",eax
jmp next_option
cmp al, dhcp_subnet_mask
jne @f
eth.set_SUBNET [edx]
DEBUGF 1,"Subnet: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edx]:1,[edx+1]:1,[edx+2]:1,[edx+3]:1
jmp next_option
cmp al, dhcp_router
jne @f
eth.set_GATEWAY [edx]
DEBUGF 1,"Gateway: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edx]:1,[edx+1]:1,[edx+2]:1,[edx+3]:1
jmp next_option
cmp al, dhcp_domain_server
jne next_option
eth.set_DNS [edx]
DEBUGF 1,"DNS: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edx]:1,[edx+1]:1,[edx+2]:1,[edx+3]:1
jmp next_option
; DEBUGF 1,"Sending ARP announce\n"
; eth.ARP_ANNOUNCE [dhcpClientIP] ; send an ARP announce packet
jmp close
stdcall mem.Free, [dhcpMsg]
call random
mov ecx,0xfea9 ; IP link local net, see RFC3927
mov cx,ax
eth.set_IP ecx ; mask is
DEBUGF 1,"Link Local IP assinged: 169.254.%u.%u\n",[generator+2]:1,[generator+3]:1
eth.set_SUBNET 0xffff
eth.set_GATEWAY 0x0
eth.set_DNS 0x0
mcall 5, PROBE_WAIT*100
xor esi,esi
call random ; create a pseudo random number in eax (seeded by MAC)
cmp al,PROBE_MIN*100 ; check if al is bigger then PROBE_MIN
jge @f ; all ok
add al,(PROBE_MAX-PROBE_MIN)*100 ; al is too small
cmp al,PROBE_MAX*100
jle @f
sub al,(PROBE_MAX-PROBE_MIN)*100
movzx ebx,al
DEBUGF 1,"Waiting %u0ms\n",ebx
mcall 5
DEBUGF 1,"Sending Probe\n"
inc esi
cmp esi,PROBE_NUM
jl probe_loop
; now we wait further ANNOUNCE_WAIT seconds and send ANNOUNCE_NUM ARP announces. If any other host has assingned
; IP within this time, we should create another adress, that have to be done later
DEBUGF 1,"Waiting %us\n",ANNOUNCE_WAIT
mcall 5, ANNOUNCE_WAIT*100
xor esi,esi
DEBUGF 1,"Sending Announce\n"
inc esi
je @f
jmp announce_loop
; we should, instead of closing, detect ARP conflicts and detect if cable keeps connected ;)
mcall -1
random: ; Pseudo random actually
mov eax,[generator]
add eax,-43ab45b5h
ror eax,1
bswap eax
xor eax,dword[MAC]
ror eax,1
xor eax,dword[MAC+2]
mov [generator],eax
align 16
library \
import libini, \
filename db '.ini',0
str_ip db 'ip',0
str_subnet db 'subnet',0
str_gateway db 'gateway',0
str_dns db 'dns',0
str_ipconfig db 'ipconfig',0
str_type db 'type',0
inibuf rb 16
dhcpClientIP dd ?
dhcpMsgType db ?
dhcpLease dd ?
dhcpServerIP dd ?
dhcpMsgLen dd ?
socketNum dd ?
MAC dp ?
currTime dd ?
renewTime dd ?
generator dd ?
dhcpMsg dd ?
path rb 1024+5
0,0 → 1,9
; type should be static or zeroconf
; zeroconf means the service first tries to contact a DHCP server
; If dhcp is not available, it switches to link-local
type = static
ip =
gateway =
dns =
subnet =