Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 6724 → Rev 6725

0,0 → 1,589
# Makefile for UnZip, fUnZip and UnZipSFX for native Win32-Intel ports of gcc.
# Currently supported implementations: Cygnus/Win32 and MinGW32.
# First version: Cosmin Truta, Dec 1997.
# Last revision: Christian Spieler, 09-Aug-2008.
# To use, do "make -f win32/makefile.gcc".
# configuration switches supported:
# NOASM=1 disable assembler crc32 code, the generic C source code
# is used instead.
# NOCRC_OPT=1 disable "unfolding CRC tables" optimization.
# OPT_P6=1 add "modern gcc" tuning option for PentiumPro family CPU.
# USEBZ2=1 activate integrated compilation of bzip2 compression support,
# this requires the bzip2 sources present in the bzip2 subfolder.
# USEZLIB=1 replace internal deflate code by externally provided zlib.
# USE_POSIX=1 build posix-style binaries targeted for the CygWin unix
# emulation environment.
SDK_DIR:= $(abspath ../../../contrib/sdk)
### Optional section
# The following options allow to override the default assembler code usage
ifdef NOASM
ifdef USEASM
# The external zlib library supplies its own crc32 implementation...
# default is ASM CRC code (from .S source) for now...
# optional inclusion of bzip2 decompression
IZ_BZIP2 = bzip2
ifdef USEBZ2
LD_BZ2LIB = -L$(IZ_BZIP2) -lbz2
LIBBZIP2 = $(IZ_BZIP2)/libbz2.a
ifndef USEZLIB
# Apply the "CRC unfolding tables" optimization unless explicitly disabled.
# (This optimization might have negative effects on old CPU designs with a
# small first-level data cache.)
ifndef NOCRC_OPT
# Optional nonstandard preprocessor flags (as -DUSE_ZLIB or -DUSE_SMITH_CODE)
# should be added to the environment via "set LOCAL_UNZIP=-DFOO" or added
# to the declaration of LOCFLAGS here:
ifneq ($(APPLY_ASMCRC),0)
else # ifndef USEZLIB
endif # ifndef USEZLIB ... else ...
# Finally, append additional externally supplied options.
# Some gcc distributions for Win32 (e.g. CygWin) try to emulate a POSIX-
# compatible (Unix-style) environment. This Makefile defaults to a
# "native Win32" build. To build POSIX-mode binaries, it is recommended
# to use the Makefile of the Unix port. However, by defining the variable
# "USE_POSIX", building binaries for the POSIX environment can be enabled
# here as well.
ifdef 0
### kolibri specific
INCLUDES= -I $(SDK_DIR)/sources/newlib/libc/include
LIBPATH = -L $(SDK_DIR)/lib -L /home/autobuild/tools/win32/mingw32/lib
CC_ENVIR_OPT = -U__WIN32__ -U_Win32 -U_WIN32 -U__MINGW32__ -UWIN32 -DKOS32 \
### Compiler-specific section
# ------------ GNU C ------------
CC = kos32-gcc
#AS = as
AS = $(CC)
LD = kos32-ld
###LD = $(CC)
AR = ar
###RC = windres
# Quiet
# Warnings
# Debug version
# Release version
# Prefered target CPU (instruction scheduling optimized for...)
ifndef CC_CPU_OPT
CC_CPU_OPT = -mcpu=pentiumpro
# Smallest code (-Os is new since EGC 1.1, use -O1 for 2.8.1 and earlier)
# Fastest code
# Output object file name
# Other specific options
LD_SPECIFIC_OPT = -o $@ -static -S -nostdlib -T $(SDK_DIR)/lib/ \
--image-base 0 $(LIBPATH)
# Libraries for the debug & release version
# (GCC 2.95 and newer does not require the system library specifications)
LD_RELEASE_LIBS = -lz -lgcc -ldll -lc.dll
LD_RELEASE_LIBS = -lgcc -ldll -lc.dll
### System-specific section
# Suffixes
OBJ = .o
EXE = .exe
.SUFFIXES: .c .S $(OBJ) $(EXE)
# Commands
RM = del /q
### General section
$(CC_OUT_OPT) $@
# To build with debug info, use 'make DEBUG=1'.
ifdef DEBUG
# Object files
ifneq ($(APPLY_ASMCRC),0)
OBJA = crc_i386$(OBJ)
OBJU1 = unzip$(OBJ) crc32$(OBJ) crypt$(OBJ) envargs$(OBJ)
OBJU2 = explode$(OBJ) extract$(OBJ) fileio$(OBJ) globals$(OBJ) inflate$(OBJ)
OBJU3 = list$(OBJ) match$(OBJ) process$(OBJ) ttyio$(OBJ) ubz2err$(OBJ)
OBJU4 = unreduce$(OBJ) unshrink$(OBJ) zipinfo$(OBJ)
OBJUS= kos32$(OBJ) dirent$(OBJ)
###OBJUS = win32$(OBJ) win32i64$(OBJ) nt$(OBJ) winapprc$(OBJ)
OBJU = $(OBJU1) $(OBJU2) $(OBJU3) $(OBJU4) $(OBJA) $(OBJUS)
OBJX1 = unzipsfx$(OBJ) crc32x$(OBJ) cryptx$(OBJ) extractx$(OBJ)
OBJX2 = fileiox$(OBJ) globalsx$(OBJ) inflatex$(OBJ) matchx$(OBJ) processx$(OBJ)
OBJX3 = ttyiox$(OBJ) ubz2errx$(OBJ)
###OBJXS = win32x$(OBJ) win32i64x$(OBJ) ntx$(OBJ)
OBJX = $(OBJX1) $(OBJX2) $(OBJX3) $(OBJA) $(OBJXS)
OBJF1 = funzip$(OBJ) crc32$(OBJ) cryptf$(OBJ) globalsf$(OBJ) inflatef$(OBJ)
OBJF2 = ttyiof$(OBJ)
###OBJFS = win32f$(OBJ) win32i64f$(OBJ)
OBJDLL = windll$(OBJ) windllrc$(OBJ) api$(OBJ)
OBJD1 = crc32l$(OBJ) cryptl$(OBJ)
OBJD2 = explodel$(OBJ) extractl$(OBJ) fileiol$(OBJ) globalsl$(OBJ)
OBJD3 = inflatel$(OBJ) listl$(OBJ) matchl$(OBJ) processl$(OBJ) ubz2errl$(OBJ)
OBJD4 = unreducl$(OBJ) unshrnkl$(OBJ) zipinfol$(OBJ)
###OBJDS = win32l$(OBJ) win32i64l$(OBJ) ntl$(OBJ)
OBLX1 = apig$(OBJ) crc32g$(OBJ) cryptg$(OBJ)
OBLX2 = extractg$(OBJ) fileiog$(OBJ) globalsg$(OBJ) inflateg$(OBJ)
OBLX3 = matchg$(OBJ) processg$(OBJ) ubz2errg$(OBJ)
###OBLXS = win32g$(OBJ) win32i64g$(OBJ) ntg$(OBJ) windllg$(OBJ)
OBLX = $(OBLX1) $(OBLX2) $(OBLX3) $(OBJA) $(OBLXS)
OBGX = sfxwiz$(OBJ) sfxwizrc$(OBJ)
OBJLIB = windllb$(OBJ) apib$(OBJ)
OBJB1 = crc32b$(OBJ) cryptb$(OBJ)
OBJB2 = explodeb$(OBJ) extractb$(OBJ) fileiob$(OBJ) globalsb$(OBJ)
OBJB3 = inflateb$(OBJ) listb$(OBJ) matchb$(OBJ) processb$(OBJ) ubz2errb$(OBJ)
OBJB4 = unreducb$(OBJ) unshrnkb$(OBJ) zipinfob$(OBJ)
###OBJBS = win32b$(OBJ) win32i64b$(OBJ) ntb$(OBJ)
UNZIP_H = unzip.h unzpriv.h globals.h
###WINDLL_H = windll/windll.h windll/structs.h windll/decs.h
###DLLDEF = windll/windllgcc.def
###WINDLL_IMP_H = windll/decs.h windll/structs.h
# Default target is all the executables
###unzips: unzip$(EXE) funzip$(EXE) unzipsfx$(EXE)
###dll: unzip32.dll
###dllsample: uzexampl$(EXE)
###guisfx: SFXWiz32$(EXE)
#lib: libunzip32.a
###all: unzips dll dllsample guisfx lib
all: unzip$(EXE)
unzip$(EXE): $(OBJU) $(LIBBZIP2)
kos32-objcopy $@ -O binary
unzipsfx$(EXE): $(OBJX) $(LIBBZIP2X)
funzip$(EXE): $(OBJF)
unzip32.dll: $(DLLDEF) $(OBJD) $(LIBBZIP2)
dllwrap --driver-name $(CC) --def $(DLLDEF) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDVER) $(OBJD) $(LD_BZ2LIB) $(LDLIBS)
libunzsfx32.a: $(OBLX)
$(AR) -rus $@ $(OBLX)
SFXWiz32$(EXE): $(OBGX) libunzsfx32.a $(LIBBZIP2X)
$(LD) $(GUILDFLAG) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDVER) $(OBGX) -L. -lunzsfx32 $(LDLIBS)
uzexampl$(EXE): uzexampl$(OBJ)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDVER) uzexampl$(OBJ) -lversion $(LDLIBS)
libunzip32.a: $(OBJB)
$(AR) -rus $@ $(OBJB)
# create/update the library for the optional bzip2 support:
$(IZ_BZIP2)/libbz2.a: FORCE
$(subst /,\,$(MAKE)) -C $(IZ_BZIP2) -f Makebz2.iz CC="$(CC)" RM="$(RM)"
# How to compile sources
# Dependencies
crc32$(OBJ): crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crc32.h
crypt$(OBJ): crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h crc32.h ttyio.h
envargs$(OBJ): envargs.c $(UNZIP_H)
explode$(OBJ): explode.c $(UNZIP_H)
extract$(OBJ): extract.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h
fileio$(OBJ): fileio.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h ttyio.h ebcdic.h
funzip$(OBJ): funzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h ttyio.h
globals$(OBJ): globals.c $(UNZIP_H)
inflate$(OBJ): inflate.c inflate.h $(UNZIP_H)
list$(OBJ): list.c $(UNZIP_H)
match$(OBJ): match.c $(UNZIP_H)
process$(OBJ): process.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h
ttyio$(OBJ): ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h ttyio.h
ubz2err$(OBJ): ubz2err.c $(UNZIP_H)
unreduce$(OBJ): unreduce.c $(UNZIP_H)
unshrink$(OBJ): unshrink.c $(UNZIP_H)
unzip$(OBJ): unzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h unzvers.h consts.h
zipinfo$(OBJ): zipinfo.c $(UNZIP_H)
crc_i386$(OBJ): crc_i386.S
kos32$(OBJ): kolibri/kos32.c kolibri/kos32sys1.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENFLAGS) -I. $<
dirent$(OBJ): kolibri/dirent.c kolibri/kos32sys1.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENFLAGS) -I. $<
###win32$(OBJ): win32/win32.c $(UNZIP_H) win32/nt.h
### $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENFLAGS) -I. $<
###win32i64$(OBJ): win32/win32i64.c $(UNZIP_H)
### $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENFLAGS) -I. $<
###nt$(OBJ): win32/nt.c $(UNZIP_H) win32/nt.h
### $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENFLAGS) -I. $<
###winapprc$(OBJ): win32/winapp.rc unzvers.h
### - $(RC) -o $@ $<
# UnZipSFX compilation section
crc32x$(OBJ): crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crc32.h
cryptx$(OBJ): crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h crc32.h ttyio.h
extractx$(OBJ): extract.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h
fileiox$(OBJ): fileio.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h ttyio.h ebcdic.h
globalsx$(OBJ): globals.c $(UNZIP_H)
inflatex$(OBJ): inflate.c inflate.h $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h
matchx$(OBJ): match.c $(UNZIP_H)
processx$(OBJ): process.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h
ttyiox$(OBJ): ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h ttyio.h
ubz2errx$(OBJ): ubz2err.c $(UNZIP_H)
unzipsfx$(OBJ): unzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h unzvers.h consts.h
win32x$(OBJ): win32/win32.c $(UNZIP_H) win32/nt.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(SFXFLAGS) -I. $<
win32i64x$(OBJ): win32/win32i64.c $(UNZIP_H)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(SFXFLAGS) -I. $<
ntx$(OBJ): win32/nt.c $(UNZIP_H) win32/nt.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(SFXFLAGS) -I. $<
# fUnZip compilation section
cryptf$(OBJ): crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h crc32.h ttyio.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(FFLAGS) $<
globalsf$(OBJ): globals.c $(UNZIP_H)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(FFLAGS) $<
inflatef$(OBJ): inflate.c inflate.h $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(FFLAGS) $<
ttyiof$(OBJ): ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h ttyio.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(FFLAGS) $<
win32f$(OBJ): win32/win32.c $(UNZIP_H) win32/nt.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(FFLAGS) -I. $<
win32i64f$(OBJ): win32/win32i64.c $(UNZIP_H)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(FFLAGS) -I. $<
# WINDLL sample
uzexampl$(OBJ): windll/uzexampl.c windll/uzexampl.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENFLAGS) -I. $<
# DLL compilation section
api$(OBJ): api.c $(UNZIP_H) $(WINDLL_H) unzvers.h
crc32l$(OBJ): crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crc32.h
cryptl$(OBJ): crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h crc32.h ttyio.h
explodel$(OBJ): explode.c $(UNZIP_H)
extractl$(OBJ): extract.c $(UNZIP_H) $(WINDLL_H) crc32.h crypt.h
fileiol$(OBJ): fileio.c $(UNZIP_H) $(WINDLL_H) crc32.h crypt.h ttyio.h ebcdic.h
globalsl$(OBJ): globals.c $(UNZIP_H)
inflatel$(OBJ): inflate.c inflate.h $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h
listl$(OBJ): list.c $(UNZIP_H) $(WINDLL_H)
matchl$(OBJ): match.c $(UNZIP_H)
processl$(OBJ): process.c $(UNZIP_H) $(WINDLL_H) crc32.h
ubz2errl$(OBJ): ubz2err.c $(UNZIP_H)
unreducl$(OBJ): unreduce.c $(UNZIP_H)
unshrnkl$(OBJ): unshrink.c $(UNZIP_H)
zipinfol$(OBJ): zipinfo.c $(UNZIP_H)
win32l$(OBJ): win32/win32.c $(UNZIP_H) win32/nt.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENDLLFL) -I. $<
win32i64l$(OBJ): win32/win32i64.c $(UNZIP_H)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENDLLFL) -I. $<
ntl$(OBJ): win32/nt.c $(UNZIP_H) win32/nt.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENDLLFL) -I. $<
windll$(OBJ): windll/windll.c $(UNZIP_H) $(WINDLL_H) crypt.h unzvers.h consts.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENDLLFL) -I. $<
windllrc$(OBJ): windll/windll.rc unzvers.h
- $(RC) -o $@ $<
# SFX Lib compilation section
apig$(OBJ): api.c $(UNZIP_H) $(WINDLL_H) unzvers.h
crc32g$(OBJ): crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crc32.h
cryptg$(OBJ): crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h crc32.h ttyio.h
extractg$(OBJ): extract.c $(UNZIP_H) $(WINDLL_H) crc32.h crypt.h
fileiog$(OBJ): fileio.c $(UNZIP_H) $(WINDLL_H) crc32.h crypt.h ttyio.h ebcdic.h
globalsg$(OBJ): globals.c $(UNZIP_H)
inflateg$(OBJ): inflate.c inflate.h $(UNZIP_H)
matchg$(OBJ): match.c $(UNZIP_H)
processg$(OBJ): process.c $(UNZIP_H) $(WINDLL_H) crc32.h
ubz2errg$(OBJ): ubz2err.c $(UNZIP_H)
win32g$(OBJ): win32/win32.c $(UNZIP_H) win32/nt.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENGUILB) -I. $<
win32i64g$(OBJ): win32/win32i64.c $(UNZIP_H)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENGUILB) -I. $<
ntg$(OBJ): win32/nt.c $(UNZIP_H) win32/nt.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENGUILB) -I. $<
windllg$(OBJ): windll/windll.c $(UNZIP_H) $(WINDLL_H) crypt.h unzvers.h consts.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENGUILB) -I. $<
sfxwiz$(OBJ): windll/guisfx/sfxwiz.c windll/guisfx/dialog.h $(WINDLL_IMP_H)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENGUISX) -I. $<
sfxwizrc$(OBJ): windll/guisfx/sfxwiz.rc
- $(RC) --include-dir windll/guisfx --define WIN32 -o$@ $<
# Static LIB compilation section
apib$(OBJ): api.c $(UNZIP_H) $(WINDLL_H) unzvers.h
crc32b$(OBJ): crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crc32.h
cryptb$(OBJ): crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h crc32.h ttyio.h
explodeb$(OBJ): explode.c $(UNZIP_H)
extractb$(OBJ): extract.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h
fileiob$(OBJ): fileio.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h crypt.h ttyio.h ebcdic.h
globalsb$(OBJ): globals.c $(UNZIP_H)
inflateb$(OBJ): inflate.c inflate.h $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h
listb$(OBJ): list.c $(UNZIP_H) $(WINDLL_H)
matchb$(OBJ): match.c $(UNZIP_H)
processb$(OBJ): process.c $(UNZIP_H) crc32.h
ubz2errb$(OBJ): ubz2err.c $(UNZIP_H)
unreducb$(OBJ): unreduce.c $(UNZIP_H)
unshrnkb$(OBJ): unshrink.c $(UNZIP_H)
zipinfob$(OBJ): zipinfo.c $(UNZIP_H)
win32b$(OBJ): win32/win32.c $(UNZIP_H) win32/nt.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENLIBFL) -I. $<
win32i64b$(OBJ): win32/win32i64.c $(UNZIP_H)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENLIBFL) -I. $<
ntb$(OBJ): win32/nt.c $(UNZIP_H) win32/nt.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENLIBFL) -I. $<
windllb$(OBJ): windll/windll.c $(UNZIP_H) $(WINDLL_H) crypt.h unzvers.h consts.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CVER) $(GENLIBFL) -I. $<
-$(subst /,\,$(MAKE)) -C $(IZ_BZIP2) -f Makebz2.iz RM="$(RM)" clean
-$(RM) *$(OBJ)
-$(RM) unzip$(EXE) funzip$(EXE) unzipsfx$(EXE)
-$(RM) unzip32.dll uzexampl$(EXE) SFXWiz32$(EXE)
-$(RM) libunzip32.a libunzsfx32.a
0,0 → 1,51
Kolibri OS config for gcc 5.4
Started by Siemargl @Nov 2016
#include <sys/types.h> /* off_t, time_t, dev_t, ... */
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/kos_io.h> /* lseek(), open(), setftime(), dup(), creat() */
#include <time.h> /* localtime() */
#include <fcntl.h> /* O_BINARY for open() w/o CR/LF translation */
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#define DEBUG
#define DIR_END '/'
#define STRNICMP zstrnicmp
#define NO_CHMOD
#define NO_FCHOWN
#define echoff(f)
#define echon()
#define getch() getchar() /* not correct, but may not be on a console */
# endif
# define DATE_FORMAT dateformat()
#define lenEOL 2
#define PutNativeEOL {*q++ = native(CR); *q++ = native(LF);}
# if (!defined(NO_EF_UT_TIME) && !defined(USE_EF_UT_TIME))
# define USE_EF_UT_TIME
# endif
/* Static variables that we have to add to Uz_Globs: */
int created_dir, renamed_fullpath;\
char *rootpath, *buildpath, *end;\
ZCONST char *wildname;\
char *dirname, matchname[FILNAMSIZ];\
int rootlen, have_dirname, dirnamelen, notfirstcall;\
zvoid *wild_dir;
0,0 → 1,200
Kolibri OS port for gcc 5.4
Started by Siemargl @Nov 2016
Contains realisation of directory handling functions:
!!non reentrant
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "kos32sys1.h"
/* defined in newlib headers
int _EXFUN(mkdir,( const char *_path, mode_t __mode ));
struct dirent {
char d_namlen;
char d_name[256];
typedef struct
// struct systree_info2 fileinfo;
struct dirent entry;
// __u8 bdfeheader[0x20];
// struct bdfe_item bdfebase;
// __u8 bdfename[264];
} DIR;
int closedir(DIR *dirp);
DIR * opendir(const char *_dirname);
struct dirent * readdir(DIR *_dirp);
void rewinddir(DIR *_dirp);
static int32_t lastread_block = -1; // non reentrant, must me -1ed in closedir, or will assert
static uint32_t lastread_dir_size;
static DIR lastread_dir;
DIR *opendir(const char *_dirname)
assert(sizeof(struct fs_dirinfo) == 25); // check struct aligment
assert(lastread_block == -1);
struct fs_dirinfo di;
struct fs_dirheader dhead;
memset(&di, 0, sizeof di);
di.ppath = (char*)_dirname;
di.retval = (uint32_t)&dhead;
int rc = sf_file(1, &di); // read dir size
if(rc) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading dir size %s\n", _dirname);
errno = rc;
return NULL;
lastread_dir_size = dhead.totl_blocks;
lastread_dir.entry.d_namlen = strlen(_dirname);
assert (lastread_dir.entry.d_namlen < sizeof(lastread_dir.entry.d_name));
strcpy(lastread_dir.entry.d_name, _dirname);
return &lastread_dir;
int closedir(DIR *dirp)
assert (lastread_block != -1); // was opened
if (!dirp || lastread_block == -1)
errno = EBADF;
return -1;
lastread_block = -1;
lastread_dir_size = 0;
lastread_dir.entry.d_namlen = 0;
lastread_dir.entry.d_name[0] = '\0';
return 0;
struct dirent* readdir(DIR *dirp)
assert (lastread_block != -1); // was opened
if (!dirp || lastread_block == -1)
errno = EBADF;
return NULL;
struct fs_dirinfo di;
assert (lastread_block != -1); // was opened
char retdir[sizeof(struct fs_dirheader) + sizeof(struct fsBDFE)]; // 1 block w/cp866 encoding
struct fsBDFE *bdfe = (struct fsBDFE *)(retdir + sizeof(struct fs_dirheader));
memset(&di, 0, sizeof di);
di.ppath = dirp->entry.d_name;
di.retval = (uint32_t)retdir;
di.start = lastread_block;
di.size = 1;
int rc = sf_file(1, &di); // read dir
if(rc) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error %d reading dir item %s", rc, dirp->entry.d_name);
errno = rc;
return NULL;
static struct dirent ent;
ent.d_namlen = strlen(bdfe->fname);
assert (ent.d_namlen < sizeof(ent.d_name));
strcpy(ent.d_name, bdfe->fname);
return &ent;
void rewinddir(DIR *dirp)
if (!dirp || lastread_block == -1)
lastread_block = 0;
int mkdir(const char *_path, mode_t m)
struct fs_dirinfo di;
memset(&di, 0, sizeof di);
di.ppath = (char*)_path;
int rc = sf_file(9, &di); // creat dir
if(rc) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error %d creating dir item %s", rc, _path);
errno = rc;
return -1;
return 0;
/* tested example
void* read_folderdata(char* name)
struct fs_dirinfo di;
struct fs_dirheader dhead;
assert(sizeof di == 25);
memset(&di, 0, sizeof di);
di.ppath = name;
di.retval = (uint32_t)&dhead;
int rc = sf_file(1, &di); // read dir size
if(rc) {
debug_board_printf("Error reading dir size %s", name);
di.size = dhead.totl_blocks;
char *retdir = malloc(sizeof dhead + dhead.totl_blocks * sizeof(struct fsBDFE));
if(!retdir) {
debug_board_printf("No memory for dir %s", name);
di.retval = (uint32_t)retdir;
rc = sf_file(1, &di); // read dir
if(rc) {
debug_board_printf("Error 2 reading dir size %s", name);
// manual clear mark flag (random junk in fname free space)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < dhead.totl_blocks; i++)
((struct fsBDFE*)(retdir+32))[i].fname[259] = 0;
debug_board_printf("Loaded dir [%s] etnries %d,\n first file [%s]\n", name, ((struct fs_dirheader*)(retdir))->curn_blocks, ((struct fsBDFE*)(retdir+32))->fname);
return retdir;
0,0 → 1,968
Kolibri OS port for gcc 5.4
Started by Siemargl @Nov 2016
Borrowed code parts from other unzip ports
howto make:
go in unzip60 directory (below this file) and
>make -f kolibri\makefile.gcc
extract.o:extract.c:(.text+0x1410): undefined reference to `mapname'
extract.o:extract.c:(.text+0x241d): undefined reference to `close_outfile'
extract.o:extract.c:(.text+0x2e09): undefined reference to `checkdir'
process.o:process.c:(.text+0x13e9): undefined reference to `checkdir'
process.o:process.c:(.text+0x15a1): undefined reference to `do_wild'
kolibri\makefile.gcc:276: recipe for target 'unzip.exe' failed
#include "unzip.h"
// Siemargl fork of Kolibri system API
#include "kos32sys1.h"
/*** Function version() */
void version(__G)
sprintf((char *)slide, LoadFarString(CompiledWith),
#if defined(__TINYC__)
"TinyC", "",
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
"GNU C ", __VERSION__,
"(unknown compiler) ","",
"KolibriOS ",
#ifdef __POWERPC__
# ifdef __INTEL__
# else
"(unknown)", /* someday we may have other architectures... */
# endif
#ifdef __DATE__
" on ", __DATE__
"", ""
(*G.message)((zvoid *)&G, slide, (ulg)strlen((char *)slide), 0);
} /* end function version() */
/*** Function mapattr() */
/* Identical to MS-DOS, OS/2 versions. However, NT has a lot of extra
* permission stuff, so this function should probably be extended in the
* future. */
int mapattr(__G)
/* set archive bit for file entries (file is not backed up): */
G.pInfo->file_attr = ((unsigned)G.crec.external_file_attributes |
(G.crec.external_file_attributes & FS_SUBDIR ?
0 : FS_ARCHIV)) & 0xff;
return 0;
} /* end function mapattr() */
/*** Function checkdir() */
/* Function mapname() */
int mapname(__G__ renamed)
int renamed;
* returns:
* MPN_OK - no problem detected
* MPN_INF_TRUNC - caution (truncated filename)
* MPN_INF_SKIP - info "skip entry" (dir doesn't exist)
* MPN_ERR_SKIP - error -> skip entry
* MPN_ERR_TOOLONG - error -> path is too long
* MPN_NOMEM - error (memory allocation failed) -> skip entry
char pathcomp[FILNAMSIZ]; /* path-component buffer */
char *pp, *cp=(char *)NULL; /* character pointers */
char *lastsemi=(char *)NULL; /* pointer to last semi-colon in pathcomp */
char *lastcomma=(char *)NULL; /* pointer to last comma in pathcomp */
RO_extra_block *ef_spark; /* pointer Acorn FTYPE ef block */
int killed_ddot = FALSE; /* is set when skipping "../" pathcomp */
int error = MPN_OK;
register unsigned workch; /* hold the character being tested */
Initialize various pointers and counters and stuff.
if (G.pInfo->vollabel)
return MPN_VOL_LABEL; /* can't set disk volume labels in Unix */
/* can create path as long as not just freshening, or if user told us */
G.create_dirs = (!uO.fflag || renamed);
G.created_dir = FALSE; /* not yet */
/* user gave full pathname: don't prepend rootpath */
G.renamed_fullpath = (renamed && (*G.filename == '/'));
if (checkdir(__G__ (char *)NULL, INIT) == MPN_NOMEM)
return MPN_NOMEM; /* initialize path buffer, unless no memory */
*pathcomp = '\0'; /* initialize translation buffer */
pp = pathcomp; /* point to translation buffer */
if (uO.jflag) /* junking directories */
cp = (char *)strrchr(G.filename, '/');
if (cp == (char *)NULL) /* no '/' or not junking dirs */
cp = G.filename; /* point to internal zipfile-member pathname */
++cp; /* point to start of last component of path */
Begin main loop through characters in filename.
while ((workch = (uch)*cp++) != 0) {
switch (workch) {
case '/': /* can assume -j flag not given */
*pp = '\0';
if (strcmp(pathcomp, ".") == 0) {
/* don't bother appending "./" to the path */
*pathcomp = '\0';
} else if (!uO.ddotflag && strcmp(pathcomp, "..") == 0) {
/* "../" dir traversal detected, skip over it */
*pathcomp = '\0';
killed_ddot = TRUE; /* set "show message" flag */
/* when path component is not empty, append it now */
if (*pathcomp != '\0' &&
((error = checkdir(__G__ pathcomp, APPEND_DIR))
return error;
pp = pathcomp; /* reset conversion buffer for next piece */
lastsemi = (char *)NULL; /* leave direct. semi-colons alone */
#ifdef __CYGWIN__ /* Cygwin runs on Win32, apply FAT/NTFS filename rules */
case ':': /* drive spec not stored, so no colon allowed */
case '\\': /* '\\' may come as normal filename char (not */
case '<': /* dir sep char!) from unix-like file system */
case '>': /* no redirection symbols allowed either */
case '|': /* no pipe signs allowed */
case '"': /* no double quotes allowed */
case '?': /* no wildcards allowed */
case '*':
*pp++ = '_'; /* these rules apply equally to FAT and NTFS */
case ';': /* VMS version (or DEC-20 attrib?) */
lastsemi = pp;
*pp++ = ';'; /* keep for now; remove VMS ";##" */
break; /* later, if requested */
case ',': /* NFS filetype extension */
lastcomma = pp;
*pp++ = ','; /* keep for now; may need to remove */
break; /* later, if requested */
#ifdef MTS
case ' ': /* change spaces to underscore under */
*pp++ = '_'; /* MTS; leave as spaces under Unix */
/* disable control character filter when requested,
* else allow 8-bit characters (e.g. UTF-8) in filenames:
if (uO.cflxflag ||
(isprint(workch) || (128 <= workch && workch <= 254)))
*pp++ = (char)workch;
} /* end switch */
} /* end while loop */
/* Show warning when stripping insecure "parent dir" path components */
if (killed_ddot && QCOND2) {
Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide,
"warning: skipped \"../\" path component(s) in %s\n",
if (!(error & ~MPN_MASK))
error = (error & MPN_MASK) | PK_WARN;
Report if directory was created (and no file to create: filename ended
in '/'), check name to be sure it exists, and combine path and name be-
fore exiting.
if (G.filename[strlen(G.filename) - 1] == '/') {
checkdir(__G__ G.filename, GETPATH);
if (G.created_dir) {
if (QCOND2) {
Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, " creating: %s\n",
#ifndef NO_CHMOD
/* Filter out security-relevant attributes bits. */
G.pInfo->file_attr = filtattr(__G__ G.pInfo->file_attr);
/* When extracting non-UNIX directories or when extracting
* without UID/GID restoration or SGID preservation, any
* SGID flag inherited from the parent directory should be
* maintained to allow files extracted into this new folder
* to inherit the GID setting from the parent directory.
if (G.pInfo->hostnum != UNIX_ || !(uO.X_flag || uO.K_flag)) {
/* preserve SGID bit when inherited from parent dir */
if (!SSTAT(G.filename, &G.statbuf)) {
G.pInfo->file_attr |= G.statbuf.st_mode & S_ISGID;
} else {
perror("Could not read directory attributes");
/* set approx. dir perms (make sure can still read/write in dir) */
if (chmod(G.filename, G.pInfo->file_attr | 0700))
perror("chmod (directory attributes) error");
/* set dir time (note trailing '/') */
return (error & ~MPN_MASK) | MPN_CREATED_DIR;
/* dir existed already; don't look for data to extract */
return (error & ~MPN_MASK) | MPN_INF_SKIP;
*pp = '\0'; /* done with pathcomp: terminate it */
/* if not saving them, remove VMS version numbers (appended ";###") */
if (!uO.V_flag && lastsemi) {
pp = lastsemi + 1;
while (isdigit((uch)(*pp)))
if (*pp == '\0') /* only digits between ';' and end: nuke */
*lastsemi = '\0';
/* On UNIX (and compatible systems), "." and ".." are reserved for
* directory navigation and cannot be used as regular file names.
* These reserved one-dot and two-dot names are mapped to "_" and "__".
if (strcmp(pathcomp, ".") == 0)
*pathcomp = '_';
else if (strcmp(pathcomp, "..") == 0)
strcpy(pathcomp, "__");
/* translate Acorn filetype information if asked to do so */
if (uO.acorn_nfs_ext &&
(ef_spark = (RO_extra_block *)
getRISCOSexfield(G.extra_field, G.lrec.extra_field_length))
!= (RO_extra_block *)NULL)
/* file *must* have a RISC OS extra field */
long ft = (long)makelong(ef_spark->loadaddr);
if (lastcomma) {
pp = lastcomma + 1;
while (isxdigit((uch)(*pp))) ++pp;
if (pp == lastcomma+4 && *pp == '\0') *lastcomma='\0'; /* nuke */
if ((ft & 1<<31)==0) ft=0x000FFD00;
sprintf(pathcomp+strlen(pathcomp), ",%03x", (int)(ft>>8) & 0xFFF);
#endif /* ACORN_FTYPE_NFS */
if (*pathcomp == '\0') {
Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide, "mapname: conversion of %s failed\n",
return (error & ~MPN_MASK) | MPN_ERR_SKIP;
checkdir(__G__ pathcomp, APPEND_NAME); /* returns 1 if truncated: care? */
checkdir(__G__ G.filename, GETPATH);
return error;
} /* end function mapname() */
#if 0 /*========== NOTES ==========*/
extract-to dir: a:path/
buildpath: path1/path2/ ... (NULL-terminated)
pathcomp: filename
loop over chars in zipfile member name
checkdir(path component, COMPONENT | CREATEDIR) --> map as required?
(d:/tmp/unzip/) (disk:[tmp.unzip.)
(d:/tmp/unzip/jj/) (disk:[tmp.unzip.jj.)
(d:/tmp/unzip/jj/temp/) (disk:[tmp.unzip.jj.temp.)
finally add filename itself and check for existence? (could use with rename)
(d:/tmp/unzip/jj/temp/msg.outdir) (disk:[tmp.unzip.jj.temp]msg.outdir)
checkdir(name, GETPATH) --> copy path to name and free space
#endif /* 0 */
/* Function checkdir() */
int checkdir(__G__ pathcomp, flag)
char *pathcomp;
int flag;
* returns:
* MPN_OK - no problem detected
* MPN_INF_TRUNC - (on APPEND_NAME) truncated filename
* MPN_INF_SKIP - path doesn't exist, not allowed to create
* MPN_ERR_SKIP - path doesn't exist, tried to create and failed; or path
* exists and is not a directory, but is supposed to be
* MPN_ERR_TOOLONG - path is too long
* MPN_NOMEM - can't allocate memory for filename buffers
/* static int rootlen = 0; */ /* length of rootpath */
/* static char *rootpath; */ /* user's "extract-to" directory */
/* static char *buildpath; */ /* full path (so far) to extracted file */
/* static char *end; */ /* pointer to end of buildpath ('\0') */
# define FN_MASK 7
# define FUNCTION (flag & FN_MASK)
APPEND_DIR: append the path component to the path being built and check
for its existence. If doesn't exist and we are creating directories, do
so for this one; else signal success or error as appropriate.
int too_long = FALSE;
char *old_end = end;
Trace((stderr, "appending dir segment [%s]\n", FnFilter1(pathcomp)));
while ((*G.end = *pathcomp++) != '\0')
#ifdef SHORT_NAMES /* path components restricted to 14 chars, typically */
if ((G.end-old_end) > FILENAME_MAX) /* GRR: proper constant? */
*(G.end = old_end + FILENAME_MAX) = '\0';
/* GRR: could do better check, see if overrunning buffer as we go:
* check end-buildpath after each append, set warning variable if
* within 20 of FILNAMSIZ; then if var set, do careful check when
* appending. Clear variable when begin new path. */
/* next check: need to append '/', at least one-char name, '\0' */
if ((G.end-G.buildpath) > FILNAMSIZ-3)
too_long = TRUE; /* check if extracting dir? */
if (SSTAT(G.buildpath, &G.statbuf)) { /* path doesn't exist */
if (!G.create_dirs) { /* told not to create (freshening) */
return MPN_INF_SKIP; /* path doesn't exist: nothing to do */
if (too_long) {
Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
"checkdir error: path too long: %s\n",
/* no room for filenames: fatal */
if (mkdir(G.buildpath, 0777) == -1) { /* create the directory */
Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
"checkdir error: cannot create %s\n\
unable to process %s.\n",
/* path didn't exist, tried to create, failed */
return MPN_ERR_SKIP;
G.created_dir = TRUE;
} else if (!S_ISDIR(G.statbuf.st_mode)) {
Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
"checkdir error: %s exists but is not directory\n\
unable to process %s.\n",
FnFilter2(G.buildpath), FnFilter1(G.filename)));
/* path existed but wasn't dir */
return MPN_ERR_SKIP;
if (too_long) {
Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
"checkdir error: path too long: %s\n", FnFilter1(G.buildpath)));
/* no room for filenames: fatal */
*G.end++ = '/';
*G.end = '\0';
Trace((stderr, "buildpath now = [%s]\n", FnFilter1(G.buildpath)));
return MPN_OK;
} /* end if (FUNCTION == APPEND_DIR) */
GETPATH: copy full path to the string pointed at by pathcomp, and free
strcpy(pathcomp, G.buildpath);
Trace((stderr, "getting and freeing path [%s]\n",
G.buildpath = G.end = (char *)NULL;
return MPN_OK;
APPEND_NAME: assume the path component is the filename; append it and
return without checking for existence.
char *old_end = end;
Trace((stderr, "appending filename [%s]\n", FnFilter1(pathcomp)));
while ((*G.end = *pathcomp++) != '\0') {
#ifdef SHORT_NAMES /* truncate name at 14 characters, typically */
if ((G.end-old_end) > FILENAME_MAX) /* GRR: proper constant? */
*(G.end = old_end + FILENAME_MAX) = '\0';
if ((G.end-G.buildpath) >= FILNAMSIZ) {
*--G.end = '\0';
Info(slide, 0x201, ((char *)slide,
"checkdir warning: path too long; truncating\n\
%s\n -> %s\n",
FnFilter1(G.filename), FnFilter2(G.buildpath)));
return MPN_INF_TRUNC; /* filename truncated */
Trace((stderr, "buildpath now = [%s]\n", FnFilter1(G.buildpath)));
/* could check for existence here, prompt for new name... */
return MPN_OK;
INIT: allocate and initialize buffer space for the file currently being
extracted. If file was renamed with an absolute path, don't prepend the
extract-to path.
/* GRR: for VMS and TOPS-20, add up to 13 to strlen */
Trace((stderr, "initializing buildpath to "));
if ((G.buildpath = (char *)malloc(strlen(G.filename)+G.rootlen+
(uO.acorn_nfs_ext ? 5 : 1)))
if ((G.buildpath = (char *)malloc(strlen(G.filename)+G.rootlen+1))
== (char *)NULL)
return MPN_NOMEM;
if ((G.rootlen > 0) && !G.renamed_fullpath) {
strcpy(G.buildpath, G.rootpath);
G.end = G.buildpath + G.rootlen;
} else {
*G.buildpath = '\0';
G.end = G.buildpath;
Trace((stderr, "[%s]\n", FnFilter1(G.buildpath)));
return MPN_OK;
ROOT: if appropriate, store the path in rootpath and create it if
necessary; else assume it's a zipfile member and return. This path
segment gets used in extracting all members from every zipfile specified
on the command line.
#if (!defined(SFX) || defined(SFX_EXDIR))
Trace((stderr, "initializing root path to [%s]\n",
if (pathcomp == (char *)NULL) {
G.rootlen = 0;
return MPN_OK;
if (G.rootlen > 0) /* rootpath was already set, nothing to do */
return MPN_OK;
if ((G.rootlen = strlen(pathcomp)) > 0) {
char *tmproot;
if ((tmproot = (char *)malloc(G.rootlen+2)) == (char *)NULL) {
G.rootlen = 0;
return MPN_NOMEM;
strcpy(tmproot, pathcomp);
if (tmproot[G.rootlen-1] == '/') {
tmproot[--G.rootlen] = '\0';
if (G.rootlen > 0 && (SSTAT(tmproot, &G.statbuf) ||
{ /* path does not exist */
if (!G.create_dirs /* || iswild(tmproot) */ ) {
G.rootlen = 0;
/* skip (or treat as stored file) */
return MPN_INF_SKIP;
/* create the directory (could add loop here scanning tmproot
* to create more than one level, but why really necessary?) */
if (mkdir(tmproot, 0777) == -1) {
Info(slide, 1, ((char *)slide,
"checkdir: cannot create extraction directory: %s\n\
FnFilter1(tmproot), strerror(errno)));
G.rootlen = 0;
/* path didn't exist, tried to create, and failed: */
/* file exists, or 2+ subdir levels required */
return MPN_ERR_SKIP;
tmproot[G.rootlen++] = '/';
tmproot[G.rootlen] = '\0';
if ((G.rootpath = (char *)realloc(tmproot, G.rootlen+1)) == NULL) {
G.rootlen = 0;
return MPN_NOMEM;
Trace((stderr, "rootpath now = [%s]\n", FnFilter1(G.rootpath)));
return MPN_OK;
#endif /* !SFX || SFX_EXDIR */
END: free rootpath, immediately prior to program exit.
if (FUNCTION == END) {
Trace((stderr, "freeing rootpath\n"));
if (G.rootlen > 0) {
G.rootlen = 0;
return MPN_OK;
return MPN_INVALID; /* should never reach */
} /* end function checkdir() */
static int get_extattribs OF((__GPRO__ iztimes *pzt, ulg z_uidgid[2]));
static int get_extattribs(__G__ pzt, z_uidgid)
iztimes *pzt;
ulg z_uidgid[2];
Convert from MSDOS-format local time and date to Unix-format 32-bit GMT
time: adjust base year from 1980 to 1970, do usual conversions from
yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss to elapsed seconds, and account for timezone and day-
light savings time differences. If we have a Unix extra field, however,
we're laughing: both mtime and atime are ours. On the other hand, we
then have to check for restoration of UID/GID.
int have_uidgid_flg;
unsigned eb_izux_flg;
eb_izux_flg = 0; // kos32
(G.extra_field ? ef_scan_for_izux(G.extra_field,
G.lrec.extra_field_length, 0, G.lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime,
#ifdef IZ_CHECK_TZ
(G.tz_is_valid ? pzt : NULL),
z_uidgid) : 0);
if (eb_izux_flg & EB_UT_FL_MTIME) {
TTrace((stderr, "\nget_extattribs: Unix e.f. modif. time = %ld\n",
} else {
pzt->mtime = dos_to_unix_time(G.lrec.last_mod_dos_datetime);
if (eb_izux_flg & EB_UT_FL_ATIME) {
TTrace((stderr, "get_extattribs: Unix e.f. access time = %ld\n",
} else {
pzt->atime = pzt->mtime;
TTrace((stderr, "\nget_extattribs: modification/access times = %ld\n",
/* if -X option was specified and we have UID/GID info, restore it */
have_uidgid_flg =
(uO.X_flag && (eb_izux_flg & EB_UX2_VALID));
return have_uidgid_flg;
/* Function close_outfile() */
void close_outfile(__G) /* GRR: change to return PK-style warning level */
union {
iztimes t3; /* mtime, atime, ctime */
ztimbuf t2; /* modtime, actime */
} zt;
ulg z_uidgid[2];
int have_uidgid_flg;
have_uidgid_flg = get_extattribs(__G__ &(zt.t3), z_uidgid);
If symbolic links are supported, allocate storage for a symlink control
structure, put the uncompressed "data" and other required info in it, and
add the structure to the "deferred symlinks" chain. Since we know it's a
symbolic link to start with, we shouldn't have to worry about overflowing
unsigned ints with unsigned longs.
if (G.symlnk) {
extent ucsize = (extent)G.lrec.ucsize;
extent attribsize = sizeof(unsigned) +
(have_uidgid_flg ? sizeof(z_uidgid) : 0);
# else
extent attribsize = 0;
# endif
/* size of the symlink entry is the sum of
* (struct size (includes 1st '\0') + 1 additional trailing '\0'),
* system specific attribute data size (might be 0),
* and the lengths of name and link target.
extent slnk_entrysize = (sizeof(slinkentry) + 1) + attribsize +
ucsize + strlen(G.filename);
slinkentry *slnk_entry;
if (slnk_entrysize < ucsize) {
Info(slide, 0x201, ((char *)slide,
"warning: symbolic link (%s) failed: mem alloc overflow\n",
if ((slnk_entry = (slinkentry *)malloc(slnk_entrysize)) == NULL) {
Info(slide, 0x201, ((char *)slide,
"warning: symbolic link (%s) failed: no mem\n",
slnk_entry->next = NULL;
slnk_entry->targetlen = ucsize;
slnk_entry->attriblen = attribsize;
memcpy(slnk_entry->buf, &(G.pInfo->file_attr),
if (have_uidgid_flg)
memcpy(slnk_entry->buf + 4, z_uidgid, sizeof(z_uidgid));
# endif
slnk_entry->target = slnk_entry->buf + slnk_entry->attriblen;
slnk_entry->fname = slnk_entry->target + ucsize + 1;
strcpy(slnk_entry->fname, G.filename);
/* move back to the start of the file to re-read the "link data" */
if (fread(slnk_entry->target, 1, ucsize, G.outfile) != ucsize)
Info(slide, 0x201, ((char *)slide,
"warning: symbolic link (%s) failed\n",
fclose(G.outfile); /* close "link" file for good... */
slnk_entry->target[ucsize] = '\0';
if (QCOND2)
Info(slide, 0, ((char *)slide, "-> %s ",
/* add this symlink record to the list of deferred symlinks */
if (G.slink_last != NULL)
G.slink_last->next = slnk_entry;
G.slink_head = slnk_entry;
G.slink_last = slnk_entry;
#endif /* SYMLINKS */
#ifdef QLZIP
if (G.extra_field) {
static void qlfix OF((__GPRO__ uch *ef_ptr, unsigned ef_len));
qlfix(__G__ G.extra_field, G.lrec.extra_field_length);
#if (defined(NO_FCHOWN))
// kos. add set file datetime ?
#ifndef KOS32
/* if -X option was specified and we have UID/GID info, restore it */
if (have_uidgid_flg
/* check that both uid and gid values fit into their data sizes */
&& ((ulg)(uid_t)(z_uidgid[0]) == z_uidgid[0])
&& ((ulg)(gid_t)(z_uidgid[1]) == z_uidgid[1])) {
TTrace((stderr, "close_outfile: restoring Unix UID/GID info\n"));
#if (defined(NO_FCHOWN))
if (chown(G.filename, (uid_t)z_uidgid[0], (gid_t)z_uidgid[1]))
if (fchown(fileno(G.outfile), (uid_t)z_uidgid[0], (gid_t)z_uidgid[1]))
if (uO.qflag)
Info(slide, 0x201, ((char *)slide, CannotSetItemUidGid,
z_uidgid[0], z_uidgid[1], FnFilter1(G.filename),
Info(slide, 0x201, ((char *)slide, CannotSetUidGid,
z_uidgid[0], z_uidgid[1], strerror(errno)));
#if (!defined(NO_FCHOWN) && defined(NO_FCHMOD))
#if (!defined(NO_FCHOWN) && !defined(NO_FCHMOD))
Change the file permissions from default ones to those stored in the
if (fchmod(fileno(G.outfile), filtattr(__G__ G.pInfo->file_attr)))
perror("fchmod (file attributes) error");
#endif /* !NO_FCHOWN && !NO_FCHMOD */
/* skip restoring time stamps on user's request */
if (uO.D_flag <= 1) {
/* set the file's access and modification times */
if (utime(G.filename, &(zt.t2))) {
if (uO.qflag)
Info(slide, 0x201, ((char *)slide, CannotSetItemTimestamps,
FnFilter1(G.filename), strerror(errno)));
Info(slide, 0x201, ((char *)slide, CannotSetTimestamps,
#if (defined(NO_FCHOWN) || defined(NO_FCHMOD))
Change the file permissions from default ones to those stored in the
#ifndef NO_CHMOD
if (chmod(G.filename, filtattr(__G__ G.pInfo->file_attr)))
perror("chmod (file attributes) error");
#endif /* NO_FCHOWN || NO_FCHMOD */
#endif // 0
} /* end function close_outfile() */
/* Function do_wild() */ /* for porting: dir separator; match(ignore_case) */
char *do_wild(__G__ wildspec)
ZCONST char *wildspec; /* only used first time on a given dir */
/* these statics are now declared in SYSTEM_SPECIFIC_GLOBALS in unxcfg.h:
static DIR *wild_dir = (DIR *)NULL;
static ZCONST char *wildname;
static char *dirname, matchname[FILNAMSIZ];
static int notfirstcall=FALSE, have_dirname, dirnamelen;
struct dirent *file;
/* Even when we're just returning wildspec, we *always* do so in
* matchname[]--calling routine is allowed to append four characters
* to the returned string, and wildspec may be a pointer to argv[].
if (!G.notfirstcall) { /* first call: must initialize everything */
G.notfirstcall = TRUE;
if (!iswild(wildspec)) {
strncpy(G.matchname, wildspec, FILNAMSIZ);
G.matchname[FILNAMSIZ-1] = '\0';
G.have_dirname = FALSE;
G.wild_dir = NULL;
return G.matchname;
/* break the wildspec into a directory part and a wildcard filename */
if ((G.wildname = (ZCONST char *)strrchr(wildspec, '/')) == NULL) {
G.dirname = ".";
G.dirnamelen = 1;
G.have_dirname = FALSE;
G.wildname = wildspec;
} else {
++G.wildname; /* point at character after '/' */
G.dirnamelen = G.wildname - wildspec;
if ((G.dirname = (char *)malloc(G.dirnamelen+1)) == (char *)NULL) {
Info(slide, 0x201, ((char *)slide,
"warning: cannot allocate wildcard buffers\n"));
strncpy(G.matchname, wildspec, FILNAMSIZ);
G.matchname[FILNAMSIZ-1] = '\0';
return G.matchname; /* but maybe filespec was not a wildcard */
strncpy(G.dirname, wildspec, G.dirnamelen);
G.dirname[G.dirnamelen] = '\0'; /* terminate for strcpy below */
G.have_dirname = TRUE;
if ((G.wild_dir = (zvoid *)opendir(G.dirname)) != (zvoid *)NULL) {
while ((file = readdir((DIR *)G.wild_dir)) !=
(struct dirent *)NULL) {
Trace((stderr, "do_wild: readdir returns %s\n",
if (file->d_name[0] == '.' && G.wildname[0] != '.')
continue; /* Unix: '*' and '?' do not match leading dot */
if (match(file->d_name, G.wildname, 0 WISEP) &&/*0=case sens.*/
/* skip "." and ".." directory entries */
strcmp(file->d_name, ".") && strcmp(file->d_name, "..")) {
Trace((stderr, "do_wild: match() succeeds\n"));
if (G.have_dirname) {
strcpy(G.matchname, G.dirname);
strcpy(G.matchname+G.dirnamelen, file->d_name);
} else
strcpy(G.matchname, file->d_name);
return G.matchname;
/* if we get to here directory is exhausted, so close it */
closedir((DIR *)G.wild_dir);
G.wild_dir = (zvoid *)NULL;
Trace((stderr, "do_wild: opendir(%s) returns NULL\n",
/* return the raw wildspec in case that works (e.g., directory not
* searchable, but filespec was not wild and file is readable) */
strncpy(G.matchname, wildspec, FILNAMSIZ);
G.matchname[FILNAMSIZ-1] = '\0';
return G.matchname;
/* last time through, might have failed opendir but returned raw wildspec */
if ((DIR *)G.wild_dir == (DIR *)NULL) {
G.notfirstcall = FALSE; /* nothing left--reset for new wildspec */
if (G.have_dirname)
return (char *)NULL;
/* If we've gotten this far, we've read and matched at least one entry
* successfully (in a previous call), so dirname has been copied into
* matchname already.
while ((file = readdir((DIR *)G.wild_dir)) != (struct dirent *)NULL) {
Trace((stderr, "do_wild: readdir returns %s\n",
if (file->d_name[0] == '.' && G.wildname[0] != '.')
continue; /* Unix: '*' and '?' do not match leading dot */
if (match(file->d_name, G.wildname, 0 WISEP)) { /* 0 == case sens. */
Trace((stderr, "do_wild: match() succeeds\n"));
if (G.have_dirname) {
/* strcpy(G.matchname, G.dirname); */
strcpy(G.matchname+G.dirnamelen, file->d_name);
} else
strcpy(G.matchname, file->d_name);
return G.matchname;
closedir((DIR *)G.wild_dir); /* at least one entry read; nothing left */
G.wild_dir = (zvoid *)NULL;
G.notfirstcall = FALSE; /* reset for new wildspec */
if (G.have_dirname)
return (char *)NULL;
} /* end function do_wild() */
0,0 → 1,994
#ifndef __KOS_32_SYS_H__
#define __KOS_32_SYS_H__
// file header taken from newlib
// added many sys functions, compatible with tcc
// with gcc USE gcc -mno-ms-bitfields!!!
//#include <newlib.h>
//#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef int int32_t;
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short int uint16_t;
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// #define DBG(format,...) printf(format,##__VA_ARGS__)
// #define DBG(format,...)
#define WIN_STATE_ROLLED 0x04
#define POS_SCREEN 0
#define POS_WINDOW 1
#define IPC_NOBUFFER 1
#define IPC_LOCKED 2
#define IPC_OVERFLOW 3
#define IPC_NOPID 4
#define SHM_OPEN 0x00
#define SHM_OPEN_ALWAYS 0x04
#define SHM_CREATE 0x08
#define SHM_READ 0x00
#define SHM_WRITE 0x01
typedef unsigned int color_t;
typedef union __attribute__((packed)) pos_t
uint32_t val;
short x;
short y;
} pos_t;
typedef union __attribute__((packed)) oskey_t
uint32_t val;
uint8_t state;
uint8_t code;
uint16_t ctrl_key;
} oskey_t;
typedef struct
unsigned handle;
unsigned io_code;
void *input;
int inp_size;
void *output;
int out_size;
typedef union
void *data;
size_t size;
} x;
unsigned long long raw;
struct kolibri_system_colors {
color_t frame_area;
color_t grab_bar;
color_t grab_bar_button;
color_t grab_button_text;
color_t grab_text;
color_t work_area;
color_t work_button;
color_t work_button_text;
color_t work_text;
color_t work_graph;
struct blit_call
int dstx;
int dsty;
int w;
int h;
int srcx;
int srcy;
int srcw;
int srch;
void *bitmap;
int stride;
struct ipc_message
uint32_t pid; // PID of sending thread
uint32_t datalen; // data bytes
char data[0]; // data begin
struct ipc_buffer
uint32_t lock; // nonzero is locked
uint32_t used; // used bytes in buffer
struct ipc_message data[0]; // data begin
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) file_op_t
uint32_t fn;
uint32_t flags;
char* args;
uint32_t res1, res2;
char zero;
char* app_name
#ifdef __TINYC__
} file_op_t;
static inline void begin_draw(void)
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40" ::"a"(12),"b"(1));
static inline
void end_draw(void)
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40" ::"a"(12),"b"(2));
static inline
void sys_create_window(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *name,
color_t workcolor, uint32_t style)
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
"b"((x << 16) | ((w-1) & 0xFFFF)),
"c"((y << 16) | ((h-1) & 0xFFFF)),
"d"((style << 24) | (workcolor & 0xFFFFFF)),
"S"(0) : "memory");
static inline
void define_button(uint32_t x_w, uint32_t y_h, uint32_t id, uint32_t color)
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
static inline
void draw_line(int xs, int ys, int xe, int ye, color_t color)
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
::"a"(38), "d"(color),
"b"((xs << 16) | xe),
"c"((ys << 16) | ye));
static inline
void draw_bar(int x, int y, int w, int h, color_t color)
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
::"a"(13), "d"(color),
"b"((x << 16) | w),
"c"((y << 16) | h));
static inline
void draw_bitmap(void *bitmap, int x, int y, int w, int h)
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
::"a"(7), "b"(bitmap),
"c"((w << 16) | h),
"d"((x << 16) | y));
static inline
void draw_text_sys(const char *text, int x, int y, int len, color_t color)
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
"b"((x << 16) | y),
static inline
uint32_t get_skin_height(void)
uint32_t height;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40 \n\t"
return height;
static inline
pos_t get_mouse_pos(int origin)
pos_t val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40 \n\t"
"rol $16, %%eax"
return val;
static inline
uint32_t get_mouse_buttons(void)
uint32_t val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
return val;
static inline
uint32_t get_mouse_wheels(void)
uint32_t val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40 \n\t"
return val;
static inline uint32_t load_cursor(void *path, uint32_t flags)
uint32_t val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
:"a"(37), "b"(4), "c"(path), "d"(flags));
return val;
static inline uint32_t set_cursor(uint32_t cursor)
uint32_t old;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
:"a"(37), "b"(5), "c"(cursor));
return old;
static inline int destroy_cursor(uint32_t cursor)
int ret;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
:"a"(37), "b"(6), "c"(cursor)
return ret;
static inline
uint32_t wait_for_event(uint32_t time)
uint32_t val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
:"a"(23), "b"(time));
return val;
static inline uint32_t check_os_event()
uint32_t val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
return val;
static inline uint32_t get_os_event()
uint32_t val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
return val;
static inline
uint32_t get_tick_count(void)
uint32_t val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
return val;
static inline
uint64_t get_ns_count(void)
uint64_t val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
:"a"(26), "b"(10));
return val;
static inline
oskey_t get_key(void)
oskey_t val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
return val;
static inline
uint32_t get_os_button()
uint32_t val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
return val>>8;
static inline uint32_t get_service(char *name)
uint32_t retval = 0;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
return retval;
static inline int call_service(ioctl_t *io)
int retval;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
return retval;
static inline void yield(void)
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
::"a"(68), "b"(1));
static inline void delay(uint32_t time)
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
::"a"(5), "b"(time)
static inline
void *user_alloc(size_t size)
void *val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
return val;
static inline
int user_free(void *mem)
int val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
return val;
static inline
void* user_realloc(void *mem, size_t size)
void *val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
return val;
static inline
int *user_unmap(void *base, size_t offset, size_t size)
int *val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
return val;
static inline ufile_t load_file(const char *path)
ufile_t uf;
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"int $0x40"
:"a" (68), "b"(27),"c"(path));
return uf;
static inline int GetScreenSize()
int retval;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
:"a"(61), "b"(1));
return retval;
static inline void get_proc_info(char *info)
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
:"a"(9), "b"(info), "c"(-1)
static inline void Blit(void *bitmap, int dst_x, int dst_y,
int src_x, int src_y, int w, int h,
int src_w, int src_h, int stride)
volatile struct blit_call bc;
bc.dstx = dst_x;
bc.dsty = dst_y;
bc.w = w;
bc.h = h;
bc.srcx = src_x;
bc.srcy = src_y;
bc.srcw = src_w;
bc.srch = src_h;
bc.stride = stride;
bc.bitmap = bitmap;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
// newlib exclusive
#ifndef __TINYC__
int create_thread(int (*proc)(void *param), void *param, int stack_size);
void* load_library(const char *name);
void* get_proc_address(void *handle, const char *proc_name);
void enumerate_libraries(int (*callback)(void *handle, const char* name,
uint32_t base, uint32_t size, void *user_data),
void *user_data);
/// May be next section need to be added in newlibc
// Siemargl addenium
#define X_Y(x,y) (((x)<<16)|(y))
KOLIBRI_EVENT_NONE = 0, /* Event queue is empty */
KOLIBRI_EVENT_REDRAW = 1, /* Window and window elements should be redrawn */
KOLIBRI_EVENT_KEY = 2, /* A key on the keyboard was pressed */
KOLIBRI_EVENT_BUTTON = 3, /* A button was clicked with the mouse */
KOLIBRI_EVENT_DESKTOP = 5, /* Desktop redraw finished */
KOLIBRI_EVENT_MOUSE = 6, /* Mouse activity (movement, button press) was detected */
KOLIBRI_EVENT_IPC = 7, /* Interprocess communication notify */
KOLIBRI_EVENT_NETWORK = 8, /* Network event */
KOLIBRI_EVENT_DEBUG = 9, /* Debug subsystem event */
KOLIBRI_EVENT_IRQBEGIN = 16 /* 16..31 IRQ0..IRQ15 interrupt =IRQBEGIN+IRQn */
enum control_keys {
KM_SHIFT = 0x00010000,
KM_CTRL = 0x00020000,
KM_ALT = 0x00040000,
KM_NUMLOCK = 0x00080000
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) fs_dirinfo {
uint32_t subfn; // 1 read dir
uint32_t start;
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t retval;
union {
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) {
uint8_t zero; // 0
char* ppath;
char path[5]; // up to 4096
} ;
static inline
uint32_t sf_file(int subfn, struct fs_dirinfo* dinfo)
/// SysFn70 call with subfunction
/// retval 0 if ok
uint32_t retval;
dinfo->subfn = subfn;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40 "
return retval;
struct fs_dirheader {
uint32_t version; // 1
uint32_t curn_blocks; // number of read dir items (BDFE)
uint32_t totl_blocks; // directory full size
char other[20]; // reserved 0
enum filetype
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) fs_filetime {
uint8_t sec;
uint8_t mm;
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t zero;
struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) fs_filedate {
uint8_t day;
uint8_t month;
uint16_t year;
/// directory entry cp866
struct fsBDFE {
uint32_t filetype;
uint32_t encoding; // 0 - cp866, 1 - utf16le
struct fs_filetime tm_created;
struct fs_filedate dt_created;
struct fs_filetime tm_accessed;
struct fs_filedate dt_accessed;
struct fs_filetime tm_modified;
struct fs_filedate dt_modified;
uint64_t size;
char fname[264];
}; // must be sized 304
/// directory entry UTF16LE
struct fsBDFE_16 {
uint32_t filetype;
uint32_t encoding; // 0 - cp866, 1 - utf16le
struct fs_filetime tm_created;
struct fs_filedate dt_created;
struct fs_filetime tm_accessed;
struct fs_filedate dt_accessed;
struct fs_filetime tm_modified;
struct fs_filedate dt_modified;
uint64_t size;
wchar_t fname[260];
}; // must be sized 560
// copied from /programs/system/shell/system/kolibri.c
// fn's returned -1 as syserror, 1 as error, 0 as OK
static inline
int kol_clip_num()
register uint32_t val;
asm volatile ("int $0x40":"=a"(val):"a"(54), "b"(0));
return val;
static inline
char* kol_clip_get(int n)
// returned buffer must be freed by user_free()
register char* val;
asm volatile ("int $0x40":"=a"(val):"a"(54), "b"(1), "c"(n));
return val;
static inline
int kol_clip_set(int n, char buffer[])
register uint32_t val;
asm volatile ("int $0x40":"=a"(val):"a"(54), "b"(2), "c"(n), "d"(buffer));
return val;
static inline
int kol_clip_pop()
register uint32_t val;
asm volatile ("int $0x40":"=a"(val):"a"(54), "b"(3));
return val;
static inline
int kol_clip_unlock()
register uint32_t val;
asm volatile ("int $0x40":"=a"(val):"a"(54), "b"(4));
return val;
static inline void get_system_colors(struct kolibri_system_colors *color_table)
__asm__ volatile ("int $0x40"
/* color_table should point to the system color table */
static inline void debug_board_write_byte(const char ch){
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
:"a"(63), "b"(1), "c"(ch));
static inline void draw_number_sys(int32_t number, int x, int y, int len, color_t color){
register uint32_t fmt;
fmt = len << 16 | 0x80000000; // no leading zeros + width
// fmt = len << 16 | 0x00000000; // leading zeros + width
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
:"a"(47), "b"(fmt), "c"(number), "d"((x << 16) | y), "S"(color));
static inline
uint32_t get_mouse_eventstate(void)
uint32_t val;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
return val;
static inline
uint32_t set_event_mask(uint32_t mask)
register uint32_t val;
asm volatile ("int $0x40":"=a"(val):"a"(40), "b"(mask));
return val;
typedef void (*thread_proc)(void*);
static inline
int start_thread(thread_proc proc, char* stack_top)
register int val;
asm volatile ("int $0x40":"=a"(val):"a"(51), "b"(1), "c"(proc), "d"(stack_top));
return val;
static inline
void kos_exit()
asm volatile ("int $0x40"::"a"(-1));
static inline void focus_window(int slot){
asm volatile ("int $0x40"::"a"(18), "b"(3), "c"(slot));
static inline int get_thread_slot(int tid){
register int val;
asm volatile ("int $0x40":"=a"(val):"a"(18), "b"(21), "c"(tid));
return val;
static inline void set_current_folder(char* dir){
asm volatile ("int $0x40"::"a"(30), "b"(1), "c"(dir));
static inline int get_current_folder(char* buf, int bufsize){
register int val;
asm volatile ("int $0x40":"=a"(val):"a"(30), "b"(2), "c"(buf), "d"(bufsize));
return val;
static inline
void ipc_set_area(void* buf, int bufsize){
asm volatile ("int $0x40"::"a"(60), "b"(1), "c"(buf), "d"(bufsize));
static inline
int ipc_send_message(int pid_reciever, void *data, int datalen) {
register int val;
asm volatile ("int $0x40":"=a"(val):"a"(60), "b"(2), "c"(pid_reciever), "d"(data), "S"(datalen));
return val;
static inline
void* shm_open(char *shm_name, int msize, int flags, int *retsz){
register int val, cod;
asm volatile ("int $0x40":"=a"(val),"=d"(cod):"a"(68), "b"(22), "c"(shm_name), "d"(msize), "S"(flags));
if(retsz) *retsz = cod; // errcode if NULL or memsize when open
return (void*)val;
static inline
void shm_close(char *shm_name){
asm volatile ("int $0x40"::"a"(68), "b"(23), "c"(shm_name));
static inline
int start_app(char *app_name, char *args){
file_op_t file_op;
memset(&file_op, 0, sizeof(file_op));
file_op.fn = 7;
file_op.args = args;
file_op.app_name = app_name;
register int val;
asm volatile ("int $0x40":"=a"(val):"a"(70), "b"(&file_op));
return val;
static inline
uint32_t get_control_keys(void)
uint32_t ctrl;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40 \n\t"
return ctrl;
static inline
int get_keyboard_layout(int opt, char* buf)
/// 128 byte buffer
/// opt: 1 - normal, 2 - shifted, 3 - alted, or 9 - return language
uint32_t lang;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40 \n\t"
:"a"(26),"b"(2), "c"(opt), "d"(buf));
return lang;
static inline
int font_size(int color)
/// decode font size in pixels from color as SysFn4
/// returns (width, hight)
int font = color >> 24;
int font_multipl = (font & 7) + 1;
int width_sym, hight_sym;
if (font & 0x10) // 8x16
width_sym = 8 * font_multipl;
hight_sym = 16 * font_multipl;
} else // 6x9
width_sym = 6 * font_multipl;
hight_sym = 9 * font_multipl;
return hight_sym + (width_sym << 16);
static inline char *getcwd(char *buf, size_t size)
int rc = get_current_folder(buf, size);
if (rc > size)
errno = ERANGE;
return 0;
return buf;
/* not finished
void staticnum_draw(staticnum *st)
register uint32_t fmt;
if (st->width < 0)
fmt = (-st->width << 16); // leading zeros, decimal
fmt = (st->width << 16) | 0x80000000; // no leading zeros, decimal
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
//////////// end section
//added nonstatic inline because incomfortabre stepping in in debugger
void __attribute__ ((noinline)) debug_board_write_str(const char* str);
void __attribute__ ((noinline)) debug_board_printf(const char *format,...);
/* copy body to only one project file
void __attribute__ ((noinline)) debug_board_write_str(const char* str){
void __attribute__ ((noinline)) debug_board_printf(const char *format,...)
va_list ap;
char log_board[300];
va_start (ap, format);
vsnprintf(log_board, sizeof log_board, format, ap);
__attribute__ ((noinline)) void trap(int n)
// nothing todo, just see n in debugger. use "bp trap" command
__asm__ __volatile__(
// TinyC don't support aliasing of static inline funcs
#ifndef __TINYC__
static inline void BeginDraw(void) __attribute__ ((alias ("begin_draw")));
static inline void EndDraw(void) __attribute__ ((alias ("end_draw")));
static inline void DrawWindow(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *name,
color_t workcolor, uint32_t style)
__attribute__ ((alias ("sys_create_window")));
static inline void DefineButton(void) __attribute__ ((alias ("define_button")));
static inline void DrawLine(int xs, int ys, int xe, int ye, color_t color)
__attribute__ ((alias ("draw_line")));
static inline void DrawBar(int x, int y, int w, int h, color_t color)
__attribute__ ((alias ("draw_bar")));
static inline void DrawBitmap(void *bitmap, int x, int y, int w, int h)
__attribute__ ((alias ("draw_bitmap")));
static inline uint32_t GetSkinHeight(void) __attribute__ ((alias ("get_skin_height")));
static inline pos_t GetMousePos(int origin) __attribute__ ((alias ("get_mouse_pos")));
static inline uint32_t GetMouseButtons(void) __attribute__ ((alias ("get_mouse_buttons")));
static inline uint32_t GetMouseWheels(void) __attribute__ ((alias ("get_mouse_wheels")));
static inline uint32_t LoadCursor(void *path, uint32_t flags) __attribute__ ((alias ("load_cursor")));
static inline uint32_t SetCursor(uint32_t cursor) __attribute__ ((alias ("set_cursor")));
static inline int DestroyCursor(uint32_t cursor) __attribute__ ((alias ("destroy_cursor")));
static inline uint32_t GetOsEvent(void) __attribute__ ((alias ("get_os_event")));
static inline void *UserAlloc(size_t size) __attribute__ ((alias ("user_alloc")));
static inline int UserFree(void *mem) __attribute__ ((alias ("user_free")));
static inline void* UserRealloc(void *mem, size_t size) __attribute__ ((alias ("user_realloc")));
static inline int *UserUnmap(void *base, size_t offset, size_t size) __attribute__ ((alias ("user_unmap")));
static inline ufile_t LoadFile(const char *path) __attribute__ ((alias ("load_file")));
static inline void GetProcInfo(char *info) __attribute__ ((alias ("get_proc_info")));
#ifdef __cplusplus