Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 259 → Rev 267

48,9 → 48,9
mov [top_ofs],ATOPH;+1
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Right]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Left]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Gutter.Width]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Bounds.Right]
sub eax,[cur_editor.Bounds.Left]
sub eax,[cur_editor.Gutter.Width]
sub eax,SCRLW+LCHGW+4
mov ebx,6
57,8 → 57,8
div ebx
mov [columns.scr],eax
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Bottom]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Bounds.Top]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Bounds.Bottom]
sub eax,[cur_editor.Bounds.Top]
sub eax,SCRLW+3
mov ebx,LINEH
250,10 → 250,10
cmp eax,ebx
jle @f
xchg eax,ebx
@@: cmp eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
@@: cmp eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
jge @f
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
@@: mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
@@: mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
add ecx,[lines.scr]
cmp ebx,ecx
jl @f
273,11 → 273,11
mov ebx,[top_ofs]
add ebx,[left_ofs-2]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
imul eax,LINEH
add ebx,eax
imul ebp,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],6*65536 ;! ebp,[left_col],6*65536
imul ebp,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X],6*65536 ;! ebp,[left_col],6*65536
or [draw_blines],-1
jmp draw_file.next_line
302,7 → 302,7
mov ebx,[top_ofs]
add ebx,[left_ofs-2]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
push ecx
call get_line_offset
313,9 → 313,9
jle .exit
add esp,-4
imul ebp,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X],6*65536 ;! ebp,[left_col],6*65536
imul ebp,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X],6*65536 ;! ebp,[left_col],6*65536
mov eax,[lines.scr]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
sub eax,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
mov [draw_blines],eax
346,7 → 346,7
cmp eax,[sel.end.y]
je .lp5
.lp2: mov eax,[sel.begin.x]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
jle .lp6.2
cmp eax,[columns.scr]
jge .lp6
369,7 → 369,7
cmp eax,[sel.end.y]
je .lp5
.lp4: mov eax,[sel.end.x]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
jle .lp6
cmp eax,[columns.scr]
jg .lp6.2
388,7 → 388,7
mov bx,ax
mov [in_sel],3
jmp .lp6
.lp5: mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
.lp5: mov eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
cmp eax,[sel.begin.x]
jge .lp4
add eax,[columns.scr]
397,7 → 397,7
mov eax,[sel.begin.x]
cmp eax,[sel.end.x]
je .lp6
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
imul eax,6
mov ebx,[sel.end.x]
471,13 → 471,13
push esi ebx
mov eax,ebx
sub ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
sub ebx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
cmp ebx,[columns.scr]
jge .skip_t
add ebx,esi
jle .skip_t
mov ebx,[esp+8+4*2] ;// 4*2=esi+ebx
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
jge .qqq
sub edx,eax
add esi,eax
494,7 → 494,7
mov eax,[esp] ; ebx
add eax,[esp+4] ; esi
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[columns.scr]
jle .qweqwe
sub esi,eax
518,7 → 518,7
mov esi,[sel.begin.x]
sub esi,[esp]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ecx,[left_col]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ecx,[left_col]
sub ecx,[esp+4*8]
jle @f
sub esi,ecx
548,7 → 548,7
sub eax,[esp]
push ebx
mov ebx,[esp+4]
sub ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
sub ebx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
jge .ya2.1
add eax,ebx
580,7 → 580,7
sub esi,[esp]
push eax
mov eax,[esp+4]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! eax,[left_col]
jge .nt3.1
add esi,eax
661,7 → 661,7
shl ebx,16
add ebx,[top_ofs]
mov edi,[sc.work_text]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
inc ecx
mov edx,p_info+100
@@: pushad
679,10 → 679,10
add ebx,LINEH
inc ecx
cmp ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! ecx,[lines]
cmp ecx,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! ecx,[lines]
jg @f
mov esi,ecx
sub esi,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! esi,[top_line]
sub esi,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! esi,[top_line]
cmp esi,[lines.scr]
jbe @b
@@: add esp,4*8*2
707,8 → 707,8
add esp,4
cmp [bot_mode],0
jne @f
mov ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! ebx,[pos.x]
sub ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
mov ebx,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! ebx,[pos.x]
sub ebx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ebx,[left_col]
js @f
cmp ebx,[columns.scr]
ja @f
718,8 → 718,8
push bx
shl ebx,16
pop bx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
sub eax,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
sub eax,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! eax,[top_line]
js @f
cmp eax,[lines.scr]
jge @f
805,15 → 805,15
; sub ebx,1*65536-2
push ebx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Lines] ;! eax,[lines]
mov ebx,[lines.scr]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.Y] ;! ecx,[top_line]
mov edx,[bot_ofs]
sub edx,[top_ofs]
add edx,-SCRLW*3+1
call get_scroll_vars
mov [cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Top],eax ;! [vscrl_top],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Size],ebx ;! [vscrl_size],ebx
mov [cur_editor.VScroll.Top],eax ;! [vscrl_top],eax
mov [cur_editor.VScroll.Size],ebx ;! [vscrl_size],ebx
pop ebx
mov ecx,eax
829,7 → 829,7
; rol ecx,16
; movsx eax,cx
; sar ecx,16
push ebx ecx SCRLW [cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Size] ;! ebx ecx SCRLW [vscrl_size]
push ebx ecx SCRLW [cur_editor.VScroll.Size] ;! ebx ecx SCRLW [vscrl_size]
dec dword[esp]
call draw_3d_panel
838,7 → 838,7
inc ebx
mov ecx,[top_ofs-2]
mov cx,word[cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Top] ;! cx,word[vscrl_top]
mov cx,word[cur_editor.VScroll.Top] ;! cx,word[vscrl_top]
add ecx,(SCRLW-1)*65536
mov edx,[];[color_tbl+4*5]
or cx,cx
846,8 → 846,8
mcall 13
mov ecx,[top_ofs]
add ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Top] ;! ecx,[vscrl_top]
add ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.VScroll.Size] ;! ecx,[vscrl_size]
add ecx,[cur_editor.VScroll.Top] ;! ecx,[vscrl_top]
add ecx,[cur_editor.VScroll.Size] ;! ecx,[vscrl_size]
add ecx,SCRLW-1
mov di,cx
shl ecx,16
934,20 → 934,20
; inc ecx
push ecx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Columns] ;! eax,[columns]
mov ebx,[columns.scr]
mov ecx,[cur_tab.Editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ecx,[left_col]
mov ecx,[cur_editor.TopLeft.X] ;! ecx,[left_col]
mov edx,[p_info.client_box.width]
add edx,-(SCRLW*3)
call get_scroll_vars
mov [cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Top],eax ;! [hscrl_top],eax
mov [cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Size],ebx ;! [hscrl_size],ebx
mov [cur_editor.HScroll.Top],eax ;! [hscrl_top],eax
mov [cur_editor.HScroll.Size],ebx ;! [hscrl_size],ebx
pop ecx
mov ebx,eax
add ebx,1+SCRLW
shl ebx,16
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Size] ;! bx,word[hscrl_size]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.HScroll.Size] ;! bx,word[hscrl_size]
; mcall 13,,,[sc.work_button]
963,11 → 963,11
mov ebx,(1+SCRLW)*65536
mov bx,word[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Top] ;! bx,word[hscrl_top]
mov bx,word[cur_editor.HScroll.Top] ;! bx,word[hscrl_top]
mcall 13,,,[];[color_tbl+4*5]
mov ebx,1+SCRLW
add ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Top] ;! ebx,[hscrl_top]
add ebx,[cur_tab.Editor.HScroll.Size] ;! ebx,[hscrl_size]
add ebx,[cur_editor.HScroll.Top] ;! ebx,[hscrl_top]
add ebx,[cur_editor.HScroll.Size] ;! ebx,[hscrl_size]
mov di,bx
shl ebx,16
mov bx,word[p_info.client_box.width]
1011,7 → 1011,7
; EDX = string
; ESI = length
cmp [cur_tab.Editor.AsmMode],0 ;! [asm_mode],0
cmp [cur_editor.AsmMode],0 ;! [asm_mode],0
je .plain.text
xor ebx,ebx
mov edx,ecx
1159,7 → 1159,7
and ecx,0x0000FFFF
push ecx
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.Y] ;! eax,[pos.y]
inc eax
mov ecx,10
mov edi,p_info+0x100;htext2.pos1
1167,7 → 1167,7
call uint2str
mov al,','
mov eax,[cur_tab.Editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
mov eax,[cur_editor.Caret.X] ;! eax,[pos.x]
inc eax
call uint2str
1182,7 → 1182,7
sub ebx,edi
mcall 4,,[sc.work_text],p_info+0x100
cmp [cur_tab.Editor.Modified],0 ;! [modified],0
cmp [cur_editor.Modified],0 ;! [modified],0
je @f
and ebx,0x0000FFFF
; add ebx,[left_ofs-2]
1233,4 → 1233,88
pop ecx ebx
func calc_middle
shr eax,1
shr ebx,1
and eax,0x007F7F7F
and ebx,0x007F7F7F
add eax,ebx
func calc_3d_colors
m2m [cl_3d_normal],[]
m2m [cl_3d_inset],[sc.work_graph]
push [cl_3d_normal]
add byte[esp],48
jnc @f
mov byte[esp],255
@@: add byte[esp+1],48
jnc @f
mov byte[esp+1],255
@@: add byte[esp+2],48
jnc @f
mov byte[esp+2],255
@@: pop [cl_3d_outset]
mov eax,[cl_3d_inset]
mov ebx,[cl_3d_outset]
call calc_middle
mov [cl_3d_pushed],eax
mov eax,[cl_3d_normal]
mov ebx,[sc.work_text]
call calc_middle
mov [cl_3d_grayed],eax
func draw_3d_panel ; x,y,w,h
push eax ebx ecx edx
cmp dword[esp+16+8],4
jl .exit
cmp dword[esp+16+4],4
jl .exit
mov ebx,[esp+16+16-2]
mov bx,[esp+16+8]
inc ebx
mov ecx,[esp+16+12-2]
mov cx,[esp+16+4]
inc ecx
mcall 13,,,[cl_3d_normal]
dec ebx
add bx,[esp+16+16]
mov cx,[esp+16+12]
mcall 38,,,[cl_3d_inset]
add ecx,[esp+16+4-2]
add cx,[esp+16+4]
mov bx,[esp+16+16]
mov ecx,[esp+16+12-2]
mov cx,[esp+16+4]
add cx,[esp+16+12]
add ebx,[esp+16+8-2]
add bx,[esp+16+8]
mov ebx,[esp+16+16-2]
mov bx,[esp+16+8]
add bx,[esp+16+16]
add ebx,1*65536-1
mov ecx,[esp+16+12-2]
mov cx,[esp+16+12]
add ecx,0x00010001
mcall ,,,[cl_3d_outset]
mov bx,[esp+16+16]
inc ebx
mov ecx,[esp+16+12-2]
mov cx,[esp+16+4]
add cx,[esp+16+12]
add ecx,2*65536-1
pop edx ecx ebx eax
ret 4*4