Subversion Repositories Kolibri OS

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Regard whitespace Rev 267 → Rev 280

3,8 → 3,8
; compiler: flat assembler 1.67.15
; memory to compile: 2.0/7.0 MBytes (without/with size optimizations)
; version: 4.0.4 pre
; last update: 2007-01-07 (Jan 7, 2007)
; minimal kernel: revision #138 (svn://
; last update: 2007-01-18 (Jan 18, 2007)
; minimal kernel: revision #270 (svn://
; originally by: Ville Michael Turjanmaa >>
; maintained by: Mike Semenyako >>
17,15 → 17,13
; - other bug-fixes and speed/size optimizations
; - save settings to ini file, not to executable
; TODO (FOR 4.0.4, PLANNED FOR 2007-01-21):
; - finish tabbed interface (some bug with tab switching) [critical]
; - add memory reallocation to keys handler [critical]
; - rework save_file (memory manager) [critical]
; - fix scrollbars dragging coordinates calculation [critical]
; - fix parameters parsing (incl. DOCPAK) [average]
; - reduce flickering (introduce changes checker) [normal]
; - fix incorrect saved/modified lines flags on copy/paste [normal]
; - add prompt to save file before closing/opening [low]
; TODO (4.0.4, PLANNED FOR 2007-01-21):
; normal:
; - finish tabbed interface (tab switching, Ctrl+F4)
; - reduce flickering (introduce changes checker)
; - compile default file if selected
; low:
; - add prompt to save file before closing/opening
; 4.0.4 pre (mike.dld)
32,8 → 30,10
; bug-fixes:
; - statusbar contained hint after dialog operation cancelled
; - small drawing fix for gutter and line saved/modified markers
; - incorrect lines marking on Ctrl+V
; changes:
; - editor and other modifications to ease parts placement changing
; - editor and other modifications to ease parts placement changing,
; including changes in look
; - modified/saved colors now match those in MSVS
; - function 70 for *all* file operations (including diamond's fixes)
; - use memory manager instead of statically allocated region
43,7 → 43,8
; new features:
; - recode tables between CP866, CP1251 and KOI8-R (suggested by Victor)
; - tabbed interface, ability to open several files in one app instance
; (thanks IRC guys for ideas and testing)
; (thanks IRC guys for ideas and testing
; - make any tab default to compile it disregarding currently active tab
; 4.0.3 (mike.dld)
; bug-fixes:
; - 1-char selection if pressing <BS> out of real line length
163,18 → 164,21
APP_VERSION equ '4.0.4 pre'
;include ''
;define __DEBUG__ 1
;define __DEBUG_LEVEL__ 1
;include ''
ASEPC = '-' ; separator character (char)
ATOPH = POP_IHEIGHT+2 ; menu bar height (pixels)
ATOPH = 19 ; menu bar height (pixels)
SCRLW = 16 ; scrollbar widht/height (pixels)
ATABW = 8 ; tab width (chars)
ATABW = 8 ; tab key indent width (chars)
LINEH = 10 ; line height (pixels)
PATHL = 256 ; maximum path length (chars) !!! don't change !!!
AMINS = 8 ; minimal scroll thumb size (pixels)
LCHGW = 3 ; changed/saved marker width
LCHGW = 3 ; changed/saved marker width (pixels)
STATH = 16 ; status bar height
TBARH = 18 ; tab bar height
STATH = 16 ; status bar height (pixels)
TBARH = 18 ; tab bar height (pixels)
section @OPTIONS ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
199,8 → 203,8
.x dd 250
.y dd 75
.w dd 6*80+6+SCRLW+5
.h dd 402
.w dd 6*80+6+SCRLW+5 ;- 220
.h dd 402 ;- 220
section @CODE ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
235,17 → 239,8
call mem.Alloc
mov [temp_buf],eax
mov eax,65536
call mem.Alloc
mov [cur_editor.Lines],eax
inc [do_not_draw]
mov [left_ofs],40+1
; mov [f_info+4],0
; mov [f_info+12],AREA_TEMP
; mov [f_info+16],AREA_EDIT-AREA_TEMP
mov esi,s_example
mov edi,tb_opensave.text
mov ecx,s_example.size
258,6 → 253,8
mov [s_search.size],ecx
rep movsb
; DEBUGF 1,"params: '%s'\n",@PARAMS
cmp byte[@PARAMS],0
jz no_params
266,6 → 263,8
cmp byte[@PARAMS],'*'
jne .noipc
; DEBUGF 1," started by DOCPAK\n"
;// diamond [ (convert size from decimal representation to dword)
;-- mov edx,dword[@PARAMS+1]
mov esi,@PARAMS+1
282,16 → 281,26
add edx,20
; DEBUGF 1," data size (+20) = %d\n",edx
mov eax,edx
call mem.Alloc
mov ebp,eax
push eax
; DEBUGF 1," mem.Alloc() returned 0x%x, allocated size = %d\n",eax,[eax-4]
;! mcall 60,1,AREA_TEMP-16 ; 0x10000-16
;! mov dword[AREA_TEMP-16+4],8 ; [0x10000-16+4],8
mov dword[ebp+0],0
mov dword[ebp+4],8
mcall 60,1,ebp
mov dword[ebp+4],8
mcall 40,1000000b
; DEBUGF 1," got IPC message within 2 secs? "
mcall 23,200
; DEBUGF 1,"%b\n",eax == 7
cmp eax,7
jne key.alt_x.close
;! mov esi,AREA_TEMP-16 ; 0x10000-16
302,14 → 311,19
;! inc eax
;! call load_file.file_found
; DEBUGF 1," creating new document\n"
mov ecx,[ebp+12]
mov esi,ebp
lea esi,[ebp+16]
call create_tab
call load_from_memory
pop ebp
mov eax,ebp
call mem.Free
; DEBUGF 1," mem.Free(0x%x) returned %d\n",ebp,eax
jmp @f
327,13 → 341,14
jne key.alt_x.close
lea eax,[edi-tb_opensave.text-1]
mov [tb_opensave.length],al
call btn.load_file
jnc @f
;call btn.load_file;do_load_file
;jnc @f
call create_tab
mov [s_status],0
dec [do_not_draw]
mcall 66,1,1
mcall 40,00100111b
514,12 → 529,6
xor [options],al
; test [options],al
; je @f
; not al
; and [options],al
; ret
; @@: or [options],al
578,6 → 587,7
0x00000151,key.pgdn ,\ ; PageDown
0x00000152,key.ins ,\ ; Insert
0x00000153,key.del ,\ ; Delete
0x00010043,key.shift_f9 ,\ ; Shift+F9
0x00010147,key.shift_home ,\ ; Shift+Home
0x00010148,key.shift_up ,\ ; Shift+Up
0x00010149,key.shift_pgup ,\ ; Shift+PageUp
712,6 → 722,8
sz ini_window_right ,'Right',0
sz ini_window_bottom,'Bottom',0
TINYPAD_END: ; end of file
self_path rb PATHL
746,8 → 758,6
copy_size dd ? ; size of data to copy
s_title.size dd ? ; caption length
draw_blines dd ? ; last line to draw
cur_line_len dd ?
h_popup dd ?
bot_dlg_handler dd ?